W-tMWt wmw A S,i"rA i ft'.'! .1 9 ilS"" &?'J V" a:i h SBaresw a "V "w;; .? ,,.' V ,' It '' "nr 110 PLANNING GREATEST OF FAIR .. -. i ai..im in- Makes run epeeu wiuuu ms Slogan in Jaking besqui Centennial Helm RETURNS HERE NEXT WEEK' Sprout Praises D'Olicr as Scuqui Fair Head "I lune known l.. ninnv V CHI's it lit Colonel Il'lHIer mil -lire lliilt he ill hnn'lle (lie Jeb MiceiWillly lie I, it niiin of ability mill is nationally with tlieiiwincN of friends In known .11 i.nrts i I lie leuiiu.i. in the Amerirnn I.elim and elsewliere. lie nndewlteill) li" l,1R J"1' "" I'1" (beuMeif. ami one that needs a teod "in" '" tnekle." 1 (JUVMHNOK gl'Itnl'L. 1 1 runnel Franklin IVOlicr, elected i..l,lnt last Vtednpsdiiy or me hes. ':.i.rnienn al hxliimtien Association, IV i- .!. ...t.wtitrl lllltl nCtll'O lllil of unls the MUM'"" ttttj I'hilsileipliian te make the great fair a success ... . Willi mill loriiireiiiinn. in- mi, me uposltlen l!l "add another Rem in the erefn of our city's clery." Colonel D'tllier i'.prij.etl his views w the ffllr. mid (lie part the people cf the illy should take In It, in Ids tpeceb of nccepimiee, made lust nlsht It Jfffrrnni. .V II. lie said: "I accept the presidency of the geiu.('enteniiliil ICxhlliitleii Assorlti Asserlti Assorlti tien icr.v unwillingly, feeling that the task li a great one. Yet. with the mppert nf the people of Philadelphia, I im Hire (lint the fair whicli we hope te Imie In our city in 11)2(1 will be n i pride and credit te the purpose te which Ills dedicated, and will be nnether gem In the crown of our city's glory." Colonel K'Olier will accept no salary for the I'm' j car' vverlT tlint is ahead of him as the teerstnun at the helm of the SeMiii-('cntennial. lie will nut nw the ilieliite power voted him by the members of the Heard of Directors. Ce-operation Needed The Magnitude of the undertaking depend' entirely upon (he attitude of the (itizeiiM of tills city, hverj ln-t cunec of tinse'.lisii co-operation en th rift of every one who (an Help is needed te put the fair ever, the colonel snhi tmely. jet with n cenlidenl -nr that bdicnted co-i peratien would net be tacking aen things "get going strong." Hew the fair will be organized is Hill n matter of indetlnltenes'.. "1 cannot tell." s.iid Colonel IVOlicr in answer te the lirM iuextien, which concerned the plan of oiganizatien of the huge undertaking, "hew tin- K. portion will be organized nutil I knew definitely hew mui h money the Se(iil Centennl.'il A-ociatien, th people of tie dty. the State and the Natien aie readi te put up. "JJenny ! the greater: immediale IKCssltj. All iniiM cetitrlbutc if llie fair i te he as great an cpoitieu ill who arc. interested hope it will he, "l'erenallj . I me net going te In tere"t injMlf in the liiiaiii-ic end of the organization." Colonel l)'(P con tinual. "1'nin are new Iwiug weikcd out fur the tilianciiig of the preposition. but the aitiial riii.-ing of die tiind" I Itaie te the Heard of Directors or the tnancinl director thej may :ipi)eiul." .Members of the Heard et Duerters ire weiklng upon a liiiaiiclng plan which calls for the issuance of deben ture limnls of indebtedness which will b offered for public sale. In addition, it is expeded t twit strong ri'prc.cntn ri'prc.cntn tlens will he made for' appropriations by the municlpalltj , the Legislating ind by Congress. "The dliis'ters must see te it that funds are provided mid they must tell me what thej have before I shall lie tble te go ahead." said the new pieM dent of the fail beilj . It is for the people of the Citj of I'hilmlelplna te dictate te the head of the exposition and the governing bedv beh large or hew small the fair shall ' be, Colonel D'Ulier sniil. "We kha'l be limited entirelj and cnlv h tin ixoele of I'hilailelnliia mui 'hnrt!ie put up te see til- exposition tlirmntli," he ceutiiiiieil. "We rsliall iifM the tinnncal siipi.eit and the co ce co epciation In every oilier waj of every one, Without support and i o-epcratlou netlunr' inn be done. If all weik to te gether. however, we can gie the iiuiii tr) the finest exposition it lias ever Men, one tli.it will be a soune of frl'le te tin' (iti.'Miry of riiiladclphia. ml one thai it will he aide te point te as the gieatest nchievelnent the mu tlicitnlttv hu in'tT uetuoeplUhcd, ' 'Se fur as my valnrj is concerned," M femliinid, "'I will net incept any.' Idennt think that unj man should fMpt a s,ihirj for n insk of the nn- i Jieef the one I have just undertaken. l'l the liutj of everj one te de wuat ' Wean te spread the name and fame of , ,'Hadelphia I am willing te de mv "t. and will lender all the service I "n toward making the fair a success." olenel D'OHei. -urenzed and tanned ttiiV"'" achting Hip off the of Tyler, riithiilel'ehln lViiii'i'iclep 'iilin"'f," .It. ttcter of tli Kxnositien Association, it the iiicture of health. When he nr. er'i in .leuerseii last mglit lie was le khaki dusty and tired, after a -00-nile niitoinebile trip from lteckland. lie eivei the telegram from the associa tion informing him of his election le presidency at Kecklanil. This was tbelirst tntitnntlnn he had had, Colonel U tiller said, that he would lie chosen "head the Scsipii. Centennial. Te Confer ...At Itei klnml the With Itoh new piestdeiil was i .Me.. lrlr'y miles iivva.v from t'nuiileii, ",w liduard lleU, niielhei director of " "en. Is .peiiilluc tht' suiiuuei. nnile Colonel 1 roller illil net meet .Mr. J0". II 1 1. nulle lihely that the two OlrpileiH will enfer hefere the new 'Talent nees li,., te Philadelphia le . off his coat ami pitch into weik ln iriiet." Al'l'rmul of Colonel D'Oller's Mate- ',','J cxi mmI today h.v meiuhers 01 I'" heard of the Ses(pi. Centennial. I.. .,' '''""''lei'H expresseil especial Mil Mil "lactlennt the part of Colonel D'Oller's in.i !"" K,,)I,R "NV "I""'' '" Hi'Uleil Mil ii i"'"1 0,,1.v ''' "" I"'"!'!'' "f '"""ihllihla ami what they put up te ; I"'' CUpOsIHe,, tliretiKli." K.::.- . Hun mi, a inciiiher of tin """"I. snld J "We iiiirIii te get to te the colonel leturiis-ani Wilier When 6ft .. .i .. --''I!! llll'il III "' il Willi inn . idea f his views hefmc if the Sesiiul- "fileciile up,,,, ,!,., I"' penlii, I fnl'ee no Ml. inn ,.r t '.., ,, li ii, '" iiitiiiui.'ii i-cope. . -. neiieveil 1, ,, p,,.sl,ent ,,,''" V'1"'1' "r ""' ""'I "'I' '" MI'eil Ihe heiu) xelllni! Illctlleil Its tfin.iV"" '.""' "V" '"' ' l" -'Mlll I tffh. i"? lh," fi"' the pcepl let (in. .r'," '"." ,'li"'N le M'H the liniul ahi .i,1"". ""'''lers still, "Il will In ,."" llllllll lien rhev i e net favor "" il".!!!!!!,' of ll( exhihillen." tm tl ,h?n,,VE ni"'' CABK AHA F,weV.. anaVViiXn0y anJ S1ln "" i." fiuth W'" h? tlvt only li AY breadth Suniebedy'a W-rni Timi..!',,"111 Ih.nn.lvM In lb 4 - Ml It Habit." Adv. r 10 max BLIND MUSICIAN OTHERS TO ENJOY MUSIC p ' sgig" i i nullum aLaaLP i';ii'iXC'' bbbbbbt ''' kWm ' bbbbbbk ?Zg'' WWW " -''JBm W c s7BI Wf r -. -iBBH Orpaitist at St. Charles' Church Has Played Same Instrwnunt Thirty-nine Years Wife Helps Him Write Compositions Martin .1. d'OnvlPe lias never seen the sweet-toned organ which he ha" nlayi'd for thirty-nine sears. This b ind ergarilt of St. Charles Itarretnen'slsbe ( liurcli. with a touch exnuNlte nnd ex presve, lias charmed tlieusands of wor wer aliipnrs. He began te study music at home when he was five jears old. but at that time, although he loved music, he did net take much interest In the lessens I bis sisters gave him. Hut there was i music in the nlr. and (lie small Mar tin could net escape it. and seen he began te find expression for Ills feelings in music. It was when he was fifteen years old i and attending the Scheel for the Itliml I that he liisf began te take music les. sous from nn instructor. One of a class of four, he seen made such rapid progiess that his Instructor gav,e him , individual attention, mid seen he was playing jlitlienll compositions. There Is an exalted leek en d'Ou Ullle's thin, white face as he speaks of his music. "I have learned many masses," he said. "I'lebably fertj or fifty I have ' memorized. And sometimes when they ttdl me that they would like me te play a certain mass I once plajed jears age. 1 hnve forgotten It. but after a while It comes buck te me. And se people say 1 have a wonderful ineiuerj but that Is net It." he modestly insisted. "It Is THINK THIEF STARTED FIRE Blaze Discovered in Seuth Sixth St. St. Heuse While Family Is Absent Klre siiitiiug in a third-story rear room in the home of A. .1. Kramer, Htlili Seuth Sllh siii'i't. today de- ' stre.vcd the contents of the toem before in emeu nriived. I'elice of the Third and IMcklnsell i streets station aie unable te explain the cause for the lire as the house was apparently unoccupied. The Kramer family I" nvvav al the sensheie. An Investigation te determine whether h robber had gained etitiance te the house Is being made. 11 -YEAR-OLD BOY LOST Started for Cape May Tuesday and Then Disappears The police have I n aked te aid In the search for eleven -j car-old Ft link lie Angele. who disappeared from Swain. Cape May (euntj. en lupsiiay ostensibly en a trip te Cape May. Au thorities of Cape May County yesterday received Information that causes them te believe the boy Is ill Camden. DAILY BAND CONCERTS Programs for Tonlgbl's'Cencerts at Public Parks The Falrineiint I'aiK vnipiienj Oreheslra will pla.v tnnl; Hill. The piegrani N as ;ht at Lemen fellows : Ileetheven AlleKln Alli'BI". nreale Sjeiehnny Ne " 1 Allmre ion ' miner. I III. iiiiiie, IV It Aml.lllle run Kp,iils f.un Hu'le Merrill ulnt-H.ienn (ul Hurliqr "f Aln'ilu Hi) Miinrlsh I.uvf Sunn Ovituie. "ItleiuC JjBBner Selection" frai "Mile. MuiIIIh . llerjert sele. liens limn "111.. M'Uiule" Hillllv-in lllile -I Hie V-lknlcH. ,'iK""- The Falriiieunt I'aik Hand will play al Slravvlicriy .Mansion, giving the fol lowing pregimii : wveitllte llrttl'stl l-'.-tlvil' 'I'm halKeMskv (liai.il se hex fiein "l.uel.i ll l.uminermieir ' Dilllleltl liil D.iXKer Hume, from N.itenui ' llerbeit th Himn.Kh Heienmle. "I.ii Mniiulii." K.llenb.TK Ilnl'ei nintle f.oei "i'npilln" . !1!ln fiintusy. "'Hi- tlHll of Fume Safr.inr.. luihunv elll. SwimJ HmiBiirliin ltnupmlv Mr. Ptr I.enlii Walt "Kremlin l I'lilMheuil ' . W.ildlcufet Sur-'fllilnr--";. - I""1"' The Municipal liand will pla.v at Kensington and Indiana avenues. The program will be : ' Vtnerlca" Miurli. Ur ml I'.nlir" Dulile llunanri.in everlure Derpler Vueui ele .te.eeml Mi S .Miltniieu r.usn'nn I'l'-imiiil llJ"" KuKuku-t.ehar Seleellun "TOe lirrny rioie leiil.il L'hniiiH (ram nheimi In ' Tfliet l-nle . , Sir .lei!" HItK W'allx. "I.J He'll" ile l.i 'lllir ' rtt,iue Htlit.. Selecled , .Cicrniiin I ValHP 1 I.IIH.IIUI hut. It Alleum ill llravurn. I ,' ',..., ,,eeii.i sinr Sti.mu nl ll.uiar The l'hllailelphia Hanil will pln.v at the Piirhway Ntanil lenishl. The pro pre cram will l.e: (iienuie ".M.ocein'ellii ' ,.A,"h,'r "lli'in Is anil I'lnvers luli.inl 'I'liiinliunn 'nole ilelMteil. Mt. Simil.nrlnt. A Hevlllaa- MVslU.il' Tavnn ml llnli'in Hi) Lela ii I Hevlllnn (ill Miiidi "f Ihe rere.irinrn Herbert , ,, 1 1', ul H'r, Snlei'iliin 'Viinllitlul sluv inIK liHtiie Siituanii ""le .Se ectnl Mihb l ! t c .v luvrnlaavnient frnni l.iilieimrln "Hiur UpHiiBleil llunner. . Waunei Had your va cation yet? There's still lets of geed times ahead this summer, but you'll go away with an easier mind if you get your i photo engraving work cleared up ey sending ne order te us NOW. The Cnc'TNurjfTPEET E.CeR.llT-HaCHENuryt i WHtv Im ft&JM EVENING - - PTJBJjq - TEACHES, Martin .!. il'Onvlll? lins played nn eiRn for thirty. nine yrars nl St. diaries ItorrnmenV Church, lie first started te talip muslr lestehs when In the Scheel for the Itllnri and new Is able te play difficult compositions. Ills vvlfr J'emls the mtifttr te him. tin says that lie prefers the compositions of Hee lleen, D'Oinlllc has memerised at least fifty masses. A number of compositions have linen written by him a 1 1 he sometimes Rhea lessens te these who are blind lllie himself. S true flint I memorize quickly, but then I forget uulcklj. tee." Ills wile reads nil Ins music te him. tee, studied the organ when she was n child, but she was net- strong enough and bad te give It up. New she plays the piano and reads music te her husband. "I use the Tlraiile system when I am learning music," lie said, "Rut when my wife reads te me I print that music myself" "I read him all the music signs, the key the composition is written in" lind the position of the notes." Mrs. d'Oitvllle broke in. as the husband rose and went across te the music cabinet and drew out some thin volumes from the shelves. "I have my own apparatus for print -ing It. but It is put awaj." lie ic gretted. "Which mass de I prefer? All. Heelheven," he said reverently, with a note of surprise in his voice te think that there would be :inv doubt as te Ileetheven being bis favetile. This v.hltc-lialied e'd musician also calls the people te church when he rings the chimes, and summons them te a moment of prnjer when lie rings the Angelas at neon. ' And besides his duties s organist I in i ae cuurcn, ne nn.is nine in givt music lessens sometimes te these wlm are blind like himself. , CAR UPSET; 30 DAYS Anyway, Autelst Is Accused of Drinking . Thirty da.vs In the county jail w Woodbury. X. .1.. was the m'nhiicc imposed theie upon Henry Mcl-'rlcan. of 111(11 Xerth Fifth street, this city. Me- I'.rleau was cliargeu witn driving a car vvlille iiitexicatid. McLrlean. who vviim driving a uir hi'leiieitig te Ills sster. sniil he iiad been te National I'urk, X. .1.. mid win driving home, lie dieve down a hill at lerritic .speed mid in trying te turn out for a truck his car evei tinned and the top was wieiked. He was taken le the I'lidervvned !Iesfila! al Woodbury, siifTciiug fiem Hits et the head, anus I .mil legs. While physicians were pic paring te examine him, lie lift the dispensary ami was found later tr.vn.g te drive away with the car. Ti.m puiinDCM IMIIItlCn TWO L-HILUncN INJURED One Seriously Murt by Aute While Playing Twe ihililreii were injured by auto mobiles last night, one of them seri ously. Themas Heilly. fourteen, of 7l-"i llex'ter avenue, was tun down while pla.v Ing in the street near his home The driver. A. Seigal, lllll.'l Carpenter stieet. was arretted. The child was i ul alxnit tli" head mid suffered a pos sible fiacture of the skull. .linnet Taggiul. seventeen, of IlMH Seuth Forty-sixth street, was knocked from a bic.vcle by a machine driven bv i llei'iiiau ripper, r.igiiieentii street ainue Hiiutiiigdeii. The be.v was cut almiii ' the head and was tteateij In 1 uiversitv i Iletpitiil. Tepiier vvus nrri-steil. uii'l alter a hearing before Magistrate )u- ' i!iin in tlie Tweiity-tifst District st.i- I tieii. was In id lu -S 100 bail for a hear ing August 10. Helland Estate $700,579 An inventory if the pcisennl cstiite of .le-eplinie II. Itarten. tiled with the Heglster of Wills today, put the value at S.'i:t,470. An luventerv of the per sonal estate of Michael Helland up up ienised it nl S700,."7!t.!l The fill -livvlng wills were prebated: Kathr.vn McC. Daley. (ilMIO .leffcrsen street. Sl00; Husten II. Mllllgan. ltd Seuth ' T Montge.ne7'y: S""euWl4ViV.",i ' street. $(l,l)0. x FULMER'S 175 10-Pc. Dining-Roem Suite Tuder Design Twe-tone walnut, inaheKnny interior, OO-incli InifTet, obietiR tabic, silver closet, serving table, live chain, .mil arm chair, tjnnts covered with Recd grnde of tnpestry, $17.) for complete suite. Open Cveolena I'rlilnj nnd snlurilny 9.30 ' LEDGEIPHILADELPHIA,' FRIDAY; SHUT-INS ENJOY F. Country Week Association Takes City Children for Twe Weeks' Outing TrjEIR MOTHERS GO, TOO I Moving about, restlessly. fingers' clutching the liars nf the gate and mix Inns eyes peering through, eighteen lit tle girls, ranging In age from twelve te ( fifteen, waited at Hread Street Station, vesterdav afternoon' while the ,'t : I," train for West Chester wn made up. J Fer that train wn te carry thorn out for two weeks of glorious country air and sunshine, where there are no whir ring meters te endanger tlielr live. no narrow streets and het nights In sninll rooms te make thorn gase for breath ! i This small bundle of girls had been I gathered from the peer sections of the citv bv the Children's Country Week Association nnd sent out te one of thei forms, (llenwoed hedge. (JroenhllK l'n.. which Is nenr West Chester. Frem i ,1ulv (1 te Aiufust 111 children, and in sonic cases the mothers, are sent away te one of the fnrms run by the Country Week Association. The children stay two weeks, the mothers one. When the gates were finally opened the girls ran ferwaid en-.'erlj. pulling with them Mrs. Alice IIellls, who is In charge of (J'eiiwoed Ledge, and who had brought back with her In the morn ing a group of reluctant gills with dragging footsteps, because they were coming home te the city. "All Aboard" for Camp Handles were tilled .Inte the racks and after much scrambling te be seated beside Mrs. Hellis. the girls linnlly were seated, te wait nothing less than an eternity for "all aboard." When I the train 'pulled out of Fifty-second , street, winding its. wny through the I suburbs, with the trees and absence of tall buildings, eighteen fascinated girls begun sitting forward en the edge of I the sent. ' At one step Hertha Itrign, eleven, j poked her bend from the window and, drew It back quickly with, "Aren't we tlieie je:V" and with such luipa-i Hence in her voice as te make every1 one elM' in the train feel persiinallj responsible for the distance which was still te be coveted. Frieda Hrlge. fourteen, had been te the ledge last jear, and she chat ered away, giving first-hand information abeuf the wonders of the place. Hut all things come te an end. even weary train rides, and laughing and shouting the girls tumbled out oil the station platform. saviug a happy geed -by te a few straggling passengers left b- hind. Olie lluudred-yard Dash l.'irst Kveut 'I'hc ledge Is nlmest a mile from the station, but the distance seemed as untiling, mid en a trot the.v started out. ltiiniiliig. skliiplng. stepping for a - tiient te touch with leverent lingers the Mowers which grew along the read, the little baud proceeded campwntil. When I he ledge vvus lirsi'4hl one and all tlic.v bieke Inte a run. tin in- fertahle ihalis en the pinch belie; tli-i objective. Appeli.lng hoiiie-cneked feed ill a spacious illiiiiig-roem. and then the dishes te he cleared iivva.v. Kach gill It assigned te some dutv about the I house, taking tutus at theiu all, which men lit that while thcic she learns te dust, clean, make beds and take care of a house. Tlie storm clouds had cleated away and a yellow iiioeu slipped through the ' trees. 'Celleiled en the peiih. singing' songs, they nicked happilv hai k and j forth until ! :.".(. tlie bed hour Daily the girls hike two miles te the I estate of I'. M. Shurpb'ss, wlm has, turned ever his swimming peel te them and tliev -"plash about, learning te swim. Kach day holds a new interest: ' each hour N sixty minutes of happiness for tliese children whose vacation i t made possible by the splendid work of the Country Week Association. . FIREMEN'S BAND-TO PLAY I Concert Tonight at Fourth and Catharine Streets A conceit will be given by the Flre iiii it's linnil tonight, at S o'clock, at the Wcicacee Playground. Fourth nnd Catharine streets. In case of rain the concert win tie nem in tlie M'ttlr mem Music Scheel, I ill ljueeii stieet. r THE man who advertises is in geed company. The Helmes Press, Printtri 1315.29 Cherry Street Philadelphia MOST INTERESTING ROMP ON Ai xSIjf usini K-JiK S. S. FULMER & Germantown Avenue ABOVE Mli Married .' - I I SIK.'i. .1. V. KAl I'INZAHN Hefere her marriage en Wednesday she was Miss Mae Hern, of Kast lieverlngten axeniic and A"llens lane, HoNberough. The ncwlyweds will reside at lit I Sumac street, 'Wlssahlcheii FOUR EARLY MORNING circq nnwiP im PAIRS r rt.i 1.1. i. j ei j it. u.. ' Twe neighborhoods Stirred Up, but Little Damage Dene Four earlj nieniliig fires coming closely together mid from two neighbor hoods, .tedaj caused much speculation at fire lieailiiim lets. ' At 2:f.S A. M. the first of the fe.n alarms was sent In from a box ai Twentieth and l.ecut streets, only K lie followed nine minutes inter bv an other cell fiem the box nt Twentieth and Spruce streets. At 4:12 A. M. the first of the second pair of alarms was sounded from Sixtli and'Moere streets mui nt 0:20 A. M. a second call from the siiine neighborhood was sent in from the box at Mxtn aim l.eilern streets Noiie-ef tin; tires caused Nene-of tin; lircs caused serious damage BEATEN BY THUGS Ray Krantz. Merchantvllle, Fought te Protect His $2 Hhv Krnnt.. twenty -eight years old. Meicliantville. it lu the Cooper Hos pital, suffering from a broken jaw and cuts and bruises, ;it tlie result of an attack made upon htm last night by three men when lie lefused te give up tlie. contents of his pocketbook, amount. ing te -. Krantz. unconscious ami was found near the school at Park, a suburb of (lleucester cial Officer Seiithall. of the bleeding Highland . by Spe- Highland police. There lieinv; no ambulance in tlie i-lnitv. Seiithall called upon tlie tire pnitincut. wlie took the injuied man te' the hospital. SAVED FROM DROWNING Mill Superintendent Gets Bey Out of the Manayunk Canal Charles Snyler. of ."ill Monastery avenue, a mill superintendent, stived it hey from diewning in the .Munayituk Canal yesienlay. IMvvard Keller, seven yeari old. of d!il7 Miiiiayiink avenue, was playing en the riinal bank at Carsen stieet. vvlieu he fell into the water. The mill siipeiluteiident rushed te the rescue ami while mill hands looked en get the boy out and sent him te'the Memerial lle-pltal. Itoxherough. WIRE YOOR HOME- INCM'niNfS Lighting Fixtures 10 MONTHS TO PAY ARTHUR B. NEILL 5408 WILLOWS AVE. Ook l.iinr 1001-.!. Woeil. 8850 & II70.V.I Be your own ROOFER With a Brush anil Seme "SHANOKOTE" The Wonderful I. Inula Asbestos Cement Any one can easily Mop leaks in tin, lag and rubber reefs and make them as guetl us new. SIIAMiKdTK Is the genuine "no coal tar" asbestos reef coat ing and Is fiee of acid, Jute and ether cbe.tp .substitutes SHANOKOTK is dabbed en like a paint and It covers tlie nail-holes, laps and seams with n solid sheet of asbestos dim, trebling the life of worneut reefs and making them leakproef for 5 te 10 years. 1 cui. villi rnvrr illxiut .1 Hquarr fret. I.M In hlils.i l.ni) In .1-eut. rum: l.t. In I-kiiI. runs. Ilr.nlqunr tern for 1011 mire pulntn. klilnclen mill raliber rmiflnE. : The Shannen-Ellis Ce. it mr TiL Ci DL:l. I'll, Lembard , w 10 p. nil Jl, ruua Tlllliilia rtr.rr nan. FURNITURE SALE 10-Piece Suite We cany a complete line of EN'GLANDKIl beds, s.prinp;s, couch beds, da-beds, foldaway beds. SON Lehigh fT ' cry wa O0UCTION e ii ATOUST 4, 1922 DELAWARE GUARDS I - TAKE LONG HIKE 1 Many Blistered Feet After First Fjye-Mile Jaunt Over Country Reads MAJOR SALTER MARRIED Sltrctnl Dfiimtrh In iciiliip PuhKc t.rrln'r Camp fieergei W. Sparks. State Klfle Itange, Del.. Aug. -I. Footsore and weary, virtually everv member of tbp thirteen unit i of the IllSth Artillery I nil-Aiicrnfr. Dc'aware National Omrd. returned e camt at d n'c'e-k jesterday afteriiei.n, after a five-mile hike along leugh country read". It was the first leii" march for the t Delaware gunners, wnii neavv paeus. the men rested enlv lifteen minutes, iiur Ing which time pa-ks were adiiisted and canteens Inspected. After their te turn nn Inspection of I lie men's feet re venled many b'lsteis and mliier bruises. Tliese were preperlv atletided te by the medical detnchmenl in command of Captain Lutsc. Fo'lewlng the Instiee-1 !.. l. bn1.1lA-n . 1. .. .11... I.. l.n I I in',,. iiiv Piililiri I f j ,j is .1 ,11, JO ill, Delaware River. Majer 'David M. Salter, a member of the State Admlnlstrntlw Staff and Ins i snecler of rifle nractlie. who was inn r- eled yesterdav afternoon bv He'. ! ! Mf.Kpnn , s, . ......rX ,.,... lie Church. Wiliiiiucten. te Mr.. An teinette M. Claik. of Wilmington, wijs tendered a reception by fellow officer, after the evening iarai!nt (I :."(l o'clock. Majer Salter served with the De'avvaie' regiment Ven the Mexiein berdei , and also served with (lie Fifty-ninth Plen ' Infantry overseas during the World War. The spacious mes.s quarter iimmI bv i the stfiff officers was littinglj arianged for llie reception. Members of the State Administrative Staff who nt tended the reception were: Hrlgndier (ienerai ,T. Austin Klllsen. the adjutant general : Majer .1. Danferlh Hiih. .Majer W. K. Stever. Majer VI tnl. D. Washburn Cimtiile Willi', in (, , ,,.,,,,, ,Hutenant .felm C Ale- lander and Colonel Jeseph ('. Law.sen, 'of the (loverner's staff. I Frem the regimental area tlie fellow -1 lug etlicer.s ittlended : Colonel llarrv W. Staik. Captain Jehn .1. Diigaii. Contain lledgens. Captain Lerey K. Werk. Lieutenant W Hiiinsey. Lieutenant W 11. Ilaldwin. Lleiiteiiaut L. W. .eblev . Captain .1. W. Davit, Lieutenant .1 W : Davis, Lieutenant Antheny Summers. ! Captain It. D. Simmons. Lieutenant W, 'A. McWilliamt. Lieutenant llenrv K Koscoe. Captain S. 11. I. Dutuaii. Lieu- , tenant William Weggenmau, Lleiiteiiuut William .1. II. Regan? Lieutenant Lewis , H. (Ireeii. Lieutenant Jehn W. Klndell. .Lieutenant llenrv C Hay. Lieutenant I Jmues L. Scotton, Lieutenant Samuel Maieney, Lieutenant F. Mete. Cnptaln Harry .1 Petti.iehu. Lieutenant Charles K. liannilig and "leutcnaiit Victer Clark A tire-liglillng orgnnl.atlen was per- ! i fected heie today when Colonel Stalk. i commanding the troops, appointed Hal- ttey F. of Milfetd. and llattery D. of I Dever, as brigades te piotcet (ievern- meiit property valued at Sllin.nilO. "stored en the H'servaileu. The first, serious nccident sjnie tlie eieuilig of catni en Monday was n n ,ceided when Private L. F. Cmnpliell, of liead(iiai teis baltcr.v) a clciuffrur. i sustiilneil a fracture of lite left wrist. ' While sleeping in hit hunk, a title was knocked from its hanger, striking Cuiiip i hell en the mill. i t2MJifc """" Sta I KAVLLIINb KLgUlsDl I L BAGS SUITCASES OVERNIGHT BAGS ETC. Fitted with Geld Silver Shell and Ebony or unfitted Closed SaUrd.iv alt day ALie wlih Snap and for Veur own buckle The Saddlers Belf Martin ""Martin Inc. SADDLERS MmssemmmmBms V..IJ , rjeililr Wm H. Wannwnker. Win. Hepkln.s Ce . Henker A iTiSKWr. f"V.ii ReeUer. itfe .Marshall Ask for "THE SADDLER'S BELT" A Saddle (trade mark) stnmped en everv one Finest Quality Men's Furnishings All from our regular stocks Reduced te J Shirts Neckwear Sl.SO new $1.00 "',, t $1.00 Hat Ties. 50c S2.00 & $2.50 new $1.30 '?" 'n"i"-nands' s.i.00 nowcse.oo 5JJ!M- ;; $3.30 & $ 1.00 new $'2.50 $3.00 . . .'.'.'.'.' .' ','.". $e"0n $5.00 & $6.00 new $.1.50 M.50 & $1.00 '.'."'. $a!,1e Silk Siyrts 25 off :,r,c & ,0c Seft dollars, 75c vK. $1 Hnlf Hese... .50c .. v! '"",,, , ' ,., r,c $2 & $2.50 Pajamas. . . .$1.50 $tue ' U"I,C L mn S,",N 75c & $1 Athletic Shirts and Drawers. . 50c $1.50, $1.75 & $2 Athletic Union Suits . .$1 00 Bath Rehes, Sweaters, Bathing Suits , off Men's Clothing ' , oft All Straw Hats 4 price iiiU4 nestnut nn m, SI j a li a . .. 1' i..,JJ1iTmI 1 iiiu S5SSS? tl.ln Keirlls I Hlllllllel. IIWIICII .V " Slnn'c, will feature he program. Trlxle Is known ns the only singing leg In the State. I LIFE OF SERVICE K.talilMied IS8I Keai service in real estate Selllne. renllnc. Ilnnndnc no mil ler n hnt I nor 3S jf.irs' epfrleme rn uliles lis le Klve j nn the real erlre Unit nn rxtiecl from iifrlalls. Abe Kelsky & Ce., Inc. . V ( Olt. OTII A I.M T ST. 1000B 12.75) THE MAJESTIC PRESS cet eurijm Rlrarrl Avp both samples '" uifara myb. phones UR b e e k 1 e t, e "Safeguarding Your Family's m Future," should be read by every man having a family de pending upon him. We will gladly give or mail a copy te you Open Monday and Friday Evening, Six te Nine o'Cleck AAHt U2S OF KEfce. A ' lVlrn,n,nn 8- Allegheny Av. l'ii'i!lliliiiriiilii!lii!ii!i'iiiiili'i!iiiiiiiiii'iliiillt!iiliiiiilh'i if desired. I cigarettes i They are GOOD! i -J rvrUj n " sss it made of one solid piece of real leather. Better leather cannot be had. It does net curl up en hip. Se stitching. Gives no end of wear. Keeps its shape, always leeks neat. 1713 CHESTNUT. PH1LA., PA. AND LONDON . 14 Seuth 15th ji 111....1..1 lutiinei: Open Till Noen Tomorrow -w . . i .r," A Great Summer Clethes Stere in Philadelphia Palm Beach Mohair and Featherweight Tropical Worsted in a variety of patterns that are a revelation te men who think "het weather clothes' arc only an incident in the clothing business. Consolidations in Palm Beach Suits At Our Super-Value Price of $14.50 Mohair Suits At Our Super-Value Price of 18 Consolidating lets which have sold up te S23. Sizes for Everyone Bargains in Worsted Suits $19 $24 $29 (made te sell from $28 te $43) PERRY & CO. 16th and Chestnuf SUPER -VALUES in Clethes for Men (C I A Ce . I'i22. Account Executive An old-established, well financed a d v e r t i s i 'it g"d agency has an opening for another thoroughly expe rienced business getter. The right man has a rec ord of success with Na tional accounts and will find this an unusual opportunity. Write fully in confidence, C 406. Ledger Office. Office ainud SasnkSiuipplSe5 Manilla Second Shee'h Per ream, g5c uvir. u r r iwrjssn r wramemiDanw I J)29 Maricet Street : Salesman With Car 2 fun Jim use i "live wire" jiiiinu 3 in li li wltli tlie veurs' e ierlelli e In j lielesule iiilllhirrv, one ,vrnr rlN 3 let; pliote eiiKriii Int-, four jrnri ? ml verllsltic selleltlllir fer lievis- 1 liiiiien.? I lmve ii lluliK reii,m, i 3 He 0'.', I eilm-r Oilier ROOFING MtTI'KI Vl.s .Mi.iteriictiirril tij r i iirit(.i:ii e .10 n "i. . I Main HTM Mi.rkft n'vi Where Shali I Send My Child te Scheel? 9 That question can li m. J swered (jnlrkly nnd netltfae turn uy cenmimtlK Uie Kii rational Hiirenu. en ground fleer nt rublic LedRer emca. lndepenilence ,S(u.ire Hurt J'n, .rVRy ,et,',';,", cempiBte and rellfildn Informatleti of any oenrdinK school for nova or ClrU, mll.tnry neiidemy, liual. nt'BS celleue aperlal achoela for ret.ird-d children, con. lervaiery of inuale, cellea. or unl'ernlty Our Intlmail knew 1 -due of the Bilvniitaiil of the Mirloe Institutlena will rnalde ou 10 maUu a will rhelre Tins servlr.. la fien nnd avail. ahi id vcry one vary. I Public Ledger Building CHESTNUT at SIXTH Walnut 3000 Vila 1MI yh 'ii'.J .T JW'fl . Jl m IT m irni -... WJ;,y j .i'i,y