."i, 5v " i-tik Sf' "i I'K I i U 1 I ! i. J li Pi i i li li i 1 !-. ill i j m I Li- 1 1; it i ' 1 I f J- Rls'wJRPBSSSSsr "aV. " ,VSS,1? W-V-W ' J rewrwf "''Ajs? I m c, 1IP". ! Vtfitf 1-". ':if.J'''e ViTVW? JTt, : -eri v v ' " ' v " Ji"t' vc -- ,i ll t psr l fSWKf 1MWS mi ' f it Euentng $ubttc ffe&aer M',I1 V rl ramreEEpma:, fbiday, August is, 1922 i,.r -v P-JV.A'H '.0rt3 1 m v pjw..vj v,'i'w'l"?2?!Si ' fii"1sr?''TTMl8fas.1 't . v,1'',T, 1WV'V,;5.?' kjVHHKliHpiHH ON HER WAY TO ENGLAND. Lillian Tnshman, actress, en beard the S. S. Mauretania. Shell appear in an American production THE WINNER. GERALD L. PATTERSON, OF AUSTRALIA SCENE OP THE DAVIS CUP BATTLE, THE PLAYERS THE OFFICIALS THE COURTS THE CROWD AND THE GERMAN- TOWN CRICKET CLUB BUILDINGS CONQUERED. COUNT DE GOMAK, OF BFAIN Patterson, the big Australian, holder of the world's tennis championship, made his service count for much in his victory ever Count de Gemar, la the first singles match of the Davis Cup final battle 1 sRrf ;&tf&aPs ISfcisCSNia W.&XK&t'n s- :x j tjjT? S i t&tt r,sffi . ;jTtjri ('v ' r.i' wn f; r. wws f w'i JMS'Jtfiiti 'xmjxfrw' Stl yr i'w - 7J aft.ijr.Tui Ij-rtC'i'yiK.'vl K-iM&l rv -..,- ' "IT iM h mil ' .'M4 lh.v:f! S?-?a MRS. WALTER H. HINTON, wife, .uiDutuuBUb iiuiten in command of 1 ncanlana "Sflmtmln Pnn-aln' e! 1- - r- "" vu oe mue trip te Brazil - - . T -- """ ' v ---. - J (JPSST " 1T "s i ' ft?' ?ss?.yi t.tt. . ji'st" ; .a ir"-'ss;'i,i'1'1''1' '''Sjw stxu , A- l.. - -T,wrcT1 n I iWW 1 1 1 n --"BH-K-1 1 1 . gHKfZ K 4J V v j I BHHEnutdf :l&3yi . Qimmm'mmmmmiM ujumiUMk iCX&F&!& x'v :. i-t WW lixijtt; K lTt8i 4r."rsrc ?' .2mm a S4sJcX! ten. f.s.? 1' MILLION-DOLLAR ROUNDHOUSE FIRE. Fifteen locomotives -were destroyed and many ethers badly damaged. The blaze was preceded by two explosions, in box car, standing near the engine house MISS VIRGINIA PEAR SON, of New Yerk, who wen perfect back prize of 51000 THEY SAW PATTERSON WIN. Yeu cant blame a "Newsy for halting a moment te' see a world's champion swing a racquet. The ether player was from Spain, which made it mere interesting: for "Yeung America" ROGER BAILEYr ar chitect, of Jamestown, N. Y., wen $3000 Paris J prize of Beaux Arts ZEBRAS ARRIVING IN THIS COUNTRY aboard the S. S. Oregonian, wMefc brought back a cargo of some ex tne interesting animals ler American zoei CAN YOU RECALL THIS -BIT OF OLD PHILADELPHIA? Ji. v i t t, j . t .T &'ii4t ) , . X3 rf,- i:a Zt'au "& -i A CABLE CAR WITH lWO TRAILERS, at the northeast corner of Twelfth and Market streets in 1890. The photograph was made by Edwin I. Simpsen, Real Estate Trust Building, who is the contributor. Send us your old-Philadelphia photographs SEASHORE FIREMEN. Tem McLaughlin (left) and Teny Gaultiere, of the Atlantic City Fire Department. Teny is chauffeur for the chief i v - !-. ,x v .'.'' v w a v . .' . v )..i.;x.-.flii:,'i. v ii. .j..KV ifP5iiSSSi i2jrWM tl,".t; !-,,' T.'TJi- T !, '.'l ,- '' aK&Li3iiL" sat -". BKffifwr-sr yfna - RifHi KMmmijgs rr v jie MISS NATALIE FISH, in a costume rich in color, at the Monmouth Masque, at Spring Lake, N. J. Many assisted in the brilliant affair HHDmmiki WjMB&Mii k jErsftfyy j v . ct . ? vbpj THEY'RE STILL FINDING STILLS. Police of the Third street and Fairmount avenue police Btatien gathered this equipment im raid conducted en North American street, yesterday mernlnj GOING TO POTTSVILLE. Nete the length of the train, en the Philadelphia and Reading tracks, as it passes under the Glenwood Avenue Bridge and Pennsylvania tracks at North Philadelphia Station QUITS PROHIBITION POST. Jehn F. Pershing, Jr., nephew of General Pershing, resigns as Assistant Prohibition Director of New Yerk MISS BELLE KEARNEY v''e'V n 1 SENDS 'Elf AWAY AT BELMONT. Starter Fred Shreve, of Grand Circuit races GETTING THE "SPUDS" READY FOR SUPPER. "Mr. Citizen' gets a taste of what the women folk have te de at home, at tM citizens' camp new in progress at Camp Dix yTrY'ryif''- 4evbA, J,'. . . ,. -- (lyW r-SM M . AJVP t. mrs. john a. llSi? '--"--- !m. m """ " the duke of CLARK lSBlByl fiDBWlw!V' LEEDS, ever a prom- They made a geed fight in Mississippi primary for TVW "S WTgy gag - i"0"1 ngure -m Dig Democratic nomination for U. S. Senater MM - 'L A H f-P lr' .' i European yacht races a " CUP WINNER IN YESTERDAY'S GRAND CIRCUIT RACES. In the first race, for the William Perm Cup, Thompson Dillen was the victor. The colt is owned by A. B. Coxe, of Paoli. Serrill drove him MISS CATHERINE CALVERT, member American theatrical Company in England DOROTHY NICHOLBACH, OF WILDWOOD ETHEL WILSON, OF WILDWOfl Hundreds of youngsters from New Jersey and Pennsylvania towns wer""f'ff1 "Lffi 0iljed'a annUttI bby 'etc These nre some of the children who competed W DOROTHY WILLIAMS (LEFT) AND ISABELLA GALLAGHER, OF PHILADELPHIA MARY KINDLE, OF PHILADELPHIA IS-'. Vk A . ftt ) 'A T;