iwiPinw JSfFWfp 'KJW m r !'W J r K i &. I.TTi iV .Vftif It M i M W hi WM I ffiV l VJft'Pt . W'jf 6 EVENING PUBLIC LEUGEB PHXDABELPHIA, THURSDAY, 'AUGUST 17, 1922 & NORTHCLIFFE RITES HELD INM ABBEY Some of England's Greatest Men Among Mourners at ' . Westminster VfiiS d lC be u"arincl. but Corporal unci piuIumI Hel!worth nwny. nccord nccerd i. m ier i wnH b,Pcl"nS from n wound ' Iiir te tlie innR!trnte. The brother then in Ms iipnil nnd his i-letliing was tern, nttnrkcd the oilU-er with a stone and lieiere Hearing the tctlmen.v. I took when he fell oil three pounced upon ------ '' iiiu niiiiii'ii mill nnpiirn emi' nun. I of the bleed from his head nnd bound 11 up. Ihc report that McElre.v. or nm or thee with him, were struck or in any war mistreated In my presence U aLuehitely nntruc. , Testimony showed that MeKlrey re fused te run te one Mile of the rend when requested, u-ed nlmsive lntiRuagc The release of MoKlrer from the May's Landing jail was obtained en a writ of habeas corpus obtained from .ludjf.- Willl.im it. Smathers. Mayer Under was Indignant at the ci&mltment of McI'lre. nnd f-nid yesterday lie "intended te pet te the bottom of the. matter." MtKlrey clnims that he wan beaten with n blnckjaik while handcuffed. BURIAL IN OLD CHURCHYARD, W IT J. i" Hi i Ji'.l ii '. .ii""'"'1! ' ' -w- JT-TTT.TT-SS p.JJJlXil " . i ', i J"liii P. n. R. Seeks Leng Leases Washington, Auk. 17. Approval wan nfked from the Interstate, Commerce CommtsMen today by the Venn sylvnnln llnllrend for n series of DOft.year leases hich the system In tends te take upon n number of ub sldary corporations new belnjt operated as a part of Its mnln line. All the le.tsed properties nre owned nnd controlled by the Pennsylvania, but the lent-e ar rangement would facilitate their hand ling, the application explained. Bu Aaeeinted JVr Londen, Aue 1" l'lineral M-rvices for Vlceunt Nerthcllffe were held at neon today In Westminster Abbej Sel Sel !em hns the last tribute te anv Hng llshmm whose position was wholly per sonal and unofficial gathered such nn assembly. The dean of Westminster expressed the public wih when he aked Iadv Kerthcliffe te permit the rites te be celebrated In the nbtwv. The great cempnnt of eminent penple g.ithensl within the famous edifice, as well a th. crowds of humbler ones in the street eutIde, gave testimony of this. The sen ire was nrraneed hv Cnnen Carnejie. The opening sentences of the burial sen ice. "I am the resurrection j nnd the life," wer -un? in precession, followed by thp IVnlm. "Ixird. thou i hast ben our rfuce." The text was from CViritithifins, ir, ."1 "Beheld, II hhew jeu a m.Niterj " Then, f illew- ' lng two hxmn the .eniic was con cluded with a -iV'-nth i-entury praer The Iiea.l Mnreh fre.n "Sntil" was pla.ipd. nnd. u-. the prm'e.ien left tlie nhhe Chepin s Funeral March The funeral proc esmn wound its n te old 8t. Man loom iVinrfn in Fmchlev. northwestern -.uburb of Londen Ivlpllne Among the Mourners Among the mentners were the widow. VNceunt Nurthcliffe aged mother and his six brothers, nattily. Viscount Itethtrmtre. (Ve-1 I? H.irmswerth, Sir Hebert Leicester Harmwwnrth and Hildebrand Aubrei. M. Jehn and Vyvjun (Jeorge Hnrmswuith Other near relations and :min,',r- of the household staff r pretnt Diploma's attti'ling beidev C,eerg Flarvey, Ameieaii Amhissader, in eluded the Kr n Ii Amkisadei , the Serbian Mlmster. the Iiuin.iiiiuu (,'haiie d'Affaires. (Vilmual .- tan Winsti-n Spnrr Churchill and V C Latkin. Canadian High Commissiener: Sir Jeseph Cook, Australian oiniiiN-iener . l'rcmjer Squires, i Newfoundland, a.'iil ether prominent colonials. Other present wte Mr Jehn Kmll, acting Lord M.iwrif Louden, the (lireoferate of the Tiniest .ud the nllie 1 'Js'ertheliffe publications and rprp-ontu-ties .if nil the Iend-t i 'lewspaptt-. news organisatiens, pni.ins tiad's and distributing agwies jiriu n-n among whom were Vleeunt Cewilrav, isceunt I Uurnham, Lore Waring. Iiaren M'Ui- j tagu "f Kenlenu. T.aren Stuart of . "Wertler. Sir Themas Li ion and itml- , j yard Kipling , Sereral hours before the funeral throngs of people, liii'ludius i.ianv AmericHtis. gntheied nletig the streets ' i leading 'j. the lite iub"i-h-r's residence In Carlten dardens. Tinougheut tt.e ir.jrnlti; there was a ( stead stre-im of disfnguishid isten, i and relatives of the fninil l'lernl f- ' ferings from aV ever the world were se ,1 tiumeteus that the rooms of the North Nerth cllffe home reeinbled h huge 'lower garuen There were mill, wreaths from representatives et American news- i papers, business eivic ergauiiatiuns and friends of the d. 'eased Flowers I'reui Emplejrs , Scores of fleial tokens ra.ne from the ataffs of the arleu- puhlli'iitieiis with whuh Lord N'orthel'tle was idenr.lied. 5Iun of these were ir.serlbed (-Imply "te our chief. ' One of them was a huge larant ehalr of roses from the t night htnff of tin Dailj Ma.l Atietltr was a liias of tleweis in 'he 'nil efi a closed hook from the d-n t if Hear ing the lines from Iinufellen's "I'mlm i of Life." beginning "Lives of great men all remind us." I Most tonsplcueub of all the ileral offerings, peihajs, was a magnifi' e.it i broken te'uinn or white rleweir freui the dirctera of the As-secutid News papers. I Amlms-ader Ilaney Interrupted his I vacation iji ,seet and te be pre-ent If" as a '"empanleil b Cenml dMifral. Re hert 1 Miniier and I'et Wleeler. counselor te the American Laiiss ' Lady Nerfhcl.ffe, who hus s!lev,n i plendld fortitude in the fare or her great less, his b,-i n deeplj t .ueheii by i the runnt int stieaju of ines:agt s i,f reu- ' delcnce from the I'nlt'd States nnd I Canada She m-ked the Associated ' Vress t da te eeney her profound ap- preciatien of these ixpicsMeus of theughtfulners and generemtj I WOMAN JUSTICE DEFENDS SENDING RUNNER TO JAIL j f Declares Atlantic City Athlete At- tacked State Trooper Atlantfc fitj, Aug 17 Mr- Cer trude 'copies (f Absecon Jus-ice of the Pence, def.'ii.S her jetjen in iorn iern mitting te jail Andrew Mi-Llre, At- i lnntic Citj High S hoel fe. tbnll nth- lete, who was arrested hv State pelae i during tlie relay nice Mend.ij MoLlrey was. running the last lap Tvhcn Mopped en the boulevard nnr ' Absicrui He was charged with resist- I lng an officer and dlMirderly conduct. I The runner's brother, J. T MeLlrey, I nnd William Celder wtre nli-e arrested Corporals llolilswerh und Campbell I made the arrests. "The poll' i man's head was badlj cut and blading, and Ins clothing tern. He hail Lien strui'k with u rock. I therefore eemmittid the difendant, ac- ' cused of resisting iirrmt and diwirdcrly I conduct, te jail for thirty dnjs. I think 1 was justified, " wild Mrx. Peo Pee ples. I "Ihe runner and the ethers with him .;-.' Ji Z u. ltZIIIZlLL.ti...i'fr8T;iiil-xi LLLili i..'':lii'j.i::i.!ti.iili'iHff. i?tiNtririt.4i.ii..ii ptui iii-MHjMi';HiiftilJh ill! Lingerie, Sf iV Jv m i a Sweaters, V r mLjiJL JhC Jm Nealiaees jJjJi..Li;.:; lJj.l,..i' ii ii ' ".,."..'. j'C . . 'I' ", 'I ".ZJ"'1 l"M .ii I, .'"wMi' ii iiiuiiiiiiiiiiiiJiiri'iJIi'iy'lilMilllfiiM Coats, Suite, Dresses, Skirts Closing Out All Frem Our Regular Stock, and New Reduced te Less Than Cost After-Dinner Tricks 2 3 CD f T) 9 10 Rgl Fig.2 Ne. ZiS Moving the Coins Bet eight celnn in a row m that they tHernHte heads nnd tails, as shown in sure 1. The problem is je move the Celnt two at it time te ether positions in the row, se that In four moves all the tMds and tails will be together as shown fbrure ii. In moving the coins two t,i ,,- $ be moved side .by side each time. I f S&jtt proper moves are us fellow : t, l pW 4 ana ii te U and iu, .Move 0 and "V.rlta 1 JkA a. Met. 8 and Dtefi anH H Weel Sweaters Splendid quality, slip-en and tuxedo models, all colors and white. Were up te $1.95, Reduced te Summer Dresses Of voiles, poplins, organdies and ether washable fabrics, in white and colors. Were up te $9.75, Reduced te $0-45 $Q.75 3 Street Dresses Canten crepes and crepes de chine in all the most desirable models and colors, including black, white and navy. Were up te $45.00, Reduced te $ 15 .00 Afternoon & Dinner Dresses A splendid collection of smart models, including a number of semi-formal frocks. Were up te $95.00, Reduced te $ 25 00 Sill, In navy and touches of fringe. They were up te $39.50, Reduced te Capes black; plain and with 19 50 1220-22-24 Walnut Street Established Since 1858! Furniture "of the Better Kind" Te Yeu Direct Frem the Manufacturer AUGUST FURNITURE SALE Our sale has been a success. Thanks te the buying public and their confidence in the reliability and honest dealing of this old establishment. Massive In Tapestry 3-Piece Suite $ - O ( try or Velour 1 OU fiSveKaRl w This same handsome suite in any shade mohair plash $210. Call See it made Lounge upon it Be Convinced WLJI IMldei r t i II r-JL M Iffl ' 145 This $200 genuine American Walnut Bedroom Suite, all large pieces, specially priced for this week only Ih?,hl,'S,'llKW"nd,Jm,r?,t I?tE?f'' l"ty and rtr Dtnllnr, for which hnndrcsl of wtlslled cmtcmeri in Philadelphia and lelnly wlU vouch. Marndetturtrs Ciutem-Madt Fnmitart All Goods Cuartntttd 226-28 Seuth Ninth St., Belew Walnut, Phila., Pa. Open Snterdayn Till 5 T. M. Frsj. Anle Truck Drill err In Phil, and Tlclnlly mmmmmmmmtmmm ESTABLISHED S1MCK 1S0S MHii: TRAYS IN WIRK AND WOOD Can be height. sections built up te any Sold singly or in or i te 6, 4, etc, YEOtfUKENSre Ii 1 STATIONERS -ll PRINTERS-BLANK WOKlMFRi !ZN.l3thSt. PHILADELPHIA MFR? 71901011181 jgtgggRnKKBMKKBtBBEiJMJjtRnG 7 rf"j Net Larger, but Finer ,JV v7 1 Vft L z-H i -y C. Hareld Wills could cully have designed and built a larger, heavier car. Instead, he has built In tha Wills Sainte Claire a meter car that is lighter, swifter, safer, mera economical, mere durable and finer a meter car net mere com. plicated, but greatly simplified. WILLS SAINTE CLAIRE CO, of PENNSYLVANIA W. J. FOSS, President 10S1-S03S.20S5 Market Street Philadelphia, Pa. rxWILLS SAINTE OAIRB VisT cMotermears OCB.W.Ce. V .;!'.!iin i' i.tii'iHiwliECg I I What De Yeu Sell ? CEYERAL million dollars' worth of highest-grade commodities are te go under the hammer in a War Department Auction at Pert Newark, N. J. Sept. 12, 1922 The quality of the offerings is apparent en even a casual inspection; and the fact that they arc te be put en the block assures you bargains that will "bring home the bacon" in quick turnovers if you are a dealer in or user of Hardware Clothing Chemicals and Oils TjBVSr tlTJ2fLifcS2iiiEjJHiHsiB GENERAL SUPPLIES Shee Findings Marine Equipment Factory Equipment Offerings are in quantities that will appeal te you, whether you buy in lets of ten or ten thousand Complete catalogs are yours for the asking. It will pay you te Ret them NOW and have ample time tu make plans for energetic buying at this sale. Nothing sells like price backed up with quality, and that's the combination you can offer our customers with purchases at this auction. The Government reserves the right te reject any or all bids. Loek at this brief list of commedities: 229,775 Shovels. 570 Rell Woven Wire. 77,625 Cocks, brass barrel. 1,513 lengths Garden Hese. 4,022 Lamps, parlor, oil. 2,549 Rakes, garden. 10,500 gr. Weed Screws. 11,135 Hammocks, white. 101,239 Half Seles. 202,586 Underlifts. 77,881 Tep Lifts. 465,069 Heel Plates 3,000 Outer Seles. 162,511 Heels for field shoes. 4,100 Heels and Half Seles. 2,756 lbs. Leather Scrap. and corn- wool. 563.733 Blankets, O. D. mcrcial wool. 13,302 Paulins, canvas. 36,533 Overcoats, O. D. 507,338 Trousers, O. D., wool. 168,444 Hats and Caps. 144,650 prs. Gloves. 30,206 Jumpers, denim. 213,258 prs. Leggins, canvas. 25,787 prs. Overshoes, rubber. 80.671 nrs. Stockings, wool. i.- - a- . m 6,j82 LileKafts, le tee persons. 1,807 lbs. Nitric Acid. 1,760 gals. Cottonseed Oil. 1,181 gals. Leather Softener. v. Get the Catalogs. Write QUARTERMASTER SUPPLY OFFICER Brooklyn, N. Y. 1st Ave. and 59th St. MinuT' nlfy ivwL m mKMmtiwm mm ma m nmkm n We're Going te Be in Business Next Winter That's why we recommend the Convector NOW! We're going te install hundreds of Convectors this Summer hundreds of these better heating systems that are bringing a new standard of health and comfort into homes all ever America. We want te install YOUR heating system a Convector in your home RIGHT NOW for three geed reasons. (1) You'll be sure te have it ready for the first chill Fall day. (If it's a Cenvec ter, you can use it en the first chill day of Fall, for the Convector is mere quickly and easily regulated te temp erature change than any ether heating system.) We'll be busy this Fall we don't want you te suffer delay! (2) Our EASY PAYMENT PLAN and the Convector's moderate price make it a simple matter te have the Convector installed NOW. (3) We want it te be a Convector because, it is accompanied by a WRITTEN GUARANTEE of the L. J. Mueller Furnace Company te cive satisfaction. We arc always glad te give service te our customers who need service; but WE WOULD RATHER INSTALL A SYSTEM THAT ISN'T GOING TO REQUIRE ANY SERVICE. The Mueller Convector saves 1-3 te 1-2 en fuel bills; ventilates all your home, day and night, with healthful, circulating, moistened air. Ne smoke, gas, dust or ashes no heating apparatus of any kind in your living rooms. Installed in less than one day warms every room te even temperature in houses of four te eighteen rooms; WRITTEN GUARANTEE with every installation. Let us show you why Convector users are our greatest advertisement. LET US TELL YOU MORE ABOUT THE CON VECTOR. SEND THE COUPON NOW. Air Convection Ce. AIR CONVECTION CO. 1515 Pennsylvania Ave. Phene Poplar 2910 (Between Hamilton and Callowhill Sts.) Yeu wouldn't wait till Fall te build Why wait till Fall te install a Heat ing System that Lasts a Lifetime? Let us show you it's te your advan tage te de it NOW! Have Your Convec tor Installed Right New Easy Time Payments We'll Call at Your Heme or Mail Yeu Complete Information Philn?clphlJ!0puCOM1515 PCn"n- AVC- "ami,,en " Callowhill Sts.) ( Wic2nvecffiat,n " m' Pnrt 0" mny seml me C0'"Plete Information about the ( ) I would like te have you call at my home and explain the Convector Inflation, ii flnic tft. ....... ... . Aa&ra w7.... ' .fl " - ' ssfts,,V mmfmA a te mil . V Bl v . KiKfvMlJSSF VW"- ".sv ' .Hi .A