MSLjjJ1!!. WS'Fvr "w,r: mmm EVEtflW PUBLIC LEDGER-PHILADBLEHIA, MQNA, AUGUST 14, xsl922' L -s.. ';4 .a sfii 1 li' WEATHER Cleudy fjm organ piavs ai y " ana :ou WANAMAKER'S Stere Opens at 9 Daylight-Saving Tim Stere Closes at S Daylight-Saving Timt WANAMAKER'S WANAMAKER'S Meledy na unirae aoed Qnly the Best Furniture in the Fullest Assortment at the 1 lowest Prices Could Make Such an Auaust Furniture Sale WWmm wvvFPFWfx 'i i 12 i !m I A Few Years Age When Lest jjy a friend's misdirection, the writer stepped many times te take a standstill and watch the course of the sun. It is often wisest te step short and see just where "we are at," as some one once said. Just te drive ahead, net knowing where we will come out, is a species of senility no matter hew young or old we arc. XSigned August li, 1022. mmj The Women's Custom Tailoring Bureau b lowing the . new models and materials for Autumn suits md dresses. Tweed suits will be tailored te measure ter bu; suits et Peiret twill or vcleur for $75. Dresses of Peiret twill will be made te order for $50; cashmere crepe (all silk) dresses for $60; wool crepe for $25, and serge for $35. These prices include all materials, the requisite number of fittings, and the work of highly skilled tailors and dress makers. Charming Weather-Vanes of Fall's Blouse Fashions We might say that Fashion's wind is still blowing ever- Mouses and low waistlines. That, at least, is decided. It is very select group of blouses that has just' arrived, bringing one of this, two of that and a few of another new mode. A new embroidery of rows and rows of fine stitching is in nerai dtjigns, wonderfully colorful, dainty and pretty, particularly en blouses of navy crepe de chine, fin iihed with narrow shaded ribbons it the low waistline. Deliehtfully fantastic and joyous ire the multi-colored, se-called Jvaje blouses. The first models of matelasse blouses are here for interested women te see. Necks still remain collarless en blouses, and sleeves are either wide (usually three-quarter length) and open, or else long, full and held in closely at the wrists. $10.50 te $35. (Third Fleer) Yeung Women's Tweed Suits and Cape Dresses, Special, $10 Suits, dresses and capes of this type are excellent for late Summer and Fall wear. Many schoolgirls will wear them all Winter. Geed shades of rose, orchid, blue and tan and sizes 14 te 20 years in the let, although net in each model. Fer instance, one charming dress of mixed orchid tweed is trimmed with bindings of pearl-gray jersey. The bodice is lined, even te the three-quarter length sleeves. A circular cape te match. Tailnrnrl nnifa avn nvia11nnf vnllln VlPrnilSP thflV fll'fl se well tailored. Many of the jackets are lined with crepe de chine. Alse, in the let, are some plain tweed capes. (hecend Fleer) Thirty Medels in American Lady Corsets Frem $2 te $7 The favorite corset of t' ds of women who want 'comfort and geed lines at a me. ate price. The materials are strong, and the excellent boning keeps the corset in shape long past the usefulness, of the average corset. At $3, a low-top straight-line oedel of pink ceutil with clastic wets in the skirt. At $1.50, a longer model of pink ceutil with low top of clastic, cut nightly higher at the back te held a fuU shoulder. At $5, an clastic-tepped model of pink breche especially for the woman who is large through the hips. At $7, a laccd-frent model of strong pink broche for average and full figures. Elastic in the low-topped front and at the lower back gives it greater flexibility. (Third Fleer) Women's Slip-en Foulard Dresses at $10 very simple, very cool ana ngnt, net uahy w wubh, 'but easy te pack in a grin or handbag if one is going lltl A u - . .fill I 1 iue one may need a little tnin uress. N They are made with shallow necks and elbow sleeves that split from the shoulder down. Celers are most agreeable rose or pink with white, pale or dark blue with white, black with white, and se en, in a geed many eilterent designs. Of course, $10 is an entl-of-the-seasen price, but the dresses are fresh from the manufacturer. (Flrnt Fleer) 75 Women's Velour Coats New' $25 jeats are of the sturdy utility sort which women like te start e Autumn with indeed, some will wear them all Winter. "hey are in four different models, all cut en ample lines, and ?re conservative in color Sorrento blue, black, navy, rookie, ?n and e.irri nv J Sizes, of course, are broken. Men's Twe-Piece Tropical Suits All in a Sale Mehairs, tropical worsteds, Palm Beach and silk suits things that men have found necessary te make the het weather endurable all te go new at $14.50 and $20 There is excellent cheesing among the mehairs in neat stripe effects, Palm Beach suits in natural, sand and fancy shades, tropical worsteds in grays, tans and fancy mixtures. All sizes from 32 te 50 chest measure, and in some cases the reduction is as much as $15. (Third Fleer) Men's Grained Calfskin Brogues $6.40 a Pair That shows, that shoe prices are down ! These are well cut oxfords' in black and a pleasing tan with perforations en the tip and vamp seams. Heels are flat, soles heavy and serviceable. (Main Fleer) Women's Fine Silk Stockings Almest Half Price $2.50 Beautiful stockings of pure silk, without leading of any kind. Tops have an extra deep re-enforcing and the stockings are silk from top te tee. In black, white, gray, navy, pole, caster, silver, African brown, dark tan, light tan and cordovan. Clocked Silk Stockings, $2.50 White hose with hand-embroidered clocks done in white with a touch of color. Alse specially priced. (tffit Alile) , A Victrela in a Handsome Period Console Cabinet, $95 This console type is undoubtedly one of the most popular types of all phonograph cabinets. It is a hand some piece of mahogany furniture in itself, and besides containing an excellent Victrela, it has space for ene hundred records. In Sheraton, Leuis XV, Chippen dale and Colonial period designs. One of the very best Victrela values we have ever seen. Sold en convenient terms, of course. (Seeenil Fleer)- New Angle-Persian Wilten Rugs Come Just in Time for furniture buyers who desire the finest and loveliest demesticrugs made, te set off their new furniture. The rich velvety texture of these rugs, their soft Oriental color ings and designs, and their wonderful wearing qualities make them the best fleer coverings obtainable at these prices : 10.6x13.6 feet at $193 9x12 feet at $125 8.3x10.6 feet at $114 6x9 feet at $77 Alse new standard Wiltens of a scarcely less beautiful quality at these prices: 9x12 feet at $87 8.3x10.6 feet at $79 6x9 feet at $54 (.VW'Mtli Fleer) All Our White Silk Skirts New $9.75 and $15 If July had been as warm as June these skirts would have been gene long age at their original prices. These nt $9.75 are box pleated crepes de chine with long sashes; and heavy Canten crepes. These at $15 nie box pleated fancy crepes, crepes with designs in tucking and ether crepes with small box pleats. All are pure white. (Flrnt Fleer) Silk-and-Cotten Plisse Crepe As dainty as silk, ever se soft and fine, and little trouble te launder, for shaking out is the only ironing, it needs. Practical women use it for underclothes, .kimonos, dressing - sacques and children's frocks. In white, flesh, rose, blue, canary, lavender nnd ether pale shades, 50e, 65c and 75c a yard. In flowered designs en white or colored grounds, 65c a yard. All 30 inches wide. (First Fluer) Tires Priced te Give Extra Mileage Empire Cord and Fabric tires are new marked at new low prices, in most cases the lowest prices quoted in quite a long time. Fabric Tires are new $7.50 in size 30x3 and $8.50 in size 30x3 12. Empire Cord Tires 30x3 ;.. $11.75 32x3 Vi. $17.25 31x4 ..$19.75 32x4 ..$21.75 33x4 ..$22.50 34x4 ..$23 32x4 Yi,. $28 33x4 '2 . 34x4':. '35x4 12. 36x4 Yi, 33x5 . 35x5 . 37x5 . (The Oullrry) $28.75 $29.50 $30.50 ,$31.50 $35 $36.75 $38.75 "" Radie Inquiries By Hundreds Our radio program last Thursday evening brought mere than 200 telephone congratulations, and letters and cards are still pouring in by hundreds from all ever the eastern part of the 'country. And at the same time there is a smart renewal of inquiries for radio ap paratus. People who have had their' sympathies turned against radio broadcasting because of their distaste for the familiar bawling radio megaphones and ether crude loud speakers in clubs and drug stores are finding out that the real thing is something al together different. Since the installation of our great new machine, Wanamaker concerts, inter spersed with speeches of important people, are clear ly and delightfully heard in tens of thousands of homes without the use of loud speakers. Very simple and inex pensive apparatus will serve. With a crystal set costing only $15 you can hear the Wanamaker sta tion, and even the weaker Philadelphia stations, if you are within twelve or fifteen miles. If you wish te listen also te the Newark, New Yerk, Schenectadv. Pittshurch and Chicago stations, you-v win need a set costing from $75 te $300 complete. A most admirable outfit, practical for great dis tances and simple te op erate, is the Westinghouse R. C. set, costing, without equipment, $132. Complete with batteries, tubes and extra phones, by the time it is installed in your home, it will cost about $200. Wouldn't you like te have a set in your home in time te enjoy the Wanamaker Grand Organ concerts, which will seen be ar ranged ? We will attend te every thing for you. (Seventh Fleer) lNlB' BESSIE!; 4jj nlfr of New Linen Pillow Cases Special at $3 a Pair Previous lets went very quickly, which speaks well for these goods. They are of pure linen, well woven, snowy white, hemstitched and in size 22'x36 inches. Special at $3 a pair. Others of exceptional merit in our sleck nre priced at $3.75 a pair. (Flmt Fleer) '"fHE greatest asset of the Wanamaker Furniture Sale is the actual fact of superior quality in the goods. As applied te Wanamaker furniture the word quality means a great deal. It stands for satisfaction as well as service. It means furniture that will please the eye as surely as it will prove dependable in service. Seme furniture has the service quality, but nothing else. Other furniture has the eye-pleasing quality and no mere.' Our business is te secure for our customers the furniture that has both. They are leaving no room for doubt as te hew well we have suc ceeded in securing it for this Sale. ; Frem the way they are buying, it is clear that the furniture in the sale holds every element of desirableness both in leeks and in basic quality. Just think of a sale of several acres mad'e up exclusively of fur niture of that kind, every piece of it marked at a reliable reduction! A sale in which furniture of the most desirable kind in leeks and the most trustworthy in make-up 'is shown in quantities and vari eties unheard-of outside the Wanamaker Stores! In writing this it is geed te knew that the proof of it is all around us here, in suits and single pieces for all rooms; in a collection of low-priced living-room, dining-room and bedroom suits sincerely believed te be unequaled anywhere in variety and value; in the splen did collection of fine suits and rare and novel pieces that recall the great days of artistic cabinet-work; in everything that can make a sale a thing of real service te the homes of the people. (Fifth, Sixth mid Seenth Floorn) Women's Costume Slips All of white nainsoek. One tailored model with enmisele top is 31.65; another with embroidery is $2,65. Lace-trimmed slips are $2.50 and $3.50. All have the double hems. (Third Heet) The Office Furniture Sale is feeling the surge of geed business. With the outlook se fine it means much te be able te cheese any piece of office furniture in our stock at a saving of 10 te 50 per cen (hptnitli Fleer) Better Buy Bedding New There will hardly be such a geed opportunity in a geed while again as that afforded by this August Sale, in which we are offering our entire stock of mattresses, pillows, bolsters and springs at substantial reductions from our regular prices. (SUth Fleer) An Ice Cream Freezer That Doesn't Have te Be Turned Ne mere argument about who is coiner te turn the freezer. Ne mere brine leaking all ever 1 the fleer of the car when you go en 1 a meter picnic, Ne mere repacking of the cream I rWlar grades. 90 Odd Blankets Sharply Reduced Several kinds included. One I te four of a kind. Seme nre mussed from having I been shown as samples. i 11 nre nianKets of mir ., after dasher has been taken out. All of these unpleasant features about ice-cicam making have hcen eliminated in this freezer. Simply puck it with one part of salt te three parts- of ice, let it stand 45 minutes and boheld, ice cream of smooth perfection is the result. Siy.-dish size, $5. Twelve-dish size, $6. Twenty-four-dish size, $10. , (Fourth FI001) All-wool blankets and nart..wr,ni l.ll..i .... .... muHiujiM. wnue blankets and I Plain blankets. Single and double sizes, but net every kind in every size. tieLCr.nraway prices 3-25 t0 $12.50 a pair. Seme of the famous U. S. Gov Gev ernment all-wool khaki colored blankets aie here also at S3.65 each. (Blxtli Fleer) THE LITTLE HOUSE Offers Its Contents for Sale in August at Twenty-five Per Cent Reductions Large and small, old and new, everything in this treasure house of beautiful furnishings which is the home of our Bureau of Interior Deceratinais sharply reduced for this month. With few excep tions the saving is at least one-fourth. Such pieces, for instance as Twe William and Mary walnut cabinets for crystal and china, curies or books. Exceptionally fine reproductions, new $315 each. An inlaid walnut buffet of the same period, new $285. A pair of tall Hampton Court blue-glass mirror-, new $395 each. A number of small painted weed sofa-end tables new $15 upward. Lew occasional tables with mottled marble or weed tops and brass gallery rails, $25, $26 and un te $60. ' Capri pottery lamps with shades at 20 per cent reductions. A lovely old (reproduction) Kingsley cabinet of painted weed with small-paned glass deer, new $038. A pair of oval marquetry stands with marble tops, brass gallery rails, and three drawers for needlework, sweets and ether trifles, new $125 each (a' reduction of ten per cent). Individual pieces, complete suits, genuine antiques and reproductions are all included. (Fifth Fleer) m i, & B mM 1 mm mu ''91 m R2 i !! f 1 'i r ll ) 1KHHU 1 MW i j lit (ir I t'l i At IIZ, r'V lilt. v I 1 (JTlrtt Moe?) , r T t" .Ml v. .