Evening public ledger. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1914-1942, August 04, 1922, Night Extra, Page 14, Image 14

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Stakes and Purses at the Saratoga Race Track This Menth Will Approximate $400,OOQ
I -
Saratoga, Off te a Fine Start, Premises te Regain Its
Lest Glory Many Feature Races With Classiest
of Entries te Be Decided
Tniir. blgr;et bet ! ever snw made en n r.u'e track vvn at Saratoga In 1000,
- when Olntnlmln wen the Snnitncn Cup from Wintergreen : .lehn W.
Gates brt .5100.000 mi Olnmbnln. the .lehn (5. (lueiier champion of Ills dnj-."
Thus spe'e tin1 Inte I'll Jasper veteran nice track official, n slinrt time
before bis death ln-t May. "Muib of tle tall: about lieavy hell en tbe trark
Ik mere vapor. ' In- rnntinued. "Hut bv fur the blKKet naRerlnc in the
country taken plane at Saratoga Tbe men with the money are te be found
there, ni well n lac!s who have no limit. Hut the plungers are few and
always have been,
"A .?."00 het b.v l'ittsburch I'lul or Uiley Ormnen seen grew in the imaRi imaRi
nfttlen and ui swelled b repetition until it pet te be nianv thousands. The
heaviest plunger ever in this country vvys C.ntiv. He would bet en anything.
Invited te a poker same in Tetm during a short l.i.vever. he mid: 'Ne. I
haven't time te piny poker, but I'll sl.oet di'e, and name ,our own limit.'
That was (lutes. He liked S.triitngu, because he uiuld play for hi?h stakes."
Saratoga. etT te a line start this year, bids fjir net only te regain IM lest
flery, but te surpass nnv nnv meeting, even in the days of Wllllnm C. Whit
ney. Secretary Knrlerker has nrrangrd a most attractive program. The
approximate value of the stakes and pures for the August meeting Is $4.Vi,0OO.
Enough steeplechase event. hare been interspersed te lend variety te the
meeting nnd encourage the jumping division of the sport.
And again, the .Marling wiles are te distance cnvtliing of the kind at any
time, which phase serves te draw breeders and turfmen from all parts of the
United States and Canada. Te give an idea of what may prove sensational
features of the far-famed sales, the first product of Man e' War will go en
the block. The wonder horse has a number of weanlings which are said te
hew much of the attractiveness of their famous sire.
rpilVRF, arc ether comparatively ;iie sires that have flash) offspring
" of great juumisc, among them Omar Khayyam. Chicle, Sir Barten,
Hroemxttck II, Xerth Star III and a long list of scarcely less notable
Strive for Hener of Represent-
ing Philadelphia in National
Tourney at Oakmont
Best Talent at Spa
MOUK than 1000 race horses are at the Spa. Among them are the best in
three divisions--the handicap stars, including Grey T,ag nnd Kxtermlna
tcr; the best three-year-olds, Including Whlskunay, the present leader for the
championship : 1'illery. the largest money winner, nnd Mervieh. winner e
the Kentucky Derby nnd eleven ether big races, but dethroned by Wblskaway
as the motion-picture champion; nnd the cream of the two-year-old division,
Including a large number of juveniles from Kentucky, Maryland and Virginia.
The initl.il stp in the decision of the hnmplenship of the two-year-olds
came with the running of the Flash stakes Tuesday. The winner of that
purse turned up in Dust Flower, with II. C. Tlsher's Cartoonist second and
August Helment s Messenger third. Majer Belmont's colors are te be seen
extensively at Saratoga, after an nbsence from the; turf of several years,
although the Majer has kept up his Nursery Stud In Kentucky the Inter
vening time.
Dust Flower's history Is somewhat pathetic. This, Peter Quince-Stick
Pin filly is one of two saved from the Lexington stable fire by ,T. C. Milam
when Milam and former United States Senater Cnmden lest about thirty
juveniles, nil highly bred. Milan's ether one saved from the flames is Annle
M. Humphrey, for which he refused $20,000.
Many great two-year-olds were net in the Flash. Bnd Lerner, recently
old by Jehn E. Madden te Sinclair and Illldreth's Itancecas stable for a
bif price, and one of the strongest youngsters in training, wni net in the race.
T. S. Casden's Martingale was scratched from the race. He Is expected te
hew well in future stakes at the Spa. Cyclone, ene of his stablemates, was
top-priced vearling. Frem his private workouts, tlm $1.1,000 son of Sweep
and Ilnllet Girl will repay his purchaser. Better I.uck, purchased Monday
by Benjamin Bleck, owner of Mervieh. for $120,000, has survived the severe
test of winter racing, nnd can be classed in tb lirst division of two-year-olds.
The Quincy stable has n geed one nr Saratoga In Caveat Emptor, by
Celt-Bobolink, winner of the Eastvlew Handicap. The Greentree stable has
Cherry Pic, which has shown considerable quality. "Willis Sharp. Kilmer
has Bhewn two geed ones in Sunference and Salley's Alley, which will figure
In the big event".
However, juveniles of wh!h the most U expected have net vet made
their bow in racing. Itialte. of the Harry Payne Whitney stable, is among
that class. Great Man, which wen two of h's rnces, was reported l.tme after
hhrtfeirri race.
'pun next important Hake ler juvcnlU at Saratoga m the I'niteA
States Hetel Handicap ,f $10,000, te be run tom'errnic, and all of
the leading contenders for the championship arc engaged.
Test for Three-Year-Olds
THE fhst Important test for the three -year-olds nlse will come tomorrow.
This is the Miller. II. P. Whittle h great pair. Bunting nnd WhlsLaway,
re probable starters. Mervieh will take a chance te regain his frown.
Pillory has been restiiyr at the Spa since his defeat in the Kentucky Special,
but his trainer Is sure the son of Olambalu can go en in these August stake.
H is entered in the Miller. Mr. Cosden's Snob II also will be ready for the
Miller. The Lexington stable's Lucky Heur, My Play Mibsienary, ,T. E.
Wldener's Bunantell and A. B. Sprecklcs Bunstar also are engaged tomor
row. The Kanrei'iis Kai-Sang .ilse is u Miller eligible
On August S the Delaware Handicap will mil the elder horses te th
front. Exterminator is nor named for the Delaware, but Grev Lag, Mad
Hatter, Thunderclap. Dunboyne. Dlmme-da'", Smoke Screen, Ben Hemme
and Gcntihty probably will face the burrier. and tl.e contest should have con
siderable bearing en fixing the champiensh.p
Among the great fixed events te be derided at the meeting for which
weights hate net lecn accorded are the Sarateg.t Cup, the Saratoga Special
Sweepstakes the Saratoga Steeplecha-e, tutf S.-uylerville Handicap, the second
Saratoga Special, the Spinaway anil various ethf-rs.
It. T. Wilsen, president of the Saratoga Hating Association, has shown
gata9 in the improvements wrought in the Saratoga racing plant, and no
wonder the famous racecourse has stngrd a remarkable "cemebiik." Attrac Attrac
tlre additions te nature are in evidence everywhere in trees, shrubs and
flowers, producing a riot of color. But the old kiosk, where tickets fermerl.v
were sold, is gene, and in Its place a modern booth through which-;patreiis
pais has been erected. '""
The region of the clubhouse ! a mass of Irydrangeas. phlox and ethr
hh brilliant hues. The lake new has a flowering border, with majestic swans
flaating In the eihng The clubhouse and grnndstnnd have been painted a
4ark terra ce'ta n'th grei n trimmings and tl.e lawns r'ese'y shaven,
rlllj ichelc is n scene, pleasing nnd restful te tJ fyf, ), Sara
toga i'M made a lemcbacl. Lengphimju and Aicel have nathine
ett the Spa
1 The ipinlif.lng round for the Pre
( fesslennl Gelfei-i' Association cham- ,
pienshlp, which will be played at the
Oakmont Country Club nt Pittsburgh, J
I sturted today tit Phllment.
All the tires in this rltv will trv for
1 the honor of representing the citv In
this battle, which will decide If Walter
Hagen is te rellmiuiFh the crown he has
worn as the champion of the associa
tion. New Yerk already held its
,qunllfjlng teund. ns has Pittsburgh, se
Philadelphia is one of the Iait cities
te decide en Its standard-bearer.
, The metropolitan district will send
feuiteen men. all exceptionally Ftreng
in medal play. The iiunlifj Ing round
i was p!ned ever the Slwanev course
nnd was wen by the home professional,
Tem Kerrigan.
I Clarence Hackney, of Atlantic City,
one of the famous eight Hackney
I brothers, entered from that district and
was one of the-e te qualify, though he
was ten strokes behind Kerrigan's
mnrk. Jim Barnes, Jehn Farrel, Jehn
I Gelden and Tem McNamara were
J among the ethers te finish with the
lending fourteen.
. The luck of Tem Kerrigan In vrln
' nlng ever his home course is rather tin
, usual, for It is seldom that n profes
sional wins n teurnnment when it is
' played evev his own links. That prob
lem faces Charley Heffncr at Phllment
A Iuttlng Championship
( It has been said often enough that
putting is one of the most Important
I and difficult angles of golf. The English
proved it conclusively en the Walten
Heath links some little time age.
A prize of $12ij00 was offered te any
golfer who could hole eighteen putts of
I eighteen feet each, and eighteen puttH of
four nnd a half feet each. New. S2500
, is just five times as much is Gene Sara-
1 zen wen at Skekle for takinc the enen
i championship, ee a Heck of golfers
I turned out for the competition. Among
mem were numbered such famous ex
ponents of the gams ns Jehn II. Tay Tay
eor, who recently arrived in this coun
try with Sandy nerd and James Braid.
Nobody even had n chance te win that
$2500. The $000 prhw te the man
who made the best showing was battled
for between II. C. Klech, professional
at the Woodcote Park Olnb, and L. O.
Jeb, of Wretham Heath. Kinch wen
out by holing seventeen of the short
puttP. Jeb was net successful en
the little ones, but dropped si of the
long putts, five of them en consecutive
I neies.
i The competition was decldiO en the
1 point basi-- four for the long putts and
two for the short ones.
The most peculinr part of the affair
was that Kinch is usually considered te
be rather weak in putting, and was
net expected te make much of n
! showing.
(Public Links Championship
ceuLDScf; - mere of w Jszte- VJ,.T0 ! "ir.
TeSPEuPA - ' MB -: THE ftREEM- - ftKWTT OgPifcX
aaS5'- MWSXBUb: aSBaSHaS lamK
aB-atjK SaaaaaaE- WWP ''WaaUeflaaaBaaaaaBgSaalaaaa--
gft "-'LiiiiL-y I , gBaaaaag jAlIM, EiSjMiaaaa3aaaC
"ftjTSUwpOM 1 faatiSL '"' - BLACK, : JHaaafc SPUD,-'
i ; Tr!E SteM-AkM) yffife - RLACK 'Wisaaal liL
Z X LYOU C0UCI Mlj&iESi -- - ; U"WVl - f aaaaaaaaaaaT V , 'cnP r:
n TilP-CEiLMlG- r5e -- rrlW cSSaaaaaaKC STlS: jg iBSaaaalaSSaRr'-. S fgP S
9HHI"Vbbb '1'- ''"''""Tr&B&A Vbbbbbbbbbbb H. HSjTJmi V "'T. f3IPMaBftZPsSSery gC aaaaaaaaaaf
"aaaaaiSaaaai " ''P' laaaaH SaSaBaaaaHBSSgSBBBBCr VAJaBBaBBBBBBBBBBBBBaW I . ?. " ' "" p ZKKJJSjTrjfTirfS
Hew Dees It Strike Yeu ?
Veterans' Race
Martin's "Stall"
Amateur Golfers
Copirteht, 19tS, bv .Public Ltdeer Compeni
Today's Independent Games
And Yesterday's Results
Chicago Veteran, Sixteen Years
in the Ring, Has Met Eight
Different Champions
rriHIRTY-OXE YEARS OLD and still
recognized ns being worthy of cham
pionship competition. That Is the fistic
icputatlen of Charley White, Chi
cago's left-hook phenem.
Starting his ring career nt the age
of fifteen, "White, whose real name Is
Charlesi Anchewitz, born March 2.1,
1891. In IJverpoel, England, of Jewish
parentage, took up the fistic art through
the advice of a phyBlcian because of
Illness. Despite his frailness, Charley
displayed tech natural ability with his
fists that he decided te continue In the
ring, taking up the sleve game ns a
Mennt Helly at Setrtli PhllUe. Bread and
Kerth "hhlle nt Shanahan. Fertr-dstith '
nnrt Drenn htrmtH, . . . ,.
I.lt nratlirn nt Flitlther. TwentT-alith and
Ueesl strffln.
Hrldwibiin: nt Stten Htl Clnb, rhll
Ellrna anil MitOTRTe ret.
Hllmlnrten nt Cluwter. ...
Melrem ut HrnKlntten. Frankford avenue
and Uerka Htrfet.
Hllldale nt WMidberr . . t
Tate Htnrs nt tiphan. Thirteenth and John Jehn John
ten Btrreta. . .
fit. Uarnnba at McCalt Pert. Teitt-wt-enth
nnd Snnice itrrtf . .
St. CaUlsius nt btnnthnnt, Flfrr-Hxhtb
nnd n'alnut tre. ...
Knywoed ut Itclfldd, Cherth Ian and
Greenwood Pert at Atlantis DUUUn,
Twelfth nnd Fcdrral atreeta, Camden.
Knrdrabore ut Nativity. Ilelarade and On
tario rtretH. .
Ilertrnm Park at Dniedlnj, Soeond and
Clearfield atnsata. t. . t
Ixigan A. A. ut DebMn, Thlrtr-flfth street
and Oueen Inne. , .
Metinnk lllnck Sax nt Senthwark Men's
Club, Mmdew and Mlttlln atreeta.
l'blladelphli and KeadlnK A. A.. Brown
xtrisTt, . TroeNPOrtutlon, Heventb atreet
and Taber reiul.
I'hlliidrlpbln Navy Yard Iamw BamjcVi
Ne. 3a I at V,
Aiivy Vart.
9. Starlnea. lAarne latum
Tate's Stars Oppose the Spha3,
Fleisher Meets Lit and Mount
Helly Is at Seuth Phils
Plenty of basebnll Is en tap for
downtown baseball fans tonight. All
the candidates for the championship of
the Philadelphia Baseball Association
are in action, with the Seuth Phllly
Ilcbrews nt home for the first time In
a week.
The Sphas will stack up against mil
Tate's -Ml Stars from Cleveland, who
nave Dccn Here t'ne last few days in a
ie".trUti " CeInmbu c c" Tna BDa series with Hllldale.
Piedmont AIl.Klara at Vaahvllle Glnnta
r.lintwntli nnd Rockland utrrete.
The Sphas have the best record of
any team in the city against colored
ntraS SarSSWJiV" Tww,T-lchibf and in eight Barnes played have
niuv.. nrxyrs I " ? w. w th llllldnle. Eddie Gett-
r. 8i Tnta'a Htam. 8.
Houth l'hlUleH. 4i JllacU Het. 0,
Again a word should be said nnl. I Profession
Ing the ndvisabilitv of rnlsine funds tn White reallv Is a remarkable boxer.
pay the expenses of Philadelphia's pub-I While he l.as never been able te win;
lie links' representatives te the national , for himself n ring championship, he has
Ittidefebare. Oi Hhanahnn. I.
ertT-dirlilh laril. ei
N. t). Jnnlerii, 61 f:
IJcntheni. 0.
ni. . . . , - .. .. . .
I nun eiptft-is 10 tuin eacK tne . icveiana
nine nnd n record crowd should witness
thn fray.
The Fleisher yarnew are pitted
against Lit Brethers, and the record
for the store boys during July tbews
Fiftshrr. si Lit iirethtra. e. i tucir percentage of victories Stoerl .7.ri0.
championships that will be played at i had mere cracks nt a crown thau any ""I"1'. tnra. 8; Koimintten CemTtea-1 Uiirlng that time the ynrners were met
J olede tlie end of tins month. ' fistmnn In history of the sport. ' Kt lie1
nilldale, 8i Tnta'a Star. 8
t. ei nnanannn.
hth Hard. 6i Ua1
ilnnlnrM. Si Wretjl. fl.
Arnunie. 4i Klkhiirt. 2.
V'urrpn Cub. n lllun 1111- 4.
jmen. ,t Menenumt, it.
T.-l1.1.. 4c ri. r.l.n...l t . fc -lit t
their handling of the fr.-e courses. This ,Met E"t '"""Plens
may b ilue te the fact that cnlf tlnre Kins records show that White hi
had its inception en the public links I appeared it. bouts with eight different
in-teiid et at urivnte clubs, n.s in most ' titieneiuers. eni'
cttlPs. Ottawa Park was in existence i rive illfTeient OLCislens and another in
before the Inverness Club (where the ' two matches.
United States open was played in 1020) Abe Attell, nt the time featherweight
was thought of king, was the first champion against
Brand Whitlock, Ambassador te Bel- whom White nhewed his wares. Then
glum during the war, plajcd nt Ottawa ' came Johnny Kilbane, Ad Wolgast,
l'aik. as did many an Ohie star in the Willie Kltchie; Preddy Welsh, five
fnrmuthc stages of their careers. It times; Jack Brltten, twice; Ted Kid
bus been twenty-one .wars since the Lewis and Benny Leenard,
public linU were first luid out. During ! In some of these matches White was
last .uiti in eider te cope with the 'awarded verdicts, but they were of the
unetiipl'iMiienf problem, Teledo set newspaper variety, the contests being
gangs of imn work en the course and of the no-deelsien seit, pe that the
turned 'li.it Htii of splendid turf, of status of the championship lemnlncd
tnckv -lnies and winding Hreams Inte , unchanged.
hs iiiiignitii "nt links Ms one could wish' A'theugh White never held any fistic
for S. r Jeimalnc, a nationally known dladun. he can nistly point te honors
lrh. i! ntmdara.. e. ' uncu, en .itiiy a, unil the store bevs
Don't Werry ii. i. t fiinniler', 1. came off the winner, 2 te J. nnd exnect
IViimeU-aiila Kiillread. fli Kink. S. te renent v l
I urdlnnl A. '.. :ti llrnn A. '.. I. rm' V' -r,, .,
r.llnren K. (.. Hi nine! Hturi.. e. J "e Ninth Phils nre nil set te enter-
elnnlal Icb t'renm. li I'liiludrlplila Ster- . mill Mount IIelK Tim Ir..nnn
of whom he met en EsVirii..,.hiir.n -i..i. s, i .mrt.n fii. i. have only bw beaten twice nr "l,nmr
IN THC lest of strength nnd speed and skill which the Gelden Jubu,e
Kegattu features will produce tomorrow, the veteran race will net be tig
smallest headline.
When a young henrt is pumping bleed nnd nourishment te pliable and
yet Mceled imisclcit nnd responds readily nt the call of the race, it's aij
te quicken the beat of the stroke.
lint when the heart has passed the three-scere years nnd ten and th(
muscles nre worn by the lavages of time, it takes something mere than or er
dlnnrv grit te pull a shell ever the full length of the championship course.
And this is what James H. Kcilly, seventy-eight, and Fred Plaisttd,
.seventy-two, intend te de tomorrow.
A full half century age they were present and competing in the first
National regattn nnd, after fifty jears, they are still en the water.
It is likely that they will ninke no particular effort for victory. The
race will be rather a victory for rowing than for the individual.
It has long heen claimed that rowing Is tee strenuous a sport for the
heart. Fred Plnluteil and Jim Kellly nre out te disprove that theory.
Never before has such a unique race, been staged. Iwo veterans, both'
mere than seventy, sculling a full mile and a quarter. Their efforts will U
a triumph for their own physical endurance.
MRS. JLVV SUTTON IICNDY again fell Ixrfere the drives of
Mella Mallery yesterday. It leeks as If the Western woman
will net be able te put up the same this season that fchc aid In 1021.
Spurned Ilevcnjre Wlien Chance Came
SOME years age, when Pepper Mnrtln was pawing for n glove held en i
bit of pugullstlc fame, he was kicked te the bottom 6y the hefty right
of Kid Sullivan.
Sullivan's knockout almost ended Martin's career In the ring. It taken
time and ceurage te regain confidence nftcr ft boxer once gees under for tin
full count and Martin had trouble convincing himself and promoters h
he was "ns geed as ever."
Martin carried en blewly after that knockout nnd brought himself te i
point even In advance of the spot he held in the limelight nt the time he
bumped into Sullivan's right.
Then came another bout with Sullivan. It was singed Wednesday night
at Ebbcts Field in Brooklyn.
It was n terrific fight, a classic. They kept going fast In the first eleren
rounds, and when the twelfth started honors were about even.
In the final session Pepper uncorked a hook that dropped Sullivan tt
the canvas, (but he came up nnd was knocked sprawling against the ropes.
The rebound of the ropes threw Sullivan back and there he steed, guard
down nnd helpless. The supreme moment had come te Martin. His chance
for revenge was before him. With one blew he could have blotted out the
man who once kicked him down the ladder.
The crowd yelled for a knockout. First It pleaded, then It demanded
and then it shrieked its command. And Martin the while pawed Sullivia
With bis open glove until the bell rang. .
Pepper Mnrtln Is a pugulist, a pug, a boxer, a prize fighter, hut he i
"a man for all that."
FORM nut true In the Seabrlght tennis yesterday. Fer Klnsey te
. play Johnsten and Hunter te take en Dick Williams is for them
te go a bit out of their class.
What Constitutes an Amateur Gelfer
WILLIE HUNTER and Captain Ernest Carter were emitted from the Hit
of golfers named te compete for Great Britain In the Walker Cup com
petition. The officials of the Royal and Ancient Cluib have given as their reaien
something that hinges en what constitutes an nmnteur golfer.
Carter has some connection with a firm that manufactures golf balls,
whlle Hunter, It is stated, has an interest in a sporting-goods house in thli
Beth Hunter and Carter competed, without Interference, In the amatwr
British contest at Prestwlck. It Is, therefore, apparent that the Royal and
Ancient Club leeks upon prominent golfers being connected with sporting,
goods houses only in a stern light when the match concerned is international.
It Is said that a new definition ef'an amateur golfer Is new under con'
slderatien in England.
MISS LESLIE BANCROFT certainly has asserted her superiority
ever MJss Helen Wills, the sUtoen-year-eld California girl.
Yesterday she defeated the Westerner for the fourth time this season.
.Mllinnnu. &i etaftrnir. 2.
'finer II. ( .. 4 Cunulnn II
th-run f It-. Si I'lilUidelptila l'ellre. 1.
.seu Hi I'hllly IlebrewK, 14; Wtten, 1.
all Kensnn nml Ihiva nhnnut ..n .i ..'
c. s u in-irccerd tlie reml It steinadpr is
their leading pitcher, and it Is likely
that he will lie seen in the box ugains't
bhetzllnc Park representatives.
Swodeslwre at Nativity
" Jimmy Hchefield, one of the best left-
His Appointment as Portland Man- banders in the Seuth Jersey League
ager Investigated by Landls i "Pd whose pitching has put Swedcsbore,
.. - , rr.i .'-s- '' " the map, will hurl fee thnt
Portland. Ore.. Aug. 4.-The recent . team 1gJ1,fct Natl'v'ity ut Belgrade and
appointment of Al Demnree as manager Ontario streets.
of the Portland Baseball Club, of the sf'lleli(l,1 bas seen wrvlce with
Pnilhc Coast League, is being invest!- ' lcs,',," u'"l, Debsnn. J I,. ns en(, et
g.iKd bv ConiinisMener Landis. who is .n.1'. "c,u,.rs. Pitching aces for years
I snu In luiw re eurim hec the IJi-nvei- .' '" WT '". '""' " h le unievvnerh
anhitei: ilemued his Men ices in the, of wliicli no ether prcent-day beter ( ,ub f()(. of all telegiaphic cer- as "I'. '"."'".' better bull than nt
iai.-e f thee wli bad no private club, can laim. (hurley has scored ntere 'ln' ,,,,",' t n tins time in lus career I
t . I. W II..I, ,h.m.,n f .1,., ...w,.r,.,,r,.l l.nn,L.nt. I.. 1,1a I.BT1. ' ,'l'OUUence rei.1 11 V U lO I IIP N1IC III Jflll SjteHii.n IV.1,1 IM.,1. ..! .....
.uniir ... I'lunin-". ....... ..... i, v.t ,..- u... -. ........ ....v'..,u ... ... .-..... fi.,.f inii n!ii tn liHve fiskeil the Ijittrr . . v nn., huit mtc nielli s
Public and .Muiii.ipal Links Committee , ear nng career than any ether fistraan , , . , J .piKirted te Denver in ,;!a1,, ?ith (:Tmantevvii, will take en
of the Tinted Mates (ielf Assoeiatieu. In nr tieti new. V.. lii" C ulerU(l ,0 L,e"v" '" Miidesburg nt Puil-Ellena ,i r".
Hiu niirt'ift. ,ii
whm the nrlnie mover in the plans for a Out of u total of forty-nine knock
n;iiinn.il muitianieiit and has given a . outs White has stewed away his op
s'lltndid trophy as a permanent first peuent nine times in tbp first round
,,rl:: .. . Champien ivenny ieennru is me run
Judge I.andis also required Dcmaree
Mr.v; fans have rend
li . . . ' --... 1. ...!.. .....
i-i. .nmm tfitn 4 nrnnjmp miirprH ni.r-iiii inr ttucu il'uu. iiiivini: uu. .' .... .
-,. ,i,..f ihn i nst te the irelfer will be I sleen sU boxers In one frame out of ,. iL
iiiiikc J.aniiis bife reijuirru ucinaree ,...,I.i.l......l.l.. i .1 1 i- umi
'V 10 give him the names of every inde- VSw2" iu- Hnm',0V!?!! Vf tllc, W,
'' pendent lIuU vitU wlaeh he Unit plnye.l I tt"WJ?.!r".i.1"-i:i !,'"? "., ,,iVi a
Hur even mat vv.u ne ne- 1 Kteppeu our. one .or u. uc ..., v, . . . . , . . .....,, , ,,,-,, n, ,, v.- -V . r, :'. "'."f1":
1 ..,i tt-.B inirs,. (,f n'anv 11 nlnver weir (' haiicv Having ueen urenpeu ier in- . ;. -", ,..," '."'. " ' """s meei hi
the smallest ever Known in a national seventy knockouts
,. ... t.u... .. (....rf-. ..... .......... ... . 4 .t
wurthv te cemp'te .New YerK and full count wiuun tnree iiiuiuies 01 uic-
'Bosten aie hi ranging te pay the ex- opening canto,
pnn-,., ,,f plaw-is who will represent , t(,e ()f ninrIlcr
!. rt. nr 1 menu 1 ... .... .
iNr. "' 11 . i ...v rAmvniru if ui in" a lint tie or nuii'Minis en ,v, ,, ,r, ir.,... ir, n .uni s. hi. u mni
uniiltl le f wurni vujf - .--.. .. .. . - . .. . """ " - ".'-'. -" :
..;i,i., .,,1,., ,- m.t tlu. eem. , Monday night in ."sew lern at the v eie- iMh-r. .M ym -n in tne .wurajvi . nwv
the International tourney nt the Ger.-
mnntewn CrlcKet UIud en Augusi jl
IS and 10. Snsln " b "'nnc "f
the Australia-Prance bcml-final round
will be the contestants. '
This announcement was made last '
I ..I. i. 1... Urt frnndle rtvnm t A rif tlm '
l-ertv-eluhtl. and Brown k n:" " Rnl " ,u" ,..".. i..
r.h.i m.. ci.. t... r..,.e..i ..I........... ,.f .1 ..1... . (icrmantevvn t. ricitct iviue.
W.......W. ,j w.yi, iuiii.; ....f, ... uii'v emus raaKUl ,rP ra,j vlm lu n nntit... of St '
(hrst-r. I'u An- 4 l"rid 'leni-i N'.w 1"-'1" enm '( - vil luiiti-uilcrs ler , ,' ."a'' u,m ,M n,na'lvS "' a' I
verk (if.nt "".w'rler 4 who n-nt Sritni.i Hie liiuils iii their lesptj,,. J,,..0 ' Leuis, has been 11 prominent figure In J
buiipbiii iii it k when he .i truk-i te 'riiev cot nenr hturi i.m .,.. ... 1 Intel iintlennl tuinis for many jears. 1
pla.v ing grc.it ball. In IS'.IS he wen the Intercollegiate
uiuieu unil iieunies 1 unuiiiinnui"!-
te enable the cemmls-
. .. ...I ... ..1 1 .1 - .nrf . Vmrfl. Tl.l,n .. t"l l.
T . T.il.... I,.u riiuiiT tuuer in ruei'K nil llie uiuen'lll .uiiii .11111 ni 3fiaillUISJI
iew ienuu r nnn ,,. , .,. ,. . ... i.,iiii.i,. . ,.. ... ...
e""'" "' ".- i.ji.ih'-i iili. enn.iuir , jM , ,,. PSL J'llllaUelnlllM il.fi.. I
I timeB and the United States six timet.
A victory this year would enable Amer
ica te tin Australia in the number el
1 miecessfitl teams.
1 The Spanish team, which is cnmnnix)
of Manuel Alonse, his brother, Jeee M.
Aleuso, Count de Oemar and Eduarde
Klaqucr, will eall for this country to
morrow. The invading players are
pected te arrive en August 11.
Jaek Oemptey Bexes Tonight
Bten. Atur. 4. Jaek Dttn(r. wenl
hvrwigtit ehum&len, ) ham te box tentitt
at nrave Field in a four-round whlMUM
match with one et hla amrrln sartnirn
.Ilm Darcy. or Portland. Ora..
nnuncU aa hla probable opponent. Bala
will wear heltneta and heavily padM
Blevea and there will 1 no declalsn.
St. Paul Purchases Daytona Fielder
. . n .... .. , -. .1.. 'Martin, Pla. An. 4. Tha DaTtiiiia.
uwignr r. i;avis, ine cioner m me n mate 7au elub, teflar ,noOTnee4 Ua
Famous Internationalist of 20
Years Age te Officiate at
Cermantewn Cricket Club
Tlnvls Pun hns been nnnelnted "i1"..?' 9tfl"Ii3er Frajik McChej te St. Pain.
IJBV19 i up, nas ecen nppeiniwi of ,he ratrlcHn Asaoclatlen. vrfll r-
of the final-round matches of if "'J at. rani at the end et te riwlii
lkvue nnasen,
Many Other Games en Twilight
Schedule Cut Short or Post
poned by Sudden Downpour
Vive Leading Batters
in Each Majer League
VVIUIP III uvi hi.- .... ..... - " ,"..' .1 ,.!,..., Wl.lte ulerta hiu.lrln.r li.fli. tlniHtl 1I1U bO..Hull Willi in' ail r. . leuaruill I MOIIMllUrMt l nt licimp ncalii nt ) '
i p.tratlvely small ,,,e,tnrv expen-.m, ,r u . , ;. ;;;-f "SXriir. .fcW ifcfi-- r"R,1. T-nn tL" i.f. Mi !." -. g ill. and W'llmit sticth with """V'""1,1" i ,,LVia w. , i f nr
.,1 veulil ruiuiiH t.. i- t""'": '"V, I1" it's r hln and the Cliften Heights' wnu Nerman )l ..i tie n-w Cb-iti St. I'alMtm. The latter is a new M 1M,S "ml ,,)' Hh Holeemlm
re1 e'ef1-"'- l' X"lw :dU.dha!,emp.s te cre4 rights en" the .er-.'i.V WTM'WtiSL1 ZViZ "" "' '" . Independent rank's, "m ' anlhe wen the national doubles i
j while. s;"ul'rn',1J ,," briii" the Chic agean's jaw. traded b u... 1 een i'.e.i s-ex li tin beyenil inenths thev havi In . u 1SJ"' n" l 1!Kl1' . . . .
0,1 V5l,,'."t . ? r. Ilairett has had enlv a total of live. plajlng. held victories ever a niimln , ' ,Tve,tj.0ne .vears age he entered (he
ij,ani1wli Trenhv home. . "" "" ,, , ,,.,,,,,.,.,,,,, "'""" Wlm i pi nil tniirllllllllMlt. nml Mil
1 wjw- - LnrMMtnllTS ill II1M i-uivvi, mil niei '-
i. a. ii. ii. i- r.
UO Mr, llll ,4
lH 'JH 1.18 .403
iii .le iit .:mi
: l.i'. .-is
S3 2SO 8T .JI8
( nhli, Ilrtrelt
Ihlcr, M. IiUw
"nmkrr. tleiphind
llellnuine. Detroit
llanilrr, Drtrelt
n tim.N tr.
llnmtlij, l. IiiiN
lirlines, (hlcixe
Hi I i.ilicr ( lilruxn
Illsl-re. rlttxhitrKh
Dnub.rt, I Inrlnnull
I.Kllit i:
I: , It. . I- r.
IUi .IH lrtfl .!(,
H4 :tl)7 111 ,ifl
101 3HO ISO ,357
I'll ,1ll IS' ,3fl
1U1 103 II J .33.'
I.ii Im and Zembe Again hardlv is any doubt that the red-headed
Vext Tuesduv the Shnners from I.u Uebert is one of the hardest rlght-
I.u will travel te Iltirrisnurg te ngam banned puncnera ei ins ihi m ni-
uruutfi" jcii imiiij.
Scraps About Scrappers
Jee Koentt il attempt en or rtt ott ett
rtwj ruTifb idi hntt Ji appf.ir? Hi the
iiil here s q net lie r t iiiiiK-" in.rr'n it ....., ,. .., . , v,t -, ,, .i. , .. n k.. u .....
i t l c 1 i I 'Wlirui in ui" i tin n ui ui i il li li) iniiiji
net only u one-hand puncher, for lie v.iiim u 1 1 . -.i ikIh mat h b"iwiin l.ililU
.i,..... in ih mate i Willi .ine vv ei ine n"" """ 'V ' r' ' '" . 'u
ii.i..... ... - --- - 1'rwllTm S. Mli. 1 Hlun 1 r.lllll
ecellll.V llllll lie i"."i-ii u l.illiu ..,., ii.,i ,e .li.hnni Mul hii
minti left hook. i.ihl.n h 'r rrnu Will"-
It is being i Initiated in New nrh
'. . . .. ... ..f l... V i n.lKirrMI .. ... i . .. ... t. . . . . . hl ha I T5 A 1 1 1 K 1 - . .
. i. . ... n i n ...i. i.tn u i tli-i .1. ..ir- ,.....'........ i..:ir.(-t .... .. .i.iun ii1. ni-ii - .ii ..av. . m.v aw..... ..... i.ir wt nj , i
having 'hen e uuiieim; i nun v ' . "-.". ,n ... Inn.(.i., ulth l.eenaid - m .' i A en the nint ..f ., . . -'-
urn the rf .Martins i up, uie " - i"", , , , ,, ,i,,., u,' - n i" m u i i n n"ti'i jeia luniunuw Miiernoen
will ui' ., , ,,,... .,., ,,. I.,.,,, tnnie line belure the f liiiin - .; .V ., . i . . , , i . iim..,..u ...i .... """"""
u, I Ward wen the doublet championship.
1' T ., ...n.. I... Llnnr.,1 .. .inn.l. ...111.
Iirtl. I'lH1! ,'.ll II' -l.lh.ll ll . .ili(-imi;i Willi
trv the trick of walloping their brothers
of Zembe Temple. Several weeks age
denial hnrlev Cevert led his bevs
1. ... i t cresH nibllcs vvitli Free-
land Kendilck'u stars and vvns dlsas- here
treiilv dele-iied
v-... Mith the milled nrentlse nt
Smith. ,
and MtcUry
Other games en the Inveiii- .in
ISarnnbas nt Mcf'iill i'..t r.
seventh nnd Spruce streets; 'iCnv weed 'nr(l !,t Seabiight, defeating Woeh.
nt Itelfield, Cliinx'li lane and )gout. ml"1 n,ul Turnbull, the 1'iii'llali Davis
anu iinrirain nine at Uiuedlnx, Second ' "" u"'D"' imm,
and Cleatfield stueiw. I The U.ivls Cup was donated for in
ternatienal competition in 1000, nnd in
spehrT c! t hi Hrer tn thf
and retir 'd in r.ner
. , r i i. i i i ,ii .,..., The Smith I'hlllr Hebrews pall k vmt tn
The J. fi .1 Onhsen hnseball team Flft feur,h r, anrt wArfin0'n ;,"";
...It .n,.r ilnun nil 111 l)lirg llKe ill.
IJntlis f "hi. lentiueiii of teuiing -fl
another victeiv trnm Zembe.
m... r..i.inri. nf this teurnnment will
TrIl,,?,-tcClerS,!.nnlnt be the postponed muf h between the
two peieniuu-
for a I"
ees abroad eailv in Sipteinbei.
ii. t 1U' ' t lillU KM liw-l ll Kid Hullnei
Weman Quits Leng Swim
li..fr. KlKlntlll, AUK t M s .Mr rile
tertlay at the Ilioekllne Ceunnv
. it .? i im . it iiiii -uii uii-' '! i ii h im rnurin m rmmr ami iv .imnjirin .... i
,,,, v... . - - ...,. .... ,., ..v.,'v.--, "i ,;;.-..v v "." ?:'""? ''
ift: i"entinueu if wmn hk mi "' I ;r;, "mi .v ... , ii ,,i . " '.., ' Club Ml i-euise nan. et i-iiuunei-
i taking Stei.ehur-t into camp at I ifty- 'iV.fnd ?,L'A 'TxiM$i "tu .V phla. defeatul Mr- It N. Nullln. 3 ii.
HM eighth and ANnlnut streets: score, i te ,liwmr hml tlnrteHn iii Vann -nd a,- ,,,,1 .1 tn pin v. Tin- match was well
8fi fi. It marked the second successive Muurailun ncr, Rtttlne ihr I , "nte,te.l for tbe lirst lime hi.'es. bin
I ffiiphian: rnfVV" t " - iw ' r- z,ix. ,r
StJ1 thev also wen en Saturday, te . thi nere i eyn in'n tump. 5 tu .1 hjv, nm
.'X .... . ntl the hill ncaillSt Tem iiurluil l.lfbert vIhIiIIiii- tuelie hiln naulniit .
H Frfe" un,V. r,whiict !i!" form? . w" --- a t ,l fe 'TOMMY LOUGHRAN MATCHED
(,p Mas IO"rl ..-ni'ii mi .'
uitniul ie i""' .-.I .
f f-i havliiK nce'i
il n li
rriii.. i
u th' water for vlk'ht
I rlni U't-
l( Is
Hilou and 'I'i'e kriuirinnut In um senueru
i.i pruii-'Hiiiundi iiuunci
'ii... i r. i t ...i . .
i nu .i. .i. j'iMjmii ic.im uas aeveral
haul games for the vvisk-ind. iilllunigli
V "r '"" " ,(""l.1ln, ft mnnai.-r ,,,, contest has as id been listed lnr
linDllliiii nu .I'p.mileri or (.'Imrlfi e ,, " " "ll ""
ID", ii t niniAinent wlnnr at ih nuiuinv.
'p i..i.. ... ii. i- .,- i .
I'jiuKiii in ;i. e i ieck t tie weavers
meet their friendly etiem.v, th.. I.egim
v. a., uiiu u haiil-lniieht lentesi u
nicked for thirteen bingles, lie had the jhrn wim Tjia utter mum a aeii u,n. Tn eriY rFMP TIIWNFY HFRF
VI.ZI niimber of fctrikeeutH te his credit. '" ih. Held li-nill n nine Lhuncea without TO dUA UtIMt lUNIMtl ncnt
Friday yielded eleven hits, but the ""
-;ver made them ut opportune times-. roienial ire r-m nnd riiiidi I 'r.jni htnr 'south Philadelphia Youngster te
w .. u.i.eil the u'liinlnir run in the " Ilattery playrt six and u hulf inrunwa I euuw" r. ...
Dobsen Koereii trie vv inning run in ine ,Michr and Weitinoreiatui tr,Ht. aim rinah W th L flht-Heavywe nht
lBth. B8 the Htenehlirnt lnds came ,n ,c, CTtdm nmUm ..re wlnnim u te j s.iasn vv ui i u iUii- ni u
Suk nnd ceunli"' twice. In Dobsen's Muniuani i.ltrhed a brilllimt came allow-i Temmy l.eughran, of Seuth I'liiluilel-
Hi. JJ.i- l..il,. Mnvupnlneled. Rvun I'W !"' .hr hit- , llelb.. and i oelry im ..i.i., ,iu. nineteen vear-ehl lad who
imil ui me .." , i ii . ' at vne uai ier i-oieiiiiu wun a inu or ' it,, .,..,. u lid du lull
m.I Mever nt (second and I'ctersen hit, aeif. Mining a big surprise with his inn
forced ityan. . amn wmwu uu nueui
was bafe en Nasa' error, I'ctersen
twentv-twe ve.irs luis unveled aniirexl.
iimtilv 100,000 inllen from one victori
ous nation le another It hns been
competed for evei.v jrar since 111(H) Willi
the exieptlmi et the four war .veais,
1 1 nm IDl.'-ltHS, Jiielil"iie.
Despiti. the large number of tuitiens
vvlilih have ihallenged and plnjed fei
the cup. il has beiu held bj only iliree.
Mnglaud. Australia and America. I.ng.
land wen live times, Australia seven
llrlilfniHirc made It four In n row from
Shanahnn h taklnK the VVt Philadfiliiliiiiin
into lenin " i i ua ierner utiirii'i
In Btenelllirst S half. Ilynn Singled but u rf'.leved wlln tin has.. fu i t,
. ne .... I.VI.l.iv lilt the leili!est homer lh neventh Oj oitelle Thi. mw thm wan
id leill "'Ul,.1 i i .i i vl .,,, railed at Ih" completion of th- lulf Innlnw.
er seen nt l'lflv-elglitli nnd nlnut " raln lnterfered Thn n-idinu of .ib."i
ever seen
f cvvu - "; iiii ....------- Vi , ,. ' .,
.iv.ta lint SilOliellUmi Wilis Mill u inn ivm u reuiure ii;iii'iiraij ei iiPiiuniK.
BtrCeiH.ulll' 1"u"v""' . ui,,. r.tiliiin The Uller had four lilt.
KJ thjr 01 IWOBOn. .Includln a deutl
1-". . i - I..II Inulnl. of I Be ltllldal-
T Tr u?t -" -.i !. .i P.IHI.
. fk
r,...... -,.. ,-.... 1, ii..!. .
i limit snowing uKiiuifi iiiuij wi.-ii i.--eently.
liaH been inntcliiil te meet (Jene
Tuliiii'V. New Yeik light-heavyweight,
ni the' I'hilllcs' Hall I'arl.. AiigUHt HI
The bout win cliiichi'd In-t night by
Pioineters lleriiuin Titjler anil Hubert
Ciiinnii- , , , , .,
Hesi'les this man 11, I .ijnir nun linn
Jaclc Jehnsen bpars in
Training With Barrett
"lie leeks (infill, e geed- vvr tail
ing ''-." pniiniU. or leu pounds less
than when he bnnl .less Wlllard,"
biilil Jimmy Ueuglieitv tedav, speak
ing of .lack Jehnsen, one-iine
henvy weight chnnipirin Jehnsen
boxed four thiee-inlnute iniiniU wit h
Hebby Hnnett at Hidley Park e
terday lift' nioen In the hitter's
training for his match Monday night
in New Yerk with Charley White.
Jack showed Hebby u let of valu
able Rtuff al Inlightlng," further
ndvlncd the Itaren, "nnd It ought
te help Hnrrett In the futiiie,"
Jehnsen sajs he lias received mi
offer from Jem Taken)', Mexico
I - 1'is. !., . .. 11.1 1' naanl 1 ..
l,ai'i..l ...it " t-ivlnS leiam, 10 Je l-l.. '"'' '"r- J-'Haorrew lltlerill.1,1, Clinp
hi Tnnten several nirhie no, the .Mulcan pie .iiiiui-uii nun Ills llevnl .Start, Willi
iinlris e'er; riiue'l 1'erbes nl;e r i that puv lit Th 1 1 1 -fifth and Oiii-en lane
n.rin.ii T.ivler 1. m net h.in tu leek any .....i ,. ,-,ii... .c ', " '""
....ih,. .hurt l.i,i,u ,., Irxiliir In LTft i.n llllll II li-"-llliun III KC'ieill
IIASI.UAII, T(II,Y 3:311 I'. M.
?. V I. I.IUIiri. I'MUi
SI'.TS AT l'Vlll:i.M' AMI SI'AI.IMMl'S
llri.t Iiiik
struggles is I'lpci'teii,
l'eur games hiue nlieadv been nr.
It I) siinsnni ha lj- en tle tr.i of lllllgld for next week n (MI .I,,, d,.,..,,
II Slim, fel w'l.rdl ine.l and l.dilu i,i Id (111 Tiiekdnv id.. I t n I
luvurN In i.repi,,in te .l.nuh tl.u inai h ,'' '.m ' l,( "'. ""' Japanese All
r 1 ... ii.. Ti.ll.... . ..n.. ,-.,1 llnu. S N Will I)l I Mil lit I liilU.. lll.Jl.. I I '
pliia Diibsim will be met (,n rrlduv nml I
I. ia.1 hi- uresran, f.,r -" h'llllld'l) Steiilnn Villi . ,e lit- IVRIP ThealTe. fnmJ.. M I
iiiiting ut' """ vHiimv.ii, iiiii,
unv ne't fci 'Imiiiii l.'iiiKhran
lllll II ill h.i- I'.inpli
CAMBRIA A. C. "T"!'.'""! w. a
ntun. vav... Atr..ri5.M
....... "'-iu iiiwimi
srM.r.. wii.i.h ,,. jek kp.iins
Monday nlaht in the Uiluinula A C '1 h tiaitleil ill a deublu-header. Slllltlnir
v. iiil mi will ! Hu MIK hell v. M 4tt i .ei, p , "un, eiiiiuii),
llroeliH, lMdle ltiolre a Otte Huvhea U th" ' ' ' "
iaiiii immr nuinuttrH urn Junnnv Kern
.IfiM (Jernian Yeunr KftUiel a Veunn Jjrk
1) inii-f and Chut ltulllv 9. Jaclc O'TeuIh.
r i
ti. .-...!. iiiiiii-itt itania "-r wib'-'u v !u..ii.
.V. t ; ,"iir, kin atruta when rain at
a m atOD te vne precttainaa.
rara form and had net
ahraA MIN. sP',y'. iV .. v- . -.-
KAln tntrfreil with tha Keuth milly.
llaltlmem IllacU Sex icaina In tha alxth. with
fl. ",?.? (.am ahaad. 4 la a .-"Ilia- Jiff"
Tearaau nu pa tha bill. anf It marked
hla alxth atralibt ..wla. . Ha. I a In rara
form, and allow tn eelr
hllm. .
,,.,oa.ne.,h.e,l the following Bet of offer from - .
iV.raiw fur the sanm pregram: (ieerge i), Ulty, r.i p'i "--
acraps iui ,"lrVJ..,..A. n..i -vr. !. il. ..ui. i ! Jaielt UemDsev or Harry.
...an rruin:u, ui ahuibu ,. jfmu. v-. .--.
nt...Mnv -e
yL ,k'1 Jir",wiu J,00n"Jn"i,n t??;, kPm-
.le.j.iHUie ii. "ii ( i
rrunkle IIjIIe Ih out with li aw plnir
ihnllna te all uf 'hi leeal llKhtin-lahla en
l.et.iiif of Jnhnni Dmnrll) of I'nleiiumn,
l'a ' liny .Mltth'll liil.l., lliirr'it, VVlntey
I'luiierKl'l Jee Tjellu Hi.rij Khl llrenn
(loeial llUHHcll I'hlladeliihU Joe Wnlilnr,
Teramv t'l. .ir l.dd " l).irn.iev tini i'i,tm
llrnderlrk I have le UiikIi nt Ihn eun. Ulih
liu li .luhnii, ii.iilil w.ide thruuuli UiIm tUuU
, liaile If lldiin. il can't nhlii I I.u
K"tK Nv,;:uv.izJ,V,;,,.1,!i,fa',', r i'i- A...,i.,. a-s,,,.,,,,-;, ,,.,,,,,, i
Fermer Mackman Purchased Frem1
Columbus by Dedgera
New iirl Aug I. llroeldvi, base
ball fins nre liaiiuv ever tin .li.nl
lib ted hi Chniles II. l.hhetH In winch
V.mriic Sh.innnii. mm n,t, u, (.
Ynnni ; ( liunrr. V.t Plilladelnlila, lit' i.
In atrlet tr-lnlpu for the veniiiiB JeaaJii,
Yeung Moffo han reaumed traVnlna ami hi.
htsnaUr. -rrankla nieh. la vriajle Te maiifi
"".""'.Bavv. with any of th,i isa.SmKV.K
in yaiw viwnii7. i "
I III.' lllll .! l.f llil. I'. .1.1..
Sh.iniien can nln.i nu,v iiosliieu lu the'
neiu CM'e ii in si liase. j p ,n ,eeil lu
Hie big lciigun befeie llritt with (lie
Athletlcx. next with the lteil Sex aim
lhen with the Senators, He Is a geed
heldcr and a fair hitter. weu
VilinU-li n .V.li Inc. Im
centini ei h sans in midvm.mt
PlcluitH will I Klieim fverr hnu nn the hour
Iho I.niv Hern Nut Permit le Shew
J'lBlit I'lcturn Oulnlda of New Jersir
flv UlnuUa Fret istitladalphl-
Tfelly or llui.ea frdr th Ftrtle will
C44TJT irsu Uiir.
Reduced from $35 & $30
Blue Serges, i
Blacks, Grays.
Browns. Pencil
Stripes; Alse
Genuine Priestley
See Our 15
Windows. Largest
Display of
Tailoring in
S. E. Cor. 9th & Arch Sis
EstabliRhed 50 Years
Onen Mend-v &. Saturday-
Evento Jill 9 o'clock A
,k' -svcCeaJUlU "At" .
W'nailr"--MlriJ' !'fx T
" I . A
. -1r'- .1 'll - '
' '- !