Evening public ledger. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1914-1942, August 21, 1922, Postscript, Page 6, Image 6

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?''? xnt ' 'ii.,.tiii- -Vr . JtiAv. v ' .. w(u i.i'ju.irji; -,. - - "4m- v'V-'-'S
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MtcNIcler Says Legien Canvass
Shows Majority Pledged
In Its Faver
, Washington. Auk. '-M. iliiufnrd
MacXIuVr, nutleiuil I'ummniitlrr of tin
-American I.t-gimi. In n tiitiMiutit teilny
declared a peminnl canvas of the bonus
bill Munitien elinwed thut "n uuijerit.v
of the Hi-natr. ini'luilliiR l.'.tli tmrllcs.
favors tlit bill iinil 1h iiUilgt'il for its
M!r. MncNIilcr irrtHrttl that the
Benus bill which Is kIiiIimI for Semite
conniderntlen Ix'cliininc WnltiPMliiy.
would be pansr-il by the Senate tills week
and ndded :
"Tlic Amerlean I.rsien Iiiim nbelute
confidence in the geed fnlth mid intK- ,
rity of the Senater iiledssed te vote for,
the bill. It realizes Hint tliey lelleve in
the Justice of tin t'tiut of the soldier
and known that they will keep the fnltli
they have pledfted mid l'ass tlie bill
President Hnrdlne s attitude. Seriate
benun and anfl-beniiH lenders nereed. i
the only remaining factor whieli ents
doubt ever the situation. Approaching
action by the Senate served te reopen
the entire field of speculation as te
whether the Senate would In able te
pass the measure ever a pi evidential
Tete. Opponents of the bill averted i
ufflvirnt votes could net be mustered ,
te nullify White lTeue disapproval.
and its supporters cen1 ended I hey could
Senater Mol'umber chairman of the
Finance Committee, predicted the bill
would be ph.sspd within a week. Si miter j
Berah, of Idaho, a Undine opponent of '
adjusted cenipeiisnti'in. epi-enl tlie
belief tlieM opposed te its pax-ncr would
be content with a biief presentation of
their arguments and from no quarter
eame any indicntien that attempts will
be made te delav action.
Julius II. Barnes, president of
the National Chamber of Cem- ;
tnerce, asserted in letters te biti- ,
nem organizations In every State
attacking the bill "there Is a tre
mendous campaign under way .it this
tniiiinn t fit riif i ntnpiltit. titnl oil t luil t
"," '' " (H' t ' n ! - miii it i in it
' ii9-r!VHilflv7 3IIIAvuM-S&i-K MiiHKJBfptWTtttmtammtMMIKtKulMUbjm ::
'fMOKlmSKtffKmtJtrB&WKrVJwSMitr Sr Srirr fiTiT?a"J,'"rBr TKFsOHffllB
I KKIiKKP&flPl9f' wiTMtwwVMMMMNW W" SMfiEWMAS 4R fW mK&UJLI I I BNftf E OY tH -aEHuflKi'3'9''VJ''"''liB'
3E rr "THf -jtB i9Mri 'few rLiW'SSf. "ni ' ViS'd-HW'' ugm-' wii'r'ffT
t - . . .fa"1 Wm flP-VBMEflhL 9t t a . ,lap'lL- xPiTT:,rB'iTfr ftji itf 1 JJfr JW"TVMfTr EM
SHarflfl9fV' yl jKfPyMBBf , jE&fs ltWW!,,5'rViff BreffiBCj-ffJTlR k waftfwi
S K ,Hrt3(,,''' .?, t'JflmM WwKVnyMB fci? 4 ,!.59 BH rf 'MBi'''ett-- TiC .. hp
I H SEsi'' "" ""IQinit, iwT' T) Kj aluWi MBMFVfUSJHlHIHB VO1 'IIBH,ritwrlMSiJf?iBTdiBi
Hydroplane Aids in Search for
Bedy of Donald M. Phipps.
Fermer Philadelphia Lad
President llardlnj; delivering his address en the Industrial situation throughout the cetintr-, before CeiiRrcss en
Dancer's Mether en
mn mniLi
nrTllHM TO Unni (enilmml from I'ncr (Inr i been married thlrty-si years and I
k u n U WUKIx k h "",,,, i"" i,,,,s "' s':! " r,,t,,,n,
llL,u,M ,w MVmi tempts nt suicide ' I Then the tlancer had n talk with
suicide by swallowing verenal, the wife
said. She ndded :
-Ter Wnil JrlnrrtOi '"l'hev saw much of each ether after
end tlie affair. My husband and 1 had
It was learned yesterday that .Miss Keemtneiiich's daughter. They talked
I.ehu.ann. who was of no religious i rtl-pavs,enatey ns two girls of equal
, ,, , .. . , . .i r. ., i. i age would diseuss the infatuation of the
fnlth. was baptized Inte the ( atlielle ..,,., Mlss Keemmenlch ai.l yestei
Cliurch en her death bed b a friend. (lilv tlint st, lll(I m)t upbrnil Vera she
n dexetit athelic I nder the canons n,m,, ,)nint(I out h(,r f!h(r w fiftv.
of the (atlmMc ( hiirch. Imp ism may five wll shtl wns tW(.tv.twn.
pertertuci ti einercency i- ii lay I j. wns , ,s. , ,, , , th t t,
Union Leaders Optimistic as
They Gather for Conference i
With Indiana Chiefs
person. According te tills friend. Mlv. eiri tl,ek ,le ,,0,S0I1 vhih cn(I((1 ,
..n.... .n..n wir-i r I.ehmann had shown an intense inter- iif.
P TTSB RGH F RMS Y ELD ' c in Catliell.Um and tinnlly had de- , "t0-
' terminrd te join that faith. When her
filend heard she was living sn. has.
tened te the h "-pitiil and jierfei med
the ceremem
ft'y A ivnrUitrtl Prfii
Sasriimu . Midi.. Anc 'Jl . - Oliera
Youth Sought Mether He Left te
relatives te wire the Senate at once In i , , ei-c ve.-.iined in the Midiu.m coal Anether litt'e tiiimnn touch te 1 h- Jein German Army
favor of a bonus. lie urged the busi- i . - sterv was a remark nude bv Dr. . . .,, ,,. . ..
fM organisatiens, if ,he were In ac .""- " '; m.Pl..S after .1 shutdown et mn ,Zv. ii. telling ,er..Nrw' ""l" A"B- " " ' " A l--enrd
with the Chambej s opposition te nltiiet live months. Iteperts imm ,r( SntunliM lifternoen. Mr. Keem- l nsiicces.ful in his fourth attempt te
l.eli- enter the Culled Stale in search of
throughout the Saginaw alh-j were mcnlch was aUed whither Mis
f hat virtually nil the miners wen bark , maim ued rouge and .e-p.etics.
.i i.i i , ..I,..,. l .),.. mi.l. i inenieii niu. nut mj ou-eiiuii ieiu , --
"", " ' ' ,V .her he did net like it tnd -be stepped IHgall Is, a- a i. perlee. en his way
trin tiwltif lm luft in I'll 1 ti luwwiti.e .i tint In- n 1 A f.til i n ft(.!.. .. t 1
...ti ut .. .' f f.".. ' .j .- ..,--.--.. vT .-, i i mil
at weik. with indications normal pre- i ff ' ".' "',' ,',, Y.. ,i , .. I member of the tinman armv. llvenr altitude. I'liipps. like his (empaninn,
were only a bathing suit when the acci
dent occurred. '
' hack te (ierinnn aboard the Ccergr
the henus anil Its ailveiacy of con
(tructlve previsions In land settlement
and vocational training, te make their
Tiews known or reiterate them.
Renewing the argument that the
Innnu In Imtit.i n itf liurl .il It, flu, lilll
-1. - "...I .1, ' !!...-.. .. n ..l.it.n.. luldn. In f i .. 1!1I.,V
VII I III" IIUIIUS I Ci l ill! ill C?., I Ml II MMIII S- mi -I i - i' . i . . . , , . . , ,,wl,l.,t ... 11.. ....1.1 . f . I 1 I
''. .. , ... - ...1. 1.1.1 t I.. 1,11.11. ,. 1.11.1111M..I1 ultni .niliiil lntiL ' II ll Ml I l!ll'll. Ill'l.tt'llCtl.1) Illlll.ll 111,
ter casi tn tti-ee-venr frnaen 1 re. ts. npiii. emp'ejing n"rwiine -""1, '" "--""'" ,,-!''"'. t., ,.f i,i . .1, ...... 1 1 . ' 1
tljat Inflation in-vHal.lv must f,.",.w. ' men. ' ''' res ii .1- -n.lm t-r et the Oratorio ture of hi- mother and brothers and
the Chamber's br'.iid-fde centinued: I .. . " . .,, ,.,.. , , "'.'. ' , ,. ,. , ,',', .. . ..
Terre U.iilte, ina.. .vim. -1 -. .. .i.- v n-n 111- war .mih- ie--umciiicn nnt - -.-.. mimm-mi .1 ui- cuiMiun ni
1 Tii,. s. ,.lc Cemnut'ie .f the In- . ,,, ,,,n,ual the fact that his -j mpatliies the (! gc Wii-hingtuii when lie was
iIi.ttim lt.tuni.11.01- Ceal Operyier-' As-'w,,r,. uith lieruinny. The result wa- . taken I run. the -hip's held and his ca-e
sn-lall' n tif.l lU-trlet Ne. 11. I'nitedi that he -..n found him-elf w it limit "". placed in the hands of a specla
l'ert .Tcfferieii. N. Y.. Aug. !21.
SeQrch In power launches. n", a hydro
plane was tnndc vesterdav for the body
of Donald M. I'hlnns. Yale grndutite
and son of A. .1. t'lilnps. n millionaire
tnnilinr lunr'-l.illif nt VlnrellCe I'llTK. WOO
I was swept into T.nng Island Sound
! Saturday night from (he bev of a
.speed heat off here and drowned.
With I'liipps when the accident oc
curred was William I.'ens. of Hnst
Hampton, his roommate nt ale and
vvhe had been hi guet nt I'lerencc
I'ark the Inst week. The two young
men set nut for l.ast Hampton in the
cnrly evening.
They were making nearly thirty knots
nn hour when they reached Leng Is
land Sound, which wns covered with
whiteenps. When two miles off here
a brass top for the liela of the anchor
chain blew off nnd rolled astern.
Knocked Inte Sea by Wave
Tlilppi turned the wh"-l ever (0
Lyens, who knew little nbnut running
a launch, and climbed ever the beat
rnll te retrieve the top. In attempting
te get back lie slipped and n wave
knocked him Inte the water.
In n moment be was fifty feet nstcrn,
nnd Lyens was unable te turn the
bent in the heavv sen. I'liipps
shouted instructions te hli companion.
Spray covered the windshield of the
bent nnd Lyens had difficulty In seeing
where he was going. I'liipps' voice,
he said, grew fainter and fainter.
The Inst words from I'liipps which
reached Lyens were instrffctienw te sthut
off the meter nnd turn the bent around
with ears carried for an emergency.
This Lyens finally succeeded in doing
nnd rowed toward the spot where
I'liipps had been washed overboard.
He rowed about for mere than an
hour, but when darkness fell wns
forced te abandon the search and come
Iljdroplane .Joins Search
Willi several men Lyens patrolled the
beach all night, and nt dawn the search
was carried out en the Sound in a
score of launches, joined later in the
Newberry Plea
Made by Hughes
Centlnuril from rnjrn One
seen published, even In the mtminnry,
the substance of their opinions,"
After setting forth that Sennter New
berry was convicted In the Federal
(,'eiitl of Mlehlgnn for violation of the
Federal statute making it unlawful for
n candidate te expend mere than the
$3750 ilxed by the Mlehlgnn law, Mr.
Hughes said:
Reversed Unanimously
"The conviction of Sennter New
berry in the lower court was reversed
unnnlnieusly by the Supreme Court of
the United States.
"Tt should be borne In mind that
Sennter Newberry's conviction in the
lower court wns net based en any charge
of fraud or corruption or the use of
money for nny Illegal purposes dr of"!
nnv net involving moral lurpuuue.
"It was based solely en the chnrge
that there was nn expenditure In his
c.'impulgii for nomination and election,
of mere llian J.'ITeO. the statutory limit,
regardless ()f hew the money wiim used
or hew. Innocuous and proper the pur
poses of expenditure limy have been.
Te make the point clear, If nil the
money had been used for hiring halls
for the delivery of speeches or the dis
tribution of ciiculnrs. the conviction
under the construction of the trlnl
court would have been just ns Inevitable
us long ns the amount exceeded !f.t7ri0.
That this was the nature of the case
Im demonstrated by the explicit Instruc
tions which the trial Judge gave the
yi. Hi?i i-.-HII '.nil'" .v.lll MI..W..N 1
.iili.i.iii.i re iirir.l
Who's Lew Ik. the tnnn who lins seven
million mfn In lh hollow of his hand? The
uterv of thin lmn will iimn? veu. Iten.l It
In the fiunrtay pfiu.ic I.rner.n Mncnzlnu Sec
t en. "Make It n HnMt." .lilt.
Cuticura JSew
Clears the Skin
and Keeps it Clear
Yeu can'buii a
- 4-Piece Overstaffed ;
Uvlno-reoih suite '
(very reasonably)
from n iirlvnte party who i ......
te Ml eultkly. Suite l of in ?J2"!
(blue-and-tRn) Brocade" V.leu?
chairs. efi nnd levlnit steel tJLm
with 4 extra cu.hleSS ceri7 ' os
.nrne material, f.ll .-.; .iL'. -With
v. !?"" cevrred i,k
Call nnv lira" t
n.. , v.nn nnv nnie
4744 North 9lh SI.
"Although the national .l-l.t in
creased ever 'JUDO per cent .is ,1 r-.-ult
of the war. the Senate Finance ('11111
Bilttee propose- at this time te .i.h, a
Maximum of S-L Wl.OOO.000 te the
financial bunlen et th" (levernmeiit
Mine worker- of America, are scheduled; funds m work
re meet here tn.liiv te upon uigetla- lining out nn the rend with an "Aph-
"Dcsplte the fact that our estimated ' tlen- looking te th tiiemeni ei tmi redit- . empanv ns .lire, ter iii.l net
tleficit ler the current tiscal year will i eeal strike in India'. a. The Indiana .serve tn areu-. the old mu-n-ian from
approach S.'OtMNX'.tHMI. the bonus will Hln.mineu- Ce.ii Dpeiiiiiir-' A i.itiet. his detietlen. but . ne day Mr-. Keem-
l.'i.i 111 nn' .-ii-- incnii 11 ii. rut ( u ii'uri iiiim luiii ii'ii-
luvcstisating boa id. He vail.'d nt lite
Donald M. I'hipps lived nt Krden
heiin. near Philadelphia, until the
family moved te O.v-ter Hay several
j cars age. Hi- mother was Klva Hagy
before her marring,, the ilaugliter of "a
wealthy I'hiliidelphln merchant. Marian
I'hipps. Donald's sister, was visiting nt
Mr. Hagj's home above Chestnut Hill
Imilllgllltlell -tatletl IVVO I.lOlllhs. then v linn -In." uns m.litlr.,1 .,( !,.." l,.i..i..
wa- erdeie.l deported again. death nnd started iniinediately for
Itlgall -aid hi left home when but n (irntnr Tt.iv.
nev T III. t illirlilg the war In
add. according te reliable estimates, I a- a wh.'e. leek no icit in
J77.niKI.00O iii the year l'.tli'I ; and SP".,- 'land leiifcren-e i ailed In
wounded live time-, and that when
wa- I'hipps has made several trips lit the
Adirendack: nnd through Ciinadu studv-
IV.-i.lent !nz .if a benutif-il dancing girl m tin ' leturned home his patents were gene, inc timber -Ince ids crnduntlmi fr.m
000.000 will be ndded te our annual I.ewi- of the Mine Worker-' Ciuen. th- com '.inv who showed much premise and He was told thai tl.ev thought him dead Yale. His father made the bulk of his
expenses of government in 1TI"j4 ; mere 1 ''"'J enj". who -lgneu ine :. i-ic . M.. m wnem wns nui-n iinere-'e.i. imu nun gene in uie 1 nueii .--1.110- or tertune in tlie luinlier liiisiness near tliia
Rail Wreck Probe
Bares Propaganda,
Centlnard from rati. One
tbnn S7:i. 000.000 in IllL'.l nn.l S.tTft.. ncreenient tlien being Independent
000.000 in l!l"tl. ' eratnr- and a few members who belted
"The Natien hnt alteadv voted a ' the a oc.a'len.
$270,000,000 cash bonus te veterans, se j 1 nmn lender- prier te the meeting
the present prope-al is for a second today med eptlmi-tk that 11 -ettle-
bonus, nnd for the veterans who live ' ment would '. pitched. There ha- been
In the tifteti States which have voted inn indication Irmii the operator- a in bnnu-es. the present, j te what action they will take
bill, if it paes. will constitute a third 7 ... ,
cash bonus." I PltNlmrglL Ia.. Aug. I'l iT.v
- - - - -' I.) The I'.ulger lib ck I'enl . p..n
nnd the W. II. Shilin Ceal C.impanv te.
da.v nffjclnl'v announced tiny h.id signed
the ("leve'a.u! iigreemeut m. 1 h th'
Cnlted Mine Workers ei Amerh .1 ."'
would n'-un.e operation- at one. lint'.
companies cle-ed iln'in w lieu the --rtu.
K.ffnn Vfirll 1 Incl Tl.ui l.fitil Inrtli .
Railway were attacked by a crowd of bership" In the I'it'-lmrgii Ceal rr
trike sympathizers. ! ducers' A-e, latien which I. as igneted
Hostilities broke out again in Pan the agreement.
Pernnrdlne. Calif., uhere four men. . The Bulger I'.unpanv. with a tn...
empleyes of the Atrhlsen. Tnpekn and I ar Bulger. Ii.. emplevs about nun
Bantu le -yieps were attacked nnd miners and produces .'0(i 00O t,.n- ,,f
beaten. Shots vor(. exchanged by coal ear!. under normal conditions,
aiinrds and an unknown mnn in the I it was announced, while the Sl ini
HIe Grand Western nr.N at Uurn- Company has two mm. - in the ran
Bam. tul., a suburb of Denver. The Handle region employing ."00 m-n with
man, who nnswered a giii.r.l s chal- ,, annua! tonnage of from loe.tiiio 4j'
itnge by firing at him. was believed te I .vrfnioe ton ten
beve been badly wounded c Mnllll ',.nm,,aiiies h, the Wcme,-,,
Hurrjlng te Knnas Citv following I I',.n.isvlvania region -igned the m..,-,,..
n n.en,1; rl"t ""'' - Menge, Reck Island , ment this morning, an-urding te W.l
and Pacific shop- there. Jiovrrner AI- H,,.,, nnrgest. swretarv of f)i-tric -,.
len. of IvanviR, gave Mayer Burten Tnited Mine Winkers, fine wii- tl.e
twenty-four hour in which te restore 1 e'ilani foal C.impnin. located In the
order, threatening te send troops If ' Pavctte County re-Inn. he s;.!d.
the ultuatlen djd net improve. 1 .
fioverner Allen said he was informed 1
that gunmen had been imported te in- I Watahlng Game, Falls Frem Car
ttmldate men who wonted tn work in the ppf, in-d en top of a standing freight
railroad shops. ! rnr William Kanne-kl. eleven jenrs
Official complications arose at Cor- old. of '.'.'.Hi Seuth Philip street, be.
Wn, Ky., where Chief of Peller Man- came -e engrossed in j game of ba-e-ring.
n policeman nnd two deputv at Delaware avenue and Perter
aherlffs were nrrested en Federal war- ' strvs.t vesterday ke tumbled off the car
rants charging them with resisting nnd He was treated at Mount Siml IIes.
interfering with Cnlted States Marshal pital for -ever. lacerations of t'.e fan
Wlllinms and ids deputies in the dl- And be missed the latter hi'f et the
charge of their duties. Chjef Manning game.
la said te have Instigated mc holdup of
Dttputy United State. Marshal en their - "- z : ,
way te serve restralnlwg orders en 1 I
strikers nt Livingston, Kj.
Troops Held In Readiness
Troops wtre he'd in readiness te
entrain for Spencer, N. ('., where the
altuntlen had been tense for several
days. Following earlier outbreaks, a
aectinn of wnter mnin supplying the
Southern Railway shops at Spencer wa
Mown up. Yardmen of the St Louis Leuis
Louisville line of the Southern I'ii.I.h.v
at Princeton. Ind , who had, been en Ijnn; before man lived en the earth,
trlkc since Saturday morning, 'returned it was covered with thick forests,
affierwd,chdhadrbeS.m ATS ' SsiVU trC'iS a"d BieantiC fcrn"
GVvimer Hart, of Washington, took 'rem nti,U" ,t" T 'T'l"
tps te protect fruit grower- of his w-'re flooded. I rees and plants
State by sending a nflirosentutive te were beaten down nnd hurierl under
Washington te ask the Inter-tute Cem- the sand which the water breuRht in
Willi; v n.uuiiseiuu ler in llUIl-inat Will
l,.i-t March Keemmenlch attempted Seuth Ainern .1
Hew Our
Ceal Mines
Were Made
pruviue curs in move uie Dig V jslnn,,' jslnn,,'
ten crop.
New forests arehe and in time were
flooded nnd buried. This went et.
for thousands upon thousands of
years until the pressuic and heat
carbonized the trees and plants into
Policeman Testifies He Caught
Them In a Rag Shoe
Charged with house-breaking. Anten Anthracite hard coal is the ir-
Mallice, seventeen enrs old, of ,"5404 suit of almost perfect carbonization
Greenway avenue, and . lames Sidney, 0f wee(i. it contains about 90';, of
lap seventeen, of HIS Fitzwuter street. .....,,
were held for court yesterday in $10(10 c"rue'''
ball by Magistrate Orelis nt the Second u;,,i,,, ,-ft mnl I. lp,.
and Christian streets police station. Mitumineus soft coal Is less
The boys were anested early In the perfectly carbonized nnd contains
day ty Patrolman Merse, who told the about 75r'r of carbon.
hnaglstrate he found the deer of a
Seuth Third street rag shop ajar, and, Bituminous is used for manufacture-
aeing Inside, came upe-i the boys In in";. Anthnicite the kind of coal
front of it safe en the swend fleer. American sensis for domestic use.
Nw Lieutenant Raids Heuse In
Catt Fourth Street Seizes Still
Chauneey llarrencnstle. recently pro pre
noted police lleutenajit, assigned tn the
Trenten and Dauphin streets station.
lein a campaign te clean his district
ei apeak-easles last night by n raid en
a house en East Fourth street above
Under his direction, l.ellre .snifiscatc.l
twenty-IHe gallon still, 200 pounds of
ir, vmj gauena 01 tuasa and four
Frem the present outlook we
hope noun te be able te talk mere
definitely te our customers re
yarding their coal supply. In
the meant en' tliej can rest s
mired that American coal will
be an alwayn the bent.
When the Children Ask for Candy
it is Nature's craving for pure sweets. The youngster's grow
ing body needs this nourishment net only te supply feed for daily
activities, but te add pounds te his weight and inches te his
height during the growing age.
Give the boys and girls plenty of
OGERS rschest MILK
Fresh Packed In Glass Jars
Let them eat it with a spoon direct from jar. It supplies them with the
sweets they crave and also vith rich butter fats and, ether milk solids that
build bone and miT-cle nnd brain. Regere Richoet ie a vcritable "milk
candy." Veu are sure of its absolute purity and you gain your object of
supplying ether needed feed along with sweets.
Spread it en bread for lunch. Give them all they want and "watch them grew."
MOTHERS Recers Richest Milk i3 JyiS'AlffettVil'tiKi:-.'
extra heavy in butter fat and ether
milk solids and contains less sugar
than ordinary condensed milks, which
makes it superior for infant feeding.
baverage purposes Rogers Richest ia
net only superior but mere economical
than bottled milk.
FOR CAMPERS it maken the ideal
package as it needs no icing and is
easily opened with the free Reger9
Opener supplied by the dealer. The
jar3 always come in handy for use as
Send 100 labels from Rogers Richest
te Rogers Milk Cerp., 25 W. 43d St.,
New Yerk and a fine $6.00 Aute Vac-
tinm T"i ra-rt- !?.-n nt 1
you free. ' .r.'s ,.?.. hV'S-'-'w.'W;':'Sik't;v.;i
Fer Sale at all
S. II. Levin's Sens, Sulcs Representatives, Philadelphia
j"--.! .-i,nt& .. 4. .
' i?j wtv; t ti ..
rarj itAer fttrv-fivuk-fc.-'1
i'&y4 i
DM Ml PL I ill fl ami m
II STOBRfi co nl
LvalnnvH,:rPM - H
Dependable Feeds
T xl , ai.i ... . .-1 .- it Al nM M tnftnnilvn fnnflirn nt
11 mere is one iningr inai sianus out mere tnnn nnuui
American Stores orgnnizntien, it is the dependability of
Our customers knew te a certainty the measure of .
another as a distinctive feature of
our merchandise.
our standards tnai ic means
vh tawvwia wi vu vvtvuiuvj a.auw -
your complete satisfaction, nnd nethinpr short of that.
A a. -iA,- -. , ., . . . 1 ! ! H A Mnvlfinn StftrA lYIftTft tn
ai no season 01 inc year is ine wisuem 01 sneppins i " ... -
your advantage than new.
Whether Butter, Eggs whatever the perishable commodity our rapid turnover,
clean kept stores, and exacting care in selecting, insure for you the utmost in satisfaction.
It came het by chance that our stores are known a3 the stores where ,
"Quality Counts and Your Meney Gees the Farthest."
Big lOc Sale
A timely opportunity te demonstrate the purchasing power of your dollar en
this list of seasonable needs.
We mean what u say when We say "Quality Cemidered, your money geei
farther in an American store."
Keg. 12c
can Best
Pink Salmen ? 10c I FineTableSalt,3 KTlOe
Tender Lima Beam co
Quililjr Strin j Beam can
Choice Succetasb can
France-American Spaghetti .. .can
Heinz Kidney Beam can
Stehrer's Chew Chew.... 6 oz. bet
Schimmtl'i Salad Dressing. . . .het
Atco Bread Crnmhs pkf
Asce Cracker Meal pkg
Asce Table Mustard jar
Gorten's Clam Chowder can
Shaker Salt pkg
Pere Fruit Mixture Ji-lb
I Each
Babbitt's Lye can
Chloride of Lime can
Peroxide of Hydrogen bet
Masens Shee Dressing....
Z-in-1 Shee Polish
Best Candles
Fly Paper 6 double sheets.
Asce Ginger Ale
Asce Reet Beer bet
Lemen or Vnnilla Extract. ..., bet
Asce Pearl Tapioca pkg
Campbell's Soups can
bet f H i il
I Asce Spices, 3 Src1 10c I Asce Perk& Beans,"" 10c
Asce "B J
Dried BeeflJC
Sliced thin. Very
Asce eU
Cider Vinegar
Absolutely pure.
Asce tot- IO
W.D.VinegnrltCC Fer table and
pickling purposes.
Asce i5' 1 n
Sliced Bacen I C
Sweet as Ox nut.
Reg. 7c Fancy
Yeu cannot help but
enjoy one of these broiled
and served with a little
melted Leuella Butter.
cut te
Rich Creamy Cheese
Our stores are head
quarters for the finest
quality whole-milk cheese.
Popularity is always a proof of excellence! And when we say te
you that mere people break their fast en Asce blend than any ether
coffee in four States it means something.
Yeu will become one with the hundreds of BfLF In
thousands of Asce users when you Taste the " SJ
Asce Evaporated Milk, can, 5c, 9c
"Purr an thi Morning Dew"
Princess pkg
II In each paekaKe.
Wax roll
Lunch Paper
Always keep a roll handy.
Libby's OOp
Corned Beef r'1
Itendy te f.en-e.Bl c"
Asce Hair
Nets, each
All the wnntcd shadrs.
Butter "
The Finest butter in
Always uniform
because we have set
its standard.
Ot C
Richland Butter in. 40c
Better than some se called bests.
When you buy eggs in an Ameri'
can Stere you buy with confidence.
Fresh Country
"Eggs you can be sure of."
gem 3feEGGSQitc
Carten of twelve J 3
, Twelve big fresh eggs in every carton.
I The nick of the nests.
Sylph 3QC
Sandwiches, lb.
Heme Run Sardines
. .can 5c
Crackeri, lb.
Mifflin Alkonel Massage bet. 65c
Pere Witch Hazel bet. 15c
Talcum Powder can 9c
Fly Swatters ench 8c
Parewax lb. nkir. Kip
Seda Crackers, t?
Jelly Tumblers
Jar Tops .
cM IWw
Asce Ammonia,
.dez. 40c
Iez. 2ec
. .but. 9c
Known fnr anrt .viilp nn the
miltlllir r.l.H nuni.tl... 1 .
. "" .iwiiiii IH.ll
liener nrca'l nnd mere of It
for less meneythat': the
i loter leat.
Victer Raisin Bread leaf 10c
Luscious raisins plus all the ether virtues
the Victer leaf make it a big feed asset
for veur growing children.
Vfl atfl B "I I
U TEA fl If J
Asce Va lb.
Teas pkg
V2 lb. pkg., 23c
1 lb. pkg., 45c
The choicest nlcklnRB.
Tlwhi ilellchtfiil richly flnv flnv
erril mlertcil leaves of the
cultlvateii tea plant In
evpm pnekaRe. It's "Asce"
ciuullty threugli und threuRh.
Asce Cern Flakes, pkg..
Sav thofie extra!
Why pay mere?
Sun-Maid Seedless
Raisins, 15 oz. Pkg.
t3'i 111 1 in
rlrp pmMIn
Sprlnkln n handful In your next
Tuesday Meat Specials
Rump and Round Steak... 32c I Rump and Round Roast,
Fresh Killed Milk Fed Breiling Chickens.ib 42
6-lb Cans Cooked 'JtZi
Corned Beef
Ibanen Bologna
Whole or ,b
Half Pieces
All Cuts
Sirloin Steaks lb
Thuringer Style Summer
Sausage, Whole lb )c
or Half Pieces LO
Fresh Killed Milk Fed
Stewing Chickens. . . .lb
These prices elTcctive in our Phila., Canul 11 and Suburban Ste
'iflMMtA A- VH.J J WV. AWA t .1 v ,.i
Candy Specials
Berden's 1 9r
Caramels, y2-lb.AC
Lelly Peps, each lc J
I n I k 4V. m
wiiuv.uiaici, lb BeK
res and Kent Markets
. . . ..
. MNM - -X.ift , v- -V '. . . - - . ....V
rm . . ... " v-Mi.iwfc Ut.-Ai u.-u. J iSivtfn-AV"-
, '
jnwi j.'