iiii lpJWeMWr (5!5SSwWv'CvW'4" kWJiTS!rTFSr vf Y r-f,:, tf& -'Sj v i ' y- ''yi w v - v i V "r J ''''"1 "w' " t J iM'-W, , Rtt ETk 18 EVENING PUBLIC LEDGER-PHILADELPHIA, FRIDAY, AUGUST 4, 1922 B v te. i ill if-.' n m ri Ut I M 5S( I JACK 'JUDGMENT By Edgar Wallace An Unusual Story of a Blackmailing Gang and a Mysterious Avenger, by the Auther of "Green Rust," "The Daffodil Murder," "Clue of the Twisted Candle" TIIK STOUY SO TAR COLOXEL DA.V HOUSDARY, fat, coarse-eralncd but uncannily clever leader of n nana of creek, has become j alarmed at receipt of a knave of clu&i. tcned "Jack e' Judement," after severel I hla exploits, all of which arc subtlv l tfnriaed te enrich him without riaklne the low's penalties. lie tries te disarm sus ' pictens eathirtna around Mm bv com- plalnlne te BTAFFOttD HISO, of the Londen Crim inal Intelligence Force, PINTO SlfA'A, a sleek man about feirn. .forces Ms nltetitletis en an actress, who rebuffs him. She is MA1SIE WHITE, dauehtcr of Sellu White, one of the nana who wishes te retire, fine is interested in Stafferd, ItOLUE MARSH, a dell-faced but clcx-'r elrt, who acts as "tamp" of the black- mallliia nana, CIIOOK CflEWE, ence a aentlcman, noie e thief, AND HERE IT CONTINUES CHAPTER IX The Colonel Employs a Petpctive TIIKIK prisoner was n stranger. He was a lean, fiirtlve-loekltij: man of thirty-live, below mldJle heisht, re r.cctably tlref-sed. and, nt first glance, the colonel, whose hobby was distin guishing at a leek the social standing of humanity, was unable te place him. Crewe locked the deer. w,,l,'u ' "!,N "Vnw then " cel,l he rnlnnffl "whit ' "U rP "0t ln tllP PrivatO detCCtlVC .New then, sad the colonel, what , buMm.s) for your hc.;ltl).. snl(1 thc were you doing, listening at my deer? j colonel, and the man shook his head. Was that his game. Mr. SUva?" "I bet you're working for a firm that's "That was his game," said the ether. I P;'B " about three pounds a week . , , ... , and your miscrnble cxpent.es a deg s brushing his hands. .life." "Wlint have jeu get te say before Ii "You're quite right there." said the end for the police? asked the colonel ' man and he spoke with the rarnest- , . , ,,,, ., , , .,, ncs-s of the iU-us-cd wage earner. "It rirtueusly. hat have you get te ,s ( ((ig.s ,lfe . out )n M kJnd q ay ler yeureu: ftneaKing aoeui gentleman's lint, listening at key holes!" The man. who had been roughly han- died, had rlien and was nutting his cellar straight. If he had been taken! i,i .v. I, t,.,i,, !,,,, I aback by the. sudden onslaught, he was completely self-possessed new. 'If you want te send for the pnliec Teu'il better start righr nway," lie aid. "You've get a telephone, haven t you? Perhaps III have a job for the policeman, tee. You've no right te ns- ault me, my friend," he nid, addres- lng Pinte resentfully. I "Vhnt were jeu doing?" nsked tlw , colonel. ' "Find out."' aid the man sharplv. I Tile colonel stroked hK long inns- tache. and his manner underwent a change. "New leek here, old man." he aid , tlme&t ievlallv, "we're nil friends fcore nrwl ivn ,1'r wnnt nnv frnnh li. I I dure sav you've made a mistake, and my friend has ninde a mistake. Have a whisky and soda." The man grinned crookedly. "Net me, thank you," he said em phatically. "If I remember rightly, there was a young gentleman who toel: a glas of water in North Lambeth Po lice Court tlie ether day. and " Tlie colonel's eyes narrowed. "Well, sit down nnd be sociable. If you're suggesting that I'm going te . poison you, you're also suggesting that you knew something which I don't want you te tell, or that jeu have discev- red one of these terrible secrets that ine newspaper arc an writing aDeui. V-..t. .n n mt.tl.. mnn tinrn n 1lnl ' I ..... i .... New he a sensible man: hare a drink." The man hesitated. ' "Yeu have a drink of whisky out of !se,me enenuragemeni te pursue me patn thc same bottle, and I'll loin you." of rcctl.t!V,1.0,,anTM.henr' Ult rccv,ed VHelp yourself." said the colonel no,le )W1It lU te11 -vnl' cnn,11(J1r-goed-naturedly; "give me any glass ' r fin has been engeged by a young you like." lady. She brought me here tonight. The man went te the sideboard. I "Miss White, eh?" said the colonel poured out two portions nnd sent thc j quickly. soda water sizzling Inte the long ".Miss White It was, sir," said glasses. Here s veurs and here s mine, he aid. "Geed luck!" He diank the whisky off, after he hntl seen the colonel drink his. nnd wiped liis mouth with a gaudy hand kerchief. "I'm takinsc it for cranted," said the colonel, "that weMe made no mis take and that you were listening at our deer. "Xew we want no unpleasantness, anil we'll talk about this matter ns KCiihlhlc human hiinir. nml mnn tn man." "That n the way te talk," said the ether, smacking hN lips. "Yeu've been s-ent here te watch me." Illil.f l(lt; Ul.ll k HIUJ UllL UU.t;, aid the ether. Pinte shifted impatiently, but the Colonel stepped him with a leek. "New let me see whnt you are," mused the colonel, still wearing that benevolent smile of his. "You're net an ordinary tradesman. You've get a leek of the book canvasser about you. X have it you re a private detective; , Tlie man smirked. I "I'erhnp I am," said he: "and," i fce milled, "perhaps I'm net." The colonel slapped him en the boulder. "Of course you are," he said confi dently. "We don't see shrewd -looking fellows like you every day. You're a detective!" "Net official," said the man quickly. He hud all the Unglish private de tective's fear of posing us the genuine rllclp- . , , , , "New leek here." said the colonel. "I'm geii'S te be perfectly straight Willi you. and yeu'e get te be straight With me. That's fair, isn't if'" "Quite fair," said the man "If I've been miscenducting myself in any manner " "Don't meutlen it, said the col onel politely. "My friends here v. ill apolegise for handling you roughly, I'm sure; won't you, Mr. SilvnV" "Hure!" said the ether without any After-Dinner Tricks J)Je. SSI Blowing tlie Card. A celling card Is bent as shown In the illimtratlen, with two llttle Haps or "legs" at the ends. The spectators ere tjiallenged te blew the card ever, as It nets en the table. The harder they blew, the mere the card jumps about, 'but It will net turn ever. The trick, however, Is possible, as the performer can demonstrate when called unen, and the secret of his Huccesu will net be obvious even after It Ib demon strated. The trick Is te blew sharply ou T. . .t.i- ..m. llfrrli. llntniipn nwnv from (n Sfe ,'rt tlM crd, whicb beuld be edteways te k. SI iiiifr A distance of two feet I 4g mi k "Thcre's only one Boundary gang, Pinte, and this Is it," lie said be tween clenched teelh great heartiness. He was tired of this coiimtniUeh and was anxious te knew weatlier, all lieurs of the dav and night, and never se much as 'thank you' for any work you de. Why. we get no credit nt all. sir. If we go into tne witness oex the lawyers treat u-f like dirt." "I nbelutely agree with you." said the colonel, slinking his head. "I think f, ..,.,...., .iptert1.. hi.sinna m ,1.1. country isn't appreciated as it euglit te be. And It is very curious we nheuld i have met you." lie went en. "Onlv this evening I wax saying te my friend' here that we ought te get a geed man te leek after our interests. You've beard about me. I'm sure, Mr. " "Snakit," bald the ether. "Here's my card." He produced n card from his walst- eent pocket, and the colonel rend it. '.Mr. Herace Snakit, ' he said, "of uoeny nnu keines, .new wiiat de you ',av t( coming into our service?" The mini blinked, "I've get a geed job " he began inconsistently. "M1 "I'll give you a better sk pounds ween, regular expenses and an allow ancn for dressing." "It's a gei" said Mr. Snakit promptly. "Well you can consider yourself en gaged right nway. New, Mr. Snakit, as frankness Is the basis of our inter course, you will tell me at once whether you were engaged ln watching me?" "I'll ndmlt that, sir," said the man readily. "I had a job te watch you J and te discover if you knew the where nbetits of n certain person." Who engaged yeu: Well." the man hetated, "I don't . KttOW V Knev. wnetner it Wit betraylnB the (confidence of n client." He waited for 'Snakit. "fcie that was why t.he was here? She wanted te show you " "Just where your rooms were, sir," said the man. "She nlse wanted te show me the back stairs by which I could get out of tlie building if I wanted te." "What were your general Instruc tions?" "Just te watch you, sir, nnd if I had an opportunity, whpn you were out. te sneak in nnd leek around." "I .pp " s.iid the colonel. "Crewe, out. te sneak in nnd leek nreuntl." I just take Mr. Snakit dewnstnirs nnd , tell him where te report. Fix up hi-. , pay you knew" He gave a signifl- leant "sldewise jerk of his head, and jV,Il'l VN VI UU lilt? jlllklllU llbblV Vli.- tective from the apartment When the deer had closed the colonel turned en Sllva. "Pinte," he said and there was a rumble ln his voice which betrayed his anger "that girl Is dangerous. She mny or may net knew where her father ' is; this detective business may be n blind. Probably Snakit was sent here knowing thnt he would be captured and would talk." j "That struck me. tee," said Pinte. , "She's dangerous,' repeated the colonel. He resumed his promenade . up and down the room. "She's an active WOrKCrt UI1U nii- n wuinm u)titai un. New I'm selnjr te settle with Mlsa White' he kU(1 eratixislyt "I'm celnc BEFORE leaving for your summer home in the mountains, country or seashore, be certain te ar range te have the Evening Public Ledger mailed te you every day. The Evening Public Ledgerwith its hemenews. page of pictures, comics, woman's pages, stories, recipes, sports news, finan cial pages and ether daily features te please every memrci' of the family will makr your sojourn from the city all the mere en joyable. Telephone or Bend In your summer subscription new. for one, two or thre months, the period you will be away, and reculve your faverite newspaper regularly with your dally mall. Summer Subscription Rates 1 me. 2 mes. 3 root. Public Ledger (Mern's;) 60c $1.20 $1.80 Publie Ledger (Evening) SOc 1.00 1.S0 Public UdgeXSdr) SOc 1.00 1.50 Hummer subscriptions may be entered by the week. , ZZa Ufar Hnnimar. HubSCrlOtlOB sn?.r.. '-jr .. -wT7.s,v n.e.r,. with 5r I 1" " IEaP JWaTjj38HftSBaH JMuuTpWM I ( jHjggP j J0IMT SrnVICe WITH W &tfet2!!!!!!i mant. ne Hauare, te Fettle with her for geed nnd nil. I don't care what she knows, but slie probably known tee much. She's hand In glove with the police and maybe she's working with her father. You'll get 1'hlllopells here tomorrow In the morn ing " The ether's eyes opened. "l'hlllopells?" He almost gasped. "You're net going te " The colonel faced him squarely. "You've had your chance with the girl and you've missed It," he said; "yeu've tried your fancy method of courting and you've fnllen down." "Hut I'm net going te stand for Phlllopells," said the ether, with tense face. "I'll tell you I like the girl. There's going te be nene of that smug gling " Fer FLIES and MOSQUITOES Quantity 1 oz. Quality 100 Pure (10c) feITeet '-. 'Sfv ib'-.T? .CnC TP..'- Every American Stores Ce. Stere Sells It! Any A-l Denier fun Supply Ven If Yeu Itetuse te Tnkr "Sulistltntes." Dlrectliins: Clene Itoein, l)l(Tne Around TlioreiiBhly! It Will Kill 'Ilm! pf Twe or Mere Traveling Together will find it a great convenience as well as a safeguard for contingencies for mere than one person te be able te procure funds. This can be arranged by our Travelers' Letters of Credit issued in mere than one name. Besides assuring readily available funds, our Letter of Credit acts as an introduction te the foremost bankers of the world with consequent courtesies and attentions. Send for CoeWet EST. FOURTH & CHESTNUT STREETS New Yerk PHILADELPHIA BROWN, SHIPLEY FoDedcrt Court Lotebarr Londen E. C. STIUMSIIir XOTH'KH ISTHMIAN STEAMSHIP LSNES Philippines East Indies Service DIRECT SAILINGS FROM PHILADELPHIA TO DUTCH EAST INDIES and PHILIPPINES Penan?, Belawan-Deli, Pert Swet- tenham, Singapore, Batavia, Samarang, Seerabaya, AND MANILA and ILOILO S. S. "Fairfield City" Aug. 15 A Steamer Sept. 30 Fer rates and particulars apply te NORTON, LILLY & CO. GENERAL AGENTS, Bourse Bldg., Philadelphia Lembard 6271 Main 2445 VACATION TRIPS ONE BY SEA BOUND WAY $10.80 28.20 31.38 Tit IT $30.00 45.12 55.00 BOSTON Savannah Jacksonville Meals and north Included. Extra Chargen for Preferred Spaea. Roued-Trlp Tickets Limited te October S3, j Full Par'Acular en Request pier IB 8. Dela. At, Lembard UM JOINT SCKVICf WITH .HAMBURG AMERICAN LINE TO PLYMOUTH. BOUtOGNB UAMUUSK By New American FU Sleamtri Reliant Aug. 8 Sept. 5 Ort. Ruelata Aug. a Bept. 19 Oct. IT TO HAMBURG DIIIXT Sailings every Thursday, by the popo pepo pope lr steamers Mount Clay, Mount Car Car eoll. Mount Clinten, Mansa, Byern. Wusrttemberg, with special cabin and Improved third class accommodations. United American Lines, inc. Ilresdwsr. N. Y. or Lecal AisnU Famous "Santa" Steamers efterltiB most eoiiifertabls rcuminoclAtlens, Direct route te Seuth America. Unexcelled cumins b. H, Santa r.llsa Anr. Id H. K. htintu Lulsn heiit. 0, RedureUlt.ile rennd M.,titli Amerle,! Tun 10 Hanetrr .-mi.. N.V l'm lrfirl rtrn. (COMMERCIAL I sF .riueuin s lutre m 3 I Crtlllmr 1.111" (Optratinpy S Gevt. Ships) PIIII.ADI l.l I li mm, J.y. iiLv 1 fivmiN'liKltRV A. DIIIIMN. riiMT i,r.i.--L.-..'...-:::i.;:;:';;i;.. ...;,. S S llVr.lKRN TEMPEST'; Aug. 88 MesH. Mlberg. HeMnefurs and Petregrail N 1 h "KAhl PORT" Aug. O Utnur i urin nwiu,"! .,.. w..v.- MOORE and McCORMACK, INC, 44446 Beurte Bide;., rhlU. m,- gfiii -' Jk ' w yLiiOHsi. fs nl 4 "" kI.HAliBUru AMtmww urs u ! Lemb. 0585 Main 7Sl. "Oh, there isn't, Isn't there?" said the colonel In his silkiest tone. Then suddenly he leaned forward across the table, and his face was the face of n devil. "There's only one Boundary gang, Pinte, and this Is It," he said between his clenched white teeth; "and there's only one Dan Boundary, nnd that's me I De you get me, Pinte? "Yeu enn go n long way with me If I happen te be 'going that way. But you stand In the read nnd you're going te get what's coming te you I I've been geed te you, Pinte. I've steed your interference because It amused me. Ilut you oppose me, really oppose me, und you'll knew It. Did you get that?" "I get It," said Pinte sullenly. Te be continued tomorrow Cetiniahl, McClure Xewspater Bundl'-st IVv Mtsr LI U Jm Te Kill 'Em! Egvic IBIS Bosten k COMPANY Office for Traveler! 123 Pull Mill, Londen. S. W. STI1VMSUIP NOTICES N. T. TO CHEnnOtinO SOUTIIAirPTON IIOMITHIC (new) ..Aim. 10 tflt. 0 hfit. 80 M.V1F.VIIC (new). .Auk. SO frevt. in Oct. 7 OLYMPIC Sent. 3 Sept. S3 Oct. It . i. iu (.unit tm.'i;i;.NHiuw.Nj and LIVKIU'OOI. rrnmc aub. la spt. e Oct. i ADKIATIO Am:. Ill Sent, in (let. 14 ll'.lIIC AllK. 2U Srut. SS (Irt. 21 lt.VLTIC Sept. 2 SKPt. 30 Oct. S8 ftIimAlTAJl. NAPLES AND C1KNOA ARAIIIfl Aub. an Oct. 14 CUKTIf) Hfit. .' Nnv. 11 rmi.ADEi.ru t.i uveiutiel NO1AN . . . Auk. 15 Hcpt. 3l I'rnniirKiiH (new) ... .Aur. 31 Oct. s iiAvr.itreui) . ... . Sfpt. is en. 24 -vtuin aim inini-ciaBs panspngers carried i.nvi.ANn i.ini: rHILADBI.I'HIA MANCHESTER, NOVIAN ...Aub. 1R NEV1SIAN Hmt i MKItCIAN .Aub. 20 NOVIAN ...Sept. 3D N.Y.PLYMOUTH.CHERROURO. 'ANTWERP ZEEI.AND Aug. 12 Sept. 1(1 Oct. SI KHIMlM.AMi .. ..Aug. 10 et. 23 Oct. 2H I.APLAMI. , Aug. Sept. 30 Nev. 4 (.OTlll.WIXdlrect) !ept, 3 Oct. 7 . n.NL.NI Sept. 0 Oct. 14 Nev. 18 PHILADELPHIA -ANTWEK1 NINIAN . Aug. 1(1 .MACKINAW Sept. 22 MIxHH'RI Aug. 20 MICIIKiAN ..Sept. 2H MANHATTAN Sep. 14 MARYLAND .Oct. 4 American Line N. Y. TO HAMBURG .VIA PLYMOUTH AND CHEKUOUHU MANCHURIA Aug. 10 Sept. 14 ST. PAT I Aug. 17 Sept. 21 MONOOLIA Aug. 31 Oct. S .MI.."I.IMI1. 'au Class). .. .pent. 7 Oct. 12 PHIlDELPHIA HAMOURO MARYLAND Aug. S MAHOPAC ..Aug. te MICIIKiAN Sept. 2V ATLANTIC TRANSPORT I.lNIi PIIILADEI.PH1 A LONDON NINIAN ....Aug. 10 MENOMINKE Sept.12 MISSOI'RI ' Aiis-. HO MACKINAW Sept.28 HOLLAND AMERICA LINE PHILADELPHIA ROTTERDAM IIINNENIliK Aug. 4 IILYpKNIIVK Sept. 2 IIREEDYK Atir.10 IllNNKNDYK Sept.20 International Mercantile Marine Ce. l iin STEAMERS. 1.300.000 TON4 Pit.keiicer (IQlre. 1310 - - ... .!.. ....-.. ... ..... Prellht Ofllc. 405-41 Reurse Hide Phlla. miv ttmnui nt.. j'nua. s Express Reute Te KUElOEE Via tbs &l Lawrence te CHERB9UKG SOUTnAUITON PAMBU9IG RynJuKUI, .rmUuJ EmprtucSceem'md BtBsrtmtttrmKs.' Qeeba te Liverpool "Emptxm Britain," TtnL, Seeoed saj Thud Clua. Montreal te Liverpool Glaaaevr. Bouthenipton nnd Antwerp By tplendid Oee.cliH Cunxlrtn PteBc teuiuiiiss. Only About 4 Days of Open Sea Rales and all information eh rtqntti R. C. CLAYTON. City Pass. Alt. 029 Chestnut St.. Philadelphia E. T. BTEIJUINO. Gsn. Agt., Pass. Deet Madisen Ave., at 44th tit., Nsn Yerk CANADIAN PACIFIC Sail Under the Stars and Strip esi MEDITERRANEAN I Regular sailings tn 5 SPAIN. ,TTALV.:vGRE,:CE. V l?rk Td.u.r,,.nV A tft nth Ian smh "' ,' HVli B. H. PHIIDELPIIIA . . Jlfi A Vankee hll nnd u st;S;H,vl Wrlte.fer booklet B "Hil ri Y Nap ea S. H. Ce., wtfggHga I 'iBO Rreadway. N.Y.C. vWPi j J Dvvysr.Oeri'l Pasa.Agt. ifmMai I rlERR LIN Eal OLD ORCHARD HOME SCHOOL NUR ! 'sVaal "'1, Fer healthy, normal children a r ..,!.. II fZn ethlrtm I Babies. Health tlrst. Selected toys, Wrl Operating U. Z, tset. Snipe I ""n,,, e Noyes, Leenla, N. J. Sailinga Frem Philadelphia I fcen'ulU'" "ursau. . I WAHIIINOTON. P. O. FOR HAMBURG pHIROPRACTI 1 1 1 1 CilcV.aiaw" (USSB) ....Aug. SS "We.tern SeeBt" (U5bBi..Ag. HUDSON SHIPPING CO., Ik., AgU. SZB Chaetnut a ran. k.rd 8264-1 Ml 7311-11 EDUCATIONAL Yeunr Men unit Hey PTATOX5m)TOm35KOKKeCM3aK3K 1 Wenonah Military Academy Send V Your Bey We'll S e An Ideal location, 12 miles from Philadelphia. Lnrge Athletic Field. Splendid Gym. U. S. Army Officer detail. Directed Athletics. Separate department for Juniors, 11 years old and ever. Write for Catalog, or Visit U$ at Any Time Lewer Scheel, $650 5 Majer C. A. SNYDER, Supt. Bex G, WENONAH, WMXm&,3BBm& rtelh Sexe A Pharmacy or Chemistry Course Here is Thorough Th (rraduate from this century old institution, with Its unrivalled courses of Instruction in Pharmacy, Chemistry, Bacteriology and Phar Phar Phar macogeosy, Is practically nssured of a most successful professional future. Catalog ready. Number of students limited. Philadelphia College of Pharmacy and Science 145 North 10th Street Philadelphia of Buiincis Administration In buslnem your romretlter l the trained man. I'elr'e Hchoel ceurfes lenrh. tn a. nrnrtlenl wav. the thlngd you must knew te succeed. Det Fclioel Openi Sept. S Nlmt school Oix-m Kept. IS Wtite for CSth Year Boek Tine St. Weit of Hrend The William Penn Charter Scheel Scheel Opent Tuesday, Sept. 19 MaUe-up Examinations Monday, Sept. 18 Open for Inspection nnd Classification of Pupils, Sept. 8th. Richard M. Gummere, Ph. D. Headmaster hin iiiiitiiinii mii BA.NKS lTmmm Jtgir&MPl&& D.j Scloel COLLEGE Ntffci school CAN GIVE YOU the distinct ndvantage of the bread est and best-planned course nr busi ness training In fact Hanks Is a I'nh orally of applied buslness edu cation I)nv Scheel opens Sept. S Night Scheel etienx Sent. 7 1200 Walnut St.. Philadelphia Wanamaker Institute 23d and Walnut Streets OPENS DtT Scheel. September 13 Attrrneun & Etenlng bclioels. September 20 tVRTTE FOR CATALOO Telephone Locust 3149 C051PIJ.TE SECRET.VRIAL COURSES Advnnced students In business training, desirous et securing ene of the geed-paying secretarial pofcltlens should Investigate our special courses. Call any time for inter view. Individual Instruction. Day and eenlng claeses. Catalog. P1I1LA. 1IUH1NESS COLLEGE and College of Cemmere niu Uniut iit riutaaeiphiB Oak Lane Country Day Scheel Oak L-itie. Phlla., Pa. . . I . Kindergarten te Cellege: Al"elnu , 'CX for and r" turns children. Thlrfy acre, A Progressive Scheel ler ii-ye ana uin of athletic tlelds, plat ground ana woeaiaua. Telenhcn. Melresn fUT Write. F. M. FROEL1CIIER, Headmaster. M, K J,U.lilV.lll.lli A.nau e.k Lane Country pa" "" MISS WOODS' SCHOOL Fer I'.xeenllennl Children LANOIIORNE. PA. . , rjpault PuyiF I rrU" """ lr Pf'""' Tin? imiJIAN SCIIIKII.. 2204 U'alnnt HI, A day school for Klrla and small beya will epen ter lis twenty-third jear Beiitember 21, XU22 College Prepuratcry and General Ceursns l.llit'lietli v. llruley. Headmistress. Prmm. Museum. Hrlienl or Industrial Art. llread L Pine. Opens Spt.20. Reg. days, Bept 13 te 20 Ue Scnoel upon Oct. Iter- Ke SPt LTi 27. 2(1 T-ll P. M. GERMANTOWN FRIENDS Scheel Year Opens September ISth bTA.M.lA' R. VA KNA1.1.. Principal 1'U1LADEU'11L TUH.M,1.JIJUND1C llruud uiul Celuxublu Ave. Swimming Peel Open llirougbeul Yeu Lesions In Swimming, diving and life-saving. nmpiiium ODens ln Heutember. WW.1,1, Apply M. Offles. ItOIV N. llreadati Splendid positions "(k tkachkrs In Penna., Md.. N J and N. Y. schools for September are new being filled. Free regis- lrttt"jl0nWlN TEACIIKRS IILKIIAU ItlfTj Mnrliet Street CTHAYPP'S The nst llnslness Scheel 3 1 Ivrt I O Rft7 riKTNI)T HT, Position gunrnn'i!. ICntfr new. Day or night. READING, TA. Schuylkill Rent., Reading's Jr. Oel., Reading. Pa. Prep. & Jr. College courses. Three yrs. of college work given. New athletle field, dining nail and administration building V.ur 1490 Year erm SsDt. 11. IVARRKN V, TKUf.. A. M.. P. P.. HARRISIIt'KO. PA. Harrisburg Academy I'r?pr07-e.., Sonler and Junier Departments. Moderate rates Fer catalog I. address: Arthur IS. Ilrenn. HeadmaHer. Ilitrrlsbiirg, l'a. BELINfiOROVK. PA. Susquehanna University. Bellnsgreve. Pa. Co-educatlenal In the Arta and Sciences, Reautlful and healthful environments. Ad. dress for catalog. W. T. Horten, Registrar. Hnmmsr Scheel epsna June 28 I.EONIA. N. J. OLD ORCHARD HOME SCHOOL NUR8- KBY. Fer healthy, normal children and Rabies. Health first. Selected toys. Write C 30 I V Learn this new. most premising of all urnfeshlens In Waslilnstnu. n.. nation's capital. Unrlvsle.1 uiic.n. J (MM for eelf-supperUng students, CJo-tde. cslienal. Address the Heglilrmr. RILEY SCHOOL OF OlIROiSRACTlC 111 st buvm. waahlMtoe. D. O. EDUCATIONAL Viun Men nnd Iteys. I Make a Man of Him The words en our shield mean "He tacceedt who overcomes himself" At Wenonah we teach our boys $ self-control. We ground them $ tnoreugniy in cemmerciui uim academic subjects as well. We prepare them for business or col lege. But, above all, we teach them hew te THINK. Upper Scheel, $750 Capt. C. M. Lorence, Cemdt. $ NEW JERSEY $ rteth Sexft NKWVOJIK CITT Pnliimbia Preparatory Scheel, Dey and VOlUmDia 0rl1 ireparntlen ter All Universities, west mint nnd Annapell. 801 WEST 88TH ST. Cerner XVeat End Ave- gehuylsr 078 i.YNcnncne. va. LYNCHBURG COLLEGE I.VNCIinURO. VIRGINIA A standard American Cellece effcrln nn usual oppertunltloa te yeunc men and women from the North. Rntes. 1350. Fer catalogue and rartlrulnrs address ! 1. T T. IIUNDT.F.Y. I'ren.. LyncMmrr. V. Consult Public Ivndger bureau. DAYTON. VA. fillKNANnOAII rOLLEGlATR INSTITUTE nnd Scheel of SIusle. Dayton, Va, Junier CoIIeko. Co-educatlenal. Rntes. 1223 te 1300. We have a number of satlsCcd North ern students. Exceptional advantages. Fer ratalogue and particulars address Hhenan Hhenan deali ColleKlate Instltute nnd Scheel of Musle. Consult Publle ledger Uureau. Yeung Men anil Heva CHESTNUT HIM. ACADEMY A day and beard Inu school for boys. Preparation for cellcBe. Hrcclal rate for me-uay ixiamere. opens sept. L'ntn. J. I.. PATTERSON. Headmaster IJR(VN PREP.. Dreail unit Mirlns (liinlen hts.. Phlla.. prennres students for nnv ml. lege or professional choel. the State Heard exams, nnd for business. 40th year begins rept. in. i.nreii new. nELI.EPONTE. PA. Bellefonte Academy "mited te 100 v yeunc men. la and up, II 7th year. Ath field and swimming feel. Med. rates. CntnlOK. .IAMKS R. UIOHKS. A. M.. Headmaster. Reltefnnte. Pa. HET11I.F.HKM. PA. BETHLEHEM TRr-PARATORY SCHOOL Prepares boys for all leadlnB colleges and universities. Scholarships. Modern build InEs. extensive Rreunds. Oymnaulum, swim ming peel nnd all athletics. Separate Junier Scheel, lleasonahle rates. Catalogue. Jehn M. TuxBey, M. A., Headmaster llx 1). Ilelhleliem. l'enna. CHESTER. PA. PENNSYLVANIA MILITARY COLLEGE Knewll for mere than a century for high Ideals and standards In education. COLONEL CHARLES E. HYATT CHESTER. PA OEOHOE SCHOOL. PA. GEORGE SCHOOL Co-cdncatienal with Sep. Dormitory BIdji. College Prepsratery. also Manual Training and Citizenship courses. 227 acres en N. ihamlny Creek. Athletics, mends' m'g't. O. A. WALTON. A. SI.. Prln. uex hj. neerge wcnoei. i-n. LANCASTER. PA. FRANKLIN AND MARSHALL ACADEMY E. M. IIARTMAN. P. D Prlnelpul Rex 412. Litnciisler. Pa. NAZARETH. PA. Nazareth Hall Military Academy Bex 60, Nazareth, Pa. Founded 1743. College Preparatory nnd Ruslness Courses Senior. Intermediate and Junier Departments Minimum age 0 jears. Vigorous athletic nnd military life. All outdoor sports. Gym nasium nnd swimming peel. Address The Rev. A. D. Thaeler, II. !.. Principal PENNSRURO. PA. Perkiomen Scheel for Beys College Preparatory. Music. Business. All athletlcn. 20-acre enmpus. Scholarships. Development et Character and Training for Service our nlm. Junier Sc'ioel for younger boys In sepnrate cottage, Catalogue. OSCAR S. KRIEHKL. D. D., Pox 110, Pennwj U unlit. Prnnsburg WAYNE. P.. ST. LUKE'S SCHOOL Wayne (Main Line P. It. R.), rn. Healthful location, homelike buildings Mental and iteyslcal Instruction, high moral Influence make unusual appeal te parents and boys. Prepares for college or business. Charles Henry Strout. A. M.. Headmustcr BADINQ. PA. Kej'stpne Institute . "The Service Scheel" x fuiir qulprJ i.i with expert In structors, organized te give Intensive Instruc tion et 2 years tn Electrical Engineering, Mehanlcal Engineering. Acceuntlne and Uunlnssa Administration. 10 weeks' course In Automotive .Metmimcs. uay and night classes. Write ter Information te Director Keystone Institute. 135 North 4lh Htret. Rending. Pa. SAX trammel. &, is. 1 e iv & yen r'iyh Rlsklmlnetas fiprlnrr Brioel rermlts boys te grew up out of doers. 200 acres highland overlooking rlvv. aait pttv&tien tev (eIWs uiiil technical schools Precepterial pvsiem. All sports. Itale 1850. Catalogee. Addrns HU. A. II. WnJSON, .ni.. President Het H.in. Hnllsliiirg. Pa. HWARTH.MORE. PA. luinrthmnre Propnnitery for Reys. Nernl OWannmerc for cntll,0St W- ,., Tnmllnsen. neeilmaster. Rex 20. Hwiirihmnre. Pa. nenilKNTOWN. N. J. BORDENTOWN MILITARY INSTITOTH Thorough preparation for college or busi ness. Efficient faculty, smalt classes. Indi vidual attention. Military training. 88th year. Fer catalogue address Drawer C-'ii, Cel. T. 1). Landen. Itordentewn. N. 1, Principal r.ml Ceinmundant WBWTON. N. t. NEWTON ACADR.MY Military country scnoei. boys 10 te IT. Mountain and lak- region. 2 hours from N Y. Established 1832. Catalogue. "' II111 I,. Newton. N.jL WASHINGTON, I). C. 'niCJOT.lJMIII.V UNIV. OF PHYSICIANS, inc. ClW.ef aehlnrten. Twe Courses Chiropractic Physie-Therapy "jw Each of faculty Is degreed In subjects they teach. Night school Is continuous. We assist veu In securing congenial rooming und beard it reaenabls prices Day school begins Sept. 11, 1822. Write for booklet. PR. IT O. SHERMAN. Pr.,.. 810'ith HI. POOI.ESVII.LK. Mil. itrlsrley Hall Military Academy. PnnleSTltla "V.jilB.l.et College Prenartinrv HTl'Xy'I1'' nois'ef Character and Ambition, Fer catalog .fleressl Cupt. 8. J. Ledge, Si. A.. LL JI g?" Consult Public Ledger IlGVsat " W" bupt WAYNIISIIUHO. VA. FISIIHUKI'E SIII.ITARY SCHOOL. Warn bere. ! """" aumuted te Weit si". :)emc?.hc -rB LlriV.ir. Fer cata egue anrt 'r,.V.f...r" i'"'-'."-in. inr Unrns I ir,V5.ft-,,tt're Majer mergan it. lludglt v-uiiBuic 1'ublla ., Prlnn Ledger Caatte Hill Aradrmy, Islington, V. id,,, location and climate. Prepares for celleger universities, overtime,,, academi,. and 'l?'. nfj,a:l,"lll':.M.i.' tr bnvw mvW 1 rpgt nd1 tha Hunt CHATIIAM. VA. Chatham Training BUinel. Chatham. Ve, A southern, school that will appeal te Northern people. Rates, 1309. Fer catalogue and particulars addresst . COX. A. II. CAMDEN, Chatham. T Consult Publle Ledger liursaii at nn raiia . Waynesboro. v. miraau. CT IjiXlNHTON. VA. J EDlICATIONAIi Yenn k .Men nnd Heys ASHKV1I.1.E. N. C. Bingham Military Scheel SANITATION SAFETY QUIET m rs.aAt M Hams I tr sit 0saW nidenl DCnuui iui u;n in i ruuiui Jft flchoel that will BPPal I te Reyi In the North. jfct Catalogue nd Parttrulare .arldnMi """'A.he'Jln'." N. 6""" insult Publle ledger nureaa. Consult WEST NEWTON. MASS. ALLEN CHALMERS SCHOOL Fer Per Went Newton. Mq. YnnnT Women and Olrls MRS. CASKIN'S SCHOOL Fer Girls Day ami Boeriitig Country location. 12 minutes from Philadelphia. 21 nercs of Campun. All Sports. Heckoy, Basketball, Tennis, Gelf and Horsebnck Hiding. Collcue Preparatory nnd General Courses. Piane with Thuel Dura hnm. Demestic Arta and Secretarial Course Catalogue MltS. lAV.aDON CASKIN Overbre'A, Pennsylvania Tcleplenc, Merlen 663 City Line and Orcen Hill Farms EstaU Mlsa lllman'a Scheel for Klndergartners Junier, Senior enil Oraduate Courses. Prlmiry methods. Praetlce kindergartens. Address A. T. Illmiin, Prln, Rex L 4000 rinn St.. Philadelphia. Pa. nRYN MAWR. PA. HARCUM SCHOOL FOR C1IRT.K College preparatory or special study. Music, Art. Catalog. Mrs, Kdlth Ilerrher Ilareum, B. L lleail of Scheel. Mrs. I.. Rfiy Willis. II. P.. Acailemle Head. CHAMIIKRSIIfRH. PA. PFVN HALT' Scheel for girls In beautiful Cumberland Valley. Large campus. Build ings modern in every rcspect. Roem suites of two with bath between. Large gymn. 'TguVn? P&'peclal courses. Oolf. hockey. innls basketball, horseback hiding, canoe, lng May each year spent nt seashore! work interrupted. Catalogue and view, en rjH miASt Rex t Chamhersburc. P. lirNTINODON. PA. I CrMvan Huntlneden, Pa. Juniata college L(berftl Alts (A n nrs-al Sclcnce n. S.). Murle. Schotastle and Religious ldeals emrfiaslzed. Alse high rrnde Arail'inv. I.IT1TZ. PA. ' LINDEN HALL SEMINARY A rlrls' school since 17-in. Academic. College Preparatory Si Special Ceurei. Separate Jr. Dent Qym.. Secretarial. Cot. Rev. F. W. StenBeLD.r.. I'rln.yHnt lU.1.l.ltlt. IM. OVERIIROOK. PA. MISS SAYWARD'S SCHOOL FOR GIRLS Overhroek. Pa. College prepirntery and seoretarlal courses. Music, Demestic Science. Physical training, outdoor Mxirts, horseback rldlnc. swimming. Deeleps character, mind and body. Carriage calls for pupils ln Dala. Cynwyd. Merlen and Wjnnclleld. Wrlte Dcpt.L. ......,..... ... IMIrn r. tltt.r.1 nii,tii. irincipai WEST CHESTER PA. THE DARLINGTON SEMINARY. INC. Junier College Courses (2 years) Phvslcal Education. Rcretnrlal. Music, Art. Expression. Heme Economics. College Preparation (l ears) atnndard Ceurss for the best colleges. Academic or High Scheel (1 years) Liberal but thoreuch trnlnlnc for life. Christine 1'. IMe. Principal. Ilex 010 IjOWELL. MASS. ACADEMY OF NOTRE DASIE. Lewell.Mass. Affiliated with Catholic Univ.. Prim.. Inter.. High Scheel. Music & Art Depts. Fer catg. address: The Superior. Academy of Netra Dame. Lewell. Mass. Consult Ledger Dur.au. PETERSRPRO. YA. SOUTHERN COLLEGE Junier College nnd Finishing Courses tta. National patronage. Sixtieth Year. Historic lowtleV ARTHUR, KYLE DAVIS. A. , 100 College Place. Peteriburg. V. NT.WTON, .MASS. MOUNT IDA SCHOOL TOR GIRLS. 0S Summit St.. Newton. Mass. Consult Unreal. WASHINGTON. P. O. HOLY CROSS AOAIIIOIY Affiliated with ihn Cathullc University. Practical -a Retlnlng Dducntlen. Standard and Dlectlva Courses. Auaress sister superior. Hely Cress Academy. Washington. P. C. MANASSAS. VA. Eastern College Conservatory MANASSAS, VA. Forty-five minutes from Washington with frequent week-end excursions. Four year' Academy course, fully accredited. Junier Collck'e Courses. T'er catalogue address The President. Bex Z, Manassas, Va. Consult Public I.cdcer Uureau for particulars Beatljs DAKHR. Suddenly, nt Harrington. N J., Aug. 1, JOHN C. husband nf Clarissa U.lker. RelatUes and friends, nlsn nil nr. gimlzatlens of which he was u member. In- viteu te tunerai services, i-ti,, s 1'. M., from the parlors of J.imes Stretch. 8 Kings High way. W. Hacldenflelil, N, j, int. private. North Cedar Hill Cem. UAKUWUM. Aug. 1. ril.I.ES' V.. wt.lner of Jehn I ll.ikewell (nee Mnlene). Relatives ana menus initcu te runeral, Sat.. 8:.I0 A. M., from her late resldmee. 2204 E. Hareld st. High mass of requiem St. Ann's Church 10 A. M. Int. Hely Cress Cem. HIHrllEH. Aug. 1. PI2.'. JOHN, husband of Rose Mcl.nur.hlln Planer. Relatltes nnd friends, nlce Snutliwarh Nest of Owls. Ne. 1013. Phlla Aerie. N"e. 42. 1 O nf II. : Mul let sheen & McOrall Ren. Society, are Invited te attend funeral. I'rl.. U I. M.. nt his late residence, 445 Durfer Bt. Int. Mt. Merlah Cem. Remains viewed Thurs. eve. 1JUMJI. Aug. 2. RHODA. widow nf Jacob liumm Relatives and frlendt are Invited te nttend funeral. S.it., 10 A. M.. resldencu of her son. Oeoige W. Ilumm. 1S51 Tulip st. Int. I'almer Cem. Friends may cull Prl . after H P. M. ISORMAN. On August 1. 1022. ANNIE J., widow of the late Jehn Ilerman. Relatlvns and friends, nlse Q. I. A. te H. of L. E.. PMteUfcV ej. r-Jftf o'ftelVT -u a her tVi:Ancfr.R. Aug 3 MARY EDIZART-TH, wife of the late Geergo 11 ; Eager. .Funeral servlceH Sat.. 2 P. M . 133 New Bt Olen ide. Pa Int. private. ESTES. At Atlantic City. N. J . en Au nist 1 1B22. THOMAS W. ESTES. Relatives and friends are Invited te the eervlce, en u.,....!,. Mfiernoen. at 2 e clock, at the resldenca of his son, Geerge H. !!. Dressl Hill. Interment ut West laurel Hill Ce.tie lery EWING. On August 2. 1022, EMILY II. C . wlfe of Jtesus Ewlng. nged 87 year. Relatives and friends lnvltnd te funeral s-rvirn, m.i..v. m...i.. nt lU'au. ut the rosiecnco 01 ner nusnuun. ..u 1.. .011 ti., Chester Pa. Interment private. FENUT n Aug, 1. lu.j. iir.i,i.. a. wlf of Walter J. Fenill, Relatives nnd friends Invited te funeral, en Friday me in- n. at 8 30 o'clock, nt late resldence. 122 IllllSJlin tv , milt'i.-'.iv. . 'v. ....... .j .... t. Pa. High mass Church of Ulei-sed Virgin Mnry 10 A M. Int. Hely Cress Ccm. FERRIS. Aug. 1, MARY, wlfe uf the late Themas P. Ferrls (noe Urannan). Relatives and friends urn Invited te attend funeral. Sat., 7:30 A. M., from her late residence, 4040 Thompson st. Solemn roqulem mass at the Church of Our Mether of Sorrows B A. M. Int. Cathedral 'Cem. FISHER. Aug. 1,1 CATHERINE A. (nee St. Ledger), wlfe of Henjamln O. Fisher, aged 43 Relatives und friends are Invited te funeral, Sat., 8.30 A. M., from her late residence, 2(121 A st. High mass Church et Visitation 10 A M. Int. private. i'mu:Y. Aug. l. MATTiiLiw. son or Anna nnd thn late. Mntthivv Furey, of Ral-' londerry, West Meath Ireland. Relatives and frlendH Invited tn funeral. Sat . 8.30 A. M., from lU S filth M. Solemn requiem main at Church nf the Transfiguration 10 A. M Hit. St. Dents' GERHARD Aug. 2. Iir.NJA.MIN son uf the lale Renjamln and A mm tlnbhard, aged f'O. Funeral services at Klik & Nice, U.I01 (lermantewn itvv., Sat , 2 110 I', M, lut private. OUENSCH. Aug, 2. 1D22, AUGUST, hus band of Heitha (luensch (nee Vogt), aged 78. Survlces Monday, 1 P. M. residency 1250 .'I 24th at. Interment Mount Merlah Cemetery. Friends may call Sunday evening. HARl'lN. Aug 4. ESTHER, wife of the late Edward Harkln (nee Campbell) and mother of the Rev. Edward I Harkln. nf the Church of Nativity of the Illessed Vir gin Mery Relntlves and friends are In vited te attend funeral, Men., 8.30 A. M., from her Inte rwldome, f,02S Chester ave. Solemn mass of reuulein Church of St. Francis de Kules It) A. M Int Hnlv Cress. HEIIREW. Aug, 1, MARTHA JAMISON, wlfe of James R. Hebrew. Relatives and friends are Invited te funerul services, Frl,. 2 P. M,, at her latu residence. 843 N. 41st St. int. privuie. Arlington i.cm Hid!!. Suddenly, Aug. 3, 1022. R. KEN NARD, son et Arthur II, and Ai.na llugglns High, Announcement of funeral will be given, from his parents' resldence, 0330 W'nertlawn ave,, Lawndale, Philadelphia. HOUOH. In Doylestown, Aug, 8. SARAH P. HOUOH, wife of the late Benjamin Heugh. Relatives and friends nre Invited te nttend the funeral, Sat., Aug, 8. nt 2 P. M. (daylight saving time), at her late resldence, UNDERTAKERS Unll Sty" T ROAD Ak A DIAMOND 1 u DEATHW 8. W. cer. Hamilton m r. ... t town,. Pa. Interment Doylestown r,2Mtw IVINS. At Trenten. N. j " fc (Tj NATHAN It. IVINS. Relitlv.'s ."..M. VtU invitea te Attend the servleei V." afternoon nt a o'eleok. at hi. i..5" Vi lift West State at. Int. Rlvsrvi."1 ete.lK.ALtn8. convenience of the fVi!L late Simen Kent, aged 70. PunnV.i 'j U A. M., 603T Haiel ave. ServJi tel tusn-r. aub. x, MARTHA .Z '."' id l XV M. Excelsior liSrr0,IM?' jffi of Daughter of St. Oeerie. anS0', , Oullrt of St. aoergo's Church. MuJft Fernwood Cem. ""ilea. Ij- ltNiaHT. At Avaten, PlttshM..w j1?' Aug. 1, 1022, REEVE U. "et? of? U William P. and Anna J. KTilgh?' ,? Itti of Philadelphia. Pa. nt. fenjiK; KOI.SK.T. en AUfC. 4, 102' nirnn. ' wlfe of AURAHAM KOLSKyr'ln ES?4. ninth year. Relatives and frin?.r " members of Randall Ledge. Ne i it ' und Progressive Ledge. Ne. lhl.' 1?' f' vlted te funeral en Sunday, Aug VM e cieck, irem nnr late res Uer,ce. mSTLl at. Interment Har Nebo Cemeteri liaku,. ctuuaeniy, Aug. 2 r.L, CHARIOTTE. beloved wlfe of CarM.1 nnd daughter of Mmen T. and pL14 Smith (nee Potts), In her 20th v.I W"! lives and friends are Invited te SkM 1 nernl aorvlces, Sat.. 3 P. M., resldenSN, n, nun ni. jni, privnie, irernvennA T ?w Vlewlnir Friday. 8 P. M. ernwed ft. LAUHER. Aug. 2. 1022. CARL . ' 1 hand of Isabella Fergusen Lauber ""! 1 uvea ana irienns inviieu te funeral i.r1"'! Sat.. 10:30 A. M.. chapel of Andrew fi' 1 LAWN. Aug. 3, MARY, Widow if VZi Lawn, aged 70. Funeral Snt 12Je ,!chil, from her daughter a restdene. u m i'.W.i st.. Oermnntewn. Services In St t?i? Church 1.80 P. M Int. private. La"', MANDERFIELD. Au. a in,. ... ' OARET 10. MANDERFIELD. BiUtJl Pat.. 10:30 A. M at tha Oliver hVS MARTIN. Aug. 1. 1022. PLenRlS.' wife of Francis J. Martin and aYnilrxF1' the late Ida Carr. Relntl?e, andi?IS are invuea te attena runeral. Sat JH' A. M.. lata residence. TMn ii..'.' ' High mass at St. Clement's Church. P. Jf! vllle. 10 A. M. Int. Hely Cress? ( i L'buuu.Ai uenver. i'a... nn itr4.. . August 2, 1022. nt 10 A. M., CHAIif& CLIFFORD McCORD. husband of siS Smvthe McCnril, nged 7n years. FuZEl services, en Friday, at 1:80 p. M iT late residence. 1147 W. 3d st. . til....!1 Js Interment Allegheny Ccm.. rittabiirsir'iff" 5IOONEY. Aug. I. ANNA, daughter - Mary and the Inte James A. Mooney .t!1 lite. nlul felnnile nla 4U. .t lls J Hell Telephone Ce.. am Invited tn siiiS funeral, Kat.. 8:30 A. M from her iti. residence, 827 N. 43d st. Solemn rem!!! miisi at the Church of Our Vnth. .!? rows 10 A. M. Int. Cathedial Cem. TO" JAMES, husband of Oortrude Mulhetiu7' Relnfves and friends, also all er...uf .uin.iiui,i,jii-.i'. nuaiieniv. iH. . tlens el whleh he was a member. iriTS.' vltcd te attend funeral servlres. Sst . t ai it ins late residence. 130(1 v.. ru.J 1 si. int. livergrcen cem. Friends m .TS I Krl after H P. M. t MURRAY. Aug. 2. MARY C.. wlfi nf the late James Murray (nee I-enegran) R.i. thea and friends are Invited te stiJLi funeral. Sat.. 8:30 A. M.. from her i,i rsldence. 1022 Unity at.. Frankford. Sel 2 requiem mass at St. Joachim's Church ti A. M. Int. St. Deminic's. " O'xmi.t,. Auk. 1. Mrs. CATHARIM1 0'NEII.D. Relatives and friends are lnr2 tn attend funeral. Sat., 8 A. M.. late n? dence. BIO H. Water st. High requiem nun at St. Jeseiih'a Church 0:30 A. JI i,l Ilnlv Trues t'em. ORDISH. Aug. 1, 1022. THOMAS L.' ..unub.... i. iiuiiin , uiuiati, useu m, lieu, tlves and friends, also Michael Anu Ix)dge, Ne. f,30. F. nnd A. SI., are Inrla! te attend funeral, Sat., 2 P. M.. chatel of Andrew J. Hair & S)n, Arch nnd 18th lu. Int. Westminster Cem. . ,V,ALS!K2-J!J i?r?j..ATiLDAPjw.: .. "'. ""","" irienus nre invittt.u nttend funeral. Men.. 10 A. JI. from b late residence. Penn Widows' Asylum, llel E. Susquehanna nve. Services te he hell in thn Church of the Geed Shepherd 10 A M. Int. Mount Teace Cem. Remilta mil" be viewed Sun., after 7 P. M. - REMMEY. At Ocean City, N. J., Aug. I f-AI.Lin E.. widow of Richard C. RemrniJ nged 00. Relntlvcs and frlends are Invited U attend funeral services. Men.. 2 P. it, u the chnpel of Andrew J. Hair & Sen. Arci and 10th sts. Int. private. RIESS. Aug. 8. MARY R. RIESS, tn dm 87th year. Funeral services Sat., 1 P. X. ut her late residence, 1031 U. Park avt. la. prlvate. ROSENnEnGER. Aur. 1. at his n "ir iijiv UlliUlinill B.t riiAISKLlN U ROSENIJEROER. aged 07. Rilatlve, 5 friends, also Mellta Ledge. Ne. 10. S. of H. uun emviuyes ei Artman-ircicnier Ce., in Invited te attend funeral services. Sat., 1 . ' ,i..t diui.vi.n v.iiurcn, int. rru SHOEMAKER. At Swodeshero V T Aug. i. ISAAC S. SHOEMAKER. In Ui ,8th year Relatives and frlends are ! vlted te attend funeral services, at his lit luMiui'iici', nwi'ucsuore, iN. J., 1'Tl., 2 r a.' Int. Lake Parle Cem. .. SOMMERS. July 23. at Plymouth Union.' vt . EI.IZAIIETH M. SOMMERS. wits st the latu Jeieph Sommers. of Phlla.. In tha With jcar of her age. Int. at rij-rairatt Notch, Vt. STEWARD. At Jullustewn. N. J.. MART. wire of Jehn Steward. Funeral from B flat Church, Jncobstewn. N. J 8atJ. 1 P. JI , Htandaril tlmn. Int. Baptist Church. Autes wilt meet 10:3S A. JI. train frea uniRiieipiiia nt Jlordentewn. N. J. STEWART. Aug. 3, JIARY. wife of tH ln'e James Stewart (nee Reche). Relstlrn and friends urf Invited te attend funenl. ..Vnl" h'M A' M" rrem 'ler lt resident, -1.7 Jloero st. Solemn mass of requlra. ('hurch of St. Edmend 10 A. JI. Int. Helf Cress fern SWEENEY Aug. 3. RRIDOET. wlfs l Daniel Sweeney (nee Ceylo), of Fayet. Cout Denegal. Irelnnd. Relatives and friends, tin II. . JI. Sodality nnd nil societies of wblcl yhe was a member. Invited te funeral, Mea, 8:30 A. JI.. from residence. 3308 Parrlih it Solemn icqulcm mnsB at St. Agatbi'l Church 50 A. JI. Int. at Hely Cress Cem. band of Ellen U.' Telanif 7nee MellhenntA Relntlves and friends, also Nineteenth Dlt- tnct Pence. St Patrick's C. C. Hely Nsw Society and Dlv. 12. A. O. II.. are InvtttJ te attenil runeral. Jlenday, 8:30 A. M, resldeneu mil) Lembard st. fielcmn reaulra iimei .-ii i Ulrica s unurcn 10 A. u. ' torment Hely Crena r?ma,i-v. TOOMEY AlIP 9. PIUKV Or v.n.hinl of the Iain Kntherine Toomey, aged 72, ReUi " nnu irii'iius, nise iiarquette ueuncii. .Ne, 280, K. of C.j Harris i.'lub and all elhir organizations c.i whleh h. un. n m.mber. are Invited te attend funeral, from the ri VS"" "' "is sin. iranu Toomey, jr.. ntn requiem ma-a at Heiy Child Church 10 A.M. Hit. Hely Sepulchre. TRAINOR. Suddenly. July 30, MICIIAEI son of the late Themas and Hrldget TralMf (nee Jlag'ilre). Relatives and friends Invlttd te funeral. Sat.. 8.30 A. M.. from alitsr'l resiuence. Mrs. Alice Murphy. 3S3B Ha mend St. Solemn renulem mna n, the Natltt Ity.H. V. M. Church 10 A, JI. Int. VUM iveueemr.., .. i, uiinnmi,. ...J wife of Jehn W Trexell (nee JIaya). Rertl tlves and friends, alre members eflarAVl ford Ave. 'iaptlat Church Invited te "ri tees. Hat,, a x: m., lata resiaenre, ' E. Hagert st. Int. private, Greensroei i K. of P.) Cem. Friends may call rn, TUCKER. Aug. 3. FRED .. husband of I Clara Wllllama Tucker and eon of Fredrll and Jennle Tucksr. aged 83. Funeral rvii I I Men , 2 P. I parents' resldcnce. 418 '''l i.Birjf f,.. i ruiiHiuru. nil. sbi -e .in. fiieiiuu muy Kail awu e. ...' UTIIlWr. Ull.-l- An A(. 0 MAlvl . A . widow ' of Jeserih ' Welael. in hsr 1'ft year. Relatives and friends are lnvUiJ0i'. LXZLSrX&'WUoir'leli. Oteer. HUlslde Cem. ,, u' I WIGGLESWORTH. Aug. 2. HARRY l I son of Harry II. and Sarah E. AVIggleswertM in 111s .vwi year, I'um'im pniii"- ,v VLl I iMeaannt ave., Mt. Airy. Int. private. i WOLF. Aug 1. MARIE, widow of W' i' it . nt niB parents- rosiuence. -j' --11 .. "I VT". 'lC".'"!.. "'""". 7;i.nlhl nam wen. agea no. iHmuvm ,.u ''r-im also members of Frelden Lutheran UiJjejJ are Invited ti attend funeral services. e' B P. M., at her late resldence. 727 B T at. Int. North Cedar Hill Cem. Friends Wl call rrl , after 8 . PABCEIi POST 2BORN IN PIinVPEIfniA! ILUSKP F.VKRYWUERE B-R-0-W-N,, WINDOW SHADES nuiit With e Reputation" Mule I'seeclsllr If Fit Your Vilai! H. M. BROWN 109 Se. 10th St, Phlla., Pa PIIONB WALWTJT 6611- A BIG BARGAIN- Henry Disston & Sen 18 anil 0 P Only niuimuu Aiiiuu,,. nm,M- Lis tH. ca I'ur iia- Our Price $2.35 nrcel Test. J0e.lilr T ONE WHILE THEY li8'. OET R.nl,mln'i Hardware store 241 Market St.. Phlla.. ''- MOHAIR SUITS $70 nnu DCirU CI1ITC ' UP rfluu ucnvu kjvii .irvi SAMUEL COOPER PeP, 1010 GIRARD AVE. - . iuV Wmm i . .' s I Wmf ime tj- I ' I v-ilfVi"B?-iTl,h, thai card nnr. 17,73.---.-" ,.". ky'.iv-,. .x.-. !l .. AiaV ;. ia '',i -j"w