yww SFsW t.P WANTM tHICAIill -Ti3T)wil Urn retail mllllnary aters ra-TltlMMi-'' Mrvcc of, a first-class trim- 1" ilih ttenslvs.rstau epennci P.tiinipK" '' "jee. whir CDlV last lilVT. "" " ' TTP18T . woman with hurh 'etieet sueatteri Jf h? quPralint tn opttUn4rweod bill. 1, n '""Amfflff'hmHIMl CO. II eili nnd chstlnut ata. ASK ler ait, yii iVemr There n Mpsclallr oe poll pell poll "ifen open for t reed typist, it te SSmti ui mi echoej graduate preferred. Call .at once. pATT0N ctmTW publishing company DV. J. .. ... ftnuEM at 7012 Vandam Rid... 1001 Market S will ,. Interview weihen ..with .lUi n pereenallty and eeme eyeeuttre abtl FrT who wish whole or part time erjpley !Hnt Apply between 10 and 13 A. if. or , pent. ."Jft,, teu may be displeased with 5? preeent Poeftlen and this etep may be T. turning point In your life! all annllcanta mitt be ever 3 1 no eptelai axperlene Ii r" i fguNO IADT clerk ter efflea of larra manufacturing concern. Iteply. lijln ae. jjjy and experlence. address L-8S. P. O. B1 w. Oeeerrt ffikLS wanted! Govern. positional l0 me.l mtny vaeane'et eiaminatleneAuir, te Sept. Oct. Write for pe. open. P 1M1. L. O. HELP WANTBP MAT.1! ASIA-BODIED HXN BX-LCKSIRTK- BennuuKnu CAR ItSPASUOm CAR INSPECTORS MACHINIST WANTED POR PERMANENT POSITIONS FENNBTLVANIA RAILROAD 1S3 FILBERT ST. iDVEIvriHINQ ASSISTANT wanted! expert- enced In machine line preferred: mutt be thoroughly experienced with cut, n ' .ravings, printing-, etc.! also bs able te (T- Z-.t- m.l,. nrlnt. ...I.,.... . . ....... Mertunlty for bright yeun man' In reply stats fully experience, age, also lowest sal- riHITECTURAL DRAFTS JIAN. sip.. wanted at ones. - e. ixniar ijmca. .jUBIBTANT te, the credit man of a large concern, one familiar with accounting and ealisctlensi elate aalary.and present ana past S!tetr. Addreee C-i. P. O. Bex 84T0. BLACKSMITHS W8LDBSIS BOILERMAKERS MACHINISTS WANTED Finty cent an hour for 8 noun, time and htlf evr!lme. Call New Tork Central Rail read. 108 Sbubert B11., 550 B. llreid et. BOOKKEEPER, experienced Burreuch eper- ter: must be capable double-entry book- ktpr and n-t merely a peetlna clerk: soed efiDercuntty for eneraetle and careful nr. eon te connect with precreeilva manufactur- Im enncern uptown. ie. ieeeer etnee. BOILERMAKERS BLACKSMITHS KAcamun AND CAR REPADAMXN WANTED JOHN OOLL COMPANT CONTRACTORS 1821 ARCH ST. ASK FOR MR. JONES BOILERMAKERS AND BLACKSMrniS TTANTED FOR PERMANENT POSITIONS rENNSYI.VANIA RAILROAD 1023 PILllERT 1ST. SOT wanted. IT te 20. te learn ealeeman- ihlp: muet be aoed talker and net afraid of herd work. Apply ernlnR" thla week, Rtart- In Jtenday, net tiefere 7:30 1 M Roem B0T wanted, ein.. ever Id jeare. In heui- . furn. atere ..!' 433. TdcerOfflce. u' B07S. 18 sears, one 18. .wanted In Tele lxthT facinry. P 333. Ledger Offlca. BKOKEIt or uteck paleiman wanted te e!l aVJ'lVr'e'm'r"" ' 8Ut'' A"lr" 8M. CAP.PENTKR8 wanted, Te. Apply KmL .V&U' Ce-.ela?, CHICAGO AND NORTHWESTERN RA1LWAT Is In reed of the following MACHINISTS BOILERMAKERS HICKSMITHS .1UW ?.ntl werlln,f conditions prescribed bv trantportatlen te their homes it dealrtd. ? Si"m Wrtunlty for yeurur and eaergetla men te engage In railroad work. TTanrporUtlen will be famished. Apply at ones te 8H WIDENER BIJ, Phlledelphla, Ps. or 1814 Arch st. SjSrbeut 2. with some experience en kriKt'e 1?,k werkl excellent opportunity for -SKi fI10w h0 "kw this work. lso,y,eod VfcaiufaMiVei.- lZ le eeed w th large 5:nrC.?7jiareJlnlSun'."lry. Ad- . -me ei. rniia. rKRMANENT RAILWAY JOBS THE GREAT NORTHWEST MACHINISTS BOILERMAKERS BLACKSMITHS BEET-METAL WORKERS COACH CARPENTERS CAR RKPAHIKRS OOOD WAOIS TOB AND ONE-HALF AFTER HOURS AND FOR WtDATS AT HOLIDATS " BE TRANSPORTATION P lit TO H. AiN CAMP HELP WANTED MAL VABKMAKIZHH.xxi'rtncti en ateel cabinet pJSaiv,ai:rrfTs? fAhpp;,r Kramer p'" ti-MK?0y KNOW A LAcb SALE8MANT Rjl'ebla American lace manufacturln cor cer 5Ri? ion wl,h- "fen line of cotton and K...u,lln notion epeclalty has an op portunity for yeun man with experience In h'!?.J lnfn I? ell .direct te the retail. trade In Leetern Penneylvanlai we will be pleased te near from applicants who rtre familiar rL'lh,.tlen lines and have a folio wins In the retail field; application, statins' In detail l";evleuy eVperlence ami salary expected. ""'" " HnuiBweue ji y;i. icuyer unice. KLECTRICAL FOIIKMAN, exp. en pole Una construction and maintenance: state exp. and eslary wanted, y 832. Ledter Offlca. BNaiXEIlR, te Ue his own flrlns: hard'ceiTT Jehn Blaklcy'Jt Sens. 2d and German- town ave. FrB 1AT15IS Apply Mr. Winters. 8d .. mnuwriaiiq ma. FO?MAIf' lumberj man well trained want ed In retail yard: tnust.be accurate: state experience: reference from last employer r- 3ulred: all communlcntlens strictly confl cenfl entlsl. C 7S2, Ledcer Offlce. FOREMAN wanted by a larse manufacturer of staple and fancy leather roedai one capable of taklnc entire chares of faotery employing ZOO hands and doing the purchas ing of all materials: must have A-l refer- jnces: give all particulars In answering. M ' ""e i.eager, uuu iiaaisen ave., New IUIIV lU?i OltlD MOLDER8 for storage battery plant te furnftca world iteady employment i no Onllll-V-" in,Jl'"1. ":'" """". APiy wmmiiniH tll a's U WK HALFTONE COLOR ETCHER and finisher ""im: union snep, permanent positien: state salary and experience. M 614, Ledger Office. LABORERS. LABORERS (WHITE) FOR TRACK WORK 18.80 PER DAT STRAIGHT TIME, RAIN OR smTB FREE TRANSPORTATION BOARD ADVANCED CALL AT C. R. R, OF N. J. FREE EMPLOYMENT OFFICB 123 NORTH 1BTII STREET LUMBER I.AI30r.r.n.R Steadv trertx .- Pjy. Pearson A Ludasher Ce., Westmers- iiiu . win. riBH.rq inver. MACHINISTS BOILERMAKERS CAR INSPECTORS CAR REPAIRMEN FOR RAILROAD WORK STEADT EMPLOTMENT AT STANDARD WAODS PLENTT OF OVERTIMB FREE BOARD AND TRANSPORTATION APPLT TO COMPANT OFFICE 188 N. 1BTK ST. PHILADELPHIA. FA. CENTRAL RAILROAD OF NEW JERSET OPEN DAILT. 7 A'. M. TO 0 P. M. MACHINISTS tn act as gang leaders; all-around back shop and roundhouse men: mtit dig In and work and be able te Instruct: R2c. plenty of evertime: must pass rlulil examination; for out of lean. Open all day Sunday. Bring baggage ready te leave. N. w. cer. 0th and Cherry Mr. Dei-ktr MACHINIRT8 BOILKItMAKHRS BLACKRMITH9 8 All REPAIRMEN AR INSPECTORS OPEN ALL DAT SUNDAY Fer put of town, etandard seal of wages, best of beard and transportation free: time starts from when you nlgn up; newly con structed camp where cleanliness and new linen prevail: shower bsths; a place for real mechanics: no strike-breakers wantad: apply early and ready te leave: brlnr bagssge; railroad representative en premises. N. W. COR. 0TJI AND CHERRT MR. HKCIUlR MAN T im loeKIng for a particular tMm of man who l Inherently lienesl; who ran faithfully rep resent an orcanlzntlen of na tional reputation iind reterdi regardless of jour preaent oc cupation, you may be that type of man nhem I can plare In a position te earn net less than 15000 per rear. MR. OLE8SNER,. 423 Land Title Bide. MAN. clean, progressive, energetic, with In telligence, regardless of past and present occupation, wanted by a western corpora tion opening offices In the East; for a real man a wonderful opportunity epen: te re ceive attention give detail and reference In first letter: nil replies confidential. V 431, juger ijnire. ."JAN. young, depenuatle, experienced In operating multicolor press; prefer one ha--Inr had eome high school training; bring reference. MR. YOUNO CURTIS PUBLISHING COMPANT 'ie nA.-snu.n rrrnKKT MAN. educated, under 33. wanted te learn selling and sales management and flu ex ecutle position. C 832. ledger Office. MEN. THINK IT OVER Every men Is ambitious. Nothing mere In teresting te a man than his financial future. This Is the opportunity you have been seek ing. We de net require a man from any particular occupation, provided bs Is Intelli gent, energetle and has a real, earnest ds sirs te succeed. Call after 12:48 P. M. for an Interi Iw. Roem 435, 1011 Chestnut at. Ask for Mr. Ingle. MEM who feel that they are qualified for a bigger future than Is offered by their preaent employment should communicate with the advertiser; wn want men of geed habits wllh ability te grew Inte big positions ulth acorperatlon successfully engaged In a clean and lucrutUe buslnesr. P 422, Ledger Office. MEN Wllh executive ability wanted by a large International organization. Apply from 10 te 12 or 2 te 4. 1001 Colonial Trust Bldg. MEN Wanted, ambitious, conscientious and honest men who nleh te better their posi tion In lite with a rapid growing, reputable company. Apply at once, L, R. steel service Cerp.. 702 Van Dam Bldg.. 1001 Market st. MEN, white nnd colored, for factory work. J28 wkly.l no strike. Roem 2. 1220 Arch. OFFICE BOY, bright. Intelligent, with some experience, grammar school education, for position with larse wholesale house; stats salary. P 430 Ledger Offlre, REPRESENTATIVES Wanted. liTe'n who will demonstrate te us their ability tn Mil executive positions. Call ut Roem 122S, Wldener Hliur. RAILROAD SHOPMAN WHY DON'T TOU 0171' FIXED ItEPORH WINTER COMES? MAKE A HOME IN THU SOUTH NOW AND MAKE YOliil FAMILY COMFORTABLE: COAL WILL HE SCARCE AND THE PRICE WILL UK mail thIh WINTER: TIIK BUNNY SOUTH OPFEltrt TOU AMU -lJ' 'J"!'.1'! Al'ii iltUSK THINOB WHICH KEALLY .MAKE lAlM wert: bio YARDS, 8UN8HINE. .PRACTICALLY ffi, YEAR BOUND? WYIEIUV A DOLLAR WILL BUY MORE OF THE REAL NECEH. SITIES OF I.IFll WAN K LSEWJlElllf AND WHKUN THE ATLAMTH! :,ArT!(! Ci OAST I.INR RaUjiOAD .COMPANY Ol'KKl RS YOU AS MANY lw,l,Ai.n..f -.!w 8 FOR YOltll WlYl.KINU TIME. AH ANY ONE ANT- wlilMtR. IK' YOU ARE A JOOD ME- n.iivii' T.nriKivri for inn.rAVi'VT N1SN1 KMPLOYMKNT AND WILLI.VO TO REOIN iw.. i.,...,i,.Ri..",'.:i?iVrt.v,v.oesfti.'.rf. 1 ll.UI. UNl'KJi ui-fiit'l i"' . :.'. 'i:'. '.'.'-.' '.Ii TO IS N. "Til Ml. A.1' IAI.K ir IJVKII WITH THE A. O L. .MAN. PHKM IIOAJU. 'IRANHPORTATIOIN AND PLENTY UV OVERTlMi: W YOU ENlHOLL NOW. URINQ BAUaAaU READY TO SHIP nOIIJSRMAKKRH. 11LACKHJUTHH. MA. CIIINIBTM dllKET MKTAL. WORKER-, COACH H-PAUIMEN. 1204 yiLBIORT BT, EVENING PUBLIC HELP WANTED MAM SALESMAN Wn NEED, A SALESMAN OP BTRON'O URSOJA.MTT TO RENEW CONTRACTS AND SECURE) NEW BUSINESS! WB HELL A FINANCIAL RERVICD TO LAROH MKIt EUsR.JGPNCKRNH. AND CAN OFFER SUSLSWJIT "AN A VERT DKSIRABI.i: c9NSA?rt. APPLY 0:80 TO 13 A. M., HVetP.-i-K'..M" Mn RTAN. ROOM 417, 487 CHESTNUT ST. ' SALESMAN-STOCK I want every stock salesman who reads this ad. te come In and see me. I have the fastest- selling eteck Issue In Philadelphia and wleh te close out the balance of this. fire t Issue in the next 2 weeks, The company Is 7 years old and the Issue Is 8 per cent pre ferred, participating. Ooed commission. Frent 10 A, M. te 3 P. M. Ask for K. II, Few, 1114 Walnut St., Philadelphia, Pa, SALESMEN If you are ambitious and want te start with a new concern selling a new and practical IIEATLNO DEVICE that supplants coal, and with absolutely no competition, we ran offer you a future wblch la limited only by your own efferts. State age, past experience and phone num ber. (Tour communication will be held In strictest confidence). Address M. 822, Ledger Olflse. SALESMANA Philadelphia banklnr house with a branch office In Lancaster, Pa., wants man between 80 and 40 years of age te de special work In Lancaster, Tork and Adams Counties; man living In one of the above counties preferred! If net must be will ing te take up residence: must have selling experience; must alvs best of references and be able te drive car; state age and whether married or single. Address M CIS, Ledger Offlce. SALESMAN We want a salesman of pleas Ine personality, geed appearance and one wne is wining te worn nam ana consistently. We can positively assure the man who can Qualify an Income that will average at least 1100 te I30O a week. Our preposition Is unique and one that will bring Immediate returns. Call at noem MO, Wldener Bldg., between 10 and HA. M, SALESMAN- Brass feund: ry, whteh has Yerk, about te hM.n located near Nsw r Miw rnrlf open a new foundry In Phlla. desires the ilth Ainerl- services of a capable nalesman, with expert- ' ence and acquainted with the local trade: ence ana acquainted witu me iocei trade: also a foundry superintendent capable of , hnndlin nbaut 23 molders en llsht and m- dlum work. Address Manager. Bex 120, flit Amsterdam avs.. New Yerk City. ' SALESMAN te cover local territory selling dealers: guaranteed salary of 8100 week for right man. The Commercial Radium Ce.. Fifth Ave. Wdg.. New Tork. SALESMAN, exp.. in flnanclnl selling, will find our preposition unusually Interesting. Call 9 A. M, te 1 P. M.. Roem 1. 1810 Arch. SALESMAN, glue, wanted for Philadelphia and vicinity: experience necessary; cerre- spendence confidential. M oil. Ledger Offlce. SALESMEN House-te-houso salesmen: If you hae had experience In selllni; direct te thn cennuiner ou are lust fitted te handln our sterling preposition; one of the largest i manuraciurera or nouscneia eiecincai ap pliances bss an enenlnir for a few llve-nlre Balesmen. If you re Interested In leirnttu of a real preposition where your efforts will net yqu a splendid Income, call and hwn a personal Intcnlew with me. Aslt for Mr. Ileyfy. at Walnut 1SH7. SALESMAN with eptclalty or promotion exp.: exceptional leads and co-epnratlnn. with real epp. for aerage men. See Mr. Whiting. 0 te 12 A. M. 7in Victory Bldg. , SALESMEN te sell sales books In I'hila. a .0 eutslda territories. Call between 0-I'-' A. M. National Sales Boek Ce.. 030 Real );tate Trust ing. &ALE8MAN, acquainted with retail drug gists, who can get results, for an estab lished manufacturer en a commission basis; geed opportunity for right man: reference required. M 604. Ledger Office. SALESMEN, coats and sutts; must be a man of ability and business producer; sal- arv and commission. Address P 411, Ledger Office WANTED BT THE BALTIMORE t, OHIO RAILROAD CO. FOR PERMANENT POSmONS AT 6TANDARD LABOR BOARD RATES MACHINISTS BOILERMAKERS BLACKSMITHS CAR REPAIRMEN ELECTRIC AND ACETYLENE WELDERS Time end one half for overtime, free hesrd and transportatien: traveling time allowed; best of UUnc conditions. Apply Chestnut at entrance, B. A O. PASSENGER STATION, 24th and Chestnut ets. Company's representative. WANTBD FOR SERVICE ON NORTHERN PACIFIO RAILWAT MACHINISTS pabbeneeh CAniiEN ntEiairr carmen BOILERMAKERS llAMMETtSMITIIS niVCKSMITlI3 TINBHITlia AT WAGES AUTHORIZED III UNITED STATES RATLWAT labor ne.vnn TRANBPORTATION WILL UK FURNISHED ArPLT ROOM S09, nNANCG DUII.DINa 1428 SOUTH PENN SQUARE PHILADELPHIA HAROLD TEEN 1rt rAlMtST-a Ocadthb- 3enjcee nx wau.w ppekaised '!& tO-: MONOQ. CV4D OBy kr4& -:. rvtisae Htt - THfiAl ,AnC Ta 0M)BTUt.eTOM FaOfA H ep--tHC f ArA0U6 KN AMD Du-nl- Jw6Hee 3ue.r HI "fill I -- Ml .-ffF V - M-?fe. kst WMsV LBfiGBR PHILADELPHIA, TUESDAY, HELP WANTED MALM SALESMEN Experienced, energetle vpre- durers can make geed connection wtlh progressive concerns excellent future v with wwu Jlicvmv uvuieu, lmii UOIJUUUI UVVd or appointment, 8Al.EH.MKfN. city and roaeV Catholic. Ply .seventh fleer, 031 Chestnut st. Ap. STOCK 8ALE8MAN, h,lgh grade, te sell 8 per cent Issue of succesiful 1'hlla, firm; 2B; commission, C 817, Ledger Office. . WANTED MACHINISTS BOILERMAKERS BLACKSMITHS CAR REPAIRMEN SKILLED IN RAILROAD WORK STEADT EMPLOTMENT STANDARD WAOB3 . AUTHORIZED BT UNITED STATES RAILROAD TABOR BOARD APPLT TO CENTRAL RAILROAD COMPANT OF4NEW JERSEY C. E. CHAMBERS. SUPT. MOTOR TOWER AND EQUIPMENT jerset crrr. n. j. WANTED OENERAL BOILER FOREMEN BOILER FOREMEN OENERAL LOCOMOTIVK ireREMEN NIGHT ROUNDHOUSE FOREMEN COPPERSMITH FOREMEN AIRHRAKE FOREMEN MACHINE SHOP FOREMEN GENERAL PAINTER FOREMCM . (Familiar vlth cesch and locomotive work). WRITE OR WIRE COLLECT (Ole ctxperlenee, and age) TO A. P. rRENDEROAST Mechanical Huperlntendent TEXAS -AND PACIFIC RAILWAY Roem 703, Testis and Paclflr liencral Offices DALLAS. TEXAS. YOUNG MAN, 18 te 20 years of age; geed penman: accurate: chance for advance. ment- perm. pos. Frlcdberger-Aaren Mfg. Ce., 4800 N. 18th st.. near Wayne Junction. TOUNO MEN for collecting en Saturday: also need a few fulMlmn wnrliers for city and read; Catholic. Hss Mr. Cegan, seventh fleer. 031 Chestnut st. VOU ARE READING this ndertlment bs- cause, you doslre te attain te greater sue-' cess: If you nre honest, capable and tn- dustrleus v;e enn show ou hew tn accetn- Hldg.. between 10 A. SI. and 1 P. M. denenil URURNRWALD'R SALES MG'lt Aute Accessories linn. WORKS MO'R Aute or electrical exp. SALESMAN expd. Plumbing Supply line $0. ' AB.VT tilrelinln. Air.nt Tllm-l.'-v !..nn1l.. SALESMEN for Public Acctg. Seiwlce. 8ALESM15N Publle Utility service, salarr. INTERVIEWER, skilled and versatile. DEP'T bend. TecbnlcBl nnd Offle n PUBLICITY Mgr. wlde local acquaintance. ENOINEERS Draftsmen, llldg. Const. ASS'T UNO'S, Designers, Detallcrs, Layout Mn. AHS'T MO'R. expd. In Employment service. PRICE Purchasing Clerks. Plumhlmr Sup plies: expd. men only; geed positions. SEVERAL geed connections of a co-eporatlvo and lnestment chnrncter; principals only. w itiuniaini i urtuui.p. ',tu .1. lltn. i TRANSPORTATION WORK TrarrTpnsse.' elation wants reluihle mn te euallfy for positions rtliectlnw ilotneKtlc ami ferlt-n shipping: $23n In IJOii tunntlili up. unneres SHrv; com Fflmel mluc.itlen mnthil: enlv men of geed character need nppl If willing and desirous of miking connection worth while,, wrlte without ebllintlun. stating pros-1 ent no.. me. l'hlln. 1 O Iln 411 I WN wanted, Gevt, pmt: clerks, carriers: write for Instruction part. Imtned. Fer application Sept. l P 1421 Ledcer Office. SITUATIONS WAN.ED- FEMALE CHAM11ERWORK or wnltlnc. private, laundry; ref. 2051 Brandywlne st. no I HAVE had experlence In the auditing-, flllnr. boeKkeeplna departments of a dennrtmn , t Ktern. vh.rA csrerntn.M nn1 nV.ni... .A - I things correctly and quickly were necessary; i weuiu ncceui h sun nr ei nnv iniAnt position at a moderate salaiy. 51 nnj fdger Offlce SITUATIONS WANTED- .TVTA T ALIOMOIIUJ. I.IhCTUICIAN Yeunr man -,, ... ,," ..t.i -.-.. 'uuuk lies-it -.- i-wniiivii uu 1111 m i erICA Ata. Hen In Ph Uidelphla: best referenee. , I..?1?! -As-s t- furnished. O 823. Ledger Ofllc-. "" UULLEfTIUN M(1R , uss't, dere,nocern nect lth progrnele concern 11 yrs,' exr In collections, cre'llts. P 1102, lydaer Office COOIC or gen. lioiisewent Yeunc Korean' exp , hn eoed ref , wants position prlmt fsmllv: go an where. . 813. Ix.tit 'office MAN. 2.1 esrs. reliable, ambitious, desire, position where selling und managerial " rrlene will he of xhu C am r Tj'J r.2 - - - - ..-.. .-,iKrr un- gAia.cui.i i.b .uu iniiuare specialty desires new line; season new cleslnir en present line. C 81.1 ledger Office! " en I STEWARD Position wanted niT" manugimr ' city or country club, net 38, married no children: wife first-class heuseke-per. Wit references from leadlni; beteln mi,l ni..i... . - I I present employed, but dostre te make charge M MU. l,v'Uer Office. u rw n.;. .:"--.- ..il.li.i "."'".. "l wass or ih, uni rrn it ladiiiuii ill ill,, v...,...i.n I dept. of a tnfg concern, P 8O1I, i,eiiei nrr -..- -. , ft 1 - ".vi-uiiui YOl'Nll MAN DE.IRES PARTTIMr ' I WORIC DRIVINU OAR. AI"TI3RNOO 1 a.-ii i. ft,iAes, auu ,a 1' .103 j l,i:l)tSERlll-TIOE '"' YOUNtl MAN. uged 20, Brndunln private school, wants permaneut position with opportunity advsnetnent. P8u3 IJi;nr oft YOUNO MAN, 17 desires PosltleiTLfiiny , kind Xddresa P 407. Ledger Office. , YOUNO .MAN. Wharten Scheel education I deslres position, P 421. ledger Office. EMPLOYMENT AGENCIES H. O HARVEY. 101U Rlttvnheusn sq 1 nurses for Infants and chll.; l'r.t. wants ceuks 'ii l ( AAArilUYM UJOPlE. eS uimxe. -. f h,in,., -, -....,., A., f SeP.C3E.TT UmDOlMO 3evUM. av.,zT,r r,- i-. TTiC 1 I TBIMfvM.JS WVTH PDlt:SLe-J teaRantc. kmu,! auk - LLe gfry s & s e&sbs I lkj Z ZL. ND LlLLI&S OVJT OP THB- I I rS ffWCk -C2 -x". .V K- Mrl l tz.l r r--s eiKP7 fm i.9v7s jtsj -" v ". r B. . - l , I I fflf Jf j iy-. iak. vA. n l e BPfS a. f I "-----s- I .1 A M I T MK 1 Wirxft Nv. XfeXXl N T S II It! I BOOMS FOB BENT CHESTNUT ST,, 4024 2 r. ft. bath, deubla . A single rms.: run, waterl cleee te batli RITTBNHOUHB SUAItM, W !!I0 Twe r. and suite wllh hntlil slnale r.. Lec. 4B83, iten ST., N., las KurWhcd rooms for rent. Phene Belmont. 0S70 M. 1CTH. N., 18 HOTEL ItUHIC Central. hetinln district, near statlenst beautiful furn. rms.i elee.i spetlessi dally, wk'ly rates TWO UOOitH and kitchenette Apartment: couple prererrea: rererencei exenangce. pre isler, v( l'ealer.1707 Pnyder nve, 518T, H.. lisn Iwrge newly furnished rm. own heme1 every cenv. Woodland 0818 W, BOABD WANTED BY SEPT. in, Mflnlty of Hnverfetd, 2 roenia with hefl ru in private lamny or .' teacners and girl or housekeeping apartment mere 1!B8 M. Aru WALLLNOItJItl), PA. Gentleman may have room and bath with beard, in attrae. sub urhan home; perm.;, par. Ph. Media 403. rEXNHYLVAMA SUBURBAN GTN. Cemf, home life In n, deslr. res. Je- ca r.lllv. llfl ner w'k uu with h'd: ref. Jllen McQrath --!.-.. '----",-.:.--. i. .- ,..i leu .AlUpifSWUUII uve. uv?n DVlll, n. USED AUTOMOBILES NEW OR USED DEMOUNTABLE RIMS TOR ANY CAR AT REDUCED TRICES OPEN BUNDAYS SATTLER'S 1001 SPRING GARDEN ST. WILLYH 0 cylinder, Red Seat Con tinental meter, 7 passenger; new (Ires, paint and machinery; $430; a real bnrealn. Harper A Harper. 804 N. Bread at. BIIICIC coupe, 1021: A-l condition; repainted: 0 tires: bargain. V. A. Ilmnl. Pep. 3244. CHANDLER speedster: claealest job In Philadelphia: 1200 tak Hi balance In 12 months. 140B'Meunt Vernen at. CHANDLER touring. 1020. 7 passenger: very geed condition; baricaln, V. A. Ilmnl I poplar B.M4. nenrin tour. lat model; nearly new. Open eves. Harper Harper. U4 re Bread at ESSEX teuring: almoet new: $200 takes It: balance in l year -Maxweu-unauners i used-car department. 020 N. Hread. ' FORD ceupes: we have several that cannot be told from new an low as flOO dewn: balanre In 1 year. Maxwell-Chalmers Ce., ' 020 N. Ttread. lenim KI1I1AN late model, let of aitrm: SS73: terms. Harper & Harper, 804 N. I Itread at. FRANK LIN. .1 passenger. cylinder. 1010 medel: In excellent conditien: tSOO. Pheno ArrtnerV. 11132 W. I IIANLI1Y-KNIOHT demonstrater: price low, terms: open eies. Hurper i. Harper. 304 N. nread. HUPMOBILK.H. teurings: all models, re built nnd guaranteed, from $300; terms. Harper & Harrer, 304 N. Hrnad. HUPMOB1I.E tevirlnr. model N; J200: geed running condition. Harper & Harper, 001 N. Bread St. HUPMOHILE roadster, excep. geed car, for 1330. Cavannugh'a Oarage, lfi4 N. 22d st JORDAN. 10J2 touring. 7-pas, run 0000 miles te dat: erlRlnal ps'nts rrlec very low for cah, V. A. Ilrunl. Poplar 32l4.fl KINO 8-cyllnder touring, lebullt. repaint ed: new ten: $433: terms. Harper & Har- per. 804 N. Hread. Open evenings. LATE MODEL tnurlnij car. A-l conditien: must sell: termn It desired; no dealers. P 32 1. Ledger Offl OAKLAND eetlatis. teurlncs and ceures. 0 cjllnder: from tSln up: trnn: epn eve nines. Harper k Harper 304N. Ilresil. dl.DSMOlHI.E llttl"1i. vnnnet !w tuld from ne : win eicnme te quicK buyer MaxHell-C'linlinei in ie ' 020 N. Ilrend. f OLDSMOUILU touring. !. 0 nnd 8 a Under: from $200 up: tnrms: open eves. Harper A Harper. 30t N Bread. OVERLAND teurlnr car; runa andl leek line; thoroughly rebuilt: $100 takes If smsll balance en time. Maxucll-Chalm:rs Agency. 020 N Hread at. OVERLANDS. 4 nnd 0 cylinder, fl and 7 passenger: from $230: ternin te yeu: open evenings. HARPER & HARPER, 30 J N. uroae. OVERLAND 4 I. model 00. like new; 12.10; teims te you. Harper i. Harper, S04 N. Rrend st. PAIOC r.-pKsener touring, with whiter ter: eoel cniiiiinen. cord iire- nnriy new; quick sale, t.'.en. Oak Une 22S4 IV. jieam'kR TOWN OAlt. A-l cendltlbnT p.iititrrt: loeki lllf new: priced rl re- right. v A HruiL Penlnr 32!4 SPRINGS SI'RINCt SPRINGS VUll Ar.1 Al lOMUMK.Ii Laree aaerlmcat of HKWV TRUCK Sprlnci HATTLKR'8 lOniPPRINO flAltnrN' VV Oivn Mundnv STANDARD 8. 4 pjm Weetlnshnuee shock ,,?2SgZ'l' iiTiVppii 101V JirnnVl '"r'n,, IIAIIPFR & HAHI'I.H. J1MJ Ilmnil St. bTn.VRNS-KNlOUT teurlrg. 1020 reeenrtl. tlenea rena'nted and tires: reasonably priced. V A. Ilrunl. Poplar .1211 STEARNS-KNItlHT 1010 tour., poed enmf geed tlres. barg. V. A. Ilrunl. Pep. 3211 STFARNS-KNiailT llmeunlne. 1020rrece".l"": w-l'l sacrifice V. A. Rrunl Piplar JI2I4 WILLYS-KNIOHT" coupe. Tn2.r Mke new. 11500: terms te yeu: open rucnlngs. Ha?. per h Haiper net N. Hrn.ul. Te Hln. TO. HIRE n and 7-nns. teurlnc: llmeuilns Sl.ne Per hr. up. Ped. 11117. 1'srk 4130. storage a:;d MOVING MOTOR VAN SERVICE TO ANY DISTANT prilVT Weekly service for amnll shipments between Phllailelphla and Washington The Big 4 Transfer Ce., Inc 87th and Market sts. Rarlnr 1201 r irC 1 1 Y 'e0" nuu nrenouse i.'n.. 1R00. 1811 nnd 1M.1 MaeL. All bulMlnES fireproof tone tructlen bTORAOE, PACKINU. HAULING MOVINO of all Kinas, .-sew lern. Riltlmere. -.vaahinetuti slid Hurrlsburg: our Hrwi.i... I . ...irt frnn alt fi.a9here TelntH. irifttir.in I ynt son's Pterage 0I!I N 17th st 1 op e.-.m ' VICTORY STORAGE " .ma tMTiit'nT Phene Uelment 4070 for ' Itmat. Moter vnns PJirklnp jnj crttn I . 1 .. .-" ' - " TT - .- ' ?'.. r-kt - jf .. ir TU XUn RhnnHe Cr. . 4157-41S0 uu Ju'", ,",.. -- -ica-r .., Hterscrt, .'irizuig. .-.invieic. . nryet -niing ieNARrir.u.'ORAOE Vi .170 LNCAS- TER AVE. Al'TO HERVII V. Slf.HAOE. IACKlNOI.flNOli(TAN'n M11VIVO jicADA.MH l.xrresM. mr nn & huullea-, low rntet, anjwhern. 1S2. N 12th eltini 4tlOS CARPET CLEANING Telephone Kenslncten 2411-2riSl-3007 QUAKER Cm' CARPET CLEANING CO. 1123 te 1137 13 Columbia As. Cleaning and Dyeing l,sdlc' nnd gents' -ttearlmj appareL house hold goe.U Oriental and domestic rugs, car- ,. .--....I... i.i.n'-.i. . M-.ni.,- ,'t, ,-.".. ..-. ........v -j, ...iihihp, - in 1 . a , Uamp Wash Laundry SEWING MACHINES Hi:WlNO"MA"pfUNi:riwanie.. lit Tp i&i .. r . A' Ji!."w."' -03 w- Al.isl.eny aa, KenslnutenOUUri. WANTED ANTIQUEh. ftatiier heil liiglieit vesslbTu prlcai Mer. 12.10 N llre.id P plar 2787 PAINNj3j PAPERHANOINO ROOMS lmiKil unii painted, iunteriul In. eluded, te. l'otter. 1030 Pram I P.p .OOil AUGUST 22, 1022 tjJBED APTOMOBILEtl PEERLESS USED CARS AT $1400 Delivered with Full Standard Equipment Yeu can actually get for $1400 $3000 Peerless Quality Design and Workmanship perfectly refinished in appearance and condition. These rebuilt PEERLESS cars will render you a high quality service impossible in cars costing less than the PEERLESS te build. They are fitted with new cord tires guaranteed for 10,000 miles. Will you compromise en a cheap car when you can have and enjoy a PEERLESS at this greatly reduced price? ONE 7-PASS. PEERLESS TOURING CAR and ONE 4-PASS. PEERLESS ROADSTER Fer Immediate Service Judged by their ability te perform, these used PEERLESS cars will surpass the great majority of new cars of ether makes and equal the performance of new PEERLESS cars. If you have admired your neighbor's new PEERLESS and would like te have one of which you will be justly proud HERE IS ONE RARE OPPORTUNITY AUTOMOBILE COMPANY Peerless Distributors , 2314-16-18 CHESTNUT ST. Spruce 114G rer. saiiE PLUMBERS! MACHINISTS! BLACKSMITHS! CARPENTERS! Just Received New Shipment GOVERNMENT SURPLUS STOCK Pipe Wrenches Cutters Chain Tongs Chain Vises Blacksmith's Vises Hammers Any kind of n. toot you want Alse r.eropl.ir.e engines, magnetos nnd parts. 1200 Sets of Pipe Stocks and Dies l Beavers, Teledo, Armstrong te uVin. LEATHER TOOL BAGS Larpn Aeertment for All Mechanics Pay u a Malt. It means money te veu. 305 Cherry St. Ph. Mkt. 2869 BEDR00iI SUITS Th same h.in-1 enu mis 1 ( 1 jeu ha been I mklns nt In thf. denntmin r teres for a iilrd te .1 half i t K -nl ..-nines made k,... Mi bv low upteAn orerallnc mtln. Walnut. inhnginj ler' nnd grnv enuinel, 1127 SO ' J2.". F.v thne nn.j vulin l.efore ilecld 1 rr. Odd Vnnlty Tables 2'i each Dressers Jjil Chlffencttes, from J22 .'.0 Pure Layer 1 I nit MAftrtjkkea SI r.fl Kl,t.n.n.,a' fliu u. ' .p.-ilal irlce. Itri-nkfuM ecM ns low as $20 j Furnlturu for the enllre house at lowest up- ..,..11 t-m jj.itve. iiunere.js 01 people sae thousand of dollars eery week by builn. direct from THE RED CORNER Ridge Ave. & Jeffersen St. ernN iivKNwnq P I'll L?C HALE of pfrenal property. rt.,p nf Tnh. - I.-...T..; ii"'ir .. . of Barten station' V It H. Wednesday. uir ". 1P22 at 2 ! M . furnlturx, heue- U,.l. n'.iii g.oe-4 rynie antiques, dlshe". etc , tuuny irileln i,r tee sears oil W. A Dun--nere MBr . Kitnliei ten. 1'a Pheno I'hoe I'hee nUMIIe irm .1 EYE GLASSES At 40"S ls tlinn u.'iil prices. se us tedsT. 1 Ives examined. NATIONAL LENS CLUD, lN'P . 1033 t'hestnut Roem "i02. DIAMOND ladi' platinum ring. HI blue nhlte and irfect stence. 2 karate n bHiutlful piece must sacrifice for cash J27". rlclnel con J500, private party. P 420. ledger OflW ..JA,'t'r"llY r' vel made"in"phTiTa rni.Di.ve chairs, a . i:ihi.y i-hairs. , flU'ltCH PEWa, P IT I, P I T PHAIK&. SCHOOL DESKS. THEATRE CHAIRS. CIIMR ri'HANOE. COR. HTHAVp VINE. 5,0(0.000 I I3E1 or line niw tirnber en deep water nnd near It It 1, ..rlgtn il Virginia Pine 1, lariie pfnnd rrewth plne Write J. . Strader luitenH'll Rirtinmnd, Va RErRlUEUATeR i-tt'seK. ii.k r cases! ice l.""e drug and etore fxtures of nil i . iTlptietis. lowest prices qu I ,crMte. Hold Held man 1.0-10 jierrnaiuenjie I Ht.sT ( I.AS.S dur store "n.lce cream n.L,"'i'!.i.vSS','h m''1,0" ac,uu,,t ut"lUs- Ml'l.TH uf.OR preiwi, rebuilt, KU.uanteeil " t.,,''.ir''. unllinll.il Inetruci en, bargain Mulllinle- Pris. 3J p JH101.I t urfcal" "1.. ''ntVv'"".?17 , N?:irJ72.'li'ySTen.sVs?,lCfnd'U01' f0r ' Klltr' llfllCKK lSO.oeiiTwIll saerldM "c" ' C.e'dman . 2,1 HOnut t. Walnut 131.1 TOII.El' renibln.itlcns. 2T Pipe Mttlnga' Kennedy, 31b W. Susquehanna. Op" tic". Jack and Av, USED AUTOMOBILE PERSONALS ! WE PAID A WOMAN IM.ne for let of lewelrv she had Kwn offered 140 for elsewhere: brlnir jour dia monds nnd Jewelry te us: we guarantes a full honest cash alue: established 1883 11PSJtLEB k 'Q.712 Walnut : st. DIAMONDS BOUGHT . ANDKEt,y? ATi.rT5- vw.t.aw' Suite 2-22, ee t nd (1 m , nur t'hllds' R i DIAMONDS Call !.-ead imd Chestnut st Mil'utcheen. llnnn Dill irUT fi.11 Heil I etat'j Trust irids. ' DUVJUI 1 1 jjeursl0J10 te 4 Ph.Wal 4libs I IIARDW. OD FLOORS renlshed bv the most approea ineinea. i:-i or werKmansnip It M. ALMOND -2MN Marshall. Diamond .'.510 W SANITARY I'lumblnic and expert heating Jobbing a specialty, nstlmates cheerfully ah en. O. Veccels. 2133 W. Columbia am Diamond 0111 PERMANENT WAVING Unblxvl hair. 1K nx hair sides nnd front 112. Pester nefk 2U Vine et Market C1SI LEARN te pliy piano In 40 lessens. r.Oc les les eon up M Mvsrs. 723Wairarif.Wlll call nenriNii sp utlns. heater nnd ranee work il.ic rr..j r!e;al.l41) (Jtn ae. Ken 4U03 J BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES WAN1I.I' H 1 -n ut extensive expnenre ii. I i lualiitanre. buifmaii usserlate or pnrtnei for tbe purpnue of fermlne general Insururt" ncone. small lnestment required lneter cun become treasurer. Address P 4 HI. LelBiT OfOc". DErtCATESHKN"-- "REHT IT.ANTi VINE st i:at or imen. ureat oppen. Tl'NITX T' RENT AT UllV RENTAL AI, IIERT QLTLL. 200 WE3T END TRUfaT ni.DO. M'ltlTr. nOIO. WILL Intenlew candymnker or one famlllsp with csndv manufacturing. Interest In business may l obtained established grew Ing concern, mfg. and retail stores.- 81fc ledger (iftlce J ole ESTAPflMIKD wiioiesare bu.lnes's sT8"pT in"rchindlse: orders en hand, low ever- neau. p-fi iruuu; il bell SJUUO. c K21 IdeerOffJce ' 1 ' 1 nr.ii..- AVI., IIT.V Deslrnl,'. '..,,' a"J r'l''1.01' rrem. built for dentin 1 "-- " - ks.- ... . none um. wne-j Hill IN' 1 rnnn ii'-, r. e t.t6le iier.i n L I- niss partn .O'. l.e,l (.(( ship 'i MONEY TO LOAN HOUSEKEEPERS GET A LOAN $15 TO S300 FROM THIS LICENSED ROVDED Havk 1VO DEPARTMENT SI PERVISED CO FILL YOUR COAL BIN NOW Very easy terms. Payments arranged te ult your convenience Ne fees of anr ktnlt charge l. only interest at the rate provided l,w low Si, tnnnlrv mil. . ,, - .w.iu.ti by law An Inquiry puts ou te no errsn. end does net obligate you In any way pi7 TODAV or If In a special burry. ut' ui u Phene Iwust 7.117 ' "" h1sAVndYStne'Tc:c?'iS1 HOUSEHOLD LOAN CO. 246 Seuth leth Street Pecend fleer Roem 201 Cress Rutt.1in M.mr-e V Mndelr ChamNr "of tc"'n,mB.le,. HEAL ESTATE FOR SALE "city 10TH i. C.RKEN. near Parlmay an1 Se.qul ( enti-nn n grounds 30 000 sti ft sull.ib n for inf. . f anv k nd garas. servl. e station, m Wig t iure no ri strictluns. JOdLTII KLl.DMAN, 200 Lincoln H dg. 1 926-30 SANSON ST."" 334 SOUTH 16THST. Paul II. Stull. Merris IVdg Spruce 1021. Marilyn Set a Precedent -flipr is a ujEDDfMe apree. WtM-euC fMO I (MiE EfArEO He. fvuL Kr4eui BoeT IT CL0PErAEr4T5 tARG. VULt&ftCi. Te W 6AlA4t :r "5 X 1 , jueai, iHrrifrg yeA crrr MU!MMRffiMifMW!liWI!l - SALE OR RENT 310-312 S. ISTHSt. TV5tt"Tmnrnvr. te Stilt Tcnutt Let S3xll4 ft. te Hicks St. $, SAMUEL COLDER ffl3(j Locust 4027. Spruce 0572. IUc 70T4i u WMSlMSMWSWMSMeKUttM HimiiiiiiiiiHin,iiriiniTiiiiiii!iiii IT i net tee latc;te Rurchas! ler lau occupancy. ew "K pestiens: inn spntjcn: mt. i'VJ7 HPllOtI): ht 3.18 .H. 21THT. ICOrt PINP. BT. i'0I7 PINE ST. 11012 PINE HI". 2101 PINI1 ST awi pine 2.!X EDGAR G. CROSS im tlAT.VrtT MT. wimaiiiiiinii'iiiiWWTOiiiiPiMiMWWiiM H. K. COR. 1TH AND VINE? MT8. LnieWRVr' J. EDWARD LUTZ "lfh v 940 Race Street, 17'6"x6d' Adjoins cer. of 10th. fine business location In the lieart of the area directly affected r liy the new hrldne. Apply only te G. A. ANSLEY, 1218 Chestnut St. Alse sL-e ntlrrrtlsrments In smalt tjpf.ln follewinr reliimns. , Iteslnesa Preierlle anl Stere SANSOM ST. WEST OF 17TH ST. IOT..2x01 TO RKAR &TREKT POSSESSION A SATlHrACTORV TKlUW JAMES D. WINCHELL 17TII AND HANPOM BTS. I PnrterttSf Warehenwea. Mannfsrturlng T1f FACTORIES t areheuses floors, factory eltsS 1 I Ci e, CLand.TltU ,. L.. OlCYCllJUlllAiiUii Qldg. FACTORIES 5c WAREHOUSES E. S. Tomlinson, Jr. LINCOLN Bl.DO. Factories, Warehouses & Sites ,T T V.r: PATTHN1 IJnenln HMi mmmmmmmmmm Wf-m . "(' Alse ee Hdrtlsmeiits In small UP in follewinr -elii'"n. - ' UT4T PHILADIILPIIIA - . UNUSUAL OPPORTUNnr. 710 N. 63d Street OVERBROOK SECTION Veri- desirable Iiem "ten- perch, south ern exposure en.l-det,ifhd: erreeneflr hardwood floors het-water b'st most desirable h.me section In ?ll!lll prlc- lis. .."0 will Onnne" . bedrooms. et-.: thoreujtily modern; owner. Open Sunday for Inspection Frem 1 te 6 P. M. OVERBROOK HOMES $5000 te $25,000 Will Finance te suit purchaser EDWARD M. MOLL liKMT70LANOWENa3 Alse see ii'veTtlsrments In small t-p In fnllnwlnr emiimns. . C.ERMANTOWN , A New Mess-Built Heme n.iceptlennlly welt bnillt, en n ivlde main Htrcct, ud ud Jelnlnir rity I'ark -neur eliurclis, 8 c.h e e I h anil trellcjs, In a rapidly Kre--ItiB neighborhood. Crittenden St. Bet. Price and Haines St. Germantown $5500 SU rooms, tlle liath with shower, het-water heat, hardwood floerH. real open flrrplace, liacemtiMt laun drv I.nrRe cement twin poreh : whlte -nd mahog any finish. T.iUe trolley te f'llten Ave, and Ktentnn Ave, walk ene bio. k te I'rltti'iidi n Ht bampli) Heuse open, uHOJ I'rlttonden St J. HARKER CHADWICK L123 LAND TJTI.IJ ULOU., I'lION-i Sl'UUCK 0337 plffiS h!HiiiM!ili.inniiiiiiiiil.nBnniiiiii Msii see ndiertlaemeuts In small Urn follewlnt cnlunuis. wr OLNT.Y ONE LEFT 5617 FAIRI1ILL STREET Ilrsullful " sterv hcuss tusl fln Islied, etery modern Imprevs. ipt'iu, 0 rooms, batli and lncless-1 perch; Urge let. term te suit Opsti Suiid-y and Wednesday from 1 te 6, ethsr dsys ry a p. pelntment JOHKPH I'fiLDMAN ' .UV Lincoln d. PKSNjW.VLV.-mKjnAJ , ''V.!' iMJ.yi.H $6300 EACH IMIliMMl Nsit t-e-jtnrv J.rltU perch.frpnt ----. ibi'ViSliV" ,'' "ee'' ,r'""' ""twc 0LNEY REALTY CO. 6nlB N. CTH ffT. , s. . wrt M e- $6500EACii .n.1enrVhai?r,i,,!h tixii ayj: meu$M mimM ! JiW.ei ' 1W':. M mm V,U ';;: W JI '-J E li yiNANOb 8LIKI. naiIUrSU. FA. e Jf.ritii BT. .vl AtvMuiiQu.a j nt