ySini.!". -f jyMvV wsr .j' j' jn. s; i 1 . A? s I ''ft i" i.i Hr kit IV aw. 'f iJi."!l 'Si f fiJfy-S I w m RMt K. if W tVf '$ Venice ai BankSiepplaes Manilla Second Sheets Per ream, g5c lammuermximv .329 Market Street Special! Pag .00 and mii New CORONA TYPEWRITER STANDARD TYPEWRITERS from $1 d.OO up Gaarantttd one ytar LIBERTY TYPEWRITER CO. A. O. MfOlathrry V. L. Prlckltt 1010 Cheslnnt St.. I'htla. rhene nibert BJJ CorenA. HI; TA Personal Writing Machinez Bright, Cheerful Stores Attract Buyers CNELLENBURGS set an ex- ample te stores large nnd small with paints and painting that will ttcuid the test of time. Painters since 1S51 2039 Arch Street 8TKUCK S'S77.8J7S RACE 40M-1M7 James S. Wilsen & Sen, Inc. artinri'raniiciiiiD.anrjBi'Miim.inaEiiia urn jj ti m Don't Lese Your Hair Try Cuticura If your ecalp is Irritated, itching and burning and your hair dry and falling out In cembfuls try the fol lowing treatment. Touch npets cf dandruff and itching with Cuticura Ointment and fellow with het sham poo of Cuticura Seap. Simpl. Sua rr y MaII Aridr. 'MtnnU mtmiM, D)t 40r, Mtldra 41, Viu' Sold mrj. wtww Heep 2S. Ointment S en1 &0c Tsleara &e. WCuticura Seap shave without mug. A Copy Writer Who Has Selling Sense The Advertising and Sales Stan has asked me for help in the preparation of adver tising copy. Each one of our salesmen can and does tvrite most of his copy, but we want a man who a)se has advertising sales sense te help them. We prefer one who is about 25 te 30 years of age, who might have some sell ing experience. His prin cipal work will be te lay out advertisements, me dium size and smaller ones, for Philadelphia retail stores. He must knew type faces, illustrating methods, in ftct, the work that in the rush of a daily newspaper is te be expected. A geed knowledge of the local Vhiladelphia retail otero situation is needed in gettiug up geed selling copy. He must be good geed natured and able te co operate with the Advertis V ing Sinn of this news- paper. It isn't a tremen dously bier ieb new. It will 'tX pay fair wages. The future t; g up te the man who suc ceeds in getting the job. ;.9 729, Udger Office H,f '-NMflrt " ' V X V EH T I' 1 1 I va I IBO S aeVHalsMsY r Children thrive en I j Victer ! Bread 1 Big c I; Leaf fl I I At all our Stores I g KimuruCMli 1 13 r I GLORIA AND GOWNS GLITTER AT STANLEY "Her Gilded Cage" Is Combina tion Fashion Shew and Film Slnnlcj At last that undeniably In teresting lndirltlunl tlic press agent has come into his own. In '"'Her Glided Cage," it's n "P. A." who gives the heroine a fascinating but shady past, which causes the here te scorn her and otherwise oils the wheels of the plot. This prcst agent Is one of the most vociferous kind, who talks slangily in terms of "cats' whiskers" and "knock 'cm for a row," and the things he doesn't de te the heroine's reputation would hnnlly he worth doing. She's very much misjudged, peer glrl,t for she s trying te support nn imnlid Mster and pay for an operation by a great surgeon, but according te her hard working "I. A." she has had an affair with a crowned head nnd owns a col lection of Jewels second te none in America. Oh, yes. we nearly forget, he Invites n bevy of reporters te Interview her and lets them peak in her boudoir deer and see a supposedly Japanese artist paint trees and things en the heroine's slender limbs. That was a masterstroke ; the apparent gullibility of the reporters in the matter of the "crown jewels " was something of a libel en the profession, but the fact that exery one of tiiera featureu tne leg painting episode when he came te write his story showed that screen reporters are net alwnjs hopeless. Lebt any one torment their memory te recall where they may have seen this story before, we hasten te say that it's npptexlmatcly the same as "Leve Dreams," the musical comedy which died en its feet here last year. At least a lady named Ann Nichols wrote the itery that waa used for both play and film. The resemblance Is net striking! In the first place, they've tried te make the heroine a little plaster saint. Their Intentions may have been geed, but in doing the trick they fell ever backward and made her preposterous. My, hew proper they're getting en the screen days. Itepert has it that they have given the devilish Onllarde, of "Bleed and Sand," a regular New I'ngland censcience: If they ever film "Vanity Fair" again they'll probably make Becky Sharps the champion knit ter In the parish guild. Gleria Swanson were the dazzling gowns of the heroine of "Her Gilded Cage." She tried hard te undo the work of the producers in cleansing the lady's character. She nearly succeeded, tee. When Harrison Ferd blew breezily into the picture (It was half ever, un fortunately) everybody felt like ap plauding. He was a real human note lit a hothouse of exaggeration. Charles Stevenson was delightful as an old Pa risian dandy. According te that dainty littl way film makers have, they flooded "Her Gilded Cage" with expensive sets as if expecting the glitter would dazzle the beholders' eyes te the insincerity of the plot. Aldine It cannot be said that May McAe'i late't picture is likely te add te her reputation. If this talented young lady had never appeared in the beautiful "Sentimental Temmy" or the powerful "Truth About Husband"," then "Tep of New Yerk," her latest effort, might be forgiven. As It 1, this bugary little trifle seems a gres libel en Miss McAvoy's ability as an nctres. "Tep of New Yerk" tells about a little shepgirl whose love and rare of nn Invalid brother causes her all kinds of hardships until the "right man" comes along. Comedy relief of the meit nbiieus and splnelesi character is sup plied by these surrounding the little heroine in her tenement home. Then there is a most stereet.pcd sort of vil vil 'eln, an elder man who makes unpleas ant advances. If "Tep of New Yerk" had been ac tually taken in that city it might hae acquired mere Interest. Instead, ment of the scenes are obviously of the studio brand and the atmosphere (which ceu'd be pleasantly Introduced in the room and store scenes) Is missing. Fer these who like their sentiment ungagged, undiluted and running wild and their humor of the kind that "com bines a laugh and a tear" may find some interest in "Tep of New Yerk." Mae McAey's admirers will feel like mur dering the producers of it. Karlton It would be Interesting but fatiirulni: te count the number of In- I stances en stage or screen when n peer but beautiful heroine (or a peer but 1 clever here) posed as something he ! wasn't, either in high society or a summer re'ert. The latter is the principal setting for i Kntherlne MncDemim s new picture, I ,. , , .. ,. , , - l"Tlie ucaumui l.iar. wiici nns inenv I I;"int.H, !n .corameM V H1 lluJ , PV win, imuiu a jiiiis.vtu comedy of last jjear. Hie star piajs tne reie or Bro Bre ker's secretary, who plays the role of a musical cemidy stnr at a summer resort ' Feciety benefit. The romantic nnd sen timental rather than larclcal or ridicu lous phases of this situation have been lemplejwl. nnd the picture has n fair nmnnnr of Interest, though the trend of the story is apparent from the beginning, ! as Is true of all these Cinderella yarns. The star Is just as beautiful and just as unexpressUc and exasperating a .ever. She plned the part where she sonatlen far better than thnt of the office worker Chnrles Meredith was only a, mediocre lending man, though better ' adapted te a thing like this than te the mere intense picnm-i ue piujcu nun r.tln'l Clmtrin. The cast ns n whole was certainly uninspired -.fin t-n Iia It frflm tla tn liftv , nnul.ini; derogatory of n lady, but the fnet remnlnn that Mncc 8pllttlne with DeitRlas Mael.enn charming Deris May 'enpauy. espeeiai inver te ling te the has net done very much of any account let of Frank Hunter, the featured nn the screen comedian. Charley N ard proved te be lit "The I'nderstudv" she rollicks ' vly 2"J emotive nhMstant in shep and dimplM nnd raet down her eyes n ""din ' ""K'hs. Teresa Adams' great leal, but ncU a little bit lest when I lS ' Pleased Immensely, while Gladys ft borem n question of putting across .oekte- ,. ""ibrette. and Virginia eniriR rp.il rnmedv situation. The lilc ture Is all about n reuntrv elrl te lug te set en the Htnue, nnd of her adven turer und mifndventurcs In the make believe world. Compared te "Pelly of the Tellies," it is weak and unattrac tive. Wallare McDonald gives no indication of helm; merely a iommenplart husband of Deris, the way he makes levn te her. and OtiH Harlan, Adele l'urrlngten and Chrlhtine Maje all btiiBt- people slve Interesting support. Matter of fact, they're much mere real than the atmos phere. Recent Fer sincerity, ericinallty and straight -away dramatic intensity, "The Stroke of Midnight" must be considered as one of the season's best. What the thoughts of the nudlence of tbis smaller hetiM' were when the final scene was flashed can enlv be conjectured. It Is net com eiil leniil movie fare, and cer- tnlnly differs a very (treat den tram I most 01 i lie AiuiTirun output. ciieii (which U Its birthplace) and Victer Seastrem, who served in the triple ca pacity of udapter, director and stnr. tlecrvt' the unrestricted praise of all these who wish for better things en the bcreen. Meastrem is magnificent; the sup porting rust, while geed, seems puny beside lilin. The staging is fur ubove the usual continental ritnndard. This Is net everyday film fiction, but a real screen elastic, " ETENING PUBLIC Photoplays Elsewhere PALACK "On Claar Call," with Henry a Walthall, Milten SI1U and Clalre Windser. VICTORIA "The Fast Mall," sec ond week for Lincoln J. Carter melodrama. CAPITOL "The Safety Curtain," reUva! of Nerma Talmadge suc cess. COLONIAL "Our Leading Cltlien," with Themas Melghan. IMPERIAL "Senny," with nichard Itarthelmess. . , ALIIAUURA "Our Leadlnc Citi zen," with Thermal Melghan. GREAT NORTHERN "Weman He Married." with Anita Stewart. MARKET STREET "Our Leading Citizen," with Thomaa Melghan. . LOCUST "Man Unconquerable," with Jack Helt BELMONT "The Crimson Chal lenge," Western yarn, with Doro Dero Dore thy Dalten. AMBASSADOR "The Vermillion Pencil." with Bessue Hayakawa. STRAND "Our Leadlnir Cltlzen." Ocertrb Ade comedy, with Themas Melghan. SIXTY-NINTH BTREET"Mn Un conquerable." with Jack Helt LEADER "The Ueauty Shep," with Hnjmend Hitchcock. CEDAU "A Millionaire for a Day," with Ouy Empey. . COLISEUM "The Crimson Chal lenge," with Dorethy Dalten. BEN WELCH WINS HONORS AT KEITH'S Blind Character Comedian Has Heuse in Laughter Meran and Mack Alse Score Keith's Ben Welch, blind character comedian, wen headline honors through his own work as a laugh producer. The comedian has been stone blind for up ward of a year, although few people In the audience could detect any evi dence of it throughout his turn. There was n laugh in every line and at times his stories became se funny that a new laugh was upon you before the old one had died out. Ilia Hebrew make-up was altogether appropriate, and an Indication of his popularity was the applause he received when he had completed his net. He made a curtain speech. Mies Harriet Rempcl. assisted by a company of talented performers, was seen in "The Heart of a Clown." The star plns a dual role, which she filled masterfully. Henry Sherwood, ns the clown, showed he wes capable of geed acting, and It will net be surprising te find him starring for himself in a 6hert while. The play has a moral, which was delivered with a powerful effect. Meran and Mack, billed ns "Twe Black Crews," wen many laughs. These men nre In n class by themselves when It comes te their own droll comedy. The Melsterslngcrs were heard in their same type of program that has carried them around the circuit year after vear. This tin.e several popular airs have been added. Elizabeth Brlce proved a big applause winner. Her singing was well done. Morten-Jewell company presents n varied entertaining group. Singing, dancing, patter and spirited juggling comprise their turn. Ethel MacDoneugli, In "My Lady's Busy Day," pleased, ni did Be)le and Bennett with their dancing number. A geed opener was the Bellls Due, who performed en a trapeze. Funny Aesop fables were also shown. Glebe Jessie Blair Sterling and her Glasgow Maids presented a headline act that sparkled with the flavor of old Scotland and Scottish airs. Marks and Wilsen presented a clever skit ; Glldea nnd Smith combined coined v nnd songs In an interesting fashien: Three Jean ettes had nn acrobatic novelty : BUI Di proved n talented musician ; Edna Drecn had n novelty, nnd there was plenty of fun in "Un the Farm," a comedy skit. Nixon Theie nre many man-sized laughs In the skit. "Three O'clock In the Morning," presented by Frank Werk and Company, which heads the bill. The sketch gets nn early start and rolls en te a llely finish. Eddie Ca&sidj. the home favorite, wins ap proval in a novel offering punctuated with geed ideas. Other geed acts in clude these of Frldkin and Itheda, acrobatic thrills; Merey, Senna and Dean in comedy nnd 6eng, and the S!aman All Troupe of Tumblers. "Hate" Is the photoplay attraction. with Alice Lake in the principal role. Walten Hoef Eva Tanguay, spirited nnd cj clenic comedienne, has n new collection of songs and costumes for I IIIIH..4UII . "',I.J . , hl,r wen(1 PPk hpre. MlM Tnnguav I Is accompanied by her band of selected inustciuns, nil of whom de a sole turn te show their attainments. A large audience turned out last night te give the star n geed send-off. "Leve Pirates" at BIJeu As lis opening attraction of the new rear, the Blieu Thentre hns Hnrrv jStreuse s latest production, "The Leve 'Pirates," a fast-moving and weather- jbeating burlesque with plenty of geed songs and pretty glrls Among the j leading plajers are Blllv Kelley (always Ilnrrv Van, Jack Alten. Mabel While, Pauline Hnrer and DeriN Bramlcu. The chorus, composed of eighteen pretty girls, tan really sing and dance. "Big Jamboree" at Casine The fiihlne Theatre unuicil with Jnines I;. Cooper "I$lg Jamboree. . which rant the approval of the fans aM-embletl. The principals proved highly Ware, leading woman, scored. PURE FRESH PAINT BelieVe Me If it bears the Kuehnle label, you knew it's GOOD PAINT ! ! "Save the Surface" Kuehnle PAINT&PAINTING Vine & 17th. Sts. 8PHUCE5W RAC0775) & . LEDQER PHILADELPHIA, tUESDAY. WEDS HOPELESS CRIPPLE BESIDE HIS BED AT 4 A. M. Qlrl and Man 8h Levea Chese early Heur te Feil Objeotera Fert Dedge, Ia Aug. 22. Forbid, den te call op the man she loved, a hepclesi cripple, Miss Gertrude Blake, thirty years old, married Harry Neu reck, thirty-five, at 4 o'clock en tbe morning of June 2, it became known yesterday. The bride, minister and wlt nesscs steed near an open window of the crippled bridegroom's bedroom dur Ing the ceremony. Neureck was Injured In a runaway accident, both arms and legs being paralyzed. Physicians say he will al ways be a helpless cripple. Uncommon Sense BY JOHN rpiIEUE were twenty-five starters In - a recent three-mile walk which was a feature of the track nnd field games of the New Yerk Athletic Club. Four men were in the race when It was-wen. New, this is net an editorial about warning races, which are net particu larly valuable excerpts as tests of en durance. When a man In an airplane can travel 100 miles and hour it seems foolish te the urcsent writer for him te seek te show his speed afoot. rpiIE point we nre seeking te make Is that In almost every race there arc a great many starters who have been Insufficiently equipped for the contest In which they take part. In a new business organization, where a hundred or mere empleyes are hired at once, the manager knows thnt net mere than ten or twelve will be with htm nt the end of ten ears, nnd that of these ten or twelve net mere than two will be in lmpertnnt positions. 'itie rest were job hunters when thev applied for employment, and they will be job hunters all their life. They entered the race insufficiently equipped for that or for any ether race. They were predestined te failure at the start. . "Storage" Het Water Service Make New Friends Daily Hundreds of Philadelphia homer have dispensed with het-water troubles. The Gaa "Storage" Water Heater keeps a tankful of het water always ready, but burns gas only new and then, by automatic operation. See the " 'Sterag e"' 'demonstrated at any U.G.I. shoivreom or ask U3 te send a representative THE UNITED GAS IMPROVEMENT COMPANY I1 s pVjS I! ;: r KnrcATiexAi; Yeung Mrn nnd Hn AUeniewn I Prepares for college or technical school. Small classes, individual instruction. Student govern ment. All athletics. Splendid modern buildings. Large campus and gymnasium. Special care for younger boys. Rate, $500. Catalog. IRVIN M. SHALTER, A. M., Headmaster Held Hexes tJVIC BUSINESS COLLEGE FAMOUS AMONG BUSINESS MEN for the ability and success of H'h (.ruOuatec. wants te number ou among It's lheunnds of jeung men nnd viemen. w.ie proudly testify te the efficiency of our courses In buaineita and superior teaching. May we train you (or a happy future? AN "ACCREDITED" COMMERCIAL SCHOOL 1200 WALNUT STREET The Way Out of the W XUl Ne effort offers ricner reward than rpare time study rightly directed retro eeninu courses offer prictlcnl Instruction In Itulnts Admlnlstr-i-t 1 e n. Accounting. Snlesmnnshlp. Stonesraphy and In Secretarial and Teacher Xralnlns. II ty Scheel Opens Sept. 5 Mtlit Reboot Opens Sept. 18 PEIRCE SCHOOL of Business Administration IVrilff ur oevit i cur UVU. ,..- ..... .alt. V.. R..L 1 I'lne M H,i of llrmid Standard Scheel 'of Filing and Indexing 1012 Chestnut Street The Globe-Wernicke Ce. offers a srert. Intenshe and practical course In the arleus methods of flllne. Call, phone or write Director. I'liene. Walnut UOeO fiUKGO. TILE KAHV. Sl'KEDY HHOKTJLM) Many of our graduates who selected this shorthand system have met" with Immediate success In tlielr business careers We also teach I'ltman. Individual Instruction. We advise startlnu new or with new term Sept. 5 Night classes start Sept. 11. Catalec. I'lIILA. lll'SINKNS COM.KOE fM and Celleire of Cemmerre 1710 .Market Mt., I'lilladtlphU G Venr Pneerh Defect Cerrrete4 AtU atievt Klnejleu Clubth. Club vmi mmluallv will Jein. TIIK KINOHI.KY PIJiN Phene Walnut 1002. bend for Booklet SZSSIS1S Walnut St.. '' ' Accountants 4ruw te.?a ins. 4-s.v.wvw.i - Aeceuntln Is only one of the thoroughly practical business leurseit nt fivivirnafrv nv lA vvvimM B.tnA- V Xeawa UalV-f ha Uniins 100 Bts,.iJ CTAMMERIN r t HUGHES LEAVES TOMORROW ON HIS JOURNEY TO BRAZIL Caneela Engagements te Clean Up uslneaa Washington, Aug. 22. Secretary Hughes began yesterday te arrange at fairs of the State Department se they might be completely taken ever Wednes day by Under-Secretary Phillips, who will become acting Secretary of State when Mr. Hughes departs for Brazil te attend the centennial exposition there beginning September 7. The Secretary found an accumulation of business te be disposed of and can celed all but the most important engage ments for the next two days. Mr. Hughes plans .te leave here for New, ion iimiurruw nnu win mil me following day for Rie de Janeiro en the Shipping Beard steamship Pan-American. : BLAKE Geed Starters Many such people have real ability, but their lack Is grit. When the hard plnces appear they haven't the courage te go en. They think It is the lack of oppor tunity that turns them nway. They are wrong. It is the lack of something in themselves. i TOT nil men nre fitted te win three ' mile walking races or the races for general managerships In business. But whether they arc fitted or net, they will never win unless they take the trouble te prepnre for the work or the race in the first plnce, nnd stick te it after it becomes an exhausting business, which It often Is. What wears most of them out Is net the work they hne te de, but the knowl edge thnt they arc Incompetent te de the work. WORKING nt a task one cannot de well Is the most nerve-racking thing in the world. There are millions of geed starters In this country. They nil begin with rosy hopes and most of them finish discour aged nnd broken. Thnt Is because of two things lack of equipment and lack of grit. CopurleM. 1911 rnpcATiexAt. Ynnnc Mfn nnd FIetk l)f eparatery 1 aViu.n.nfcT SCHOOL Beth Sexea DAY SCHOOL OPENS SEPT. B NIGHT SCHOOL, OPENS SEPT. 7 if Ynil Have F n.t nITOOd DOlllnn . '""J or telephone u. (.""ay' (WaVnutern-t02I for the sierj of Jehn rZ "?Lnut. n3-Nl position lth t'.ie Hearting When th ,.M", empanlej WKn.n reducing omce force, 'm,1 l.enuen then came baik te h ii.vRJ' hlmtelf mere rxpert. r-n I li niJ , . 'f mn.kc the IteadhiK .it a .ub.tantb.1 i!M,n wl"' -f-tsmur .r.'SWin,lflV- PSTVW& MODEKN TrACIIEn2. nCBEAD SI-KING GARDEN INSTITUTE N. E. Cor. Bread Sprint Garden Sti., MECHANICAL DRAWING for0hJBhPerftT,Jen?UrtCS Wl" SU. ELKCTniaV,YANr""A,unT01!On!LB Mclit Classes iiuain Machine (rhep Mechanical Archi tectural and Free, hand Drawing; nook Illustration Arithmetic Mathematics I'rariice Jf.ichlne Hhep Mathematics Tattern Shep 1'ractlre Automobile Hlec and Mechanical Electricity Exceptional Facilities an Lew nates All Clnstes Oiieh Srpetnber IS Illustrated Iloeklet Enroll New mmmmmmmmmkmmmmmammmmammmm CnKSTNlTT Hit!. ACADEMIC A Say and beardliiir school for bera. Preparation for cellsie. hpeclal rattw Bre-day hoarders Opens Sent. 2Ctb. i, L. PATTEU80N. fl.sdmasUr TEXXIXHTON. N. J. iroeha Wrtnen' khaT 'Girts' Tbe Gorden-Ronay Scheel ter tnrlillMJwwvBtn YOUNO men prepared for collect, tach. ichoels and business. Junier school for boys. w.r"e tar "The rsnnlncten Idea." L'runrls llnrvey Green, Headmaster, Ltei BO, fennlnrten. heWJiwr. T ' 1 ',.- AUGUST 22;j;4?2 DRINK Spruce 3613 SUMMER RESORTS ATMNTIO CITY. S. J. Sleep Where Life Is Safest and Enjoy Your Vacation BRICK, STEEL AND STONE CONSTRUCTION HOTEL PRINCESS ATLANTIC CITY'S LARGEST AND BEST .MODERATE RATE HOTEL ctA.tk r.--MllM- Av. . nnr nnnnh. ClOM wet-My. American plan, uaraje. uoemei. Aute read map and street irulde mailed free PAUL C. ROSECRANS, Owner and Proprietor The courtesies and conveniences of two hotels at one rate S3.R0 Par Up. American Plan (With Heals). Special Weekly. Our Ruests may live at either house and still enjoy all the comforts or both. This undue privilege Is net extended by any ether hotel. ELBEROftl IROQUOIS and fireproof Annex. Tennessee Aienu near i-each, opposite catholic ana rrei tsiani emirpnes rnene ZTin RUNNING WATER Private baths. Culelne nnd service unexcelled. Fresh vegetables White service Iteiutlful solarium. Open .urreumllnKs. Ordiestra. Danc'.nc lleflnert natrnnac CO.M11INED CAPACITY 000. Windows screened. JJathlnif from hotels. Gara Writ far I. eklpt unci nule man. Beth hotels under personal direction of R. B. LUDY, M. D., Ohraer BEST MODERATE PRICE Special September Rates M0NTECEL10 aiemueky eve near bcU AtlantK City finest and nn maal naBUlrrmtm hetsl. Orchestra, dancles. elevawr. I rlvata batns. RUNNINGWATER IN ROOMS Write for boeklit and autn ms Phenea 101 S A 87M BATHING FROM HOTEL ill nrnrhip met m Fpttn- Hntllni-.- mm SPECIAL SEPTEMBER RATES GOOD TO RBMEMItBR OILJVERTOH tv i "M Ksntuelij Ave nr. beach and Beardwelk B. ....... LI- U...1LI. It.... iiv.ruu.oie 0ru.l.in ...; NewW renovated and refurnished : eleva tor, electric lliht, private baths, het & cold RUNNING WATER IN ALL ROOMS Amer. plan (with meals). 14 00 up dally, special weekly. Free Untlilnc from hotel. Phene A. f. 1990 Iloeklet. Ownership Management. S3 op Dly.; Sp. WUy. Am. Plan (with miali) OSBORNE ,v2! .Pcln? nJ Arkinsas aves. Prlr r frlseratlnc plant: electric kitchen oein for noeklet. TOY IIOCKENnunf PLANADE Whele Bleck en Oman Frnnl Suii".1 ler,L'" ln Ailantln Clu. Ideal family hotel. Chelsea Sectlje, Capacity five hundred. Ownership direction. Booklet. W. . ailAW KINGSTON Ocean are.. 1st hotel from Beach, overlook. Ine ocean i central; flrerm-jfj elevater: prlr. baths. Oathlnt; from hetel: coolest dlnlnj room In city, en 6th fleer with ocean view. 13.80 up dly.. spec. wkly. M. A. LEYKER. On Ocean front at Mentpeller ave. Bulla with private bath: running uater In all reums: (levater. American plan Phene 700 w. II. M. REEVES THURBEF? Atlantic. MaseachUFetts nves. Capacity 300. All outside, airy looms, Ilalhlni; trem hotel. 11, BO daj up. bperlnl eeklv European plnn. Hestaurant connected MltS.VM IHUIHIEH u Tennessee av. near beach. Ther. euihlv medern: rates reasenall. American und European plan. MHb. It. ItAWLEY, Pfep.' Kentucky ave. near beach i every modern Improvement. Itates MV.SO up wkly, llklt. Open all yr. JOHN J. ilUni'liy; Owne"; THE DUDLEY iH-S2 Fmylvanl Ale inc. rfar jtarh and all amusements, exceptional culsltie, lunnlnu water; private baths: reas. I,. It, Pullect, Unlet Botcebcl Kntucky av, nr, batch weekly. Tlephen,117. A. V.r MAItlON; AUSTINE pine Jamee-PI. Clea 1 7 . te church ndamuMinnia. Runnlntr water In room. T, H, JONEi. ESTELLE 200S l'acine av.. Hoealaa fmmm . roema. XuxtA T55L tSnWi t - v IF YOU ONLYKllEW IF you dnly knew hew much your body needs Pureck water. If you only knew the amount of worn-out tissue and ether waste matter that must be carried away eaeh datf " If you only knew as Hie physician knows hew P.ureck , water cleanses your body of these impurities hew it refreshes, invigorates and makes you better fitted ler work or play. :,,.,. ' " ' If you knew these things you would drink lets mere Pureck water than you de. '.." Pureck is the finest water you can drink because it Js, scientifically distilled.1 It comes te. you .r.eady te absorb ,, and remove 'the impurities. It is charged with oxygen that refreshes and invigorates. - Let your drinking water always be Pureck. It is mere than a thirst quencher and is inexpensive. ' THE CHARLES E. HIRES CO. 210 S. 24th Street, Philadelphia for SUMMER RESORTS ATMNTIC CITY. N. J. te Sttel Pier, Uteeplechat Pier and all uttractlenn. A . ., Oivdlrrct line wllh Tenn. R. R. tjl0n and VlUiln three blocks of elht leading Preteitnnt nod Catholic churiliee. three theatres andinaln jwtf?lce. Alt modern convenience!. Capacity BOO. RCNNINO HOT AND COLD WATER IN ALL GUEST ROOMS Private baths. Elevator te atreet level. Uathlnr from hotel. Bathheuees and showers, wlt'.i entrance directly from boardwalk, free for una of rueits. French chef. Excellent table. Atten tive anil efllclent white ser tee. Orchestra and dancln-. Kates 14 up dally, special Seuth Carolina Avenue, Just off ths. HeanValk. Convenient te all attrae tlnnn Elevator Phene 4S14 W IN. EVERY ROOM HOTELS IN ATLANTIC CITY LABOR DAY SPECIAL S1Q SATUItDW. SI'MIAY AM) M0M)A S10 LEWIS I?nClle."Pd !lllnels "JVe.. clone te beach. Mod ern, newlj renmateii: near ihurchen. stations nml amusements. Hun unter In roents llntn LnBr1m Vu,t"; Unrnue jt se la up Amir Bscvnrvtr.nl1V "n''h"" rati- Itklt ObCAH AOO, formerly prep. Melrose Hall Am plan S .',0 up: Eur.plan 11.50 up.sp kly ALBEMARLE rar' fo,rOB.,mP?e0iten,0ern,,,0"l$!ec,f.c$3.?B0hlis ,h'a RUNNING WATER IN ALL ROOMS !lrJva,(!.il",h"l cl,"a'er. luxurious sun roem: ilM.J.01."",-,'' 'T,r"- ''athlnit from heiiw exc.llent table. h te senke. orchestra and dam-liib-. (Jiuicrshlp manap.imeiit. qablu & uevrrr. STRATH HAVN Kentucky .v. n,., c . beach: is day ud Europ. plan (rms. e A. Ueuutlfully remed" e.td. iuthlnc prlv. Hinder Ures . Owners. mum pod crest, x. a. BELMAR gs.V ,?ab.en i .Airy rooms. Ilathlns from Tlmmes, Prep. hotel. Nell & JIKACJIJIAJ'KXjNsJI. THE ENGLESIDE VSRs? All modern , appeintments: rrliata twtbi, sea and fresh water. Klve tennis court. H. k. KNrL; Msnaeer BBBBaHaLLLLLVs aBBT LV K bbLBbbt bLK aWaBLw aLV aLV m H -LbBbbt THOS. COOK & SON announce the REMOVAL of their offices te 130 Seuth 15th Street Tel. Spruce 8820 COOK'S signifies TRAVEL SERVICE of the most complete type , THE MAGNIFICENT NEW WHITE STAR LINER HOMERIC" Has Been Specially Chartered By Us Fer The J923 Grand Cruite De Luxe Sa.,, fteMBMUEBMAXnUUt Sailing January 20 Returning March 28 Crti.je Limited te 00 Quests Sm?ilZnCin7Sl- "tmest yet offered "xty.Seven days of luxury, leisure, nnl sustained interest. A Prpdigietts Itinerary i Full Infornutlen and literature en request THOS. COOK A SON 130 Seutt UU, SUM, PHILADELPHIA T.l.,9n... ., fiT '.::i '- : : " n D WATER thirst and health" HUMMER RESORTS iHOTELPpiTAN The Distinctive Hnsmn Hnnm 2ttW$SKP" .,,K.C.0.?V:110' ti"i- l?'nd."r ea'r '" "ii nn ffuiue ui jiiflieuc JSOMOQ TOfTR Bermuda , An All -Year Resort Ne passports required. Reduced farct new. Rates S82.50 up, S days (4 in Bermuda); $88 up, 9 days (S in Bcr. mude); S104.S0 up, 12 days (8 in Bermuda); S121 np, IS days (11 in Bermuda); $126.50 up, 16. days (12 in Bermuda). Include finl-clais S.S. eccommeoUtlow, ntili, hotels and fighbeeitvl Departures Aug. 23, 26, 30; also twice a week in September and October. Get the Booklet Raymond & Whitcerab Ce. liss wainut as. in. npruee scej te BOSTON Cap Ced and New Enclsnd Points Liauy eerrice ah rear iieunu Concert! Afternoons snd Evenlncs Lv. Pier 14, N.R.. Fulton St., S.30 P.M. NEW BEDFORD LINE-Te New Bedford and the Islands of Marthas Vineyard and Nantucket, Steamers leave weekdays only from Pier 40, N. R., feet of Housten St.. 6 00 P. M. NEW LONDON LINE-Lv. Weekdays only,Pier40.N.R..HeustonSt.,5.30P.M. All Schedules Daylight Saving Time Reduced rates en automobiles nhea ac companied by passenier. Tickets and information at all piers v auu vuuwiiuaicu 4 unci wuiwcse m Hrl I -nHeHl,4Sil 'I'ljaLtA riMiaaa JW Sr EKICSSOlN UM BUAt FOR BALTIMORE S o'clock In the mernlntr (dayllsht-savtil time). Eierv Tuesday. Thureduv and sit urrtav. Fare S3 00 te Baltimore IMf' round trln Mt becntlful rid out cf Philadelphia. kxri- NIGHT STEAMERS FOR BALTIMORE Fare 12 en one way. 13 00 round trl Dally at S P. !.. S o'clock Saturdiys Dots dny and ulght steamers sten nt ueturtea. Mnrilnnd. Send for pamphlet. Bteiraef le from Pie. S. Se. Delawsre Aft. Msvlleht-eavlns; time). Oark's led dJuIi. Jaeaur V. 19U ROUND THE WORLD "EMPRESS el FRANCE" 18481 GreiiTOM . 4 MONTHS CRUISB.I1000 aad p laeladinf Hotels, Fees, Urivst, Gnidci, set, CJsrk Orillnsted Reuad ths World CrwiMt Qark's 19th Cruise. Pebrnsry3. 1921 H - rT? MEDITERRANEAN BMPRnS9e( SCOTlJND"2S000GreMTM .65 DAYS CRUISR.KOO aerie L Frank C. Clarlu Tirees Fnltdlnl. Ne Task Hart let t Teura Ce.. MO Ba. 18th L i aV itJarCffKr I L m- ir s ir -y ill l"St-asjg vlfll 4 e ri,Y. Jy ti.,-n.T "t )vnm"m 'Him nn'i'il .-? Vi v. A. t ? y ftA! srt'tt &Djif JXMJjX&Xl. "'f'1mf ' - IT tfk!jttf2jlXg