Evening public ledger. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1914-1942, August 21, 1922, Postscript, Image 1

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Fnlr and continued cool today and to te
night. Tuesday cloudy nnd warmer.
Northwest winds changing te southerly.
TKyi'KKATtlKK AT li.Ull Htltn
nn i) no in nm i r m a 1 dim
xuenma Bublic ntbatt pesiscmpr 1
-- .- - - mm i ri
- -i V Mr i r ZZ" - Hvm
" r - . ,.
ft i i ui-t-- "' n ! i i i i i
I' VOL. VIII. NO. 291
One Lets Out Yell, Other Seen
te Fall as Patrolman
Uses Shotgun
.. ...
Neighborhood Is Aroused as
Thugs and Bluecoat
Open Fire
Twe automobile bandits nre WMIeved
te have been seriously wounded shortly
after 3 o'clock this morning in n son sen son
Mtlenal chnc by motorcycle policemen
through the northwest section of the
city. Shots were exchanged, the police
using their new saweu-eu suui guns.
Residents In the section between
Thirty-first street and Montgemcr.v
venue, where the 'pursuit began, and
Ttrend nnd Master streets were nreuscd
by the noise of the tiring.
' At Bread and Master strccta the
band t cur was iesi te emm.
a nsserbv walking along Thirty
first street above Montgomery avenue
became suspicious 01 un h.-hums "
" ...i,,. i,.. hiiw loitering at ti.e cn-
1 . te an alley. 'An nutomebl.o
steed at the curb.
He telephoned te the Twenty-eighth
and Oxford streets police station. Mo
torcycle Policemen Mulr nnd I osier
were- ordered te the scene. Within
five minutes the patrolmen were at the
' Twe of the men were seated In the
automobile and probably noticed the
approach of the policemen. One of
' them began waving frantlcnlly nnd two
ethers ran toward the machine from nn
alley. As they leaped onto the run run
ntngbeard the machine leaped forward
nnd turned east en Montgomery avenue.
Fires at Bandit Car
Mulr, who was riding In the side car.
fired at one of the bandits. As he
did se the thug leaned from the car
ahead nnd let loose a volley. Then he
ducked Inside. ...
As the bandit car turned into
Tucntv-seventh street Mulr fired ecv
eral mere times. The shot was an
swered by two mere from the occupant
of the mnchine. Then the machine
turned cast en Columbia avenue te
Twenty-fourth street.
It sped along as far as Master street
nnd turned cast once mere. At
Twenty-second street enn of the flccin?
men leaned from the mnchine nnd at
tb sume.time Mulr leveled his gun and
fired." "The mnn fell back into the car
with a yell. N
Bandit Falls in Heap
The next moment Fesler, who w
driving the motorcycle, swerved te the
right side of the sticct nnd with In--tun
leveled at an ancle across the
street toward the speeding automobile
ahead Mulr fired nguin. This time the
man who was riding en the front beat
with the driver fell forward in a heap.
The chase continued along Master
6trect te Brend, where the automebllo
turned north, and with a burst of speed
seen left the police cur far behind.
Blaze Extinguished Before Patients
Learned of It
A slight fire In the laundry of the
Presbyterian Ilespltnl nt 0:05 o'clock
today was extinguished lefore the pn
tlents had any knowledge of its occur eccur
ence. The damage was trilling.
The laundry is located at ."1 North
Thirty-eighth street and Is separated
from the hospital by the powerhouse.
A caretaker noted the ilames and sum
moned the engines.
Frank E. Dailey Held In $1000 Ball
en Weman's Complaint
Frank F.. Dailey. a Pennsyhanla
Hallread conductor, has been he'd un
der $1000 bail en a charge of blgnmy,
nnd $300 bnll en a charge of dcfertlen
hy Sipilre I. Hurrts Smith, at Salem,
X J., en charges preferred by Mis
Ethel M. Sparks, of Peiinsreve. Miss
Sparks says she la wife Ne. 2 of the
rnllfnilil tntin
(. tl.,1, .till, I,
discovered his alleged deception upon
urn innure te go with her upon a visit
te her mother In New Jersey. She said
the real Mrs. Dailey lives In Atlantic
Twe Men Take $265 Frem Cash
Register and Walk Away
The candy store of Labe & Bender,
-000 Ridge avenue, was held up by
two armed men last night. They
emptied the cash register of ?L'05.
iecketing the money, they backed out
of the store, walked calmly up Ridge
avenue nnd escaped,
Daniel Labe was at the counter when
tuey entered.
"If you send for the police we'll kill
you. one of the men snld. Labe tele tele
Pliencd te the Nineteenth nnd Oxford
trects station ns seen as the men left.
Grant B. Schley Divorced
Paris, Aug. ill. Announcement was
made yesterday by Paul Jurdut, nn at
torney, that a decree of divorce had
become effective between Grunt Baruev
"chley New Yerk hanker, and Jane
neney Schley.
The divorce was granted te Mrs.
Schley n the Fourth Court of the Heine
riM1"a,,V u waM ,Int(l1 April 1).
-the Paris nddress of Mrs. Sclilev was
V.TcncA8. t," I,(,tcl Iteljil1 ''"! that of
Mr. Hcldey nt the Hetel Crllleji.
B"tgar King Receives U. S. Sailors
T 1 i-i """, "(,. -I. IIIV A.I
') Mug Rirls. who Is sojourning In i
"is seashore palace, Euxliigrude, re-
j-iitly licelved the crew of an Amer-
". iiiiiguriii, Aug. L'l.fllv A.
lean t
tni-nrwlnlwiii, . I. i... .
.1,. ... i-"V"""i " i-iiii.,ir no iiuiy in
V'J lllltclt Men. Tim K'li.w hM...i .1...
rlcana at Ma palace, ami later vte
fl.thekwrBhjp, ,
'Dailey could net furnish bnll. se he ! nrresteu .. ;ew urieaiis icgeincr wjtli
was remanded te nwnlt the action oful,er luttur-ell en charge.! preferred
the Grnnd Jury. l,v, '" , ..... ....
MIm Sparks was married June 10 te , , 1l'l'r;,el!afrt t"1!1 ,h" ,V .''.'i "i1" w,,Pn
the railroad man. after a courtship f 'lV w '" h'J', hlll ,,oeU w' '" '"J1- ''"
only four weeks, she testified, and enh " ' "" ,lp '" 'lls ",""e nl"1 J"f'ry. On
Ihitered nit Mecutil.('h.m Mall.r at
VihIt the Art of
Victims of Blaze, Believed Incendi
ary, Had Ne Chance te Escape
Kllabctli, N. , Aug. HI. (B.v A.
1'.) Four persons were burned te death
today in a lire In a tenement house
Which Ihe police believe was of In
cendiary origin. The dead, u man, n
wemnii and two buys were burned be
yond recognition.
The lire started In n passngewny 'be
tween the burned house and the nr.M
building nnd spread se rapidly the vic
tims hud no chance te escape.
May Have Gene te Connecticut;
Parent Says
Julius CSulyim, .1,-., seventeen jenrs
old, of SOU North Franklin street, Was
reported missing today by his fattier,
who nsked the police at the front and
Mnster streets station te leek for him.
The elder (Jul us told police that after
lfls son had gene he was unable te find
a wallet containing $170. the property
of the Hungarian Baptist Church, of
which ttulyus, Ni. is treasurer.
The father said his son recently was
In a icferm school in Connecticut, nnd
mnv have returned te friends la Bridge
Ge Down With Concrete, Mixer at
1409 North Bread Street
Twe men were slightly hurt when a
platform holding n concrete mixer fell
into an excavation nt 1400-11 North
Breud street shortly before 0 o'clock this
The men hurt nre Jeseph W. Wilsen,
ferty-five years old, of 1042 North
Clarien street, and Kdwnrd Kenney,
twenty-one years old, of 1121!) Locust
street, Camden. They were treated for
bruises at St. Jeseph's Hospital.
Details of police were rushed there
from neighboring districts and several
ambulances were culled out at jc first
report of the accident. A lire call
was turned In also.
Twe eb'j buildings nre being tern
'own at the site of the accident and a
four-story building, te be occupied by
Herbert Brethers, automobile agents, is
(ibeut te be erected.
A wooden platform, ten feet high,
had been built and a heavy concrete
mixer was Mug put In place wben the
platform collapsed, throwing the mixer
into tin- excantien, about ciglrt feet
deep. The men, carpenters, were car
ried with it.
After 20 Years In Alaska, Finds
Own Kin Wedded te His Wife
Portland. Mich., Aug. 21. (By A.
P.) Breeding ever his blasted ro re ro
munce of thirty years age. while
in his cups, William Hughes,
forty-three years old. killed his brother
David, wounded his brother's daughter
Gertrude, aged thirteen, and ended his
own life bv sheeting early Sunday.
Thirty yeirs age William Hughes was
married. 'After several years of do
mestic blNs he left home te make bis
fortune In Alaska. Twenty years he
snent in the cold fields, laborer, pros
pecter and cook in mining camps. Cut
off from eemmuni atlen with the outside
world for mouths, he lest touch with bis
Twe years age he came home. He
found that his wife had divorced him
sixteen years age and married his
biether, David.
Wl'liam took up his residence with
David anil his former wife. Friends
say he brooded ever his ancient love
traced, however, and nt unlay night.
after he had been drinking, he was
heard te icuiark that lie would "set
tle matters."
Filtering the house shortly after mid
night, he seized a rllle nnd attempted
te sheet Mrs. Hughc.i. David Inter
filed, saving his wife, but was shot,
d.vlng of his wound in a hospital some
hours later. The bullet which killed
David passed through his body anil
wounded Gertrude In the lejj. Then
William left the heue ami ended his
(ivu 11 e by sheeting himself through
the head.
A note found en his body rend:
"Geed -by, David and Gertrude, for
Mrs. Hughes j prostrated.
Gloucester Tinsmith Comments en
Departure of Speu3e Frem Heme
Harry Lahrochar, the Gloucester tin
smith, told the police he would take his
deg back, but net his wife, who was
., ,
this charge the arrest was made. .Mrs
Kvelyn Lahrochar regrets the "elope
ment," according te the Southern po pe
lice. The couple will be brought bnck In
n few days. Federal authorities are
considering taking action.
Petition of Reformatory Women for
"Style" Is Denied
Bedford, N.Y., Aug. 111. (By A. P.)
Inmates of the State Reiormatery for
Women fire net te have their skirts
lowered te conform te the new styles.
The new one-piece dresses come
within a feet of the ground ami arc
far longer than the old uniforms,, but
Majer 'Ames T. Baker declared, after
rejecting the petition of the inmates,
that he was opposed te following the
changes in stlu te the limit. Besides,
the selected gurb was cheaper, he said.
Many Irregulars Resume Civil Life,
Acting Upen De Valera's Advice
Dublin, Aug. til. (By A. P.)
National army forces have captured
Bandeii and Dunnmnwii. two of the
few remaining rebel strongholds In
Seuth Ireland, and the Irregulars are
hastily retreating. .iBanden Is fifteen
miles southwest of Cerk, and Duumuu
wuv Is the uiui! distance west of Ban-
lin.) ,,' ,
The advice said te huu1 been given by
r.lllll"" in.- .n.iin. -. nm,
they were fice te ictiirn te their homes
wl'" ''"'' l'"1'1" "' 'l'ms "' have hud
its effe 't, as many have already resumed
F.amiui de nlera te the iriegulars Unit
..1..1I llfu
u ."-.
The brt wrlllni pumri
in WMlTl:
Wbltln-t ruptrCBUHui. jdvV
niiiisu papar.
ftettijttaawfr AT-nt-Aft aw.-e
I 1 A . .i-a I , x
i Pint-m--. -,t Phllndcli.ita, Ia.
March 3, 1S7I1
Snfcp in Air Makes Household
ers Shiver as Mercury Falls
te 58 Degrees
It will remain cool today nnd to
night, 'according te Forecaster Bliss,
who is busy adding up figures and
peering nt Instruments and things, find
ing out hew long It will lake, the
weather te get back te normal.
It was cold last night comparatively
apeak I r, I the snap In the nir thl
morning caused householders te leek
anxiously nt empty coal bins. The low
record for today was 51 degrees, made
In 1870, nnd the hottest August 21 wn.
in 101(1, when the thermometer reached
0(1. The normal mean for the day Is
73 degrees.
Last midnight the thermometer reg
istered 02 degrees. It dropped te 01
by 2 o'clock? was 00 by :i A. M.. at
f wns T0 degrees, and reached the low
est for the day nt 5 o'clock, when the
thermometer steed at "S decrees. After
7 A. M. It started up again slowly.
The cause of the drop In tempera
ture, according tt: Mr. Bliss, Is a mass
of cold air That had been hovering ev(r
the lake regions and Northwestern
Pennsylvania, and which nt Ien suc
ceeded In crossing the mountains, nnd is
new" en its wny downhill te the sea.
When this ulr pnsse by, or Is used up,
or heated, or whatever becomes of it,
the thermometer will rise nguln.
There will net be many mere het
spells this year, however, ' rnys Mr.
Bliss. After September 1.", he said,
het weeks are the exception.
endsTTfe in trunk
Harry Houch Found Asphyxiated Irt
Mount Vernen Street Heme
Harry C. 1 touch, forty years old.
100S .Mount Vernen street, was found
dead in u trunk today with n gas tube
in his mouth. The tube was connected
with a fixture near the window.
In order te make death certain Ileurk
pulled the lid of the trunk down after
lie hud climbed in.
Heuck In the third man te end bis
life in this manner in the last few
Missing Sightseeing Plane Left
Sunday With One Passenger
New Ye:lt, Aug. 21. (By A. P.)
Seaplanes continued te search the wa
ters surrounding the Fire Inland light
ship early today for the missing llylni
beat carrying a pilot, mechanician nnd
one passenger that left here early yes
terday for a sight -seeing flight te t';at
point nnd failed te return. KudttKr-n-tieiis
breadcasted calls te ships both In
nnd outbound te keep n watch for the
plnne, believed te have suffered some
mishap In the vicinity of the lightship.
F.urly today the naval radio reperie!
that se for no success hud been reported
by any vessels.
The sight -seeing plane left Us moor
ings In the Hudsen for the trip with a
passenger who had telephoned nnd made
arrangements for a flight. The machine
was last .sighted crossing ever the Bat
tery en Its way te sea and wns due back
before neon. When It failed te np
pear another flying beat put out nnd
circled the lightship, but was unable
te locate the missing member of the sky
licet. Failure also was reported by a
sub-chnser auxiliary used by the com
pany In Its work. Coast guard stations
also nre en the lookout.
Financier te Pass Birthday In Se
clusien at Morristown, N, J Heme!
New Yerk, Aug. 21. Jehn A. Stew
art en his lOOtli birthday tomorrow
will emit one thing that has marked his
birthdays new for several cavs. He
a 111 net be Interviewed.
Interviewers have been nfter Mr.
Stewart a geed deal In the last fifty
ears or se because he is "the giand
old man" of the financial district and
because lie remembers things t tin t no
one else knows nnythlns nbeut. He lias
been In geed health, but reecntlv It
lias been thought te relieve him from
tee much exertion. Hence Interviews
are te be stepped.
Mr. Stfwart at lib. home in Morris Merris
town, N. J., gees driving once or
twice a week, but the regular vNltsj te
his eflire In Manhattan, usually made
three times a week, have been given un.
A century nge Mr. Stewart was born !
at tin corner of l-rout anil I-ulten
streets, Manhattan. He was graduated
from King's Cellese. afterward Colum
bia University, in the clns.s of '-11 and
he first went te work as n civil engi
neer. Celebrating his birthday tomorrow
Mr. Stewart will probable spend the
day qulctl.v at his home In Morristown.
Allies te Held Conference en Near
East Problems In Near Future
Paris. Aug. 1M I By A. P.) The
allied conference en the- Turce-Cireek
problem probably will be held in some
Italian city within the next six weeks
as the result of a note from the British
fievernment received at the French
Foreign Ofllce today. The note Is in
response tu a French (omiauulcatlen of
August .'t, silggj'stlii!.' a conference of
the Allies la which Turkish and Creek
repiesentatlvrs would be admitted en an
equal basis.
Otllrlal conlirmatlei) of the furthcom furthcem
ing meeting was withheld pending the
iet,urn of Premier Puincarc. But in
vvell-iiifurmed circles It wus said that
such a meeting was assured. The con
ference, It was said teityy, probably will
he held en the basls'nf the present osl esl osl
tlens of the Creek anil Turkish forces in
Aslu Miner.
Motorist Trying te Avoid Collision
' Drives en Pavement
Themas Deyle. 18W North Sixth
street, while driving east en Chestnut
street, wrecked his car tr.vlng te uvehl
a collision with a touring car occupied
b.v two lieu proceeding north ejj Seventh
street nl It e'c uck thU morning.
The driver of the ether iiiaihlne failed
te hear DeyleV sl'.'iial as he uppiiMchcd
Seventh street, forcing Deyle te drive
un en the pavement en the northeast
Vemer el the ptree't. Deyle's machlne
crafchedithte atyleiraphtpel&, ,
.& i&d&
- r
Brether Doubts Vera Leh
matin's Leve for Dr,
Keemmenich Despite
Nete He Left. ,
Walter Lehmann Says His
N Sister Toek. Drug That
Killed Her as Result of
The mother of Ve,rn Lehmann. beau
tiful eung dancer, whose suicide was
followed by that efDr. Leuis Koem Keem
menich, former Philadelphia musician,
Is hurrying home from Purls, where she
had gene In search of rest nnd health.
Dr. Keemmenich hud many friends In
musical circles in Philadelphia, though
he hud lived in New Yerk in recent
yeurs, which also was the dancer's
home. His dentil came as a great
shock te musicians In this city, who
spoke in high praise of Ills ability.
He formerly was director of the l'hll
aihvplila Mneiiuercher, and It was un
der Ms leadership ,that the local or
ganization took the Kaiser l'rizc for
three successive jears.
Dr. Keemmenich was found In the
kitchen of his home with gas pouring
from the opened burners of the runge
twelve hours after the dancer died. He
left n note saying :
'Mlist received word thnt Vera cow cew
mlttcd suicide. This being u great less
te me, there is nothing else for me
te de.
Miss Lehman died in the Flower
Hospital, New Yerk, from nn overdose
of a narcotic drug. Her family says
she took the drug because of nn Injury
received In a fall and does net believe 1
Dancer's Mether Hastening
Heme After Deuble Suicide
the fatal dose wus taken with suiclda' "She fell and hurt her back while
intent. ion the read In 'Aphrodite,' and she was
A daughter of Dr. Keemmenich, , taking clilreprntic treatment for thnt.
however, says she and Vera talked ever 'It was tojilef this that I ascribe her"
the old musician's love for the young use of the drug,
dancer two days before the poison was , Sympathy,- Net Ine
taken. Walter Lehmann, a brother of ,,. . . , . ,, ,
lli.. ilnni-nr Insist., tlien. u-iw llll love , ' "llVP " P" ''LT take It 111 self, Ollli
etween Ver 1 nn .1 1 e nn s clan who T nm s c(,r''11" ,ll,lt b1' ,oek u ""'J t0
,.. ,Vli, l LI , !.J"S Wl" seek relief lrem pain and s ecp ess'iess
"Vbis wiiee stervTs awl JHl shock I lR"1Pr thnl1 ith any intention' of self self
te us" the brother said "and will 'detraction, nn though it weie my own
lie eecla'ly ifmy nher.'w e has "i,, - cm
nknoaet nVa'cir? I ""-tf -i "nil SKeSiV
ilnn fZ r(n. Him, l,e .lei.Ml 1 Lr If- VersCS lit the tllllO llC IllCt t... ll.Uy
infllcte r , n I rl'1"'" re''1 ' nympathy nnd that he,
1 romance w t h I)?.I."?n, ncilch. "' J IcnT!,ntU,,ll,in,,WMeV, '" tJ'
have exaggerated this sympathetic at-
Tlilnhs Her Death Accidental tltude into one of affection? Such u
"I cannot believe there Is n word of 1 Al e -r s0e us plausible te me. And. fitr-
truth In the conclusion that my sister tlicr- ,l ,llllst no' be fonteUen that Dr.
killed herself because of a hopeless af- j Centlm.rU en Vatt'six. Column"
Man Caught Because Alarr-
Cleck Didn't Ce Off May
Yet Escape Prison
Desire for ease and comfort after
he hail robbed the home of Jeseii''
'hen. l.VJd Net th Sixteenth street
led te the capture of Jeseph McManu1
nineteen venrs old, en trial befeie Judge
Walsh today.
Fondness of choice wines which he
found in Cehen's cellar wan h'mi par
tlallv resnenslble for tin beyV arrest.
Hi became drowsy after sampling them
It Is wild, nnd then set an alann clec'r
found in tin Iieiim te go off at II o'clock
In the evening in order that lie might
leave with the loot under cover of
McManiis, n well drcwd bright-leek-lug
eutb. lls'cnerl e t'- tcstlineiiv
against liim, with a bored air.
McManiis enteivl t' i !'.
August 2 about tt A. M. He piled a let
of furs, jewelry mid entiling ti.ttcilicr
After doing this h went te the cellar.
There he encountered the wine and
decided te linger n while.
Rese Cehen, a daughter of the oc
cupant of the house, returned te the
city from the seashore and decided id
je' te the beuse te sec If every thing
was tu geed order.
Trapped by Girl
She netiied that the windows were,
She telephoned the police and
led two patrolmen into the lieusi
Their entrance aroused McMunus.
He iiimiied flem bed en tile third Heur
and went In a clothes c'uset. He was
discovered hiding behind a pile of cloth
ing. "Hew long did you go te school?"
asked Judge Walsh.
"I went te the sixth grade," replied
"Just far enough te get Interested
in dime novels," said tht. Judge. "If I
sent .Mill te jail you'd be delighted, be-
te he a real thief.
Cnlcutta, India, Aug. 21. Ne news ! ll
l.eiiilmi, Aug. 521. A Calcutta mes
sage te the 'limes says considerable
anxlety is felt for the nviiiters, Captnlu
Nermnii MiicMlllau and Captain .Mall
Ins. who nre thirty hours overdue at
iiiiiin. iH.niii, m. nuicu iiiace thev
left early Saturday. The- lllght should
lllivi! nevii inline 111 annul nvv hours.
Eleven vessels along (he route re
',-",;,, V. 1 , 1 I --i.i Cii.ca rnewieage 0T iierm tteii 10 leiuiuu open anil decided Maver F.-lnin .ii.,i ,, ,. r K're weie Isted aiunii" iilbnrs 1
anli'liet'tlns"";:'.::.!; Tre..ey Attach ilhTrf,x
Vet 1 de,,;i think I ought te let you Kuffjil... Aug. LM .-Rebert C. l.acey. I F." SI r ver who' bad 'ft.,," nnnve "bv ! SemSmnl iv'wr''! " '"V"' ! " ' I ' - ill vh ' wni
".i .s his llrst e,ense." said ! XKbAX,? "tn ZTX Z ' & S f " -'' " 1 i
Cehen. "I don't want ,e be the flr-t ' J1W ball jestcrday by the police, wl, si-'rved.m el;",,- store 'pnl !,!,ie '"ri "g -, k' op 'f, 1 1' " ' Vh i n" .'T,, , ' V W " ''" " " - " V td I k7 -
one te send him te Jail. I agiee that 'se him of transporting d.Miamite , ,-age owner, and ethers and the ca.e ,llr s " .. ' 00l,,l,ls- lhlslsn.it w,., ,.i.klll) , ', ' , i.'V.V v5V
la. ought te have a chance." , without a permit from the lire depart- J"s heard before the magistrate ii,iiiiii1. I " l'r,,fh " "''inance; te my mud It Is ,,,.. ""mr "'IT of Seat-
The Judge held the case under ml- "" ht,u i ,',1 . i",,M'w ,.wl ,,,,Ih 'nnmltc! The.e was a lilg i.ssembiuge of Ocean '".. T, Vhf. ", 1V,ri'."f" ,he Ml'L " le ' "''ii'iv will be mere action " s.M
vlsemeiit. i . i iV- if. ' '' iM nUai'Ks ;iK"J" the , Cll business men and ethers present ,."' ' ' l'1 "' ' ' ' 't-creain parlors. State's Attnrnev Ci'.vv. .1 s Is'ln - ?tl2
' 'I '!, '' ,f,,,,,,!'I'",!y' I',,",,, ,I,'"U,S I when the case was heard last Monday fV "l , ' ' boil i"''.' ," stl11 M'" "! '- f evidence ..,.,' h f"Vln
mnDI n CI ICBC MIOOIKlr. 'kuewlul,;! of the dynamite. ..... faiiiilles in bulk, b.v the pint or quart. While ilet.-.-tii,.. ...... i .,''.
WORLD FLIERS MISSING , 1U. th.;r men. uM striking empleyes '"T e maglstnue ended the ,.,. ?." ""tHspeses .,f .,r ..'., tout Ien tha . ' rv r,"k v ,1 e, "h'r".kWt,D?
'f ". trel"J- mpnii were arrested qntcklv by declaring that he had ""' ."'",1la"'" "' I'" II1" fnuii anew at Mattered ...i..tK0Ut
Captains MacMlllan and Malllna 30 !, '' , ! f,1'1 II,1:1 a" ,,"tll"n ,rl1!M?'M Jrlsdf..tl..n. An. se this was regarded f;;,1'"!;'''-11'''''' '"', .Sun.a,. Fur- coast ,., .east O,, he ' antic slT
Hours Overdue In Burma ' V."li " n '' n, cin.""1 X l:? "..V..f"',!.1'?..?..
has been received of Captain Nerman 77 "' I"M,",!","' or 're "'i'"scd by
MacMlllan mid tI'taln Mnillns.rh'', .''f ';. ft'l'UW! ' linvlng had it con
left here Satuiday for Akjnb, Burmn Vi .
in continuation of the Coun,- ."" !i ' ..A" ninwln; In this. Erie nnd
tligbt which Majer W. T. Blnke vvas"NmU '"" "ve been gunrded
obliged te ubiiiiden en account of 111. I n,', , , ' , ""''' , tl!' trL,l huve been
ea a tt ai Ued by explosives.
" ' .... ... iwn ine mum., te the grounds an. ineteste. . .,.. l,Ce-.. t.-,il,li,f.. ....... 1.. "": ' 'K siurvs are 111 tne same ciitc,,!-.- ' ..,:... ."" ';."' i"icr at
MVWI0VM 4- W Wtd tf MW' - -, - , K 'K p, tt SJ'utt. tXif& ,d about
LiX te.lJ0 etUn bmnmii ."K''8n wns taken te the GernianteW A? vel) i.oekfno run hei.vt ViH. iu t',e P'ace, for, they ask, is u rcstuu- te ravi 1 1 llZ ! ,mSrai" Al',M "'
b, xe.ta VMS p. en, w a,, Hospital, where his condition, is BerU LfrurBiruitre "p"" ' RuT P WUU " " " W' when ht X, " W " tt t-3
fi-f J-tf' t ' ' h . iWMtrmIiicojiK'ieui(uW(t)t'Hny fl
mrm . : .... - ..-"- - - - - --..., ttfcx. . u-w .( v w III 111 lllllllll III ... 1 Till ----fi-'ii lllll'H I I 'H I I'l , I 1 llll,.!
IS kYi-:' ,YflH.
1 1& vlr '; ' " ' V -,sS
i 3 ' L4 '. ' ' L
;1 v mHBL ''' v i MBBBJ'
i '-:. BHfa.; .'- bBbbbk
'I ' 1 tBBPBf - '"'- aVAVAB
i"''tFfi W-' .BVaVaVaVfi
- Wr' -bbBBBbI.
BvaBvAir 'Ck BHbvMBBBbV
)HbHI 'jBflBflHHH.fi
J$(JvH.S tVAVii
feclien for another woman's husband.
Thnt there wus any romantic attach-
...... Liidmnn .. .1... I 111 Iwtmiimim
Ich never occurred te any member of
our funillv. We knew she wus .fend of .
. . . . . ... I
him In the way in which young women
nre always fend of tliesc who are tcacn
Ing them, but I cannot believe there
was nny ether kind of an attachment
for Dr. Keemmenich en my bister a
"She was young, ambitious, and
striving desperately te make the best
use of her opportunities te uttnin her
ambition, te be a great dramatic no
tress. She knew that ' the public life
of n dancer Is short, nnd that her
success, wonderful ns It hnd been, could
last but ti few years, nnd she wanted te
progress from u dancer te an actress
before her popularity had a chance te
wane. Dr. Keemmenich lieipeu ncr
ami t-Un lie tied herself,
MS children
200,000 or Mere Valuati-n Is
Placed en Property of
Fermer Banker '
Disposition of an estate estimated at
2KI,fM)() and upward In personal prop prep
'ily Is made In the will of Francis 15.
Reeves, former president of the (lirard
National Bank, which was probated
Ihe will was made April 21, a sh.irt
Mine after ihe loetliis of the Evans
Dental institute of si'MUme i,y wniter
A. I tiger, assistant -tieasurer and pre- i
fege of Mr. Reeves. The executers are I
Arthur Haines, a son-in-law, and the!
Philadelphia Trust Company. '
lu npportieiilin; the estate Mr. !
Reeves directs that one-onnrtcr I.-s '
.?1.-i.iiin1 go te his son. Fni-.-is l;.
Reeves. Jr. The deduction is made for
a let and heu.se in Abboltsfenl mmm..
n-lven by Mr. Reeves te his seu pievi pievi
eils te the drawing of the will.
.Airs. Mary R. Deacon, u (l-nmliicr.
ii-ii-ii- eiie-ipiarter et the estate, less
.: . .- -.-... .,
itt0t.i,,U .wrtsv.vK53?fci
i...in.i. wne-nalt of the bcpies, is ..',....,..., .....,..,.,,,-. .. u-staurant keepers nnd dn.gghts e th th
te be held as a trust tund, the prlui-l- cenfei tlmis could be ebluined en the ti.P
i.u i- n in .urn. Helicons chlldn-u en
her death.
Mrs. Emily It.- Williams, another
daughter, is te receive one-quarter, less
$17.(101), which will he held lii"inist
for her children. The remainder gees
te Mrs, Km-,, Klizabeth Haines, an
other daughter, les.s Sl.',thl(, which Is
the value of the house occupied by M,-
Iteeves at .McKeiin avenue ami Climler
Other wills probated were these of
Emma Timelier, JJll.Ol'tl; Margin rt
Kidd. !?7."!i7. and William Baxter!
,.?".i vu" ntunlte ,0( sticks f It
!N ii"f""eui, ni nrv
JeAn Negro Wasn't Invited, but
Was "Among These Present"
Angered because lie was net invited
!.,,,, ...I,,, .1.....:.,. -?;,; :'." V,,-i vvueint-i t' ni.-e in sraiii I ... .:..,: ;. i"--" ". i...upi.i in iieeii - c, when ileven
1(1 II IlllMllt III NiMTfl. Imihiiw. rPl.I.i. . ...1. .,..-. 1... ...... I.li.... ....... ..1... '
'.Vi1'".! ,:V !b,:l'r:' ''venucyestenlaV. . One rumor Is even .0 the effect thnt n ',' ' t " I1'.. "W- ".' between a swift' ' Z '" "
- i'HII ll'.Hi. .Wilt U 111:!! hiriU'I. Until M I'OllMllDtlV Ullk t ini( .tf itwi.l .t. -- -- ..... , ,. t'M lit NH1IIH kflld ' 0 .1... V.i, " ---.fi tuni ijin t-
.. . -,,--. --. ,11 ui, lit. ..--... ...... ., iii-iiiii 11 111111 1 nu . . . ...-..... . , ni 1 1111 111 11 iiii i-i fiiti ...... ..t .
Publlntu-d Dally Kxceut Hunday. Hubscrliitleii I'rlce in a Year by Stnll,
jubllsma """jYeiii-rlwKt. lUSa. ter Public Ix-dST Company
Senater "Wrongly" Convicted,
Chief Justice Tells New
Jersey Clergyman
Wiisli'iirteii. Aug. 21. Tim
n,n'n '
fact in the Newberry case was that the
Senater was "wienglv and most un
justly" convicted nudhls conviction
was set nslde, Charles Fj. Hughes. Sec
retary of State. M'sterdi" fid the Hew
Hugh 11. MucCaiilev. of Pntersen, N.
J., In a letter which many believe Is
destined te become an Important Ue
publican campaign document this fall.
"De plte the long period of prepara
tion, the rigid invrgtigntlen, the careful
cheesing of their ground, the long-drawn-out
trlnl, the attempt In every
possible way te besmirch, nnd the zeal,
nbi'ity and even bitterness of bis
en the nart of Senater Newberrv com
Pletely failed, mid accordingly Senater
Newberry steed ns Senater dulv elected
'V the t.eeple of the State of Michigan
fi inl niilltli..! i .. 1. f ......j. Ju iL C i '
nnd entitled fe his seat In the Senate
of the Fulled States."
PublM.ed by Committee I MI'nd two men who attended bis
.i.T,' I,"iK.,r' ,ct', mn,(fcn"b,I,c.by birthday party last nljlit are cou
th" Uepubllcnn National Committee. niescing In the Heward Hospital,
was brought forth by the retiucst of i.prrene has cuts and bruises of face,
the Iter. Mr. MurCauW that Mr. , , , b()(lv. Frnnk .Tancttcla,
Hughes, the man who presented the prilllkHn an,i Green streets, has hammer
Newberry ati'-ea te the Supreme Court. ... '".','. .1... 1....1-. ..-.i ti...i,ier- m,,l
. .... ... . ... .
I'll'lllll llll III i.llllli:il UV IILBVll.tU IV
the high tribunal. t
"I remember that Mr. Justice Mc-Reynold-.,
a Democrat," wrote the Rev.
Mr.- MncCnuley. "handed down the de-
cl-leu of the court acquitting Mr. New
berry, and that Chief Justice White ,,
Bi-cir "-""--1 K'"u ' 'iiHi usuce
ami a greni man, concurred in ine ie-
.il.t..., I.., f T itr, Mf 1-nini.mhi.r l.nvlnn.
vii n.u.., ..v . -w .-w .... ....... ......
Continued en raee.Mx. Column His '
Max Shaw ,fifly-one years old, of 5073 Farkside avenue,
was reported a suicide by the police today. He is said te have
ended his life by hanging. The body was taken te the West
Philadelphia Homeopathic Hospital. The pelive have net
learned a reason for the reported suicide.
OLYMPIA, WASH., Aug. 21. Frank B. Spinning-, superin
tendent of transportation in the State Department of Public
Works, is en his way today te Washington, under orders from
Governer Hart te ask the Interstate Commerce Commission for
action that will provide cars te move the fruit crop.
Dealers Mount Signs, "Ne Cen
, . , , ,
fectiens Today, and Obey
Sundav Ordinance
Ocean City. N. .1.. .V'i 21. N-.'
candy was snld here ycti'id.iy. Sign1
in i it u.ii tsiiiii 1 1 1' i i" u"iri .it . siirii"i
,- ,
.,., , ,..,...
1 llll 1 IV ll- illlK I) 1 IHI'I III I tt lll 'I lb.
, 1, 1. .i .
peuiile geueially regarding the siK,ls for.
It w.is believed that llie Sabbath candy
war which raced for eveial days had '
lesnlted 111 favor of the dealers.
n,le m.lnl.in nrev.nle.l for- the re,..,..,
, ", '. '.. 1, ,,. , "
a",:f,u!;keIam;,.)nr'iu" e
Slu'e the beginning of August there .
has been constant turmoil at the re-
sort rega.dlng the sale of candv en Sun-
.I..V Si.i.w. veslilents were ennnscl ,.
it.'wbi'e ethers favored the sale en the
s!l,l..l, ,,. ,-ll ,.s i.im oil,..,. ,l, si,.,.. ,
.....1 ,1,-n'crs win remained uiien' weie
tlneil. Thev learned that parage keep-
ers. 1 igar ncaurs aim nrug sieres wen
the requi-tH of the ontl-epen Sabhatli .
advocates Is n matter of ceniccture. '
At any rate nl1 cnnd.v levers will lav
... .i...t.. ii..li... ....nl. l. . .
ill iiii-ir nx-i .-uiiiiaj rini.lv un eaiuruay
from new en.
- - - -
nu i un uin i 1 1 iL.ifL- aniur
inick are ulready en their honeymoon.
uuiiiviiiiiinnuuuu uuiuu , j; 1 (i t. R0 Jnt ,l(T(1),t the ,K.( 1(, ttJJi Sailor Dies at New Haven Hospital
Paris Hears She and Ocer Are en '"The b'eVeZm men h . ' Durln9 Perat"'n
Honevmeon 'old . V lav " 'S, " " ! s. " 7 !! '"' ' . 'A'''K "''l-. W LM -ffl
!V' ?":, 7-!WW '.? Ke'elu, ll ra-'H I f4.P. : ' '?" .ftf. Ane
.11. .A J . llllll ...in-. ... ,111.1. ,11' .111-1 .,tr I ...... ..... ,1,,,, ..I. fUH'KCU 111 l.l.l I nb.. l.
jiirnnucn iki nm uruit'fSM's n Lumv !.....
Uses Revolver In Third 8ulclde At
tempt In Three Months
Pert Washington. L-. If Aug. 21.
Mrn. Gertrude Frlcke.-wlfc of Willlnm
II. Frlckc, n New Yerk rcnl estate
opernter, l'etnnd killed herself lntc
Saturday night In a bedroom of the
Frlckc home en Station read.
Mrs. Frlckc hud Ix-cn suffering with u
nervous ailment, nnd is believed te have
i,pcenie discouraged ever her condition.
Saturday night she seemed unii-ually
elwerful, nnd about 10 o'clock went up-
I ..... l.u ,,. .trnvu fnr n ilnnce lit 111'! .inn-
basset Bay Yacht Club, of which Mr
Frlcke is a member. Mr. 1 rickc, with
Mr. nnd Mrs. Celeman L. Aiiuel,
nwnited her downstairs.
Mrs. Fricke's mother sturted upstairs
n few moments later and heard u shot
as she reached the first landing. Mr.
Frlcke rushed into his wife's room and
found her dead en the fleer. She had
shot herself In the temple with n re
volver, which lny beside her.
Chief of Police Snow and the Corener
learned Mrs. Frlcke tried te threw her
self Inte Manhasset Bay, but was re
strained three months nge. nnd about
-!. ....1.ti nn .11.1 tillfnoerl ttl fPtt IllIT
"ate", but wns rescued.
Teeth and Hammer Used as Weap
ons Three Men Arrested
ff..-.l. 11 .. ,.C tMnfntif 1. finil ITnll
weuillin III IIH' uuu, nun ni'...t.v..., ......
Vlcchle Pnrne. Eighth and Carpenter
streets, lias both cars cut.
It nppears that after the proceedings
get under way there was a misunder
standing between Perrenc nnd Janet-
..!.. .....1 1. InttnK I ta nlifipn(Yil ltl t
,lN'helt en tm? ,,. p,.rr0e reached for
eaenea ier
mmmPr nnd It
landed en Jnnettela's
. , i,.r,. t (.?ht bet
"0"'1- ' ',r,,. '' tnUK"1- "Cl
'tween the
warring factions and then the police
Millville, N. J., Ice Cream Deal
ers Arrayed Against Drug
gists and Garage Men
N. J.. Is nil a -twitter ever
the hestl'ities between the Ice.crenm
....... . .
""" en one sine and the garage owners.
The ice-cream men arc prohibited
1 t li rim irh ntt iirillini.wi. ..-.. ,i. ..1.1
" in' 1 riiii'i 1 .ui; let urn
.. , "
nine laws, te Sell their crenni In- I in
plate en hundnvs. In retaliation thev
threaten te shu't'up all druggists ,cs-
taui.tnts ami prevent sM(. ,,f gasoline I
.7. , " 7, '" ' K'.1 V.'" """' '" B""
""" 011 un the Mibbath.
MBtttt t'l r "
m' s-rv'cV en1"'!"! V by hrU,K'
V '"h ' " m'V Jl,. "l "f '.""
"lw p "lr:tri.K"",,1" ,f,,r , '""nsliu .
W U,1- M'ri' :.Vrrilllts have been '
'".,... .'I'!! "'," ,ul" lu' -,'",", !''"rdl.ig
'." '":"- ." '"' l-cnce M-ewell. 1
""!!""ly tllP. tw" '.' "' " r
,,nl " "wlrInK """K"1
" ' "- ' ,,c ereuin can get It at a
restaurant. ,
"' '"''representation tlie Ice-cream
met, .imiim.wI .1. ,.... . ., ..
Wants Wide-Open Sundav
' ; ".", "u-s m u m-uuiiii or.
I a referendum vote en the erdlnaiu'e ;' KILLED BY R0LI FR PflAQTCD
.this Is u commission form of govern. V1 nuULCn OUAblCn
ment. you knew. Sn before i ir,ii.,. .. I
0..1 ...... . . , ....... .,. ,,, ,
v.iii iiiiseiuie a I.UMiiy
1 pen the ether hainl. the let
Office of Organization Headtd
by W. Z. Fester Investi
gated by Dotectives
Disorders Spread as Shepmen's
Walkout Begins Eighth
Governer Allen Threatens te
Send Troens te Keep Kan
sas City Quiet
Bv Anteclnted Vresi
Chlcjice. An. 21. Fxnmlnntfen to
day of papers and corresnendencc seized
'n a raid late Inst n'"ht en the offices
of the Trades T'nlen Educational
T.encue bared a widespread "one big
unl"!!" propaganda among railroad
workers and gnve valuable information
concerning n systematic series of radical
,,,,: i .i, , . -.
T . '" -'t. ncceruing
1 ,"1"" aimrnpy v rewe.
The Educational League is headed hr
William ',. Fester, who led the last steel
"trike nnd who was recently denerted
from Co'er.ido f - radical nctivitlcs.
Ne nrrest were mnde. but n lenjr list
of names of radical leaders was un
earthed, Mr. Crewe announced. The
Stnte Attorney's. InvesflKatlen began
Immediately nfter receipt there of the
report of the Michigan Central wreck
early yesterday at fSnry. Ind.. in which
two men were killed nnd two injured,
and the discovery of two sticks of dy
namite en the Pennsylvania Railroad
Railroad officials asserted tin Michi
gan Central express train hnd been de
liberately ditched by nletters. Spikes
were removed from ties and rnlls
were loosened, they sulci. The ex
press train wus running live heura
late and nn hour ahead of one of the
fastest New Yerk-Chicago llmltcds. It
was believed the plotters planned te
wreck the passenger train.
Deers Batte-el Down '
The raid en Fester's headquarters
was plnnncl after hurried convcr-atiens
with authorities In ether rail centers
where disorders have occurred and
where meetings of railroad men have
been addressed l,v radical lenders. Re
ports of it dozen meetings addressed by
Fester in cities of the Middle West!
were received, the State Attorney said.
Detectives battered down the deer of
the league's offices. Inside they seised
letter liles, card Indexes, books, pam
phlets and pictures of Lenlne and
Tretzky. The evidence fil'ed u truck.
It included a complete list of incetinfs
held b.v V -ster. the raiders said.
Fester I.- Mild te have come te Chi
cago fel owing his expulsion from Col Col
orado. Frem here it was said lie went
te Jollet, when- Sheriff New kirk wan
wounded and two men killed In a rail
str ke riot te weeks age.
"Adjutant ('encnil Hamreik, of Col Col
orado, Ik mi record with Hi- statement
that he considers Fester one of the most
dnngeteiis nuKcu s in existence." State
Attnrnev Crewe s-iid. "We raided his
effi'e following an investigation of a
premeditated turn wreck and deliberate
minder of two union workmen en the
Michigan Central Railroad at (Sary.
Twe Trainmen "Murdered"
,..".....'"...."" V.."". '"B'nee
i iice iwe wniKinell. an emrineup
...... .........I. in. mnv , r. .1, 1 urn- uretuer-
iiuecis were murdered, lcsterduy two
sticks of dyiiamiti were found en the
I'ennsvivania Railroad tracks In Chi-i-acii
by a iieliccmaii. Twenty minutes
after he picked up the explosives a fast
passenger tr-iln Unshed bj en that same
bit of trai k."
I'ciecwves iiiiestiuneil tiumereiin
''"l!,T' today In the sear, h for dues,
!'""'""", ",ls ".""" t'd when he !,,!.
legeil te have said :
"It's a shame they were net all
A 1 eward of SliiDt' immediately was
elTeicI b.v Henry Sherer. general supcr
Ihtcndeiit of the read, for the arrest of
I ersens responsible for the wreck
Invest ifit -en by State's Atteniey
( rewe liit-i the ilniMiiii em. t .1 i
iv. - .- .. . V '".111 111
i . , , s. ,"' ' ""'""eil a memorandum
'book l'lbeled "I'ledcntlals list," ,(.,lr.
, lug mere than me .,. f ,),.rH0a
te whom 'credentials
of the Icukue
I had been given.
men !,ri,,,,.lii i.. a.:
the shops of the Southern
Continual un l'n
c Sit. Column Oaa
Company of Mrldgepnrt. dleil er"y
tedav at the New llav.ui ii..u..i...i ,V'l
llll.,l,i !.. A.
injuries sustained 1(. ll(. , ..'"' '"
i u ri 1. ".Mb
t i.T