Ep??" " ?:i'--vw,-,''-'- iCPP1' r V v ' l" , rtfn$$ i i f- I Vf rf ft Euentng public ffieftget PHlUVDIflLPlIlA, THURSDAY, 'AUGUST 10,-1022' a: iTBMBlBBfvW' ' 'Jl.r i?U ?a -Ke'HnL: 1 'i J re iN?-? J BVIAli - :.i-- ', fV " " .'. ?' i .. s Z.r jh '1 4YH rfiB ( f f BBBiai ' I VI' ! . C31. I T? K7-- ( $ A " V ? VA i--i ;l i a iP",,i VbbbY Q bbbK 'bbbbBCbbbVa v'.- h bvbbbb ., !1bbbbbbbbk,!bHbb1HbbVI P S t Ji V J.MflHk 1C BWBBSBBBMfAt BBBBBBBsnBBBBBBSABSSSBBK? WhmV? '- --frfr- bbbCbi bV"?HbvIbi &flOflllbZ2E9uEi BWW BflBBBr B . v.r t rs'w"fcBw' .jj(?7't -i-v' 'TMm. w i.'W.bBBT.' BNK BBSBk fcBT ! h'xS'SSSmS'' inij inHrTiriiigMt1" ' Wiffittt i. JWBBB BaWTwKiL fl"F nKa v 3k iBf- SbTTi' ti& ? ; ' 1 ' 5 ii Bl BL tv9lHBBBBT. . 5V BYBYBBVlBBYBYBYBYBYBBfllPcBYBYBBBrVBlSavr BYBY h e vBHf jJeTSlBV t r BBbBBBBBJB9BBaBBBBBBBBB0' ftvXA" I I re m M'. Ef rw fct! f ' i iA ILLINOIS TROOPS ARU1VK AT JOLIKT. Tin- (k-taehmi.it v.s mshc.l (mm Clinten, where it wn en strike duty, when the railroad shepmen stnired a fjcnernl walkout Twe nun woi'e k'lled in the violence that fellows I 'I WO SPIIEDY MOTORCYCLISTS. "Skip" Kru er (left) and Alexander Morrison, both Philndc1- ihinii, took part in the national motorcycle hill climb at Rochester, X. Y. . . .... "-lJ- .. f1t. TjA.n antt IIMllnM 4 1 il C11 V Jl 1 tl 1 t A llin t WHERE CHILD HEART PATIENTS ARE TREATED, The White Lounge near v- -' ':- . . nMectfe,, for the 1'rcvcntien and Kcliel et iicnn iiischm:e, i.-. uu " ........ ....- - (,. ffp" vN rs? s ,! & BB f4.. jwSii & ; ; ! MI.LF. 3ACQI EI.'Nh MLLK. JANE Dl FLOS SAADC.E 1 lND THE GIRL "WITH 'IHr lAKi.LM' EYES. That's the eider of the day in Paris, whev sceie of Par iaiH nie entered n centesr I'ORMI.R CON'KRNOi: Sll.AJM l often m'cii hnr t mlir n I! uau sre i'iVBMi' I I kSBBBBllwVi ,iSS "NcliBBBBBBBBBlt VVlAwlBF T "TlBWi fBBSETHSyS 1 1 bv ! TRf1 iR v Hi iiii IMWIll'-l55!aaKgfrCT ' ! 'T - '- '.!.n--i. ATrv..i.M " - '.. .v '?'? i . -p X1H "s '; 'X i w " UBBBUH' y-;'4,i: '-t f ''v jrftsLi. . v; v ' ; &&?HBBBBMViMr w m SbX w W s.v .-, 'yamr -. jr - r . a,. .! ' 'KBBBBnBC"y, I-J''MmI 'iTSNIfiBBlS I arjvflv i . uHL sIBBBBSWP jBBBBBHBlRrtBBMWBBBWBii ' m ? A- - vvw -; ) , .sn ?.'. A,V.-, VIVV GOING TO YALE MAYBE? Cartain Mike Murphy, of the I'ni crsity of Washington crew, may switch his allegiance te Yale WORKMEN START INSTALLING PHILADEL PHIA'S SYNCHRONIZED TRAl'FIC SYSTEM. The lir.-t Munal lamps are being placed at Ilreait -treet and Columbia avenue J5SsS3y4V SA aEJC RBbHc1 ( tvPsB&'' St BBBBBHBBBnBBVBVBVAVaHK mSIBE5SSm6 K-BByA W'ui"jj'i)'Ll7.jFV V "iW rt ''w HareiSS iHmMn&S9BjpBBHME&&Y' ShBBBH asES - bbbhbkctRHIh'bmbIII f MRSBlffiBBB'8wlflf1t'L Jl3iHaBBlBiT?S BBT''' ti 4'f':'''',;'iBlHBi''''BB h - :BB s BBhBBBBBBiBH ml'I.bbu , BBhBI'' mBHBBBBB HbbbbbMbwIbbbbbhH ' i hbBhBBBBBBBBBBB L'avf'' '$ CUbbibVbVbVbVJ ' jJTys , BIIBBBBBBlBBI 4? 'Bw' BBBBHmrraBH f$? lP5 ';: '''''bybyBsI i ''-''' , -' 'JiBlB'f ''iS '''' JK"?' '. SBK'iS.BB f i i&Kfws-' aUiBMBHPJM OUR YOUNGEST JUDGE. Judce Mc' Devitt was caught by the camera man tifl he started up the Union League steps v ' 1 !'I! DI 1 II v (, Iih Rim l,.'nn ( IL.y, eight eai e'u, a. id Mrs. Marv .1. Klth.iiil, i vr" 'r n , a i ji- n .it'r' it i i ti BKAl TIFYINC. ( I STOM HOt SI . I dun I f teat, lemeung le.ie ini'ir a1 from T in'umn The IieIim w nc filled with a "suitable it)ipn-if .. n A It Til I'R ( HESTER MILl PAl CM will re- Mfnani c Persian Ge - niiii lit'- tinaiii i i' )l:u - WON A FIRST PRIZE Mildred Rehn partici pated in n Legan liab i-hew PASSING OF THE LITTLE HOTEL WILMOT. The structure, K. L AM S 0 N ('APT. CAHALL en Seuth Penn Snuare, is being tern down te make way for modern SCRIUNER. dircc- SIPPLE. Dentil ter et American ex- corps, very muyn lubits at Jjrazuicn New Lastie tuei.; Exposition camp ellice building ,- , v -s ; v- s s f- 'SOl ' $h rrtw -f l ; ..:ai .' 'tiiuTVrtA.? s.jj y2iKiv. t r,y yy.'y-a-sis-.fv s, . v. s 5' . ;f i a ; vi.bme. r s p x ; . &.'' VS1 iv.isra I'BMBBJlBFf TAvm W.s'i BbsnrsBBBr w'fji bhb-v 9L it ?. BHWaBVBRTn WBBE Vl ' V. A W& 9'IJ ua.farfw KELP r U 1 RUM MIL SAVING S'lAND liu guard aie Phi'ip Gre f (lfft) ai.d - it'l Mt( i Vp 'Jh-". a'e A Man ' ( ' le'ir.u IHM RE GOING TO SWI1ZERFAM) Rese Lee. actres pe-n 'i I.p )Tc hew B' rkv Tht" wric aboard t' e Ob min NEW TRAI-MC HULLS M KE WORK. Parking limits nnd sections of the stieets where no parking is the rule must H ' I in.irki'd. iiliain I.cc. m a nifty sign painter. Geerge Montgomery, with broom, is knew as "General Marker" having charge of the weik ' npifn 7Trrr r irncs tvti.e Thhm Jerf s-en, of Cyrevyd (left) nnd Mi" m chaellcr, of Hala, at tape ;" CAN YOU RECALL THIS BIT OF OLD PHILADELPHIA? '$J&&L..AX.v?i ,.s!r . 'X::,M, l4ilPI bbbi Brfefisga . ..TfcSSSSS iK. viugmzsi .,.' . ?ivisriar5sijssre Biw!9ie!a ?a&:w 'st&tmrairagsira&ftp " UBB. AT " - "" x t T BBBBBBBBBH t A .' J pim n i ri ir - 1 1 i i i Y',' ".r. tam mmm HERO. Lester Hnrish, alhie&t lest his life in an nttcnipt te sae his grand inethur in Ridge uve. tire v THE OLD JEWISH HOSPITAL, where it steed at Fifty-sixth sheet and Haverford avenue. It was tern down in 190G, a row of modem houses covering the site and surrounding gieund Dr. Jehn W. Eckfeldt 18 the contributor FORMER CHAMPION R 0 B E R T CAMPALL RUSSELL C1IIADO. He is Edward Swanson .Made geed shoving yes- He played well tciday CADDIES SHOW GOLFING SKILL The championship of the Philadelphia Cricket Club cuddies for 1922 has been -decided. Forty boys fought fefr the title sass3sas is tAtfji. K V i'shm-h . ' . .Rark Jm ' ' -i 1 .,. ; i.a&4s& tt " ,J . ii.i i nrjir : .' J y w i v y -w: PAc;vf' srt -; yJi .& ?Jaa