Evening public ledger. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1914-1942, August 04, 1922, Night Extra, Page 2, Image 2

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'& MTv V .-; V. U1
,jrfiV'"- ""
m if
PEGGY ASKS $50,000
Chorus Girl New te Sue Jack
Montgomery, Her Unwill
ing Hubby
The green field and iinint eimum
menta of 101k t en . Mil . sinnd inn in nil
their irintini clerv 11 mup'p of tice
age nheii Peggy 1'dcll walked out of
the smnll courthouse nnil es-en cd lirr
fnlr form en n Pullman chnir
"I've been llmllcll'cd " "In 'I'll
"1 mil "-till tllP HP (if III lllllll I !"e
anil shall 11 1 n m iPiiuun his wife
'Hint was ii c(iiiiiIp nf weeks age SIip
VfHH pxiibcinul mil pouring nvei mlh
enthusiasm. Just tn think thru sue
hnd foiled iIip attempts of Jink Mont Ment Mont
remery'x motlier, wealthy ladj of Relic
Innte. I'll . te sepatnte iIip young lutir
following their elopement net many
month"! before.
Peggy and .Inrk went te F.lklen hi a
reugh-rldlng tiixlcnb from a reef p.irt
here with n number of glads,, me tricmi
They reuiPil a minister em el lied nnil
with IVggt i-ent ribtiiitm tin- tine nnu
Jiipk thp fee. they were thin nevelb
TIipd .l,ii U - iiiiithrr n,ijid ,n .Im s.
was full of spirit en tliMi iiifiiini ubiH
night, she said Ami tin- -innij ueirii r
these of Me.i I ami .-IL
An way, Peggy
wen ,iln aiiii'iimcni
tilt hands down.
But nfdT thinking the mutter ever
Pcgg' lis decide,! tlmt .lurk isn't
much of it Lnchinrni- lit tlnn. Mini
little doubt." have ctepl into ier mind.
She'tv mnd dear through, bect.use. for
Mime iciiMiii or etlit'i". .I.e U Kn- hint
her feelings
Se, having wen her cane -In1 i new
going te sue him nnd hl mother fei
slander- ft.'U.IHil) worth And juM te
pteve that hc isn't nil meu'CMit'
goodness, no slip's going te sue -lack
ter an absolute diverie. Se then-
Thought Slpe's Reinstatement
Would Please Administration
Following the lutere ever llic ic
lnstntemeni of I'ntrelinan Ilewnul 11
Slpe te iIip rank of heue M-rgeant
despite thp nretest of Supcrlnteiiilcnt
Mills. Civil" Serrlip Commissions s
Woodruff and Van Pueii today denied
that the cominis.slen was tung the hands
of tlie Administration
Comiimslene;" Woodi utT
thnt in resterinc Sine te his
asserted '
erlifliml i
rank he and his associates had acted in
the belief thar the p01'"" department
were fateiable te ui h a mete lie
pointed out that ni tlie hearing of
Slpe's case laji Tuesdii the attorney
for the biirenii of oeliie had offered
no objection te ln- renistatemeiii.
In explaining tlie euiniuissieirs action
"ommissieners Woodruff nnd Van Uu
jen isued the following statement:
"After foiicideratieti. the Civil Sen
pp Commission imxlitips its original i -
Jer of dlHrnlsal anil iliveet the ies-
oration of Ilewai.l II Slop te the
ink of sen;cani ! i meted te take
Is step becaiife m iti opinion tlie
igtnnl sentence tta fe severe and
nvyje tlie peln p department's ip-
statement of the i-nid Heward II
pe as patielman and his iissinnieni
an arting heu-" scrge.inr millcated
no je had been suffii lently punished
ferHns original niT'ne
lelal Pullman Coach te Take
arty te Unlontewn Tonight
inv I'l'ilndelpluii po'i'e al
lciive Itriuid S'i t Station
Il SIU'CIH' II IMT I lilOMiev. ri. urt
, . i . l...,.
IV lltteiK lie iiner.ii -erv.ns .-i
Inato' ii ew tuinei row lie irain
leave tl""- city
'ndnid time
Iip men w i i rerurn
S'liiiiday ii, ght,
e'dink Siiml.iv
llvlne here in t! -.i
-nine, 'inei
wi I travel in a spcnai
p who will ut lend tli"
llman. Tlui'
ra! hip
iti Senater tare I eiiEres-man
lb lilirii WPgl'in lire-icletlt et
fc?,.ll .Innw l llfl.lctt. Iti-cerdci
rd-: Stete Senater 1 I. any Lyre.
1 Vtlutaker speaker et Me- Malt
of Hepre-entatlie- Stni Sen"
Uutteii Mai Pane. I nema- i
mi. clerk of the ijunrtei f
the Hev .lelm 1 Iat.-
i A.
or of rrniumtu n . nai
Stnte Treasmer. ami
ir Augustus uait. .lr
Ilarry Maker
nf the
gaican State Ceninuttic. '"R" '-'
tlentenunt tioterner '
William P. fiHllagher.' '' '.
together i
left Ills,
,01'lllllg I
ille for -1
UlOli"" -
r tlilie fu
.ts Who Held Impromptu
en Bread St. Pay for It
flief $-"- " Ptic'i v. ic imposed
'ss-fsw-Ult'KS nuteiiiuliile ill nts !
W, i-
ra1 Itensliaw m i eirrai rsnnnn
8 The drivei" aie .leini i miiiiii
Roosevelt boulevard, and Anthont
gillie, of New Milfeul. N .1
tccerdlng te Patrolman (lieeuig. who
.'resteil tin me'1 at Bread and Master
streets, both driier- n' tiling te
aca one another and in the effort in
creased their speed e nun II ih.lt I.
Ftreet i-e'emb'ed a line Mink
Mmi U cote his version ll'.s'
11 sin h
til I.IM
taid Rellerine wa pim nng
. ,lu nine he iheiiitht It best
him. Then the Inner leek;
"Vniir Honei. I was ui'i.
111 with.
miles an heiti "
At llns (Oiifessien me tlag
lifted In- brews .net v'lte lis in-
Buildings and Contents Are
Burned Less $10,000
Vt Chester. Pa.. Aug I A larce
burn en the- farm occupied bv VI
Trece at Crete, was destinm! In
ftV which tins stanisl bv lightning last
"f!i.r Tim les Is StilMKl. partly iev-
cd by insurance,
wuniiml but imini
Five he-M's were
hickens perished
'Che house
was ignited a iiuuiuci et
was saved bv firemen trem
and Uuttc n "Wti The
times, but
thin Place
lightning stiuc
k a wati t ii 11 lv en ihe
root and followed the pipes thieiigli the
buy mew.
Lightning also hiiiih a laigp barn
nu the property of Alfrtsi Lin ai
Snrlngten Hill '""I ' "ttK ilcrtiei..i
with u les" et n1""" s:t""0, !"IS
twn firemen sated the house
'"nVCB lTlK HHKI.lt I'lTS AlitlX
'jMei Itr.v deuBlitiuy lis" Jmrt n eppqiiup ,,
!'l.i.l7 Wim. but Cor u iOvrii Ur fr.
il' II iiv vlslteil the ncene ur lil ,r aoti.l aeti.l
'k if? inil wrlt "ion ietrt.rinlv ef ,n,
V'f .,i?AdtW'slp-,ri.l.'llM".. Birj.si deusti.
' UiJftll?ji1nar.V!!si1et ht fsmllsr will want te
!!.i niiiuil ih en uf lu ,vr aeti.l.
Usst 1
Pss. .!
i .-i wmrmlm-, ,-
HViK3rwi$fiy6IBi! KffnUQlBilll
ks H'qMKansHinMHisi twi Bmk2mm&w
MiBfc aTaaTarTaw JarV.g TfBa""t'f"B'alggy ..- u j S t vflKATVftt VTSHVflK-wHHbl
MummflUNrapmi'i ppwimRiniBiwAfK.t .&2m i
Five Overcome in
Fire at Nevin Heme
entlnutMl (rum I'.ice Ortr
St'.v ineiii" llatis, a I. h I i1j 1 1 ' -11-1
I .in ust -tteit .Mr t n v I is il ami
is iit'cndfil li.t a truined nurse
Mi. Hums and several vi'ium
thiew mi wtaps and hurried minn
Malrs As Ti lv Xe. !) wus npptoach nppteach
nit; I igdi n ran back into tlie Iieuk
I resiiiniihl 'e siivi- -umc t aliiabli s
Tl.c Haines tul nut reach Hip adjoin adjein
ing Louses, iiltheiitfh tlie Interior of tlie
Ve.iti home wus wrecked b the lin
Dr. Jehn Spcee. Jll.'Sil I.eciut Htrcet.
and Ur C. .'.!. Laws, ".'im i.CUl.t
sireer. left then- beds te ghe astlnl
.nice. Had OtcrseiiN Itccerd
Chai-les W. S'ettu was a tirsi lieu-
tetiant in the Knuri It Infantry, which
served etei.sea Itefeie the I'nited
States enteied the war he served ns an
1 nmli'iilauce driver in Helguim.
; Whlle in nctien July 1.".. lOlS. he
1 was slij;htl i.'.'issi.,, but snn nturne.l
te his mi't. Sheitl iifterwaul lie nns
!nor in Hi" iiiiii anil iiukip win!
charging a ilpiiiiaii macliiue-Eun nest.
' l.ieuten.'inr Nevin tiKiired In ,i s.i:i
! tieiiul att.-iek L.v tlnms in Ilvest ;,v i.
and two ell)"r officers were leaving ,,
I collect
' j '
; Accused of Making Youth Sieep in
Barn in Winter
Scrauten, I'll., Aug. -1 I'reiecitetl
and maltreated, it is alleged, Jehn
II. Ileirchlei. nineteen jears old. is
i cenlined te bed, a mental and plivjical
Tireik. He is without both feet and
two fingers of eai h hand, tvhl -h have
been amputated af'er beins frozen
-tn indiitment has been issued n;ainf
Mhicih Colwell, eventy .tears old. n
farmer, for the -euth's condition.
Neii.bley, who entered t'elwellV em em
p!et last r.utiiinii, received $1, a
niunth. with wluiii he had te clothe
l.iifself and help wipper his mother
Last winter, the indictment -nvs.
Cnwt'il eu.peiled the br.v te sleep in
an ..nheated b-irn. 'ne meining
hi i.'hhers saw him stagger fiem the
biiihllng and fall te the ground. Thev
took lrm te bis mother's home, trem
which lie t;us sent te n hospital
' I'hvsiciati- decided the enlv way tn
' save his life wim by amputating tlie
freen fei t mi I finger.
Notwithstanding nis age. Heiis.'hlft
is enlv a ihlld in stature and also u,
said te be en! a chl'd mentally.
The indictment further charges, Col Cel
well i l.hbed the hej . prodded linn with
;i nltilifnrl; and mnltre.ite'! him in
mniitiei lie could- .encelve.
Heiress' Husband Was Arrested
1908 After Wedding
Baltimore. Aug. 4 Mrs. Ana (io (ie
man Magness. (laughter of the lute Sen Sen
aeor Arthur l'ue Curtuan, for many
years a national leader of the Ileum-
ftrnHe Pnrt. tiflH briinp'llt Suit frir
nbseliitp divorce against ClYdrles Jeseph
Magiiess. Mt.s. Magncs-t inherited . an
estafp of near v Sl.lXHi t)0t) fiem her
In the bill of einviln. ii' . Mrs Mag
in ss '.its sini,. J a u i.ny 1. IH'JI. In t
h'lrhnud lies been gulltv of intidelity en
duel's metis ens In her suit she names
"August! Crnvti," said li, be a icsi
detit of tin' .ny as reresp,,."eri!
The .ltignel-iJerinaii innrrJnp. '"
Vans treated .i cenntr' wide herniatien.
I..... i .i ..I.. 11.1,11,1!
sl.v tViiO.il 11IM . UUIII"- 0,1s ,,,,.1,,,,
f. r lieni ' a deserter from til
nnvt. At
the time, Mrs
mrtv veais
Msgness was said te be
uni, ami her husband
lit Pill. f , , , . .
According t" 'he slot 1 then told by
Mr Mugnes.s. she met her husband
'C J. Hart'eie" was the name he went
bv In th" navt when he appeared In
Washington "s a lumber et" the Marine
Band V lenmnce lvegan that ended In
1 heii engagement and wedding.
When anesteil, Mllgtiess iunl SlitlOfl
u uisli and .1 worth of bends 111
his iiiiiK"'- He was triee and i-en-tenied
te a veiir in prison II,, hnde
appeuled te every influence 111 Wash
ington t obtain hie release, bu. tailed
In-.eri-l 111 the wedding was im rraseil
when it was learned thnf te marry
(ierinsii. MngnesH had jilted
lieergina Iveppier
Auks S100.000 Frem Her
The v.i'.ue of a husband's affection is
placed at $100.1)00 h.t Mrs. Bertha
Im ui.ei of r"-0 North Paik avctiue.
win. vesteldli). entered milt ngnlntt her
lather in-law. Samuel Kramer, a iar
ii "t uieiihpnt for allenntlng the love of
his seu, Merris Kramer
Mrs. Kramer charges in her petition
te Judge Meiiahati that two days
utter her marriage te Meri is Kramer in
Mil) 1D21. the father-In -Jaw ordered
her' out and threatened te threw her
nut She said the I limit mis repeated
and that in .Imiuaiv Kinmer went te
hr fathei. M 'hael l.essy, and told him
'hai nu!'", I"' '""k his daughter away
he vte i'il be thrown out.
Judge Meniigli.'in allowed n capias for
the father in law. aiid fij.ed bin1 at
,"'0(li) Mr Kramer has .u ceunse.
ex-J ulge Ci.rihn. Jehn It. K. Scott
and Shapire .V- Levlnthal
. .. i-l
i AKF. VOII UlUNinii
itKi.rr iTJtV
iim ih try iiren ies
l-nt li
"r 8ltutleni en pi
'. J(en
Ainu e Net In home at 'Mil Iecust
street, tvliirh was de.stre.ted li tin-
tarly tmhi
IJeleti ( luirles W. Netin. who.
with his brother (Igdeu and three
firemen, uxs overcenie by smoke
Idaho 8nater Charges Pub
lisher seeks te Guard Foreign
Investments in Tariff
f j A ni' ' -'' ' '
VMlsl,nm0i, Am.
M I'isey .,,,,. ,.lMl
1 -Fra
p ililisbei
I, A.
of the i
ewVml; Herald. w.v
Hl'tliP Setuite by Sen i
barged today j
lienising, of
Idaho, i hairm.eii of tic II
imlMicnn itg- i
riciiltiiinl Tariff I'.'n . with lighting
the Adnnni-tiatien Tnriff Bill in the In
leu-' of In investments m Fumpp.
The nttempt te fit In Miiunitneus con
sent a date for a final nn appealed
te have been dcfiiiitclv .'lbandened tedn.i .
t' it pnvn'.p iipgntintins were under way
looking te at l"Ust mnie 1 urtailment of
disi iissiim
Seme Rppub Kan- le'ieved these
lend tn le-lllls. lmt .-x 1 11 -11 1 III,
Senators ubjei-i tn Im nation of 1
until after the -ei"..in nf the lull
i uttii
deal -
lug v. mi duties 1.11 sugir am
hides had
been disposed nf
Win p prei ti'ding with debaip mi thr
lull today the Setuite av.'ired a
fiem tin 1 niiiunt'i 1 en t nntingeiit t.x
ppildltutei, en 111,. 1 1'lii'iu I'ltriduced
vesttrday b Si'iamr l liti'j, preinis-
mg investigation ,v a special Senate
cnmmlt'ep n'.i the tinnmial iiiieret of
Senators or then1 lc'ntiie. in imv in
dustr.v. prnpertv or ( nninndiiy a fie. led
?!,.,ts'e(l"ltt"fiir i.en.ling bi'l'
Alenibeis of the iiunnilltep ludiialed
flint the resolution which nKn pro
posed inrpilrv into the amount of reve
nue denied from Importing department
stnres bv tn iiNliaper., iiimeil bv Senators
or 111 which thev whp linanclnll.t In
terested, lis well n- 'ace published bv
Mr. Munsev. would he modified 111 its
I euie'ii of Wisconsin, in
upsetting plans ni Itf.iuullcan and
Detiieccatii leaders ve-terdai for a final
vole nil I he hill ml Ai.g'isl In. ex
plained 111."! in" (Oll'd lint teliselil te
nt.t airangeti.ent under it huh iiiipe
t.nit nu cndniPtiis nugl t he m ted upon
v itlwut d!sptisien
Mental Derangement Believed te Be
Cause of Action
New Yerk. "
1 Mr- Mabel
w ifc nf Kiiuu is It
1 1 IIV I'll, ceuitultteil
VcImiii Tinwbtldpe.
Trowbridge, of New
K-WJU v ' '
Ui ? . '- 'V dKrt?-'!
S WsswittsWjS&SV. I
111 If IUI 1 I I Yi I VI MM S 1
suicide Ml li lay liigllt III ucr cinniiry
bi.ine i'-' Pert Jetfersnii. L. I . bv
-, m 'tin herself In the neik. II was
learned here lnt night.
Me Tiewbin'gp was net home at the
time Ceriim r lllbseu. of Ilutiliiigiiei,
who was culled, aftci an Itite'lignt nit,
said lie believed Mr- Tiewbridge killed
heiself ttlu'.p Mift'i'img fiem mental de
intigeuunt It Is sn'd Mrs Irewhridge had been
mniese inccntlv. nnd her action- were
iPiefitllt wu clu'd In the servants. They
heard a pistol she Sundut in.-ht end
found Mis Trowbridge dead in her bed
room pistol was found hi side her
Hi" liihsei -nid he hnd llle-l his report
i. lid tlieie would he no iii'iuest.
One Killed as Train Hits Aute
W.I.. Ph.. Aug I William Jinelis.
rtPifvsbuiL' s-vellti -eight .icais old,
wiiH "killed ami his nephew. Heward
i.l m ebs. Yerk, wus seriously Inpircd
,. .I,,,,, .. Western Martlani liasseugei
train slruck an nutomeblle en a grade
crossing In tVest lerK tins mernini.
I Eleven Resolutions Reduced te
One and That Is Defeated
at Shere
Atlantic City. Aug. I -At thp end
of one nf the meat Mrcnueii4 ,'""X'
' In the history of any of Hip thlrtj-
' nine prevleiiH Supreme Intel national
, Contentions of the K, nf C. the ml-
lulnNriitlen reinnliieil In the naddle
after icpeated enftlnught of InsurKeiil-'
throughout the esiefi that lasted until
Inte last night.
The Insurgents, however, cot the pub-
ii niliiifssiiiii trem Suprt'iiie Kingiii
.lames A. I'liiliprty that he had inaile
"a gtieieiis prier In the light of latter
devi'lepmetits" when Iip swuti); te the
defense of former Supieme Ailtecatc
.Inseph C. relli'tler." until retently li
triel Attorney of Itosten.
The eleien rcKolutletis durin the
eeur-e of the all-tluy debate were re
,lti,.n,l te eiip. whli-li is ,atd te have
been Mlnglng In it rebuke te the head
of the order. ,,.,',, e i j a. tr.... "B-, i
That resolution wn finally defeated Man Belonged te Famous bar- ,
In winning his victory Mr. I lahfi'tv i .,11,m i Dninl
Ii said te have mini a partial apmegj
for Ins defense of I'elletier. lie Mini
that he pre! libit had permitted his per
sonal feehug for IVIletier te nvcirulc
hi- lirtier iMdgnielit" and that if lie
hndeilmed the mder in an inifnveiaule
pe illuli he as very Kerr.v . ,
The (.peivh of the Hiipicnie knight
came before the le.elutimm tveic placetl
befeie the loiiventleu. While some del
egates spoke In rat r of them and some
against, little meld lie learned nMli
debate, as all delegates hnd been pledged
ThP partial apology of the suiiieme
kiiicht and the Mihsenuclit defeat of I lie
icMilutlens are believed te have cinieii i
the matter, altheugli some or nc- ...
radical delegflles. previous te lie hpsieii
vesterdav. declared the.v would !' "'
"order The delegates today t leiight
chain es of a split tteie impridiahlp
Charles R. Cummlngs Said te Have
Stelen Stere Charge Coins
A i the same time that Chailes H.
Cii'innilngs. ilsuce nveivie near Kiftv
eighth stieet wis 1,pI(1 In SUhIII bull
for cenn en a clmrgp e! larceti. aim
S.'iOO ball for a further hearing for
false pietene. two fugitive warrants
en the siime ihatges vvere ledged against
li t in tedav.
Cunitnitigs was arraigned hclme Mag
istiate Ucnshaw in Cential Station. It
was i barged that he took several de
partment stoic coins from the home of
liceree W. Kretii, a mill owner, of
tiTlIi North Thirteenth street.
He had lien n ived as a fiiend
through Kreut's daughter. Nellie. The
girl met Ciunmings at ttcean City and
upon her return te this ritv Intited
him te vis-it lier I'liminiiigs was at
tested two weeks iike after he had pur
i based S700 wei th of goods en the
stolen coins.
Afterward it was icvenled ihnt Iip
presented a ibeik for S.V) te Miss
Kreut. who indorsed it and then was
forced te make geed the amount It
was en tlie latter marge mat me man
was held for a further hearing.
The fugitive warrants were sworn out
bv Majer Champien and a storekeeper
of Ocean Otv Cummlngs W said te
have ipepivcd mene from both u
iheiks later found wnrth'css
Tomb Blasted Frem Reck en High
i est Point In Eastern Neva Scotia
Sydney. N. S.. Aug. 4. (By A P i
The bedv et Or. Aleximder tiiahiim
P.ell will be Inn! te ic.st this evening
from the home en Belnn llhrciigh
Meitntntu. which he hud occupied for
thirty-lite suceesive summers. At
f.i.L.. 1 a. . 1. nil., , i ill Im tii'iile Mi :,
' ,niln ,nllli. hh.uie.l hi the summit nf
the nieiintnin. apart or the Hell estate.
The body will be borne te its burial
nlaee en the highest point in hastein
Nevn Scotia bv cmpleves of the Bell
.estate. There ir v 111 lie laid away in
its Infly Ifioke It With simple cereuil.llips
nnd te the singing of Rebert Leuis
Stevenson's iciiuiuu:
l rkr (he in nc! utarrv nUv
ti tc r ttrrfve .ilia If mi lie
it ail it1 I 1 l!-e nil KUdli . i I -And
I la.it m' ilu n with a will
Messages (f condolence were received
here teJay trem Chief Justice Taft.
' Secretarv of Laber Davis. New Yeik
American Society of Civil Fngineering,
, American Institute of Miuimc l'ngiiieer
lug. Americnii Secuti of Mechanical
1 Inigiueers Atneinan Institute of Klec-
tinal I'.ngiuei ic l Piled l.ngineerlng
Society and Lord Bin.: of Vhni. iov iev iov
einer (ieuera) of CaiKida, ami Lad
Jehn A. McSparran Ic Guest at An
nual County Picnic
Wfbt ( he.ster, P.i.. Aug I Hun
dreils of Ueinecriiis lieiu all sections of
Chester County, tilth inenilnis of their
lauillips, hip spending funny ,'it l.pnupi'
Pnil.. en the
st) lu, with a
Brainlv w me,
In plenic.
ports and
p.egraiu nf
ether features.
A meeting tins piesuled ever bv ,1
Collision Reese, i rilrmnii of the Ches.
ter Ciitintt Uemet r.ilic Ceuntv Coin Cein
mlitpp Candidates nt u.e next elei .
tien. I.c.i' i"l by Jean A MeSpariatl.
laiid.d'itp for tloieiiiei. v.de prei nt
Aneilig Ihe speakers wcie WiMln u
'1' I'.llls. cauilldnie fei ( eiig ess. Rob Reb
p'i 1" Paltisen. Jr. Hmlidate fn."
LiPiitenant tlovernei'. Austiu McCul
' leugh. Sisle (halrmnn. Mi Maude V
ttciishivv. v ( e ihiiiin.nn nf the State
lleiiiei ritie Crmiiiitfpi . V M Thump--mi.
candidate for Seen la v of Internal
Affnlis. and Or Jehn .' Fairell, a
iesder of the 1 h nl I leuiei unv
13-Year-Olds Who Stele Trip en
Majestic Enjoyed Voyage
(herhetiig. Franrc. Aug. I i Bv A
p. Tttn young gnl stnwinva.vs from
New Yerk, found en the steamship
Majestic, enjeiul every minute of their
trans-Atlantic trip. When the big
White Star liner nrilinl here ledav.
both Anna Mailer nnd Knihe-itip Flem
ing, the tlilfleen-year-ehl chums, who
secn'tcd themselves In one of the Ma.
jenlc's lifeboats before she sailed last
Saturday , declared ibei had had a
merry time
"The captain Is a rcg din old dear."
said Anna, "but the ship's cook he's
ilie most wonderful nan I ever saw."
"Just the same, w U he glad le get
home." chimed In Kalherlne ' I really
never dreained the Atlantic was mien
blH.',,','n" '.'. ..., 1.. . ...i
i til SlUWHMW.is ,, ,,i t"- lV s. -
New Yerk en the next westward trjpef
the liner,
$1800 Werth of Oewni
Trimmings In Bag
Chillies Wnlker, a Noj?ie, n( Seien
lecntli nnil l.timbard etrertn, t mh
tvellllilpil III lli I'lirhl lp" at 4 II CIOPK
thl mnnilm.' wheii he tied Ireni n
'I'"1"!''11 t hiRiiteeutu ami
Walker had entered the S" (,"nl,
of S. Sacks. LSI I Spruce -tn'ei. '
way of a rear rntraiiee and piled n
, tw,iti t,i iia.firintr utiD'irf.l valued tit
Nir.Ol) us well as ,$:!(H) weith of drew i
"i"'''i'e"" , , , , ,
lie packed the clethliis In " '"'' '","' !
inei.ppdMd en Hniiipk street, whcie Ii"
wh ncMiHtcil bv l'litielni.in .Mttiarvey.
of the Twelfth and Pine MtcMs .-lit-lien.
Walker immedlatel.i dropped the
b.ig and started te inn Mibarvej
pulled ills gun nnd tired. Tlie Negro
Muggered and fell. ,, ,
Walker was Jim taken te Ihe rel.v
i'IInIp Iioseital and then airalgned be
fore MugNtiiitf Kenney In Hie Fifteenth
,iud I.ehinI Micetft htntien He was
held witliuul bail for coin I.
Police Allege
Sffrnl l jnlih In ft'i 'fe"0 I'uh'ir l.frle'l
Atlantic City. Aug. -Allen Cen
ever, fiftv-live. a beatniau. was r
tpd tmlav en the chaige of being a
member of flip famous "Hai'tender
'Crew" of the Pocomoke en her pxclllng , certain nnd perliinnent icllef in tlie fu-I
! smuggling crit'se fiem Bermuda. Ihe ture from the (iresent pnrtil.vsls of i "J
1 schooner was seized nnd sold here hi i American industry" ,Wi
(let-eminent. Captiiin J.
A. Rm
I was lenvlctevl and sentenced, inn is
new at libert. Other meinbers of the
crew were lined and sentenced.
A tvnrinut was ismed for Counter
I last September, hut leuld net be i-eiied
las he spent the winer in the Seu I Ii
, He was committed te tall in default !
bail , ,,
Krattk Krull. special enicer. and Al
bert M. Clark. mniiiiEer of the plan
tation cabaret in the I.n Marne Hetel
I nt the font of Ocean avenue, were In1!. I
, i.nder SIT.OH bull einh tedav bv I'alted
Slates Commissioner Jehn K. Isard en
'the clmrgp of interfering with Federal
leQiceis while In peifeininiicp of duty
The wart ant alleges that a tvrnpnn was
. tletirished by the special etllcer and
threats were made at the time the Fed
1 i nil agents descended en the plme early
I Sunday morning
Abe Mullica and Samuel Kapline
hntli of Atlantic Cltv. were nrraiened
en charges of censpltacy in jinpersenat-j people. Musde Shoels, with tlie Kerd
lug I-Vdetnl prohibition agents. Assist- j offer accepted, may furnish an oppor eppor opper
nut District Attorney l-'iedeilck W. tunlly for tlie Senate te discover hew
I'earse Intimates thai their arrest is! such fail and transportation emergen
legnrded of the gieatesf importance in , cles can be. at least In part, ateided
the investigation te leach the men in the future."
"higher up" who are charged with giv- An agricultural benefit te the conn
ing "protection." Mullica tvas re- try bv development of the Sheals prop prep
leased en his en ii recognizance. Rn- ertles by Mr. Ferd, tlie report at
plinel was released under SKHKI ball serted, will include a larse-seale pro pre
furnished bv Jehn A. Rucker. ' ductlen of fertilizers "produced under
It develepul tedav that Mullica has the most favorable manufacturing con cen
hppti Identified ns the Abe Mulligan ditlens, maintained abreast of progress
who was employed as nu investigator in an in t that is developing rapidly,
by former Assistant Prosecutor Burten and which will reduce the cost of fer
A. Onsklll. when Iip tvas in charge efilllirer"
leiinty nctivtties In entercing the tei-
stead nft.
After Mullica left the ervice of the
pioseeuter's office he wns employed by
William II. "Whitey" Brlnleii. of the
N'ew Jersey Federal Prohibition funis,
who tvas reientlv ttatisferred fiem At
hintie City te Newaik. just prier te a
number of local raids. ' Brlnlen, It Is
alleged, had Mullica appointed a special
ileiintv wherifT nnil it Is iIim Inred that
Mullica used tins shield unlawfully.
Jehn Musi, 712 S.
te Vend Heech
; Bags:"
The slieut of flip
gniie bv ban had bin
new il-p police say
Shull St.. Said
in Junk Cart
ragnviii in times
one meaning, but
It has taken en
einething of the meaning of tin- pie
Velstiiid. "Whnt'll yuli have':"
Jehn Musi, sixtt .tears old. of
Seuth Shull street, wns pushing
ing inr along Seuth Ninth street nenr
Sprtn e Inst nighf .veiling "rags." when
iMceMve Lurry Butler happened along
and standi an uninvited inspection of
the it. ntciiis of fhe cntt.
Beneath the (ererlng of old clothes
the detective found n collection of hoi -t'es
mulniuiiig synthetic whisky, police
snv Musi was arrested as a boot
legger and held in SdOII ball for a fur
ther hrnilng bv Magistrate O'Btlen.
Meanwhile the composition of the con cen
tiKi.Ked "wet goods" will be studied
In cheinlsis
Camden Man Has Choice of Recon
ciliation or One Year
,'inni tin iil.ieei'rp,jn, ;,i"tj,f a.fi.
I i- wife wiPti ntraigned be'mc Re
i uler Stiu khnuse in Camden today.
William Tnvlei. iitentv -etgul vinr
old. ilin-i Hi hitler.
Taylei was aiiesiPil la-i night aflei
beating Ins nine-vear-eid son, William.
Jr. who had been sciu In his tnetiic"
'e ask for money. The lavlniK lum
Ineii sepiiiutcil ler ,i year
When the but icturuid in tcais te
his mother's home. IL.1:!'-' Locum liet.
she tidllhed police. Tayler
nieielv sl,iin(i j,,rt W)lli
said la
Jennie Weed Found
FifuM.-ve.'ir-e'il Jennie Woetl
Synmete stieet. Camden, whn
nit in freiii lie heii.i- last TupmIim
healed in GlnucPslPi' Cltv,
..I i
shurtli after
The Camden
midnight t lit s niuming.
iitltlierilies were imtlfied
. .
and Jennie was leturned te her parents.
I.htei t. It I.f I hicna'i
liHllfM nihil Cl i H,n u.
III in I l.lllmii
.it.e'ani lii'-sj h IItiitiaiiU' i"St )no m
111,1 Clult rite J! IVI'I, lilllt Thlillip.iin st
ltnli.it I. I,hik Vniilvvilts 'I'li'ti una tlm.
it .1 Kupur.'h 1711.1 .N ITtti
ll.-ri Iliiii' 4T3i lll,ti lit. H.i I l'uu!ln
II m St) V l-ibublln SI
l.miv I' I. !' " I.MS Melen vi nt, t .n,t
i v Whit- ismi n im m.
PiNet.li II He l t.U'i Itlfli;- iv ni I f'mh
rfline II Mun IM Mtill.ne l
liiiisnt Iniiiin. i 'i ,en. V .! ,m
I, tlulihlnnei ( emileii N .1
.In Mib WiTK ri'.iim!ils. ' .in i
(1. I'ird. . .t'.iuji t
I. ill. HIl
Hairy a (invn- n.:ai n nn, i ,
AuU"U It Kuufeinn. SA;'il N Mhi),a'I at
l-'rmik A. tlie-n jnil) VV MiiKliii,,! m , uh(j
IJva I. .'nliiiiuti aS2-l l,areiiit m,
Jmnn .1 MiPHunil.t Hill JJiknt.i hi., miii
Ainri It tril JJ10 iSarinivni'iVMi in-
Ttiultias vii.n'iiin n,i.' iiauiTiHn n
ieiirw It N IteeKa Ulu Meiinium nl.
Firitil'li HrM'i iiui V I'Kik avtt ,
(iiiiilvM WpiicI Ui'i, Niehullm ,t
lifillliul diefllen tJTl K S', , , ,,
tPiui sindnw'sKn 'i. 'T K I.n 1 1 iiRdun
TheiiuiH sijnturei, i Mis jl.c ,,
Mrv llMn lttn .li st
liiirJuii H. .. I;;"' l-'s !:. TiLinnmin si
iteil ! ,-i I II. Orm-niiHIsxIi Mitt N " r
hill t
David rwlewaicj ... si lnth a , an,l Hun,
l-nx "Jlir.l H. 1 lit ti
I'llvMiril P. i're ii lu.i'innn' mj
itinh ):. .simiHine :'n7 k n.n,, .,
h r,l
KiinrU llumer. win Onfeul i and i aura
tluntrr. "3IS .InfTertun styeai lelaiuii
DO, VOII JVAXT ,t .mil? f TilKKK AUK
nlantv of Ihfm ,!,.. nlij ' '.v; ?.'v'
W.nteU column, May en'U, 19. .Adi."
AUGUST J, 1922
Senate Committee Minority
Urges A6ceptance of His
Uu Aieclatrit ;"i'
Wnsliliigteii. Aug. . Acceptance of
Itenee l'nnl's offer for tiurclinse nnd
lensp of the tievernment's vast nitrate
nnd water power projects at Muscle
Sheals. Ala . was urged by Republican
nnd Demwratic Senatets cemprlsinR a
mlnerltt of tlie SetiatP Agrlcullure
Committee in :i report .submitted today
te the Senate. Streng pretest tvns en
tered bv the Senators njuinst Ihe nc
(eptante of Ihe (tevernment ownership
nnd operation plan proposed by Sen Sen
aeor Nnrrls. of Nebraska, the commit
tee's chairman.
The report was presented by Senater
Lnilil, North Dakota, in behalf of the
Kerd proponents en the committee. It
estimated that the Government had lest
f.'l.OOO.UOO nl Muscle heals since tne
armistice, by failure te develop ami
operate the project, nnd declared
,ul(.,,,st wftT ,0 ;t0 xxt "lesi.es
nciept Henry Kurd's offer for the
is te
pt Henry rerd's offer for the pin
pIiekp and lcaxc of the (.evernnient
.Muscle Sheals properties."
Objections te Mr. Kurd's offer are
Hiimniarixeil in the repot t. but the belief
Ir.r.r.ir.T.1 !.I'"I. ,,;,"n1r ?'tZ
niineiit.v with leference te tlie nccept
nnic et Mr. Ferd's proposal when the.v
consider the "present fuel nnd tians
' portatlen emergencies" in the light of
"develenment of mich crent hvdre-elec-
ruiiii ii hi iiiri' n nil im i .-".
tric power as 1; found at Muscle
HIiiirIh." ndillnr thnf It "Is the only
mi . ii-.i -.. :.... ,.. ..i.ii.i i
A nc rviniri cuuru Jilieiuiiei m n.fti."
that uceeptsnee of Mr. Ferd's tender
would give, him a Government subsidy
in the development of power nnd the
inanufscture of fertiliser and .said : , '
"It has been claimed that the Kerd
offer constitutes n subsidy te Mr, Kurd.
If it is a subsidy. It is net such ,( sub
sidv as is proposed by the Administra
tion in the Ship Subsid.v Bill."
Solution of Fuel Problem Seen
Referring te the relationship claimed
between Muscle Sheals development and
the fuel and transportation emergen
lies, the report said :
"Xe electrified rnilwav and no indus
try served by water putter can suffer
'Mspeiisien en account of a fuel sup
ply, because h.tdreelectrli" power, both
in its production and distribution, is
pinctically free of all labor troubles.
r iipI and transportation an; tlie nig na
tiennl piehlems tiliicli new distress- our
Water Petter Development
"Mr. Feul's offer will rcult in a
deielepmcnt whose national value can
only he ceinnared with the accomplish
ment nr Niagara Falls." the report con
tinued. "The applications of electro- 1
chemistry and electremelallury have!
made tlie Niagara Feils by dre-electrlc 1
t developments successful, nnd in the
nnn' way it will take the skill of the
chemist and th metnllurc'st. together
with thnt of tlie hydroelectric engineer '
, witli ample capital te develop the full I
pessibilities: nt Muscle Sheals, where,
; due te the fluctuating Hew of the:
siipntu. the piehlems nip Kreatrr than
j these encountered nl Niagara Falls.
I "The Muscle Sheals project (level-
' eped under the Ferd offer will centiib-
' ute te the advancement of American
indiistri by Introducing a plan of vj vj
tcrpewcr development whkh priiiM.s
the means whereby h.uheeleclric power
lltlmaiety may lie nnil In the Iniled
il- Stutes as cheaply as in the mere nut
his , urally favored leuntiies, such as Can
ada and Norway.
Directions Regarding Disposal of
Bedy Net Carried Out
Paterson. N. .1.. Aug. 4 The late
! Dr. Juktchi Takatnine, famous Jripanesp
i cliPtiilst. Miggested in his will two
means of disposing of his bed), but
I neither will be cartied out.
First, he desired that his body be
offered te Ur Malcolm Harris, of
Chicago. for lesenrcli ami examina
tion, partleiilail.v with regard te my
liver, which was operated en thirty
.vears ego." Should Hi . Ilatrls net
limit i Iip body, tl.c chemist iciiuested
thnt It be cremated and sume of the
sue. h.ur.tc.d Wins dei'Kned te accept the
body, it was learned yesterday fiem Jo Je
klchi Tukaiiiinc. Jr . and it will net be
cremated, because Ms weeks hefei-p his
ipceut dentil. Ur. Takatnine was hap.
tized Inte the Catholic Church, which
I is oppeyed te iiemntten. 'I lie will was
di nun up n year nge.
Vhe will was tiled yesterday. One
third of the estate, climated tin in et
cess of a million dollars, !, te gt) n, tlie
Total of Thirty Reported Stelen in
Camden in Three Weeks
Twe nieie Imyiles weie s(,, n asi
ilium in r, mi i 1 1 ii n i. in f ,i t i . ., i .i
I ' "'" "'"' " """ '"
thilty leperted In the police as stolen
during the Inst thiec weeks
The ni i est ul I hire Negie he.vs from
Philadelphia yesterday led t'nnijeu po pe
lice te believp they had ended the epi
demic of bicvi'li' thefts.
Reland Purnell, 017 .Nonh 'Ihirti 'Ihirti
seceml stieet, and Frank Luglchni i. :'.II7
Win nil street, weie the ewnets of the
wheels taken tesn rdav .
Kl'I.I.MIIlt H ii'l.-nli. viik I fi"
ItKU.S'Altli .1 sun ut i l, ,ii lis hi.,1 il.. ui'i.
('uiiarins Fullmei latn,s and (I'vmia
Ulu, I Ul Irfe'H I'uw.ill li l,t i" u-e l,.,l
te iitK'tid I'uufial. s.iiuiilnj sail v M
liuni lili fnther'a temiiriii ! ,",si Tenemiale
i,ve ll Is'lmimlna; Heli-an i,iiin..ii n, tss
st lliirlluili, ,,!-, a ('hurt.i tn v f (T,(,.
ment p Iv.i'" I'llnnla nu imH Kleins ev.
lllMK. S te 1
III.AKK -tiitr '1 f.fi j. ,, ,SI,
eru wite r,i Pilin II line, iif,iiii,(H lltl
frlnda i.ie ii Heii in ait.nil runeuil ei
li-en, Munii.it Ille I'. M levtdi'iue ;,t,
N I'.illiieiu Inlern en' Iii.hIh Jil,,'
i.tii, lei, P. mn, vein, I s intl.i ,M
VI. ' I I I i" illl Sfili.enl- vu. ! ni , .,
tlK'fl.l.llfUlt (lellltHe, ,rl flit f ,
V eiliMiliiKil nf t'ani'eiv I,,. ,, ( ,IM ( , (
I'ii pel ns lupra' t nleii hi- n , t,j t0 , ,
'Jlll'll Tn(, lus s I'll t v fl, ,i i, ,'
(lnii. TiM Addllnn si si,., i j n, ,,n (f
ifUi"lll Ihuuh O" Hip T'a'iaflpn. ,,' in
A M liilerinen' Hniv ( iess c u 0i i
ntA"i if .tun a, tn.'g in.iz.wii ni
iv fe of Nathan I'ri'i.c'i P,'tntlvi
.fiienila an invited te Dtlnul riuieral Jinn
.lay, a . M.. from her hux.aml . ..ii.i.i?"
I .MS Clinten at,, C(anUn, .V
Ilrlh OmMnry. Frlendt
'day, attar T V, M.
i. intarnitiu
may rail Sun
Minister Stricken
I? 'i 'm(t i V s. J
of Tltustllle. Ph., who fell dead of
heart dlscase nt Wlldwoed hist
dies at wildwood
Trie Rev. W. J. B. Edgar Is Stricken
,... Boardwalk
Wnlle en Boardwalk
Wlldwoed. N. .1.. Aug. '-'. I he Rev.
viHIant .1 II Kdgar. aged lifty-slx. of
rnt.'v,:.. m ien.i f heart fn.
... i n i
utp en
the Wildvvoeil ueaiiiwaiii nisi
evening. He had been playing bnseball ,
and later walked about a half block. '
tthen he was stricken.
Mr. Falgar had been filling the pulpit
of ihe Reformed I'rcsbylcrlnn Churcii
t Tltusvllle, ttnd for twctit-'ie tears
as nndter of the llrst I lilted I'res-
. -- -.,, ....- .; ., t.,....i,.ii.i.. mm,..
nvierin 1 t-llllCll Ol I llll.iuvi nun. J in-
. . - , ....... i k. ..... .l.,,ln,
deceased is hi irv "il l , ll f ' ,
m, Lew nnd 'WlrnU-. we w ,.c vl
him tthen h. die 1. and ''". ';
''-'v " notified jdMil- death.
Mrs. Esther Harkin
! Solemn requiem mass f.ir Mis.
Rsther Hni'kin, of "O'J.'i Chesiir ave
I nue. will be celebrated Monday metning
in the Church of St. Fiancis de Sales.
Fcrl.t -st'tenlh street and Sprlngtield
avenue. Interment will he in llel.v
i Cress Cemctcr.t. Mrs. Hnrkin was the
wife of the late Edward Harkin and
I mother of the Rev. Ialwerd I Hark'ni.
of tlie Chinch of the Nativity of the
Blessed Virgin Alary. Allegheny avenue
nnd Belgrade, street.
, Besides the Rev. Mr. Harkin. she is
survived by another son. Jehn .1. liar
, kin. and three dnugbtets, llaniiah.
'Anna an.l Ksther Harkin.
Geerge H. Gasten
i Ileinartlsvllle. N. '.. Aug. 4. Ceetge
I II Ciis(iin. sei end vice president of tlie
Metiopelitan Life Iiisitinuep Company,
I was stricken tilth apoplexy at the Som
erset Hills Country Club Wednesday,
and died an hour later. He leaves a
widow, a son and a daughter.
Colonel Rebert S. Seeds
Alteena. Pa.. A'ig. I. Colonel Rob Reb
ert S. Seeds, seventy .tears old. lecturer
nnd humetin. died ytslcrday at Ills
home at Tyrene.
Sentence Held Ne Excuse for Ab
sence Frem Beard Meetings
Trenten. Aug. 4. Charles J Slra
han, Assistant State Cemmissinner of
Education, decided yesterday confine cenfine
ment in jail does net constitute "geed
cause" for the absence of a member of
n Beard of Ldiicttleii from stated meet
lugs. Mr. Strahnn sustained the Beard
et i-inieniieu or .ipuprsen township
Merris County, in declaring meant the
place held by Edward Pulis.
As nil excuse for his absence from
three censecuttte meeting, Mr. Pulis
pleaded that he tins serving ,i term of
two months in the Morristewu jnil. Mr.
Strahnn mid it is a well-known legal
maxim that no man may take advan
tage of his own wrong as a defense.
Invitations te the Wedding
Superior Quality
Prompt Delivery
-J. E.Caldt:ll & Ce.
Jewelry - Silver - Stationery
Cloud All Pnu S,tt.i " J is.---
One Yellow TiadiiiK Slump With Every 10c Purchase All Day
Anether Saturday Holiday!
Many extraordinary sales are scheduled
for Monday Sales of Furniture and ether
Hemefurnishings great clearances of all
summer apparel savings throughout are
unprecedented! See Sunday Newspapers
for full details!
i "
Leng New Bases Hepe en Offj.
cial Count Absentee Vete
a Facter
St. I-etlls.
vt.wecl ifirt I'rtu
Aug. "t. .lames A. rtJ
United States Senater, maintained i
Jend of nearly 7000 votes ever Breekln
, ridge Leng for the ueirieerntlc nemlu
tien ter mat etnee today nnd Mr. Leu
liulal count, being made tednv
I In .'Kl'Jil precincts of IIS48" in mi.
seuil, the vote stoed: Reed, 189 R5i,
heng. 182.4ft4. ,6il
Kxpcrlenced observers of JIi.,j
politics, who have Mudled the vote bt
counties, agreed It was virtually .
possible ter the former Third AsinMl
I Secretary of Stnte te surpass l(d't
lead with the limited number of tin.
clncts yet te be heard from.
11. 11. Urcwster. Republican nom.
Ince for Scnnter, will pel: n plurilii,
of approximately L'0,000 ever hit gf,
William Sncks. licht .iJ
beer nilvoentu; three rregresilt
and en? soldier
A factor that hns come te th f4r
In the Democratic senatorial centett '
owing te Its closeness, Ik the slJ( cj
the nbsentce vote. About 1."00 Ntitlenil
tiuardsnicn, uttny from home en fttriVc
duty nt various railroad centers nf the
State, tuny pluy n prominent part ia
the nbspiitee hnllet.
It appears likely that Mr. Leng n
reclvp a majority of the nbsmtM
militiamen's totes, ns many of tlicra ar
from tlie liirnl districts, where hi
showed his best strength.
Willi "10 scattered precincts in (hit.
ty-fetir counties unheard front, Mr.
Leng would have te pull mere thii
tbiitv-etie majority per nrecintt i.
overt nkf the hitter's lend.
Mr. Leng continued optimistic em
tlie outcome, however, saying the ten
would be "nbeut 1000 either way."
Memphis. Tetui.. Aug. L (Ilr
P. I Kenneth I). McKellnr, of Mem.
phis, junior I'nited States Senater from
Tennessee, today held n plurality of
approximately ".0,000 votes ever Cap
tain Gus T. Fitzhtlgh. also of Meniphli.
en the face of incomplete unofficial r.
turns fiem fifty of the State's nlntY;.
six counties. Cnptaln Fitjiliugh t
midnight conceded Sir. SIcKellnr's
nomination and assured his support la
the November election Nonh W
Cooper, of Nashillle, who inailr k,
race en a blue luw platferni, ran a
peer third.
Newspaper teturns Indicate this
vete: McKellnr. 10,4S.j : I'ltzhufk.
20.-015: Cooper, 471!".
In the contest for the Democratic
giibernaleriul nomination, Austin W.
Pea v. of Clnrksvllle, wns leading Bn-
ten W SlcSIillln. former Governer anl
.Minister te Guatemala during the Ad
ministration of Woodrew Wilsen, bj
'almost 400O totes. Sir. Peay had a
'total of :!(5.1'-M. according te unofficial
tiguies. and SIc.Millnn 011.4(13.
Governer Alf A. Tayler tvas unop
posed for the Republican nomination.
Fermer Scnnter Newell Snnders veil
well in tlie lend in the race for tbl
Republican senatorial nomination,
Oklahoma City. Aug. 4. (By A. P.)
A plurality in exiess of .'SO.000 el
final returns for Slnver .1. C. Wnllen,
of Oklahoma Cltv. Democratic nemine
for Governer of Oklahemn. wnt In
dicated today as the unofficial count of
the balloting in Tuesday's primary
neared completion.
Walten, the choice of the antl-Ku
Klux Klun and farmer-lnber ferctj !
the State, had a lend of mere tbin
"7.000 votes mer R. IL Wilsen. Stan
superintendent of public InMrtietien,
and alleged "Invisible Empire" candi
date, tilth returns missing from only
t'O.'t out of the -bni precincts in the
.leim r leius, et uiiinnemn i iry, tne
Republican nominee, tvhe will melt
Wulteii at the polls in November, nil
assured ti majority of around 11! te 1.
Miss Alice Robertsen, Republican, el
Sluskegcc. the enlv woman in thoprei theprei
em C' tigress, ngain will meet . II.
I last nigs. Uetueciut, of Tahlequab,
whom she defented for re-election 1
101.11. in tlie Second Uistrlct.
a75rii-i ir ii- "ii-s"nt---',';i7;riirii T-Ti iTr' - ' jMliCTr
a "iM'waiaa''a'aa'a
'irsia'Wl ajaamaw