P7 Wi It v -f. Brisk z . rmfe fttfirfl" S By Katharinn Ncwlin Burt CepvrlaM, tttt. bu Katl arlne tttwltn Burt. Printed ey orreMDemcnr with jirt jirt jirt ropeHtan Newspaper Service Q Mary or Eleiscf Which Should Win Unusual Here? THE 8T0UY SO FAB 'r.; "&W M' mSw m nv'w'.C.riis?.: . A't.tSlS flrliuceembe. a tephUII- "'tiimfj e i e novel eaI(en. n J, welt",f ?J trem ntilt n e ee he rt ,bJm!mm te Ms re. ntid I tfteii """'II,? e fleri te Hani OrOiJ- r; ";:: m imen. sne u a cei nup ?0fJ-S,i;. but loer and unrcoenien uv Xrr fjHIM "'"Kir salts, tehn fli a once "7,".fl?r lh 'a"8 '' s "m OMOI!iu nUM. "'-. Sale Is Mlfr- Mtnl i a h", Yrelher. e Afls ""V'"' bent , dHeWd or marnn7 SfWfl. MM ?" e ii a eenlle. chpl- era me. c?(7r M, 0 h soleoit, aorreH'ai r .-... ii (heiA.i nueui mq ftVr.!'WW. PMV5: re..m fft. .M a". - .t rnVTINUES Th Yeung Miui Listens . P? T," , f 1..IF names?" The fxrOV wn i " , . .,, .,.. I'SrnUng delicately .SSnTerW. wn ijpen in: the l.eJ,nR..ebJ,0r. tender ami mysterious priui "- - ., un.. ,t nil eicunru :,S cinbJd ck. Nnrnw nnd I"1' ."" . i.. n RiilnnliiK universe. ""rrprieus comfort of un- ueu . Vs.. lnv In the crass en 'fffi B,id from science was born elr baclss aim ".,,,,....,, ,iis,.nUr(,cil 15 EJSh. The Eorthwerin .Hweurud fe&y1? ?..mrtl.. and origin. 7lrSef the 'stars. rat f iSowledge began te ninrshnl Wr..T, in the retentive crm.uness V"'"" .! . I the cowboy's ignorance, aii nw- riral ttnse was horn suuueiu "". f lc 'f... ,n pvcnlne was he in any Ce' kmV of the word an ignorant n TV races that had watched these ion constellations move, tnut una Uned Mints te their gl tterlng shapes Zr ami scorpion and lyre, became WVH 11..I.. ml unnl fri llm .. thi.v turned back that night, Q, the poet. Wt,"chly and grown " His Drain "V,'i!:i"" unite's unaccustomed legs. Q left little man at hlR deer, fcttll Heur- Inr cane and tongue, ready tnen- . - n.hf in Mnrv's window, and Q. iHst up, thought he haw her face tine down, an iiKiiicu Hum .......... aIUva1 Atirnrlse'. 'lie went back te Keem 00, elated and amea. i tuui.ni j. . ". was in tnc worm 10 khew, m eve, te ponders niiiu wiwrnin m Hill nhl shakr head with Its tri- Kint silver crest! "And I wns InWn' I count neip an eia nnuiK !" There ere ucntns of Humility ttrnt "me" which Q'b nrlde of n ige would never nllew any one te eern. He was very near te the awful -llMtlen of n Universal Ged that it. He had an Impulse te prayer; lupa he prayed. fter that, Mary's father tdiewcd an itlencc that had net a hint of shame W bis evening visit te t he lnr, but Me jted net for a third and fourth po pe po ien, but for the tall, swinging figure it nrely fnlled Mini. i drank with i listened te the frequenters of the , nd when he "kissed" his uieder- lsa "goeil-nlglit, mere eager Q'b prophecy the little sentlemnn l teidr te accemnnnv him. Snmc- JfllH they walked, sometimes thev went W g s room ; sometimes tliey came k te Mary. And nlway3 thp old man led and the rnuue man llstoneri t led In Mr. GrinscenuTn reading aloud lMM from IliS book of Rnrlhwnnn jwosephy, for which purpose (J wns iiea te cupper, in tlie hard, bare LQflt hud hpf'tl llfu tlin tltlnrln ,i- ided batrte nf tta ri,n,n,r.,i .i, tie-handed strnsgle of its youth. naa Deen netlilng like these gentle, wed evenings; Mary sewinK or nni, moths knerking nbeut the yel- "ure inmp, Mr. (irinscoembe's Int Mlt. Mnrr'a !........ -i.l.... I, ..,', .-... .. (iiiui.it -iMirun"., Ilf Kind Ifltltrlltnp n..l ..,.! .1.- wWi thfv tnnirlit M.,. t .,.. i $ flJth I'lm anlff nnd rnRliie and JfM e checkers, the Imnks besides raioiie-tiiet tliey read aloud. ry's face began te live comfortably Bis beart . nml fi, ..i..i. - ... . ,7i. ". " 'l"i n. Mvcei, llll'l m Hjlnjg nnd the waggish kindness VI-. anci meiitii cume very clee Ms unused affection nnd seethed him . ib nun ei is innclnif lm,l ,lneli i?.BA.t.!fl,.,..0,' ""' hnl for all ....,, smi-resprct. IWasnftfll- nun ..f .1 i: '.-.1 ... - '" iiniM' "IJUIldlllKH, ". s,h''r "nliitentlennl nne. for 5B'f.?M 'int nUrnrt "",,llfl sometimes mB n th A""0 voluntary cnielty, i,vf,?VC MlJrf,n K,lm'"-n into the WMefulncss nf hls sitijpciiklll cxis- ll'f0l'' visitor, nNcw Tork Ln .v ry n"() very nnlmntcd gen- - -.. ." Jl ""s one ei Seinernoens, by premise, when the 3Be1m ,rer,,,llv nPPfnred, but JiTL f ,,ir0H'n "v0'1 the Western jC or entertainment with sennt 4B. L?. wcden bus come nil the n.i i unt sheltering city. Q, se pett Kv him i,i . .. . '..." uses tft .i.: "" " "--"iini. i m A,'." "l"! Ill . , '?:.' r ' H , -"VC .ujTW? EVENING PtTBLIO LEDGIPHIIlAirEnjPHIA; TUESDAY, wxinKzi W :Vif i THE GUMPS Round One Old Timer Gets a Day Out I " 1 9WHBS.W.4 v(v r "r wtes't: SOTJST 8, 1922 Z?f Sidney Smith eVC v1 f.n; V,m m"y ,'"'"- if ! u im? " 1,p '"terestcd in what "eTtlL." ci K(t lli"1 le talk Willi 5S1 1m, u 111c,,.hP,l 'i with one of JBtef n ,"be.ut Willi MU'Pt? TIlllfH UianV Aii)i....it.v.. i U - ' lll H itTIl, K..,l0l lilmsrir .... ironleiil ex- -""'"n. "A fell,; , .. .:'. .'",', mciin.i, ..... '."." - ,l'" 'I"11" un lief nil ... .""' "" jmM'm"' "' Bimin. ..,'. .h,e (-ni ..," v "'".v. J4,"r. Viu rfctlZi" 'i' "'".Wenly, mid te her. .m..j .. "" he drawled ; eik- and only I, watching his S TPlJV..'',h,,t .ve nrojonl nrejonl nrojenl tlilu lt; "'".Wenly, and te l,er. d tr, I.!. ' ,.I1L w's ell neciis- JTk and e ,i " .' "',d f'ery re,, U ,,wk n,"l forehead under hU 'laiM.. ??". Kood-afterneon. Miss int oil,,,,.'.., 10 .f-'itd, nnd left her jVtti, J, ,r. "'"'-bed. iWH)' or tl-K'-i."1 .. mock Of mv feelln's f, un iiiif u i . . f -----.. .. . kin i iT ,0 '""ifelf; 'iiinkin' a am mi i.r.f 3 1 " ;, si10k,,, ber m ifu,' " friendiness.- That was ihlniSL"' (llllncd his Image of her . "'"ft LTi're... ....... -i ... . lilt Cl'd lllV0tw"il;r,e',, ,,py r bin lids '. ttroet ached cruelly. "She kr" treevCrH WIU V,ue" n,,ove " k. 'J1 ,r?es, that. win... i, .....,ii,.. K WJ 0.1V M 1. .. ' " i.ni. ..l.. te thp f ,r""1 seir-ci)iitrel, keep- In. i. """" " '. " trees, 5? i?y his W.ttJ!.! rt."""! . .' Of '. k, tote lirnl Ki 1.1 ilMiitti Imril nobody hiimv, te he 'king te her of hla love. chfllli town fli-l ,.,.,,1,1 1 en. ,h!,np n Jsl'""V. Yes. lJ her nLjL0"1,.)l,H nf tllu " thiit Uann ,i ' .,'."t " ",,H ,",t f( "lend i '"i."'.1 h n,m of tllc "i031 ll't eve, w;tn,bl ''Mils pangs. Q f.l.l'I1" Jet lieL'llll In r.ll... 11. "ftbeut ii.V iRl,J,.f ''""veiitlen that P e ; llfini l"0 "rliiivoembo'H neck, Shel,h .k.f.re' wlmt n conscious ".could L,10" "V" 0,,t iw ""mil tall i ?!?' knew ,,int M "rtiialttliiis 1H. .1 ,l10 manor lirerlnil ...inn !S5rfrlendsnil!2''nnt c,ll'"'y with her iWteiMHlJ" H.itriinllnic bin. In iiuanrin i.r. i"llc" ,,ml ,l"'re wns t) Pn leU for bmnller gcneresl- had ns Ketrlna cxnrfsse.l Dtrieetlv ,!,.... i. i.i. ,l e that even Jlre. Fnyre was angling SSf.?iy .hl.m hnd- ' ceurf,C' ts du,, w-ii.He,?,,M .amen hcr c'wl en en Jejed the pride of the bear trainer. 8he was nware of the silent, graceful beauty und the laughter-provoking erlglnnlltv of her savege, ami vain of her power ever him; but she held her trainer's fc.Jii Ipm8 rcntly ,!V hr crul riRbt band. This except when nt mementa, ?r!.n1fi hls !,i.cs n. the InslgnlOcant trappings of her soul fell from It and she i felt a deep mysterious waver, n fluttering at though a fortress shook. Jt wub that profound confusion, vislbln mere often than she knew, that kept him n prloener of hope. Te n mnn of his type and experience, the life he new led was galling te every liber. His hours of study cxhauiwl him, hls gecial experiences bewildered him. He had alwnys practiced self-control; it had b0n. a "csstty of his existence, but n million little nerves that had never been teased into consciousness were new dally stung nnd twisted. Great space, great loneliness, the rare and humoreuB speech of round-up and range, the quaint nosing ways of pony friends, the snewpenks, resc-tipped, Iren-gray, or purple as goblets lllled with wine, the fairy nspen weeds, twinkling with round green leaves nnd llewere, the rembcr nine trails hushed nnd lmunted, the little sudden meadows all warm and scented, where n stntucd bull-elk raised us nntlcrcd head for a moment's noble limitation befere he yielded te the trot ting, unhurried necessity of a retreat, the cottonweeds smoky or ablaze with autumn, the wide gray-green plains noble- ns the sen he would wnke nt night and gnsp with n choked longing for such fnmlllars. Ills ears would be clattering with sharp, rapid, Eastern voices, hls sensitive memory pricked with the cold, inquisitive, plcnsuro plcnsure seeking ceunteunnce of Eastern folk. Hnte und leve, which after all are lonely and noble in certain Intensities, kept him stendy except nt Btich moments of misery as Hclelsn had dealt him that afternoon with hcr flippant reference te jealousy. He hed his revenge, for Sir Sydney's descendant, self-revealed by U's Hush nnd leek, hud smarted for hcr own vulgarity; but he didn't knew this and the knowledge would hardly hnve hern n comfort te him. In fact, he found no comfort until he eased Ills henrt u little by Bpcech. It wns a cryptic speech enough one of his aphorisms. Q Recemcs Philosophic "Ain't it funny, though," he said, looking ncress the tnble nt his school scheol schoel mnrni, who wns threading n needle deftly, leaning close te the lamp se that threads of fire moved about hcr curl head, "that n woman will say tilings that a man ceuldn t nbcer te think about himself things that are se, but that she ought net te let en thnt she had found them out." Mary looked up from her needle. "I don't tinderstnml, (J, just whnt you mean." "I mean, that n mnn enn't nbc.r lienrln' from n wemnn that she has seed through him." "Can't he. Q? Xe. that's true. He can't. I've noticed that myself." She smiled. "I haven't seen through you jet. have I?" The little father wns lest In n volume; he wns standing in a peering nttltudc, cnndle in hand, nt one of the corner bookcases. He might well have been in Mars as far ns any Intercourse with them wns concerned. 1 gave him a quick glnnce. "Ne, nin'nm," he snid enrnestly, "you're the most comfertnble lady I ever knewed, nnd common." Fer n n instant Mary was startled, then translated the term into Its correct Western usuiige and glowed. "Thank you Q. I like being thnt." "Yes, ma'am. Yeu had ought te. Commonness Is awful scarce in Sluy penklll. There's folks thnt nre real low-down nnd there's nn nwful let of re-llnement, but mighty little com monness. Sny, nln't Mrs. Stepper's crowd re-fined, new?" "Yes." Mnry twinkled ever hcr sew ing, "they arc frightfully. Hew de Miu get te knew se ninny people, Q?" "I don't rightly savvy, tnn'nm. Jest by beldin' my tongue, I figure. I'm the enlv liuninn In Sluypenklll that 11 de any listenin'. FelkR are clenn loco tpvln' tn net n henrln'. When I have get my cdlcntlen I nln't ngein' te be hnlf se popular. "What woman wns it that mnde the mlstnke of seeing through you?" Mary asked. He gave her no direct reply. "Lets of folks," he said, "crleH for the moon, but nlmlghty few's willln' te work for it. . . "I have found out Bemethln about nn cdlcntlen, nin'nm." be went en nnd for the first time she saw the strained leek about his mouth thnt Helolse looked nt unseelngly se often "that It ain't te be hnd rightly out of books. Yeu nre doing the very best you can, nin'nm, but I reckon it's tee Inte for me. The kind of cdlcntlen thnt counts ntween a man and woman is semethin' different, and If I wns te talk ns the history nnd geography there la and straight ns n dictionary nnd knewed all speked lnngungcs nnd plnyed en the pvnnnv with nil ten fingers like thnt little feller thnt lets the Indies call him a poedlo-.ilog" this mysterleun re ference was te the curly 'Tem, who would have been surprised by it It wouldn't rightly help me nny. When j en come right down te it, it s get te be semethin' deeper thnn thnt." She daw his band clench nnd hls fnce lese Its color. Thcie wns renl anguish in his eyes. Hcr heart swelled te her threat. "Pear Q," she said, "you hnve it thnt deeper thing." He looked at her as though in the midst of his apparent composure he hnd lest the power of speech. "Yeu want jour education' she asked softly "for thnt?" He nodded, nnd his eyes, nfter their strange nnd beautiful fashion, deepened and opened Inwardly, until she saw his heart. , "Ah, Q!" It was nn exclamation most pltitul, most understanding. It made him wince. He turned nwny nnd snt looking ahead of him. She watched hls pielile a Drenze ims-reuei iikiiwni the lighter tint of the wall. It would net quiver, but it seemed te sharpen. She searched ber very soul for com fort and encouragement for him. 'She she would have te be blind if she couldn't love you, Q." He shook hls head, still staring in front of him. "Leving," said Mary, putting down her work nnd holding it below the table edge wilh hands that bhoek, "gees deeper than education, Q. It's n man iin.i weniitn thing, you knew.' At that he turned te her as though she bud kindled n sudden torch. "That's whnt she said once," he mur mured ; "thut's what I'm heldin' fast te." Mnrv wns, nt henrt, n mother, nnd that slie bad found the medicine for hls hurt comforted her own rarely. Her spirit snng becnuse new she knew hew te help him. Q, looking at her, row n beauty thnt had been altogether denied te his childhood shining In her small fnce. He hnd nn impulse te kneel down and put IiIb head en her knees se that the comfort of her hands might hover ever him. The little room wns filled with an exquisite liuninn silence, Mr. (Irinscoembe, looking up from his volume, contemplated them ns through a telescope from Mars. CONTINUEDTOMORROW I NWI VmTvTTe mc'noe l"w '"'wwtx.- IP- 0U VJKNt Tb " emtss- ew CAH UE TO , itE te? WE" COCKWd QUI ' UX OFp OF M ea NOVTU fcE k ult ueifec mum iw .... y?y : """ , " V.VE- 111 I . Soot ve r k-x tme ueuse wejwwc. vwt wr). vwe get -... ... . .. vs.. ? uel uif- de xrvti Kit .... Hit e rr ruis wv. rn, . ,-.-- r- - .-w nw. ti i tNE TOO OWl VtM liMWS$J&,- EH Nev) UlVC iVQOUt CMAVMG ME MOMfe V,THNT' OWT1Wb - TrlS Lt.c?f ik.-ifMl ttiei I rls 111. ' hVJK. CXM .tXPPT- ibM . fejy UWE 0l) - V. AW X TEU. 0U "&OIAtTNO ElSE.OUD MWM-MpAit-eF-ws - wfe: IP V &e OUT OP "VMVt KCaJe BE IK OP KHC.Nt OP M.- VAA. TROt4GE5t- AW))HV Ht"E TV4VM VOVJ RE.- M0 vumu- 0U OMTHNG tWt- NWrlEN X TAKE OR&B&S VtS CbOIHG "TO BE FROM fc, GENERAL- NOT PVO.VICCE" FROM THE UEJC-W- NOT FROM "THE. TJUJ- rR sM j . aax w i i m ai m . i . i ii i u.mmmmw x. swtsW&rk. 1 s I G. S1 J k " 1A I tmh. 1 1 mTmmsmm ' V SOMEBODY'S STENOG Saved! IlBttT(!l V. S Talent Omco By Hayward Well maaae.THis leeks lk twe place te ptch Our Camp, let's shoep 'reuajd a bit ahb find a AllCE LEVEL PLACE. i ill stay with the Gar Girls. Hepe TheY tee . T Gqta DeZea AT 1HE. FIVE AND TE.A - SIX BLOAIDE AMD5IX ) I " U ". . ' I V .. . - .1 . I ""-T-f Selly! .-T -" r VAius,uicKi whetc 1 . .. ... II . " '" "- AUC ll-ir Ulb- An-AIr- l r- " -...-. . ... fc.... BLACK PL E5 J V .' 2 . ? --" I V' " " ? ,X ULOMDE aipci r-1 .'. r Oiirk. ; JTy K:&&jj-xuzn& , i v . . v . m m fc. w .. -i - . r. n&- . . r ' fc. im x.rAv l- r . i : . c .".. .. i - s or-,". y i :. v ' ... " r30ft-- i -... -a )- -. r ' tfayff:yllt' A g-MArAa - C ia, bTuI.e. UAritLT Ce The Yeung Lady Acreae the Way THE TOONERVILLE TROLLEY -:- -;- By FONTAINE FOX SCHOOL DAYS :- fly DW1G II mm. it 1 fj, T3hlIV t:j,Bjwu3' 1 I JMjjT iVlrvJ VI t i ksWsssM i Ji XJJSCPL rAmsssssWi JV yfflBNMTtWPf r MKBLltLBiW lr ffiafe" UA$r wbsk whm thb. car sqke oeWri ,Vtt'$:i' O mSSSSiVCafefBBSjJS Ji '1 K AS.i.uTJ.Y iMP0SS.Bi.6L AMD MAKt 'f9f , ,, JfBKHl The young ldy across the way says the Vice President of the United States has nothing much te de but preside ever the sessions of the Heuse of Representatives. PETEY That's Our Wish, Toe Or ' IISW I UCVf VMETHCra. trat hrs croeFCR'i hair. ij UtfOrWt.V CUROr Of WeT r- TrVAT MRS. DUPPEf? VMO 51T4 AT HER "TACE KW0W5 AW VyiSM OMED tELLMt "' SlSWlWE PEOPLE (LjTJlE LlEYT 1?00M"Tb OORS NtfOUlD LEAVE IM SOReTmEV CAkf WEAU EVETiW VJ0t?O Noe SAVTrt ME AJl&U TOO VM5UCDU'T HOLtEf? SoVfMFUNeu gET CROSS - r By C. A. Voight v v i h . 5:V VV i -r . j k. mr "w -i i S) - s LStX. ' - r 3 -'- T7 r -" j i i iniMcyxx-w u r- m y. . I sJl6H ID STAVED AT "The WeTel Today , Knew "TCiAT Ut?S 3naB5i.e i "Tpluuc EVeR'BedV uer side .OP IME STeCV AWD OUOiT J 'Teetmee-Twe Wussy l Y JAV'.' Neu'RE OUT L,Ef?ETe FSH MOT WiSH.. f 1 GASOLINE ALLEY Better Be On the Safe Side : : ... (CZLL1Zw'ep ' A (rKy" COUL D0TH MMA I D T ADieeNrA WkZI TeStl Zu OM P AN WM,TE M0A.J (SJNIACACA FALLS- ) i ikvimgt ie bELu Tet en mmM V AND PRdVlNCETeWN- ' - v - - TMat New en3(,ane iPjffMmmmm v-i ly ' J Lm sJ in ft v w Kt w - mm LJL ymw .jBfcin iii" i83r"g nEE.'- MTTTY i lf117 lAARA FALIS, - K f IM NOT SUPERSTITIOUS 80T , SOONDS TOO AtUCK LtVTET VA WEPPir4G- TteiPI y H! irfr 'H'V n''i.-'.i v -j' , ' '.I 1 SB .11 ;a!i ii I ' - -tin.- T ..., uviaaiuilllK Ull'l i.1-.. vuVi. ..jL. -""... . . 1.i, .. ,. t r. ..v.k r"'p rw1?