mwmm 1!BM1IP!PUI,L..U -.j l . t ' - j!iS wmwv 3jXJW.w.x?.w)?i?tf. rrwn St''U.W'1WK83V "esHT.f'V! V7W,'r'V'fc.'s.,fT' ' ' ' V. K.. ,:M -"- 4 p-'t ' - Fir. 24 EVENING PUBLIC LEDGER PHILADELPHIA, TUESDAY, AUGUST 22, 1922 11' I . , ( n te ifi '811 I' i 1 bh: lUSSK ittl K Jsft ll I M Bra m te A Constructive Service .Which a Natural Demand Has Built Up IffiMMWMM Our business is le build business bigger, and bigger business means mere profits and mere prosperity distributed throughout the Country. Wc supply Manufacturers, Whole Of interest te Banking, Credit, Gen eral Business Institut ions and the Public. '' - does us te de se, as wc specialize in that line. Instalment sales, also, because of their long terms, arc hardly a bankable asset. Banks can employ their funds safer by buy- ing our Collateral Trust Nete which carry the obligations of the original Debter, the article as collateral or the guarantee of the Seller, and of our Company with an added reserve margin practically four-name Yf" paper. The major portion, therefore, of the Credits Receivable wc purchase arc of an unbank- able nature and arc burdensome for business concerns te carry with their own capital notwithstanding "the fact that many of our Customers arc rated in execs-s cf A MILLION DOLLARS. The demand for our services has resulted in increases of our Capital from $300,000, ten years age, te ever $7,250,000 new nearly twenty-five times ever. Last year our com- bined volume was $"9,347,241.16, with no obligation en the part of our Customers te de business with us for a single day. If they can make mere profit en our money than it costs them, why net sell Credits as well as merchandise and make two profits instead of one? Commercial Credit Company Cash Capital and Surplus I" 25(1.00(1 BALTIMORE SAX KUANCISCO Represented at New Yerk, 200 Fifth Ave. (t'lienr Oramercy 1400) Affiliated with COMMERCIAL ACCEPTANCE TRCST COMMERCIAL CREDIT COMPANY. INC. Cash Capital nnd nrvltts H.300,000 Cnsh nml Surplus SROO.oeo CHICAGO NEW ORI.HVNr. jlllfflilffiK Howe, Snow, Cerrigan &Bertles h announce a change in name te HOWE, SNOW& BERTLE3 iscosreKATro and the establishment of U(eys Tork Offices in charge of Edwin I. Gardiner iaO BROADWAY NEW YORK DETROIT GRAND RAPIDS We Buy, Sell and Quete Cem'w'lth Light and Power Cem. and Pfd. Cens. Rys. Lt. & Pr. Ce. (Wil., N. C.) 1st 5s St. Petersburg (Fla.) Lighting Ce. 1st 6s Tide Water Pr. Ce. (Wil., N. C.) 1st 5s St. Petersburg (Fla.) Lighting Ce. Pfd. Clearwater (Fla.) Lighting Ce. 1st 6s Interstate Electric Cem. and Pfd. and all Public Utility Securities A. E. FITKIN & CO. 141 Broadway Phene Recter 1200 Bosten Chicago " Geerge H. Burr & Company 120 BROADWAY NEW YORK CITY ANNOUNCE THE APPOINTMENT OF MR. J. WALTER STEEL AS MANAGER OF THEIR BOND DEPARTMENT PHILADELPHIA 421 CHESTNUT STREET OSTON HARTFORD PITTSDURQH CHICAGO ST. LOUIS SAN FRANCISCO LOS ANGELES SEATTLE PORTLAND, ORE. ROOFER'S WOOD Cord Weed Sdccted Fireplace Weed Wholesale Only tOGF a CLATP k CO, Pa. "'mask IUT 1 TfimujiiiiwiiwuiuiiWsffliTO salers and Dealers with active working capi tal through the purchase for cash of their Active Open Accounts, Notes, Acceptances, Instalment Sales and ether forms of Credits Receivable without disturbing their Cus tomers or their business organizations, as we let them collect the Accounts. Banks are net equipped te purchase and safeguard Accounts Receivable, because of the intangible nature of Open Accounts, and it would'- cot them probably mere than it New Yerk Les Angeles POWER PL4NT REPAIRS Valve teat planed in poiitien and new valve furnished. All kinds of engine repairs, riietie Wul, 181 1 nml Jlnln 3111 CURB SHARES SAG ON PROFIT-TAKING Heaviest Less in Standard Oil of New Yerk Industrials ! Irregular I ' New Yerh, Aitf. U2. The nvirket en ! tlic Curb wns Irresulnr, prefit-tnkiiiK ' snips coining into ninny Issues nnd onus ! I..- Mil.nHtt.l ...,.. ,.1...,, rt1.A l.nnf. jiiiH ciiu.-i.diiuii i n.v-?iuii;-. i ut; ,,,. , lest lcs was In Stiimlnril Oil of New t I Yerk, wlik-li fell from 4."a le -U0. Over M.7.000 clinrcs of Standuiif Oil of In- i I (llnnii were traded In nt 110 te II-pX. I Kentucky t-eld at 08. te l)i). I'llli'sj j Service wns stonily, selllii; nt lllli te i 1(1,". New Kni,'l;iii(l Kite! sliowed nj mcihiv lene. whii snle.f nt il's. le i-. i liHltl-trl.'il issues also allowed u Reed deal of irregularity. A feature- of the jj p fl j j H jj jj H S a S j g g H 1 g H B B K g p j p H j Jf H f j H imirket wu.s tlie Initial trailing In dies npeuke iinil Ohie rlirlits le Mib-cribe te new preferred stork, which told at 1 te 1. INDUSTRIALS High Lew 802 3 lie e 2 7(1 I'S'i lnN I. 0.V l i 1 10(1 70..' !' 41 H 15c 11', $ 45 !' 21 2J4 55 5 1,1 32 Last II 0c 30a ,)!( 2 7(1 113 10 1.' 1 100 1 1 10(1 10(100 Acme Ceal . . ., 00c 31)00 Acme Pack 3Sc K 0 l.Mth pf . . Hli'i 200 Am Writ Paper .. 4, 2IHI Atlantic Kruit . . .' 100 Hth Steel 7H 1300 U ytecl pref . . (Ml lii'M llrlt-Am Teb rei:. lu 200 llrlt-Am lob coup ln 'DO IIUI1C1V iiuis .... ! 3300 Car Llsht .100 I 1H0 Carlisle Tire . , loe Cent 'Urtja sui; 12501) Ches & )hle 'Is ! 3'ie Chei & O pf w I . 22(i0 Chi Nipple . 1100 Celum Kmer .... Inn Cem Sei,-nt A ! 100 Cem Sn vnt II I noe Cent Mtrs I 00') Cub Can Sue rts 1 .inn Cubnn Dnm Sintar 10) DanlMs .Moter . ! 100 Dubller C it 11 ... 1 : 1-: ..107'j .- . 71c . . 47- II HI. 4 1 71c I 4, ' . I S 13c I 45 0 1 21 I 22!) 53 I 0 I 111 32 I 7 1 30 H 1 IT. BS5j Yi 51) , l'l 80 1 20c H- 11 8 i 2U Durant M it of lnd 14 an KTlern Steel .... "JL" ! POO Ceil T i. T . . . . 13 loe Oardn-r Meters ... n-. I lnniilbsnn Hoell ... 'Jl 1 1210(1111 S II ... 2tf I 5O0 Glen Aldn Ceal . .'5 , l.'.'iOd ldn Pie 0 ; .mi .oe i. ur 'lire . 1" loe (ioed)enr prcf ... 32 KM Kali sit-nnl pfd . . i 1210 l!ae Whe-1 30'. 7ne Hn.ubn ('hen. .. P. 30 1 -en Imp-rl i! i.iii.iii-e . i.i1, ' . 100 Inland Me,'l . ... 51 51' 50U Inter Hub .1 3 i IM'ii I,u,r it lnt Pfd . 5:. ;..( ltd Lib .McN I. new s h i 5iie Lima Lec K P . 5;i 5s' ami i.eni-n cower . in'j I 25 I.h Val mi 400 Line .Mtrs A 2 10.HI Locemobile . 1 i I 800 Macy Ce ... . 55 I Hei) Macy Ce pfd In. 2K00 Moen Mtrs 12 I 11O0 Mesabl Iren . . . 12 110 Netiii'ni ! e.ither s 750 N Y Tel pref . . .10S SOO Pack Mtr ... 13 1 100 Packard Mtr pfd H7 1 000 Phlllpslmrn . .. 41 500 Phlllilllll' . 41 NO 2 2 1 te Ui .".l 54 l'"l 107 12'. 12 12 12 107' !C M( 41' 11' 20 107 14 H7 4X 41. 32"0 Phil Merris ... 21 ey 200 Pub Hr N J pfd 2"i)en Itadle mm 10( 1.1.1 101 1 500O lia.lm pief ... 3 3 1.1 3rV 1 :t- 30c 1 1011 it..,, .Mm Truck 1 I loe .3ihull xinr"! 3T Dien Seuth ' . I 55c mini Stutr Mtr L'3 tlinil i-t Law I", 10 Swift Ce 104 . ."(in Tenn III Power 1 1 I l!il Tobicee l'red . 7 1 500 Tech Pred . 11 I 1011 Terbeni. n Axl . . W ! 21100 Tlmken llel Hear. 30 I 200 C S Ulstrlb . lli i non r s 1. 4 ll 1 I KieO Cn Pr Shar new. (1 lieil Cn Ret Cand (1 'On t'nlnn Carhide C.n 2000 Wanc Ceal . 2 Km Went i:nd Chm 55c 20O Willj s Cerp 1st pfd 25 3V- 22 23 !( !l 101 104 1.1 1.1 0 2(1 30 10 1. (' U r,n 20 30 ll"s 1 (1 0 fim, 2'i 23 . STANDARD OILS I 1200 AnKle-Am nil 'Jl 20 -je icon Atlantic Lobes . 11 10 11 141) Mu'kee P I, !7 lid H7 'J'ltlilena Signal "2 5'Jl't 5'J . 1. '5 Imperial (111 Can .125 111 115 5e Indinna Plre . . in ! tn 75 Pi lirle (1 & (i ..neil (le'j nj 14n Prairie Pip, . 21U .'Hi 1S4 1 I 1 Seuth P T. . '", (('. I,-, 1 VIM) m (111 if K' w 1 MM MV. 'in 2i'7nn (in ,,f ii 11c. 111 115 j no .- (i'i ,r v v i:,:t 4 pi r.ii , 30 Vacuum Oil 4N2 Inn t - indi:pi:m)i:nt eii.h I 200 Anna . L" 2' 2 I 470O Alean . . 2 2 2 11000 Allied Oil . .. . 3e 3 3i 10O Am Cu"! Pf 1 1 1 31100 Aikansas Nat 11 0 11 I lOORimn Vrinlni . 81c vi. 81 I 300 Carlb Snd ... 7 7 7 277 Cul-s S-rvlce 10H 104.j 195 I 200 Cities sr pref . ii7 117 (17 inn 1 hims er n ells. 2('s 200 ( elmnbu IVte . .-. . 1 '00 Culemliia Sn ... 1! 1 a 4'ien i're,.,. .-.jn .... H'-s 17'ien KnRliii 'Tn Pet i'lli 1 mil KrKi oil 2 Iliien ivlfi ,1 nil .... ', iloe rrnliinil .... !."' Ii ii (Jll'ii in,l (.il . . I , 20'mi oii-nreoli nil . 1", 4Mne II nli. .n e.l . . 21' . asiie lnt '. tn.l . . 2.''. ! lr.nne K' in n.inK,-t 4I- 12H0 Klrl.s I", t r.'j I liiiill I.jnr ;t. V'iiihi I,IMnKtcti I'"t I '. .in') l.juns IVti . . Cn 400 Mainil oil .... 1J 1'ien l.irac.iIbe Oil ... 2n', :,en Marine 1 Ide Mat-land Mp .... ,-,i. .!' .1 Wu MvrldlAn 1'lIi 300 Mrrltt nil . . 2dO Mexico Oil . . Ileo M-nintnin l'red 10UOO Mutual Hef 1500 New KnK ruil. loon )bl- oil . . SHOO Omar Oil . . 100 Penncvk Oil inen Ked Hanks . . :ic 3i. I) ii l i 14 "i 14't II ID'S 7.T) 71H, 21l- 21c Vi 11 111,- llic 100 lean funs . 7'i llieii Knit ("ri-fk Pred . l.".Si 3i0 Sapulpa Iter . . . : !'( O --Imnis l'-t i'j 1en Seuihrn -tati-x Id 200 Ppetiie.- Pet ... 11100 1,-an i) .-. I 57r Hen Turrn.m . . 1 ,". 1-no i'. i.x Oil . . . ',ij b0( 0 V (Ml ... . l3e MINIM, 15 3 M 15 i. 1A 5. 12i 100 Alae-llrlt Cel 3ne Am IlM'l'irai 1 'joeii IMi hr I.xt . 10DO liJif l.iviln 4000 Ilent i- Ment S30O Iieit Ment Conn . 1000 Calumet 6i Jer I 11000 Canada fop . . 70(10 Cundl.irU M . inen ceni Cob .W ctf. lmje ('eip l'jeiince . . . i 2MI0 Certez SlUer i 70e I'redsen Held . .1000 mil if, Kxten 20(1 polere l-pranZH I 400ii Klv Conn i fcuen ninrn.i Mliw I 31000 llurckn Crefsus . l",iinii l-'ertuna 20(iO Cnllna .... lOiiOiinld Conn 2i'i(iii (jnlil r i-n . . lsoiie (i,i r-nel I 10(10 (Inld urn Is fc lie 15 c 1A 20c he 33l 4 ISc- 1 .'. 21.1 lie 2'. ll' Hi 3)i 25 e 30c Is. sc 0 c l.-.e In 20c c 3:10 4 lsi- IrV If.'1 ll Hc 3li 21. 20e !l le 31c 2c 44c l'.c 1A 20e lxc 1 10c :',c 33, 21c :i0e 0 31c 2c 44c 2 c 14c 2 c ISc (0 Si- IIT. I A 12 3 5(li 3S 7c no de 0c 2Hc 6c He 13c 1 in HI (lnd .Slatex . . . MiOil ''.old Hlu" Hell . 200(1 Ueldfleld rier . . . 1000 Held ion loot) Harmlll ) . ... 2d0() Her-la Mlnlns ... 2H0O KIM Tep Nev . ... :ioe Kelllnner 1300 Kew Sound 28000 Independ lad . 000 Jereme Verde plv 1000 Jim flutter 1000 Jumbo Exten . . . Se 1'. 12 3's fine 3. 7e fie j 7000 KuwanaM 400O Ine Star 10c. 1000O McKin Par 31c i men jte.N.irnara (.ren .. 2OO0 McNamara I lOOD Masma Chief i i'.iiOe Mnreh Min .... 400(1 National Tin 30(10 N- nd.i Ophlr 000 New Cernelia . . . I 1400 New Dominion 1 1100 Nlplsslnv loon Nixon Nsv . . . Kine Ohie Copper . I 1 1')0() lliu llerculeti 14"e riie 17 in1. 2xs '. Ii Sc 2' 4" :ic i' 12c 4', 3c 52e 7 lc IU OSc 111 3nc 15 '2!: 0 c 8c 1'. 7c 10c le 3c 12c 4i 2 c 4 lie 72c ATM' 11! :i 7000 lied llllli 40O(i Hex Conn . . . 11000 SandMterni Kendall 10. 800(1 Han Tey 1O0 Shelden 1000 HI'ver Pick (100 Se Am P & O . . 0000 Spearhead 1M100 Su(ces Min 3500 Teck Hughes . 100 Tonopah Jlelrnent 400 'lunepah Ulvlde linn Tonep Ext 'jnoe Tonen tlvusy Quern 700 Trinity Cen 40OO Trl-llulllnn 15(10 I nllv deld 211011 I nlti'd n.iBlern . l,",e id West mm- . . Beii West End C. 30011 H hltn ( nps Hum White dips Min 30110 White Cups new 100 While Knob . 311110 YerrliiKt'in 2U0 Yuken Ueld IIONDK en.nn Allied Pnrkers lis. II.- i is i hi I A :i. 17. 17c p. 4i 1 Pi lite 1A :tc 17c 1 iii li, 4e 1 R2 S2 111 11000 Allied Packers 8. 04 H nriOO Aluminum 7s '25.. 104!, 1041, 104 04 H e.l: 14000 Aluminum 7s '33..10OI; 1 i 2000 Am Cotten Oil sP. 00'J vv ..sJSS'J"1 Tei ni;3j.... tour itt jeitf sjS!2K Anaconda Cep fis.iean 102 102 2000 Anaconda 7s 3B.,104 10414 104H 7R22 Artle-Am OH 7'4.le3S less ions 0n0 Armour & Ce 7s.. 103 104 104 seen iicth sieai 7 'r...u,K ion? ieuu .HiAn ,: "irv.",D --.y- y?.. " I1.OTB irsuK U Win IIS..1U3 12000 Ilrenk U Uns Tb.. tlA 10H4 10.1 in., lin uoeo Cent Steel 8s ...,107 1000 Char Iren 8a .... HIT4 200O Cities Merv Is .... I)3H anr.e Cum ,1'eUer On .. 8t IO0Q Conn'Oen Halt On . . 1 e.t neon Cem (ins Hit 7 10rtH lene Cens Textile 8s. .. nnH .V)jii Cep Kxp Ns '24. IO' aiioe i'm Kx . -as.. let 31)0(1 Cuban Tel 7W lenV lOd'i 107 114'. 1)4 03H V3S 103 103 10(114 Kiiiv, en', e 102 102 103V4 lei? 10(1 10l4 2U0O Cu.lnhy "s ... mm 101 mi it, L'unuDeeie . Ce IHs. 102. n2V in2T 70011 anlena S O 7 , ,ini.i 10.1W 10."li 1001 t'tn Asphalt 8s ...ler.u in-,1? imC ISOOOlloedrlch Tire 7n..l03tJ 103U lel'T 2400(1 (lr Trunk ns ..Ki7' 107 107 nene Heed llul.lx-i 100 1(10 4 DOli 44000 Inter 11 T .. 14000 ls.iin.l! (Ins n e- IM'S 111", 14000 Kansas (Ins n !)7H lni? l)7U 2000 KitiK.i Ce Lt s. nil. I7'.(, P7 S.'ilOO Lnclede On 7s .IniS K1 101 p i.iiMiy .ir. jj is nniii linii (HM 100(1 l.lttcctt V W lis., till 10'l 103 inen Mnnltnlin Power 7s. Ii.s .300(1 .Nut Acntr 7s . 10OO .MerchntH A. Altrs 7s H't :4()0().NV Nil & II 7s.. 87 HI00 Otis Hteel 7s . S IIS 1O01) l'hlln Elee 0s . 1(14 H7'i US l7 J !)7 ii'ivi inn, 80J, 8(l4 ua .-. 104 104 mi ln.i iime i-ue Mrv . J ,s .KM iiiiie rrec & uam 7s 1000 Rebert (lair 7s lne'i 100 lneii (1(1 tlwTl .... (1000 Senrs-tteeb 7s '23. .101 lel", 101 3000 Shnwsheen 7s 111c, loe. 10(1 1 1000 Seuthw Hell 7s . 103 1 11:1 103 PIOOO H O N Y 7h '25 KIH i(MI MH 10110 S O M Y 7fl '30 IDS 108 108 3000 seny ns . 100 nei'i, len'i 10000 Stewart War 8s 112 111 ir.' 54000 Swift Ce 7s '23.102 102 102 10O0 Swift & Cn Tn ':n in.ti. tint.! 15000 Cn 011 Cel n .. 101 101 mm iiueii t n uil l'red ?.. ilnOO VncMttni OH "1 (,700() West I"ec 7s 12D00 Winchester 7s. 21000 U S Uubber f.s .1P0 lne'l 100 .108 108 10H 1(10 )0'l 10(1', .102 101 101 . 00 1)0 00 IIONDS. .10(1 100 100 10ll 100 100 . 05 1)5 1)5 . Ill', Oil OH 05 115 113 . 12 12 12 18 18 18 r 74 71 71 . 15 15 l.-i , 101 101 104 . 3S 37 3S Ziliiii. Arsentlne 7s . . 1000 Haranua 7s . nene Can S S 7s . . 15O00 Klnc Neth fW 3C0O Klnc Serbs 8 1O0O0 Mex Get 3s . 1000O Mex (ievt 5s liiinen NV.N )l (. II 7h iT isoeo nu'slnn 5s 2.10110 SWKS ,i' M P500U V S .Mex 4s Philadelphia Markets WHIIAT Ilecelpts. 202.327 bushels. Mar ket opened lr lower but afterward recov ered and closed steady. Car lets In expert eleuter Ne 2 ted winter. $1 11W1.14: Ne. 3 red winter. Jl USDT1.11, Ne. 4 red winter. Jl 04W1.O7: Ne. 5 red winter. -lf 1.03, Ne 2 red wlnier. narlleky, 1.01 101. N-e. 3 red winter, carllcky, nil "AW 00 c Ne. 4 red winter. Knrllcky. 1)3 W !Me. Ne. n red winter. Karllcky. 80 W 02 e .Mixed wheat 3" under red winter. Sample according te nuallty COltN- Market ndvnnced c In the nb- I ' -Zxr M ua I Jlii ii 111 1 North Philadelphia Trust Ce. Bread St. and Germantown Ave. Above Erie Ave., Philadelphia SAFE BEYOND QUESTION first Mortgage Secured Shares EARNING 12 Pcnna. State Tax Exempt Fer Details Call or Write Financial Department General Mortgage Financing Corporation (Mortgage Banking) I's Ridge and Copyrighted RTEAMSIHP NOTICKS Crewell & Thurlow Bnterceastal Line Will Dispatch Frem PHILADELPHIA te LOS ANGELES HARBOR, SAN FRANCISCO PORTLAND and SEATTLE Thru Bills of Lading issued for San Diege, Oakland, Asteria, Tacoma, Everett and Hawaiian Perta SS "EAGLE" August 25 Phila. & Reading It. R. Pier 21, North Wharves LAVINO SHOPPING CO., AGENTS Bullitt Building Lembard 5600 ISTHEVaiAN STEAMSHIP UNES Philippines East Indies Service DIRECT SAILINGS FROM PHILADELPHIA TO DUTCH EAST INDIES and PHILIPPINES Penang, Belawan-Deli, Pert Swet- tenham, Singapore, Batavia, Samarang, Seerabaya, AND MANILA and ILOILO SS "Fairfield City". . .Aug. 18 SS Sept. 30 SS "Steel Traveller".. Oct. 30 Fer rates nd particulars apply te NORTON. LILLY & CO. GENERAL AGENTS, Bourse Bids., PhiUdelphU Lembard 6271 Main 244S he he ll. Pi 60c 3 7c 0c 7c 00 21c 5e I'c (I lfc 51 c 17 10'v 21i ll 4, he v? : 12c 4. 2c file 72c iis'c" 119 3c mEUR LINES1 I P, Hie 1A ni ne Hie lc 1 Operation U. S. Gov. Ships Sailings Frem Philadelphia FOR HAMBURG SS "Scbeharie" (USSB) ,...Aur. 26 SS "Weitern Sceut'' (USSB) .Sept. 5 HUDSON SHIPPING CO., Inc., Ati. 328 Chestnut St., Phlla. S2 eH nib. VLemUrd 5264-5 Main 731M2.J sence of receipts and smnll, available bup Piles. Car lets, In expert elevnler Ne. -. 7an74rt Ne. 3. 72 M73cl "j-, rty, i72c. Car lets for local trade Ne. ' yellow, 70)80ct Ne. 3 vollew. '6&1?S,!,., OATS Ilecelpts, 23.233 bushels. u'et nnd le lower. Car leta as te l?fI"n:r No.e2 white, 434ICi Ne. 3 white, 41 S'l.OtJn necelpts, 1000 tbl. nna 2.840.- 483 lbs. In Racks. Steadily held hut etilet. Quotatiens: Per 10(1 lbs., packed In 140-Ib. lule sacks Seft winter, strnlpht. "eatern. 10 0.23, de. de. nearby. J4.75W3: hard winter, straight, J3, 7500.251 de. short pat ent. $n.23in.ri(): sprlne nrstsl clear. .2ft 0.50! de. nntent. 77.S()i de. lirt pat ent. J7.50W8I fancy sprlnit nnd city ml"'' patent, family brands. I8.30OP.23. Hye flour J3W5.23. PneVIHIONS Alurket steady. The quota queta quota tlens were as follews: Ileef In sets, smoked nnd ulr-drlcd, 4Rc beef knuckles and tend ers smoked and klr-drled, 4HCI perk, fgrn lly, 28e; hams. S. P. cured, loose. 30T31ci de skinned. loose. 303lci de, de. smeVeil, .I2JT33C hams, boiled, boneless Mc; plcnln shoulders. S. P. cured, loose. ISc: de. smoked iecs kellles, in pickle, loose. 17ci breakfast bacon, 21c; lard. 13c. Ilt'TTCn Steadv ttt Inte decline. Vo Ve Vo lewlnu nre the nuotntlens: Solid-packed creamery, in tubs, hlgh-scerlnK. 3St4ne! the latter for Jebilna sn'es; ixlra. 37c: extra llrsSs whal.'sile, 33ci Jphblnff, 3Hc: firsts. 3133c: seconds, 28T30c! . sweet creamery extras, 37c. lebblmr sales of ery fancy Reeds. 31 40c i extra firsts. 35c. firsts, ill 0.1.1c; lower crades, 2St 3nc; extra prints Jebblnu nt l3P4nc; some speclnl fancy brands higher; fnlr te geed. 3'l(42c. LOOS Pine cbrs scarce and c hleher. The fellow ln are the iiuntntlnns: Nearby, exlrn tlrsts, 2Sc: "rsts, 20e seconds. 20 21e: Western, extra firsts. 27c firsts. 24 2.1 p; sivends. 202Ie. tnncy cnndleil eiscs, Jebblmr te letnllers In carious, nt 33f 3lc; nnd loose. 32933c fair te geed. 30W 'lin CIIL'LKi: Hteadllv held but unlet I olte;v. Inn were the quotatiens: New Yerk, whole-1 milk flats, fnnrv. fresh, 2021c; de, fair tn Keed. 18010c. Lenrihnrns. 20 2 c; slnile daisies, fresh. 20ft21c, JebblnB sales of fancy reeds, 22(fcJ24c LlVlf POfLTKY Kewls. net LcKhnrns. via express Pancy, fat. yellow-skinned. 21, W2IU". fair te ceed 22M23C; ..nwl'i IeRherns. according te nunlltv. 18ST22C! . sprlns chickens. net Leeherns. rjne;'. fat, jcllew-sklnncd. welshliiK, 2 W3 lbs. each. 31 iff .1.1c. prtmt rhl-kens. net LcKherns. simller sues. 23JT30C: sprlnjj I chickens. Leghorn, fancy, fat. yellow- 1 skinned. welBhlnf 1 lbs, and ever each , 25ff27c: sprliiK chicken l.eihern. smnller , sixes, 22W2IC. old loesters. liwiic; huchi white Pekln. fanc. fit. 21(?22e. errtlnnry. Hi2ne: de mixed color, l.lffl'c: nmeens. per pair, old, .".05131c yeunn. 25.100. DltKSSIU) POCLTHY I owls, frch-kllled, dry-picked. In boxes WclEhlnR 4 lbs. and eer apiece, nec, welchlnis I lbs.. 2l)e: welrhhiR 3 lbs 20c welRhlnK 3 lbs , 2I1 23c; fowls, fresh-killed. In hbls., dry-picked. wclBhlnir 4 lbs anil ner apiece. 20c welBh InB 3 lh.. 21 V 25c. weluhlnft 3 lbs. nnd under. 22&23c: brelllnB chickens. Western. In boxes. welghlnB 1M2 lbs each. 33p 35c. weltfhlnic 2 TI3 lbs each, 32"?33c; welch'ns 3 lb nnd eer each 33l!f 35e In bbls , 3e5?32c; de. nearby. 32(u3lc; old roosters. Western. 20c. Southern. 18 10c: sprlnp dueU pearb. 24ff25r. POTATOLS White potatoes, nenrbv, rer basket, Ne 1, JISli 15c, Ne 2 l.KF7 2.1c. Rwcct potatoes, ni arhv. per basket. 7.1c WS1 that, while ours is a large organization, every proc ess has been thoroughly systematized. Consequently, our various (!e paitments work with the ease and efficiency of a smooth smeoth smoeth vutininK machine. This means much te our clients. It makes business easy te transact, and very little time is required. Girard Aves. G M, l C 1922 HTKAISHir NOTIrr,S ' BLAKE LBNES Regular Service PHILADELPHIA te MANCHESTER S S "West Celina". . Aug. 23 SS "West Maximus" Sept 2 GKYELIN & CO., Inc. 108 S. 4th St., Phila. Lembard 5144 Main 770 1 rtilludrlpliln Afents for V. A. II I.Alt II S. CO., Ine, Operating U. S, Gov. Ship$ tS S "Sinsinawa" Sept. 8 (ryiarseiiies, ucnea ana rapies only) Genea Direct via New Yerk Marteillet Direct via New Yerk GEYELIN & CO., Inc. I'hiia. At,ta. 108 S. Fourth St., Phila. -Lembard 5144 Main 7791- MOU.AGI 8 AMERICA UNE NEW YORK TO ROTTERDAM Via I'lynieuth, lloulerne-Hnr-Mrr itntlerdam ....... .Aus, 31) Heul. SO Nev. 1 llindum ,,,nepl. a Oct, 7 Nev. 1 1 N. Amsterdam ..;..Hpt. Ill Oct. 81 Nev ,ja Koerdam ..,...,.. JJSSt.ta.Qet. It) Dre! I'HSSrusTr IBHBKU I.MIVHt Ol.. I HUS, I ' " r- E i.,i ,xt Intrt M.i iv Ann rim-... "' JMa M . . f ?i,,U1c'Zvffii JWJ umjitUM nml rilpnilR urn Invite! te the Be,Vi. rivals a jfipvfw IWH 0CA E fl VLsf sftt a f Ircle. Ornntl Ircle. Wlsalnemlns ('lie... ' '.V it-H III --1 in Amr. "1 10"' nt isn-t v HWN sTTTl Bssjsj Stum sy Ru U j,-0. 130, und Wistlncm nu Heme. Ne ll ,- i viVij v n'ln -,'., eM N TrMNSPORT LINES, Inc. S: K.iSS'Sfflffi" &$'!&&?&?& MARSEILLES and VALENCIA ' I 13MUKRY. Aue, 20, 5IA1II3L L.. wife of Jhe 'I10 1-1"1, llJe'e' (nee HtuebliivT). need -14. r ,c 'iin-L t C I i CIA Jeseph 11 Umbery. Itelatlves and (rlenil. Tin lie atlves and friends, nlse all sec etles of SS "City Of Eureka," Aug. 24 funeral I tervlces! wVf,:p.! uj which he was n member, lire Invited te fu! c C "CI... :., c . her late resldence. 1221 Harrison St., Wank. "era.! 0.r!c'.".' )Y.T.,l ?, '..' !,.r'.".,llrnce of D MONEY-LENDING RATES NKW VII BK Call money firm, ltlsh. 4! low, 8H1 rulln r rate. 3 Ml clesl! rate, 3 I c ns bid, 4 1 offered nt 4 : Inst lean, 4. tlt'll 111 f 3 , lltSl JUUII, 1, Heme business wab done In fixed date. funds at 4 per cent for 00 days and nt 4 per cent for D nnd (I months. Quo tations nre nominal, nt 4 te 4 per cent for the shorter maturities and 4 te 4 per cent for longer terms, Prlme mercantile paper Is moderately ac tl n nnd unchanged at 4 te 4 per cent. Prime bank ncceptances today ruled nt yestcrdx)'n quotations of 3 te 3 per cent for periods tip te 120 dajs nnd at 3 te 3 tier cent for 150 dayu. Call leans en acceptances steed at 3 eer I'lllLADLLPHIA Call, 4 per cent! time, IU te 4 V, per cent: commercial paper; tnrea te six inentns. ivt te n per cent, I.ONDON Meney. li percent. Discount rates, snort phis, a per cent: three-months bills, 2 2 per cent. Liverpool Cotten IJierpoel, Aub. 22. There was only, a limited demand for snot retten tedav. with prices easier en the basis of a decline of 11 points for middling at 13. Old. The sales were 5000 hales. The receipts wcre 18,000 bales, of which 11.800 hales were American Putures were steadv In the earlv dealings. Spot prices were: Amerlcnn. middling, fair. 14.84d: geed middling. 1C.8M; fully mlddllmr, 1.1, 7ld: mlddllns, 13. Old: low mlddnns, l.l.ind; ceed ordinary, 12.3ld. and ordinary, 11.8ld. Silvers j ust completed and ready for distribu tion Special letter en four Dividend- paying silver stocks that are showing record pro duction new earning mere than when their prices were two te three times higher than at present. Ask for this week's special letter Jenes &. Baker Members New Yerk Curb Exchange Direct Prlvste Wires New Yqtk Chlcije lloiten I'hlltJtlshli Detroit Baltimore Clerelanil PHILADELPHIA OFFICE Widener Building Dell Lecuit4730 Teltphene. Keyene . RaCeS861 BALTIMORE OFFICE Emersen Hetel " Telephone Plata 8451 ff Lawrence E. Brown & Ce. CERTIFIED PUBLIC ACCOUNTANTS 1030 Iti:,L KfeTATi: TRt'ST 1II.DO. InvestlBnte and ndjust corporation urd partnership accounts and sreDare Income Tax Returns. ROOFINGS MFG CO. j EHRET'S slag . eatljs .i.innv v,itr IB vaiiv ,... nr cmi.i AHrnn (nie Kehlbrenni rl. Helntlves nnd frlendu lnlted tn (unurnl sirvices. .n Wed., at 2 r. M . residence. 1700 S liilth st. Int. Mt. Mnrliih m VlewliiK Tues ,.e A1IHAHAMH At Venlner City, X. J,, Aug. 20. I:I.IZAI11:TII. ldowef Solemon A. Alirahams and mother nf HICKmurul I.ubln. of Ne 27 X Vassar Seu, ire, Wntner, N, J,, and formerly of Philadelphia, in hvr 8Slh Scar. S-r.ces Wed 2 I jr. liarlnrs of Jeffries i. Ki-ates. 1713 Atlantic ac , Atlan tic City. N J Int. Heth Israel rem. ANCK - Suddenly ut his r slduiire. inns Jit. Vernen st en Anaust 2" 1H22, IIAHIIY (' mn of LiiuImi and tln"Ule Julin A. Anck. Sr. Hi-lathis nnd frl, nils alsii empleyes et IVnn jrutual I.lfn Ins t-n , me Invited te the serlce en Wedncsd i mnrnliur, at 11 n'clixl, at the Oliver II. Il.ilr llldi; . 1S20 Clustnul M Interment 1'rlends mav lt-w remains Tuesday evenlne KARHKIt. Auk 20, 11122, fli:eitQG W son of Charles und Julia. II. Ilarbcr, late of 1S10 W Ontario Ht. Funeral private. HAUXIITT -Allanllc Cliy. N. j .ui;. 21 Hi:i.I.i:.V, widow nt Henry Uue nel tlce nf funeral will be shen. BELL. Aue 20, 11122 EI.IZA J., wife 0f Themas Vi. Hell, runerai kcrvlces Wed 3 P. SI., late residence. 2038 i:. Huntlnsden st. Int. Oalc and Om. Ilcm.ilnn ...u i. I viewed Tues. 8 te 10 P. JI. " I HOYD, Auir. 20. 11)22, JIAHIA JIKItCEU I HOYD. dnuchter of the late SlnKleten A Jlcrcer, and widow of Culenul C.irllle Doyd. iV- H- A,n.i'H!.'.c,a,1 Bcrl lc?8 ,lt her Ite real- dence. 22t I St. Juiucm place, Tuesday, Auj. 1 22. at .1 I JI . I I1ROOKS. Auir. 20. HJlir.Y l: r-.i-vr. N'llll. wife of (J orue v. llroe'cs, nged .17 Itelathes nnd friends -ire Invited te intend funeral. Thuis . 1 3e V. JI., from her late 'icslderce, Nkelmvn lane and I) t. ServlceH and Inu-rment i'liniiv Lutheran Church, lbth and Wolf Ms . ,J P. JI, CALLAHAN - III Strafford, Aun "1 JOHN I) CALLAHAN Helmut's and f i lends liivlled te funeral. Wud. Ii A M Solemn rt-uulem mass mt Catliarlnit-a I Church, nt Wujne. at 10 A. JI. lnt st 1 Henls' Cem "' Bl CASIIOIti: Auk. 1!) WILLIAM A . be- j loved husband of l.Mabeih Cashen, (nee t Hoolahan). llelalhcs itnil fri..n.iu ini,.t I .mend the funeral. Wed., A r from his late residence. 1M3 11. Albert st He em .Mass of Itenulem 1(1 A jr. Church of the Visitation II. V. JI. Int. Jlest Hely lie diemer Cem CLAYTON. Aus. 20, JIArtTIIA H widow of C tf, Clayten, nucd 90. Relatives and I friends lire Invited te attend funeral, Wed ,8 1'. SI . (standard time), fiem the residence I of her brother, Henry II. Van Arudalen l'casturvlllp. Pa. lnt William Penn Cem' Train for Somerlen leaves Iteadlnc Terminal "COLLINS. uk. 20. THO.MAS. husband of l.ite JIurv A Cellins (nee Asers). del t. nun and frlmdi an- Invited te attend fu neral. Wed . 7.3(1 A JI. precisely, late retl denvc 12 N Wllh st. aelejnn mass (hun-i. of Oui I.adv of Vlctmv II A M lnt strictly private Helv Crcs Cem. CONIJIT Aub. 20 11)22. DANIEI, HAIl. KISON, son et the lite Daniel H at .Ma;. 'He A Ceudlt, ated nn l'uncral services I Wed., 2 P JI , resl lento of his brother. .1 Hebnrt Cendlt 110 Linden st.. Camden, N J. lnt private, UvuiBrecn e'ern, Priinds may call Tues., 7 te 0 P. JI. I COX. On Aub 18, 1022. JUSTIcn COX iJr, Service en Wed. 2 P. JI.. at the Oliver 'll. Hair lllde, 1820 Chestnut st. IntT pr. ,vate. nt Woodlands Cem. I UKNNIS. Aim. 20, LYDIA AW. widow of William H. Dennis. Ik-lath en and friends lore Invited te uttend funeral service., Tues ,3 P JI , residence of hen-ln-lavv, Hlrner E' (ShuEart, 1227 W. Nerrls st. Int. private. DUN-LAP. Auk. 8 . JJAHY L. HneWN. Ivvlfe of Itebert N Dunlnp, lltlatlves und I friends are Invited te attend funeral, Thurs 'J P. JI.. resllence. 121S a. 47th st. Int. North jit Jlorleh Ctini, ib IJllllYlVrt. aus. i-ll. vviii.iaji J., hus- ford. lnt llast Cedar Hill Cem. 1 KAWC'KTT Aub IN. 1022, WILLIAM, son of Bartlu Knvvcett. naed 11. Kuneral Thurs.. 1 I. 51.. rcHidenc-e, 20.17 Amber st. Inl Mannella ( em Itcniulnn may be viewed Wed . "'ter 7 P. JI Kllll.u - "K. i", '"-- ui.w.-mi.iij;, wire ii Itusse'l Krler nnd daughter of Jeseph and ' 7 . ,. , . ... . . Aw an.ri.:,:,?,n:i,f'A'n.,n:sf RDSLEY burial park Ur . rfl'l--icQ. ri3Vi WiikPileM nt , iinp PreHa new. the future In uncertain. m-tntewn M(mn riuern mni-ii ut St. Vln tent's Church, at III A SI. Jut, (irlvutt, ii. .1.. MAimlrtite Cem. 111 ,'.V1 Aiil- L'O rilAIH.KM K I, i, !,.,.,. I 11 IM'P. Aug nf Inte Lets tlnnl, nged Dl, llt-l.ttlve-s nnd friends nre Invited te uttend funeral, Wed., 2 P. M., front the Cress Keys M. 13. Chuich. w J. Friends muy view remains nt the home of his sister, Mrs. Rebert Htllle, Tues iv"., 72 Division st., Camden. N, J. OATEH. AUB. ll. U22, LOUI8K l-i..wldevf et James P. Uates. aged 74. Ilelstlves ant friends are Invited te attend services, Tues., n.QA f M.. at her late residence. fta4a Ufk. , .wv m. -;-.--.,------;- ,;.- ". ,L )nd st, im, l-cnanun, -,, ru, jperiuns. DEATHS efctEtl. Aus. 18. CHAltLKS J., liuslinnd of Mlrnle Oelcr (nee Karkowsky). aged 8.1. Helntlves end friends, nlse members of L, O. O. St., Ne, 54, are Invited te attend fu neral, 'rues.. 2 P. At., from nialale resi dence, 82.17 N. Herer at. Int. Delvue Cem. Viewlnjr Men., after 7 P. JL ,. ,,. OILLINQHAM. Attg. 20. nt the residence of his daughter. Mrs. Charles V, Lloyd, 8. 13. cer. WashlnBten lane, nnd Mertpn .. oermanlewn, ALllEnT JRNK8 OIUUNO HAM, Funeral services Tues., 11 A. M. Conveyances will meet 0:30 A. M. Iraln'I0 Ilread hi. Ktatlen nt Tu pehecken Station (aayiignt-aavins time). HAHAM. Auk. 20. 1022. WILlifAM . .T. mi ariAKAM, need SO. Kuncrnl services t mi Inte residence. Lennl, Delaware. County. Fa,. Wed., 2 P. M. Int. Blleam cem. rrienai may call Tees. eve. . ,, . OnAV. Aug-. 81, A1Nin I... wife of I-'rnnk Oray, attcd 00. ltclatlves and friends are InVltetl te funeral .services. Wed-, 8 P. M.. nt her Inte rctldmcc, 1223 N, 00th st. Int. Newport. Pa. .... .. HAHTUANFT. Au. IS, PAUL SATLOH, hubnnd of Klnrcnce lt. Hartranft. and son of Helle S. and the late Prank A. Hartranft. Itelatlvea nnd friends Invited te funeral tervlces. Tues., 2ii0 P. M.. 18 W. Apslcy st,, Urrripntewn. Int. at Northwood ! Cem, HAIIVKY. suddenly, Au. 10, 1022, AVAI TK1I THO.MAS, son of Clarrnee and Anna Harvey, nirril II, Funeral Wl..,2 ,P. M.. resldcnce, :i42 N. 0th st. Int. Hlllslde Cem. Ilemalns may be viewed Tues., after 7 P. M. HIIACOCK. On Klghth Menth Sleti., 1022. JANH. daURhter of the late Jeseph and UMher Heacock. aged H2 yeara. Relatives nnd friends are Invited te attend funeral services. Third-day. 28d Init,. 2. P. M.. at her late residence Wyncote. Pa. Int. prlvatp. HOLMUAV. Auir. 111. 1022, MAIIY JAN13, wife of Hebert lletllday. Ilelatlyes and friends, also Purity Temple. e 7, y. O. pf A., and Ladles' Auxiliary. Ke. 330, B. of V., are invited te attend funernl. Wed., IP. M , Inte residence. 205l 11. Firth st. Hervlces In Cumberland M. K. Church. 2 P. M. Int. private, North Cedar Hill Cem. Remains Imnv lm viewed Tues.. after 7 P. St. JOKNVON. At Del Air, Md., Miss WIinTTA .fOHNSON". Funeral services nt Palls of Schuylkill llapllst Church, en Wed. ncsday, at 11 A. M. Relatives and friends Invited te services. KF.KN. Suddenly, en Ausust 10. 1022. MAKY WALIIOHN KKE'i. Itclatlves nnd 1 friends are Invited te the service, en Tuesday evenlna, at 8 o'clock, nt the resldence of ('Jehn lt. Itupn. 1311 S. 40th st. Interment iut Rchrersburir. Pa. ...... KIlRIliaAN. AUB. 10. JULIA, Wife of Patrick Kerrlnan nnd dauBhter of late Dar bey and Nera Hastings, of Westport. County Maye, Ireland. Funeral, te which relatives nnd friends are Invited. Wed.. 8:30 A. M.. ' from her late residence, 32S5 AramlnBO ave. Solemn miia of requiem at the Church of I the Nativity 10' A. M. precisely. Int. Hely Cress Cem. KRIHR. Aurf. 10. 1022. HLANCKK. wif of Russell Krier and daughter of Jeseph and Mary TeA Fel. Relatives nnd friends Invited te attend funeral Wed., 8:30 A. M.. from her late resldence. 5320 Wakefield st., (Sermanteun. Solemn requiem mass at St. Vincent's Church nt 10 A. M. Interment private at Hely Sepulchre Cemetery. LAMH. At Reck Sprlnc.i. Wye., Au?. 14, 1022, CHARLIES II.. husband of nilzabeth Lnmb and son of the Inte James A. and Catharine A. Lamb. Relatives and friends, nlse Phlla. Ledce. Ne. 2. 11, P. O. K . nre Invited te attend funernl services, nt the I parlors of Samuel v. Kehr ft S.n. N. W. nr. 21st and Diamond ets,. Wed.. 1.30 P. M precisely. Int. West Laurel Hill Cem. . T.ANnSTON. Atis. IS, nt her late resl. deuce. 4002 hprlnc n-irden st.. i:i.tZAni:TH. nlfe of Inte .leseih l.aiusten. RelatlMn nliil friends nre Invited tj ntteiul funeral serv IteK. Tues., 2 P. M . at the funeral parlors of William A. Punlip, N. 11. cer. llilh anl i I'nlrmeunt ave. lnt private. i IVYTtlN. At Her home, B90S Cobb's Creek Blvd., en August 10, 1022. MAR. OARET F.. wife of Jehn A. Layten. Rela tives and friends are Invited te the service Tuesday afternoon, nt 2 o'clock at the Oil ier It. lt.i 1 1- llulldlncr. 1H20 Chestnut st. Interment at West Lautel Hill Cemetery. L1CSTER. AUK. 20. ANNUS J., ilfe of Samuel Seth Lester. Relatives nnd friends nre Invited te nttend funernl. Thurs., n A. M.. nt the resldence of her son-in-law. Sam uel story. 1118 S. Wilten st. Solemn re quiem miss at the Church of tl.e lllessed Sacrament 10 A. M. Int. p'hnte LtUNHARDT. Auc 21. HMIL 11.. hus lmnd of Kmma Rcrklev Llenhnrdt. Services Thurs , 11 A. M. nt his Inte residence. 715 N list st. Int. private. Friends cull Wed., after 7 P. M. I.ONAtiAl'UI!. Aub 10. JOHN ll.. hus band of Jean M. I.enabaurh. Relatives nnd friends, mse Meridian Pun Ledcc, Nn. 158, V and .V M . arc Invited te funeral services, Tues , ,'t P. M. , at residence of father-in-law, Clvde M (iies. 11520 Hiivorferd uve. Int. private. Arlington Cem. I.OVYK AUK. 'U, i.v r.i.i. ,vi., IllUEtn ter .f the Inte William P. nnd Cithirine S. Palmer, need 30 Relatives nnd frlemU In vited tn attend funeral, Wed., 2.20 T. M., from the apartments of William II. Hat-t-rsby. 3 J 10 N. IJread st. Int. West Laurel Hill Cem. MACAN. On August 21. 1022. WILLIAM A. MACAN. nmed OS jears. Relatives and friends are invited te the service, en Wednes day afternoon, at 2:30 o'clock, at his late fesldence, 141 Mnntcemery ave.. Cymvyd. 'a. Interment private, MCCARTHY. Arnr. 21, PAT RICK J., liuslmnd of Julia McCarthy (nee Sweeney). Relatives and friends and nil sncletlcs of which he wns n member, are In vited te funeral, Frl,, N.30 A. M from his lain resldence, 2150 N. 20th Ht. Solemn requiem mass at the chuich of the Ment Precious Illoed 10 A. M. Int. Helv Cress C(in. McCAT. Aub. 10. THOMAS If., husband of Mlnnle McCn (nee Hill), In his 52d jear. Relatives and friends uie invited te nttend funeral, at his ynr.'s teMdenee. Clemtnt J. MeCnv. 183.1 Pear St.. Frankford hlBh miss at St. Jenchlm'a Church 10 A. M. in', H0l -rnss. McCllLI.Oliail. On Aucust 10. 1022. tn A., widow of J, II. JIcCuMeukIi. Itelutlves nnd friends are Invited te the service en Tuesday afternoon at 1 o'clock, at her late residence, Mil S. -19th st. Interment private. Viewing Monday evenlnir. McNABH. Auk. 21. WILLIAJI S.. son et the late David S. nnd JInry A JIcNahb. Tuncral services at his late residence. 34 1 Church Ime, Gerinanumn, Til, 2 p. JI. lnt private. SIcVllY -Aub. 21 1022. HniDOr.T. widow of Jehn JIt-Vev and dauBhter of the late William and Jlnry Devlin Helatlves and filenils invited tn ittlind funeral, l-'rl., S.30 A, SI, from her r -shlene.e, 1521 N, 2d st Solemn teiiulem mass at St. Michael's Church. 10 A. JI. preclnU Int. New Cathe dral Cem JIKVr.ItS t Ills residence. 1012 S. 18th st . en Aub 21. 1U22. I-'IIANK II . husbun I of Kule liberty Jlesers llelitlves and fi It lids, nlse Penna Lutlne. Ne .'ISO K and A. 51.. are Invited tn the service, en Wednesday nflernoen, at 2 o'clock, nt the Oliver II. Il.ilr IlldB . 1820 Chestnut r. Ii torment Rt West Laurel Hill Cetneterv. JIOLLOY. Aub. 20, 1(122. JIAROAnilT 13,, daughter of James A. and Illlzabeth JIollev (nee JlcCinn). Itelathes and friends, also nil societies of which she wns a member, In vited te funeral, ThurB.. 8:30 A, JI.. from her parents' residence. -110 W. Jeffersen st .soleinn requiem mass nl 3t. Michael's Church, 10 A, JI. precisely. Int. Hely Cress Cem. JIORRIFON Aue. 20, I3LLT3N JANE, widow of Themas Jlorrlsen, Relatives, also members of llnptlat Church, urs In vited te aUfiul - funernl services, nt the resldence of her son. Themas W. Jlorrlsen. 1013 i:. Cumberland st.. Wed.. 2 p. jf. Remnlns may be viewed Tu"s., 7 te 0 P. Jl lnt (Ireenwoed (K. of P.l Cem. NI3II.D Aub. 20, WILLIAJI H huslnnd of Jlnrv 13. Nelld (nee Ilrakcrl, In his 7Sth venr ltel.tthcs nnd friends, nlse OeorBe tiancmrt Council, Nn. .',71 . O. of I. A.; Ta tuny Club, Kestone Yacht Club and em em plejes of Hemy Dlsslen ,t Sens, nre i-i-vlted te nttend funeral, Thurs , 2 P. JI from his laic reslden-s, 0814 Tulip nt.. Tn Tn ceny. Int. JIaKnellit Cem, llemalna may be view Wed., 7 te It P. JI. Ni:VIl.L13 Aub lit. JA5II3H J., husband of Winifred T Nevllln Relatives nnd friends ure Invited te attend funernl. Wed., 8 30 A. Jl.. late residence. 20 N. Mst st. Solemn renulem mass ut the Church of Our I.ndy of Vlcterv. in A."M Int. Hely Cress Cem. PI3TI3RSON. On AUKuat in 100" WAl.DI3.MAIt. IHeved husband of I.'mllv (nee Hell), need 28 Relatives and friends In vlted te, en Wednesday, nt 8 A. JI leslrtence et his sUtnr 3023 Harper st Requiem mass at Ht. Ludwlg's Chuich, (1:30 A. M Interment Helv Sepulchre Cemetery POWALL Suddenly. Auif. 21. WILLIAM II . husb-ind of Hlsle Hill Pewnall. need 0.1 Relnthes and friends, nnd soeleltes le vvhlth he belenKed nre Invlttd te attend funeral servlies, Thurs, .1 P JI,. nt his Inte resl dune, 1 1 tl West tjergas si, Sit, Alrj. Iut private PROSS Aue. 10. OI.IVHR 8.. husband of Mav Piess (nee lllckurl), In his (leth ear Relatives and friends aie Invited in fi,.,Avni services, at his Inte ii-sldence. 4B.VJ Tuciuiy st , Krnnlifnrd lnt Cedar Hill Cem. Re mains m.iv be viewed Wed,, 8 te 10 A. JI QUIULEY. AUB. in. JIINNIE wlfe of Harry D QulBley. Relatives and friends In vited te funeral services Wi-d. . 2 P. Jf residence of sen-lnlnw, Hareld Iluckle'y " ,,f) Amesland ave , Norwood, Delaware County Pn. lnt private, l-'rlentls may call Tues. eve HKHD. LLIUAHHTH H, widow of b.,ui Jlorsten suddtnly, at the summer home of Sir William A. Adams. Hat, evenlntt. Serv. Ices Tues. eve , at the home, 113 Broadway nve. Ocean Orove, N J.. S P, JI rnt North Cedar Hill Coin.. Phlla,. Wed., 10 n'rySHAW - At Avnlnn, N. j.. nn A,, 1 1(122. I3.MII.Y M , dauBhter of the late Urether-ln-lnw. David Uatt ,2551 N. Houvlef st. Int. Greenwood (K. of P.) Cem, Frlenda may call Tues. eve-, HlTlli.-Mllll-OI-.. AUB 111. UUAUIJ, wlfe of Carl Illttenhnu.e. Funeral servlcea nnd Interment pilvnte - IlrauMful. AreatMe ut Main Ofllrs tlle-islde, Penna llniti Ph'en.s ifriiuni rare. i'.in:RTAKjyis lVI BROAD aVid VjT DIAMOND ,t ' ii i "i HEATHS i RODOKHS Aug. 9li THOMAq xZZ nit.H. need 30. Funeral . a JiTi 3 - . nft residence, 741 East Chelten aw, lJ',l town, jnursz. 2 i'. m. i .-. ..-.. Tri ROS8KR. Oil All. 10 ii)JSw4.. "M husband of Alive. . fle,.erIe,,EI,WfpWi Vlth Mr,rlnfll,l Il tiT;ir...ln'' L4. ill :."i.j'I.j."..l "'. .""'"'.'ves nnd r.i:.Tll are Invited te neon a: ' 0' a inn service, Wednesday JEl .'clock, at the Oliver Ii !JT-il 20 Chestnut at. Int.JmVnU uuiiding, is: Interment1' ?.e- lj;r'CndS mBy ca" Tue.daTrv,nE: ""S?KI!:-A.U' 2-. Isaac. hiuhV;! V."v SCHKLIi. Aup. 10, CATHAR1NP I V,' loved wlfe of llenrv Scheli (ne ruli.Vi mV. n'latlves and frlen.l. Invited t0 '&!! 1YS2' V?:3 .A- " rm her. Ialerete"'? t.rr ' .' t.H vvea,, b 3t) A, M., from her lal -. ri,IT,' 4105 N, 7th st. Sele, high mas! .V.. Henry's Church, 10 A M. Int. TrlJ.i.1 ' RrnTT Cii.Uh1 a .. n . . . late Charles and Eliza J. Scott. In m2 eft year. Due notice of funeral wllVbe .1!!. aS.';X,?'0uN'-rAt JIoerestownrN .3.. ,"!, ' Mar?arct Sexten. Relatives nnd ffi' , Invited te attend ftinemi. ivi ie.Ml late residence, 130 H. Main st., MoereM0Jt' N. J. HlKh mats of requiem, Church ?' Lady of Geed Counsel. 0:30 A! Sf.C Vl 2iN Carme Cem. ' ln ML 1 SINCinit. On Aug. 21. ROSIE wl. . Jeseph u. singer, aired 42 yeaFs. ,rte&'t nnu mentis invited te funeral en XVeXXr day, at 2 P. M.. from Inte residence. Rriffi, fet'd Illlerme"t ,,ar Neue Cemcteryj PrJSjA STAPLETON. On Auzust in .i AM1B PLANK, Wife, of Albert Stasli!?'? Relatives anil friends nre Invited fi'' service, en ,vvednesdav n ft ... " .l"f ' o'clock, nt her Inte residence. (1086 'lini.J st. Interment private. Viewing TucidJi . JS . STnPHENS.Aug. 20. RORERT. hmMj of Florenca M. (nee Jacksen) Stephens rt.t. tlves nnd friends, also members of M.ii slot Tribe. Ne. 121, I. O, R. ?., and ??.' of the Union Council. Ne. 77. . "t "? Invited te nttend funeral services. wSr!' P. M.. rcsl(4nce, 01B Broadway, Cirnrf,' J. Int. Harlelgh Cem. Viewing Tuis . 2'. STOKES. Eighth Menth, in. 1022. ti THA E.. widow of Dr. N. Newlln stnvS!: hr. 84th year. Relatives and frlemli .2' invited te runerai rrem her Inte resldtir Jllll 1!,. -vmn si., .liuoremevvn, ft J., nn ,v:; 22d Inst., nt 2.30 P. M, Interment trlvit.-1 THOMPSON. Of Chester. Pa Aui Yi'll TtlpMAH I... Sr.. husbnnd of sira Thnsl!: I son Relatives nnd friend", nnd m,klSi the I'revldence Ave. M. E. Church, are u. ( vlted te attend funeral, Wed., 11 1 Jf' from his Inte residence. 2031 ndaement tn ' mi. .sunn unm mil v.i.-iii. remains m. v I h viewed Tues. nvn. u7, THOMPSON. Auk. 10. 1022. JAMES 1 ' hn.l.nnrl of Anna Illlczntd. n.u.i... .! friends Invited te nttend funeral, Thn I 8:30 A. M., from parents' residence, lnti ' 1 Allisen st. lilgn mass at St, Oremri-. Church 10 A. M. Int. private. Helv CrSs ' - rrneniev , 01 .xt,.m v-rei. - of Dr. Jehn Trcdlck. Pdnernl services w2J'. a l ir nt resilience n ,. .' tr.Jie. 10th st. Int. at Perryman. Md. atitAt VAN J1UUK. AUB. IU, JAMB3 Ilti husband of Harriet Virginia vn .?" Relatives nnd friends, also Underden-n ii" semblv, Ne. 35. A. O. M. P.. liivltJl 1 attend funeral. Wed.. 8:30 A. M rtMtJ? 251 H 5.ld st. Solemn mass of reeiffJi r-hnreh nf Trnrisflmlrntlfin In A i;qrl New Cnthedi'nl Cem. New Yerk a'ndv.. Innlnn n-i rifra nlpil sin rntv vt which he was n mttnlwr. Invited te at. tend funernl. nt his old homestead, new tin Finnklnrd Hospital, Frnnltferd and Wi2 HnB Rt.. Frankford. Phlla., fl'n . Wed J I l I.I Vrtr.H C1a. lllll r.-l IT'1' call nt his late residence, 13.1 Mjrtle av. W Cape Mnv N. J.. Tues.. 8 P. M. " ZUSCHNITT. Suddenly, en Aub. u NORMAN CLKMENT, jeungest son of Jobs nnd l.llllaii May Zuschnltt. need 22 jean Relatives and friends nre Invited te itii the funeral services, cn Thursday. 10 A. 91, residence. 340.1 Hnverferd nve. Int. Drlvlti. Friends may call Wed. eve. PAKCBI, POST $3.50 BQX OF 25 REY-OMA Retail 3 for 50c Very Choice Havana Cigar Made in Philadelphia Special Let at $1.75 Per Bex I'nreel Test I'rennlil Ihey will net last Ions, ns we hav i limited amount. Order today. SCARLETT'S 1703 Chestnut St., Phila. HOWAltl) VINCENT 1'IANOS S30-83H-8IU-812-844-816 N. 0th Strut HliTTlAROAINH IN PIANOS H I'LAYEM H(HV.IU V1NTKNT. 8311 te 84 N. 6lh'8l. LOST AND FOUND 1)00 Lest, larce male Airedale, with Dell- ware County and Venlner lass, frost McCrea's Kennel. Thursday A At.i nvra Pepsy. liberal reward Phene Anlmnre 848.. Uet! Lest, at IMiewnter Park. N J.. Be!; Klnn police deir It brlndle color, full t-ieiMi. Iteluru te itoe. dell. Kelm, Ul- water P.irli. Itcwaid. LOST J3II In bills. 2 tens. 1 live, 2 twei ' 1 tine, by werklnK man, Sundav. en Ne. IJ illrard ave. car or .Mnnavunk car reward. rail llelment 1)734 W. , NI3CKPIBCI3 Lest, brown fox neckplrce Sundav evenlnc, en Halflmere rlUc nctt . Concerdvllle, Pn. Reward, Iteturn te Helip , M. Ilender. lull) West st.. Wilmington. Ik , NKCKI'IKCB Lest, late tjaturdny nlslitr iinfiir.l til, m ti-w hiiclinW.. lteuard. Mill 13, Hjsler, 211 a. 42d St., or phone rm-. ten 4208 W. HELP WANTED FEMALB . IIOOICKnnpnn. cxv. Hurreushs operator) must be c.ipable doiilile-entry boekkeapir nnd net merely a pesilnB clerk: ceed opper. tunlty for enerKetlj and careful person IJ connect with IiincrefsUe manufncturtni t encern nptuwn. P 4H1. Ledger Office. CI.I3RK Bright Blrl vnder 30 te ewrlU IlurreushB calculnter; larue mfir. cenwrt. llrenel and Chestnut Mil.- state ai;e, scnem- lnw. esp. nnd minimum salary desired. An drews Calculater. P O. Jle 7.11. PhllS; , COHUK.speNIjJINT We have an; Inn lwsllleTi for n clrl 21) te 25 .ar e ace. who has had IiIkIi school training n can compose n clear, cenect and cenvlnciM lettnr. If you iwssess the-se tiuallflcatlens CM nt once. MILS. PATTON .... CURTIS PUIILISHINCI COJirANT , 004 Hansom st. HAT THl.MMEIl wan'ed. one who nMT", stnnds vvhlpplnc leathers In nv nana. r Ply Henry 1-3. Vest. 2323 . Itread st.. W nnd tler. - LACi; MUNUI3HS Hand inemllnir en U laces. Ilrnmlev Lace 'n,, Somerset ana . I.AUY MUHICIANS wanted for PredictlJ", steite ejtperlence net necessary, APPI Shubert Thealrn llldg, . , MILLINUPB The Krankel Millinery tt irnulres rxperlenccd milliners. Applt,!'. 'senally nxt Friday. Aub. 25, corner Frem nnd Dauphin sis. STllNOOItAPHKU llrlBht. actlve si"! woman. 21 te 30 with at least 2 or years' exe. with large mercantile ncDi must be able te take dictation quickly M transcribe notes nccuratelyi stale "V schooling, exp. and minimum salary deiire. A.l.lre.s Ht.nnir.. P. O HeX 7.11. Phlla. HTKWKIUAJ'HBn Preferably one ei $ years of nge. atde te tnlte th?r1!" rapid dictation nnd transcribe notes -i curalely. perinanent w'V;mfeeydvtji-" ary te start: geed opportunity for aavaner niclit. P 42lt. Ledger Office. j STKNOOIIAPHEK who la exp. nd Q.1J e-alcuUtlena; learners need net W"- Phene Oregon 1410. -i VL'AClI131t-Urade teacher wl.hln a mer. oesiranie pe iieii ,; " - --,. position requiring mere and paylni nre (J H3I, l.euyer eiiiu-. TELEPHONE OPERATrNO WIIILU UKAUNINQ. PLEAHANT. MP At 1 BKIIVED AT LOW COST. MICK'HENI3FlTa. APPLY TO 3 mlMJS&k31 ' 1131 AUCll hTHEET THE T1-I.KPIIONI3 OPERATOR ""-- " . j . . ..-... nticlt aa'Tt expenencen, en t"'""""""". ,".. .inl. sf-i tlslr.Bi will Miy ealary and tonus ln1"lllll';1 exp.rlence. .alary pei'J.f.'!. ! 'fiidct. h ii.nnber It pejallile. M !II. X."r u' eft. .?" " """"en vnee M is), Relailv.. If frlenfls, also Yelo Tribe, Ne. 377 iwf, Ml M InvtIM te funerat, ThurV . 2-rn' -..' into residence. iB.lflV. PaclSe t iV' 4', vate, East Cedar Hill Cem. J.O'v . WII.IIMHA.V1. At l-npn Jiy, Jf, J.. Jln, 10. JOHN W.. husb-md of the at; 'T,; Wllhrnhnm. In his 00th jear. Relative. .53 friends, also Pulaski Ledge, Ne, 210. V ill A M.. l'ettsvl le. Pa., and nil nrnn .'r".r? l v nVCELLENT OPPOnTUNITT LfvAUVi HALAIIY PAID wj, ..r ""( v