m if w If V Wf Qr ' "f I?v.W'w,TSW i. it itfvi WtV J ' IV IV v 1 m SH '4 ,j liZ-i, U-i. . GUARDSMEN MEET - IN FIELD EVENTS iFirat Period at Mount Gretna Will End With Con tests Today unil "0 per rent of lt-j men qunllfieil nt miiikiiicn or -lmrpihnntrr. Tlie member (if tin- Ulili Infnntn wlm will compete ugnliut tin- lOUdCm nlrj In 11 1 1 tit mat ell teilm for tin rhilliiplnli-lilp of ihe ciiini, me Cnlnne! It M HienMiclil, Metilrniiut Colonel (5. I. t.cllix. Cnptnlim 1) Atkinxnii. -I T Hrewti mill 'I' .1 KetnnRhnn. Men leiiiintx S. I.. Atkinen, T. P. Ilnlctt (' S. Iliijjiie. .icllnikl unil rilmiHi, SflKcilIlt- It (' Wll-Oll 11111I I. .1. Wll mi. ('iii'tiiiinl (i. Kci ini:lmii. l'rlMitei II111 in'-, lteRi'i'i nml l.eintilt. GOING TO MOUNT GRETNA ' . ' ' ' - . - ; ' .1 EVENING PUBLIC L3DGEK-PHIKADELPHIAf FRIDAY, AUGUST 4, " I Open Tonight 1922 PR0UL PRAISES TROOPS r fty a Staff ( nrrtMttentl'1 t i Tamp Duffj . Mount (irctua. Ii.. Ant , A bum of m-llutx with ntitiieunul preparation-" nthldl te tin iliiNieunl .track nml field meet nml illle nml pi-ml contests, will tedav end the lit-t t weeks of the lun-t Min e fill I'liinnip .tnent of t lit IVmihiiiilii .Njtieii.il Gunril here It i- tin' opinion of uii'ii nml ntli ! Ir well ii. inntij noted l-lt(it wlm huw- Quick relief from withering weather iced B9SCL Tea 9gq- totally Different 1 it toured imp rninp -inn it opt 111111; a feitniijhl 11 go tlint tin pingn of tin citizen -ehller. mid tin -feiiiat if rnrr.iliic out of the milium; -clii'duli - hne left littlf te In dt'-lifil 111 e -heu !a spiice of tune (ioverner Sprnul ..rtenl.u :idiil hi- reininendiitinii utter teniini: the (1111111 ;nii(l wntclilnc the (.n, ill. Mumm ketl (euttlde of Coleliriiok. mid flu tiiltis of me inlitnt r regiment- en tlie uiiiiti I hlef ninnilE the eienl- nf (mini ml' bt- tlie 1 tilt itintpit for tin chnmpUm- hip of tllP ( imp lielweeii !ir liriil C.i ulr.v nnd tlie lllth Infnntri Itestnient-t I he fertnei winner" at ili inenntei! rninp ,-ir ('iiiehnmk ire tin 1 liilleiip-i-The 11 1th ..ii hlglif-t lnn..t- '1111111.' tlie niicc weik el the Infim-ii rt'Ki- niPiils :iinl lientleil b Colonel 1! M Tlroeklield is cenHilPiit of hinliiic iln bllll-ee with uiifflelent iiiPiiiiici In 1 mill' nut winneis leilm. I.iiili teiun n h rn Special Troops of 28th Division te Entrain Tomorrow Tin spei inl troops of tin Tweiitj eighth li-len IeciiIihI in tills cil will leiiM' 1I11 nriiierx nt -4111 Mniitnii tie nine m 7 A M toineirow nml eiitiinn fei Mount (Jtetnii nt Thlitj -tlt-t -ireet nml (iiimd menue nt 7 'te A. I ns nn uildltieiiil -ti'tteii te the tmiii cnmiiiR the laid Klipnieeis 'I'lie Tweiitv elRlitli Sisnnl Cempnti. hulls fiinii IMtt-linmli the l'went I'iKlitli Miln hi I'elne Cenip.nu fiem Ytnk 1111 I the Ti 11 1 eiijhth Din-inn llinilipmrii 1- t'eniluinx the lli.'itl Mo Me inn n It 1 mp.iii. . the lll.'iil (liilnime In 1 ill en nn e Cumpiin. mil the Medlr.il Del.it liineni from 1 his eit 'I'he'l'wenn elchih 'I'.inl. Ceinpiiin. wbi'h 1- 11I-0 .1 pull of tin nitti.il lioep- -tntienetl nt N'eri i-teNWi. will lenve it- Inline itntlen en Snmlu fei C.unp Menle nnd will ti iln Willi 'In leRiilur iiinn in-leiul of ipiiin: 10 Mount (tietn.i Kmi etlierr in the -pi ill tioep i nn nn 1 i .is Mternn M'iiei 1.nnl I! Siiiii-en, ceniijiiiiiiltii).' -tiM'il with the Twi ni -I'lirlnli nivislen nml nl-n In tin Ann, of i itpiitinii : I. it iitennnl Ches ter (ir.iele 1 enimuiiillne tie Mntertwtle Ceininin. vni'ii nil threnuli the w 11 nun tin mmihI llivlslnn. C.iptnln Wil lliini II t'ln. he. ceiiini.intlitii; the Itend- itiittuu I 'iiiitii ini iiiu lii tit t 11 I tiiln. liil r 1 V ' 1 1 1 't I I 1 "II- ' i t 1 r (I I I lllll ' I'lf I'titiip nt Tort Vliigtin hv t'lp old 1 l l'ni l't'iin-jhiinia lnfniitr nt tlip etn f hreiik of the w.ir 11 lid iciciiPil lit- 1 mil ASCO vscKm'iW irnin EWJCDJ ltivrnii ASCO z I 9M let 7 A i' ?. 8 1 I Coffee with a Personality Personality is "that which distinguishes one person from another." You've often met a man or woman whom you instinc tively like they have a lik able personality. Asce Coffee has a "per sonality" all its own a very likable "personality" its rich, rare aroma and unusually delicious flavor will win your enthusiastic endorsement with the first cup. 8A Hi I I - !"" .mi. 1 11 m i-ji r hi 1 in iif nun in' mil 111 in- - r- mKm. nve sixteen iiipij, eliejen n'B.iriliess et missiiin nnd senrd In nil cnsncdnents f, tMmtft nnk- 1 with the reiiith m-l-ien. nid Hi-tiBa? ImbwI Dhl-lniinl Tr.rk .Meet l.ieiitt mint Chniles .1 O'NpIII. for. ffh af BwTwl The ii.wsienn truck ttieel. held en'meiU f tin Kiint r'nnshniiln In- &S W BfeS the p.iinde K'eund, irill drnw ImiikIipiIs of rentp-t, nit- Kvents te he nn etT are the .'id nnd 100 ..ml ti.i-ln-. tint-e'-wnr. Ip.ipfiep inc." -nek race. l.'OO- T.lrfl Inl'll until t.in.1.. ..l,i. Lnvli... outs nml lmelmll L-nines. The pi-tnl 1 'inmplenslilp of the Pift Mtli Intnn i Itrigmlp and will he cen-te-tetl liPtwi'Pti the lllth nnd II2th lu fnnttx Hesnnt tits i nicn ntt lepn M'liling e.n h eiittit. ( '11 vn In units et the lO.Htl sip,i nn nitlvi tiny In fin fieltl ip-tenlnv, mnrchliiR h.i re.ttl te the limit, of nenrh towns and pitch ing n In 1 ni'ii' 1 nnui whtr. the men conked nidi v iilunl Iuik he 111 their me kit- TIip inniiPiivrr wn" ceiunletetl carlj. 111 01 dei te return for a pnihlt Inspection hi the Governer TIip (.JeM'tnnr. as en Ins fir-t trip te Mount (irntnn. dispensed with for mnlity. dednrinr that hi.s trln wns fur business nnd nor for plrnsure Ik replied shortly te attack- In the newRpnppis upon him for hi- policy 111 regard te tin nppelntmi'nt of the lntp Senater Crnw and reiter.itrd his belief thnt he had dune the richt nnd enh thine in 1 linesine his lifelens friend who w.i- in 'idditien :n ndinirahlp man te renre-ent the State nt Washington .TlrlRndlei tJeneinl Kr.in kD liearr left jthe camp lii-t night metering te Vah Vah 'incten. D C te make nnnn?rmpnrs for supplier for incemins troops (ioierner Sproul returned te Harrl--Jhitrg lnte ipstprdnv nfter n thorough In In jfipectien of the camp He will lenp Jteniijht for Cnionrewn for the funeral lef Senater Crew, which takes jilace to te . jtnnriew iGUARDSME FROLIC UD DRILL AT GRET 4 fantn sened Ireni 1HH until the end of the war with the Mlltish forces, The eiiMie Ile.nihpinrtei s Cempnnv Is n 'pit knl "iittit of eveispiis leteinns nnd till wpip member of the ehl I'irst l'( nn-l 'tun Intunti. -enlngw'tl the 1 01' ll ei ere I- W m.K? u ?: I :l' KID' tvm i Berry Picker Killed by Train ' dreetnllle. r.i . A tic 4 Kiln Itein. hint wn- killin "nil Mrs. Mar Kein- linn wn -erieuslj hurt when nn ' evuisien tinin en the Hessempr nnd, l.nle l.rip uaure.iti psirjaj ran into v .. ..! .. .i .,.. r i r ITUn "I 'I till lll!.l- 1 Coffee 29 You'll taste the difference!" i ! f f' t n n i l! k W A n ZK . xzzmm --'' f r. 1 1 I dSKy mm hi wfiy) s-iiM m irw wm - HtttttttttttK Open Saturday Until 10 P. . c Mm The Sale Yeu Have Been Waiting Fer ! The Greatest Clothing Sale Ever' Held In America Mr Hills Great Annual A American Slerc arc located all ercr Philadelphia and through 'i out Pcnna New Jersey, Maryland and Delaware Entire $500,000 Stock Mens & Beys' Cleth & Summer Suits Absolutely Without Reserve i Wal ues ASCO -T-fK," sitiCX ,vv-vkS. vSSS,5; ASCO ASCO ASCO lailllJMS'JIaT'.K Charge Account. Invited IVM JH'rH1"B M'MQJ'B Mail Order. Filled :! -t- Stere Open All Day Saturdays Until 5 P. M., During This Sale Entire Stock of Chokers, Scarfs and Steles at one-third off. Entire Stock of Chokers, Scarfs and Steles at one-third off. 1115 Chestnut Street. BUY YOUR FURS DURING OUR Annual Advance Sa3e of Furs i3 OFF WI!TT ER PRICES Fu i -'fa' Cnrrnpendfiif . Camp Duffy. Mount (Jretn.i. Pa.. lAtlg. 4 Cot kei Mnllev. innnte Treen, tB. 10..,! Cnvaln, was fermnlly hurPd ' Jln-t night runeinl wri k e. censidpipil ' jnecp-Mir nfipr he n tavalrnnun. had JiiIIpii from hts here were lendmtpt1 lliv Troops A ami H I The ' cei pse" wn carried by pad bears ranging In heijlir from ." feet j4 inches te tl feet '2 inches, with ihp head uiind the shortest men Tn Iherse of the tlecea-pd. with beets ,' m jevpr thp fmddle. follewiNl the pnll-ben ers:, nnd mourner with spurs te t' front nnd gun- i-uiied upside ilewn. f lewtvl. i The pall-henrers hkew l-e eatrietl bee jbettles, empl nnd lit Id ii"ck down .e (noting sorrow The entile pieeia-iii .was let Hlieiigli i tie streets et tile r-g il the tinnl k si trough. 'cai'hid VERY SPECIAL VALUES FOR TOMORROW (SATURDAY) ONLY i.nr. n't iiii"iiiiii iin- -ii Jmenf bi the hand unn jplnce. the watering zracnt ti ( Running the g.ilillel wn- rhe tpes- (tlennble -pert of the etfiet" s ami mm cnramiieucd nmiei- of Troeji It e jlMtlny evening Weapons used wr. 'rmpti urte beet-, nnd a- eich man com rileted In- inee fur life, he armed Inn -yelf mid took a plan- ni the end ti the line The In-f te through im ported n het ti ip , Tour men of Tump wt-re -t.lciiiti' tiled last night nt n kane.iioe court for vniinus ntnl Mimln eReusps, afu-r .Mhlch the were spntent ed te the na-er-jlntr trough ami a mini hath The phi re -qnidren w.i prp-pnt te ear .ludcp Advecnte Cmlii Tlrt erfiennt of Troop A pioneunce n-n- jtcnt-e. I'livnte ' Dutch ' t huinberi. of h I'irst Tiepp. wn ntteinei for the iTi'fcnsc, and Sprgennt Hentlu-n prn-e-filling attorney The court while ml ' tnlttlng thnt evidence wa IncMn fparcd mob violence, nnd neught n loop hole from it dileminn by finding the four prisoners guilt The wpip Pr Vates .Mern. Swope. .Michrner nnd patten French Seal Cape 58.50 Winter Price 110.00 A most opportune cash purchase of skins made by us about a month age enables us te offer for tomorrow only a limited number of fur coats at prices se low that we arc absolutely certain that after they are sold we will be unable te duplicate their values again during this sale. The finished garments were received from our factory this morning, and are placed en sale at once for tomorrow's (Saturday's) selling only. The values are really se remarkable and un usual that we are certain beyond the question of a doubt that these items will net last throughout the day. Early shopping en Satur day morning, is, therefore, urgently advised. A Small Deposit Will Reserve Your Purchase in our Ster'uge Vault until Required. 1 Repairing and Remodeling done new at Off Winter Pay for Werk When Delivered. ; L'v hns been reported thnt I.ieutenai II Hell, of rlfty-nint Mi-ret no KlnRKcssing nieniie, lin been ciiptureii twice bv the "t-neinv ' Heth times In had fallen asleep In the weeds in hostile tcrrlter. C Troop H of the 'O.itl (main. hn Billed -i men ter tne i egnneniai pbiu of -iteen whlih will teniiiete le- lav with the lllth Infnntr. fei the rifle championship of the muip Tim ire Cerpm uli .Jehn and II A Itule ind Privates Helmes, llnes Howe .mil 3tevensun Troop D's pel team composed of Meutenunt Klnslev, Sfigeniit Mill .in-1 pr(caiil Mi-Ceaih. defeated tin- team f the Second Squndinii nnd new clftliu ie champlenhlp of tin inmp. k Corporal Stephen A Kiuiiienin ker, r.. Company II. lllth Infiiiim, reitertlny made the hihet ncenl in he reglinen' en the pistol Hinge He lyCS at 174 Net III Hedltie -treet t - v Captain .lehn i Me of Ceniiniin I-" Itlth lnfnnti. Int night plnied Inur nn under nrnst in tpiniteis thaigul Ith nunenee wiiueut icim i iiei h- ilnetl nwiiv ireiu tump mini . u her an- Sergennl iieiikiii-iii in t Jlana Private Caiiel, Pihnte Mt-ikd- ehn and Cuk Hem Mcnibcrx of Compain 1' leteneii ile-n ieml-annunl drill pii eiincMia) - In tbtcka ran irem .. in -), uepenumg in the numeer ei unim nucmieti during periea. French Seal Ceat -16.50 Winter Prue 87.D0 A?sVv ifjn aluK .m- n iF'BI Russ-a Pen, Coats 54.50 Winter Prn e 9". 00 I'.u'sian Marmet ( eats 98.50 Winter Price 150 00 w )J Leepard ( at ( eats Seal Trimmed 78.50 Winter Price 1-2 ."I.U0 1 v -v wn m ii n i ai itAif i 'fel ' ii M mi K Aim '& $'' ait 4 Sis ir V Jt ,.5 Sic- t - M .V y r A Siil&. ' S'lr &Pif K.:-rW? c'l Tlrir Trii i li.iiFTHTw ill' i T Melchkin tJamSSMamhjK iX. wrap v ; tfmmmmw Jri i64.oe n v MMWmmmm X tv winter Open mm mmmmm Price ntiir. W $t8MWM. MSKSK 275.00 eaiur- ir mm fSMsmmKi day wl'lilPP C Until X IHiiiBI 3 w , WEjGSCSeCu wClPBMifi3i I Price iur. m. i mmM wmwm 9 SB fil ji '1 f In Hk 'it i tern jyi - J PRICE Skunk Trimmed French Seal Ceat 88.50 Winter Price 145.00 Sale Hudsen Seal ( eats fskunk trm1!! " 1 248.00 Winter Price .100 00 it Winter Price Price French Seal Coats 87.50 46.50 French Seal Capes and Wraps... 110.00 58.50 Leepard Cat Coats, Seal trimmed. . 125.00 78.50 Russian Marmet Coats 150.00 98.50 French Seal Coats, Skunk trimmed . 145.00 88.50 Natural Muskrat Coats 150.00 98.50 Black Caracul Capes 150.00 98.50 Black Caracul Coats and Capes. . . 250.00 165.00 Scotch Pvleleskin Capes and Wraps .275.00 164.00 Natural Raccoon Coats 300.00 195.00 Hudsen Seal Coats 375.00 245.00 Hudsen Seal Capes 375.00 245.00 Natural Squirrel Coats 450.00 295.00 Natural Squirrel Cnpes 600.00 374.00 Royal Ermine Capes 975.00 645.00 Natural Mink Coats 1 125.00 745.00 Extra Large Size Coats and Wraps up te 54 Bust JA' "C'XACTLY as stated, --J Mr. Hill's entire high-grade stock of fin est clothing without re serve offered in the greatest Clearance Sale ever known in history at EXACTLY HALF PRICE. Never before has such a tremendous saving been made pos sible and no man can hardly hope for another such reduction. Mr. Hill's Personal Guarantee Gees With Every Purchase! fc. JVC-THING like it has ' 1 1 cvcr been known be fore and wc advise every man te get here as early as possible, for the crowds are enormous. Our entire Stere five floors, packed, jammed with clothing is turned ever te this mammoth stock clearance event. uinmer Suits Cleth Suits every wanted style material pat- colenng, A size for every stout or slim and lues & C",1""""""v r - - K fSfi. Values t&fVabaes ' man sli regulars art or tail or course. Entire Stocks Without Reserve Overcoats Topcoats Raincoats at HALF PRICE Men's Trousers at Half Price ! Men's $2 Trousers $10 Men's $3 Trousers SI. 50 Men's $4 Trousers $2.00 Men's $6 Trousers $3.00 Men's $8 Trousers $4.00 Men's $10 White Flannel.$5.00 Men's White Flannel and Blue Serge Trousers at Half Price! Open Evenings -t Beys' Clothing at Half Price ! Beys' $6.00 Cleth Suits, $3 00 Beys' $8.00 Cleth Suits, J400 Beys' $10.00 Cleth Suits, J ;5.00 Beys' $1.00 Wash Suits, 50c Beys' $1.50 Wash Suits, 75c Beys' $2.00 Wash Suits,$l 00 Beys' $1.50 Weel Pants, 75c Beys' $1.00 Khaki Pants, 5QC rrvSMl 3&Wues Tallies Yahxes JZr cities Katin a' Squirre ( ape 374.00 Winter Price 000,00 Hudsen Seal is Dyed Muskrat. French Seal is Dyed Ceney., Philadelphia's Largest Exclusive Men's and Bey.' Clothing Stere '"Vi-a S&SitW "feg". iRKfiJJfe r?",- ! I ? Tfim -nrm Stere'Orders Accepted 4asO -gajl Phiindclphia's Largest Exclusive Men's and Beys' Clothing Stera 1017-1019-1021 Market Stt ittfe E wan the hljb ncerer yen- Charge Purchases i November, r0e ranje. Between 00 mvifiRiii 'YIw" 14M"t"T"a'.' Vf fcv t " -" -I 'T V . . ' ,,t i - yiimi.... 1 . . :, ; v I -.,...,...... maammammammm.- -,-7