WB$ . ' " "l"',ttTt,,Jtflfl ," ii' v- v.-l "p ffCWjp' !-S"7 vLw,'v mrtt v. 5T ..' ('r' iV" V r.iY -r FRffl A ci.' .r r ..tfi' W' a KN BtS. b r J. kJ't) tVrtWMtflE rJ -' .' - f " nSe Daily Mevie Magazine 7Ji7K ROMANCE WAS BRIEF ll9!r M'Ht.mlEk'HiH K!Pri t mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmW&& stf&23NH 11ep l JNRF r''7rBIlntfi KB i aLHIr 4 """"""jr Lnt ', Hfl . i Lii"r ilSr 9. " Be VV H sHf .. k $H c',"3 . vBmHEH R-.Sv Vd'.KV ,y a rF V qg !,,r3Mr JKt 5SW st-3S ------ H -WWi y&F g -tf ISkJKwfcr h HHH'-iBi&K n I " -HEE'W sTf . '' JaMrif7Pi?:?JBiM 1 K9 1KBBWwBbBB i &?y " ni rBBKBBslBBIBPK a ib IbkHIBIkHBHw w& .? flHBEIuK Kf H tHHHBit3BflBHBBl9IHHk Mn IB'E4BBflH9H6HBi x x -hH K m8BBBmBBBmBIk """iVHEZ 9sSr(HHsllHE!HBBSw9liVV N!&iI Kvl?yC!KLJl 4tB "X, JBvttwMraPl lEZMxU rM'.'fc'fc)i.L-a' Jt VW ' ' fc VX , S.'iyt Jtf? "Si -TM" ..JM'L'' y?x-st&jfa&i&?m m "ciCi.'ii(A JInrshall Neilan and Blanche Swccr, whose romance ripened into a mar riage which took place lu Chicago recently, are new reported te have separated and are living apart. NVUmi Is directing "The Stranger's Banquet," and Mrs. Neilan Is returning te thp screen as the lending woman In "Qulncy Adams Sawyer" THE MOVIE FAN'S LETTERBOX By nEVRY Nell I'inlisten Time and ether con siderations prevent me from giving you criticism en your scenarios, and I can not give jeu Information as te what companies te send your manuscripts te. Few are taking any at all, but you can find a list of the companies nnd their addresses In any of the "fan" maga zines. "Me" writes: "Net havlnc as soft a job as some, I cannot find time te tjpewrlte, be I must take a chance en, having this accepted. I hope this shade of paper it right. Until new I was satisfied te read your comment and that of ether people, but I must answer the one who 'knocked' 'SmlUn' Through. I think that picture was wonderful. Why? I'll state my rea sons and hepe te bave a comment from you. "The story was convincing in this respect. I could believe in and sympa thize with every mood. What I mean te euy is that I could see every actor' part. 1 could fee hew Moonyeen could be loved, and hew file could care for Carteret, and hew she could prefer him te Jerry Wayne and hew Jerry could net give her up. I could see and feel Moonyeen's husband's anguish when she was shot. Then, later, I could hec hew he hated a Wayne, hew the jouug jeuug er Wayne could love Kathleen, hew Kathleen could love him. "Perhaps instead of saying I could see these things I should say I felt them, for I did. Each part wa real. Even the pnrtlng of little Kathleen with the two little chaps was poignantly real. But I can understand hew somebed) would dislike the spirit part, though te me it was real, as I'm a firm believr lu after life. "Never in any picture have I been Impressed with a wonderful peuce of mind after seelnc the picture, and l'e seen them all nearly. "Have you felt like I did in regard te the picture? "Se I figure that when a pictures does te n person's feelings what tlmt picture does, why. that point about Moenj ecu's dying and net being attended should be forgiven and net be hdd against it. Let me state that the person w he wrote that letter could net have felt like I did nor hnrdly interested te notice n thing like that. About Harrison Ferd net wanting t mnrry Kathleen i!nc he was crippled, then changing his numl with no apparent reason, am I net right in saying that his acting wn-i perfectly logical, since he said lie duln t want Kathleen te marry him out of pit, when bhe saw him lame, as he thought she would cease, te care, but net have the heart te tell him thnt that was the reason. Se when he discovered she loved him anyway, why he capitulated. "Bricily, my opinion of Yaleutlne. He can act, but he can only portray certain characters, as his face is ex pressionless. Te get my meaning, imagine him as 'Petpr Ibbettsen.' Im- possible! Right here these who com- , pare him te Mr. Held should see the i difference. "If somebody else describes my mean ing in regard te 'Smilin' Tlunugh,' please publish It; if net, 1 think it mlj fulr te defend that picture, since ou le't ' teme one knock it. And 1 was sur prised hew undecided you felt about it." j ("Smilin' Through." as I theuuht I , aid before, gees en my list of the ive best pictures of 10 te date. I admit 'being unduly impressed by it, and I didn't knew I hud been undecided in its praise. Lde think, though, that it was the acting, net the story, which made everything seem se real te yuu.) II. T. B. Well, what if Nerma did go te the station without a hut ami return with one? Mebbe she bought it in town. Anyway, "what does It piefli a fun"? Yeu Haw-seekers make me laugh, Oh, well. Yeu will Hud the date and theatre of "Bleed and Sund" in the mevtegruui column Sntuiday, Au gust S. Thut bchoel you mention Id u eeuarie-writing school, apd net a dra ntlc one. as far as I knew. It's rnml. a fat uLl knew, bat IjQ-ke It a pelut ' M NEELY never te give question. advice en this kind of "Kurleusity Kids" write: "Although we have followed your movie column with creat interest, this is the first time 1 wn have ventured te write te you. Be fore we co any farther we would like te sny that we are net 'downing the, movies, but hew de they get away with i it? I "Last nlcbt we went te what is con sidered one of the best theatres In the t city te see a picture called 'The Sheik of Araby.' Te our great amusement and 'surprise, we discovered that we had seen the nine picture two years age at a very small theatre. We are sure It was the same picture, although we saw it under the title 'The Man Who Turned White. Nothing was changed In the entire picture, and the clothes seemed old fashioned two years age. What's the idea giving the public an old picture like that with n new name? "Please print this and see if ether readers have noticed the change. i "But, by the way, 'Hen,' don't yen PHOTOPLAYS The following theatres obtain their pictures through the STANLEY Company of America, which is a guarantee of early showing of the finest productions. Ask for the theatre in your locality obtaining pictures through the Stanley Company of America. Anni I r 52D THOMPSON BT3. ArULLU MATINEE DAILT "FOOLISH WIVES" BY AM) VWTH VpNSTUOHEI3I A CTnD -lUHTH A GIHAHD AVE. , A 1 Ul SIATINEK DAILT KATHERINE MacDONALD In "TRUST YOl'U VIFE BALTIMORE 7 S&yfirZt ALI-yrll (AST In "Nine Seconds Frem Heaven" BLUEBIRD ,,ir,0;1" .? yT ' "f 111!, IIRIT (IIASM:" PRODUCTION "BEYOND THE RAINBOW" UULAJlNIML, jin 7 ..ml 0 P. SI. JA.MKS K1KKUOOD In "THEMAN FROM HOME" FAIRMOUNT ,&&? JACK IIOI.T and AC,NI A1RKS In "BOUGHT AND PAID FOR" GREAT NORTHERN WtIeVS: HELENE CHADWICK In "i:UHH MKN AND (.OLD" IMPERIAL HSU. -WVVFe ETHEL CLAYTON iP'T" T"I; DKFKNsK'J FTDCDTV 1SHOAD i. COM MUIA AV lli-I-r I I 'utivi-" hviut DUSTIN FARNUM In "HTRANOB IDOLS'- AD ICMT Woodland Ae at 02d Bt. UKll-lN 1 it Ttvr.n daily SIAVRICE COSTIXI.O In "CONCEIT" 0VERBR00K 83D iVWm CONSTANCE TALMADGE hi "POM.Y en UK FOI.MKS" DM M VllAMvKOltD AVE (. LON CHANEY In "TDK NIOIIT ROSi:" "n IT-1 CNIT Slarket Pt Helow 17th KLLil-lN 1 ie m te u p si. A!.T-nTH ''T In "ACE OF HEARTS" DIaI Tr aR.MANTOWN AVKNUB IlAllW n T,Prn ""I ST. CONSTANCE TALMADGE In WOMANJ.' SHERWOOD bV!vt TSSZ& CHARLES RAY In "TWO MINUTKH TO GO" 333MARr-ET0TV TtfSVS GEORGE ARLISS In "Till: III I.IMt PAss(.. Tnr -r THm nn ARDMORE J.A.CAbTKIt PIlvK li'm'nKK. I'a. il'I'CI!. I'IST III "THE SHEIK'S WIFE" pnAMT -"-' aiHAUD AVE. VjtVMlN 1 Slnt. Tomer Era,. 7 & 0 SHIRLEY MASON la "IOK BUND VTUEB EVENING- PUBIOLEDGER-rPHIEABELPHIAFBIDAY,: At any rate, please don't wish It enr, the director j Irene Rich and ether - I Nerma Talmadge, though I am sure she mcriibera of the Leuie B. Mayer com- . I has the ability." pnny en locntlen In the forest. Every fhlntf Ttttdv makes love divinely? If he could have played In 'The Sheik of Araby'I Oh, 'Hen,' we've fallen tee." -. -aa . 1 ,, a ti cause I'm nlVaysP" lad when the fins' " nd still would I saw the picture mentioned, and 1'lljns much as I admire the agree there wasn't n cunnge n.nae exin the title. There's no use going into n long harangue en the subject, but that practice is an nbomlnable one. Inci dentally, though, I'm going te disap point you by saying that I think n. u. Warner a hundred times better actor than Valentine. Thnt picture you men tion will be shown here beginning Sep tember 2.) Eleaner-The information en the iden- Tnn progress of a big forest fire near tlty of that Griffith picture- 1ms nl-, J- Crnnbroek B C, Is being watched rpndvcome across, but I thank you, with nnxlety by the movie colony. 8cv nml thfns thank veu. Perhaps be- cral of their friends are directly In Its ami UlC tans inanK ?"".,,,.' nn,t. .i. Amnnir thorn nre TlnlnnM I1..1.. nnnan I'm Tppnni? in n iruiuiuvu .... b ut I must confess I don't like what you nil "nice endings." I don't llke Lll - cnu nice euujiise. . -.""."" l..-l,. ii. ni-i. .-.1 T Ann' think se muclr 01 call Griffith. 'And I did think "Our Leading -hi.--" - .Miitr enttrn the kine OI original scenario we need en the screen. I hope Ade sticks around the Be while. "Over the Berder" and The Bacheler Daddy" were nothing won derful, but I'm frank te eny I ve seen worse. M. K. B. write: "I am net very keen about be-cnlled '('duratienal mov ie, us they are at profit. But an ln tclllKent and vivid plcturlratlen of the classics of history and fiction ought te be a valuable and pleasant wayef add ing te the general culture of this gen eration. I can't Imagine today a flap per wading through the long descrip tions of Sir Walter Scott's historical novels but I can imagine her getting plenty of thrills, as well as n geed working knowledge of the period of the Crusades, while watching a version of The Talisman.' with Wallace Reid as Sir Kenneth of the Leepard; alentine as Saladin: perhaps Agnes Ayres as Ladv Edith : directed remnjiis p Mean the Weman' by Cecil DeMllle. . Hew about it? Yeu remember hew well 'The Weman Ged Forget' filled i out Prescett's 'Conquest of Mexico ...i ,,., t HUlike her screen per senality excessively, I Incline te think Gleria Swanson could de Becky Sharp stone : HARBOR DAY I Annual Celebration TOMORROW Aug. 12 Children's Parade Swimming Matches Fancy Diving Chnee and Moter Beat Racing Boxing Matches Etc., etc., etc., etc. prei trains will rr Ctieftnut 'treet Ferry for Stene Harber (Da-lKht-Snvtni; Time) ea follews: .30 A. M 8 50 A. M . 12.40 P. St.. 1.40 P. M., 4.20 P. SI.. 8.40 P. M. GSl-SO; Excursion trln will k.iM rhet nut Street Ferry te- Stene Harber C 50 A. SI Philadelphia & Rendlnc Srstem Atlnntle City Railroad PHOTOrLAVB The NIXON-NIRDLINGER fti THEATRES VU BELMONT SJD ABOVE SIAJIKET 1 30 4 .1. 0 80 te 11 P. SI. RAYMOND HITCHCOCK In "TDK IIEAUTY bllOP" CFDAR 60TH 4 CEDAIl AVKNUK -.-IA -H . 7 in1 It 1'. M .IASIKS KIUKUOOD In "THE MAN FROM HOME" COI 19FI IM Mrkt bet S9th & 60th V-UI.-)U1M , 30 nd 3 7 amj p M RAYMOND HITCHCOCK In "TIIK IIKAUTY MIOP" IUMB0 rP0NT ST 4 OIRAnD AVE Ju"luu Juml-n June en Frnnkferd "t," WILLIAM DUNCAN In "NO DKIXNSB" LEADFR 41ST LANCASTER AVH D. W. ORirilTII'H PROnCCTIO.V "WAY DOWN EAST" ' fOQlST CSD ArD I-OCUST STREETS DOROTHY DALTON ln'THF. MOM N MHO MI.M:D AI.ONF." NKON'S AMBASSADOR D,-' TjDnMkjJTta Fighting Streak" NIXON t2D AND MAIHCET BT3. " EUGENE O'BRIEN la "THE PROPHET'S PARADISE" 69TH ST The- Opp. "L" Trmlnl 1 I 1 1 . 2 30, T nnd B P. M. DOROTHY DALTON in "THE WOMAN MIIO MAI.KED AWXB" STRAND r'rmHntewn Av atVraun JAMIKIRKMOOD In ' M "THE MAN FROM HOME" AT OTHER THEATRES MEMBERS OF M.P.T.O.A. GERMANTOWN MT0,!J,,gX? GRACE DAVISON In "THE SPLENDID ME" ' JEFFERSON ieTil d"p- QUEEN & AI.T.MAN ANNOI'NC'I: Till: (IRANli Ul.lll'ICNI.M. 1K Till. IKITKRMIN TIII'ATItr TDDAY AND TOM' Knew NORMA TALMADGE In "SMII.IV TIIKOl'fill" TODAY DUOlt.S Ol'K.N AT B P SI, PARk" RIDQB AVE. A DAUPHIN 8T. rftlN mv. ii j5v i.l5 te 11 DAVID POWELL te "lUE BPAMSU JAJJEI (I certainly am honored at fcavlnc n correspondent ee far away ai Bosten the place where they put twe1 features en the same bill and surfeit you with Alms. While we don't agree en the co-called cducntlennls," we're strongly in accord en the filming of the old classics. I'm particularly anxious te see "Ivanhoe," which f understand Universal has given up planning te film. J den t think Gleria would be ce.ua! te choeso Nerma as it Is, and lndy.) FOREST FIRE PUTS FILM COMPANY . OUTFIT IN PERIL By CONSTANCE PALMER i Hollywood, Calif. , k - e -- ... . , -----i INDIA CEYLON JAVA MIXED or ORANGE PEKOE lA Lb Package csrcsgjkv Vi Lb Package !Oc THEA-NECTAR world. Imported urient. Particularly recommended for ICED 15 MILLION POUNDS SOLD FINE. CANE e Cans .!. A&P GLOSS r EVERY EGG GUARANTEED A UuOli ONE "Sunnybroe.k" Eggs are guaranteed te be of an excellent quality. Shipped direct te the AP from the choicest neaiby epg-preducing districts. "Sunnybroeks" are specially selected te ussure our customers of quality excellence. FANCY COLUMBIA RIVER. &P r K? aw C 1P umuwmh Fancy Creamery Butter lb. "RED CIRCIF' COFFEE The It THE GREAT fymmmi( THE s?Juiiy ijili'i i?d M W I . "Cr... M1i I attempt la being made te get neip te them. The primary difficulty Is locat ing the group, for they arc miles beyond telcphone or telegraph. Among the Im periled are Richard Tucker, Clee Mad Mad ieon, Annn Wilsen, Frank Kcenan, Charles Conden the Mayer publicity man .Tames Veschclla, Ddde Cox, Florence Browning secretary te Mr. Mayer Sylvia Sanborn and little Iltch nrd llcadrlck, the child actor. Mary Plckferd has become a partner of Snntn rinna. Hhe cxnccts te es tablish n large factory for the making et dells m licr own lmngc. nixiy uu fcrent medclR wcre sculptured by eight internationally famous artists before a striking likeness was accomplished. It -was my geed fortune the ether dnv te be the enlv outsider nllewcd te watch Ghrlstlan von Schncidau, the famous Scandinavian artist, put the color en the likeness he had mle of Miss Plckferd. The star set patiently as Mr. von Schneldau studied her col cel col erlng and npplled the paints. Mrs. Plckferd and Mr. Fairbanks watched anxiously. The dells will he dressed in four ways as Little Lord Fanntlcrey, Pollyanna, Peer Little Rich Girl and ene ether character net jet decided upon. Reduced in Price Thca Nectar PACKAGE TEAS Fer One Week Only TEAS are the Finest Quality, grown in direct from the famous tea gardens of GRANULATED EBIT 3-LI) P!:g STARCH iriTT"1 1A CLi EA1S fQrj m rrfK C? nm. JBr J$y MQ m m'ma " i mw ----' v n m Tr ni-r SALMON Ne. lA Can Ne. 1 Can "viti 4rWrtf ifii5?v Brown Edge Wafers Chocolate Fingers . Butter Thin Biscuits PRINT Butter best coffee-value tastes geed It smells geed It Te maintain our present unmatched quality it is new necessary for us te advance this ceffee te 29c lb. due te the steady advance in the coffee mnrket during the last few months. This advance in our retail price has been delayed for some time only due te our policy of direct purchaaei from the plantations which has made it pefisible for us te pass this additional Hav ings en te our many satisfied customers. ATLANTIC & PAOIFi LARGEST RETAIL GROCERS 1IN IHt- WORLD 1922 ROOFING - HATBKIAL8 Mfrter br t. n snuin co, 0 CT. XII BTBRBI I MMn S714 Mr.t nsiu MOSQUITOL Petttlvtly wilt krp meaqultMi from bttlnf you. Atrable pins odor, Ne c1trenll. Unlnjurletii te ikln and te labrlcs. At 1ruirr1t nd tennhere rraertd neltam Predacti Ce., Wtlmlnrten. Del. Cellins Bates Electric and Sleam Matiagt Salt Rubs NIQHT AND DAY SERVICE 6LEEPINO ROOMS NO TIPPINQ 219.23 NORTH DROAD STREET the the TEA ANNUALLY C . lb. 25c . lb. 30c pkg. lOc 39c in the land leeks and is geed TEA CO. &UqqSTll,' p - v "i" J MM ! fll UV I MM, MW f m? A 9C Car.'en faS) JrJ - PL JW EDPCATl'ONAl. Venrm M-n and Mrs MMVHANbVV Wenonah Military Academy i'i r Jf ff- m- -fi.. 9 A wur lawai it ie -ukivei. n 1 V " business orMfer college. All our teaching seeks te give the fundamentals of a sound education. ' Ideal location, 12 miles from Philadelphia. Large Athletic FleM Splendid Gym. Separate Dept. for Juniors, 11 years old and ever Write for Catalog and View Boek . Lewer Scheel, $650 Upper Scheel, $750 Majer C. A. SNYDER, $upf. C.pt. C. M. Lorence, Cemdt Bes E, WENONAH, NEW JERSEY xi3C!2-co&;e:Ko:-K:a , , ., - .MimvfliaiVA neth Nnw , Yenn, Mfn anil !-. 1 Pharmacy Today Ranks High in the Professions Tlii eune mn or woman xvhe can men the pntronce rcaulrerrenta et this Institution and who will then complete the general and a pest graduate cnurira will be well fitted for a , most successful future. Faculty of 42. Six laboratories. Courses lead te recognized degrees. Catalog. Bnrellmant limited. Philadelphia College of Pharmacy and Science 145 North 10th Street Philadelphia m:i.i Mti:i:sr.i.r tt'ltk l,A,I.Jn. w9 Vi.lalmABa fundamentals nnd training alenj. spcclnllzr'd lines, the epiwrtiinltle for ur business eucccss can he con- tiuciuiy prawpen . Day Scheel Opens Sept. 5 'NUht (Scheel Opens Sept. 18 Write ler 68th Year Heek Pcirce Scheel of Baiineti Administration "" St. Wr-t nf ISrnnfl ;..n..... .............. ........... The William Penn Charter Scheel Scheel Opens Tuesday, Sept. 19 Make-up Examination Monday, Sept. 18 Open for Inopeetlen nnd ClnNHlllcntlen of Pupils. Sept. 0th. Richard M. Gummere, Ph. D. pieadmustrr isisisisriiusissssisstsssisiii iS BJLNICS BUSINESS1 Day Scheel Night Scheel COLLEGE W SPECIALISTS WANTED In nery department of liuslneis. Ne ethers nwO upply. T hut Im llie ron ren dltlun of tiunlncsH today. Train hre nnd lieceme a sperlnllst In thb branch of LuitneHH ynu thoet. Km Sfhnnl opens Sept. 5 Muht rlin(i erM'iii Sent. 7 I2'MI Wiinut t.. Phlluilrlphl.t Wanamaker Institute 23d and Walnut Streeti OI'KNS Hit Srhnnl. Sentemher IS Afternoon A Eimlnc Schools. Seplemher 50 wniTi: ren cataije Telephone I.ecu't 3HI PU-PAitr. 1011 nKTrKK po.iirie.vs With industry reviving everywnere, the demand fur trained stenographers and book keepers Ib rapidly Increasing. Fer these em. pleyed In daytime, our eenlng classes offer wonderful oppe'tunlty. Individual Instruc .m" ... bvhuui wuiruiii levatca. l.alaieC I'lUI.V. IIUS1NKSN COI.LK(j nnd College of Cnmmrrce 1710 MurUft St.. Phlladeliihn Oak Lane Country Day Scheel fliik IJine. Phlln,. Pa. A Progressive Scheel for R:y and Olrlt from Kindergarten te College Ar'ebue calls for and return children. Thirty acres of athletic fields, playgreurd nnd woodland, lelephern Melree OT Wrlte V. M. rilOKLlCIinn. Headmastar. Oak Lane Country Day Hchoel, The Accelerator of Success I IT. MISS WOODS' SCHOOL ler Ktirntlnnal Children Consult Public Ledier ll'ure'au fur Prtlculars. siij:mu I'osine.Ns ion TKAcirErTs In Pennu . Md N. J and N y. tcitoeu ter September are new being filled I'ree reals. ,rBllMOUKRN TPAl'IIEKS' HL'RIIAU I Ul) J -Market Street .ii.uiiiiiiar.. i'A. iuil.ii:lihl tuun(jeuei.uij HriiuU und Columbia Ate. Swimming Peel Open , llirougheiit Year Lessens in fawlmmlng. diving and llfe-.vtn Oymnaslum opens In September. IloekUt," THE IIOLMAN SCHOOL. 1201 Walnnt Ml A day school for girls and small boy, wiii 022. -"6 juVi" i'rark.Vry' anT'n.Jil Course. Elliebeth V. Ilrnley. Headmistress: GERMANTOWN F1UENDS acnuui j ear ypena aepiemeer 19th HTAKl.i:V It. YARNALL. Prlneln.i Penna. Museum. Scheel of Industrial Art Uread U P ne Opens Sept at). Iteg dav!' Jy2Sep,E5.srT?er' 2 STRAYER'S ""R.'AS Posltlencuirnn'r1 Fnlir nnvr Tliii e? "'At RKAHINtl. 1-A. r Brhnylklll Sern.. Reading's Jr. Cel.. Ilen,ii.' Pa. Prep. & Jr. College ceufew Three vrl' of cellege work slve.11. New athletic field dining hell nnd administration bulldlrii' Year JtOO Year opens Sept. 11. uu"aln WABKEN P. TKKA.mM,: D.. p, HEI.rNBflltOVE.PA Saequelmnna Cnlveralty, Sellnsgreve. ?T Co-educatlenal In. the Arts and Hetn Deautlful and healthful envirenmentS ?J dress for catalog. W. T. Hertet" RegistrtS Bummer Scheel opens June 28 "srr, l.LOMA." OI.II OHCIIAItll IIOAIE SCIIOOI wimu" llables Health first. Belectej toys W?M ie Anna d, Xeies, Leenla, N. J '" Consult Ledger fluresu! .rIII.MiTO.N. I). CHIROPRA CtTc Learn this new, most premlslnr nr all professions In Wutliliigtei ' ,Sl .r-tlen's capital. nrl"le ' fagee for self-supporting student.." t?I3? eatlenal. Addresa (be BeVlslrr ,-0'' RILEY SCHOOL OF CHlROliRACTIC for a hluli school buy or girl l a brief In. lensHe business t nurse -tiregir hherthund. 'rnui'htviilni,'. Ilnnkkeeiilrig, Secretarial in Till! T.IJ)R htllOOL IMS MurC ' KDPc'A'nOHAT v Z. u -2S4!I ' .na ttl O T Hi-fl J . H Jn raina en a OOUnd Bejyf 1 i'iHvJnBtylwV nr?v VKSVMHK?K5kri i Our system makes for healthy vigorous Beys. A U. S. Army"' Officer is detailed here by the War ' Dept. Our athletics are under Faculty direction. , . In our class rooms and study peri- eds we teach our boys hew te" THINK. Our cmivtuur .- i TVKrVRAxv.. xwsmusi BROWN PREr, "reud and Rnrln. n?.'l repares students fw .9i,l nal school, the Hi,?!.! VI Ma . -itll exams, and for bualnMaT1' ASi. ?' sCSW5r-H Sept, IN. Enroll new. ---, ill a .t "be. as? hoeTC:j'j reparation for cellece r2S1 fef. NL 4 aJT-KLSS FRANKT. ANKMN ANT MARSIIATT i-: - no 412. nea.t"rV K,S7.' uwmuii Bcnnnr. .ir GEORGE StJHeOLfe .t . , H. BVf T WW II Bellefentfl Aeidnm, Limit-t : and up. 117th year. Ath. n.M y.?l sh ' fifllimsn ffte.-"w.1M5n!fe -....,-.. ..ru anT BBTHLCTHat. PA. BETHLEHEMw PREPARATORY SCHOOL V Prepares boy; for all leading ceiUm. universiiies. ocneiaranips. Modern TJ- Ings. extensive grounds., Gymnasium SStv mYt.g peel and all athletics. SepTr.u Jm ', Behoef Heasenable rates. Catalegni' -1 Jehn M. Tnirra. M a ii...' Ia T lleihuhenV.' v,""n- HABBISIU'RO. TA. H Harrisburg Academy rrf0p,ni?!ll5n Senior and .lunler Departments. Mntm- HAnmsni'Re. pa. "' ..X. LKXIXHTON. VA. .It ) Castle IIHI Arndemy, Lexington. Va. IM location and climate. Prepares for cellM! t!nlerjltles. ceernment academies anilbeZ ness. Streng faculty. Military training. uS. nlflcent buildings, large gymnasium DnL for boys under in Fer est ndd the tui NAZARETH, PA. Nazareth Hall Military Ac.dwy Bex 60, Naziretb, Pt. FeunJtd 174, College Preparatory and Ruslne.s Court Senior. Intermediate and Junier Decarlrrnti Minimum nge l yeara. Vigorous tthlVtC and. military life. All outdoor snort- eS "S.?""!!. and swimming peel. Address 1 The Btv. A. I. ThaeleiD. U.. I'rtsA- I1 PENKSIJURa PA. PERKIUMKN SCHOOL L FOR IIOTS-Uirit, H Scholarships NetS uratery and uuslness, . .-. ...... &.uVl.,vne, UWtUIUrVlipS itOII ion. prom. Aieueratn rates, CaUlenL OSCAR slKiUKilELrnDTprTjeu :IMl nnn im. I'enn.nurg Pa. BKAniXO. PA. Keystone Institute "The Service Scheel" t ' A fully equipped achoel with erwrt k atructera organized te give Intensive InitrE tlen of 2 years In Electrical EnilMerlsg, Meihanlca! Engineering, Accounting u) Buiitnssa Administration. 10 weeks' ce-M In Automotive Mechanics. Day and nlsS ' classes. Write for Information te Plrtcltr Keystone Institute. I3 North 4th Street. Beading. Ta. BU'ABTIIMOBK. PA. Swarthmore J.;;;?0 ,pn5."-'"1 . f"r entnleg, W. P. Temllisss, llendmnster. nnx . Swnnhmnre. rV WAVXE. PA. ST. LUKE'S SCHOOL Wnjne (Mnln Line P. It. R,), r, Healthful lorntlen. homelike bultdlnca, Mental and Musical Instruction, high rnend Inlluence mnke unusual nniiei) te Ptnitl nr.d heis I'repates for celleca or builrtm tjiiirlew Henry Strout. A. M.. Ilfadnulw 1IOBDKXTOWN. N. J. ,t DORDENTOWN MILITARY INSnTOTI Thorough preparation for cellece or hi ness. Efficient faculty, small claim, M virtual attention. Military training. Urn year. Fer cata:cu. address Drnw.r 0-M, Cel. T. I. Londen. Itordrntenn. N. t, l'rlncluul and Commandant Yeiirrt 'Women 'and filrls MRS. CASKIN'S SCHOOL Fer GifhDay, and Bearding , Country lerjitlan 13 minutes from Phl'adelphla. 2t ncres of Campus,, All Sports. Heckey. Basket!". TennlB. Gelf nnl Horseback nidlnf. CeUcfja Preparatory nnd General Courses. Plnne with Thuel Bum. hnm. Demestic Arts and Secretarial Course. Catalogue. MRS. LA.GDON CASKIN Overbre'A. Pennsylvania Tclepiiene, Merlen 563 City Line und Green Hill Farms EltiU OVEIHIROtlK, I'A. MISS SAYWARD'S SCHOOL FOR GIRU' Oterhrenk, Pit. College preparatory, ttt Kectetarlal i.euivvs, Musle, Domestle 3c!le l'hislcul training, outdoor nynnn, herstbut rid uu, sKlnunlng. I)celeps character, mlu anil txidy. Cnrrlnge calls for puiills In Ell. Cynwd. Mai Ien und Wnnetteld, WrlH Uept. I MISS S. JjTJAIII).J'r!nflpjil Miss lllm.in's Scheel for KlndergirtiM Junier. HAnlne unit nrnriiintji CeUrNi Primary methods, Practice klndergirtii 1 Address A. T. Illmiin, Prln. Hei L ' 1 1'ine hi , l'nunaeicnis. . HR1-N SfAWB. PA. HARCUM l&h,m College preparatory or sptnsi stuay. music An. i-aiif Kdllh llarchrr Harcuei, B. -I Head or Hrtioej. airs. ij. Willis. I. P.. Academls llei tl nNTlNODON. PA. . Juniata College rTlTA .TlfenWaY. ,8m)Il.J.,.UleldC: ififltf FTfrl entniv rSS' HTlTZ..l'A7 LINDEN HALL SEMINARY A girls' school slnie 1740. Acidemlc. Cell Preparatory & Special Courses, SeparsW y flept. am.. Secretnrla. Cat .Be. T. ' SteiiKeLJLI.Jlli- M' '"mt-B WEST CHESTER. PA- THE DAHLINOTON SEMINARY. iW Junier College Ceursee (2 ears) L Physical Kiiucatlem Secretarial. MM Art. Expression. Heme Economics. College Preparation (4 ears) ,.,.' 1 Standard Courses for the beat cel 1.1 Aendeme or HIeIi Hrhoel ","' m Liberal hut thorough training for '' Christine r. "" '"nr" ...,.... Ul..llffl V. to-eaecanonai wita atp. Dermiiar CoL1,R5.iPreWlter,r' R,, Manual tJ-S1 and Citizenship ceursss, 227 SLi"" i shammy Cre.k. Ahletlc..",-,TFr;ndr Se O. A.WAJ.TON. A. H iv " ' bes 2RS. ii-l :.": ". i . 7.. ,vu,. y , WAhlllNdTIIN. D. J HOLY CROSS ACADE1Y AfmlaU4 t "th Cathoile UnUeralD. Pr'glJB Refining Edurntlen. Bl"'"f' 'JlSferf Courses. Aildress Sister . 8iiPier. Cress Academv. Wnshlnglun " sf SOUTHERN COUi-tu Junier College and "tnlshlns; Ceu"SaB National patronage. JUtletn Year, jjsj location. BTHUB-KYLK DAVWi TT. la CeUt . Pstersbuff. V. , I 1 !f ' SOUTHERN COLLEGE rvtii-..-. mA EMnl.htn-r Court??. I j k r-fj-yv israi . ?; r J Kl f'J<Oji. ir 1( J