pppr iWPF'pp'f npppW PfWipPW Tf,HfW m. i 91 x EVENING PUBLIC LEDGER-PHITADELPHIA, FRIDAY, AUGUST 4, 1922 c I M 3SSH05H MP 7sr gessp Betr people fancy Wynne Speaks of the Doings at Various Places She Tells of a Bridge Party at Capi Seme Geed-Looking Clethes Summer Cape May. N nllTHEAHT, Nnrrngansett nnil vey Celeinrui .- Mnr. uliere most Phllntlrt- .IIim worn te ceiigregfllc, tire e.iunlly '.. nlth nil sorts of Informal and for 'i nartles. Tonight there will tn ,x L.ll it tBO 1101CI uc in .niR'-, iii. '- f.snsett, In connection with the pole Vlfcb hm tem. 1? en nl ,wfek n.1 S. Point .Indllh Country Club. A ptit many riiHedclplilnns go te Nnr- "some o'thers I've heard of who expect ... Ihere seen nrc Helen Hepe Mont Ment lr,t. one of the most nttractlvc of Vat:'.Lj, ileha. nnd Emma Jserrls, K.BdMr". Ednrd Norris' daughter ..,1 n sub-tit-'". iieiK- iuumiiuiiiirijr i, -i. there after shr has visited Doiethv Catherine Iledgcrs, Mn. William & "".iigliteM," at Watch Hill, I W" -J !'.,. ,nMt in BtflV with iMnk. i" '"""' -- - -- '"'".'..-i nml mint. Mr. and Mr Clement .troves AValnwrlght, the ( ''It Cape Mav nnd Northeast Informal .ViIm ire met popular, beach par 5 will dinners nnd such. Yesterday ?( rne Mav Mrs. Jehn Brewnbnck, j. he Was Betty Kenedy nnd I ffr flttrnctlve-pnvc a children h party Lr h small daughter, Mary Virginia. SeBrewiibaclts nrc spending the sura 2 at their cottage at 205 Windser mue. They live en Pole read, In nffn Mnnr, in the winter. D7?JevYr. I've just heard of a rather i '., nffnir which Is te trwc place in Ir.it May en August U. it is te i.u k Iffi pnrtv at Congress Hall, and it Kf pldlmlelphians are Interested In Ii;. Mrs! D." Knlckeibacker IfwTd Mr" .T. Huteiunsen ssrnii, .ir.. IWjOi ",'. ,. vllllnmi. Mrs. Pnleb Mr. iwDri' '.." - "- vnrr. S"Tm.' I'aul Sturtevnnt Howe, Mrs. McCIurc rnhncsteck and Mrs. ,i. ura bum French. . The party. " " "" "'"A"l-r.- fh'urch of the Advenr. i vij " , , a dear little church, smaller but ,t much like Old St. reter's. at tarth a"'! Tine streets. It Is open all ,1, Z "around and was jiut a mission XI Dr. I'nul Howe, who Is the rector, took , harge. Txts of the Cape it people go there, nnd If I am net Kent ns where Mr. nnd Mrs. Sieil. Krle. 3il. were married scye i VmVs ace II is qenlnt and the ?X inside U nlljlihlte. 1 hear ",t liter in August there Is te be a tauar ale In nlil of the church. - 4fra eamlmla trtM SPEAK1 et vnic .'i. K-i.nMu. ... that 1 w Kitty Knli.hr. the ether At. She nnd her melher. Mrs. Brad Brad fenl Knight, nnd her vister Mfirv. were IlCar Mnv for two weks the hegln nj of Juh. nnd Mnrv staHl en Jwirrwlth Mrs. Freddy I-ee, Jr.. who ma Erie Smith. ., ,....,.,. . Vew hew ever, ine iimih i- '' ..rheinnt Hill. In the William Stew- art house in St. Martina wlich ti.ey hire taken for August. The house s en St. Msrtins Inne. nnd Is uimijunll quaint looking, with Its' long reef nnd liny windows When I wiw Kitty fr dns nge j.l. wnx wearing n Muii .1 .I-..U f i.nnrv inn crene de chine. Trr long nnd very "much draped, a lnrge Ut t black Tt. AND MRS. EDWIN OUAHAM Attractive Debutante Mr. nilft T,U Tta,...nff nra ufn.wti.i. .,. ' J. --- 'ri.iB uiu numiner uureiui, infir,nd. M"-. Heward Wurts Page, of Li i "".'i0" ",r.Mi aml Chestnut Hill. )lll Sm"v Sl" for "ermuda. where in 2 i'i i",6"' ufl.em ,lmp 'rhe'r son- "'i of Fnlrfleld. Pnell, have Kone te ?e.'i.tln w,,er? lh?v wl be joined i Tr. i.. . "f"" y Mrs. 1'iRttH broth Starr, Jr " ' D and MrSl lfinae Mr. and Mre Walter Ciecker Pew are In New Mexico, where they nre vIsltlnK Mrs. pew h mother. Mrs Charles P. O Cenner, of Hryn Mawr, who Is spend Injf Bome tlme there. Mr. and Mr-.. Frederic II. Straw Straw DrldKe, Jr, of Ilnthawny lane, Wynne Wynne weed, imve returned from Jamestown. Ki. J? her? ,,.hej; wcr6 ,h0' ftuesta of V:"- "'WbrlUise'a rnndmether. Mra. ,.?."? (.lcnler- of Uallytore, Wynne Wynne weed, at her summer place. ,nnSd Mrs-.'T- Clayten Strawbrldge. of .109 Beacon lane. Mellen, will spend August In the I'oenv Mountains, where they win be the wests et Mr. Straw brldBe a parents, Mr. nnd Mrs. Frederic H. btrawbrldR-e, of Torworth, Oerman Oerman lewn, at their cottage. n PS ml M,a Jehn H' Olbben. of Iyn- !le..dvr,1ull,s,.a,,.c,,l?' lc,t mi Tueday for .Northeast Harber, Me. where they mi. ?rpn.d HF"81- Tb1"" daughter, lV'";Jorle,- Olbben. who lias been abroad hIuce May with her nunt. Mrs nft1?2V C?.x cf N'ew Yerk' n"1 ber .,11: 'V.1? Mft,Kret "eail, Ih nt prcs '"'J" "nly. TheV will sail for this country next me-nth. rrPe'-,".!"1 Ml"- Herbert Payne Plshcr. of ,' Wnn ftvenue, Gcrmantewn. nnd !i L'lilugll,,e,V MrH r'vls It. Are. ?lrft."Jc: S- i'l1 wI" leave n Kntuidav i.r ?' ,bH9e.ue. Newfoundland, .i itn'y. wl11 "1"nd eeral wcek en a flshliiB trip. Mr Ayrex, who has returned from a visit te Garden Clt" ''. I , wheie rhe wan the cuest of her cousin. Mrs W. II. 11 Cooper. Ih epemN In seme tlme with her parent. ,i i11 ,andu .Mrs- Harrison I. Potts and their dnUBhter Miss Elizabeth Potts, of ni W?t.iHe?1"'r "trcetl Oermantewn. will shortly leae for Belgrade Lake Me, where thav mil n.n ......; ,.,.!. n.L.i. 'ic ;. .""". -! m I LHaKaiS . K,ivfaWaaaaaaHIW k. K' iJI tL 'jillBijH k All fy ISIHR ft HVB4PWK ! v( s. -- 'if; V r ;; ,iie!' ffF kaH,1,,'" I ' w BaVkh ' ' vH VSt Jau . . t-t- I nflaK ' 3P LaWVJik. ' ;- LjBuSBB. - F U', iUHpHik LwbMv::- -t V VUMPSl' recttfry. The nV. Iiwrence Fahey of ficiated. Mr. and Mm Yocum will llve at 616 West Airy street. ' Mra, Karl P. Oresh, of Stanbrldge street, entertained at cards en Tuesday afternoon at her home. There were twelve Kuest. Mrs. Geerge W. Itegers. of C29 Swede street, baa geno te TCtmlra, N". Y te at tend the wedding of Miss Clara ileircrs VanCampen, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Jehn R. VanCampen, and Mr. Charles Henry Fletcher, which will take place en August 10, In Trinity Church, Elmtra. Mr. Francis Shelden, of 1435 Powell street, la spending several weeks In Ocean City, .V. J. Mr. and Mrs. W. K Bean and Mr. and Mrs1. Edgar ltelfsnyder. of Norrls Nerrls Norrls tewn, have returned from an automo bile trip through the While Mountains. Miss Emma Paneled, of Hartferd, Conn,, Is visiting her brother-in-law and sister, Mr. and Mrs. Mlchnei ciccarene. Mrs. E. It. Iteherts, of Jacoby, nnd I daughter, Mrs. Warren J, trlsh, nnd I Miss Jean Irish, of West Mnln street will spend the next few weeks In At lantic City. Atlantic City Mi. and Mrs W A T.eury, of Ger Ger muntewn, are spending some time at the Hhelburne. Mr. Paul R Eslcr, ef ruerbroek, spent several daya at the Brighten. Mrs. M. P. Heraty nnd Mrs Lee- Ros Res seter, of Wayne avenue, Germantown, nre spending some time nt the Seaside Hetel. Miss Helen M Seimner has been spending a few dpys with her mother, Mrs. II. B Semmfri, who is at (tin j nnciuurne ler we season .Mr. ana mt Themas Beh.iti nre ;ilse at this hotel I for the month of August Mr. nnd Mrs A 13 Parker pent sev eral days at Atlantic City. I Is Engaged BwBKaWarVaWBVaWBVaWBVaWBVaWBVaWBVaWBVawJ Y3M& bmbLwbLwbLwctTLwbLwbLwbLwI rAaawawawawawHWaV '' t ' TvaVawawAwAwH ivAVAwAVE?v VJ KaVBHBBBI'-' "1 IIbBFIJPAVP' :' '" 1 fA 'Ut ': vt'aWSVJ m ' mitUA , am. mws&smm Jl ;yBBHHHBJ FETE FOR BOY SCOUTS "Ceremonial Fire" te Be Held at Camp Blddle A "Ceremonial Fire" will be held this evening, nt f'amp Middle, of the Philadelphia Hey Scouts, nenr Hroemall. The camp occupies n sertlen of ground lenned by Oenrftc II Karle, nnd Is in chniRP of Karl M. Mlnke. Qlrl Who Shet Self Recovering Acnes I,lehls('h. fourteen years old. who shot herself In the nlidemen nt her home. "IS Cnllewhlll street Tui-ilnj . Is improving In the Hahnemann Hospital Acrerdlnx te the gill hIip ntlempted Miiiclde after her pnients lmd lefused te allow be frlendi te ere ln-i Jehn I.li'blwli, lier father, who hit - n culer saloon ut the Cnllewhlll tiret eildreK said IiIh dnuRliter wiin in love witli n mini who innrricil aueiher gill IJIrerttnn Httity Cemniin' of AmTt 'ALWAYS PHRFKCrCrir VBNT1LATBO' Phito b JMiote-Craftera. K MISS HELEN M. COYLE Mist Ceylc j's the daughter of Mn. M. .. Ce'ulr, f 2er,l Ox ford street. Her engagement te Mr. Jehn Meedy Lynch was re cently announced EITH'S THEATRE IRENE FRANKLIN The Amerlenn r"emtd enn JACK DONAHUE CHARLES IRWIN I.ole-IOSr.l'IlIM: & MfvNMMl.Tf. lJrniarer' St Cell.lt. i Itebblni rmllv: Otlicr WILLOW GROVE PARK I l.nitt Tnn Ihth if 1 WASSILI LEPS &HIS ORCHESTRA TODAY t.SO Sdill VnmniU Mm Drrmlil. Hnprnnni 1:B I'unl ruktelln. Tener: 014.1 IIKMtt s OTT. IIiism, I Ir.l rrrrnrnuiiic if "drnnlB." Iir Mabfl Weed Hill Tenlcht I) tore ( nntent In Dnnietnnil tjifimaCalfi KiNirrKr.NTH A MAHKBT II, 1.30, 8 30, r, 30. 7 31), 0 3C JACK HOLT IN A NRW PAItAMOUNT PIGTUIHl lWhile Satan Sleeps" BUSTER KEATON nifi." Next Week ' ns'K rl.t.An A 1,1." Wiih Milten Slllwnnfl Clnlte Wlndfnr V nnOAD A CHK8TNUT Ann. "Weman He Married" y'Mv'li-.Vtii" Ar n llnnlerlsnil' n. Crt: 1UT1I AND .MAHKCT PALACb 0 " A M. te 11 P. M. Male I'roiluctlen-TlioiisnniU of nyr "All Fer a Weman" One nf the H's' of Its K nil - P lder I ill II & (."HF.STNUT D M te II IS P. M. A OAMIJ ( llll KV.K ARCADIA BEBE DANIELS VICTORIA ;V.VAW TOM MlXy.FIGHTlN' STREAK r t nirni l.miiin ami maiuvEt CAP11UL Mae Murray in "The Delicious Little Devil" JUNIPI II AVI) MAP.HF.T VAUDEVILLE GLOBE rnt i i iiu. II e It i ALDINE DCJl ,J,': ""''' reu ",,"' ADOKI) -"THK I,RTIIF:K PI M1FUS" vrnt vi:i:iv 'Tin: hkiamist Pniu'Hr I'ne BARNET GARDEN IXX', IIIIMiK I.M (ipi.N-UK piiiiTtifi '' i:m mn(.. MIXIitMl li i ,1, n, nit,,., ii.ni I ! nil: ii(ii) unit -i i ii Oermantewn. at their plate at Camden MISS DOROTHEA SPOTSWOOD MEHL Daughter of Mr. and Mm. Frederick Heward Mehl, of Valley ' read, Ardmerc, who will make her debut at a tea te be given by her parents en September 29 Mra. Levy will be remembered as Miss Oeorare Tlayley, are spending the week lantic Ulty. Is roceverlni? Sl'MMER LRKS(tnTM ATLANTIC) CITV. N. J. VOUBCOMKIUT-OUKBUCCES" jl in iiMiayirrB KtniMI'.lt KKOUTH un.uuoei) titr.si N. J. si mmi.k Ri.enins) I.Al.N.NA, P1KI. ( PA. si aimi it iii. ours M' FMIIAMi BELMAR Meal Ideation. Airy roemn Rrcel. tdtilc HuthltiK from hotel. Nell . TlmmePrep nKBTIINL'T COTTAI.R, In th Poreno tli home roeUlnir. rwei 111 ler vK up Clee II PrenK l.nnnnn i"!:i Ce . P A. rati UUhtfta An, ntw kuh.kul Beartfwtlk, Atfa Clty't nwit bMnti i ararv t&ll. envn lamanillrm. sll dutrfal MUI4 new roema, atwlT famlibad AtlAn .- '- -..". T 1 i.t . Z nunc it wi entirciM, pitra na uuim Pe7u..n?!5.uth!m daiiBhter of Mr. at All a d?.iBl'.tr of MrM'S?,li?abet? a?'W. Trunk Themas, et 1721 Mifflin etreet. I .., uaiiKiuer of Mr. nnrt Mra. Leuis P. '" r,ppcr, Jr., of SA5 West Jehnnen strppt Mr. nnd Mra. Karl Tlrnndt. of 1039 I from a rtecklnnd etrect, nre spending some tlme! In Ocean City. Ttebert 'W. Welch recent Illnesi. M.r, nr' V"1 ;Tamf"' Irl"K nr he1 Bueata for ten ilaxa cf Mrs. Irvine parent?, Mr nnd Mr, Georse Ferbes, at their home nenr lialtlmere. I Mr. nnd Jtrn .Tni,,, 'n,n,i-.. .,t. I of the Mnrlvn, Pertleth nnd Walnut Htrects. left emerday for Great Neck! h kjS0 they will visit Mr. nnd Mra. i,,xr " fertnlKht, aftrr which they .V!.' f0 Jn-meateTin fcr a few iSJB,'l'' On September 1 thev m KO te Neva Kcetla nnU thev will net return te this city until Octebei. Mr. and Mr. Uebert Wetherlll. Jr and their children, of Cheater? liave re" Cliy. " rertnlchl"'J -"tay at Ocean West Philadelphia Miss Cniollne Price nnd Mlai .Icinln I rice, of 42 1 Preston street, e.lll nhertlv meter te tlie Pocmies. where thev will rcnmln for a fertnlKht. Thev v,'lll be .uiiiixiiiirit y mv anil .Mr". Jehn Navy Yard Mrs. Letitla W. Twlnlne la spending i FMne tlme at Huck Hill Fall". I Mrs Alloe Highce Is 'Vlsltlnc her sis ter, Mrs i:iue)l Lake, at Leng Drnnch I Clti nwnt bMnrinil haul ttlen. I, eprr roemi eepwflivdttivii. lint n u rfttl l ifnfi thnxnt. I.M0N. ' pertbw, Mmm water in all ioems SImImt mimIU. print bitlu: 'ctrlc Ufhts. tlTur urTl,UnH isn p). ltrMtl mult u4 nlutem iua Krw bUitn( prlrltee. OUB TABI.E U mipMltl future; wndarfel hta oklei. (rHk ttiriUblM. nt ite nritl ". whll Mrrlta 4MirtuMM.." "irj Kinltu ). II M ID itlr. BbmII WMklr. Fbss A. C. ITU Qnm)tpatattmnt. ;yjwHjgfct-w-tgasgg! CAPK MAY. N. .. THE WILLARD BU X"xAY Lre cool furnlnheJ roems: liU blcl 'rera i trn Harh Terms r?aenanie. , Hetel Virginia 'V0Rn.,n .j Klee llghls. prly Tli I nnrntler 1Ieme comfer'abl-, rent- ine Lancaster fu ,n Pfone Vuil rmeii Informntien Baughan A t tt, Prepi. Tl)l K. SKW PNt.l (Ml Perfect KimcIj Miunin'ert .sr,ne-v (loeil Hnlele Fer llend Map alil WM K1MIIAT.I, Kc v N L II iel An Drnner llete', Northampton, Mum litis KIN MlS HWrtTirMnnr. pa. hath J. J. ytnrUerPrep t. Under nav , Beverly Inn i?ur. ruin reje.-nr. bench. H. O nennett.PjreP, LAFAYETTE 7,, Sifln' UADVARn Single rooms or en cult. "" V rVtV Tl Hwartlimere 140. "' YAi.iJCT rer.r.K. ta. WABUlMinON WN ChleLan anil Willi liiniur DANIKIi J VOOKHEhl'. WATKINH OI.EN lli:.N IN IIOSION MTMP T HOTEL VENDOME Commonwealth Avenue at Dartmouth HI. rnn.TNKT. vt. SK ISM'. CITVj. N- TIIK OI.KN SPKINI.S Watklns fllen. N. . I 'or Intelllicent Real, Cin-f Hnnre Centrallv located em B. eurr Heuse rrel w M mruthr" en rteach IT The Colonial inn '" antn B.aer rreunfla. Shade epert. ceed table, nsar R. R an tre!' ISO ciiffta Snd 'or lieautirullr lllu tra'eii N-ei.l" mdern lmp'eement J14 0 te no no. rtex l. r i.. i.eevrd ir. AnninvnuKMT. . paii. smith", x. y. RI.KICP TVIIET.B l-ITE IS HArKST rleU, Btetl and Bliat OaaalrocUen AVAI.ON. . PRBNCSESS Mis. Tlmethv Keleher. et 2111 P.ltner , Mieet, wlfe of Lieutenant Ceniinander ISerristOtVft Keleher, accompanied bv Mrs ''larence. 9nii.e.nH rm inin t .aaiibI ntrnnf i ra ' .... - 1 - ' uuiuiiiuuu, ui i, u, ni, ." "1110 mail lags rr .Mlis trances Jl Ocaan mill 9 Carolina Av Laraait medarata of Lieutenant Oulbransen. ent recently traferd. daughter of Mr. nnd Mr J , rata h!3,i !f med.rn lar dtnatrucilSnT en n meter trip te Jamestown, R I. Xenmvn Crawford, of Audubon. I'a . I Unt inri PaM Rnnnlns Wtlar In 111 Rnnuit where they were the gucstH for ten dns nnj jir, chntles Fex, aen of Mr B,i i 1H0 tWO nlinning HBl in All nOBHII of Mr. nnd Mrs. Alexander Mechling, ' Mrs. Leslle Fex. also of Audubon, took i Prlrale Batha Klerater Keleher has re-, ince 0 Wednesday evenlnir. nf the. Trench ehaf. Kxcellant table. White aarvlea. home of the bride The Tie v. It. T.. I Orchestra. Danctn. Ffea batMipuaea. THE PRINCETON AVALON NEW JEP.BEV Kxcellent culflre riunnlne water, b'jtns Near hearh JOinPH V PILATU"!!. Prep HEIIIIERT O nr.r.O. Manncer 'The Pioneer Ailirenduik Iteserr nml dnlfprs Pnnillse. SIU RV PARK. N. J. PAUL SMITH'S CH0,ccnEncDJ.TT6ES HOTEL VIRGINIA I1K4CII VA. FOR RENT of Qermontewn. Mra. turned t her home. Mrs Clulhrannen will remaln with Mr. and Mrs. Mechling until September 1. rtca. for Williams, paater of the Lewer Prevl- 1 fuaats with Boardwalk entrance All wlndewt lull,; mm .' ' ,: i i r. , ..-. .j .,,, iiu ,ir". join tot nmtr-li. nnd tnn stecklnps and Price, of Mrrchnntvllle. x j, an, jtr , ratent lenther slippers. nmlMisw. c. Alexander, of Island many. ii . i - L nnd Hieir dnughtcr tiCrtrutie, who i ehelsen ciraeeiit Ifl'-t winter, are in ii mvauK; new, MRltlnc Dr. nnd Mrs. Grnhnni Mr. Hnrry X. Illalr. of Kill Wxaluf-!'if-i1vI!nue K Miendlng a few weeks In ether dauEhter. l.errnlne. who married Kthard Huren, of that city. Mrs. Graham herself rnme from Mllwnul'ee. no thev must be bavin nil especially mevnl! time. They expect te stay or ill nf AiiRiist. I hear. 1 ai Ciriiude, or 'way. ns me-i people call her. u few dnvs Dclere M lelt. ineKine very - 1 1 in 'n,- ofthefl white "holey" sweaters ever a white hhirtwiiixt and skirt, n small led ftraw linr. tiiimned with red cherries, and a ml mIU muffler. The led nim nhiteeirut a. miite stilkins nml most Vtjh'h. North Philadelphia Mr. nnd Mrs J. M. Downey, of 221" vest Cumberland street, re iecellng congrntiilatleiis upon the birth of n Jl' ii1"' J,nrenrel JIar' Downey, en Miss Kntherlne Bele and Miss rior rier rior ence Meyle, of 1722 Girard ncnue, hne returned heme nfter spending several daB In Atlantic Clt Lieutenant Commander H H Perter nnd Mrs. Perter, who have been spend ing seeral months In Charleston, S t end Palm Heach. Tin.. hae leturnert te their home nt 2126 Sliunk street, where .!... ...Ill .A.nln .n,ll l,a inl.WllA nt August, when thev will lene en n meter .Mr, jr E Yeung, of 12 Rnst Main trip through Canada, returning nbeut street, and Mr Rebert Yocum, of 616 September lfi. West Alrv street, were married en Lieutenant and Mr-. Edward L Ccch- Weflneadiy evening in St. Patrick rane. of 252S Seuth Twentieth treet. nre' receiving congratulations en the birth of a son, lldward Lull Cochrane, Jr., en i July IT. I no reaa map manea, ra. eaecram. Owmuvfc i'tOP. k 1- .&. .... KA A .. ..tu Ah. .,ah nnt tlence Prcbytcrian Church, perfeimed wKly. Hklt. with auto read map mailed. Ph. ine ceremony, -rne Driae was attended nn-i3ie. Faul c. no by Mlsa Jlary Fex, sister of the brlde brlde brlde gioem as mnld of hencr. The best man was Mr. Allen Hendersen, cousin of the bride. A reception followed the cere- NETHERLANDS ilwcMal mLLtLH'Im i p-i' HOTEL ICK unTrnmnrrs MICH ATAMnABD OF EXCEILBNCE MORGAN APARSONS; PLAZA HOTEL With Hetel Serrlre MIll)EHTi: KATI'S A" Land and Water Sports Mualc, Pnnrmir, En'ertfllnmn'i Pnitl smiths Hetel Ce.. Paul "iiiltlis. V. . j; (1 KITZdEHM O. Manaaer. I.AKi: (iKOIUiE. N Y. EVE CO, nv dnv ceinc te Seuth Philadelphia Mlsa Anne Leftns. rf 1K!M Vnrth -Plf. teenth street, will retiun home tomor row, nftar a two weeks' lsit in Chelsea. Mr. Jehn McAnhilev. nf i"".n it'oe. I Hrie nenue. Is leaving today te spend a fortnight at Mt Oretna. I hear of mere girls Mile. Moes in Paris te. vhnnl. Then- me only twehc or wi intnewneii. s,.,,oei. nun niin?iiie.w.,r, Mr inf, Mrq ,tf)rrv ,, yy nf ,, mlar-fed. It would m-piii ns if the t-elienl south WoedHtocIt street, nte. being con cen timiMbe tniiieU fempnsttl nf rhlladel- . grntulateil upon the birth of a son llilani next winter. The Infest clrl w he Harry Levy, Jr, en Krltlny, Julv ." ti) se is Miuv Loud. I'reperiy MaUnc. she is net mute n rlulndel- 1 1 tan. ns lier father wna fiein liosten. She Is n relnlie of Mis. Arthur l.ea, who Is itKn Iter giiarilinu ns both her UretitR nte dead. Mnn'a mother wn irnni this .t ImweMr; she wns .Miss Nellie I'niipei wait. Mrs I .en nnd Man ami .Mr. l.ea Mftfr, Alis Mai I'erij nrewn, of Wishinstini will Mill loiiimrew for teepe en the Hnltle They will speml I .rtt-nn'rv-ninmrtmrniriinsi. i..nlniul tffli rr.inre, nnd en September 27 Mrs. ' i.t ull vi 1 1 for lis i'euntr. lenvuic , VUty at s lmnl I Imagine she will i (Kite nut tlu irnip nfter net. but I ' raren't lie.ml imsiiivelx . NANCV WYNVi:. Delatvarc County Dr and Mrs, Gcerge L. Armltngn nnd Dr. and Mrs Hnrry L Aimltage, of I Chester, left this week for Lewes, Del.) where they he taken a cottuge en the beach for a month. Mrs. Jeseph Hlnksen. cf Chester. Is i spending n few davs ns the guest of friends nt Buck Hill Kall. Mr1? Oarnctt Pendleton lias returned te her home In Chester, from Lewes, Heach, Iel . where she was the guet rer a ween ei .mi. ami .irs wiiiiiuii ,ii Powel Mr nnd Mrs. Powel and their fnmllv. who were oceupjlng a cettage for a month, have also returned Cuticura Seap IS IDEAL- Fer the Hands Soap.Oietmanl.Tali'am.iSe tTfirvkara Fenamalai addraw Catlr4LbrltmjtXaUM,MM. New Verls me CO yard from UeatdwalH. oxerlecklni; lawn and bcran. Heat leiuttd. leiulur priced hotel Capacity 400 Ele vator. Private baths, het and cold runnlnj water In roema. electric llchts. Table abundantly aupplled with th best matket arTeida Muale and dance (luer PathlnE M.IHIarH rnm nll IS Ml llfi llallv 117 All I i.n wklv Amer nlan Pklt M ( Hweeney tlTIRI IMfl 205 Funeet Av I a j worn te eeacn. run nei and cold water urlale baths P. It. EST. I ORAINP Xe. 3 (Xean Pnthwaj Kull . s-""- rxean View. Table a feature 1 Phene- Abur 21IH-VJ I ASIIl'RY PAHK. N. .1. Onlr nrerean Hetel en th Ocean front Headnuirters for auto tourists. Shere d li ners a Hnrialn Anbury Park, Hetel Marien rJLaka Ooerc?,N.T! epercrike cijfiteartfv jajen, Aplaceyer rcfTad cultured ucrti jOStOH H MARVtL VVVVVVSVVVVVVVVVVVVV J i JlgHSI t s Wicker Furniture Yardley 5 I GLASSBERG WICKER MFG. CO. J J 2018 N. Frent St. Irre Delivery t Mrs P.alidi Hale and her .son. Mr '"nen Kvita. Phene lllainend 393 HW Mr Algeinrn S Cadwallmlers and Mr r Augustus I'ndwallader are spending the mouth of August at t'.ip M.ij, wlieie the) lmve taken a cottage. Complete new ateck at frock bottom prlcea Fac tory direct te you a II aavlng ut middleman a prent B.ll. Deraettic Ckairi, $5.50 Side Armchiirt .... 7.50 St. Geerge Chair 8.S0 Iteckrrs en eaeh rhalr, 111.00 rxtrit. (Wh have a full line of PMteen. Table Table and Tlenr Lamps. Pern notes nnd Hlrd Cairee) GLASSBERG WICKER MFG. CO. 2018 N. Frent St. Irre Delivery CERSTELSHACKSTOSE Virjrlnl Avenue and Bearh. AUantle (Jlty Entirely Rfufnlnhed and Kenevated American and K'irepean Plin "ORRSTHIS FAMOUS CtJISINR" Cptrlntixe en Huntrariftn Dishes and Sea Poed PUtters I'ommedio is tlnil Illih Class Kntertsinment Het and Celd Himntnz .Sra Yatr In all baths KMILOMt.SlfX Usi't-Mnna.r-r Alfie Orrratlni; Oerstel a Lelande iletel. I PI'I.R K r. N. V. SARANAC INN Half IH HeIps. uierli CllUlne. lUhlnc limiting. Ilaniliig. I line- sqntm . N POCAHONTAS "-Kl,x Ocean front ke 1 tj e Atnrr nn plan. Unir te J211l rL"1' ,r, A " Wlhann. P01.VP, MF. POLAND SPRING lalne a t'nrhnied I rt IH limn ( f pvir nformafien n id .eUle nddre lllrassj ItUlier nn In "n th Pilnnl Maine. n r s HIM.. . I UK IIOMrvrKM,. Vlrelnli Het .tirlna. Invla. i.tn. -lure, rtuir. triinla, hnrrliark. uniri: si i.i'iu it M'lu.Nf.M. v. vau The Oreenhrler White Hiilnliur Murines I nr llet mill sport ( l.ll OltM Southern California Muuva llelli;lilfiil "i'iiiI fur liifnrniii liifnrniii tlen tn M l.-M'll (I.IK nf MUTH lS 11,11 HUM I, ( Imnilier of iininii rre ltiiililitur, I ii. ncetea. ( nlifiirnlii TIU'KS TIM Its err.AN oitevi MAJESTIC HOTEL nireetlr en the Ilenrh Elevator eerMee. runnltic uater In rooms Under new reanacsment. WM f SAVintt BREAKERS REF At the ocean Tel Asb Park SStl t " .Montfort Etnturky Ave , nsr Usarh, rer. house; open surround- Vni Mil I I Main i c h ,r ,n Inn. nnltref sttrsctlens and pltrs Kunnlnij water In fTM flpJI A I. , " V L f, , reSms. private bsths bathini pili ee from I ntel CJLiVIllrtl mean c an 100 Rnte, bhewer baths. I.'svster tn street. Table unenn-llrd moeAm I.nrep phn K.60'rTJcVni:.rL""VLMm4TT'"nk "A "0D '''XCE T' "MMKD" fiwrhlr IiiretlAr. KALl'II .M tLt.t U. 1 1 --. nv i4, wiriiN air WCLLSBORO TOURS UP THE HUDSON te BEAR MOUNTAIN and Return ON STEAMER ONTEORA Sunday, August 6ih, 1922 UP THE HUDSON ( Pi I V J'oe -i r . e i tdii'i i' J Uf n hi' ii if r v ( Ii toil ti w 'i ' i hM re f 1 fa i i h t n, ' 1 1 mil I .' llll ilf 'i" " M i 1 r imp r irifiT) OIK TI ( 1. I h WI ti tit n our Rhert IiIelU from ecan Lew ratf SOCIAL ACTIVITIES Mis I,,! v .leffeMH. tliiuchtcr of l)i' KriulV;i,WllHini IlHmllten .Ifffeivx. nf s-i ir honor ni it tlrriii'i, mum ..-1 . " will glvr. en .innuiiry 111. MIh "(. wi,,j win iie n dehutnntn of J nutunin u he Introduced at .1 ' On iim.iier t She will leue fi r "PiM-n next week te isit her hinth- 'Wti-Uw nml l ter, Mi nml Mil Al Al J'fnen It ci.ipn of isn Spiuee street, J,"1'' eetuplng (heir cnttngn for the Mr, lin.i . mis .,, ",rr,!,en "eens inner. Jr. or I7JV I1 Mi. .Irani ...111 -..... . I . rrap, in.-, Mill IMIll'riUUI Ul II jJPMIJ teiJa nt lur icttuge ut Cape Ir ,111,1 Mi a I,. I,.. ei win Ituhei Ir, of llnnn .i .' " It'eiMllg inngllltul.ltll) Iluter ' 0f.- t"J'' llll'll"1 Ml" vi...', " ' -' i" iiiini'r ' dfce Jehn Miller, et Noulslewn .IIP U...I 'lhl. ' l.ei i nine, Mi" .1 Dii'xel Kiddle. l, i v. " ' lml" ""'" fptnuiug iwu '' eiterday f,. Vetk llu the, ...J)'1 M1.1 l'e"l l"' ifinalniler rf ... "UKe silled fii.. rt'i,.,. i .... kiiii'iii: luiuui II fortnight Ihid iron Colonel Xpfct tul iinl Mi j Snstlients Kfhii. who an nn in .N.-w Ven '"' Klllni ."""' '" ''N 'Oil Will .iV.Ull,l Ugllst 15. wIihii th b" Het" ir '""""', ',l ,1,e V.imlei ""'vim,? l, '.M'Ii.k t" 1'iih.i for 't P ii,,.- M 1,h" ""N MIh Mai- ' ut huh clt. tlr .... . . .!? f ' m Mi; Ml",t "-"'" wi.it. 1IU-Cai ii' .' .''' '" " "iW'-t. i nt tliH " "' .mw veil. Ml- r.. NtHtin, '.'? N'llt. It I l "arutni. v "iieim tim i.iees Mr. ... rk ,'.? ,'.'' tie, i, is in n.w mifi anion Mi. . . ei,;;,,...,0,:,,.,."i mi. , of this ilU 1 . will le.uii ;at,i, .'inns Mips Mmv lll'll I M till. I II. I.. ... vs. 'h h, "" Wcr,""l"". I'll white 1 I In n r V"'i.Kanneti Pier ten, "" i urnnlndei l( tin, hh., dl'i'iiii.M Plttnt. xnn it M.m l'll. m..:."r'wiirii. of n... v.. '..'.'-. ".. 7-tl "itv ?' Nftw Voile, yesterday ly. ccempnnled by Mr. Hir' i. sum ,YML WATCHES DIAMONDS- uuff!rr Open iC iHHlVVVU 1 Snturduy Isfg J l Until Xi mMV 6 P. M. (') Simply Pay Like Thii ONLY 5c THE FIRST WEEK 10c 20c 40c 80c $1 2d 3d 4th Stk 6th Week Week Week Week Week nd l ii eek I mil Pulil. ( reillt le All llenefct I'nl Illinois Master 17-Jewel Adjusted WATCHES Then'' Is no better w ulch niudf fei ticeiirntii tlinr keeplig nml In tills wen derful mUe ou ran Jias II fei I'm DOWN The Illinois MiiKti'i Is held telusM'lv ii M sime.s ,i ( n in- eiir Kelil'lllleil hlimeil nine. 3S!?& i i m $36.75 Arjrim. n?evaMsiM .vs1 rSiil I KrCmmWMmWfmr mMmLmWmmmW. I iiitira' niuiiiiinj ll-ht. (mill IthiK $18.50 5c DOWN Pure White IMmneiitt riiitlmiin Ten $29.25 Sc DOWN Rogers' Silver I'll nlecea Huar anteul In hum! aetne case An Down Mahogany Chime Clocks Sc Down Be Sure of Addrea O -Loek for Name en Windows lllll ON(p. AM9K LjfXQMSr EXCLUSIVE CPMDiT j JEWMIKV MOOSE IN PHIt ADUPM0 39MpiyrH 13th Street ren ei'n vArxnev work Why Net a TAPESTRY PIECE? IMPORTED and DOMESTIC BENCHES CHAIR SEATS PILLOWS ETC. In Selert Assortment (Inst Kerehrd Anether MhUunent) Alse BEADS GIFTS WOOL Gcrmantewn Novelty Shep 02 W. ( hrlten Ale. (itn. 10H8 HIMIMi:it nKWORTB liALEBIHI ST. rllAHIr.s 1'I.ACK ANI IIKMII l'iuinrit .100 Krn aMielntnieut In rulslne nnd serlc ltnnnltie amr. I'rlMiie Initie, Stiailnu? feier anil leurtRliitr roenie .solarium tlreatly reHuteil Kail rates Drsriiiuhe hklt M lillrtllA1lIIUI 1. 1. I UMI'AM NOe: SJO INOtVIOUAL ANO OtSTINCUIHCO A9 ', VIWOIISIA AVENUE A etrjAROWALK An ocean front hotel Uric!, construct Newly rene. I.areen rerch inerloeliliiR ocean Eictl meals It cots len te stay with 111 man It ilees tn slay at Inferlei hotell further removed rmm Heanlivalk Write for booklet , GRAND ATLANTIC NEW OWNERSHIP MANAGEMENT 1 Vlrelnli a-e nr beach. Cap. eoe. rrlata 1 baths, run water. 14 ivr ia tin. special kis. hklt Autu nt stations e D. Painter, READING TERMINAL .COLUMBIA AVENUE SrillVO I.AKI IiKCII.N. .1. THE BREAKERS RrniMi i.ahi: iikcii. .1 iiv-iiik-.era 10 per dav American P an Iiene 7Bn IIKMII II VI.N N. I. Tur PMr.i ccinir "'"! I'" lilt-. l.ilVJUlllll. s, in iilern aiipnlntmen anil frekh Mtei 'i n 1 i:n(ii.i. Jerp. pi I Tte Kith r ml', fuurts I it h u, r nK.rn iiavkv v. j. Fer trfornistlen it bklt 11 Hirmigh riark IIEIMAK . J; MELROSE INN ""r' ;n u'n " iiiLunvuu ..,.1 r,neva, llunuarlan rulsltie Kosher Musli'. Ii nelnr Uathtru free Srectal rates 12.1 00 pr week up. Our tresis Hi.. I est en the ceas' 6:30 A. M. HUNTINGDON STREET 6:38 A. M. 6:35 A.M. WAYNE JUNCTION G:42 A. M. I iliBlit-nilnr lime Cennectinj Direct with Steamer Orteera at Jersey Citj- (C.R.R.ef N J. Pier) at 8-30 A.M. A f1 t 'l - ' I urn M mil), e' , tln - rv t ih, ur,il - ml at I na r Mountain, e i r , erk fui'iih rcer', at l" I M l-li n "it. J"ii 1 ii in n u , t T' M m I i " tl 11 j lnuti ,t twl ic i' a i . ti Je-e ai H r M lin i Klphla, 10 J 1" M Tickets ilellicril In run II nr niei.eiii:er TICKETS ADULTS. $5.00; CHILDREN, 5 te 12 years old, $3.00 mm; iu.m it '.thin i ki uirn SHARP-VACA-TOURS CO. 1'hiine hum, .-k:i 3304 KENSINGTON AVE. "'7 l "' IHIKIl III l II ir! .Utll III IIM-.IIH llll lis lit KI T l t fur mi ! ut iibme Miitluns mi nmrnlii!: of Tour L ff tenU una si.mi: prk. .i GREEN GABLES HOUSE , The Giadwyn r0rrn.a' Mn'!, ?:,".-. Pn. Illinois Ae epp. Trajmere an4 - - - ji.- I llrlahten Hotels Ocean view p,ri,,, slva. rellneil environment I'rlv taths. Huu. '.' IP.0"'-". Kceiiani iwUiaina. .TI,NTIt' CITV, N. .1. a rrMtllen R.E.W win Hene ceMrtxrm A.rD Ocean end Jsw Yerk Afs Esssntlally . ii.Bi" va.Hm, running wsicr. Ilntrsl d cuina. Ihnms ml sat usn, rsaip maaagpuaai. taaa SKMilHT V. .1. water in al, ntlally modern I "11 INI it,Jitr,it"l1i! I I C1,B", ' KENTUCKY Kentucky ave near 1'each Capacity .100 fnni-innntnl ItunnlnB water. I'riate baths. Orciieatra, V,OI1U11UIIIOI liinun ion aaiij, eperiai n(,kv I'linna FMtl W KINd A K,KII,lir rnnn DU W. 1. 7ANR prep HOTEL SOMERSET Arkanma Ae two iloera from bach nun iiIiik writer O il lidls .-itul koel ishlr n un dsllv sis mi ueeklv II J KI.KMI V PHINtY JN'W, 0' vp "r "'cli He furnllied anil redecorated i:v accommodations with home cenklne- H A'.",.., '"' . ' il- UAH HOTEL STERLING w, ..., ... i rsTinwuT , ni iiiken MOO, eqn All nut i I tm Hi thing fmm hetl A?nr n).n & On Ihe Ocean freni A charm nr hete' sccnmmedatlni: 00 -run lis own private beach n 1 bath ...,,.-.... .inwiii, jacntina tennis, rpji. World-Famous Cruise en ihe Great Lakes Transit Corporation Palatial Steel Steamers "TIONESTA" "JUNIATA" "OCTORARA" Buffalo te Duhth and Return 2230 Milrt T UXURIOUS comfort, beautiful scenery anil educa j tienal a!uc. Cruulnj Laker-ne UttreitK vcr ; Like St Clatr Lale Huren Struts of Mackinic Lake Superior and numerous ether bodies cf wa'er r ,. ... r. i .1... n ! ? . making me vreai unri gruu. 4 .itcujn s,-,v,.c - clunvely every three diys. steppinj a, Cleveland, De. treit, Mackinac Island, Ssult Ste Merie. Iloujhtea. Itrst diiilnc tecrslcu nnd sUe.iluc amuniiiiiil it urs In t vierld inrludedln 'e IMMI.M, MI IICI III - 111 1 M. M. lUtl. ( A 1 lie itein.F i.t rC7 lUflOlll UI ava KuIUI bUlllyaU lUl Odl e(3iVTUty i' I 1 . -an Wf VUkfWWrJ i M lAltE IIOriTCll-r..-T.s,TniNti. n. j. reAad:aVermP.", mni.7?F i '-"-' .".. "'ITKI- N MAIN KOU ' nr phent I Writ WAI.PII Ill'STAS' la" Tennessee ave near beach Thor Ther Thor eiiKlilv meleiii lalBH reasonable American an I Uurepean plan. lltr. 1( HAW 1.1 a 1'iep. H Carolina Ave, neir Heavh Iliuminir w iter d'licc,, lu"" '''ftVfreN. a1' Vlralnla nv near Ueucli mi,i..i, ni. Hcema with tun nater and private baths bAH KI.L.I.S. owner N J. COLl.l"ji, Mg" Rtavanrrklrl ,1l,'!u":0 Ave. ,1 Heard" l.aVenrOyawalk Ame.lran p ,i, , It 11 e 111 a overlneliinu ocean "'"'"'"K i". Private baii" Irlertinll- 1011.'. .V ISA At HON I j" Vkr sCl I KKN CIT. . .1 'STOP AT ME BES1 Xnierlcaii llnn l 1,1 T II Mis ll.peUIrt 1111 Keimeet llepatcnni; J2J .Alt KM OOI1. N. J. Landing ,N J INCOl OCEAN ClTY.JvUk LAUREL tSe pines LAKEWOOD, N. J. OPEN DURING SUMMER, 1922 GOLF TENNIS RIDING GARAGE Halcyen Hall " mer hump, 1 1 ill vves- av Vr 1 . I SUxwe' nAWM:i-iiN mi; iiKiAwtm: pa. uiirmoen, j. lllifiunt t'llvat battia HOTEL KAPTAM , v.rne Itunnln 1. a.u. . mm VVl.rtvIV l,An.-u " 1'?,BI ,4- - J .......... ..,-.,.,-, ijsa. f (v Lap 1SU llunmng natal All uutsld rooms W II UhllSTRU WILDWOOD MANOR A Wl iMiintl. K J I'an ,00 n.nfn,.i Am.. HI.. '(with meilsl Hiiihlnw prlvllsa,. wl 7 Running wstsr 1'rnsis tmtbs ILeinr Orchriira ...n - v... . """ tenns ueir-AMTX McMUHKAT SON Willow GrOVe . , "ertr Ueertiu At. ,V "lurneeu '-K'Ur ss. HOTELDKYTON nmaattLHll.r..,1,,,s JJhew.r... Uui" 5, ,13. iJrtnSJrnTeui WwTtaaW. MILLER COTTAGE u .n ae7r '!,h,W"!JK.dvS:iJ!lxrri.,'"lafc for lt tiit'lu ' "ii iUIIv. tin up weVkiv jSJh jajen JKmetsriii 'teuMiinn.l A?" ni.,.i.v '"'it' appointment med w "TiBf INN -2 He Ideal Country Hetel of America near D ORSEk' l" pan liul l.'O vvsr.i iiwiiHrsiup nmi Uu An.er plan tlust late xg rales il ami up I'iiv ImHis J r iiiii:mi.i.i. SHAWNE ON-OELAWARE.FW NOpfe OS Tut SHAWMte COUVTAV CLUB NOW OPEN. FtSE PROOF. BUCKWOOD INN COMPANY, B- m ksinrj PulhllsiasHsai sea, a a ra. t-v js wri 1 r-iiri-u vfT, rngtsiaarvi M Bermuda An All -Year Resort Ke passports required Reduced fnres ni-v. Rete $82 50 up, 8 davs 4 n Bermuda 588 up, 9 days 5 in Ber muda $104 50 up, 12 davs v8 in Bermuda , $121 up, 15 davs. m Bermuda ; $126.50 up, le'dayj 1Z in Bermuda " IncluJe flrtt'iUis ? sccommeiUiioni, mtU, bete.i srJ nihtietmj Departures Aug 5. 9, 12. 16, 19, 23 26, 30, also twice a week in September and Oi-tebcr. i ti , i , , Raymond & Whitcomb Ce. 131k Wnliiiit st I tl nriii, Hill, I lili issssll il II raui-a m rTHtsssssVega wz n a n t nsi irau t,a m r7HtsssssVI XLUIX.V-' ' ' VA ii. i te bostehI Care Ced and New i ngland Points nan? erne A I Year Ilium Concerts Afternoons anil hvenlnjs Lt. I er 14. N it ! i t n; i j. 1 . NEW IlUnrmrn irvr iiedtntr' nd the Is'jids if Mi-e-nn viiirjrt'. and , t ear"prs irave ee ivs , fi .m I er iU N R lint f H-i. e- st 6 00 I' M Ninv i.ovnes i.tsV i , eiii) I" er4' i! Hui en I eeK lava 5 li. M .Ml S hedu ca l;avluht .-avtnr I me Kedurej ritra en automobile. he;i u, cenipsnlnl In pasiener Jlret, .md ul.rt nt n .,t all p,en "- - i nri j rsj jm - ! mifia t itN eniiVr.hin'vrJ.MHAVILLA llurKe " " "",n "' i inn iiiaiiMaiurrii lirtOi! I r Wi I table a. a ! , , ,. i""' nmiiaeinriii ltHHI Iii III 8 Hetel BeCObel Kr" f, ,av "' lini11011"'1"" rnmrertableims Mr It A llmvari; eekl. Telephone I IT" A' h,"' m,1,;1 'i Arcadia l'luras.4u I .misual .nMrunnitnt 9Kereham .y'r'P. 1 A . 'r lleach I " MAWMdl.l. M"s aaii, n.i..n5 fiMuWll.'ajll V&r&lViWA running water.. p.-eVi" a'll'e.r ".l-'."..'. MT MOM), V Pecene Mt. Heuse Ma' till IH fiur ware innfiliii munjaeinpi The Clairmont '"'"',"1' ","i' '.. nil iiuineiiKp t'llt tljlle. Glen Gariff r i nn r i i I n HI i irts !. STATION I.UlTr 1... Cor Ark 4 Atlantic -v. mill, warer i-riv- narna nms II (i day nttiuki" CP Cenv te travalsra Paelnir Itsadlii siiy I OAKLYN ." " - i - A Cedar Hall J" A" n'jr "earn n,m. nlnif .vviter Mrs H ClarVa I Ambauader A." ';'"" r , '1 "rn - tietn atas r jt Kssne Own Mnlem HM1 I II ncc .If, Rara(s ' tl I Xrtnittrnnvr VN IIKM. P L0UVAN Se '""""e Ave. Itoems """"" run siater. Mra E QUN Raletei Aikbroeke i2."; Jn..""w7 , mtr. AS Kurop plaea NW Clarietf 'ntucky Ava. juat off W Heardwalk. B.K.Iionlfaea 0 Cedar Ave N'm- u..i. Moderate rates H. it Wjir. New Colonial H ?Ws, Kem' I'riy. i ", ," '... r... iiirnn iTftft Pine Knob Inn Mu2,rn. "'"fed and re. ,. . . modeled healthy, hlah y?.nJnr,!l rreducte ire W cn".Sr, Pinehurst ?,l0lirrnn",'"ns Tioekief '- tM.'Ji-Ji nnanensia, rtNWlLK ,"0"' ""i "".runt. Opp. . w.ii.m. iy, i, nmun IlOOKll!. n-II-mVJMin. N. 4, Fer tTifoTnTaTlTen writ? W, i'OiirtrUhl hmlth. Muiir. I)lr lid, of t" TAXXBKSTn.I.K. . :ONO HOTEL04n " y. ul Itaaa. ril.. .... tr. 0r. Tourist Catarara. .. VJi" imfV vui se s i-lNew York-Halifex-Ouebed ' ''rf Ii h I'ainf i ti ti- , 5. 5. "FORT HAMILTON" Sniling from New Yerk August 519 init'ne ' ie Ha mini ws i n lla fas ill e i a h w ! b il II jt i II n i i p.. a sira s ' iae e s imiein H . Mianinrent , n, r sm ih vnisr, i Mflthi! Or het ii I u I ,in tlK Round Trip, 12 Din, 3150 and up One hi; te Quebec, 5 ilari, $80 and up I il'iistiMieil ier,liinn address FURNESS BERMUDA LINE III Mlilteh.ill St.. N. i Tiiriiess Uiths A I u. I. til , lluurse Itliltr. feiirUl Arent , or un Vacation Tours $83 ml I Ini linllni; M vi,,,,,,, I iinaer Tours in I'mimrlliin . te i ns ' n ifi-fiil .. ,' ,' "'.,' ' '" l' miml tniil In Siiniiner l H,rl Mmlern llii(,.Nn l'ii.i,rt. S S. "FORT VICTORIA S S "FORT ST. GEORGE" SiiIMiik teilnei.ilu nml si,im,,. FURNESS BERMUDA LINE or nn, leurUi trnt C Special Sunday Cicunlta HUDSON RIVER NIGHT LINE La. I.r 3J. N tfi Is Klier. .N. v.. e I'. Jl. ill. ntns'yn II" W,,,r t0 b'u"'" Ir.weM C. ?.,- eiii.wfc. and D.l.w.r. -I jr-3 j?4!r51 jf. M I ja ! -; la?' A , l.Vi