TTiEy r' .Ft 11 ii i i .m. j liii f j mil WTJPV.l.J.J I WBTR'J-t-, r-vri -:rriiTwrtIwi-iyrtHV Vv?v5n W .HM 'JUW. i.l-J JWP " 1r,r "' ' y '". s" r wrw, " vmsffi t' : fa. r i -4 " . -- 1 "" yi ;LED(Effi--PHIpADELPHIA, TH1?BSD i - . . tftAit I V it HEROINE IS WIODEST, GIVES AT FAILURE Carel Miller Discounts Praise for Attempt te Save Bey Bathers KEPT OWN INJURY SECRET But I didn't de nnvtliliiR. If I .j".r., rrn linre It would lie different. . tat I only tried. ..,,,.,,, Drlinfe girl "'10 showed much bravery in ntUptlns te rrfcue two bevrt from Awning, looked down, obviously cm tarrarid nt tlie wiiwpstlen that bhc hud Pttn'h?nbutft.lllffrt . "i":. fi.m-'nu Tlercnr. rlelit Plirs Old. Hnrrv Williamson, ten. of Itlver Mr who 'were drowned Tnesdny after- nOOIl "I ',,P IWlllnllH- "11 blllUM U11M1IC I "If I enlv could live Keparntrd the itmii I think' I leuld have (-nved thein." fhe Wild "I hnil never tried te rc-- I p nnv one before, but I knew hew it htnVdo'ne. and T tut jumped In wltHent V, "iJl nnrrhlns biH that I nniBt ilMWlhemlf peylbl?. The firn mat ncr mumy mi ,'i rnrnl'c part In the trncle f.cene wns when iJip came home Inte Tuelay after- neon with n cut npd bruUed knee "tsliewns erv murh unset.' snid her mrtier Mrs. C. It. Miller. "It wns rieni! time before I found out that "he hnd injured her knee when nhe "Yeu ee. she hnd rhnrRe of the p1Tgreimd nt Uiverten last year nnd thw little be used te re there. That lq what mekes her feel se terribly about the accident te think she knew the L, nnd was net able te sae them, but Mm did her best and wc are proud Carel talked quletlv but n bit nor ner nor veuslv as she leceunted the srene en tit" hirf near which she hnd been swim ming when the bes were drowned It was apparent the trngedv had made its Impression upon her youthful mind. "I have never tried Ions-distance wiinnilnK." she nid. "though I hnd planned te try te cress the river once, but," with a Rlnnce at her mother, "there wns tee much parental objection and I hair te give it up." She began te swim when she was about fiu- vears old. when n friend of ber mother's took her down te the river and showed her the strokes. Never afraid of the water, she hnd become mere and mere fend of the sport nil the "Next te swimming. T like cnneehiR and rncln. around the country in my far." she snid. "I'se named the canoe 'Splash Me,' but Helen, my sister, sajs she thinks it should be named 'Save Me' new. "I fan't cook or siw or de nnvtlung like that never could," and she dis missed nil of domestic accom accem pli'hments with n wne of her hand. Although she is enlv seventeen .sears old. Carel wns graduated from high school two .eais age and has been lAnAlilnr t .1 ..i.tnl hnlinril iln(.n ivui.ii.iih " ' ....... ' .i'-"... .......... Carel speaks of nil her accomplish accemplish S.ents In the tame modest, deprecnting manner, with almost an air of apology for net hating done mere, and doe- tint hei surprise that esery one has been se kind and intercted in her feat. "Jut a cut knee," is the manner in which she sum1- up her part in the affair, tilth no mention of the fact that she ri'kcd her lift and was almost drowned herfelf. MEDIA "GIRlsECRETLY WED TO SWARTHMORE JUNIOR Parents Announce Marriage of Miss Ida Dutten and Harlan Powell i Mr and Mis I'ric Dutten. Newton read, M'dt.i. Iiae announced the mar riage en .Tulv I. at Havre de (Jrnie, Md , of their daughter. Ida Margaret Dutten, te Jeseph Hnrlun I'ewell, of " Downingtown, a junior at Swai thmore College. Although theie was no parental op position te the remitnn' of the seung couple, It had been ur'ed upon I'ewell that he shutild net m.irr befeie giad giad uatlen, then feic lie took matters lit Ms own hand- and slipped nwnv with his Inttndrd bride te the Maryland town ami i'-iteil a "marrying, parson." Powell is tin son of Dr. Marian I Miller, of Downingtown. His bride, well known in Dnl.iwnie Counts Micinl cir cles, was fermeily employed in a Phila delphia deputment store. TWO SHOTS ALL SHOT Marcu3 Heek Autelst Pays $50 te Learn When Man Is Drunk Nerman Jiillllng, of Marcus Heek, has alnass benned In the theory that J man I intoxicated enlv "when he wow- nothing " Ycstenlay he insisted te a Wilming ton magistrate that he wns net "dead Munk" wlji'ii he svas arrested for wiling an automobile while intol intel ted II,. plPiidcd with the magisti.ite te be "reavnable" after admitting that had tw chinks of huh-seilage s,Mm1j Afttr heme lined $.10 mid costs Qull ung ileiilcd bis deiiuitien bad bien setenj. SCALDED, SUES FOR $5000 Kroenland Passenger Say3 Beiling .. . . . "U uame rrem L.eia i-aucei .,1' i ngqs today entered suit for w0 ilamiges against the Red Star j'ae, wliieli epeinles the steamer Moenland for iuiuries lie says he ie- wised wlnti cresim; t ;f.vv eik en IM sessel In September. IDL'O. Acceullng tp Uegnw's statement, he i tot i '!'H ,lJl,,ls i the las.iterv nd- I jwmns the leunge and was scalded by "earn and het water which gushed from we cold-water faucet. He charges neg- the suit was entered In Court Xe. 5. Advertising Service Man A position as an advertising service man is open with n large Philadelphia organization. The man we need must be original in "copy" and illustrative ideas and a forceful, quick writer. He should have a knowledge of type faces, experience in ordering half-tone and line cuts, and the ability te make distinctive layouts quickly. His work will he done largely for local stores large and small with occasional preparation of newspaper advertis ing "copy" for national advertisers. He must be able te grasp the selling points of a preposition with one telling. Make immediate application with full particulars. Bex C 524, Public Ledger N . Youthful Heroine ""?iy& V ''''tfr'Ji is , t . . a CAROL MILLER Sesentccn- year- old clrl slie matle a brase hut futile effort te sasc tsse hey swlinmer.s from dress nlng $2000 WILLED SOCIETY REMAINS UNCLAIMED Ne Recerd Here of Maryland Antl Vivisection Society Twe theti-'and dollera willed te the Maryland Anti-Vivisection Society by Catherine C. Kendall, of New Yerk, may be returned te the executers of the Kendall estntj-unlcss t,eme official of the society cemeTr forward te claim it officially. The management of the Hetel St. .Tames. Thirteenth and Walnut streets, Is holding a letter addressed te the so ciety at the hotel, but has no reeerd of nnv such organization. Mrs. Ken dall also bequeathed !?(!(I00 te the Amor Amer lean Humane IMucntienal Society, Ilos Iles Ilos ten, nnd the American Huir.nne Asso ciation. Albany. N. Y.. nnd $2000 te the New Yerk Antl-Visiscctien Society. The address of the Maryland Antl Antl Vlslscctien Society Is given as the "St. James Apartments, Philadelphia." MAN, 80, KILLED BY AUTO Driver Arrested After Fatality at 24th Street and Ridge Avenue .Inlni WMlnr. plchtv ears old. 1733 North Twenty-fifth street, was knocked desvn by a motorcycle shortly after 7 o'clock Inst night et Twentv-feurth street and Itidge avenue. He died sev eral hours later in the Nerthsvcstern General Hospital. The aged man stepped from the curb directly in the path of the metcrcvele driven bv Vletcher Stebens. twenty sesen. n Negro. 031 Itidge nsentie. Ste bens wns unable te turn aide and the motorcycle struck with such feice that Wcller wns burled spwral feet. Stebens svns nrrcsteTl. MEETAFTER FIFTY YEARS Cousins Renew Leng-Broken Ac quaintance at Brandywlne Camp Twe ceuMns, sepainted since boy hood, met yestetdiiy for the first time In fifty years, at the Hrandjwinc ('tin?. llrnndyssine Summit. Thev me Jnnies Downey, of Darby, and Illrain Gicen, of Atchison, Kan sas. Ileth base been attending the meeting, neither aware of tlie ether's presence. At the close of yesteiday s session Mr. Downey eserheard some one men tion the nnnie of his cousin and, upon making inqulis, learned that Mr. Green had come fiem Knnsas te attend the meeting CHILD'S SKULL FRACTURED Fell Frem Perch at Mulllca Hill, Taken te Cooper Hospital While plnsing en the perch of her home yesterdnv Isabelle White, three years old. of Mullici Hill. N. J.. Ml te the ground Her skull wns frae tilied. The child was hurried te tlie Cooper Hospital in n passing automo bile. Physicians say sln may die. BAND C0NCERTSJ0NIGHT Programs Will Be Given at Geerge's Hill and Vernen Park The Fairmount Park Hand will piny nt Geerges Hill at S o'clock. The pro gram will be: Chprtdre ' Kuv Was ' ... Mendelssohn Suit". Narelltnn Scf-ncs Mascenet in) Dnnce (b) Precession nnd th 1m- rrolten (c) Iheme nnd Variations, (ill rtnali" Vnlse de Concert. "Doleres "aMtiufcl Chorus and caatlna from ' II aiurnmcnde." '!ircaclante "Th Hal! of Fame" Snfriinek A transcription of famous melodies JC. lophene sole. "Cclebrited Irish Fentanv " Ilzel Mr Teter !.eiln "Invitation te the Dince" tVcher Melodies J'nra Illsh Jinks" Frlml "Star fepanfded Ilaniter" The Municipal Hand svlll play tonight nt Vernen Park. Cheltcn nnd German German tessn avenue?. The program sslll be: "America" Mirch, "Hpinlsh rerl" n.-oekn 0erture, 'II Ouurany" Ciomez Deal sole, fcelectfd. Mr S ' Mellnsen ".serenata" Drdla Seltlen 'The Trln.a Denna" . ..Herbert """ -i Knterlnc ihe Cathedral," from 'Lohengrin" tVaBner Itner sole, selected. Mr .ler Shaw Valse de Concert. "Arttnt's Dream." Vollstedt Suite de ncllet. "Mascarade" Laceme (a) Coteen (b) Harlequin and Celumblna (c) The Pu'-lilnelle Tamlly (d) Tht Maniiellnlsts (e) 1'remenade ' Sur hpinsled Banner" The Philadelphia P,and will play en the PniKway. The vregrum svill be: fherture ' SVIlllam Tell" Resilnl Concert Vslee "Ulue Danuba" , , . . Strauss Serenade for flute, .and horn Iitl Suite ' Teer GsnM OrelB "Thu SVIsarl of the Nile" Herbert Hungarian Dances Nes t and Q..j . .Urahms Seprano tole Katherlne Grey Insltatlen te th SValiz "(Veber WOMEN FIGHT FIRE ATMT EPHRAIM Men All Away, Se Their Wives Get Out Apparatus and Conquer Blaze RECORD RUN IS MADE Merc man received another of n long scries of vanity stabs only this morn ing svhen the svemeh of Mount Ephrnltn, N. J., demonstrated that ati firemen they 'arc net less capable than their rivals of the opposite sex. It came about this s-ny. All the men of the tessn were nwnv working or something. Anyway, net n man was in sight when Mrs. Richmond Chenthim discovered a lire in n serend fleer room of her home nt Third nnd Pcnnsyl sania avenue. She picked up n telephone nnd cnllcd Mts. Suznnna Hectic, who keeps a store opposite tlie fire house. Mrs. Beetle looked around for a man. She couldn't find one. Sa together with Mrs. Theo Theo eore Osier nnd Mrs. Florence Kllnk, she ran ncress the street, started the meter of the lieasy chemical engine nnd sped off In the direction of the fire. Through the streets of Mount Kph ralm went the fire engine manned by women. As the machine passed ether automobiles en the read with its huge bell clanging the "firemen" threw off their aprons nnd denned the familiar helmets and rubber coats. Mrs. Ilect,le said later the rubber beets could net be used. They svere entirely tee big. When the fire engine dress up in front of Mrs. Chenthim'w home, neigh bets nil women get busy nnd pulled tile long hose te n lire plug. And svhen It svns attached they ran back te the house and svhlle one held the nozzle several ethers steadied the line. In another moment the sinter svas turned en nnd n stream gushed forth Inte the room. Then Mrs, Hcetle and Mrs. Cheathlui entered the beuse, climbed the steps te the second tloer nnd thrcsv furniture and clothes out the swndew. After the blaze had been extinguished the "firemen" disconnected the hesr and returned the engine te its proper place. Thev even svntlied up the lire house and wiped their hands and f.-iccs en the towel used bv the regular lire men. When Mrs. Ucetle lcturued te her store she met her husband. He had just heard of the fire and hurried home te help put It out. When his wife told him that his services sseren't needed lie gnsned and said. "Well, I'll be "I think sve enn nut out n flrn tnat as geed ns anv man,'' Mrs. Heetlc said. "And sve don't make such a fuss about it, cither." We operate TkeBIDDLE AGENCY INCOBW3RATCO ADVERTISING 129Nertiil2Strcet.PkiIaaelpW 1HAT O30I1 IT'lllHr t THE TRUSTED PAPER CJO Crane's paper has been honored by being se lected for nearly every important purpose te which bend papers can be put. It preserves con tracts, agreements, mortgages, wills and ether documents in which permanency is important. It gives te maps and charts durability, te the college diploma the effect of parchment, and guards drawings, plans and patterns. The intri' cate engraving possible only en a very fine, even, tough, all-rag paper, protects the integrity of stocks and bends issued te the amount of many billions by nations, railroads, utilities and in dustrials. Nearly every kind of property has been entrusted te Crane's paper and it never has betrayed the trust. It is tough, durable, proof against time, decay, dampness and handling, and whatever is written or engraved upon its surface remains. ioe selected new rag stec 121 years experience Banknotes eaa countries Paper money 0438,000,000 people Government bends 018 nations Crane's BUSINESS 'PAPERS MRS. BRINT0N WILL TELL OF ATTACK BY JAPANESE Valet te Be Arraigned Tomorrow, as Victim Has Left Hospital Trnnsicue Snnslug, the .Tnpnncsc ser vant who murderously attacked Mrs. Leuis Urlnten nt her home In Villanova three works nee. sslll be nrrnlgned te- u.orresv before Meglstrnte Ruckland In Bryn Masvr. Mrs. Urlnten has se far rerr.ff.rpil from the stnb wounds In flicted by the man thnt she will be able te nppear against him. Three weeks age the Japanese, en raged because Mrs. Urlnton-erdered him te svear a white cent while sersine din ner, stabbed nnd slashed her and then set fne te the house. Miss LllzabetU Urlnten. n daughter, probably sased her mother's life svhen she fought the mnn until help enme. Mrs. I!r ntnn was taken te llryn Mnwr IIepltal and yes terday she was taken home. FIND VETERAf-TwANDERING Gassed Victim Returned te Public Service Hospital Merris Hill, twenty-four, of Pitts burgh, n gassed veteran of the World War, who Is taking treatment nt the Public Service Ilespitnl, Twenty-fourth street nnd Grnys Ferry read, svns found wnndciing about Bread street and it'..i.iMi.inii nvnnitp Inst nlrbf lit Pn. trelmnn Kurtz, of the Seventh nnd Carpenter streets station, lie svas re turned te the hospital. A half hour later Patrolman Fer tune, of the same district, nicked up Gnllelchl Gegline, address unKnesvn, tit Kimball and Twelfth streets. (Jog (Jeg lino, who is believed te he mentally unsound, svns tnken te the Philadelphia Hospital for an examination. DRUG SUSPECT CAUGHT Railroad Detective Catches Man After Leng Chase A chase along railroad tracks, start- (.,. f,.M,i t'lnlitli nnrl Tlrfiivti streets, re sulted in the capture last night of Geerge Davis, an alleged drug ped dler. Leen Michael, a railroad detcctls-e, sasv Davis passing packages- te sev eral men. Dasls ran sshen the detec tlse approached. Michael said the defendant threw asvay a parcel Inter found te contain a bupneed narcotic. AInirltitrnte Itenshmv bold Dniq fnr n further bearing August If! enable city chemists te analyze the r ,nts of the bottles. 1 Child Dies of Lockjaw I'ight-year-eld Mary Abramsheck. of Essiiigten. died of tetanus in the Uni versity Ilenitnl yesterday. It devel oped after she ran n rusty nail into her feet) while plnving In the yard of her home last week, according te the Cor Cor oner's report. en one basis making tne client's business our business. Fer we appreciate the fact that our success must come out of his. The utmost in LIGHTING FIXTURES you. get out of lighting fixtures is precisely what is put into them. Yeu cot no mere. Knew the maker and the quality of his goods and you can't go wrong. That is the confidence you have when you ceme here. Lighting Fixtures BIDDLE-GAUMER CO. 3846-56 Lancaster Ave. Take Ne. 10 Car In Subwes""" Open Saturday Till 13 (neon) iTlione BARIds MHO; PATROLMAN SAVES DROWNING BATHER 11-Year-Old Bey Pulled Out by Camden Policeman at Haddonfield Willing. Tinfinrffcrifl n fntnrlnn nftline- man, today saved the life of fleven- vrnr.nlil A In til Oil. tfllft VpctnHnC street, tills city, sshen he dived into eight lect of ssater at iiaddeniicid. n. .r. Ttir lint t nu nni rt rrtvnrfif tuimlrrrl children taken te Meuntssell Dam for an outing by the Leving Welfare hcrv- cigarettes They are GOOD! Bay this Cigarette and Save Meney Let us suggest a slogan or trade-mark for your goods. It will be a geed investment. The Helmes' Press. Vrintm 1315-20 Cherry Street Philadelphia $3.50! am t $7 Sandals, Pumps and 7 San Oxf Women These are brand-new, stylish shoes from our factory the most fascinating and exclusive of wanted summer styles. Yeu can actually obtain two pairs in this sale for the usual price of one.' Sale starts today. These wonder values will keep our shop crowded se realize the early selection is the best. Come early if you can but be sure te come! $3.50! ll rfi MacDonald & Campbe August Reduction Sale Men's Fine Clothing 25 This sale includes fine suits of unfinished Worsteds, Cheviots Tweeds and Hemespuns. ' ' Every suit offered is our regular high-grade MacDonald & Campbell standard stock-the very limit of quality, in materials, style and tailoring and.uthwueduCtl0n? ar.f "?ade from our regular Pces charged this season ee that the opportunity is unsurpassed for discriminating men. &CtUen' .... Alterations at Cost .Alse Reduced Men's Shirts, Underwear, Neckwear, Pajamas. Straw Hats at y2 price. Summer Business Hours 8.30 te 5 Saturdays Closed All Day 1334-1336 Chestnut Street i- c r4M.,iAM TTa ? etrtmmfnff when suddenly he called for hcln and snnk. Itobertsen heard the scrcntna of the south nnd dived In. His first plnnRC svns unsuccessful, but en the second at tempt Itobertsen came te the 8U,',,C2 with young Ott. sshem he bore te tne shore in safety. .. . ,. With the nsslstancr of Miss Lllzabetit Carmen, of llnddenilcld, njul .suss Charlette Uerden, both nurses, he suc ceeded in reviving the boy. Itobertsen is tne tntner 01 nun ".. dreii and Is ssell known in Camden ns catcher of the police baseball team and an all-nreuna nttiicic. i& 5,OTM Tn n STATIONERY APPROVED BY SOCIETY Wedding Invitations Tea Dinner Bridge Items of Special Interest in our Repricing Sale of Men's Furnishings $1.50 52.00 Neckwear New $ .65 2.50 3.00 " " 1.00 .85 1.00 Half Hese " .50 1.50 2.00 " " " 1.00 2.50 3.00 Shirts " 2.00 1.00 4.50 " " 3.00 2.00 White Oxford Shirts (cellar attached or band).... " 1.65 3.00 White Oxford Shirts (self-stripe cellar attached) . . " 2.50 2.00 $2.50 Pajamas " 1.75 3.00 3.50 $4.00 " " 2.50 JACOB REED'S SONS H-24-1426 Cbestettt Street HALF-PRICE WHITE SALE 1800 Pairs of the Newest, fords Reduced te Royal Beet Shep 1208 te 10 Chestnut St., 2d Fleer TAKE ELEVATOR OR STAIRS Reduction MAYOR SIGNS CONTRACTS Ash Storage Building te Be Erected by Robins Company Mnver Moere today signed a contract with the Itebins Contracting Company for the election of an nsli storage build ing nnd nsh handling apparatus at Queen Lane l'uniplng Station, te cost $75,000. Anether large contract signed I... l. Afn.r,,. una fur $210,000 sierlli of grading. curbing' and construction of foetssass in connection ssitu me exten sion of Delassnre nvenue from Colum bia avenue te Dyett street, s and Announcements and Debut Invitations $3.50! Finest $ White Buck White Linen White Kid and Combinations v r ( jA fVKft e $3.50! ft r,i5.B-?. A sS"' '-', Suiting a Man and His Pocketbook $19 $24 29 for suits made te sell for $28 te $43 All fine quality suits of staple patterns mostly worsteds. Palm Beach Suits $14.50 Mohair Suits $18 White Flannel Trousers $9.50 that were $10.75 and $11.75 1 $7.50 for white flannels that were sold 1 at our Super-Value price of $8 25. ($10 elsewhere.) 1 ' ;Perry & Ce. ! 16th and Chestnut 1 SUPER VALUES I in Clethes for Men First Penny Savings Bank Pays 4 Per Cent. Interest 21a and Baii-bridge Sti. 1343 Cheitnet St Jehn U'anamaker. rrm. 3 HAVE YOU A BUNGALOW I TO RENT? I-NOW1"! In Jrraey nemrwhan 3 J net mere than twenty milr from PhilabVlphtn, In the J pinrs nnd near the water, In the 3 1 bungotew vr want Perhaps you I have jut the enel J It must be furnished we muac b able te eerupy It by Septem- 31 b'r First, and. you must state 1 the rental in our first letter. j - hnv no intentions of bujinsl Your ePerlns shall be appre ciated Address it te C SOS LEDGER OFFICE "mn rrmmri nmmi'ii iTTfrrff Advertising Salesman At 30 year of age I hnve put in 3 successful years of advertising salesman ship in the local news paper field, backed by 5 years of commercial sell ing en the read. 1 wish te connect with d per manent preposition where 1 can put a big job across and grew. Anyone who has a real preposition te offer in this line will be furnished with the best of refer ences. C 402, Ledger Office 1 Vf I HSIIIN COAL REGION TM)( v unj ffc Ofi? muimi inv v -C.syO 'll iir.iue.s 'J' miimi-i i'i m- c .t-k 'rk till! lllll k P UU AMII ( (,0)(IV. LP MT I MiMI i. ,, MlV)I,,HIN MS.rsi NIlAV. AI'CI'st i.i !..!. '"" '"' tur hel Drir , rtni. of evurslen nyers riilluUelplila A Heu,!!,,, lull, r i MZ ' I ie I .ue am i, ' ,"2 '.'. rrmlnl M ir. ii . .'"'."',1 "ni 7 00 if ;? 4 II 'j. J --v . . -" Ct , I, - ' i i . if, jsm &" jfef- .1 m liTMiiff