rTTTi'V iIimI tfc VSl&fr vm -IHPHP Vr-vm": SFsp j&s&b&ss vz-s; ft. i .- i .... rw ' l n s .' LJ. 1 vl!B !:!l i I SHi 3 f i I rtlfgl' i m if', kB'- ' ft pB' it kBkf- mh' gslgsWriV Pbbuh' AmijgiV .26 REAL ESTATE FOll SALE t I wkw .irawr.v hkahiierk xmr jersey seashore new .ikrsf.v skaciierk On Leng Beach, where the State Automobile and read Bridges cress Barncgat Bay I Choice Bungalow Sites $45 Only $10 Down Then $5 a Menth Here, then, is your big opportunity. Just a short motorboat ride te Atlantic City only 7 miles north of Beach Haven and bounded en one side by the Atlantic Ocean and en the ether by Barnegat Bay. Beating, Fishing, Bathing all are yours, and you can build a Bungalow here for as low as $300. Come te Edgewater Beach As Our Guest We want you te see this wonderful development, with its beautiful County Boulevard running directly through it. We want you, with your own eyes te note hew sure the investment is thnt you will make. De it new don't wait until Edgewater Beach is se built up that property commands n figure that only a few can afford. Buy new and cither held as an investment or build a Bungalow and increase the value of your let at once. All you need is $10 as first payment. The rest is easy yes and profitable. Visit EDGEWATER BEACH with us ns our guest next Sunday, August 27th. Send the fol lowing coupon, or 'phone us! I I g I 2 V ..., ...,.,....,.,.,., MAIL. THIS L-UUt'UIN J BEACH HAVEN DEVELOPMENT CO. ' Lester J". Osberti. Sales Iating;tr. J 1128 STEPHEN GIRARD Philntielphia, Pa. I J Please send me a descriptive booklet and map of Edgewater. i mv nart. i 4 LED I 'A faWMM;,;M rKNNSVI.VANl xflirRHAN i Subrfean Hemes We have the Largest List of beautiful Suburban homes at every Station en the Pennsylvania or Reading Railroad. Experienced Salesmen te serve you. Our List Includes Colonial and English Style Hemes, Country Estates and Farms, ranging from $10,000 te $75,000. A great variety te cheese from. We can fill your requirements. Hundreds have bought through our expert service and long experience. WM. H. WILSON & CO. 1617 Walnut Street Phene, Locust 7380 UrT-iiii-.. ,, jynj .J'vfSs1' k'umiiiiiii ,,ti:ffftm , giTfftirriTi TITi ii i hTiITi i nm rn m mmmzmm USWUtUMH yKMiAMiw fai.i yEsnAMiyv falls t B tf- 1 TEisnrrersr- .. AaaBES!tesazaKS3JiBK!3Z0&&& efflnrag! RB VLiBiT-r-hM tf' - . "i rft'r JC1-- - ---TiK i m- .." iv s g BOATING BATHING FISHING . FERGUSON'S NESHAMINY FALLS $50 UP BUILDING LOTS $50 UP FREE TITLE INS. J10 DOWN 15 PER MONTH Take advantage of ths DAYLiailT SAVING and let us take you up after work Id an automobile Yeu could own 8 lets and a bungalow for what It would cost you te leas one fe 8 years Neshamlny Tails station en grounds 20 cents commutation from Reading Terminal Three mere new plots opened chelc selections new near utatlen and crssk. FEKGUSON, FRONT & YUKK without any obligation oe my part, kindly send me free booklets of Far- . ur-'it m nullum ..via uu yua v hunailews jpennsyl v n i a rn rjtii an RLA-CYN1YD BALA CYNWYD Large modern English residence contain Ins 13 rcjins 3 hatha a well-built n ua In a geed lecatu n garage fu. 2 cirt Immedlate potiBelen, can Le pur-hased at rear.en.ibli: (leure JAMES E. D0LAN & CO. i:3 IIM.A AVE. I'YVUYD Phene Oieibroek 4J"3 or Cnwl 732 REAL ESTATE FOR RENT riT l-nrterles. Wareheimes, Manufacturing Floers 234 N. 23D ST. On ntifl two utery brl'ls bui H n; 70x1 1 feet te Htrcu In reHr GIRARD TRUST CO. Bread and Chestnut Sts. OFFKT.i IH'S1MH ItOOMS, LTC, mxmmmmmmmmmmmmmnwiim 3 nPQiRAm p nrnrr; 100.08 S. 4TH ST 32!) WALNUT ST 1300 LOCUST ST 104 8. RROAD ST ALSO 2 SUITES PROFESSIONAL OFFICES 2.11 S 17T1I ST APPLY OWNER 132 S 4T1I ST. M PHONE LOMBARD 300 rTxriraiiijnntnniir.i'rLiJ,irKi;uu!immnK!.miia.i.'!iuitiiiii'!itiii!t,iir!iiiuii:,,i'iiaiiihw VICTORY BUILDING 1001-13 Chestnut Street Made New Frem Ccllnr te Reef Seierul di'slriib a offices for rent Albert M. Greenfield & Ce. l.nTH AND rllEIT.N'I'T STS HT,ilr BELLEVUE COURT BLDG. 141S WALNUT ST Southern suits of offices, comprising 14UU m ft uttructlie ami practical EDGAR G. CROSS 1411 ViAI.Nl f ST 'iS)ti(i!;BliMji:ira!i;iiai!ia.i'iiiiigii;iii:!ii:iiiiii:i:iiiii:iirffliiiiii;ii,iiiliiliiiaj. DESIRABLE OFFICES EXCEPTIONAL LIGHT. ALL MODERN AITOINT.MENTS FULLER BUILDING 10 I?. EIGHTEENTH ST. bHUtkrti" bULUlM, Bread Street QOOn OFFICE HUILDINO rrllarnKat la ainull tua In LlHbB ' itmiiMiimitii'iii'tliinmiili.ilittif M. ' 250 M&&'s:tV3T MMlL LLLLLLLLLHginESaSgsgslgiww s, REM. ESTATE TOR RALE -r-! - sfs BLDG. : PENNSYLVANIA Mill RU N s' ' Phene Diamond 1800 Name . . . Address REAL ESTATE FOR RENT CITY Rulnes Properties and Stores TTF aaiiiniLiiii!i' STORES AND OFFICES FOR RENT Center of Retail and Whole sale Section, within 200 feet of Market. Will alter te suit tenants. Large or small areas. J. HAR1ER CHADWIC1 2123 Land Title Bldg. m 17TI1 T 1 1 I '! k i! sreuin I J. EDWARD LUTZ .'In V 1 Till MORTGAGES THIRD MORTGAGES SO RED TAPU. QUICK SETTLEMENT WEINBERGER & CO. 28 S 17TH ST RACK 2Q2t THE DOO DADS Tiny's Friends Take Possession TURNED MV HOUSE S ENTER HIS OWN HOMEHOUT A ., jUDO&KD!! N. H WEILTHFDf' NrNfV 4,rrT s33MST MU i a uiwi ttam't RittviD. into M oufpewn Ife C NriHEW ! I'M SO HOT J i Jft w.euV.7T5S NT"N -$ .1 f OOD ) 'MiWL WM $i A MOMENTS PEACE. TOMCAT? BEAT T!f J, 5 iJEi W& rBEO ?if S NWHTlj PWlilSkiJ T'MAKE IT WORSE THA ( SStW BATH-IT MAY QUIET WOmtef-.X fiwlIwCr S? IJiSlr MkM M&2&MK; iENT WOT BELONGS TO fflar fTffM h& MY NERVES j-S sQwfe rx WM& 4 1 LSllKki THEM ANlMlLfc& Ktruate g 7 2 .F i kW iw FiTX yfe, m r j ' l,u ( - , .XMSSr. -.i7?. J u.e it, . cw'iWJ v 'iix -.t j-ca' an ..i't,5e "tzranmift a 'in ,.., nmrtws t, s? cPAe. -i i iftv sz&us .-if tj &, iranH ' Mswssspw-sjgaaaejajaaae3xg tmt' ' J-"''v n ly .4- y ''..'T- ' "' "'"iftiiPaL,;7 "'''' ? ' ''gA.l'.'aiy Ja'S".! .., aW'Jjtfi 'WmajMTI-T EVENING PtJBLIO REAL ESTATE FOR SALE y the Pennsylvania Rail- fi I -. Telephone Walnut 3949 ! Beach; no obligation en t ' i MORTGAGES FLND3 l"OR FIRST AND SECOND MORTGAGES ADVANCES TO BUILDERS JAMES D. WINCHELL I7TII AND S NSOM STS. THIRD MORTGAGES 1 Larire fund "nlnble for Immediate usa. Don't plate mer vacs uritp ou tee us. :t-II"t It .-ERVICtf FINANCE REALTY CORRr,NaAgc7EBU MORTGAGE FUNDS WM. H. WILSON & CO. 1017 WALNUT ST $50 TO Real citate security. Immediate cettlement. Interest en estaUs , $2000 EDW. M. MOLL APARTMENTS mini .iiiviuininiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiipiiira 1824 CHESTNUT ST. 1 HOUSEKEEPING APARTMENTS S U0O TO S1.100 I'KK YEAR M MEARS & BROWN 234 S H iini st. y iiiun'iiiiiinwni'iiiiiiii'iinii.iKi!!!! Wi:T PIIILMIEI.PHIA SELECT APARTMENTS for rellned coupler 4030 Piring st corner preperts Just completed large llln room bedroom. b.ith. kitchenette, eery modern cenrnlence sheer bath, etc, private garage If des'rej janitor serlce; $.10 up Agent en premlsej, or phone Pr'sten C139 Alse see ndrertlsemrnts In smill type In following columns. APARTMENT HOTELS THE BARTRAM 13IJ AND t HEsTNl'T STREETS Aparini uti furms'ied nd unfurnlbeil long anil nhert urni m-es home table, ownership mimaem. tt Preston 2110 REAL ESTATE FOU PALE JJA J-STeryT store and drtnillng Ne 1913 N f.th st with 3 small houses In rear, rent $50 per rrenth. 3.sterj Mure and dwelling Ne 1331 N. 10th H w th hjuse In rear Ne. 132S N. De hi it . r-nt $42 per month 34-ntery brick dwg Ne 417 N Bth st. J. H. RH0ADS NO 133 h sth st; 213J V 1.1th st J1710 .'11 7 anus st . HOil I i lln'i P.irK iwe innO 22 is N lUHi ! 7500 JIJ4 Old Yiilk Itea 1 I.2U0 1713 N llith st is.ioe 1C.M llutler st. U0O0 137 WemlnK ii e 10 inn 1S21 1.1th 10,300 1.107 Oxford st 1.' UOJ HUGH F. QUINN Pep Srt.i. Til ( nlumbi.i ai. ParU 3114 L'enn Bl.'K K I'ihp k A melfrn 4-rtery h mr Imi.r i rrefrinnil man for htm r f ftr arrniVf,r.n( b-i!is H'at, hot het atpr hit ttir(p Iik.u 1J rnenm, 2 tile bH'hi n. ( T-rrMit heure en re,ir atret ra rtu e" 'art vlr , charKs cnnu'derably. Price . )Q P ij lsr tthe. "HM:fl PUiiPBUTV NVir 1 7 th hivI Kilrmeunt n T Mer flwt-lltnv iirlie $7300 cam? in rni nre i mun ime 1 ecupt I'tL 425 GIRARD AVE Hmi deturhfcj, te r.a S ,ii s Mh ht Spruce '1 hr ct iii din te rur ilreet. Spruce U7! BARGAIN ACT QUICK N, rti tin U't Hit" nil n nnd .turning 11 r umiH m I ii'ib J112O11 H.ipii 30nS V ,1ih 1 ij ',l.i I S T' n , slcrj II r lunw, 2 iiitlis i,i te t ir Mtn.l muni Hll. 31 MORRIS. 1823 Green Mt-e funil Pnpltr 2491 lli."i i I.INt, i,ltlil..N .-T l lIeIiEKN M'M.I'XnlMS PINXMLL III iir.s. '.') 1 "Hi st xjirucM 4171 I7JJ H'ltL'i'lf ST TvM'titv rooms .1 Inths hit .'xjlj tn De 1jiic m J.Hturj g.i- ragi $0101111 rhuH It VnnimiiKer house S HhT.Mi: Y, JO I LlbertyHlde JK.OO Medi rn 0 rooms forth, belt section of (iprintn'yw n Ilt.i ihhIi, tmnu-dlati ieh Hfi-nlun enl) In unMOiil i-atnplti huuse .1311 ArlMgh Ht ej n every d.iy. 3SI I fTH .x. 1 ruetnH IKircli elettrlt. r-rrai n front, tie, 11 let in I cend oil. e I cend oil. 7th and Erie. innt 1 1. l SIIi H.MAKHK Sills nili.rtl I', him ami Ren Unit J2000 li i' xi itr I up III, iHrb a 737 Walnut , LEDGERHILADELPHrA, ; TUESDAY, REAL ESTATE FOR SALE CITY' Ni:.MI Hunllnr Pnrk. 4.142 N. 8th Seven tm., iiurch, laundry, nil med. corns.: gar. en rear st. for 4 cars, Shoemaker, 71h t Erls 4500 IILK. FRANKFORD AVE,: corner property; quick aale. H. Hrcnce, 213 8. lBth 3223 RIDOD AVE., oppeslto strawberry Mansion, It. Srenre. 313 8. 10th t. STOlin nnu .'alllng 2000 block Herman town ne. It. Hrcnce. 215 H. lath it. 143 N, STH ST. Quick tale. It. HIIKNCO. 218 S. 15th at. Alse nee ndTertlsemtnts. In large Ijt In preceding columns. . Ilnlldlnr Titw. Factory Bltca. Ktn. 1727 SANSOM ST. IfODERN RUII-DINO. IfliM JAMES D. WINCHEI.L 17TH AND SANSOM STS. Factories, Ware heuaea. Manufacturing Bmti I,OT 107x230: 20,000 sq. ft.! 8 street frents: Ideal location In North Philadelphia for factory site, Karaite or commercial building opportunity te gei civ railroads and all trelle; rt choice location at both is. Apply Franklin II. PitTerfcCe. 1P.0O W. Venango at, THREE different fnc'erles for sale, various locations, some excellent fleer tinee CHARLES ROTTNER & CO . 1421 Chestnut. Alse sen advert Uementa In Inrae tirn Ir Preceding columns. flnrngea NEW stene-nnrt-brlck Karaite for 2.1 cars. In Norrlstewn, rn., new storing IS cars: front Hnd rear entrances; ateam hent. elec elec trie lights, repair shep: u-ashstand; gaso line pump en curb; accessory stnra aside of front entrance: 0-r.iem 3-sterv brick house adjoining; 1 square from Main street; Im Im medlate possessien: SI 3, .100. JOHN DI CIO 12S E Main si . Nnrrlslenn. Pa. NEW, modern, welWIghted Enrage or service tiulMlnc nt Bread & Unulexard, nilxliO: '12.IMI0 for an Inimed. sale. Apply Frnnklln II. Spltxer . Ce.. 1S00 W. Venance st. Rlter Frent Property WHARF PROPERTY Schuylkill Rler J. I.EB PATTON, Lincoln Rids. west Piiu.Anri.riiiA J7S0O-Seml-dMached, med., with Rarar. f20n Sm!-det.. el. Ilcht: fine location. I430U Elcc light, room for (tarnBO, Others of all descriptions and prices. HOFFMAN. W! (llrard n. COS K nsni S r .Modern duelllnit, 4 bed chambers, b,th, elcitrlc, excellent con dition, S1000 cnih; mnnlbly expenses $31) R. M. names, 14 N 00th st. Pheno Shor Sher Shor weed 2101 31B N. 03D STREET Ideal location ter doctor or dentist: let 19.10x123 feet MAOEE H RODOERS 1200 Iicust st. Spruce 0207-0200 11U0 lTl.OCIv S. R2D ST. Twe story prep em adjelnlne corner, ripe for Immediate I nlteratlen Inte store. JOHN M. ENDURO, i f'20 r?ii!tjiiere ave. I OWNER will sicrinc" modern home, n rooms and bath. peseslnn. .isen block Cnrpenter st Apply EAVENSON 1220 S. .'4th st. .r MODERN. 0 rooms and Imth. electricity, hurdnoed floers: price J1500 Apply EAVENSON. 12211 S. Btth st 5710.,"iSll WARRINGTON AVE. 0240 Osobe ae , modern beuleard lieme some with carnBes. Address Soklee. 1713 N. Franklin MODERN heue. 8 rooms and bath. 3S00 block Pentrldc at owner lealnc cltv will snerine. i:venbijn. I2;n s nitn st eini-3-n-7-y woodland aVI. . separate. H Srenrn Sir, S -eil row or ir.ih t. n S ,12 D ST CSoed bargain 21.1 S. 1.1th si (171.1 EUMWOOI) AVE Cor preperty: modern H Srence. 21.1 S inth st. all 40TH & IVoedl'd Colored buyer- Or.: cheap: $300 ca ah. Rich ar d .1209 Wnlnu t llel 27 23 LARCE apartirent neuses. W. Phlta.: HMS p. c. cash req I'.einhart. 1324 Chestnut at. 444 S 41D Excellent cend . financed: 10 renmn. elec . rea Talor Sens. 27 9. 40th. Al-i N-e nihfrtlsrmcnts In lnrce tpc In preceding column". C.ERIIANTOtVN 1014 NEWHALI. sr Three-story twin duelling, 11 room an.1 2 baths electric, hit-water heat. Wm l.lnder, 1328 Chest nut Ft. TWO 2-sterv houses. 0 large rooms anl bath. Mi block from Oermanljwn ne ; geed location, 1 vacant, will soil raonable If weld seen Phene Oeimantnwn fi002 M. GTN 030.1 Ore-no st , near Tulpeh.tken St, Matlen. meilerii. 10 rim., 2 Inths Drhy jt num, 1007 Lincoln Rldg Spruce 730 NINE modern 2-story homes, including 2 lerners ripe for speculation, (Wm.intewn: price right. Kehler & Shlaler. 1032 Venanger 1M E JOHNSON ST Twin house dec- trlclty. 2 batlis. cenv location, 110. OOP. Alse see ndertlsementa In large type In preceillng inln mns, CHESTNUT HILT. CHESTNUT HILL sr.: aml-di-t hall fl chambers, elec : h w ht 7.. r-ri l OleniOl except 1 flnn cend : 4-car car'gc let 4.1x0.10 E. Uerrv 102 Real Estate Trust Hid Walnut 17H0. FRANKKORD FRANKFORD EnsTlsh dwc.. Pilling st. bet Orthodox and Arrett (2 blocks west of Frankford ae.) let 30x12.1. garag.s, low prices, small amount cash req , pries will ndanie due te opening of Frankford "L." Dreb & Uians 1007 Lincoln Hldg. Sp. 73S0. DREAMLAND Daddy Deg Hy W'hilr UnMy Una' school it at iri'fts tn liic initial, tinrh. 11 nil "nun (limb n lirr nnd sir in tlir iltitnncc if j;inr;riii'S Inhi tf in n irilil iiimlrn. In the tnltl wiidi'ii M 11 lovely ultitc ile'l. UaiUly I'u'l Miyi the uhitv le is'ii fnii-if ileij ami hunks his nehoel anay tu'hule fiem her. ., t r .. .1 1 1..... CHAPTKR II The Ilunjiry Wehes DADDY IX Ki led Jack and .leni't ami the raliliils nntl saulrrcls te n enve in the Mile of a hill. He had hurried lern far from the sparkling fairy lake n,l wild fairy Harden where they had spen the lnelv white fany des. Woof Here we will lie safe from the ftilrv iIek and her fairy wishes," harked Daddy Dug. nereu.ly lishtmg '" "Please tell us wh "tt fear the fairy il,,- and her f.iir.i Mif"." LegBt-tl tnnet "I- it a ster. V "' "Vex it Ih a -mri." nodded Da-itly n0" "And 1 '"ll'f ns "l'u tcl1 lt, u' Jeu ' Sometimes stories ere better than the 'lessens one learns in school. iul till" Is the ster Daddy Deb told them as they sat mound him in the '"Warn ajje when I a fine, strong. mine doc, 1 lived cm a farm at the eilce of the tireat Weeds. My master iipi1 ine te guide linn I" hunting, and main a fine sporting unity did e have. I OllP (lay e fume mum' ii""' n miu, - ! in" tlip te tliid that iu master's sheep liHslure liatl net'ii uuui-.i in.iu.ni in. half Ins il'i' "f "lieep laid la ell killed Mini eaten. ,,,,,, 1 found the Inn Us of the killers tinilv- that looked like dug tracks, but thin sinellcd wi'd and iHiange. "Woof! 1 will catch thee killers," thought I te mj-elf, and I set off en their trail. . I trineled far into the weeds it ml eeine at last te a spjikliug fairy lake, like that which ,lak and .luiiet baw, but in a far different part of the weeds. Hostile this lake was a wild garden ami in this wild garden wa. a tleg'n den nf silver lined with soft mess. While I was sniffing at the doers efl REAL ESTATE FOR SALE MOUNT AIRY MODERN detached atone dwelling, 0 bed' raems 2 marble baths. 2-car ajraaei let IOOxVHii; near trains, trelleye and achoela; I2P.OUQ. Pheno Tiega 3732. PENNSYLVANIA SURURRAW ATTRACTIVE cerndr properly, let 47x1.00. On suburbs) 12 rooms and hathi all modern cenvenlenceai excellent condition! flnanceai small amount of cash required, HUGH S. WALKER ""s'pIS?!- 8EVEN ACRES with Colonial mansion of 11 rooms. Karaite, stable and chicken plant for about 10 00 chickens; also 0-room farmheuse: 1 block from Penna. It. It. Station) prlca for all only 10.000, C1IAS. W. RUSSELL, 303 Real Estate HldK. . SOUTH ARDMORE Detached modern dwell ing, 4 bedrooms, tne batn, narawoea poers, fent.uater heal! let Rfl133: possessien: I1B0O cash; monthly expenses (44. R. M. DARNES, 14 N. oeth. Bhcrwoea ziui. EI.KINS PAItlv Modern corner residence! -rnfMr hnll. X ehnmlter. eatna; eiec- trlclty. het-water heat, hardoed floeral let 7xl.i0: irarage, 110, BOO. K. A. HAVKfH CO.. i.ana iitis iiiek. SvyNNEllELD Stene Colenial: central hall. 3 chambers, 3 bathe: med. through threugh through out: garaxe: excellent locatien: 123,000. K A. IIAVEM3 CO.. Land Title HldK. LOCATION FOR DOCTOR On main highway. In center of Lanrhema: 15-room house city cenenlencesi stable and f;arage: let 00x220: reed business location. 'ETERS A 8ON.0Q8 CHESTNUT ST..PHILA ALHAN Bnlldlnt Leta $400 $850 ..EASY TERMS RUTS A LOT (10x143. AT.i. rn'vi'Kivfp. neon TRANSIT. ALDAN REALTY CO Lans. 1400 M opposite Cliften. Aldan R. R. station HALF minute te trelley: detached. 2H sterv, 11 rooms, het wnter. sewer, electric, rnf'nnnil, snti petIi I t 40x220: hsde; near P. R. R.: only $10,300. Aldan Realty Ce,, Aldnn t,nndnwpe 1100 If. nAT-A.rvMYYn WELI-LOCATED building lets for detached hnuses: Impreiemenls W. S. S1JTHER- IiAND. nala-Cnwd Cvnmd 242 nnmeLMB PHYSICIANS! DENTISTS! Dwclllna;, bungalow eble. In rapidly grewlne ectlen. 7 rooms and bath, hard wood floors, electric, het-water heat, laundry: let 100x11,1 ft. 7 ln. Garage. Terms. ILVTP. SOPS N. Bth. tivwoen CORNER: Rtene, 4 bedrooms. 2 biths. fin ished third flcer. shower stall: garage; a wonderful hnue. can be hnuiht at right mice. WALTER A MeCLATCHY. 70th and Market. Lnnsdewne 2004, Open until 1) P M and Snndns , STONE and tdasler. Colenlil, (I rhnmbers, H baths: lll build gnrnge. WALTER S RHTHWRLANH Hnln-Cnd C'nwil 242. rNtvvn HOUSE Ten rooms, : baths. 2 epn fire Plnces. het-water heat: nil cenenlcnces; en let 00x201. wonderful condition through threugh through out: only $22,r0O McCRHA. Ardmore. Thene 270. CYNWYD Cor property. 0 rooms and bath. Inclesed heated perch, open perchw larga fireplace, het-water heat, elec. lights: single garage; all In perfect cend. I en let 75x103: btrgaln: $13.300 Call Omvd QUI. . DEVON THREE-STORY HOUSE, with lllng room, dining room, parlor, kitchen en first fleer, R bedrooms und bath en second floer: 3 Iwl Iwl Iwl toems and bath en third fleer; electric throughout steam heat, shads and shrub bery: n tenl buy. McCRHA Ardmore Phene 270. t)BEr.L mix DREXEL HILL HOMES WALTER C. REDDING ll S. 17th sL Spruce 2SST. Hrovel Hill 1"1C" '"" Inspection new A ' "M stone and sllcrn home! Turner nnd Itcrr ae.. 1 ilk Drcxfl hill Sta N American Rl d T. tinniBVONT A- co NEW. dct 2", stv. h -w heat: .10x100. J0.100. LYNCH. Drexel Hill Lansdowne 2182. Spruce 7041.- Open eenlngs KMilNt PRK El. KINS PARK New, c.lenlnl. 0 champers. 2 bath. center hall: let .1,1x121. moderate price: win nmnce. .Mcvermick at Mccormick Lincoln Hldg Spruce 70.10. or Elklna Park, FOX CHASE FOX CHASE A Lawndale New A 2d-hand hemei for sale H.J. Tunstall.lQOO Coltman IIAVERFORD " 10 ROOMS 2 baths; garage, 2 acres: trees, nhrubhr and ginlen: near sta ; $13 000. wt r r-r Ar-iinnv- into c,k..,M... . ZLZZ ,.. ...i 1.-iiiui ..i. ...,.....-..... ' iiiiiiiii.ii, 1-inn AN OLD hulls? with large let IB Ihit uhni . ." . '. ' . v miu want? Pour bedroeme. OriNh-rl nit fruit tree. Incl.ed perch hnt-watrr heat WALTER A Mi ("LATCH Y 70th and .Mur I ket Phene Lansdennc 20l!t. Open until U I P. M and Sumlas LANSHOtVNK Semi-detached home, m room. 2 baths Hue condition; lenwnlent te trains and trelle; large let. P 333, Ledger Office. ADVENTURES pnd the Fairy DADDY 1 tlic tout. I lipiiril n hnl. n wild. ipril. Mitrtiing imul tliut niiiiip tlie liiiii- stnnil up mi in, lmrk. I knew Unit hew it wns tin- liiintlii litiwl of n wolf pml;. And wlii'n I henul tlie howl I knew mIi the Itillfrs wen thej were wolves. Kipii ns I steed lisli'iiint- iln, ..,i. lirekp from the weeds. The welvt's in-lipil lennrd me itlenc the short's of t in lake Alientl of the nu-U run some seme tliliiR white, i tlmiiRlit ut first it was a shci'ii. When It came nearer I saw it was net a blieep. but a lovely white Indv deg. lhe wolves were close upon her IicpK "SJ.,,.n .,A t c. - i.t . . .,....,.. euic 111c. sup IPInei te me. u lint deg could resist tile idea of slicli a lONOly Intlj' (leg I 1p,M,,1 (e. ward (he wolf paik. hristlinir ,., growling. " Stirpriseil nt my fierce and sudden nppcuranie, the wolf pack lialte, Its rush, piling up in n snarling, snapping heap. The level j lady deg Unshed past nie into the den. .She was safe! Hut I was net safe. The startled wolves cowered for a moment, then they eaw I was only one against 11 deen. "Tear him te pieces," snarled the wolf eader. "We will have a double least, The wolves circled around. They meant te riMi upon me from nil sides And I knew that would be'the end of Daddy Deg. "At him!" snarled the wolf lender. The wole made a rush. There was a iiuii iiiiiiiiii mi., 11 was lie iiim'Ii .. 1. !. .. .1. .- 1 . 1 1 . . ....... ... .,,-,,,,, ..,,, 11, mi Miiciy 10 light Willi me- and that meant tn dm .,,,,,. . .. 11,-iiiiiK mil 110111 siiiiirv ri, . . . "' ..' with 1111 mr wuai could two de against se manj .' Out of the turner of mj e,e I saw tlie lewlv Itid v deg new were'a golden cellar. Her neck before had been bare, "Fear net!" barked the lady deg. "I am a tins fairy. Thanks te your bravery I have had time te den 111) magic falrv cellar. These wehes can not harm us new." (What (he deg fairy does In the welrs will lie told in tomiinew's chap ler. Can nii guess?) t 9 t AUGUST' ,22,' 1922 REAL ESTATE FOR BAIiB PKNNBYI.VANIA MJIHJRHAN LAWN'DAI.E PAK PAHIC Sale A beautiful home. (I sleeping rooms, large living and dining rooms, peel room, 10x80, sleeping balcony, 2 hatha: hetwnler heat) large perch! 2-ear garave; about 1 acre with old shade: en trolley) 10 minutes' walk In It. R. statleiu Immediate anl. $12,000) possession about lf-ll-221 many ether own era may nak you ItO.OOO for this aama prep. trtr:- the bargain Is yours If you act In time. Seeral nice farms for aale. HARRY RICHARDSON, 100 Susquehanna ave., Lansdale, Pa. EXCEPTIONAL OPPORTUNITY On main street of Lawndale: Inclesed perch, 0 rooms and bath, modern cenvenl enees, double let. Happ, .1008 N. Bth, , LONOACRK PARK NEW COI1I18 CREEK SECTION Attracthe arlety of med. residences, semi and tie. tached: nil conva.:"ne coal troubles; heat frcm central ateam plant: small amount of cash required: prlcea 10730 te $.10,000: lss than coat of reproduction. Phene Woodland ctlen mrh. 4130 It, or Hrumbi .Spruce r,07O MILLHOURNT, SEMI-DETACHED dwjr. en let SOxlep: Jr, and hath witn unnnitnen attic: ioieo. a-lbert Hall RIO Land T. Bldg. Bpr. 7401. OVERRROOR THREE-8TOHY atone home; detached dwg.; 4 master rooms, tile bath en 2d: 3 room and bath en 3d: usual lst-floer. layeut: large let with shrubbery and old flmde;,. Inspec tion by appointment enly: price $2,poe. Albert Hall, Land Title nidg. Sprue 740L. PAOLI AROUT an acre with frame house. 10 roemi. bath, heat, electricity, gas; garage) fruit; $0000. J, M, FRONEF1ELD. Wayne. Pa, . SKCANK . 2 W -STORY frame-and-shlngle dwelling with garage en lirr let) a wonderful buy at 17000. Albert Hall. Land T. Hldg. Spr. 7401. WAYNK NICE home, centnlnlmr H r.'emi, 2 ,bath" and 0 bedchambers, het-air heat, electric rnd all cenveniences: 2-cnr garage: let 2R0t 183; plentv shade. A ahrubbery: price 114.300 M-CRKA, ARDMORE, PHONE 270 NEW, artistic, shingle, semi-detached house. well built: let 32x173; het-water heat: fire- place, 3 bedrooms, large etlle: $7B00. n. A. Davlea. 1420 Chestnut. Spruce i: Alse aeej artvertlaementn In large tTP In preceeinc columns nfav jbbhkv sununnAW AUDURON AUDUDON. N. J. There la a nice little trict of land that ad'elns Audubon. N. J. It Is cnlted the LINWOOD TRACT. The Mount Ephrnlm etntlen la rUht at the cerner: It Is enlv 4H miles from the city of Philadelphia. There ere stores, schools, churches and, In fact. eer thing thnt makes life worth living. We have a few very desirable lets left that are selling from $10.1 en up. The terms nre within any ene'a rencb. Yeu may purchase a let en aa little aa $10 down and $3 per month. It Is net necessary te wait until th let la paid for before ou build, or we will build jour home for ou nnd finance the same. We have at till time a. sample house all finished, whkh we invite your Inspection. Tne price Is $3000 1. Five rooms, all flmsheu In white and mahneanv. 2. Modern bathroom. 3. Electric Ilcht. 4.1'et-water heat. 3. Running water. 0. Let P0xl23 feet. 7. Ne cost for financing. Dees this sound geed? If se. come out and leek It Oer. pnd be convinced veureclf. Our cars are wilting te show em the abee lets nnd jeu are under mi obligation te pur chuse unless absolutely vntlslled. There Is an agent nlwajs en the ground at our LINWOOD office, or seu may call at the erflce of T. P. ABBOTT Agent for Llnwoed Land Ce. Opposite station. Audubon. N. J. Open daily and Sunday IF IT IS In Audubon, we hae It Runga Runga lews nnd houses priced from $4200 up, we will build te jour requirements for a small amount of cash: lets priced from $7,10 tip. AUDURON HUILDINO AND REALTY CO . W. Atlantic aie., epp. station. Pheno Had Had den Ills 037 R. Open days, nights t. Sun. REDUCED PRICE TO SELL RBKOR13 SEPT. 1 fl-room bungalow, all cemenlences. at Reerl. Rargiiln for some one Pnn at once. l'l.TKRS & SON nun yii;r.M'T ST..PHILA i..'n...,. .... , j-,v.titv:ti-vi iiuv".'". - . .-1 . " '- '-:'.-'." ' neautlfiil ear-ieuml bungalow, f ting lal.e; 7 lare rooms, e i-?i,iik iiuii:ii. ujiii, viij . I.. ..It.. I.I. nhnn. flUnl.l. I water pipe leu li nler teli phone, elccti Ic light. call Owner. Spruce OZ.iM. neniiniKM NEW C-rm-iind-bath heme: 1 mln from sta Him C II nihlmaler. 202 Liberty Hldg NFAV JKBSKY SKAHIORE ARLINTiTON REACH JOIN bungilew Club en I'arncgnt Ila i!(, down. 13 monthly. Wrlte f r plan and par- tlculars M 300. Ledger Office. CAPB MAY A DESIHAIII.Y located 10-rm. furn cottage. Cape May. '4 block from beachi'O hedrms , 2 baths, electric lights steam hfat: med- em plumbing C 701. Iedgi-r OfOce. VENTMIK FINE VE.NTNOR REHIUENCE. en a let ne'x Hi: (emnlnlntf llMnn tetun, dliilng room. Ultchrn. butler's pantrj, sun parlor. H Iwd Iwd reunis 3 Inths. h -w heat, ga-i and elec and gaingn, price S'-'H 000 TIiIh is n fine liumc in tlie best seitlnn of IVntnnr. . WARNER l.IND.xAV. JR REAL T O R 1MI7 Atlantlu iti Atlantic C.ty. N. J. Nine siili.-iinii.il und automobiles at our sen Ice PENNSYLVANIA FA RMS FOR AN ESTATE I offer this beautiful 92 92 ncre farm en Old Yerk rpiid at Bucking ham 27 miles from Cltv Hall delightful stone mansion heute, prettily pluced nmld flne old shade trees, II reims med. bath, h.-w. heat city gas. nearly new med. dnlry barn and run cumpitmtnt uf eutnuuuings runntntf Htrcum; pond, rich llmestnue roll the Onist farm In this tectlen. a rial bar- guln aL 12.1.000 .1 CARROLL MOLLOY ' 22 E. Cejrt at.. Doylestown, Pit. Phene 04 I ss ACRES mi Phllailtluliiii hisliwiiy, picas, I ant uireunilings. mar b..iiiln,i nnd Imtliln.- 1 snuivy jv-roem biene uveiiiug wun Hrr-tieui lip ok perin, nciii, 11 .in, pri'ssuri- n nHti'in, lighting sMiti'tn, estalillsnul sli.tdu, xtru bunk lnun, nindern 11uu.ll y house. Ml' lie id, brook, Imprenil b ptemlneut nens Piper mini, cicrylhlns lmiueicd but price, (letHjlH und photesraphs threuur)i Rt'i be & I.I111I1 rnnin V E C Algy -t . Nerrlatimn. 70 ACRES WITH 7 COWS, 3 HOllsEH, ,1 HOIIH AND 1'0 chicken, maiy crops Included, ullhlri 1 mlle manufai-tiirlng town 20,000 population, 1 minutes' walk Philadelphia trolley; I ucre Umber: 3 acres bioek paMure, tiuy 10-reum (hiclllm, extra bank barn, 33 ln-.ul; tniny featur'S mer aieruge farm, 1S30O; details through Reise & I.lnjermau, u E C, Ally st , NnrriBttmn 11 ACHES uvei looking minui.icturing tewn: mile depot; pan.iremic ilvw, neat leitiu, ;ilt 111 the fatm bulldltieH leii.1 ihix.ulit. I1111111 cell, this tipe inie ut S'JKne, luw tprms Inspei t thren-th He se lz l.linlcrm.iti. II E. C. Alr st . Nerrlstimn 24 ACRES $1200 , inn 11 IiUIh this Ideal iinu'tri Turin, ' ' ' T 1- ..... ..... Triiim ne'is", new Dim. j-"" "ill ' bier dt imanm Hpp. niii' n .".th 7 ..., i,m.. ,iw iiir.i. n-nn ,i.n. , m nrr ni ivp e a irnrc I)alr farm s-iunm heu bink b.irn. g nl outbuildings Prlui 3ime Will inn slder iltv property llnpn, aims' N .1th NEW JERSEY FA It II fi $2"ii HUM! a .l-acrn fruit and peulir farm In best soitlen of Seuth Jersej i no bulld Ings li,iiid.i te large markus: cllmati-, soil, water unnurpr.BHCit, piiynunta 11 wc'ttb, lie.iklrt flic UILRERT S, tj CALLAU1IAN, 7jn3 Viiliiujjl PhL'Jlll!lL' - MONMOUTH COUNTY POTATO FARM 140 ucres, modern t'luipmcnt, Including traclnr and tiuck up-te-dato heuiie. geuJ building", a l"l farm. K It JOIIN.-AJ.N. EngllahteAn, N, J. REAL BHTATE FOR BALE ' . CALIFORNr TIIE CM.IFORNlA LAND OWNERP ttUL ETIN Kite" Iho full description, price. ...U.l'.'XLn.TC name, and nildresf, photos of he property sent free W anv address. 800 13TU 8T OAKLAND. CALIF. REAL ESTATE TO EXCHANGE PROPERTIES, all 1cc;tIen. Ter nj Derry. 1027 rital gttate Tr. Bldt. Wal.l7Q REAL ESTATg WAMTEO Rent collected In sill i skIIj"' f ' ' ARtHUR B0SWELL a$a n. ibth hi. liAVE-AVAILARLE FUNDS for geed II nvest- ment property as wel ,sm,;n,cl,tr properties n all secllena of the city. GEORGE n MERRILL. 1087 Land Till Hldg. Spruce 7IHB. ; WANTI3D On yearly leas. 8-room detached heuJe reed condition, with some ground and garage. Germantown. Chestnut Hill. Mt. Airy; near primary school. C 830. Ladger .erL Hae buyers for nil scctlera of Pji dt a ,11 f prlca Is rlclit. What can jovennl Sm;jIIp?i,,D FRbl & LU., I u in. zai at. WOULD LIKE te communicate with peepia who have I from $30, te lioje te Invest In real estate. P 412. Leeger uince, HOUSES wanted at once Iluyera waiting. HOME REALTT CO. 303 Jkley gt Camden, N. J. Phe,ne 8713 J. , .. . t cic-tt. vmi. nrnnertv Quickly. Ilarnea & Arneld. BIS N. B8tth st. tielment 8772 M. WANTED Apartment neuses, W. P.! any site; send partlc. Rtlnhart, 1824 Chestnut. HAVE you a Property te sell; see ma for quick results. Themas. 2317 W. Iihlgh. W. H. HALL SON 43a and line mew. omens. nuaiwKww rooms, istc. OFFICE SPACE WANTED 830 te 400 square feet; give location of building, fleer plan and full de scription, with terms of lease. Ad dress P. O. Rex 313. Hanover. Fa. rENNSYI.VAMA SCTURDAW WANTED Furnished house In auburbii of Philadelphia wrllh large Kreunds: must have heat and modern cenveniences: want posses sion Sept. 10 or 12 for the autumn months. Answer witK full particular. P 400, Ledger Office. REAL ESTATE FOR RENT CITY 1418 BOMERVILLE AVE. Cerner house. 8 story; stone garage: practically new; ex cellent neighborhood, and 3 car lines and !eryCevI;.nVr,ODVeb.m5?J&iltTO,N: nSn.A nnd Snmervllls ave. iain VINE NEW 2TRTORY DAYLIGHT mJILDINO. 18x100 TO REAR STREET. AI HERT 'QUELL. 203 WEST END TRUST HUILDINO. SPRUCE 6010, HOUSE. 240o"hleck "Spruce st. Answer by letter te "WILLIAM W. MENTZINGER. 1r.. 310 S 10th St. MOIH'RV" heuee. 1030 Falrmeunt ae., 10 rooms. 1 bathft eren by appointment. ARTHUR ROSWELL. 213 N. l3th st. nENT e-room houses and baths, h.-w. heat, elec. up te date. Call 2013 Federal at. ir.1l LOCUST ST. w. U. HALL fc SON. Land Title Rltlc. nnslnesa Properties and Stores Sn"T j? 2D ST. Rusltiess building, $100. ARTHUR HOSWE-LL. 231 N. 13th at Factories. Warehouses. Maqufaeluxng Floers 6800SQ. FT. I -STORY BLDG. N E SECTION. 43x100. power, heat and ilihl 'included with ent: ault hosiery or tex. ""a!ntf'fi'fl"i? raftjin"!.! SO 12,h T-ST0RY CONCRETE BUILDING fONTAlNINO 00.000 SQ TT. FLR. SPACE WITH R R SIDING INTO HUILDINO imOAD ST. NEAR NORTH PHILA. STA'N v"reney & Dillen. Finders Hldg. Ix)C. 2013 :J ferrent Lirge mill: Immed. possession, leni 73.000 se. ft. nv .liable: excel .local ..nkienlerces. Hex P. 424 Ledger I tlnn: all enire f,0-70 S AMERICAN ST. for tent: rensm. " ible,. sixth floer: also bisemcnl: about 4500 se ft. fnch: geed light: new building: :ejr.j?ee"elMter. 8. 3. aarrett. 2.10 8. 3dj A KAi: TlJll X w n r1 1 it i ii"" iiii iirur rxiir'.i.iitBi, ARTHCR H. FrABER. 21 8. 12th at. FACTORIES, WAREHOUSE.S' or fleer space lternerl nice, liunenn iinm. cipruee alie. FACTORIES, warrheuscs, iHllrnails, can tlnanre fllr.i Kltn n 73T ivainut st Akn m iidicrtlarreenta In large t.rne In preceding luliimns. flarsxes 111" MYRTLE ST. Oarage and shop. A, F. RROWN. 310 Lincoln Dldc. tipruce 7301. OFFl'tlEn. 'lll'IINKS ItdtlMS. ETC. 1210-1212 ARCH STREET DEhlRAIII.E MODERN IHJILDINn l'AbsE.MiER AND I'll'IIUHT ELEVATORS JOOO x7.il .11000 11300 S'JIIHII tune $0,100 OFFICES HUPINE' RLF.SROOM8 CRE3SE, 1328 CHESTNUT ST. DESIRABLE office space, fl'.eproet build ing' elevator service; moderate root AP'-iy F. J. ELLIOTT. 1114 Chestnut it. ESTEY Hl.ne. DESIMAMLE OFFICE"i. ALL OUTSIDE; RENT RnASONAHLE APPLY ESTEY DLDO.. 1701 WALNUT ST J,, ' d".lrJ?,1.?s'er 'tl'1" ,he new i.uiniiiiHN iti a-.i n 11 in si APIU1 eini-r. 132 S. 4IU st. Phene Lembard 300. IH'IID lll.DU. atn nnd Chestnut Destrabli daylight offices. Apply te superintendent 6amnal T. HsII, 8. W. cer. 17th ft Snnmm WILL er.ct spirire fell. l.ulMlmr. 3H.U0U t'i ioiiem DIE1 ERICH. 737 Wnlnut nt CENTRAL OFFICES, geed lights: reason- wire iviiiiH-wincncBier 10 . 2.1 a lath st DESIR'aRLE'Iuis. rm.. lnxSWt" llht nnd lnat teas rent te right rarty. 14 S. 3d. SPACE In or part of office. Franklin II, Spll7T A Ce , 1300 Venango at. 2-M b SYDl.NHAM H.M II ,or front, HI3 W H- HAI 1, A SON I3S Land Title Illii Alse see nihertlsementa In large tine Ii preceding lelnmns. I.OOAN 1118 BOMERVILLE AVE. Cerner heue71 story, stone gnraire: nrnmli-nlii. nu... cedent n-lKhbnrbced and 3 enr lines and train, jearly leeBe 11.10 per menth: inspect flsv or eii-nlng, ROUT D. HAMILTev Hrerd 1 ml Scirerv i 1 1 e ae MOUNT AIRY MODERN detached stone dttclllngTirbed. looms S mirbla baths, car garage: near trains, trolles and schools earii lease 117.1 per me Pl)onnTlegq 3732 yKRNROCK S7HRF! .ipnrtmrnts. H Hepe. r,D01V Itread el Wemlng 4.137 ' PENNSYLVANIA Sl'llUHHAV ON TWO-YEAR LEASE, te n-spensiblTlrJnT. lis inrnfertable home, cenv. te city ii nclH.l 10 rms. few furn If desired' elei large lawn: shade C R34. Ledger Office ' REVDINd, PENN. llirjjne.nrejHiiiiHHMnifitcjjirlng Floers FACTORY SPACE FOR RENT Hve floors of 13.000 squnre feet each In new modern factory building at Reirilnt Penni Steam hiat, electric lights, automatic Sri airnltleia cleiulerH and private r, lliead idlngs. floors HMIxl.ne feet Prlie 30e a l','.1.'.1!,.r.n f."et ""'"'y alirut Oitnber I Appi? FRED U. HODOES. ReudliiK, Pcnnj. ' By Arch Dale 40 f'&W WiZEr 40 .wK nu-enl Jess wat- I'll IT EVEN fVrm THAT ELEFUNT FOR.THIS! "e. HEAL ESTATE FOR, RwwaiAl WW nfta.Hb .k. m " - "" assai-skwherk i."V Jl AVAI.ON "riAiiInruL,l'X furnished new aptl5 a bedrooms. llln nun, 1.1..1. "rIF'. front and eeee . Vt..H. , .?n.O 1 water. E.O. HOTVELi;. ITU Avail WOKretK. VA tRnslnesa 'Pmpertlea ant Rleee. FOR RENT (as I a whole) t. ...r- nancy. store, building. Ih prebablT rnnsti prominently located Mtwk in Varf Va . consists of cellar and a flieri 1 aS "fKirSe... M-KOA"-"."'.""'- Ad 'Owner.' ... ... Mwumvr wiijcv. jw jn,r.jjx rutHtHHED ' rr-NNSYLTAMA-nTRTTltft A vTT! LANBriOWNE WILL RENT well furnished lS-roenT taehed hornet a hathrenme, i..i. .?? I0I1 located nn widest and most beaitwl street In Lanadewna:- beautiful subaVfi atiarnttnAlntrsii ) .... An - """U JIBIS." Ledger Office. """' 'Vs Mr Si MORTOAOE3 Fundi nnd0i,e?t.2u,eLfl?5. ei A K1 ak thai raraad ' "f H FREMONT CO. ? 1402 North American Hldg. Walnut 0$lKi mntnm M FUNDS TN ANT'AMOirNT . IMMEDIATE SETTLEMENT nini.niNn ahsociatiem unn v DKMPSET CO.. a; Br 18TH Sf.y TV AFPLTCATIONS wanted) tint and MAGEE & R0DGERS fl HOP Tecust at. Phene Spruce OJ0 IDT, 2D AND 8D MTGB., ANY AMO WtlNBtKUtK fit CO. r 88 B, 1TTH 8T. RACE MORTGAGES ANT AMOUNT IX)ANS ON INTEREST IN ESTATE!., RA7 T.en TI1a Ttlll. . MAURICE LICHTMAN. hulldara' .. . leans en equities; unlimited mtge. funSr? Colonial Trust Bldg., 18th and Market. .11 HAS your mortgage been called? Bwyl for first and second mortgages en hin7.--.l H. E, SMITH. 800 W, Erie av?. lM MONEY at one for first, second and thirl1'.! mortgages. R. and L. Ais'n funds: eulak"! results. Irving Rudelph, 201 N. Dread m h I MONEY FOn GOOD FIRST MORTOAeB WILLIS-1VINCHESTER CO., 23 B. lath ?g triTMna fn. a-t MnMMva. .. 1' unus ter nrst mortgages; retiotuktei. charges. Fred J. Lewis, 0U Merris BlB eoeu iu sieuv isi; no com.' will trails fa7! H W. TTrel A Ce. 11(1 M "... ""' '"!.Sf,fA ' " "" ' - " -- Ot,f. BBMffll T t-,. - DIU tMVIMM .. M . ui'l'. c fluuftn. .-tieaeraie chartaa. . R, A. Davles. 1420 Chestnut st, Spr. llf 1027 Real Estate Trust Bldg. Walnut FUNDS- -isi ana za rnna. and Del. 61-' .1 mi .- mtgs. B. T. Lynch.' 112 8 leth. Bpr.TaiT- Alse see advertisements In large tm ta'i' preceding columns. ";; 3j .APARTMENTS n THE M0NTEVISTA 0SD AND OXFORD STS One of ths most Imposing and subituaM tlally constructed housekeeping apartraetl4 High elevation, semi-suburban, an Hil location In the exclusive Overbroelc swilna. - within 23 minutes of City Hall via Market rf I st. elevated and 63d at. croastewn lines. . jl ,ifw auomen jubi cnmpieiea cenisinlnf' apartments having a capacity of 3 rooms, t, bath and kitchenette; all modern nppehiKl ments; dining-room service; meals options! ""J ELEVATOR SERVICE lil leieonene uvernrneK tn,u B. 'i.. COLE. MANAGER ATTRACTIVE APARTMENTS sii-na.fi. itth st. Just completed! 3 story; modern In eiery n't spect; particularly hemelike: housekeeping ; ana nncneier. Apply owner. 132 s. 4tn it. , Phene. Lembard 800. 'I OR t.lVPKT APT 19nnPlnA.v.MthbM nntl . A rnnmf en 1 Kath. S mm., 1i?1 nam. rooms ana z eains; renc 170 ta line nee minth. Annlv le 4nltee np etf IVal. 027: possession October 1. -1 COLUMBIA AVE. Ant.. 0 rooms and catk.ri'1 nrwe. nrs.. eiec: mea. in every reipetu i near Park: 20 mln. from center of city; reia,-, Divld Berber. 1H Lincoln Rld. Spruce VSHT-. 1 WAt.VtlT RT Select neighborhood. Ml' I Rlttenheusi) Fquare and 20th at.; heautlftj 2 nnd 3 mom npts.: Ii.-w, floors; will furs. Ii suit If necesnry Fltcna Preslnn 3042. -'n s. f. cer 17TH ft ni'Miia-n 4 itneitj a.?- nimir. Ttvprttixfcttrrv. tfi '.TMRTMi-NTi .1r'ITOR IFRVTCR. X. PPR MONTH: APPLY f'N PRPAIISES. . n C7.ri x. 147 Aloe-rn anartment in. Nli, month .1 rnei -.n-i hath hnt-""lr belt. 't Minn khi i.r.r. 30T v. en .t. 'li; 4.114 I'HFSTNHT ST . Ant 401 0 rms. Sll nam; immediate possession iiu per ; Preten 3H10 M. ... ..., .e,, 'l irti lir. 1 '1 . ' m 1 .'I r . 1 1 mi raeum and tiled bath, het-water hst.. e'ectrll llaht: central. Thene Surure 0207-010. -'n'll I.OCIIST ST. Twe rnnm lth rath. ! A. F. Rmwn Bin Lincoln Hide Snr. THlf rl 1,132 N. HROAD Flve-roem-and-bath set I , I Sinn. vm sanifr h .-.one. i.i"n i-n'nmnu. PARK AVE.. 1000 (cer.) First-fleer freli furn hskpg, apt.. 2 rooms, bath, elec. . U'kst iiiir.Antri.Piii l l-t-fl-RM -bath npts ; gers 1200 Locust modern. Mce Hei. 1 Spruce 0207-0201, i C.F.RIIANTOWN riTV Iterf itelrsh1e ant . Or and hathr ' near train and trel'.ev; beautiful urroeifc 1 'nee: eerv comreri nne cenv uavie srrwr, ,1 013 I.'ncein liiug. xnene gpruce ii',ie: A.n-. . fin W I'hntl.n n. A , ...inll.1.1 .k. ' lar'ire rooms," sinsle or en 'suite, housekeep-1' inc. fENNSYI.VANIA wrnrBnAv St.ia PULASKI AVE. Apt.. 4r. btk elm, ht.. all ennvs., reas Winm Mil', Lit T-ANSnOWNE i CHOICE hskpg, apt. In modern apt. hldf. k rnmH nrlvate perch: cenv. te trnn-nnrti. . tlen: $123 menth: yearly lease; adult famllr. ; -- N .aidene ave. Phene I.'insdewns 0l. " Ain see ntlTer'tiaementi ,ln larxe trpe"6 '' nrecenim: rnnime. -; H HOTJSBKT-FPTyQ APRTWT!Wr8 257 SOUTH 16TH STREET -1 Twe very deslrnbl e aparimenta. one cflntapj.?' mil bith and the ether I J' h. Apply te superlntsndtsA A in . nenrnrin it bedrooms and bath en premises, fYirneT ct Mn in LAJUUJl ji.i iivy. jjj , . few desirable apartments still svsllibHr xnartment lieuse; Inspection Invited it- TWO rms.. both kitchen: en-n flreplnrMI "200 Pine: 100 and 101; corner hulldlnii (j. THE NASH 1327 SPRUCE Four snn mjj room apartments. Phene Serure 31?2. ... west piuLAnr.i.rim -!!l CHESTNUT ST.. Cpn. 30TII ST.-nlC COR. rnnme find phu. iihj- winjirn iu sviirf im -..' 1-v..ri iinupkrcn1nii una rtnipnt utlh 1 of lmileal enn tired nf hetl or marrleil ceunWjj ".Mrln8!i p'iPle nreferrcd. Jlnest location. M 1"' i-enKPr "i -. FUENISHED APAUl'AiiiNM rrrr--.-.r. r-.v.T.-r.r Ti.7e.eiiri"i.i.vNl Oa 01 2 rooms, with bath. wul. euun fti, gl serviced - 7 NEW!KUM:YiF.AIIOUE IVILDIVOOD Ull.DWOOD CREST-Tn'-ee ..... - : ,, . aril tiench. .....r.Aiiia. Tinth nnnr Mrs, M. Rogers. 1'JS E Hand ne APARTMENT HOTELS, THE GLADSTONE 11TH AND PINE ST3. a ni-k fmrsi frmrnnntlr APARTMENTS. rORNISHKP. UNFI'B" LONO AND SHOUT TKIlM I-KAEl THEDELMAR-M0RRIS"l 20 M.NUTEi,M.n:SiV'''N T YTWJ lel n- jinfurn sulleH housskeenleg P5'J I .Inwi rvT rik'TAI Sl'l' ' ' " HI I I P.I. l.D.UVlrtL 11TIIST. ..w... -- 11 ptiMMrn rates i;i C. PITSVAW IIAIw.ll. Jr. em.' ' r- 1 THE SWAIHII.MUI11., a." " , "J ': 1 . r:... ....... ..A.. . ii-inui 1 wainui- Fnrnlsnee. a rooms ami wai... """.'tl t snd bath; maid ervlce and llnsn lncw . , Phene Locust sms ljulet, scrupulously clean a no '""pMifc.jl ducted; a ceed place te Ilia while In ""! "TUTumuTHilmeltTAMTED A' iirWAiaeii aj vt . ".!: i'i UNFURNISHED apartment. I room., -m, n enettH and vrlvnta bath; electricity. '1,1 1 1 lllinui'llMlltl IJIC19..CU. , k,---. 1,'diier Office. .F.OAI. AHVKRTISKM VXJZ-r&Zt1", wm ani7cKnfkctie2J l.l J3r I. U tul I CHI store uf Nuthu n ul'rMV,uiinsV his wife, at Wit, Diamond st,. Phlltj;. ). Ills wife, en or nfter Au-tuat 28. SltiiS-l cri'dltura preatnt their bllfs t.ofeTe that ?. Va-iBil. ai """" "MCjffiJfei iniiM t KKitnn s"i t'UUIJtl NOTIt'K IH 11BRKBY JJ tai.Brtwta.ciBJHJf,iffl cliar art JOi "m. M..ai.i.iiin. ! m IhAlr WHI MrV ariiaVBBMSS'llHAI'Tr CW. n, ,01a 4i. ,.. .V. ' .,. . . 1. . tl.. w. ffV J,, i r t.d fiS i 11 "1 1