I ff' W.'iK"r ' " WLT r fSf GOSSIPABOUT PEOPLE Heney Wynn$ Speaks of the Tennis Tournament at Newport This Week and efx tlw Many Parties te Ge With It Seme Interesting Chat4 NKWTOKT Is nay thin woek, n the minimi tennis teuninmcnt fs being wM nt the Casine nncl n great ninny turtles nre hrlnjr given In connection with iV There nre leta of wnnll lunch Tnns nnd dinners nnd en Friday iilaht Tr nnd Mrs. Alexander ,Hnmllten Rice will elve n bnll nt their vllln, Mlrninnr. t'wnlch there will be fctpwI hundred 6 tests. On Jrnnilny night Dr. nnd Mr, lee smc n dlnner-dnncc, but It wns n ennll nffnlr, just thirty people. The Clnrence Delnns, who nre nt heir vllln. Ben weed, where they nlwnys ntertnln n grent denl during the sum mer enve n luncheon en Mendnv before the tournament, nnd tenkht they nre vlvlng n dinner for Peggy Thnjer, Mrs. Jehn H. Thnver'n nttrncllve rinugntcr, he in spending this week with them. Przev's mother, who ha bee" up nt Tlir ilnrbnr vNltlng her ,en nnd dnitgli-.'r-ln-lav. Mr. nnd Mm. .Talm U. Tlinjer. 3d, Is nt Newport new, tee. I think stnylng with Mrs. Heward flrnhnm, nt "Whetstone, her summer P Dozens of people have boxes nt the tennis. Among the PMlndelphlnns nre the Delnns. Mr. nnd Mrs. fsrge D. Widener, Mr. nnd Mrs. Ettnre Ho He v m-ine Fenlnnn. who nre spending the wimmer with Mm. Vwntnna's mother, Mrs Andrew C. Dulles; Mr. and Mrs. Peter Williamson Roberts nnd Dr. nni Mr Alexander Hamillen Rice, of thin ritv' nnd New Yerk. Dr. nnd Mrs. Themas CS. Ashton, wlm nte nt Jnmcs Jnmcs tewn for the summer, linve been Retng te the tournament, tee, with their daughter. Anne, nnd Mnrgnrettn Har rison, who is visiting them. Altogether It founds very festive. The last thrce days of August the Newport Herse Shew tnkes plnre nnd that will be nnether big, event, I sup pose. The entry list closes tomorrow and the Executive Committee Miys it is a very large one. There will be four different classes, nnd Mr. R. Penn Smith will be one of the judges. I'VE never Fecn anybody quite as pop pep ulnr ns Kitty Perter. Really, I think she bents nil records for the number of times she hns been n brides maid. First, she was one for Paulina Bell, he mnrricd her cousin. .lack Whelen. about two years age; then she v,m in Meby Strubing Cnncr's. wedding party hist October; nftcr thnt she was a bridesmaid for Sarah Harriben, who married Phil Price in June. Jn that same month she was a brides maid for Mrs. Walter Pew, who was Hannah Elliett, nnd then, ns if thnt wasn't enough, this fnll nhc will assist at Helen Sewell and Henry Coxe s wedding en September 0, and at Cor Cer nelia Rankin nnd Alfred Hunter's en October 7. New I nsk you ! lmnRlne the number of bridesmaids' UrcsseJ and hats fclic must have. Just new Kitty is up nt Northeast, where hlic Is staying with her uncle and nunt. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Ram. and two weeks age she was In the finals of the tenuis teurnnment up there. She la an awfully geed player. WELL, I've just heard rumors of nn nn other engagement which Is sched uled te be nnneunced this fall ; thnt makes the third engagement by new. Ten remember the ether "two I spoke of Mernl days age. This one is most ex citing, if it is true, nnd I inn Inclined te think it is. The girl, who enme out two jears age, is one of the prettiest and most popular girls in Philadelphia and the man is equally nice. When it Is nnneunced, it ought te cnue quite a stir, but you'll have te wait until then te henr any mere. I SAW Mnrgnh Toegood in town the ether day. She has fair hair nnd Mue e.ies and she was most becomingly rtrecd in a light green chambrny dress with a white cellar and cuds, nnd a Mark hat of rough strnw trimmed en either Mdp with tiny little pink roso reso rose huds. She is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Toegood nnd is engaged te Hremley Floed. NANCY WYNNE. SOCIAL ACTIVITIES Mi's Kmlly Kaljfhn Bartow, daugh ter of Mih. Henry niarkwell Bartrw, or Gwnedd Velley, will make- her but ut a tea te be nlven by her mother en Mendnv, November 1.1, nt the Aurn Club. MlfJUrtew. who at tended Mile. Mces' school In Paris last winter, and has been spending the sum mer travtllm? abroad wllli her mother, will return te this country the end of August. Mrs. Bartow and her daugh ter will spend the autumn nt Gwynedd alley, and will occupy an npnrtntent t the l.engacre during the winter. Miss I.erralnn Dlssten, daughter of Mr nnd Mre. Jacob S. Dlssten. of Nor wood Hall, Chestnut Hill, and Mlsa Anna Lewis, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. w llllntn Draper Lewis, of Awbury. Oer Oer mantewn, who spent July and part cf August ou n ranch at Jacksen's Hele, Wyoming. Jiava arrived at Northeast Harber. Me. wl.ere they will Jein their ramlllcs for the remainder of the num mr. Miss Allen Benedict, daughter of Mr. and Mrs Uebert It Benedict, of thn terners, Deven, who Is metering In England with MrH. Delaflcld and Miss Emllv Del.ineld. of New Yerk, will hertlv gu te Paris. She will return te this country en the Aqultanla en Beptemher 29. ..Mr?, Calcb r- Fex- of Ogontz. whtf recently leturr.ed from a metcr trip "ireuBh New England, will leave for LagloEineie tomorrow, where hIie will spend n month ns the guest of her son-in-law nnd daughter, Mr. and Mrs. "uney Martin, and their family, who ai occupying their cottage. Mr. and Mrs James M Wlllcev. or Camp Wuedsby itlmn. Vlllaneui. ar rived jesterduy at the Mount Wash ington Hetel, ihetten Weeds, N II. Mrs Jeseph N. dn Ban, of St Dav ms, who W visiting Mis. Hanj Wain Harrison, of Happy Creek Furm, St. a ds, ut NariaBiitihett I'ler, n 1 , will no tile guest of honor at n. dinner which Mrs Hnrrisen will glve this evening. Mrs. J. Ucrtrnru Llpplncctt. of 1712 pruce street nnd Mclmnr. Hcthayics. , entertaining Mrs. William Kedwoed right, of Wnldhelm. Legan, aa her The families that knew quality, are using it. Victer Bread (The biR Quality leaf) 6C In all our Stores ummm gnnn iiiu 1 1 r ti n t eh ii i tu 1 1 i nrnm nnn n h rimn:im ti m i jtii: 1 1 im j i t.i i i:kir itf 1 1 j i iritj: ti i , in 1 1 1 1 ;i j WSSSWH "" V'Sf 7 - y. guect nt her mimmer lietne, Merestuck. Jnmtstevn, It. I. Mrs. Wrlght'H daugh ter. Miss Annette Wrlghl. who Is at Lake Champlaln, will net make her debut an announced, but will continue licr studies nt Wellcsley College, where alie Is a Junier. Miss Rllzabeth Jeanes, daughter of Mrs. Henry S. Jeanes, of Laywell, Deven, who" Is unending the summer en a ranch In Wyoming, will return te this city en September 1 Mr. nnd Mrs. Alba B. Jehnsen, of Cnstana, nosement. arrived yesterday at the Mount Washington Hetel, Bret Bret ten Weeds, N. H. Mr. nnd Mrs. fleorge H. Strawbrldge, of Windermere, Bnla, have gene, en an extended meter trip through the New Rnglnnd Stntcs. At Lenex, Mnss., they will be the BUCJts of Mr. and Mrs. Teabedy. Dr. nichard Sharpless Davis, of .102 Scheel Hen no lone, CJcrmantewn, has left thlB city te spend the remnlneur of the summer nt Beiling Green, Pa., where Mrs. Davis has been slnce June. Mr. andyMrs. Rebert Sewe'll, of Ard Ard naree, Ilydal, have Issued Invitations for the marrlage of their daughter. Miss Helen Louisa Hewell, and Mr. Henry llrlnten Coxe, Ji.. son of Mr. and Mrs. Henry Brlnten Coxe, of 109 Seuth Twenty-first street and Haffed, Penllyn. en Saturday, September 0. nt the Church of Our Savlem, Jenltlntewn. A reception will fellow the cciemeny at the home of the brlrta'a parents. Mrs Archibald Thomsen, of Mary laid Weeds. Ardmore. Is nt nass Beck Kiirm, Nnrrngansctt l'ler, B. 1., for the summer. Judge and Mrs. Henry Chapman Thompson, of 1E27 Spruce etreet, who are' traveling In Europe, accompanied by their daughter. Mrs. Norten Downs, Jr.. of Chestnut Hill, nre spending' Berne time In France befere returning te this country. Mr. nnd Mrs. Henry Bartel Brazier and their daughter, Miss Frances C. Brazier, of Green Hill Farms, Over brook, are at Yerk Harber, Mc., where they nre spending the summer. Mr. and Mrs. Stevens Heckscher and their family, of Greenwood Fnrm, Straf. ford, are spending the summer camp ing In the Adlrendaclis. Mr. and Mrs. Edward M. Wlster. of Gotmantewn, who have been traveling abroad slnce February, will shortly re turn te this country. Mr. nnd Mrs. Bcynelds Driver Brown, of 311 Seuth Thirteenth strectT nre nt Neva Scotia, where they will remain until the beginning of September. Miss Mary Louise Whitney, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Whitney, of Chestnut Hill, who Is spending the sum mer nt Upper Dam, Me., will return te this city the middle of September. Miss Whltnev will mnke her debut at n tea te be given by her parents early In Oc tober. Mr nnd Mrs. William Peret Husten and their sons, Mr. Lawrence B. Hus Hus eon, Mr. Nerman Huaten and Mr. Wil liam B. Husten, nre spending the sum mer nt By-the-Wny, their cottnge at Santa Crur l'ark in me unisKius. Mrs. Edwin D. Mullen will return from Cape May this week te the Crcs imtm Arms. Mount Airy, where she will he lelned by her son, Mr. Clarence B. Mullen. West Philadelphia Mr and Mrs Jehn Belneld, of 4028 Orcen street, are spending the summer at Lltltz, Pn. Miss Marlen Mathews. Miss Jean Lyens, Miss Hazel Mathews, Miss Ger trude Corcoran. Miss Helen Finn and Miss Allee Mathewn. of West Philadel phia, and Miss Mnrle Murphy, of Phila delphia, are spending n few weeks to te to gether nt Saylorsburg, Pa., and will icturn nfter Laber Day. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Hareld Hall, who were married en June 21, have re turned from their wedding trip and arc at home at 910 Kenmere read. Mrs Hall will be remembered n.s Miss Elea Elea eor Stuart McLean, of 5337 Ilelnhardt street. Mr. nnd Mrs Wendell S. Tredlck nnd their family, of 6105 Christian atreet, have returned te their home, after spending some tlme at the Hetel Man hassett, Seaside Park, N. J. Mr. and Mrs. Mitchell A. Barrett, whose marrlage took place June 21 In the Church of Our Lady of Victory. Fifty-fourth and Vine streets, have re turned from their wedding trip nnd are smndlng the summer at Atlantic City. Mis. Barrett will be remembpred as MIbs Mary M, Muldoon, of 231 North Wilten street Mr. Thomaa II. Haley, of 1038 North Sixty-first street, announces the mar mar rlaeo of his daughter. Mtsu Helen Veron ica Haley, te Mr. Gcerge B. Dlen, eon KNOTTING WOOL Wonted 1 Ac I Silk & Weel OAc Per en. . . A I Per or. ... We'll Oladlv Rfnrl Veu Hnnipln Hemititcbinr BEADS Embroidering Novelty Embroidery Ce. 15 X. 10th St. 1007 Filbert St. '95 S Genuine VICTROLA IN Period Cabinet NO DOWN PAYMENT START PAYING AFTER SEPTEMBER 16TH Oprn All I)ijr Saturday B. B. TODD Pianei Plajreri Victrelai Records 1306 Arch St. 1623 Chestnut St. yii bw-: w " . uTw-i - EVENING PUBLIC ?' S2r "'ir a ''"'"' ffV''?P7''TO"W'K'!,' VISITING IN NARRAGANSETT tar ' HvHiiiiiHHHiHBBinaiBaiiiiL . if J- ik&WBmm&l. f JllaaJ'' '":'' 'aLLLLLHLLLHa9Lwk rliiLKvKv,v ?mLLLLLLLIaHHLT tMRS. JOSEPH N. DU BARRY, JR. Who is spending several days as Vie guest of Mr. and Mrs. Harry Wain Harrison at their summer home of Mr. nnd Mrs. Alfred E. Dlen, also of thlg city, en August 1. Mrs. B. P. Moere, of 4920 Chancellor street. Is entertaining for a few days as her guest Mlse Laura Myers, of West Greve, Pa. Mr. and Mrs. Samuet J. Cook, of,902 Washington avenue, have metered te Wlldwoed, where they will remain for the rest of the season. Mr. nnd Mrs Charles Iennrd, of 6366 Addison street, have returned home after spending a month In Vcntner. Mrs. Leenard will De remembered, before her recent marriage, as Miss Helen Qulglcy. Dr. and Mrs. K. D. Winter, of Louis ville, Ky are visiting friends In West Philadelphia. Dr. Winter was formerly en the etaff of the Episcopal Hospital. Mr. Jehn Nerrls. of West End. gave a theatre party last week In honor of Miss Katherlne Beppcll. Among the guests were Miss Mary Hegan and Mr. Clarence Qundackcr. Seuth Philadelphia Miss Elizabeth Themas, of Eighteenth nnd Mifflin streets, has returned home, nftcr spending several days In Atlantic City. Miss Ethel McTngue, of 2116 Seuth Twentieth street, entertained Informally at her home en Thursday evening. The cuests Included Miss Fless Cenner. Miss Betty Duff. Miss Bert Wltte, Miss Jean Turner, Mr.1 Frank Graham, Mr. Geerge Remodeling end Repairing t H Off Regular Frleet Stere Open All Day Saturday 1115 CHESTNUT ST. (Oppeait Keith's Thtn) August Sale of FURS At Savings Thai Average One-Third! The annual AUGUST SALE at FORBES has become an estab lished fixture in the Industry, a barometer of Style, Quality and Value It is initiated net merely te make many sales, but te make mere permanent friends of the hundreds of new customers who annually are attracted by the incomparable values which place FORBES Furs above competition. A Small Deposit Will Reserve Your Purchase Winter Price SALE $ 90.00 FRENCH SEAL COATS Three-quarter length model $59,50 $110.00 RUSSIAN MARMOT COATS 40-inch length. Fine pelts 69.50 $125.00 FRENCH SEAL CAPES Leng circular model. Full sweep 79.50 $150.00 NATURAL MUSKRAT COATS ' - 40-xnch length. Dark soft skins. 98.50 $150.00 FRENCH SEAL COATS W.inch length. Skunk trimmed 98.50 $195.00 FRENCH SEAL COATS . Three-quarter length. Beaver trimmed.. . 125.00 $250.00 SCOTCH MQLE CAPES AND WRAPS , Fashionable full-length models. ........ 165.00 $300.00 NATURAL RACCOON COATS iO-xnch bordered models. Dark skins. . . . 195.00 $350.00 HUDSON SEAL CAPES nnm Full-length wide ripple models 225.00 $375.00 HUDSON SEAL COATS 40 inches. Trimmed xvith Natural Skunk. 245.00 $400.00 NATURAL SQUIRREL COATS Vt-length. Well matched skim;.. 265.00 $600.00 NATURAL SQUIRREL CAPES Full-length. Clear blue-gray skins 395.00 $900.00 DARK FITCH CAPE Gorgeous full-rip fie model , , , , 595.00 $1000.00 NATURAL MINK" rriATc in ."..L ;i n;.. ... fi'-.m.f. tenvm. finest Hudaen Seal ia Dyed Muakrati French Seal ia Dyed Ceney. Extra Sizes up te 54 Bust. Fnrehat'mg Agenti ii - wsmn" ureinri win -.Tvw?s.f i n.'T'4rvnriuiivji.nwiu7.rT , ; ' " f- v;- LEDGER - PHlIiABELPHIA, ,VfeDKfiSDAY, Pflugfelder, Mr. Lee McQIInhey and Mr. L. Lockhart. Mr. and Mrs. Benjamin Stennan, of 228 Reed street, are spending a few weeks In Atlnntte City at the Traymore Hetel. Mr. Richard MacAnary has returned nfter a trip te Canada nnd the Northern States. The' Misses Wilsen, of 1832 Moere street, have been spending a week in Wlldwoed as the guests of Mr. and Mrs Frank Shertz, Jr., formerly of 1314 Jacksen atreet. ; Mr. Jeseph Dougherty, who hns been traveling through Canada and. the Northern States, has returned te his home. Mrs. M. Grey, of 2112 Seuth Nine teenth street, and her daughter. Miss Mary Grey, have been spending some tlme ns the guests, of relatives In Lan caster, Pa. Miss Eleaner Cenner, of 2300 Federal street, has gene te Jein her family In Atlantic City for the remainder of the Reason. North Philadelphia Mr. and Mrs. B. A. Cabrcy. of 2644 'North ' Twonty-sccend street, nre re ceiving congratulations en the birth of a daughter, Patricia Pierre. Mrs. Can rey will be remembered as Miss. Kath ryn Marie Crane, of Legan. .u tttl nt eastern pelts..., VUDMU Orders Accepted t. m r 'kar iiijnrf i. itnvi -?i tr - r1. i.j 7 h ;, , tf y. Germantetvn Mlas Beatrice MacAtllster Henkela, E5S4 Merris atreet, will return shortly from Cape Ced, where he has been visiting herbrelher-ln-law nnd sister, Mr. and Mrs. Orvllle W. Forbe, who have a cottage there for the summer. Mr. And Mrs. Geerge Miller, of 6708 North Woodstock street, have returned home, after spending some time In Wlldwoed. . Mr. nnd Mrs. Wllllem Meat, of 6312 North Thirteenth street, have returned home, after spending eome time In At lantic City. Mr. and Mrs. Jeseph Pelak, of Wal nut lane, have returned from a stay In New Yerk. Atlantic City Mrs. n, F. Longstreth Is at the East bourne for the month of August, an Is also Mrs. M. L. Heard, who expects te remain until .September 1. Mlnfc Maude. Onffney and Miss Mar garet daffney, of Philadelphia, are nt the Hetel Traymore where they wll' remain for the rest of the summer. Mr. nnd Mrs. Davis N'rtst, of IOfjan, nre spending a few days nt Atlantic City. Derbyshire Hunter A wedding of Interest wl'.I tnke place at 4 o'clock this afternoon at Old .St. David's Church, Doven. when Miss Irene A. Hunter, daughter of Mr. nnd Mis. William T. Hunter, of Deven, will become the bride of Mr. William II. Derbyshire, Jr., of Chambersburg, Pa. The Ilev. James H. Lam will eulclate. The bride will wear a gown of old laca ever georgetto satin caught with two lnrge fiearl ornaments, and a train of sat n nlald with chiffon and embroidered with pearls. She will wear a tulle 'ell trim med with orengo blossoms unci will carr an old.fashlened beuqut of orchids and lilies of the valley. The brde's only nttentant will be her cousin, Miss Mnde Mnde llne Woodwerth. of New Yerk, who will wear a dress of pole orchid and owire blue chiffon and a lleah color horsehair I hat trimmed with a French nefBCgav. I She will carry flowers te match. Mr. Eugene Caldwell Clark, of Chambers burg, will act as beat man and tfi, ushers will Include Mr. Themas Helden i " ,. ?' ' ir"-;n . FERDINAND KELLER 216-224 S. Ninth Street PHILADELPHIA AUGUST FDRNITURE SALE Offering exceptional reductions throughout the entire KELLER collection of fine furniture and decorative objects. Living-Roem Furniture, including Davenports, Sofas, Secretaries Desks Mh ilfmtr a iiBBBk. R Bw Jv . & 1220-22-24 Walnut Street Closing Out At Less Than Cost Summer "Wash Dresses That were up te $14.75, new Street Dresses Silk, Spert and Cleth That were up te Ja.00, new TELEPHONE: Fur Storage and Remodeling at Extremely Lew ?xt LUIGI RIRNZ1 CORRECT APPAREL FOR WOMEN 1714 Walnut Street It takes mere than LOW PRICES and PUBLICITY make a REAL success in the KTTT? hudn... The permanent, continued patronage of a substantial cli entele isn t the outgrowth of an overnight "sale," nor deen an enduring season just "merely happen." it takes pains, persistency, patience and, above all Value'5 Integrity, Service and Friends te attain the kind of sue cess which The Heuse of Rienzi enjoys and se carefullv protects. wuy i The Annual AUGUST SALE at Rienzi's has become an established fixture in the industry, a barometer of StvIP Quality and Value. . . . It is initiated net merely te make many sales, but te make mere prominent friends of the hundreds of new customers who annually are attracted by the incomparable values which place Rienzi Furs above competition. c AT 20 DISCOUNT SQUIRREL HUDSON SEALCARACUL KOUNSKY-v'-MINK t wwrfaiiiPF AUGUST,' .16, 1922 White, or cieveiana, r. """'si" Spenr.ef Chambersburr, and Mr. Wil liam T. Hunter, Jr., and Mr. Edmund A. F. Hunter, brothers of the bride. A reception will fellow the ceremony hi the home of the brlde's parents. Upen their return from a wedding trip Mr. Derbyshire and His bride will be at home at 330 Lincoln Way, East Cham bersburg. ANNOUNCING NEW BACHARACH PORT VKA I T OP CHILDREN STUDIO SITTINO OM.V TWBLVI FORTBK.DOI.IAR 1020 cnramfCT bt. LEARN BEAUTY AND HAIR CULTURE Marlnelle Training In Muicla Strapping. Kaclala, Marcel Wnlng. Scalp and Hair Treatment". Manicuring-. Klectrelysls Our DJrlpmH iTiiuranteea lilaheat-prlcetl poflllena. I.aat month for 8nmmr Krturd ltte. Unll or write ltlTA A. KrtAlTH, Master Coa Cea incllelnn ntid Dermatoteulnt. Fermer Hut) 'rWalnir Kxpert ilnrlnolle t'elli-se of 'hlcaae. Tkv Yerk, Han I'rnnclire. Arnilemv of Hair an'l lleauiy Culture intr. Walnut fit Phene Spruce 120" Vi: 12 PEWRITERC Late Medels-- J Special Summer Reductions OMVKK ItKMIMJTON nOYAI, ,. C. JMITTt NO. 0121 M). JO MO NO. 10 MO NO, Kin NO. S SI5 Thorenihlr Rtbnltt Jmt T.lke Serf 10-Day Free Trial 1-Year Gaaraalas Phene ua new Walnut 5873-74 1005 CHESTNUT ST. BUNDY TYPEWRITER CO. .tables and Up holstered Chairs; also an unusual collection of An An tique Needlepoint Chairs. Dining Roem and Bedroom Furni ture of all pe riods, originals and reproductions in important sets and odd pieces. An interestiar cellet -lien of Early Ameri can Furniture. Skip Medclj in a bread variety. Beantifu! A n t i q n a Cabinets for Victrela and Radie settinfi. $3.75 SPRUCE 2958 te "W"HW CASINO THEATRE 8th ic Walnut Mat. Dally REOPENS & AUG. 19 WITH THE BIG JAMBOREE FKATUIIINO FRANKIE HUNTER XKR!Je.S POX OFFICE NOW OPEN FOR BALK OF HEATfl A SBABON RKHEP.VATION8 WILLOW GROVE PARK Wonderful Concerts Today by SOUSA AND HIS BAND Tit nntifftiv anrri :;sa day Saturday OKAND A 111? OAY with the Marina Hand from Philadelphia Navy TaM GAS Soldering Furnaces and Appliances tfanufactvrtd by L. D. Bcrger Ce., 59 N. 2d St. Dett. ifarktt 131 Kevttenr. Jeln 8711 We buy and dismantle all kinds of plants, large or email, con cen taining: iron anil etrel. Geed price paid. Michlevitz & Company HAKRISnURO. PA. CAMERAS hav a mei"t unneual dlplav of IIiKh-Ornila Irntiencd Modeln Hemthinir nxvr liefere sfn In tills clt it Is a pleasure te show thm Ycu can ("xchange yours for en. Phiia. Camera Exchange XT. J. McGann, Slanatrer Diene Spruce 1143 J 1420 Chestnut St. "r ' ir i The Onl Original HELENE SALON Jrermanent : tJlatSWaring ") OIL METHOD S15 te S35 Bis. Leett Natural Wavn 102 S. 13th Street S p Ktnnt At HI dr. Tnke Kltrmtm ! $ Thenei: Walnut 7MS-7C8X ' 1 t Girls' and Misses' Sizes, 9.7512.75 A rare opportunity te buy a suit that will be perfectly geed this fall. MANN & DlLKS 1102 CHESTNUT STREET Heuse of Wenger 1220 Walnut Street furs Walnut nt Our 20th Anniversary and a Re-Building Sale Makes Possible Furs of Quality At Sharp Reductions The First Sale Event in Our 20 Years of Fur Retailing! It is n double sale occasion nnd one that brings the very best in fur peltry as well ns the charming exclusiveness of style. Prices are greatly below regular te effect a quick reduction of our stock, as our building is being remodeled te double its pres ent size. Baby Lambs Russian Sables Fine Caraculs Broadtail Persians Eastern Minks Silver Foxes Fishers in styles that show unusual charm and distinction and originality of line. O New Lewer-P. ced Section Natural Muskrat Coats $125 te $245 Regular Season Prices $175 te $395 Natural Raccoon Coats $195 te $450 Regular Season Prices $275 te $G00 Hudsen Seal Coats (dyed muskrat). .$295 te $595 Contrasting Fur Cellar and Cuffs. Regular Season Prices $395 te $750 Natural Squirrel Coats $395 te $750 Regular Season Prices $500 te $1000 All Furs sold by the Heuse of Wenger are advertised and sold under their real name Plrftlnn BttVf Cemnany OT AHaV; frttrat,. ttniwnnfinhmf A jT A TJtf WP nuiblcilK'1 .?fT- 4 ne4a THOS. MEIGHAlSf-! fFYeuEriiivriTa ' rrs ser' With Theoder Iteherts. raiile lar1B ADDED XK81t7l In 'UUnnt.R PANGK - mm anil ALDIHE; WM. POX'S MODEnM VEnHION "A Foel There Was" khsk "ths& DaWk,b n,cu TtftT.l.Af'W MrnnvAt.n li. ltae. a no, naits ;"" ' V imeAD ciicsTNirr MARION DA VIES "The Yeung Uiann cenEt.ui Cast Alse Includes rerrist Stanley Maclyn Arhuckla n . kPV 12TJI AND MAIUtBT PALALL 0:43 A. M te 11 P. M. JACK HOLT ?W7,n.. "WHILE SATAN SLEEPS" TrirTTiDIA NINTH A SIAIIKKT VICTOK1A n a. t te u is r. ir. William Fex'a Maaaire Thriller "rS80 THE Lincoln p a OT Carter's KAMOI'8 STAer: PI.AY riji MAIL IT'S Mr.IX)DnAMA IT'fl ALT. ACTION ARCADIA "Ve'aVSWS ALICE LAKE cexn ?&., C A DITfll EIOHTII AND MARKET LA 11UL 10 A. M. te 11118 P. M. TOM MOORE ' 'nQAMs.. GLOBE JUNIPEtt AND MAJtKET 11 i.ii POt'IIIiAR Vn.l.ni. PUPOI.AR RATtlFYrNn T "T"W PRTCKB K EITH'S THEATRE Jtat. Tednv ;:in. Tnnlabt 810 TED LEWIS -And His Jarzlcal flown "BLACKFACE" EDDIE ROSS Ted Healy ntty: Maud Hart: Kridkln. Ir & nheda: Others AND AL. K. HALL & CO. in 'THE SAP' essw i W '. Tyrel Weel Suits 54 Price 13th Street Mill; inery A,n original creation in .' 'parcl - trtmmcd with en Uh(,d lied Fex. WmWw rj-iWi1 i'm m 8.(1 m I?.' : ri .'.' I TWMHmMHMmwiJ J-1, .l.K'.L. llV, ,,,rtW a A t'V X a-T f , h Rv :ta,Vtfr' 'v'.-; j-j. . terS.',,. AB.. ,.,,.& .,t, J ,