'-d ''' Pfls5sSwpJWT W8SSK X'ftWtV't " "V-rXt-'"- vf- lv-i. -Vv.rs;. !'--.', - y. '.vTli-i H.'Yi'.'n,'' "' -, ,. nijw, - -r!.'r'l"f'jw r, .H' .i-" 1 i'.r'W, l V (.VO'-ti L il "7 'w Be' l!- u u , l 11 A II lift- -ft If 5 ,-C it H w f K IH.s'' f fm I hhhhv' kmnHi'.' i HHHBit ssssssHC I aHHbaIw-' aBaBaBaBaWm. BHI 20 KEAL ESTATE FOB SALE OKRMANTOWN fflwamiiim DISTINCTION Ai.I?8n t distinction..! one. who stards out among a group, commanding morn ?i! . . "an "ny eltifer member of the group. A house of distinction Is one inat stands put as belter mere attractive mere desirable than any ether house of similar size and location. The homes built by DON PETERS at 7000 McCallum Street are "HOMES OF DISTINCTION" Detached center-halt Colonial and English atyte houses en Reed-sized Ien In ie highest location near Carpenter Station; & bed chambers and 3 baths; 2-car garage. Ready for Fall Occupancy Smnltm.&Mmm 1200-11 LIBERTY DUIt-DINO, PRIVATE BRANCH CXCHANOE, LOCUST 7IOO rewMnM PF.XXSVLVAXIA smriUlAN' pmai la Rent or Buy? 1 The rent you pay every month gives you a reef ever your head for just se long as your landlord desires. Tomorrow you may find your rent increased beyond your ability te pay the house may be sold any one of a dozen things may happen that will lenve vmtr fnmilv wirhnnr n home. At the nrul nf tpn vnara. you have nothing te show for the rent you have paid, but a bunch fl of receipts. (3 If you RENT a $6000 home you pay about $50.00 per a month lent. We will show you hew te O W X a $G000 home and fa pay but $45.00 per month, for interest, wntcr rent and for re- M ducing the mortgage after the fust cash payment. At the end S of a few years you will have a home instead of the rent receipts !fl and the dark cloud which hovers ever you in the form of a g landlord will be forever swept away. f COME OUT TODAY Hertter St. at Germantown Ave. 6600 North I lijiLii.miin'- .inn mi. .l ..i ii ne.. iip i.i in-, 'J-y taOS-ll LIBERTY BUILDING, BROAD .- CHESTNUT g PRIVATC BRANCH EXCHANGE, LOCUST 7IOO S S'pBana-iiJmnafiiniffl'ia: iT'a-Fn.,Fi''iJiraia.Piii inp i. i-ili ct .imwiinir 69tbi St, Section West Philadelphia, Elevated Service, 10 Minutes te City Hall, One Fare, and .VO CHANGE OF CARSl OtuLS Houses are en COPLEY ROAD. 3 minutes' walk from OOta Ftre-t Terminal of the Market Street "L. ' All atone construction and exceptionally well built, t-prmifiwld Wntcr Lew Torts. Location untqunled, plan proved and practical. At fieir reduced price they are the GreAteat Value 'Jeda;. Sample house open dally ni.J Sunday. LOWER MERI0N REALTY CO. IIL'ILDERS OWNERS. LAND TITLE ULDO. PHONE. LOCUST 2030 -REAL'- ESTATE TOR RENT tl.Y wiaaimiiiisiMirajiSisw .STORES AND FLOORS g 3 IZID WALINUi bi. B 5 mt.ni rurcnrr c-r ,, 1 g 1627 CHESTNUT ST. g Sucnnd end tund floors 1315 MARKET ST. Second fleer. 1500 st. ft . r-iewitnr AAr.'lA Miill.ihl.. fill ll.Si man..'..,. tS turtng. 1418 WALNUT ST. Flrst-rtoe- .ipnce along Inctte I'eurt Qld a-i.ta ile fin ernKers 1615 WALNUT ST. 9' 0 Second-fleer f---n. 1 no ible for tail- - ..fflce), 1 a-rvic ft Hi . il"va:ir 210 SOUTH 13TH ST. Feurt'i Ken-. lann n ft . m l-rn r,roireof bids fulia!-! fir - ..rp. r r utten e. 1c . -ti:. . moderate rnta.. EDGAR G. CROSS 1411 Walnut st. ianiTgr'riMaiiijrjiiii'iiiiririiiME'Pimi nii!iiiiu!iiEi!Qiiiiai!iiiuii;eii;iiiR iiiffliiuiiirasaH'JK; SALE OR RENT g 310-312 S. 15THST. B Will Impre-e te Suit Tenant gj Let 33x114 ft. te Hick St. fl SAMUEL COLDER Flnanei. Eliig Locust I0J7 i-prjie e.-.tl' liai-e 7071. 1 &innriw'iir.w;irii'iii''nirqrHiii:;.'i'ir-"-'. mnm ns piiffli.imiiHiii!i.ii'iji.i'iwi ijfni 1 .i.iiai w ..1 j rtiw 1' f I'liw 'iiCin ik . DhSlKABLh UhULti) H I 100-0" S 4TH T .TJI" WXLXl'T SI l.-'ii'i i(iC"4T sr 1 1 1 HItO A.l ST M.M1 .' sl'i IT- PR 11 I sl(l 1 1 i,-F i;i-s j-, j l"ltt l- 'li V . . I'M 13. I 111 -.1 H I PHONE LOMBARD 300 I aiminrii.'iiiiiiiW'.sHi.H 'vhud t.mm w in. ma isi'"iiuiw 219 S. 17TH STREET (CORNER CHANCELLOR hT i Twe intranet... nere ami l.julr.ess oflltei AVAILABLE SBPTKMWKU I D. B. CHAMBERS REALTOR 001 COMMERCIAL TRUST HLDO OFFirr4. nrixKSS r.oe.iis, iMiUiij.ii'iaiWa.KiiaiiJuji'r.1' OFFICES FOR RENT EMPIRE BLDG. N.E.Cer. 13th & Walnut Sta. DENCKLA BLDG. N.W.Cer. 11th fe Market Sts. REYBURN-HA1LEYBLDG. 1211 Chestnut St. ft . l) n t -1 il HP.0 4.il ST Y- -if . u riiimiiimtiiimitim n.'iilT.'i' III : i . . !! f;' I THE NEW FLINT BLDG. H ' I 225 N. Dixad St. jL' , I 1 i ssssHil S 'TAf most im;jeraU part of fl Bm m evcrU huaineftv is te Inntv what '&: Htt aught te be done." Columella, 3 LIbIbIbV'' I K V'j- I May we serve you? P B' I HEYMANN & BRO. 1 B I REAL ESTATE y .bIbK' - l jWriPKNKR UUILDlNa 1 KtajS!SKm3miLr&,::t'.yi n .ft. ,t REAL ESTATE FOR SALE flKRMANTOWN BROAD CHC3TNUTI PENNSYLVANIA SUllUHRAX HJhff nprf MBHi-p,t.m.n;ii!,i:BLi...MiHi3i winBii'iniiiii'na EttraawnriHiihiiiiit REAL EjTATj: FORRENT nn "ITIt'EI m -ini;.-- i:iiumS life. VIC'IORY BUILDING 1001-13 Chestnut Street -"Wflrle-Xew Frem Cellar te Reef p'ral deiirable emce, for rent Albert Al. Greenfield & Ce. l.'TH JNt) CHESTNUT STS. SHUBERT BUILDING 250 S. Bread Street -L'-iT-d RIiI.eOD J)I FJCEJiyiLDIXa terrace. Cull at Camac. OJd and Wood Wood Weed Also ee uihrrtlaruirntH in siiinll trne in 'and ave fereiv'ri rel-imn. J'EXSs. I.VVXIA S Rt H BAN 'R0XB0R0" sdcel Ha-- ..et of Wtuahicken ave.; Q'lecn Lai.- s-cl-nn JT G. rmantewn. one of PI. .ad'-lphla n i.iest attractive and senv, nl-:it suburbs. Frame CIi.iIrI .'welling containing 13 rooms m ...l.nnms). 3 tnths garage, stabl. g-rdi-tr-r's i-eti.-ig". appreini.itely Id acres tf land, with gard' n, old shade nnd unusual shrubbery, elecnnt nnd at tractive surrounding 20 minutes by metur through i-'atrmuunt Park te City Hall. POSSESSION SnPTEMBi:R 1ST D. B. CHAMBERS UKAI.TOU .ni OOMMl.IitMAI. Tlf'ST XH.Da. AUn n'5 a.Urrllteinrntrt l.i kiiiiII tip In fnlliiwinr column-.. MORTGAGER Third Mortgages $300 or men in Philad- Iphin lIaunre and M' nt'vjmrv Ciiuhi.n eiirunzi-d with out U'ny riur () mi un united fundx. Strlctiy r (infi'It'nti.tl Tet inn ery rcbon rcben fibli. CalU Jtt ui explnln nur pfnu ux Femj .ur rf.il PM.ite rn (r breI(tr buarantee r inance .1 -s' O'le.finn Company 1 lull Chehinut St., Philadclphm 'IHIRD MORTGAGES l n-i I . I . ' .- med i I.. e Il i I Dl H ..H ,S U'K ci m a wrr d a I tv rnr, n a q 7 riitJiiw4.rM.Hu i v.urr.rinAtN CCCLM MORlGAGh F-UNDS WM. H. WILSON & CO. 1617 WALNUT STREET $50 luui lines sscurlt? immed.stt i-tttninrnt, Inter:: en sutMM in beuehi. L.n s'. t.nea. $2000 EDW. M- MOLL 1, $2000 TO" $50,000 I-r.R 1ST AND 11 ft I MellTilAHI " J. EDWARD LUTZ -!'.! "I.t"1 THE DOO DADS Come Again Madam! t l wmP imhzvm i $ i rssera2s-.. . j.-jyzz s-r . "& mBBE&'& z -. j feKffi-ct? n rg esst fflilfly&rkt? . VJHP.T de veu -vwi madam! J 1m flatiWBSr V ,rtit-,, vjt'n. W ffiNs . ' V vjeSp ehlv -. r m 15 yXSSrir ' I vnlWII. I .!. I - Us4 -t J 3 VT -"TV L1T.VI7 -ST-fSl .ie t-TJ- 1 -m V. v I Arff" Bt CUBIll I w baI EVENING PUBLIC LEDGER-PHILADELPHIA, FRIDAY, MORTGAGES aiiM!iiii!n!rLKaii'aiiM!irai!i!iiiici!i;ti;:ii!iiiiiiiiiim,'ii!rj!ra:!ii'; LARGE TRUST FUND $100,000 TO 1300,000 ALWAYS AVAILABLE FOll Immediate Investment a i n first MnnrnAriKa Aire uuuaing Association Fundi LIONEL FRIEDMANN 251 H. 1BTH ST. Spruce. 01412-3 Answers icHtn In 24 hours. IMMIWIIIM THIRD MORTGAGES NO RED TAPE: QUICK SETTLEMENT WEINBERGER 5c CO. 2 S, 1TTH ST. RACE 2020 Alse see nrircrtliemeiit- in rnnli i.n. i i fellimln.-: columns, LSL-Z. , I REAL ESTATE FOR SALE - CITY 114-1(1 N DOU'INBT. l-story bride build-' Inn 30x110 ft., ejnctrlc, steam heat: re lit i t'llfin tA.tr, n, .. .! -Art. ... ..A.,.. -. ' . ' '.. " i l'V IVVfl-U II a It, curner 2d nnd Oxford. 3 street fronts': carajte or factory site: price S21.000: rental I Slieu yearly. JACK SKERMAX, 731 Walnut it Wal. 8000. COItNER PROPERTY Near 17lh and Falrmeunt ave. SAMUEL COLDER "f 4nn' V!i31 K.MUREY ST. aote N 24th. .SH W. Snrr.erset. 2921) N, Ifllh .-.-,32 Oakdale w 1 1 Stlllmun. W.M.TEH IlfTZEI, gftTH.AXP SOMERSET STS 5723 X. LA.MHEHT .ST lienuilful home, n rooms, hath, terroce front, modern In ii i .'. !""" v-t iiiu tertii sf-t .n-nn,. J,, ..rt.il mniyp I lehlgh. 2ST1I ANI IASTER STS 3 stories. rooms and bath, het-water h-at, electric first meriBnse S.'liKiO: price J.lloe. Ceane' t.aiiil Title UMg, NEAR 2.TII AND LEIHOIt ,1 rms., perch. both, tiec. , near St Columba's Church: see It today ii.103 W I.ehlgh ue Dla. 7fl2 23 HI A ST Six rooms, bath and imrrhTl Bciuere from -leetcd station. JIURP1IY A McCt.OSEEY. 3.(7 E. Lehigh ae. MT. f-RNON ST Cerner apartment heuse: 20 renmi, 7 baths; completely filled: In come 1300 pr month. MURPHY. 000 N. 21st st. lMrlar 1)000 ' 2200 PALETtlORP ST. Three story. 7 moms and bath: wide front; $2000. J. P. W.RUMAIEH 2202 X 2d -.131 - l'liiuir si rwo-stery. 5 roems: 11300. se It teili.v. real bir-raln. j. r. iii.itvijiAu.i; i.iii: ID. Sl.1.1 X 20TH ST l.nip-ct thl- Ixatitlfui 7-rnem home tedv, prlrj Is right. srilWARTZ 25011 W 1 ehlgh nve. Jir.'iO M'.fiERV "rt rms, perch. I.ckt s7e"T C5tn. ; 3-i0 cnih 'm.n pesi.: only 10 uiil nod (-OYXK 2tih end Lehigh a- 1517 X PARK AVE lr moms anil both . I perch: !2oe Wilnut 2iS ' I SPECULATORS Loek at 21125 Sllinr- 1 I A-l cend Enrlv .t ehler.2'-37 W. Lehigh I 3U0U 1U.K. judsen H.-w heat. elec. 5r. A. b,. 13000. Early & Hfhler.2S37W .Lehigh: 2800 I1LK. Talor R.irir: act eulckrmust be "uie.uuui-ar wie-nicr,&;j, v tnicn. 0 HOUSES X W." nevvrldle 'retif J25"nnJ 28; only I2.'.ni). Wrlte51i8De Jncey. reL'R-ROOXl HeSll.. hath, shed-' near 2Sth and Lehigh. 250.1 W Lehigh Dla. 7(12. Hl'NTIXO TK lxg.in nnd O'nev homes for I sale. Ktrns.tllir. . 7th. Tle.8S7,Park 3S01 AUn see niHrrtlseinentf, In large tjpe In r-rerwllng rnliimns I lluslnessj'reiierties and Meres lllREE lare ter. prnpeitleii' iiinit f istTi I and Ma-ter, i-.ir a- re-invat1 in fe- stcr. prepertlt-n niirm St ScStnldf ;-:U7 X 20th rm-twrleH. W'irelieiiseH. Miiniif.icturlng Kleur 1-hrORY machine Fhnti in Knslngten mill 'aw.. itiut .,, Mlllli HI l.-PinVfin XI 11 1 i I list.. hMir. Ml'.yn Ini :!ilvlCO Krlv nn.l .ni I const.. 2d ater can be added, price SI4.000 I Ajrllajhlnd TJlhIdgprcHynl. FACTORIES and Meer span- at Wurie Junc tion Address Mr. Darling. J L-e Patten. Lincoln llldg. 1 RIPE for Improvement. 25 acres. rt td' of Caster read north of fettman. J La 1-i.iinn i.tnruin ii;air. Alse hee HdtrrtNrmenln In large tir In tin-ceding feliimn.. Stere mid Duelling isit eerma'xtvn- avi'.-hiiim, H..T restaurant busln.J" elec, in neral i'.oer'ng I cl told : eusll" fiiiancd prh JI2.0f.ii. Ma Ien. (iraham A Ce Itmil '.lennante'in- .i.-e 222.i W r-AMIIRIA .-T - Oppnlte shuel. leriiiT h.-iv. h-at. i.i-iri. Knl f r am bu-lneje Schwann. 25m; v. Lehlyh W KfT PIIILnKI.rillA COMFORTABLE 3-sleiy dwellings for a!t-' fl j4tLi"1'dra-i uri -s. J75u te tO'iaii; ceiiin I nw mem in -lutn .in'i rine Ms. and some or tnem nt 38th and Willows ae. In tl. ientir of Sherwood, we own these Iiouieh and can flnanre them for s.itlsfacterv pur chasers. C. PEMHERTOX. Jr . S13 Hiirrl- son mag . tistji and .ilarKet sts.). TWO-STORY modern up-te-date heuve. con-. talnltig (! rooms and bath, het-watt-r h-at electric Imht and gu new reef, palnt.-d and par--nd throughout basement laundr . PENKIEI.D (.1 minutes fr;m Vth t.l Neiv nttractiiH d .veiling. Illr.g room. epn flr- plnce. dining loom hit-l--n brenkfast room. 4 bedrooms. " 'iiths. h - . heat. hdd. floors Met .10x1.5 I.0U0 cash. 4D mouth. It M ! Harnes. 1 1 x. 0th .t .iiniei 1'10J I flOTII ST " SEi'TIOX $40 monthly carrying cr.irs-s. t bed loom-, het-water heat, h'rdwoed fioori fieori fioeri thruuhcu. girage, enu r,ih c.ish re-qulie-1 WALTER A McCI.TCHY 70lh and Markit. Lan"den-nel!004. I 501.1 OSAHETve". Tve-ts -ml-detarhed bnclt dvM.lling, neuthern expe.ur. I reums I and bath en second rtwer. wren hall, dec. j lights, geed condition po-pesslen. J0S.AUNP01T5n.,tli MAKE AX (JlTKIt Elgant' 2-stnry corner property, S. E. cer ner 5'Jth ntrl Elian erth its . up-te-dato In eerv respct excellent tomlltlen. Appli iL'ILNLM ENIIKKO. .V.'u7 lultlmereaie. ISjIflO EXCELLENT I em. 0 roe"mT"and bath. Indue. I front ticich. har.ltvoed floor fleer throughout -(it-ii!er ie.it, electric ll.'ht. il-alrable Inrtlen t --m. te sutt. RARER &SON 730 S. .V.'.l st. :il." N ...ii) .'I Ide.il location fur de' tur ur dentist- let 1.1. lOx l.'.i Itel maeei: iirinei:ns IJin Iiru-t nt spruce OSIIJ.O.'IIH. .111 WILLOW AVE Twe tery. brh-k. lie Ued in. I.iit I I ircf. garage lnt- iter I e.t .l.i Irk II -lit il.. , I liht hullt-ln hewer li.th I' .i'.. il mil. hefnre i.iu lm. ' PACLH TCI I M.irrU III. lg;S lore Kl'Jl TWELVE . fuirl .. apt houses, fine, location, near Ml and Mirliet st-. . where alues are Increasing inect gate this well-pay.lng prop prep i "!""" Rlch.ir.li. f.jnp Walnui-it, Hel 2723 , maKK OVrr.n en at Chrstlanst Twe story, side .rL 4 bedrooms, electric lights, excellent hnt-waier heat syatern. JOHN M ENIIL-IUS. .1.07 llaltlmera ave. I J40U HI.Ul'K 1K TTNrKY ST. Khe rennis I rnd t.ath Dut..h hul., le trlcltv, JI2U0 Will PhiUdi-'phU I'.e, 1 E.iate Ce. 500'. I l.'.l'llrniri. ne. ,W.'i KI.UCK H ZEI A ''I: - fceven moms r-'O.'f rti l'lt(l..' sit t. r,'.1 ilir.Huri.a .V!.ii Ren.cnibei t-v :;- fj il that's tued 1. al ill . r 1 I. r l.u , i u-i. 17-7 X. i..'i J r I'm (i fp in, II n.imis bil'll l.lllll.l'j I., I UW.H.ll rt l.ll H sljD.MI I, th het w iter r it .l-iti'i.. Ale. L.-l- ti. 2'JOJ ailinniil a.e i iil'NKP. rr.ih st Snuil i ei'-n s room-. 2 bi-ie-tneiit nures i:R..V EAIIRY. 1113 Chis'- nut jtt llf.'H X REIiPIEI I) ST . i.eth ii ml Lans- down ae 2-terv 7 loom ilwelllng; ail (enenii n es geed i.r'ir, posnes.len Frank U MlMer 13:iS Utli it . 123 N H'ir ST Tliree-ner" frime-nnil-brl k dA. 'lin 7 ru.,ins and bath, poss . reiHoneble .iffei itsiueHted Applv JOHN Ji!OIW ltJO ChtHtnut st. LAROE ur irtniLrt he.es W Phlla . 10-11 p. c cash r.-. R. Ir.liart 1121 Chestnut s Aim hi-e iiiliertUrniiMt. In large tjpe In pri u din.- tubulin... REAL ESTATE FOR SALE ClEBSIANTOW OBKMANTOWN SSB8 Wlnghohecklnr ter race; attractive 3-story mono dwg..9 rms., bath; exc. cetrd.: aocrlllce for quick sale H HOPE, H004 N,' Uread. Wye 4.137. 38 MAFLBWOOD AVE. Three-story brick dwelling. 8 rooms and bath: tenant monthly lease. Apply jehm j. uiuiuT, n-u cnesinui ii Alse see ndirrtlscment In larne type In preceding relnmns. OLXEY $5750 Eait ltd 90 street. Belew Msher are., oe-to-date homes, hardwood Moen, laundry, deep Ieta, with traraai rlchta. the bast bar-tain In fits locality. J. CHARLKB TUNDT. WuflflOf MOUNT AIRY OOWEN AVH. Modern, detached stone dwelling 0 chambers, 2 marble baths: 2- rnr B-nrace and a-mimd. near train, trolley and school; price 120,000; will finance. Tiega n.az. i TintiA 13TII ST. near Erle; $0200: 2 sty.. 7 : T rms., perch, eleetrlcltv. hardwood floors. E, A. 1IOHGOX. 302S N. Bread st T.OflAN LOOAN 4002 . 12th St.; 10 r.: end. perch: e-det i med, ffm, J. Themas.flMS Otn.ave, PEXXSVLTA.MA KUnCBtlAX H-ACRE country home. 0 miles from ."read " ; reads: 2 f.rep Spencer het-water heat: eiec. iiriu. Daces: 2 baths en second floer: a rooms en third fleer; spring heue: Karaite and eta- or erlct e: Kai iuIck lite, stream: nrireH fnr nnlrk sale. CHES TER OSUORNE. 1524 Chestnut. Lansdewnt. 1205. . 0y2 ACRES VJTZZt Larue stone dwelling: 2 baths: ' r"J corns., stable, garage, poultry houses. iadt A fiult In abundance. 4 ml. fr. sta. Pho'ei. Private home or sultoble for sanatorium. C. P. PETERS & SON. 008 Chestnut St. Q LEW IDE Large stone house. 11 MP roems: 1 acre of greund: old shade, "" trees and garden: large garage and D,e' high elevation- magnlflccnt lw: Immertiaia, pos-esslen. WM. T. H. TtODERTS SON. Ulenslde. Pa. Phene Ogent 0S2. FOLSOM MANOR iletter homes Atf. cost. 11300 up; spacious grewm-.. "' field water, gas. electric: near cars, trains, stores. BChoels. churchei: convenient terms. 1-. I. .MA..Ii "- P- 'i-'"' "' HUNOALOWH near Willow ar0v,Vo,r'i;.,rnten ar0v,Ve,r'i;.,rnten ar.d t-elley B te 8 rooms- all lmproe lmpree lmproe m.iilVO0ep. DABT Tnns.8. . . E. L. Wi:HSTI.lt X -w.. w .. -" TecaTION FOR DOCTOR RSSi A1 SN-r-O, TNUTST.HILA llulldlng Let-i 'm wnf.nKM LOOK THESE OVER .Tut 4 lets. 4Wl0, $050 "Ch: opposite Olen N.ir High school .train and trolley, hlgn Alian, Pa. around ALDAN uhal.ii --. Lnnadewne 1400 M. - ::!SWARTHM0RE COR. LOT 243x101" PT. frwffmin i-.f tf l-.1i n"rTf TO CLOSE MNL BUILUIINU ailt estate Pl'.TERS SOX. COS CHESTNUT sT .PHIUV Factories. Warehouses. Mannfncturlnc Fleen WOMEN'S WEAR FACTORY COMPLETE FACTORY Cnnsl.t'nir of 42 Wlllcex i. Olbbs tewln-t machine-, meters tables and fixtures, com plete and ready te run. WRITE LOCK 110X 150 CARLISLE. PA. MAIS 1.IXF. PENNA. .Main Line, new Individual horn-: "7I IIHMi-.i, ,ii'u....i. .... " -"r aUa lilt-h. nmnlpnt Inratlnti: price IIa.UOU. eery medrn appeintment: let or ijmpie Albert Hall. I.anq Title mug .--pr. ni. HAH-CVNlVni WELL-LOCATED building leta for detached houses, improvements. W S. rtUTIIER- AXD. nala-Cnwd. Cynwyd 24 IIYWOOD ALL STOSE d-tached. 4 bedrooms finished attic; let 50x100. stone carage: purchaser asking 113. 000. Call WALTER A. Mc CLATCHY Lansdowne 20U4. Opn eenlngs. X. W. cer 70thand Market; rOM.ISMLM.Ij 'BARGAIN Vi.st !' hr'cU comer h'i"c. renin stre- ill cenen'.enc-" only $1250: nuic posses pesses slm Aldin It-alt Cn npp .ill" I'llfton I'llften Mil in R It. M.1 '"' Lalisnumn- I MIO M. CIlfYI)nN CROYDEX r nrA K.illillni- aiiltnble for club. uh x-ut..rrrnnt privileges, aoeai I acre u- ground and 4n fruit trees: will finance. THOMAS A. MANN. 3141 CI St; C'YNWYII STONE and planter Colonial, 0 chambers, 3 baths: will bJIld garage. WALTER S. SUTHERLAND, Uula-Cnwd. Cn .'t.'. DREAMLAND Daddy Deg lly DADDY .,,;.- inn .iiic fi'i'l " ichoel in the K-oe.s In vhtrh llnMn Deg is leach ing thr rnhUti nnd i'tiitirclx e save fnm(i( front huntir. rHAl'TEIt V Daddy Des Turns Hunter BOhhY hl'NNV was sure he was coins te be eaten up by the tine that had srabbrd him. hut the doc jl'ltVt t lli. tment rabbit then, lle Iretted nwny thveuch the woe.U, earry- 1 .iniii iv itnnrn ir i: '.- iiin ". - - - . . , I.... ... -nil. Till. ti. i-iii. 1111 llilni'i- " iheujsht hobby Jimmy. l'reseiitlv the iliic diu;ip'd hobby huniiv. Tin- Utile rabbit :Uhw-d li Is f,.t under him. prepaid te leap . "Jii What Wll" ih ur iri"- '" " ; !,., k in -ehoel. AH the ether labblts IllU-k 111 .", ,.. ..-i,.,.!..,, 1,1 . . ........ .. -. 111111 iiiint.1'11 and nitilu Is Mil. lllinili.i h.. ..- - him And the tioree deS '1' J'a'! u.?';t l.lm WIS lust lenriJir I'.i" i.i.i -.-. I,!. rih Vun Uuddy Des would net nt '''"'i et this be a l0N-nn te ou net te HL f ,.,, rehoel." mill Daddy ti,.-,.v ii'uttlns en his- ulnsstt, and re.it ...id i.ari "l-'oelish rubbits.Kut cauitfit, n"d"obhled avise rabbits learn hew ir iilde and 'tny nl'.ve." And lebb hunny was se slnd te be alive lie fettled down in si-lmei te be- ,Mime wt-f. hi-could rtu:- ullvc. wn,,t New V.O Will I IIHO U C'lll-s u Safiu'l-'iret." -ril Dnddj IK. I i iriH'd t II"l'ili.v-H) It.iub.i. "What Aiuild mu iln If " du 'Hid a-tnan-I iini.-r "fiiuiid ou in tin' weeds:. "I'd run liki- a htn-ak et liKlitnins. Iinuiiiitl- aiiswerud I Ioiipity-Hep Hub bit. . .. . "Woof .lust running; weuiu net bav vp nu," wnld Daddy Dee. He turned' In I'nlkv Sil 1 el K rMimnui. i ii.li- ......... j. de if a doe anil a inuii-huntcr Mirprihi'il von In llie weeds?" "I'd frl-U ill) " tn-'O," tlt-clared IVrkv fviulriel with a saui-y flirt of in tan. "Woof! .Tn-t fiit-kins up a tu-i- wouldn't savi; ou." wild Daddy De. "Yeu have iniirli te li-aru. I'll be a REAL ESTATE FOR SALE rUXSHVLVAXIA PnPBllAN I1REXKL III1J. DREXEL HILL HOMES WALTER C. REDDIXO 119 B, 17th st. Snruce 283T. , ei.i'.nsidi: QLEXSIDE lleautlful modern Colonial heuse under constructien: 0 rooms, large living room, fireplace, 4 bedrooms. hl;w"ir, neat, concrete perch: $10,200: also 11-room heuse en Roberts nve.s exceptional oppor eppor opper tunlty te buy a bargain: 55(X). WI. T. U. ROHERTS & SOX. Olenslde, Pa. Open every day, , OLEXSIDF Twelve brand-new, modern bun bun gaeows: 4 ready for possessien: beautliui designs: large llWng rcems. firep aces, hot het water heat; 2 te 5 ledroems, lsrne lets, eeme with rid shade: can he seen any flay. WM. T. n. RORERTS A HOX. Olenslde, Pa at station. Pheno Ogenta 0 8 2. , OIII.PII MILLS A CIIAKMIXO little Colonial tearoom known ns "The Ulrd-ln-the-Hnnd," with O.acres attractive ground, snuggled In the hills or this tieautlful sectien: property consists of a stone dwellings with all modern conveni ences; all 3 houses are comfortably fitrnisnfl with Colonial furniture; 4 minutes from p. nnd W. Station nnd .10 minutes te Philadel phia! J55.O00, Including furnishings, TREAT H TREAT. Wnvne. I'a. IIAVKKfORD 10 ROOMS. 2 baths: garage. 2 acres: trees shrubbery & garden: near statien: J30.00U Wm, C. Claghorn, 121 Chestnut st HKlIILASn rARK sixei.n STONE home, ies1";'""' ?" lshed. Call WALTER A. McCLATCHY. Lansdowne 2004. Open evenings. X. W. cer. 70th and Market. HORSHAM 1IKI(1HTS HORSHAM HEIOHTS rcrmren' lets. aan. tn. t?a tq.v 1100. en's mug. 0. 1123! en TnvtAatnuin trnllau llnA 1(1 mlllUtej aoee Willow Dreve Park. In Hersham village; highest elevation near Phils., sloping te the famous Pennypack Creek: beating, bathlnr and fishing; new concrete roadway from City Line; churches, school", stores, flro flre flro heuse, etc.: easy monthly payments: aend for. booklets nnd plans of bungalows. FERGUSON, Frent and Yerk JENKINTOWX 220 HILLSIDE AVE. Cerner; 8-room med. home In best of cend.: laundry tubs: large let; garage: Puss.: fin. Walsh, 25th at). Lehigh. rnxncr.w Ilulldlng Its PENKIELD t lets, 25x150; beautiful leca- tlen; 4 minutes from 09th st. terminal. Phene Pep. 0402 from 9 te 5. or Llanerch 437 W evenings and Sundas. LANSnOWXK J70CO FOUR I1EDROOMS, twin heuse: at thta price this house will sell nulck. WAL TER A. McCLATCHY. LanMiwne '-004. Open evenings. X. W cer. 70th and Market, MKWON A NEW hiillow-tlle-.ind-stucce house for oc cupancy Oct. 1:11 rooms and .1 baths: high elevntlen and large let. Ter price nnd par ticulars. TREAT 6 TREAT. Wivne.- Pa, XEW heu. 10 rms.. 2 baths. J13.0O0. Vt m C. Claghorn. 121S Chestnut sL . M0VI.AS OWXER going te California will sacrifice for SIR. 500 beautiful country home, near famous Idlewlld Inn: 12 rooms, 2 baths;whlte enamel interier: harduoed floors throughout; 1 acre shaded lawn, garage: everything pink of condition. CHESTER OSRORXE,. 1324 Chestnttit. T.n-ii-i 5037. SARItKRTII MAIN LINE HOMES New 3-story property faclns en Montgomery Pike; well sltuited, 5 bodrnems nnd bath en second fleer. Price 118.300. OEO. A. .TOXES Opp. Xarberth Sta. Narberth 31 J Il-lment 5500 RtlM.YX PARK RUY In the path of progress One ea age a farm, today a growing village, 40-ft. let, I3U0: water, gas, electric. Phene, write or call Suburban Land Ce., 2050 Oerman Oerman tewn ne. Diamond 7153. ST. DAVIDS rei'RTEEX building lets, fronting en Im proved reads, eurreundeil by high-class I properties; 73 ft. front or mere: M200 te uuu per let. .1. .m i ror.eiicie. ivwynp. 'a. VII.LAXOVA MR'ILDIXO SITES One ncre. J0500. r, Claghorn. 121S ci.eslnut at WAYXn COMKORTA11LE heu-e 111 ery tine condi tion n chinibers. '2 hatha, het and reld I watei in maid's room, hardwood floors, elec . trlutv. gas t.ot.witer 1-eiit: R1I1..1U0 I J. M. FROXEriELI) . Wayne. Pa. I CONCRETE and frame dwelling hall, lllng room, with epn firep'aee, dining room, liltrhen, laundry. ! bedrooms and bull. elec. i trie, bb het-water heat, let .10x17,1; fO.100. TREAT a treat wayne. i-a. WYXXIXIELII WEI.L-Dl'ILT nnd well-located stone house, oerieoltlng l-'alrmeunt Park: having 14 rooms 3 baths: aper heat and 2-car garage; attractiely priced . TREAT & TREAT Wynm IKd. Pa; Alse see advertisement In lurre tjpe In pm-edlng columns. ADVENTURES 1 ti 11 1 i iifr (let; III tlie woeii-s mill .Tni-U lirre will lie 11 hunter with a (run. I'll li'iw j mi hew usole.s ruiiiiiiig or friUc inc wen hi be." .Iiiiis cot 11 stick te um as n makc makc makc Liliove (,'iin. lIepiilt.v-Hni Itiibult mill 1'i'rky Sit irr-'l went out Inte the woeils, nnd presently Jack mill D.ulily Dec MirjiriMMl thorn, just as u hunter and his lieunil would de. "Wait hoie with your cun." said Paddy l)ou te .Tack, and away he went afler Hnpiilty-IIeii Hauhit. Hoppity Heppity I Ien ran like 11 ktrpnU- il.xliflii,, H.iu . .- :: "- ,...n 1 twiv riiin Tim, 111 ,11, il,... ...... .i.ii rail h him. Hopplty-Ilep i-huckled as ( he ki-pt just out of rencli. 1 hut llopulty-llep wu -m intent upon Ki-eplnj? auuy from Daddy Des lie ilulii I iietli-i. wlietc Datldv D02 Wfts . duvlns him. Me dods'ed rislit Inte tin path where ,Iai-k was Maudlin?. .Tark pnlnti'd Ids maki--lH'lii'Vi. sun at liup-Iiil-IIep Uubbli. "linns!" said Jiirk. llupplt. -Hup deicjlltn a Uu.1, ln-nj.. "I'm -itfe!'' he .sque.iKcd. "Woof! Ymi hae been tlead ever sini-e .Inek mid 'huiie,' " srewled Dadilv Dec. .v.i i- lmpiii knew that would mV(. )(.f.M ,,.,,,, lm, Jlu.k.B ,Hal.-ljilieVe gun been real. D.nldj De;; n.wt ilurtcd after I'erky Squiri"! I pa n it of icai'li frisked I'.mUn. D.nldy De- barked loudly at lilm. lVrk il.inliid lilfli, kci'pin-.' en the oijesiip lili- of ilu. tri-i" tmiii Dadil Due. 'i:i;! v.k) Yeu en n't cati-h a Miuliit-l in a tin.," ehiit'Klcd l'crky Hiiuirifl. I'.ui m that ineiiiuiit .luck pelnti'd lil-t ninld-l.flii'Mj kuii at lVrky. Uane!" said .li.ck. Woof! 1'i-il.v SuiiliT"! Is dead," said Daddy Des. And all the impila ihiifw luui .ilium iiiim- in en true nun i the itun been ical. "Ami new Mild I Daddy Dec, "I'll show ou tbu i thins te de wlien dugs or huuti'i- rieht cenn; mte the weeds." j (Miut Daddy Dns sIiems llii'iu U I lie told in tin- nct dliaptrr.) 4-WUST 4, 1922 REAL ESTATE FOR SALT. new jkr'iKY atnuniiAX TO SETTLE ESTATE At Cedarvllls. N. J.. 7 miles blew Rrldg tpn: house and let. about 1 acre: large barn, vard. ehlelien rard. fruit trees and garden: en tha main street, center of town and nbeut 4 miles from the famous Fertescu fishing grounds. UEOROE S. DHXSAFE. Executer, 1430 caiiewnin St.. rnuaneipnia. MOORFaSTOWM $9500 Possession at Once Twelve-room house, city conveniences. Let 100x248. Old shade and fruit. Photes. OTHERS, MOORESTOWN. $3300 te $14,000. PETERS & SOXf 008 Chestnut St.. Phlla. OAKI.VN OAKLYN Hellew tile and shingle., 6 rooms, bath, screens, awnings, rtnrm sash, Itun- dry, gas and electric: let 50x175: nice shrub bery, rruit: ju.au: . squares trem ireiiey. Vj square from Whlte Herso pike. 3 squares from Reading Station, R. W. NEAL 5 E. Hadden ave,, Oaklyn, N. J, Alse see ndiertlstments In lame type In preceding columns. NEW JERSEY SEASHORE Ilulldlng Leti IDEAL ULDO. leta In Ventner Heights: slxe 25x80, Information. 2202 l'rnnKferd ave. STONE nARROB STONE HARDOR, N. J. Rungalew colony; newly fum. and painted: 11000; easy terms, Derr E. Newton. 823 Walnut st. Lemb. 7557. PENNSYLVANIA FARMS 14-Roem Heuse, Bath, Lights With . acres of beautiful lawn, orchard and truck patch, right at a station, 35 miles ou'; brick house, slate reef, beautiful location en high ground, large perches, electric lights, het-water heat: 4-car garage, concrete floors. barn, hen houses. Ice house, vegetable cave, flne barlng orchard of apples, pears, plums, peaches, grapes, berries; located en State read 28 mllea te city, via Valley Ferge; this Is the home you have dreamed ef: every thing in fine erder: garage nnd barn would cost $3000 today; price only $9000; easy terms. Kee at ence W. A. DUNMOKE, Kim Kim berten, Pa, A WELIT.OCATED farm of 72 acres, close te Norrlstewn nnd Main T.lnA tntiAn. thA ereater part of the plnce Is en a very high elevation that commands cne of the most beautiful views In this section of the State; about 15 acrea of woodland, rest In pro ductive crop; atene farmhouses and bam: hillside, with snuthern nYnnnnm n.,1.1 mal,A an Ideal fruit or chicken farm: price I20.00O. nr.t or im.rti. 'nlA. i'a SEW JERSEY FARMS LOCATED AT VINELAND. N. J, ci0.- .n ntate ueaa. nearly new heuc, (I large rooms, bath, toilet, waslrtiami h. ... nnl.l v.,nnlM ...aaa. !.-.. .n . .... (ill, ..K.w iuiuiiii- ,,-iri, iu,uiiiii.-p wilier system Farm Catalogue. BRAY & MacUEORQE, Vlneland. X. J. FREE LIST FARM BARGAINS SreVtSiJ .".e'lvETTPRICr nRce'nS. tiectcd with any city farm ngency: every farm Inspected. Call or write VINELAND FARM AOENCY. 510 C Landls ave Vln" Innd. N. J. $250 nUYS a 5-acre fruit and poultry farm In best section of Seuth Jersey, no build ings: handv te large markets: climate soil, water unsurpassed: payments $1 weekly: booklet free. OI1.UCRT & O'CALLAOHAX 705 Walnut Rt.. Philadelphia. FAilM, 5 Mt-res; il-rnnm heu"e. nuthulldlngs. ., .'1 cr?,I""..her.se' tr'19-. "m, arranged. ?hl.a,Vel,!.',ln!ty Amner- "ll 1:"""ru "'-" FARM. 13 acres. h-juse. outbuildings, fruit n.'.ir tnun ... . or all Kind.-: Rutale Realty Agency. Bridgeton.' X. J. REAL ESTATE TO EXCHANGE WILL exchange eaulty In modern suburban home, cemenicnt te ileth St. Terminal for clear let In Highland Park. LlancTch ilVoek- line or Seuth Ardmore. 1 132, Ledger Off. REAL ESTATE WANTED WAXTED Comferlablv fiirnUh.,i i,,,. net exer 8 rooms. In attractive Main Line or suburban nclsliLorht.e.l. n nr ! .e.i.. ' i lease from Sept. 1 te Oct. I. preferably I I Mill. nn.nn In mir,..,..... ........ '..... .rUUly ' 1 rhll.lri.ii- refer n.: Ml,.ln'ri,A ..... A iy-.111 I giirage Hliicliide.1. P 114 Lvdu-er Office- .... c... rrr r. . . .i "fm,.8,2,7a.hT,lgaVage""w.,Sl,,,i5nh?.;Ihn: alimedern cumenlencc: Price en., of city: Main -lV?.',''lnire County pre- ferred. net ever Jl.1.000. will n.iv .i,. . ... full particulars. P 12T. Ledger Office. WAX"I Te lint sm-ill modern home ntm it belt 4 or 5 looms and bath, electrlcltv' no objection te location; immediate, posses. len denired; state full particulars. i 131 Ledger Office, JJ' HAVE purchasers for desirable corners suit able for drugs, cigars or groceries, with or without apartments; Improved or unlmnrexed ltoecr-Slotter. Inc., 4 S, 16th st. Spr. 8183 II-' YOU have property te ll In northwest section list It with us for quick results THOMAS. :;.ii7 w. ihiBn 0; OFFICE SPACE wanted, from 3U0U te Juen sq. ft. Reply. Riving details, te p l-n Ledger Office, ""' W. II HALL SOX 41S L-ind Title Uldg. HO JiL';i,:y- ,;',iKZ,lXm: m ?& Jm Im for ' :-". 1.-7J iLU-.""i.":!jl.iin a LI 1ST Ytll R PROPERTIES WITH t'H i SAllLER'S,SONS 1.1211 cei.ujrm.v AVE". WANT np.irtment houses W. PhllaT; anj) slie, Hend pannvlletnhirt. 1,124 Chestnut. SOUTH SIDE of Chestnut st , between J.Hh and 18th sta. P 100 Ledger Office. REAL ESTATE FOR RENT CITY nt.i cniiTU AM DCIT CT SJJ JUUIII VMH fLLl Ol. Six rooms und bath. Will Improve. Macee & Redgirs. 1200 lxicust st. Spruce 0207-0'.'ns. SEVEN lurgu rooms ui.d hatn, all lnedrrnlj HAVE J50.000 for first nnd second mort mert r Tril ieYr .tl.TheMnu ist0nFllbenrt 3S18' ' 8agf' clty or country' C -33' -11"'--Ofnc0-- ONLY one desirable sture left In the new buiiumg ar. ..-a-..,) s. jitn st. Apply owner. 132 S. 4th hi. Phene Lembard 300. 1.111 LOCUST ST. v. ii. hah, a. uQM, i..- Tin., ni.ig, Mil-SJ." -S"1i,.uiR"pi:.5r-,,r !!!fnl?al?iJ I ij.ine HLK Terri'-d.ii. 11. : med. rn home In I ' -.-lt CI I. .., I,t l.r. I .... p I IT V ll'll. eerv detail .snmiuiieiser. .ii .-. -.-Tin. i Alse ni'i iiiln-rllsiiiU'iilH In large tjpe In prx"mg!imini ns. llusli-.e.s Prenertles ana Bter 3001-03 FRANTICFORD AVE. Large store. iftrkfi'.'-VJ'ftfT Walnut st. , L13I CHERRY Stere and dwelling, modern J. EDWARD LUTZ 2111 X 17TH ST. lae N. 7'1'H Heed. for poulieoni. ur barber MVrm: inn Kushlti . Kiiiman ,.ili ft i'lii... Factories, Wnrelieiises, Mnniifiictiu lng Floers S "V COR 12T11 AXD bANbOM Third fleer; geed 11.,'ht, tlev.. etc . suitable for oflken. displny nr light mnnuf.icturlns, CIIAS I, BROWX A. CO. 217 S 1 nriu sr JiiO-70 S. AMEBIC N ST Fer rent, reason- ,, i,t,. tjlxlli lluer, also h.isem.'nt, ubn-jt I wnn si ft i-ath, geed ilirht. iin hulld-iig 1 large i-lec el viunr. S ." 0 irntl, 2111 S ad V FAi'TiRY vmihIeu--. .in.l 11 iui Htiil.t. ' ARTIH'R II ritASER 21 S1 2t hst . TP.eXO lloera. cuntial llr-prenf blilg. light, " bent, pewrtr. Lasher. 1 17 N, 10th st. (lurngcM Aute or Truck Salesrooms 1322-2S R1DOB AVE. 00x13 I automobile sala.roem, service Htalinn or gnrage; large show windows; unusually geed light; every modern convenience, HARRY T hAUXOERS 31 S. 18th ft. WATTS ST eust side of Wallace; on en Ii il T aqunre from Ireul st , garage 1.11 ft, en Wnt'M bt. and 130 ft un Lemen lit., un usual llu-lit. nil convenience IIVRRY T SAl'NDi;ilS. 31 S ISth at. AUCTION SALE8 AT PUBLIC AUCTION FOOT PALS SLIPPER MFG. CO. Successors te E. Z. Walk Manufacturing Ce., Bridgeport, Cem MANUFACTURING EQUIPMENT-BUILDINGS MANUFACTURED AND UNMANUFACTURED MATERIAL coNsiirriNaeFiM.MopAm 4000 LUS. SEWINO TIIREA LAROE QUANTITIKSOF RRA1DS. ETC., MACHINERY, SHOE 5IAClIlNKI(r. Sliyu .llAWiip,iii, .. . ,. 4 alcKay atltcung macnines. n uinner ihhliii,ie, ...... . .t...w .uv,iiii-b raAU J markmB machine" llufferi. Sele cementen. Star channe cem-ntln machines AtiSS K. pwner, Apex ede lind snang nwenim.; RTI AMER four 'compartment i'a'm Pin Racks, 800 Slipper Racks, 12,000 pr. Laati. 800 Dlei. 12 ELDCTRIC MOTORS i'ST Stenciling machines, Cutting Tables. J'"1"" 8FFICE-2 T'nternraBtlenall Tim. Ck lYurreugh, Adding M.ch.h,, Desks, rile,, TrU lth travs. Fairbanks Scales. Hand ifUCK9't',J-Al. , REAL ESTATE consisting of Seven I-aR,""!.''!?"- ,.., V KUAli AMlAiU consisting Ul mil" " ,,B'i Main Ilulldlng three story and hasementsil.e Si outer nu dings sttuatea en riei iw u ..... ...A..-.AA.r. n.AA-M aaa.a TCUvntnra. 1 fhlsTntlrT PlanHn . i.- . ... '- ''..r,t m .raii,iir TUESDAY. AUGUST 8th, 11 o'Cleck A. M., en the Premises 350-370 GEORGE ST., Cerner Oak St., BRIDGEPPRT, CONN. JOSEF FREXKEL, Auctioneer. . .. r-..i 1,0- Offlce 394 Ilreadway, New Yerk City. Telephone Canal 1122. REAL ESTATE FOR RENT crrr OFFICES, nUSISESS ROOMS. ETC. FOR RENT Small double furnished office, vicinity Bth and Chestnut: desk, ruga, telephene. Janitor's service: reasenable: pos session Immediately. P 125. Ledger Office., DES1RAULE office space, fireproof build. ini elevator service: nrnucmie . .,.., Apply F. J. ELLIOTT. 1114 Chestnut st. BURD ULDO.. nth and Chestnut DeslrabU daylight ertlces. Apply te superintendent. Simuel T. Hall. B. W cer. 17th b Bansam, 225 S. SYDENHAM First fleer front, $n. W. It. HALL & SOX 43S Land Tltla nldg. CEXTRAL OFFICES, geed lights: -0"," a hie. Wlllls-Wlnchester Ce.. 25 B, 18th at. Alse ai atlertUement In larce type In preceding columns. Desk Roem. DESK ROOM In des. office bldg.: telephone-! use of denk: reas. Pheno 1imbard 2442. OAK T.AXK, OAK LANE Twe houses. 4 bedrooms. $75 per menth: apts. $40 te $85: stores $40 1 per me. Herbert Hep 3001 X. Rread. Wye. 4537 LOI1AS 5410 N. 12TH ST. Twe story. "n,,: tached. 8 rooms. laundry, perch: meaern. rent $70. William J. Themas, 3543 ui-r- mnntewn ave. MOt'XT AIRY MODERN' detached stone duelling: 0 cham bers. 2 mMble baths: 2-car garage and greunds: near trnln. trolley nnd school. Ilu per month unfurnished. J200 Pr month fur-nl-hrd: yearly lease Phene Tiega 3T.1-, ritAXKFORl DETACHED HOME. 10 rooms, bath: perch: large ground. P 120. Ledger Office. FERN ROCK STORES, apartments. II. Hepj. 01104 X. Hread st, Wyoming 4337. , PENNSYLVANIA SPnUBlIAN. ARUMORE bHI'AlltTB MODF.RX HOUSE: SELLCT XEIOintORHOOD. HIOH OROUXD: 8 ROOMS: $85. I'HOXK ppitiiri-; -" Alse see ndertlscraent In large type In preceding relnmns. NEW JERSEY HUB! RBAN. 1X)R RENT Fin nlshed 7-room heuie. en trolley line; 20 minutes from ferry: nil conveniences, rent $75: pies. nlen Sept. 1, n frrenrn M 3'H, Ledger Office , RLACKWOOH I.AKE 11LACKWOOD IKE. N. J. Furnlsh-d cottages for rent, month, seasen: furnished cottaue for Kale: $7000; finest loca tion en lake: for private 'home or club; IjrnH te suit: lets for sale. C 330. Ledger Office. SEW JERSEY SEASHORE. FOR REXT cheap for bnlnnce of yeasen. large heuse: very best locatien: 200 feet off the beach: nt Longport. N. J. 'APP'v C. . Ronser. 18 S Frent st. Iimbard 3801. STONE IIARHQR UUXU4.LOW colenv: newlv furnhed and peinted: $20 weekly: August DORR E. NEWTON. 323 Wnlnut st. Lembard 7337 BOR RENT FURNISHED IlEVOX P -r . rwir- ..i.,.. Vinti.e with U acres of ground ' er'cha'rd, shade, tennis court. (1-room tenant , ... i.i. i,. ii iie.irnnnis and 3 l-"" ?,",i . T,..T I RLAT & 1R1.A1, Wnn, Pa. MORTGAGES APPLICATION'S! wanted: first and second mettgace funds. MAGEE & R0DGERS lgnn Locust st. Phene Spruee OIQS-nsm I'L'NDS rt'XDS IX ANY AMOUNT IMMEDIATE SETTLEMENT niTII.niNU ASSOCIATION MONEY nEMPSEY & CO - 27 S. 10TH ST. 1ST. '.'D AND 31) MTOS.. ANY AMOUNTS WEINBERGER & CO. nt t 17TII ST. RACE 20211 VOTl SAl-lI $40. O00 firat mertsnRp centrnlly -i,in- Kami.. PRAXCIS X. DELANY, III p. iireau si MAURICE LICHTMAN rr.RSOXAL SERVICE COLONIAL TRUST HLDO, SPRUCE 0778 LOAN'S, mortgages en Loek account STADLEN 1208 Penna. mag. Spruce 3MI2 "OR SALE 13,100 first mertgage: Interest 0 per cent. II. J. Miller. 2b02 W. Lehigh I XArn rfr TO LOAN OX CITY AND i $iiJU,tAJU COUNTRY MORTOAOES n TAYLOR. MIDDLETON.703 WALNUTST. WILLIS-WINCHESTER CO., 2.1 S, lBth st. FUNDS FOR OOOD JIORTO MTUS. HUOHF.S, 20 S, K.T'I ST. BI'RUCy:i14l,7R, ) -: ?:-a n. T.vncii 112 S. tilth. Spr. lUj'.. rhfs ndirrllrmeti In large tpe In lin-crdlnz columns. APARTMENTS I .. ATTRACTIVE APARTMENTS N. w. ?A''...4IV.,Wk..WR?aer ave' 20111 Columbia n. . . - . . : -. ' ' .. ....... COLUMBIA AVE. Art , ft rms. and bath hdiv 1, nr eiec; mei in every rer.p-ci, near lMik: 20 mln. from coiner of city; real, D.tIJ Herlwr.01.1 Lln)lt I 'b Spri.1 v 72.HI APAllTMEXT HEADQUARTBna. . CenlfiiV'nFnrimVm1- J." s-ieTimTly. bherwoed Apartment Agency. 1331 Walnut st. BACHELOR'S- APARTMENT TWO rooms nnd tl'c.l bath, het-nnter he-it, electric light; rential, Phene Spruce 11207 -flgns TOUR lurce light rnema prlvntn l-nth, pir uuet il-iur.i, electric, het water; $75 month-K- Mr Km nkt 13'-3 X II rn.l WF.ST PIIILAlll'.I.PIIIA 4 AND rceniH and bath npls modern Ma v c Rsii-i rs I'.'.ie I..S-U1 Sin ir.'iii-nais HRiiXARD Al"is.. uirrer. (1 rooms iiM I.".; prlvnie perch erv deslrnli'e 11 S. ,10th. (ii:rm.xtevx fX. Most de.ilrabln apt t mellis nnd liatn; Pt-,ir train nn.l trolley; neauiiiui sil--rnundlngs, nery comfort nnd cenv. D.ild Seiber, U13 Lincoln llldg. Pnone Suruco 72,10, PKXXSYJ.VAXIA--l'lll'RIIlX ATTRACTIVE. Ilrst fleer, 0 rooms; central; near train anil trolley v, Scuttergoed, 7fi Owen ave . LanwhiwliB, I.AXSIHIWNK DKSIRAHLE hnuselieeiilnu iipartments, ll outside rooms, private perch, itunli-rn npariment bulldlngi old ili.ul. Inwn; 1121 P r menth: enrly Lace; udq't family -,; s; Lunrdov.ne nc. Phene Lnn downe din By Arch Dale I '1 . ii - AUCTION SALES THE ENTIRE PLANT OP 7l A.-M l h MACHINERY AND OFFICE FIXTtt CUT 'SOLES POM POMS fl0CIc"LIN"rN0k BINnfSF ,10 UNION SPECIALS. 160 SINfJER BEWINfj NACHwB' ..u... n ,iii.. ,!. ...vi-. . .1,. .Sfmrema'i ". . hVi r.ev.rnafin.h'. ?i,tm . ,...nn f..l 50x200 feet. jf the most aubstanttat construction. Bb.ih Light en four sides. Tliese building, ar. $ ng purposes. Is an opportunity of a Llhtb. art An,f iimiiflniifn.liiMil M.AAAA.T.in "iistlltHL ' ni, nurennpn. ,a an nnnnrmn - . WAR DEPARTMENT SURPLUS PROPERTY AUCTION SALE SMITH & JAFPE THILIP SMITH. Auctioneer Will Sell by Public Auction i AT CAMP DIX. N. J. '. Tuesday, Aug. 8th, at 12 Noen-I ENORMOUS QUANTITIES 0P1 ujjurniiNtr fit JbiyuiFMENT 1 Kit Bags, Mosnulte Bar. t-'atlgue r.i.'l and treusera. Oilskin nnd Cernmercl.l SS!' . ceais, aneiter Hall Tents. "-" GENERAL SUPPLIES Covered Tin Bucket. Meat and Cendlm-nt Cans. Cnnteen Cans. Pack Carriers. SZ govern, uups. i-erks. Knives nnd Spoeni " Teledo Computing Scales. ' v-uillllierciai .aoie I'OrKS, KlllVOS ft SOOOSL J iviacn. as ingineentlff Mater -h J n Y3aa1I Til .. ..in. . "" y .uncu i uunTii wnn veuntersnafti ttam. Pistol Machines wit Teunter.haTt V'lSfi ; "ydraulla Gauge an" Black.wt.! Open for Inspection 0 A. M. te 3 P M Cnntlnnlntr allv in Km. .. --,'. ,- ,.S,T CBtB'Kue and further parilculnri win ! write or pnone . QUARTEnMASTER OEXERAL .Munitions Bid.. Washington. D. C. si ...'i.. wn.f, ii P.VP. anu euin s... . iiroekiyn, New Yerk; Quartermaster. Camn DIx. New Jeriw: Director of Sales. Munitions Hulldln.; i 03 . 45th St., X. T. C. Vandcrbilt 2511 FURNISHED APARTMENTS 2107 WALNUT ST. (BETILALLYXl-Oel or 2 rooms, with bath: well eaulpred: fen. i serviced. v-1 NKW JEBSKY SKASHORK ATLANTIC CITY FURNISHED Boardwalk apartment. TV Kennnrd, 401 Chestnut st Phlla, APARTMENTS WANTED WANTED Apartment in goea, quiet nilrt. i...iinmli fl bedrooms, sitting room tJ.. room, kitchen and bath; must be reajgnaW,. tl C 820. Ledger Office, & I WANTED By professional man, wife a- ' baby, apartment or small house, unftir-1 i-....i .Itv nr nnhllrban rent nti.n r.n ...' menth: clve details. C 322. Ledger OffiSI APARTMENT HOTEU THE GLADSTONE 11TH AXD PINE STS. ABSOLUTELT FIREPROOF APARTMENTS. FURNISHED. UXFURtTD LOXQ AXD SHORT TERM LEASES HOTEL COLONIAL SPRUCE AT 11TH ST. V?ll SUMMER RATES C. PITMAX BAKER. Jr.. Manager THE SWARTHMORE. 22d and Walnut-', Furnished. 2 ipems and bath, nnd 1 roea and bath; maid "service, and linen Includit' f num.. mii;ubi e.n.. THE, LITTLE HOTEL. 22.1 S. Hread it.- wuiei. eorui.uieusiv clean anu well Con di irtedii geed plnce te live while In Phils. THE SHERWOOD. 3Sth st. ut Chestnut- I two ami a rooms witn Dnin, furnished et i uniurnisnea; cxceueni lame! I'resten 310). , IJ.OAL AnVERTlEMKXTS KSf K!TATK OF HANNAH TAYI.OII, OR- -" cenM-d Letlem testamentary upon tba ; estate ei iihiuiuu Aityii.r, ueciasea. navini been grnnted te KailellfT rurness, all p sons Indebted te the said estate are re quested te mnka payment, and theso hsvlnf .l.ln.. nnnlnu. 111. ....... .. ........ il... I.tl.tin l....,,,,,. ,,,l- Illllir ,J IHCACill lllCill. , without di-lny. at the etflce of his atterni)'- In-fiict. Fidelity Trust Company, Nes. S-Ki JJl l.lli.'tiliiui Biii.'i;it --luuiueiniua WM. P. O EST. President. 355 EST.vrn. av fkaxcis Heward " mm II.I.l.Tll A, ll.eel.Aefl T.nll.r- .a... tamentiiry upon tie estate of Frnncls He- y. ai tne 7i.-..r.- .n-ai... pan. Kea. e.a-JiJi u, v " " . .... ... ...CBinnii .... dclphla, WM deceased Letter? ft "?'? c t. a. upon the estat',rt "dniln ion. deceised. halncT,.V.f'"iin I,. nV itv Tni'ST i-nO'AN-i KrnntH.i DELITY TRUST CO. 'Wc-ey.idjihftr.-- (ves it tlO-l'ime te ail person, in. IH.mnU.1 " Ives it tlrl'jme te Piesent Hum .JTT'"- bril . at tlfiufflce of th mild ceumany!'i.nJ". .. it fn.BjriiiT I.T I'm ini.ihi.1.. " - IE. J I i WILLIAM P. OE8T. t an. II alBillHI "M St I III II 1-1 IlII II 'K;J 1 1 Prasld.nl. K OF JXO. A. CRANK nl & TCI iI';lt'a.,-"tej?:..i5: wn i M'?""?.1! ajlii.ii ArcnA""?, .! U'.-'mAViif""' "avlr ttm '"' t'"'he "aid 'estate are rcqueateJ'wJj' 1" .A" n.umnt.1 fM,l lima. I , I. ' . IV I i the same te present them. iilr, Ne. 3s,331 Chestnut at., PhiiSrJSi"!' WILLI r- zbf lei'1-; w4 a. a;JI wV eiate if K--I-t,.,JC.Nh E. Srcensed. Ini been sr." . 1 WjI.ITY TR .U lse.v. ne- upon ih i, r.sr. rnusT 'bns Indrjted te the sU estate a're'rei r-'Wd te miike payment, am fh Name tf i resent them, without d.-lny. at the efflcsM the sa'il company, .os. e.-.i-.ui unestnui sv,((J Phlladetphlf. W1IWAM r. ekst. i President. rFSTO THK HTOCKIIOLI.KH8 OF TIU1,.' aJ--' Aiiniilir Brier nnd VnrnUli Ce. J Vntlce Is hereby given that by n resolution of the. Beard of Directors of the Atlantic Prier and Varnish Ce.. a speclnl meetlng et ih stockholder!! of said company is called. tni.iL HI IH" wiMvn un i.v vulll,-' svlvnnln, approved April .1. line, te i;;, iictlnn en th approval or dlsapprevnl of resolution aiillierts-Jnir the conversion , $100 "oe of the authorized Isrue of comraen in tli et said company of the par value et. 110 1 per Hliiire. te at. I -alie of "'. "Stf cuinul.it Im 'teclt. par Mtliie S.10, PrefW a" ti lotlie dividends and assets Pr. , te that luld en pr. .erred Meck. 'Ai te lie ri'iiriii.i" - ...' ",."" VMr,. nf Directum at liny tline, after thrie '":-' from dale of original Issue at M fifc h,ueS,ild preferred stock telme no t. lilt pOWI'lH, BIN. liu.l.w. ..n .,v -, ,ll, the cempiiny te teke nil necessary !-'' steps tn effect such cnnver.-dnn ( ellAPMAX & CHAPMAN. Solicitor?. , KSf I.. KAT. IKIUdirr THE .IIKIH'HA'ij "- dlse, fixtures nnd geed will from MJ rls (lulls. r..1 N ilvith t. All crocilterB ) sliitein.-nt te 33.1 Arch st, before Aug a- , I'AllT.NKIWIIirfL TTTSls MVflCK IH IIKKKliy" (1IVBN , THAT TB" , narKtrah i heretofero oxIellnB 'tt'JJJi) , vtl-nrllft U'. U'll.l.S. tracing H5 I H.' ' ! "i. mikiKHV COMPANY, has been dlsspliea ". mutual reusent, nj .e'July aim- Jj 'j-j u'.;nii wlHidrnnl of VHTIU,V. MILLS. l.i.ulna.M lll l.f. Ciintllllied bV FRANCIS TAIT. Sr. FRAXCIS TAIT. Jr. 1AMEH TAIT. WILLIAM TAIT. .1IIIIN TAIT, a ROHERT TIT. SAMUEL TAIT nnd lll.MKR A. NAIOLE. .,.NfJ trailing ns iiim.iiii "'V' -'.nVct " who pn win iisBume an iiiiuiuvu-A ""-, .: Indtbtediuaa due the said nniijan pr W ASS S TAIT'. Jr.;, ..AMES TAIT.,- ' WILLIAM. TAIT, ,,, JOHN TAIT, ROBERT TAIT. SAMUEL TAIT. nI- EIJ1ER A. NAIO1 , ClIARLfcS I. CnONIN. Atterney. nes. l.iiil Till- lliilMlna. ' ,' ara wiiunms. ucceasrii naving neon grantie . te FIDELITY 'nil,i;,VlCOMPANir D(1 PRAXCIS CllunCIIUru.Xi-'JAMS. all per. sons Indebteii te thitm.r;- vjtate are n quested te make pall Lama toKleJhesa ky Ing clalma against 4,hiLm?e eflT if .""' lh,m' without delay, at the Vi"'r" JI Prcst.,. com. i3?hll- ' ,t 1 1 v i! Philadelphia.' '.. . i, ..V. I A. ? l3V. ..tS -