WMM SAM-ntTjP-VW irt "lRS"'-' "-,v - ",'7?!7?,vi-r H. V ' Ki5?vS.T-''V l'tt."M IT ' ' " " ' ' .,;& y y J l'vi 1 lid OH! 1 I MLS 24 1) EPPCATIOrTAT. nelli 8eie SCHOOL OF ACCOUNTING & BUSINESS ADMINISTRATION An evening school of University RMile oITerlnp; practical lusl tiess (rnlnliif; ter men nml women i:cry ceursu taught by a man of standing In the business wei Id ACCOUNTING Three Mr diploma four fltiina- for business Advancement PRE-ACCOUNTING A special tS-sesslen course in Hoekkeeplnir for these jthn want te equip themeel.ea qulcklv for entrance te this school, or for a practical Knowledge of Iloekkeeplng. BUSINESS ADMINISTRATION Three sear diploma course, providing; a thoreusti pta-tical preparation for Business success, THIRTY CERTIFICATE Frem nnlch the students ma r.tal Kjtalr and Cenvetaticmp SnU sntnnahlp An'cs l,etlf )iisfiie9 Principles rf(tifl Justness fiftnies I nit Accounting frct(fs enrf Collection t errut yjchanec Ft clery OronnUntten nuif Ifatteflen rnt ' it Orannisatxnn aid .tnMOiemenf Send for Catalog te Xtarest Y. M. C. A. Scheel of Ucetintlnr; nnd Ilnslness Administration 1421 Arch Street 1013 Lehigh Business Demands PEIRCE SCHOOL OF BUSINESS .ADMINISTRATION Dav Scheel Opens Sept. 3. Mcht Scheel Opens Sept. IS Pine St. Weil TFnts for SSth WffUss SEE THE WORLD Man.r of our crad nates ar "lnjr th world aboard sem of tb larcat t-s1s and earn 'nt a nabstantlal aalary. W assist you In s-cutIde a geed position The day and eTenlnc dass ar new epn It yen are lntart"1 in Radie, yen are cordially Inrlted te rialt ear new building eTery ined'rn apparatus has btn Installed te five you a thoreath training end for booklet "Fint Wirtltit Scheel in Amrritmr PHILADELPHIA SCHOOL OF WIRELESS TELEGRAPHY 1333 Pine St. Philadelphia, Pa. Paying Professions for Well Qualified Yeung Men and Women Pharmacy ""heTHi.try Pharmn- certv ani Bter'.oleffv offer intisual.y (joea opperunutos ier Kradua es of Hlffh Schools ard '"u'leRes. Ojr courses leading 'e recognized dec;ret appeal e tviese nhe are determined te be naster n any of these professions. Ca'a Ca'a ieit newra.dy Enrollment limited Philadelphia CeDege of Pharmacy and Science 145 North 10th Street Philadelphia if Yeu Th.nk r".:: tig yeurir te brii Bf e irn vr r ftephnn 'j tela for th picture and nt ry nf MRrart K Y r' t e n-r4.ari jr htrtftn who raid ' fer coir h fl limit rk-wf '! u ! u toert a JKJ1I i a ntnes;raphr it l-f vhn -in w i eurtn en Rrafljiitir r at hTIlAVER'S th bujilnHB bi if il tKt Bjdntrri hi a rxi 1 ro,ltlen Sm rneRtnut - TVfpn. a TheStevensSchoel, Germantown y I'lfii-f.rth ar r rfrutilv or kit f i ni'rirari'n n re iie . f. J . .! (,.rsri, and c !! i parn'er ceurnei he Katliurlnf M DrnMerth II. A.. Trinrlpnl 'til Uft C htUvn ATfinup Trlfphen. (uTinantewn OJ65 The Diitinctive Thing nbeut " r fr-es - 'van1 Tijft pnu !leriV;ksr i i. t - . ' njrtisi js tint fhy k. a i jr J t'luc ( n n tniln8 ma1 i? s i i!iaf h f d I a'lnrf n life .i b .i ' M s f - r ah nheu) Till TXM.OH CIIOnr. I0O MurLrt fit LEAUN I ANf.l A (ills the BERLITZ SCHOOL at 1341 ( III.siM T ST. (Entrances en lth St ) Th. Sprncs 4(H Itediirrd summer Ilutea en-Day Business College )vr niiK i -iMiihiusw m Veu mu't i'i ' our spe 'ai . J' 1 J w y in r sti en ui ' YOU CAN LEARN '--u... rnuntlnr te s lemnnhli at I'MVEIISITV 01' PA. EVE.M.NCi SCHOOL 11)8 I.QKan Hull l'lieiillurlnE JOO sta, 230 GERMANTOWN FRIENDS Scheel Year Opens September 19th BTANLKV KVAIINALL. Principal THE II01JIAN SCHOOL. 0I Walnqt ftt. A day school for (Iris and small boys trill D.n fur Its twenty-third lear September 21, Itl2 Cellk Preparatory and General eursss. Hlieheth V. Ilraley, Ilsadmlstr.ss. Palms Business Collegre 12rJi.nf10h fherthanil, HoeUKeeinE, Keepine, Kei'retarial Touch Day A Ek Individ Instrue Typ.writin rir I'entm. Museum, Uread A Pin. Scheel of Industrial Art. Opens Sent.2i). lieu, days, Eve. Scheel opens Oct. IL MOVU 18 te I'O '1K. fcea.. B Bept. 28, ST. 2D 7-8 P. M. t Tnterlna fr C.llere. rlcneel nnd laasr Prep,. US B. SiUi St,. Phila. KDUCATIONAti llelh Sete. for the C. 1' A. examinations and COURSES cboe Femnanshiv iavrrltiine Hii.lness Lttttrt Huslneit Leie Public .iprnMitj; s'firctnllted Account.ne tcceunflitx; I'Tr-Acieuntlin l ediral Tat Reports Purtltailne anil Mfeirs Arrewd Avenue Trained Minds IW Business offers trrcat and growing opportunities for theso who nre trained in modern methods. Peirce training is practical and thorough. COURSES OF STUDY Business Administration (two years) Accounting (two years) General Business (one year) Secretarial (one te two years) Stenographic (six te nine months) Salesmanship (one year) Teacher Training (one te two years) r of Bread Year Boek - I leunt Mfn nnd neta "TUt Scheel of Opportunity" Philadelphia Mechanical and Electrical Schools and Sheps, Inc. With ear staff of trained In structors and up-te-date equip ment, we can fit you te earn a substantial salary or start a bualnfii of your own. Courses lu Aute and Aute Electrical Repairing (All Branches) Engineering (2-Yr. Course) Storage Battery Werk Sign Painting and Shew Card Writing 511-19 X. Bread St. Phene, Pepar 8253 Ssrta Oardsa St. Eatriae 614-18 Brown St. Phene, Market 2321 ' rj. tcrtff or 'phene for tttailt ELECTRICAL SCHOOL Kveime; Classen t r practical men en eaaed In anv phase of electrical wir Practical Electricity Alternating Currents Advanced Alternating Currents Instructors an r.nrers Tilth I'ftl u lZieetrlc Ce Kirs', term l-j-lns jrenda bsptsmber S3 end rer ntmer y.M.C.A. TECHNICAL SCHOOLS U21 AIICII STHEET nARRisiirr.fi. pa. Harrisburg Academy Senior and Junier departments. Instruction in cellcee prepara tery and general reuries by men who knew and understand need3 of the growing boy. Modern buildings and equipment. Large sunny roems: cottage dormitory I system. Athletic lield. Med erate rates, rer full inferma tien address Arthur t. Brown Headmaster! Bex L, Hnrrtaburg, Pa. t.wcxsTrii. pa. PTLNKLIN AND MMllIAL AC IDEMY PreE's I ' s f'.r il rBe and technical ,cr 0 s . 'ilers tsr h CatHlOvin. Addreis V. M HABTMAN Pd. 1).. I'rlnclpt. Itm tl". Lmcuster Pit. ni'xnive. pa. Keystone Institute "The Service Scheel' A fully equipped S'-hoel wltn expert tr ftructers eraanlied te el Intensive Instriav t'en of 2 mri" in Hleclrlcal Unirlnstr'nr. Mutienlcel I n neerl-ii Aicuntlnif ani llunlnsss Administration ID weeks' i-eurM In Aulctni Hm Mechanics Day and iilglt eiasiss Write for Intormatleu te Director Kiiiune Institute 133 North 4th Street. Readlnr. Paw M UTON, N .1 Newton Academy Newton, N. J. ri 1 mtrv s ii j. ' 'i lii,!-. from , Vim iii tnnuni titi nl lake legion f S, Je'Hi- Kletat un 111'JO f" lr , ,, j h it h r, rJ LimiiihU le KQ aBes 1" te 17 preferred A r hnei Mheiv li an stirtd rlirht Spw ul nt'iMitlun k C" te f iUi.latlen v.erx. A cm effl ei t inrnineu .il department ln i ludln Hte-inKr.iphi and tvpevt rltlnir. Mllitur trulnltiK for halilts of attertlen. prompt ttide and alertneas with correct aid ni ir i"rlnk" A special feature a a sli. I In ' '' utifill horses and penies fei hi if un a 'irut extra chnrKe All sport" O in ni" uui E' 132. Address llev PHILIP S. WILSON, A. M Principal i i ii V A w J EVENING PUBLIC BUYINGHUSBAND I rxi irtrM,lAAA...TA PLANBKINraiuj ' Mrs. Kendrick te Sue Mrs. 1 Wakefield for $25,000 and Husband for Divorce AGREED TO IDEA AT FIRST i San Kranclsre, Aug. 2.1. Stilt for niletmtten. divorce proceedings and murtroeni neiien in reiieve Jin, i.inui (Huntington .Sprcpkels Wakefield of the I custody of her three children by her tirsf husband, Jehn D. Spreckels, .lr.. ( probably will fellow ns an nftcrmnth ..!... jii t .... -i i.i 111 111V llll. Illflll I '1 111! 1I1IUCII111 lllltllllll . Inlu i iVnir-n-i'i1 -f ii nn SW bcuf f?em the estate of lL,"!,,i:?,", ,2U"L?B!L.th Tl,tii- trnnrlrlelr n nnirinnngr nrtlat. It was reported, but net confirmed, thnt .Tehn D Sprcckcls, Sr., had come KIUTATlOXAt. Yett n g Men nnd Itevn courses in Business Administration. Complete and mod ern equipment capable instructors. Commodious buildings, new gymnasium. 12 miles from Philadel phia. Excellent train service. Under the direction of the Augusttnian Fathers. Hfe Write REV. F. A. DR1SCOLL, O. S. A., for catalog and entrance requirements Bex 23, Vtllaneia, I'd. lllilllllfe JSS5iSS Bill Germantown Academy SK2S22iirtiL!rairfi& Upper Scheel Maker of Men - d demn; prh-ni - ji -"ed a idem "i -it n 's nir i I"Im - r1 ch m ra' -r rf f r v a i i-Mdua tr" -tii 1 piti- tp 'iomi! 'iemi! r ftrd ji-t id munli ii;-ri unlN t iw :! i.i' ' j- . iki ri ti ere Vfr i . '1 ii er', ' r liar 11 ht .- I etiun n i i Ien- Heard. A fi a ari'-K in t ie I PPT fcrnoel t lub -Hh e htu lentH y r fi1 n r irinat in 'rl'p llfld TSMter Mr. M'niucl K. O-bnirn, M. A.. f at, Scheel Lane & Greene Street Germantown. Pa. UROWN 1'ltr.l' llreul nnd -urine Oiirden Ms.. I'lillA.. rrepare- students for any cel-I-S8 r p-if--s!et al fuoel t e !-inte Beard njTi an 1 fir business, iuth ear ueBIn i fept IS Erre., new .N A.AK1.TH. 1'A. , N,iz.iki:tii tt.i.i. .ihi.iiakv ACADr:lY I Bex 00 Naxaivri. l'a I'-iurded 1743. PieparatirT and Huslness C"uraee. Osnler 1 IntermeJ at hrd Junier HcptH Athletics. lft'ttaryl I'. Ilev. A D Tliaeler. IM .ITIn inline Vemen unit (llrl lUXMOHN, l'. Cedar Crest ciM'fp with modern dormlterlca md iii'pment. attractlvn nuburbnn in .enKnnl i trapus "fe Degree i cirtltl'a'e ceutsea Liberal Arts A. B. Secretarial Science B.S.S. Household Aril B. S. Muiic and Ex Ex prenien A. B. Accredited Teacheri' Coerics Addresi Wm, J. Curtis, Lit. D., President Allcntewn, Pennsylvania nritKlKLYV N NEW YORK STATE SCHOOL for Trainint Nunei of the Preipect Heights Heipiial and BieuMyn Maternity S imlilnclen ATenue and St Jehn's I'liire. llroeUlin, N. 1. i'i i -!e I i' 173 P-llrhtfillK Inc.i rear freFre"! Park U ill open a tie v Trnir 'S s Ii u tUs Pu'l fir (lie rereti tlm tf 'ari-er classes Anv jeunir untnen i'es.1 nr h enter a prefeiislcin will liere fnd j. Kplend I eppurtunlt for a t!iermi) tra ii i I dlviljal iitten lun by trd ned tr inj'turc ' tiapurenfiKe. tiitentleri tj I e,i t, n 1 rei reatien ()( rOIIEIl CIsHES NOW I OIIMINO ffn j Hi t ' ir cf Nutsinir MlltU M.K. CONN HILLSIDE A Scheel for Girls NOIiWALK CONNECTICtT Provides normal detelupment of rrlrls Intellectual moral social In rlht entlrenmeit Ahtui offers eery c iin fort Preparati' n for new com rrel7! naive ex im atiens nnd general courses I Pper and Ixwer Hi hrelB fi'umtiera llm ted IIlKh lecatl.n In eli aires of Woodland Ample play, grounds Horseback (lymnaslum. Bend ter catalog and View Uoelc Marcnret It, Ilrt ndllniter. A, 11, (VnsNiir) Vldu Hunt rrunrls A. II. (.Smith) I'rlrtlpnU LITIT. TA. LINDEN HAM. bKMINARY i A rlrls' school since 1740 Academic. Cellejts Preparatory L Mprclnl Cournea, Hcparate .Ir I)pt. Gym., Secretarial Cat Kei. K. Jkf. atenstl. D. D I'rlii.. Ue 103, Utlti, fj. tea 8 OTlIjr. v$M KalfUil , we- un m f J LEDGEKr - PHIIlDELPHIA, WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 23, 1922 I te Sun Tranche from Sun Diege, te tnkp steps te ebtnln the custody of Mrs. Wakefield's children, nnd te Investi gate the possibility of legal proceedings te set alde the bequest. Te Sue for $25,000 Frank M. Cnrr, ntterncy for Mri. Kendrlek, nnneiinced thnt a $23,000 ilnmnce suit chnrelnc Mrs. Wnkefieltl I with nllenntlnR the nffoetlens of Ken- i ftrlnli. tu ItMne nretmreil nnd will tip fileil ,...., ." c ,-- -4-".. -.. ...... ..... - . , 'by Friday. Mr. Carr nlte announced that his client had Instructed him te ' Hie divorce proceeding against the1 nrtlst, a a result of Mrs. Wakefield' offer of $100 a month If Mrs. Kendrlek would give up her husband. Mrs. Kendrlek said that she had reached her decision net te accept Mrs. ' l'nlr.tflnlil'n ntTer ti'litln lier tiHsltnttil ,f MMV..V.M .- v... ,...- ..- .lti..,.,u and Mrs. akefield were en a meter trip together. The unusual triangle had ,,remlspd te work out vmoethly ur until rP, Kpndrlck left the home of .Mrs. 'Wakefield at Saulslte. where she had f(;n n guest, and consulted her at- Ferney. .. w.i..ji.i.i i... - ji .irs. neseiiTO new iiin n uivuue wilt pending against Frank Wakefield, i :' tnn bu8lnc" n,fln of San Fran' C M0' ni.n,M Mrs. Kendrick , IJiamM iirt. lACniiriCK Mrs. Kendrick in an interview said that when she first met Mrs. Wakefield EDUCATIONAL Ye'ing Men nnd nera Practical, thorough and com plete training in Electrical, Civil, Mechanical, Sanitary and Chemical Engineering. Lxcel lent Pre-medical course. Pre paration for Commercial Chemistry. Classical and Cul tural courses in Arts. Letters and Philosenhv. Complete H gi JSSvSSsgSSSSt'i Yeung Women nndCitrU COSTUME DESIGN MILLINERY DESIGN FASHION ILLUSTRATION SUMMER COURSES J' ou would upend a chnrmlnc, as neil n lnftructixc. fieur. rail and jernilt us te d-monstrftte our werit our rmult If tu call M Imprac ticable write te a complimentary cepv of that lntensly Interesting benis "The Hecret of Cestums UedgTi. ' by Hartman. America's premier deelsn-r Prem It ou will lesrn All ebuut that wonderful nsvr u-d pr "i,t rTOfe--len FASHION ACADEMY 1(2! Nurtb llreail Mrrrt. Studlu I. 1 tit plume I'mdur G123 rto.r.Me.T ta. ROSEMONT COLLEGE f. Cntrellc ( Ile for euiib nemea urdr the direction of the Heclety of the Hely Child Jesus. 40 acre campus In beautiful Main Line district. I or (.eta. leuue ndlrs Tttr lir.AN. Het B, Hasemnnt. Pn. MISICM, INSTItlCTIO.V ZECKWER-HAHN Philadelphia Musical Academy 1G17 Spruce Street Branches in West Philadelphia Tiega Germantown Doylettewn DIRECTORS! CAMILLE ZECKWER FRED'K HAHN CHARLTON MURPHY Pennsylvania's Leading Scheel of Music I If ty third Season Registration Sep tember 1st Clnss-s in nil brunches resume September 'h Preparatory rlesses (or beglnn-n S. Becker von Grabill Teacher tif Pianoforte Plauhig Pupil of Anten Rubinstein leruieily imsm-liited nlth hchameaka and (tries-, Studlc LANCASTER, PA. Where I Send My Child te Scheel? ...at rjucatlen can i nn iweted ymclily and eatlBUe. ter Ii by cenmiltlna tlie l.'du l.'du catleiial Hurenu. en oreund rHsA.K I ...... .. rueiic j.cdt'er umee. S'-SEJaS,.,,",, Famous "Sanla" Steamers tviiiiiiD iiiiurninrinn nv nB.M beardlna; school for beya or llrls, mjjitury ucademy, bual. nes. coneKe crecl.il nrhnni. ler retaided cnildren. con cen con eervntery et mu.lc, cellvae or unlverelty. Our Intlnuit. ImewledKa of the. advantacea of the varleua Institution, will cnahle you te malt. a wis. rhelce. This lervlce is free and avail, nhle te every en ey.ry. where. I Public Ledger Bnildmf CHESTNUT pt SIXTH Walnut 3000 Main 1U0 she never dreamed that she was In lore with her husband. "I thought she was a most lovable and generous woman," Mic said. "I had been nt n sanitarium in Stockton when Mrs. Wakefield tele phoned, Inviting me te make a visit at her liemcMn Saulslte. 1 agreed, know ing thnt I would see my husband in Mnnlnltn. When 1 reached Mrs. Wake field's home her first words were that she w'as divorcing her husband. I told her 1 wished I also was free. And ..... - v.- . - . then flic tela me Mic weuia two te marry Redney." it was then. Mrs. Kendrlek says, that yIV, Wukcfleld made her proposal te jmy i,er $100 a month for life, AcceniK te Kendrlek. there had nccn a peaceful separation between i,Jm nnd his wife long before the trl- ...1. nt-stan ITm until thnrn tvnfl nA nnti. UJlJjlU lll"CV. V "l.rf " ..... ....u a.K ,vi. penlment en his part or en that of Mrs. Wnkefipld. Mrs. Redney Kendrick, mother of the nrtlst, sides with her Ben nnd Mrs. Wakefield. She blames Mrs. Kendrick for marrying her son whfn she knew she was a victim of tubij-culesls. The Kendricks were married tnree years age in Kllxabcth. N. J. They came te the tmmedl.tcly.ftcr . marriage. niAWinMn IflWR" nFfin DIAMOND KING" DEAD Was General Manager of Big Cor poration In Africa San Francisce, Aug. 23. rBy A. P.) Unrdnpr F. Williams, eighty, widely known mining engineer, who for eight een years was general manager of the Pp Beers Consolidated Mines, Ltd., of Londen, which nt one time, it was said, produced 0." per cent of the diamond yield of the world, Is dead at the home here of his daughter, Mrs. M. I. Kyrc Picknrd. He hnd been 111 for nlne month. Mr. Willmm was a native of Michi gan from 17.' te 1SS4. Up was In charge of geld inliips in Northern Transvaal, Seuth Africa, later bpconi bpceni ing mnnnging director in Africa of the Exploration, Ltd.. of Londen. ursnAND or n.nie widows lntlnctll" turn te the Radie Tretrftms of th dav. If ou nre n Radie fan, tear out th Radie I'resrami ovary dav In the morn mern lne VunLte I.rtxiia "Make It n. Habit' AnV. STHAMSHir NOTICES ; Crewell & Thurlow I INTERCOASTAL LINE I Will Dispatch Frem PHILADELPHIA te LOS ANGELES HARBOR. SAN FRANCISCO ' PORTLAND and SEATTLE i Thru Bills of Lading issued for San Diege, Oakland, Asteria, Tacoma, Everett and Hawaiian Ports SS "EAGLE" August 25 Vhiln. & Reading R. R. Pier 21, North Wharves t LAVINO SHIPPING CO., AGENTS 1 Bullitt Building Lembard 5600 West Coast Freight by Steamer Deliver te Pier 19 North by Team or Belt Line Freight Prompt Leading Minimum Inturanee Express Freight StcamerH, semi-monthly from Philadelphia via Panama Canal, te I.es Ancelts. Snn Framlsce, Ojliland, Seattle, t'ertlnnd S. S. ArtiRiis Aug. 24 S. S. Brush S.S. Lehigh Sept. 6 S. S.Wabash NORTH ATLANTIC & Oieticri and Agents V. B. 13G S. Fourth St., Phila. Phene .. .. ,.. . ,! Unl.ik..,.n.nn - ' in (.ItcrUIIUlK ttll. L.'iiUMinui,'i"ii lii;iu..(t.uiA rrii. t,vv.: .:.::. MUIKT.M '.cpl. .7 -pfUi. i" ' "': OI ITAMA srit. i' "fi. a ..; . ?. v ' l:ivurJ - . .,., "sni. Oct. 21 Piston te Londenil'M i and I.Ueri-enl MU Sept. 13 m ut QlaMre Hnhteii te JuenMewn and T.lverroel TYItKIIEMA (new) Sept. 20 l'hlladelphln te Londen vpnrTi .. . ..sep. a VAsCOMA . Sept. 23 Phlli te Gibraltar, Mnlta. Alexandria, iieirut, Tripoli IlIVEIl ARAXItS Sept. S CUNAIUi ANCIIOIl HTE-UISIIIP I.JNEf. Pnaseneer (imre. 1300 W'Hlnnt St.. Phllu. Prelnht Ofllce. Hearse Iltdc, I'lilU. JOINT 3CAVICS WITH .HAMBURG AMERICAN LINE. TO PLYMOUTU. BOULOGNE UAMUUUU By Nt American - Flag Steimers Itl.l.MML-Jtl.-OLI TI- ''ept. Sept 1 ID Oct. 17 rn mitntlRn DIUFXT n.. ererr ThuridaT. IlT tl'S COPB. esiimas "l.v."VVT .v. "Ui...s rir, U steamers mown wiri ....... roll. Mount Clinten, Hans., Baysrst, lay, meiini Hulls.1 uaysra. in.' ... t.. .ith aneeUI cahin and bnpreTed third' clan accommodations. United American uwk. mi,. ts llresdwar. N.T. .r Ial Asent N. Y., Plymouth Havre Paris i ham r. I'Mlls Aue. .Ill Seut. 20 (lit. 11 Sept. 13 Oct. 4 Nev. I Sept. II Oct. 1U Nin. 2.( IKK llMII!.l NEW YORK HAVRE PARIS ( III! Mill I Till HUM I V s Willi. I I. HUH MM UK. 31 Oct. 3 Ne,, tl Sept. 7 0t. II Dec. 2 sept. 11 (let. 21 Ne. IH suit, nt tut. II ill I -nI i.iiv sent, lit Ort. 20 Dec I.A IIOI ItDONNAts Sept. 2K Net. DiC. 7 iAi".wi:in. sept, se oil ,'x N. Y.-Vige (Spain) BORDEAUX M(, lt Sft. ) f, Nni.aJ All I'iie"! Iiy ilaiiUeM-nnvinu time Iii ult i nsu t tlie Kreni n e .,.1 1 t ir te ir ilt or write te Cmilc C. Geyelin, General Agent 1235-37 Walnut St., Philadelphia PeruChile Via Panama Canal i nrffe nHw Arneruitn stilp. etle'lm: tnesi tumfertabl. uccommtilatiens Direct I out. te ?euin iimeritu l.nevrtelteil tulnlr.e h.tnti. Lulaa Hrpt, 7 Sunl.tTi reeu, Stut.il Siintit Ann. Oct, A santii 1 llsn. Ort. 11) ltedured Itrtte Around Seuth America renr 10 llnneter Ht N.V, or ii.ui A.rni CUN AUD ' FWhite sear I and ANCHOR L'NES IftViW "' AK:sS2- :"t N Y te l'l; mouth, CierbeXirp nml llnmliurK ,IKIATIC sf i' in i H' ,:". 'liMOMA (new) Se'"- 1 ' ct- .5 "llll.nrt PIIIa i ivft?i?,N,T- " t.MtMAMA Sent. 11 Oct. 12 PirTSlU'IMitneivi UA 1,n HU 1'.. . -nils from Hosten rent 1 n'uMtreilI) K,- li ! " n V Y te l.ondendorrj and Cllaasew NtiviAV nt. 18 Oct. 21 ili:illll An. 23 Sent. 23 ,.7."r Vnt. HO , til Y (IK I (IMION Sent. 2 l-al"" aniJ .'"'Id '" '''.nK-ra currled ( MirnOMVInmlSrW, I) (let. t m. 4 Pim.vriPl l-liiv i!t v,''i,,.t.r, I Ol.l Mill V sent. Ill Oct. It Net. 11 MI'R VN tu, m. '.'v"''11 llsitMA (nem ent. lift i ,,'. '"" -" M.M"'IS seiil. i.i Uncommon Sense Learning Hew te Learn By JOHN BLAKE THE best thing that college does for a man is te teach him te learn. Learning isn't as easy as It seems. Ilie child learns by Imitation. If he happens te have the right sort of models he learns pretty well. Today there are many men and women of forty painfully learning te correct the "baA grammar" they get from their parents. They find the "bad grammar" brings ridicule en them in the company with which they associ ate. Se they are willing te take the trouble te get rid of it. IN college a man gets net se much knowledge, as the knowledge that teaches him te get knowledge. When he gets that his real education can begin. If he Is patient and willing, and has plenty of grit he can get the same knowledge out of life. MOST of the art of learning consists of an orderly brain and a thinking machine that runs smoothly and sys tematically. It consists of taking up one thing at a time and studying it, and its relations te ether things. It consists above all in thoroughness. which means that one lessen, once i lenrncd, need never be learned ever again. Yeu cannot dig into the encyclopedia and amass knowledge that will be of any use te you unlew you learn hew te study the encyclopedia. Neither can you learn the lessens of life unless you learn hew te study them. AN Intelligent man can acquire any business or profession that does net like art and writing nnd a few otlier subjects require a nntive knack. But he can never de that unless he first learns hew te lenrn. Then, like the late Charles R. Miller, of the New Yerk Times, he can take up unhesitatingly the study of the Rus sian language nt the age of slxtv-twe. and be sure that in a few jenrs he will have mastered at lest its fundamentals, nnd read It with comparative ease. nTEAMSHir NOTICES Careful Handling Dependable Schedules .Sept. 20 ..Oct. 8 WESTERN S. S. CO. Shipping Beard Rtcnmrri Lembard 5791-2-n; Main 7781-2 '1.II llll I I1IC JMl.Kir (new) sfi,t, 0 Sent :ii iirf' i ( cx:r.Tic UMriC .iiic. un ient. 23 Oit. ! -ept. ' .i.pt. :ki (),,. .jh kiikh rin. i net. 7 ., lent. 311 Re Star lira l',.T?'erTH. niERBeuna -A.Niwrnp I.API.AM) Auk, 2(1 Sent. Sft Vnr j r.OTIII.VNI)(dlrcct).ept. 2 Oct 7 EINLAM) ''CPt. It Oct. 14 Vnr la ZKELAM . Sep, in " J, " i? KKOOM.VMI sept. 83 Oct 28 I)ee' 'SAM LAND, (ill cIusk pnssenirera nnlt w.U. 'i'?.". fln pnssentfera enl))'Sr'p.13 dBht for Diintlp only. 1,'li' rniLAriKLPiriA-ANTWKnp Kre MISKOrill Aim. 20 i MACKINAW q, MAllflPAC iik 2-1 'm It'll K.AV ,; S MANHATTAN'S,,,!. It MIIYI.M Oct " ; '" '. " ,i,ii iii.aiv Sent i iPAC iik 2' MII'IIKiAV win, nu lATTANSept.lt MIlVI.n be'? " iMSKSGAN Line T TO It Mill IH! vi I'LYMul AND l llEllluil mi "1A"-'l in MONGOLIA Aiiir. 11 .. - MINVEKA1IDA (3d iIehi.) MXNCIIl ItIA Sept. ; (leil 'j srid. II en 'in ST. PA I I. PHILAUI I.PIIIA- iia.MI i'Tiii MIIOPAC Ana. l'l MIC III ,v "L, IIAMIAlT.lMI.iil II , lli J '.V.. 7.rP ..' .:. ..'..". i "n iici. i Intcrnntienal Mercantile Mnrinc ("' ISllsiEXMl-Hs I .DO.Ild) re"s l-n..ener ertlre, li Wnlnut st, .h, ttellht ertlie. I01-4II lljiirsf JlliliV. MliiJ; ROYAL te "The Comfert Reute" New Yerk ( lirrheurc houtliumiHen lliuiibi.i e J1!!!!'.SA A"- 2." lt. 30 Ne,, t OHIIIrA fept. II Oct. 14 Nnv ir Olllll N Sept. 'in (let. 2 sl; .'.J Tke R0VAL MAIL STEAM PACKET CO SANDEItSON ft StJ.V !',! ,..,.,.' ? Hru,.dWii. N. . r Kiel uiPnll! ect si piiiLCL.i.-iphiV'! A-ieC' I Ner. 14 Vs'R'.l " ''MIM:KH,m.,, i .A il I w 1 Vkitiiii r . " s 1I1ILI VM).MIJ( I im ""' Si PIIIT.AHEt.PHIA ltd! II IDA,, i,.l?,M-,!.?.VU "'".""KHKWmKrn, !.' fCOMMERCIAn - . -.,...i.r a.llir.3 Opeiatinii I S Gevt Shlpbl PIIII.ADhl.l'lll. in ( iiulv. ill in iv lll.l.l.VM. LONDONDi.ttlu , Ij Nir n ti "Ul.siKiiti. i,aM iiulr . hiandlim.lun unit Itultir '. ts S B "BASI S1DK" L.,.1 Hair .fent. Other Ports ns Suinclent Carge Offers MOORE and McCORMACK, INC. 444-46 Oeune Blds, Phila. Le ml). 0583 Main 7.-. in- mB m m.m. Jf Fast 0. ti. Mull H.b. UU.NUArA, VU.Nl'UltA, 10.UUO tena. Lloyd's A-l renlster. tisllalit. fill service. Hydn.y hert Lin.. tiamea uiur,(ji.uL.u i.ie it. tr,"r, it class. T.l, Paclfle leurs VKtfTVnK .alls P.pt, SONOJlA .alls Oct. IB IT " Pl'-e Pt . Pan Kranclsre, ch,, or ti U HuriK'tt, AKt 17 Battery riac N, PAHOEIi POST , Special Prices BARRELS and KEGS NEW SOLID OAK KEGS & BARRELS 1 Gallen ....$ .95 2 Gallens ....$1.20 3 Gallens ....$1.35 5 Gallens ....$1.50 10 Gallens ....$2.25 15 Gallens ....$2.50 20 Gallens ....$8.60 25 Gallens ....$3.75 30 Gallens ....$4.00 50 Gallens ....$4.00 A-l QttftUtr ISe Seconds 1-2-3-gnllen Keg, add 15c 5-10-15-gal. add 2ec for postage AH !( abeie thnt we'll Jhlr M express or frelfht. eharce eelleet. All Kegs Guaranteed Leak-proof Established Over 15 Years Bell 'Pheno Kensington 1933 Keystone 'Phene, Park 1486 FREE CITY DELIVERY Check or mener order should be mailed with order. . City nnd Camden orders we aend c. ii. IaASSE-K 3 Stores 1217 N. Lawrence St. 2938 Kensington Ave. 17 N. 2d St., Phila. CANDY Wholesale - " A vi urif I, It Mill, A.M erilhll MUSK, brjXIAI.S roil THIS WKEK I'ENNY GOODS Nettcnt Sweets In Tell. . .. 120 .lellr etirit . . l'.'O Chec. Cltara In Pockets . IliO her. Cream Mlnta.. .. 120 $.07 .07 .07 .07 .07 .07 .07 .07 .07 .07 Ml .07 .07 .07 .07 .0 .40 .43 Chec, irenin cape . . r Wax Aute Mhlatlea Mn Tnimtcd Mnrahniallew . 1-0 Chrrre Hllcke .. . . 120 Asut. Hundnea 12(1 Icr Crrnni Candy lllecks 120 Cnndr I'cnclla ... . 120 Miirantnnllnn liars 120 Mclerln Strnwherrles . B ll. (hern A Or.uiKc Jelly Droit noe Tunaerlnei , . (100 (llnnt .tellies 3 -. Mnrk (IriinitR Ilnra . 120 AKt. l'lcture Caramels . 120 I1AK flOOI) Zntek Cream Milk Chec, liars. 21 llnnten'a Milk Chec. Nut Ilnra 21 llnoten'a Snect Vim. Chec, l(.lr.2l Repettl Crnm Mlnla .. 2 Cncminut Desserts . . 21 tilcnr Tops . 21 Mnn-r.tu 2 for 8c i hoc. Htm 4H Snlt Wntir TnRlea In llees. . 24 KOl'NTAIN .SCI'I'LIES Knda Str.ui (Mone) 1000 ( rushed I'lnennplei '..itiil. Jur linle Ited Cherries . VV-Kill. Jnr I.udv (irucc l'reii. Chec. S)nii.1iul. J.4S .15 .43 .30 .1.3 .OH .70 .73 S.IR 1.30 1.00 1.30 KIIOOI, M'lTI.IES. NOVELTIES. ETC. IPC Ceinn, Heeks 100 puces der. S.81 3c Nmliefr lOO-pnite Tiiblcts. ,lei. .45 3c Cenin ItoeUa "2 pities der. .te .Ne. seen Vnr. I'ntlpiwd 1'enclls ur. l.lll "chel Companions , der. .80 enr Ilubbera r. l.tlu We carry the Inrpest uM. of Stationery and Mrhenl Hnppllea. ririAKETTES, CI(lA1li. l'.TC. (irlmm Cljar (.sales (lUiir'tccd). 30 CI. 73 Cinnel Lnckj (rlkcH. 80s, IlWtn, M.1 Safi-iy llex Matches . . sr. .80 LEWIS XEWHOFF imi.i w.r, coNKKt'Tievr.u a C.l.M'.ItAL MEItCIIANDISE L 25,") Market St., Phila., Pa. err.N ki:nin(jS te h v. m. Market 3110 Eat. 1103 Mnln 114TI .KYES EXAMINED FKEE. NO DROPS USED SPECIAL J?l $3.50 Bifocal Glasses Geld-Filled Frame Speil il nliif K0 no f2.50 All inescilptlenn lllled at a rnWnic et 23 te fi'i'T, Clas.es mads en the prem ises uhiU nu suit MYERSON OPTICAL CO. 8 NORTH 9TH ST. 1 Open Men. & Sal. Evgi. Till 9 P. M. Limb Troubles correctly auptmrteil l,y the ue of UlltLISM I.A( ED NTOCKIMl. n need te luffer from Varicose Q'ns 'elli'n legs weak Knees ft. I .miles c.r anv ether ! u treu- hlei, W 111 h n.il rnti.linl . .iiiln luppiit Thres ami' tnnur rnr i jjplnstlL atucklna-a or troublesome ll'-"nii '''", n'"' tnrHf 'es tinuliles ifcjr XI W -j 1 IA ,, vi'iii-.Tf ..mri, -in, kiiiki, mniiti in 1 ineaeure without elitk wen ! for mam months WnuhnM. u,i 4, 1 ill enn.iurv nht and durable Ce t etil SJ.7B enih, or two for ttie ame lln,l, $1.23, and m.uM lnd v rai rnueli mnie for the i uimurt and ear attained Call nnd lm meeauiid fret,, or wrun f.r h-U measnrirent tilanlt Nj ,-,. Hieie open II te fl dalb . also Wed & hat Ei:s 7 le l. We ulsn meke uli "i .. iiemmai ieit (elastic elisij te order. or nor Penmi, Cnrllm Llmh Sperlalli ( 40 N. S2il St . PhllndeliihlK. P.i. rernwr't of -tin l(eil ri'.lir i ROOFING Wt will Ceat jour old reef nt small cost nnd KU.irantee It Fifteen (16) Years Or .vill sell the Centlntj ready for use - SI. 00 Per Gallen, or Five Gallens, $.1.50 Wille f,,r i: tlinatc nn.l rirt ,ilar ROBERT A. MAYS i:l'l.lll IN HUOIl.Nf, U'HI3U N. lCtli, riiuni ruiiliip ami - - PAPER!? i..mt triune.. Tun 'iimiiit. i. ,.. Hliules lie (. Itrtnll (luiiim.il iiner rittie Mnlilnia nnd Pa er Miitli.l'roer il its and Sheets cid '''"' "nm "n,,''' ,v, Paper s.(.nn i-r. rinaurt, te auuiil 5TJ Plinnei I nmlmril '1270 M iln 3am Of: "3 ULil i IWw PATENTS :..:ssr::,-U auxiu fr iM-enMATION ' WILLIAMSON & WILLIAMSON piuiNlH 1325 ARCH ST., PHILA. naJly.O t8l Menaur? Thurs. Kve., 7 u KREITZER'S SALVE Per Cerns. Ilells. Carbuncles, Hums. I'lesh eunda and Old beies. ltelleves Ilells In a. few days, relle.ea tiurna from pain In 2u 'T'-t. "V by ft", 'irufil.t. lV" ( Urse. KIT ieS?reS.iyml!l.1 ln celn r stamp.. im KitniTgiin 4ne n ad m . pnita.. pa. Razor Blade Re-iharpened V'SLir Jui?r" "round A Honed. 85a Cemplet. (Jrlndlna Establishment T".!? "'"fKHT OHINDINO CO. llllicrt Ht Vblla.. l'a. I. PARCEL POBT IWAI :6mpaijv Ridge and Midvale A?m. On the, Eait RWar P..L n Ju.t Belew th "Caf, La Rl.il', BARRELS ANDKEds u new, frssh'sts. paraffin or wM Jj en lh lntl. S nlshed en the eutttT Writ four ti.iT 5 J henr; eacti. ISSl each, All iar.S ret te leak. !!. -i Km. One Price I'rle. $ .85 1.05 1.15 1.65 2.35 2.75 2.95 1-Gal $1.25 2-Gal. 1.60 lfc 3-Gal. 5-Gal. 10-Gal. 15-Gal, 20-Gal. 25-Gal. 30-Gal. 50-Gal. 1.75 2.25 8.25 3.75 4.00 4.25 4.50 Ik 20c Kt 3.10 3.35 4.75 5.50 La no strei br fretejht or charaea 'collect. ms Westinghouse Electric Ftm Hh 4 U, iiicn Dlsaji ler direc currss cnlr. Velt. f!? ,r 100 ts 11 sclltttba Bemi J these tin have btn allifctlr Jsedeutill hare ha cempliwi evertitBlii and an It perfect runniii c e ndHiea. luuiUK. lf llN 1 at til eelil n. Dif ci I Tain if nrlrn. nE. 435 no etm it Parcel Pest, 25c Extra The "Falls" BetUe Capper The most efflelnt and IneiBetini rapper en the tna. ket. Cart any iaj bottle quickly, tnii. Inn them absetutilf nlrtltht and nn. leakable. Prsmu nremn bettlst, bruised hands, leaky corks, ste. nEO. PHICE $2.50 $1.40 eun piucd Parcel Pest, 15, Exlra n Aet te i:err Tlntller RE-LY-ON SEALS Trade Hark Kcplstered Price, 30e Per Gren Mailed rnts'l Free city delivery en nil articles at. Tfrtlsed, Telephone our orders. . Dell Phenes. Manns unk ltilVUU Kessten Phene, North 0148 Open Monday, Friday & Haturdsy Eftj, f7AyLSHAHpWAHE(Ji IRidtfe and TMidvale Avejjffi 'Quality Hardware I 816 Chestnut Shannen's Nickel- Plated Ice Tongs A eity held summer mci mci fer the horn!- Made of til' irraftn steel nickel plated. Can hi fe't ed te carry eonvu eenvu lently In pocket or crip. 15c each Postage, Be txln 816 CIiiiIhI PbiladelpUi, fl OLD PARLOR SUITS MADE EQUAL TO NEW It e c e nitraM u p h e litirrl w peusnsu. S15- t-clsll ' rirs iruaranteeil, Mlp Cenft,, Made te OIW We carry a 'Wl a t A fl If Q nfnrlnr' mrlsr1ntM 1. 1 wh flit Bile CrlC. American Upholstery Ce. Olilrst anil I.nricrrl Heuse of Its Kl 12S S. Second St. WSMSw BE-EL a All elastic Perfect JI.'" cht na- A thlnir of realM and perfect protection JrtJ cxerulse. In an. g0'nS5 If .oil neil i it""" i,..i.ht fertable and hew healtini lut send and r't en ., ii DIAMONDS BOUGHT I Urine us our Jlrnnnd ,'JV U renllie the highest Pe.u .. , -u tbl, is Ne tnntter ..hut ether. Wii .,pSyS"5opirut!.8e,85-c'.i mers iiiuii "ti.. i--;-. .- .n.. ..,mrm ,mV ee US nna ur f.jiiiuv. .,,, Ve liuv any sire, ahape or eeier. P KF. Phetic I Wnlnut, IJU .... r S.'M l.nte office 2d fleer. "" l"ii! Prl . i ! nUm r0'Ili, jui vH y;ai riAsir niia itanae Mreneir ' i ,n n, . I.nf,"!.1'8 .TVn CO" ',.in ii Oil Sent (. u " ULnri nieeii , II V Jl ,1 iii:nn'i:ii co t 3 Trenlea"! ROOFING .is ".'?? iffl and slat- Kuaranteed for 1" Y". k,I ntneunt of $M0 0. . " fafnt Jilt ter ir.'d A Lancaster a. "" tkvth TKNT8 TKT ...:.,,..... v.. iie. .: i uKil2 .2:7SUi' 'Affirt.rf "nriiir niiirfs Iter Tents, M.ue. ., ru ,.WL5 It. A. Humphry ' Hen GLASSES Law, m?AMIm"HWm Piiiaii iiiisi retAigwjS " .. t'tN'fl PIANO SALE jrevsv n fci SiiBHARI laUstakuPWC llsiWaBB!wKrlf A a ii I n ) 1 CLrtTMl mti 1 i i A I X v RsaUJM ' V. 1 ' f V t J SHANNON J$vf El I i m l 1 ' M lit. OHUMt"'V" ... B.aaialt I I lundud. Mtate waist niiuur I. ulj .. UeretDt of (LWt. I ..." II. 0 A"" "' - rhll.drlpt.UjlJ Barnett Canvas Goods Ce-y 41 N. Mill ST.. Br phila., pa. i Jy Ciin.ua (iinid-r ekv Tk "v , Ce. era Jjc( WsWLV VltM L Z rllr frJSg ir& ?i; ' U?ijv.l mpxi-m J.r... :,MrwMp'.-ny'.', j S-