Evening public ledger. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1914-1942, August 05, 1922, Night Extra, Page 5, Image 5

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nvTrra-vri-vrv nrmTTrt mnN-nn .ittTTiitttnmA OAmTTDTiV. 'A TTnTTHT' K IfKm '
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ijuyjuisjunitft rurmixj ijjdiiijrJiiiv-irxiii-axpjCijjjrxiJLnt Baxuia.'t, , ww. -.- ,
Strawbridge & Clothier Announce for Monday
4 i
j Wi.rf'1
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JTte Semi-Annual Sale
of Furniture Will Start
All Over Again Monday!
A wonderfully comfertablo Suit with the new
high, thin arms and the distinctive mess edging. Con Cen
litts of full-size Davenport, one low-back and one
high-back Arm Chair. All with loose cush- d Offi
Ien seats. This Suit Is in the Sale at.. pOfJ
An exceptionally desirables Suit, full-size Daven
port, hign-back Wing Chair and comfortable Arm
Chair, all with mess-edged cushions. All outside
backs en this Suit are covered with same G 04 1?
materials. In the Sale at O&O
Waiting te take the place of every suit fend single piece en
our showroom floors, are mere than ten ether suits and single
pieces in our great nine-story warehouse.
As fast as Furniture gees out (and it's surely going quickly
at the Semi-Annual Sale prices) our great reserve stock is
drawn upon for new Furniture te fill the gaps.
Every morning, the Furniture assortments are as complete,
as attractive and as check full of value opportunities as en the
first day of the Sale. Thus the l.Je starts alTever again every
morning, and will start all ever again Monday morning, with
unbroken assortments of the finest Furniture that could grace
any home at the sort of saving that have wen widespread
fame for Strawbridge & Clothier Furniture Sales.
Our entire regular stock at reductions from prices already
low. Thousands of dollars' worth of special purchases at sav
ings of one-fourth te one-half.
Yeu alone are the Judge of what Furniture
best meets your needs and where such Furniture
can be selected at the greatest saving: of money.
A large, luxurious Suit with loose cushion arms
te the Davenport. Consists also of n Wing Chair
and Arm Chair, all with loose cushion Beats.
Mess edging en all three pieces. In the
Sale at
klr3 s FJ
At last a truly .dainty living room Suit with
high thin arms, loose cushion seats and several loose
cushions te the back of the Davenport. Mess edging
around each piece and cushion. Very CftA,7
unusual, in the Sale at prtt $
Upen the Furniture you select new depends much of your
future satisfaction. . Hew will you leek upon it years from
new? Will it be a monument te careful investment or a
cenotaph te hasty judgment?
By all means compare carefully, for net only does such
comparison insure utmost value for your money but also
reveals the matchless merits of this Sale.
An Outstanding Feature
Many Designs Originated
Exclusively for This Stere
Practically all of the Furniture is brand-new, having been
brought into .the Stere since July first, and many of the most
attractive of these new designs were originated exclusively for
this Stere obtainable nowhere else.
Nete if you please the graceful distinction
of the upholstered Suits pictured at the left.
They portray the latest style trend away from the bulky
overstuffing and towards a mere artistic slenderness of line,
with gracefully turned feet and legs altogether a mere
harmonious effect. Anether innovation is the application of the
silky, velvety trimming known as "mess edging." Most of this
new style Upholstered Furniture is finished in this attractive
manner. These exclusive new styles, mind you, are alHn the
Style tells the story of this beautiful Suit. Daven
port, Wing Chair and Arm Chair all equipped with
loose cushion seas and backs. Seams covered with
the fnshienabie mess edging. The Suit P?r? Sale at worth-while savings. Plan te come and profit Monday
in the Sale at JjUJJ : y striwbrldie A Clothier-Third Kloe
$27,000 Werth of
Rugs te Sell for
In the Department of Lewer-priced Fleer
Coverings and exceeding by far the well-known
standard of value-giving of that section. One of
the best-known manufacturers in America sent us
these Rugs at a great price-concession because of
trifling irregularities in the weave. Yeu can see
for yourself hew trifling the irregularities really
are. A wealth of designs te cheese from.
Heavy Axminster
$18,000, Monday
Rugs, 22Vfcx36 inches $2.25
Rugs, 27x54 inches $3.75
Rugs, 36x63 inches $4.75
Rugs, 4.6x6.6 feet $10.75
Rugs, 6.9x9 feet $22.75
Rugs, 7.6x10.6 feet $21.75
Rugs, 7.6x9 feet $24.75
Rugs, 9x9 feet $22.75
Rugs, 9x10.6 feet $24.75
Rugs, 9x12 feet $25.75
Rugs, 9x15 feet $35.75
Rugs, 11.3x12 feet $44.75.
Seamless Fringed
Velvet Rugs at
Special Prices
Rugs, 6x9 feet $18.75
Rugs, 9x12 feef $28.75
Rugs, 8.3x10.6 feet $26.75
Rugs, 11.3x12 feet $38.75
Btrwbrlde A notbltr-Fleor iU.. Filbert h'
Fine Imported
Stationery, 35c a Bex
Levely tinted Stationery with tissue
lined Envelopes, 24 Sheets and 24
Envelopes, the linings in various shades.
A wonderful value. Msrkft 8triet Cre Al,
Refrigerators, $29.50 .
Selected ash woodwork in golden oak
finish, 30 inches wide by 18,6 inches deep
by 44 inches high with 80-pound ice
capacity. a
StrtwbrldM & ClethUr Fourth Fleer, Ctetr
I i i ii l
Hundreds of Fine Suits
Are New Reduced te
$21 $26 $36
Te Insure Quick Clearance
Men who appreciate geed clothing and knew
geed investments, should hurry te avail them
selves of this opportunity te save one-third te
one-half en Spring and Summer Suits of Alce,
Wickham and ether famous makes. These
Suits formerly reduced have been further re
duced. Net quite as complete in range of sizes
and fabrics as at first, (which is the reason for
the further reduction) but every man can be
fitted $21, $26 and $36.
Suits in the Clearance
at $13.00 and $16.00
Several hundred excellent Suits at the low
est prices since the war. Many were double.
All Extra-Trousers Suits in three clearance
price groups $16.00, $21.00 and $26.00.
Striwbrldn A ClethUr Scend Doer, EH
Davenport Beds
Metal Bedsteads
and Mattresses
in the Great Sale
Select what you need new in this Seml
Annual Sale at prices far less than usual
These are typical examples of the special
values available:
Hair Mattresses, weight 45 pounds, in
one or two parts, very unusual $50.00
Of geed mixed hair, weight 45 pounds in
ene or two parts-$40.00; of black mixed
hair, ene or two parts $32.50.
Bex Spring, for weed or metal beds
$18. CO.
Davenport Beds, worth one-third mer.
Simmons' all-metal cane-panel Bed
steads, full aire $21.50.
8tr.brldft Clethl.r-riw,, Vt. Mark 8t E
The Clearance Prifce of
Beys' Tub Suits is
A price that will insure brisk selling
Monday. Fer these are the nicest kind of
sturdy Suits for summer and the first
Bchoel and kindergarten day's, Oliver
Twist, Middy and short-sleeve Spert
Suits for boys of 8 te 7 years. Most
mothers will cheese several at $1.35.
Beys' Wash Knickerbockers and
Straight Trousers,
5 te IS year new 95c
. Strwbrid ft Clnthttt
ace4 run. riitert auMt. t
Display of
An early glimpse of the new models in
Revealing the graceful new silhouette
the longer skirts and the many ether out
standing fashion tendencies of a new season.
A Clearance of
Fine Hand Bags
Hundreds from our own stocks, and
special purchase., at great price conces
sions', of manufacturer.' clearance leta.
About 1000 Hand
Bags, New $1.65
Many Werth Deuble and Mere
All new Bags, made up this season.
Many shapes, sizes and styles. Dull
leathers, in black, brown, gray and ether
colors; patent leather Bags in smart new
shapes. A wonderfully fine let.
100 Bags Half Price
New $1.50 te $9.00
This let also includes a sample line
from a well known New Yerk manufac
turer. Choice leathers, silks and ether
high-grade materials.
250 Black Seal
Hand Bags, $2.95
Full, roomy Bags, of pin seal and
cobra grain seal, in seven different styles,
nicely lined and finished, and each fitted
with mirror and change purse.
AUlri S and 9. Centre: and Uariktt Strwt Ctm AUU
Coel Morning Frecks
One-third Under Price
Coel Dresses for
August mornings at
a remarkably little
price. But 'these are
models worth much
mere than $1.95. Twe
pretty styles in sizes
J56 te 40 inches.
Dotted Voile Frecks,
as sketch'ed, are
charming. A summer
breeze caught the
novel deep-backed
cellar and fluttered
the white organdie
sash. Se comfortable
te wear and se pretty
te gaze upon arc
these Dresses. We
suggest you select
yours early $1.95.
BATISTE model, with
lowered waist-line, is made with panel
front, lace-edged cellar and organdie sash
new SI 95 8trwbrldi Clethl-r
new i.tf. Thlra rloer s.illbtrt Htrt w,,t
'a a "' ' Wl
BM' " ' vl
rW . . blWli
tSj.',. jr"
v. ;' ".!
w Corsets
Corsets! Yes, indeed! but of a supple
ness and comfort net thought of even a
few years age. Health and figure are
better for wearing such Corsets as the
' autumn mode brings. These are a few of
the many styles arriving daily:
All-elastic Girdles with wide satin
front section. In well-liked 10-ineh length
Our exclusive Jessica, American
made Girdles of pink brocade and surg
ical elastic combined. Topless, coming
well ever the hips and with 3 pairs of
hose supporters, $0.50.
Beautiful Pink Satin Corsets, with
all-elastic top and long hips. Bened
throughout with black boning $5.00.
Anether model in Jessica American
made Cerbcts is of handsome two-ten.
pink and blue brocade. Topless, with
medium long hips, supple but holding
the figure with a sense of support
S10.50. Slrwbrldg & Clelhlr
v.uu. jj ri0i)tt M,rkut Btrftti w,it
9x12 Chinese Rugs
Reduced te $265
Heavy Mongolian type Rugs with a
deep, soft pile that sinks pleasantly under
feet In blue, rose, geld and tan color
tones, and exceptionally low in price.
Other sires also at special prices:
Sixt 8x10 feet new $195
Sue ltxlS feet new $525
Site 9Sxl8 feet new $585
SixiS inchta noie $t5,50
88x60 inches new $il.50
trmwbrld. CloUlT-rertk Fleer,. Wwt
Women's Bathing
Suits Reduced
- Odd let. of .mart Bathing Suits
reduced te clearance price:
Weel Jersey Suits, two-in-one style,"
will be the choice of many women $3,93.
Unusual, indeed, te secure such
pretty Bathing Suits of black taffeta silk
or black satin at $3.95.
In the group a small let of Surf
Satin (cotton) Bathing Suits in distinctive
styles $3.95.
Bathing Caps, half price 25c te $1.00.
Bathing Shoes, half price 50c te $1.50.
Strmwbrtde ft Cletkler Alilt 18. Ontrt
Three Excellent Values
In the Linen Stere
Practical suggestions as te Housekeep
ing Linens and Cottens that will appeal
te homemakers.
Breakfast Sets $3.00
A Cleth, 45x45 inches and a hnlf-deien
Napkins, 19V6-inch size. Of mercerized
damask in pink, blue or geld, striped
centres and satin band borders.
Linen Napkins $5.00 a dozen
Of sturdy damask in attractive designs,
20-inch size. A worth-while saving.
Linen Face Towels 50c and 75c
A wide selection of weight, and weaves
In Linen Huckaback Towels, with hem
stitched hems and damask borders. Size
14x22 inches, 50c each; 19x35 inches 75c.
Bttawbrld. ft ClethUr- A lilri 11 ed 12. CXt
Monday the General Clearance
Begins Anew With New Values
In Every Busy Department
Clearance of All Women's Dresses
Rare Values at $1.40 te $18.95
A few illustrated, typifying: many, many mere. All fresh and clean.
Every conceivable style. Many less titan wholesale cost.
Frecks of imported Scotch gingham in all colors, at $1.40! Of voile
and Amoskeag gingham, at $1.90. Of imported gingham and voile, $2.90.
Regular and extra-size Dresses of tissue gingham, linen, voile and im
ported gingham, at $3.90. Of Normandy and printed voile, at $4.90. Re
markable values, surely !
Silk Dresses, tee, at exceptional savings. Of pongee, broadcloth and
tub silks, at $6.75. Of white Canten crepe,' at $10.00. Of Canten crepe and
crepe de chine, at $13.75. A let of 200 Dresses of Canten crepe, crepe-bak
satin, charmeuse and crepe de chine, at $15.75. Very smart models of
heavy Canten crepe, crepe-back satin and satin-faced Canten, underprice,
Strwbrtdc A Clethlfr Lew.r P-lm Bmnt 8ter
Shee Section Will Be Busy Monday
Women, misses and children will share in this clearance event.
Women's and Misses' White Canvas Pumps and Oxfords Sizes 3 te 8. One- and
two-strap Heuse Slippers. Sizes 4 te S.
Children's Patent Leather and White Kid Strap Pump. Sires 4 te 8; 8Jn te 11.
.Stranbrlde 4c I leihlfr I-ewr l'rlc lUiemtnt Stert
if V ? LOilV 2 vr H
' .1 II Villi
I Tt4 &Mk
$2.00 $3.9.- $3.93 $2.00 $2.00 $1.50 $2.00 '$3.95
Five Special Clearance Groups
of Misses' and Girls' Dresses
Small lets of attractive Frecks have been re-grouped at very low
prices for a speedy clearance Monday.
Misses' Dresses of tub silk, gingham,
voile, linene and ratine, prettily trimmed.
Greatly under price $2.00. Dresses of
gingham, Normandy voile, organdie and
dotted Swiss, many half price $3.05.
All sizes but net in each style.
Girls Dresses of erKandie and gingham
$1.30. Of finer gingham, organdie and
voile $2.00. Beautiful, little FreckH color
ed or white ergandie and voile, far under
price $3.95.
8tritrlilr 4. ClethUr l.ewr Trie llntriernt Hler.
t .tt . ,- 4,