Evening public ledger. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1914-1942, August 10, 1922, Final, Page 14, Image 14

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Li. f
Philadelphia, Thursday, August 10, 1922
Stere Open 9 A. M. te 5 P. M.
Gimbel Brethers
Ever step te think that the "just ns geed ns" article is
is apt te be mere expensive in the endV It pays te pay
for quality. Simbels.
Slop frowning! If you ft own when reading, or you get
your eyes tee near the object, chhnces are you need glasses.
Let Gimbels help. First fleer.
Tells Bar Association Authority
Should Be Commensurate
With Responsibility
Entire Stock Men's Straw Hats
Clean-up of Silk Bathing Suits
New $12.75
Were $16.75 te $29.75 x
Season's Prices $1,95, $2.85 and $3.65
Why wear that old soiled "straw" when you can get a bright new spic-span straw hat
for one dollar?
Bn 4jor(effd rrft
San I'lani Kro, Aug. 10 Deprndpncc
upon action of Congress te remove le
J.its nml te brins about speed In the ml
ministration of justice "lias net breusht
Pnncv braids, sennits nnd imnreved sennits. Rough and smooth edges. our size is
blnck lieic and there a navy blue or a deep, lovely violet. t
taffetas and satins. "Ones" of adorable kinds!
here! at
Clean-up of Men's $5 te $7
$5 Knit-Weel Bathing Suits at $3
Including; plenty of black-and-white. '
Glmbtlt, Slen of Dresi. Third fleer,
tlir bct tpvilt nnd eme different mode i
(ilmbclg, llr.t deer,
stest- &'
Fer I
I XAy Mostly
t5$fi I I Jlestly
I I -j-tr
lieuld be tried." Chief .Tunlce Tnft
lelil the Amnion l'ar Association to
day. "The failures of jintu'c In this conn cenn
tiv," mihI Mr. T.ift. "especially in tbe
State court". hae been mere larcly
due te t lie withholding of power from
.Tuiljei eer preeeediiiRs before them
than te any ether cause, and jet Judges
hae te bear the brunt of criticism
which N se general n te the results of
present retirt action. The Judges should
lie glcn the power conunensurnte with
their respensibdit. Tlielr capacity te
reform matters should be tried te see
whether better results may net be nt
taincd I'cdernl J mice? are net re
spensible ter the pre-ent defect" in the
nilmiiiistrntlen of justice in the Federal
Courts I.ir Congress phe tliem an
PPertunit te show wliat can be done
h vfsi.ng in tli'-m sutlkient discretion
fei the purpose '"
I,ltigatieii Incie.-ising
.1 ust I. T-iff said tiiat litigation imd
e imri ispd tliat pph in liejds a'w.ivs
e. lupied In the Federal Courts the
jiiiliri.il fene has preed inadequate.
Up P'mnrkeil tliat additional burdens
had fellow Ml the enactment of new i
statutes, pnrticularl tne Velstead act
"A bill winch preUdcs for twenty
four new Dlstilct Judges and one Cir
cuit Judge In the Fourth Circuit has1
been repotted te both Houses." he con- i
tinuul. "It is opposed, and will doubt
less lead te discussion ; but it iems
likch that the bill will pass before the
close of this Congress.
"The new b'll authorized a judicial
council of ten Judges, consisting of the
Chief Justice and the senior Associate
Judge of each circuit, which is te meet
in Washington the lat Monday in Sep
tember, te consider reports from each
District Judge with n descilptten of the
character of the nrrears and a reiom reiem reiom
ini'iulntlen as te the etri judicial force
needed in his distnet. The conference
thus called is te consider at large plans
for the ensuing rear bv which the Dis
trict Judges aailable for assignment
maj be bet used.
Supreme Court's Bill Pending
Tl p members of the Supreme Court
lime be eme se anieus te avoid an-'
ether coiige,Uen like that of the decade
before 1SU that they h.ive deemed it
proper themselves te prepare a new till
nniptidiiis the jurisdiction of the Su
preme Court and te urge Its passage. !
It Is new pending in both Houses of
Congress. The act of 1S01 introduced
into the appellate system a dtaretienary I
tuiiMlif tlen of the Supreme Court ever,
icrtain classes of cases. '
"What I would fUggest is that Cen- 1
gress provide for a i oinnilss.en, te be
appointed bv the President, of two
Stipieme Court Justices, two Circuit'
Judges, two Dibtuct Judscs and thiee
lawyers of prominence, from a list
recommended by the Amern an Uar
Association, te prepare and lecemmend.
te Congress amendments te the present '
tntutci of practice and the judicial
cede, authorizing a unit administration I
of law and equity in one form of civil
action i
"The net should pre,de for a per- '
manent commission similarly created. ,
with power te prepare a system of rules
of procedure for adoption bv the Su- j
preine Court Power 'e amend fr'm
lime te time should also bt) given. The'
rnles and their amendment ufter ap-
preal In the court, should be sub-
mitted te Congress for its action, but I
hheilld beeeme effective in mi months. '
f Congress takes no action. In this ,
wav the procedure would be framed by
these mef familiar with it and by
these wh'e dutj it is te enforce it."
Rureau for American Ideals ,
Ffctablislinient of a bureau te further
American Ideals nnd te elfstt a grow
ing tide of anti-Americanism which wis
declared te be arousing great prejudlct
against 'he courts nnd thy Constitution,
was recommended te the association by
Its Committee en American Ideals.
The report was preented by Judge
Martin Wade, nt the United States Dis
trict Court of Iowa. The ether mem
bers of the committee are C. A Sever
ance, of St Paul, Minn . president of
the American liar Association; Majer
Hdgnr II. Telman, Chicage: Walter
(ieorge Smith, Philadelphia; It. K. J.
Saner. Dallas, Tex. and Judge Au
di ew . Iirucc, Minneapolis.
"Many of our people ar convinced
that the Constitution was intended as
an aid te the rich and powerful," the
report Mid, "that it affords unwar-
ranted mimunit es te th railroads and
ether great corporations, and is an in
strument of oppression te thij peer
"The de net knew that thu consti
tutional limitation invoked b? the cor
poration te protect its property in tlmn
of danger is exiictlv the same limitation
vpen which the widow, the working
man and the farmer rely te guard their
possessions against wrongful Inasien.
"They de net knew that no man is
mi peer or se odscu'e thnt he cannot,
in the event of threatened Injury, turn
te the Constitution as his protection I
against the wrongful acta of the rich
and socially prominent. Because in
junctions are issued in certain cases,
judges are bitterly criticized, when te
deny the light of injunction would be
te violate the oath the Judge has taken
te administer the law an it i.
"Confidence in the courts must bj re
ined. Hcsiftauee te authority is re
sistance te the will of the peepl who
an hae any Ihw they desire, provided
they take pains te organize and crystal
lize public sentiment
"The proposal i,T United States
henater that legislative bodies be
clothed with supreme power can' mean
nothing less than the destruction of our
written Constitution." Under such a
proposal the American people are guar
anteed freedom of epeech and action
only until Heme legislative body declares
Tribute te'Harry Beland and Cathal
Brugha, Slain Irish Leaders
Several thousand members of vari- '
eu8 tecieties of Philadelphia nnd vicin
ity attended n fcelemn requelm mans nt i
the Annunciation Church, Tenth and
Dickinsen streets, today for the repose '
of, the seuIh of Harry Ileland and
Cathal Urugha, members of the Irish
Repubjican Uuternment, killed recent- I
)y in Dublin.
ITeland was well known te Phlladcl
phlaus, having been in this city in 1010.
UKiO nnd 10S1 as a kpecial representa
tive of the Irish Heiiubllenn Cnrnm. .
menf. He wan killed recently iust out eut out
ide of Dublin. Urugha, the Republi
can Government's War Minister since
JRIO, v,as killed la the f.thtln, in
VCenneU trft.
) Hi Trillin
Spw nlii
1 l 1 L
Misses' $9. 75 te
$15 Dresses
Reduced te
$4.75 and
Broken sizes, of course, but such a
wealth of styles and coleis and fabrics
that every size, from 14 te 20 years,
finds ample choice.
The let new $7.50 are mostly linens
cllews and geldy tones and orange and
peach and orchids galore, and ever se
many green-tones, and browns, nnd pinks
and blues,
The let new $4.75 includes ginghams,
linens , dotted Swisses, tissues, cotton
crepes and novelty voiles.
Glmbli. Ptlenj of Drj, Thlrfl fleer.
Clean-Up of Girls'
$5.95 te $16.75
at $3.95 $5
and $7.75
And there's everything
from bloomer - dresses
of sturdy ginghams te
party-di esses of ruffled
organdie or dotted swiss
or voile somewhere in
these three groups!
White. Blue. Yellow.
Peach. Peppy. Green.
Orchid. Plaids. Checks.
Plain colors.
And sizes C te 14 in the
Silena of r)rj
Third fler.
Take -Away
at $1
and $1.50
Values $U0 te $2M
Mostly dainty lacy styles
the kind that leek their pret
tiest when she opens up the
week-end suitcase.
Sleeveless styles and kimono-sleeve
All slipeven.
Glmbeli, second fleer
1000 Fresh, Coel
1 rV I
Dainty Waists
Value $3
Over-blouses and tuck-ins.
Plenty of cool short sleeves.
Peter Pans, Peggies, Tuxedos, cellar-
color-edged; frilled,
tucked frills.
All French
All sizes in the let.
(ilmbeli, Salens of lrtt.
voiles and mostly all-
llilrd fleer.
Vacation Suits : Het-JVeather Suits : Suits for
Wear the Year 'Round : Ne Matter What the
Need, Cheese Frem These Seasonal Clean-Up&
Men's Kuppenheimer and
0tftij Slrattfc
Suits Reduced
Were $45 and $60
new $34.50
Fer new, for Fall for year-' round wear. Great
variety, including plain colors and choice fancies, in
dark, medium and light effects. Fer men of all
builds. $34.50.
Nine Hundred All-Weel
Worsted Suits
A Special Purchase Were $30 te $45
new $17.50 te $22.50
1 All Het-Weather Clethes
at Great Reductions
Palm Beach Suits, Were $15, New $9.50
Mohair Suits, Were $22.50 and $30,
New $12 and $15
Tropical Worsted and Blue Serge Suits,
Were $30 and $35, New $17.50 and $20.50
Gabardine Suits, Were $30 and $45, New $22.50
White and Natural All-Linen Knickers, JjO 7C
Extra Quality, Were $6.50, New ; 90ml 0
(.InilicN. .Second Heur, Mnth Mrtft.
The Adapiableness of Tltese
August Sale Stocks
Te Present-Day Furniture Requirements Shown in These
American Colonial Breakfast-Roem Suites
$50 -UITlu $55
The popularity of apartments and bungalows has
sizes and designs.
These and ether special reqjirements aic admirablv
caused a demand for furnituie of appropriate
ments in which price is net censiacred in the (.Jimbel August Sale stocks
met whether inexpensive or for furnish-
Finest construction
and finish; can be had
in plain antique wal
nut; high-lighted or
lebin-egg blue in two
tone enamels. Six
pieces, as shown, con cen
istfng of drop - leaf
table, serving table and
four chaiis. .Specially
priced, in walnut, at
S.")0; enamel finish, at
$33., Regularly $93 and
$110. Sold separately
if desired.
Glmbeli, Sixth fleer.
14-Kt. Solid 117 - 117 1
white Geld Wrist Watches
Every Feature for Beauty
and Accuracy
Tiny models in three dainty shapes
beautifully engraved with an exception
ally high-grade movement at the price;
16 jeweled; cut expansion balance;
brequet hair-spring; three adjustments.
Limited let, value $40; J91 65
GlmMs, Flrit fleer.
Men's 75c and $1
Maker's Clean-Up
Stupes, figures, polka dot-3, wanted color combinations mero
styles than you would want te count! Seme at half pi ice 50c,
values 75c and $1.
Men's 65c and 75c A A
Cowhide Belts at WC
Tan, with tongue buckle,
menly geed buying at 40c.
Black, with i eiler buckle. Uncem-
dlmbrls, l!rt fleer. Mnlli Mrcet.
Smart Overnight Bags
Of leather-grained Cetex with solid block bottoms, roll handles,
slide catches, silk lined and unfitted, special at $2.93.
Medel fitted with 5-piecc dressing set of white Parisian ivory
(celluloid), special at $4.95.
Olmbels, Flrnt fleer.
Candy Specials
3 lbs. for $1 ' 3 lbs. for 78c
Save Third
te Half
40c II,
40c lb.
Value $2
$0c lb Chocelate-coered Almonds,
80c lb. (Jreer's lUch-srade Asserted
Chocolates :
40c lb Asserted Chocolate Straws
52 00 alue, the 3 lbs.
40e lb. for Toasted Cocoanut Maishmallews.
40e lb. for Greer's 80e Asserted Chocelates: beautifully beied.
Glnibtla, Cbtatnut Street Annex and habwsy Stere,
Value $1. 10
Asserted Chocolates;
Asserted Hard nnd
Gless Candlpu-
30c lb. Asserted Jelly Gum Drens
$1.10 alue; the 3 lbs. " ii'eP
ter OC
D M e c l df i-
Palm Beach Suits ( 0
Including Extra Pair of Knickers
He'll get plenty of wear out of a l'alm
Beach Suit e en next summer.
Choice of patterns in Norfolk Stlc.
Sizes for bey3 of 8 te 18 years, $9.75.'
And Uejs' Ojster and Natural Linen
Extra Trousers Suits at SG.30. These were
Bejs' "White Duck Norfolk Suits Sa 71
Were $7.50.
Beys' Junier Wash Suits at 75c,
$1.35, $1.85 and $2.95
vaiucs $i.eu te ,5. Cutest
styles for ages 3 te 10 vear
.luil,f8 rirht
I, v-Jl
500 Women's nSL
New Fall Dresses
Kinrle Ww.7 .- OOC 090 VR. Vw
S. err ""ue "- uy .p&e vu tpuu.i v w
T.:1mPs&aL in the Fall
Because one of the biggest dress manu
facturers in New Yerk preferred te keep his
factory open every day, even though it was
iestly, te shutting down and starting up
rfgfun whfr. orders were piled high.
Nete Fall's Fashion Points
And Above All Nete
the Quality Richness
Lenger skirts.
Wonderful new sleeves inimitable slash
ings new panelings new drapes new
bead-fringes new arrowhead embroidery
new loop-tab-treatments new panels, of
Blues, Blacks Seme Browns
And all sizes Misses', ages 16 and 18.
Women's, 3G te 14.
Extra stfes, 40 and 48. $16.50.
GlmbcU, Hubiraj- Stere.
SALE ! Tomorrow
Women's Rubber-Soled
Sports Oxfords
Geed range of sizes at $1.35.
All the styles they're
wearing this summer.
Smart saddle-backs in tan
or black. Alse ecru and
white duck. Lightweight
vulcanized soles easy en
the feet.
One style pictured.
Mail Orders Filled.
Pumps at
Comfortable Turkish
Slippers at
Glmbeli, Subway Slert.
Entire Stock of Men's Palm Beach
suits Keduced te $9.75
1 II JLJ Tl -
I III II vf -- filmbl, Hubiraj- Stere. I
i j ,
V 1 - , . - - .. ,i-M-. -" UMiajm l....
6,1 Ml 7
b SJ'r UMi AT
$1 & I 11
J 'v 11
Hi m II
Were $12.50
Earlier in Season
fie colors nnd patterns that aic
huiii una summer. Vnii r sii H
here!-at $9.7.'i
Yeung Men's Suits
Seme With Extra Pair Df Treutcr.
$10.50 d $1475
Value Variautly $17.30 te $22.50
Beys' Oliver Twist, Middy
and Junier Suits at
75c and $1 ,
Can be kept he neat and clean be
cause they're washable. All sizes.
Beys Wash Blouses 50c, 65c
and 75c
v Gluibelt, Hulrnur bturr.