" f im susf 5 J s Vt"i XW, V i "V :' Second Day's Events Bring Star Performers Together in Big Program TEMPERAMENT IS WERT'S HANDICAP Petty Things Anney and Hurt Came of Famous French Tennis Player HAS GREAT WAR RECORD Hy CAUL FISCHER rMI" Klntlrs Chnmtllen Scahrifilil. Aug. -1. An nvlnter nnd in artilleryman. Thjs Is tlic war rcc tti of Andre Henri Rebert, the eldest ind captain of the French Davis dip players, who contented In tliq lnvltntien tournament here this week. (Jehprt's teammates nre Henri Cochet inrl .Iran lloretrn. All the Frenchmen ire very Interesting. It is tlic first time thnt France rms Invader) Amerlcn in quest of the Davis Cup nnd the players nre receiving n royal welcome. Next week they piny the Australian team fit Itastnn in the (tml-tiiifll round nnd If successful will niipee- Spain In the final at the Gcr mnntnun Cricket I'luli In Philadelphia en Aiiftnvt !" jS n"(l 1"' Een If Australia does defeat Frnnee it HeMnn, Philadelphia still will linve a dinnre le see the Frenchmen, for tkev lime nreinKcd te remain in this country for the nntlennl singles which n in lip played fit tne wcrmnntewn Pricket Club, beginning September 8. Wen Crelv lie Guerre Rebert was first assigned te artillery nrl then le aviation. During service he wen the Legien of Hener medal, tlie Croix de i.ucrrc. wun six citations, nnti the KnglMi military cress, ijuite a record ! finhert is thirty-two years of ace. about six feet four inches tall, nnd very well built, lie is the Hill TIMcn of the Invading Frenchmen, mid has vic teries out practically nil of the fore most nlaj'Ts of Ihe world. He nla.v.s very gracefully, yet there is great power te all his shots. Ills s'relses ate ex ecuted in perfect form. His whole game in practically (lawless. Yet he is net the world's greatest player, and this is largely due te his temperament. l'etiy things annoy him greatly. This wn unite fvident In his recent match with Williams. The court was very heavy and he slipped continually. In each rase It would tnke him several points te cot uncu en ins Knmn again. Hl actions during this match amused the gallery greatly. He was continu al; talking te himself In both French and Kngll'h he sneaks our native tongue well. On one occasion, when illlnms made n seemingly impossible return, a half volley which left the Frenchman helpless. Rebert waved his arms in the air and shouted. Next eck the Australians nre sure te hear from this massive Frenchman. Considering that he is necustemed te hard courts, for they have no grass courts In France, and that the court here uere very soft, due te a great amount of rainfall recently, Rebert lias played renmrknbly well. It was nl- men Impossible for such a large man te keen his foetinc en wet turf, anil roe he played 'Williams, who Is in excel lent form, te a standstill. If conditions are mere normal next week at Long Leng Long weed he will be able te execute his strokes with freedom nnd creat ef fectiveness 'Watch him! Borotra AVenrs lint .lean lloretrn. whnan Immn le f Biarritz, in Southwest France, is tnll and well built for tennis. He has u met likable manner en and off the court, lie sneaks Lnellsh unite well. When playing lloretrn wears his nn. tire lint, n sort of blue Tarn e' .Shunter. He mid id me: "I cannot net nlnns? without- tlilu hut It has become quite, u mascot. When I de net have it I might just as well M minus thirty at the beginning of ench taiiir. Then he added, witli n irln "TM- j really mt.v true, for my hair gets In my face if I de net wear it nnd I cannot see." I Ills is mere truth thnn fanev. for his hair Is very long. "I might wear n ! Handkerchief around my forehead," he j lentlniied. "but this does net leek welt. 1 t'r a Imir net. but this weul.i he ten ! efftmlnate. ' V "- .-" Ilnretra and Cochet did net ploy par wulnrly well here. They just landed Saturday, nnd we-e compelled te piny ! UV'i'lH's flMHRiK iliRftnening warly exlinusted from the heat and hu midity. "Toe Hut Here" "Though it is often het in France. is never damp humid like this " te the cattle, but tluy seric.l 'Tt t.'Tw ' Jt'terday " ' u " "s I illla iii I' I Illll'll IIIIIV lim.l Mtlieugli the French only have haul ii ,' '"' " ''J'""' piny ia mere sun Majers. "lTi.,V!!s!',r,i -l"--- "- west em Wieilse,... ' ",'.'!k", "" "" rlreke., or f'..M,i iw UI'm! '' tJ'l"e"1 ' ,,l I:"" rh; l,P. They me iiicusleni- cnut-rn ,i.,.i. ....1- i- -.1.. ind ii..r..-.n , " " ",-" fetirt I hM e i '.'r'1 ,",,(, ,0 n---!-t them -,!., "" '"- '"" ' tlU1 Tl. "!': " KHiiie, dirieiin.. V r,,U: .,l(:,(, is "'"I"- the I..1 V '" 4,iiie il, .1111 hr. an inec- inei-' tri :, :..,"',. " "i''i'h.a, who has , for thirty J'ld Cailtnlllcil'h 111 I l,n .nnii.l.' I-'... .1 years. lu ,r StJtes ,..., , , .(sitn. i lllll-l. , - 1 . - ,- ,,v 'in i iciicn nrmicb durin 1I.0 -r ami is n Legien of Hener m.,.,' lie Dest 1 no thnt i.nc 1 "n"; 1 ,1 - "nil IIIIS UCCIl IIUIIOI Jta, ,;,yiII,,".,ns """'itlieii. Williams . ' ' '.'". '"Ill llllllMI rnii.i... ""'" .eieei racket t. ' wnini! ,,iui heavily and lightning j v.. ,, '" eirraKs Still Hint' I, In many nn,. nut 1 .":, " i'."v--i. Ul. v """ "i i" me graiuisiaiul .re 0II'!;,',.',1 ltei get away fiem tlr.,ni . ',',".." steel racket might . lm. ,JK .... .. L cgatta Splashes r.awsiw tfci-"v ir.i.v Vn T l 11,. k. ... I'---dtii ,, ., I.;,. ....' ..' "."" it- no. P lii'k '"; ,""1 ,",".' nlsht Buh-er IiVb fr ., fb' te t. ''"""I Hs and Hill net le k' LtLe.ni '0,la'- llla vUua "'III In ukeii ii iriiiHin eluni. nn re. f-'ftiV If.':, n,,,,,ll", ! "I-Tsllv of r n lh Vnin"1', "IIIMl'ike llarhelmv f, i" which I uinh ,r,')"lll""'l fnui -eared l -" re e, ne red '"'r ""'' -,c-1""hii nn four hell nu In.''l""'""!" h.nn wl llidrawn their entry I!"! en led1,''.,''.1," elKhl-enreil . . . '. ' idrp, me In 1. .'.""' nhla and iluiii,.. ,.. Pl.il- . . Wlllinnre cai.i,,,"i ."" Arundel I'lul., f -"" .'me. St 'S&tf ly.?rkrar0n";.-,n'-,h ,,""' lVhV,lu,u".,,PI';i. llnrBe and tmdlne i1 'ne nf ill!" '."'" ''".-' 'harle lie Jiinlnr ih. i.,ri "' "'" m I surprised by " ht with ,2e """"" " "" -ahW "'"en If, .einnni.i "' "P '"Wine en it, ?." h . ",r,? "r.',1 .iL"?'''-'a.1 f "I" lilinleal v. la iegnrdV.1 ii Lle ln0 'rlumnlia iesier. JhMtllv of r.n.vili-7m1r hlli.rytat the Jn.r,f rvice Bliil,vl'!l,t but who because srpri,,u'n;c5 nr tntsred the University. These Pitchers Were in Unusual Ferm Yesterday Reminiscent of the days when home runs were n novelty nn un usual number of shutout games, In which the losing team was the re cipient of few hits, were recorded yesterday in the major leagues. In the star performance Herman Pllcttc of the Detroit Tigers, blanked the He1 Sex with two hits. In four ether games, three of thnn shutouts, the winning pitchers allowed four hits. Arthur Nehf, of the (Slants; Iturlelgh Rrlmes, of Ihe Dedgers: Whltey Rlnzncr, of the Pi rates, nnd Rcerge Mejridge, of the Sennters, were these who twirled four-hit games. Belyea in First Sculling Heat Continued from I'ntte Onn spurt that brought him borne a victor, with McRulrc content te qualify with out bavin gte race,, the Uanadian the Inst quarter mile. Frem the form shown Tlelyen should be the favorite feri the final this after noon. The first big upset of the regatta oc curred In the second heat of the Asso ciation senior singles, which Rllmere captured in 7 minutes .'17 1-5 seconds. Duninii Peer Fifth The surprise was the overwhelming defent of Johnny Durnnn, of the Argo nauts Club of Terente. The son of the former Kddie Durnnn, professional sculling champion of North America several years age, who finished third last Saturday In the ('nnndlan chum chum plenships, finished n peer fifth. i Durnnn. nt tbe first half mile, was giving Rllmere a great battle and with the remainder of the field closely binched net far behind. At the three quarters mark the local lad had u couple of feet lead en ' the Dominion youngster withgeth rowing in excellent form and apparently going te finish one-two. At the Island It was noticed from the press Miiml that Rllmere was draw ing away from Durnnn and that Uussell Cedmnji, of the Fnlen Hunt Club. Hus Hus eon, nnd Jack Messing, n local lad, were making great strides In their ef- . forts te catch up with Diirnau. Stroke' after stroke saw Durnnn drop behind, I he apparently lucking the strength te' keep up his early drive, which made ' him leek like a certainty for the final. ' At the end of the Island nearest te the ' judges stand first Cedmnn. then Illess ing, and later Carey Faulkner, of the Riverside Club, of Cambridge, passed the Canndlativyeungstcr, who evidently had rowed himself out In the early part of the race. Argernen Fltzpnttlck. of Malta, fin ished sixth, and Lee Scharf, of Arun del, of Baltimore, seventh. J n the final thli afternoon Helyea. McRulre, Rllmere and Cedm an will meet the winner te row in the national singles championships tomorrow. Frem the form shown this morning the fight will be between Helyea and (ill mure, who have met en several previous oc casions. I. ust Saturday, at St. Cath arines, Out., Helyen defeated Rilmere by n length in the Canadian champion ship". A fair-sized crowd lined the banks along the course for the heats this morning. Lightweight Doubles The senior l.'O-peiind double shells race, the first event of the afternoon, will bring together a fast and brilliant field. I'ndlne. Pennsylvania Harge and Vesper all have speedy crews. Rcerge Allisen nnd Jack Hlessing, of Undine, appetii' te be the strongest combination. The Duliith Heat Club, of which Hoever Is a member, has a crew en tered in the intermediate four-eared shell race, nnd will be opposed te the Nonpareil Club of New Yerk, West Philadelphia Harge nnd Vesper The senior single quarter mile dash, in which It is hoped that Hoever will start, brings together n fast field. Tem Koenev. the veternn, new rowing for I'tidine; Leuis Zelm. Rllmere nnd W. R. Ilapgoed, of Hachelers, constitute in nn uant neiu. uir iHm-nimn-u . his spurs en the Fourth of July nnd is regarded as one of the best of the iiOU-r nnrsnipn coming up. Hoever i,r.iiu tlm reiTinl for the distance Il'il-i I I.- .......... -- r .... ..r i...f tn row is tne fiuesuen confronting Wnlter Hoever, winner of the Diamond Sculls nnd holder of the l'hlladelphlu Geld Challenge Cup. The champion en his arrival here stated j u.-ei)J'' net compete, but would give an exhibition, en tne Kr..,ni- .int he vwn, tint In n proper condition te go through n strenuous rurr, Jr Is also said that Hoever made 11 statement saying that he did net in tend te de any rowing except, when lie gnve his exhibition. Heeuts brln, ,IP u,nl " ,ll(' H'lluth blndesmnn has been practicing In the morning bnnrs nnil .Kimlnr nil the superri form thar has brought him fame and glory en two continents. Several of the officials say that Hoever will enmnetn this afternoon in the (piarter-mlle dash. Others rriFerntc the remarks made bv the Westerner, when liM arrived beie. A few luiznrd Ihe guess that nobody knows what Is B----JR le , himpen ll . ' '" nave nil 1 lie inn nnu msih "11 uiu lee.cr. Hoever Is iion-cemmltlal, prea- ably because he has been Interviewed s 'rrnniinntlir .if lute llint be cillllint " -i'.. ....,' -' .-.. ...... ..- Irani" unswern te iiilestiens specdlly (enough. lliinrnrl-sV-M. ,, IVnernin ,A senior single i)uarler-mlle dash Is among the events en the program this; afternoon. The name of Hoever eccu- ... .. (, 1 (Fi ,,,.lr i. . .... ... .... officials mnv bine horn presumptuous or! they may have been in en the knew when they sent the printer the Jlst. Ne one seems le knew definitely, and 1 o'clock this afternoon Is regarded as an important peiled of time for the reason that the race is scheduled te Mart at. that time. Xet only 1-, Hoever's possible racing, something of a mystery, but reports. sifted thieiigh the press stand y ester lav afternoon during a lull in the row ing that Jack Kelly and the present titleholder would row nn exhibition dash race sometime Saturday afternoon. The Falls of Schuylkill pride was in At In nt l- City and could net be reached. Hoeier, as In the case of his vowing In several races, had nothing te snv. lie may regard the rumor as tee silly te even answer n question nbeut It. That is whut is bothering Bentheuse Hew. Regatta Results I'lrst heat. Association Penlnr elnsrle ehella - Wun b llllli, n Heliea, Ht .lelin flub, N'ew llruiiswlrk, second, Kdward Mcduire, XrutuHl llewln Club, Iluffale, third. (', M. lcreiint New llechelle Club, fourth. Minn llellei, Lene Star, fifth. AUKlist .Miiek Ut, W'eiKerti Ileulns: Club. Nt, Louts, Time, 7m. na ji-si. Hecend heat Wen by W. K. Garrett (III innrc, llacheler's Ilarint Club, second. Uus sell Cedinan. Jr . Union II. C, llosten; third. Jehn nUsslmr. Jr . Undlns; fourth, Carey Kaulkner, Itlvrrildt fl. C. Cambridge, Mi.i fifth, Jehn Drnan, Arsenaut n e,, -ut B, O., Irk. Malts Torentoi sixth. Alje'tien fltinatrlrk. Malta n. C.l sMxilh, Lee JT-harf. Arifl-aeJ 8. C, BsttteMt.-TuiM.-'liR. allis. T EVENING PUBLIC EvjtU!'J?v'' . -' '"?""' Z? Ji ' ", ,'.Mki, "-Kf- ,tjMtA"' etas?"tSW ''' fliBl r JvAtwc' jaT ' i . itillBP"M MHHfeMiiSSilllllllllP' & t' --st. 'tL'' 'Jf'HiKy ' jMMBei $ C .HHMqHMMIMI& "" A-". t m A 3my tBWnT IIH'' 'JfllK !-"THf-':' sttUKBKKBB3lK!m'm',m'm fvmr iillllllllllllBisViBIIWQiflillllllllllBilllHHIIIIillllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllK ' ''' ' fc " "a.. ?4.iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiK,lls - iB'"EJm .. &m it -rillllllllllllllllllllllllllllillllllllllllllllllHiiHfekw- j iiBfaHaH . JBISk . Stf'W' MrtdUMP" .IliiiiiiiiiiB' IllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllK- v ' PWmtZLBKmJr- The Arundel Hear Club, of Baltimore, wen the junior double shells race In the National Regatta en the Schuyl kill yesterday. Tlie victorious oarsmen were H. Vlchmejcr and I). C. Williams Runs Scored for Week In Three Big Leagues NATIONAL LKAOIK Ml TV FS Pittsburgh.. Chicago St. Leuis... Phillies .... New Yerk.. Cincinnati.. Bosten . . . . Brooklyn ... 1 10 13 r. 2 a si1 AMERICAN LEAGUE IS M T V T I JFS Cleveland .. 11 14 17111 0 Detroit .... 7 11 111 114 St. Lenls... 4 10 .- 4. I New Yerk., fi 2 5 II Washington. S 81 3i 4f 211 Athletic ...I 2 II .11 8 5 Chicago .... I II 0 Bosten I1 2 21 I 4 52 43 21 21 II) 10 0 INTERNATIONAL LEAGUE S M TW TF Sfl ButTale 0 !f7"0 38 Terente .... 3 l II 5! 8 31 Jersey City. 15 4' " 130 Rochester .. 1 51 8112 3 120 Reading .... 17 3 0 0 2 Syracuse ... 4 0 7 22 Newark.... Ill 31 15 2' 120 Baltimore ..'l( 0 41, 3' 117 BEN LEONARD MAY TAKE ON ENGLISH AND GERMAN FOES Lightweight Champien Plans Trip Abroad, Starting Sept. 15 Michigan City, Ind.. Aug. L After engaging in possibly one mere contest, Benny Lcennrd, world's lightweight pugilistic champion, plans te sail for Fnglnnd In quest of new opponents and te give his mother nnd sister nn Euro pean trip that he has planned 011 since be took the championship from Freddy Welsh. Leenard, according te announcement from his training camp here today, plans te sail for England nbnut Sep tember 15 for an indefinite stay. He will meet Ever Hammer, of Chicago, In n ten-round bout here tomorrow af ternoen. He has been offered ."0,000 for a twenty-round bout with Ernie Iliee, British titleholder, nnd also is nego tiating for a contest with a German lightweight in Berlin. Before sailing, however. Benny mny engage l'jnkie Mitchell, brother of Ritchie Mirf-hell 1 - ... . I.. f!l...n 1..- in a ten-round contest in Milwaukee , August 25. ... I .",,,, . .. . i "Since my determination te box as, often as possible I think I have done very well," Leenard said today. "I met three goon men uritieu, jsansas nnu icnu er nn wun n n 1....111.1. 1 IluVr niiuiiirr iuiik" uiuiiii mi iuj iitiuua by Kcntt Terry, former rllrher for the Thlla- d-lphla A.thltlc, Kdmundsen wr.s a former ...i.t- -- ll Ik. jTIIai aIhhiI A miplna u imttlelder with the Cle eland Americans. tomorrow, when j mcKie iinmmer. home lfBm, ha, flpen ,;, tomorrow-. Ai- Hip, te which n purse of Sin.OOO is , " ,' : , ,iU , ., , Ih" Kut rj and AuBum in. Mananer Ludwm . added This venr's vilue ! nn Vi.hiiVinn "i,h Uis twenty-fifth circuit smash of Edmundsen Succeeds Geerge Cecklll ""a '!,." te? ,.rh.h,B ?f SS(KX, ever prien's '", "Srs". The jl?' ""fc "h tie ' Nai,.Vl I engue Shamekln. !.. Au. 4, atom. Ceckilt. nxleu te book Ken. Ileum. Theno Ernest Rothschild Cup, n handicap te which ' 5" "ml thr'ee , III" rear of Ken for the pat two years mnnniier of the Ludwle. Lembard lb.t). 1 $4(M)( Is added. Is for three-year-olds ,,"1, 1 . 1 .. 1 - ? Eaule Hllks bameall tem here, en.i nt the , , feni.i :,, -., J ,, ' Williams, who tepd both leagues with fastest inn.ri'ndent tenma In th state, ha Secures Heme Field upwaid foaled in Canada. Horses tW(.n,v. eight. been depee.lR mannBer nnd will be buc- , , ,, ' 1 nri' ,-1-V IiBlbIe for this race which .inn-rer Sneaker made bis eichth eneded by Kdward I, ndmundeen. late of The Pennsylvania Uallrend Trnve er hae 1 dlir ng the year 1ft" have nor run nn.,,. . '",nn-:';r PpaKer mane ills eignin h. HnrnDll. N. Y.. n-ofelenal. mannirel secured a home Held nnd want te iehnn.,i u "r"'k "' .,' .' na -e net n'n "P"" ' fnnr-biie clout of the season in the National Regatta Races te Take Place en Schuylkill Today .1:00 Senior 1 50. pound Deuble Shells: 1, Crescent Beat Club, Philadel phia (R. Nenemaker, R. Ilubcr) ; -, Western Rowing Club, St Louts tniirry rinin, A,iKust .iiuhicr) i k. Pennsylvania Jinrge Club Philadelphia (R. F. O. Jaeger, S. R. Mellard) ; 4, Vmine Barge Club, Philadelphia (Rcerge W. Allisen, Jehn Blessing) ; fi, Vesper Beat Club, Philadelphia (.W. L. Nelsen, R. Flloen) : 0 Potemn B. ('., Washington (L. K. Ashford, R. Duncan) ; T, Penchnrtrn"n R. C. New Orleans (Alten B. Khcrts, Walter L. Falk). 3:30 Intermediate Four-eared Shells: 1, Duliith Beat Club (W. Ceventrv D. Dever, L. Ward, L. Leteurnenu : substitutes, B. Forward, j' Mi Carter; 'J, Nonpareil Heat Club, New Yerk (Henry H. Living stone, William II. Symington, Walter Klapp, Kdiniind I J.' Living stone; substitutes. Jules Oehlers, II. P. O'Dea) ; ,S, West Philadel phia Beat Club (William Weed, William McCormick, Kdward Hcffer nan, Kdward Duffs; substitutes, Jehn Cunningham, Raymond Cum her) ; 4, Vesper Beat Club, Philadelphia (J. Mcddcs, F. Kester W. L. Oeretz, A. Beckharil). ' 4:00 Senior Slngle (Jiiarler-nilln Ba-sh: 1, W. K. R. Rllmere, Bachelors' Barge; L W. R. Ilapgoed, Bachelors' Barge; .(, Walter M. Hoever Duliith (may net row); -1. Themas ,f. Rooney, Undine Barge 5, Leuis Zoha, Bohemian B. C, New Yerk; (1, August Mnckler' Western H. C. St. Leuis. '"' .1:30 Intermediate Single Shells: -Intermediate Single Shells: 1. M. Gomez, Riverside, Cnmbridee L. William Haynes. Metropolitan R. C.. New Yerk; ;t. W. J (J Berle, I'lilverslty Barge: 1, Themas Molley, Nassau B C ' New New Yerk; 5, F. J. O. Muff, Ravenswood, X. Y. : (I. W. W. Shoemaker Ba'chelers' Barge; 7, B. Ltewskl, Arundel; S. H. Shoemaker Fnlen B. C. ; 0. R. II. Agnew, Undine Barge; 10, R. J. Adams, Celumbli II. C, Pittsburgh, 5:00 Senior International Four-eared delphia (J, Ilatines, T. Mnguire, P. Costelle, K. Myers; substitutes W. L. Gets. A. F.ckhart) ; L', Duliith Bfjar Club, Duliith. Minn W Cenventry, D. Dever, L. Ward, L. Leteurnenu; substitutes u Jehn-' eon. F. Champien) ; a. Bachelors' Barge Club, Philadelphia" iFdwnr.'l P, Mitchell, Jr.. J. Wellsford, Ralph Roberts. Sydney Jellineck ; sub' Kiiuiirs, i. uiiri'ini jiukiii -iiioei r . itienie) ; -, lVniiRvlvnni,, Barge Club, Philadelphia (J. J. Bradley. R. T. Martin. C F linn num. II. C. Wilsen; substitutes, K. S. Zleber, S. R. .Mellard) taaejilnHnii CaiiIah UIiiiiIa Ulinllu llunl Iff a ' 5:30 Association Senior Single Shells, 0:00 Intermediate, (liiadruple ShclLs: Wncnhntr 1 Tn.nnmnn.. V tl (C. Mnrshall. II. Hemlersen. O. Nenemaker. 0. Huber) " ii,.. weed B. C. L. I. City, N. Y. (O. R. Kssman. C. ThuiiMmm F T Oiilnn, .1. F. Oaks Muff; substitutes, W. Fverett Hnvnes ' i" k" Massime): 3. Hachelers' Harge Club, Philadelphia (R. "n'lrclnv i.-.,ii,. t n.,..i. ii... i... i..ii. tii.... ... . '. "'. "'irciay .....fc.ii, . t.i.uKiuii iuiii;, uiuiiii iiuneriH, I'.iiwnril V Mite he 1 Te . Sydney Jellineck, J. B. Iluhn) ; -1. New Yerk Athletic Club New Yerk City (Jehn J. O'Sullivan, Rcerge Crabtree, Lnnsln-r Vnnlleu! ten, Jehn II. Kcrslnkn; substitutes, Geerge Cusln Carl T Hns nrnucK) ; n, I'nten Beat Club, New- Yerk """ "" t 't. .ciiM.-u, SUDSUIUICS; U. tnee, R. Rln. pergcr). v ' l 6:3(-Iiitwtne(llati Elglit-eared Shells: 1, Arundel Beat Club. Baltimore 2. Undine Harge Club. Philadelphia : 3. NW n.i,.i u i-;lmi" 1 Recbelle, N. Y. : 4, Dulutb B. Terente, Can. V LEDGER PHILADELPHIA, FRIDAY, WINNERS IN NATIONAL REGATTA JOHNSTON TO PLAY L Fermer National Champions Again Contest for Seabright Bowl This Afternoon EAST VS. WEST MATCH Seabright, N. .1.. Aug. 4. William, M. Johnsten, of San Francisce, and H. ! Xerrls Williams, 2d, of Bosten, both former national chnmplens, will meet today In the final round of the cup 1 singles en the turf nt the Seabright j Lawn Tennis nnd Cricket Club. I Johnsten, ranked second among the tennis players in this country, nnd WIN I Hams, ranked sixth, linve advanced te, ' the finals through nn Imposing field of 'players from the four corners of the I earth. J Patterson, Andersen nnd Werthelm, the Australians; Shlmidzu nnd Knshle, J 1 the .Inpanesc; Rebert, Borotra and Ce- diet, the frenchmen, ami encKcn. tne; Englishman all went down te defent , In ether rounds, but Johnsten nnd WIN 1 Hams played through. Williams In the seml-linnls. mastered Francis T. Hunter, of New Yerk. (!-. 11-7, mid Johnsten cllmlnntcd Rebert Klnsey, of San Francisce, 0-1, ll-l. The final In women's single's will have as principals, Mrs. Molln Bjur stedt Mullerv. the national champion. nnu .uius i.euc 0.1111.-11111. ui n i-m .. .. T ii Tl.... c. ..r .'... Vmrtnn Mnts Mm Afnllnrw wen her nlace in 'the final by defeating Mrs. .uny Bimen jimmy. 01 i.ua auk i 1 (l-n, (i-'Jt, and Miss Bancroft wen from .. r,.. 11 1.. T -.. t 1.. . the youthful Helen ills, of. nn iran- Cisco, 0-3, 0-3 BIKE RACES POSTPONED WILLIAMS IN FINA 100-K.lemeter Event will Be SUg-d.iSaX",! "ll'S Next Thursday Billy McLaughlin ; fifth Bellphrlzenin! The sudden downpour of rain that Hunlelgh, Sunday Best; sixth Fair swept ever the city shortly nfter 7 j 1 'hmiteiii, Prelude, Benus, o'ideck Inst night necessitated calling I ett the wis-Kiy inces ar the reint ureeze Velodreme, and the same pregr.im will b, ..'."' I'I ,'",,t for -'Mr l '"'"-"'. ., ' IS . " rKJJ.'!,"cr.,.?T;" '":: nnd there nie five rider enteied in the longest race of the ... .!... MM I'l... ..- 1.. -,.,, ,, ,11 ,11.1, I. ,1,1-, ,111,1 I, ..,- ,,,.- ,t.u .e.l'Mill 111 HUM'. I 111 ill'' I lt!!.t'llll .till- ,,... ,. i.n1,n ' iMi . vim,,. Llnnrt. BcIeIuii tltleliel.ler : 'Clarence lilUClMi '"IhlUll tillCllllllli-l I lUtVIIU' (,, ,..i, ,, m L,., ,,n i,u ,. T :,.,, Snm. 1llleH Miriuel, of France, ,- Frank Cerry. of Australia. Clearvlew Wants a Game unmft with nil the Icndinn clubs. AddreHS W. 1. Mitchell, tsiT North 'l'wcnty-swntlj ill mat nrt nhnna Tll'i miti.l IliW mrcet. or phone Diamond 3014. Shells: 1. Vesper Bent Club Phila Final Heat. Oltr iTI T ns . 1. . .,....... ' -' ". W. O.. Duluth. Minn . V a...."...t' n ti,. rei.AB 1,.... ti.u-K j-ii..u . ifiiii- 111 tn '.-i u 1 iif liirfiriin .liitnmti n.. . ... Iillin limi.1 . 1 r I . , 1 ii'. A 1, t rescent Beat Club. Plilln,inini,i.. Heme-Run Hitters in Games Yesterday Venter- Season' iluy Total JVatker Athletic I uriiiniinn, Tigers . . . . Sneaker. Inillnns . . . Ilenllnr, IMillllps .... .Ineolien, . Curdlmil . . tannic (ilniilk Rtenicel. (Hunts Collin, llrewn MexrldKe, Senater . . . 17 7 7 n 11 fi LKAOl'K TOTALS TO IATK I0S4 American Ijeiuue 312 National lnpur 32rt THK LKAOmtH TO IIATK American Leninie William llrewn U'nlker. Alhlellr Kiilh. Yankee .1 Ilel'munn. Tlxer Miller. Alhlellr ,,'.'. Me.imel. Yankee Falk. Wlllli- Nev MrManuN, llrewn ' lke. Alhlellr turn, Ktsl Sev Judee. Senater '.', Ittith one yeur nKO 3 N'nllenal Ixiigue !!sr.'!',,T Ciinllnal .llllam. flilllle I.V. I'lillllr Metisel, (Hants . '- Wheat Kehtn ... '.. Alnsmlth. Ciirilln.ih' "! Kelly. (Hunt (rime. ChIm, ,. .. Jllller, Cuh ... Carey. Pirate . . . l'arklnen. I'liUlleH teurnler. CurdlnaU ....!!!!!!!! i IIOMi: KI7NS 1951 Amerlran IiiEiie . . Nutlenal IHKiie Id'Jl .'IIH 310 2H 2.1 IH lfi 10 II II H H H 13 II II 10 II ! t n H H - .... uveiens s inn 1 mr,. ii.n .na!....t. . " . . """ uiiucuuy "' ."" he Saratoga Selling TSrnknu I,., In,. ri,n.... 1 -, ,.. Rockpecket; second (stoeplechase) Hmii.. tt-... ...1...,. . . ,H,' y' ; '".ft X , m,' War Tnnk : seen,, uI.Jl ! l, ."' ,' A" .' "lack Hl..en. T.,rH..beutT . nl'-Alem. 'n.ll,l,,rt ....... l.... . e .1 . . '. ' 1 .. UUU1...I. , u,M- ,. 1., , luuriii ijeonueu, Sun Brae, Azreal; fifth JIessin.s Despair, Sundlnl II; sixth Elemental, Second Thoughts. Hidden .leuell- seventh - Frank Fogarty, Claymore; loedles. , Kleven stakes nre nrecrnrnm..,! fne decision during the seven days at Weed- 1 rnt eceuises wnicn nre net under the jurisdiction of the C. R. A. The value .. . - - . - --- .. i i t j of the Durham Cup has also been I-" "Mi dl "we'walle ! , 'tl;.' n;h. I , The Tigers strengthened their grip ,, 1 - ' ZZ 'kertlle'i'oeT'L ArJA -. J- ,. Z "I 1 ,v 'lm .,i'iie tl ... AtlVU-tleL. The Yankees . twin bill lit Navii. Field. In the open- .U'flA VEilTinllOCs. - Beets and Saddle ""ktXirJfr te keep I ing (e.uest I'll etc pitched . ..ne of b.s flldUlU 3 U LI Ul ICdl .'i".i..!- i,;u Seenker's Cleveland clanl tin-.t games of the yenr. setting tlie Iliib w p p ww "".I. v.ui.n,ii,- nun v.npe Clear Vi.hf the New lern -tiuni ace, m m, - m. ....... ".. - - i ur j uue nre Ihe nrnb.ililn en.,in.i.... tu. ..... ... i, ..r.me nftcr nn absence of 'lav and make It nn even Iirenk. II d- .T t -. net. t..u. I for the juveniles is.-i furlong, Horses "--.r CBIPCyC T Ufll C which appear best in etJier races are: 'yerk fans have bee,, eagerlv of the game, however, and tlie Cehhmw. EUGENE G. WILE I Flr.sr moo IInirinnl, ai ..ii. l ... ,.i i,..i- nn,i iii. ,,tti,in,, inir te 'ether .even runs in the mean- I ---''-".'t.ini.,-. i nit iiiisii i ri'iui .i mi in- n . i , i. iii iv .. r,... : i.... t tfa ur tl a uucra . ..,..., .euiituueiiB, nwtllting 111" nnnru,"-i "" "- '.""" .- ," . . i !-, .ft .. . I till resilll win linn...-' n in".., i. iiiu 8-aMin$",.wfJi ."" "'"". "l'",sren. was tied en n tnn of nccasiens. '?nlSe wmll ly '"' wlnnlns run in the tenth round lowest v no of ll $lr'00, -,,ewns the result of Scott's flukey double lowest Millie of any race. , k, h .in(.,i1i,u,1. McMillan, Whlskaway Sold for $120,000 anus a thriMi-iea.-eld' seh ofWhlskbreom II. Ineiis-urul rnnriureer of Menlch. haii Kpn.""i! .'.?r he record nrlf of JlJOOOn -.iiriin.Ku eiiirinxs. .. i.. a,,,.. uki.'.. W A' (. lark of .Mentana PAIGE "She Most Hcautijul'Car inlmtrica It Is There! YOU may never unleash all the tremendous reserve power of the mighty engine housed under the heed of your Paige Six-66, but it's there. Call Spruce 1410 for a Demonstration OPEN EVENINGS GOY A. WIllEV MSTfirTCS j Paige a;d Jawett Distributors I BR9A0 STREETiAT.VINE. PHILADELPHIA Aiteciatc Dealers oimen-s Atrre works. 8933 lUrerferd Ate. 8. 8R0AP. ST. PAIOE BAtES 00., 8018 Seuth UtesaI 8t. rEWOIl MOTOR OOUPAKT S3S Merth W Bt. HAMILTON OAItAOE, Hartley Bres,, Preps. STta sjid Walnut 8U. UtMES STEHTON MOTOB BALES n A1TD BEHVIOE PWIt Broekman. Pren. OCT. Kilns St. as4 BtsnUn An. AUGUST , 1922 LADY LUCK AIDS Tl St. Leuis Keeps Near Tep of National League, but Meney May Win GIANTS AND BROWNS LEAD , LADY LUCK is certnlnly riding en tt.n ...nr.n .r Krnnrli Rickey's i iFinimi-ci 1 I IIV. I I UIIIU I 17 1. jrHP.. irillllH'r Ul iiniis-ii saddle. There deen t seem te be nny i luck connected with the 7-te-l score tluy turned in against the Phillies yes terday, but figures hcnictlmes lie ""J they de In this ense. It is mere than probable that the i Cnrdinnls would have nosed In with a victory, even if the well-known i.nuy had been against them. Many nnd many a time Kb.c Wllhelm's hirelings hail chances te si ere. but something usually like Specs Toperccr's great step nnd threw, with two men en bases always happened. Then, Umpires Klein nnd Sentcll. ap parently blinded by the pennant glitter I of tlie Cards, usually saw tilings iiini I reacted te the lslters' a Ivnntnge. Sev eral times the few loyal nnd faithful 1 scntlPied about In grandstand aim ! bleachers rose nnd howled their wrath. Decisions close mies. always went te the men from Missouri. The streak of luck has been with the Cards for quite awhile. Up in Bosten a few days age, for instance, the Braves I hammered out fourteen lnts, were given ; -ix passes und stele three bases, but ' all they get out of it was 11 single b.nely run. There was one occasion ' when Fred Mitchell'H friendless youths 1 hit no less than four consecutive sin- ' gles without getting n score. 1 That was luck, pure and simple, for .Mueller made u lienehead threw te sec- I end linn-, against all the principles of 1 I the game, and tuuglit a man who hud1 ! eveiy right te expect that the hersejiide, 1 would be chucked elsewhere. I Then In New lerk the Rinnts Hail ' the bases tilled one time with one out. 1 Sinder pepped up and the situation was relieved. Then .less Barnes prome preme 1 nailed te the plate. Three bulls were dished up in succession. Then in duck 1 ing a near wild pitch .less" but hit the , ball and lolled it gently down te Stock, I who touched third for the final out. I But no one burring prebablv the 1 fans In the metropolis are sorry te see I the Cards K,.t the breaks. I hey have ! been waiting many u weary year for them. Giants ami Browns Held Lead v -.1..V uiih nrei uctive 01 no ..l.-iiice ill tb. -leiKiersIiip 1 rn 1 .n.j of either ,., , "'VA.iT. ..I '.'nl fern'i dlsnlayed by Art -.11 --. , ... . . . . . ll.llllll. '"-. ,' ..V.-::.. i.i.i t.-.i" vesterda-' when 110 inu mu mn mi- Jeter's fat-rushing Chicago Cubs with" four hits shows no is 111 real snaiie. Heme runs, as usual, played a promi nent part in the majority of the con tests The most sensational four-base wallop of the afternoon was that deliv ered by Reirge Megridge, the Senater ' .... .1.. ' i. ,.i,i,.,l Mm 1.. win bis .m-n 'a, ; He nllewed .',. White Se, four I f" ?,,! bits und n l-iin. h of geese eggs. It was the second st.nieht defeat for the Sex en their home held, nun it pushed them deeper into fourth place. There were four home runs in the A's-Browns fuss. Jacolisen, the burly enter fielder of the lengue leaders, knocked out n pair and figured premi- I tiently in the win. Cellins was the ether ! Saint te knock the ball out of the let. Wallier Rets Anether Ynnkec-Indian skirmish. This was an 1 uphill game from star' te finish, and I the result was always in doubt. The who halted for Kliner Smith. I Burlel'ili Urinies Is nt last Undine himself. The star nf the lien lis si alt "".... , .... .. ,..n.. ... .u . ...-. ' n l'-'- nh'l -' w,'"l u!l '" ' ' s.iri of the present Season, but 111 Ills List. r..... n..,c l, l,,w ulinun n tetnin tn his real form. cute rday he held the -Suburban Dtaltrt NORTHEAST OARAOE. I73S Wakellrr St., FranWerf PAIOE MOTOE OAR 00,. Ul Markst St., Ciradsn MADDEN'8 OARAOE, XaaDuUr Are,. Brrn Mivr CLARK'S OARAOE Inetr Ar Brrn Miwr HOSE CARDINALS ..n"lle. J lie i.iiii -s i mil'- "... . I.,,,,,!.,., ,,.,., ,, t Hit were ?nrliered off '""'.nu"r '"" pik u-.n ii'ne cnuiw e '' li7,. lniiL' enough te til Ke tie Iirst ,. " ; " pnuue waueu i mn mi,i -n. sixth inn slu!lli leim iiiimi.il ,,.... ,,i.8i.. his deliver-,. in ene with a drlie of 1(1.1 ard ,"- ---- - .. . :....:. I...T nl, ilnlVII IV I IU Mil. If llll.'ll . rl ,.. . , nii.w tin. Ilu'jmeu icii iiuhiiks uuiuii: " '- - i i.ihiiiiii .niniirr of the National Regatt What May Happen 1 In Baseball Today NATIONAL Lr..OVB ., flub Wen IiHt I'.C. Win Lese New Yerk fill ail .CIO'! .000 .film xt. ixiui, ,...:, at it .mis sm ,se2 C'hlrairit fi'l 40 .SUfi .fill .fiHO Clnrlnnnll fi.1 41) .Kin .fist .filfi I'liietiunrii no 47 .nifi .n'ju ..iie llrenkhn 4H III .lllfi .filK) .Ilia fliliiiex at r,H ..'tie .:ik:i ..M Hasina .13 Oil ..'111 .Ml .IU AMi:itir.v lkacm'K Club Wen liMt I'.C. sl. IiiN ... fill U .fiHI New Yerk fill 41 .fi7.'l ll'lrelt fid 17 .fill lilfiim fi:i 4M .fiSfi f IrtFliiiiil fill fij .son Win Lew SSH ,fi7S .ni7 ..-.07 .fits .;:m .3'iit .nan ..ion .film .I7fi IC.fi .411 .1111 .3!: .38'i Kf" 47 fiH .1711 in .tit Jntt Hestun 3! ni .3H0 inti:knatienal liivui i: . . . W. L. I'.C. W. L. P.C. iiiiiiiiiinvn i j v n ea-.M.in r: n ifi- IIim.1.- t pni ...- m r.ia tin Murr.ili. . in 17 .r.nfi .strnriiHc 11 m .373 ''r'. v ,tu uu .uii.riirK. . et tj YESTERDAY'S RESULTS N TIONl. Li:.(il'i: S. Ixitil. 7, I'lilIu.Mi.lili, 1. cv lurk, ."n (lilriiue, 0 I'ltixlMimli. ." HuMen, I. Ilrenkbn. I: Cincinnati, 0, mi:uicw i.K.vmi:. SLIaiiI. 'Ii Athletic. X. ew lrk. Hi: C'lrel.inil, l Men Innlnes). UuslilnKtnn. 2i IiIihru, 0. Ietrnlt, "1 lln-liin, 0 (drst cnmel. Ileirelt, 7: Ilnsten, 4 (second cr.rr.e). 1NTKM.VATIONAL LIIAOL'K .Terset Clly. I: Ni'unrk. 2. Iliiltlmere. 3 KriidliiK II. lliitTalu. Oi Straruse, 7. Torenton. Hi HerheKtrr. 3. A.MLItK V ASSOCIATION' St. I'imiI. 7s Telrilu, II (llrst Kume) St. I'niil. 7s T0I11I11, 2 (srteml eiimn, Mlluanker, Ii IiiiII.iiuiimiIIh, 3. Mil-lllc. ,1s Iuiitmis CIH. 3. .MInnruie!l, 7s Culuinliiis, 2 MlfTlir.KN ASSOCIATION New Orleun. 7 Memphis. 0 (10 InnlnR. tlrt Bimiel. MeiniiliN. 2s New Orlr:in, 0 (seeenil came). Illriiilnsliuni, II: 1. 1 Hie Keck, 1. CliiittieiiHiKii, Rs Atlivntn. I. Nasliilllr Melillc (net Krniind). LASTKKN l.i:riLL New llRtrn, 4 llrliluenurt, 3. SiirlnBllrld, 3: I'ilt-illelil, 7. MIiiiii.v. I. H.irtreril. e (II limine). Wiirrtsler, 3s Wulerliuri. 0. TODAY'S SCHEDULE N TIONAL I.I'.AOl'K l.diH- nt rhllndrlnlil 1. rliliaun f I Niw nrk. riltsbtircli nt lleMnn. Clnrlnniitl at llrnukhn, Mi:iSICN I.K.VOCK AllitctliH at si, imiI. New rk at Cleeljiil. Walilnclnn at C lilrncn. Ilu-len at Detroit, INTKIINATITIN VI. LKAOL'K Iteaillnc ut Jersey Cllv (two Raines), llaltlnieri- at Newark lltlfTlilu at Terente. HecJiestcr ut .sjraruie, slt.gning Heds te four hits. nnd the Robins wen. 1 te 0. Hivy wns .fitkf .nrtti r "'.'"" . . ... Ihe Pirates proved that their leuri''"'"' 1 ' .! " "" umiih 01 ine victories ever the Riants were bnnii fide brain and ether injuries be suffered, bv kcepii.g their streak intact at the ex- 1 - ' pens,. f tfie lowly Braves. Whitey Hele In One at Shuttle Meadow - Rllllier's deceiitlM' sheets puzzled tl." ,. lirltnln. .inn.. V.iit .ohnten home temil se milcn mill lour nieiin i core was In the nishtiap. Hest,,,, started ff e,. n .Unrr .-""'- " " - i te ii. i; n - nr i 1 n(. .l.r.,,,,11 tli.iv i.,rf Miiiiii. tn ruin 1 if. rT 1 ii in -t-..! P, B.White &Ce, Philadelphia's Largest Men's Merchant Tailors 808 Chestnut St. 7Uvl$i TOM MALOXEY Mavanrr nf P. ?. Whi'c S. ( Mn'diant Tailors of wis Chestnut St. YOUR CHOICE OF Fine Worsteds Pencil Stripes Silk Mixtures Checks Plaids Tweeds Herringbones Sun-Proof Blue Serges t A. This sale is for a limited time only. Come early and take your choice of these fine suitings. P.BiWhite&Ce. Philadelphia's Largest Men's Merchant Tailors 808 Chestnut St. OPfN MONDAY & SATURDAY UNTIL 9 P.! in i... O.V SHAWNEE GOLFERS ,' IN TIE FOR MEDAL Haley and Lambert Lead Quali fying Field With Scores of 80 E. G. CARLISLE A SURPRISE Shawiiee-eii-Delaware. Pa., Aug. 4. --Although nine than 100 amateurs I nil it try 'it it net one succeeded In gettini; below Ml in the qualifying round of ihe annual invitation golf tourna ment ut the Shawnee Country Club. The best produced were scores of 80 by K. W. Ilnley, of Lssex County, nnil ltnv Lambert, of Tienten. Three putts en the home green steed between Hrley and the ineilal. which was generally regarded as hard luck after having te play through a thunder storm in tlie afternoon. These with scores of S7 tied for the last two places In the first sixteen. Cleselv following the leaders was Kdgitr R. Carlisle, of Overbroek, nn unknown se far as tournament play is, concerned and he eiinie within ene stroke of grasping the medal. .1. IIop IIep k'lis. nf tlie Suliur'inn Club, developed 11 der.dlv streak en the greens thnt would have iiuiile 1111 open chnniiiiu envious; fin the first reend he took only 23 putts, anil with snub ;issstunoe bis card showed a total of Ml. I'laMtig with Hepkins was Dr. .T, W. Itebh. of Philadelphia, who get an H'2 along with Spencer .leiies. of Plymouth, nnd Alex '('eles, of Shawnee. BLACK ANSWERS SARAZEN "i Hae Ne Made My Last Putt," Wire te Champien San Jese. Calif.. Aug. 1. Replying e n telegram from Rene Sarazen. young Pittsburgh professional who recently wen the national open golf title from hi in by a single stroke. Jehn Black. California lininplen. from bis cot In 11 hospital here, said: "Tell Rene I hae no made my last putt " Black, whose life was despaired of when he wns bieught te the hospital after nn automeLile neeidnnt which cost the life of his companion, thought a moment and added: "Net by tt ""nn " . . ,js ' ifincK " physicians continued lus words, nnd new are impcfui for nn 1-.. f -!. . .L- ian cnunr "i inn . nr nin 11 -rail, in r in 7 North 10th Street tt tsi'-i ii juicbiric iuucs I umm-jBd Belt End SALE TOM SAYS: After our season's business I have en hand ever a thousand belt ends, just enough te build a suit for you. I will close out every one of these at the one flat price. I Made te Measure VALUES UP TO S49.50 $ i jr rf V.W.'tJ i-il '. ' AW ITS. V 'X y "m 1 lfi hole "-" Fffl llii. . ,i.ii(.. Vw.'t, M yfgv.kfr,t.:.. Aflb ,. fVrf