Evening public ledger. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1914-1942, August 16, 1922, Sports Extra, Page 11, Image 11

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Evening vvbuc LBDGBB-PHiLADEiPHiA; wbdnkst, 'attctest ie; 1022
in n
f A JH
tj' krW Jw "W$-
Uncommon Sense : If Yeu Had a' Millien Dollars
THAT would you de' with n million
W dollar keep " J ,BPn "'.
If you would keep It, hew would you
kti? veu would upend It, hew would you
' (i it?
"a young man who was lately left a
million dollar by his father at flwt
"i'ied te tnke It en the i ground that
it Muld de him no possible Reed.
Afterward he accepted it and lramedi
. .are three-quartera of it away for
'leelM service."
AOBBAT many men who have made
millions of dollars give away neme
1 their millions which also are devoted
0 Secial service."
After-Dinner Tricks
CC1 wB
Ne, Ml Vnrn Six te Seven
Cut out the largest of the above dla
srams and paste it en a card. Ask
Jome one te count the number of cubes
he sees. He will say cither six or seven.
Whichever he specifics, you state thnt
he if wrong. Tell him te leek carefully
and count the cubes again. After he
has looked intently at the diagram he
nlll be unable te tell just hew many he
doc sec six or seven.
The diagram forms n very deceptive
optical illusion and can be viewed In two
different ways, as shown by the smaller
diagrams. When the pile of cubes ap
pears ns in the small diagram A, there
U11 be six. But when looked at for
( moment the cubes will shift te the
position of these in B, and there will
appear te be tcven.
CervrteM. 1011. bv 1'ubUe Lcdecr Company
But most of these men take care te
see that the millions de certain specific
verk and se safeguard tlie principle
that the income from It will always be
available for this work.
Would you give your million direct te
peeple you thought needed it, or would
you give It te hospitals and clinics and
educational Institutions which might de
for them what they were unable te de
for themselves?
X1TOULD you feel Justified In spending
the Income of s large a Rum of
money nearly $GO,000 a year en your
own pleasure?
And de you think you would find these
pleasures as sweet when you rcalire
them ns they seem In the anticipation?
l'crheps you may never have a mil
lion dollars, but it Is nlwnys interesting
te speculate what you would de with se
much money if you had it.
QJOMETIMES the desire te use money
li for specific purpose is a great
help toward making It.
Wc would be delighted te hear what
our renders think nbeut this matter.
Inelr letters may furnish helpful ma
terial for future articles.
, Write us about it if you have time.
We offer no prizes for such letters, but
they mny be able te help ether readers
wlie have mere money than they need
spend it mere wisely.
Cepvrtaht, tttt, bv PubHe Lt&eer Company
Freight Cars Returned te Service
Exceed These Requiring Repairs
Mere freight cars are new being te
palred by .the Pennsylvania Railroad
than are being sent te lis shops for
repairs, according te a statement Issued
"Tin! car-repair situation en trie,
Pennsylvania system is vlrtunlly nor
mal," the statement i-ald. "Net only
are mere enrB being turned out for serv
ice than nre laid up for repairs, but in
ndditlen the shop forecn nre new work
ing te reduce the bad-order cars accu
mulated last spring, long before strike
began. The explanation for this im
provement is that mere than 48,200
shepmen out of a normal force of 00,1C7
nre new actunily nt work en tuc I'enn
sylvnnin system."
Mayer Announces League Island
Will Run en Borrowed Help
The League Island Bathing Beach
will contlnue open until September 1,
dcsplte fnllure of Council te mnke an
appropriation. Announcement te that
effect Is made by Mnyer Moere. He
paid Directors Cavcn and Warburton
had borrowed men and women from
ether work for the purpose.
"The Chief of the Bureau of High
ways, ' the Mayer said, ''had photo
graphs taken of the bathers frequenting
the bench Saturday and Sunday, and,
although It was cloudy, the beach pro pre pro
fcenta the appearance of n veritable At
lantic City. As seen ns convenient,
Director Cavcn will go ever the boat beat
house en the second Toke, with a view
of making urrangements, If possible, for
opening it up ns a miimieuNC, in con
junction with the existing bath houses,
for which we are temporarily borrowing
it!, nnnl certainly Are enjoying
the facilities for bathing which hae
been afforded them at the League Wand
bathing center, and we shall de all
that Is posslble te continue and enlarge
these facilities."
.m m. rd DADUDQt
tf..,wbl WASTE
ta prlni v!tM
It Etrvfne
Continued Extrav
agant mitM Filr
Kltchta EqilpBfBt '
for Hetel and fUitinraaU
119 & 121 S. 11th St.
1530 Locust St.
New Housekeeping
S. E. Cor.
16th and
also desirable Doctors'
Offices. Inspection invited.
All modern equipment.
Refrigerators, laundry,
separate maids' quarters.
Private Branch Exchange
Many Neu Features
Every Egg a Geed One!
i Fresh Country
Eggs you can be sure of!
of twelve
The pick of the nests in
every carton of Geld Seal.
In our Phlla., Camden
and Suburban Stores
A view in the
Laboratory of
our City plant.
Te Protect the Milk Yeu Drink
ALTHOUGH Abbotts milk has
been carefully -safeguarded
from its very source at the farm, it
is again rigidly inspected upon its
arrival at the city plant at 31st and
Chestnut Streets.
In a laboratory of glass and white
enamel, white uniformed women,
trained in the chemistry of milk, test
it te determine its purity, freshness
and cream content.
Just as Abbotts originated "A"
milk in Pennsylvania, Abbotts were
also first in Pennsylvania te insti
tute the Laboratory .Control of
milk in the country.
Today it is recognized as an essen
tial factor in the production of p'ure
Abbotts "A" milk, safeguarded as
it is, makes a safe, nourishing and
delicious feed for you and your
Order it from the man en the Abbotts
wagon, or telephone Baring 0205.
Philadelphia Atlantic City
Wildwood Ocean City Pleasantvilla
, s
''M ,.-,. r ' l I (Den .Stair Btere, Central) I (Down 8lalr fiier.. n,....v
Wanamaker's Down Stairs Stere
There Are Over Four Acres of
Space in the Down Stairs Stere
for geed grades and dependable makes of hundreds of
different articles that people want at moderated prices.
AH are carefully selected te serve people who for one
reason or another are economizing at .this time.
August 18, 1022.
Dellar Opportunities
en the Central Aisle
Mussed Blouses Marked Down te $1
Hew much they are new under their original pricing
one can easily judge at first sight of them. Voile, batiste,
dotted swiss and dimity, trimmed with embroidery, lace,
ruffling, frilling and contrasting colors. Leng and short
sleeves. Peter Pan and roll cellars. Broken sizes from 84
te 52. 300 only.
Women's Voile Heuse Dresses, $1
Final mark-down en dresses originally from two te
three times as much. Printed patterns in wanted colors
trimmed with ruffling or organdie cellars and cuffs and tie
back sashes. Sizes 86 te 46 in the let. A hasty pressing
will irtipreve their somewhat rumpled appearance.
. New Handbags at $1
Large, roomy ones in square, envelope or pouch shapes
are of dull leather in black or brown. Shiny black fabric
ones combine handbag and vanity case in one and have
pretty fittings such as mirror, powder box and lip-stick case.
White All-Silk Pongee, $1 Yard
Silk that lends itself te sports dresses, children's
clothes, or underthings. It wears faithfully and comes out
softer and prettier from every laundering. It fairly rushes
out each time we can get a shipment from the mill. 36
inches wide.
(Down fitnlrn Stere, Central Alule)
Neme Corsets $4 te $7.75
Lnrpre women who appreciate the Bpecial Neme self-reducing
and "wenderlift" features are invited te have our fitters help them
cheese the right model for their fibres.
$4 Neme corsets are of medium-weight cotton in white or pink
with wide front steel and modified self-reducing straps.
$5 Neme corsets have clastic tops, rather long skirts at the back
and self-reducing straps.
$7.75 Neme "wenderlift" cersetB have unusual features devised
very carefully for large nnd medium figures.
(Down MnlrH Cornet Hliep, Central)
Babies' Cotten
Blankets, $1, $1.25
Baby Bunting may have
looked very cunning in his
rabbit skin, but don't you
suppose his tees and fingers
kept coming out at the edges?
A soft cotton blanket, with
a chicken or teddy-bear bor
der, would have been much
mere practical, and much
easier te keep clean.
Pink or blue. 30 by 40
inches. Plain edge, $1. Scal
loped edge, $1.25.
(Down Hlalm Stere, Central)
1 Cress-Barred .
25c Yard
Geed evidence of its qual-
ity in the fact that people
J buy and buy. Its crispness
i somenew gives tone te
room. Either white or
1 cream with inch cress-bars
ana tape edge. 36 inches
(Down 8talr 8ter, Chestnut)
Important News of Autumn
Frecks for Scheel and
College Girls
Clibn vLrJ imw S15
Nx sie
New Fashions
Women's Tricelette Frecks, $12.50
Women's Crepe de Chine Frecks, $15
Women's frocks made of navy blue
or black tricelette are draped at each side
in the newest fashion at $12.50! Far
better than one would expect, we think'
will be your verdict when you see them.
Their tricelette is fine and soft in weave
and the metal ornaments at the sides are
really pretty.
Women's navy and black crepe de
chine frocks at $15 have a trimming of
navy and geld galleen, a braided belt and
pleated side panels.
Other Autumn Silk Dresses
at $15 te $45
New tricetine dresses, $10 te $25.
Sizes mostly 16 te 40. Usually only
limited numbers of any one style.
$12.50 (Down Stnlr Mere, Murket)
Extra-Size Underclothes at
Special Prices, 65c te $2
Sheer, pretty underclothes of fine, soft cottons. Cut
en extra-large measurements, carefully proportioned and
finished. Seme are quite elaborately trimmed. Sizes 46
te 50.
Extra-Size Envelope Chemises, $1, $1.50 and $2
Graduating from quite simple lace or embroidery edged styles
te real "confections" which are trimmed both back and front.
Extra-Size Corset Cevers, 65c te $1
Pretty ones, simply edged with trimming or quite lacy.
Extra-Size Nightgowns, $1 and $2
Coel white cotton ones and pretty crepe ones in flesh or white
arc $1. Lacy ones with pointed tops and bows of ribbon are $2.
Extra-Size Bleemers, $1.25 and $1.50
Flesh or white crepe ones finished with hemstitched ruflle, $1.25.
Very dainty silk muslin ones, also flesh or white, $1.50.
Extra-Size White Petticoats, $1
Properly gored tops with drawstring; geed embroidered flounces
with underlay.
Extra-Size Cotten Crepe Kimonos, $2.50
Plain-color cotton crepe kimonos trimmed with piping te match.
An elastic holds the fullness across the back. Short, full sleeves.
Light blue, Copenhagen, rose and lavender. Se simple that
laundering becomes no trouble at all.
(Down Stnlr Stere, Central)
$12 S15
Fashions te fill practically all needs of the schoolgirl s
program. Tailored frocks for town and street, nice enough
for teas and "best." Simple silk frocks for afternoons.
Plainer dresses and sports 'types for the classroom. They
are in the dark and richly glowing shades of Autumn. In
variations of the simple straight-line styles that geed taste
continues te approve and with many delightful newnesses
about their trimmings. These are the very first arrivals
only two or three dresses of a kind and hew girls will
enjoy them!
Girls' Weel Jersey Frecks, $10
Henna and tan wool jersey effective with bright embroidery
trimmings. Lew waists from which the skirts arc pleated. Sizes 10
te 16 years.
Juniors' Smart One-Piece Jersey
Frecks, $12
New nnd interesting variations of the popular Peter Pan idea,
treated with open-werJc cellars and cuffs of white linen, or with con
trasting color facings and wool embroidery. Mostly in tan and red.
Sizes 15 te 17 years.
Dresses for Girls and Juniors, $15
Seft, woolly crepes in dark blue and brown are lightened with
gay silk embroideries. Sizes 10 te 16 years.
Tailored slip-en chemise frocks of wool canton crepe in navy
and henna beast braid and brass button trimmings a la militaire.
Sizes 15 te 17 years.
Distinctive street frocks of navy or brown tricetine are straight
of line and have pleated rands hung from lowered waistline te hem;
dainty vestecs and sleeve facings of embroidered organdie. Sizes
15 te 17 years.
Tricetine, Peiret Twill and Serge
Frecks, $18, $22.50 te $25
Interesting for their smart' individuality and wearableness. Sizes
for girls of 14 te 17 years.
Girls' Silk Dresses for $16.50 te $25
Xew silk crepes and combinations of silk and cloth. Dark colors
and henna. Sizes 15 te 17 years.
(I)enn Stairs store. Market)
Introducing the New
Wanamaker-Special Silk
Stockings, $1.75
These hose are made of superior quality pure unadulterated
silk, without artificial weighting of any kind. We recommend
them te give exceptional service and satisfaction.
This little message is printed en the ticket accompany
ing each pair of these Wanamaker-Special $1.75 stockings.
They have been made expressly te our order, and we believe
you will agree that they are wonderful looking and sur
prisingly serviceable at $1.75.
Mnde of ten-strand pure dye silk.
Mercerized cotton tops and feet te make them durable
Full fashioned; shaped te fit. Plenty wide, plenty
Either white or black.
They are the very best silk stockings we have been anv
where at $1.75.
(Down Stnsri tore. Centrul)
A Big ComeDewni in the
Family's SJiee Prices!
Women's geed shoes have just dropped te an even
dollar! Beys' school oxfords have dropped te $2.25 and
$2.75. Men's oxfords have dropped te $4.50. Children's
'Mary Jane pumps have dropped te $2.50.
All are Wanamaker standard stocks. All are of our
! regular higher grades which we are sending out because
size assortments are broken.
500 Pair Women's Pumps and Oxfords
New $1
Patent leather one-eyelet pumps; plain and strap pumps
and oxfords in various styles and leathers. Broken sizes,
72 tO e
Children's Mary Jane
Pumps New $2.50
Fine white canvas and service
able tan calf Mary Janes. The
bingle-strap, wide-tee style which
has proved its popularity se con
vincingly all season. Welted
soles. Sizes 81".' te 2.
(Demii Ntulrs Mere, Chestnut)
Beys' Tan Leather
Oxfords New $2.75
Splendid school shoes which the
youngsters who wear wool hesu
will like all Winter. Stout uppers
with mannish perforations. Thick
welted soles. Sizes 1 te (3.
Small Beys' Tan
Leather Oxfords
New $2.25
Sensible square -tee lasts.
Heavy welted soles. Sizes 10 te
Men's Spert Oxfords
New $4.5(i
Geed, heavy quality smoked
elk oxfords with bnTwn trim
ming, pjber Ruction sole. nd
heels adapted te sperta wear. All
sizes and widths.
t 'S
-m 1
V 'J
' fvf
' vi
(Men'i CUlUry, Mark)
.. -gMMMkiir..,.