mtwmm 'JTWKWl "" .fj.1. f,M' ,f te MUmi1 i , - ' j.' " A' '&" -v V) f L -w na vuH.jymmuw wimmmji m t S " Q 'jfj worn Skrtte miuu gatttrn Tep ... rapeHIOn ytiJiatr k WHO'S who tit . . ' rs . . . n . XMicvnMi " r " "17." jKimMil tn . roiien, who by. 2SBT1 '' tt.V.JeTrrit e4cal,M M ; t iem te mom tVf'B,M)wfaf. 8V 6 jMewned for Z27 r . (M .. nttlKKCOOMBB, aunt e; If" in. ;fteai,a,,ji5B!?,5,a5 "f". .,!. Mm. I.. itB. Jr.. M Af . 0 m wifcorreMmenl. N, Ujj, a wollree, fe em 0 hai Ii ; wnip iiMia ' TJELOISR turned and could Lave '11 heartily echoed Mi cunte. Q was I.Vmiiir nien between the hedges,' tall 1,i (fad rim and graceful. She wished him n t'theueand miles awny. Bhe knew new L'ttUt te aiV "" "-!...- 'ttct. she munt play out tins reray game (9 ue lasi uiumeiuue 't. ,v....B ajl pOipOnCUlCIll UC1UUJ0 u itayiK, Knn.inmiH unnininziv te reruy. L ? icnt for him en purpone," she if Mid, at which he prowled back te his MSCe anU uraincu ma Hiuae t uui Jtathlcss draught. Whlle Ferdy drained bis glass, Miss e.u. nrlnnroembe. In the very large, f.wdl-erdered bedroom that had been her ..w ami mother's, moved slowly l ,tout, taking off her gloves and hat I and changing from black silk blouse and Hirt te a sneer gown ei iruj duusic. : ,Tbi room was closely haded from the '' Mter heat and with a light brcexe.) A pouring steadily through the enetlnn iihtdes, It was almost cool. The old dean heavy chintz curtains, looped sack, were lavender In tint, as were the draperies of the enormous four-posted ' bed. the covering of the lounge, and tie cushions of the stiff mahogany chair. The rugs were purplish blue. In the Urge 'mirrors, of which there were Mreral In the room, this dim grny- ' iurple space with its tall occupant made fianr mysterious, ghostly reflections. UiS'Selda, with her dark-gray hair, it ateny-gray face, and her mist- gray dress, seemea rar less beiiu man tie huge bureaus and wardrobes, She nam about as a flith swims dimly In a grotto among large rocks. Having completed her toilet, she pat down before the smaller of the two bureaus and fastened a bracelet en her narrow wrist. The torteUe-shell clock that matched her brushes nnd boxes nnil trays signaled te her with Hlender hands that it was five o'clock. She was tired. The enrly part of the afternoon had been (pent at a directors' meeting down at the Mills, where Miss Helrta had been hard put te it in the defense of Dr. Sales. The pretests ngalnst his mismanagement of the Mills Hospital kid, it seemed, suddenly taken upon tkenuelves a new and startling life nnd vigor. They had bad weight and per ilttency. Net since the lawyer huu had earned in his defense Severn! years before bad se effectively cleared the phjtlcJan had there been any such soariieeus attack against him. Shu vu new told of proven mistakes, negli pace that could net be duplicated nor overlooked. The workmen had sent In a formal demand for his removal, for a thorough investigation of hOHpitnl con ditions. Such a removal would be, for anything she might de, a death-blew te Me practice in Sluypenkill. Ne in fluence the Grinscoembery might bring U bear could save Dr. Sales, once his .Ignorance nnd indolence had, been ad mitted by the directors nnd the beard. Ufa Selda had said what she dared in Sales' defense, net tee much, net enough, probably, te prevent unpleas ant develetimcntH. Shn tlinuelit nmv tkat the would go downstairs nnd write a forceful letter te Mr. Grnhnm. She malt, of course, de something. The eld lash of her necessity stung her ffmd spirit dully. She looked up from Ike fastening of her bracelet nnd met the mirror her own staring gray ejej. That secret timidity of theirs re tltd itself, nnd her heart missed Its but. "It's the face of a cewnrd," Miss Bewa made comment, and wondered for .minute if, after thirty-nine long years of going softly, it might net be U te fling aside the old ugly prerau- She would like for the mi of her ate te draw free breath. Instead, she must in n few minutes Beet her tyrant, the Indolent, soft seft wnpered tyrant that, without se much M spoken threat, hed enveloped her -nun me wan u weight that sue "ought sometimes must have dragged wdenn from even a nemblunea.ef solf self fwpect. Perhaps he had heard of the iBcreased Ill-feeling nt the Mills nnd ui "? ng te Ired ner championship, ir!". ,eI(la' setting her lips together and "dying her leek, wished him dead. one was one of the women who, In nere adaptable day.i, would have carried r poUeri in a ring. At the summons w a maid, however, she steed up, renched a handkerchief In pungent' ?,nd ,ww,t downstairs te greet Sties in the drawing room. Mini iwa,s where Helolse and her m.,.2 i one merrJ' evening tensted 1 Srm.i all?WR' " room "t once mere in t.?Maild ,;a?!1' merc Impressive than it! ,lv V,;iK,lber 0-,res -ne hall. All bri,n?5.i . v"8 ft,m duns were new Sffin?d.bjr,.B brud fternoen light vbrfL-f Bt,en,,lly t,,re"Kh 'our lenK ' Titer uS: thtuiirt which the dawn and iUV ft vlslble in banils e Stem and entiM ,i l0i alr wns metc1 nn'- "till ! SS i ?in!, Dt,' SaleH Hleud wi, hi" te fci. I 'l'6 flood of "Kht und looked 7 "hostess a helld mass edged with "l .i SaId' the ,n8tant "he came In, irrinH C0"fc. en rather nn unpleasant tau,,!i ""'fhecause this was se unlike 5d f. L "i irect,leM a,ld "uavlty, Mies tabtfa r1 rl",fer ?" he asked .Wm.n7'fnnd h? fonsl.lered the re- Sp5t C1 lnln,1,e' b,0,s J believe net, thank you, Selda." Seldi ,i ,. .y scated themselves, Miss i7einHaS'ln. n curtn, between her "Vnd tlle .1,et "Kht. k aL?eu bc ""P'eaBant, William?" 'etv MrS. un"n lin8ly- "I,ve hnd a iree'flhi mcctlS. All sorts of dls en i .icame u, and l hellcve that, Per,ey l,bf ewer of the Mills, my it ,.,.niau."ncB ta net 1l,,t e treng livid " redt 1 he. Wllllam" - she WI tr .ill1 nt..h,m und hc,(1 her Itlfall' fi"" " "he"M try te u haV. ' ! n, 8l,re lnwt that letUul t,,Ce" cll,,er vc,,y eOclent or taDltal "lT,)i1",r manngement efthe V Tver J. lH ,Ret fnlr te "ly upcm ' WiUm.'.0 J""'"! your nrglect.1' 1 Women 1 J V "", "I'resMen BiilTercd ...'""eniary lllHunllltlnn nu tl.n....l. l.... M bin ?H """luilen as though pins MtaJn 1 ":fn.l,Ja of n Hlwlcliml Piece ad d " nn'-J"1 u.went lnt0 "abb Lu'hs I hv ?ge".,entl IIe lread It out !'4t , ?. ,,,,ncr wnwurement. tatn' i1'?"1?' waiin her W.fwlh,; n,UKh 1,t,had. no Importance, "Wllng along hU thinly treusered i.A- a.i. KAV ! 1111' '?!STiwiiC00Jtf HfeW courts, a i By, Katharine or JSlehet Which Should Win Unuiual Mer&? Newlin Burt Cepvrtahl, ittt, bV Kath. .. i . '..' ,r,-w Btrvte dusty knees, "ou influence in your own household is at strong as ever, isn't It?" -.i I.'l!epe, J0". fihe ,,rew UP her velvet-banded neck and William smiled his easiest smlle. "Selda, I don't Ilka Q. And I want te warn you that I can't countenance his association with Helelse." Very faintly her grayncss dyed Itself. Yeu can t countenance?" she said, each syllnble a stepping-stone across a very slough of deep disgust. "Quite toy I can't and I won't. The young man must be put quite where he belongs, which Is emphatically net In the position ,of a favored; aulter of Helelse. (What de you knew about him, Selda ?' "Knew 'about Q? But why should anything be known about such a per son?" Sales nodded ever his Angers, new sliding about his chin. "I see. Yeu simply let him by be cause you think he doesn't sufficiently matter Is that it? But, Selda, I want te tcW you that In justice te your dig nity, you can't allow him the freedom of your heuse. He la making a laughing-stock of the Maner all Sluypenkill is amused by this Ignorant young ad venturer, who is trying te seduce a hotel waitress and at the same time trying te win Miss Helelse Grins Grins Grins coembo for his wife." "What are you saying, Wllllnm?,f "The trutlc I hnve kept an eye en Q. T. Klnwydden think of his name I and an ear open concerning him, tee. He Is neither a very safe nor a very nice young man. Take my word for It, Selda. He is playing fast and loose with any woman silly enough te be romantic ever n handsome cowboy. I don't want Helelse nnd you te become a laughing-stock well, mere than that ; It Isn't' safe te go about with him. She hns encouraged his conceit. When the time comes, as of course it's bound te come, for her te admin ister n snubbing, she'll get a shock. That sort of experience with n man who is net a gentleman, whose women hnve been the girls of dancing-halls nnd dingy commercial hotels who " "Whn,t de you want me te de, Wil liam?" Her voice was like a trembling blade. "Of course I don't accept a word of this!" "Call him in here and send him te the right-about. He has given Helelse one fright some people met her driv ing with him, and they tell me she looked like an angry ghost." "But, William, you expect me te act upon an opinion which is emphatically net my own. Yeu don't knew the con fidence I have felt In him, the the " "I don't want te knew anything except just that I am going te get my way in this matter. , Yeu may net be able te support my interests .nt the hospital, ( but I de feel, at leaM, thai here, where I nm working only for your Interests, I de deserve the con cen slderatiqn of being believed nud yielded te. Heloise is being talked about as Q's alternative plensure with n town waitress, nnd he Is quite cnpable of boasting in the comer saloon at such exploits." s "Yeu say 'call him ln'7" "He's in your garden at present with Heloise. Can't 'he be sent for? Fadden is there, tee." Miss Selda's hands pressed each ether. "Fcrdlnnnd Fadden?" The doctor's bright, determined little eyes pricked her. Ne, he had never spoken his threat; but new his hand slipped, as though in absent-mindedness, into pockets, nnd brought out n flat, thin pocket-book. He poked his Angers here and there as though in stinctively they sought for old faded papers. He returned It te his coat as Miss Seldn, gruy-whlte, walked ever te a bell. "Please tell Mr. Klnwydden, Ilebert, that I want te see him in the drawing room.' You'll And him in the garden." She hcstltated. "And tell Miss Helelse I want te see her, tee; thnt she will have te excuse herself from Mr. Fndden. And new, Wlllinm, since you dictate this necessity, what am I te say?" I'm Net Sure I don't Leve Him" 'All, I suppose I can partly leave that te you, Selda. I am net disturbing mjsclf en thnt account." "Yeu hnve brought no definite nccu- Mitiens. I have received this young man. He hns alwnys conducted him self quite beautifully. I like him." She smiled curiously. "I'm net sure that I don't love him." "What nonsense, Selda! Yeu arc te forbid blm the beuse and Helelse!" "Suppose she defies me." "She will hardly de that." 'Come, William, you must really give me some plausible excuse for being brutnl te a guest:" "Tell htm that, as a dutiful guardian, rnti have Investigated him, and don't like the results." "In ether words, I nm te insult him with a lie." "Yeu were ii biting for help " he protested sullenly. "I believe I can de better with out It." They were silent. Miss Selda's face uhnrncned into its rcsemblance te n guillotined aristocrat. Presently Heloise came in, toiiewea uy vj. jiirs sema, gripping the arms of her chair, looked up at them both with blank sturlng f.v..R Rhi lmd net the suard en waver ing nnd self-betrayal, but she could net command her bleed, which hnd left her set mouth. Dr. Hales pinyeu wttb Ills watch-chnln, moved te the window, hummed softly. "Q." said Miss selda steadily, as one recites a lessen, "I nm sorry te be driven te a most uncomfortable neces sity." She paused. Heloise, who had dropped Inte a chair, stirred quickly, glancing, nt 14. lie steed wtenj miss Scldn. gently nnd shyly, n color In his cheeks. His face didn't chnnge, but he looked slowly across the room at JJr. Sales' back, then slowly again at Miss Seldn, nnd his eyes hardened. "Yeu re ngeln' te tell me tlint you Iiiim' hcerd something against me." "Ne," she said, "I have heard nothing ngalnst you. , It is only that, after n great deal of difficult thinking, I have get some ndvlce, and I hnve come te u conclusion. It might, after all, be easier for us both, if Helelse Went out " 1 At this Helelse rose quickly. "I'll go bark te Ferdy," she said, and passed out of the room, yltchlike and swift. Q looked after her,, then back at MIbs Selda. NJw they wcre both pale. "Did you call in doc because you thought mebbe what you was ngeln' te hand te me would be tee much for iny henlth?" drawled Q. "Dr. Sules Is my adviser," she answered quickly nnd proudly. She hnd new, helped by his scoring, mmln un her mind te ruthlessness nnd hnd hardened the one small spot of compunction thnt had been Q's gift te her matured neritnness. Aiier an, sucn nnulil. In anv en e. have been the end of O'h courtship "We have consulted together P" the advisability of per mitting j our association with my niivp. Of course, ou must understand that I made a mnsldernble concession te you in Urn first place, because I .real ized tliut tlie clr"umstnnces of your acquaintance w'th her were decidedly out of thv ordinary. But won't you sit down?" CONTINUED TOMOBBOW a . a tmm I l I i In .m THE GUMPS-Cemc On, Mr. gum, wt Mt A. ceMMtt-uc rneM Twe NeN?MmtH t0NTT i "wkt vie a ffiKLfi? Lewnc. rem. k 1WUWIJ M( OTSt. OTWfefe.- ANT WE MU. CMUWC, OM V lOU VX1MPC - C W 4M SOMEBODY'S ST ENOG HtHffe OLD EWenCiH MAKTHH.t I THO06HT TO HAVE BETteR. LEGGIM64 WERE SlLtf 60T SOUR PROBOSCIS All BeAiT STOCtfi6S. 0,M Feet prints of mvsTckieus FNB FOOTfeD AAJIAAAL 5UA' ABbUT Camp The Yeung Lady Acress the Way !" - . y 777 n rne, i neu apit. 4 I TJie young lady across the way TCV ?. ?'?. ft I i iiiiia 4 says she believes the political prls- tj CU siSr rtS - i "". m eners hav received executive clem- t5 - jr i1jftz,JL. (Vfc(J Uril ency long enough nn,i eugnt te be - rfffi - - j n r - - wj f. ' -Wi.muU .V.i 9l Uf ML JL" r OHOnB 5WS T H W released. ' T I -rWKMjESm- tST t T CMinn TH f1Ur x 1 I WLfcMtMir thw mi cewwts wi n a nmettm PETEY Solid Ivery . . ' . . ; ; j - : - ' i L- : ByC.A Voight GASOLINE ALLEY Heavy Mail Today . - CTer- a FiNe teup-v , avppj wp.-Tr' yT" & I I - 7 I PAfiB LETTCB FROM ( fa 0lO ! ) Me HE Had Tw0W0H6 f YOUR HOT S T Veu tM'TC4Vl U l MT BB eTTlNfr) LONESOME NOTMING,! AMefiS THIS MORNIMCrJ C J PUNCTURE? AND A Pi SPWnS Tur) JEXCLOSIVBl WR. VJ0 T ' M-GSOMC T& l.Tfe US Hc? CeX MTe A rtOTlEl. ih cieveLAHO.JClL v 7JT r y Me A vene. ibe 1 g ifHC Iw'TW Their. CrATibNY. . m. a m i Kxm jm m:mu m m Mm iv b fc . vn,v iiiV i-k mtvmmii, z- j JR, Ji mum ' SKI V ' ! I " ii l mmm m wi Lie (Sel 'V VtfcMf K ttOt4G MM4- OMC VMe VUt no retntcM. AttiumeNS - uiuewt. Mt KtM.-. IMttCCMLE CMMUkCTt.- Ntf Blt-OUt cvreck rem. 5oe veitMts te eei tm rrecfc.viwf, TOUKWME I UwO Clese-Up of "Camp Cam & Ttl.L'OO uci 1 J l lilt 1 , vnwQinlsb, 1 'J-ZZJinZlbk RnPeRB BgEAKrVIST. - - & .CK lT&lr - MSJir&?r TH gQLP HSH IM Dau Hay Fever Bit Blm While TO) TECbE tt-rMjE. iNavefc te POT OT4 TMt VtktUOt - O'Flage" TS tSeHS "iSSSSai IT, EVeRT MORMlAlG. OeTTgp Be Was Wheeling the Baby .ms WlwTW ,v -,, fH 21 T 4 lit Th Ill f W JB' ---T.. J V fiktwMH- oe vun-ait Mt WAVE HO POUTJCAA. AriKXO0N FCVtOU) CT:eN tCBt. ME TO THtw h the. errxi-e vek. menet Lt6ISUCttO AHCU VH AHO tUCTXt, Yvrt-f NMiVA. MfcVt, NO v)C6RiTC M HUMMO WKCt.t TMtB. CONTVOtvAce lH Mt- G.Ht.tMtN- WCHE V. fOWH CHECK euiwir en txe. rimme UNCI ttT .TTt VC4IN' m It. m&zx -" RaV THft COMPAQ 15 HER PR.VAT ROQBeR UML SHOWS PATH OF AARV DOQDLjS By Fontaine Feri SCHOOL DAYS vimx. W OM C?ltC5tNT! T - AmtVM WHO 8ntrd 17. K. Patent Qf: ThB Tfcee aRC A Pai. ALU Wai Tb THB RlfiHT BATHTUB SHE WHO IS CHASiftG A H6gg Heg, f'n By Hayward One l w TfeOOT AA06HIM6 OP HIS SLEEVE AT M&6 O'rLA&m, X !i 1 CwH im. fWW Ut$w Ox t.j By DWiG 7 A? i JAy WC y Ti; jjri'" WYsn 't ?f) 1 ' t I ifW :ti 'wi'-m Steifeft&ft' j ' iih - Ufa - . ? t it