fjpp V- HjT mi& vvyvw',.ii-' ft ft W?? raw r ,t-c iatsmm ji"" r,,ya IIY M ;UXM "KVA I A . J4J $ Vw4 - t C' u j .t'ua J T, r . t.'tAJL A 'W -', Si 1 t n T in k 1 .Klsfv v . ., . kJrT . .... ' JfA l EAIi ESTATE TOR SALE -REAL ESTATE FOR BALE WX-Wi M" jWeterlca. Wnrchnues, Manufacturing rinert itsTsTB k u ii n 1 1 n ii i i i ii i !i i i ii ii ii i i i, n ih Binir , ... n n ran 1 1 wi' immnnmmmmin aaaaai v teipJ , '"""M.i"iiuuiiwHiiiiMliWiiliuumilji1aiiuMMU uumiwwtU'uaiillllldlllllllllliuaiuimuuuaJilliijlUUIilllilllllllUilUUiilUIlUUUiUllililLlUlUUUJiUIUJ'''''"' "U'- Trenten Manufacturing Plant for Sale This plnnl is Rittintert in mlnutee. from the center of Trenten CJrnnrl niul idelim- strc. tt The Klze of the entire let Is one un b nrnperti runs the trelli-j line There Is Ileal en all four Rides labor Is plentiful In the nolRhherhnnd and the location Is Ideal from every standpoint One mill Is 3-story brick and re-enforced cencrete, ini'4" t 301 7" The celllnps are II feet lilch nnd It Is maple flooring throughout. Tiled floors In toilets, piloted fetuM sash throughout, two Otis elevators The. total fleer area Is fi3 770 fent. The second mill is a 3-story brick building of elmi -hurnlnK construction, 60 x HO ft. It has concrete foundation, eelllnRs 12'7", etl plovater The total fleer irei Is 22 inj ft Beth mills nie steam heated and electric Sprlnklit sister threiiRhmit The plant ruprtsjnta the latest word In up-te-date censtruLtnui .mil t-nns will be made te suit the purchaser. WIDENER BLDG. REAL ESTATE FOR RENT CITY OFTirriM nrsivr.s's room's, ktc. 'li'n iiiWi.iii.i.'.'H, . . !. LLiU Stores and Offices for Rent STOCKTON BUSLDIHG 18 te 24 Se. Seventh St. Center of Retail and Wholesale Section, within 200 feet of Market. Will alter te suit tenants. Larc or small areas. J. HarRer Cihadlwicli. M2.T 1 an 1 ii mil i i;iiiiiii , 'i iiiiiiiii ii: i ,i ' m. ii ni mm an in"! DESIRABLE OFFICES j con ns ITIf sT 1. I MAI SOT sr. n ) i ii f-T sr ml hihi id T ii.- - i i r ".-s rr.crr--i n m i pices .",i lTTii sr urifi i'mk rHONE'LOMBARD 300 III, j l !'lWI"!l! Mll,ll'!ffl!ll I'lllllll'IIU 1929 CHERRY ffin"t i i-i -se mil fleer 151 NO. 16TH , i i II r fil ud'r c FLOOD & QUINN. Inc. ,i Til Mi i II ftUY V -: I UnllllMIII !!!! ,llllll,lil'"IIIII'tlllllllllll!ITlM nihil ii i WALNLT SiRLLi a FINANCIAL SECTION ni.-'i 1 1 " 1 11 Ii 'lis iv 1 - u r .1 . 11 1 H 1 1 iN 1 1 PI ii -I'll M-Vf NUT (!3levjter fervice) EDGAR G. CROSS Shi I 1 1 1 W 1 MTT ynraraaiiHwiiimu nm DESIRABLE OFFICES EXCEPTIONAL LK'.HT, ALL MODERN APPOINTMENTS FULLER BUILDING 10 S. EIGHTEENTH ST. VICTORY BUILDING 1001-13 Chestnut Street Mnde New Frem Cellar te Reef Several dealrahle off m fr rrt Albert M. Greenfield & Ce. 11TH INI' illl-l' I s rs HEED BUILDING 1211-13-15 FILBERT ST. Tw A' Twe Large Outside Offices THREE BlIAUilK ii-sl.s IT VEIII RE 1 Nll'ir IIATK1 SHUBERT BUILDING 250 S. Bread Street ranr A REIT nnen nrrir E HUILDINO A)M) r.e ndtertlM-nirnta In am ill typ In following feluinim hlnrea and DvrilllngH 1539 CHERRY Het-water heat, elc t-le Hiht hnri" weed floerii, iittractlvr, nere n 1 apart ment of fi ur rooms I see "" 1540 CHERRY Btere and dwelling of elgM rcema modern thoreuuhly renovated FLOOD & QUINN, Inc. IHTH MD i HI 1 UV FOR RENT GREAT GARAGE Becent (I r V-'imn ai ft ru 1 lied w Illl 11 11 I l'i' 1 1 ( r ii ll leg nnd pi m a! u All v 01 4 nl ,1, 1 ini aster aw nue'iey) let) I J Id preiina I ' I - MORTGAGES fsj lllililiiilillll pfiil'l III lim inn 111 1 111 1 1111 ii ii "wi'ii wm ' 1 llmil' $500,000 I iF"R MrillTOAOrs ON j rrNTIlAI PIKU'RRTIRfl g JOHN H. SINBERG I iei ruf OTN't'T 11 uiiRiUT 'im iiniTiiwn iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiniiiiii'iiiiiMiiiiiiiiii i, THIRD MORTGAGES NO IlKD TAPL t'H.K B13TTLE.ML.NT WEINBERGER & CO. 20 B 17TH sr RACK 202c rillKD MORTGAGES Trm fund ii,L inn p iiatft ub benP.'..nrV.g.' ,m tl Sfi 11 B, RNANCEREALTYCORRnNcveBM MOR'IGAGE FUNDS WM. H. WILSON & CO. Idl7 WALNrrjiT i 150 4tel eatate axurlty, lmmdlt settlement, hitereit en estate! benrhl. Cash at enre. TO ' 1 ... mm mm s t r 4 9 a I . M, MULL ,", ' 12 rnrlerjrB. Wnrelinjiaea, Itamifnetiirln IlnenJMirlnrlpit, Wnrehnnae Miiniifncttirlng Floers Consisting of i we iitul d Jli HEYMANN & BRO. HEAL ESTATE FOR RENT ( 111 eitickh iusirs hoems. kte. i, .iil:!iiiliiXrTr7T Jill :i!ii!iii Title Bldg MORTGAGES I'L Mi- 1 I. I II - . i SLCOMJ MORTGAGES ADVANCES TO BUILDERS JAMES D. WIXCHELL 171 II M s, n Sfs $2000 TO $50,000 F( R 1ST Mi p fi I, Mnniil'fJK EDWARD LUTZ -M".":,Hr1" J. AImi sen mM rrtlsi uicnts In kii ill type In fnlleuinc reblmiiM. REAL ESTATE FOR SALE I ( ITV I '1117 F i llll.y T 7 miim i-lee r-nn Mnn. t r h . ti t ars & n. w I rein , ,M ' , ' ' i-i-ll Id at nr bilb HhtU i "' or I it i 1 1 n t,ir hrua uml un . , i.l.nw il t. 7r blilh mn Ii el. h w hrnt nrni r 1 ern wllh Knrnn i"l" Ii llini ae . llr hih !.,. h -w hi -U 11 ft" or Milfibi for larci home 01 up trti .101.1 N II la. n . Ml mnltlii ,1 , , 111 l'i N 7th t 'r I with 1 it Kirnc. II 1 sin I II ail ..'.in n urn sr r, r 0 rooms 1111 1 I i h Ii t ri In laun r ml for eulck fn e zv little home n le ira (h ahnl I t .3'Hi W ave slot l.r iw naiene '-w it. i h al i.seaalen, sUl.rllli. D0NELLY SUESS '"t ' 1 1 nun AVE '- -" s I l(i ' Mi T "III ' It Illl'It'll I .ILNT3 Ji s l hi ).-( SJ i J.s -,no I JI ' I In ?. . nun mi l-'l HI 'il MILD sU 11 I I 1 .1 I i III s Nt r ST -.0 HI i ir M tug, nery nve 3 story brick dw i n i Hne $iu must te eeld win' off i J it 111M31 S SUN" Lllh in 1 (,r n ats l'i 'I V M.I vi IB I'l I ii. UU J It '.teen Ms '! - r 1 Btnrv 1 rick dwell. l'i wi I I ting $31 prbe Ml-sLY 4. i i.n i jlh i i.'l UAf.LACi, si' in ruera 1 aterj hilek dveiini. i rill,- Jin win bring 111 prl J.UOI) J II lll,Ss.Y t pUN ,s i i 1 I h al I r.r n ata -41. HWl.NKT M Hvesi, r hrewna'ne il , i ins till 1 .ti rrui.e jite pesfeasii n $1 no t.rina mil,. 1 Juai pb lediniii -ii I In eln 1 j. I lilt I. 'Jateiv Iw I Inge virfnt if .1 ) I u .I .M rui is n , m , , J' I. I'll I'l. I lilllN' 1 .0 i I i . n II il Slut UJ.K 13 II i hih si il r bith r rch I't llilxl'ii wi.l rmevat tin ugl ut papnr.d te sun J.'710 It m A Ilnmnar t 12.IS N Pr-rii -i ESTATI wil nrrr I houses ilelnltv e III' ' ' r nt t r 51i 00 iw , r I ft " t 11 I m 11 II. i Dili get Jr 110 s i n . I'll! ! Ii f i' Ii l I I uu -i I. . I 1 ill la 1 I i i ONgn i il I inliig -l NEAR BRIDGE SITE. $6200 st i,. i ! II 11 t II ll I i'l t' rms 1 .1 i I I' I 'I a - . I 11,11 . Ii I llv 1 i w r ! i ! v ! njl r I ll ir t il a II I I t n s tin i s. iil a 1'rnn w I I I r i iff in 'M. I lining at 14.'. M VI'.sH.l I.I S SI ri. ma l.iilh Tiet wnter toil gas rl-ri le hHrdwned Ooern 55;Oe no J llrurtrigar ".110 N Sth st W mlng iit.11 11 rilOST.iRY buck d veiling near 2d and Mnaler lent 117 jrl.e JliU.l Je. ph redrnn i (.in in Jim (. KNi.r sr f.liOU, pr N' 2th I i. .7.1. .N II' is rlaaa e i i 'lu lis! tl ii "I (lr & h mt 1 i ii II, Kane, 1.17 4i vl 1, 1 11 11 1 I.St) fl - 1 iwniiige 1 t 1 1 1 1 .1 1 l ii I 1 IKU'SBB Knil svin "lie nnd nerthwe.t eer tlen eet ' t r r ir list H'e u blfer 1 ,uing FT li s J 1 1 i 11 and In II in 1 nvi ' II.! llnp I ' e ' ) th she iti tss , nt 1 I n til is' I se n t" I e n ,ir' 1 tie I Jjr ,, t 11 I I'l I - N I I t I I -. I I I II I I e I Ml white in nm V." ' ', ' 7,1". Juhn H Kline -! T N 2' il -I I ki 'IIIO pa.Ni lteKl -! J ini- 'li 11 JJi 11. mtg J.' 100 J. hn II Kune I 17 N -,lli. Tin. 91411 itnii M riAitirr or . i mn .-"'i I 1 rice I21IU Ji en II Km 1 1.M7 N' 20th no nun THE BOO DADS Gene, Hut Net Forgotten VEP-VEP-IT'S TAKEN ME K THC PRIDE WNO JOY fePSriXii ,v -v- fKmt PACE, OR OO MY K XftJSL J ne,j:vl Wi &HE'8 STUFRNV V FIVE AND FIFTY YEARS. S m op MY LPE YeP'VEPi W fSSpMh H' S Avb S E-VES DEG1EVE T rL f uLne .cw. )V TH 60FA J- s i eM, 11 , mmtw jii - IL v -. '-Wjli : : 1 "- "' ' ' " v sjmmmuuuuuuuumjL s tyLt. , i"-. -ai --. EVENING PUBLIC REAL ESTATE rOH BALE trui Weil-Built Mills Is hound! li hcMnul. l.lm hi 170 feet Direct! past the PHILADELPHIA, PA. ( n iiu s I II i mi'" perch: all med j.trik,e n r nr et for 1 earn ir I 1 "l" m "r 7th imp I3rp no N . I M K i ,)I)(M V tlarl, n Ml "v n h I lb r ( Irli , I'Xerllent ennd I I" l sb MC'I 7th nnl I lln ll' N Ml 'III H slx rms hnth. whit Plun I t i t r in no I it int. $1110 i Mm J 1 r .i i . i .' I N rrnnt Kens n.'UI .'IIU II' IT ! ri rm- luth, ehed li mil I" i. n in I iiptireclited JJMm Itan llrutn t 1J is N l'r(intat i i.i Minnsn r -mikjI; ansiDnvci: siiriiu.i: rcii apts iinevmi hlet iru in i s i .Tii T spnuen Nis,- is d HlM,(,iili st l.iv brick ilwellln ?' nun.. in will lunik, price f.'ln i ii ii i-i-rv a mii 1 Uh and (Ireen at J"ll II K I II in uu n dr.. bth.. i, h I l 1 i i Mini win I,, i tnreuKh : pnp te 7 ".ii It'nn & liiuiiner. ,1J lhN runt N ll is tin. sr i,r Imth. whid suit 111 I 1 .ii i J 11 ri n ud uant. $ llinn I IHjui & ll iiu l.ti 1 Fn lit. Kens njlil I .'21 3. Iniliaim no Cor prep, llr h pen ele mr tl7'iO Ileinev K A Oernwall I.".. I U1NKI l sr - ii rmi i. bith, med i r U It hi Ien! ush l.'no N 7th at llri'il- N w mi rn ll rnr m n, ner I I I- H I K 11 i I 1 1 I M)M 1 in. J ?i - - I i I I ii I 11 'i 1 1 si si trtth lurci inn 1 II 1 inn 4114 r'fnrd ae Hrl h I 20.1 N I" 1 11- l 'in? ,-ifi intB j3mie, Jr 1m II l.nni t J 17 N . in IteK.l 111 ID JJ1 1 IM'llSl 111 rr prep llr bih poi .i ei i. t tlii" JI me. I At Cernw 1 POs.s .111 I l.mnrald et 0 rms , bth., Ihtk. urd i.' I i n 1 Mci inn 'Pi 14 PkJ, avi avi Ol.efthli 1 r 171. (iilliirine 1 eter Sr Mh llillHllimh stei ii ." Hls 1517 N I 1P.K 1113 six r ema atidluth mn h S.-"! W nil in JSss Alae me .uli rtiHetmntt In larce tnie Ii Itren dim; 1 nluinita Ibdlill'iJ Iits. I nrlnr ilfe Kte. " 1727 SANSOM ST." jrunnnv nriLtiivn lens's I 1111 s Ii Wli-lII3LL 17TI1 AM) SANsiilt HT- ItllT f' r Mi I r m nt ."1 i t w st f ' ii- 1 1 1 I 11 1 11 f 1 t nil in J LI.I3 1 1 I lii Lin iln lililir lluslnias Properties uml stores 1,11!' II I"!- Willi I1II Hul 131IPNTS "liirj it t 1 's w II, in il , at rv hu 1 I 1 fll with M. M st. Hi In In fl ui h I ( tUS 101.' Vfninge se si e ndvi rtlsi iiii ills In lurge tvpe In ,111 I l IHI1K I HIIIIllllS JTui terii s iirfliinisrs llnniif if luring Heur KENSINGTON FACTORY , I art K -iig'en fnrtery wl'h rnllread all I 1 TI II the taal 1.- ii'llce WILLOW STREET BUILDING ' rk' b i I ' i M I''i i a in 1 1 i r xlma e - Iiiil' light en I al I s i ill I '. i i l( , i I i KR1IANI UN ll h i, r Ibrka I -tii 1 r i Ii 1 i ling in s el rendlt r r t ., 1 s i . e li w ll hrlr i t il I ff i II 11 is-1. A hljN' S ' 1 Ii nnl iiii-in i 13 1 spiHY t e bin she p in Ki nslngten mil I dlsin t 111 blxsn ,,t liixpi, hrtck him' sir i (Oisi .'latv r.u I, n 1 1 d price, til nun Hill I ii 1 1 i i 'idg spr 74'il I rill.l K I rf. re nt fi t i ' r an vntluu. ti. a II " x it ll ni at In i h s I'ln & i 1 1. I 'I i si ,i i at I'll P UP s nr I II r M i e (lt W.ijn J in ' r Id Ir llr I ' irilng J I LP I i'l H N I meiin llldg Hi. i -ie I'dvi nisi iniiiiH In large tjpe In prei tiling i elnitui (inriigi s OAllAi.l I i 1 I lii' imt Walnut Cut ' - ir. the beat pnjInL mrn. t it J i i I a i le tin ,t, ".'' 1" n t a III i m 1,11" III rfrniit I'mpirtv WHARF PROPERTY Schuylkill 'iver j i rr i I Inreln D dg w I sT PIIII Mil I P1IIA imirnnTinti t . ,i.,n, .. ..i.'uil ivin ill ill i'l 'l w at medertit , .. a i i , jioen. tema nf thim al ) ii lii. ata m.ii etiue of tlim at 's, u i ws nm, In the. .e.e. nf SO , ,. , , I ... ....,- .1 1 - .nil can 0n.ii I r atiafitery I ur chasers C I i "I Ll . N. Jr H13 Hurrl Ben blig ilMli ai J Marmt uln ) , ' 1 -I Til IN' th .. trace for 0 S 1 B e I "I I 11 1 Ilia . I I Ills H' IM , larl r'.n i 1 a.iunru te lurmlnal WAlrrit 1 iln I ill 70th nnd Mar- ' Wet ,0 1' In! wi t'liill utrn iicnlngs until Sf I CNLY 2 LKKT. vvlih garage, Inc'ened perch tils bath Alth Lul t-lri ahewer hardwood (lH if u ivi'te broken, Mie fluttered nletlK , , rrpi UJnlN "Thnt In n Inaan -floera threuchrut no I thej cannot b built ., ',11i . , , ! i i ' i j i.i- 1S n ,1I8S0D for today at m itile lun t di lav If ou want & the ureilll I ,, ., - ,. 'ion, he Imrlted. " Oil NIW hew Oi en ral home JAMI.S ( I'.NHUItO builder "Wenf aald Pnddv PeR. 'New m,, ,.,, ,Pr wjt) , , nThi'-r ,":"; u"rrln'"en "Vl r' '-'''I 11 net hni,. I.. 1.. ,k f .r I l.e m Bt I , ' ,. ,(ll,1PM W111 , ,ls(, J1JUr w,u ' 1 . 1 Hills lls h'p Modern ' r I 1 , 11 1 I nl condition 4 ledr is hl vMit' r I 1 rtl cilei trio light nc uii 1 1 rel It vr.l 13 k RnlKiritR J2r 1 I i 1 1 l s,rn. 0207 0201 I n n sr Ide.' local in f r de 1 r or dentist: Je' 1' 0x1.1 fe t 11 ',l K ft I 1 n.l, lis I 0 I r j.i M spru. 'J07 (W I I IV V I I, I 11 I 1 w J I I lie te dispose ... .. t 1 i ut.. ... .-.,. 1 , . . 1 .. Ileal II I. 11,1 ill I iiiirrh.iser renaili- ubl ' ll 1 I 1 1, I lei- r (Ifllrn lfl'-'M N' Itl I I'll I I) s 1 (rietti nnd Lam- !Vl lnf ttll ' I es ke I li r . Iv Illl I I ll M, r, r. t, B i ,, ,-. LneValtl V n'reinii ijuiatmi 13) a l.ll al I 1 1 LEDGER-PHIEADEjDPHIA, TUESDAY, REAL ESTATE FOR SALE IVKHT PHILADKLPIUA hadi'ii:i,i) sr, oieo hiax'jc -two story, perch, it r junta bntb, het water heat, eleo elee trie lights, )ilen el settlement, 11, A. J1.NSLI3Y, 12IN Chestnut St. M32 WI3Hl.MLHTI3ll AV1L 8 rms. and hath, perch, meilerni vacant! mortguge 4IIOO! price flK0O. J. H, Kane, 82B7 N. 20lh Tlnira PHd, a'fM N I1BT HTia rooms, 3 baths, med- irn let lHxIOO te rear street: owner will finance ANTHONY aALLAUHKH. 0700 Haierfnrd. l're. 1J1H7, ' fl23 B. SITU ST, Sherwood 8eotlen--1lod-orni Inclesed perchi 17800. J, l Cunning ham, H707 Chester ave. Open eenlniti and Sundns. COIJHr,D JIUYKHS fllti N. BSth. L'-atnTr pncl heu, 4 bfldroema, het-water heat, eleet rlcjty. rerrh owner. 7nnn MAIN RT , Hne Incatlen. 4 bedrooms, pIpc. llKht, exeitnt cend.i will finance. Ilnffman 5027 (lift rd mi. l!!lt ' n4ril Colored buCer; 4-berirenm houses fin,, ren I dec llahta 13 J MAUTIN inNnilh et. Jlelmettt 3(181 a.13 llAf,TIMOItl3 AV13 Three atery, n re"m. pleetrlclty, forma te iult. A. V. nitOWN. Lincoln lllill. Hnruca T.ini I BSfiO m.K WAHIIINOTON AVK. Torch. "7 , rnnnu nnd bath, medern: little cnah (111. I morn all Liberty nirtg Spruce 32.13 LAttni3 apartment heuVea. W. 1'hlla.i ld-fa I P c cash re'l Kelnhart 1B2 Cheatnut t. I fiterea nnd Dwellltura ; r.enn ;n WHST.MINSTrin AVK.- Stere, I dwIliiK nnd six private ifaraKea; axerllent locntien imeatnitnt, caeh, IVO0O. riTPATUirlv. 1.141 N, OOth at, Alie aee iliherlUrniciilH In lnrice type In prrrrdlni: inliitnnH (ir.KMAVTOHN i 107 MA"PI."l3V(Wl) A 13 Deaffabla resi dence, In perfect condition, must le ae'd te clnsi eatnte earl pna-ciielen I J H AIASS13V A OM 5 15. cer 13th '""' "reen ata. i242 N. 2'ITII JlOfle under "real value, beiullfill Or & h , med pnreh fmnt home, 'are nrd Karage prM ece fdloe Jine I'iNh. Jehn II Knne "IJ17 V SOth t Tle U140 8(ort nnd Pnelllnca M12 OI3IIMAVTOWN AT3 New etere. complete HUttnhb' for nnv business, In henrt of Gerniinteun buclnies ftectlen. Arrew Itenll Ce VJ I 1 (llnej nvc Alae hen niIertUi'tnrnta In InrK' OpeTn preenllng rnluinns TIOOV 7:itIK AVI3 (lnTll) Modern 2 atery. cerner: ripe for Impreiemem n teis and npta Kofi i ns a Mip-ii.nrc r UMJ Wrnnun (lf,M3 " M'W KtitiiiimTi e bi mes lotweep 2d nnd 11 sis 1 hlei k nrrlli of Itvi.iiell ld . (I rms nnd liin h v I it Inel l ereb ethi rmi STV11I. f.210 N .1(1 Win, fi7i'S J , i dlt tr i' i P i ii Mir-hill A Ornngej 1 7 .ma bull hlwd lb urs b w. lit , will (In M I'l- ber a -,,, sn, (ini Uoelilnnd se hoc I'd i rlUeiiunlM In I irne tivc In lire ri'illni: (iiliiiniis linMillllll) I It MM nllli I'imlish drtts Pllllnn at. 1,1 urih'l v -nl Airnti ( blecl.s wRt of Prnfik'ni I t I Inls 111 l.'l Klirnuea. low prlres sit ill nmniint cash 1011 prices will inHance dun te 01 nliiR n' rrnnkferd "I," Urnbv 4 l.inne 1007 Lincoln llld Sp 7390. sinres unit DwilllnRH sliiurandiU' lii u 1 ritrlnn teuln street: (.illlnbln Te. am liiic n. s 1 AHI.I3SS, 4M8 Frnnkrnr 1 ni rrinllfinl l7 1 UOS1 I Vacant r, suit 11. hl '..'s Inrrealue ni drms bth., ireh tnr prl Moe '1,-rmn te U3J i'rankfenl nv Onr 0017 rr.ii.v.Ni suninnAN CnMHI IPI! IKiMn iiii.1 1 ncr nt Wy. I feints in kii iuni tnn hrlrk 1 uncutew, e riii'ins 1 I 11 Urn tntli kih .ind eipftrlc, knrnKi ". 111 niitns w 1 k ti tin mil trolley, hirh locution line law worth JSOHO, nuke 1 1 flr I J 1 Mll'.ni.l. Mni.Lnv Plneillle, Pa. v osien(ifller '.'2 13 Tnurt at. I I llNi", H 1113 PMtlv (new Oehba Orfek aec- I tl in) Itir-i tle aretv of modern resl resl letn f s aemi neil dettith d oil cenn Mb ni es, 111 riil triuh's he it f n m ctntrnl eti ini plant inill inejnt if ensh iciiuliel pr Ii7 t jpiiiw linn mm cehi of repr (1710 t jP'ine ban Hull coat of repr . Iiu - l'li (n!'1'S;prUM'nb7''l''1 ""' "' "r 1"IU - 1 I 11 IK LNI -Vill Mteni 17nRlleh HtMe rnsl- di 1 c wnh tile reef center hnll, ll cham- 1 I ers 3 bllhs eUslrlcIU. het water hen, (hardwoel (leirs, eer Vn acre, corner reti- I ten near "tatlen. 13 A HAM7NS Of) . I 11 N'i 1 )T1'"- Jinne" en-v terms 2Jxl10 S roema I hitli, ai-ml .'et ichid pnii nnd etec, ri mtiis te lrnln Wulilrin 144 llli kle axe. 1, n-l If Pheno Ofcent ssj w ItltlsluT, Niw iiinii in I, r ms ( iner, 1 birualn JIHiCi. ( ill 'lacem 1104 I I I. 11 .NHAI.I3 2 prnperlli s nil reni , old I hile SJO.Mirtliia Mill rd nt fi , cheap 1 Illl.l WI3I.I -LOCATFH bull ling icta for detnrh'd h is a Imprevenienla 11 . I.1NU Hala i vnwjd Cjnijd 212 DREAMLAND ADVENTURES "Secrets of the Weed," Hy DADDY OlfAITKIt M Oven IHnl's Clcier Trlcli Tr.'iii:u lie f mini Der,' ilidn't hkp te , In thiit lie ns like must fr Iks He I i In i n niiKnl into cuius; his si I, mil ui i ililnts uml sipiiiri'ls a free il.i). bin In vv.isii I i ,nv ti join in their IiiiikIiHi or ilu li'Ki' Oven I'.lul hml pluvi'il en Inn, 'Tisii'lui 'l'i m hoi ' 'IVuplier'' mm knl l viti I'liiil sntii'lli from tlie tun' III Illl III s tl llllll t t V llllil h Ii III fnnlnl I nidi Ilu.: Illfri yiv illK Ills M Iimil i Ii 'li'i,J ill Hi I ll' l) 1" hllllK I'll A Il.n'il -"-in 'I I llinn Win f inul -il DniMi Diir, nnd In in.'nli n smlili ii Imp t en ai I Own llml Whltr' I Hi n I'.hI 'i-ipi'tl nimlih iiwnv nil fnsl In'ilni; w hbs ' I III mi Ii ' ' L'i iv id Dnddv Orii; I'Imm-' liitu i i ir vvlll net rnli'li n i hml Hi mi. v 1 1 It vvitii.'- ! II liiive te III find v ii Kinl s rii--i mil ! u it I" pli'i os ''uil ll .lit I til 1 Hun IllK . . . , , t,.,,,, ,,,.. It IlllllUUl llMK "HO I II ! I . HH) . Illl I 'Ih i i iildn t Willi P i idv Poj; te trnr tin1 .,, ., ,,t ,inv Inid te I 'rs ",,,,, v t i ., 1 ,, 1 1 nili lll'I tie: in in leek nreund en till L'llilllld ltd III I'lW llllslll s ll 1,111 vl vvl I'll I )u n I'll 1 - iistinllv Inillt , tin. I msls lint ns Pnildv P..K srnrche.i liven id te hnv,. vMishi'd mini his ill-humor Kinl Middf nly Ktvc n t-lirlck. uh of iiiin, 1 ;llA . hnl(1 ,. '" .mil (nine mimhlliu; te the nreund. SherKi Ua put en h,B ,TpCCtacleM nnd nielred hprself nn. nnd he dine one nine r,Tn- ti,..n - ui.: m. .' . inn 1 111 It I Il null 11 I her u If fur he mil. 1 ir.. k Itnii v Pet; atiirtiil ili.i dun Kiid InjUHil lis she s, 0 r,. i in lie, she mud" 1 II f ml Illl"' vn tl ! 1 lll'I ki'('l)liiK Mist nhdid nf Pi. I'. v Pi;s uiilthnii-l no-! .Im k nnd Iniiet 1 ,11 ftei the Inn p g 10 h.iiiii I'm v did "! w inn 1 1 dil , . Hml ''. II line l.lll lillle Nujiliiiiriili Hvi'ii fiird ktlCVV hull te lllki' 1 II" of hriiclf. lul Pinldv lb n Hull I'liftM), lini nt eiwlili.. ,n (. inul tilim-ilf 4lrtl1Tilpr ' " fllU'l' K III" I' 'lll'I llllll-' 11 (lUllllll'S , , I'lR III II l"K Ilm an 11 1 flew, Pven REAL ESTATE FOR SALE .WBNyHYi.yANiAHiJntmnAW. AtJIAN lliillilInK I.ela $400 $850 lunv TMna HITVJ4 A T.OT r,Oc!4A AT,1, rONVIINIKNCHH. (lOOI) TltANBIT. ADI.AN nKAI.TY 0(1, I.ana. .MOflM pnpealte rilflen-Aldan It It. Htatlen IIAI-A-CMMVI) 8TON13 nnd plaster Co'.en'nl. fl rhnmbera, 8 bitba. 111 build finrnnc WAI.TF3II R HtTllintllVNI), llaln 0nnit t-'jnwjd 212. nnneKi.tNK , RINdl.Il home en let nnxinOi iinununlly tnrce nimna open flnidiiiv, tile Inth, shower, fti , thla nnmr "III MrrlfVe for quick aale. WALTI3U A MrOI.MVHY 7nth nnd Mar ket Lnnednnne JHfll "pen eenlnKa until ti P M. IlltiiOKI,!NI3, cer Msnnr rmd and Haer ford axe ilrml buncnlew. I bedroom", eleeplntt pnreh KiraRe In bnaenient, let 82 ft front, shade nnd fru t trees for Infnr mntlnn nddree a 13 V I I3IIS, 321(1 Itnce at , Philadelphia, Pn , nueni ALL RTONR. alnitle I bedrenms open fire. Plnre let fnxl3 111.000 WA1.TI7R A, Mei'LlTi IIY 70lli and llirkfl Linsdmne 2nr, O0n eienlmta until 0 P. M. iiii,i.iNni)i.i3 infi'l3H tw'ln dwelling, H reliine, electric IlKhl het wnler In il Karaite let 211x133, I mitinre te trellei Jrt'iOO WALTKn A M CUK IIY 7'Mh ind Market '.0(11 (ipnn aeniiiti iiniJillP M nii'sirsTVM.ij eitnscw.N rviLi.i:, jiinoe" Pereh from ii. ii be I '1 1011ns b.ilh Happ inns v "t'i ai ri 1 11 r.7. 1 r.MtlL j ALL "TON I, ileliieliid heiiae, elate roef: 2- iiireirin Ull.irilS sPriII3Ill.lNI Pali C'iiw.i i'Mi"id JI2 lll'I ltl3 ri3K f.AV ' ln'll.'i 11 1 u 11 hfiif" n's eiiniirtiinltv for 'nr,i(i iin te own and tnnnnae an aatab llalied bilslni is enducted eueresafllllv fm in r JO ua ill i"ir round hotel, will be sold ns nn mlliMi mil rntnte furniture, furnlah una 1 d will etc Ter pirtlculnra consult u in I In. r 1 IJ ' 'ietniit "I DniAI'.L HILL DREXEL HILL HOMES WAi.TLn c. niinniNe 80 R 17th at Spruce 2SS7, D 1 IT 11 (i,n for In.n.i'l'nn. new 1 ("' I III! , ,,. nn(l..liiirn hnni. Tili- 1 1,11 1 ' nfr nnd Iierr hwh . 1 blot 1( Jirexel Hill Mnllnn ritPliriN I A CO NJlmerlcm HldK, DI'.IAI.I. Illl I. Cor '2I, nterv, stucco, ex " lb in 1 n tii 1 r Mm mi I Inceln Midi: st, ; i 1 i)iti:.w.i, 11111 l' im5 11 ivrnjitMnnn A1I3 MILL I.M'IIANtll3 MH 1IITLUY. 0'.'14 I HIlsTNl I SI I LIvlNs PItU 131 KINS PAIIK New Cnlnnlnl. f, ehimbera. J biih mi' r lull I t Mxliil meler-ite. prlie will Ann pre MrCermlek t. McCerinlck, I.lninlti Mm in p 7000 or I3lklns Jerk. 10ISKM MINOK 2 llullillnifI(ita llll'lteiri) LOIS, $40e"un. homes built nt low cint Muiin 2(12 H OOtb 1()J3IIAHK PCX CHISP 4 I nwndnle New ft 2d-hand hemea fei anle II J Tunetill 1000 Cottman (.I.I3N(II 111 N OIl-Nnl.liI V -ji, sin hollow tlle atucce heiiae , imirns huth, flrfplace, I bedrooms Amerlinn Hadlnlnr hut water, fruit and shrull.iif let 71x120 '01 Klrmvoed ave Phene Sharen Hill SO W. UNHIM R LANSDOWN-I3 AM3 AND PLtTMSTEAD avi; i hunt nil, OK ine IT. IIY 102 IT HFFP MO.NDKItPL'L PltOPERTY I WILL Ill-Ni.VAn: IO Bl'lT PI'IICIIAHIIH JM)I.HI 1 I, HA lit AN AT PHIOE WE ,SA.N,.H .v'.,'-',', K .r.,:.11 !'-PX TINCI VAI.UK I' CtillNT.Il 1llS PLAN'S AT OJ'FICl WAKI'LIM r,.'i4 CIIES'INI T STRBET LNKHCH n.n.,, , r,OOJt M;MI l'NOAl.OV nATII AM) 1 IILUIIOOII ON l,ST FJ.OOIl Hlene and mgnn 2 bntha nnd every mod ern Imprnii nienl nbsnlutfly in a.i order g-irai,e n mnbh let r.liiiT Li. "'"-. 'm'!l e'.ScVll'.slNCrsT.'PHIliA UllMIlM! LAWNDALE $4200 front. 0 roerra and bath, einetrte Torch happ noes NriiTijiyr. III s Nf3SS MAN "" Lerate. at I iwidnle rapidly grewinrf inurehes nhoeis numerous houses la?lng Inillt we bin the loentietiH Hipp. .1 Ien illl at 1. 1 UN DA I I - 1027 Rehblna nv"e 0 r. TTT med let ..Ixl.i Ileiidenbnsn, J20ON 7tb kiii.i:v l'tuit STONE HOUSE 14 ROOMS" Cenienlenrea, Imrdwoed nil ever, larre r.?,ri" " . '."' In,'l-7 near atatlen photo PI3T1 RS A M) (KiS CHLSfNUT for PHI LA lltinl, liiiisliing nnd rhnrklliifr, her wins "s wm'l "M ever. She lintl just liecn ,' ' ." "V '" ' ' """ f" ns te jend I'ulili Hne nvvnv ftiim lier iiPht. Wenf'" cmulml n,i,i, n.. i ipmii I inn ..,,- ..... .. . .. I . "' "' 'i "in net nt nn '. ;,"""!.. ",'. '" Mi" k '' iiek """' Help me out:" Se .Turk mh n hul nut ii el nk te him, and Pi. d Il K Kiiihhiil It uitl, his troth ll' InuiK en iv lull. .I.i, k diacKed him Iimil tile l)iiL Pndili line vvns levered with mud fimii In id in tml He leiik.d ab funnv H ' "ii" iiuild lilnini. the inhhlu nnd -riuiuiN for hiiiKhine nt him Dnddv P i 'll'ln l -im iiiiiddv Ieiik. hevvpver 'in I liiiia. il into tin. hinnk uml tiincklj I hill lilllisi if ,.,.M MiMiiwhih. the wpiirrels hnd found . ' '' 11 llllll S l( HI il vvns n ilnintr 1 little iniiie. liulf hiiriul In thn I'mimll I '""I riinfrd hum with Innves nnd ' I ll" li' st loelii'd jllut like nil lini nun of vvhlrli .lurk uml I. Pi lil Inul - n put in is Thi'v k,1P !, 11 ' ' ' l'"i nest htuv (hen Hlnl K ' l'i lilt UK 1 1 wr.tildn'i he nli'e for n nine old 'I in lilt.' u ii in tun in n clever little bird u vuis . iili iiretertln;: her (ivvn licit," ml nm. I Ir, pri" ns he shook wuii i out ni iis l it r Pidih Peir s hnth In the IirenW m.m ''r ! 'II turns ' 'I h.'ll Pnddv I)el hngnn In hniKh .1 .iiiir, linrkliiK Imuh "And ilm Julie is ,ni von," he enld le the vininli iiiik riilihlth nnd niuirrt'ls "Tim 1'ikn is nn vmi, fei von leiirnid n Reed liimiui en nun finr. tnv Just iiu thelIKh loll 1) ;l ' I In r 11 111 ar linn! ' ml with ilm IiiiirIi mi mil f 1 nm him te Illl l.lhlllln llllll Mllllll'lu, I)illl I '"- n hnppv he thought no mere (if lillliislntiL.' I lu'ii Kinl I'm Ini aanil. '" I 111 HH nil I ' iTiirnfU-iAU Jner nnT Innnt Innen Y,n ' ' ' I " ' 1 I ' 1 Illl' II HUM ll'llll 1 I' III II till siriet of the three luMh In (inn ) 'AUGUST- 15, ' 1922 HEAL EBTATB KOR BALS M!3NN8V1.VANIA BUIItlKllAN. PAUI.l AllOUr an acre with fralne house, 10 room;, bath! heat, electricity, itaaj Knragc, frultl $0000, J.. M, FnONCriELD, AVane, l'a. BT. DAV1II3 NKW HOUHB In ceurae of erection Hellew tile: 6 chambers, 3 baths, slceplnB porehl het-wiler hent, electricity: large let! most deslrable locatien: pinna nt this efilce, llfOOO J !1L rHONEriRLUWuyne, P. NWAKTHMOUK ONIIIU IU!.I NHAlt T1II3 COLLIKin Colonial house, 14 rooms, 2 baths, stub e, RnrnKe and poultry heua: let 300x200! tennis court, fine location nnd Hew. t P. PllTKIta A BON,fl08CHi3HTNUT BT LOT, vHr, Park nnd Yole" Tives , 100x243, low te clee an eatate, ., C. P. PBT13HBi A HUN, O0SCIinTrNUT8T. WAYNft CONHULT our Hat of properties ramtlne in price from $1600 te l.'A.OOO, for theau who dealre 10 bu.lld we hnve ceieral cen trnlli lecnler tnta ... TIllTTnnATtJWAYNIa. P-k . NKW nrllPtle.ehlnale'acml-det. houee well hulU. let 32x170: h -w ht. fireplace. 3 bed- rms , lame attic. 17300. It. A. bavles 1420 Chestnut. Bpi.ia78 . wn,uw.mevK AOIIL8 Of OPPOIITUNITY 12-ecre tract: near Willow Oreie: IjOOO. J2730 caah required, m Happ, nbOH Nj. Blh st Alae""aee ndtrrtlsements In lnrfje One In preceding columns, . NKW JEnsKY suminnAW SPEafBARGAINS $7000 AND IROOO TIIBrAtlt 10 and II room housea, well leciled. netr slntlen and trnlle, at .IDorentewn Photes. PI3ri3IlH A HO.N',1108 ClinSTNtlTJI r.l'lllLA RANC0CAS HEIGHTS The Wlesahlcken of New .ter-ey n"","""1" alt en Haneecas Creek and Lake: bathint, heatlmr, llahlns Ieta 21x110 7iiip. C. 11 13IHLMAIEH. 202 Liberty nidK.JPhlla. AunvneN HOW irUCIl LONOnn are nu irelnir te re main In the crowded city or In, that two-bj-feur npartment? Are ou still Kelnjt te eubjfft your children le the 1lkIWioetl or belnw run eier at any minute? Is It your Inlontlen te swell th pockftbeok of the land lord all jour life? De jeu reull70 It Is llinn time you were delne one of the most Im portant thlnKi In Ufa that a man ein de, namely, owning your own home? Tliern la nn myatery Just hew this can be done If you wern sick the Orst thlnt you would de would be te call upon a doctor, If jour shoes needed mending jeu would go te n shoe maker, f ou are d'elreus of building a hnme and haien't nil the money In de se. the proper tblns te de Is te plnre our con- HdenfA In n F.nni.lil. rani estate mnn. but I before doing se Imcstlftnle end Ond nut for 1 eurerIf that he la en Iho leiel. Here Is mv 1 preposition. I am renin Ieta at Llnwpcil. rint at Jteunl Lpnrnim Ptiiiinn which adjoins Audubon I nm alnn bulldlnc homes In thnt location nnd time 11 amnle house which I would like jeu te Inspect The price Is $1000, or the letn cm be pureliaeed en tin little as $10 down and $1 rer month In a ehert apace of time It will If Impossible te recure anMhlng n ttils location nt nn) where near the figure thev are aelllng for at the present time Yeu de net lime In wnlt until jour let la paid for te build inur home and nur title la guaranteed bv the West Jereej Title and Trust Ce nnd wiu make jour pay ments direct te the Audubon Nitlennl llnnk Our can are waiting le stew ou iliese lets, or jeu mas call en the Mound" hi taking t"i bus or train te Mount Ilphrnlm N. J . or call at the ofllce of T. P. ABBOTT Opposite frtnllen Audubon. N J. Open dallj and Sunday AOF.NT FOR L1NWOOD LAND CO NKW .irRirY SKASHDRR ARLINLTON IIIIK'II JOIN bungalow club en Unmeunt niv, $10 down. IB mnnthlj Write for plnn nnd pirtleulara M 4JL Ledger (if(Jce ATI.WIIO eir' SMALL rooming beuae centrnllv lei iled, within 2 armaria i f thr I'ennsjhnnlii It ill ill read station nnd aijuMe and hnir from the IlenrdwnlK 10 looms and bilh atenm he it irlre $8100 ll tg JI1U0 WARNER J LINDSAY Jr.. 1.107 Atlantic ave , Atlantic city. N. J OAI'K MAY A DI3SIIIAIILY lecnlrd 10-rm furn, cett.ire, ( an lliiv i3 block fiiim lend, (i bedrma . J liitlm electric IlchtH aliim hent, mod ern plumbing '!70J Lfi!(,er()ffl. e HOOIHKhST J N'13W (1 r -nnd liaih home, 1 niln friinf atT" C H lllhlnujtt. ilOil Liberty lllilg'hlln PKNV-YI.VANIA PAItMS roll AN l3hrATI3 I offer tills In .intlful 13 arre farm en Old lerk re id nt lluokln lluekln hiim, 27 miles ftem CIU Hull deliahiful leiii' inniulen huin-e puttlv plnied unlil tlni old eli.idt trees, 11 rer ma modem bttiii hut w it. r hent rltv itua newlv me lei n dili biro and full cemiileiiitnt or rnuliiiiMini. i mining atreim pond rich llmi atone an! tin limet faun in thla section, u toil hu gain ut 121UUI) J CARROLL Mfll.LOY. 2J K Court Bl , Dovltlttewn Pn Phene fll OI3NTLKMANVH CO'l'N TRY PLAC13 18 acres ileng 1 eaten hlrlivvny picturesque surrounding near He tiling llnllwny depot nnd vll'uge ehiwy ll room atnne dwelling, piea'vure water Hjatcm, bilh bent lighting euliin, rnre eharle spurious rerchea; com cem pletu pet firm bulldlngH brook watrred p.ia lure Improved bl well known nnvvapipir wiPi r, ullurlng features ut farming value. Dutn.Ha mil photographs through RI3USI3 it. Ll.NDKllMAN. 0 E C. Airy t.. Norrlo Nerrlo Norrle town, 2S5 ACR178. producing 7B buahela corn per ncre. ' mile from Lincoln Highway, Jii miles rvnteavllle jwllh population 1 1 rne 40 nillea l'bllndelphl'i, Inrge atene farm build Inge eprlnga, atrrnin '.",00 nppln treia 8 jeara iilinlid geed ayrlnl conditions, (It), unn I n farm for everv htiitr T M I'RONnriKI.D Wnynn p r 31 AUniH. J.1.100 WITH 2 Hensns78 Cew, 3 rlge nn rniCKena. i acrea rnrn, fl acres eala, hav numerous fnrmlng tools ling mlTr acres timeer, . iirren pusiure aeiiit t; room atone liemn 10 head bain, jeultiy nnd pu, Hlnblea frulia, ready te operate Iminedlnte ilalt nereaantj RPI3.SI3 A LLNDLRMAN. one Alr Ht, .Nnrrlsmwn -OVr.IlI.OOKTNO RAILROII) TOWN' In Montgeriierv Count. 11 nrre p inerninle view, rezv .lioern rettnge, ni it b irn mn farm bill dlnga frultn rhoenlnta loam soil OK)0, lesH thnn half ash Investlgnta through Itr.KSK & LINDKRMAN ll 13. c. Airy at . Nrurlatnwn. f 700 CASH huyn i.V?"acre poultry firiT. large atone house, first clans outbuilding!., price I2n00 HAPP 3U0S N Mb et,. NI'.W JI.IIM.Y l'KM $J,10 IIL'YS Ti aire fruit and peulfry'raFm In best arctlnn of .south Jcraey, no build Inge hand te large marketa, cllmnte neil water unaurpiHard tnsm tits JI we klv booklet free Oil I1FIUT & O f3ALLAHHAN, 701 Walnut at Philadelphia REAL ESTATE TO EXCHANGE WILL exchange euully In modern suburban home, convenient te OOth St Terminal, rer rlear let In Highland Perk Llnnerch, llrnek- llne or Beuth Ardmore, P 230, Le.1ger off. REAIi ESTATE WANTED Ha vis 1 CLIENTS! ONH wri.r. irv. niAWdn rjiei'isivrv PROPERTY IN LANS new sill FOR (10INO DIIUO BTOIU3 TI1I3 OTIIhll PARTY WIL KXC1IANOJ3 OOI.MI JU3TAIL HIlOFi Ill'Mi.siivsrl Hill i'AJir I'AHII AND RIAL DM I' All: KglH'IY SWAIirLl'.Y ',.'1 I ('11I3STNUT bT MAN1KD Te rent In'Weat Phlladeiphli or iiveiiiroek u renmi and nntn, no np.rt menle atntH full particulars In that letter eh tu lent, locution nnd l-aie P 2.M1 Led rer Office Rents collected In all sections of city ARTHUR B0SWELL 231 J 13TH B'n MAVI3" DEMANDS for resldemes along Main Lini (viiwjd HaU List our piepertlea nnl seiure nulek aale 1111)11 B MAI.KI3R. flB3I.anil 1 UJe Jlldy bpruce J217 ll'ANr Te btiv2 and 3 o"lery dwellings In lest Philadelphia or In lnuth PhlTaile. Ipbla Addreis P 212. ledger Oftlce VI INI 131) Apartment houses, 11 p anv ie ai nd pnrtle Relnhnrt 1B21 Chestnut ' TltT.T.lAltn AT4T rOOT.HOOM. MCKNHKr, mTXTAKt AN1 rOQT.KOQM DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC SAFET Dilliard and roei. License neanngs hr 'been TflledTA this office and will be heard In Heom 220, City Hall, at I) o'efeev a"1 Wednesday. Heptemner uin, iu-.ii jtij NAME! Arrlge, Batite Ilelchar, James K Hrnwn, Prank i.V.tien. Charles l)e Vuenn, ii'rnnk Deyle, Jsmes Iludas, Theodere 1'ldyk. Theodere Freedman. Nathan ftaljen, Oeergs Oeerge, Themas Oeldberg, Harry 11. Oreenberg, Augustus laeebuccl. Pnaeuale Katrlnaky, Dal Id fyockweod. Waller Lotary. Kellx raher, Jehn J. Mnllernn Teter . Hudeen Ilecreatlen Oe J 1 Majer .Teeeph, "Pres " 1 Minis. William llontnnare, Iuls Monlnnnre, Leuis Merris James Nlre, Teney Oatrew, Meyer retnlleehle, James Pristiina, Jeseph eb Charles flhrnpe, Leuis R. Rlnvrn, Ahrabam W. imlth. Themas Htntnat. William Jehn ft lllaehochrletakes. Meletaes, D. Stern, Isaac White, Heward and mm p, 2d st, , 1834 N. Frent si. OfilO Haverford ave. 420 S. 4th st. 1000 . Jesaup st. 1140 Trankferd aie. net I K, Thompson et. 171 I'epiar si. nn s. mm at. 107 Ellswerth et. 2020 Oermanlewn ae. S829 W, Huntingdon it. 2432 R lOtti ft. 0007 Woodland ave. 4712 Parrlsh St. 703 Bt. Marks st. 020 B Hancock st. M7 De I.nncey St. 0 B. Hicks st, 401R Chestnut st. 710 W. airard nie. 2010 Frankford aie. 2010 Frankford ave. S14 W. Ceulter at. 3403 Kensington ave. 2020 N. 10th et. 4441 Oermnntcwn aie. 220 W. Huntingdon st. 2271 Pratt st. 42 N. Felten st, 702 McKean st. 030 P nth st 127 N. 10th st. 100 N. 11th st. 2011 W, Ruaquehanna av 3712 N. Kith at. 720 Incoming st. rrltscnie, Albert Any cllljen nf full age who deilres toflle a remonstrance against anv of it,. going applications must fie same in tnis emce en or nerete Friday, September ui. emerwiee nn win inn no ,itm.... REAL ESTATE WAKTEP IlAVlf afallable funds, for geed Investment properties, staie panic ..- a ....... in If.nilnglnn all FiJim or " room iiuiiB" Av.V"f-'i nff Hen nen"h' no agents, P 224. Led Un- HAVK jeu a'rrererty te sell 7 See me for uulck result.. Thomaa. 2317 W T.hlglu W. It ft B"N 418 Lnnd Title llldg Oarages WANTEn-Hpice-fer 2 cars In private ga and rnve VleOllV ni 1 UI l-liuw e''. "" Wainn ale P 305 Ledger Office, or call Ogent7 1377. REATi ESTATE FOR REN1 - CITY , 1RTH S f COix nlmie Hpruce Dwelling. modern In rverv remcet: "ullablc for phv.l rlnn II. AUxnnder, Weat V3nd .Trust Hide. MdlM'lCyTheuiie. in.W rnlrmeuiit nve , 10 rooms, 1 bftth open by appointment. ARTin'R llOHWI3J.L,'3jJv;13tll.J!t.. Tell I.OOUHT ST W. II HALL & HONM.JindTRlerildHT , "pv)aee nderllaementH In Inrjfe type In precedlnEielmnn Itualnraa Pjrenertlea and 9tere , .....k.el ifATIlCnT HT Flret fleer nnd lineament. 20x118 f eel. Second and lleurth n"nr',',2rn',??rt"Vnd Would rent P7lfnV,0rA.WK'eh2lr-. gns! open I te. fi P. M fbOl. .""-' ..,. 37.11 ju fteii'-""". ONLY 1 desirable Mere !'" -n ",CA" evvbn"e,r,1r8K. S J Aitriii'ii. mni.i.1'1' -.. .. ii ireede.. Warelietiaea. Mnnurajjnjnngr, UR N RTH ST. Cor . -iery tu"u ..iU- building: freight elevator, etenm-heatlng nlan rent 130) per month Apply te WM, I THOMAR8143 aermii1ntevvnnve , rfnilfalry accend fleer, electric elevator. '' HeeTrlen l?aht and ether cenvenlencea for light me-'-'setnrlnj Blg-lri N '"""-'--. sTrACTDUY. ivnreheuae and fleer apeclallst. Ainllt'Il 11. ITtASBK, 2JL ISlll J j- A1mi aee'trilTertleinent In Inrse type in nrefiillngenluinna. OnruBea Aute or Truck Salesrooms ,00 mnrm AVI3 (10x130: automobile LIS .nlearenm aervice eiiiu " r-.'.rr;;' :;:; allow vvlndnwa. unuiually geed light, every modern convenience ,. 19th , HARRY T SAuNDnns ' B. '1tn "' - ":.. ....I.n mw rrareu'Ci1 IftrCTA WAITS 9T . eaat aide or Wallace, ene. i,sir -mure from Hread st : para 131 ft. ...... .. . -.-- , ..,. .. .. i. .... tint), al 11-1 lftl) It OH men at , un uimnl light nil cenvenlencea. Wi, V"t "h'ai'NDK a i 31 B IRth at. VI3 CORT2(llh MOORC BT . I20O. with nfflre en 2d lloer lRxftl: plenty of "fht. rem joOeVr menth: Immediate possession. '""T-HARMW II. BIIBTZMSIJ & CO. Ilread rindPatayunk , OI'KlfES. IHTSINESH KpOMB. ETC. "20-l22 ARCH STREET t7in tinne J 1300 H2IIIH) $110(1 inine erpicRsnrti Nils' svi.nsnoeMS CRKSSF3 112JCH13HTNPT bt. " nej walniTt l'adiks' tailor will rent neteiul fleer renr le furrier or r "rM-V TJla'cHTN-PT HT "inAV.""" Wr WJX? aft' lWi, Rldg Bprue 7KII Kofi RI3NT -Office nn Hread at eeutn ej JOMIPIi'm VMNnSTOii-nnlTHJ. Hid. DKHIHAnT.B office ipnce, fl'.eproef build ing elevator service, moderate rent API'lv 1 JJ!'I'iilnTT-lLli."""nyt -' CSTI3V HLDC, "llieHIKAril.R OPrtCrS. Al I. OI'TSIDR' IU3NT RI3ASONA11I.R at.i!kVi:STI3Y 11LDO 1701 WALNUT ST. pTuRD HLDO tlth and Cheetnut Desirable daylight offices Apply te auperlntendent psmniTHftll, 3. W oer. 17th It flaneem (TkNTRAL OI'KICna, geed llghta: reason. able Willis lljiichester Ce . 2.1 B JRth st. AIlHOrT HLDO, Desirable outside nffleeH, rent reosennble. N H cer. Hread 1 R.ite 21 B HYDKN'IIAM First deer front Jdl W II HALL L hON, 4MJ,and Title Hide. Alse see nihertUemenla In large tspe In preceding cnliimnH r.s.T PlllT.ADM.rillA WI. 1L1VI3 a frw were of these med homes lift P. rtna hnth Inc pnrrh, elee h -vv floera ihr ugheut only $.15 rent 2 hlecka finm f.2d end Hiltlinnre nve.. nr Cliasier nve irel lines' sample house (12 1 n Lllrb field at open from 10 A M te fl P II , or D V Red ling fi2d nnd Chester. nve PINK, ST N'KIR 41D Nine rooms nnd hnth el ctrli light hardwood floeis, large living hill he heinr. 17.1 West Phil 1 Heal I .Hint a Ce 1000 llaltlmeie avenue 11"4 a .17TI1 ST night roemi, tile hnth, ti w h one uf the most desirable, places in W I'hlla in lie 1 be sem te b appro appre tinted Hell tela hone Woodland 8180 rilfi" COLON-110S H 47th at Flie roemi and bath. D0 and $100 TAYLOR & HON. 27 B, 40th IXIOAN LOOAN le Marvlne at I 2-etery, twin, rj roeme. 1 bathl Immed. iwaa. W. D Cham bers iJS Nj. Ilread it Wyoming 0732 rnANKFenn PiLLINO BT . 4(100 block Med Or. and bntb. garage, lg let, rent Hen Agent en prim or Dreby & llvans 1007 Lincoln Hldg. I RANKFORD- Med , 2 story, aeml det., all renvs , $110 Apply 310(1 Dvereaux st , nr Luhinnn 4 Snyder, 1201 I3rn ave jriega D2J3 Fl.ll.N KIM'lt b'iORLS npnrlineiiTs II Hepe. "iTeih" N Hread et Wven Ing l'i17 i'I3.nnsi.-an:a sem bhan FOR RKNT 1111 lenae le reapnnalble Family during evvnei'H .ihiBeme in rma , ienv te cltv elu lurge livvn shade, 1 ti O 710. Lcdtir Ofllce J'AOI.l fDRAL LOCATION NewFy deceraTed, fl iiienia mid bath, ,'-eir enrage old ahade: adjoining tnlf rlub fill per month HKNRY W DAIIB, Pnell, Pn Phene 115R By Arch Dale l .4i.. 1. a...i.. .... that lh tnnruna annltrftllenn for TUMlnt-il .ml tt a 4Xi nmaiiiHiNi K I .IJI tieh nt. rmn. -,-s LOCATION OF rCttLnenmT 1310 S. 23d St. wl'O0K la-in walnut st. O'B'17 B. Bread at 40(1 Peuth at. JPOO f 12th st. .010 N, 2d st. 800 glchmend st. 171 Poplar st. 704 B. Ilread t, 1120 H. nrnari It A Ml 1 A & Kensington ive .fl weLl' 2041 W. Iugh ".'": a5?2 ?. llh st. 'S. f-i )"2 ivenniand ave. I 280 B B2d et. , ' 420O Ludlow et. ' ''' 110 Seuth st. , I 407 Spruce et. t B10-21.28.2B a. Jlread it. . Pread ti Cherry sts , N,W6" 2MB Frankford aie 2340 N, 0th at! 128 13. Chelten aie, 8408 Kensington ave 2020 N. 1 0th, st. T iil Oermantewn nve. 220 W. Huntingdon M. i , B101 Taeeny st. 0218 xrnrkft St. v 7B1 McKean t. nnn s Bth st. 0a0 Arch et 038 Arch st. 8000 Frankford aie e m t'n Venanae 'wp' O'm't'n k Venango tvSl' Cm. I r1 JAMF.B T rmtTPLTOU, 'I nireeter of PuMIe Safetr-te I " 1VJ.AN i j; UlvNISHED V NEW .IF.ItSKV Sl.lMlni.i.- " tfT jr.,ijs l)IU)V15 r nui.i.Y furnished ll-renm house 7. ' - ments: until Ootelwr 1. ii7.t I7n ... v".s.s 111 Wb aie , Orenn drove N, j JMORTQAQES TUNDS rttNDS IN ANY AMOltvr IMMRDIAIfl SI3TTI .pX niHI D1NO ABHOCIATIOV munt'v rUNUi 5,nnl' " IfOO.OOO for flmt'iM eerenl mertgnres Ir jt i "-S? Kigea in nn amount, nulek rep,.Lr 2 able charge, PIjkment CO 1102 mSJ American Hldg. Walnut nsri V") MAGEE & Rnnr.RR, J20 Tecunt nt. tk b ..- .jl MORTOAORS AN'YA1I(1PN'T T, INS ON INTKhftsr IveLM,.'': ... :-J.-" tniiie tatf-urp iivnsUfifasi i i)a.vs en iNTKhRsf Wctrr&n -'ll n07 Land Title Dldg. .i lirr S7 V.... - "i - " " WriMnr Arirrs. ANY A0iWn wE,iiDE.rijtr; & LU L.'"'- ntrv .W x.lJl nole t home l, . : .''.. "'", WALTi:M WOOD. 1001 Che.tntitit. for l".U !"'"" len ralleilftOT MAURICI3 IJCMTMAN. builders' ,U. . leana en eeulit.l ..ti.-V.i.i r... '1;nc1 Coenl,Trust ri,d ." ,ai" and "M" FUNDS for first " .3.. .'at. chaeaTred T. Lew , nil ,Me?rl. BIJ? ..".9NI."Y FOR OOOD nnsT MntiTni'r.V?' '"IH-WIVCTiaBTKR CO.. 2B B 18th ft? nitim. astv -MTna . i.-TT - lS"S'" n.n'' 2d Phlla and DTPci ..j.., ei i.jin-n 112 8 3tnth Bpr.Wtf Wn tiled riilnTe nmI f cynd mnrtgnge wintei ...!.?? ne'v h"L fU.OO equity; stats mn IKUilirH. II 7.'fl TAn- IMi.. - '. w kei ijininri 1111 r.p. Breels7l,.rf-l"tTrr,,""n""" "' -l Afnivrjiiiiflijs ,'n ATTRAfTIVF APar-rtfmtT O-. t.F.I O .- ,r e-. 'I Just cempleted: 3 a'tnr'y. modern In ?ri an',rha-ev,r.?erilculARrlV 'n'ne"k. hnuseV.S3 Ki,. 1 1 -AJ?riy ew"er 132 , 4th it : ' ""iiii'din iiui) fj Very Attractive"Hskpg Apt!.-, enmhn'0s,0'' ti"?' he'". llv'c-renm hedfeeii. SnrJi. fe,'Vnln'rJroe,n nnl W'ltien. but, imreii front nnd rear entnnees lanltni aervuef)!,, 0 J I W 1821 N' Park ave " Jiu . Af"r" :300 Pine Several Ikrt' i,m n 4 rnn'ni nnd 1 hnth, R rieim ( ttnn' '""m, nnu -i Dams; rent HS't ii'ei hS- m',nlh. Applv te Jnnller or cil "jn,"."7Jinaitaslen "rleher 1 t f .... VS HT"- 'Schct ni luhtiorhend. nrl "."enheiiae Sriunre and 20(h al , tieviilhill - - ,, ,. v'" " i' " i iinwii noera win iuni,i .! nun 11 ne'.sasnry nnene nreatnn 1143 PRIV TI3 4 roeina uTtnl bMh, IncIuJinl 1 1 u i. ' a,,."1. ","4 Kl", immeninte pnseiiien, 1 Ms N ri2dat l lini ST H. UI The Amlussidrir-OM.' rm nnd bath nple,. furn wllh erv. Sliit. wool AntApencii131't Wilniit Spr SIIOD, I3XCKPTIONAL opts., froem and bith, IM I . iiiunia unn nnm sen sleim heat, fl trliltv prlv ite fumllv ir.d'i 1irnM it APARI1II3MH 17th nnd Walnut iti- . .1nl .' foei'". 2 b-itha. Pheno Preitet I l.s .1 HACIIHLOH'H APART.MR.NT - Twe roenl and llle.l bath het-water bent electrfi I 'isiijjtenirai rnenn Mnruce ni'n7 0308 1112 V HROAD ST. 1 rma and bntb, rltqi M light J100 IVm, Sudkr'a Sens, 1 Celiinibla, mill AND SPRUIT, vlclnltj Arnrlment t rooms. 1 hnth third fleer rrhrte fmll; cxrillent rnnrlltlen Hnr. lrisd v ,1 11.111 '142113 rms. furn hkng anTSl iiunr jnrre single rm.; eitc, pep ni3j. i. .101 N ri2D Four large, melern roemi, ill rrent aerenn noer APT MM the Newport lflth nnl f?pruci-l inree Jenmsrmiiiiriin veariv eif WEST I'HIT.AHCI.PIIIA ."1 ' LfA. I AfAK P. i for refined couples, 1010 Ilsrlng mrt. P)fl tier property, just completed I nri llrlrfl rooms bedrooms bnl'is kltrlienettes very I modern convenience, pliewer tnllis etc : pre 1 veto gnrajes n tiesireii, jan mr iflrvici. , $.10 00 up Agent en premises nr I 1 reaien iii.iii ihe nli ung .line nariti j hath, perch lawni ill APAnrMh.NT at Ih St.- Five rooms. outside rooms cul Jiprucc 7-111 4 X, (1 TtXfif bntb nnfs meHern Mini Al Hedgers 12110 Lneiiat Hfjr ngUT-naai '41 NF.W .IF.RSF.Y SKIHIIIlRn CHKIJSKA Unfurnished, splendid new aPjjtl --..r. vleiv. It rms . 3 hatha- H10t Pie (111 te sublet 10 menlbe with renewal Prlrlljf Address Apt 8 or phone Atlantic CltytHfcl FURNISHED APAHTMENTS l SUIT-WALNUT ST (HKTH.AM.TNHMl nr " rooms, vvun pain; wen erjuipreeiiBigi sen Iced HOUSEKEEPING APARTMENTS! '257 SOUTH 16TH STREET...' "eari'ndba't!, fS!,"d "Z et'!? edrnnniH and bath Apply te luperintenruui. 1 en prcmlaes - ' inr.UST ST.. NO. 1530 " a few desirable apartments still avilliMjl In thb, new ifl-etery fireproof heuiikMlWl 111 ".ns. .'" ..,.. n.M,lnn Invlteil I apartmeni nun"", ,..-.-..- -- APARTMENTS WANTED i-n-rT'e.r 3 voting men d. sire aDartmNtl . leinitv Rlttenheuse Heuarn P 310, ll gcr Office. APARTMENT HOTELS THE GLADSTONE 11TH AND PINR BT3 AHSOLUTFJ.Y FIREPROOF .1 . ..,-.t, tettt.s-rc.iTti'TS IIUBltnfS 1 XI' la, runeiniir.i, w, -. - LONO AND BHORT TERM LKAS5 t " THE DELMAR-MORRIS W. Chelten ave Or.HMAVIfjWN ,.- 20 MINl'Tr.B 'in HROAD HT ISTATIO Hetel or unfurn suites hntisekeeplnjJM HOTEL COLONIAL "ffiiTW! BPMMI3R IlATKfl . ,h C PITMAN HAKKII, Jr , Minilri 11111 HWARTHMOHK. S.'il and W'r Furnished 2 rooms and bath, nnd I (JT and bath maid aervice and linen Inciuej" Phene Locust 3182 -V 'Hill 1.1111.11 11(11 hi., "SJi H Urnrnl Onlei eiriinuleiialy rleiin and well j diii'ted a geed plnte le live while in i" l.KOAI. AIlVrnTlrlKlllCNTl. 5S5lN0rH'K iS'llKKKIIV IVKS, fl 1,37 appllenllen hag been made fur.1" FIRST Mnrn-riA.-in. ."S At n per ten for a I or J i Year term en'sik. -lll'hBiltatj-ellldrr. I.nnadnivaiii ,--. . Jni "' ." '"nr.KdCPjt, allium- l"'IHI IM'in4 nn Ilrl mnelnaa.. II plun tTnit,vi msm " .;ii ' .t! rt5. V.MO.M 'V,vl -7 ' f'ttfcjfc' ,4"; 'Ua