fF'P WW If i J -- rA - "?i 5fr ? EVENING PUBLIC LEDGEK-PffllAlELPHIA, FRIDAY AUGUST 4, 192 e - t CITY PLANS WAR ON HEM DISEASE 'flew Clinic Soen Wiil Be Reacly te Combat Ailment Ampng Children LATEST METHODS USED . Just se seen ns tlie pnlnt Is dry, the lcrt clinic tn be opened nt flic t'hlln. dilphla Hospital for Contagious Din ,ues will begin ncflvltle.'. gcarlct fever nntl diphtheria n n gen irtl rule de net end when tlie nunr intfnc Is lifted. Tim victims nre fre quently left vtltli l heart nfTectlen, Mine arc paralyzed. This clinic Ih being (stablMietl te combat such subsequent 'Ilmfnts. ' The building Is set npart In the .rounds nwn.v from the contagious Jtjrd" nnd Is being equipped with every modern convenience nnd nppllnnec. When n diphtheria patient In (Uncharged from the sick ward he or she will be tiken te the heart clinic for ,supcrvl- Director Fih-busu, ns he walked through the. rooms, carefully avoiding 'the freili point, snld : "Heme of the Children eonie from peer famillcH. Dp ipltc tin; fact that nil trace of the (lis Mie is gene, the system may net be in the proper condition te be taken into peer hiirreundlngs. This buildings, ns you (an sec, is bright nnd sunny and iere our patients will stay ns1 long ns neceary. In some instances It will men but two or thrce weeks, In ethers It may mean ns many months. In charge of Dr. William Ntreud, the pteplc in here will be under censtunf aupervlslen. Playground for Children "The yard out here will be turned tra te them ns n playground." And tbi Director led the Way te the large plot of vt ell-kept ground. A carpet ( closely cropped green grnss was died with carefully clipped hedges. Benches placed in thc shade of the trees, swings, sand boxes from which , the younger children could mnka pics 1 and build houses, croquet nnd a very .much umpiuiea game et geit. "Here, said tue Director, "tlie pnr tnts and friends of the children can jMt them and sit under the trees nnd play with them. Mothers worn out from the hent of the congested city can sit under the trees, get fresh air nnd be with the children. And te be with them has been denied the parents ns long ns the children nre in the wurds. "The number of deaths in the city from heart trouble is appalling, nnd Dr. Weedy, the medical director of the hos pital, nnd myself nre hoping that the clinic will de big things in correcting this." In n different part of the grounds la being completed and will be ready for occupancy in n week or ten days nn intubatien building. It is te take care of the most serious type of diphtheria, that which affects the larynx. Nine children, five boys nnd four 'girls, coming under the category of 'chronic enfces are under observation new. This form of diphtheria is preva lent mostly among children of pre-sehoel age. The larynx becomes obstructed with diphtheritic membranes and the children are in danger of suffocation nnd must never be left nlene for a moment. In the lntubntlen building there are 'waahroeins and locker rooms for the boys and separate ones for the girls. First come the boys' beds and cribs, then the girls', the two sections being sepa rated by a glnss-inclescd office, in which the nurse is constantly en watch when PREPAR E WELCH E her patients are asleep, then nn emer gency operating room, complete kitchen nnd ( tning room and n f-cboelrooln with twenty small desks. A teacher who understands net only (he ait of teaching the three i's, hut who Is familiar with teaching the chil dren eIce Miundrt and voice culture, has been litre 1. The Mhcr tube In the IMlimt at llrsf iir-ruiiu il.n ..litl.lv.... t "Peak In littl,. nvtve n whisper. The tender win he'p them ie gei hnk ihe Lycoming County City Ready te tiriige of the vecnl cirds. Nche'il books J s uuijr wnj noeu iu AT WILL IAMSP0RT linil n Vlctreln W II I iinrnintUn ,m.l Interesting retard also comprise part of the furnishings. Odd Scenes In Clinnel Director Furbish next entered Jho chapel, n new building which will net ?. cempletcil for several weelts. ibis," he said. "Is something we nre glad te have. Previously it lms net been possible for the parents of n child te sec lis body If tlie disease has ex tracted Its life ns tell. In our chapel there will be n room! In which the scrvlies nn Ie held. In one wall will be n huge frame of glass, ' ...in inn-is vi uiui win lie tlie body. Mothers have been almost beside them selves because it was necessary te seal a coffin. This nrrungement makes It possible te leave the lid open during the services." Greet American Legien at State Convention ARRANGE BIG PROGRAM FRAU MINNA CAUER, LEADER OF GERMAN WOMEN, DEAD Pioneer of Feminism Was Disillu sioned by Victory Rn'elal Cahle I)tvttch, Copvrleht. 19JJ Berlin, Aug. 1. Frnu Mlnnn Caucr, the Anna Heward Shaw of Germany, who led the woman's movement a quar ter of n century in n land where woman's place proverbially is "Klrchc, Kuche, Kinder," died here yesterdny, aged eighty-one years. Throughout her life she was a pioneer net only of feminism, but of democracy, fighting en the one hand for woman's political emancipation nnd en the ether for Germany's emancipation from absolutism and militarism. Frnu Cauer lived te sce both Ideals realized, yet. unlike her famous Ameri can friend. Dr. Shaw, who always re tained faith and optimism, Frau Caucr died disillusioned. In a talk only a short time age te n correspondent she iild : "Women have the vote in Germnny, but their npnthy Is discouraging te me. who looked te see them in the forefront of German democratic reconstruction." Frnu Cauer began her gallant war fare at the age of seven, when with flag in hand hIie led n troop of chil dren in the revolution of 1848. ACTRESS IS ARRESTED Texas Gulnan Charged With Fraud by Automobile Dealer les Angele. Aug. 4. Texas Gulnnn. well-known actress, was arrested yes teiday en u charge of taking nn auto mobile, just as she stepped off the stage nt a downtown theatre, where she was playing an act called "Spitfire." The piny Itself contains a scnsntinnal hold up and arrest. The peliecnjnn entered the theatre In the afternoon just before the net was fiuluhed, and waited until Texas hud completed her act. She-wns released en her own recognizance in the custody of her attorneys, Philip Cehen nnd Samuel A. Miller. It was charged Miss Gulnan bought an automobile in 11)20 nnd gave a straight mertgngc te H. V. Tatuin, of Hollywood. 'wJte lends money en the purchase of automobiles. She owed him SI."." en the mortgage. Then, it Is alleged, she traded In the the f mortgaged nutomeblle for nnether mn- ehine nnd toeu tlie intter east by freight, failing te pay off tire mert gage en tliu nrst car or make nny Is charged. These days are busy ones for Garrett Cochran Pest, Ne, 1. f Wllllamspert. up tiiere in tlie metropolis of Lyce ming County thole thele thole glennlres are pre paring for the In flux of comrades who will attend the S t a t c convention next month. Ace e r d 1 n g te present plans, nn "mien-house" en tertainment will be held September 7 by many fraternal organizations of the city te Legien men who belong te various frnternnl orders. Men who nre members of the Legien only will be entertained at the pest home. Friday evening the convention bnll will be held nt the Lycoming Hetel ball room nnd in the armory. On Saturday thousands of the veterans will march in the parade. Full military honors were paid Geerge T. Ashwertli, ,V.(l North Allisen street, i by Donald T. Shentmi Pest, 130, when tin vni Inlfl In t'pO Ycstni'ftnv nfternoen. i Representatives from the pest attended the services. Ashwertli, who , was thirty-nine years old, died Monday after being ill a short time with double pneu monia. During the war he served over seas with the 130th Engineers, The Raymond E. Greeley Pest, Ne. 01, 8022 Lancaster avenue, will held n watermelon party at the pest head quarters August 12. The warm weather is driving the pest members out of doers, and the members nre planning te utillze the lawn in the rear of the headquarters te determine the cham pion qnelt plnyer. Business meetings nre held every Tuesday evening nt 8:15 o'clock. All cx-scrvlce men arc wel come. The regular monthly meeting of Na val Pest will be held In Grand Frn tcrnltv Building, 1020 Arch street. Philadelphia, this evening nt 8 o'clock. Comrades McNnlly, Harris and Thor Ther mnhU'ii have been elected as delegates te the State convention te be held in Wllllamspert in September. Members of the committee en the New Orleans Club should be present at this meeting. It. C. Pitts, commander of Pest Ne. 180, Philadelphia, announces the elec tion of the following men ns delegates te the State convention : Errel White, Themas P. Lewry and Lament T. Bcebcr. Final action for the incorporation of Tntem-Shiclds Pest, American Legien, Ne. 37. Collingswood. N. J., was taken nt a meeting of the pest this week. The Benrd of Governors believe the pest can better function nnd fulfill Its purposes for which it was organized If it were Incorporated. At the meeting new officers were elected. An amend ment te the constitution changing the term of office stnrt'ng In September te held office until their successors arc duly installed te be effective in 1023 was voted en. I1CHN8 WAS RIGHT t ! hard for a. cerien te rea.Uv ' themseUca." but It ! Important that en should serieuviy attempt te lerm an unmama opinion en the subject. "Read Tour Char- nAK .v niphv TSillllnfl. wilt haln vnn tn acknowledgment as te Its disposition, IN de ie'. This helpful serleii appears rirularl7 in me dveahu uww m.. 41 a DEAD MAN NOMINATED Candidate Wins Congress Nomina tlen en Day of Death , Nanhvllle.-Tenn., Aug. 4. (By A. P.) Despite the fact that lie died yes terday', former Congressman Lemuel P. Padgett, of Columbia, has been renom renem inated for Congress from the Seventh , Congressional District. ; He has defeated his competitor, Wll ,llnm C. Salmen, also of Columbia, bv a majority of between 1000 nnd 1500 1 votes,, necerdlng te incomplete' nnd un official returns. FARRAR WANTS 'CASTLE" Singer Said te Be Trying te Buy the Searles Estate at Methuen, Mass. Bosten, Aug. 4. It is reported that Gcraldlnc Fnrrar is trying te purchase the castle en the estate of the late Ed ward F. Searles, nt Methuen. Miss Fnrrar, accompanied by C. J. Feley, her concert manager, has been in Me thuen for the last few days. The castle Is tullt like nn ancient fortress, nnd the eotnte Is completely surrounded by a stone wall of from twelve te fifteen feet In height. The estate comprises about 000 ncres of beautiful nnd varied country. It Is for sale, but wlmt price is asked lms net been disclosed. It was In this castle Hint Mr. Searles stored relics and curies gathered from the four terneri) of the world. Here (no, he used e s-ny. lb" spirit of his dead wife communicated with him. ' CAT-SAVINGDOG DECORATED Leng Beach Humane Society Recog nizes Spot's Bravery ' Leus Beach, Calif.. Aug. 4. Spot, a deg, wns decorated today for bravery by the Leng Bench Humane Hectcty, The deg Is credited with having jumped from the munlclpnl pier July 13 fend rescued a cat which was struggling In the sen. Spot Is owned by William Wrlgby, chef en the stenmer Bcrglhnd. Wri?by ulse owns the cat Spot saved. The ani mals arc the Berglnnd's mnscets. . Amundsen ship in ice Maud Is Near' Wrangell Island. Pele Flight Planned This Year Neme, Alalia, Aug. 4. (By A. I'.) Tlie schooner Maud, carrying tlic Ainundseii polar expedition, reported her position at midnight Augu-t 2 us clec te Wrnngell 'Isfand nnd In tci-, with fine wvntlier prcvnlllpgr nnd little Mlew. There llml been several bail stevms. The Maud's opernter stated that Captain Amundsen, Lieutenant Omdal nnd Photographer Lund bad gene te Point Barrow. Captain Amundsen In tends 'te. nttempt his flight te the pole this year if weather conditions permit nnd, if net, then next year, the ope rator sold, DENBY TO vTsiTgUAM In,n speech fVi the Manlfn Hetnry Club l,e stated that American business interests hern nerd net worry about lack nf protection. Secretary Denhv sails for Guam nbenrd the transport Hendersen tomeriow. FrREs"sWEEJPNORTHWEST Thousands Fight Ferest Flames Frem Mentana te Washington .Spokane. Aug. 4. (By A. I',) Fiein the Hecky Mountains in Melilalia te (he Columbia Hivcr In Wnslilngten nnd up (n 100 miles fiem the Canadian border, thousands of men are lighting forest fires which, with nature nppnr ently siding with them, hnve, necord necerd lng te Theodere Goodyear, Asslstnnt State Ferester, rendered Washington virtually helpless before them. Calls for help are going unheeded in mnnv instniices, he said, with the fire wardens lighting tlie worst nres nnu leaving the ethers te burn SPURNS CUPID FOn CAfltM "Leve Me) Leve MyrPelltlcs,,rty3 .Defeated Kansas Weman Kansas City, Me., Aug. A- MU'f' Helen PcHljrew's defeat lnr the 'pri ' uuiilcs Tuesday for- the Itepub'lcnn nomination for Governer of Kansas wiH but tlie beginning nf her political direer, she snld yesterday, "Net even' n nice man with n smile, n wedding ring and future happiness In n bungnlew" will change her, she (lectured. "It Villi be n case of love me, ee my politics," tlie nuburn-hnired poli tician continued, "t nm young. This defent Is only the foundation of a political organization I bclivc I can build. I'm decidedly no mnn-hnter. but I shall Insist thut I be allowed te Mn.fti Qpktifu Alll I 9ua Ik MWJ www. , j TV... w.ww ,w VIiriirilN lllllllll U Ulll.il HUH I.J.ll i IJ nt.inni... i.i..j. t-.... liMivlnr the ethers te bum themselves enter notifies, even though I de mnt-rv. tn,. a tn.. a n ,. Lut. But. there's no one in sight nt present.'" ,..."' -in'..!,.. t ,'hTv n ... fin,T7.Mf T "c f fighter en Feclil Creek. Miss Pcttigrcw ran en n light wine rVvyvLu.M ai li,p'1 ywtenley when n ' nn.l beer platform, but opposed the Habit." Adv. STRAVBRIDGE & CLOTHIER Stere Closed All Day Te-morrow BASE BALL Strawbridge & Clothier Field 63rd & Walnut Sts. Saturday, August 5 3 o'clock STRAWBRIDGE & CLOTHIER vs. JACK HINES' OLD TIMERS Bleachers, 30e. Grand Stand, 60a (Including War Tax) WmwmmW mwMmm BtgB ?t FOR many years the watch word of this Furniture Stere has been "Compare" ample testimony of our faith in our merchandise and our prices. Such comparisons have invariably insured future satis faction for home furnishers, and have made new friends as well as cemented old friend ships for this Stere. ft The Semi-Annual Furniture Sale, Will Start All Over Again Monday As you may see by reading our announcement in Saturday evening and Monday morning newspapers. Important news of ether attractions tee! Thh picture shows the bottles, clean and sterile, leaving one of our pigantlc washing ma chines and moving automatically direct te the filling and capping machines. Crystal Clear Bettles A"NE of the hardest problems of the milk business is the proper cleaning of milk bottles. Abbotts have solved this in a way altogether new te Philadelphia. At the Abbotts plant, 31st and Chest nut Streets, there are two huge bottle washing machines, the first successful automatic brush milk bottle washing machines en the market. A great drum receives the bottles in batteries of twelve as fast as the men can feed them in. Each bottle is thoroughly scrubbed inside and out by revolving brutal- in especial sterilizing: solution. and rinsed in clear, cold, sterile water. After 15 minutes of scrubbing and rinsing, every bottle comes out sparkling and crystal clear ready te be filled with Abbotts milk. X Abbotts were first in Pennsylvania te install these modern machines It is another example of our unceasing effort te provide for you and your family the highest standard of clean, healthful, nourishing milk. u Yeu are cordially invited te visit the Abbotts plant and see these machines, as well as the whole interesting process of testing, coeling: and bottling Abbotts milk. ne man -en the Abbotts white and red wagon will take your order for service. He will also tell you why Abbotts "A" Milk is ideal for family use ABBOTTS ALDERNEY DAIRIES, INC. Philadelphia Atlantic City Wildwood Ocean City Plea3antville Abbotts A MILK 3 CA'l . i k " m m IK IS .?, m Il.' STRAWBRIPGJp & CLOTHIER m yiH lit , ..Mjtfty-.tv j- Uwl , A J .&&. -.v .Lwtrf,A. 'JUJlEiI- . ' "4,.i .f. v , , .'l.-lV h1H -va , , -j - U, .