mi IMf.j'S'a'i F7ww.'fcw. ..!" W f "" ) '' v,,? -i 't'-". " VftWMl1, " " '" " " Mi. i mwwwTw' ?wmM ,f-A rf r-v1, rtf''' "W M Ms in II fa . -- 22 EVENING PUBLIC LEDGER-PHILADELPHIA, .TUESDAY, AUGUST 15,' 1922 The Leng-Bell Trade-Mark is a factor of importance besides petition which insure permanence the ample physical properties and prosperity of the business. behind the new issue of First Mortgage b Sinking Fund Geld Bends, Series "A," of the Long Leng Bell Lumber Company of Kansas City, Missouri. This trade-marking, together with national advertising of its product, gives The Leng-Bell Lumber Company a volume of output, a steadiness of demand arid a general advantage in com- The growth of the Leng-Bell business has proceeded steadily since 1875, when it was founded by Mr. R. A. Leng, its present head. Today the Leng-Bell plants, warehouses and sales offices cover the country. Dealers from coast te coast carry Leng-Bell trade-marked lumber and lumber products. We recommend te investors and will be glad te mpply full Information concerning Tftg TenG-fteti. lumber fempami First Mortgage 6 Sinking Fund Geld Bends, Series "A" Dae July 1, 1942 $1000, $500, $100 Amounts Security These bends will be secured by a first mortgage en unencumbered stand ing timber having a value, as independently appraised, equal te at least 1009c of the face amount of the outstanding bends, and will be further secured by a mortgage en plants, mills and ether property having a value at least sufficient te make the aggregate security under the mortgage net less than 200 "T: of the par amount of outstanding bends, both of which ratios the Company covenants te maintain at all times. Halsey, Stuart 8C Ce. Incorporated Land Title BIdg., Philadelphia Geerge H. Burr 8C Ce. 421 Chestnut St., Philadelphia Lacey Securities Corporation Michigan Ave, Chicago 332 S. LONDON 8T0CK MARKET Collapse of Allied Conference Brought Weaker Tene Securities Londen . Aug. 15. Collapse of the allied cenferenre en the OJcriiinn repa ration mntter brought nbeut a weaker tone generally te securities en the stock ixelinnge today. French leans were heavy en selling for Paris account. Moderate selling mused recession!) in the gilt-edged section, The oil group lacked steadiness. Tlejal Dutch wan 'MM, Shell Trans port and Trading 4, and Mexican Kagle .1 I -10. Stability was noted In the industrial division. Hudsen's Hay WHS VI IT- lUi i There Mas some liquidation in the home railway group. Dellar descrip- Itlens were dull. Argentine rails fluc tuated. Kaffirs were Irregular. The I rubber section was flabby. Wm. Steele & Sens Ce. ARcairrEcrrs-KXGiNEEns constrbctehb ' PHIIADCLPHIA TORONTO BROADER TRADE N CURB SHARES FINANCIAL Te the Helders of Athens Railway and Electric Company General Merttnue nnd Collateral Triwt Sink In Fnm! Clelil Hende. KIkM l'er Cent. Merles "A." THIed Jtine 1. 1011. Proposals are Invited te be made te the I Colonial rrust Company of Philadelphia. tilth nnd Market streets, Philadelphia, Pa , Ins trustee under the Indenture or Athena Rutin ay and Electric Company and said 1 Trustee, securing the above bends, for the I Kale en September 1. ltUB le said Trustee for the account of the Sinking- fund provided for in said indenture, or Denns ei saie. issue at prices net le exceed par and nccrued In terest thereon le September 1 1PSSI. On September 1 11122, the Company will deposit the sum of Twe Thousand Six Hundred ElBhty-IUe dellara (I20S31 te b- used for the retirement of said bends at price, net te ex ceed pir and accrued Interest te aald date, and It I. the intention of the Trula. : pur euant te the prevision f paid Indenture, te apply the mene 8 te be recclv ed te the purchase or redemption of bend, of aald Is ue nt prices net te exceed par and accrued Moter and the Oil Issues Take Precedence Goldfield Devel opment Feature of Mines New Yerk, Auk. 15. There was n pronounced broadening te the market en the curb tedav as a result of better conditions created in all security trad Iiir Rreupi following the overnight de velopments! in connection with the la bor troubles in the coal trade and In thn trnnsnertnllmi field. The meter group wai the feature of tnc trailing turn morning, uuninr. -Meeors of Indiana moving up from 1H te 15, and Durant of Delaware, which closed yesterday nt 30, advanced te SO-li. Stilt?. Meters also moved up en fairly large buying, selling at 23 te 234. and there was geed buying of Ilee Moter, which ranged from 13i te l.a4. Petroleum stocks were also strong, the feature of thnt group being Cities Service which, after selling ex -dividend nt the opening nt 1S4''. was tin te 102 shortly after neon. Standard OH of Indiana rose from 10S te 100 and New Yerk advanced from 420 te 430. Southern States Oil. after reacting yes terday, was in geed demand ngain to day and made a fractional advance. Goldfield Development, the feature of the mining group held strong nt around Its recent high level. iNnrsTMAt.i lllfch 400 Acme Ceal 7.V 2000 Pittsburgh Mt fiOO nay Hercules fiOOOl) Ilex Cen 100 Shelden . . .. 14000 silver Hern . iue Btauuri .vnn 22c Vie 10C ,0 .V,? 10c it trie 1A it 2& 'ft lr Se He 7c "c I 38e 38a i 1c lc IPC IPC 70c 7i'e, 1, l. I 07r 07c 111 1U 71c 73c lnc lflc ft ?s 1A 1t 15c l.'ic 1A 'A 10 11 2C 2C IV. ,1V. 1)2 Vi OB1! Illl'i 104'4 ion ion Kills Fugitive 10(l"i 1WIH 10OJ4 loe'tr 1011 1001, 1(11 . 102, leiu 2U Amer l.lcht 1000 Atlnntlr Krutt PJI lHlie.il proposals should be securely senled and Ku"!f ".old "fend. "At hen, , Ua I way and h ftr all or any part of the, benda ettered I nJ mu.t state th. "?"K. -..' ""',',; Se el?e7e d f sa e and muit te received by the Trust' at Its Corperato 1 mat Vwtt m?nt at or prier te 3 o'clock P. M . en AUd"tcpVda."e bends accept-d will be mallei en or before August 2.1 1UJ2. by "CFleranVrhSrcca.e,. ceferlnc accrSed Interest, sheuid accompany all accepted bends. Atben Railwsjr and Electric Company bi KU-O.K w pated Autust 11022 rRUBAl'l'P. Vice president. uvih-.mptkin or ntisns ... w ,UiVui rr. CDKPOKATION OF Pursuant te tt-e terms of tr mnrtcnga eTetuted In- Publli Scrlc Corporation of ! v,u,:, October 1 lBOft, f.iere has been etas'de and paid te the ridellty Union Trust Compans of Newark. N .t . trustee. 1 unde enld raerieaue the sum of two hun- I lred and nine thousand fle hundred del- 'J, i'eu AOD) vihRh amount la te be ap- I oiled eii August 21 1022. te the purchase ' ind retirement, under the sinking fund I jroUitena of Hie said mertKuBa. of Bcneral fnertunBe Kie Per Cent MnklnB Fund K'fU-Vear Geld Ponds of tha said Public c... i.. fnrnnratli-in of New Jarse. In tha i nanner prelded for In the aald mortgage I nnd hi the lowest prices at which said bends m8. He Uiirivu ,ui ei. veiled elferliiKs bv holders of tald bends arc hereb lnltijd te le made at the nfllce of the trustee ttie Fldellt Vn'en Trust Company '': Hreajl street Xeuarl,. N .1 , at or before 12 o'clock neon en August 21. PJ2-. sucn enennKs snau in eucn case state ire number of bends offered for sale und the net pi ice m wnic.i surn uencis. are enered, 100 nnriten'a ,- MltW 1(1.1 1000 Pradlev V P 20e i'Qe nrlt-Am Teb coup, in' HOn Huddy Duds . l's 81100 Car Ught .. l.nn HiO Carlisle Tire 2V 100 Chicago Nlppla Sl 400 Cleveland Aute 2d 100 Celum Emerald r.s 20OCem Selent A 1"S 300 Cem Meters 7 fiOO Cuban Hern Suit ! neil Durant Met . Sl' nnoe Durant ,t of lnd l.ls 20(1 Federal TAT .'.t 200 Olbsen Heuetl 21 20 Gillette ,s It 2.M 70D (Umbel Pres w I . Ift 700 nimbel Pres pref 102 200 OeliluMi Pictures ft 100 Ooedjcnr The Pll 100 Ilaei heel 2Cl 4200 H-dcn Chm 1' 100 Inter Rubber . 4 '4 ioe i.ake t n 1st or. 2 2 400 Lincoln Mtrs A 2l4 2 100 Lima Ixme part pd 2st, 2S 100O I.ocemobllo 20c 20c fiOO Merter Meters .1 24 IOO Mercer Moter t c 2 2i lOOn.Mcanhl Iren . 12t 11 400 Moen Mtrs 104 10', 20 N Y Tel pref 1(I7T 107' 311O Packard Mtr 13W 13N O01I Philips H Cerp I 42 t2 100 Phillips II 1 erp pf 1O0i 1004 3r.ne Phllln Mer Is 2n'4 itn; tee Public H,r N J pfd 104 Lew 71c 101 2e ms IS Sn 2S rS 2ns ns 41Ni h an1 13', r.s 204 221 4r. 102 r.S 104 EQUIPMENT TRUST CERTIFICATES We Offer Subject te Prier Sale and Advance in Price: Company American Refrigerator Transit "Baltimore & Ohie Railroad . . Baltimore & Ohie Railreid Baltimore 6c. Ohie Railroad 'Chesapeake & Ohie Railway . Chicago, Milwaukee & St. Paul Railway Erie Railroad Illinois Central Railroad .... Illinois Central Railroad .... Kanawha & Michigan Railway . Michigan Central Railroad New Yerk Central Lines .... New Yerk Central Lines .... Pacific Fruit Express "Pennsylvania Railroad .... Reading Company Setibeard Airline Railway .... Rate Maturity Yield 6-n July 1, 1929-33 5.60 4i2r April 1, 1924 4.50 5-c- August 1, 1924 4.75re 5rr August 1, 1926-36 5.00 41rr November 1, 1923-26 4.75 6 January 15, 1928-31 5.50 4j April 1, 1926 5.10 6rV January 15, 1931-35 5.15 7 October 1, 1933-35 5.10 6 January 15, 1929-35 5.30 6 March 1, 1925 5.00 4.r' January 1, 1924 4.50 5 June 1. 1925-36 4.95'r 7'r June 1, 1926-32 5.10 6r, June 15, 1932 5.20 4'; January 1, 1927 4.75 6 August 1, 1930-36 5.70 3700 Radie 1 em 100 Ilndle urcf 11100 llee Mtr Truck 4"000 Seuth C A iron Jill) Standard Met 2S00 Stuta jroter 700 Tec hnli a Pred 200 Tenn El Power . 1 DO Teb Pred . . . 1 in Tedd Ship J00 V S I. i II 200 i' S 1, l( nref. nnu Unit Het Candy 700 V.ine Ceal ine U'e-t Und Chf-m . -3A 3 40c 4 JUS ll'i 14 7'i Oft HI sue STAND ltl Oil 18'. 103 4', n. 13' 3K- 4' 23 II' 14 , 110 IS Hi n it. :i5c Last 71 J 103 20c HIS I A l.nn 2S :X 25S ns 4S 7 0 304 IS 21 2.'. 'I IT. 102 rS 101, 211U '1 4l 2S4 20c 3 24 11', im, 107'. 13S 42 ' 1001, 20' , 103 4', :i,V 43c 4S 234 lVi 14 7 6 IS ' l's 35c and shall be signed y 'he holder thereof. llUULITY UNION TIll'lsT COMPANY, Datel Newark N i August Trustre, IVii. PE.NYI.VAMA CO. OVAll.NTi:i:n 3Mi rK CENT THr.ST ( IJIITIFI CITES, bUHlEb "A," DL'K 1037. Pursunni te terms of agreement dated September 1 1117 the underslcnvd Itnlles tenders of above ceitnUatiH for sale and dellvcn a of "-rhtdnlier I. 1022, at 11 prb e net exceeding par and Interest te the ex tent of 150 U00, Itie sum new p-e able te sinking Fund Sealed tenders stilling aiK'Clllc number of eertMrates offered, uddresved te OIlliHI) I TllUhT COMPANY. Trutee, Slnk.ng Fund I Pennsivania 1 impanj uuaraniieu jv, per' cent Trust Certificates Series A ill i- recalMd until 1J M August 3t. PUS. CilltAKD TUVST COMPANY, Truste ' fiOO Angle-Am Oil . 18S l'S ih's . 11 vth't t 1 nhiis ' 1 10.-, Puckee P 1. ntij H" 04 J11 Imperial Oil Can lOti'i lim H'0 300 Indiana Pipe . . 1'" I"' ') In unto oil -'"0 ''"''. ''l Kir. Prairie Pipe 24, 24'1 243 :ui)S Oil of K w I 03- lS ' uSilii S Oil of lnd ex dlvllOS lOsS 110 ui u S O'l of N Y . 134 4 indi:pi:ndhnt eii-s -S 300 Aetna mmi Alcan -' 7000 Ileone OH 13c 20nu Hest Mjemlne -'C lOOti Cnrlb Snd f-s 055 Cities f-er c dl 102 1200 III S H Llfs ex dl 211 S 300 Cliles Sen pfd '17S 100 Cem Pele 10 3111) Creele Hn "Va 1000 Knulnra Petroleum 2c THOM'. Philadelphia 1 HOPKINS. Treusuro Treusure Ausrust 12. 1022 1' 4S IS IS 1fiC 20'a PropeMfn Issued under the Philadelphia Plan JANNEY & CO. 133 SOUTH FOURTH STREET PHILADELPHIA Telephone, Lembard 4320 si;ai.i.ii pkoi'e-vi.s ,i.i, m; m;. ieled ,md pjlilich erncd m the eil1,., of tre Ouurteimuitei Uetu-ral Ituem j.lutl .runltlu'is ItulldlnR V ashlnxttin I) i at 11.00 A, M., '-eiitemlirr li, 11)22. or th tonstrui.tien of a amup of hospital bulldincs . te be built nt Northrtnipieli, .Mas.u husetis U'erk Includes cunrtructlen of tttetm-feur (21) bulldlnKS built of te-enferctfd oncrete and brick cempltle with sewer, water and l.chtlnx ssteins rearN and walks (foetlnxs for nine bulldlnts new under ceturuct) l'lana 1 and specifications lllll le obtained nfl.tr , Aucust 15t'.i. upon deposit of IIOO from me eine of the cjuurte riastr (ieneril. Iloeni 2J12 .Munitions Dull line WnshlnKten. I C or from the urtli." ii the 1 etiirut IIiik Quar termaster Chatiibu it Commerce Ilulldluir N'oithampten Mas- ut- s t of plans uiul pc -Ifii atlens w II t en .xhlhltlun nt the fellow ins Mat one mil 1 instruction Qmr terniaaler 31' v hl'e'.uii uida NVw Yerk Cltv dftJte 1 msii urtmi; (J-unrtt.rniater Arim upi Hnee I. sten iliss iifike guortermaster iupnlv 1 irtb r (.Mk.iKe Inter im d, ate !t'it Irtl'i eit I'ersMnic Jteud ' Chicaue. in tot master and uttln 1 ensmictliiK Ouar- . ett 1" eld HelleMUe I, Sperl.il Jlrellnss -r- 10 lee moiKiieHirrn or V33 1111; T.NNtil. .M riKE .N-lltN(k (IIMI'AM Pursuant te a resolution Hdeuted by the Heard of Dlrectert of 1'ie I emiunr a speclsi' Kill, of the -JilV'O-ir- ' ', T1IIJ I'l..N- Is lfeteb called fei He pun , , ,0ns ler i inir a. proposed Itirrease ur 1 1 ap.tal stuc of the t-etniitny imm . m mm -e 11 ueti line. h. h sfcliil tneetinif w i'l in I etj nt ths rltlce of tie Cenipjny at Vi .',os Walnut Street. Philadelphia Pennsl mla en the 3d dar of Ortubir, 19JJ. nt twelie o'clock, neon. Dated, Philadelphia Julv 31 1022 C K SHALLCItneS President rsflll Federal Oil HiO Ollllland OII 2300 Glenrock Oil HiO OrniMdH Oil 80O0 Hudren OII line Int Petrel into I,llnu"'en Pet .00 I,ens Pete 4 en M.ugav Oil . . 31 11 'nr ic.'b . OII 1 10 Murlnnd .Mex p " Merrltt ( II li 11 Mexico Oi. t.ui) Mountain Pred l.r 11 Mutual lief tiitfi New Kiik i'uel . . linn) Nerthwi st JOIill Niible Oil 4100 Omar Oil 3000 lUnn Cens . . . Jim Salt I'rck Pred .100 !-aplp,i P.ef .... ioe Seibeard r.nu Shell I'nten pfd lien Slmms Pet 30u0 Southern 11 . It Kine Seuthcin h'tuies 100 -jiencet Pet 2-weii Tex in O .t. I. 1 2 e 1 urnisn Hum) Wilt ex Oil . MIM,X 100 AUarrde Mill 0 17000 Pig LedKe . . 13c 15J0U neither Hx . . 21011 1 Hest 4 Ment . 1 ,c I1XI1O liosten .Ment Cens 1 lh Kine Calumet & Jereme. 21c Ifiliiu 1 anada Cep ... Pe 11,200 Cand-Uill.i M 3 K L'0O0 ( nns Cep Mln . 40c JOiii'eptMM Camen Sic .HOD Cortiz 'Iher t A limn HiiTend Ulk Unite lc 10(m int ,1,. Hxt V In ' liei ,res Lspcr.tnrn J1 .1 I.' s lllVltll " 2 ii" I 1' Ci ns "' ti ' PI - lU-nler luihi 1 1 nm SjI( 1 ur. k Lreesus ; 12c hlc lelS IPS 1)7 S 10 24 2 V 1A 4S IS 1-s l",c 20 S IS l ( IS IS 2" , 2' as ns lie IS IIS II I" 0 f.4S 2 20c JUi 111 IP 1 1 4 7 OS 1 ' 1". as 3s Miu Silt 0(1 HO S "S 10c 10c 13S 13S 3S 3S (IV r,le IS 1 r IS IS 2S Uc r,c OS 1SP4 (I7S 111 24 2Si IS IS IS i, 1.V JOS IS I'll IS IS II 1)S MS -'lc IP' IS US 1' 3S Mil , 9(1 S 10c I3S :ni die IS 4S 7000 Buccess Mln. . ... 3De 1000 Sandstorm Kendall, lc 1000 Standard sner .. me 4P0OTeck HUKhes 72c 1R00 Tonopah Ileltnent . IS 300 Tonopah Divide ... 07c 100 Tonopah Lxt . . 800 Tuolumne .. ., loco Trl. Bullion .. . 100 Unity Geld .. 100 United Zlne . .. 4000 United Eastern 1000 West Deme . 12100 s,Vcst 12nd C . . nOOl) White Caps 3000 White Caps Kx., 20U White Knob . . BONDS lflfiOO Allied Packer Bs.. 044 2000 Aluminum 7s. ,3S.104I4 40(O Aluminum 7. '33.. 100., 1000 Amer Light T 0s.. 1(104 5000 Am I.t 0 WW.... 101 tinne H. ir.l am .en ,inll 1R00O Am Tel Us ''"it "!lOtk 101 4 2000 Am Teh 7 102s 102S 4nnnil Ann.nn.ln ? ',n ieii. let 1000 Anaconda Cep Us,.100S 100 100J fiOOO Aimle-Am Oil 74a,103S 103S J03S 8000 Armour . Ce 7.x. .103 10 IS J04S 1000 Hclh Steel 7s. ''Jl. .100 100'i 1004 1000 DcthiSteel 7s. M3..10I 104. 101 400(1 Can Nat m- Ka 7s lll'l HO's 1114 17000 Cen Nat Ily Kq Bs 004 00S 004 lOOOCanPacO 101S 101S W.7? MIOO Cent Sleel 8 1004 100S 1)04 2000 Char Iren 6s .. 04S 044 t'ljs hOOOChae Un Sta BS..100S IPOS 100S BOOO Cens Gas Halt 0s 1024 1024 1024 (1000 Cens Textile 8s .. 084 M? .nJ!r S0O0 Cep Hxp 8s "J1..10SS 1024 1024 COOO Cudahy Pkir 7a ..1014 10IS l'"5 lOUODeere Ce 74a ..102 1024 1024 2000 Kast Cuba Sua-7s,. 1034 1034 1034 2000 Oelena a O 7b ....lliil lnd 10(1 2001) Oen Asphalt 8s .,103 1US . 103., 3J000 Goedrich Tire 7s.. 103?. 103'i 1084 1000 Grand Trk 04 . ion 4 1004 1004 7000 Gray Dr.vls 7s .1004 100 1004 JOOOOulf Oil 7s .... .11144 1044 1014 2000 llcrshcy C C 74. 1034 10.14 1034 meet) Heed Hubber 7 ..100 0OS 100 1000 Humble OII 7s ..1004 ions 100S 1000 inter II T t. . . . ur 7 H7 31000 Inter It T 8s . II0S 014 0n4 siiuu nnnsas uas (Is . P0S 1000 Kings Ce I.t U'4n. OS 1000 Laclede Oaa 7s .101 !",?, HP.1' W W Os.tOlS 8000 Lib McN L 7s 1(10 lOOOMerch A Mfm 7s.. P0S 4000rerrla Ce 74 a . 10.1 ,000 Natl Arm 74a . P7S 400(1 Nat Leather 8s. . 004 '" N' Y N II H 4s 102 1200ONY Nil & it 7s.. i4 4000Otls Steel 74 b.. . PS JneKnll,, ,:l'' r'4s . 102 7000 Tub Hen V t 7. . tnt juuip iieni ualr is (100(1 Hears Khk 7s. '23 80(10 Shaw-sheen 7 , 11 1)00 .Southwest Pell 7s 1000 H O N Y 7s '23 1000 H e N Y 7s "27 100OS O N Y 7s, '28 3000 S O N Y 7s '20 1000 SONY 7s, '30. neon 3 i- . m .... .,.....,.- v . x ,s, .11 Ill.'i II" 8000 Stewnrf Warner Ma 1,17 1 07 .'0000 Hun Oil 7 .1011 1014 1in,.2 ll " ,- ' -' '"J I"- 10. ' 'jOtIO Swift 4 Ce 7s, '31 1034 KU't 103 iO0f Un O'l Cel 0s I01S 1014 lOl's . .VT' H" "-"' I red Ss inns 100 KI0H 1ii2?'i H" II1' "nv 74s Ui-,4 IDS 10" HS2 J cuum OII 7s His', 108 1084 2000 alvarlne 7s . 'Hi 'is', pS SJOll'j Western Klec 7s 10(1 10.1S 106 rentsicN iiends 13000 Ara-cnllne 7s . piOS 100S 100S OOlM) Can H S 7s P44 044-v 044 .1RWK et Netherlds Os 0(1 P0 Ull 14000 K of .Verbs 8s 034 P34 P34 2O0O0 nep of Peru 8s poi, POi, puS 281100 Swiss B4s 10t. 104 10414 11000 U S Mc? Is . 3SS4 3s', 3S4 HUw, -'', t mmi WeWWm w ' -Wr.. sssssssPNrf-' tF TsiR;!',, sssmX t f "' Vx Jf iiniil i I? ti ' Y issMMMMiMW ." sBsHnkV a' vTTvJtIF J x jj HUUUm tJM -''' i -.'....a'.t :? BBaBBaBBaBBaBBK.SaU;. . , sl & daBBB-BBSl. .A WWWW '- UmP'Pti br ' ,;'miWj&tv--' Pd'. PS 101 101S Kill 00 S 10', 07 Oil 102 804 P4 1 U 1 POS 0 101 1014 ioe PDS ins P7 en ms 804 OSS iei s ll SS 101S 10.1 mis ioe teas 1UU' 102S 102S OSS 08S 1014 1014 104 S 1U4" 10.1 Kin ions ines 107S KI7S H)7S 107S ims ii" 103 inn insv. loes 107S 107S 110 107 1014 102'. Philadelphia Market) SERGEANT JAMES Mc.MICIIAEL Who Bitet and hilled Charles Jumbo, u Negro wanted for shoot sheet ing two women, in a gun duel today Policeman Kills Fugitive in Duel Continued from rate One orderrd the driver te tnke him nt speed te Fort.v-r-erend nnd Ludlow streets. Jumbo f.nv MrMlchnel sprlii? from the mnehlne. The s-ergrnnt could net nhoel nt first because Clark wns be tween him nnd .Ttimbe. The Kiinmnn rnlsed IiIh revolver nnd fired nt ScrReniit McMlehnel. The lat ter ducked und the bullet sped by hiirm- le'csly. Then Jumbo ran. IcMichnel follow ing nnd firing. Jumbo stepped nnd fired, then rnn en again.' At Chestnut street n" he whirled for the Inst time MrMleh.icl wnh within four feet of him. The sergeant took refuge behind n tree. The two emptied their revolvers the Inst shot from McMlcluiel's weapon bringing Jumbo down. A pntrel. summoned by n neighbor who turned In a riot call, rarrled Jumbo te the University Hospital. " He died en the wny. WcMiehael was arraigned before Mngistrnte Dugnn. "I enn only held you," said the Mag istrate, "te nwnit the action of the Corener for sheeting in discharge of jour duty." The sergeant was turned ever te his lieutenant, who praised his bun en ivlien taking him into uistedj. 'McMlehnel in a patrolman through UP 10 COMMISSION j- .. A, Reparations Bedy Expected te Take Up Burden of DecidinI en German Moratorium CONFERENCE BROKEN and through." said Assistant Director ' Krlc ineinic. Our plan te proceed with' of Ills life when McMiclinel fired. ceiimiend I he latter s actions. I Conduit Councilmen Are Under Het Fire Continued from Tauf One DMflrnn-, DUIdcndi, (rniiKKCii.ii Neiirui Till; ATIANTIC Ili:riNN(, company 31 14 I'ss-ynnl. trnue. Phfladeliihta UKU-t 1(1 102J t ft ineeilnB "I 'he llnnrl ci' Directors lieM AUKUSI 1" 1I'2J a i'l lend of K',,00 n,r shiire (h dec I nnd en the iVmnvm .Stock of the i'etnpan rhl xepleinhrr 1.1, 1922, te ste, llhnlders of reier.l ,,t He , me- r, f business UBUSl 21 UIJJ Iherks l be m'M I. AM.1-IIS..S s i tMtnr iPlesee n''e Idle Auk 2llt) l iii'iii I enuna S'idii deldlleld Deep 'jnnii Oelden .Stdtes lime (,',lcineld Cens 12000 (inld DeNel i Kine (, ,ldfl.lil lllue ' t.OOu (le dflelil Orn 100 (iKdmlen 30OU Hard Shell 3001" ILirinill D 230(1 Htrlu Mlnlnr iliOO IIIH Ten V loueo lndpend Lead 100O Kewnas 100 Kerr I like 37000 1 one Star 100(1 Mm Nhmarn im lHm,i ( upper 30"0 Mursli Mln seen N.iileMTl Tin 4011(1 ,e nil llurn jenl) Neva 1 1 ephlr -en Dominion JU0O NipisHinu Hell I 31c J'l. lc ll Si 23c e, li( He Kin Plli Jlc 7c 3Jc 40i Sir I lc 12c ll(. :.c 3 3Jc 4c 44c Re Ii lc 'Je lc Sllc glli Sc 8c Sl Si R 7S IS H ,1Ji lim r,c iV 3S 3S 11c lOe he He, lie 3,1c Hi 1 2S (IS 27 Hi ail .lc ISc 0 1.1c Si 17c ll'ii 2IC .Se 'iec Sic 1 A lc PJc as (i- 3 3.'. "i'c 44c HC 21 lc lc 80u Sc he H 14 3Jc r.n 34 11c Sc 27 lie 31" . lie ISc "S WIIKAT -necelpis 1.10 73" bushels. .Mar Ket lc lower Car lets In expert elevator ise. 2. led winter. SI USeil 10S. .Ve 3. ,vu ,,i,iiri. ,, 1U')II lil'j , M) I red in in iSrr.e iW A? ' "'.' Nn '' rrd winter, J! 5? 1 ? Ln!i Sp ' '"d' "Inter, sarllckj, oeiwft'io's"-. '. rtd winter, t-arltcky, 00c 11.02: M. I. red winter R-nrlickv. IKISt' .?!" . " r'' rel winter. Bnrllckj, 2f?l).1c Mixed wheat 3c under led winter hample accerdlnit te qualltv COIl.N Receipts. 1.105 bushels Market lc l.l'J- r.KI le"' ,n expert elevator Ne 2, 73, 4c, Ne 3, 72-Tf73e. Ne 4 7l72c. Or L'.'i' ltS lflTal trndc Ve 2 vcIIjw. 7I)'4 80).''j.Ne' 3 J "Hew, 7SSW7IIV3C . ',ATS. "et'lpts. 7371 bush'ls Steadily nr!;r l0,S .P ,0 10CUI.II Ne. J White. 40& Mill . Ne 3 white, LIS i 4llc. Pl.liLMl Itect'pts. IIHI i,i,:i and 1 MD.S.I.i lbs. In sacks The market was stt-uil hut nulc' . suet,illiins Per IPO lbs . packed in 140-lb tjle sucks .Seft winter stralith. Western SUttd 2.1, de. de nevrbv. J 1,7,1 5; hard winter str.ilBht. 1(1 (1.1 IT 7: de. short patent $7V7 .10, sprlnc firsts, clear M2fl'0B0 da lutent. 7ffl7 7.1, de short patent, sStTn js fancv sprlnir and city mills pjtent. raniilj brands SS.iiOVU 25 P.vn fli.nr r 2,1 St 1 ,10. rilOVISIOXS Steiilllv held The nuoln nueln nuoln tlens were as felluws' lief in sis. smoked nu I nlr-drlsd. 4S(. beef kiickles and tend ''. '"'ecd nil utr-drted I'ic. pnili, family 2S: hams. ,S r, cured. lcee, 30tf3tc. de, bklnntd. loose. Sefi.lle. Ue. dj smoked ." .He hams hulled boneless. Sic, picnic shoulders, fa p cured loose Ise. de smoked IPC bellies. In nkkle. loose 17l, breakfast bsenn "ic, lard 13c IlllTTKIt Firm ut lite mlvance. The tollewlns are the auotitlens Helld-pncked creamer) In tubs, hlBh-scerlnK, 3HS u SSMiC the latter lei Jebhlnit siles, extra 31ic extri firsts wholesale. 33 4c. JebblnK. 31 Sc nrsts. 30if32i. stnnds, 2STi"J'Jc sweet creemerv. ixtres. .'MS' Jebblnc sales of verv fancy heed'. 3(H4i3sSc exlrs llrsts S3Sc, firsts 3()(ii3Jc lower Krndes 28(821)0 extra nrlnis jubb'nir at ll44i mine special fane biamls hither fu'i te keuiI ,1714(ic IKlGf Fin. c'.-Rs spiiie and dim The inieiat en fellow .Wtrbj eiia drsts, 27c. llrsts 'Jflc s i eih jiii. UVtirin rxtr.i firsts Jlk- firsts Jlfv2.1c. rriemls Jilt fjnev (and'ed i..s Jubb nc te retalki i in i arlens at ,'Mllsic .ii)J leusi. 3J5i3'lc ftli lu fcued 30 9i 31 CMKUSr .steid) hiiV(iil(i Th.j fellow. Inn were the uuJIiitlens Neiv Teil, whole milk flats, fimv fresh. lySU.uVae, de, fair te Keed, lHftlOc, Iinfherns, 2'i U 20'4c. stnstle daisies, fresh. IDS lB120V4c, JUOIIIIIK ihiii-j III i.iicy KDQUi L'JW-ec. L1VK POUI.THY Fowls, net I.eKherp via exDress Pnncv fat ei'n.v.Li,i,,,H ., (7 20c. dxcepliennl lets hlshei fair te Ktied 2JM2.lc fowls Leghorns, according te eun. Itv. tbiiJJc sprlm; chickens nut lfchnrns. tunes, lat veiiew-sKinneu. neiKlilns 2S((iJ lbs each, 3.1 J 3,1 pprlnk chickens net Leg horn Me.iller bi7-s 2S(ij30t, Hirlnu thick ins, Lesheuif fanty, fat elIew-skinnei welch nc IS lbs and ever each 2.1'ii27c tprlns thickens, I.LEherns smaller rz- ,i:J..S".n? Wrr.V?i, 'Sk!!'r nsuinst lie , iose.1 ccimlnlr utidnr thnt de, mixed colors l.llflTc Pleeens. rer pair' """,01IK,Ur"n' ,1"' I'eciltlve (Vinimlt .,, ,,,-i,i u nii.fii m'm-iiiii ni neon in hic Iielloviie-Ktratferd. lllwoei H. Chapiiiaii, president of the Chestnut Stieet Association, und K. V. Tiitiiinn, i liief eiiRlneer of t lie Western I'nlen Ciiiiipani, piesented their diver Kent views before the teniiiiittee, Doubts Keuslblllty Mi Tetmiiiu s.tid I,,. Niinted tinic te tliinU ovei tln Snnsiiiii init proposal, hut that fimii nu ciislnei'iliii: stand I dint he did net thin!. It fi.isi,c Tlie epciiliiR of the mirth Nhiujldir of Chestnut htiect (iiih been ncarlv ioiii ieiii pletcil I'l urn KlftciMith street te Hieiid. Council passed nu urdin.iiii i giving the telexinpli (eiiipany permisbluii le ln the (eridults. eik en til" Wehtcrn I'nien Tel IlU taseclalrd Trcsj Paris, Aug. 15. The question of N granting n moratorium te Germany IgJ exnected te be shifted le the fiheuldrg, j of the reparations commission ns a r suit of the failure of the allied premlrt '! le come te nn agreement In I.onden,M Ik. -nlil I WA.n ttn t i .. m nl 1.. A S 1,1 II. VVIIS PIUU ill ,-iiui.wiir, wuuil'l 10 (iny. A meeting of the commission preb ably will be held this week te consider, formally Germany's request. , 'i S, IVenm nn nitllinrltnllvA TtrtH.1i cm, i ..... I 1 It Is learned tnnt tnere is Mreng peA5l siblllty of the commission settling thihl question te the satisfaction of both France nnd ureiu nritain, tnus relief. 4 lng the strained relations between the i two countries and disposing of thSj ...nl.lAtn friH nt lenul LOrernl mnnll,.. i ( If the commission fnlls te arrange ? settlement satisfactory te the Ilritlsh A .1 1?-ua1. n.,.t IS il.n nn...ll... e 'T linn rrciiv.il. iiiiu ii u; iiui-euuji mu ....-1Ihm n mn-nlA.liim .ivtiAna fr. Jl KIlllllllIK U itivmiwuuii, witiva i 11 u f. rect vote, frnnce expects te ne able t Ktrtnb Ihn .nin(ni.ttim hr the vetn rit iU& fi.., n ,,,,- ,,,,,.... , -" .x., vk me President of the commission, who, ac- j cording te the commission practice, lus,' a rlchl te vote in deciding nn lsue. The French delegation te the allied'-. renierencc m n long statement te the "j Hnves Agency defining Its position at j! i f ii' uirtin-iir w .. iim,niei " n.aii;t 9 j thnt the delegation showed patience nndi moderation througjieut nnd declaring 0 that Germany Is persevering in .1 policy calculated te inake Europe bfvvt lleve she Is in a state of bankruptcy. "V Mayer Will Push j High-Speed Linefy Continued from Tune One . dlnte consideration of new high-speed ' lines. Director Twining was asked semfj time nce te prepare plans for estimates. " which he is new working en, with t,i', view te inaugurating additional high vf speed service at tlie earnest opportunity. ' t "We have In mind te take up nt aa, early day wltn council nnu tne i'niw-;t dolphin Hniild Transit Company the J extension of the elevated from l'rent and Yeik streets te Uroed street and ''! i eiin iv of Public Safety Tempest tedav. this extension was temporarily snut en 'tl "Jumbo was a 'bed chnrncter; lie shot by the hitch ever tne t raiihieru i, ne- j two persons last night and had a pa- gotiatlens. no nise imvc i nmra mi trelninn backed against a wall In peril construction of the Uread street sub- .n.. n,l riflrlin lYOn VII T 1HI1S lUTCIHY hnve been ninde under City Hall aud 't alone Arch street, but these i . .t. N i ui;i( un i wii. viw 1 v uintMiPil tuvliiL' te thf war aud hnanclal S' fititirllt Iniia f "About S2."i.000.000 Is available by u lean for this work, but up le the ': present time we have been dealing with . peak prices, und the Almest Intermlna- j ble Frankford Klevatcd negotiations. ,( Witluthe latter negotiations out of thj .... un nnn linn nlertllln llnvv fllr WiVlI we enn new ascertain hew fur wj; mev proceed, providing a suiiaDin' gettinc eul of 1 1il-? Did jeu ever see u pelltici'in de something for nothing?" .Mr. Mai tin reminded his auditeis of tne eiti gas tig it iicnrij tweiitj yea is nKn.Cmeiit can be made with the Plilla- ) age. e Mild he snt in the gallery of .leliihlu Itepld Transit Company en tht I lllllll-IL tlllttl II )w II t-w-lfiuiM, (inn.. r, is.siw I .. . ' .. I , "" ,'"" ""," "'- "-n- iwuiih i Hfenii stieet operation. , i, ,,,,, I,, in,- , iiuiit-ii ini'ii, in tin' mieses,, he -nlil. weie looped meeagc wlihli stated: "If jeu vote for steal ing Hie gas works we will hang jeu." "The trouble new is."-lie went en. "thnt lie hue net become sufficiently a loused " Fire Damage Stressed Krsklne M. Ilalns, of Geerge P.. Pains & Sen. said jesterday he saw a fire engine blocked en Chestnut stieet neur Fifteenth because of the teuduit opening und the i rush et tuifiic. I'.. . iMemer. et tne Hank el .ort i , i-ii. -vr.,..,,- ..in .,. .,.. , it,. . , , , . . m . I A 111' ...ll.l I'l Mill IIUI V.lllSl-111 11, UV Ameiliu. suggested that the. Chamber inauguration of any new construction or ( etimi'ive be called en te demniiil I rk, unips.s snn.e ngreement is had r.-v ern iiiiiiei me .eiKiuit tiaiiciiise. iv,itll t,0 Philadelphia Itapld Transit All membeis of the nssoelatlen weie (.inipany in advance which will protect' asked te uige a hpeelnl session of I preperh the Interests of ''e citi. Ii ( uun.'il nn i heir lespccihe Councilmen "The trouble with the Frankford L 1 e the otijectlen.ihle mdlnnnce leiild be i nnd all the delnv resulting fiein that, ., ..... n...in.. .. A. .l..A . ... r. ,.n. ,1.. t. V; Twining te Malic Kcpert v ,M IllVt tn- Ttl.lnl,,n lu .te,, ,..!.,, nAM 1 OlllLlUI xiiiiinii, I - I'lij'aiiii, uvrr ,, te repeit upon all these extensions and j! upon tlie extensions of the Darby lliuurjj anil tne ravhwaj nue tewnni tne norm- , west. I ay c will be prepared, when i tlie Frahkferd F.levated is actually in ' operation, te talk with Council and the P. II. T. Company nbeut these new propesnls. We Intend te get them under. way during this administration. If suit- able ngi cements and understandings cau be had. repealed Would Change Iteute Tlie use of Sansnm street from Hrend te Tenth streets for Its conduits in- eptrntlnn, was due te tlie fact that the i Ity went ahead eight years age with out Knewing where it wits going te land. After it had the read constructed ana ihnd spent .?l."i.000.00). It was praetlc- e We! ." V- i"'Pt''r ivu" M!KK(:s,0, ally at the me cy of the operating com- ,..t .r I. i?i .. r"' l",YKlRpU (",n- paiij. When I hear from the dlrecler t i,e (,. r :X0lM"lve ""' and gel in hand tl Mlnuitrs nnd pliliis J V in. Mif emm'r,7- ,- , :'" I" w.rkiiiB .... for these new eMen- cinV ,', 7 ; 'Tlll,m '" '1(,. "K'", ll(,!siens. Mr. Mitten will be called In for u t liestiuil Streit Aseodmien is in.ikiug I , i,..i (i., ..u . i,ii,n,. .!. J i wii-iiiuiu"II', in -I in ii "llt-ltn is.w . r (1 WHAT BALDWIN'S NINETY YEARS' EXPERIENCE MEANS TO THE RAILWAYS OF THE WORLD THESE Works have designed and built locomotives of all types, of all sizes and for every kind of service, from the lightest of narrow gauge te the heaviest of standard gauge. With this experience and exceptional facilities we are in a position te give the most valuable advice regarding motive power te meet any requirement. Baldwin Sen Ice is World wide and is always at the command of any railway. THE BALDWIN LOCOMOTIVE WORKS Philadelphia EKRMRS Wi t.rm equipped te de the work at your plant and lave you tha espenir of long tie-up. n... lVni. mil i,mi Mnln sill ROOFER'S WOOD Cord Weed Selected Fireplace Webd Wholesale Only ROGER H. CLAPP & CO. Ardmer, Pa. r Denaihr ", till Mark M. ROOFINGMFGCO EHRET'iS slag V.S.ROGERS CO. BUILDERS. MUIL.IIM. rniLADCLrHuv. Gimbel Brethers 7 Cumulative Preferred Stock Preferred as te dividends and assets. Redeemable in whole or in part at $115 per share and accrued dividends. Divi dends payable quarterly from August 1, 1922. Price 102 and Accrued Dividend Te Yield About 6.85 . Descriptive circular gladly furnished Mitreml &Cq. Bread and Snniem Sts., Philadelphia Htw Yerk B.ltimer. PitUburb WtibingteB ilembers New Yerk, 1'hlladelphla and I'ltULurgh mock KicbanxM old. jeffjriiic. eunii ciraec DIIEHSUD rOl'l.TIU' l owls fresh-Wllecl dry-iilckul, In biixm- W iKhlnic 44 lbs nnJ exer aplere 30e neUhlnc 4 lbs.. L'Dc, eUh. Inn 3'4 lbs . J(lc. welehlnit :i lbs., L'llfiJc, fowls fresh ktl'sil In bbls., liry-iiUk.J wclnhlnc 4 llis ainl esr apiece, i!Pc weiiili-In.- a lbs. sii'f.'.v- welphliiK 3 lb nuil un der. 2L'fili3c. luelllnB chlrkns, Western, In bnc, ,1111'lfli in liblx ;ic'l2i. ln nur b :tl!T(lll( obi rensurs, Wi sit rn lite Seuthsrn. ITWISc. kprlns iluks, nearlu '.'1 1 Hec l'OT.vii)ii -nn rt itiic nei.riu bask i N i 1 llii'i II S, j ir,'. -nc per DIVIDENDS DECLARED il- 'imr L' te rammm I'l,isrs l.askv I itn,i tsrl J en common inul.V (it bleik of ri-i eril Si'ptinliei 1, (. nnaillin i'ailnL llull,i nuarierly L'S pT tent en common, unil n-nii-nnniial J in inl, Leth ptiMible SciiSsmber 30 te sleck of rcieiil Si-pumber 1 MerK.uithulei l.lneljpw (.'emp.nj nuarlTly 'J'a Iwi lent. pftablc Spptcmbi-r 30 te stuck of ret erl Sepiembr il htrfmUnl Oil of New JsrMj, iiuarlcrly tl i;.', nn (ommen iiml per cent en pre fernil. lieih iuiibli .September 11 in sieiit of ricerl Auunst 'J.I Amirlrun rc'lrnhen,- and 'Ulearuph i nm pan) quarlrrlj .' Ju a sh.ur pial,l, Ktn. ber 1(1 in sleck of recei'l j-eptinibir JO Fairbanks Mirse iinp.,n fiuiitrrH II. 110 en prefurtil patubln S.ptrmLcr I le stork of te, eril Villus! Jl lVrleral Mining find Smeltlnu ( emp.m quartiirb l' lei lent en iiiiferrnl paNnbln Hepleinbcr If, te ntn(k of remril Siuust 'JO BUTTER, EGGS AND CHEESE . Uniiiil TinnMt reiiiniin. w.uilt le op- " criitc, '-ccenil, n te the tonus." Talie First Trip ) Tlie lir-t train en tlie Fraiikferd '' cleMitcd line was run today as far at .,, . i ui rt'nn li livi'liur. . v In t lit party were the Mayer, n Tlieiiins i:. MJttPii, DiivcKu- Twilling .Mr. WeJik'In. IJirccter Cnvcn. City Se- j lli'lter Smjtli, Dlrrcter Cnrrolveu. j ruicliii-iii" ARfiit Aiinstrens. Wtlliam Ituwi'ii. lucsidfiit of the Hen id of l'i iiillen. Ceiiiii'llincii Iler ii.ind I'mtijiii j W. (' Diinlmr, In pro-ideiit 1'. "ij T K. (i Allen, fhlef rnuiiirer l'. R. H T.. II. T. Intrr, asltnnt td Mr. . Mitten. S. M. t'urwen, pre-idi-nt el ; .1. I!. Id ill Car Weik. 'I'l, r. nnitv nliimt slxlv ill all. ill. hiding preiniiipiit oltizens of the north- s H c - ( .vir , ,.., i .,.. ... .., .. .... iruiiinn ur r(titi. k i n 2 r.'ll) 1 l Ollllllinv , I'lilulnll.. ,,,,.!. .. rl. . M'HM, ""'"inuic'll lie llir innikr'" ,f iii'i online te ii Utier lecciud tedav I '" r,,,,'r ',',u,l',Ih 1X: T" ,'i, , f e i Itichuril WeL'Icln nr, i,i,., .t ." ? ('row worked for tiie inspection et in , r . I V Til ni ii irl ."i"'1; vlRlteiH. Prank Ualdwin. pieM.lent of U siiiierintendent for U,h renipiun ,M,,,tt",f ' rniir.fi.nl lfu-Ine-. M ;f.s.si( I fcl -l "- -'-v ", ,!ri,,g,ir llie ueik-did. until ii.ilnv ever pienipt "t 1 1 1 tin lefil'-i Net! nrk, Auit Ij 111 I 1 1 ft Klini I(e celpls 10 JJ1 (tibs (-. .un. r, lili.iui thai ixirus .! U ..." e , ri-nMiti cxirus (11 ' sceic) 3H,, nrsts iss in 'ii scen 1 31n34c KOllH Flini ItmliHH 17 'I'll ,(..' I"rli e.itheiHl c,ri llrnl T 1, i -. J4ifi'iii nu'i nuni.v and neaiin ,., lcrn ! PUntiI emt Ills- head k.nr.rl l.r..la ub,m 11 fl, , n. .,. . - . . .1 ...... browns nnd mlifd i,i,r hrsts in extr.is i.li&yjc I'urlflc Cn-ist wnltes uin 14 11 Hlc. de, ttrstn te exllii flisls ,)4W(tl3.- Clir.nHi: .Stead) Hrrwpt,, :n 4,j ,,0X,K State Hheli-liltlk flats feli hpecllilt "09, '(Cl'-ji. (In dvir.m(, iun J0flnQitt Tnlna sis unquuted .11 fill! I ii. i .i ':.... '.'."' . "." Tie t ml n was s (ilipeii ai imnv" i .,,. ,.,,,', ,,i. Mil,,1, iiiiiirinn, .inn i. a.i ' -. , , I .,.,,, ,,, 11,11 , I, nnu uie tern iiinv s tneiiiKei f and Church Miertx. 11 Liverpool Cotten l.licrnenl, An. 15 Ihue a enlv a Mm Hl demanl ler -int i ttun ted i, wlih pilces easier en the buhls of a cluilnc of lu 1, Mints for ml Mill r at IJ iM -Jhc nilcs hhu M0 bales Iniimllnu lOinj M,.H , nicruin 11m ii -ipts vm.u Mild lii,H. d Aniir'can I'utures or- slmib In Ihc earlv dealings n.iU spot pries w.r A-n rlnui mid r.llnir fair 1 1 s, UUih mlddlliiB. I'J 4sd. lul ) mli'ijllnc IJ.l'll mlildlinif. IS 'Jiil. low m'dilllne 11 ,ad Bued eiilnidi), 10 U'M. or. dlnar lu I Id New Yerk Metal Market V nt Aue 1,1 Ceppei 'inlet flee irelytlc spot nnd niarbN He, Inter ll H'.i Tin siiuej met and neurbv 3U.lSc, later Ai Ma, Irm aleuiiy prb'es nn chaimed l.ad nend , 1)ut ,1 -.l,',.sec ,lcli'.c'ry',,,.l InTd-lec ,0,,," "POt ""J "C"r,'' Minneapolis Cuts Discount Rate Minneapolis, Vug n -Kstnbllshin, nt of I'l per lent ledlscennt rate en all classes nf piper xpxcepl of bankers aciepianie. effiii ; upon anprmal by I he ivderal lleserva Heard at IV.isliliiKtnn as announced here T.'.'V , bl A01!" '.' n',n chairman of Ninth nislrlci JH'Ueral lleserve Hank In -Mlnne. Pell". The new rale supercede the 3 per cent, which has been In erfect alnce i i . , . We'lP stepiiln jh, isiiii I 111" i Mllllllll , III 11 Wli inllm, ,,l . . .,11 ' f j. MpuiniKi I., wns pi.'diciui'd-ei, I ,, ,,,,. ..-i, lnili.e P iircttj ) .... 7 H'fiiiftr Ie!!'.,,Tl,,1vM,,,, "r"' !"' """" '" '-einarUeil te Mr. Collects "Jit" Irem eg:eiii ,, There was a hllRht delay In crossing J rout, st i eel. the brakes lielus Htlll. t 'The piemiit sk'ninc of the nidi. mince, wiete Mr. Telinan, "would liuic lilaerd the ceinpaii) in the same position en Train v, July 7, as it was plat oil en .liilj t7, resulting in a levi of thirteen da.vs when the work might me uvi'ii iii preKies,, 1 T1ip were seen adjiisted and the party ...., ,.. ....!. ,,. 'I'lllll pieieetien, riiiiiiini; mmiih i" -- i htieet and tlipn hack te Torresdale ae nut and te .MarKldettn streel. . i'- t ..,,., I M,,n,ll .,,( Ulriinl CIIH IllllClC Bl 'I II, il l.F tl llhllM l, ii,,,,. - .Mi. letniaii uiiiiplains thi.t he calkd ' full Kperd, and took about two minutes.' -j at the ellne of the Depailuient of I'uUie I Mr. Mdieuch at this point niuiised the Works Ahkim 1 fei a pennit te open uewil li puttliiK en n cundtii'ter's het Hie siicii .ifti r the i ordinance h.id been I and .elleetiiiB a nickel fiein Mr. nnssi'ii iiver ui. .viiiciie'u t.,.r,,L..i i,. .-,.,.. imiinl tliiit the Chestnut Stiui Itu',1,1. J ti. uioteriiinn en the ulp was Unrry Assei latlnli hull hied ft ceinnlniiu ,. i,i, M.,ii.,ll f ei-it si.miiIi Allien street, , .-.i ,i . .-.- v ,, . ' an euipleje el the ceiniiany ler i"'"1'. live eni.i. The toudiicler wan Huca Stead, of Uailij, and the gimul, Jcerg UetillluiP. American Runn Perala Flnancel U'nk.liiiii'1in Am. l.ri Dr. A. 0. . ; MillspaiiKh, econemle udvUer of tlivj Mtiite llepiirlliient. ter ine lasi ij muni I, Ii, i, ml,., I elid tin, rini'iiriiiudlt iietlvltlcH toward ceonenilc develepnifnt j In the Near Kant, jesterday ncrcjiir" M iieiti up uie penult mull AiiKiiet !l. SEEK TENER GEMS IN VAIN JeweU of Fermer Governer's Sister-in-law Still Missing Wen ester, Mass.. Aug. ir.. (My A. r.) I 1ip pelice today were without clues as te the hlentlty of burglar,) who early Menda inernlnK slole' jewels val- ii ci i in .911,1111 irem uie summer home wayi found neartlie fioiiie. Vi i'l .:.,,.' . . , ' . '""K '' V'iPr. the pest of adnilnlstinter B"WI.DM V. r...,. ' i ,m '" """" ""V1 nnnnces. of the I'ersliin Kinpirc. i'-iYii The ieuelM 'in ii!!r.yl,"nl"-, - MIHhpnugli rchlRiHMl from the Stat. Vt;R ,m, , h it ion lhMC hr ' pavtmeiit iiiiineillatply after lning 4r mends vuluetl at $!i(KM). Thev wrm m. !.n.,i.t iti. inr,n'i iinascln Kbunlil moved from Mr. TenVr'n room. iiii, ai.i ne.in. Aiintui.. in u'niiinc(e', ...H ..H..-..,-.i t,.:. . . ..., , ii... i ,,.. u,ll FlI'll .3I1IIUHT niviir A n.l.l.. anil rspcclR fe leuve for, IVi'iuri i'r '"J r. a 1. . t n- -- rjeiieniyer, , X?.l-l- r ,,, 1 -''itfwi. j.jri " !S,J.