"A ." "fVVpitjfSjf yyi?' r'w fVI r" J. .- ...W S5? E? -1 i i ) fr. 14 EVENING PUBLfO - LEDGER-PHIIJADELPHIA, WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 23, 1922 & BT k f. w . rjf? ft' pfe Daily Mevie Magazine) JACK, THE BENEDICT, GOES BACK TO THE STUDIO R AKfflRF'HIS', ;M m. ,HIL'Sfflni ivft WrftflikJ.hfc.Mj , -v. WMA W.AW.VlWMftm A. HS . v"-'i"tA9'". V . .V. V V - swat. .WW A. JM iaipf'j' bis ,H, ' Jack I'ickferd is completing the production of a raeltiR Hter.v, "Garrison's FlnMi." Elmer Harris (left) Is the supervisor; Arthur Uossen (right) Is the director. In the meantime Marilyn Miller PIckferd Is probably wait ing at home for her eiiiib "Hubby" te call It a day THE MOVIE FAN'S LETTERBOX r.y nnxrtr m. nkcly T. It. That's a mean trick te write me such an interesting letter and end up by requesting me net te publNh it "What's the idea? It ia just such discussions of the movies as yours that I want for this column and while, as ( jeu pay, you may net :new much nbeut movies", yen have a very sane viewpoint of the things you have seen, nnd a little unity ueuld help a let in the picture business the-e das. Mebhe we might i even stand some in this column i "Burlielme" writes: "In replying te Mi's. S. Y. I'. lat evening juii stated that Claire Adams plaed the lead in 'The Kml of the Itead.' The correspondent who mentioned .Tejce I'alr was nle right, as she played "ro om! lead. Helen Fergusen alt.e had a miner role. I "That film was given a speelal show ing at the Philadelphia Nermal Scheel for (Jirls while I was there. It pro vided a fine object lessen, but it n a crime te show it for commercial pur poses elsewhere. "Plea"" tell me something about Jehn Davidsen. I never see him mentien'' 1 In movie magazines nnd I liked him in Teel's Paradise' and with Pert I.ytell, in 'The Idle Itich." He used te piny with Francis X. Pushman ears age. Has he nnpeared in anything l.itely? "I surely enjoyed Te"se Mallet's let ter. I hope she (or he l wiite again." (I lmven t seen nnv reient mention of Daidsen. but that doesn't mean that he isn't still making pictures. Som Sem Som hew he has net reached the stage where producers beast of having added him te their casts, though 1 agree with jeu that he is a very admirable actor. Here's a nutshell biography for veu : Hern. New Yerk, ISMS. IMueated Columbia University. On stage with Mrs. Fikc. in "Madame Sand." Alse In "Penrod" nnd "Yeung Man's Fancy." Principal pictures besides thosp'jeu mention have been "Wall I5e tweeu." "Millien a Minute," "Green Clenk." "Sentimentnl I.ady." "Cara van," "Paiger Signal." "Pawn of Tate." "The Genius Pierre." "P.l.ick Circle," "Ferest IllvnK 1'hreugh the Toils." "Great Leer."'l "Somebedj's Stene" writes; "He. garding S. Preiser's letter in reference te a New Yerk paper publishing n tragedy m the late Lillian ltussell's chauffeur's death, I read it also nnd what jour friend told jeu was true ac cording te the paper. The friend who snw the ghost of the chauffeur w.i.s Ktliel Hiirrvmerc, who said also that she distinctly hnrd a voice saying, "My bambino! Take care of my bambino!" nnd MIhs Hut-ell vowed she would take enre e the wife and child. The chauf feur died, she believed, at the hands of Italians of n secret order of which he nt one time was a member and, en finding him working for be prominent a person as the beautiful Lillian, de manded of him te drive her te n lonely spot where she could be enptured and held for ransom, and en his refusing te de this, he suffered the purishment of that secret order, which was seventy stabs, one. a dnv, making it possible for the person te live the entire time till at the last the heart was cut out. "The paper published a full page of this and pictures of n body with the seventv stab wounds from head te feet, aKe Mi-, U'lssell's home, etc. I hope I have made this clear in trying te condense it se us net te take up mere than mv Miare of space in your ever interesting column." 'Thanks ; you make It beautifully clear I can almost see that picture of the body with the seventy stab wound J. Nice stuff te leek nt just before breakfast, that!) Ruth R. Address Richard Head rick at 1"40 Fast Thirty-ninth street, I.es Angeles, Cnllf. He or his parents will probably be glnd te send you a photograph of him if you enclose the cuteinar twenty-rhe cents. V lack I Heren writes (under the head ing "My Hun Friend the Critic I "The photedram.itist may face many obstacles, may be bound by many Iron Iren bound rules, face many accidental agencies,' but the most cruel und yet the most necessary 'water jump' Is the cinema critic. "Despite the fact that between the blank sheet in the creator's typewri'er and the smiles or tears of the audi ence lies a Mist gulf of strenuous study, the average critic sits complacently In n "dend head" seat and with little or no study, dares te destroy! "Gentlemen, my proef: (This from the Fvkm.ne I'lUUO Ll'Dueu during dune. 1!CL'. ) " 'Iiejend the Rocks' is a vicious picture, presenting an ugly story in sickly sweet terms. Gleria Swanson cannot act. but this Is net her fnult entirely it is the fault of these who starred hr nnd her director. I am convinced that many asinine things done by our attern and actresses ieine about through asinine directors. Cer tainly it is true Griffith's people are puppets and he being a master puppe teer his acting and productions hang egcther and If net great are nt least unblemished by faults. Valentine will probably go the way of P.ushman. He is. handsome nnd potentially nn actor, but his largest public Is n Cckle one which applauds for a reason no mere subtle than 'his wonderful eyes' 1 "What de you think of that? "There may be some loopholes In that keenest of all critics, the creator' own brain, through which n peer story may snenk, but it Is still far from the public. It must still traverse the rocky loin of the studio, a primary reader, often a secondary reader, and If it passes thesa two it still needs the O. K. of the director. Should the sorely harassed story get that far nnd still possess undesirable points, they are al most sure te be eliminated or softened I -J i i A brns Ge , Just say Bluejay te your druggist The simplest way te end a corn is Blue-jay. A touch steps the pain instantly. Then the corn loosens and comes out. Made in a colorless clear liquid (one drop does it!) and in extra thin plas ters. Thc-actien is the same. Pain Steps Instantly C Bnt3 by the continuity writer, or thj dt rector, or, yen, even the actors them selves," net te mention subtitle writers and the cutting room. "There In little question but what the critic who wrote the libelous squib printed above was suffering from a se vere bilious attack at the time, but that makes me long none the less for these 'dear dead days' when the unhappy victim of such an attack as this could 'call out' the editor of thtreffcndlng paper and sheet him full of holes with a horse-pistol that may or my net have been 'raised from a colt.' (New, In answer te that eh, what'ft the use? Jack Dlccen'n argument sim ply gees te show that, under our pres ent system, all finished pictures must be iinpeccnble, artistically and morally, because they have passed through the studies nnd the censers and any one who doesn't agree with him is bilious. Of. course, we lnk-sllngcrswhe write for t lie papers never studied anything, never created a story, don't knew nny- thlrqc about production! never wrote a photoplay ourselves and are generally crabbed and Ignorant. When we say a picture Is vicious, we de It only be cause we can't think of anything else te say, and we're get te fill space. And we nre se Ignorant that we don't real ize the high sense, of social obligations nnd the geed, clean moral standards of everybody connected with the mevie business. Hew could such pure white souls preduce anything .vicious I Ab surd I Charles Y Knight says: THIS is a combination of pe fectien such as I have never seen in a meter car before, and the public knewa it. WiUye-Chrerland hayedottesemething that has never been done before. They have built a perfect Knight-motexed car in quantities at a low cost" Sfcftea tedBsmarethaa just? tfab comment of Charles Y.,2Qairf, ircnter of the Kdtfxt-typ Moter and cm of the wbridt gnatatt EfcKknteftbrinenMit uuihwtlea yL2rlB The Wtttfrw-JSnleht Moter lmfmemt Wth-Uf WILLYS-KMGHT jaeADencR. $i.e i tecrimq, j75 j caaPBfmt i ssdjm, sum m 7 r5 aa&OMtf WILLYS-OVERLAND, Inc., of PHILADELPHIA General Offices, Parts and Service Chestnut Street, 41s,t te 12d 2.i0 North Bread Street 1629 Arch Street Chester, Pa., Cor. 1th & Welsh St. 1616 North Bread Street DUGS p! Vz te V2 Less I All Kinds! All Size.! Special Lemax Quality $OC Perfect Axmin3ters, 9x12 Carpet Cut and StictJ te Fit Any Roem B PREPAID MAIL ORDERS FILLED Wed. J Frl. te 10 P.M Sat. te 6 P.M. L ,jr ,H 0'1'f-- P pilOf rnbrh St , EM rnoTeruwn nioTen.A'S m r Brace your 'In I 'ir( 5Pir,'s !l np with this ifl tingling, q healthful, ill i T fragrant $i I I delight 1 TCACOCK I umgei'ille M 1 lATuriUfPrediutef H WfflBRODtftESS LB,' A .all A iKfl '' W FWXXX ftllR.BIRCH BIER I jb m J. and ethmr J pN - The following theatres obtain their pictures through the STANLEY Company of America, which is a guarantee of early showing of the finest productions. Ask for the theatre in your locality obtaining pictures through the Stanley Company of America. ADni 1 C "D A THOMPSON BT3. ArULLU JtA'iINEC DAILY OWEN MOORE In "KhreitTKO MIxMMi1' I UJ THEATRES W A CTnD K1UUTII OIUAJID AVJt CONWAY TEARLE in "Tiir. nr.ri:i(Ki:" BALTIMORE T,WT CORINNE GRIFFITH In "A MK(.I.N'S x.Xtllll l( I. BLUEBIRD DAVID POWELL in "Tiih -r.Mii .i.vnr. fi .1 Jtr fin,,iiih.nn. r"-m'nueu 2 until 11 II j-i riMl Al Gtn Si Maplmoe-l Ait. viv-'i "nu 2 r., , ana f. u. THOMAS MEIGHAN in "ei uj.r.AiiiNd tni.r.N' FAIRMOUNT VviaiIV MAE MURRAY In "TltK imUTIIH H I ITTl.V. HKTIl." GREAT NORTHERN V'i; Vs?; ANITA STEWART In JJH' JiU21 ' MAHKIKIl" T:TPFR1AI ''1H WALNUT STST RICHARD BARTHELMESS n "SONVV" I TO CD TV Ul'.' AD ft I'OI L'MDIA AV. Llt5t-r 1 I MATINHB DAILT PEARL WHITE In 'UlTllOt T rr.Mt" eniCMT Woeflwni! A at fl'.'a St. UKlblN 1 MATiNcn pa:i.t "THE SPANISH JADE" ildfd "AOlt HI' TIIH MIHTH" OVERBROOK "L &A,Velfc,'0RD ALICE LAKE j'THJw.iiuyAjy ni; DA I fl bKA.NKrORU AVK. A TOM MOORE In "Mil IIAKNK 01' M.. YORK" ildrU hi Itl'KlhK VII)Kll.l.i: BFI MONT b:d ABOVE JtARKET DOROTHY DALTON In "Till; C KIMMI.V Cll.ll.l.KMiE" PFDAR C0TI1 CUDAJl AVENUB v..i-Urtl j in ard 3 7 uni 0 P. li DORIS MAY In "llli u.y.v COI I9FI FiVT Slarlt bet. C8th & 00U M.I-STAIl I V.T In LONESOME CORNERS" id JxTphiCl kammm i rwrwp" Stt "SINNING IN SILKS AND SANCTITY" in tfim September ntmbet 1UMB0 -T ST. OIRAJtD AVBJ. jwiiiuw jumbo June, en rranliferd "L" I'l'A l.l. Ar In "The Weman Ged Changed" L FADFR lbr LANCA8TEAvIif i.ir- 1I ; ii te 1 30 7 te 11 I. M. OWEN MOORE In "KI.I'Oim.D .MISSIM," LOCUST 02U AN'D I-OCL'.ST STnUETS LVJ-UJ1 Mh l 30 & a Uvb.. 0 30 te u JACK HOLT In "TJIKM 1 N( IN(I IJt.MlI.r," NIXON'S AMBASSADOR"11'' Mat m. . l 1 i-.- - V .. le "THE VERMILION PENCIL" NIXON B"D AND u-IETTr 1" 7 anJ 0 ALICE LAKE In "IIATi;" fiQTH ST Tllere Osp l7rTtTmu U7 ' n J ' - 3" 7 and I) l. 1L JACK HOLT In "Till: MN I N( IIMH ;it i.K" Your Country Club mere Immoral than a Broadway Dance Hall? pvOWN te Frank Ward O'Malley's New Jersey farm came the news U that the world was getting wickeder and wickeder. Naturally he could net withstand the temptation te 'go onto Broadway and see for himself . . . What he saw of New Yerk's Night Life he tells you in "SINNING in SILKS and SANCTITY" in September Hearst's International. STRAND ".n.c w av .i vm, THOMAS MEIGHAN In "III II I. LADING irj.I..V Can Yeu Trust Your Docter? I He has 45,000 different remedies he , might prescribe for you. Only about fifty of them are really necessary I te treat ALL human ailments. 1 The choice of an able doctor is most important. Dr. Paul It. de Kruif tells you hew te cheese your family physi cian in "DOCTORS & DIIL'G MONOKHS" lmSeptember Hearst's International. !' HI . svwusxy NiKS.:s:i. s ' irj.it. J. 2i Kt.Llt.lN 1 10 A M. te U P M. .I'I'.CIM I'KUIiriT'lIX i AT STROKE OF MIDNIGHT rjiAl TS UiJIIltANTTOW.V AVENUH 1I AL 1U AT Tl U'MIOCKLN BV. HOPE HAMPTON In ''"'TAB llT" SHERWOOD M&$ "ni RAYMOND HITCHCOCK In "TIIK 1IKI TV MIOl'" 333 MARKET,,T,A.L7e7i,.,.I5nJ? THOMAS MEIGHAN In "III II l.l.IIIMi I ITI.IA" ARDMORE LAte.1r'l"c vy mmmtim u " 1"""' wwwni AT OTHER THEATRES MEMBERS OF M.P.T.O.A. GERiMANTOWN a5lrAi0Til"uAU.v' IVY DUKE In "TIIK IIII.AMIST" P. RANT i0" 0tAUD avu. I CORINNE GRIFFITH In "11IK SIMll.K TII.VIK" r JEFFERSON SMi JAMK1 KIKKUOUII In THE MAN FROM HOME" I -MI jidt. ; jr., K-". (IMS la 1 1 f mr. and Mre. carter UeMaven ieyKiOLtumi:jif-xiai. The Fight in St. Bartholemew's What would happen next Sunday morning if Christ himself, with a few lowly followers, walked up the aisle of our most fashionable church t Read what did happen in Upton Sin clair's new rove "They Call Me Carpenter!" Read hew differently the different newspapers reported the disturbance. Read hew Jehn Dee Carpenter was thrown into prison. TX7-ORKING with Nerman Hapgood te make Hearst's International the most distinguished maga zine in the world is Will Bradley, famed for his skill in designing pages. In the September number he has created for you in picture, type, and in brillant colors a magazine te delight the eye. With three great novels by Gouverneur Merris, Upton Sinclair, and Sir Gilbert Parker with ! seven sparkling short stories, with eight vital articles, with reviews of Plays, Beeks, Art, Science i Hearst's International is worth infinitely mere than the THIUTY-FIVE cents you pay for it. The Better Wife A Nevel of a Weman Who Found Herself She felt like ether women, thought like ether women-and yet her terrible past, cruelly forced upon her would net down! One of the thrccgreat novels for you in Hearst's International for September. NOW ON SALE Great September Issue Hearst's International A LIBERAL EDUCATION M.WUT.MO.I HTBMftefnf llffQff,. iiilllM! HROAn STBF.F.T BROAD STREET AT SUSQUEHANNA AVFNI1P An Unusual Service and Guaranty ;. Back of Every Fur We Sell This Menth Along witn tne excellent values and variety of styles offered in the August Sale of Furs, each nifn.v..w receives a written guarantee against uuiuciH nt wuriuiiuuaniptana quality that holds geed for, a period of one year. Our previous experience in handling fine furs enables us te place this guarantee with each Fur Ceat sold and de se with confidence that its protection will be little needed. Whether it is written or net, as' with every ether article we sell there gees with every Fur Ceat sold the usual Gillies' guarantee that it must be as represented and remain satisfactory, or prompt adjustment will be made te please you. Fart Different Stvltm Prices Range from $125 te $350 Termi te Suit Your Convenience i M MM Iffllll: BUMMKK KEStORTB ATLANTIC CITY. N. J. CAPACITY TOO SUMMiat UKSOKTS ATLANTIC CITV, X. J. MmM WKEKI.Y RATES WITH MEAI.Sl WITH RUNNING WATER . $18 te $25 . WITHOUT RUNNING WATER 15 te 17 WITH PRIVATE BATH . .25 te 3& ' DAILY RATE WITH MEAIS .$3 te $6 EUROPEAN PLAN, DAILY . $1.50 up T.AKOl;ST MOO lilt ATI'. IIATK 1IOTKI. l'nclflc nd Arkcnaaa Avrtiui"', lmlf block from Wch. Millien Dellnr Pler nnd bnt bathlnit beach OIICHKSTRA DANCIMi TWICK DAILY T arsri percht a. ball room, electric lights, private, bathv runnlnc water In rooms, excellent table. tea (oeua and Vegetables frrh dally. Hath houses for aurf bathinc. tiarnire. Hoeklet Phenes 8280 and CK1W. WM. M. HASLETT YODK C'OMFORT.OUK 8UCCKSB" r .EDISON Mienirmn at , etr Mfrt ana Betrdwtlk, Atlanile Cltr't neit beutlfai betI itctien, eenvtmUnt t all rbjrthM, plra and thaatret; nedern In 4fty danil, opae turrnendinji, all rbtarful oeufi via roc ma, nawlj fumtahtd and dxeratd traeu. 9,000 aq. ft, of rerehta, rB aecjmmdaUen. Het and Celd RUNNING WATER IN ALL ROOMS fitflMr an.ulti, pr vaU batbai 'ctrie IfghU. flarater arTtia,i jiurtena tun parlor, attraetlra muile asd danea roecn Ftm bathing pmilfga. OUH TA1U.K ptnai riurf; woederfui nema coeklnr, frMh vegetable tUt tha mark! afferdi, white ferric. mrian pli parepinp)fcn, U Wep dally. fhena A. C. tTtt. Ownanhlp vwkMfzmmt. i j.n. D. M IVU Bl umuji Spatial wtxkly gHISfIIL, mmm Vcninia Avp..inrl RnaxUt! ATLANTIC CITY.N.a Entirely Rcfurntnhed and ReneVatcd Amerlfnimind Kurepenn riant "Gerstel's Fameas Cuisint" Specialize en HunRiirlnn Dishes nnd Sea Feed Platters Com modious Grille. High-class i;n. tertnlriment. Het and Celd Itunnlne Sea Water In all Baths. KMIL OKItSTKL. Lewf-Mnnn.f, Ah. nperutlns llernters Inlands KENTUCKY Tr 1twl BrltMSSOv A WELLSS30RO JCentucky A? ni Ueuch, rur. lieue, nptin iirruuiidlnvs, center et nttruulens anil pltra. Hun. water In rma . prlv. bntlm llultilns prlv. from hotel, hheiver baths, l.lev te tt Table unxce! 43.S0 up dly, p;r kly Am. Plan. Orcht-stra. Uanclnic. flar l'h. 4fl J niclt Owner. Dlreciliin. KAI.I'II MKrm.KV Kntllrlr Av!llie nenr llearh "WK OFFER KENTUCKY'S BEST" Qeratcr te itre't. Electricity and tettpheitM la roemn l!eMns ilnnle and en suite with ninnliff esht , andpmatehiths. Btlmulstlns raltlne. WhlUMnkt, Orrheitra. Danrln, Ceif pnrllfir'i. Amttletasss, p ") up dully, uprrlil weekly. Beeklct. ' KING A UARIIAR1. Owners PbeasMH SPECIAL SEPTEMBER RATES GOOD TO RBMEilBKR ILVBRTON k.l J Kentucky At, nr. beach and Bnrdwilt " II- LI- 12 tl.l !!... iicasuuaDie ecnmuin Aiaivs Newly renovated and refurnished; elm ter, electric IlKht. private baths, het 4 cold RUNNING WATER IN ALL ROOMS Amer, plan (with meals). 14 00 up dally, special weekly. Free llntlilnc from hotel. Tbene A. (J. 3930. Booklet Ownership Management c: .Gsra lenne.jeeave. &Beich (New rireproef Adl'n) rilUK HATIII.NM ltOOM AND Mmm biiewKK iiatiis TlLluL r.i.Tirii iini.i. RUNNING WATER IN EVERY ROOM UUROPUAN PLAN Jl! Day Up Rprlal weekly. 20th nanen. J J JOYCR BISCAY5MS: Kentucky ie. near beach In ezclusUe Tray Tray mere district a hotel with a cheery atmos phere of homelike hospitality, the mnnt mod ern and luxuriously uppelntcd heutclry of "'RUNNING WATER IN ALL ROOMS Prlv. S. publla baths & shewers: new metal twin beds, diitlnctlte table, personal super lsi of nmu.-'t. Jlklt. J22.BO up wltly. J. j, Mi'ni'iiv. Special September Rates ELBERON K I'lreproef Annra. jennessee ne rr. BiA i ''ap. 400 Cpiitrul: open eurreundlnis: cv Cathnllp t Pretestnnt churches. Prlv. MtM- I RUNNING WATER IN ALL RO0MJ1 I I'x tixble; frenh eBet's. tVlndeus screwel White rv. Illclt. Garnce. II. II. I.ndr. M.D. : j WESTMINSTER l.anln.L Ara wtmam llnh I Itemedeled und refurnished throusneot outside rooms. Ituunlnn Tvater and snna , taths. Hlevater te etreat level. Culilnt Oi 1 surpassed. White service. KxjensHe peruij lower upon request.. personally resinew and directed by A. v. KUi'l. " H. Carolina Ae near Ueuch i. Ileardwalk I'entrnl te .ill attra tieui Newlv leinid. A refurnished thruuitheut I)Htlnrtley home like IlL.N.MNd U KB IN AI.I.'yHli(lTs Pilvate baths Kleater snrlr0 Excellent table. American 4. Kuiepeuu plan. Moderate r-' i s iiprs-ini aire 'lien NHV UltK AVK. MUU IIILVCII Newly furnished and deterated te assure our patrons a comfortable and domelike sur. rpundlns-s durlne thel eoleurn In Atlntle City We are new efferlnt excellent accom modations with vxceptlenul home coeklnc ttduced ratee. ' 3.00 Ilally Hpeelal Weekly Personal Vnnimeinent i niruAit MILLER COTTAGE vr "SB for lt tnlile. j;i up aally: lit up weeuj. ldtn feasnii, i.moraen Creutnamel, Jicr, s . Always open, elwtji UOniineniai ready -erms tnedertte Write or pneni, SI. WALSH DUNCAN HOTEL STERLING Kentucky ae. nr. Ilsae Sfed. eqp All side rins. Itathlng from hotel. Amer. Has. Rplverlera eurtl Carolina Ave. dm appointment, med ratea Ownership v Shnreham vlrclnla Ae. near o e o anercnam Cap Qa0 Amtr- piin iim up eanv. iminimr prlvnees A'ni"i2a OCK.VN CITY. N. J PARK VIEW Bte "FT'Lull"" wii.Dwnnn, N. J. LAL El CM t.T IIAItftw III ii. .. ..... Capacity SOU Uery appointment In cuisine end eerWce. liunnlns w.ter. Private baths! Miacleuii feyer und leunmnic rooms Solarium. Breatjv .ucMra. "ggrlnr.blcft 31xe SENATOR VlFOINIA AVENUE OOArTSwAt An ocean front hotel. Uriel? construct. Newly renev. I.areit perfii overlooking ocean Lxccl meala It te.ts less te at "y with ii. than It doe., te Btay ut inferior hotels fuVthJ! reinei-iLfrnm Jlnerdw ilk Wrltji h, Sm" wmmwm NEWOWNKOSMIP MANACEMm? lrrlnla ae. nr. beach. Cap. oeo. ihiT. i .". LtT" '"i. . i'rr uay up siiaclal vkly. bklt Aute at stations OD. Painter. I (I!!l"n.,DJ?lwVr,AT wntlally modern I I ifri""nbith" P"1" f ' ",t,fi eleelrle lights I I Un.icelljd cuulne. (hem. coeWr) UoeTlI.i I OwmnalpaaaaajueM 'Jfce.Hl.vt'ued.j, uSl' J i Near ueach Can, baths (lelf prlv jaraiEi Can. 200. Ilunnlng water, rrj vllsges. . ea rnttj I ; Dm., t. . ib Lerraine ; "vv" " Mr. r. W TAI'B ivy, K. J. THF Wll I APn 601 Celuinma Ijiree cool furnished roems: half block " in iiaafiii 'fm.rtnm naannin i hid --titii I t- uie iTnnui " never.y innm-nnmnt. Amer. m I Heas. rates, nr, beach. II. O. Dennett. OCFAN yiiUI. N. A rA m nt-r..RirtTi tn f-rfield ler M? K. bin AS Orean Pathwaj. runnln Inatalled ecenn view. Tel 27S1 SPItlMl I.AKIl. N. ' REEN GABLES HOUSE f m. M. Illinois He, epn Travmnm .i,i - IlrlBhten Hotels eV,an vlew l?Sh,a r'l'ijnn'f "ivlreninent Pilv l h Uu WRter 111 rII rnnm lv.Alt...a -..! V "Us ...':.". ""-iii t. uiHine. TANIi l'rep ltt W 1 New Clarien ,,rr,t",c,' Av Just ea refnTTaT. I ,"wrI,w,,' .lC.iienlfS LOUVAN ' T.l".""'"P8..Ae llen"" "itii TABOR INN w,n n""1' Colinectle"uTA7.' rooms. He, ,, wpV'--y-iJ". iry nwnermanajiemem j . t A, SI I)unn' HEALY'S ,"? n Kentucky ay Hetel Boscobel K'n"cky nv nr. Ick I. e.klv Te.enhn , .',"" ) BW1.. . UP -; - j i j "-st ii niriif I Av rtmm 11... w Fii . uctietf). . .. ... ::"" i LALVtKT Yiriri B;tJ "rJ!3&nrSm n A ,M VM'UT lit nUHs Atstt t)s.i.. m e-.Tj.si"t,ivir;,jr15.'""-j . m Ark. it Atlantic ava. ha. Jims, tl.fie 4a On (he Otfiiii. Sprint' I-il. Siirnmnilril liv l.reen li'i4"","" (.urdrPH nl the Iklue of the, J"J!i. .. 'tiiMis. Pres. A.J. MiiridiJlfi ItllAtll lllVKN. L. Hswsj THE ENGLESIDE '"ig tVi .."., .V",n,Wv:s.Snf..;ceu,u I. F. Hn6lU. ManaKsr Itl-CII II AVKN, N. ,frh CHI Ker Informtttlen tt bklt., wilts lioreurn HKAniKT. V. IFc j. Stockton afSe Girf.NeJ, On 1h ecmantn A eharmlnv hnlal. aeralllinedatmi frith lis own nrlvate beHCll Hia eusesl itanelna. vachtln. '"'- asssssssnsaM.il I i - -1 -...' .it rf