"v ' "- v-'wiiSTSTftv v """, '' ' "r'v is'.,i.rii' ,"'v wwi,i5,TP TJPBSWS - j V . ' ';".;! IS ji A K,Si' .. Sf.i.O b. f r W fr I 11 I ,1 If t i if. I I mmi ! In; m JS' i 0 L h ifi,V . T, J .1 rw tvMf , ijs1 6 EVENING PUBLIC LEDGER PHILADELPHIA, TUESDAY, AUGUST 15, 1922 Special Electric Moter Oil '8 per sallnn. Inrludlnir tun M. E. ARNOLD &C0. jjjflBE Practical Electricians Electric Lights, Fans, Etc. Complete Moter Repair Shep 1019 CHERRY ST. OCEAN CITY'S CANDY minauaiuBuiaiiiiiu!n!uinaiuiniiaaDsid3Li&i51Ji "rarcicianai A real body builder! Victer Bread (Quality and Quantity) WARENDSN F IASCO 'Ne Jurisdiction," Says Justice of Peace, Asked te Enforce Law Impartially CROWD JAMS COURTROOM 6 leaf fly a Staff Corrtfrendtnt Ocean City, X. J., Aug. 15. O.cean City's enndy war hni ended for the mo me ' ment In nn ignominious truce with the iferjs-i still In the trenches and nothing te light about. "What nrc you ronnn-fle obeut It?" ii the demnnd of lenders en each side, ,nnd he fnr ns can be learned, candy will Mill be quietly old en Sundays ns here tofere, motorists will continue te buy gasoline te run their nmchlnes and "het docs" In rolls will as usual be munched Sunday mornings en the beach at this retort. In all our Stores INSIST WOMAN WAS KIDNAPPED IN PLANE by Seized and Tied In Machine Three Filers, Mether Says Travers City, Mich.. Auk. 15. (By A. P.) Relatives of Mrs. Myrtle Fert ney, eighteen, who disappeared from her home here Sunday, continued today te lnMt (he was kldnnpped by three men who pcixed her, tied her Inte the seat of an alrplnne nnd Hew away. Mrs. Fert ney's mother declared one of the men lassoed and bound her daughter near her home, before forcing her Inte the machine. The police liscredlted the story, but admitted the whir of nn alrplnne meter had been heard nt nbeut the time Mrs. Fertney disappeared. Ocar F. Fertney, husband of the missing wemnn. declared today he knew of no reason for his wife's disappear ance and believed she had been ab ducted. PEGGY NOW SuisTACK'S MOTHER FOR $100,000 h ejiCRicaiil LMivEgMtiJ Says Affections of Hubby Were Alienated Mrs. ".TneU" Montgomery, otherwise Peggy t"Dell of the Follies, new wants $100,000 from her husband's mother for alienating the affections of the youth The many offenders of the strict spirit who nmrrieu ncr ener a mmnigut rule of the Sunday closing erdlnnnce of 11US te KIKten. were pres.nt last night at 7 o'clock, "rry V'f: n "n't mere lawyer, when J. Frank Shellcnbcrgcr nnd Wil-.has instructed attorneys in Bcllcfente, liam F. Shrlver, Boardwalk candy mer- Pn.. te enter suit for S 100.000 against chants, were te lav down a barrage of Mrs. Montgomery. Wolf successfully invfir.. Awnninitithe tiiem -n ! defended the pretty 1'eggy in Ment- Geerge Burees. Atlantic City attorney i gemery's recent suit nt Klfeten for an- PRESS EULOGIZES LORD NORTHCUFFE Sketches and Messages of Re gret Frem All Parts of the World Printed in Londen FUNERAL TO BE THURSDAY iiraieirniiiw: in uni a:i5r'Bnww,raa SEE THIS TONIGHT Step at the m nS &&GffMBfi&M jaJ1- rn.i.jy.iJ-.U,jja-p "" Showroom tonight and watch them build the famous An- ted Moter. Learn from nnlment of the mnrrlnge The court upheld the mnrrlnge in spite bf Montgomery's plen thnt he was drunk when the knot wns tied. Peggy was granted $00 n month and counsel fees. D'ANNUNZIO IMPROVING for Mr. Shrher The courtroom nt City Hnll was tilled te oversewing with spectators nnd nccuvil ; all were ctpcetutit, all were excited Just as if they might have been u.ilting for the testimony of the star witness in a sensational murder trial. I Jehn J. Devlne, Justice of the Peace, appeared en time. He laid bis hnt en the bnr, and spoke for a few nunutes in ills office with these responsible for the attempt te close the city up '.isht en Sundays Then he walked into the courtroom, murmured a few words ami the front bench of pectn'ters emptied Immediately. In two minutes all had walked from the room. That's nil there wis there wasn't any mere. ".mi jurisdiction nnu eccn rne , , t , ,,. bv Dr. Donati. profess 1 Judges sudden declaration, in which of ,. 0f ia(iua University. in i -' "-in ,'. ij iin,it.i uu.vf U motion pictures hew the B "Rocking Chair" Rocker Arm 0 ( I absolutely eliminates fric- jj flj tien nnd noise. N We Want Yeu te I See for Yourself 1 1 LEXINGTON MOTOR CO. of Pcnna. 1 1 Lexington Building j 1 851 N. Bread St. I The Sale W Drue Stores Yeu Will Save Meney By Buying All Your Drug Stere Goods at Liggett's Dam's Kidney Pitts, 50c siza ... 43c Nnxttcd Iren, $1.00 size 73c Purettit Caster Oil, Pint Bettle.. 50c Fellow's Syrup, $1.50 size .... $1.09 Aromatic Spirits, Ammonia, 2 ounce, 30c Camphorated Od, 4 ounce. ... 35c Cade's Pepte-Manfan, $1.20 size.. 89c Fletcher's Caiteria, 35c size . . . 25c Glycerin & Rete Water, 8-oz. bet., SOc Eskar's Neure Phespbates,$1.75 size,$1.45 Puretest Beric Acid, pound 45c Pureteit Powdered Alum, pound.. 25c Oreferin, $1.00 size 83c Biechazn's Pills, 25c size 17c Puretest Epsom Salts, perrnd ..... 19c Parettit Epsom Salts, 5 pounds... 65c Zinc Sterate, Sifter-Tep Cans .... 20c Nnjel, $1.00 size 79c rPinkham's Compound, $1.20 size.. 79c Sqmbbi mineral Oil, pint bet., $1 size, 69c IFnreteit Kubbinf Alcohol, Contains 85ce Grain Alcokel, Pint Bettle 50c 'Jhtrme Ansljeiique, 75c size .... 50c Bayer's Aspirin, 100s 89c ,'PcTteit Witch Hazel Eit., pt. bet., 45c Puretest Debell's Solution, pint bet., 35c Herlick's Malted Milk, $1.00 size. 70c I'lietlick's Malted Milk, $3.75 ....$2.85 Tanlac, $1.00 size ., 7ge Bell-Am, 75c size , 50c Ratlin's Feed, 75c size 60c Elkar's Feed, 75c size 65c rabece Teeth Pasle, 50c siz 35c Xolynes Teeth Paite, 25c size ... 21e Kalpbene Teeth Paste, 25c size. . . 19c Lyen's Teeth Powder, 25c size ,19c Lifebuey Seap, 10c size (3 for 20c) 7c Cuticura Seap, 25c size (3 for 55c) 20c Packer's Tar Seap,25c size(3 for 55c) 20c Woodbury's Seap, 25c sz.(3 for 55c)20c Palmelire Seap, 10c size (4 for 30c) 8c Physicians' & Snrjeeni' Seap, 15c sz (12 for $1.00) 10c mum, 25c size . . Nullified Cocoanut Oil, 50c size.. Frestilla, 35c size . . Ferhan's Teeth Paste, 50c size Odoreno, 35c size Pinaud's Lilac Vegetal, $1 00 size Pinaud's Lilac Vegetal, $2.00 sice $1.78 J. & J Baby Powder, 25c size . 17c S. S. White Dental Cream, 25c size 21c 2-Day Carten Cigarette Sale FRIDAY AND SATURDAY . tl.2t .. i.n .. 1.39 . . 1.39 .. 1.3S . . 1150 1.S4 . 1.14 .. I.0S .. I. OS "V 17c 37c 25c 39e 27c 89c Justice Devlin1 is nn elected officer uud net an appointee of the Mayer's. As such, he Is net able te conduct a hear ing under un ordinance of ih'; City's Assembly. Ne indication of what would fellow was eh en. It is kn"wn thnt Mr. SIM li'nlicrger. upon dei ldlng te secure equal justice for nil and te see that nobody In any section of the city could sel' rami; if the .Boardwalk stores could net. went last Tuesdaj te Police Judge F II. Ware te secure warrants. Th Judge refused te lssui them and re ferred Mr. Shellenberger te Justice De ine Reth Shelienbergcr and Shrlver have 1 been fined this summer under the ordi nance. They secured evidence that ethers, net en the Henrdwalk, also sold 1 randy en Sunday, and then pieceeded j te try te nbstruct an absolute justice. "Ne, It was net an attempt nt bur ' lenue." said Shelienbergcr, after te I night's fiasco. "We wanted all the merchants in the town treated in the same manner. We knew thnt the attack was en the Boardwalk people, and wc knew, tee, that candy was sold nil ever town. Wi decided If we could net sell. then the ordinance should be enforced ecrywhcre without discrimination. "It was merely a defensive measure," he said. ("itv Solicitor Reswell said after the meeting there had been no desire en the part of the city te show favoritism, or te attack a few for political reasons, but thnt there had been tlagrunt com mcrciullsm-In the two cases In question, and that It must step. Having come te n deadlock en enforc ing the city ordinance in both spirit nnd knur, tin- next action may be te make use of the State law which allows of n fine of S- for many miner offenses. If that is the recesuu of Shrlver and Shel ienbergcr, Justice of Peace Devlne can take hlu part in the next line-up. Hut n quiet ending of the fracas is looked for, with neither nn open or closed Sun day in view. Beth sides deny that they 'eek the former, or want the latter, if It is te hermetically sealed. WOMAN FOR WET CANDIDATE Mra. H. N. Slmmena te Lead Tuttle Forces In New Jersey Trenten, Aug. 1.". Mrs. Harriman N. Simmons, of Elizabeth, fermerle chairman of the Women's Democratic State Committee, will be the leader of the Tuttle wet forces In the ranks of the Democratic women In the primary campaign for the Democratic nomina tion for (Joverner. Mrs. Simmons today explained her position in the fight 'for the Demo cratic party nomination for Governer, and announced that her intluence and insight into State affairs and politics would be thrown toward State Hanking Commissioner William K. Tuttle, te whom she pays a high tribute for In dependence and ability. Peet Is Still In Serious Condition as Result of Fall en Sunday Gardene Riviera, Italy, Aug. 1,". (By A. P.) Improvement in the con dition of (Inbriele il'Annunrle, fnmeus Italian soldier-poet, who was seriously Injured in a fall at his a ilia here Sun- lay, is indicated in a bulletin issued ser While the frnrture at the bottom of the skull affects the right arm, snjs the bulletin, the cerebral commotion pre viously noted Is decreasing, there nrc no signs of cerebral compression. The sensitiveness nnd mobility of the limbs nre unaffected. Thus fnr no surgical operation hns bvn deemed necessnry. In order te ascertain the eaet ex tent of the skull fracture the use of X-ray uppnratus would be necessary, but the doctors de net wish te move their patient. They have prohibited any one from entering the room. D'Annunzie is verging en unconsciousness. By Associated rrcss Londen, Aug. 15. A rcmnrknble tribute Is paid by the British press te the lute Viscount Nerthcllffe this morn ing, columns, and In tome Instances even pages, being devoted te editorials, photographs nnd special articles en the achievements nnd personality of the master journalist whose career ended nt the height of his power. Naturally, the Nerthcllffe publica tions make the greatest effort te eulo gize "the chief," nnd the Times de votes four pages, with upturned column rules as a mark of mourning, te bio graphical sketches nnd messngcs of re gret from journalists, peliticlnns nnd the dlplemnts in nil pnrts of the world. Tributes from America, including President Hnrdliig's message of condo lence te Lady Nerthcllffe, nrc displayed prominently fleorge Harvey, the American Ambassador, sent n message from Scotland, but King Oeergc, who is there nUe. is net represented among the published telegrams and cablegrams from the empire's prominent person ages. Trnlsed by Compctllers The press gcnernllv terms Lord Nertlicllffe the grentest British journal ist of all times. His spirited Fleet street competitors, but Intimate personal f i lends, Lord Burnhnm nnd Lord Benerbroek, the proprietors of the Daily Telegraph nnd the Dally Ex press, nre unstinted in their prnise of Northcliffe's service te journalism and te the empire. The Daily Chronicle seys his death causes one te think of ether towering figures suddenly nbnscd within the piesent century, "of the premature dentil of Cecil Rhodes, of the abrupt crushing nnd disablement by disease of Jeseph Chamberlain nnd President Wil Wil eon just as ench beemed te bestride the earth like a colossus." Kven the Dally Herald seems te in tend n word of praise when it says Nerthcllffe occasionally ndmittcd te his columns some small portion of the truth about lnber. 1 A. M. UP FOR NEW YORK Police 8uddenly Enforce Order Fol lowing Gang Sheeting New Yerk, Aug. 15. (By A. P.) Broadway's glittering lights nnd Its midnight dance clubs both went out to gether nt 1 o'clock this morning when the police quietly but firmly stepped nil dancing nnd cabarcft. The recent gangster battle outside one of the resorts, in which u man was killed and n cabaret proprietor held, wns 'given ns the cause for the order. The police edict spread censternn tlen among the night moths who for merly lluttered te the tune of jaw, or, chestrns until dnybrenk. The police announced thnt the 1 o'clock closing law henceforth would be strictly en forced. SENDS REED COMMISSION Pittsburgh Man Is te Succeed the Late Senater Crew Hnrrlsburg, Pa., Aug. 15. (By A. P.) The commission of Mnjer David A. Reed, of Pittsburgh, ah United States Sennter te succeed the Inte Sen nter William E. Crew, was taken te Washington today by James F. McCoy, sccrctnry te Governer William C. Sproul. who plans te meet the major In the national capital. Governer Sprout was In touch today with the State Fuel Committee offices nnd npprlscd of the plans for the day's conference. He plans te go te Phila delphia from Washington. SwerdfUh Pierces Darkentlne Seattle, Wash.. Aug. 15. (By A. P.) A swerdflsh drove Its sword through n six-inch plnnk In the hull of the barkentine Monitor, her master, Aid Hnnscn, relntcs. Cnptaln Hansen says that the nttnek en the ship was made In tuc eeutli seas, t 'f2Scu- Special! fag .00 ter-HtQ ILPt k.ml aMIFs M NEWCORONA TYPEWRITER ruinn-e $1.25 Per Week DEALERS IN ALL MAKES OF STANDARD TYPEWRITERS , from $1 C.00 up r Guaranteed one year LIBERTY TYPEWRITER CO. 1029 CHESTNUT STREET Phene Filbert D2S CoremA Tht Ptrienal Writing Mathint 11 t ""m I .ssslsiav a sW. s I .sssssasssssta a-MikW f B"BBawsBBjTr sj mbw awesje sVBkBsres p i W ssssW. M 4msW.H WVV pH vki !!,: Wf sfesHslHssMsHsflsViHsssl'HJI a ' I Differs Frem All Others I IL. Lasts Fer Years rjj mitiii'.iimim'.'iiiii IH Just saturate fi$k ft IK a cotton wad Jsw m with Sbaii5ljp( sg P", mix roen kvkr replacr medicine i fiiu E.tr.ni n.L.r I Dtsceery of a Mtnmln, in ae iimall i quantltv a can be contained en the Up end of a tat-een Is new "aid te restore vitality I te th tired body nnd Jadd nplrlt. Read Will. R. llammend'R article In next Sunday Pcelic I.EDr.En. "llake It a Habit." Adv. Jiases mosquitoes These peskj' sleep robbers Just hate Slean's. Seak a wad of cot ton In the Liniment. Then hang It en a string'bovej-eurcot. Ne mere mosquitoes, use Slean's ler every aching muscle. fit kills paint Kr 'yjfnl , Personal selection of plumbing fixtures for one's home is always de sirable. Yeu will find the modern bathrooms and ether distinctive features of our large showrooms helpful in your plans. Haines, Jenes & Cadbury Ce. Plumbing and Healing Geed 1130-1144 Ridge Ave.. Phila. j niiiiVi'.TyaWLv.n.iwtv 1245 Chassis Other Chassis Prices IVi te IH ten II44S lHtel - 1700 IH te 3 - - MOO IH te 4 - 3180 t. e. b. Bulfal Under the hoe'd and fleer you'll; find a difference you want. Like, abig truck it is built te last for years. A few years' service hardly touches it Ne pattm ger ear parts. Modern, fast, powerful. Electric lights, 6tarter, Alemite lubrication, 34x4 'i" cord tires. See it today. G0MERY SCHWARTZ MOTOR CAR CO. Sales Roem, 128-140 North Bread Service Station, 2400-14 Market St u m tmVYmm UU II II ESSEX COACH 1295 Blame Heech for AUentnwn, Pa., Aug. Suicide 15. A mind i.pset by hoetch is thought te hare been the cause of the hiiiclde In the police station here of Itichard Neary, sixty years old, u veteran Iren worker. lie wai a brother-in-law of Barney McN'ulty, the noted bugler of the old Fourth Pennsylvania Infantry. On various occasions Neary threatened sui cide vhile Intoxicated. lie hanged him self with his belt. 200 Camel 200 Lucky Strike (20') , ZOO Cli-stfrfieU 200 Piedmont 200 DUck nnd White ISO Lord Salisbury (foil) 200 Tatlma 200 Omar 100 Egyptian Stralslits . (20's. SO'a, 100's) 100 Htlmar (20'a. 50's. lOO's) 100 Turkish Trophies I. OS (20's. SO's, 100's) 100 Murad 100 Mogul 100 Malacbrlne Ne. O (plain or cork) 100 Natural . 10 Pall Mall (Natural) 100 Egyptian Deities (Ne. 3) 100 Philip Merris (Cambridge) I.4S 1.4S I.4S 1.4! 3.10 3.10 3.00 Cm SaA i i Drill ShT After-Dinner Tricks 2-rO Mann & Dilks U02 CHESTNUT STREET Te Keep Our Stocks New and Up te Date We have one sale each year Spring, Summer, Fall and Winter Goods About V2 Price y a hhh nui iiituGflmV .kr Mm m m kiSlii ! HBII II. ssssss " v ill lur--- lllHilIn wtisWiiii mMHUMMkm. -- ill I lkJ' isH aillfflt81Bv 2.50, 3.00 Best Silk Hosiery 1.60 1.00, 1.50 Silk 4-in-Hands .65 1.00 Belts .60 8.00, 10.00 Best Silk Shirts 6.25 2.50, 3.00 Madras Shirts 1.85 2.00 White Madras Union Suits 1.25 2.50 White Cheviot Cellar-Attached Shirts, 1.85 1.50 Madras Knee Drawers .75 3.50 Fashion Knit 4-in-Hands 2.75 1.00, 1.50 Silk Bew Tie .55 9.00, 10.00 Bathing Suits 4.75 3.00 Bathing Pants 1.75 2.00, 2.50 Fine Silk 4-in-Hands 1.15 Raincoats', White Flannel Pants, Gelf Suits, Office Coats, Dusters, Overcoats, Linen Mesh Underwear, Gelf Pants, etc. Mann & Dilks 1102 CHESTNUT STREET -" V ssissnai-sygi w m sZl&Mci&Sllii Leuis E .Wiser Qhe Quality furniture Center 260-261 Se. Fifth St. Philadelphia BetLecust and Spruce Furuirrlv llLr.lljffniiin SIM) M. llru;-d St.. Cor. rturuce 18IO Market "M Murk-I ! !.hrttl,u' mil" & Clirslnut SJV Market 14 m, n-ta MM N, rrent, Cor, Yerk (Krn-lnt'n) tWl (iermantenu Ay. Ilread a Krle OeruinntaiTii A t'helten Aree, Ne. S-IO Sfrliig Pulled Tlireuch Ceat A loop of (.trine passed through n buttouhele, with u thumb nnd finger in each end of the loop, is apparently drawn rlgh through the cloth without the hands loosing their held from either end of the loot . The trick is done thus: Us a loop mere thiin 11 feet In length. Puts it through n buttonhole of the coat and slip a thumb in each end. Hrlng the ends together and hook the little linger of each hand onto the upper string of the ojipeiite hand. The string will new uppenr ns hliewn In the diagram and will K-ein hopelessly tung'ed. The trick, however, is virtually done. The right thumb releases its loop -find the left little linger docs likewise. The right little linger and the left thumb, tvdirli retain their holds, are drawn apart and the string comes right out of the ouuennoie itrlni 4 ''IL tVw 1) H H II nlAklir tzsmM:, j ' u - m !.l K " r --S k-V . n ct M m Queen Anne Dinittg-Roem Suite in Mahogany or Walnut finish JO pieces $232 A JO WONDER that Wiscr's is thronged, these days, with V enthusiastic buyers. Fer in all the annals of fine furniture selling, never have .prices been se startlingly low. And the same thing applies te all our departments Rugs, Carpets, Lineleums, c. Unquestionably, tins great AUUU&i eiJi eners me eney-saving opportunity of a lifetime. These unable te attend the Sale during th will find the STORE OPEN FRIDAY SATURDAYS until 9 P. M. a&JBJr4rBHB3KIKI Jk daytime X. ri i i e ana gjy : ' - - - - -' i"Jyfftvr7 (i You'll like it as all owners de A ride will show you why everyone is praising it. The Coach gives closed car utility, comfort and distinction at little mere than open car cost. It is a delight te drive. Oper ating cost is low. Requires little attention. Is beautiful and reliable. Come take a ride today. Touring, $1095 Cabriolet, $1195 Coach, $1295 Friight and Tex Extra G0MERY SCHWARTZ MOTOR CAR CO. SALES ROOM, 128-140 NORTH BROAD SERVICE STATION, 2400-14 MARKET ST. The Hudsen Coach aas trie JSew Moter See it today. It combines the two bic- -.. . w. .,.. vu iiucicst in many years. A beautiful closed car costing less than 6 above open models, is offered in the Coach. And new it adds the wonderful new Hudsen meter. a higher standard of quality than ever. Performance is wholly altered a glor ious sense of motion, free as flight. It eludes description. It brings afresh thu zest te meter for its own Sake. I revelation even te Hudsen owners. Be our euest en veur first- ririv T.et It fastens Hudsen's 0B ie.der.hlp te r tSemtlv "sd "' '""" """' V' .....- ,.M. .,,..,,e ceat,..,m5 fcJan....2295 GOMERY SCHWARTZ MOTOR CAR CO. 'HuweNyy .HUDSONi sunu Wi "s 1 .b.Tj. &ftiftVSi.; Bir . it . 14, . tt - - VM-.gt . "W; t -. . . . .