Evening public ledger. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1914-1942, August 12, 1922, Final, Page 11, Image 11

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    r".:t-a9"A' i
r v -- r
rs. PFfsen Fanes
Peaci Desserts
This Is tn0 Season for This
TViMniinff Fruit, but It
Should Net Be Served in the
Same Manner Every Time
wmKflM, mt. Ui Mrs. it. a. rrute. An
Cew"""' rieMs rtservtd
mTTFi rxach season lasts bat a few
1 weeks, and yet this delicious fruit,
,i,t cam0 te us from td?.K?.r,8inn,?n
Zins has many real possieiiiiiM. many
Sea cloy ne Pcnc5 dn"jrS nn?
",td eat It In the same dessert nlraest
$ y day. Variety Is the real spice
S life, te 'of th,s rea82n I hnV g.nth
SmS ome unusual dishes raade from
BrtCBCS ler mm "oeuii.
Peach Suet Dumpllnfs
Chop sufficient suet fine te measure
"piaci in mixing bowl
TAr cup e flour,
One teaspoon of salt.
Three teaspoons of halting pewaer,
el.m tnhlesnoens of sugar.
ftii. . tn Mend, and then rob the
prepared met into this flour. Use
mthi tablespoons of cold water te form
"k... nnn.niiarter Inch thick, spread
thickly 'nith thinly sliced peaches, dust
with cinnamon, and spread one cup of
fcrewn sugar ever tne peacnc. reuja
for jelly roll, take care te tuck In the
Inds securely. Lift te pudding cloth,
nd tie la loosely, plunge In large kettle
of boiling water, and cook for thirty
minutes. Turn en het dish, and serve
with peach vanilla sauce.
Teach Vanilla Sane
Place In saucepan
" Twe cups of water,
One and one-half eup of sugar,
ffwrn tablesnoens of cornstarch.
Btlr te dissolve the starch, and bring
te boiling point, coon ler nve minutes,
j then add
Three cues of ilteed peaehts.
ad cook for ten minutes, remove from
t&a stove ana aaa
0 tablespoon of vanilla attract.
Peach Rice Custard
Wash one-quarter cup of rice, and
took until soft and the water absorbed,
In two and one-bnlf cups of boiling
waters cool. ....
Turn the prepared rlca In buttered
casserole, and cover with three-Inch
layer of thinly sliced peaches.
Place In small bowl
Three eups of milk,
Three-quarters cip of sugtur,
One-half teaspoe, of nutmeg,
One-half teaspoon of salt,
Yolks of three eggs.
One whole egg.
Whip up hard te blend In the eggs,
end turn ever the prepared rlge and
peaches, bake In slew even for forty
Make a meringue with the whites of
the three eggs and one-half cup of
lugar. I'lle en the custard, and brown
In het even.
Peach Fritter ,
Select firm ripe peaches, pare and
place In bowl nnd sprinkle six peaches
with one-quarter cup of sugar.
Place in mixing bowl
One and one-half eups of flour,
One-half teaspoon of salt,
Txce teaspoons of taking powder,
One tablespoon of melted butter,
One eup of milk,
One egg.
Ileat te smooth batter, and then dtp
the prcpnied peaches In this batter,
ceverinj; the peach well with the bat
ter. Fry n golden brown In smoking
het fat. Scre with the peach vanilla
Teach Cobbler
This Is an old Southern favorite, and
ene nil the family will enjoy. Line an
oblong pan with plain pastry, having
the pastry fit clear te the top of the
pan. Place nn Inch-wldn atrip of pastry
about the edge te re-enforce.
Place a thick layer of sliced peaches
In the bottom of the pan and then
tprlnkln three-quarters cup of sugar
ever thn peaches.
Sprinkle ene-hnlf cup of fine bread
crumbs ever the sugar nnd dust with
little cinnamon. Det with two table -poens
of butter, bake In het even for
twenty minutes i new reduce tempera
tore of the even te slew, and pour the
following mixture ever the top of the
Place In email bowl
One eup of milk,
One egg.
Yolks of two eggs,
reur tablespoons of ugr.
Twe tablespoons of melted Butter.
Beat hard te blend and pour ever the
22. t dn8t weU w,tn nutmeg and bake
Jg-til the custard seta. The whites of
?. two. gs and one-half cup of sugar
vnipped te meringue.
TryThiaNeTBl Dessert
Place layer of thinly sliced peaches
n glass compete, sprinkle with sugar,
2?vPtC8 '"y" ' coconut, new a layer
thinly sliced bananas.
Kepeat, making two layers deep.
Make a meringue with whites of two
m and one-half cup of sugar, and
pile en top, sprinkle thickly with coco
Wt, and garnish with slices of peaches.
XU dish can be prepared In the lndl
anai sherbet or sundae caps.
My Dear Mrs, WOaen Will you
Wl .me the quantity I will need te
" ,we quarts of blackberry
wwdy? Alse will I have, te bell the
terries te get the Juice?
The law
MRS. L. K. U.
T nmhlhtta th tnnntiNAtnrA
Of ll n oil .! ii ..
bV . !t. . liquors or emer
Mvernge of lik0 character, and I would
pn , .Peimltted te furnish reclpes,
tn r8?!lnly. I think It it very bad taste
nw nil r . mnKe tn'',0 ii'lnK"1. M
Slly, ,, e home where there are
"mil children. Se plcase deu't wrlte
?', f"r ,'ccipes of llke chnrocter. If
f.h L e tu. mnIl tllQ 'r,,lt i"lcC3
nli- , iir far butter tasting, and com-
wiiet f,,uit NUth thfee cup-, of cold
of . ' l""ok ",ltil Boft' nllew " cup
tneF'lr '? c"L'h 1"art of f"1": -'els for
an.l i.y DlmtP, tl'er turn in jelly Dap
In Li .the jl,lct"1 (,rI through. Fill
In nJnt0, sterlUrrd betlcs nud place
wl.C .se?,l,B, kct,le- muB th ke
bettL atnr just t0 the necks the
nflnfin lre,;csa or bell for twenty
of thl k ..T"1'. cne1 nnd d'P U18 teP5
' the bottles in melted paraffin.
klnlL D,ear MTTvilsen Will you
Nrrs .n1,Vi0nreciPC8 for maki"ff Pf
e and jelly from the fresh citron?
Citren Prrsprve and Jcdly
tOlfnM. C'!rn n.nd C,lt ' Viece f
theni.. Slz?' J,nn5' heusewives rut
Iran?! wllen mcA for Presen-f, with
S-mLLu"0? lc"ttcr8; 'co cltreu In
reserving Kettle, nnd add sufficient cold
Jirnn t.coer: Seek sIewly uutll the
pn is tender i drain.
ren w.BUre t,1"5, water In which the clt-
was cooked, nnd add
Put F!."1?ar,er' 0UP f Oar te each
"e, " wafer,
IWfl runt r.4 4L..1. I-
m , v:..i' ".. "'''"? p"e,
.ttren.1. '. iYi1:'", u."c" PPPie
i"T7M. moce ei cneeHpr nth
Things You'll Leve te Make
Convenient and Attractive Pocket
Teu will find that pocket sleeves net
only add te the attractiveness of your
frock, but Just as Important, they nre
very convenient for cnrrjlng a handker
chief or powder puff. Jein a long
umlcrtnb te the short sleeve. Fnce It
with some contrasting color. Sew a
pointed plcce of material te the upper
side of the tnb and line It. This fermi
the pocket. If the tabs nre made about
an arm's length you can easily reach
the articles placed In your pocket
sleeves. FLORA.
Twe tablespoons of whole cloves.
Twe tablespoons of whole allspice,
Twe sticks of cinnamon broken in
Twe pieces of cadmus root.
Tie loosely and place In the preserv-
Inn- Imtlla will. ,).n ai.ranM n .1 .
"'hi ""' ..v. mu aucih uiilt nuwii
adding one cup of cither the preserved
or crystnlllzcd ginger cut in pieces.
Drlng te boiling point, and cook for
ten minutes; then add the citron, and
cook until the citron Is very clear, and
the mlxture thick. Fill into sterilized
half-pint jars, lifting the citron into
the jars with wire spoon; fill Jars te
me necK wiui tiie preserved citron, nnd
men mi 10 overnowing witn the simp.
Adjust rubber nnd lid and seal securely.
Plnce In het water bath, having the
water lust te thn neck of thn tnrii.
Precess for twenty minutes te exhaust
me air space in Jar. Uoefc the sirup
ieic in uie ueuie niter jarring tne pre-
w..w v.mvi. uuhtl ,1, Vti4 auuw JV-iJ HJOl.,
then pour in sterilized glasses, and Mai
in we usual manner as for Jellies.
Dear Mrs. Wilsen Kindly let me
knew hew te preserve blackberries
se as te jnr them for pics, te use
dlrlng the winter. MRS. F. J. N.
Loek ever the blnrkherrlM nnH wnnV
place in preserving kcttle nnd odd ene
cup of water for cvcr.v nuart of berries:
cook just long enough that the bcrrie3
win be sort, then fill Inte Jars, using a
skimmer. When the jnr is filled with
berries te the neck of the Inr. then fill
the jar te overflowing with the Juice
In the kettle. Adjust the rubber nnd
lid and seal securely place In het-wntcr
uatn, Having tne water Just te the neck
of the jars and process for fertv min-
utcs, counting the time from the minute
the water stnrts te bell; remove when
time limit expires, nnd when the jars
are com aip me tops or the jam in
melted parawax. Jf you desire te
sweeten the berries add ene cup of
sugar for each quart of berries. It is
best te sweeten' pie fruits as you use
Read Your Character
By Digby Phillips
Exercise for tiie Shert-IIeaded
Ilave yen ene of theso heads which
Is short from the. e'irs backward? If
se. de j en knew these mental furtf liens
which j en should cidthate te achieve
the best balance and the greatest geed
In your cliaractcr and mentality?
Yeu may or mny net, as you see fit,
seek employment calculated te bring
out the following characteristics. It
would be better net te If you have
ethers dependent upon you. perhaps,
for jour natural abilities de net lle
in the directions Indicated. Rut at all
events make It n point in some wny
te cultlvate the following functiens:
Seck the society of ethers as much as
possible. Attend as many social func
tions as you can. If jeu bee some one
en the street whom jeu knew only
casually, make it n rule te step and
chat with him, or nt least te speak
te him. rather thnn te "fall te see
him." De everything you can te He-
clop your domestic faculties. This Is
particularly Important If you nre a
woman. Make it a point te try te say
and de things that please ether people,
that flatter them even.
Alse cultivate hablta of leneresltv.
Try te gauge all your actions and ven
tures by want they will bring you In
the long run, net by their Immediate
effects unen (your well bclne. And ehn
yourself exercise occasionally In mental
Monday Exercise for the Widn.
a PleCO Of cheOHPelnth tn cin
The Weman's Exchange
Te "Katherlne R."
I could net put ymir letter In the
relumn unless you enre te clvn venr
blejeln away, us a sale tinnsactlen
should be conducted through the cIhs
Hllled ndvcrtlslnj? section I am sure
lets of boys and girls would leve te
have It, If yem care te offer It through
the column "for love."
Wants a Nickname
Te thx Editor of Weman" Coee:
Dear Madam Plcase tell me a nick
name for Oeraldlne, nn It Is tee lenir
and hard for me te ray. She hns lleht
brown hair, hlue eyes, fair complexlon
nnd a determined disposition. She Is
also a reBiilar flapper. ANXIOUS.
"Jerry" Is a nice, nhert nickname and
will Just suit this yeunir lady Hew
de you like It? Dees U ault this Bill?
Te Clean Nickel
Te tht .Editor 0 Wemen' root!
Dear Madam -What should he need te
keep the nickel en a coal rnncn clean
and bright? ANXIOUS
Te clean nickel, wash It with senp
nnd warm water A brlitht polish mny
be kent by rubblnir with uhltlnK. moist.
cued with nlcohel, ammonia or water,
after whldi wlpe dry. He careful net
te una nnv chemicals, aa they are liable
te discolor the metal, or any coarae
abrasives, as they will only scratch and
reuchen the nickel.
Wants te Jein a Club
Te tht Editor e irenian'i Page:
Dear Madam Would uu he se kind
ns te tell me If there l.i a ceiintiy club
or some place wheie a nunf? f-)t who
is fend of fcpeits, such as tennis, golf
and also dancing, can Jein" home of
my fi lends told tn ene had te be a
icsldent In the nelt,'hIioiheod of the club
te Jein. Could ou bIe me any Infor
mation en this liniltei H a
Te bccoiue a member cf most country
elubi )ou liiiM tn m proposed and sec
onded by u certain number of club
inembeis. Hut jeu can Jein the V v
C A. at their cential bianch without
belmt proposed Thev have nil foils
of spertH thou) although vru would
have te Jein " n' 'fr" " "lie of the danc
ing btudles te get this feim of axerclan
and amuscnient
Latin Tfnclirr. Truism Itotetriivur
l fhlnlf veur nlcturu nectlen la a. lltrl
iilucatlen In luelf and ttmt your paper U
( (treat value, te, all teacher of Latin.
I ple up In my clnefroem each week the
picture I have fcund." Thu Camden
rta.I" . JMOC-
,,'7' ei liquid
K Sf V00 ?0' ' Plc'iur.ri "hav. fVund:
? OledM et moo. aii tkm ifMu,. Uchr rlli ceBrn
tha radvmvitFai
vuq Umm, "itaki
Wanamaker's Down Stairs Stere
Our Down Stairs Stere
endeavors te be
a thoroughly helpful store te people who are
economizing with their purchases.
We Have Over 27
different Sections, with geed assortments of a
particular class of goods of a kind that we can
recommend our customers te buy. Though they
cost less, they are dependable and selected te
give satisfaction for the smaller amount of
money that is charged for them.
This Down Stairs Stere is net te sell off old
lets or broken assortments, but means te be a
geed store for people that cheese te spend less
money for what they need.
Signed M Vm
August IS,
Sample Silk Petticoats
a Big Surprise at $3.85
Petticoats te give away, petticoats
for one's own "best" wearing. Beau
tiful radiums with narrow ruffles.
Rich heavy satins In plain and
changeable colors. Geed taffetas in
unusual styles and gay shades. Extra
heavy silk jersey, plain or with con
trasting trimmings or flounces of an
other silk.
Plenty of long as well as short
ones; lengths 32 te 86 inches. A few
extra sizes are included at the same
Please remember that there is usu
ally only ene petticoat of a style.
(Down Stair Stere, Central)
New Lew Prices en Girls'
Summer Clethes
With plenty of vacation time still remaining and the
Fall school term just ahead, these decided markings-down
acquire a very special style and economy interest.
Juniors' Dresses Just Lowered te $3
Geed-looking plain ginghams in blue or brown, trimmed
with contrasting surplice cellar and panel and a touch of
embroidery. Splendid school frocks. Sizes 12 te 16 years.
Girls' Voile Dresses, $1, $1.50 and $3
Pretty figured and dotted effects. Light and dark
colors. All were substantially mere earlier in the season,
but because of signs of handling and broken sizes they have
been reduced. Si-zes 6 te 14 in the group.
Girls' Taffeta Frecks, $7.50 and $10
Navy and dark brown silk frocks with clever touches
of contrasting embroidery. One or two of a model. They
have been price-lowered almost half. Broken sizes, 8 te 14.
Girls' Coats New $5,
$7.50 and $10
Interesting reductions en these
pole coats in tan, blue and rose,
ns well as mixed tweeds and
hemespuns. Some silk lined;
some skeleton lined. Sports mod
els smart for school girls. Sizes
G te 10 years in the 5 coats;
ethers in sizes 8 te 14 years.
Juniors' Capes
New $7.50
A fourth te half less I Tweeds,
hemespuns, veleurs and plnid
back sports tan coatings. Geed
assortment of styles and coTers,
but only ene or two of a kind.
Broken sizes 12 te 17 years.
(Down Stftlrn Stere, Market)
Advantageous Rugs,
in the Right Sizes
Serviceable rugs that provide a pleasing background
for the furnishings of a real home. The Axminster rugs
are particularly heavy, in staple patterns and colors. It ia
unusual te And such a complete range of odd and standard
Axminster Rugs
8.3x10.6 ft. Rugs, $38.50.
7.6 x 9 ft'. Rugs, 532.50.
6x9 ft. Rugs, $25.
4.6 x 6.6 ft. Rugs, $13.60.
36x70 in. Rugs, $ 7.50.
27x64 in. Rugs, $ 4.25.
22x36 in. Rugs, S 2.75.
18 x 36 in. Rugs, $ 2.60.
11.8x15 ft. Rugs, $80.
11.8 x 12 ft. Rugs, $60.
10.6x13.6 ft. Rugs, $65.
9 x 18 ft Rugs, $75.
9 xl5 ft Rugs, $60.
0 x 12 ft Rugs, $42.50.
0 xl0.6 ft Rugs, $40.
9x9 ft. Rugs, $37.50.
Velvet Rugs
Plain borders and figured cf- I 8,8 x 10.6 ft. Rugs, $32.60.
fects in rich colors. - . -. ..,. nn .i
012 ft niie-. SflR. 6x9 ft Rugs, $20 and
Hit-and-Miss Rag Rugs
Closely woven from clean, new rags. Celers well
blended. Ends striped in various predominating shades.
9x12 ft. Rugs. $9.
8 x 10 ft Rugs, $7.60.
6x 9 ft. Rugs, $4.85.
4 x 7 ft Bugs, 5Z.65.
8x 6 ft Rugs, $1.50.
(Down Btalrn Stere, Chutnnt)
30x60 in. Rugs, $1.15.
27x54 in. Rugs, 90c
25 x 50 in. Rugs, 75c
24x36 in. Rugs, 55c
18x36 in. Rugs, 46c.
Manufacturer's Clearaway of Art
Needlework, 25c te $1
A wealth of pretty things that will delight housewives or the
women who like te de "pick-up work." Seme are soiled, most are
mussed, but values are self-evident.
Towels, napkins, scarfs, centerpieces, shoe bags, laundry bags,
luncheon cloths and sets, pillow tops, pin-cushions, baby aprons, work
aprons and ether similar articles. Some are stamped for embroidery,
seme have the embroidery started for clever fingers te finish, ethers
are lace trimmed, hemstitched or embroidered. Materials include
linen, poplin, unbleached muslin and linene, mostly in white or cream.
Unusual Heuse Dresses, $1.50
Geed gingham ones practically trimmed with rickrack braid
the sort that will come back from the laundry looking mere "spick-and-span"
each time. '
Plain blue or with narrow stripes in blue-and-whlte, gray-and-white
or a striped mixture of blue, tan, gray and white. Sizes 34 te 44.
(Central Aisle)
Autumn Hats Are Captivating
at $8 and $9.50
Velvets and velvet-and-duve-
tyn combinations. New every
line and flare and angle. Dis
tinguished with metal embreid
eries, belt with self swirls
and folds and draperies. Large
hats and hats net se large.
Daringly brilliant or somber
of hue. Big and drooping or
small and dashing. Altogether
(Down Btnlrs Stere, Market)
All-Weel Blankets
Unusually Geed at $10 Pair
Fleecy, pure wool blankets that will provide the maxi
mum of grateful warmth without cumbering weight.
Because they are every ounce wool they will be just as
soft and "nappy" after a careful laundering as before.
White with gray, tan, pink or blue plaids. Seisette binding.
70x80 inches'.
(Down Stalra Stere, Central)
These Are Geed Suits for $25
Every One Is All-Weel and Seme
Have Twe Pair Trousers
Fancy cassimeres, worsteds and cheviets in
geed-looking stripes and novelty mixtures, and n
few staple blue patterns. Leng-wearing qualities ;
conservative styles; weights for new and later.
And every thread all wool. Sizes 34 te 44 in
the let.
Other All-Weel Suits for $18.50
Fancy mixed cheviets in patterns that will
appeal te the younger man. Sizes 34 te 42.
(Men' Gallery, Market)
$25 J7 J7
Beautiful Plaid Back Pole
Coats Unusual at $25
There is an uncommon story about these
coats. They are quite different from any $25
kinds we can recall. They are of heavy warm
woolly tan or brown coating with striking
plaid backs that are Scotch in color. They
have half linings of soft satin. Their revers
and cellars' are hand finished, their pockets
are huge overcoat style, and they are cut
with a swing and dash that any sportswoman
will like.
Short and longer lengths; sizes 16 te 38i
This is the first and last let we shall have at $25
because they cost the maker tee much te exploit
profitably. But every one of them is immensely
(Down SteJra fitere. Market)
Silks for Which People Have
Been Asking, $1.25 te $2
Twe just-received lets add interest te the many mod
erately priced silks in the Down Stairs Stere.
Black Japanese Silk, $1.25, $1.50, $2 Yard
Light, closely woven, all-silk; ideally cool and practical for Sum
mer frocks, and particularly nice for elderly women's dresses. Water
and perspiration proof. 35 inches wide.
White Habutai Silk, $1.25, $1.50, $2 Yard
New! Nice for blouses, dresses, pretty underthing3 and slips.
35 inches wide.
Chiffen Taffeta, $2 Yard
An unusually geed quality with just enough crisp body te it te
"whisper" under the touch. Its soft chiffon finish will obviate creas
ing or cutting. 36 inches wide. Navy and black.
Striped Jersey Silk, $1.35
All-silk. Colored stripes en white grounds. 32 inches wide.
(Down Htalr. Stere, Central)
Women's Lew White Shoes
Re-priced, $3.40
Remainders of our own Summer stocks. Mostly white
canvas, although there is one style of white leather.
Oxfords Pumps Sandals
With daintily rounded tees and low walking heels.
Four styles have ankle straps. All sizes among them, but
net in each style.
(Down Mnlri Stere, Chestnut)
Women's Patent
Leather Ties, $1.75
Specially priced one-eyelet tics
with ribbon bows. Medium heels
and welted soles. A limited num
ber in fairly complete size range.
Women's Pumps and
Oxfords New $1.90
Clearaway of odds and ends of
werth-while pumps and oxfords
for street, dress and sports wear.
Various leathers. One is pretty
sure te find her size in a style
she will like.
(Down rJtuIr fitere, Chestnnt)
Corsets, $2 and $3.50
Newly arrived corsets of
Wanamaker make, se comfortable
one is encouraged te make them
a habit.
$2 for a topless, breche corset,
lightly boned and with an clustic
top. Back lace. Sizes 22 te 30.
$3.50 for a low bust breche
corset, well boned with spoon
shaped steels. Back lace. Sizes
22 te 30.
Elastic Girdles, $1.50
Coutil with wide elastic insets;
a Cinch front and slightly longer
back; light boning. Sizes 24 te
(Down Stair Stere, Central)
Sale of Women's Summer Dresses at $2 and $5
Coeling Toilet
Thingi that will blot out the
dust, heat and sunburn from ene's
vacation memories.
Bath tablets that soften nnd
porfume the water. 10c ouch, $1
Bath salts in eau de cologne,
violet and lavender odors, COc te
Lemen creams that cleanse and
bleach. In 35c tubes for the week
end, or half-pound and pound tins
that will provlde a vacation sup
ply. 00c half pound, $1.50 pound
sizes. i
(Down SUIri store, Otntrsl)
Hundreds of Summer frocks are new grouped
at these two low prices. Practically all of them
are at least half their early Summer rates. Seme
are a geed deal less than half.
But one can see that at a glance. Even a
moment's examination of the fineness of the ma
terials and the details of their style and making
will prove that such frocks were never made te
sell for se little. Of ceurse, most of them need
pressing and seme require ether small freshening
touches, but all have real intrinsic, value.
Thoughtful women often invest in such
specials" aa these and se have ready for the next
year pretty frocks which hardly cost anything.
Dresses at $2
are of voile, gingham and batiste. Light and dark
colors. Checks and polka clots. Dozens of styles.
Sizes 14 te 42 in the group, but net in each kind.
Dresses at $5
include dark voiles in polka clots and fancy
checks. Plain-color voiles in a charming hem
stitched model that leeks hand-made and which
can be had in white, navy, rose and black A
few tailored linens. Levely tissue voiles in
artistic shades quite charmingly made. Many
eatyle 46 amn them' b "
Organdie, Dotted Swiss and
Voile Dresses, $7.50
Odd ones and twos of .h kind. White nlain
colors and quantUIea of polka dots anc c'heck"
minloXeS:'118 ' ' and ""
Cleth and Silk Dresses
are also included in this Clearaway Sale Ouitn
usable dresses at very small sums can be freshened
erhave a bead sewn en by any one cKtithl
'.8PJH H of oieesccieth: I tiffiJWJSNSr '
(Down Stlr n. Mar!
u h T.j)j
, r.
-ftV fltnikt.t,. IrfV
. ai'M
Jr i
n - ... . . y . vv , km "yrmgm