FrwWSTT1 FTT.r't V" "!"?J'Cji, r i- 't ' WRtf'jSJS i'. ' "niwwyr i ifljMiia y r urv ii-f,;w nrj f " n"n . if TV' rt - -i' kJL : --- iHINCMf T 9 T'". 'CTrTV1 ,fef'fert; 'F V riV "V'yfj T tn DC IIMflCD LIDC m) DL UI1ULI1 I llL ji , 4mbs te Be Used as '103d 'Regiment Builds Shelters and Pontoon Bridges t 1 1 TO BE ON HAND 'pfp . . - w""",. s ,..., wi 'r " , 'j . ' i ' .. ' v . . i .EVBmiOTBEIQ LEDGrERPHltADELPilliV; - MOtfIA, AUGUST? , 3L922 WORSHIP ON ReOPtfAftDEN In DOCTORS Bi a Staff Correspondent ' cnp i,fry Me,,llt 0retnii' Ptt" J1. 7 Theories developed nt ether Umrments will be put Inte nctunl 2ctlce today by the 103d KiiglnccrB, JTjll.Plillndclpliia regiment. y twhllc In tlielr nrmerlPH nt home nnd & strong, were taught the various ShSi of demolition, bemblns nnd fiuen brUe building. This yenr the & will experience the thrills nnd SKrs of this nhnpe of wnr. S lenel JnckiiKn W. Study, cem--indcr of the reslmcnt, will tnke out M. men this nftcrnoen for their firnt iJnmvers. The pontoons te be used the" construction of briefers are tlt(ne the enslnccrs nt the lnkc nbeut 2 nbartcr of a mlle te the west of the ttjlmcnt's cninp site. The men will construct bomb-proof ijreuts which will be bombed te test rtflr work. I.nrge crntcrs will be inndc In the rocky hills surrounding the enmp Srhrn the members of the regiment begin ftelr practice with TNT dynamite nnd 'liber high explosives. This Irninlng is net devoid of flnngcr. Tn ndralniiter immcdlntr trentment te th. men v,he may be injured In the wnr ke maneuvers feevcrnl regimental mil twos have been ordered te the scene of tit operation. The engineers will net only br en fued In destructive work. While in Jimp here they will construct a new iUchlne-Run range, the one In use until week age lmvlng been found defecthe. Eiplesives '" vv ' '" '") mihv: Untitles 01 rocs uuu i-uiiu iu jiiuviui- t the new rnnge. rinri niorse E. Kcnin. I'estmnster tf Philadelphia nnd rifle rnngc instruc tor here, celebrated the completion of ill thirtv-slxth year In the National Guard. He enlisted In 18S0 as n private In the old Third Regiment, whose nrm- jr is new occupied uy me .1.1.1111 in-gi-n iii Philadelphia. He wns pre- aeted te n captaincy during the bpan-Jjh-Americnn Wnr, nnd In 1010 wns tude a colonel, commanding the Third Regiment en the Mexican border for jevernl months. Colonel Kemp, who has nrrnnged mi mi Btreus rifle mntrhes between the vari tus units of the Nntlennl Guard, bold this mernins that the 109th nnd the 110th Infantry Regiments would con cen tut for the rifle championship of the Ilfty-slxth Infantry Brigade. $60,000 FORJ'RINCETON Jlhn D. Rockefeller, Jr .Aids New Industrial Library ,New Yerli, Aug. 7. Princeton Unl Ttrsify has i"tnlilishcd 11 ltbrnry of in in iestrlnl relntlens. the expense of which will be about $12,000 11 jcar. nnd .Inhn D. Rockefeller. Jr., hns given $00,000 for It, according te nnnetincemi'iit by Jehn drier Hlbben, president of the University, wi lug lu part : ,"The growing need for rt special Murcc of comprehensive informntleii en Sdu'trinl ivlntlensliips nnd the liunuui cfer in industry bus led te the cstab Ulhmriit. 5 ."The llbrnry will include pnmphlets, documents, reports nnd books dealing tltli Inttrprotntien nnd dibctibsieu of ladustrlal rvlntiens." 1 , CROW STEALS GOLF BALLS Imithpert Players Find Cache In Chicken Yard Smcthpert, Pa., Aug. 7. Smcthpert Ms a new country club, which opened lis golf links n few dnjs nge. I'lnjers ere perplexed nt tlie frequency with wlch new golf bnlls were lest, until wey bcgnii te pay nttentlen te a lnrgu trew tlint wns usually hanging nreund the link-. Their observation wns do de rdcd when they saw the bird fly w purmit of n new bull, sweep down Ud pick it 1111 in its hcak nnd lly uwny. Thej traced Its flight te n house home Bhtanee fiein ihe links and inquiry Here dlsfles,.,! tmt (iit. ,,row wn, tnme nd n pet of the children. Members of "family searched the chicken jard Md disclosed 11 niche of nbeut n dozen tw golf bnlls the crew had collected. Little Benny's Nete Boek Bjftec Pape Sundry nftirnnen I found n old n stiT.OU"1 I'linting en it suylng, eplck-0 3-,iuii.(). Sprlnlscl 11 few llnke-, a wet buish and inake old ?,w hat betUr than new. ' tldnklng. (J. herray. Ill try it en f)ji Mrnw hat and t-orprlze him. Widi ' did. scrubbing It with Spick-0 Span hi. . Vlcr.p wns 'I('0" stroeks nil ever lasted of being dusty looking all ever ten 'in T nt fe,t- ,w lliinUIni,'. (5. pep will l,p Krprized nil rite, I lei out hardly reckeiil.c it. And offer suppir pep hrd te 111.1, )T(1 mother, I f,. w ,.ral0 , . nnd ma cd. U sccui!. te me EL 1. 1H ,,mwt 11,llt way about jeurseif, (in, .,,, SOl) .vntnill . but lerit Hrp s" UM uu'r mMli ,"1, tlu' w.j,; " " rars 1 iiiiw uiuiliigeil w Keep a straw hut hmkliiir lesi.rrtnlile te carry me tliroe an lnlire bum- I.' NW , . - - ,, 11 IIHII " M there and tell me .01110 l-e thL 0C "" wearing that dingy K."1 "''ll "",1 ',en w,l- Abslloetli. whl.1" 0l,,'r' ' r?'ke me buy an- r ktrnw hat this season, Ivn uersnl hat falthliliv Mntb the beginning ilrt uWIlS0" uml ,w et 0"S le do de "" It new. .'.. DOIl. it lnn',e I...1... .!... 1. .'.v """.r, i-vl'II IIV11LT 11 .III Mill Wilyum j oil clout ineen te iii:, '".'i ZK 'lH. I bed lu2..." ,iw"' y doe nnd nep scil, The i'S It.' mid T sed. flwii i.M,!k'k"0 hl'"-". Ami I ran n aid hrnwt peps up mid hand- m at ii!1'"' I,n' suyl"s' YtT ffulj ffulj teutil. .1 .l,.1,,,'4 w"e told .,ou te Cl iV'J"!'? ",,,, wil. Nobody, 1 Stere ren'm?1"1-0 Kl"'"( up la the 'mi'inv'1 r.")l,li! wnr0 n,,re KIS .Neuvi "''""..Pep l. nnd inn tle.nln ri.11'11"1 be reasonable, that t dldtn rut ,,cc?t "'H'eis. no wonder JMrreim,.,ir,0'Jy me,,t wcl't '"' to te y. ie but store en the aveuue mid Odevi . "e,v ",l' l,l'I before jeu O ." ew- '""' ""'it JeuT. have It. fclDBu-JV"" ,'n,""l "W't 1"M scd. 7g wyjjc'i, K0t m.,,rilw! i,'ut i,ltAa',w.rTl,,!?KK S""'IN MVK8 Jfeii?" iH.n"Bt .tiS. ""eh. iir. f:.m. M5 5KS -wr nn ' ?:"'.'. 'W? ..'"'! !? 1 nrnri ii"i " " piiflumeni ana j. "t.-m i araiiii. "i m'n nr aim " in i nu." nntumnn 1 atii leu. .llm'iM tlf ilnrv Alphi Baptists Hear Sermon , Colellng Breeze Worshiping en a reef garden these warm August evenings is popular In Kensington. The roef1 garden or "Assembly Reef" Is en the Alpha Baptist Church, Hnn Hnn ceck nnd Yerk streets. The Rev. Heward K. Williams preached there te a congregation of J150 persons Inst night. "On the Mountains With Jesus" wns the topic. . Alpha Church is en "nJI-vcnr round" church. It docs net close or lessen Its activities In het weather. Three cIieIm sung nt yesterday's scrv- .. mm mere were innny JOUtlg pCOI) 0 present morning nnd evening. A "(Inllcry of the Great" Is a sneclnl attraction in the Sunday school. An nrch centnlns pictures of celebrated nutbers. muslclnns, nrtists, soldiers, poets, statesmen, humnnltnrleni and mlsslennrles. A plcture of Jesus eccu- Kncli Sunday a new picture appears In the arch, qnd a copy Is presented te every boy and girl present. These who attend every session nre presented with the plcture of their favorite here frnined. A yWllSGO last say Bluejay te your druggist The simplest way te end a corn is Bluc-iay. A touch 8teps the pain instantly. Then the corn loosens and comes , out. Made in a colorless clear liquid (one drop does it I) and in extra thin plas ters. The action is the same. Pain Steps Instantly Galvanized Beat Pumps rv. 2d t. krt Hill mt JUnnfMterf A h r.. T. P-Tder Ce.,.n Hat S7f 'OnBina- n In 1876 the Centennial rnntked th inth yenr of this store' nervlcc. and new, at 05. w sre mera experi enced, but equally eager te In crpAae the public a rcaaen ter calling. , LLEWELLYN'S v rhlladetphla'a Htnndard Dm Stere V 1518 Chestnut Street Prescription! Flrat WmMW2,,,,,,,,,;,,MmwM 5000 ELKS TO HAVE OUTING Spectacle at Shere Will Be Given Near Woedslde Park Mere than 5000 members of Philadel phia Ledge, Ne. 2, II. 1. O. E., and tjjelr friends nnd families will attend the hnskct picnic en Snturdny afternoon, August 10, at the Cedar 1'nrk Drivln? Club, nenr Woedslde 1'nrk. There will be gnme.s for the inciuber und their families. The feature of the outing will be nil exhibition of the spectacle produced by the ledge nt the recent convention in Atlnntlc City. The uniform sections will be under the direction of Colonel H, JI. Itnrtlett They will include the band, drill corps, mounted guard, legion of honor end the Quakeresses. William F. Wolff is the chairman of the committee of entertainment. 301 'We Sell for Cash Only'- IOE30E SNYDER & CO. 117-119 N. 10th STREET i FACTORY Q SHOWROOMS P ... ... . . Special Mahogany Library lame This Wonderful Mahogany Library Table Beautifully Finished, .75 $n w TBT H Rel 111 PI Value P II $25 ii y B Am HCrH a mmiiJmV' '' r - '-yf9mwri'mm it-wCPr ' ' i. 'ja " T CBS SOKSOtStere Open Saturdays Until 6 P. M,30E30 STRAWBRIDGE CLOTHIER Itrrt. JKSfc rl u Hill I iiSBBBBslatf" sssbbbbbbbbbbbb W Semi Annual CLEARANCE of USED PIANOS An Unusually Fine Assortment of Re-conditioned Pianos $85 te $300 Re-conditioned Player-Pianos $250 te $445 We have net se many of these high-grade Pianos and JPlayer-Pianes te sell at these exceptionally low Clearance prices. Many of the best that we have will sell very quickly, se plan te attend this event early and get the instrument you most desire. We Guarantee Every Piane Listed in This Sale Every Piane nnd Plnyer-Piane has been thoroughly reconditioned by our staff of expert workmen. They are all in geed, sound, playable condition and include many of the best known makes. Our reputation is back of every instrument in this collection. The prices speak for themselves. Just think of being able te secure one of these exceptional Pianos, refinished both inside and out for from $85.00 te $300.00. Our Usual Easy Terms of Payment Apply en All Makes in This Clearance A small initial payment will secure any instrument in this list and you may arrange monthly or weekly payments extending ever a period of thiee years. Price includes a steel with Piane and Chair and 12 rolls of music with Player-Piane, and free delivery in Philadelphia, Camden and vicinity. ISTRAWBRIDGE & CLOTHIER mmmmMmmmmm;. m " ' ' "tfflri'f' 'Wv ' f s e.$mm i , ,. . .Hi; i I JrcrJrt m STRAWBRIDGE & CLOTHIER: A Great Collection of Furniture Concentrated for Convenient Inspection Anether Outstanding Feature of the Semi-Annual Sale We have assembled for this Sale enough Furniture te fill a great 9-story warehouse. On our show-room fleer are the representatives of this great collection Suits and Single Pieces in wondrous variety all se arranged that you can see the Furniture with the least physical effort. It is a pleasure te be able te cheese Furniture without walk ing miles and miles many of our customers tell us. This Sale Presents Mere Furniture Than We Have Ever Had at One Time Our entire regular stock is included at appreciable reduc tions from former already-low prices. Thousands of dollars' worth of Furniture, purchased at concessions when manufac turers' prices were lowest, is included at savings of one-third te one-half. Furniture for Bedroom, Living-room, Dining-room, Hall for every room. Furniture as geed and as trustworthy as honest workmanship can make it. Yes, this is indeed Your Sale planned from your viewpoint, pro viding for your needs, your benefit, your convenience and your comfort. Your Sale invites your judgment. Compare, if you will and see wherein it excels. 5- StrawbrldK & Clothier Third Fleer . 3 7 The Coxwell Chair Nete its invitint? comfort, without bulk, its graceful lines that harmonize with any scheme of interior decoration. The Coxwell Chair has been originated for this store. There are about 100 of them here some upholstered in tapestry, some in velour. They are In This Sale at $39.50 Silk-and-Weel Sports Stripes $2.50 HALF PRICE OR NEAR IT Net a large quantity but a wonderful "buy" for these who get these smart stripes. All in the 38-inch width $2.50 a yard. 54-inch Navu Blue Fine Twill All-Weel Serge, Special at $2.50 A special purchase of this fine Serge of a quality that would sell regularly at a much higher price. Thoroughly sponged and shrunk. Straw-brldife & Clothier Aisles 1. Centra New Black JSilks Ready for Autumn And Fashion waiting for Black, with the greatest eager ness all-black, if you will (for the new draperies achieved in Black Silks arc grace itself), and black, with facing? and slashings and in sets of color, is one of the newest conceits of the season. Many marvelous new weaves in plain and brocaded effects, also the new chiffon velvet Brocades and the heavier Silk3 se desirable for lining wrap3. Special ! Canten Crepe, excellent quality, in navy blue, black and brown special at $3.00. StrawbrldKd A Clothier Aisle. I). Centre Beys All Want , Mead Ranger BICYCLES And here thev arc, at exact ly the same factory-te-rider prices for which they arc noted $39.50 te $55.00. Bicycles may be bought en the Deferred Payment Plan, if desired. Ask the salesman. Strawbrldite & 'lelhlr -Uimemcnt, West Persian Saruk Rugs Special! Handsome and artistic Persian Saruk Rugs with col orings as skillfully blended as a master painter's canvas: Size (5.9x10.2 $525.00 Size 8.11x11.11 $750.00 Size 8.10x12..! $825.00 Size 10.4x17.3 $1325.00 ' Sirawhrl'lee 'leihir Fourth rioei, ir.uKet St , West New! All Our Panama Hats for Men, $2.50 New's the time te get a geed Hat at an extra-low price. All shapes and sizes. v New, tee, you can get a geed Straw Hat for $1.25 or $1.95. Straw brlrtse 4 c'lnthler -Second Flimr. Market St., Hast 300 Perte Rican Night Gowns, $1.95 Interesting news for women who nrefer dainty, hand-made Night Gowns with squnre neck and kimono sleeve. Of fine, but durable lingerie cloth, artistically embroidered. Ktranhrlrtgn A delhler TVIrd Kleer. Wcit m t(4j. j Women's Fine Cotten Frecks at Half Price $7.50 te $12.50 Imported ginghams, dotted Swiss, fine ratines and beauti ful voiles. Many styles and shades a beautiful variety. Straw bridge A CIethlr Second Fleer. Centre Coel Petticoats of Tub Silk $1.95 The Preliminary Display of AUTUMN FASHIONS Zs Being Greatly Appreciated It is just what hundreds of women have wished for the oppor tunity te select new apparel early in the season, when it is really most effective, and te be able te get the new models, new materials and new shades. Women's and Misses' Dresses Coats Blouses Furs Suits Millinery Footwear Accessories The new longer Dresses, showing circular and side-drape move ments; the tailored cloth Dresses, unusually smart; the Suits with longer coats, some in blouse effects the new tailored Coats and fine Wrans: the new Blouses, with rfisrinrtivn nnt-nmn tnitac 4-v, 't-new Millinery velvet, duvetine, tinseled brocades, hatter's plush iwiu autm, uim inu uiivtJll-u iUSHUHlS in line I' UTS. Many, new features and surprising departures, vet the whole display emphasizes practicability, and moderate price's prevail. - - Straw bridge & Clothier Second Fleer Three Unusual Values in Women's Silk Stockings Slight irregularities in finish ate responsible for these low prices, but they de net impair durability nor mar appearance It will pay te buy freely of these Stockings. ' t"-tWa"cc- " 65c Plain or Ribbed Silk Stockings with cotton tops and soles. In white and colors. 85c $1.15 Full - fashioned Black Silk Stockings. But for irregulari ties in finish the price would be double. Full - fashiened1 Silk Stockings with mercerized lisle tops and soles. In white, black and colors. Straw hrldjw A Clothier Ale 3. Market .St and Ai.le 4. Centre WORTH ONE-HALF MORE They meet a woman's requirements of daintiness and practicability. Straight of line, double paneled, and with hem stitched hem. In flesh pink or white $1.95. Straw brldice A Clothier Second Fleer. West Just Arrived! Women's Silk Autumn Dresses $39.75 This is a new line which we are introducing this season, and it is proving a great success already. The models are all se simple and youthful and the materials are excep tional you would never judge any of these Frecks te be only $39.75. Crepe Rema, Canten crepe and satin-back crepe, in black, navy blue, brown and tan; showing the new longer skirts, the handsomely embroidered flowing sleeves, the Viennet sleeves and ether delightful new features. New Crepe de Chine Dresses, $15.00 te $18.75 New Autumn models, in navy blue, black and brown. fitrnw bride A Clothier Second Fleer. .Market St. Blouses of Crepe de Chine and Georgette, $3.75 Simply tailored or filet trimmed Blouses of white crepe de chine, with cross cress tucked Peter Pan or Tuxedo cellars and long or short sleeves; Frilly Crepe Georg ette Blouses, trimmed with dainty filet or Valenciennes lace, in white or flesh color, with roll or Peter Pan cellars and short sleeves. Levely Over Blouses included nt $3.75. StrawbrldKe A Clothier Second Fleer. Centra Jit iiSi Te-morrow Clearance of 4000 Men's Shirts of Woven-Stripe Madras $1.30 Regular prices one-half mere te double this price. Fer greater conveniences all the Shirts hnve been arranged en tables according te size. There will be ample variety, ample ..,... ,,. cu.-it.wuini-. auuui jeuu ei tne nnirtH nre i educed from regular stock; the balance represent a special pur chase bought at un unusual price concession from n rclinble Sizosfia3Ttnrih0rWantcd,te,clear hifl fihclvcs t one c lp. bizes 13 te 18. Come early; buy a season's supply - mrawbrldw t Clethler-Ka.t Htere. Ul.hlh HI., and Market Ht, Cre Al.l. A ft m -ttffire ' 1 hi eJ?a V.'UM Uww.3d55':,,u" " w" Dun' 'v i & y it.Wviiv)., W.W.y tefrHftA J-)", . i. ?Ww;, ''Wfru. nfc j-jSn ,,',' Vfc, ..- .rftiN.(W.?.w.t.A .!, ,A,UiS ,&. tt. ": lv