H-t r" MMV$mF$!jww prcrsra '.;,r. ..-vv sisrvs . ffj.ta...y-i iE .if.' J, it c j , ' X '. JbiLM ris.c: PABOEL POST ... newnu irunvrn .!.. VrtiheM fee mepI nnifprle. -COIN MACHINES .ii Fruit and often. . Card f. (l5 Med!). J a ok pet CtL. Card. Dewey: 100 new ftJ'J.buni? AH bargain. " Kntrn wnrr MAN NPVKI-TV lFO CO. Phen&flUfJr?nl"r'jm una n. win pk p II k in 11 i.lb. Bend Letter lids $2.501000 PJ KOril. 32B Ktihrhn Av Cnmilni. N. J. liTltlNO MAC'IIINKH a! llnrcnln 1'rlre ; inWABI VlWt;mvi. no in n-in . mil m, LOST AND FOUND icVSf l-est, "amnie case and ralncent, 3d .nn Market. Reward. Return te Milten . '"L.-.tu IJ V. 3d. y ttmuu. - ' zl. . ...a..,..! nnl.htut.tiAml ,.., .. .. trvnmlng ave.. female Belgian Griffen, about iWMundii tan. licence Ne. 271; liberal re Ly Write MOO Walnut t. or telephene JJcuit 129 before neon, TTELP WANTED FEMALE) I ADVBRT1SING writisr I an excellent opening for an ex- I Eli.nrcd copy writer In the advertising de- ErimSnt of one of Philadelphia's foremost 1 Enirtment stores; u you are quaiuicu te nil I WP'"""" ...i.,,. ArlrlreSB. with filtl nirlh... E !.'' ernc0- iTsiilXR and clerk. Pretestant: mut have I hlih ichoel cnucatien anu at least 2 I Mti' efnee experience, inmiiuiinnai pesi- fm: lary $11 per week and 2 meals dally; i isnitr In own handwriting, stating nge und '. references, M 31H. Ledger Office. ' FeilPTOMnrKIl OPERATOR Yeung lady. 18 or 20 years of ngc, te work In flic ' tuning department. Apply Heps-Bright Man- fifturlng Cu.. Frent Ht. and Krle ave. ninths wanted for productions; experience net necessary. Apply 200 Shubert Theatre LADY MUSICIANS wanted for production; lUre experlencn net necessary. Apply 200 Ihubert Theatre Wdg. lALESWOMKN II. F. Dewcen reiiulre the strvlces of cxp. saleswomen In their up up k.i.ierv. linen and lace depts. Apply bet. 0 Ii ud 11. Superintendent, 1122 Chestnut st. I JHOES Experienced help turning French i bindings. I.alrd. Schober & Ce., 22d and Virket sts.. secenu noer. tTENKXlIlAPI I UR 1 1 lull school graduate. In lawyer' office; some bookkeeping; Jlfl, with advancement. Address M 313. Ledger 1 Mice. ligWEATKIt KNITTERS iuid crecheters, nrst Class, wmm 4r nuii wi iiuine no thra need apply; submit Rample or apply te limes I-ees & Sens Ce.. Rrldgepert. 1'q. TELEPltOND OPERATOR tnerlenced en telephone, te xellclt adver tlilni: will pay salary and bonus; state age, xpcrlence, salary expected: give telephone lumber It possible. I. IT AOdU. Ledger Office. TIPIST. experienced. Apply Circulation Of lice, second fleer. 0n Chestnut at. , WOMAN wanted, who thoroughly under itnnds this making of hand knitted and Crocheted garment from Instructions, te Uke full charge of model department. Write. StMIng experience, af S00. ledger Office. YOUN'O I.ADY, about eighteen years, for general nfflce work and tyepwrltlng. Call leruee 8S33 for appointment. (lenernl OlRLs wanted: aevt, positiens: 120 month- lr. many vacancies exams. Auc. . Sent. A Oct.; write for list pos. open. P 1431, ld.Oft. HELP WANTED MALE ABLC-UODIED MEN BLACKSMITHS BOILERMAKERS CAR REPAIRMEN CAR INSPECTORS MACHINISTS WANTED FOR PERMANENT POSITIONS PENNSYLVANIA RAILROAD 1028 FILBERT ST. auvtm-isiNO MANAGER Te take entire Nihil?0! .r fellrltlnir advertisements for UdJTorttPe '"C ""a referencc- - 1! AgyiEPAiltMEN wanted by Seabrook. hi lit? m0""."10"1 mnular cars needs a te .linrt ? wh0 .ure n,ml,ltleu-'' arid willing ichnnfw ""me, extra time in salesmanship CXDerlnnn i,..l, ' ..., nrvui mine niie. "perwnce, bus neis new einrnir.i .....i g'"nt 'arnlng P laj. Ledger Off r;. JTl? rxrr. I...' -'J- """:' "" h Tin- .-VHi'i"''"" The Ocean Pity f i ;.'::, ' r.u "' - reiulres tie services O. HuSmUhn.' '""1. "Perlenced operator en SrmanentUSJ5,s.1.1,ank """kkeeplng machine: eenneetrDn f8" C: RO'1 "lry: splendid t if,, V "" "laiing II. NULTY, treasurer. fv..H v...' v: ". '. ' rtu .iiv TV j BOILEHMAKERS -MACHINISTS AR REPAIRMEN r.C.Ail INSPECTORS OK RAIUtOAD WORK THr EMPI5YMENT FOR THOSL WHO DESIRE SAME OPEN 8UNDAT CALL EARLY AND ALL DAY 6EJB MR. KELLT COMPANY'S REPRESENTATIVQ 123 N. 1BTH ST. BOILEItMAKERS BLACKSMITHS MACHINISTS CAR REPAIRMEN ur BTEAM DRILL RUNNERS WANTED 0HN dOLL A COMPANY CONTRACTORS 1021 ARCH ST. ABK FOR MR. JONES BOILERMAKERS wanted .fcilfc, TOSITl0Nfl rEN'YffiTM0 ' l!iJU:rTNTKii--..u-.-rr. r-, Pth. I? Jeb. HC( lVM.rT8e0vrt.,eral HI !. Vti HELP WANTED MALE ':,7,l.WS" "wrleneed'en Office. "" "'". iei. neater BOILEnMAKKR8 MACHINIHTfl BLACKSMITHS WELDERS CAtl HIVPAIRMBN ";.." te?Hr. .-' -?". time nallwafc S65 ShJTbW'fii ESTIMATOR Electrical contracting eatl. mater cepable of designing and supervising .-..- ..., .M..v,.. a it. imager umce I'AUii iAHOHKIlH wanted. Company, llrlilgeten. N. J. Seabroeit rennxiAN Wanted, hlnh-urade automobile paint fore- inn, iiuBi iinvu previous experience In paint ln, exacting; and cxclusUe custom work of various colors, natural and mnhesrany weed Inslue finish. Iieslde being; a keen shop ox ex ox erutlve; In reply, statu definitely your are, former places of employment and experi ence. alj i salary expected. Address M 320. Ledger Office. CONDUCTORS AND MOTORMEN CONDUCTORS AND MOTORMEN, EXP.. AV ANTED FOR HERVICU OUTOIDE l'HILA. hEPLY. QIVINO NAME, ADDRESS. AC1E. LENOTH OF SERVICE AND COMPANY WORKED FOR, C 833. LEDOER OFFICE. OREAT NORTHERN RAILWAY PERMANENT RAILWAY JOBS IN THE GREAT NORTHWEST MACHINISTS BOILERMAKERS BLACKSMITHS SHEET-METAL WORKERS COACH CARPENTERS CAR REPAIRERS LINEMEN GOOD WAGES TIME AND ONE-HALF AFTER - 8 HOURS AND FOR SUNDAYS AND HOLIDAYS FREE TRANSPORTATION APPLY TO L. H. VAN CAMP 409 FINANCE DLDO PHILADELPHIA. PA. LABORERS LABORERS (WHITE) FOR TRACK WORK $3.00 PER DAY STRAIGHT TIME. RAIN OR SHINE FREE TRANSPORTATION BOARD ADVANCED CALL AT C. R. R. OF N. J. FREE EMPLOYMENT OFFICE 123 NORTH 15TH ST. LABORERS. 52 cents: heavy werk: willing wurHffa. ere ., i , .ticiiKi'i. , i ti vine SI LUMBER COUNTER wanted who Is familiar with counting, sorting and grading lum ber, and cipahle of waiting en retail yard trade. Apply North Phlla. Lumber and Ceal Ce.. 5th and Lycoming sts. MACHINISTS BOILERMAKERS CAR REPAIR MEN FOR RAIUtOAD WORK BTEADT KMPI.OVWENT POn Tlinnn DESIRINO SAME THOSH REST WAGES PLENTY OF OVERTIME FREE BOARD FREE TRANSPORTATION PiT.T. nim.T Asr att mw See MR. KELLY, company's representative ISO N, -HTll T. BOILER MAKKha PIPEFITTERS ELECTRICIANS CAR REPAIRMEN ULA'CKSMITJIH ELECTRIC WELDERS EXPERIENCED HELPERS &TATIONARY ENGINEERS PERMANENT POSITIONS ATPTr ROOM S, THIRD FLOOR I. AND O. PAHSENfJIiR STATION 24TH AND CHESTNUT STS. .MECHANICS WANTED Permanent positions are open at the fellow- Inff mini nuthnrlvA.I hu ,h. llnl...l u.. Railroad Laber Beard: 70e TER HOUR .MACHINISTS BOILERMAKERS BLACKSMITHS RIITCRT MKTAI. wnnlrna COACH REPAIRERS. PAINTERS AND UPHOLSTERERS 63a PER HOUR FREIGHT CAR REPAIRERS AND IN- SPECTORS Apply 0 A. M. te 5 P, M. at 40 N. lflth St., or Roem 203, 122 H, 13th St., Philadelphia. Ask fur m. CIRUTH. ' ' MAN Paint arnlah and urush nun, thor ther nuuhly experienced, wanted la lake rhnnn of imlnt department In whelesale and retail iiuiiuiiig muirriai neuse. nise ie manage retail Jeuirtment In all line. Including builders' hardware, sash, doers, blinds, roof reef ing, .wall beard and glsi strong rfrnoe required. Apply. taUn Mlai expected, experience In detail and Inclese Photo, Palat kanwtr, Bex ). Norfolk. Va. lTOSTa PUKQC HELP WANTED MALE MEN WANTED APPLICATIONS WILL BE RECEIVED FOR MACHINISTS BOILERMAKERS BLACKSMITHS CAR INSPECTORS AT SEABOARD AIR LINE SHOPS RICHMOND, VA. WAGES AND WORKING CONDITIONS AS DIRECTED RT U. S. RAILROAD LABOR BOARD FOR INFORMATION APPLY AT ONCE TO ROOM 210, 1R35 CHESTNUT ST. PHILADELPHIA MEN with executive nhlllty wanted by a. large In ternational organization. Apply from 10 te 12 A. M. or 2 te 4 P. M 1001 Colonial Trust Bldg. MEN We nre looking for men between the ages of 25 and 80 who can give best of references; we offer a lifelong connection with an organization backed by the biggest men In the country; net books or Insurance, but high-grade business, dignified and re munerative. Call Seruce 0413 te arrange Interview. iifciN wnen it is anvisaiue te seelt a new position tne average men leeks for the kind of work he knows most about; many could brighten their future, by getting Inte entirely different vocations, and some readers of this column will be successful when they acquire courage te change; we are looking for men we can train. Just plain, normal fellows, who have led decent lives and haxe net been confined te occupations that de tract from usefulness In ether Melds; our work, pay and future will satisfy BUch men. If you are around 30 yean of age and correspond with the above description, cull en Trustee System, but please de net an swer unless you can stay for n thorough ex amination. Ask for Mr. W. A. Nlcelal, at 12:45 P, M. sharp. Roem 435, 1011 Chest nut st. MEN I want 3 neon-cut, Intelligent Christian men, about 30 years old. who have been accustomed te handling men and who are real men: te theso that meet with these requirements I will glvn an oppor tunity in business that will mean rapid pro pre motion; If you belleve you can qualify answer. M 810. Ledger Office. MEN with selling exp. In Insurance or bends can make geed connection with estab. com cem pany: commissions run from $50 te $200 weekly; leads. See Mr. Whiting. 0 te 11 A. M.. 715 Victory Bldg.. or by appt. Wal. 1501 MOTORMEN AND CONDUCTORS MOTORMEN AND CONDUCTORS, EXP., WANTED FOR SERVICE OUTSIDE PHILA. REPLY, GIVING NAME, ADDRESS. AGE. LENGTH OF SERVICE AND COMPANY WORKED FOR, C 334. LEDQER OFFICE. OFFICE BOY. 10 year of age. te work In office of large publishing cempany: must be neat; salary $8; answer tn own handwrit ing. M 321, Ledger Office OPERATOR 10-ten Helt tractor. Seabrook, Rrldgeten. N. J, PAINTERS wanted, te scale and repaint steel bridges in Atlantic City. MJ 314. Ledger Offlce. PRESSMEN, experienced en miscellaneous Iren and stalrwerk: steady werk: state experience, f no, ieener urnce. SALESMAN, neat appearance, can make 175 a week up tilling nuiiding lets and tiling build ng houses nn n development that Is being built up: geed leads furnished Roem 320. 1011 Chestnut st. SALESMAN WE NEED A SALESMAN OF STRONG PERSONALITY TO RENEW CONTRACTS AND SECURE NEW BUSINESS; WE BELL A FINANCIAL SERVICE TO LARUE SIER. CANTILE CONCERNS. AND CAN OFIER THE RIGHT MAN A VERY DESIRABLE CONTRACT. APPLY 0:30 TO 12 A. M.. 1 110 ij i i- ..,., .tw. itiAO, ituuji 117, 4J7 Ul.ai,ui ea. SALESMAN wanted, familiar with the paint jobbing andl manufacturing trades, te handle a line of hlgh-grude goads; first-class men eniy. Auureim ai nm, i.euger urnca. - - . .wit seen. iuen te sell pre. ferred and common stock of a growing coming In and mere capital 1b needed te purchase material; geed commission; leadi lurjiiBiiLii luniimuy nan no mortgage ei bend Indebtedness. If you ure a live wire call end aee Mr, Glass, Roem 215, 130 S loin si. SALESMEN. Specialty Wa went n ,.. who have had experience In creatle selling Kidrif'VouiWuVWmJnjs,ci1?Hteiv inciii, .u ,,-. uabcitciH valiubivd territories ecuii iur inn tiniiv tnciii wruu. Kiving all racti In first letter "OTits cuimuentiai, p 128, Ledger Office. BALKUUUtl te -U atoek of fir tnauranaa 4th St. MECHANICS WANTED BOILERMAKERS MACHINISTS SHEET METAL WORKERS CARPENTERS CAR REPAIRERS AND INSPECTORS ,x?'A,B.I5,T.n'aV0JlTATION. BOARD AND LODGING, EXCHLT.BNT WOKK- ING CONDITIONS, STANDARD RATES. PERMANENT EMPLOYMENT. APPLY DELAWARE. LACKAWANNA AND WESTERN RAILROAD CO. 1302 FINANCE HLDG. HAROLD TEEN Hfrraeut) -wnrnn, Dt wt ;j,rtBt Ek ( Ruimed! f th' BeV5 e CejeraTe THe. jg Bg Si V JQMBC TO WlfNINCIt- im I w ' 'iski 1 .... . . I m i ii tr. MMrMLj e .wn i y bbb Knwi y .s rm x. ' s jrr- ia . . ... k C Ta zLFBT (i,fi"Trn-n, Mill T tt "'fi smem ' J a i ' (J" '' ?H vwnr , irflEJLleu TijtaiW ( IDQElPHIIJAriEIiPHlX FRIDAY, HELP WANTED MALE SALESMEN Factory branch of en of America' meat popular cars, needs a few live men who are ambitious and willing te spend some extra time In salesmanship schooling; earning unlimited; car are na tionally and locally advertised; state age, experience, business new engaged In and present earning. P 122. Ledger Office. SECURITY SALESMAN, high caliber, want Art far OUt.Of.tOwn terrllnrvf nnn with Call henUeeavA kYnrtenr t-MtmtnlA nr.f.,Mi1 t'83 WltWspoen. llldg. before 10 A. tt SHOES Experienced help turning French binding. Laird, Schober & Ce., 22d and Market sts., second fleer. STOCKKKEPER A man experienced In taking charge of n stockroom In a plant manufacturing email mechanical parte; Please state In detail experience In work of thl kind, also where you have ben formerly employed, age and salary expected, also If you are familiar with the keeping of per petual Inventory. Address J 4, P, O, Bex .1484. SHEET METAL WORKERS We need several first-class shop tinners, also outside llnner and furnace erectors; wages, i)0e per hour; steady work for com- pctcnt men; no labor treubb ne. THE DALZELL BROS. Youngstown, O, CO. STOCK SALESMAN, high grade, te Belt H per cent Issue of successful Plilla. firm; 25 per cent commission; drawing account te these who qualify. ('.. 213, Ledger Office. WANTED MACHINISTS BOILERMAKERS BLACKSMITHS CAR REPAIRMEN SKILLED IN RAILROAD WORK STEADY EMPLOYMENT STANDARD WAGES AUTHORIZED BY UNITED STATES RAILROAD LABOR BOARD. APPLT TO CENTRAL RAILROAD COMPANY OF NEW J,U3U,I C. E. CHAMBERS SUPERINTENDENT MOTIVE TOWER AND rwuii-AiisMT JERSEY CITY. N. J. WANTED FOR SERVICE ON NORTHERN 'PACIFIC RAILWAY MACHINISTS TASSENOER CARMEN FREIGHT CARMEN BOILERMAKERS AT WAOES AUTHORIZED BY UNITED STATES RAILWAY LABOR BOARD TRANSPORTATION WILL BE FURNISHED APPLY ROOM 800. FINANCE BLDG. 1420 S. PKNN SQUARE PHILADELPHIA Oenerat CLERKS. 18 upward, for Gevt, departments $120 menthly: experience unnecessary. Fer (former Civil Service examiner). 002 Haul. tame mag.. Washington, D. c. SALESMEN Write for list of line and full particulars; earn I250O te J 10. 000 yearly; big demand for men. Inexperienced or ex. perlenced; city or traveling. National Sales men' Tr. Asa'n. Dept. 277. Chicago MLN wanted. Oeverri. postal clerkB. carriers; wrlte fox instruction part. Immed. for ap plication Sept. 1. P 1421. Ledger Ofilce. SITUATIONS WANTED FEMALE SECRETARY College graduate, experienced, desire executive position. (J 827, Led. Off, SITUATIONS WANTED MALE ACCOUNTANT, auditor, a year' public ac counting firm, desires change te mfg. or ale Cerp., with opportunities; ie year' bul nes experience; best references, C 408. L. O, AUDITOR-ACCOUNTANT; young man, 4 experienced supervisor of eeneral and de partmental accounts. Including compilation of Federal Inceme tax returns, at present em ployed; reason for change further advance ment. C nay. ledger Office. EXECUTIVE of perenallty and address, ex perienced In selling, accounting and a corporation treasurer, seek connection. C 330, Ledger Oclce. "nSttSt. i...'!"!.. e.. ! the (lulllen Lakeshere or 'he Elcll-Parke? electrle truck: capable of taking charge C 404. Ledger Office. ENOINEER, mechanlcal and electrical. 20 years of age; 10 years' experience, having df,ne considerable work in connection with the production, test nnd Inspection of mag netos and starting and lighting apparatus: experienced with aero, nute and marlne en glne. experimental work and Inventions Plenty of Initiative nnd ability; seeks w,": lien with geed firm, where ability mean advancement, C 405. Ledger Office. YOUNO MAN DEMISES PART-TIMJ- WORK DRIVING CAIt? A'FTKRNOOV AND KVENINOH. ADDRESS IP. l?e LEDGER OFFICE. I10- AGENTS $10 STARTS YOU n the hosiery business complete; liberal commission paid dally: experience unnercesary. My Lady'a Ho siery. 414 Madisen ave N. T. EMPLOYMENT AGENCIES WE HAVE select colored neip en hand; male and female. Arthur Blvlns. 003 S. 17th, Oregon 2808. JJOATiDINO. jOEItMANT03YN OERMANTOWN. (IHKTNnil ins n. w.hm lane 2 dellglilful ncoend-floor rms.t med- irn ceny., excellent neme cooking, individual service: large living rm., perches and lawn; reasonable rates. OTN 1)882. BOOMS FOR BENT SPRUCE. 1214 Twe large com. rm.. extra nath, elec telephone; ether vacancies. 2418 POPLAR ST. Communicating second second fleer front rooms, furnished complete housekeeping; continuous het water, electric, gas; convenient te car; reasonable. Poplar 1820 J. BEAUTIFULLY furnished room In large modern prKate home? Rhnwnr hntH- i. trlciMO minutes te City Hall. Preston 0422. 10TH. N 139 HOTEL RURIC Central, ehepplng district, near statiens: beautiful turn, rms,: elee.: spetless: dally, wk'ly rates. 1410 QIRARD AVE. -Nicely furnished rooms : summer. Phene Poplar special rates for 4603. OERMANTOWN SUITE of S or : rooms, private bath: ref erence: $100 monthly; yearly lease. P 112. Ledger Office. NEW JERSEY SKAHnORE WII.DWOOD WILDWOOD Furnished rills., with or with out hskpg. Mrs. Parton. 315 Burlt nve. BOOMS WANTED YOUNG business woman would llke rcem nnd beard In prlinte family: West Phila delphia preferred. M 305. Ledger Office. DOGS AND BIBDS DIRECTOR CORTELYOU. of the Depart ment of Public Safety of Philadelphia, guards his own home with a police deg of royal breeding; you can have equal protection for your loved ones at a, reasonable price when you buy a deg always consider the nei. slble SERVICE of one that thinks and Set, with loyal Intelligence. Bring your children te Pebble Hill Kennels te pet the finest It"? of pupple In America. Sir Leicester Ded lock, "the Perfect Deg." at tud, en Victory Farms, Doylcstewn, Pa. iloter from Phlla. delphla. via Doylestown pike, te Edisen efbvs smnll brlde or meter via Old Yerk rnnri te Bridge Valley, turn te left. NAOMI j. CONQDON. SEX determination en all klnrfn nim,,.. brine your pets; also flne Persian kltt'eni ' for sale; $100 rewnrd In case we fall In I luuwuiiiiiK uiw we. ree uoctera Cava!, lucce and lezzl. 504 N. 31st st. - BUSINESS OPPOBTPNITIES Ceal Yard pZtZZTl CIGAR. CANDY AND ICE CREAM STORE" located near corner, en busy Btrect, must be aeld en aceeunt of ill headth. 230 Fed' eral St.. Camden, MEAT and ciecery business en main busi ness Btrnet: property Included; always busy. Dankelmann. 23511 N. 3th st! mw"y1' FOB SALE BILLIARD headquarters, billiard tablT" new nnd second-hand: howling alleys in,i fnnS11?, "'"nswick-Ualke-CeUerlller'3 DIAMOND RING. of carat; beautlfJl whtte stone, will sacrifice for $110; value 1200: private party. P 118. Ledg?r Offle. REFRIGERATORS SS ITSSBSff" R. T. Randall & Ce.. 331 N. 2d SAFES .second hand, asserted Hlzs and makes, also new safes. Stlffcl & Freemkn I Ce.. 723 Chestnut Bt. "" wraan J CABFET CLEANING Telephone Kensington 2441-2381-S90T QUAKER CITY CARPET CLEANING CO. 1123 te 1137 E. Columbia, ave. Cleaning and Dyeing Ladles' and gents' wearing apparel. heu held geed, Oriental and domestle run. car pets, tapestries, blankets, curtain. Damp Wash Laundry MACHINERY AND TOOLS Fxjn. SALE Machinery, reedy-miidi goods nnn raw iimn-w., v. h-uwict toens te no ' Beld at a low price. I nil nt 421 CatlewhUI t hetween B A. M. nnd 11 A M pOirsALE 750-K.W.. 1R00 rev . 2300 colt, i a phase. 00 cycle Oeneral Electric turblna ' used 3 years; geed condition. M 310, Ledger Office. " HOUSEHOLD GOODS DINING ROOM suites. 10 piece, walnut. 17s- bedroom suites $115; dlr.lng room eiilte,' .... i&Tuktrv. leather. 1.1.V h,.vn- V:-' k...An, ..hirfnmeres. S3! jvnr,irnhnB IL.1v. UM.W..UK, w... . ' . ......... ten rnattrrse. i: e 1JNTIRE CONTENTS" nj3Sae5. 1719 Hi,i;i UUrH. JIG rsn in un.in.dn,n must be sold. .u,in Ti...i.rri. '" "u" SO .nwj , ., ibiiid WANTED HIGHEST PRICES paid for household goods of every desrrln. tlen. also office furniture, ceuntera pi?, i Iflcirva tilt W im HIIVU hara n ... I illiuiini ,.... ..- ....rf mviip fit uiiy I ma A. HENRY. HU-8I3 ARCJI ST. Phene Market 1477 PAINTINQ AND PAFEKHANGINQ ROOMS papered $4 up. Call Ilelment 2773 W or stnd postal 4170 Leldv eve. OLD GOLD CASH paid for old geld silver and antluue clocks. Rogers. 45 S 17th st. WEtL, KOitSouD KOitSeuD KOitSouD : : BetT-PTCePfsRE. Veu(5ELP R3(i ' Scm SJPeLile(2. RaeO-SKEQ (yy tauciiM JU1H HEROUfJ TTie BTTIE' AUGUST 4, 1922 USED AUTOMOBILES AUTO reptrllng and painting. Ferd, Rule), and Cadillac, a specialty. J. Bchweltiicr, 1BI3 Olnnode st. (above Poplar). LICENSE TAGS IN 24 HOURS Smiley. 1207 W. Susquehanna ave. SPECIAL FORD BPEEDSTER RACER Htremberg curbureter, safety oiling sys tem, Dalce timer, 0 new tires; very fast and powerful. Call 284 S. Fraxler t after 6 P. M. DUICIC touring, excellent running condition' first 173 buy It. Open Sunday. 140j Weed at. . 1021 WILLS-ST. CLAIR Like newt dle wheets.cerd tire: A-l condition; eay term If desired. RARON'S, 040 1 Bread t. 1020-10 RtllCK 0 teurings nnd Dedge a low as 1200: terms if dealred; 1 year te pay, IIAUON'S. 040 N. Bread at, 1010 CADILLAC, 7 pass.; like new: as low as $850, or terms, $300 down. BARON'S, 040 N. Bread st. . DODOE ROADSTER Don't misa this; $176 1405 Weed st. 1D21 AND 1020 Packard touring, twin sixes. therly overhauled & repainted; will mm, anyw'e; terms tn suit. Baren's. 010 N. Bread. STEARNS-KNIOHT 1010 tour.; geed cend.; geed tires; barg. V. A. ilrunl. I'QP 324'j EMPIRE touring car; this Is a beauty; brand new lop and paint; runs fine: JluO takea II: small balance en time. 140H Mount Vernen st.. Plilla. FORDS We nre headquarter for used Fords, sedan, coupes, deliveries, teurings nnd roadsters, $100 up; termi arranged. Open Sunday and eves. 1405 Weed st. FORD COUPES, we have suveral; very latest models, ns low as 1100 down. 140S Mount Vernen at. , HUDSON limousine model 8 and like new; let of extra; $150 cash; balance terms. 141)5 Weed st. ROAMER sport car; $250 taltea It! balance In 1 yenr. 1408 Mt. Vernen St.. Phlla. WILLYS-KNIGHT touring; mnB and leek like a new car; $200 takes It; balance In 1 senr. 1 I0R Mt. Vernen st. , OAKLAND sedan, wlre wheel, late medel: $200 taken It; balanci In 1 year. See Mr. lieckermnn, 140 Jit. Vernen bi. UUICK .Medel K touring, like new: will sacrifice; going out of the used-car busi ness te handle a new car, . ROYAL MOTORCAR CO., INC. 02O N. Hrea.il St. CHANDLER dispatch; handsome Jeb; $200 takes, balance in 1 year. 1408 Mt. Vernen st. HUDSON limousine, A-l cend : repainted; bargain. Call V. A. Ilrunl. Poplar 3244. CADILLAC touring. 1018. geed conditien: a barga I n. V. A. Brunl. Poplar 3244. FORI) coupe, 1022, equal te new: priced right, considering use. V. A. Brunl, Poplar 3244, STEARNS-KNIGHT limousine. 1020, recend ; will Bacriflce. V. A Hrunl. Poplar 3211. RTOBAOE AND MOVING MOTOR VAN SERVICE TO ANY DISTANT POINT Weekly service for small shipments between Philadelphia and Washington The Big 4 Transfer Ce., Inc. 87th nnd Market sis, lannx. ... SECURITY STORAGE CO. Lecal and long leng distance meving: we be te N. Y.. Atlantic City. Balte,. Woh'ten. Bosten A Intermedi ate relnts. J20. $30. $40: all goods Insured Call Pep 827H day and night. 1010 Ridge av VICTORY STORAGE B200 riLnERT Phene Belmont 4070 for estimates, feter vans. Packing and crating. The Jehn Rhoads Ce. Lancaster"i?ve. Storage. Packing. Moving, Carpet Cleaning. MONARCH STORAGE CO.. 3S70 LANCAS TER AVE. AUTO SERVICE. STORAGE. PACK1NQ. LONG-DISTANCE MOVING. PEBS0NAL3 MR. AND MRS. THOS. F. McGEE and family wish te hereby express their sin cere thanks te nil their friends for the beau tiful flowers nnd many kindnesses during the sickness nnd death of their dear son und brother Eugene. DIAMONDS BOUGHT AND PAWN TICKETS FOR DIAMONDS KELLY & CO . 032 Chestnut st. Sultn 2-22. second fleer, ever Chllds' Rest. WOULD LIKE te hear from any one that I Is a. descendant of Charles Christlfer ' Splngler, of Wilmington. Del. Mrs. JUrj' McMnhcn. Colonnade Hetel. Phlla. i P. GREENSPAN has bought store at 2410 N. I 10th st. from S. Dubln. All creditors I present bills for payment before August WHY PAY HIGH PRICES for new furniture when we can mnke It leek new. S. W Stevens A Ce . 1010 Falrmeunt av. Pep, 5014 YOU con rent an Oliver typewriter 3 meJ. for S4: perf. machines. Oliver Typewriter Ce.. Walnut and 10th Wal. O101, Main SOSll. PEARL SCHUTT. missing since Dec. e". 1921, wrlte Hattle Cliffton. Searcy, Ark. BEAL ESTATE FOB SALE CITY SALE OR RENT 2313 RIDGE AVE. THREE-STORY store and dwelling; 1. eni; Improved; electricity and het-water heat. SAMUEL COLDER e" r"ligj CORNER PROPERTY Within 5 blocks of t ity Hall; 2 en trance"' store and business offices; excel. ,ent location between Walnut and Locust "possession AT SETTLEMENT D. B. CHAMBERS . REALTOIt 001 COMMERCIAL TRUST BLDG. 1928-30 SANS0M ST. 334 SOUTH 16TH ST. Taut H. Ptull. Merrl Bldg. Spruce 1021 Alse-see ndvertleement In amall tjpeTn , fnllnwlnc relunins. Factories, WnrelieuMes. Innufiicturlng Iloers FACTORIES urehuUHtH floors, factory sites J. L. Stevenson & Sen Yii'iJ'1" - .Ai. H'0 advertisementB In hmuli (job felliiHlnx eeliimns. ggWT-t'lLILADELPHLV miii St. Bernard et. (1200 blk. Se,) n r Jrt00 cash'. T'meA,ii- lc lights'. 00 IS Ced.ir 'nve.. R r . riime rnn lte.iman, II r. eiee i-in i N E. cer l-d nnd Wiiiim, med . u r . . . nene 5790 020Q bile, lluzel nve . med. H I I NEVILLF 0131 Cedar ave. i rf J. J. lNL.VIL.L4i Weed. Mill fg PMii'iimnniii llllJllilD " Bam REDli i:i te J12.OO0. 3.tery semi letibchml residence with het-water electricity, hardwood floors. scrteni throughout lu.use, A-l comlltlen. con venient, refined resldentlaljielBhliorheo'l 4Mth st nbeye BaltlmeTe" nve , 3-steri arml-delachrd resblence, let 23x100 lint waetr heat, el. etr.clty. ViirqiTetry fl'oe Hermen Andersen ,,11. As a Husband, Hareld -"- ii - UMBoCKue - UMBoCKue - UMBeCKue u(i USED AUTOMOBILES ie Q01G A used truck of substantial established manufacture is by far a safer and mere eco nomical purchase than a new truck of inferior make that might appear cheaper in price. Our slogan is "GOOD VALUES IN USED CARS," and we live up te it te the letter. Our prices prove it. Dedge Brethers Screen and Panel Business Cars, well worth your inspecting, $300 up. Thornten-Fuller Automobile Ce. Used Car Department 24th & Seuth Sts. Spruce 6735 BEAL STATE FOB SALE WEST PHIl.ADKI.rillA. xiiiiiiaisiiiiiuiiiaii'iiuiiiiiiiiiuii! $6250"-1T"lGARAGEl ewoed St. 5Cth te C7th St. Seuth of Willows Avenue SAMPLE HOUSE OPEN 1 DAILY AND rVEXINQ Take any car west te 00th st. anil pass south te Willows, walk east 1 block direct te operation. KERSHAW & CROWL 5215 CHESTNUT ST. feinunrannmnnnnnininni iramunn iTniii iinTmiinmaninTinnnn armnnmninnnn rra n iu3 SPRINGFIELD AVE. BETWEEN 59TH & 60TH ST. OPPOSITE BEAUTIFUL COBI3S CR.EEK BOULEVARD 2-story perch freRt, Dutch hall, 4 rooms downstairs, 4 bedrooms and bath, het-water heat, hard wood floors, elec. lights, laundry, plenty of space; te be sacrificed. Small amount of cash. H. W. WATKINS 913 LINCOLN BLDG. 0VERBR00K SECTION 2-STORY MODERN HOMES Hazelburst read: 4 bedrooms gaybge space; let 20x80..., $8000 Atwood reed, IS ft. front, stone. me. twin perch. gHrage; in perfect order $7900 Wynnowoed read right up-te-date and one or r.ie im tn Ovcrhroek one of t'.ie best built homes ;Q4nn spicnaia con. vtnui; Marlyn read, most attractive 77efJ home In th .4 beautiful block p f J'J V. 04th street, semi-detached. 4 bedrooms, southern exposure, white 1 fj 000 und mahogany finish piJ,JJJ FRANCIS J. LAMBERT 403 N. 03d st. Belmont 8777 iripmiiniiiiiiinffliiiii'imiii.iiniiriiiniiiBiii'iiiiiiiiiiniiii'ni'mniin'iiinimiimiiiimi',1 lllllulk,UUJMIUiadlll,ll,l)tl,IMllUJIltlltMt,IIIIUIM,IHIM.ltWMtll,,IUII 1,1,1 4I,UI SUITABLE FOR PROFESSIONAL MAN 5315 CHESTER AVE. 113 500 Thrte-stery. perch-front dwelling. 10 rooms 2 baths, electrle lights, hot het water heat, hardwood ffoers through out, all windows and doers are metal weather-stripped. 5223 CHESTER AVE. ,13,000 Three-story corner property with ga rage, 13 rooms, 2 baths, electric lights: new occupied by a phjslclan. JULES DE WAELE. JR. 33th nnd Chester av. awiUBunriwiiin $7000 heat. ele. On double car track street: hardwood floors, het-water electricity; bargain. $7500 Full tile bath, tile kitchen, hardwood throughout het- water heat, electric: main street, hand painted linen wallpaper. 441l0n Hardwood floors. electrle 'Jj-T-'vu lights: medexn air light, half square from trolleys. Reed & Templeton weanrlj HERE Is a rrnl home with drace, hot het water heat, hardwood floors through out tile bath with built-in shower, fin ished in whlte and mahegan and it Is a rwil bargain at u.y price. 3U2S War War ringten ae., convenient te Chester ave. or nnth st cars. AUn sre advertisements In small type In following relninnit. it1HUXTO2 laiaiiiiiiiiiiiiiMS'liiiiiii'iiiiiiE'lHiBiiiiiiii LINCOLN DRIVE SECTION One of the Finest Hemes in Germnntewn PRICE, $35,000 Well Financed B Thoroughly modern, trolley. near train and LARGE LOT TWO-CAP. OARAGE SAMUEL G0LDER Finance Bldg Spruce 0572. 1-ecust 4027 Race 7071 IIBi AIke nee, advertisement In small One In following columns. Would Be Easy te Please - ' 'r .I i..vr-Tl,, J tJOTt WVM't I'-W. i See. BEei.a- He scmd Veo TetjLt5rVT bovc bevc TUlC SfiLAAQM 'IS 19 $ USED AUTOMOBILE $m BEAL ESTATE FOB SALE OERMANTOWN iiitiiiiiiiiiiiiirjiiiiiiiiiniiitiiiiffliiitiiiirjiraiiiiiiiiiiiicuiiaiiiaiiiiriiiiiiiijtc 3 In Germantown Washington Lane & McCallum St. Beautiful Colonial Philadelphia brick houses, near completion. 5 bedrooms, 2 baths, hardwood floors, constructed of best materials under nn archi tect's supervision. We are sol agents. Priced ut S12.600. New Detached Heuse for $15,000 We can show you ground In best restricted location en which you rnn erect a houe te suit your own requirements. Total cost, Including ground, building, architect, financing, grading, shrubbery, etc., $15,000. Near Lincoln Drive Ideal house for small family, stands nlnne. all stone, with 2-car garage, 5 Leclroems ' baths. In the heart of the beautiful Lincoln Drive sec tion. Barguln te quick buyer. Old-Fashioned Heuse in Old-Fashioned Street Bv spending J10U0 en Improvement you can ndd $2000 te value of sub stantial Mone. semUdetnehed house en Harvey street near the entrance te I'atrmeunt Park. ,lfc Rent With Option te Buy Ter J175 per month, beautiful de tached house; let 100x230. 0 bed rooms, 2 dressing rooms, 2 modern baths, 2-car garage. In best part of Mount Airy G LYNDON PRIESTMAXT E R M A N T 0 WIX 5007 GTN AVE. Member Phlla. Tel. Gtn. 0410 Real Estate Beard INI! .OAK LANE UDKKnm OAK LANE BEAUTIFUL LOCATION Bread street, Cflth ave,; new mod ern Colonial homes; 0 rooms, 2 bath, center ball; garage; open for Inspec tion HERBERT HOPE flOOl N BROAD ST. Wvemlne 4.1ST LdMMiiiiMirmiM ll'llimiillllllllliilijmntiiiiiiiimiriiiraraiiiiraiiiimimmmiiii OAK LANE NEW MODERN HOMES 0 rooms. 2 baths, garage SAMPLE HOUSES 0405 FAIRHILL ST. 717 0HTH AVE. HERBERT HOPE S 6004 N. Bread st Wye. 4537 is.wiiirjiiiiiiaaMnia 3aainii!iiiiiii!iiiiiiiiiiiiiii:iiiit OAK LANE SECTION SUBURBAN HOMES $0000 TO 545,000 HERBERT HOPE 00t N BROAD ST. Wyoming 4537 iHiniiiiiinMiE'liiiiiiiiEii'iiiiiiiiiiiffliiiii PICNNHYLVANIA srill'RItAN d-COflfl Only 14 mln. fr. City Hall nnih nt. PJUUU nr 20 mln. fr. Terml New llet. hnm.a, every city cenv. Large let. COR. ELM ELM We6D & TRIBBIT AVE . ONLY A FEW FOR SALE AT THIS PRICE. Ph. Melhern Sh. Hill 47 ALDAN BUY AND BUILD J AND SAVE MONEY I Lets at Aldan Purk, surrounded by beautiful homes, bargains for home or profit $130 up: easy ternn. we us about building lour bems; high-speed electric from tlUth at., west en Providence ave.. owner wi premise dally i and evenings ALDAN REALTY CO, I Aldan. Pa LanBdnwne 140(1 M. GI.KN MII.LH Recreation or Club Center ISO nrrs 211 room Btnne mansion, near Ulen .Mills Statlun beHutlfm lawns very fertlln land, with 1 mile uf creek front frent aue Easily ilrMnee.l Quick posseaslen. BENJ. T. LEVIS Phene Media 21 -Seuth ave,. ldlu Pa. 430 MICDIA ROSE TREE DISTRICT Colonial style home 12 rms . het-water heat, hath eutbldus unlck possession! 10 acres of land. 10(m)0. easily flnene.S libNJ. T. LEVIS 1'hunn Medl.t 21 Seuth uv. Media, Pa. 4311 hum; ATTRACTIVE house. (I bedroom weeping perch nnd bath, hardwood neure downstairs. het-wafer heati Biirnge, let 110x225; very dnslrnble Ie- Kr'"" . !'.":"""'""... cl' $12,500 A i,i'.Caf "'"i"'y. n'w ,'0,,e ""' Pllr beuse. 3 bedrooms, a baths; het-water 'iTmnn "'r'"",- VKry desirable lil -v.i!oei;i.."m.n,""tt,e .r": $18,000 HERMANA,"VENDELL ,U5 WAYP,r.:AAV1S' foMr,,i",,ree.,mV,n':,1"'mr," "' '""Mlrim I-- N1HV JKRSKYM HI KUAN HlN(lA1vUt ,0 pr"v" 'i'at C'RAMKR . lUyNrllY for the r eiiual Thsn -i1- J,,VS., IJH0U, u rooms, nil mnv I370O. Ieta llue up Taks rili We.ifleld or Pen.uuket, CKrtrmnuS'. ket st ferry, Caindeii, direct 1 1' pmn. sms, ur cull at office Only 214 mlui '"VRMiTREAi,''c6;: nn -uHrte-t t , fstnden s. J $3500" AND $4000" EACH bUW IN PAIRS ONLY 111 OK) mmm anii i a..T.ir--- """"wwrn nuu: riiy ryitvi i I Kl LRS h HOf.HOB C.HKtvr NJffVHfjfriA ill unti pnim m.i.. a . 1 B1 ' ni ffi it m n r ii 1;y t- 't V ..SM I )MM)U ft-M...