WfSIKSSIII MHf flf'.- I Ff?;ff 'w -v' ' t"-,!w w.--v f7"V";"'-"''" vr''sfT'i'f'iw' -f -"" wt,i- -' i' ? '-;" r , -"' 'V i ll Iff "j.i.V M " ',.0 Se -rx- 1 tfl.' ' w N I i -V 1 . WCMMEB RESORTS ATLANTIC CtTV. N, ff The courtesies and conveniences of two hotels it one rate in. SO Dnr Cp. American rien (With Meals). Special VYeeklr. Our attests may live at either heties nml atlll enjoy all the comforts of both. This unlnue nrlvllece la net extend tiv nnv ether hotel. ELBERON and fireproof Annex. Tennessee Avenue nttr twacn opposite catholic ana I'ret- esiant cnurrnee. I'hene STin RUNNING WATER Private bettia Cuisine anil eervlce unexcelled Fresh veaetablee White service Beautiful solarium. Orcn surroundings. Orchestra. Dandnir. IteflneJ patrenaaa COMBINED CAPACITY POO Windows screened. BathlnK from hotels. Garage Wrlti for l eklet and auto map. t ,,, Beth hotels under personal direction of R. B. LUDY, M. D., Ovner BEST MODERATE PRICE -t&t&vszfrjTzru v ! sw 'ti Sleep Where Life la Safest Brick, steel and stone construction PRINCESS eteaii end Seuth Care, n ae near all attractions. I.arcest moderate-rate beum of substantial large city construction. capacity 600 Prvau butt). Het and cold Running Water in All Reems Private bathe. Elevator from street lerel. within three squares of six lesdlns Prot estant and Catheiie (Viurcbes and main PosteHce French Cief. Excellent tab.. White service Orchestra. Dsrclnr. Al windows screened llathlns fr n hotel Bathhouses svltti Beardws i , ntiance f r free, use e jruests M day up Special weekly American plan. Fer booklet snl nu'j read map. address PAUL C. ROSErRAN Ownr A Trop Phen nw i;in-eTl CEnsnis bl ACiiSTes II Vlristntt Afnj tnd Ueli. It VirktriU Avmu tnd listach, At.antlc City cnurejy nirurntiriM ana iwneTtiw A merle in and Eampsfin I'lin "GKHSritlH FAMOUS I Ulhl.N'K" 8pcUllx en Hunirfctia.n IJ!lf tuiJ S? Keed Flatters f TnnvxlKui (rili High Uat Entprj-'nment. Het and CelT Kunning Sea Water In all bath. KMIL QKlLSThT. lvMrjnv7-r Alie 0rtin(f Gntal a Inland Iletal 3 up Dlr. ; Sp. Wklr. Am. Plan (with meili) OS30 Cor Faclfc and Arktniai ns Priv re plrerfttlnv plant, f.ertrlp kltchpn mil nPCtIen runnirjr ua.ter u. u ilrl rnnmi. crupuleunly clean Elv pri butha bath " from het bathheu9 ard ahewer frt Orrh)itra I'nnelriL' ss A .afs ia. Rrtek!t Vnv f trr n-rvn pv Pacific & Illinois a- cles te rieach SIei!e-n newly renovated near churches stations St amusen'ts Running r. er n rectva Hath lng from hotel Uaracs !3 .', day up. S17.S0 np wkly . w th rra's Re kiet . fl'TUt Vtne fpriwlr nrep'r Melrnse Hill Whole Bleck en Ocean Frent Coelest location Atlantic City. Ideal family hotel In Chelsea Section. Capacity Fie Hundred -OtsBership Ihretina O BM. W ? BIIAW H ' u alt lie it UiaCn. 1 IhoreuShb modern ; rate- J leasen.ibie American and kX i-urepe-an plan ss """" JIBS, it. ti.iwi.Et, r,ep, WELLS! Ktntuckjr Ave nrlU4.i rvr ruus ejx n furroecd In in, crntr of ttrcticn rd pferi Kurning water In room, frWte ba ni lith tk prlvi r from heftl Bhewrr bt L Tuter te strtrt 1bi untHM H CO nn dftl v. iDfCial wftLt V Amrncnn 1 !in Orexier- in- Duncin. (Jims:. Pboea 4W1 J ..n"ekit SMWff,sri.Y Owatrtup ulractlea. ALE! .ST. CHAIll.l.s PUCK AND I1KACII Capac ty f. E iry arP int- i-n' n cu sine and e-vlce H nr nir w tter I tn bitbs Spacious f ver an 1 jnt.' nu ree 11 . lartum Greatly rilUfd Pa n - Is r t tive I Kit M GR.1I MH ITl L MP VNY $2 dtjr up, Europ. plan (Reems only) STRATH HAVEN KnrLtr Peaut fu v rem d e Mr l"'" y eii-ipped Rathlng pr ! e. s r g I I -1 1 1 I rxrs Borten Tennessee avs Iturr -g water In ai ru ms Eur' an p un E R AV W HIIKEI SOSse SO ItsPIVIDLIAL AND DISTINeVJISMEO A3 jfive SENATOR VleVOINIA AVENUE 0, BOArtDWALK An ocean fr nt hotel Uncle e nstruct Nswly Senev. Largest perch iverl icklng ocean. Ixeel. meals. It ests ess te stay with us tnan It does te sta ut nterw r heteti fu thsr removed from Heardwa k U rite fur booklet. Ocean ave 1st hotel fr m Haeh overlook ing ocean cent n flrej-e f eva or, prlv, baths. Rathlng f'em bete n.est dining room in city en u'n - r w un c an view ?. 00 up UT, sr' wk v M LEYRKR KENTUCKY Kentucky e near Ilai h t apaeity tee Running water l'nva v baia Jrclieslra. Ilanclng 13 fU daiu srerU week v phens fl,18-W. KINti 4 l.WlHUtT S&ntiC HOT! IMEXrV hi MOTfXsinvvTrM home cOMretrrs iflXa?li2-2tr!saEi I Oct 1 Prii I Uei b ewi Oeean D'l Nw Yerk At J PrtYt Dam mnping 't r iltctrif irfhu Dcievllrd euifire them eoekiTv) Uekltt niriuipniiutj m, itu u wuoe.Jr Hgr WALDORF New Yerk ave near beich Iiathlng frera hotel. Moderate rales Capacity 20 Dane lug. E i IWAtn ferme-ly of Alter UIL B. Carolina Ave. near Ileach Running water In every room Private laths Personal direction LlNTON It AJtNOLD Kentucky ave neir bejeh every modern Improvement Rs'es 1..' '0 un y Uklt Open all year Jl iIN J Ml HI'HY Owcsr HOTEL SOMERSET Arkansas Ave.; two doers from bach Itun Ting water Geed beds and Beel table nun JuiFv. JSt Hn weekly II J KER'WAW DIXTVIFY N'w erl Ae nr "'ach Ite "TlJIisi furtusheil and redecorated Ex cellent oceemmodJil'ins with home cooking jl diill)- t-twelal weklv J I1ICKAH Warminster R'nu" Ave nr lleaeh ...nnlng water Open all int A V Knl'P Belvedere Seurti Carolina Ave near beach Amer clan. l?vt,r pelntmetit. merstes1OvenershJp lUi miZZ-Ue.m Vlrrlnla Ave. near Reach, ijnec""" Cap ISO, Amtr. rlan J3 i) yjatly. Iiathlng privileges Aleis (inilier uAtl Roscebel Knl'-I, nr beach tfOiei DOSCU uKr ba,hn, j.jy u., ..kly Telenbene 117 A n M.UII i.N ailCflNF Racine St. James PI (.less twais ,0 chUrcn1 and amuiemenis. I Biinnln water In rooms K II In.Sti ' fislVPDT Virginia Ave. near Reach V-,T" 0en all ear Moderate ajk. iiKenni: piuti h a. u t) sit-al Y'l Ocean end Kentucky ave. WBrf , RunnlnK water In rooms V . ist .... Maltw snail ivaaklw 17f4si Mf ftC un laliv fifeLE fW U ltF "I"1 ' .TTT-rss.s ,,',".' ""imn. S008 PaclBe av. KimaL&a .water In rooms. Rurep plan. m& e. Tennessee Ave. Reems vsiin run. vTaier. aire, iu. muwpiick. tuckr Ave. jiu ail - i i mn JskIII- H I M RNE L.EWSS !&r LU u W17MMKR RESORTS ATLANTIC CITY, N. J. IROaUOIS Seuth Carolina Avenue, lust off thl Ileardvvalk Convenient te all attrae none. Elevator Jlume 4H1I vv IN EVERY ROOM HOTELS IN ATLANTIC CITY. YOUR COMaORT-OUB SUCCESS" J ejllEDSON Mieriiffn am , nr rnn and uetrOwuk, Ati.veti City' meit brftutifel hotel ttfttea. modtre In tm dets-til, en setTmiDJinn, til DnvaDirai m hi cnurnn, pi en via inrim: ebrfel auUld rid flaw ruiiu.1iwlr ftirniafeMi uid dearftttJ thnjeut, 1,000 a, tl. prtrbM, rr7 rcnvniMautysa Ha and Celd ' BUHNinQ WATER IN ALL ROOMS oiniifer vijii priTKiei vtsinai ikn ii)fnia lrft jrrle,iaxtireut tan parlor, ttrUf Multtal ier roevi Fr bthin prlrflcff. OUI1 TADI.E It ipfl4l (; oedriil ben toekinj, fpttb TftUblM BMt th murktt tfferru, wb't trrict AmrlcM tJa, U M ap dll; GartJi pia, tl pe op dny BpcUI wnkljr Pmamsi A C. TU QwBinMB BABIaTMIML tS-1 . Ja. L.Ik.. - llLs. GOOD TO RBMRMDRn iljv:ef7tek! KenreeWj A ar hh and Herdwlk I IteueDsble hcnsible Kates NewlT renevateil and refurnished: eleva. ter. e:-ctrie llaht, private baths, het & cold RUNNING WATER IN ALL ROOMS (ishvii uiii ikihi stsvtasaft r -v U( ull), K;'-, vrij i ex" x.lllllB IfUIII J hotel. ripJTm A. C . 0 Hoeklct. uwnemnip fliancmcnu NETHERLANDS " m m m " 1 WB nr Yerk avs CO jards from Deardwalk. ' oerleoklmc lawn and ocean. Dest located, perulsr priced hotel. Capacity 400 Ule- i vater Prlvite baths, het and cold running wafer In recms. electric lights. Tab, abundant!) supplied with the best market I affords Music, and danca fleer Uathlns , privileges from hotel 1 50 up dally. 117.50 ' np wklr Amer plan. Hkl' SI C. SvitnT. lac&i CAPACrr.700 , Pacific & Arkansas Aves. 115 up weekly, tS up dally ith mca.s. 31 50 up European Plan. Run ninx water, private baths, orchestra, danclmr, ' excellent tab'e Bath houses for surf bathlnir. . Gars, boeaUt. Phene S. WM. 11. UA3LKTT THURBER Vi ifi 4 fasa ,ustts aves i apaiitv 300. i A j's de al y re ms. Iiathlng from hotel II iuj up Special weekly Kureran nan Hrstaji-ar" renn-ted MRS V M THUItHKfl e(nv pity OCEAN;CiTY.Ni e .j IJ.-1 S.xth near IJf-nrd seaside neiei Willk r ,. h n? , t, t fr. Hurn nj w i'r r a, s f-im 'v -a es Mn p in .Mel 1 Itlilini'tti LA MONTE IKAYMORE fnmtiy hctl lth"njn. rg,.r 1 ' rrenw Amrpir,neiii u. i rr Swarthmore N:..reth.A,r..rln.V,ne t tr t"Ht ervlc-. 0( IlN r.ite i:. N J. HOTEL'WHITFIELD rirerri f IVeelt te ocean central te a'l smus ",'nl mprcv ("has M Iterr-in sPKINd LAKE Ilr.AtU '. - THE BREAK-:.:: sprine i.MCi. nr.xrii. n . l. - 'jt-a 10 nr div American plan Is..,., 30 l?KCII 'I.WKN. N .1. THE ENGLES1DE D?.Z: A en 'rn anpnintmnts private atbs acu a-d frsS water Flv ternls courts " R P WOLF MiPHirer f-RVNKI.IN EUEIA HISTl IPOIICS. FBUX1.IX CODMTT. PA. A irtetlr modern howl with e ictllent tsbls and ervire loe prtsle btri cspscity Vie Altltjus A-- feet hplerd rt mfcjl B-elf tennis e'e Will Reniisln Open until Nes-enibef - JUU. J. 1,1 llivu.-', .iianager. TilKKUM) l K PA. THE MORELTON INN A SPLENDID place frr the week end It fc'ht en Dlaware Rlvs Rlvs enly f rtv ir njtes from I'y Ha I Coel euts'i1" runt .s American plan with ei-i" et i ln TflRIlPsnI F, PA M. T. Thn.n Prep Tnrrridale 7033 I MCI I.I (Htlil Y. Tu erili.v v chirmlm: sutnnier J.yl' "! IIKI'I' Nl IIEVC '! lll.l PP. MASS visit THE GABLES At Beach Bluff ns-sj veu a fplentlirt opportunity e p-tTl Ajnj"t ti MafRfhus-'tta ree antl p 'lurpnTUft Ne-th Rhftr A ianJs vm. n bafih bautifu tlr,9 nnd th r - nnal go f nurs it I"iei mir r i ib w iih n -y r-i - ti j,ah IU OAT r TS an i lal pln f r a u.iimer acatien The eun appeiln th mevt rtlrf1mnatlnr' m a t) ufl nl 1-ime with er rt rnert nni npn erre Iti ok rr is tx n nn t h e n car ln n it r v an at n. lai rt of tTtnh frji at. J e'eUbIe. ,iae your rmfrateni r 3III.TO.N. MASS Milten Hill Heuse Milten, Mass. W 'h ift r-crrf rfe utrrKKprern and (V iuui norne tatU in t 1 ,;h fu p' a"0 n hlh te npfnj thr fui, nnd Mlntr It Ih tn a denlruble h Ien of unn of lonten m meat n'tra'H and cenerlnt nubirl Jarar(l Vm eraity anl I Bten ur-5 en.y a fw m mentf rn Uer rile from thi inn Tl.e who Oelre tb rener Urs of home without th dliTlan taBHi t.f eullkltlntf wl I fln) h M Hen IHII Hruue hll at ran be rtemrpd a 3d-"sH atmve for further iar' u'arj und termt IIMt HMtHOII, Mi:. The Malvern and Cottage BAR HARBOR, MAINE New Open ntNFST fl Cltllll Manscer tei im Clsik s Sd (.runs.Juuarr 2X 1V2J ROUND THE WORLD "BMPRim of HIANCK" IM8I Grets TONS 4 MONTHS CKUlSE,SI0O0 sad up taeludiel llelell, Feel, Urivci, Guides, eta. OarkOnliattcd Round the World Cruises Clark's 19tk Cruise. Ftbresr. 3. 1J TifiilED.TERRANEAN "BairilESS eMCOTLAND" 2S(a Greea Tasi Praak C V ' k. Time Be ldX.J4ew Yatfc . N. J. Ill "STOP AT THE BEST" j ' jK5Ju American Plan P (fll Aldl'T P.ATHS H I VI lluukltt en Kruuest 1 1INCQLM I rillNTY. PA. i 7Ul'" 2TLUCRIOCE MOUNTAINS EVENING PUBLIC ZDentfis ASTHUnr Aue. 11. I,0t' ll. beloved husband nf Jeannette V. Astbury uml eon of Themas XV, nml Ilmma Astbury, aged II. llclntles and friends, nlici empleyes of Crew-Levlck Ce , are Inwted te attend fu neral, Tues , a r. M . from Ills Ht real. urnce, euuu .. .Marins at. int. JlacnelU L'em . ANtOt At ThoenlxMlle. Pa., en Aur. 10. 10W. ANNA ItADCL,IFI'K. wife of Sam-, r 1. . . elJ"1 "k "". "eiaiives nnu xnenus Invited te eeruccs en Kundav, at S V M (daMlcht saving), at late residence, L'18 !4. Gay it, l'heetilxvlll". Interment prlate, Oreen Tree Cemetery. ' 1IKEHS --Autt 10, 1022 WIM.1AM II. husband of ihe latu llache C Jleers Hel ntlcs and friends nre Inwtcd te attend fu neral eoMlces. Sunda, 8 M late reel- m5'..' I . 'J. ' T'.i """ment prlxate. , .Menda), in A .M Arlington Ccmeter) 1 HKNNKIiy. - On Awr 11 JOHRPlt 1 11AKKH HBNNKUS. Rr Mineral en Tu'". ' inr, .?' ," " vuck. from his late residence. 224 parby rd I.lanarch. Ta. Interment i prUate ' HltANNIN Aujr 0 Iirnil G DIIA ' I NI- ,'"., hi", c,t.n,fcV- Mneral scrUces If.1. ? l J! ,"t I"" Jale residence. Upper 'PreOdence Del Ce Pa, int .Medl Cem. I imnOIJS Auir 11. 1022 ciiahli:s W . husband of Llixibeth UroeUs Tuneral Mndi 2 I M residence Hill N. .Mar shall st Interment Oakland Cetncterr e- j mains may be tlened Sunday after 7 P M I HP.JW.N' Au 11 1UJ2 UA.NNAII , !vlfe of Wllllntn K. Ureun, nvvd ml l"uneral services Merlda 8 P M J Hi 1: ShedaKer st , (.iermantewn Further scnlces, Tues day 11 A .M at lliet linndjwlne Ilaptlst i Church l'hster County la CI1ADWICK Aur 10 W1M-1AM 1),! I huslund f the late Mar H Chadnlclt, In hl TTlh iir. Hplntlea n 1 friend. Sur vn ir" Asse nf the 23d Ilea . Penna Vel-1 I untcer" nr Invited te attend funeral sen Mces Men 2 P M. lite nsldenc. 1241 ' Orthodox st.. Trinitron! Int prlxste Fern-1 we.) 1 dm. jtcmains mi) ix ieued Sun, I nfter 7 P. M I CHANCC At Ocen ("In N J en Aue 1 10 1H2.'. llIAItt.ns LlIA,V(-K Cr son of Dr Charles and Ktnllv Alexander Chance afrd 10 ears Jkr1c and int prlate, en Sit 2 P M at Hacrfurd Pi ONNi:n en Auk 10 i;iW HU, hus- I of Itache, i eiim- In his 74th "is.r Itel- i im.'S an 1 frienl" a'e ill no' lEtli i of which h. "is member invited te funeral en 1Mcnda nt ' 30 res'donce 2300 N. 2.1th st I Silemn requiem mass Churrh of .Most Pre- icons un ej a; i" a .11 jnurnni catneural t'tn fter Ut MPnY -SulJenlN it Ttoeten Mas . Auf S 1U2. Uil.IIVMA btleed husband of MmKi- 1' mi'ii din 1 lei ltd itlves and fr iinls un 1 nit f i.l'tls of nhich he was a menibr are invited te attend funeral IMin 8 3) A M Cem M lut resllenie bSt enntn an j.p -e'emn mass ur - qulm Cliu h of Frnmls xmer m M Int II v t r ss t en Vacation Days ALLURING OCEAN, LAKE and RIVER CRUISES ST. LAWRENCE, SAGUENAY and QUEBEC: Niagara Falls, Thousand Islands, Rapids of St. Lawrence, Sagucnay, White Mountains, Lakes Champlain and Geerge, Hudsen River. WEST INDIES- Cruises 10 te 24 Days Havana, Kingsten (Jamaica), Panama Canal Zene, Colombia, British Honduras, Perte Rice. GREAT LAKES Buffalo te Duluth, Chicago, Mackinac Island, 7 te 12 days. NEWFOUNDLAND. GULF OF ST. LAWRENCE, QUEBEC: 12 day Cruises in Coel Latitudes. PACIFIC COAST, NATIONAL PARKS, ALASKA: Independent and Escorted Tours via rail or Panama Canal, Yellowstone. Yosemite Valley, Grand Canyon, Rainier National Parks, Canadian Reckies, Colerado, California, Pacific Northwest. THOS. COOK & SON 223 Seuth Hread St. (beleu Walnut St.); Philadelphia Til. Mru(.e SS'iO und 8821 I' m , gf'sa ERICSSON DAY BOAT IBWWWrTTTBlEB FOR BALTIMORE WH ZMJJL Sftt S nceek In ' tn rnlrc ; h-salri: ln E r f U fhii -1 u' n 'T nr'u Pur. S.' "l t, Ik n r 51 Oil round Ti" Most t. uut fjl r Ij . f 1 ndr Iph a. "fen" NIGHT STEAMERS FOR BALTIMORE 1 T. I at " V M 3 !'k M'jrlajR 1? h i'iT an I n ph imrii " -t lt'r Vt-Ofifif! c.,i or inn ' W ti-irr ! '---m I - 1 If aw.ire A- Special Sunday Excursion all day en tbe water te beautiful Lorewood Greve en tre Chesareal.s and Dslavsars Canal I' ime early Bams evening Ericssen Lite. Pi.r 3 Se DcU'rar Ave. 6 o'clock mrjr Sunday mernini; vdalikut-savln tlmeX fars 1.2S. alitssi . .-- I' sagggtCr---.- -"' Orvf- 3J Docter Sim hones' tli-st mevluc picture, "A Hunfirj' Hnn" ' Motion," was shown en the screen In the lery Inrer-st theatre In I)oellle nml the Due Dads Here ilvllslitptl. All the Dne Datls hecitne mele funs. onie Hnitn seen tries .mil semn piirh.iM(l restiiiiiis ami stiitllttl pl.iy-nctliiic, antl Docter SiiHlmnes hiillt a studio with scenery anil ncr thine, and here the elil Docter, .is tllreiler, antl Nicholas Nutt, as ramerainan, turn out reel after reel of films, comedies and serials and the most thrlllliiB of thrilllns feature jilttuies. Here Old Dec Is directing the mnttlnc of a wonderful fhe-reelcr. hee the lllaln In fhe heat shaltliiB Ills st at the hcautlful heroine, whom he has hound te the wnter wheel of the old Ked .Mill. See hew brae llit heroine loelis nnd hew she smiles sweetly while her peer,, mother weeps i,niru- imm id,, u imlmv nf tlm mill:' see the here, who ha 4 come te her recue In an alrpliuie antl lowering LEDGER PHILADELPHIA, SATURDAY, I)KATII DI.M.MICK On Auk ll. 1022. SUSAN wldm of Charles Ulmmlck. Helatlves and friends are InWted te the service, Men., 2 P. Jl at the Oliver II llalr Hide . 182Q Chestnut at. Int. nl Fernwood Ccm. DUl'llLAMS Auc. U, near Hellersvllte, Pa . HOWARD, htisbnnd of Klsls end son of Mary and late Jacob Douglass, In Ms 30th (late of ll)2U Dcrks st.). Hell tlves and friendi Invited te services, Men.. S P. M parlors of l'rederlclt Mann, Jr.. 1T4S N 10th st Int private Friends may call hun after 7 P M llDnAIl Suddenly, Aus D. 1022. JF.N NIK II , wife of Samuel 11 Kditnr need 02. Relatives end friends Invlled te funeral services, at her resldence, 300S N. Ilalley St.. Men , 2 P. M precisely int nt Oakland Cem Friends may cnll Sun , 7 te 0 P M h.N'CIAIID. Aiw 1(. WII.t.lAM C. hus band of Mary i:nitnrd (me McArdlc). asi.l 41 lteHtlvea and frlrnds, nlse empler of the American Stores Company are Invited te attend funeral, Monday, 8 10 A' M . from 205 W Hoesqvelt blvd llenulnm mass Church of the Incnrnatlen 10 A. M Inter ment 'v Cathedral Cemeterv FAHI.OW. Aur. 10, JAMllS XV, husband of Mary Fnrlevv and son of the late Jona than nrd Marthn Farlevv Funeral, te which lelatlves nnd friends .ire Invited. Men. 1 30 P. M from his latu rsldrnce 2540 S neee et Int Fernwood Friends call Sun after III.l.MIN'A .1 widow of F A Flelchmann aced s veire Hehitives and friends are invited n the sen lea Tues 2 P M.. at thy residence of her iWushtf r Mrs William Adelnh J40S Wallnre st. Int private. J,.11,J.Au,f' i- aiiUTitUDi: wma- OIS FOni) a nrd 4.", Itelntlves and frlen Is are invited te aftenl funeral S"rvlrns, with out further notice, hat , 2 30 P SI. (stan 1 nrd time), at th reldence of her husband, ( harles C Ferd Heiren nve , Woodstown, Q J J"t l.awnsldj Cem., Woodstown. OrtEENi: Ventner N J , Aue It, FRANK HAUTI.UTT hu.bsnd of Jane Pe Pe tereon (lreen Services Mil int ut conveni ence of fitnllv OHOK Aw U KSTIIBR II. daughter of Henrv itid srfnnn Oreb Funeral services Men . 2 P. SI. preelel nt resident e 222S 1 rankferl ave int at German Lutheran Ccm HARRAR-On Aueust 10. J ALLISON HARRAR nired OS Relatives and frlnds In vlled te funeral en Monday. Auir 14 at .1 ) M . from his late residence. Christiana, Pa -lJiI.'T,tjt,rt5?,of.CnI'fern,n A"- " KD WARD L HILL, husband of PsdU J. mil. Relatives and frsendw are Invited te attend fun-rat services Saturday, 2PM pre ?L",rJ,,.at. h rublfnce of Mrs A KeenlB, lDi's N 7th t Interment nrlvnte IIOI.Mi: -Auk 0 sudi'enlv at Atlantle t in RICHARD T , husband of Addle F.lllit Helme Relatives an 1 friends ar Invited te fun-rnl inrvic i Sit 2 10 P M at hit sons residence Richard M Ilolme, 018 Flll mtre st Irt Kirt Ceder IIMt. IICTi IllNnN -(in auk 0 10C2.JO1EPH Terus te &SE Cane Ced and New England Points Laii7 Bcrrice All tear Keund Concerts Afternoons and Krenlng Lt. Pier H.N.K.. Fulton St., 5.30 P. M. NEW nEDX'ORD LINC-Te New Bedford and the Islands of Martha Vineyard and NantucksL Steamera leave weekdays only from Pier 40. N. R., feet of Houi'en St . 6 00 P. M. NEW LONDON LINE-Lv. Weelcdaya enlr.PieT40.N R ,Hou5tenSt5 30P.M. All Schedules Da light Saving Tlme Reduced rates en aatomeblle when ac companied by passenger. Tickets end lnformntien nt all pier uiu iinseuaatea iiCKct u.'nccs. emhMJmistm a THE DOO DADS Dec hlnmelf, te rescue Uw', with a par-j miATiiq HUTCHINSON, of 1014 Jeffersen et. Rela tives ami friends nre milled te the service, en Hat , 2 P. .M., at the Oliver II. Hair Hide, 1820 Chestnut st. Int. private KIIL'LY. Auc. 11, 1022. F.LLA HAYS, wife of IMmund M Keely. Funeral services Men , l! P. M precisely, nt her husband's iisldence. 330 Green lane, lloxberounli. Int. private. HILDA Y. Auir 0, KLLHN. wife of Jehn J. Kllday. Helntlves and friends Invited te funeral. .Mnn . H 80 A. M . residence. 1228 Pnley st Requiem high mass Churrh of the Uplplmny 10 A M precisely. Int. Hely Cress Cim. KHIMMHL Suddenly Auc. 10 ROTH LILLIAN. Infant diurhter of Clarence and late Lillian A. Krlmmc! Relatives nnd friends Invited te ftinernl SMI 2 30 P M from resldsnce of Mr nnd .Mrs Leuis Dut row 300 Merris st , Gloucester. N. J Int. at Union Cem . Gloucester, N J. KFHN Suddenly, at Rosten, Mass , Aur.l ji'iirt i", son of the into nnnes sne Wllhelmlna Kuhn. Relatives and frlen In. also Stephen Olrnrd I.dite, Ne 4."0, F. nnd A M , Harmenv Chapter Ne. 32. Keran Grotte, A'e 4: Columbia Castle, K. of O. K. Painters' Plst. Council, ). 211 officers nnd directors of 'Ullllum Cramp 11. nnd L. West Knd I'nlen II nnd L and nil ethar societies of which he was a member. Invited t.i services, hun. 2 P M. Ite residence, 2021 Ozden st Int. Ardsley Cem Friends may call Sat . nfter 7 P M LARRIMOItn. Aur 10. GLADYS I... wlfs of Ralph K. Larrlmere nnd rtaurhter Hsdney I. and Ilmma II. Powell, nerd JO rtelatlves nnd friends also members nt 'Ihlid Kaptlst Churrh. Inlfd te funeral services. Men 2 P M.. late residence. SMS S 10th st Int private at Arllncten Ccm. 1 rlends may call Sun. eve. 1.A11.II ,viu ,t. MARIA L A . wife of William H. I.aicr. daughter of late William II nnd Lidla 'tnler. Relatives and frlenls are Invited te atterd funeral. Sun ,1PM residence, ir.L'O S 8th st. "ervlces nt Ht Jehn the Kianrellst's Churrh 2 30 P M. Int private Friends mv call Sat eve, LRAICn, Atn: 10. SARAH C . dauchter of the late Dr. F.phralm L. and Sarah Leake, aged 71. Funeral services Tues , i P. M . nt parlors Adam C Stnnrcr. 4340 Frankford ave. Int. private Remains viewed Men ev e. LONOACnn JOHN XV , CI S. Main et., Quakertawn, F Funeral Sun., Church nf ltrcthren. Qjakertewn 10 -M Int. Upper Mllferd Msnnonlte Cemetery, Zlenvllle, l'a , I P. M. (dajllKht-aavlns time) MARTIN aui: 0. 1022 ALI1HRT S MARTIN, formerly of 2031 Germantown ave., ared S7 Relatives and friends Invited te services, Sat ,2PM at his late resi dence. 04 Cliveden ave.. Glenslde, Pa Int. private. Ct-dar Hill Cem. Friends may call Frl. eve. MAXWRI.I, -Suddenly en Aur 0 1022, WILLIAM 1 son of Rebecca ard the late William Maxwell of 047 Main st . Darbv Relatives and frl'nds are Invited te the service, Men 2 P M at the Ollvr II. Hilr llldir ltj2n Chestnut st Int at Mount Meriah Cem. Remains may be viewed Sun McFALI. On Aur II. HENRY J Mc FALL. Sr Rilitlves nnd friends Invited te fururil, en Menda nt 8 A. M., from his late residence 451S Wmne nvi. Solemn reuulem mass St Francis of Assist 10 A. M. interment Hely Cress Cemeterj. McNELLO.- At Atlantic Cltv. N J Aur 10. MARY, wife of Patrick McNelle. Rela tlves nnd friends Invited te tunernl, Men . 8 A M.. 1118 SnMler nvu Reuulem hlrh mass Church of the L'plpb vny 0 A. M, pre cisely Int Hely Cress Cem MILLER On Auc 11 10J2. ANNA I.. daughter of the lite Jonathan It and Mary t:. Miller, fnrmerh of r.30 N. Marshall st Relitlves nnd f rb nds are Invited te the serv- 7s k "th .t ' ,y ri,?ff w, nr can .vien ove irem , le ' e'c ikk vpif i-n vi.., v.... ,n iti.i mi,,, W vpir.r.u i,i hi niattie. nn.i frt. r,.i. Invited te funeril srvlces. Men. u A. .m at hla lat iedrce, 17.11 N i'Mli Ft Int ut Pheenlxville, Pu Friends may cull Sun , 7 te 'i p M ' NELSON Ai'r 10 1022. r"'AN J wife of htephen F N" lsen, (iaughter of the Inte 1 Hugh an I .Tare Donebue, Re'atlves nnd friends urn Invlt. 1 te .ittind funeral Mm . ! n ju . .-ii 1 r, n rer iuu rsiuence 1111 8 ,',7in st si rm rriuii'tn mass nt Met Hlessed SaTimnt 1 1 urch 10 A M. Int. dihedral Cem O DUNNI.LL ur 10 1022. ELLEN T . daughter of I vte Jums and Ellen u Dennell, R"litlves and friends a se l.igue 0f the bnirjl Heart iivitel te funeral .Mendae. h 3d A. M . from her lit" resld-ni-n L"f41 Ilelvrade st t"eInin requiem m i-m nt St Ann's ('hutch lu A M. Interment Hely Sepulchre Cumetn- PE K On Auc 10. 1022 CtTATtr.wt! n rnciC husband of Eleaner .t Perk Rela- tlves and frlenls nlse nieintiers of I'nlen I.ejct e of Phlla end all ether ergnnla- U!'.n, . ."nlcn h, "'!? Il nTn.!ber. aT" '" Mt'U ti HI'- priini- .."II si i .H , (ll UII I la's rsi(irnce. i,i .N 4Htn Rt Int private eji ' i erniriv or isn' n I'.m Mt FLORENCE G. ivlfe of U llllim D C-uig Dn. notice of funeral from Arnslrung s . 10J7-i0 N Rrend st. Rell! I'lNU Aus. 10, HENRY D son I of Edward an I Mamie R Rnhlllnj and . Krnnlsen of the late Daniel nnd nntfj rink 'si;! 11 .ir Helatlviw and fueuds a'se Tshlrmtnn Cnmp N'n. r,ni p v S .f A anl xinpleve-s of thu " irn Lrhine N itlinal Kink, Invited te attend funcr il ervli"s M n i P. M rsllenrn 2l.' X Devnr st Int trlvate Friends may cnll .sun eve HiHENAl' Aug 11 PHII IP husbnrl of still i K R.snau ltlitivis mil frlend-i I Invite 1 te attend se-Alccs Sun. 2 P M . A iher's Rreml M Chapel N Hruad st Int str t! tirlvate Omit Uevi-rs sr 1INEIDER Au 11 1022 EI.I'A- HET1I I OM:RHOLT. wife of Jeseih lit I .Srhni ler. nelitlves anl friends Invited te funernl services Tues 11 A M . nt htr late residence 371 J N Gratz st. int. North- I'NDEIlTAliiniS fergjYLER! Pel B,LiS BROAD aMd I I iJr' DIAMOND U MsuudssaMVMSSSSsSsssBSSBsasaiMaHssssvssSBSSBsncnxnissJ Sawbones' Mevie Studie rhute antl a repe aheut his waist, se that his pilot ran pull him up aealn hand eer hand, after he has released the fair maiden. See the tiees mid the waterfall. Isn't It funii) ! u ItS only malie-helliHe, jeu iew, for see Hely Is turnliij; en the water and I'ely, helew, Is turning the tranh te malte the whtel Ke round and the hUle I)oe Dad aboNe, with his blB lour, Is heldln the llU maSlnc I ! !!,e Old .Sleepy Ham was stationed at the bottom te pull the villain out of he tub of water a ter he had gene ever "the falU, but the e the e Is taking nan and It loelu as If some one else mljiht have te rescue the Hlaln as.. J.'"!!! l8.!, ,Vb.ey, u,l(1 a ,at '""" ,,"l iittle thap tnliw te net Ilka Charlie Chaplin, W Just like Charlie. Im u i,avi,,w ..i, f " .. ...,,Ke. inan and Utile M. Hue and the Jbeut Its beta, niAie-belleve and are Bl.l'ic. .V . AUGUST 12, 1922 i)Mtiis weed Cem. On view Men., 7 te 0 X. M Please nmlt dowers. ...,., n S1IOHT. On Atlk- 11. 1022. MARTIN' O. husbtnd of Catharine IX Short, fired (17 ours rtxtntlves nnd f r ends, also Jeffersen i Wis. Ne in V. and A, M.. of .ewes nel , nnu empiees ei rurnvwiuuKe .". . .'t , are Invited te Hie service. Hat.. HI. I.. at his late residence, 1510 S. CSth st, Int at lyiwee. Del . ... - , . SMITH. Au. li, 1022. t,nNA T.. beloved wife, of James v. bmltl. nnd dauuhter of ths lain Themas and -Vary Uuddy, Helntlves and friends nre Invited te funeral, Men , 8 30 A. M . late residence, 18T.' N, lOtn st. Hoi Hei emn requiem mass at the Church of Our 1 uly of Mercy 10 A. i'. Int. Hely Sepulchre CTl'NTON'AU(r 11. 1022, SAI.I.m J. widow of Jehn I) ritnnten. In her 70lh car Itelatlves nnd friends Invltfd te funeral Men., at 2 P. M , from Inte residence, 504 rtensen jt.. Camden, X, J. Int. prlvnU, at I,BTt!?vAUTn-On A. 11. 1022. ANNA H STKWAHT (nee ClnMnn). wife of Ilebert T. Stewart. Service en Men. 2 P. M. nt the Oliver H. Hair Illdg , 1S21) Chestnut st. Int at Fernwood Cem Remains may be viewed ""tWIN-InO Auc 11, XV imeVSON. nred 10 ears, son nf waiter nrd Ethel Twlnlnir (nee Jenes) Kelntlvea nnd friends Invited te services. Men. 2 P. M., lolestevvn plke nnd Governors read Hnllevvell. ! WAKi:rn:i.i) en Aug. in. 1022, aj-n'a MAY. wife of Henry Wakefield and daughter of 'William F and Annie Hlmes, aged 2.' vcars Funeral services en Monday at 2 P M . nt late residence, (11,11 De I.ancey at. Interment Nortnweod Cemeterv. Friends call Sunday evening, 8 te 0 o'clock VK1SJ Auir. 10, JIAItY K , wife of William XV, Weiss need S4 Helntlves and friends am Invited te funeral. Men . 2 HO P M , from her late residence.. 2S.27 N 11th st Int. Oreenmeunt Cem Remains may be viewed Pun eve. WEItNKlt Aur. 10. 1022. MARGARET WHRN'ER Relatives nnd friends Invited te funeral services. Men, 1 30 P M . at resl resl dence nf her dauuhter, Harbare. Prell 2011 N Mutter st , Philadelphia. Int. strictly prl- N"wit t.IAMI Auir. 11, CLARA, wlfe of Rebert Williams, need r,7 Relitlves und friends Invlted te funeral rervlccs, Men , 2 P. M . at hr late residence 102 13 Taber rd . Olnev, Int. private Friends call Sun., 8 te 10 P M. WILSON Auc 10. CAROLINE (nee Stltes). wlfa of Jacob F Wilsen need SO Helntlves nnd friends nlse roncrenatien of Frnnkfenl Avenue Rnptlst Church, are In vited te services, Monday 1 10 P M.. nt ber late resldnce, 2430 Tulip st Interment Hillside Cemetery Ma funeral car. Viewing Sunday ovenlnic WILSON Auir 10, LYDIA C. wl Ien- of Themns V. Wlleen. Funeral rervlces at the residence of her aen-ln-law, S. Flnley Mc Neil. 023 n. Chellen ave. Germnntewn. Men . 1 30 P M. Int. Ivy Hill Cem Cohoes. N Y papers please copy WINSHIP Aui" 0, at Wlldwecd N...I. SOPHIA M . widow of Richard Wlnshlp Funeral service Monday 2 P M. late rcsl dence 010 N. 10th st Int private YOIJEll Aur. 10. PMl'nt Y YODKR Residence. B407 N 12lh st Relatives and friends Invited te funernl services. Sun. 2 V M (dnvllrht-savinK time), at the Hlonm Hlenm Inc Glen Mennenlte Church Autes will meet train nt Perliasle 1 30 P M. (diSlWht-sav-Inr time). Please emit flowers Vlevvlns Sat.. 7 te 0 P. M. PAKCEL POST Make Real Meney Phillip's Orangeade ffr sj5?i'.jr'r.',5- Wttz ."' ,.' , ,i ,J.n.i. .. .v.. .ntlr territories oecn. We trnih you the entire I manufacturltiK nf this arup Onli Mnull , uni uf mtney neeiid Call or write nt once. PHILLIP'S Cremale Products 22 Bnnk St.. Philn. TUMI TENTs TLNTs Wall Tent". New. 7v9. .MI.JIi !lVix!2. S12.7V. Kt.14. SIR. 75. Shelter Tents. SI 00. 1 "II'h rt MOO. R. A. lltiiiiidirvs' senH.1021 nllewlilll St. piNe and I'l.vir.n-i'iiNe iivremns Ilt) RI) A INC HNT. 810 te no N. Olh t-t. LOST AND FOUND rMTiiTii'it AtTE Lest, n seitiflcete Ne .,,1 ..u shares of c ipltal Heck of the lTnnie's Trust e of Phlla . In the nnme ef ' beldem in llres. Rnturn te 117-121 N 7th st iSedmunTluis: i7nill ssjf - List. 'lhursdn get 1-rlm ' jei?lnss r.enird l'h. iih OH, 1.117 viv i. -.t. en J mil iv in ruing. Au 7 dlanu i d crenenl pin. 1'tvven l'dh and Iflth us en Chestnut Sultab'- reward vslll beinll for rctu n te ll'ere II Ma, Latch's lane IrienPa WATCH Ljst nimn-facttl 1.1. in watch, vl- eiintj of .lr.lvcri uvi- mil J is,er st Tliursl.i evcnliu, revv.ird .lull 1'laiiklerl HELP WANTED. -FEMALE RL'RR'S bjiiKknepiiig epernt irs wunted 1.) r s.t ri nli l.i ' Nntninnl Panic rep y statiiiir am, expc rlmte p2 ljI ed.ernffje OL.NERAL HOfSEUeHl: Girl, white Pretectant, sleep in Ptiore Hrjn Mavvr 00S GIRL for light rou'ewerk. family of .1 Hdults, In Germaiitewn. Pheno Wjemlnj 4114 J GIRLS wanted for prudui tien. experlenie Appl -ed hhub-rt Theatre net necessvi IlulldliiK HDUSEKLLPEIt small fmiillv c til 11 son illv 1 4 nnd 7 P M. -Mlddlf-nred rt-flm d I idy. I keu 1 home, no washing 'J.l"i Chrl tlan it . betwixin LADY MIsICIASS wnnted for stae ixiHiiuiee net liteessivn Shut rt 1 heitr ll 1 production, Appl LOU, Nl'RSERY gevernets for ceuntrv Proles- tint willing te .issict wltn nuUdf- v k and s wln, r f ten, ler i Inraeti'. . K0 month A'Jlicss Mrs P-ige. 'ei nne, Pa -By Arch Data llltln nn iiiui .! ti.. i I""' .r. 'T! terribly melted " "" "ul TP - " ' . 7. , HELP WANTEDFEMALE WE REQUIRE EXPERIENCED ' 'M.J NERSi A LIYEAR-ItOUND, EMIIA)TM15N r- IJOOD WAOKM. APPLY tiECOND 1LOOI1, 7TII A F1LIIERT STS. LIT UHOTHER3 MILLINERY trimmer for Walnut L.''OJI permanent position. P 227, Ledger Office, STENOGRAPHER A large publishing house, centrally located, desires a jeun woman aa a stenegrapher: must be quick and accurate; permanent positien: med. erate salary te start: state age, edu cation, experience, salary and phens number. C 632, Ledger Office. STKNOailAPHMR An attractive, opportunity for a serious minded, well-educated eung woman who desires te progress. I't'llLIC LEDOBR CO.. Olli and Chestnut sts. Ask for Mr. Wlest. . STENOGRAPHER and general offlee werlt. diligent, ateady, neat Protestant lady de sired for Germsntewn residential section P 210 ledger Office. STENOGRAPHER and tsplst Geed position In engineering office of large concern In the northeast soetlon: hours b te B. 12 o'clock Saturday all jear: permanent position with opportunity for advancement: state education, age, experience and silary expected, Ad dress F 43. I'. O ex 3470. STENOGRAPHER lirlght. active, sltnle woman, 21-30 cnrs, with at least 2 or 8 years' experience with large mercantile con cern; must be able te tnke dictation qukkb nnd transcribe notes arllvcl; state bii. w.lioellng, experience and minimum salary desired I. O Hex 7S1. Pnllndclphla, STENOORAI'lIKR. eunr lady, real esute office; Christian, experience net essential; bring reference. 010 Walnut st. 1YP1BT, quick and accurnte. with knowledge of stenngraphv, in order te help with dicta tion when needed, northeast sectien: give full details of previous experience and educa tien, ail. r, ej. uex asns TYPIST CLERIC, educational organization ...... 11 tin ........ ami.. 1- ..j, iujjcr vui WOMEN acsnts for Health and accident In sutnnce; part or full lime C 010, Ledger Office. General MAKE MONEY AT HOME Yeu can earn from II te 12 an hour in your spare time writing show cards: quickly and easily learned by our new simple method; no canvassing or ellcltlng: we teach jeu hew, sell your vrerk and pay you cash each week. Full particulars and booklet free Write today te AMERICAN BHOWCARD SCHOOL. 230 Ryrlc Dldg.. Terente, Ontsrle, Canada GIRLS wanted; Govern positions; (120 me,; many vacanc s; examinations Aug te Sept, & Oct Write for pos open. P 1421, L. O. HELP WANTED MALE ACCOUNTANT WANTED: eung man. 20 te 30 venrs old ns accountant In llnanclal Institution In West Chester. Address il 101. l.eNKer wuice ATLANTIC COAST LINE R. R CO. NOW HIRING rOILEItMAKEUb RLACKSMITHS MACHINISrs SHEl.T METAL WORKERS COACH REPAIRERS STANDARD WAGE .SCALE. FREE HOARD AND TRANSPORTATION. IlIilNll 11AU GAGE READY TO SHIP. 4S N 0TII &T PHILADELPIIIA'. ARLE-BODIED MEN DLACKSMITHS nOILERMAKEP.3 CAR REPAIRMEN CAR INSPECTORS MACHINISTS WANTED B"OR PERMANENT POSITIONS PENNSYLVANIA RAILROAD HIS XTILRERT ST. BOILERMAKERS AND BLACKSMITHS WANTED FOR PERMANENT POSITIONS PENNSYLVANIA RAILROAD 10J3 riLBERT ST. ROILERMAKERa BLACKS1HTH3 MACHINISTS AND CAR REPAIRMEN WANTED JOHN GOLt, & COMPANY CONTRACTORS 1521 ARCH ST ASK XXIR MR. JONES BOILERMAKERS .iiAe ju.Marb Seventy cents an hour far H hours, tlms nnd half overtime Call New Yerk CentrVl MalU rehd. 30U Mhubert Rid.. i'SO B. Hread at ., , u . BOOKKEEPER IlBekkeerer fir department store; yeuns man who has had payroll experience and imneral acceuntlni; preferred, irlve detailed Information as te past experienLe and Dree- Eureka Mores.Wlhdber Pa. '' """;"a' IiTjV Htrens errand boy. chance te lesrn llnetp trade Ruttle Shaw & Wetherlll. I efl C hurry nt CARPENTERS w anted Apply J. IIm"i(IeA Ce Ine 2.120 PeIrancerat . CHANDELIER eplnnr. experienced wanted Camden Gas XSxture Ce , Krent and Ked- era! sts CHICAGO b NORTHWESTERN RAIIVWAT IS IN NEED OP Tim FOLtWINOl UACIIINISTS IIOILERMAICERS nijACKSHtTHS CAR REPAIRERS EHEET MKTAI, WORKERS CAR INSPECTORS SSHStir ifcrtfM, T7 ra-ilro'en?. Transportation will b, furnished. Apply at once te B1m,yi',.nr, lulldlnir Philadelphia Pa concern In Kens ni ?n. 0ne vvTth k,?nwV.r,,nif ?.rpyc.tltreu,yp8ltl""'"rduK D,ii7r8teiV SMwiX ijpnr; neat, qu ck. aceural.. .i.W . .ral mu, 1 HELP WANTEp-lffATfj DIETITIAN Wsn.ed. a dletltUnlTT: -el tnrtt and .e thai .... 1Hn 0 Plln ..r 1 ...1...I nnrf Hatnlll.. ... ..' Ore nrft....'lJ i..v"., h'.i.":,',.;J::..,.'. " .ehoei ". ".i room or ether dining room. n. j & t't. )1 f Ta " Mlflr1,i... C.M I'irM i-s -.,..,ri . -. uur. m nEA.InrW PERMANENT RAILWAT JODS THE GREAT 'NORTHWEST MACIIINISTa DOILERXtAKERS 3LACKSMITH8 SHEET-METAL WORKERS COACH CARPENTERS CAn REPAXREnS LINEMEN OOOD WAOES TLME AND ONE-HALP AFTER 8 HOURS AND FOR 8UNDATS AND HOLIDAYS TREE TRANSPORTATION APPLY TO L. H. VAN CAMP 409 ITNANCD BLDO. rillLADELPHLV, PA. LARORERS, LAHORERS CWHITE) TOR TRACK WORK 3.e0 PER DAY STRAIGHT TIME. RAIN OR SHINS TREE TRANSPORTATION BOARD ADVANCED CALL AT C. R R. OP N. J. FREE EMPLOYMENT OFFICE 123 NORTH lfiTH STREET LARORERS, white, wanted for havr e. side work, steady work Apply W, Feiter. N, XV. cur 23d and Market sts LARORERS wanted: new school bulldlm. I vi. Ml, n,m fall,uen llg S MANAOER. EXPERIENCED"" WANTED Fer retail millinery department in srcllt eiv,.- ..' -...n"fc i. uiine'r nuin or vvemirL 1 1 must liu ..vnn.1.n...t .... ..ui.. . .. . . " 'I Address M 400 Ledger Office MEN We want men who can demenstrati tn us that they have the abl.Ity te ml executive positions, which are new bln epend threukh expansion Call fcprucs 0111 tn arrange for Interview MACHINISTS DOILERJfAKERS CAR INSPECTORS CAR REPAIRMEN FOR RAILROAD WORK STEADY EMPLOYMENT AT STANDARD WAOES TLENTY OF OVERTIME FREE BOARD AND TRANSPORTATION APPLY TO COMPANY OFFICE 123 N. 15TII ST. PHILADELPHIA. PA. CENTRAL RAILROAD Or NEW JER3DI OPEN DILV 7 A M TO 5 P M. MEN'S FURNISHING M A5S1fInni TnunK man ns manaser for me n n'ur.n''r ',J departm.nt. apply by '"'.! .nt et" information ufl te experl-nce and P"-HB'!:Ji tb.n, state an- and -aliry expected. Lure" Meres indber, Pi. PHARMACIhl RsBlstered PhanraciM tiuallfled assistant for out-of-town H Address P 820, I-edger Office . PLAHTERKRS wantedl steady wert itoed vvaKes te oempetent "'n,hAfI,''Min,. Rld ave, RoxberouBh. Phene iiin yunk 1777. .- - PLUMUER'S HELPER wanted. J. . Mw" den 101 S 10th sj. RAILROAD SHOPMAN why don't Yer get rixiiri H KPOJH WINTER COMES' MAKE A HOML IN TM SOLTH NOW AND MAKE VHK FV Jl ; COMFORT AT1LU COAL WILL Vi'irn THIJ AND THE PRICE WILL ' a'.J$i WINTER THE bLNNYSpl.11 l" J.ftM YOU AND YOUR FAMILJ Aia, i..--g TIIINOS WHICH REALIY VMS tKivlF! WORTH LI VI Nfli-VViJlVvrJ VilAtri l" AU.T UIO YARDS Sl'NblMNEriUCri RAW' MANY DOLLARS AND CI-NI ''i1 lNt. WORK INO T:.Ad.,Nyv Viniin Sit- WANTED br the LOUISVILLE cNMB"VrLLE RA.LU0AP 03 cents per oeur noundheuse Maehtnlsts pellermaWere lllackemlths .n,lrm,a Experienced Passenmr Coach Repalraw 88 cents per hour Preleht Car Repairmen ExpeTlfnced Car Repairmen Car Inspectors Transportation and meals en route furnliU' In accordance v. Ith resolutions adored W the United States Laber Heard. July men accepting employment, are "" j n,vi rlshts and are net strike-breakers, anu the moral as well as l''.l'"'hn,!0.lcwi In railroad service and hara prete" ,4 every branch of Government both hi-" national, Free Employment emus Roem S. 110 N 12th st. Open Sunday BALES MANAGER, hiah '. "hij idck issuei ceiuuiiepiv, -c;"i 1. rsfermicea rsaulred. Answer " '"'J, wiiEitr;. iCU: t',V pp umnest CHANIC LfjOKINil ,. ,?H,v.V -m HWIN EMPLOYMENT AND lllU'lNO iu nj WORK NOW AT THE STANnAltli eMB UNDER OPEN-SHOP '. 'NTALK IT 0E TO 15 N aril bT AND 1 AUC 1 ulU, WITH '1 HE A C. I MAN. I ft,y, Oi TRANSPORTATION A-?" T T' "eV. OVERTIME, ir YOU ENROLL NU-