ijnTvJJS '"' hsijiijw - rt-t -7Be &fW nm. .l".,WliJIBlT .! I V . J ri" "- 'VV "NV " ". , v4,. - - v- 1 'i - v. " . 'Twl "" -) V "V- " 2 - ;-. .- Y, , - - .' - a. , ..'.', Vf'-l . J - "ya A J l-."ltl Eft, Eft-1 ... K 1 I t I u Hi '? '- 1 J i I M SV.i 7iil I IP M k.(V u lv rk ! h -e l" 28 MORTGAGES i&TiMrarimmittiiaiiTirMirai'iirBiJ LARGE TRUST FUND $100,000 TO $.100,000 Always availahli: Ken Immediate Investment FIRST MOHTOAOnS AIM Running Association Funds LIONEL FRIEDMANN 231 a 1.1TH ST Spruce P141-2-3 Answers Elven In 'J4 hours, ;Biibiii.iki .rr.it iLiniiiiNinnua! THIRD MORTGAGES NO nED TArC; QUIC1I SETTLEMENT WEINBERGER & CO. ID I. 17TH ST.. HACB C023 THIRD MORTGAGES fund nvnllnble for Immedlite, me Don't place meriunitea until en sej ua. :4-uuru liiiui.i; RNANCE REALTY CORRr.NaASc7c bu MORTGAGE FUNDS WM. H. WILSON & CO. 1017 WM.MT ST Mte -re ,!,trtl.c.nrnt In am .11 l-pe ln' UOMlnsrelumna. j FOB JRENT FURNISHED .! I'KNNS I.VAMA - -spurniiAN , ' iIJm . EHiia RENT FURNISHED 1 & ( "WILLOW GROVE, PA. nemednled farmhouse het wqter heat, all cenenlencea S roema nn 1 bath, of which I are bedroema. open flreplftce altractUe waraRO for -eara: ttable, 2 head 7 nctea of lind rrlmmltia' peel and aneelnB en Pennypnck, which flew a through prop erty. One-half mllu from t-aln an.I trellev Hent Jbl) per menin. onu enu ear term HERKNESS & STETSON LAND Tlll.i: IU Tm: g eranni7innirK'n;i'niiira.ininn7i!'iX'ii,nrii!!ii',ijiiin.iij-utijii.rufr:.n.iiirj:! W wrTB KUn!ll!IIUill,!ll!llllll51IIIlll&i: dilinillN'llillll'iIIIIIIII'i'J i Attractive Stene Residence g It roema and .1 biih han.l-emely flnlahed. Karate for .1 i ir J a-'ea ahade, hIBh elevation beat section $3000 per year HERKNESS & STETSON LAND TITt.t! IU.DU Kiwraii'i'' mw . riiiniiii .i n iiiiiiiwi wh w ' ' APABTTflENTS (MMINTOWN masuk 1'iiri, Wiii" miiiW'iiiiii " iinwu'iiiiiiiirii "iT'iiniiiiiiM CEDARBROOK. APIS. ............ ....... ... .......... a . t.l.viKJI. IW.Ai iivivki iJ. f, iipnnrDT uner S n.KD.Kl nUrt. ROM N Ilrnail S-t ve 433 r iHIi.l!riiiyini,!ll'll,iU,,li.l!!,,iii V t iwl'ii U4IIII ,r I'llK Alie see udvertlsrtnrutH In smalt t'pe Iu follewlne rnli.mna. APARTMENT HOTELS THE BARTRAM 33D AND OIinSTM'T STnEHT'' Apartments furnished and unfurn'shed lone and short urm exee home table. ownership manigemet t Preston 2110 REAL ESTATE FOR SALE CITY 1822 N RR(JD Flften roema 22x200 IS?. Pt.nlnr la mum. lirnn-n.ltin. 181H N. ltlth 15 rma. het-water h-at. elec. icaa .-s istii, 14 roema. 2 batna 2xI0O 1 2i"i v. R, c '. roern" - bams, electric. 1 ":""" i""" . . J"' -"'".u - ,TV!n" .- . a,Ul1' at . ,, , u, -.b.. uii'j iii-j ,unpi unu umi. ti .. iiuii. or commercial Ulug. B. E. cer 15lh ii Parrlsh 50x.1O; store & dw 1510-12 Stiles ,1-sterv garaKe N, W. cer 13th an! Wallace. 10 apartments. 1824 Poplar 10 rooms, modern. 88x110. 1508 Falrmeunt nve store and dwelling. ! HI U I 1 I' t-3 1 M ft 2127 Spring Garden Centennial location. 1820-28 N 20th and rear. 30x215. 2223 N Chadwlck il rooms. uei r uirmuuni ave i' rooms 1921 Van Pelt 2 story S rooms jnai'-i ,"u vine, centrit 1180 OI EXWOOP AVE levtn roema. bath perch eectrt- h i-ivat-r heat corner home, with garage 1010 W INDIANA AVE Eleven roema bath electric het-nnter heat apt thin! fleer suitnb'e for large home or apartmenta 3085 N JPPSOX ST fir- lute home In fine, cendlt en renven'rnt 10 cars 8885 N TTH b.T riv. r bath, ah! let 23x1.0, vM'h ,1-car gxrai HE ".Mini, seu W Erie ava 143 te . CI rillLRLANP ST let Hi ft. frjnt en c imberlnnd st bv 47 ft flin 11. K '.'.a...,. I. 1,1... K.,, n,n . . . ,. , rMltal Of 'ISO Which .eltl n,v n i.r.1 ..,.n ------ -- .- - -. ..... ..... ,, nuv-v ,..u,t, en the Investment this krenen. la nffnrr.1 prlmarllj. h.wever. nj a valuable let ijust west or lireid at . ln n ne ghborheoj wher varngea, service atatlens et Indemand and who, ground i, scire, and are ahvas rrtdlv lncreaslrg ln vnlee HHUROOD AP.VRTSIENT AOENCT Hat Walnut st Spruce BrtOO WILLIAM L. CRAVEN'S SONS ,n.e nr r-.nr . ... ... . -"'" - l.l.JllUrt rt !.. I C af0 N 22d. 3 sty 1! rooms vacant 40.42 V 1Mh ier. Falrmeunt JtJH Diamond 3 sty , le rooms vacant. 1T18 Jfontgemerj, Id rooms 2 baths. 1846 N HUh 3 sty 0 rooms. 108 Merse, 2 stv 1 roema 228-28 Pierce 2 at I rooms each. J-BTORY atore and drtelllng Ne. 101B N. 8th et.. with 3 small houses in rear; rent Bfl tier n-.nnth. ", .. : .. ,,, ., an. a , Jtih st with h use In rear Ne. 1828 N. a-siuiv "nun n.ii'1 'i.icinn?-. ..e mil n. Ie.rii at , rent kj per mentn 'i -story brick dvvg Ne 437 X Bth ft. Ne 437 X Bth J. H. RH0ADS XO 13.1 S BTH ST preposition will be made for the purchase of tha property, fixtures nrd e-d win tmv te hi eniy upun aivi.i an m 10 nurrr a TOftfEY. 21st and Pasayunk ave. Bjtl.p AART.15NT HOUSE", 1820 W Pasiyunlt JWa TORIES, trf. WORRELI TORIES. 18x100 TO REAR ODT- B5.1 X 17TH ST, 1425 GIRARD AVE. atr., seml-detsched, te rear rtraet. Bu e loin si. npruce ei7. OREEX Tbres story. 1 4 rooms. 2 thai let te rear street, must sell; poss. MORRIS, 1823 Green $,'Pr.,-Sgg 4932 N. CARLISLE ST. tprr. b vr elec possession! 880. TAUtAXE, 010 WALNUT ST. 11I2U aPRING I.AIIUI-.N HT, DERX APARTMENTS, FL-JANCErD HUQIIEU me: 30 H 15th at Spruce 4170 0 Modern. 0 roema, perch, best section e Oermantuwn, eiiu casu; immeuiais pos- t On.y 10 unaeiij, euiiipivi ugiiiu, ui h t. Open every dsy 800 BLOCK. N.22D SI. rooms, 3 baths reasonable MARTIN VERS, Bhubert Rldg Spruce 2323 il N. TTH Seven rooms, perch, electric, terrace front! desp let, excel cend , can Inspected. SHOEMAKER 7th and Kris, JtVR blunting Park. 4312 N. 8th Seven gmS.. POrCll. IUUI1U1), HII HIUU VUHYB , HU. taa et, !ter? y.Titn et. ml. ier a cur., niiuyiiinerr. 1111 .i.n, :eiAiRADO ht Six rooms and Ice $2000. VS. J. MARTIN, 143 Belmont soot, .Arm .. 11AII.T &1 . W .' ala JL tlAI wat-VI 1RAA BaehUr. 29th t'LehUh. Celum 4813 U. I ITH ST. Six roema and bath, out t kllehen. laundry tuba, eleetrts, hard- WORRELL rSc CO., 555 N. 17TH ,5?'- o:a.e,. .jz rni'Mr'-"aint" """" J" ' "' i- ''3WXD?niiAVK, ate .in electric. sr.JO.i ,VrWr. -; i"! .' i v.lT Attr', t.v- 4-be.lrenm 18117 E CARET T.-"Jeven room. elTrU; J P CmlnBhum 5707 Chester nve 0ie "UiHLAM. RK-A ;- ,aV"et. renevntwl s'ene perch, cenvenb it te cars eytnlgnnd 'undiua .11 -in I VNV'T H PINE 0!th S- IMTVi'iim-in t -. 'COLORED RPYERS-10 X R4th st., 4 bed- , ',.', T " La'psdewne Q44 omebunrbv;refe,,loV."maWfoVhm r.KIlA.lin.J- UT.J.lnieWTn.j. nom. or ou.ie- , hcr hln,l feet. Mlt. office arran.T.ent belng Id-al. het- INVESTMENT or reauene. atone home " VAe.bToek snl Fraxr consult Treat Even in tlie Ireniy or Dflllie, 1 HBW water heat el-rtrt. light 12 rooms, 2 tile modern 12 . rooms 2 "rh" ,V"."'B '"; ' 'ttJiI . "u,".". in Main Line and ' dn that. and it made me wonder, baths! a tenement houae en rear street re- vant room let HOxleO. J street" front 2 ,k,v.l- rnnerties i.. . i . -n -.i.l...... n 1l,tV zzmwsF-v iHirrz.'!!r& v?-S.9- L, , ha?Pcn.. The "". -.""-";.".'.- -"".""' 'r .,;? " ..-" ..a,. .s..s.ir.n h..t.-.-,.i ti.oeo j .vi. i-iv .--it-..' ii.r-. .,..,. .iu i -i iet iin-ir nercenP38 nn nri.nn. niir n iiii-iii.ri-in -i iiiiimt gitriai.ia im.'i ii iiiuiic iiuvs -"- n -. . i vi'uuii -- -.- . first fleer, apartments en stoend and ' price rlBht Ket.ler Shis'er 1032 Venango. ALL COVVKNIV.NCKB. GOOD IRANHIT. , -.in ?Str nr.nta ,Wtc. ",'? oe.,ec,r ,eU- ' HXnslT TmV0: I ' n k ' Thechnrm wSrt c? In"?."" ink of an tSiad ard Reechwoel ts (iiith ,,i AXl ' prfoelinm". , i aRDJIORE .-few noilew-tue rseiQence; n uieatlllR Mieep. j ruin rn'ree vv.iu jrBm 4WWVrL ZZ-lM.nvrKY 8.nrra..,S-tetrrf..ffit had become tame, tlmlr. grower, priee 2i3d. RelUbU Ren ty Ce. 43J0 Laf--1 j.AnEjiM detarhed stone dwelling, 8 bed- let BPxlrtl ROliERT J NASH. 1214 Locust let Weel. I MBS saved. paa-ar ave. ! roema 2 inarb.e fcatbs 2 car garage, let at or Xarberlh atatlen , "Thank JOU, lovely deg fnirj, for 1812 SPRUCE. 22133 IS..?.?'' r, .'." "r,"' 'i?1-'' ""- ,:ne01-' aRDJIORE PARK 7 minute, from OBth at . , yln- ,n0 with the magic of your . w - , m.r 1 zv irnu ',,IP '""' -jlj en l'liua. ana western. neunii uuu im 1 . , - ii $ t Keb.,i VORRELL. 51. X 17TH ,';'-v7nn--M TrrnniiriM Hhtill 000 Hnn JUf ave "Nay, it is te yetl I ewe ' ..! M DDftAh CT ! 1184 WAaXKR AV -MODERN TOROUOH- j ..Unn ,.,- , hnrked the lovelv de fair uui i. Dtwjnu ei. $& s . Beers, tone anq.camani. percn. mm, jandci a cant' dwoed Hi vacant T looms, eleotrle Jra REAL ESTATE FOB SALE cirv IM7-1'. N IIOWMll) ST HMH-r.O Hopu st . nlsn 1J3-8.1 Jeffersen it cowl Inveatm'ts. reiaennbic ji tlre.kln 221.1 N HSth it i AUn HfP iiilirrtUrtm'litK In lrni lPc I" nrrrfilliiT reliinitik. i "rI!l '"" - . Hiillill.ic I (it, l'nter Mtfi, He. t Ui li ft lit 1 OU K' P lUT I ill" uuitiiiiin iv - v mi iniir rth nitM r ipc icii kui nw - , r.erin ul (Jl Line m 4r-'. i.fascr uhht llfMl tit tV (L.-nidtiinun Mini r T Mil nrrnnffe i'lvnn(e. Am:itNi;Tiiv, ib-. cnettuiT -'-". ho.ipstecIv Perch. 7 roema: uut ',".",.." O Viuv i ANK AND TRP ; I' Ce i nner. Kiriiu: Inrir.- rnrner let: bcnutltu! , ntrr hpt eloetr c. itoeO ten . MOO I J.Li-N 'i ' il'Jii! )i!iJi 'li 'Ji'.j:' .'.i ,1.1 .i.j,, nn.i nimiMini v WM JIIIYUi: l.lih ml Hnsiler uc. I'HPMINI'T HIM, .! Mtnl-Jct i Colenll "j; a, IIAVPA'S (0 land Tllle n.ilir. flvu v" ffTir ir "ihw tnrv tinrrh il(- ' 'i'1'! " cliatnl'rr fleet h -w lit.: cicept'l i . . t .,.,-;.,. '. . T -r :: ; T. 1 . . .1 ""'?' mw ter, rercn, pii"c -n . '. 1r .,. i0t nxthe 1!. llerrv. AI.I.-S I'OSIJ iltRrhiM het sp. !nt reef 2 I -illrJ,.-',,'l',ll" con.lltlen. iei"nabl.. ?, c",".'' ', ' .1", Tri III" Walnut 17M). mrnrnw WAl.Tnil . SUT1IKUUND. ,MOlJi:ilN. 3 .terv. t.wh. llutrli hull. P.irq. '-' " "' "-'l'lTrul w JuimiMni, iiH.rnm.1. Qim.l 24'J , r. .. : .. ... .. - . - . . . .1... . r, ......nt. ..,..1 .,,,.., .... ittf.ntntttiniif . i-tiiii-. vi i".. fiiii tn i live.. ini'y . Ulur 9tlUH imnipr. liU.I 1IWMU . ......... i r,i,,rl.. U'nrelinni. MnntiMriuMnr lloera rilli'K enH MJ.'O. 2-ter perch front rea- HOt'HK Ten roema. ? bttlia, 2 epn fire-AlJl'I't!ggJi!lV!-5.I''n''r.1f.lU."J!B-Uyt' uii-nce. het-water heat. elec. lautulry. etc piaea. hnt-watr hat, nil ronenlencea: ........ .... V'I,.. Jt. Vlir.l.MlMt ai'M ' t.. no.. inn ..... ..!....! nn.tltln 4t.n..f.H. . .. ..-. n. A .. 1 ....... f-M.' -'., j:".-"". -" :.""'-'.: ?.,?: ..,.Vr ; Irteal li.r.itlen In North I'hllnJe'phla for fa ten fit Raraiie or 'nminr-int punuinK otipertunliy te B-t choice location nt both rnllrenda and all trolley ppIn 1 r, , ,,1.1'n II. fnlt.r A. Ce !" V. nnnj; i ?i "ItlltKi: .tirferent fie'erl. fn- enlf). varleua location" enirt exci r ut noer hp'u. i 1IAIU.K4 neTTXllll i. CO HJt Ch. atnut (Inrpicea M: modern well-lighted raraise or a-ntce K..U.1I..M ... tltn. .. ttmilnlupil .invite. ": Mil for nn tmmed aale. Apply rrnnklln it rj'lin r V -" I '"" i .iinii.x - HlertH nnd Dwelling a02!M:NlNC.li) AVP. Twoeterv etere 1,,n"fl'V,V L'""1 ,,UW SanU vr,C" "-",H siirTTLBWOHTH 3i" Kenalncten ae. WK"T PIIII.MIPI.PIIIA V.H HAVi: reeral 2-fnmlly heusea for -ale n flwuDll I Iin in nnn fl li.l t maltf tl fA TTlt tl - " ether Iteil V onem . Vaall flraneed - ,.. .!. - - i.i. ii.iPinn. tua sd.mtt. Centennial tre.. will brlnir deub'e the rent Lnch arartment rented row for $50. Onl a few It ft D. V. REDDING 52n AND CIIKSTFU AVF 5420 WOODBINE AVENUE (crtAWPeun nt-iLTi 1 Id"9 hum.' thenuuh mndn lx 1-l-ieiiH 3 baths 2 rir Rnrnce; all a en truetureg 'nspec'iin b: arpel-itment. ! 1.EW16 Tl I.XNK ItliALTOIt , lit! V VLNTT "T ."1T ST Three story 7 bedroema b.nh Imt.'ater hint electric llKhts epii site city ri.-k nnd llhran. In Jin tun. d'en t fail te ... .his I) V llL!DUINO B 2d and ter ive T...; -.-:.rr. .a ".. Ill ., A . t- - 11." delllns I r fa and bath aecend fleer, i 'e-.r'i; iiKiits 'i'n nan, :m uxii,i JOS. ALLEN POTTS 4001 T'n'tlmere -. J7300 Seml-d"tach'd. m. ,1 , with Baracre. 72in -Seml-dct el lluht fine location. $4.ne nici 'uht room fjr Barnt,e Others of all d si rlptJera nnd prleea. ll"iprMV 5P2T O'rart ne. .1,5 ? .',ni .'! -At...! rn lU.llttiB, I bJ- ehumbera bith iletil- . -.ll nt con- iilin, SH'tMl c it nien'hlv e-pen"ea nil R M lime', 11 S bi'lli ' PI enu hher- l 2101 MU-TlTli:! I ILLlTSr (e--ner of -.nom. 7 rooms lath .le.tile llRht ree. n:! rene- Tted 'ittle ( ih rfilred poshebsien Wm. M Ivnn . In 00 th and Irvlr.B .'.a Sher- voed 1710 21 t-tl VT .1 rnnn, t.n,h ,nM, no-, h het water hett electric llKhts nnd well tinanced. namni' i iirxirs inrouuneui '..., - - , ,.,.. n,tH.v,,n Wm M KnatJ. Hit ''0tn Ir,'r": "'' 'n"r"" 17"1 Sy.n PIVF. PT eVs-int letre s reur.a nrd ratn up n j,e and exteiient ( jinltlen. Wn. M lCn'z. lnr OOth und IrvliiB sts. siherwr,.! 171(1 3311 tlHi:KNWA V.VI! het-water heat. I lectric en-I ised perih hardwood tloera. $70ii1 1 P Cunnlrhnm .T07 Chster avu ' ''"i, "'ii nsa ar.l --unda' s Sl.V APHTJII:NT-J In 2 buildings modern, 1 il ce-td'tuiii ni.-h'v rent 34D. price J2-. null DONALD V. RKDDING. 3Jd and , Chester ave W11 X.'llST tr Twelve TeTnii 2"baTr. nnd-rn let l-li!n ti rear st e-vner will 1. Aefiu-LAOHK1' 3;e" i plnat-rfl basem't laundrv built-in store- room Jehn J! Knburc. 5J'7 ltaltlmire ave. JU MOI.EH.V ".stnrv heusej. nn!" .T snuares finm llllth nnd Mnrlcet. attr.ietlve nriee well fir uicert ied Inveatmn.t. iaivui, i . i:n .. 1 1 L3 set III 14TH ST. enclosed perch. 1 nt- water e ectr : ll'-ue J y I'unnlneMim '5707 Cheste- ave Open eveninss and Sun - ,Tiv 13s Sill-Tit IT.Ai H ST fi rooms, bath electric light renovated like new, a dancH home Wtn M Knatz Inc . 00th and Irving sta Sherwood 171 1 ITi NORTH 0.1D 'TREF.T Attractive dwelll.ig lut I 10x12.1 feat. MAGEE 4 RODGERM 1200 Locust at. ,-Jprui" O2O7-02P' .2.. 1)1 1ST Alt: J'v at. -v aml-dt . b rnnni" m n p ii n ui. vt. uuiir hiiu in 031 N B7TII - f 1'0'0-ed buser. 4 bed- rooms One rej-e erctrl- llEhts large let E J Jlar r. 1 1 . N r.4th Ileiment 30s4 J-J33 RALTI11"RE VP Three aterv, O recrrs ,I,s?-rlcltv tei is iu suit V. F riROWV I. 1 n II 'g Sprue- 731 I12'.7 1" lUTIY'ST -F1.0 roer-.s and bath, Inclesed rerch. ilc'rr bath's JOHN JI 1 ENIU'RO. B'.(7 Rn tin-ere ave Jlni epiH ,",7T1 IT 4 bedroer s, elec. trie $3200 J I- r unti'pgt nn. 5707 Ches. ter im. .-ipn -'nn.i iii -uraaH I ... ..., r. , f... .... .-.,. .... ....... a --. i,,,".-u nn.. .--. w . i.,.,r, ,1 iine nnu i..h lanen .n.h t tlr. sl.,n ni v- 1.W n'S . -n c- a7J:.;rrzr. .... m 52D 132 N Stere and : aiartmenta, elee 000 casv terms new heater. J2 RICHARD P. POWELL. 2C2 S, 52d I 5711' 1S11 WARRINGTON AVE 0240 Oeage ' ... K...1. . I,AII....1 UnH... . ...,.W . u.u'iiui lii.i.., . ,i.-.j,F pi"n, vllI garsg"s. Address Sokleve. -71s a- Franklin 7 RO'OJIS bath, elec . Inundrv nlpeieaa 1 neater ineviu iwir.K. iica 2d st. Fr7.bWs'lenV 6 -00m. electna l.ghf ""aelAf. 'J M McJuThael-'lSej-S.'sh c7nftJtt?IVP.-:crJ2?' . uftanit.u. -m .. LAROE ap.rtm.nt ne.7.iiiritt , P. c. e..h rq Re'.nhart LL"i-,- ' -"actor!. Wi.rel.nuKea. Ilmiufwcturtng Floers rarterlea. Wi.rehnuKe.. ilimufncturtng Fleen. 'ui-lLDI.NO suit, for Pent mfg., 3 sty. with I apt R-ilible . Rtvc,4B3D Lancaster .. Rpi XI l "'" .' -." .nu- ...., n v - , Ru.lneaa Preperflea and Sferee stepes aifcl apir'iner.ts new enerat!nn.r..ath "V. H.iltlr?re av. sa(.rll!ce before rorenu. Uert. financed Se d ' L Njnan. Wdld C940 Alse aee mlicrtuement-, In large tjpe In preceding column. Wjemlng 8718 . . . 1 j. fi -. 1 .1 . ., inrnn ..!.. 11 i" B-iiM' 1 "" " --- - - ' pTticil en y $4"ue 2 stcry perch-front,' dwell e,ec. launery vacant, win. V0LLMER,4421 Germantewniv JiVE med-rn 2 "' rv Tinmee, including I Ol T t JWlfl ' m.lti'i iiaa.m is SHADF'a $750U FRIH CO., 140 X 21S'l. SPR c809 "Alasee ndvertlsrmenta in lie type prcrivJlng columns THE DOO DADS ' . ' 1 r --mmLi i'iiii 1 11 1111. r- rwc.srci. utrD-; vrrBrr . irj. ry r' -ir iu.vn rni nn nni- r. a-ri i r 1 miiM Huur -rif-r---rz. t-ri w snr-i - t --? . --. a . .!- -! l N vyMcw WE jc $ mum Wl) SF&JWSZA mSmk -i wonder i-Ive beem r gPSPP KfixZerl 1 "" MR! )wSL HC iSATMEf ' UTAWBEKEEP1N') I 1 ( .T'' . i - i L . . - -a-E.k'. "-' - - - -- - -a----.,. . Ji.. evening public ledger Philadelphia, Nvednesday, KEATi ESTATE FOB SALE CHESTNUT HILT. I.UI'S in Eidetihuni lr .til street Inprev- nents. c n reie wiill.s. low tix rate, wll ns - nt In ilnnncuiit umi rnr building, Hutu j;ii CA8H liu Iwnullful modern hemr. 22J Wi t H it no . cleip te Incarnntlen ciiunh 7 loemi. Incle'rtl perch. wlJe streM, . B,,oil moilen. mukv ihiii-iiiii 47 nnJ 7.1 ireU ' AlinitNiri'HY. 1.WS CliPHtnut nt. MSIN()MIN(! nTwilMIV r.ri.nm hniita. Itlnrlf from Irel- ' i. uiirfliriH il.'iii :is Jlprman flt . S.ttAlO (I'l'V U'U. imiMl (I IU "UU UUjrin . '" ---: ' : -'-. Timi.v . I""1 i".uM.-.. .--. - - -- tJrtnam..wn ae . llU" 'i. OAK 1.ANK TTT.ItV mtrei tue emi-det 'c en of VX I.ane. "tin, fUn prll0 ar,mp ched heme: beat na lawn, pi)3ea- L CIIAVKN'H yON''. 201" Celumnln. M lU'UHA.N hone larise I Jt low prlc tU-ht at aia'hn 5H25 N 7lh, nlae rer ..... :,h nml tf'hnl-i ntiam read terma ur- ruei'-ii xill'.ltVKTIIY. 13JS Cheatnut t TTn aee niirrtleincnta In lnrbe tjpe" In preiidliiBeliiinna 1'1'll.N ItOflv fn MlCllTTP.CT AND UPM.unns Pirn- claa cornel aitra for eer hualne-a, I haw nbeut nil lem wrrtli biilldlnc en. iu thn nndf of t IhrlMnit nnl wuniiu- ram- munlt ne it 1 nil home ewnera cernir im ... .1..... .rtn..a nthrtf infN. nnt rnrneiM. or dwillini-a from Jl6() up terma liberal. , ir.M.i. ... iin. v.ir.i nt. I.Nt nn au- i filiatien. Q1'"Q Sund n . .. . . .. L J -. Jr,- r .. 7 T ..SSSSffl mvp AfltKM Artistic ana ubtflTHlal tmirt dwe . built In 1.M, II twin;, J bathi h - h-at Bne nnd eljc . Ou rh hall J ipn ill ryi n.(f "e . iiii"uvi ti"wi" -" (T.irnwe fu- U t;arr htnlile, peu't heu-i PplMUtU ultl Pll.lOO BH.ltinus uiwn I't-""" hhruhlifi-v and fruit In v.irietv nmitl lak amill lake; i. i ..)...... umt f ,in li't'hu -l TK.Lf a'-itlm en Newt . Pl 4a mln. te Iteadlne rermlViil i.rl?. 17 OKI urmmii prK i. im W FORRFST MAGEE cnl-TlfVVIiTilV VA. , SllMI PPTACJIUP l.rlfn .pi-frame heue n roema and bith. financed . $5000 New hnu"- ' reniK ind bath plpeleaa heater electric! laundry tubs me Reed locution. J.ine Modern heue 0 ikh-i and bath. BarsKe. ." e Ne.v li'innulew. C rooms nnd bath 'ln.-ce Int. J0,nn IMc'j-and-fran-.e hnn.e ! riumi and bnth caraK line leca- con. jnoeo r. h ali.i:n xte. PreaPect Moere Ta' l'hene Ridley Park 411 W. nA n.,i"r.tv limn: nnl rnvtnir peultrv p-en- eltli n rlcht nt cmrnutere' H 11 station te Philadelphia 7 acres Buel 1 md, runnln.- wnttr. manalen house with conveniences bun nw in lern peultrv. house cipacltv I -,00 te 000 chlek-na fruli. en Improved read j a 0r"'-' ij1" TIIOMP.'-OV Rtxlter. ' Weet ITieater, Pa I me let 1 (1 nvenl r 1 pt one Ove. hre k 70'.' I el N. 51st st. or mi vi. ri 1. v. 1 n v HeMi: PlBhteen ncr-s hi-li le tLn. i.enr Pemerten liUItry I ll.D ' rOO.n- V UIOllllll eiUll-; dwelllnc b.ith. ele stibli Barnes and I poultry hej-e el 1 aha In an i Irul. in vnrij-v ' prir. .ou ier iii'mi' - . tv JfAfiKR ieuthimt'ten'j' OUT YORK ROAD "0 JIINP1KS FRHM CITY HALL ".- "srr.-s H'ene (lAel'Irp 3 baths etc : ,-vrag-e shade und frul! selline te settle ea- tale M 57 N'dver nrriee , fTvn rfnltti ie le-n "d fl in(? aeml-Colenlai iVrk-e llvli's r""m vlth fireplace, dlnlnt: room, kitchen and pantry 4 bedroerra, bath linen cljeet. e'ectrlc lUhts, neat, e r . let .'.xlT. Pl'-- rlcht terma eaaj. AK- ItrNM CeRNl!l.L HntberqP-. 1IATM'H '-Desfrnlvle '-a'"" T,'ln'elLlr1!'; '.,1 rooms. Baa. water .nt lOOxJ OO fru tin rs'ssir .A.ruv.:-5r"siB &AK lnr 4bedroei. til" bath, hardwood fleer, het-watr h"at. !. t 5(1-123 pos".len. $lri() CHHn, meniniir "ne i-n- .;-... .. .. II 60th Sherwood 2101. New aten. - , anV",. I m-nv S " lroe eMica f'.W 3 bntba lirB ht bvaatlfjl shrubbery 2- tn'i w.n; .. .-. .In.. ,...n i,m ni- heat and everj ' ATTUACTI I! 0 room ImnKilew. prfct ren. ISADOULiOAK LANL ! -sf.ue j enlal hnm just ' belm.- competed center l.all. 0 chamber- lvttls ,irir li neiakn- i..-.n.. .,...-. w eial tlui ver .-, a. re excellent corner , '. location ; A !!.. Lb I.-ind Title mm A RPAl. LAIKJAls; acres stu 0 dtvclllnr, 7 roema, all ' c n w garage ;kijiti' ii' u.-"" ' ii ..Xr. mn v.iik neiaiuii yn.e i.,."-, ... - .- M.T-sT M 011.' eiitbumrt n. I'a . WOULD YOU like te buy a new. up-te-dat Oiro heus for $5000 In model suburb. north section' Here s veur chance P 40 1, ledger iirrice .-r.VTKTTNE Iteil.vnrd SO.' b'erk niat-'s .- . . .- ei en ii r.ad near Travmere p-ica 141UO 1 W F11RH j.-,1 M vv.r.l. n.'LuiiLir .""ti , .. NP.Wt.Tt ."' "mcle. 4 bedrma new bath e'e strict -V OK 1 . I"! '' "V' "-' Hn v'h 'il H Theatre lildg Lans 2051 jfji nl;s n I'erl imn n gh ground aalt- --. . .- -.. .... Tl- f ,1,1. ,r iieve "l'tnert. come goon uiub no dw s $ J" " rer c 1.2. Ilulldlne I nt L'dger Jfff Ice fTXmM n.evle trr.. t en i0 rc. ream sum- high i '.LZX ff.'.S:1 v.arren Ji C'lRNELL ituttcru Ps 1 3uOli bu .dlt - ! nar East, 11 rd.. S75 1 -ARREN m cjRNEj.l.jHtore !? 'til" IU tra 'i an I tre..e all 'mprevr ments, S3jO. ' 1 ARREN JI CjjpX -''!- Hitbore, Pa, "TAciir: t ul ling t" right en Old lerk ra f.n h'gh location shs.le, gas, water, etc ""AniiEX -CORXi:LU Hattore. Ps. i.e.ln... I'roeeHlea and Stere. TWO NEW. STORES-Flve.roem-and.be.th . ana--strucronc"ensrr.e:!'oyn oTeiauVbio ' ?or bu-her dellr ...... or most , any n-cea- ' oeth 8'a.rV rp0r.co0muillHne13w.inUfln"ancedn '""" "'"!'"" .""""". '.'". nen "U tuaZ; ZZrZTwrThel.,. Jianafactmln. noer, ;-T-xRET"N-r"'thWalas, Pa.; suitable for factory "Rp or subdivision Inte building iea 1100 ft railroad frontage, nbeut 4300 fy H liJJ JV IO"""" . . w, .,,. . e.ww. n.,-. .. a . . nn t er.p . nnrTiciiinriv nth. ' , , ' for an" mAnufictu-ing concern re- m- -nnalderable acreaje. Csn divide 10 2,, n, chaser H T Da.GER, .-"ei.' m main link Ilulldliu laits I JTrvT 2 I 4uvJ "";, ,'" i , umxiKLlXE httne chlngle dwelling, t'tdrem. tile bath, f? wer heat. etc.. Hldg, liwrn Sa iSn?" aeVi In 2-rar garage. it Th re Nicholas Was Worried h 1 fiful an,! l.ri fill 1 V ALDiN . iwniia T1T1T1 A Tyr ROTl4n I ..,. ..A... .. .. t Tln.aa-S ..-.. I BEAL ESTATE FOB SALE PENNSYLVANIA SUIlt'ItHAX lAI.A ' iiym mm ...,. COUNnRt lriM tniri atone! I hoflreoms 2 bttthi. flu rd fleer. Rhewfr iitnlt! eirflfftt: n wnmltrfnl hette enn Iw bninrht nt rlcht Mien. WAIrnil A Mi('T.AT01IV. "Olh nnd Mnrltel I.nnileti( 2001. Open until P ' . Rn WHnOflM. HTONIS umi plnater. i olenlal, il ehamhnra. 3 bnth. will bull! irnrnire, VAt.Tril . ftt'Tlll.1t!,AN!, lil.TCnW(l CvnwMl 212, rvNW"ii ent: only S22. Ren. .,..... ""''."""'"I l11""1"" ..i.w...- MeCHKA. Arilmere Pheno 270. L'YNWYI) -Cor. prerertv, ti roema and bath, Incleacd heated perch, open rerch, lariie fireplace, hut-water hent, elcc llRhtai almtle rarnre: ail in perfect reml i en let Tlixius i)ritnm. JI3.S0I) Call Cynwyd c.rtl nr.iwARi: watch eap IIOTHI.. centalnlntr Se bedroema opportunity for some ene te own and manae an eatntv. llahed huabieaa conducted aucceaafiillv for U..-I ... .vrtin, iii.-.li 'ttiuiiij iiu.i'i ..,! im anld aa nn entirety. iel eftnle, furniture, furnlahlna poed will rtc Fer pnrtlculnra enn-uu m ui.mimi i.ini"inuiiit. tiriYON - ----.. L''J -- --- - THni"l. - STOn HOI'HI. with lliltiB room, mninB room, rarier. Kitcnen en nrai noer ft bedroema and bath en aecend floer: 3 lHd inema nnd bath en third fleer, electric tt.roURheut eteam heat, ahade and shrub- uerj i n r nm. viTA il Lii Ardmore. Phen 270 pnKXKT. rnn. DREXEL HILL HOMES WALTHll C. REDDTXO m " " """" -"f- . DIlPnf. ltll.Ii -Twe be-iuttful pew home-. ' $12 500 and $9500. eery desirable advant convenience KIKVIIV 1 PINK uth ,t Th'itr.. nmidlni. I anadnn. 2014 -"W det rtv 'heat. 50x100, in'.An . WPIf 1...l trill T .nn,nwmm -,"UW'' ,.l..l, .','., J. 1,1 .....,....,.3 1P2 Spruce 7P4 1 Open eenlnrs. EMU'S s PARK TEN-rtOO.M atone bunealew In Kast Elltlns Vnrle well built, tltep'.ace. cas and eiec- trb rneii for Kara jr:NK!NTOWN ItANIC AND TRUST.. CO. COLONIAL HOP.sF.. lame HMnB room, fire place all convenience 3 nln. te atatlen; X10 000 1'h J PATANi: Willow Grcne SI. FOX CIIASK 'OX CHASE Lawtidale New A 2d-htnd homes for aale II J. Tunstall.lOOB Cettmaa Ol.EN'-lRK OLKNSIPI" Four beautiful modern buniri- lewa. plllll aa you wenni nave one Dl.lll yeureeii, a""i iu ii,in' n.i-waier ditlen all . env -nlei r near st itlen. nrlce a'.'OO. RENNINHER 11RX.MM1KII (lien r' le. Pa., opposite station MOUF.IIX HPNOAL'HV BLEC LIGHT. HOT-WATUn 1IUAT LOT l.V.xl20ler, 2 ST l'RONTa WILL pinancp prki & Cu . lin.N i 1 . i.u '-?i. ,ui, j 11 . ..pallium i-oeni v.oieniai riwc. In emirse of construction, rne.1 In every particular esc ie.v price ji.-.uue. re inr.i prlre 512.000. ItAn, nlnner Id Rennlmrer (llnslde, Pa . npp. nta. npoe MODKP.N 10-room b'lilc dwelllnr en Yerk read, with outbuildings. lultnble for fra-r.-B or ahep- barRiln te close an eatate JUXK1NTOWN HANK' AND TRUST CO Guardian IIICHLANl) TARK AN OLD house with larne let. la that what jeu want? Four bedrooms, finished nttle. fruit trees, Incl.fed perch, het-vvntir heat WU.1ER A MiCHTCIIY 70th nnd Mar I et Phene Lnnsdewne 20C4. Open until !l P M and Mind t ; HIGHLAND PARK. 240 Falrvlew five Mln storm 4 bedrooms, tile bath W. .M HAM rilORNE, C'.ith St Theatre RMb !.nt.s.!nwrl . IIIUIII 4.ND PARK Stm-ce en hollow tile. I bedrooms center hall, large let. Applv rf irvtVTlll HVr-. Tln'te 109. ftth St l Th.atr. i1Mc. i.ansdewne 2051 7ZZ:rnZZ .....-,.... .. .. .. .. a vit r tr, a-tT in vVvumi.. a tet. t,5. y.ivt IO smt.nn, brat aurreundlnga wnn let. 120x200 ft siene aweinng 13 roema. 7 ihambcra nnd 2 hatha, large 1 p 1 C X 1 1, 1 c tm., v.. r.,,. .- ..-. ...... -. temtier 1. Apply 10 Am 1 JF.NKINTOWN BANK AND TRUST CO. KIKKI.1N nrl, l-vatlen. D 1" RYvN. office at station Klrkln. or 51110 JIarket DREAMLAND Daddy Deg ly While 7eij Deg' tchoel s nt recess in the uoeil. Jnrl; and Janet catch a pf.mjHc 0 n lately white ting. DaiA beg ,aU, thr 0Wtf nrd humci hi school into hilling, JJe tills them the tery of his first meeting tcif", the fairy und hew he CHAPTER III The New Shn - . . .1 - 1 1 Ll.. ' TUW"- " "0". "e -0T0-y wu,l i- doff and I feeing the gnarllns. Snap- 1 MALA store Colenial: 8 chambers, J.-JWS:.. ' ,,u-,. IX i,i" n--T"n -."-T..VKW twin houses, frame. 7 room,, el KSl W WftrZl "Xe tS5 .r'wnnrnr.'ii.VnedTe.gh! ffiofrV'-ufien. 'sW-es! Stf im'premerT. torheod, cles, .0 trolley station . rt tin no, font wise restrictions, high ...... . . , ...r. . . .. ...... . . . , - i nnU nt --eIt... "Thlia TlBClflT IlniT me. But I leaped fl8 r-uddenly as he ' did. I met him in mid-air nnd sjaphed him with my JftWB. He Yelped and n,m , , , T , , " ... ., leaped back. I sank mv fnnBI into MS thre.lt. Afl I ilia fe tfire wolves leapetl .. . .. . . a n.. mn nnA cut re upon me. ' ; '" ..... tjie lovely iR.ly dn dldn t rUBfl Inte tj,( frnv aH 1 una c-peeteu. hne hbi . ,iA.vn nm! rubbed her golden cellar with riiev shrank back. cewerlnR before tlie lady deg. And the lady dep, rubbinR Ping pack of wolves Thus Daddy Deg my ,icart MV(. with pride: " ' cnt . wlth hta Btery. "And nlmt shall de with The lender of the welver, leaped atlelvesV" harked I "Shall I tear ecn her Rolden cellar a third time, l0-,uia (nicer chnnn: uun-eu thnnkB," m. "Had jeu net come te my rencue, brave v nttackinR the wolf pnek nil by )our- self, 1 would net have had n chance te . '. ' ' n, y . - TTTi7TTnr.3J v-.y - : - ri'i'''Kwrii'iMiiiiiimiBw--np-MM )S-b WRtis-iCJ C when this cannon f KZHtffllT7rfmrar- - e5 A rAE.nr. a-e " 'g nra ' t i ,h w w w f iMm ,ljw '! 1 PttmSm 0FF HE V0N,T '! " CSfisnfl wndlv nwtujze - but ttm a r ' " ' P'- my stars! "Hj BEAL ESTATE FOB SALE IT.NX'iVI.VAXIA S.rilt'lAV ler.sttAM hi:i(th llulldltitr l.ei llUltdllAM HinairrS I'erRiiiien'B bids. Ieta, J10, $05, 7(1, ?S."i MOO. lir.i en rtojleatewn trolley line. 111 tnltiuln nben Willow (Irow Tnrk. In HeMhnln Vlllnifcj "Mullen rleatlnn near J'hlln ilnpltiB te thn fnmetM IVnnspnclt Creeit, bentlnir, bnthlntf umi llehlrtr; tuiv concrete rendnny from I'lty line, chuichei-, choela. atores, fire fire heuie, etc.: e.ny monthly piMnenls; acna rer Doeitleta ntnl plans ei uuncaiuna. FERGUSON. Frent and Yerk i.i.AM.m.u, a vi'.ni'll.v.,i kiiifiin It. II. etucen. ri bedroema, tile hath, hardwood flnera, hoi water heat. Apply W Jt HAWTHOnNU. n.ith St Theatre MldK., ltuem 102, Ijtpa limine gfl!. MAi.vnnv ui:nti,k.man h imcntiiy place Jlnnalen heuae, 2 l.nthi. het-water hent: modern farm bulldlnne. wnedlnnd. erennnia, mmdnn', lahe. rtc : S3...ernj. 123 acres: In come will carry. . . . . WM CI.AtlHOHN I21S Cheatnut t. . MIT.t.lint'llMi SlCMI-DP.rAUIIP.il dwK en let ninietil jr. and hath with unnti'ahed attic: ;;"' lbert Hall. Sin Land T. nidr. Apr. .401. NonurvreMN NOH1U8TOW.V , . , Mill centatnlnit 22.5H0 rnuiry feet en 3 leveta: dayllKht en I slib-a. 1 "lertt from It n atatlen modern lmprexcmenta: Im mediate poca-aslen, cm be necn by appoint- m'r"1, n.nni:n, hatitman ft co. 1201 jfheatnut at. evraiiinmm THHKn-KTOHY stone, home, detn ehed dwir.. and hluhen Sd ".au" lat-fioer Inseut: lare let with ahrubbery and old shade: lnsr.ee- lien bv appointment enl. price $21,000. Albert Hall Land Title llldg Ppruce 741l . pp.m"u:i.i . PBNPIP.I.I) LOTS Pour, beautiful. 25 by , . Inn. Jlnnea lead line lecnwmi. ij-i ." i j stitlnn: nil !mprnemcntii will dlMue. mlnutea iipth St. Term. Owner. Call Oer Oor Oor broek 1070 .1 . H(ISI- itnMT.w tfnTTr:AO between Olenalde ! n,l Wl.ln.,. rlr-,1 new hnilae iUSt belnff I nnn r.la.n.1 O fnnra ami I,flth. llrePI.lCe! IOI .''., ,'1,.1, ., ,,....... ' ........ -.-- . 50x17.1; nil cenjenlencea. train and trellev; tft.'iv. nnu Loieniai neu-e iei e-..'. e.uv. and nlae a Wnutlfut larnn coiner prepertv, hef. venter li.m tile hath nrd ahOVVtr. flrt5- Pla-e. hardwood floors, center hall, all med ern design. $12 een. Phene JOHN PATANE. Willow Prove 81. UI!AL Colonial mansion house, nil-atene: 2 acres ground old shade and about 60 fruit trees, 2 baths I fireplaces, hardwood floors nnd het-water heatt $1H,BOO. open eerv day. .T TATA NJ2 Willow Greve SI. ROSLYN PARK . NEAR OLENS1DE Hfty new heuaeei built In 1 year, there a a reasen: a, 40-ft. let. with water, gas nnd electricity, for $300: sand for booklet FERGUSON JOHNWON, 2tl3d Germantevvn ave Diamond 7153. I E('ANE 2H-STORY frnme-and-shrngle dwellliiB xvllh enrttftn nn 1 trun bit' n vinnderflll nilv flt $71100 Albert Hall. Land T Hide Spr. t4Bl. , , SOPllERTON ! I1ROAD ST LOTS beat nsldence location I cre.k fretitaBO nt pe nt BU'lal le for bun In town nlwive .11 at. galew doeiepment. substantial stene farm WEsTNEY. 203 Liberty Hu Id ni i -.I'ltlM.riEl.D SPIUNGPIP! I - nil ilexlnliln hnlM.tic- leta. KENNEY PINE. 0'Jtli St. Theatre, ItliL- I ats. ,vr.e 211 1 1 I ST. DAVID'S JUST ON the mirket, pten. nnd shingle linl mr. In i1rm .tenlenl.l. tnei, MntM ,mahI ns. . hall ilvlrg room with tlreplac, den, dining perch, nhlt. vvoedwork. hardnoed floors. "inn neat copper gutters, 7 tnlnuttu te mail in i t iitN.ni TRPAT A THE VT WAYNE PA WAYNE DESI!tHLi: HOME It. very tine condition; library, den w,lh fireplace, met nttractlve dining room, v ith severnl side lights, ian Irv. kitchen and la.indry; n rhambers, 2 hatha, het and cold water In malil'n room, het-water heat with thrmestartt rf-rulater: hardvvoel floors, geed let with old shade, located tenv te bnth stttletis; $10,500. J M FRONEPIELD Wayne, Ph. room, pvi'rj kitchen, rofrkn-rater room and ' Phlladelplila suDurns. .Main Line secuen; Carsv i"!;"..-' ''i'" ' . laut.dr) , several chambers, rleeplrg perch. ! 137 acres with most distinctive "tone, house, r,e MYRTLE ST Garni: and shop. A. F. 1 baths het-water heat eltctrlclty. gas; built 1820; tv plrnl Southern ( olenlnl In nrchl- tVilOWN. 310 Lincoln Wdg. Npruie 7301. garage let 1M20 J.io.eoo. hou"e built by tecture, with high columns, la rooms, n l .-.-. j. . private evnei. no ether like It. baths, steam heat clclrlclty, 5 tenant OFFICI.-RtSlM.ss ROOMS. ETO. . I '! PRONEPIELD. Wqn. Ta. I house', large modern bain with dairy equip- ffpsniAllLE office space, fli'proef build- AT11I(TP '! tene-'nd-h!ns'n f'.lenlal , ment. IncludlnK refrlEeratlnB plant: 2 alies. ,. elvater aervlce: mpderste . renN he-se. 7 ledrenuia 3 tile bitha s'.een'ng carage. all necessary eutbuild nga; bulldinga Aprfy F. J P.LLIOTT,, 1114. Cheatnut ri. MCE home, containing 8,umi :! batha'wlll please the buer who wants, something Hnd 0 l-eiirrnn"i'ra. het-air heat, electrle 1 and all cenventen ea, 2-car garage: let 260s ''5p..'',''.7Mf;?Sr1u''e:I"rJi,, f,1-?;3"0' M-CRF.A ARPMORE I'HONL 2,0 "i'' - ' uvvriuiiK le-mii coinpieiee, vv nn garasa nttnehed. unuauallv nttractlvu and well lecmru en nign greuna. rooms, 2 hatha I iboreugl.lv medern. $17,000 for quick sale nnlv. I TI.RAT THT7AT. TAT.CI IA ele-. AUfi see ndvertlsen.tnta ln I.irre f.vne In prcicdlnjc relumna. I ADVENTURES and the Fairy DADDY ' Ret thr- (-olden oellnr which lias chancer! them Inte hnrmlees nhcen." Then the lovely lady fairy, who told me her name was Der Str,rliSbt. re- lnted hew the wolves had met her In , the weeds. ' - hn,j roellsltl- gene strelllnz with- out m golden mnRlc cellar wherein Hcf my fairy power," she said. "I had no means of saving myHelf unices I ceuiii get nenie nnu put the cellar en I "flint 1 Irnu nhln li An nn l.n1. ... '.-..,. "II ."- " "" ""' a I g, : . vxrmlr. T M. 1 . 1, -... '. " " ' theFC them te pirce" for ilnrin-f te attnrk vnu." "ay," replied Der StarllRht. "That would be foolish waste, indeed, new that thev have been turned Inte sheep. ion sunn inKe inem nome te your runs ter te tnke thn place of the half of the (leek they killed when they were hunery T .... .1.111.. - . .v. I was delictitcd nt that as mv mnnfpr I was net a rich man and the lese of his sneep weuiii up a lieavy blew te him. And I thought that would be tha finest kind of justice en the wolves, te mal.u them take the places of the ahecp they hud killed. ".h for you," said Fairy Der Star light beamlns upon me. "Yeu Bhnll have three wishes. Whether these wishes will mukc you happy or miser- ablu depends upon the wiRdem with , iviinii .uii nnn inem. KnvInL' this 'F.ilrv netr Stnrllpht pulled heirs from her tail nnd braided ' them into thiee circlets. These three. circieiH no iiiaceu nreunu my nec. "Each circlet Is n wIbIi," said she. "When you went te make, n wish, just break n circlet and threw it into the air. Your wish shall be -ranted that instant. Ooed-br, my friend! May your wishes bn wise!" v With that 1'alry Der Starllcht van ished with the lake and wild j-erden and den of silver. (What Daddy Der wIsIipb will be told in the next rhnptcr. What de you think his wlshis will be)? august 23, 1022 BEAL ESTATE TOB SALE NI'AV JKH1EV S1CASIIOIU2 TO Till! INVi:STOrt: A 4-famlly apartment hetiae, fir lehrtl last (prltm: up te date In eery particulars. each apartment rentalnlnu IMlT Atlantic no. Atlantic City, N. .T, Nine aateemen nnd nL'temebllea at jour pcnlce. . MHHM. ,, SPECIAL OFFERINGJ.riyjian Three larre California bungalows and two Colonial cettaRea are offered at coat prlcea until Hept. in They are In the center of n larRe reatrltlrd dial., w.th eery city eeuv.. Ideal for commtlterai the healthleat apet In .leraey, near rler; llnnncliiK iinniiKixl. lie ver I JIn d Ce. . rteverl y. N J. l'henej;., $500 Colonial Heuse WIW Modern eenvs : larse corner let: IS fruit nnd phnde tree: peultrv heuaej photo. I'KTRHS' fc SON.O08 ClfKST.N'UT ST..l'IHt.A AKI.lXflTOy IIKAPII JOIN bunraiew Club erwl'nrntRnt IJav 110 non. e inemniy. write fur plan nnu par- tlculare, M SOP, Ledger Office. CAMDEN CAMIH'N. lf.0. Nerrls at. 0 rma. and bath, perch, larite let: pea.j barr.i $3100. Illhl- ninirr, u. i.iuerxy mil., I'nila. l)cuai nyi'a IIADIKINPIKM) P1NI3 or, nepcrty, erv tenv, te train and trrlleja: In best oend rlate reef, Una shade and ahrubbery: screena nwnlnga nnd shades Incl. 'lbla prepert will bj aeld cheap, Telephone lIt.gdenflld 4U3 or Bnruce fll'20. RIVI'.KTOV COLONIAL HOUSE Tills attractive brick house. 10 room, and sun pirler. Is Just outside lh tewn: rural, jet net lenely: every cenvenl-nre. cnraBe, three-fourth acre: shade and fruit: photo. I i rj jjj.r- c ajstHJO JtlUii ISskj l e i a iiiha WEST COM.INflSWOOI) SLOAN AVI!. 24 -sty. frame dp.. Br.: 40x17.. ft. IUJI1Q; may terms: wen euui. nel.l.r.U, 3' in llndden ftV.,Colllngsweod.N.J, l'ARMS Near Phila. Geed Farm Heme I-ITnVtTCriTV ATTTn. e A Vt'.fll'.TA l.r.T-R llnlf .... Iinlnlnn. n. .. Ilnll f . fhlM.nMa. ...... ..... ,'..,.. ., IJ. u ......... v..u.,v..a. B,.0!ie, ducks, wulnea hens, rabbits: furniture anu eeruunK iei winicr in tom.eri; boeh money from poultry nnd weed, 11 acres till nee, close depot, village, roadalde market; npplea, pears, cherries, peaches, berries; comfortable 2-story heuae, cement fleer. Baraxe. poultry house, insurance $.1000: te tettle Immediately 2300 takea all: part caah. Hen pace 25-S, Wb barBaln catalog, free. STROUT l'ARJt AflKNCY. 11-221. Lard Title Hide . Philadelphia. Pa. PENNSYLVANIA FARMS FOR AN ESTATE I offer this beautiful 02 I acre farm nn nt,. Yerk rend nt llueltlnc- hnm. 27 miles from City Hall- delightful stone mansion house, prettily placed amid fine old ehnde trees: 14 rims. med. bath, h.-vv. heat, city gas nearly new med. dairy barn and futl complement of eiitbulldlmrs: running stream; pond, rich limestone aell: thn flntst farm In this fectlen, a real bar uatn ut $2.1,000 .1 CARROLT. MOLI.OY LJP?-ri't,iy??1'i.0"n,-"'ft-' 5?9-'' i ACRES Peiklemen Vnllev farm. "larBe i nuiiuings: a prncurai i,irin-i i .i.,.. ,,. -sort section at big town with railroad and all ether necessities, about $100 per acre. nuuuings a prncurai jariie i -i ....... n. . DROWN " CLOUD eiirreedeu b' . PI AVTHM I RROWM 41 E. MAIN ST N'orrlstenn IM. IIEAPTIPUL country home and dairy Term. 1 I nml fences In tine condition; $0j,000. J, I FRONEI IELU, wajne. i-u I.CTTiTACTIVE'nrm'and country home near Penllvu Millien, Finllsn. 1'a : nn acres, Including niuidew snrln: Htnllin .'nlnnlul lullse. ercharda etc.;! rms. and bath, 1 hnt.n.. inr bent, elec llghta modern hatha. ..hu etc., garage, barn and eutbulldlnga In geed condition- a real bargain for $12,500; quick possession if dealred II. J. DAQER. Ambler, Pa. 21 ACRES near trolley splendid 8-room dwelling with cenveniences: barn: this ene extra fine nnd can go le nimtu t.euu. UIIOWN & CLOUD CLAYTON L. BROWN 41 E. JIAIN ST. Norristown. Pa. 15 ACRES, suburban te Norrletewn: mac adam read: unusually neat buildings; 8 room stone dwelling, barn, fruit, etc : this ' Is a geed one nt mnierate price. HIVUVV. ft- V-ljUUiJ Succeed evl bv CLAYTON L. BROWN- 41 E. JIAIN ST. Norristown. Pa. 50 ACRES: first-class main reads, trolley, etc. nearb . Htibstantl.il atone buildings, farming community net ever 25 miles Phila Phila IdelphlaCl.yallPrlceOOO xiirc-C'lpJ bv CLAYTON L. BROWN 1 -UK. MAIN ST. ynrris.fmn, irn IRON ORE SECTION In Northern Cheater County, adjoining property upon which valuable ere mines h.ve been successfully operated for many venrs: 337 acres rolling land, with 12-room stene home, gravity I wute'r, uun'i'lnV:l0V 'an n-c!v.",!nc.'udam'.n?r-l right an unusmi nnpemmlt ' Jjl PRONEPIELD, Wayne. P. ! -NTL,,A':L.tT,V.:?.n,Y.-,?IlA.'1' ..- tenant nuuss, eiunu ijiii iur iv 120 ncrcs, 1'nest productive land en main highwnv. IU miles te City Hall; stream and woodland, fine sering house; I2-roem mansion house; 3 biths electrle Ilghte. 2 cettagca- large Btablx for stock. Can be tWARRENt'.M CORNELL. Hatboro, Pa. 50 ACRES fe.Tlle land. Hurklngham town ship 2 miles from Dovleatewn: county eeat of Ilueks count! geed Southern oxpeaure: 4 acres timber; evcrlaatlng water, fl-room stone hnute all necessary outbuildings; price, $7500; turns crera Included. Y. P. IlARNEb Owner Doyleatewn, Pa. rrj ACRES 7-ri'Oin house, barn, numerous " eutbulldlnns, errhard. spring water. H mile te town nnl facilities. Including 1 horse, cows chickens, machinery nnd all crepe; price. J4500, terms te suit. Get our catc lOgUe. c-.n-.-u n..l..l., T- llAI'l e. .'" "'? '"'"" ,. , kTacres '" mile te station- 7-room fra I 5-UlniJeftVy .outea?nP,lce,"$:47BO$l, I Oasn. cnn. cr I 11.,!,.. Yi. tram ,?00 WAnREXM.QR.ELL Hatboro. Pa. NKW .lKUlVrAllM MONMOUTH COUNTY POTATO FARM 140 aerea; modern equipment. Including tractor and truck, up-te-date house; geed buildings, a real farm K It JOHNSON, Engllshtewn. N. J. REAI. ESTATE TO EXCHAHQE PROPERTIES all lcretlcns, for exchange. Rerry. 1027 Real F.tate Tr Ride, Wal.1780 REAL ESTATE WANTED WE HAVE a demand for properties In all sections of the my: .0 11. i.irir.Ai-n,- iiience insuiip.h re l service. N K c('. 'fnh and Taa'ker sta Real estate, mortgage, insurance HAVE deinund for residences along Jlaln Line, L'jnwd. llala, list sour properties! and eeeu-e qnli k anle. . .... HUGH S. WALKER MV,ffc.?8ffte lIlMEDIATIi IIUYER for property at Wasne. Strafford or Deven: net ever $20,00, must liave at least 0 bedrooms and !! heths. i.nil lnire grounds. ROIIERT J NASH. 1214 Loeuit it. HAVE A'AIIIILE FUNDS (or geed Inveat" tnent property aa well as a demand for properties In all sections of the city, OEOROE R MERRILL, 10S7 Land Title llldg Spruce 7108. hemintf plant and pflvate entranca: Baa nhd , V" JT ,, S ' lyjcu.l np2fl. i ninmi iin nirinr nnn itn i n '. hiiii i int ii.-i eiee.: ahewlnir nn Inrnnm of iuuu per jour, w.........-.. TT'rT.e Teml-flttnelied Invcatluate this and ethtra that we Imve en IlAVi: llt'V III for corner or emine uc our Hat. 4 houae with btke iw i A'.ij at. WAllNKn M.NtJSAT. JH. filelphla.SAlKmilJMAIl.lIN..Lv. -"- RBAIiTOll ' liAViriitlYRllH for Reed Inveatment heile : : BEAL ESTATE WANTED. NTi:D-0n"'i'eariy le.ire...8Tnemdtached house. Reed conumen, "" Ti, itlll. Mt and Bnrace, acrmnlnii. h nut I". gfc Alr! near primary, school. C H3t.i.eacry vircA5ninMi lhl Ptererty for you n house, geed condition, Winw,""" 'i: nmwhern In Pill adelpllia JIAUTI.V. (I N, 42d at. - WtJUU"T.lIn "te 10'nmunlMte with people who bae from $50 te $10(10 te lneat in real estate P 412. I.edRrOf flee. , HOUriT:flwnr7ted iTt "once Em era waltlnff. neJii: iieai.ty co. non wjiey Camden, NJ, Pheno 3iUJ. ivp trv siii.Ij your property .iuickij. ItarnSi " Areola-. 518 N.OSlth -t. Uclment WANTKD -Apartment neuses, w. h-'.",' size: send pnrtlc. Itelnhart. 1524 Chestnut. REAL ESTATE FOB BENT ," riTV . 1118 HOMKIlVliT.i: AVK.-rerner house 3 , stery: stone Rarnpei practically new. r-. cellent nekhborheod and 3 JVr,1,.n?n,nVct train: jcarlv lnse$13e per month, ln-peci day or evenlnK. IIOI1T. . HAJIIL.re.i, ltreid and Seme-vllle aye. 2017 CIIKSTNUT ST. Will niter J"1.0 "n3 en itreund floer: upper floors new- arranfteu for 0 modern npartmenta and bains. II, AI.KXANDI.n veat i;nu i ruai i-i.-n, 258 P. 18TH ST. Modern dwelllnKI, comer .nrliu at. AIj:-.ANn,l West P.nd Trust llldg 1310 VtNKSirvVTORY DA YLIOI H ALUEIIT OL'KI.L. 2P"i WRST ENn niuai reniiiii, ttrnvB.m. HOMES and. apartmenls for rent. W. I.. IUTnt tl-roem heu-ernnd bais h.-w. heat. elec. up te date. Call 2015ederal- ' Alan kec nilvcrtlKenicnU 111 Inrce type In prreedlnB leliinin Slerra nnd Dwelllnsa 4lH7u7:!MANT0WN AVI!. Lnrg" ste.e and 2 rooms, m.i iter iiieniu ,. .w.. MER. 4421 Cermnntevvn nve, , inns PARRISH 8 rms and store; rent 40, ""f l CRAVEN'S SONS. 211111 Columbia. Rnalneaa rreperttes nnfl lrf STORE en f.'Jil St.. close te "I." sta . : geed location for heatity parlor. Charles E. W1I- i.N:J.V. cerft0th and Sanaem sta. Par tnrlee., Wnrehensee. Mennfwe tursng Floers 6800 SQ. FT. 1 -STORY BLDG. V E SECTION, 4JxlflO power, heat and llEht Included with -ent. null hosiery or tex- "''R'"!? TOCv"sFy"3l Se 12th st. 3-ST0RY CONCRETE-BUILDING CONTAINING 00 000 SO IT. FLR. SP CE WITH IL R. SIDING INTO RUIMHNO irrtOAD S.T. NEAR NORTH P!III. STA'N (l-reney. Dillen. Pjand.rs HIdB Ac 2018 FOR RENT rnleniea.JlexP.-12l .Lj"I'-erqTiLP CONCRETE basement fleer, 12 000 sq. ft.: 1 "ri from City Hall: line ofLVe or salea salea salea roem: rleht off the street: lw.atll.-lit. power. elevator" LASHKR.HiN.1.0tliit. FACTORIES. "WAREHOUSES' or fleer space Herbert. Rlc.HulleilnRI.f. Sru-slll8 A l'A.'TOnY."vvnrchoiTe and fleer specialist. ' Alse see nd-crtlscmenta In larBc tjpe In nreeeiling le.nmna. Garnrea ... - 2IST ST. -Twn-atery brick. 20x181 te'r'ear street; 127-2n Woodstock, for 11 ESTET HLDO DESIRAHLE OFriCF.S. RENT TIEA-ONAIILE ALL .lin'.siDK; APPI.T E3TEY lLDG,, 170! WALNUT ST, i 0v 4711 st. alert. r-hentellt Three InrcA nf. ic, available. Fer particulars nddresa I' ,ee ledger Offlpe ...... - ----- .. , nvr.v 1 dealrnble store left In the new buildings at 22:1-223 S 17th '. Apply owner, i.i n. am st. .none ijmiiaru auu. JBURD RLDO.. Bth and Chestnut Dratrabla eayngni eniccs. jwviv iu ipennienani. Bsmuel T. Hall. S. W. cer. 17th h Ttien pi 001 WALNUT ST. Entire. third fleer, cerT- HlstlnB of 2 rooms eflOOO snuire feet. Estate of David Jt Hess. 004 Walnut st. DOCTOR'S OFFICE FOR HENT, 1014 S. l-read at.. I'l.un. DESIRABU: business room, 13x21 it : light heat: teas, rent te right party. 14 S. 8d, CENTRAL OFFICES, geed lights: reason a hie. Willis-Winchester Ce.. 2B S. 18th it SPACE In or part of office. Franklin H, Bplt7er & Ce., 1500 Venango at. Alan see iidTertlscinciiN In large type In prrcedlng columns. I.OOAN 1418 BOMKRVILLK AVE. Cemer heu. fl V Uryj Pten Rftrftj?-: practically new et T A.1ast -nnl irtitvitt fm fl nrl ! mis) llnaa awn 4 L-HIITI.k -iFsats. . ..usa .-.,- u iu tllltji BHUl train: yearly lease $150 pee menth: Inapeet duy or evening. ROUT D. 1IAJIILTON. Rread rnd Srrr ervllle ave MOUNT A1RV MODERN detached stene dwelling. 0 bed. rooms 2 marble baths car garage: near trains, trelless and schools vearly lease, $175 per me Thcne Tlegn 3732. rERN ROCK bTORES, apsrtnenta H Hepe. 5004 N Rread st. vVvninlra 4537 FRANKrORD PILLING ST.. 4000 bleck: med. B rms. and bath: garage: large let- rent $100. Agent en prem or Drehv Evans. 1007 Lincoln Rldg PF-sN'-YI.VANIA SUnURRAN ONTWO-YEAR LE SE, te rerpenalhle fain. Ily, comfortable home, cenv. te city; de tached, 10 rms tew furn. If desired- elec; large lawn: shade C 834. Ledger Office. IIHYN JIAWP. THREE STORY. 10 rms., 2 baths; garage: Ideal for rooming heuae: immediate poss. OEO. M. AJIAN'S SONS, 1218 Chestnut it. Alse see ndt-crtlseinenta In large type Ic rtTecedlcir celllllins rF.NXSliXVANlA FAtTiS U. B. BOl'I.P.VARD, cer. Rhawn 100-acre farm, heuse, bnrn. Implements, etc. Kdalataln A Ilernateln. 2 15 S 15th at NORFOLK. VA. Weelneas Properties and rtqrea ITOR RENT (as a whole) for ratal! ooou eoou oeou pancy. stere building. In prebahly the meat prominently located block In Norfolk, Vi. consists of cellar nnd 3 floors above; dimensions of each fleer approximately 17 x80: poacesslen January 1 next. Address "Owner." Jt 520 ledger Office CALIFORNIA I,os Angels LOB ANOELES Our fastest growing city remained the one white spot of the country during recent da da presslen; possibilities unlimited; ideal weather conditions makn maximum amount of business dayj In tar. An Ideal location for rent en beat retell blnnlc en llreadway. between Ism n .1.. largest department stores and opposite ene u. v ,-.-- ........... r,.,r. uj, ul naal cannot be beaten for women's wrur nr Juve nlle, about lS.OOn square feet; 4 floors 1111 1 basement, possession tliln fall, iu year leuse W. A HEITMAN CO. REALTORS Merrill llulldln Les Angeles, Culjf, . ' TOR RENT FTJRNISHETi PENNSYLVANIA s Pliy iyiAN I.WhDOWNi: WJ'.J iKNT V,".1" .""'hea"ra'7oemdB". tached heme: 2 bathrooms; large ian .Vi let. located en w I lest ami" meat tautTftU street In Lansdovyre: beniulful suburban surround nga. Mirv ens. 10,1V u,'i-rean lM 518, Ledger Office. r ln0' By Arch Dale V . MORTGAGES If . rUND-i Vn .r.Vff.?S .W.ANTAMqtlN-T V iitiiiaiui ! 1 1 Pj at fi.iT II'JII.DINO ASSOCIATION MONTr DMPSKY CO.. 27 S. 10T1I n? WE REPRESENT n pt thb larraaTbuliehSVS and lean awoelntleVi- and dlre p.i.L"..vi liens for first, secetild nnd split m,,ti. ?1 in any section or the c ty or suburbs ""VJ W1LI.1AJ1 JAJIK3 ItnOfJlt: t.ZndTifi. rJk iItM.irTtnw .... i "meTuaV. fund."-"""'' "" n "M' MAGEE! & R0DGERS HOP IxK-ust st. Phene Spruce nnM. , 10T. 2D AND SD MTOS., ANT AMOttw rrijiiiu.iu LU. 2x S. J7TH ST, RACI MONET FOR FIRST AND RRCOVlTsrnii . . .'i.Asnt,K A-1" SMALL AMOUNTS ' ALLtlN & HttD . .""."nnl, MAUIHCn I.TCIITMAN. bulMera'Tdvl-T.S J - l,eal.1 S" eiultlea; unlimited ralw KJff Colonial Trust tlldg.. 13th and m"".."""' HAS our mortKnBe been called"? H7r for first nnd second mortgage, en nVSf 11. ii, w.MiTH. hop iv. Kris nve. " AIU.-4ISY nt once for first, second TimirTt""" mnrirni7n ii nmi t. ,. . - rult.s. Iirv lnr. nudnlph, 201 N. nfeid aiT VERY DEHIRAin.n P jer cenrflMr. ...-...-..,.., ,,,,,, , -4Pi 11 inn-IB nnUC " j'cr cent nrst merf. era' mnrt. '"" kukes; nil nnme owners' mnrtear. . AI1ERNr!THY. 132S CheVtnS' iiAvn .i-vKt. t in; rr: ..- 132R Cheatnut ' )J.n rcvnnAL $2fK)0 and $2300fa: for ceed first mnrtBages. ,,n uji(NljTllY, 1328 Chestnut V. It HALL -. SON! 4'1MN.Tt-ILLL?fJ. first tnnrtf-nirasn "". i-l charges. Fred T. Lewis. BliMAr?i. KS.1 - - ' UM. .seu iu jiiihq mi: no pem. ioe TO J1O00 lat: no com., will trad.? ' .11. .1! Prel Ce.. no N, Vpr 2.,,' J LDO. ASS'.N MTOES.-jTeli7r--TrTSr!' HLDO ASS'N JITOES. Jl6derntrTir- R. A. Davles. 1420 Chestnut it. Hpr ifji' nvncu! rr in ....... ' Z '""I FUNDS 1st and 2d Phlla. nndj"7--r' mtge. 8, T. Lynch. 112 S nth Hpr. tS, At-e km nilvertlsciucnls In lanfe (TBi" PreredlnB rntumns, pt' APARTMENTS THE M0NTEVISTA 0311 AND OXFORD STS EFFICIENCY APARTMENT. One of the most Imposing nnd subitts, IIIbI. elevntldn, seml-auburban. an M..t location In the exeluslve Overbroek sscilea. w-llhn 23 mlliutea of Cltx. Hall Ma MV at. elevated nud 03d st. cfoastewn lln. " New nddlllen Juat completed centalnlse apartmer.ta haylnB a capacity of 3 re8 bath and kitchenette: nil medrn . appoint. meiita: dining-room serlce; menla option.! ELEVATOR SERVICE upuen"' leiepiione wvcrnroeK POOR 1! ',. COLE. JIANAQER ATfRACTIVE APARTTvJENtT 2.11-53 ft 17TH ST. Just completed; 3 story; modern In everr ri. spePt, partkularly hemelike: heuaektet and bachelor. Apply owner, 13J 8 4th Phene, Iximhard 3JI0. ln ATTRACTIVE APARTMENTS N. W, rer. Lllh K Mnntae'-ierv nve. rrif L CRAVEN'S SON'S 20"! ('elmmdaav,. , . 'I HE LATHAM 17th nmrWiilmJT-Smi rooms. Including 2 baths nnd maid's qtitN ters, furnished or unfurnished, from Sent. 1.1. P 330, Ledger Office. " COI.UMlllA AVE. Apt.. S roema andTith'. hrwd firs., elec: med, In every reteset! ""ir Parle 20 mln from crnter of city: rut! Dnvld Serh-r. 1H3 Lincoln Dlde.ruce 75j! WAINPT ST -Select neighborhood pTw Rlttenhei Siiunre nnd 20th at , b".-.utlfiil 2 nnd .1 room npta., Ii -w, floors, will fgrn. ti Milt If iecsi,nry Phene Preston 3.112, 10TH AND STRUCE vie, -AttractlTeTaTJft, menta. 4 roemi. bath, private home. Br. Ing 18.1 W BACHELOR'S APARTMENT Twe reami nnd tl!l bath, het-wntcr beat, eleetrfc light rent, ul Phene Sprilpe O2O7-020S 4.il4 ciikstnpt ST Apartment 401. I I rooms and bath: Immediate pesseulMi ll tf".i .'.-i iin'mii ietun unm .11, 202(1 LUCI'ST ST Twe rooms with hata,, A I' Ilreun 31P Lincoln Hldg. Snr. 7s. WEST PHIL ADKLIIIl HAP.INO, 3.112 Cerner, elegant apartmmtii "1-2-3 rooms, private baths; $75 te tilt) flreplaces, hardwood throughout; Iirft lierchea and greundH. rreatnn 2043 JI. HITH AND WALNUT STS. V'C Nletlt' furnished, housekeeping, 5 reim nrd bith, perch; hcvnrnl ether., furn. am! unfurn. . G C MELT ON ft CO . 30 S 40th rl " ALRERT APARTJIENTS, 012 S. 40th Stir rooms, bath and Inclesed perch; first floer: most attractive: $123. TAYLOR srv, jf S. 40th st. L 4601 CHESTER AVE. Twe meet nttracth-l, rnnniH and handsome bath with hn- etc: first fleer; resulnr npartment heu-e: $7$. Tavler : Sen 27 S 40th at. APARTJIENTS en 521 Ft., close te ,' tta. tlcn. Chirlea E llllams, X. W corn cern 20th and Sansom sts. Spruce 4305. 4-ROOJt-AXP-I3ATH npt. JIagen ReiJuen, 1200 Ixicuat. Spruce 0207-0201 C.ERJIANTOWV QTN. Meet desirable apt , flr nrd tilth! near train nnd trelley: beautiful surretinJ InBs: every comfort and cenv David Serber, 0 1 8 Lincoln Rldg. Thene Spruce 7258. GTN. 10'l W. Cl.ellen ave,- eimllrht inn : Inrge rooms, single or en suite, heu-.el.etp- ln WAYNE AVE. nnd Walnut la.. S. W rer. Jled n etn ; beaut loc : cenv. te P n. II. Station. Drebv & Evnna. Lincoln Rldg. $.10 JIODERN. P rma. light nnd nir4 nldasj prlv. res hldg.; upper Otn Ph Gtn !4, B158 PULASKI AVE. Apt., fr. bath, stm. ht . all cenv a.- reaa, Wvem 8adl J. TENNSYTVANIA .lltHURIIAV ATTRACTIVK. 0 rooms, medrrn.Iarge perebi central, het water: leflnlshtd: $75 OiTtn. -ansdewne i-n lansdewnp: CHOICE hskpK. npt. In modern apt. bldi- I roemn. private purcn; cenv. te iransperia tlen: $123 menth: yetirlv lease; adult family. 11 X l.anadewne nve Phene Linsdewtis 108 "Alse see nflvrrtlsements In large (nn li nmrnfllnv enlltmns. HOTTSEKEEPINO APARTMENTS ' 348 S, 10TH Twe bedrooms, living reera. fining room. l,"chen nnd bath: ISO month. Locust 2.121, SPRUCE ST. near 15t!i Toe very Itrn roema, ba.Ui nud kitchenette, unfumlihei, Whltg.ade JlcLenah.m, 15th and Pins, TWO rma", bith i. kitchen, eien flreplacsil 2200 Pine; 1ilnil $P1- corner bullalnf. WI.ST PlHI-Dhf.rHlA CHESTNUT ST . COR. 30TH ST. FITS rooms nnd bath: ln,dy wishes te share blf furnished housekeeping apartment with 1 of 2 ladles; enu tired of hotel or married ceupli, business people preferred, finest location. JI 610. ledger Office 1 TeT"WAI.NUThT. (UKTlI-ALt.y.N'HJ or 2 rooms, with bath, well equlpredi fultf serviced .. tiV-ti 1AIO .llriarn O rnfiTlfl kltchemlW and' tnti", $70 nre'nth. LecatJ2l. "" NFAV JERSEY Sl-SH.K WIIJJWOOD Wi'LDWOOD CREST Three and 4 rneta mm M. RemiM 1 ". P.. Hand ave, nn.rfmntui iiniii: iinni ,,,..... ..... APARTMfENTS WANTED YOU ARE INVITED te list your vacant r tn-be-vaennt npttrtmrnta vvlth the SMI we."l Art ABencv. 1X31 Walnut at.; pbenj hiiruce.sV.O0. It Is qulte Impossible Ire requirements of our many applicant! .,.u.... . ,.,.r henrtv ro-eneratlon. . . ITNPUHNISHED apartment. 1 room, ;.-$. nett" and private bath: electricity: Vl Philadelphia prcferred; state price. J " Ledger Office APARTM1TPTL THE GLADSTONE 11TTI AND PINE STS. ABSOLUTELY FIREPROOF APARTMENTS. FURNISHED. UNFUBTf LONQ AND SHORT TERM LEABM THE DELMAR-M0RRIS I W. Chelten ave. OERMANTOWN, ,. I 20 MINUTES TO RROAD ST. STATIOJ Hetel or unfurn aultea, heniekeeplnf ! HOTEL COLONIAL "i'Hifl? RUJIMER RATES,, C PITJIAN RAKP.n. J. -snrt. 1 :.. r ... . . ,,T.7t.t nn.i u,i.i Walnut-- Tin; niiaiiin.ii"", - --... , - Furnished, '.' rooms ana -in "" i,;jL and bath, maid service and linen incu.- I'hnne l.nctist 3182 r-j iTiUEL M'SSE.V. 1312 Walnut st A '" hotel centrally located; clean and con" lent, very reasonable daily and wlil HOILL HAMlilON. 13S4 Walnut st of llreid)--A quiet conservative ' J"" trn.itif.illv furnished and well conduct"' . I.KC.AI. AIiVKUTIHK.MI.NTH - liS-pi 'iii.ici and c'Nrr.riiiMW l' Stere. Nnlliiin (lelUlurg snd W""J Ida wife lit PJI Dlnlt.enil a... I 'Mln.; J '" taken ever bv Snmufl Hnelniiin "Vn.i Ali his wife en und nf'cr Aug. 28. "'lli,, cndlt.rH pi t th. 11 bills before tb 1 " JOHN I I LRNrt AKent400 N .In "- is - .ii'iii.i( notice m iiP.P.i'iiv Vr.i'i 'Sj ,........lrl 1 Iml r"'.-! his ilgar atera at 143 W.J-hlli e."j5 nera are requeiteu te auunui " the Jaeeek -tmrMa Kaelti' Ce, wi.u. menrj. 1st 2d: nulek nctlen. EiKSr , 'g-g'J'-'jL Estate Tiuat llldg. Waln.ttiTlV. MONEY Pell GOOD pIrst 10llTn"Tsl5 '' W1I.1.1S.WINCHKSTP.R CO.SmjI ."fL0'1- , I'UNDS for flraf tnnriirnni; -rri "JJ tap. ae M & -v i ttl