Evening public ledger. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1914-1942, August 12, 1922, Final, Page 4, Image 4

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    "'SW'i iJY"Hs i' " ,?
Vmv T-M? wr ,v. wjt.-ftTtVi
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ii5.iv tvt.
lA J,
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Distributing Agency Plans te
Keep Busy for Leng Period
te Restore Shortage
JV AsseclattA Press
Washington. Aug. 12 While high
hopes for early settlement of the coal
ftrlkei nrn entertained by the Admin
istration, nvcrting nny neecxslty of re
porting te the "drastic action" by the
Government repeatedly hinted nt, re
sults of the prolonged stoppage In pro
duction lire expected te keep the (lov (lev
ernmen coal distributing machinery
bu.y for n long period
It was predicted officially for the
Administration yesterday that the an
thracite strike would reach Its climax
In less than n week. At the same time,
however, It was pointed out that f?ov f?ev
rrnment Information indicates an exist
ing shortage of 30,000,000 ten?, which
could net be made up within a year's
time. The most recent imports en
iitnmlnetii nrniliiptiini. lr vv.iii addei
hew tliat with full eiP' ."ions rcster-d
the normal surplus (-.-niM net be in
tto-nge until nct April.
With these conditions In mind, the
centra, coal committee, controlling
HM fl lltllt'Ill tlKt IK 111 UIl'Miii'iii m - - - - - --- - VitrUS Ot tllP Sittltllnf . ll '.1,1 " "V
priorities In the strike emergency, ac- feren. e and while he presumed there I p,; 0IrV',it J3?" i Vv.,0"10,,01"1 th
cerdln,- te Fuel Plsttibuter Spencer. 1, v.mild be n stn..(.nt after th..,r meet- irrf, , this mernli, nnV,nny Centlminl from l'nBe One
WP.l::.rr Z": !"."' " l:U ' 'T l:' Z blrnZ at Tk.T 5S . .nrv activities, which have been largely
r. - -..... .. ... nf nei in 'iv nniijiv rne mri iitm-t rnn- . . . . y-v v j m n, ,, .urt
of eer.ts , the producing fields. The White Hmu.p or the rail rxeeiittv.-s. ,,, blll,i,,B wp,. J,-.,' i ln' 0ws 'n i directed, en behalf of the Mee State
committee will pmniptlv .lese the Mr. I u!er .leclined te is,.s ,he , U)i, n ' '" . iv"U(' n, P"r- forces, bv Michael Collin-, head of the
priority .Iner. he mii.I. en any producer j-mu- ' ,,;il.,''i:j;;;;:,r'(: ."' wry. ke,l. tilL "Plcslen VrwMmaX n.,vernment. set up
who fnil.s tn conform t. the llimvu t 'nc appreadi'iu i eim i. in e with, the Three of the hembs tern n .- , ' , . .i . ..ti-i-i
fair pn.e M-hPilulps ir-siuen.. inn .le.-i.ire.i ne "'M;m te , in the ground in the cast Wn ". I .w,Mv,-...au
Copland. Auir. 12 v A l'.- IP,"r" '", N;',V. ",r : tenialir. I .'for.- ,nu ,icar tnP plant of thn i,'t5e I treaty.
Division among the eeal operators as t..i ;. -un i;' the W lute liens,, the rail heads i-rillt i;xprcvs Cem pa nr lmm.,11 .lti I Vas ,rlh Kdltflr
the form of iheir ,.re,..,,l f,r future ( p l-d m t h- J."'"! - then-, "t the follewhi, the explosion, ', an? Mr. Griffith was formerly an editor
negotiations with the miners developed Iwulwnx Ivutnes .ss, lntl.-n. ' cuards poured shots In the direction ' e Huhlm and Inter established the
today, and temporarily delated the work, -riricmcil hlrlUc" S.-prenilliiS from ''"' hc bombs were reported r- i tn , ,!li
of the joint .sub-.s.ale committee of n,.,.n,,,r .i,,,.,,.,,,,,,,,. ,' , . . te have been hurled. reported I1PWsrnper I nited Irishmen, followed by
operators and miners that had been "' nl-mt , '''f '"'"' trePrr.M - '.: vellejs of Phet met their the Sinn Fein and then the Nationality,
created te consider an agreement that I J'LXS SLiLT hr,lll!- V' r !ban ene hundred short Arf atttacted attention by bis
might effect a partial settlement of the ""', JX r , mi,i L'i h" I "'V W- " uncompremisine attitude for abstention
oft coal xtrlhe. ''' ,h ! V fffec ,Tm . Tchd?. United fc'tate Marshal Sullivan was by Irish members from attendance nt
After a long can-in anm,,- tl em-1 en the Ji.ea tUei t of the shop strike struck down by a bullet, according te the vsslens of the lirltlsh Parliament
nclve. the operators went directly into ts,,'t- , , ,, word rt-j.clirii5 He-cvllle follewinj the nt Westminster This idea gradually
the afternoon meeunr w.th the miners.! A majority of the wn.keiits repertc skirmish Ihe extent of his Injuries formed the nucleus of the Sinn Fein
refusing te nnneiin-.. whether the lud ;'"' in piunsi .iUnsi tne employ-i
reached ii in decision .is te their demand, i meat et troop, and armed guards , 1
Seme operators en the committee, hew - .onm.-uen with the shop strike Hie,
ever, iw understood t.. .v. de-' Federal l.eyernment is coneerned only
mnnded that am agreemem 'heiild pre- ' '"" "' d.puty marshals nt various!
vide for arbitration in the future lie- pe.nt die .hissed ns nru-e.l guards,
fore the held their eniiMi-the operators There are no I edcral ttoeps en strike I
had been told bv president Jehn K. ' duty. National Guard iindtr orders of
Lewis that the inicers would net accept ! (Jcnerneri being the einy military force
arbitration. ' employed thus far.
Frank Farrington. the Illinois; Nevertheless, it was authoritatively
miners t.i esidpiir. who did net attend stated for the Administration yts-er- i
the ceiniiut'ee session
Pen Inn notice that he
nnv lentiact made here
agreeiuent. reieined tin
jes'pnl.n alter
did nor regard '
as a fnur-Stnte '
' f'lllimittee te.
day. In ephinatien of his i estium
Mr. Farrington made this statement : f'hicage. Aug. 1- fBv A. P.)
"The unqualified statement tout 1 'j'!,,, -.trine et r.iil shop ciufts empleyes
hnve refused te sts;n a four-State agr. e- t,,dn li.i.l ndep'pd a -till mere thre.it
ment is enemy propagenda. As a mat- ' enlng nsppet .is the walkout entered
ter of fact, nt the time the story was u, eVeiith week.
circulated the miners and operators had . paralysis of : ailrend transportation
net been able te get together en .m.i in various s"'tIeiis. iiartleiilnrh the far
kind of an agreement. However. I did We-t nnd Southwest, tlr.atened n
tell in assei i.ite.s en the sib--eale I!g Tour" brother!". .,i men 'ihiindnn 'ihiindnn
cemmu'tee that I would net sign n four- ?, .,erk ..r . 'ailed meeui.'s te consider
Stale agreement, embracing Illinois. . flitting in pretest .isiunst irefii f
with enh en- Illinois operator, retire- .n-ined guards in rai'iead tin.pern. nr
K'liting a production "f ."UO.OdO teii. ai:aln.-t 1.. nulling alb-'edh I'efeetive
present in the eenfereiH'e. Te de that equipment
would mean that the put ti"ulur nun" in Me.nheis of the liig Tour hrotber hretber hrotber
Illineis represented bv this one eper- lmeds In Texas wire .ailed te unit at
ater would be allowed te go te work Wuc... tomorrow te deteimlne hat te
while the ret of the ll."."nn mine work- d Thev pr"Vle'ish voted te strik. . but
ers in Illinois would be required te were held mi their jobs,
continue en strike. Mv position i that Teduv th- tran'tnen s strike had
I will net sign nnv kind of .in agree- ' spread until It nflected. aniMig ether
nient thai does net pur all of the II- n.ad-. the Illinois Central at Memphis:
lineis mines te wuk nt the s.mie time." the I.eulsulle and Nashville a: I.v.ius
Aside fiem tlie .emn.lttee work ib-al- ,iUe. Ind . nnd Mndi 'nvllle. I the
lti Hi sott-ieu stllke interest i
among the uilneis vus turned te the '
prespict of un e.iilv iisi.mptlen of
negotl.itlens with nnthr.icite operators
ever a settlemenr of the strike in these i
fields et Pennsjlvinla Mr Lewis
indiinted that a settVnierr with the
anthracite operators mighr !' n ached
Independent of tlie negeti.it "its ler a
settlement of the "if' mil strike.
Scranlen. A lg. V-'.- In " -"; i -'
n commiinieatien sent by th" Scr.in
ricnrd ef Tr.nle urging lesuiimtieu e
nnthraeite mining the following t. di
gram has hei n teeelved fr.tu Jehn I
I.Cwi.s. pieiilellt of the 1 nited Ml.
Workers of Amerie i :
"Ilppiesent'itiies of !" nod Mi:
Workers are net making nnthrm ite t.e
gntiatiens seceiid.'ir te bituminous :
gotintien., destine ml report tl
centr.irv. We have tiiih i'-'" ! T
cf nn thin, it" ..per.it ir te be u. . .1
VOullI ref'lse te link ' f'el.l' 1 t !l
ndnm e of b-i-e lii'in; I'i'i e in '..'.in '..'.in
ineus If ihis is no low 'r.e mii! t
is de(leiied th.it atiil'.'i ."" . pe"an.r
are readv "1 gr into .1 re. t iieg..-lariens
with the I'nit.d Mine Wei'.i r. en 'hi
bails e1' the old wage s nie 1 I ieir 11 1.
of Sliamekin 'er.veni en. we will !,,
glad te attend a 1'iint iiiferfiiie -c
any date desunnted ! tie untl.ru .'
opera'ers' npi ntntm-
Ilpgllll'llg 1 s"tti ',P',' , f ' ... ' ,r,J
coal snseeiii'.n S 1 1 W.mvii-r. . n.i.i -ninn
f n." inuer.il 1'ilnui ('en.i..,rti .
of the Autlini' ite ll.int.'i- wm'., .1
fellow s
"(In !e 1 ;i'f of the operators.
exprfss 10 Mm in.r 1 1 in plet"
ment "i tin- 'irlin iples enup.'
jour p'solutiens, 11ml te ,i'iin
WC lire t.ikmg everv pescihle
I .
1 si'.
th it
is in 1. ur power ti in.ng iiiie.i' (,,.,.
clllfllen of the Jles.'llt siis. .,,, ,,.
epera: k'iis m the ait'riMte tie'd
"Ylillf li-s 'I Itletis :irt eliiuielill
found in pr neiple. in th.if if tueie be
n centinuiii f.iiliue te ngree, 1 ,e ,nn- 1
clple of 111 lui ration .should be u in,i
"1 beg te Mill t 1 Mnir uttet;t,,n th u
the nnthr.ieitp operators mi Juni L' inude
te tie- niithrii. ite miners .in offer of un
restri'i'd .nl itrari in, and that later
the nrithrn. 'te epei.unrs uiiinditieii..U
accepted the prope-ition of m Intuition
an made h the Piesnieiit ..f the I'tdti'd
States It is sell -eedent that if two
parties tannet .igiei, th. questions at I
issue must be lift te the judgMn lit of'
n third purt : :.nd 1 b"g te ntcprvs te
j-eii tlie strong mmn tien th.it, w.th
the rapulU 1 si.illimg sentiment mvIiI
hh jeu ixiue-s in i.im r et 11 fair, coin cein
plete and ten-tiu i,m- nrbitruiien. alt
liarticN 111 me present tiepieratile con
trevprsv should be hleu-'ht tn nn ne.
eentance of this method et settlement."
Death List In Fayette Region In
creased te Five
UnlonteMii, Pa,, Aug. 12 ( Ilv A.
P.) Tlie death Hat ns 11 result of coal
Strike sheeting.! in the Fujcttu coke
region wan Increased te nve today
when two miners, wounded thin week,
died' nt a Fniontewn hespltul within
ten minutes of each ether,
Charles I loll Jugs worth, who had been
working ililce the utrllce began, was
fsUwt wblle i-sceitlng a girl en a read
or llipviiTllle eevcral dnya age. The
.irut, me tin sum, exciaiuieu
V,v nei you, juu scae" sa ne
- i
Continued, from Vase One, j
Chairman Cummins, of the Senate In-
tcrstate Commerce Committee ; Senater '
Wntsen, llepiibllenn member of the '
committee, and ethers. Hip Hepub
Htnn committee members were reported
te have been advised of the President's
change of p'nn relative te legislation.
Information received today by Ad
ministration spokesmen regarding the
executives' conference jesterduy nt New '
Yerk was that the vote en accepting
the President's proposal conditionally '
was 30,"i te 70 Ametu
the rnilreail
executives reported In the minority v. ere
representative1 of the PennsyUnnia,
Delaware and Hudsen ; Fere Marquette
and Mlsneuii 1'aciflc reads. The mi
nority after being outvoted, were nld
te have agreed te nbide by the majority
Chairman ' Heeper, of the Knilread
T nlirt,. Tlniirl iititi iniifnrrnil tvtfli tlie
President this morning, en leaving the
hlte Heuse viil Up would be present
when the union leaders .-nil en the
President It was intimated in ether ,
quarters tint Secretaries Hoever and j
lmvm and (. hairmiin Cummins, of the
Semite Interstate ( ommcree ( emmittre. ,
I'Ne would be at the White Heuse nt ,
the same time. Senater Cummins hid
enferenee last night with the ;
dav tliat nr siriue ei iiii.v cnaracter
would prevent the (Jevernment from di
re, ting Its agencies te protect lite and
I r perty where necessary.
n,,rivpr nni Hie I ininee ; tile m.in at
Oregon' I1
Me . tin
1'ninn Pa i Hie and
ii.rt f.iiif
at P.untelle. 1.1 ihe.
nnd S.1I1 Luke ( in
and the Mi-e iri,
Kanas and Texas
With strike tlreats Increasing from
brotherhood men who nc'iinlly ene-a'e
tr.iins. tin- enh 1 mtarv heek whi'h
had been phi" d "n the walkouts early
ted.n came from W ! Lpp. ehl"f of
the Hrtrcrh"."l "f Ulilread Trauui.eii.
who dire, ted Ii.- a en te remain at work
until a strike w. authorized.
Members "f the 'I'.ig Four" brother
hoi) I. io:iue-ed ! lecumiit'.ve engi
neers." firemen, .ondueters nnd hi 'ike-
r,en wle wen' mi stnl t Dup". near
i:ust St. 1euis, last night, after a ie ie
t.'erted I'Ti-hnnge of shots between .oui .eui
rinv guard" strikers and n deputv
ei .-tnble. return."! t wrk tednv iieiid
... tl... A.iteeme et -i ...nt'erei .e between
ffi. itN
d r.'pi - ni.itiM's of the
He), t's th.it IP"' lin.i'i. i'ie...
f tl.e Thl'-iU". Milvnukee and
1',,, 'liiu'.rea.i 1. 1 1 v .! d te -MMm'
I..1 ." f I -I' 'll
bv 1:
P. C.reer.
, 11 e j res.Ptr of t !.
Tl.imns 1 1. wind
V , V'," Mi-erhi 1'
) re
-id' '1 of Lecal
if I'lren en and
n. v
ttel led 11 b'l tlief-
h' 1 d. e lasi night,
"-'i-lke" ' a- net
,"i 1 in Milw.'i ik. c
I All i g il n- trains
"f tl,:s 11 or' .!.-; as
. f .. s-,k. I.f till'
" I- oil "he I '1.1-
1 I'
ill' iri"
Were n
b i'r '1
1. 1. .11 1
C 1
he -
I nl up t
r l.r. t- r
P-.g Feir
Mg.. Ml'"'
iier" v.i- V
T'- I -Tl-
-,.- I,' id. 1.
1 . id ' 1 '
Mu-v.i il.c '
.'1 I . sheje
(.'lltiii tellllV
i-i 1
t 1 .
St Paul re.id
Id'. "i .
et I
. nuht
1 1 !ni of t...
.ill! 1.1 v'e t
u II el.lpl 'Veil
'.a- net op-
' 1 .
Rowland Bailey te Aid in Running
Down Prescription Fraud
Aft"r lie had premised u tell Gov
ernment agen's all p knows of the
i-i.i.spiniev te priti' fergi-u phv-i, mns'
pu serin' 'll s. Itnwl.lllil It'll"! 1121
Wesitnld avenue. ( ainden. was re
leased in S.'iiXMi bail vistiula- bv
1'nited States ' 'iiimlssien.'i- Mitnle.v.
llail'-y also pr'Uiil-cd te I 1 lp find ''nir
e'ller mill who 11 1 e I'lM'lved 111 the
1'iulev was n 1 ei. .her 1 f 1 gang of
seven men said te have l'mged pre
scriptions te obtain whisln. le was
urn sted spvi nil .Iiivh age w th three
etbir nan and held under .S.'OllO
Fight physicians, in whose establish
ments the' furgiil prescr'iiiieiis were
found, tirub.iblv will b" given ,1 hear
lug teduv belere Prolilhlt'en
I lluvu te show
aiise win their per per
iijiiers should net be
, nuts te bundle
His Name Entered in Keystone Aute
Club Mevie Contest
Majer Moere's n une has been entered
in the movie mutest new being con
ducted bv the Kev stone Automobile
Club The winners in the competition
will he selected for lending eharncterH
in a photoplay te be produced by the
uutomeblle club .... ,
Te alt members of the club enrolling
n ncwr member 100 votes are being
given ADctalled Information regarding
tlta iJ..eat mnv Im obtained nt thn elub
b"0 4rter In the AuelPjIloJUetel,
1 rMl,lea, fo.nbV??n,ethen,Sa,ltlm,t;vnsnw'1,'l ""'' "f SI"" Veln nni1
juiiii iir.iu in .imi.ii PnsNeneprs nr i,Ai i V tuvcr. viiaiuinuii ei uie rice riai', wimi is
I Headed, In T He Witt Cujler. the railroad cempnnv umfi r sl nil t, y V!c M Inlluenw In """j.
eigiu railway . e.-uuvrs enrrjnu i"' i te remove them te their iWinn.! u I
reads' reply t the Pre-ldent rea.-h,.,! " tneir destinations. i ,.. dviifHh
Washliigt.m shortly before :i o'clock.! ... JlltlUI Ullllllll
w- .,.,. i .1 i i.. ,... i ..,.... intsrnir. ijiiir.
iVlr l"Miirp(l lie hdfl iieihlni;1?
Santa Fe Controversy With Big
j Four Brotherhoods Ties Up
! Many Travelers
,,,,, .. ... ..... .......
Needles, Calif., Aug. 12. ("By A.
!') "Tireless cookers" was the phrase
applied te day coaches and sleepers by
passengers stranded here last night be be
cnuse of the controversy between the
Snntn Fe Hallway and members of the
Wg Four Urotherbeods. "We are ns
contented as nny one could be hundreds
of miles from home In a desert with the
thermometer stnndin- nt in ,Wr,,.
7 o'clock at nig t " sa de ne of th
H0 nnd the ether 30U or mere de-"
srrted the trains which, from st-,r,i L
j the sun all dnv, were hottei'- t ..
the atmosphere, mid took up a tcinne.
rary home in thp lititn ,,nVt,., ...'..
the railroad Htntien. '"uuu
I I'i.'P hemh ,. n.. V. ..i '. .."
was net learned.
i,,,;l I,,1 i , ii 'i 0U""'"Ss and I
ueu'ps m lteseillp nnd cause,) mi,,,,.
" '" , Vi. , ."" rallSP'i many In October.
X. e'.lDS a" "uakelpresldlnemce
San Francisce. Aug. 12. Trans
continental traffic, passenger and
freight, in the far western divisions of
two main rail sj stems, the Santa Fe
anu tne .-le'intern 1 acme, was dlsor dlser
I ganl7.ed today s0 bndlv thnt scheduled
j service virtuallv had Deen abandoned
A third trunk line, the Fnlen Pni-iflc,
was threatened with a similar condi
tion. Thesp were developments of the rapid
'spread jesterdav of sporadic walkouts
, of engineers, firemen, 1 ondueters and
trainmen, whl. h began Thursdnv en the '
I Santa Fe in southwestern California
' nnd Arlren.i. Tli" members of the ' big
j tour" brotherhoods said they left their
pests heiause of their obiectleu te
armed guirds stationed en tallread
prmiertv 1
The unir n men nWe pharged that the
equipn en' th. v were moving was net
In th" lie-i iiinditieii and thev censl.'-
eted 11 lui.ardei s n tike it out. Unll
I'M.utlvis dei luted t.ie guard-, were
neees-arv te pruteet the reads, denied
that the guards were interfering with
union workers and 1 entrudieted the
nssi'itien that equipment was unsafe.
Stalled in Desert
enferni e.s betwein union official,
ami nu I eveeiitive- had borne in re
t suit e.irlv today.
Mean.vhile with nmnv trains with
drawn, spvernl. im lulling some crack
trati.s-ieutinental llmiteds. were smiled
in torrid descii siei-, m Ailzen.i or
I he stiiiitheru I.icil'i' declared an
emb.'i go en the shipment of livestock
11 eihir perishable f-eigr.t tllreugh the
"Ogden gateway." Tlie Western Pa-
it'll- ai, noun, e.l n similar embargo, ef
liptive within tvventv -four hours, en
einsignnii nts destined ler thp F.iist.
Th" San Franeisee Knminer today
published n report that all trainmen and
vnrdi.ien emideved by the Western Pa-
lit. at Oakland and Sto,-I,ten. Calif.,
and Winwu 11 1.1. Nev , had quit work
at midnight
Tie passenger serv iee en tlie Western
I'e itie wa interr ipti d early twin)
when ti.iln Nn. .'I bound from Salt Luke
te an Fr.ine.si e. was stepped In the
station Hat Orevill". C.ilif . when the
new 1 rew s at the division point refused
te take their places. Anether Western
P.ieiii nam. bound eai-tward front
.s im Franeisee. wis haltid at Stock
ion, C.ilif., when the crew deserted.
!is Angeles. A-.g 12. - ( Py A. P 1
Stage lines wire pieparing te expand
' ir s. rv 1. . a- .1 result of the trans trans
pert it;en ti'.up ii' California, nnd pe-tal
uu'h" itns ,.nne inci-d tliev were nr
ranging t" '1 ml mail north and south by
-. a and a-t h.v inotei .
' ( leu'land. Aug 12. Members of the
I'.ietl rhoe'l of Itiulriiiii Ti.'iiiim 11 who
wint ei. sttil.e en t"ic Santa I'e Itni'reml
have been ..rileied 10 return te work,
1'i-e-idi in W ! I.ee announced to te
dav i'i ib 'iring tliat their walkout was
unnut1 "i l?ei inasmuch lis the r.gular
b ' 11
i" in s, muig 11. spine. mm nut
1 urr.. l out.
Lis Vegas
! , Ti ,11- .
; Salt Lai." I
SV-K'U Wlls .
d iv n hi 11 11
hi 1 tbei heed ,
Nev.. Aug. 12. iP.y A.
nni ne m il 1 1 ,1 111 .- ev er the
in of the I'tilen I'm Hie
iilllpletelv tied Up here lo
ll, ll 'is if I lit" .'lig I'eitr
lefu-ed te handle trains
en th- l.-is ig is iliviinu.
ti uds 2,.xl miles fiem eruii
w u 'll cc
, Cnl'f , 10
C.lll.'lltc. Ni v.
Ogdrii. I tab. Aug 12 1 !! A P. 1
I The Miutheiu Pin-itic I'enipunv an-neiri.-ed
this nfti nioeii 1 lut r the loco loco
met ve li!"iii"ii who wen en siiil,,. in
this .liM.i't v. terdaj hud am cod te
go b'li '; te work. Tin' inmpiinv i .if im!
I! IXpeiteil te 'lllVe tlie ell- IllaloetlOil
trams out of heie some time this af
ternoon $1,000,000 FIRE IN N. Y. PIER
Twe Firemen Seriously Hurt, 35
Others Overcome
New erk. Aug. 12 1 Il.v A P
Thousands of tens of freight were de
streyed, two nrenien were seriously in
jiuiil and llnrtj -live ethers were e. er
mine In lighting a bbi7i that was still
eating UP Pier I) of the New- Yerk
Central Hailrend en the rserth KIvpi KIvpi
waterfrent this iiftcrnoeii, si huurs
after its di-mveiw.
Tugs and tir benis aided the land ap
paratus of tin- lire department and sixty
streams wee shot into the Ilnnies.
damage bv mid-afternoon was esti
mated at S'l.UUO.OOO
Lecal Rains Are Alse Indicated
Washington, Aug 1- JVeather nut nut
leek for the week beginning Monday!
,ertli nnd Middle Atlantic Stntea:
Considerable cloudiness j tempcrnturc
near or sliiflitly below nerwulj preba-
Ciy leeui ri"a i",.v'tyrFMi
Irish Leader Dead
Dead in Dublin
organization, which took the plnce
the Irish Nationalist movement.
i r.i.- iem i:,.;ir,ii. ,.-r.e ninefn.1
ei fur th" opening of the
conference in Dublin. He
wiis later nominated ns Sinn Fein del-
egate from Fast Cavnn. During the
pen. e conference at Paris in IfU!). he
was chosen as an Irih delegate te pre-
sent the Irish case, put tniiure te get
a safe-conduct from the Mrltlsh Gov
ernment prevented bis attendance.
In Julv. mil), Griffith was elected
acting president of the Irish national
nssemblv In the absence of Faninn de
Valera, who was in the Fnited States.
In October of the same jear he was
elected one of the permanent vice presi
dents of the Si-M Fein organization.
Sentenced te Prison
C.rillith was urrestcl In Dublin In
November. 1H20, nnd spent seven
months In Mountjoy prison. Puring
ids iiiiprlseuine.il lie issued n message
te the Irish people as te tlie conduct
of the Sinn Fein organi'atien. An at
tempt was made te icsiiie him fiem
Mo'.-itjev pi is m hut the armored car
used for that pu pii-s' failed te 1 urry out
.ts lllil-siei .
T.ie return e" Mr He Valera from
America was attributed te (Inffiib's
imprisonment, as Mr. Ue Valera. upon
hi- return, resumed the active direction
of Sinn Fein nffuirs.
Farlv in June. 1!21. there were re
ports of a Londen lenfetenre, at which
Irish leaib'is would lie invited te consult
with members of the Itritish Cabinet,
firiffith was mentioned among the prob
able delegates. His lelcase from Mount-
joy Pilsen followed later 111 tlie same
P.reaks With I)e Vnlcrn,
(iiifllth ae.eiiip.inled lie .i'f in te
Londen 111 .lulv . when the eui'iuled
series of 1 . nf.'i. n. es was eiened. 1. it. r,
when the ielifeien.es shifted, t" dlflif
ent eln's. driffith was nppelntcd . Iiiur
innn of the Sinn Fein mission. He was
In Londen through October, Novem
ber and IVcemler, cair.vlng en tlie ne
gotiations vh!i h culminated en Herein
ber " with the s.guiiiE of the treat In
I tweeu Ji fit ltritniu and Ireland, nn.l
1 which bus sin, e been appieved bv the
Pritish Parliament and the li.ul
Ciiillith broke with He A'alern nt
Londen, and v. Inn the D.ill convened te
consider ll.e trentv there followed a
long-drawn and bitter contest between
He Valei.i. si'ti ported bv bis mdical Hi -publican
following mi one side, and
, (iriflith and Michael Cellins, b aders of
the moderate f.iitien, en the oilier
(iriffith wm out both In the Dnll and
in the geiural elutbui which followed
lie beenuie prcibnt of tlie Hail and
titular In 'id "f the ii sh Tree Slat. .
against win. Ii the in. leal icpublicnus
have been lev.. lung for s. veial imI,.
The upr'slng was le'isp, p d te he en
its Inst b'ss when 'inffiili dltd, as the
I'lee Stale troops had been stendllj
1 rushing iiit rebel re-isiame nil ever
Southern Iiel.ind sme,. tie mevemi nt
,stnited vvith an eiiibn.ik in I'ublin.
It was lirillitli mere ihun nnv one
else who saved Irish iin'imialitv durim.'
tlie davs tliat fellnwi'fl Piirnill. As
uliter of the Fluted 1 1 ishiu.m. whl.h
'he aftetwiird Hilled the ."siun Fciner,
he gave morale te n pe p'e who were
beginning te feel their -Hinsili again
after the horrific sceuige of the famine
'of I'slt'.-IT.
He U'eventi'd their d -sipatins tliat
slieiigth in parii i.ni nt im agitation,
vvbidi was leading. 11 he saw it, enl.v
te an im reused deu-e t,, fellow' the
Fnglisli modes mil fnig-' the 1 1 is.li. He
premhid piepar.-ilin - lie gave Un Un
people "passive 11 -islam 1 ." t for
mutated llii- national d m ind for self,
determination and en led it "Sinn
He demanded tint Irish M. 1.'
withdraw from Westi.nusier and that
the 1. mictien of life and iiieni-itv be
left te the Im at governing Illinois and
the individual citl.tens It was he, thus,
who paved the vvnv te the upiising of
Ullli and it was his de, trine that formed
the backbone of the ("publican philes.
Hack in lMi's. wl.cn he begairte edit
nnd publish the I mtid Iiisliiuan, wlih
A F-." ',0'iii Lgliiit'.n and William
11. Vents, no man was mnie insistent
than In 'U Inland's iighi te nation
hood, and none nunc iciulv than he
te admit the inexorable geographic ne
cessity for some lonnectieii with Fng
land. He had spent 11 long time in
Seuth Africa, nreiind .lehaiiii'sburg.
nnd his pen name in these da.vs wns
"Cugnaii," net nil Irish name, but
n Kaffir one. The mine laborers had
bestowed It en HI 111 and it menii.s "The
flentlp One" or "The Hove."
He was net mere than " feet ," inrlies
in height, and lie piehabl.v weighed 17.',
pounds. He was a great walker nnd
n great swimmer. I p te the time the
Irish war became tee het for nny mail
in Griffith's position ever te be out of
linnd'B reach of his fchees, he used te
swim dnily, winter and summer, in
Dublin Hay. lie wn extremely Hhort Hhert
slghU'd. Ills rather small, glittering
brown eyes peered eagerly nnd ahift-
Ineiy from pcnuyi 11 ninny nttie pair
of ntcei-rnuuieu cejegmabea
P9weFt JV..J. vi. ivsa
sWfiv.-'.v ' "BBw- W.v s. MtKT
Divorced Wife of Millionaire Will
Marry Yeung Swiss Archi
tect, Chicago Hears
tiu Assndntet rrfi
riilcage. Aug. 12. With Hareld F.
McCertniek mat tied te Mine. Gnnna
Wnlskn nnd en route te Switzerland en
his honeymoon nnd with Miss Mathlldc
McCermlck, his seventeen -year-old
daughter nlrenily In Switzerland, where,
It is reported, she will shortly marry
Mnx Oser, elderly proprietor of n rid
ing academy, Chicago turned today te
rumors of another budding romance In
thp McCermlrk lnmlly.
Humors which have been current for
months that Mrs. Fdlth Heckefcller
McCermlck, divorced wife of thp
former president of the lnternntlennl
Harvester Company, nnd hcrwdf the
daughter of Jehn 1). Heckefeller, hr.,
will marrv Fdward Kreiiim. twenty-eight-vear-eld
Swiss architect and
landscape gardener, have been revived
as a result of the M.Cermlck-W nlsk.i
nuptials In Paris.
Mrs. MiCiinnleli Silent
Whlln Micletv circles have gossiped
ever the lpnertcd tomntice of tliP oil
king ft d.Hlgbtei'
n,-nlilt.i"t 11 Till
and the jenng Swiss,
.,. ..- ....... !....
nie in'wii'1 "f uie.
been filled vi'h rumors, jir. .Mc .Mc
eormlck herself has (leclined te be In
terviewed. ....
"Mrs. McCermlck. her secretary
told an Associated Pi ess reporter today,
"will have nothing te say for the pres
ent." Mr. Kremm came te America with
Mrs. MeCermlck's. party last fall when
she returned trem eight years' residence
In Switzerland. Since then he has occu
pied himself with remodeling her Lake
Ferest ceuntrv home, which she pur
chased from Mr. McCermlck nt the time
sheebtnined the divorce last December,
nnd with plans for the Ferest Prcsrrvp
Zoe which she Is presenting te Cook
Friends of the famllv are waiting
te see the reaction of Miss Muriel Me Me
Cerniick. c'.let daughter of the former
Harvester head, te her father's second
marilagc. When reporters broke the
news te her she exclaimed. "Oh,
Lord '." Later she made no effort te
conceal her antipathy. Like her young
er sister. Ma hil'le. nnd her brother,
Fowler, she chose te live with her father
after the separation of her parents.
During tlie opera season hist winter
she wns a regular occupant of her
father's box. m ress the horseshoe clr
de from that of her mother, nnd. nl nl
theugh she frequentlv visited Miss Slnry
tinrden's b'. adjoining her mother's,
she never 1 ailed nt the latter. Since
the departure of Mr. McCermlck nnd
Miss Mnthllde for Hurepe Miss Muriel
has made her home nt the old Cyrus
McCermlck homestead, where her father
took UP his residence when Mrs. Fdith
I Rockefeller McCermlck leturned from
j her long absence abroad.
I If Mrs. McCeiinick does decide te
! remarry, tlie ceremony cannot take
I place until 11 jenr has elapsed fiem
I the time of her divorce. December IN
of last vear. The Illinois law does net
' permit the reman luge of divorced per
! sons within one .vear if the continue te
I reside in this State.
Judges Mild law era pointed out ye--I
teid.iy 'hat if Mr. MeCermick and
j Mine. Wnlskn wish te return te Illinois
in the future" they will have te have
anel uer ceieiueiiy performed net .vear.
1 ns csi,rdav '- action in Paris is net
, iccegni.ed as legal In thU State.
1 Three
Candidates for Governer
Amenb, Speakers
'I hue nndidate. fei tin' Demoerntle
tnniiinatien fur tioierner of New .Jersey
sukt- at .1 "Inn mom" meet in;: of
Smith ,!or-.- l)eiii(i.-rat In CeII.-iick-v.'id
tliK iiltcrniien. The are .ludce
ilinigi' S. Sllzer. H.inMiiK CoinmN CeinmN
i.in.r William II. Tattle and I'l-ederlclt
W D.iiinclh . Mn.M.r of Ticiiteii.
Thn iiii'i'linc a.- held at the home
i.f Mr and Mrs. .lelin S. Pardee. It
un- ai ranccil under the direction
i.f the Women's Dimncrntic Club of
1 '.nu. I. 'ti t'eiiut.N. AccerduiB te I Vino Vine
. 1 .it ic li-u.bi-"". the conference did much
tnuiiid wcliliui: tesetlii-r tin. waii'Ins
l.i. il.in- in the ni r ml of the Slate.
iii-nei nor ndunr.N, Majer I-'runh
Il'ii'iie. of .lerie.x Cm , llarrj Helier,
Ii. 11101 rath Suite Cliatrmiiu ; AmmuIiIj
. . 1 j :;i 11 Knth.'iitni' Itinuii, of Hudsen
inn : .I:iiih" HaKer. pres-lilent of the
it.- Hmn-.l of TiiNiitten, ucnj uiiieny
-peal;. r.
I'I..' 1 Miiimittep of wiinien in charge
t! nffiur-, was 111 fellow h: Mrs.
i''ii:ih' I..iil'i's, Mis. liPitlm Shlp
i Irv.ii','. Mrs Jehn I f. html. .Mli-s
ur IJ11I1111. Mi's Kutluuliii llennett.
Mi. U1..TI Mnml, Mrs A. Merris,
M- .1 Ueicr. Mis . (Jilnidur. Mr.
I.dwanl I.. Cummin;:. Mr. (). H. Clh
si -i Mi-. Anna Sh.1.1. Miss (!piirvlee
( iiiiims. Mi- 1' Ii'Alels... Mrs K.
, Mr-. William II. Memier. Miss
lill. Mr William .lohnsten,
.1 (niiueis. Mi. (illliert Cnnip
Mi. ll. SwIiik, Mrs. M. Hasi-iiH,
...si-p'i I-'eaii.
M 11.
American Unity League Is Headed
By Bishop Fallows
Chiiace. Aug. 1 -. A nntien-w ule
militant iiimii-ngii uglililst the K11 Kln
Kla n w.is launched here M'sterday at 11
meeting of the Amerii an I'liilj League.
Tie- iiignni. nimi plain 1" 1 staldisb
le al br inches m eveiy town, cit.v and
f mini v in tie State wle re the Klnn has
', I a f.iiillield.
Hi-hop Samuel Fallows, of the Ite Ite
fei nnd l-'.plscoeal Chinch. Is honorary
Ii'iii in-ill of tin- orgnni.ntien, wlmh in-
' eludes
miiiUteis, prieMs, and 1 alibis.
Mr H'1'..m.i.ll. . liMlrnmn of ll,e m ...,.
lairiiinii ei Hip eigau
zl.iiiei, s.,,,1- I","1 l"' 'l"i"-iicl In (' ,. McAllister,
"A iiiitiemil cenfpicnci' en 1 amimlgu ' )'' ?. V' ", ' ",tll'l''J; furincr engineer,
plans v 111 be held hell. Sei.temh...- ."., ' "''""' W '"' ,1,,w llu'' '" N' "lls
te wlmh delegates from -v 1 1 v State . !,'' , ,
and lea.ln-s lepiesentlng all the radical' , ' '"' V" " "'I'Piiinnles will open o e
and religious gieups in America ure ' lIn-v , "'"n , '"nini.inder .la.ehs will
being invited." ircelvc oil the ismig the following
Though the organization iihsciH in
non-pellthal chara.ter. it will never- !
theirs ceinhnt teliti.-al aclivities of the,
Ku Klu Klan. It was also announced.
In a htnti.ment issued bv IliMiep Fal-
levvM. he savs: '
"The hllin is n menace te reli-Meu,.
fieedeni, a keui-ii" of danger te tlie
State, and its growing strength Ii tti I ai
be embed through the united cft'eit of
all true Anii'i leans, regiudless of ireed,
race or 1 oiiditlen 111 life."
Dr. H, A. Surface Is Candidate
Sellnsgmve, Pn Aug. ILV Ir. II.
A. Hiirfiiu. Selinsgieve, former State
economic- zoologist, .vesterday announced
lie will be nn Independent cnndldate for
the r.eglslature from Snjiler County
ha wtient la aenarated from ih h.
mSnrtrT rV,.w ,yrk, l",""' written liy Hay
njenrt O, Carrell, who known both hf. n.,.
l JSrK,,fiin.,,,1,i",,,l)hl" Tbs lellera ar-
AUGUST 12, 1922
That and Strikes Are "Ham
stringing" Prosperity of the
World, Senater Asserts
IU Aitectatei TrfU
Washington, Aug. 12,-s-Sennter CM
der, In nn address en the tariff today,
declared that strikes nnd "the tariff
blocknde here In the Senntc arc ham
stringing the prosperity net nlone of
thin country but of the world."
"While the whole world Is strug
gling against tremendous odds toward
a period of prosperity, peace nnd nor
mal living. It Is net only tragic, but
a calamity thnt the t'nitcd States h
net today In n healthy condition It
self." he snld. "Where there are net
strikes there are grnve Industrial prob
lems, many of them trnceahle directly te
business paralysis due te tariff uncer
tainties." Describing n protective 'ar'7, J18
Ainerirn'R "prosperity lnurnncp. the
New Yerk Sennter snld that the argu
ments thnt n protective tariff nt this
time would result in a decline of expert
trade could net bp supported by the
facts. Official records showed, he nr-
I piipiL thnt overt" time the country had
. , , .nHff rverts had In
"- ". " - -"
renscd very materially.
Question of Life te Industry
"When the lariff is a question of
life or death te industry, ns It Is today
with hundreds of thousands of factories
in this country." Sennter Celder con
tinued, "it is the duty of Cengres te
legislate in the interest, when their in
terest is the interest of our people ns 11
"We hnve heard a great deal during
this debate about the tnrlff nnd the
consumer. If we legislnte te enable
men nnd women te produce every con
sumer will be nble te take care of
himself. The American market is our
greatest nnd our best market, but the
moment we begin te barter that market
te foreign producers, from that mo
ment wp may begin te measure the
downfall of this country ns 11 nation
of people who are tee proud te pro
duce." Flexible Plan Voted
The Senate Inst night adopted the
previsions In the Fer.lney-McCumber '
Tnrlff Pill embodying President Hard
ing's recommendations for elasticity of
rates after making main vital changes.
Having limited tlie operation of its pre- j
vision te July 1, 1!2I. the fv tien wns
adopted by a vote of III! te 20.
The amendment or Senater Freling- ,
htiyien, of New- Jersey, te broaden the
powers of the Tariff Commission, with '
a view te making possible the enact
ment of n scientific tariff, wns rejected
subsequently by n vote of .'tl te 18.
Three of thee supporting the nniend- I
ment wrre Democrats, including Sena
tors Ashurst, of Arizona ; Kendrlck. of
W.v eming. and Hitelueck. of Nebraska.
Tlie Jenes amendment for n sclentili" '
tariff was rejected. 27 te 20.
The Senate then approved the :
Finance Committee amendment previd- I
lug for a scientific tariff, '!" te 1!!, The
nmendment differs from the Freling- (
hiiw-cn proposal m that no power Is
given the 'Iit-iff Commission te recem- I
mend rates for adoption. I
Eight New at Celd Spring Inlet
te Take Part in Maneu
vers Next Week
7?y a Staff ( err penrfe"if
Cape May. N. .J., Any. !'. "The
purpesp of the drill, nnd pxercises we
will held heie is tn Keep our ship, and
men in trim te prifnrm spredlly and ef
tlelently any duij in wliiih they may
be assigned."
Sitting in hi. cezj cabin in the stern
of his llni;lijp, t,. Vlehslillf.' Celli"
ninnder W. V. V.. Jacobs tedaj brlellj
Miiiimeil up tl)i renwui for the inanciueiN
of the I'niled States Ceiift (iiiard tliat
will take place here beginning leiht
and continuing until August -!1.
The VieKsbiirg. Ynmncraw- and the
Kichapoe have been swinging at an
chor in Celd Spring Inlit for several
ilnjs. Ihirlj today the Scneci, Moilei,
'l'ampii. Mnnning and Seminole hove te
In the inlet, completing 1 he li t of const
guard ships whiih will luhe p.nt in the
Te in.iin imriige citiens 1 , nmi In
life of a member of tlie Coast (in. ml is
somewhat 0 ,1 mjstery. Thrj hne
hcaid pleiilv of the Itejal Northwest
Mounted Police, the rcniiAjhania State
troepeis and the I'liltnl States Marinis,
bu; little or nothing of this gnllnnt
band of spa fellow, is, whose duty, m
erding te Ceuiiiiiiniier J.icnh, Is 10
"relieve shiis and mniiiieis in di -tress,
enforce all navigtleii laws. pre.
vent bootlegging along th n-t and
pnrt.ike In m.'in.v etlnr mtnities. eu-n
te protecting Hii'iig.' tishnles m tlie
strait, of 1'lerida."
Sin- hundred Coast (lunrd "gobs,"
ph Ued from the ircvvs of tlie eigln
id ove-niPiitieiii'd i-lups arc gulns te tain
Tilt r t 111 battalion dull, mi iiimi i,,.
! funti v diill. beat hups. r n.
races, 1 mining mcc mid hnschnll
giimis. TIipi-p will also lie signal pr.11
I ices, diet iniuieilVPls, fheit-i.-iiige bill"
lie piiictlcp, spotting and long-range
battle pinctiee.
Kveiv thing eXisTlt the lance in.-ieti.'P
will be held 111 or along the lnii of
the Inlet. The sheeting will lie held
t-evcial miles off slinie Medals 10 the
wilinei-j will be givui h.v Congi ess ,,v.
I '.' ."',' '"'"" "I '.-lie priZP. W llt.-ll
i' ' ' . l uaiuiers: r. .. ,, 1
I1'7,,,'r.';lV,1,A- '; (,!l.ll1,'l,; " -M ''bis-,
))''" "'"bl'u.I heeler. I'lilllp II. I
iVi.,; '' , "llM, ,' ' '
' V '''J.11"1"""- who 1 enuuand respeciivelv 1
the nmacraw , Senei a. Medo. . Tainpn,
'""" 'ek.c.-hi 11 nil rwcKiipen Later
1 in tlie da.v ('iiiutnunikr .l.uehs will
return thes,. visits.
The gala diij of the maneuvers will
he ThursiillV of iii'mi vveel; !,..
IMvvard Cllffurd. AisUtiiiit Secietnry of
..'"", nni inKifi-i me ui-ei 11c
lempnniiil bv V. II. Ke.vnelds, of
Washington, lemuiand.iiit of the coast
lie I line of pence the coast guard
ely under the supervision of the
i ...,,i.n
r, in.i.i .iii.iti im- supervision 01 tne
vssisiiini nvriemry et tne Treasury.
When war- Is declared It auteinatlciilly
bccenien a part of the nnvy.
Kiiiidnv and the llrnt few days of next
week will be spent In rehenrwiln for the
tlrlllH and raccB which wiliv. continue
iiiiiii niiiiiriin. ,,llgtist LM uT.'J 111! iltiil
possibly tht! JSW will bg tuUclun with
rKTi iimcustJ en sneri
Alabama Senater Wants All-American
Bedy te Settle Cases
Washington, Atif?. 12. (Hy A. P.)-;
Formal pretest against the action of
(be Administration In concluding nn
agreement lln tl.e Germnn Govern
ment for establishment of n joint tom tem tom
inlssien te pass en American war clr.lms
against Germany wns made today by
Senater Underwood, of Alnhnnin. Dem
ocratic Senate lender, in n letter te
Chairman Cummins, of the Judiciary
Sub-Cemmlftee. The sub-cemmitter
has before it Sennter Underwoed'H bill
for nn nil-American commission te ad
judlcatn war claims.
Sennter t'ndtrwoed, In his letter,
chnllpnged the contention of the State
Department nnd White Heuse thnt prec
edents existed for the Administration
course, and ndded :
"Se President, te my knowledge, hns
ever cntprcd Inte such nn ngreement
providing for the adjudication of claims
arising out of wnr. Perhaps this Is
due te the fact that the President,
with but n few nominal exceptions, have
net entered into nn agreement for the
adjustment et n prlinte claim of n for fer
clcner against the Fnited States with
out wcurlne the approval of the Sen
ate, but I think thnt It is chiefly be
cause the settlement of wir claims is
necessarily part and parcel with the
treaty of pence which, of course, under
our Constitution, must be submitted te
the Senate for its advice nnd rntlticu rntlticu
New Yerk, Aug. 31!. A new record
for the voyage from Cherbourg te New
Yerk was set by the Mnurctnnia, which
arrived yesterday five days nine hours
and twenty minutes after she left the
French pert.
The previous recerd,t held by the
Mnurctnnia, wns ten minutes slower.
Sure Death te Mosquitoes
flies, reaches, bed bugs, moths and fleas; also their return prevailed
by spraying with "PREVENTOL". ,
Bath Tubs, Tiles, Metal Fittings and Garbage Pails.
air in Sick Reems, Cellars, poorly ventilated Apartments. A
wonder spray necessary as soap harmless as water Great
for use in bungalows and camps. All cans standard measure.
l;or sale at drug, grocery and department stores.
Pint SOc; Quart 90c; '2 Gal. $1.65; Gal. $3.00; Combination
pint can and sprayer, $1.00. If your dealer hasn't it, send
$1.00 by mail Geerge C. Krusen & Sen, 1530 Chestnut St.
I (Prevetel
ugnjBII r,-
Het ll Srxrn
Courses for Teachers
Twe groups of regular courses, four and two
years in length, leading, respectively, te B. S. in
Education and Junier College diploma. Hours for
classes convenient for Philadelphia teachers. Medel
kindergarten, elementary and high schools for
observation and practice teaching. Junier College
diploma based en high school graduation and
generally recognized. Geed teachers in great
1. Regular Courses for Teachers
(B. S. in Ed. and Junier Col
lege) Academic High Scheel
Commercial Education
Elementary Education
Heme Economics
Kindergarten Education
Physical Education
2. Special Courses for Teaching
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Educational Gymnastics
Bread Street Belew Berks
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mkbhem am
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Meyer BothCemnanv
the lnrccst cemmcrcinl art or-
Kanizatien in the field, offers veu
n different training. If you like te
draw, develop your talent. Study this
prnctical ceurse taught by this widely
known institution, with twenty-two
enrs'Ruccess which each year sells te
advertisers ever ten thousand commer
cial drawings. Who cUe could frfve you
se wide en experience? Commercial art
is n highly paid, intensely interesting
profcs-ilen, equally open te men and
women llemn itudy lodructlen tint facta
efera you enroll In nny cheil Wilie for our IU
luslrati-illinek YOUnOPPOrtTUNITY." for
oeo-hulf the cost et raniling four cents In 9tsn)n.
1214 Walnut Street, Dept. 41 .
eJ Commercial Art
IsUSINESS d sthcei
COLLEGE tiiiU Scheal
1$ , Unexcelled
M :.'."'. . "lU.ille.l hi leu mlioela. in e.
nmn i.riu pip 1 ,0-11 hi in UumneB.
Jwiihi-H nn.l nioiliej, ("ernmer.ir,"'
SieieiHriiil Sherihi.n.l lluilnri. Ail
inliiimrnii 111. c ! a . ...!..''
' lyil hiTvl. p. T .iK-hi;.. '""'."
H1I1 nmuiit'iilii
ilrnmi 1,11 Sc
ch..i. ini,iir.""ur. '.-.?"
llllMltlfWU M.-u 1 ..7'
urni . . ,IU ."'" " tiia lest
l.ml iIh irnlning for biitreu in Cm
i.'-r. nil I. Ite seu can net It here u 1. 1
at niii1ral, 1-eit tc' ulul
If i.nu 01 -!.' ?!'""nn
vW'."ilielnwiis Hent. (1
.7i.,B.l.t l'e euen s,.,, "1
iaav .Pe..l ahnrlfi . n.l . l"iU".li. "'..
M. ale Pitman
. th
vldual Inetrucilen Our nlalit ciL:.. ,.'""
ilava ami Thuradnya start .Sent 11 ", Mo" Me"
ulrv iiiuma Ontr.illy located' Cnlalec"'
nu,., lllM.MMS C0I.I.KUU
Mint College f Cemmirrt
HIO Mnrket HtT. I'tilinjipi-in
STRAYER'S Tl,,.1Stj "" .,,
r..jnn ..... JEWSy ffi..
11 rAnHrTi?zr-i?nTtt-T:-'' V:
CIKaiVAT-' .".? fJMAslY c
PiMcycrBothCempany , I pA
Indianapolis, Ativ. 12. rim.i. Jii'l
Schwab, chairman of the nMhf.WJ
Mtcci vorperntion, announced ,?'
day that he would take a pmen.j T' ,
terest In the operation of thn Lin'
Motorcar Company of Am ca, 1S1
which he and his associate, rJBft
purchased from the. Guaranty $&
Ceinpnny of. New Yerk. t-" f''t
snld the present officers of the r
would continue In office. PHeTl't
effective, Immediately, were. i.
neuncetl by Sir. Schwab,
Clear Baby's Skin
With Cuticura
Seap and Talcum!
im! eniciub.tt.tiw.byt:iimya?'
OppaiUt Initptnitntt Hall
1887- 19a
Electrical Supplies
of All Kinds
Meters and
New and Second-
Hand Radie
Parts and Complete
"Our Prices Arc Right"
Walker & Kepler1
531 Chestnut St.
llnth Nrxrn
Heme Nursing and Hygiene
Industrial and Manual Arts
Institutional and Household
Story Telling
Vocational Homemaking
Plense fend me bulletin for the
ceurse marked.
t: i.fi s-t.'-:;
Pine St. West of Bread
Yeung Ve mc n h J. S'T1 -
The Gorden-Roncy Scheel
.:"'A?jjTrj:iZY. court
loef O
hi anil K.euasa lri'","An.'fV Prlk.
Viiiiii-; Mjrii nnd Hoja .
A ilnv ane berdlnir ecboel '"."S
rrer-i ration for lelleire. Hptclfl r
five-day tnjunlera Orena b'ept f""1-...
J. L. PAfTKHSON. Hadmi"i's
1 rKNMNTUX.j ii - -
I for
Mr. tnri5
n88 Junier school for bey: 8Uh yM
modern equipment: Byninaelun. i wl
mlnB peel i l1" ,"era, MBulvA,k iS
'aUena faculty : betweei. m U rk
ten. N. J. '
ccTA.ni.mHED 183
- .-Mi.AT ivTli!l(iTinN
OvTfir.1l.lin PbllaMpUa Muilei I Ac
11..1.. weiK.ai. ifliT NitrurA'Airmi "j