wmr" wwWmTWWmm. RJi !?!.. tW- , r ,rf J , , i .' r evening Public .Tiimamt-phicadelphia,, Tuesday,, 'atjgtjst 22, 1022 tfew Yerk Town a Q i , ev nrnrmt I ropeUtan Newipaper Service 9 ?By Katharine Newlin Burt CepvriOht, Ult. 6y Kath arine Sewlin Burt. Printed ev n rangrmenr Wtlh Mitt Mary or Heletiet Which Should Win Unusual Herat WHO'S WHO IN "Q" i ...1 , O. T. Kinwudden. a brisk ,t2;"Mlnr. diamond In Ifii? rowan wae I J . I!SSSU'9& WW. f SBV'JU..III.I r iXiun jweir?w",,;';"M''m;r tiHiffa. i -- -- - MLOS OBINBCOOUBE, a fephUllcated Stat lull W av and vtrUUu. But luit evolved taith wfitKter Ileleite. ulnY enlSaCOOUBK. IteMie't cehIm, a JbrmrtO lr. 0 rich efteraelcr and r - - urn wninrr. ib ucriiic. Mraifuuti' I01011 fa im duration. ( If n us-, w?1;:' ..i.i, hn Kcti Alaewnrd. for SlarnrtW 0 M clot. flh Iraeht J1S33 e their income, and I) become -re ORtSaCOOUBE.ay.nt of the elrla. L alvti e tome e UtWte, but Ignores Varv. She M armoeroiic. out inn neil 25rwnl hr trt(r tmdr i thumb 0 ft. 8JILKS, 0 tat. Indolent phvrtcian, iuhe nithtevit influence the IIS el the tJlmunltv. . He ha, been eulltu of no- iUiHnt patient, ana v nam im vw Sleriei aeaintt him. B BALES, -r., vine n "-'i" v.. in emiarrattment. He love f MPlllE. a tcaltreii, te U'hem 0 ha been M, which act ha caused eesilp, Mary's Anxiety Allt wondered why her heart steed still. Then she understood and was miry vnn ucrswi. u. w cic i) "wful rich, mignt net tiie lewcra nnu tlls of urlnscoemDcry, wnicii sne fcnded Irapregnnble te his Knignt mntrr, he shnken before his lnnce? a. ireat fortune (het would re far toward seftenlnff the hardness of Mls Btlda's opposition, of -Hclelse's young wetldllncss. An ungrammntlcal mil mil Uenalrc may be forgiven where an un- framinaticai cenuuy rauunn iuici itieng tnc uniorgivauie. iui new could a genereus henrt blnk nt knowing ult W ana a cnnncc n iuiujik uie dwlre? Mary convicted herself nnd mumI judgment. Then with n smile nere winning uu n "U1" ,m,u lmlglnta, snn ucm wui nw imiiu uvruas tkt'table te Q. My dear, piic saiu, 1 &u bu. tii nrru fnxtpnpd down evpr hers ml enveloped them in warmth nnd itrehgth nnd comfort. "It den t de me much geed, Miss Mary, except te make me hnnker nftcr tie moon, which Is the, hurt of thing a sum can't buy." "Oh," she suggested, "enn't he?" fatn, seeing his (lush, she was ashamed. "Of course, in a hense, net," she hurriedly nmended, drawing away her kind, "but, among peeple thut havu tlwajs had weulth nnd enn't Imagine being without It, a fortune Is bound te count, Q." He had leaned back in his chair and his face was masked nnd rather ptle. He had fixed his eyes upon her fn the through-gazing fashion thnt dis tinguished them, and Mary felt that all her motives and impulses were bit terly exposed. "Please go en with your lessens, Q, he cried out an instant later. "Juet a minute, imi'fim. Yeu Fitld you,as betlierin' about money. If you w8 a right sensible young woman, you wouldn't he dein' nny mere of thnt." "Why net?" Mary naked blankly, then colored het nnd high. J.W'hen a partner of mine hns a for tune, I don't never de no bethcrin' 11. "b teu nre simply absurd. Ge en with your lessens, please, or I'll give 70U a bad mark." "Te take Heme te ucnten en: "Ne te tnke home te Ilelelse. Ts ike Interested in your education, Q?" In her effort te escape from Jier em btrrassinent, Mary had taken the first conversational opening her mind sUg mted te her. mid diibhcd into a Mil) jifft which the dclicuey of her sjni payiy had hitheite kept snored. "Net wi'k euM netice it," returned Q dryly and leek up JiN book. In the midst of his rending, the tele phone bell rnng and Mary, answering it, turned te her pupil with one of her wiggHh leeks. "Seme one te speak te you," bhc said "a message from the Boen." He was white when he steed up nnd Bored te the instrument like n sleep walker. In his enr came thn swift, im perieus e!ce that hnd se injured him. Q can jeu come out this afternoon ntfeur o'clock? it's important." ''Yes, lun'niu." "Where lme nu been thc-e dnjsV" "Laburin' with my hands te wish By henrt," said (t. uiiHiniliiig. "Hew qurpr. You'll come, then?" "Yes, inu'am," "Surelj?" "Ain't I tellln' you se?" "I don't knew. Q. what may happen tome If jeu don't come." "Metmir is ngein' te happen te you, Hen." "Geed-by." Her veIpr In nil thi brief Kcntences W been n trifle breuthlcBs, abstracted. e-M was net lllrting, nor termenttng, Mr' lauzhlne. She wnx nfrnld. He knew that in all his nerves. He strode tjett te his le sons .and Mary felt that W was entiri'l) forgotten. Her pupil tumbled nbsentlj through uritlimetlc lsen nnd history lessen nnd went Jay from her as U10113I1 the mind of HeleUc had put some sort of t'lichnnt Bent en his steps. .Mary, when he had gene, walked ibeut the room In a dry -eyed misery Menger nnd hurt pride; hnting herself, lad her life, nnd her love. When her little father came, fifteen minutes lutcr, he dropped his books hastily en th nearest chair, came te her nnd held out M nrms. Mary crept close te him, put her bend en his shoulder, nnd wept. They Hit in the distended wicker tnalr, the littln father stroking her and wunuunng eoiuteri, At Inst Uiey mmike Q and of Dr. Sales nnd of the debt. lTOentl their lu-nrts were greatly Jd; thpy could laugh at each ether; ifrm1"" evt'n DPRin ,0 umUc plans. . I II have te tr very determinedly, aW, te turn mi pen te profit. I ugnt long age te have mude buch an tffert." .Mary hid her pathetic smile. She Mv (,0 well thnt his pen would prove M Impotent n geld-digger ns could well m fashioned, but she gnllnntly supported "determination nnd together they out ea a possible series of articles en wueatien, concerning the ultimiite sue wta of which they mnnnged te convince wemeelves quite emphatically. Lunch L.VNm 1 eempletely forgotten nnd by tea-hour they were busy, brisk, ?ri cheerful people Mary pouring "with steudinehs, though her eyes ""I showed truces of her stormy nlng, iw' ,ni!1,p Ku',l'n of the Orlnscoembc i'??or; Heleisp tee wns pouring tea, Jitch " " "" t-'"orll,eus bilvt'r hw l c i'0"1-0'1 ll H'e lce ruttled because if...n".,WM shaking. A tiger cub is aitmi.??tlnB p,ii HUUtlc- beautiful, nnd 80M i'B; l,,,t nB u KrewH from cub Ll,' ll tiger iinture strcnRthenB ni Hat.nna t,lle,!'. t"e "'null fearful fearful te .i.ilnade H " delight increases wwmethlng thnt is net n delight at Kin. xc!!'n,t',,t wns 11 uecesslty te taint re,s-,lc?? ,ll"l unsatisfied tempern ?!":: I'trd imnd. for thn iinRe few WV"VTH .!,'!.'?; Dlfltttln. . t.. " . llU - -rf.MK HI. I, THE GUMPS That's Beating Bm te It, Kid By Sidney StnUh ) may beceme a Cleopatra nnd nny man a Den Juan. The, old sex channels nra worn be deep In "consciousness, deeper than nny recent scrlbbllnga of religion, morality, or .wisdom, it rcquirea only n slight diversion te send the floods running deep and free. Heloise had nnd leisure nnd n wound; she was dangerous. Ferdinand, was the mnle counterpart of her condition. HB wns Vulnerable nnd impatient, thwarted, sufficient y uncertain nnd sufficiently masterful. Hclolse'a daring Increased hand In hand with her ulnrm. Be fur she hnd kept her balance, but lately it had been with increasing difficulty. The artificial supremacy of girlhood wna Imperiled, becnusc Ferdinand's im perious passions, always his spoiled children, were growing like the talons of the baby tiger. When slm wus safely out of sight, Ilelelse would laugh at ner nerves, but no sooner did his sultry blue eyes fall te devouring her again than fear, excitement, weakness shook Jier. After her failure te meet him nt the club-house en the afternoon of Q's del bcrntcly excited runaway. Ferdlnnnd had lest no time in flinging himself down before his stccrlng-wlicel nnd eating up twclve miles of heated con crete te demand from her an explana tion. He hnd been in the geld reception-room when Heloise hnd run up stairs hnd just, in fact, been giving n messnge te the footman; nnd, seeing her hurry past the deer, he hnd begun te fume, te pull at his tiny blend mustnehes, nnd te prowl nbeut the room like some lnrge, gruccful, nngry animal. Helolse had taken time te ro re nrrjuige her golden helmet. She knew that he was down there turning, and she began te be nervous. olio nnd nrn.spntnrl fn 1,1m ........- bctween the long geld curtains, when he turned nt the sound of her coming, n figure of such cool green hllmncsa und snew-wulteness thnt n characteristic (.uiupuincnt nna sprung past his anger "Yeu leek like n mint julep, Lcle hanged If you don't some heavenly cool green fragrant drink in a tall glass makes n inan'H threat tingle te iuuk m your xnen, Having her smile, he returned deliberately te his waltine this afternoon ! Wasn't It four o'clock thnt you said you'd be at the chid it's half-past six new" He turned a sullen eye te the geld-faced clock below Sir Sidney Urinscoembc. "I've been run away with in the intcnal," sold Heloise, "by a wild and woolly Westerner," nnd with that, staggering Jier with its sudden fury, bis temper had broken. He had stormed, thick-voiced, pale-lipped, nbeut the fragile room, be used te reticence; lie bad damned Q; he had told her his opinion of her methods. "Damn cruel, teasing, hclflsh " Heloise, all white, her narrowed eyes as green as her dress, had pushed him nwny nt the end, her two slim hnnds planted ngnint his chest, which, under its silken shirt, had scorched her palms se that, that night, she tried te rub the memory away ngninst her cool bedlinen. She did net knew, she hnd told him, hew he hnd dared te come se clebe te her, te touch her "I've touched ou before," he had stammered ; "better take your hands off me " And, plucking them from him, he hnd crumpled them both painfully into one of his, had put hisnrm close about her, had held the hands te his mouth. Heloise, for thn first time, hnd realized a man's bodily strength. Fer a minute she could net se much ns get brenth into the scant space he had left her in n het, misty, whirling world. She had gasped "Aunt Selda !" nnd had found herself free. Ferdlnnnd wns moving hnckwnrd away from her; his cjes looked bruised. "Next time," he hed mumbled with his In elent, clumsy lips. "I'll get some Mitisfnctleu from you, you white wit.'h!" Heloise hnd sat weakly down In one of the small gilded chairs. Her wrists hnd felt emntled of bleed. It hnd been terrible, and exciting, mere exciting than Q's game with death. He was wrong It might be niore healthful nnd mere honest, but as n galloping in centive te quick breath there was- no potency in it te compnre with this ether game. Aunt Selda hnd come in .slewly: she hnd pns-ed Ferdinand, it seemed, in the hnll. "I hope jeu've sent thnt man nvn for geed, Ilelelse." she hnd snld. "Orncieus, no!" Ilelelse hnd lnughcl, looking lompeiure from serene, dis sembling eung ejes, "he is the delight of my life, Aunt Selda. He'll be back seen nnd I'll tench him his lessen. I am getting te he n regular lien-tamer." Aunt Selda had looked nt her, several phrases en her tongue, but she restrained it from pronouncement. Aunt Selda understood her niece. New, en the Friday afternoon, In the garden under a striped canvas umbrella, n wicker table between her and her visitor, Heloise found tbqt she could net command the shaking of her body. Thnt morning, Ferdlnnnd hud an nounced his coming for tea nnd had "hung up." All dny, Heloise hud alternated between self-nssurnncc and cold fear. It wns her cold fear thnt had sent the S. O. S. te Q and spoiled his history Ici&en. Afterward, she hnd wished she hadn't sent for him, bur. net te the point of countermanding orders. Ne, en the whole, she had told herself, as she led Ferdinand along n box-ledged path te the garden table, she wns glnd that Q wus en his wny; he would by new have left the hotel f 1 ' .y HflBMlHliV X W 'MIGHTS 6tAt TO HE A U- WH-NM 1XNTS t rl , .let,. , aexxivn TvttMMcrtnMiTiAHi ilWy RMt Yem EHT V I- 1- ou 1 -SS 5S OLt JiKtOCIC V " I JkW mt MDRt re MVOWKtt UK ""J lUWWT V I m4 ITTH ' 7 ) tw UrI V AW TWLS TMfc W FO. THl Ue VA Uft ilOtrrt4- V ... . J . " HE H y 0i 1 Het ceutnH6 itrrtKtrr- 'ceui 1 1 k H9X "m" N. MOHTi yf UrrtE MeHty Unr i -asr. ii i i pi u n h L11J wr mi i rr inn SOMEBODY'S STENOGIt Was a Bully Place te Step Tleelstered U. Vatent Offlc By Hay ward ' G'WAkl t1bUMAS' ' IF40U CAAl BWJft IMA GUI leittiri I DIDAiT -SAY X VWAA17ED A BATH 5 i I W mLmwmr'L 111 rTbs , row st? The Yeung Lady Acress the Way ld&4eSlii- THE TOONERV1LLE TROLLEY it. By FONTAINE FOX Statistics show, snys the young lady across the way, that under the eighteenth amendment there is less drinking per enpitn. I5ut hew about the general average, she Inquires. ,v'- " V . "" 0FW- HAD A ne-QOUAR ftiT ftdtiT MST WEEK TH DAY THE CAR JUMPED THE TRACK OPPOSITE. BfceWM'S CW PASTURE.. SCHOOL DAYS By DWIO PETEYThe Accident Is the Easy Part By C. A. Voight Mho hud fiijeyeil I t 1 m .1 out i,r, " . "Pu'n, . imi'iing lain mi' ,,"1" snnicning n nwey iSfci-1 ttl,, .J,cl ' J'remlse wliut m u m '"IH wlllihch , pinylfig, in IftVn.?"1,"0 '.,H 0,' 8. in- which iy Sa.."'" l? tai"'' women mere HI MA,.. :,"." ""'I'l wuiiicii inure 55. MK.iLenA'V."ff?w .nnJ Mkl -l J.'"." " CVY1. . ven rme- 'i'l ' nu "Mestny woman "Sit down in that chair, Ferdy," she snld. "and keep there." She smiled at htm with level eyrs. Ferdy obediently Hung himself down in the appointed plnce. He looked sullen nnd inert, ns though the heat f tlm ilnv hurt taken some of the vigor int of him. The tiger was dull; his ejes hnd a drugged, sleepy expression. Hut llelelse's instinct set her te shak ing whlle she reassiired heiself. "T hnne veil're EOlllK te apologize, Ferdy, for your absurd exhibition last week". Yeu nre a spoiled child, if ever there was one. 'Titlce mis cup ami drink it up ns the cress-putch rhyme snjs, then make me n nice respectful little speech nnd majbc I'll forglve 5He took the tall glass silently in his big, white, steady hnnd nnd, looking down nt her hand, he smiled slowly se that she could see the attractive line of his even white teeth. "What are you slinking for? he asked her nnd sat, staring down, and smiling. . . , i.i... Helnlse leaned ,bnek nnd took up n werk-bng she had carried with her. She laughed. "De you think It's becouse I'm afraid of you. FcnlvV" "Well," he said, ".ou knew I'm mad about you, don't jeu? And you knew you've spent the last bIx months driving me mnd, don't you? leu knew what my wife deeB te me nt home, don't you? And you knew what sort of mnn, I am, don't you? I think you've get some reaben in ue mrum of me unless " With thnt, slowly, ponderously, he looked up nnd the smile grnduully left i.i ii... 'vim,, nil mid stared nt each inn in'". ..' i- . . . . ether, the thunder et qmcK puisea in '"Unless?" Heloise found herself 'Fcrillmind'B fce changed violently and he get te his feet. "Fer Cled's Bnke," he snld, "send that loei away i i morrow f UELtO PEfeV.TUEV IEU. MENOO MAO A MM?0W eCA,P& ' 1?AU OPP A ?&trH f OAT iW NeURCAR - VUAT.'-WUERE'DVOli Gerr tWat sTerv .'-1 Ma A "TftAlU "VOU 5E4 I WAS (OMIMC A10U6, A V4ET MIGHT, f40 HCMtS OMlpE Ct?05SIMC CAT e AMD A ' Ff?EICWT GOIUClRRU.VfE I vmufRlCHT 5MACK lUTe THE WMetE WORKS, IOCK.V (HIWG WOD00Y WAS KILLED ETC - ETC -ViELl,vielc, PeJey Old3ey ciaoTe iSEETOU ACVVE,TWf MUST HAVE.PEEH A kAsiV expET?iELicE: CTOII4C OFFTC-ATHOWjTAIM T0AO IW A AT2 - MeumTajwj 1?OW)-WHO , iTOLDNeulHAt' HTA ft?EICHtTT?AIU -N0L SEE, r WAS LIKE iTTTis-eTc-eTc SI ' vv-J f (T05H-IM SLRWISED' TO SEEfOU ME AWD NOU WET?E J5EAP a cuv caut be .M . - I --' - viAMee reRWTnue OMEOFIHOSEBIG Tl?UCK3.TtiEV TAKEUPIME WHOLE 1?0AO -"The "Tewtu '55?iF) ini.Yr JZrSMS: s ja flHBv i "7 M fX&GMKl & CZ- RffiButfJjiSA f y&FjfetA -ci Al ' -tI I ItllllllKSlMll ALL"Tut?U eiMtwe- AGAIM. f 'LO PeTeY, ele 1q9, Clad Te see. J Weu't?e alc ever "Wat ) AccipenT Neu MAP V es A Mi -f l --j.-! - AiueveR vrr 3Ai n Tusr starTiug!! r ' l jT rW-g,. GASOLINE ALLEY- A Penny Saved, Yeu Knew ''CONTINUED, FtVe, seven, ELeveN, ame six is SeveMTeetM, AViD TfeN IS TUENW-SEVEN-. i3 efJ gZ E"MILV. THEf ShAieFD MG FCXJR. CENTS Toe A1UCH AT THAT CAWfcfaiA WM6te Wfc MAO WHQi r- jfi9r TT UUJM ' y -. .JL 'WAiWr .k .. -, V. " By King Cor mv Moneys we&ru THOUGH, VOU BET! LOOK- Toek a fistful of THese WHGA4 PAIP MS CHECfc. s, rf.M V.. free Picture Postcares Of) 1 i"Ave us euviNO 17 IRf .(Postcards At a cehtJ . I 0Vj --APiecg 1 yTTlV JJS VxiK tsj m laHfiiV Urn fc, m V - -fB,I ,TlU-!r J. J3. ,.'.VS-7J31i JiHlV- i xj.ft.v.WJ-yi r - . . l (. - . - : "rtlw, i J i '! A.1 i. . ..V . . J... u. -.. F..J . fc 8 U.( ii. A -... ,, -sr1 4'n . i rr" . I,C l.Jw t. , U.- it. M T , n VUlxfrVvMv ZfttW. rSV.. i