wmmmmwmsmmmmmmmmMmw mwzmfimmm$$m i iMrt.imTm.'fap&i&i-Ht '. K" -iWV 'vetk.;: t 4f .' - f- fWff1 " I parcel pest jlBi&fef VaK. Solitaire, Set in Solid NO Pliti- RED titan TAPE NO DELAY HAND CARVED UK WHITE GOLD W MOUNTING. THE RING OFFER EVER MADE. Hint e( II itTta fcrllliiet itKlblaegeBnlef dlsnesd-smaiita1 it itcrtl preceu in itlllef el SOLID PLATINUM set se closely together that only close Inspection will distinguish Itfremn lJ-iKEelltalrc TEN DAYS' FREE TRIAL Toe lilt no cStnce If It I net satisfac tory at thecnd of ten days, or It you can duplicate this genuine diamond miff In any jewelry store for less than $76 00, joardfpeiilHlllljtrtlunileJ lo,eo. Send enl, 2.00 and thn ring gees te jeu In a dtnilieine (lit box, cliarici prtld. AltEalpusruntoe l"nd as te quality and value nccempanles. each rinp;. Altc r ten-day trial pay balance, J4.G 3 a month, for ten months. Prlce only J 18.50. j FREE ROYAL BARGAIN BULLETIN ILLUSTRATES AND DESCRIBES OVER (00 SPFCIAL OFFERS IN DIAMONDS, WATCHES AND JEWELRY WHICH WE ARE MAKING THIS MONTH FROM OUR JZ.OOO.OOi) STOCK. SENT FREE I Address Dcpt. 605. Estab, 1895 .;Vita;ixJn TODDLE $1 .35 DRESS I SAVE 50 Thin new and popular "innnwr frnrk nf email rhlnts rnticrn cr tnntic In rose, blue or chid, vi ran or jollew, with block satin ttm mliifr and u rash. Anv slrn Han pnpul-vr enetlan neck and stlt sleevei td-nl for home and l"ir.lcn, sport or beach "m Send dress te vnur home for J1..T., Pared rest 10c extra Mention fllze and WITTINGTON DRESSMAKERS Woodbury, N. J. Walsh Magneto Break Timer Fulll) CKS. IKLCKS AND IKACIOI'.S 1 emplctelv over comes all timer tieuhle 'I he con st int malt and the clean break of the "W A I. H" Chen nil individ ual m 11 e n t e break te e a r 'i c 1 I I n d 0 r thit cauc u cleun. strong, het. tut sinrk thu,s Insur ing nn cihv start ntul a smooth tunning meter. The rellern .11 e of high - grade fiber operating en u steel cam. TMs Is friction proet and I'AXIJJTED uki-i 1 renuires no oil. ll'ei,. w. BViTf.e ni'KNlMtVAI.ill. INC. I'hlln. Ofilee. 127 N. lOlli t. REUPHOLSTERING of the Uighcr Grade Rtrenstruulng. Itellulshlnis Your Old i'arler 1-urnUure lJriuaJ te new. SPECIAL prices durimi ArciUhT. . New Living-Roem Furniture latest stvles. In beautlfull, deslttned Tapestries. Velours and .Veluilr-f'lushes te erdei ni inamiiarmrers' pricei. Bedroom and Dining Roem Furniture ,,, REFIMxllF.I) AND POLIHIIF.n Ullalng. Palntlnc nnrt Hardwood Finishing D0119 by r.Xfart .Mechanics. Hlln Covern Made te Order. WOKKMANMUl' (iUARANTEEO Esttmatea Klven cheerfully en requeat. Quaker City Upholstering Ce. tgmh"l iri.'.B gOO-Zna Chentnnt fit. Geed Werk Lew Prices We tmarnntr you atliifnctlnn and Pninleis Dentistry At I.euent rvl'ent In Thlln. nillnitii. 50c tt Dr. Hyman '.Mil S. Market and nrnnrlien HOME VICTOR WATER HEATER v I (ll( (I.M. new prim iie innst,int mip. fly. "I '1 no i-ulnni i lt raillnteri tee 'I'mre It nnibinc 1 m h." c"d ""enil for llenl M infiti f sichk, nirnai.H . 1 I'minerlv mHe 1, 'ih, 1 brandt A. McDevietl s. tn ,0 Rmi Steve & Feundrj Ce. ',;. 'M !.. riiiin. leiiiiilrt Cnniilen, N. .1. - ", About Same Meney en Dla "nil','ind .)evrlrjT Rntrn U i. HuIIu'h I'iuviihIiep. 004 Vine ni. unnara te til CltJ. We your old A-! fjnsnu mide new P1 et J our Service .'"'KN. lb, ,,.. "m,,t.st..pi, ;. T.OQ11 a t. ' : !2P-. " "llll one II ' ' '"' ene """i tWO n Ne ij ,.",,', y working m.in. Sunday. BAU List .T '-"i!- iiJinU1 A.c,ntulnlnr e.r , " "luck I"lvellnc bag, SL'funtihB ' p, ,rk r,ni! ",',plrel en "mail t y2JLW, ' "'ward. Phene We Vhl,.. '' Leit. BOM brienl.l 1 ..,UM ward"" l0",a . "'d as gift Libera . Wsymlngiav. ,ru""'' 5-0U N Bread at ,,r; "e nri ,f a. r'a,",Q tePPer", no col cel Ml Huren-.' V.luris".'u ,'," "Prlnnlleld ue 'tenieiinut'lllii ,-V".rU""' ''"""'I'l'la' U9? L'iSt III,. ., T'. .7T-- ... "r Ceiii.iv u;,. ,r"'. """ """ W' i't-tre i ij ,,n,ift"'V, Veiitmir tans, from VJSii ifberal TT, ,u,,?,,1',y A .Jl" KTJTi i . jewiud IMmni. Ajjlniere P4ri l4 unKJli'lmS: .!!R.k'i?- 'UV , Bn; IOiiiiK'1 . nu. te Helen M - - " ' " iiiiiiii -jiun, jffl &m 17 J IBS) i'' wl $2S! " ! " llllllll-jlUll, J ft' I .v.ru upWwn, tlunewSSr ' HELP WANTED FEMALE J3(tSKJFPVii','ina nil office hlpj mint n.;- . "' """"i. Appiy at once, iivv 0783 ftV0" or plxone Chestnut Hill C1iM.!";nMAID. ftnd e"mlrei wanted; email family. Apply 8902 Walnut t. . CLdinKa .??!.. VS. Bev',r.-1 vacancies for clerical uPl!Ser''- jT2 "-""'"y ou must write a legible hand and be nulcft at fHurci. Apply Em Em plejment Uurau, fourth fleer. 01MIJEL. BHOTHElta " CJfEniCnrliiht girt under 80 te operate ir,,,V,riro.uJ',n8,a'5ul',er! '' "' cehcerrl, llread and Chcatniit eta.: state age, echoel- ...-,, -h. iu iiMiiiuiuni vaiary uettiree. AQ. dree Calculater. 1. 0, nux jRi, fHlla. HAT THIM.Mr.lt wanted, one who u under- 1. Ak. atanin rnppinir leathers In by hnnd. ply Henry M. Vest, S525 N. liread St.. eec- nnonear. IIOUBEKEKPEn. assistant. In large Inatl . tu!n: un -0: state experience In Jianflllnsr help, salary expected. P 484, lydger Offlcer LADY MUSICIANS wanted for production. Phuhert Theatre nidi;, 1 ri. n neceseary. Apply 209. Mii.i.jNnnR The rrankel Millinery Shoe requires experlnced milliners. Apply per" nenally next Friday. Aug, 2B, corner Frent and Dauphin ts. SALESWOMAN STATIONEJIT flood opening for an alert yming woman who has had experience In relllnc school sup plies as well as social utattenery. Apply Bureau of Employment WANAMAKEIVS SALESWOMEN, experienced, wanted for our ready-te-wear department; geed salary and commiHsien, epiemiid cnance rer auvanee menti state full details. r oe. Ledger Oft. BTENOartAPHEn lirlaht, active single woman. 21 te 30. with at least 2 or 3 ears' exp, with large mercantile concern; must be uble te take dictation quickly and transcribe notes accurately: ntate age, schooling, exp. and minimum salary desired. Address Stcneg.. P. U. Pox 7S1. Phlla. STENOGRAPHERS Fer engineering nnd aalei departments, large manufacturing plant, Kensington.' Pheno Kensington 0000. STENOGRAPHER Preferably one ever 20 cers of age, able te take thoroughly rapid dictation nnd transcribe notes ac curately: permanent positien: modern te sal ary te start- ceed opportunity for advance mrnt. I' 120. ledger Office. . STENOGRAPHER. experienced, for Uv oftlce: etate experience, qualification and aalnrv expeeted. P 135. Ledger Office. STENOGRAPHER, exp.. high school grad grad uite, bke 2 te 30 jears. Pret., by hlBh- B ra On preg, firm, cen. loc C 011, Led, off, STENOOItAPHLR who Is exp. and quick at calculations; Ic-irners need net apply. Phene Oregon I IIP. STRONG WOMEN TO DO , I'AOKINO rplni and beuie-furnlshlngs goed: packing rooms located en upper floers: best of work Ins conditions. Apply Empleyment Dureau fourth fleer. GIMIfEL HROTHERS IR'Ai'lIER Grndn tacner wlshin a morn desirable position wanted September 1: n position reqtilrlnc mere and paying mere C 831 Ledger Otflce. TELEPHONE OPERATING AN EXCELLENT OPPORTtJNtTT FOR YOUNG WOMEN BETWEEN IK AND 2:.. EXPERIENCE UN-NF.rE'-HARY: 1ALARY PAID WHILE LEARNING. THE TRAINING COURSE Is SHORT AND THOROUGH. THE WORK IP CLEAN AND AT IRACTIVE, THE SURROUNDINGS PLEASANT. MEAL'! SERVED AT LOW COST. SICK BENEFITS. APPLY TO MISS STEVENSON THE BELL TELEPHONE COMPANT 1011 ARCH STREET TRIMMER Lame lelall millinery store re quires tin- "enlces of u tlrst-ulasa trim mer with t'tensle retail experience; apply by letter; please state experience, where last impleM'd nnd snUrv expiated; long stasen. I 427 Ledger Offite WOMEN nt "OJ Vnnilam Bldir., 1001 Market at , ' "HI Interview women v Ith a lilenslnv personality nnd some executive abil ity who wish whole or part time emplov emplev ment. Apply between 10 and 12 A. SI. or 2 and 4 P. M.. Yeu may be displeased wlh rur pieecnt position and thla step mnv b the tuinlnc point In your life; all npnllcant" must be eer 25. no special experience Is p,.r esuarv (ieneraV Hl'SINEHS SERVICE CO . 1114 Lend Title; Htene . clnrka: typists; tl0-2.1. GIRLS wanted; Govern, positions; $130 msj.s many rscanc si examinations Aug te Sept t Oct. Write for pos. open. P 1431. L. O. HELP WANTED MALB ABLE-BODIED MEN BLACKSMITHS BOILERMAKERS CAR REPAIRMEN CAR INSPECTORS MACHINISTS WANTED FOR PERMANENT POSITIONS PENNSYLVANIA RAILROAD 1023 FILBERT ST. ADVERTISING ASSISTANT wanted: experl iiKeil In machine line preferred: must be thoroughly .".perlenced with cuts, en ur.ilni;s printing, etc.; also be able te phutecraph, make prints, retouch, etc.; geed eppinunltv for bright young man- In reply Htate fulls experience, age, also lowest sal nr xitcteil M rU7 Ledger Office ARE Yeu wllilns: te work hard for real miirfm" With us our possibilities are unlimited pteildlri; sour habttH and per sniullty are geed, thin opportunity Is un utual In Its plan and remuneration, Address M V.'l Ledger Oftlcn AITOMOIULE SALESMAN If you suit Us we will start ou out Immediately te enrn mere by 15 per cent thun ou are being paid at preset t In u preposition that hss the rnist mlessal pemilbllilles of any business ! en cculd new enter, don't be ft free adver tising medium fereer jour prospect with us In absolutely saf from uny competitien: we want n man who Is actively engaged as hii nuloniebila salesman new, or the man who linn spent H jenrs or mere In this par ticular line. Fer Intel tlew see Mr, Coul Ceul Coul beuine. s"ind fleer, 1H33 Market st. BLACKSMITHS WELDERS BOILERMAKER- MACHINISTS WANTED bucnn tents n hour for S hours, time and half overtime Call New Yerk Central Rail road, 800 Snubert Bldg , 230 S. Bread at. IiOOKlil'EI'ER, experienced Burroughs oper ator; must be capable double-entry book keeper and n-t merely a posting cleric geed opportunity for energetic and cartful per son te cenueit with progresses manufanur Irg peiirern uptown P 414. Ledg.r Offles BOILERMAKERB BLACKSMITHS MACHINISTS AND CAR REPAIRMEN WANTED JOHN GOLL A COMPANY CONTR ICTORS 1621 ARCH ST. ASK VOR MR. JONES BOY wanted. 17 te 20, te learn salesman. shlpi must be geed talker and net afraid of hard work. Apply evenlngj this week, start- , VfHav it h.... Y,SS l U . SIMM in. $x b. i: tO, . (1 w VENIN PUBLIC LEDGEBPHILADELPHIA, WEDNESDAY, HELP WAWTBD MALB BOILERMAKERS AND BLACKSMITHS WANTED FOR PERMANENT POSITIONS PENNSYLVANIA RAILROAD 1023 FILBERT 1ST. DOT wanted, exp furn. store. V i. ever 10 years, In house 433, Ledger Office. BOT8 IT AND 18 YEARS OF AOB FOR ORDER FILLING, WRAPPING AND PACKING IN OUR MERCHANDIfln DB- EJTi!STi...T"EHB positions of. FEIt OPPORTUNITIES TO ADVANCE! NO UAi-ffiiMuxcu NECESSARY. . SEARB, ROEnUCK AND CO. 4040 R06SBVELT BOULEVARD BOYS. 18 years, leather factory. ?.n.28v wn. in sole - quo, ieeger uinee. CAllI'KNTBiiH. 40, wanted. Apply Kersten State constructing Ce.. DelawSre av an! Itflcfl n't CHICAOO AND NORTirWESTBRN RAILWAY Is In need of the following MACHINISTS BOILERMAKERS BLACKBMITII8 Wsges and working conditions prescribed br the United State,, Lnbjr Beard, effectl"! July 1. 1022. will be applied. "" Experienced men performing 80, days' mils factory service will be furnished return transportation te their homes if desired. An excellent opportunity for young and energetle men te engage In railroad work. Transportation will be furnished, Apply at once te S44 WIDENETl BLDG. Philadelphia. Pa. or 1614 Arcb st. CHINA PACKER Openlnr for thoroughly experienced china packer Apply Bureau of Employment WANAMAKER'S CLERK, nbeut 2e, with some experience en credit desk work; excellent opportunity for bright fellow who likes this work, la a geed writer and anxious ta succeeed with large manufacturing cencern: state age, school ing, experience and minimum salary. Ad dress Credit Clerk, P, O. Bex 7B1, Phlla. COST CLERK Yeung man who has had nctual experience In compiling and analyz ing manufacturing costs; permanent position with real opportunity ter advancement; rest denca in West Chester required. Address Hix 57. West Chester. Pa ELEC1RICAL FOREMAN, exp. en pole line construction and maintenance; state exp. and salary wanted. P 332. Ledger Office. FOREMAN wnntid by s. large manufacturer of staple and fancy leather goeds: one capable of taking entire charge of factory employing 200 hands and doing the purchas ing of all materials: must have A-l refer ences' trhe all particulars In answering. M MA, Public Ledger, 800 Madisen ae.. New Yerlt City. reuiJAiAK wantea, a flrst-clase machine room foreman for large case goods factory ,., ..luiaiin; una tun nuunn WUOQ WOTKina machinery, and hew te get production anJ quality. Address M. 523. Ledger Offlre FURNITURE FINISHERS Geed opening for finishers en fine furniture. Apply WANAMAKER'S WAREHOUSE N. E. cer. 22d and Washington avs. GREAT NORTHERN RAILWAY PERMANENT RAILWAY JOBS THE GREAT NORTHWEST MACHINISTS BOILERMAKERS BLACKSMITHS BHEET-METAL WORKERS COACH CARPENTERS CAR REPAIRERS OOOD WAGES TIME AND ONE-HALF AFTER HOURS AND FOR SUNDAYS ATD HOLIDAYS FREE TRANSPORTATION APPLY TO L. H. VAN CAMP 4l FINANCE BLDO. PHILADELPHIA, PA. HALFTONE COLOR ETCHER and finisher wanted; union shep: permanent position; state salary and experlenee. M 514, Ledger Office LABORERS. LABORER (WHITE) FOR TRACK WORK IJ60 PER DAT DTRAKJHT TIME. RAIN OR SHIMS FREE TRANSPORTATION BOARD ADVANCED CALL AT C. R. R. OF N. J FREE EMPLOYMENT OFFICB 138 NORTH 15TH STREET LEVER MEN WANTED ON 2BOO-POUND Ilie.MKN'T.NILEH STEAM iritfiLu . fl(X)D WAGES: hTEADY WORK. 4.PPLY 'i'ANN i SAUL STEEL CO.. 51(1 COM MERCE ST., I'HILA.. OR ROYERSFORD I PENNA. I LOCAL REPRESENTATIVE OUTSIDE" Sound and permanent connection for respon respen respon slble man, profernbly from 33 te 50 years of age, In any town or city In Pennsj4an!a or nearby States, with excluslve town or county privileges In connection with high clars Industrial securities that will stand the tent of your meat thorough Investigatien: no previous experience necessary, but geed local standing essential. Write fully as te past and present business or employment. C 732. Ledger Office LUMBER LABORERS Hteadv' werk: geed pay. Pearson 4 Ludasher Ce.. Westmere- mnu et. hum no ib iwver MAN. clean. pregressUs, energetic, with In telligence, regardlesa of past and present occupation, wanted by n western corpora corpora Hen opening offices In the East: far u real man a wonderful opportunity epen: te re re celve attention give detail and reference In first letter: all replies confidential, P 431. ledger Oftlcn. ' MAN, educated, under 85, wanted te learn selling and sales management and fill ex. eeutlve position. C H33 Ledger Office. MEN, THINK IT OVER " Eerv man Is ambitious Nothing mere In teresting te a man than hi financial future. This is the opportunity you have been seek ing. We de net require a man from any particular occupation, provided he Is Intelli gent, energetle and has a real, earnest de sire te succeed, Call after 12:46 P. M. for an Interview, Roem 433, 1011 Chestnut St. ABkfprJlr,Ing!e, MEM whe'Teel that they are qualified for a bigger future than Is offered by their present employment should communicate with the advertlter; we want men of geed habits with ability te grew Inte big peitttaai with acorperatlon successfully engaged In a clean and lucrative business. P 4.2, Ledger O-fle, r V T HELP WANTED MALB MACHINISTS BOILERMAKERS CAR INSPECTORS CAB REPAIRMEN FOR RAILROAD WORK STEADY EMPLOYMENT AT STANDATtD WAGES PLENTY OF OVERTIME FREE BOARD AND TRANSPORTATION APPLY TO COMPANY OFFICE 128 N. 15TTI BT. PHILADELPHIA. PA. CENTRAL RAILROAD OF NEW JERSEY OPEN DAILY. T A'. M. TO 6 P. M. MEN With executive ability wanted by a large international 'organisatien, Apely from 10 te iz or 2 te 4 1001 Colonial Trust Bldg. MEN An establlrhed, conservative Pennsylvania manufacturing company can use a few geed men te help place Its securities: experience net necessary; permanent work and salary assured If you are moderately successful. fnene mecusi t?ue rer appointment. MEN are wanted by the Trustees' System they will be expected te prove their qual- Ideatiens for high-grade positiens: nn will give all the assistance necessary te enable you te achieve success It you will work. If this Interests veu. cull at Roem N03. T.nml Title Bldg,. between 10 A. M. and 1 P. M. MEN Wanted, ambitious, conscientious and honest men who wish te better their nel. Hen' In life with a rapid growing, reputable company. Appiy at once. L. R, Steel Service Cerp., 702 Van Dam Bldg.. 1001 Market at. X)TICU 18 HEREBY GIVEN THAT THE Civil Service Commission of Philadelphia will held examinations for th positions shown below en the dates named. All ap plicants must be residents of Philadelphia. Fer detailed Information apply at Roem 870. City Hall: CLERICAL SERVICE Sept. 21 Stenographer and Clerk (eighteen years) ....:.. J000.J00O FIRE SERVICE Sept. 2ft Battalion chief (promotion). .J2500 Sept. 27 Captain (promotion) 2lne net. - Llnutenant (promotion).... .12000 l.l'J;i;riUN BtiltVlUE eepi. n inspector (water).. .J2070 . S4.00-4 :.- aepi. xv rout inspector MEDICAL SERVICE UA Sent. 22 Assistant nhvsieian (P. II. C, D.) 11200 M Sept. 20 Child hygiene nurse.. ..IIOOU Sept. 25 Head clinic nurse $10nt) M Sept. 28 Head hjdrettheraplst. . . .J1400 M Sept. 20 Laboratory technical aa't.tliOU M'lSCELI.ANEniTH HtinviiiR Sept. 10 Asat. superintendent , repair shop $1800 Sept. 10 Bathhouse matron. ..13 00 dav ' Oct. 2 (Joek S720-$IOOOM Sept. 28 foreman, asphalt re- ' ... ,.Imlrs 1150 month ' Sept. 21 Housekeeper JeflO-720 M , Sept. 25 Legal Imestlgater. . $500 I Sept. 22 Office boy (111 yrs.). $420-480 I TKUIINIUAL PROFESSIONAL SERV Oct. 2 Asst. engineer (hljh ways) $2000 Oct. 3 Draftsman $1200-1600 faept. 20 Draftsman, topegraphl- . cal $1000-1840 Sept, te Redman (10 vrs.) ... $840-1200 Sept. 22 Supervising engineer (st. . . cleaning) $200 month Sept. 20 Trnneltrr.un (20 rs.). .$1200-1500 SKILLED LABOR SERVICE O e t. 2 Climber, as per erdl- . . . ..Wf9 - $4.00-3 00 O e t. S Bricklayer. a per ordi nance $6,00-0 50 Sept. 20 Wheelwright, as per or dinance (4 Ofl.fl Ou CLINTON ROGERS WOODRUFF. CHARLES W. NEELD. LEWIS H. VAN DUSEN, j . . ..., ...... Commissioners Issued August 23, 1022 PLASTERERS wanted: steady work and I geed wages te competent men. Anni.. m-,. Ridge ave., Roxborough. Pheno iLmajunk RAILROAD SHOPMAN WHY DON'T YOU OET FIXED HFFYini' WINTER COMES? MAKE A HOME IV T ir O COMKOkTlTlt.viint'.UJ' BIG YARDS, SUNSHINE PRACTICAI l v ALL YEAR ROUND. WHERE A DOLLAlt TO 45 N. 0TII ST. AND TALK if OVPii WITH THE A. C. L MAN; FREE tlOAltM TRANSPOHTATIOIN AND PLENTY Hi"' OVERTIME IF YOU ENROLL NOW BRINO BAaaAaE READY TO SHIP BOILERMAKERS. BLACKSMITHS MA. I OHIN1BTS. SHEET METAL WORKFRS COACH REPAUtMEN. "UHlvLRS. 1204 FILBERT ST. AND 40 N. 16TII ST RPiV3nNTATIVES Wanted." men who Will flumnnatrnla 4a !. wmi... . -. . "-vM.iiam iW uej uiDir rtiiiiiiy in nil Wlden.r Bldg. ' w"" " "em I:,tl' EnSENv;.,i7?.M'.0!,.a..uJ,''.TOst be a ...... j viiiw ii uuniuusa pr.aucer: mm OffieS" commlsslen' Address P 411, Ledger SALESMAN SVM Vr.ffh aTT-e,.. .- PERSONALITY TO RENEW ONTrTc AND SECURE NEW BUSINESS; WE SB LI , A FINANCIAL SERVICE TO LARGE " CANTILE CONCirnNS. AND CAN OFFFfl the niairr mn a very desira m.r i lISTltAlT. APPLY 0 30 TO IB A Si i 437 CHESTNUT ST " '""' """" 4l7' ' WANTED MACHINISTS BOILERMAKERS BLACKSMITHS CAR REPAIRMEN SKILLED IN RAILROAD WOH STEADY EMPLOYMENT STANDARD WAGES AUTHORIZED BY UNITED STATES RAILROAD I.ABOR BOARD APPLY TO CENTRAL RAILROAD COMPANY OF NEW JERSET C E. CHAMBERS, SUPT. . MOTOR POWER AND EQUJPMIJNT JERSEY CITT. N. J. COMFORTABLE; COAL WILL HE STAitrM AND THE PRICE WILL BE limit -l?M WINTER; THE SUNNY SOUTH OFFI'llJl TOU AND YOUR FAMILY AI.LTIini.V THINOB WHICH REALLY it i 'tft.'vVSf: WORTH LIVIN'i ivii.i. in v .Muni; in- 'rill' Til" SITIBS OF LIFE THAN ELSEWHERi- vn WHERE THE ATLANTIC COAiT m'vB RAILROAD COMPANY OFFERS vmVlJi MANY DOLLARS AND CENTS 1'eil YOl'n WOrKINO TIME AS ANY c)NE W WHERE.; IF YCr ARE A GOOD MP CHANIC. LOOKINO FOR PERJfAN'FVT EMPLOYMENT AND WILLINe "e IlFf5 WORK AT THE STANDARD SCAIN UNDER OPEN-SHOP CONniTI,ivaSAA,J:i - ' TJSED AUTOMOBILES Under this heading ing, genuine values in used automobiles. These Cars are offered especially ter readers of the Public Ledger by the distributors of the leading new cars sold in this section. They are offering used cars that have been taken in trade cars that have! been practically rebuilt and carry the guarantee of companies who have a reputa tion they must maintain. APPERSON 1920 Apperson 7-pasa. 850 1921 Apperson 4-pasa., new car guaranteed 1800 1918 Apperson Sedan, .$1000 1921 Apperson Tour Teur ster, new paint, new car guaranteed .... 2200 Time payment if desired. Apperson Meters of Penna. Direct Factory Branch 158 N. Bread St Locust S107 Moter Cars Moen Touring, Calif, top.. $1250 Moen Touring, reconditioned 750 Nash Touring 450 Studebaker Touring 330 Paige Larchmont, Calif, top 950 Winten Limousine 200 Willys-Knight 350 Maibohm Sedan 630 Grant Touring 400 Hupmebile Roadster 250 Packard Coupe Twins 700 MACKIN MOTORS 855 N. BROAD POPLAR 7580 We have en hand the following Used DANIELS, completely overhauled re painted, new rubber and In general first class condition These cars will cive you excellent eerWce and are guaranteed by us the same as nw cars: 1 DANIELS Subuibnn Limousine, 1921 1 DANIELS Speedster, 1920 1 DANIELS ing, 1921 1 DANIELS ing, 1920 1 DANIELS ing, 1920 1 DANIELS ing, 1919 7-Passenger Tour-7-Passenger Tour-4-Passenger Tour- 4-Passenger Tour- OTHER MAKES: 1 MERCER Roadster, 1920 1 CADILLAC 7-Passenger Tour ing, 1918 MATHIS MOTOR COMPANY Distributors 674 N. Bread St. Poplar 8014 Philadelphia. Penna. KISSEL OLUilt Briscoe demonstrator, full guarantee. $550 cash or easy terme If deilred Cherelet touring, $150 cish Klesel demonstrators, 2. 4 and 7 pass. Full guarantee. About one half of tegular prUe, $300 down, baiine. en terms lien, S3:i. Dedge, fci75. 1021 K'Miel Sedan leflnlihed like nsw. $1800. Briscoe touring; reflnWhed. overhauled, geed Uies new top a splendid bar gain at $350, costs very little te operate KISSEL TRUCKS Brand new, 'i, IV,. 2W, ."I1! 6 ten big discount from list price; full guaran tee, liberal terms. GRIEB & THOMAS. INC. Distributors Kissel end Columbia Moter Cars 300 N. Bread Street HELP WANTS D MALE BVl.ESMAN- STOCK I ant ecr htetk H.ilMsman who remlH this i ad te c into In and no inn I haw. th,. f lat est selling f.eck Issue In Phlla lelpbii nut) wish te close nut the b.lnnrn of this llrst lssu In the next 2 weeks The .'entinnv la . 7 ears old ami the issu.- Is s p. r nut pre I f.-rred, participating. Geed commission. Prem 10 A M. te 2 P M .Uk for E II. Few, 1114 Walnut st PhlludilphU. Pa. SALESMAN AI TOMi'HII.r s waih n real nuloineblm Riilemnnu ( 1 1 who Is Is selling or who hn SOLD mu te u h a man we will start seu at onre en one of thn most lolessal and lui riitHn rroiesltions In this country today, nnd pn ou 15 u-r i-ent mere than veu are rr'elvlnc In the automo bile line you hnve no feiu t.f lompetlters, jour prospects nre nbse'uti'b safe from any lomretlten, It Is uereiaui that xeu hae the above qualifications Fer nueivlew H'e Mr Coiilbeurne. tecend tlner, 1IM.I MitUet st SALESMAN We wnnt u earesmnn of pie is. Ing personality, geed iipp.'iiriiu'e and one who la willing te work hard and censlstentlv We can peslt.Mly nssuie the man who enn qualify nn Income that will inerimii t least $100 te $3011 n week Our propesiti m Is unique and one that will hrltuf Inuiudlute returns. Call at Roem 610. Wldcnr Bldg.. between 10 nnd 12 A M SALKbMAN Brasa leundrvT ""which" has been located near New Yurk, about te open u, new foundry In Phlla , desires the services of ,up.ible eaK'snian, with oxpori expori oxperi ence and acquainted with the local trade. .l,...sj foundry superintendent capable ei hnliiSllMaf A Kiln nK m-r ..1.th- -. I I .L. . . wv dlum iverk.. Address Manage. Bea 120. -Hi-, tsrdam ave.. Mew Yerk City. ' AUGUST 23, 1922 you will find every sK5j'IK 1921 Special Six Studebaker, fully equipped, $1100. 1921 Auburn Teurinp. 1920 Auburn Sedan. 1922 Chevrolet F. B. Coupe, $750 a wonderful buy. Latest model Auburn 5-pas. demonstrator, just a3 geed ns new. Cadillac "8" Touring, splendid condition, $600. 1920 Moen 5-pass. Touring, ex cellent condition. 1921 Velie, Disteel wheels, Vic Vic eoria top. Following car3 at very low prices Chandler, Cadillac, Chal mers, Premier. Easy Terms Arranged PIERPOINT MOTOR CO. 041 NORTH BROAD Pep. 8003 OPEN EVENINGS Custom TiulLt Your KJrder Oakland 1921 C-cyllnder TeurlnB. run only 3000 miles, like new, $700. Reamer Cabriolet. Seats three. Re conditioned and repnlntpd. Sult able for doctor or a lady. Reamer 1D22 demonstrator, with California top This Is a complete combination open or closed car bargain. Ke.imer, four-passenger Teurlnif. New top, new tlrei. overhauled and repainted. Guaranteed, $1500 Reamer 1922 demonstrator, only 2500 miles. Run Reamer Roadster Run less than 2000 mtlee. Like new. TIME PAYMENTS IF DESIRED Phila. Reamer Ce. 842 N. BROAD ST. Poplar 2340 JuseoneMfa GUARANTEED EXCHANGE LOCOMOBILES There Is no satisfaction like the pride of ewnlnu- n tine car that will alw be u fine tar The nuallty that Is built Inte the Loco Leco Loce mobile Is there fereer. feerles , H ll p C-cyllnder 7 pas seimer limousine Seiles 4 4S II. P. 6-cyltnder 7-pas-seiw-r touring. r-eiUs 4. 48 H. P. 6-cyllnder special "OUpe buries 2 H II P 6-cyltnder 7-pas-senKer teurlrir. Si rlcs 2. 3S It. P. d-cylinder 4-pas-senner Spertlf. Series 2. 33 II. P 8-cyllnder 6-pas-senuer touring OTHER MAKES Late medt Marmen limousine, suit lble for hacklne National Speedster In splendid con cen con lltlen. Convenient terms of payment can be THE LOCOMOBILE COMPANY 2330 Market Street N E SHAW, Mgr. Eichenge-Car Dept. Locust 0430 &((D Moter Cars AUTHORIZED DEALERS li)J Dedge Rondster 1922 Buick Coupe 1022 Maxwell Touring 1921 Dedge S'edans, Teurings and Roadsters 1921 & 1920 Huick Teurings 1921 Premier Touring 1921 Cadillac Victeria 1921 Stearns-Knight 5 pass. 1921 Chandler 4-pass. Coupe 1920 Chalmers 5-pass. Touring KIRKPATRICK & HOYLER 1934 MARKET STREET SPni'CE 0251 RACE 4052 HELPWANTE0MAL3" " SAI.nSU.IV .r. ,.-T TT . t defers gturanied salary of llen'wiek iSAII.&MW Blue, wanted for Philadelphia and Mclnltv, experien,.. necessnrj cerre spendr.nce een.ldentlal M nil Ledger 0?(lce SAI.Lsirv If von ure .iinlntleuu nn.l .,,.,,. , .. ...... . T.' ' ' lv !' r tdger iiffl, e ISA1.LS.MI.N House-te-ho iih salr,,,,.,, , uu hue hud exiK.il.me n, s.llmJ ,". . te thi. c nsuniiT von are Just lltte.i e i, ,, ,, ' "ur telling proportion .me . e,, ,' . ' , nmnufti.tur.ra of l.eu. h. iTl Vl... rlra a,. pll imes 1ms an .pnliiit for a few i J silismen If jeu are Inti-re." , V, ,.'. V I of a ie.il propeshlon iih-n, v .ur .ffer L ,!,r net ou a splendid Ine u le tul ami hiv erseml intei Mew with me ,k" fi Mr !. ut W limit m07 ' Mr SALESMEN with specialty "orpreniotinn Whiting. 0 te 12 A. M 71.1 Victory Bldg. SALESMAN, aequalnteT with retail drug. lutW'l"?.'1:!' UIU. for an' c.taU- Iiiii '"'." i.u'v " "commission basis: ipertun. ..Jj.t.m.n, referent , USED AUTOMOBILES , USED AUTOMOBILES UBEP AUTemu , , FSfSSjitaeJ. a ,-. " kjc 1,111 supplants coil and v Uh nh-elui.u ., Ijltllt.. ,lKe , PMwrl , , ,,"inu s.rric.e,',Uren"?.,n:,i'',Cat'0,'S " h" "ll" "' i 4ddrts. M 62 J Wednesday evening Herbert Brethers 203 N. BROAD ST. CLOSED CAR BARGAINS RENEWED, REPAINTED AND GUARANTEED CHANDLER SEDANS CHANDLER COUPE CLEVELAND COUPE CHANDLER LIMO. Alse ether Sedans. All nt special low figures. Telephones. Spr. 4b25 Race Dbemui 1ST PAYMENT DOWN: Overland Touring . $75 Lexington Touring 75 Ferd Roadster 100 Chevrolet 490 Touring 100 Hupmebile Touring 100 Ferd Touring 145 Chevrolet 490 Sedan 165 Ree Coupe 318 Many Other Cars Frem Which te Choete Monthly Payments That Will Suit Yeu OPEN EVENINOB I STUDEBAKER SALES CO. 330 N. Bread Street POPLAR 8400 USED CARS 1022 1021 1021. 1020 3020, Medel 65 5-pass. Teurings Medel BO B-pass. Teurings. Medel 47 7-paes. Teurings. Medel 45 Roadster. Medel 15 -7-pass. Teurings. 1920 Paige: B-pass. Touring. Peerless Limousine cheap. REFTNISHED RECONDITIONED GUARANTEED TERMS SMALL DOWN PAYMENT BALANCE 12 M0NT1I9 OTHER MAKES IN GOOD RUNNTNO ORDER AS LOW A3 $150 00. HENRY A. ROWAN. JR.. CO. 905 North Bread Street Spruce 4T-24 Oakland FOR $125 te $650 YOUR CHOICK of these USED CARS Briscoe Re.idi.te ' 'aklatld Uoti Inter Oldsnieliilp Teut Idk Dedpe Teut m Maell Tem ins Pulse Tiu 'n .Ismohlle Spent ii i Ferd -5itii n Oaklari! Se.3n Oakland I out" Rebuilt or Reconditioned and Refinished If Equal Slenthty Paymen'i Open Evurlnus Oakland Moter Car Company Poplar f'407 llread tt HELP WANTED MALE S V l'S,MA' , '" h"," "J"'""" M lingM- SAI.KSMEN- Vn M'Dert ii i fnr- -..ii.. .. i nnn who are wull-a .lu.lnta in'philnd.t. rhm and peksmsh WJ't We,nHA,,,,,, r""-r-' Mut" Mill I mii .n t. I,, n ... ...... SAI.ESMIS c'ty a'i.1 reed dthellc An plv seventh fleer )'! Chestnut ai KTi tmr mt iiettLHi Jf you me iu of Hdlliig ktuus winch l mt in,, up ti their Piemis.H and v Vim u xuir iriiiuiiig ami tab nts en ,L. !!,''lhJ11 ' s-und nd subHiantlal. and or which veu ne -d nev.i I... ushamed. nit in toueh with m. the riuraln for vmi I, 1! better than wiling seasoned bends, bu 1,0 n large as eltered nv M eats' ,ou elI III ke KOOd money bukNIIsf the i,ruiK,,i xn'K sAl.l..sJli;,S -, hne" imr "tl.j,, 7(e.i i...d 1. os, r will i,,,' , ;,; ' mvs with Hum him., fr ihsi n , , ' ire again presenting n nnv .emp.v.,, te th. 1, f 1 Hi. an. e en ne. m n (. .,',, -Icltstlnn ,. ,. H, VTe s li'ii STOCK HALEMtW high grade, te sell H per cent Ih.uu .f succissful Phlla firm 25a commission c M7 Ledger Ofnc Si I'EniNI l.M.l S' wanted for en.. ,re,i. f cturv i n, II. mi must , thiireuSl v 1 mietent 11 1 I net uls ,f fiirnltur 11m. , facturing v.ldr. s I -,J4 l.e,I!er utilM. ' T VI I. OUT VII MAT nmii v. .,. . - ,'"".' .........,., 1, nave 11:1 open ing for an experienced man te develen new trade for our line In Philadelphia en a nerT- a moe-Me" IC1""' """"" "! CO., nruSS AsV V 7411 DSEDfflCARS i rS&&7 Valves S . t .jttli. and Sunday morn- rere IGHT RECONDITIONED AND GUARANTEED Teurster, 7-pn.na., nlmeBt new, run less than 6000 miles. Perfect every way. Fully guaranteed. J700 cash, balance tertns. Sperster 4, B-pass.. painted mby red with red Spanish upholstery. Fine nhnpe. Beautiful car. J000 cash, balancfl terms Sedan, "-pass., used only a few months nnd practically new. $1000 cash, balance terms. 1920 and 1921 open nnd closed cars from $1000 up. 1918 touring cars, 1500 tip. Cars of ether makes at low prices. Easy Terms L. S. BOWERS COMPANY 245 N. BROAD ST, Locust 5055 MAXWELL CHALMERS AUTHORIZED DEALERS Lewest Prices in the City Can Be Found in Our Used Car Dept. Maxwell Touring $150 Overland Touring 225 Chovielct Touring 100 Oakland Sedan 450 Buicks as low as 250 Fords $100 up Several ethers ROYAL MOTOR CAR CO. USED-CAR DEIT 618 N. Bread Open Evening3 and Sundays USED JORDANS 'rim Sedan ,.. $2000.00 Jwdan 7-pass. Touring.. . 1150.00 JrJan 6-pass. Touring . 1250.00 Jerdan 4-paaB. Brougham . . . 1730 00 Jerdan Playboy 1460.00 These can have been rebuilt. . nickeled, repainted and put In the finest possible condition. Loek and perform like new .VS'J?T'.n .reconditioned cars en rale: 1910 Oakland touring. S20S.O0 cash bal ance $33.00 per mentn. 1810 Stearns touring. $200.00 cash, bal once $44 le per mentn. Fierce-Arrew Locemobile: late model. Petersen Meters, Incorporated 919 N. Bread Street Open Evenings Phene Poplar 8171 "a! PJwB" I'rchment' ruaranteed stmt 0-4 Paige Coupe 1020 fl.63 Paige Sedsn. 1020 Paige Larchmont. A1.0 .,1i11 selection rf Paige Usl Car aMe?.0lU" that carry our v" rJS: OTHER MAKES Ixlngten Sedan. 11'-- Iedgi Tnurlng 1U21 F II Chevrolet Sedan 51 Cadlllai Coupe 1017 Hudsen Touring 1B20 4-pass Haynes. Ferd Sedan. 1021 Paige Lakewood. 1021 Ferd Touring. 1021 Ferd Touring Dedge Touring reA.r'.'TU.'n'e. SlSStlVlr." "" "" " GUY A. WILLEY MOTOR CO. Patge and Jenelt Dlt Bread St. at Vine, Phila. HELP WANTED-.MAT.B WANTED IM-HU, BOILER FUHLMLN UUILLH FOREMEN UENEIIAL LOCOMOTIVE KOIIEUrw NIUH T ROL'NimelISi; FeltEMEN LOPl'ERhM ITH FOJtEMEN AIR1IRAKE FOREMEN M CH1NE SHOP FOREMEN (JENEHA1. PAINTEH FOUEME'-l (1 ainlllar with geacli and locemutlvi yre)rrW, WRITE OR WIRE COLLECT Kllve .upwrlence and age) V ) ',' f'JKNWJSHOAHT TE.Nlri'.AK'ii'RWAT Roem 703. '-..SBI "! wTI r A jPSC Bs4 ( ,fj I i ""- ..ir .i. y y JIB fl. i :,( l ir - '" f" i. ji.