'.' rf-V J ' iV, rf5r i sr Wr'M ill.-, EVENING l'UBLIC LEDGER- PHILADELPHIA, FRIDAY, AUGUST 4 1922 11 Sft i .jrir. vl'i .- u fn . CR& DailjMevie Magazine HE MUST LIKE FILMS HE'S MAKING ANOTHER - WmfcV. "'UP & &2mmLl' s'&Twfjr- - , U . 'iv ;; ; IV'.' -UfM rTW-i in ,,, il.j,iux' "'" " wis fans' i' HiF1HPifiBH LETTERBOX H:'l,iaMMMMM MM"- A' MMMiHMm HWBVBHH Hhhbhhhhhh1ShhhhhubSI9Hhhhhl. WW AKBBBKv'KPvlBBBMBBKaM V 3C V HrN BSVBVBVBVBVKSMBwnB M!I3 BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBDkVflHfi9flB ''''.: wvHW llie allowing of tlie mnln feature at n icrtiilti Hiibiubnn house I vlfitnl, the "Koeil-nlfflit" nIkh wih tluxlicd jimt hm tlm vllluln wnn about te commit .some d.'istnrdlv trick mid "we wtw no mere Unit night.") II. Li. S. writes: "I mn nn ecca nlenul reader of your 'Jitter Itex' nml ilnd It very IntercBtlns. Most of the opinions voiced in your column show cIem keen obscrvntlen. 'Orphans of tin Storm' is wonderful. It Is se real istic and portrays a very real story. In the part where Danton Is riding te the fpsrue of llenrlPttc and Jacques Forget Ferget Forget Net tries te step hlin I jelled 'Itun Mm down, Danton, I was that Cxclted. "Betty Comtisen In the '(Ireen.Tcmn- tatien' was fine, hut the Apache dance was net nj) te the standard. They shouldn't have had sueh n 'robust gen tleninn' te be lier partner. " Mlcjend the Hecks' would Imvp been Just ns geed If every scene would have been a slide. That picture was a moving fashion show. I wish one of the readers would tell me where (tleria fjwunsen'n beauty lies in that picture. And If the kind of levln' Ito Ite Ito delph makes in that picture Is consld censld cii'd wunncrful by the girls (c-pecliilly the flappers). I'm glad I'm n wall flower. Such sneaky ways he has about him which make you detest him. Yet somehow I like him and I rucs that's, the way we all feel about him. "What I'd llke te knew is why every one raves se much ever Valentine and Wally Held, nnd don't say n word about Dick Uerthlcmcvj. I think for nctlng lu has 'em nil beat. I haven't seen his latest pictures, but ' 'ToPable David' was tine. He Just looked und A Fan Ne. 1 Writes: "I see in last Wiling s column wnere some one 'wiped' in.v 'nom de plume.' It was net a ury brilliant one te nssume, m should I put Ne. 1 or mebi Ne. I lifter itV An way, 1 ngiee with her. se H won't light. 'Mejend the Hecks' n one grand "fifty-cent dime novel' ind them 'Icy mountain.'' new 'wasn't bm just lovely painted scenery Muhr "I wNh Jessie would de it some mdre. She save me Mich n geed laugh. I agree with her. only 1 have bred ifdirecd cats and dogs for tnelve jesrs and 1 doubt the (Ivcil cat: 11 Van't be did.' Ilul I often compare people te my niiiuiiils In leek and dis position ; the humans UMiiillj loe, and ktr comparisons weie ery apt. "Doesn't Mente Uliic remind jeii of a nice bis tellable St. Hrrnuid? I could n iniike faces at eii, inen ami. if I twld leek ever his shoulder te de It. ind I think he iust raced nway with 'Orphnns of the Storm.' Was lie meant le? Te me he surely wns it. I mil a creat admirer of fieeree 4rlu. He Is m subtle and liniMhed. bat 1 whs terribly disappointed in sraell.' I saw him en the stun with nlmen the same company and IW It. Was It the less of eicc that aide it as a pictuic se ordinary? I am clad 'Our Marv is deine Tms' .igalu. We can see the im im 'reunient the movies have made. Yeu t I am no (lappei. What was the ifiure in wiiuii she was raised as an sit limi.iii ciil.' I lemember It ns The Weman's Exchange Her Ancestors 7e Af Editor of Weman's l'aec; Dear Mndam Our family tree gees hnrXt te' thn Mavdewer New. ceUlu you adviee me hew te go about flndlnpr who we were before that? Would there be some place In England where I ceu a write for Information? I surely would appreciate It If you would let me knew this through our column. i MKH. W. M. H. If you knew what town or village In England your ancestors lived in you cuti write te thn Tnrwn Halt, wlicre records of thin kind would be kept. They will be able btler thnn anywhere else te give you this Information. Friend Is In Brooklyn Te the h'diter of Weman's Van': Dear Madam Would you be hind enough te let me knew hew I can locnte a party living In Hroeklyn, N. V; 1 want te knew If they ntlll live there. They have Just been here of late. When I wrlte they never answer, hut he has a place of business there. I would Ke ever, but I can't afford te spend the money. MUS. M. P. Have you tried writing te your friend's buslnesa address? Maybe he will get your letter If you send It te him there. Put your own name nnd address en the outside of lha crivclope se It will be returned te you In case your friend In net located If he does net answer you then wrlte te one of the leading Brooklyn dally papers, giving thorn your friend's name and address They ought te be iibla te give you the required Information. Stamp Language Te tht Kdtter of Weman's Pane: Dear Madam Will you kindly print In 4t a TlfntMAn'a rtnlmtinn Vi n mxri ntnrra acted his part. And tbeie Is nothing of the various nosltler.s of the stame nbeut 'Way Down hast.' He en an envelope? rrcswlsc My heart Ib another s. Straight up und down Cloed-by, sweetheart. I'pslde down right Wrlte no mere. In tnlddle at top Ves. tn middle nt bottom Ne. lllg.'t iingle.s at right De you ler me? night nngles nt left T hate you. Tep corner at right I wIbIi your friendship. On line with surname Accept my love. Sume upside down f nm engaged. r te sny was a master In that. t'psida down I love you. .ffft 'SNAPS OUT SNAPS' Eliminates the cutting of the hair, and the breaking of nails in unfastening and for remits surpasses all ether curlers. Hr CARD 10c TARFAIT Hair Curiam con form le the hati of the hnd. Klvlnc abKOlute comfort. Won't unfuMti) while In ur. Try thorn and be convinced If jour dealer drwn't earn them in Meck, order direct from New Yerk OIIIip enclosing 10c and liMng dealer's name. Jobbers and Dealers Supplied by PAGODA IMPORT CO., INC. 803 Iteul i:tnti! Trust Hide.. 303 Klftli Are.. 1'lillj.. I'n. , irk en. ON A f '"AIII'AIT HAIR NET? dhape durible, lnvUlhle. imti-urvlb flantlc. made from extra-Ionic, "elected, Hterlll7ed human '.lair Ouorantee with each net. Slnsle inetih, 10c. double) 13c ea iSe for two When Geerge Arllss made "The Devil" en the screen, the films gamed a great actor. Since then he's given us "Diyaell" and "The Killing Passion." Above nic scenes from his latest. "The Silent Voice," which once served Otis Skinner ns n stage vehicle. Arllss will be seen ns a great singer, who loses his voice. In the lower view, a dramatic scene between Mr. Arliss nnd Ann Terrest, his leading lady, is shown ture is Just ns essential as naturalness en the legitimate btage. If Mich hur ried action were displayed en the spoken Mage the actors would be hooted off the benrdf-. Why shouldn't we de the Mime natural, Inartistic nnd aggravating method of picture projection." ioeJ. I think It might be. n goad idui d Ill's when pictures are projected at mat neigiiDorlieoil (Toe much speed is, ns you say. an evil of Jilm projection today. ' The house manager, net the run-rotor. Is houses te set aside ' n speed that Is out of oil proportion te I usually le lilamc The II. M. was nl-e kn night each W"ok for geed old pic- Uie requirements of acting and of nrtV I te blame, I suppose, en the occasion wres. 'llirie are lets of geed ones we In the early years of the picture when, nt l0:;t() P. M., in the middle of illy for unaeIdi:ble rensens. and eth- i biMnes,, they took from eighteen te I krs wc would llke te see again, pic- ! twentj minutes te run off it reel, and tuns te he a ear or nien- eld: the ! "He result was a decent, natural pic- 0M might nay. Toelloh WIvps' t.i m ture. but nowadays the onernter tenrs WJ just the child nf n irnl limlti I tffdn threusli nt the rule of from twelve , tad the weihl can de very nlcelv with- ' tfl fifteen minutes, which utterly de Jjit niieh. One thing, 'Our Miirv and stres the naturulness of mnuy scenes. .K. Dtp aIny3 cleap. ' ' "In my view, the evil lies principally "v.ih kuuw .uignen is a jeuc or li ""'i me preuueers, who pair me ac- i trying te he, enl. It Is rather painful, "en se ns te make ns many reels ns pos- I I hope "1UIL '" ei it given prouuctien, nnu wiiib are cuauieii ie cnarge mere rental, ' for, 'mere reels, mere money.' (Jouse- i iiuently, the managers of tlieatre,s are obliged te speed up the machine in or der te put through the show In the given time of an hour und u half or two hours. That ' ns tnP .eaS1' may kp- 'I'ruly, It Is u cry- about ' ecneve me innjeruy ei luuiuic iuiirenH win agieu ill ill. n nun should be called In this matter of un- SV" some of the mnvtn fiinnlne I don't come tee often." (Tour desprlnllnn nt fni ti!., !,. jwd, I can also agree en the dif lerencg let ween the stage and wreen " ei uisrncii," tneugii t con '"i iiKeii the latter very much Miry I'ickferd picture you ask :" "t of the Dust," the tirst she S?' .. AJrlcrnft' Susgest that "old jwnreg idea te "he manager of your Mtrest movie house.) st Geh all hemlock. AVhnt hnre ' ?5n? aml ''one, new? I honestly 'euldnt make out the sense of our .;?. lpUer', aml r buI1 ni t,t.nTl?B b.U('U ,5l " Brl for ,r.! .1" Iet of ,c"ible things. Whoa! jwr ths person whose sense of humor eiung. Cellins Baths Electric and Steam Matnag Salt Rubs NIGHT AND DAY SERVICE SLEEPING ROOMS NO TIPPING 219.25 NORTH BROAD STREET .Daily 5e.ashere. Excursions $I!5h ROUND TRIP xJV liiiiM wm i . J. If. fn.lA1 li . u.- lii.V- . ""'": -)iay l iom iem '''a te you for t),a me .' . jellied up-te-date mntinii.t.tni,,.... treat thn npuu tilnfi,t.aui r ... I ..if..??11; t0- bave experienced it. nnd I UP tf Tk . .. ' 'rtlced i't. should be called In this matter of un- i ; f99KmMm .mm I ' ' Duvtcroef IKaHl Hly ? dot ITLj'inEi .; JUt.. .V iney nevcr Ml0w nri UHH-HB Ml I II I II I I TCTpH,th'y get it from (tin nrnrl,, I 4' i'kening tlllwdTeW-H nsIitS.VVrv'l ' l-J d&k O" 4f I i lnlenr-l'rlnl Wiueis thev iinnnU. .1 i y "" ! A , 1 I - II Ht Villi.. .l. 1.1 "MOW an. I T-U?ln- .,,l.'embel,. " JLW O JUL XKJJL U"Our TnuU U,. iiivk ,.i. , ' '"" most ttliee , , , - . does wonders jercliajea Special THY OFIt SKRVICK I'llIlAI'KR IN I'IlAMvl'iltl Tenir ( hentnut and ."en 111 Street I'errle ATLANTIC CITY OCEAN CITY STONE HARBOR WILDWOOD CAPE MAY Inlllit Time Ture ATLANTIC CITY (Every Day) .... .7:be A. M.s Additional trulim eivry Snturiluy and hiinduy 7:30 A.M. OTHER SEASHORE RESORTS (Every Dy) 6:50 A. M. FISHERMEN'S SPECIAL Te rrlielllneer's I. undine (Cape Mi.v). Sundays Onlv G:30 A. M Atlantic Lily Ecurinn Trmng run te Hnd from .Mia-lsalrpl A)e .ind l.'eardivalK $1.50 ROUND TRIP Children (fl-12 e.irii) 75 rents PbiUdelpfcia & Reading Syilcm Atlantic City Railroad lOu FlteK wllh Trunk ""' S4.00 ., j i'oj;epi.As I'noTeri.AVS "" j Iberhard Kalier Nn. I ijuulltv -itv-brr Ilundm ' - II). Q- -r, llnei Hi. . . ax.V Anr standnrd llninds of InKn: Illue. llerier 4-TrnTr hleel Flllni Pali. lnet. Letter H'ie, S30.50 flreeni ea. . . . . """-'"" The following theatres obtain their pictures through tht STANLEY Company of America, which is a guarantee of early showing of the finest productions. Ask for the theatre in your locality obtaining pictures through the Stanley Company of America. llell I'hene S'JRl Kernlene Taut Ml.1 McCausland Stationery Ce. .-- nriiih. niui iin n. i. .. ibOiini. ,i .,"" mreiigii wit II ,f?'nir the news fi ms. w ,i ..... I'?.? that thev have , m".i ' Y" ' -- -- - -. i--I -. .: - ff ,tS "0t U;w,V it. or ma be thev! QT 17TUUUXL MilllS "lull tftpy are fenlln,. H, n..i.n ti nit.. .1 x-u i i it it lu" tliiit Hm . J I i""". .'y uutiur ieiu mu auuui li uuu u "ion l,,V.. "i "".-puu uy reruitn iBn'"..r-" Ul certain news INC. HUIIltr.KT a, STXfin, Prr. li M2G FrnnlifenI Ave. II Icrk r.ncnurr ii IiiikA-ltuf J.vilseri it er" JinHher44fc; I couldn't irct another jar I wouldn't wad up as a crai Hr,Wnrni fBive this one up for any thing." "m liitilBeii?e.B l diHlcgard of ' That is hew many people reran! Iav "T1 ra"il1 "Itlcs of the movles l "esinel Ointment. It is specially heir fft!"! ene -cservntlen all admit i recommended for eczemu nnd ether C,'!iI!ri!helu;wl'v,'cls' They itchinK skin troubles, but it is also ""N M'huu.Yer Viriv,. , J l 8l? ' ' excellent as n general household N Sr ,,:lr.,,r,:!n! '."iV'.reniedv for burns, scalds, chatine. VUIU ilUll'9, 1I1SCLU U11U1, VIW. Reilnel Sep anil Kelnel bhivlne Stick centim the Krsinel preprtlen and no home iheuld b vritbeut thtie preducu. At attdrvtiitti. ji.it " rmi erek . .!. .i. .i... .... ,-" fem :t. i ,K-1"' mlm' "Merest k". -'lervii-h Wins Tun' 'i,!,. ... rnianiN fiinn,.- .I.. ..i.i. ,..", " ''. I than from miv of n.. Mm,.-., my .',(' of the, shallow aribtocrae . . 'fan cq what they mean. 'Te presilCr "'11 '".'"'r.-," . "l.m. l th v.... '.. ')-i'rebivcij htirrin,' 'ii. . "B ' ii'iure. null Nld ., in lc,,,1 T,ser1 of '" "'ivies. P P I n "l'1 f",r 0" ,,Cmn'"' t'"'; Klh.,. rr.bp.sl,,,w' '" their full .l" : "'iu him (Mir fi. n nunj ...! .1 m me in J(, shown," 4 nwl ntv' "i1,"1 illratr(' mtmam f Jeur ,,, ,.,et fr,V',1 lt aiul ""- Klrt ""IK Mill i,,l f ","' J'1' K '71011. "Qn'- lib, et'V """ins a lilOMu Jines Water-wings t AYVADS. m v-lTi I ! TMi lTilPLiJ'nrr::::-' M-UM 50 4 TANCV 73 4 FOR "SALE EVERYWHERE LEARN TO SWIM NOW impiuTrrn r.ViWin wm m Mnnmru. j.t N 9 iT Wm g ft I; & L V rT x " 1 II IJL- r ASr ADOI 1 ( 6JD A THOMI'WN 8T1S. Al Ul-LAJ MATI.N'Ui: DA1LT CHARLES RAY ! In "H. S. V.J'." j A CTHD EIGHTH & OUtAND AVK. ADivJtN. itATI.VEPl UAILT POLA NEGRI In "TIIK lti;i) I'KACOUv" , BALTIMORE rl! SJi.A,,s,U,B CHAS. RAY in "R. 5. V. P." ilil.-M. '.ciiiiir- Kuril Kneiks A l.nte Tmm i 1 rl f ICDIDl") Urenil t fiiuquetiann liLUCDlIM-' Centlnnnun 'J until 11 I)llltl. M MI IIWIUV MYKIJS In "BOY CRAZY" -.".I AMI Al O") & Slnplewneil Ave LULUlMrtL, ; m 7 nml H P M. DOROTHY DALTON In "mtN H W I.KKI Aievr." FAIRMOUNT AMXr&iir'' I lltlDOI.ril l. i:tine In I "BEYOND THE ROCKS" m I he NIXON-NIRDLINGER THEATRES GREAT NORTHERN V-tf HOI T, IT.Tr.RH In "MAN FROM LOST RIVER" i.O-'-ll A. WALNUT STd S 'i.j. . te eim;;' 'mm "nici: "I'lease el P' knee. I .. i.i eartipMt .lit,,,,.,...,..., i ..,- Kill, .. I I V ""I'l'liMIU III P&l' Hie ri'es " 0'wul0',h "'' )..-." " .' I'MM 01) herMw n.,,1 f l. ......! '""""lite i l)(,.,i ."'"". ""'" ... , .'""H iiiiu 1 1 If ml,.. "er inn.,....' 0M i:.."""""" Ilu.l.. ."-"''. . - .iii'i'i' nlmlliirlv i Itl, niilnhlj In "I'l;,, 'rinee reuli se f,iK. V r."?1" I1"' Nhihhwl ta, e ih2 L ,h.nl ."lc bvmy a'"1 e I net,,....1 ,e I'O'testH ure lest. Acnln AkiiIii TY PEWRITERC - Late Medels-- J Special Summer Reductions OI.IVi:U NO, O S34 Ill.MIMiTON NO. JO su IIIU l, NO. 10 till I.. C HM1TH NO, H KID i rvrn:iMveni no. r sis Tliorenchli Ueliullt JuM Mke New IO.Dajr Free Trial 1-Year Guarantee. Phene ua new Walnut 5873-74 100S CHESTNUT ST.- BUNDY TYPEWRITER CO. 1M ram A Type shown ventilates bedrooms, etc., without sac rificing privacy. Beth sides washable from interior. The modern window for homes. Other steel windows for front rooms, basement, garage. Prices surprisingly low I ieiu? Garfield 1160-Mr. Hinkel David Lupten's Sens Ce. fvnr-r I A I i.O-'-ll A. llVlrCilM-vl-'Mi sa i'-nsi 7 4 0 WM. I 01 I U.K. -Ill . In "CARDIGAN" PlDCDTV III.OM1 A 1'UI.I .MHIA AV LlDC.rx 1 I Mvnvni: mviut CHARLES RAY In "TWO MIM II " TO Ml" r- PkT Wiiinll.iril Ale .it (IJil M UKlt.lN 1 MAVisr r iwi.V THOMAS MEIGHAN iii run n nr.ieit d in 0VERBK00K '"a' 'VIXW i.i.i it r in "SCRAMBLED WIVES" BELMONT 6J" ahevk MAiihcr "BACKPAY" CEDAR wtH ci:uAirAVEMjs DORIS MAY COLISEUM f.Ilr-.lj' , neitr.Nn: i unr.fi: (,, i! "THE UNFOLDMENT" JUMBO ",W' illllAKU AVB J 1,. ...J"1"1"1 Ju" "! rianliferd "lT ELAINE HAMMERSTEIN in "Tin: w n iir mu, LEADER ?S5T,f .S',1 v5 TOM MOORE In "UK. lllKMls (ii- M:n K LOCUST f'IA;t(,1:''..- -v.ir.Ki- "THE MAN FROM HOME" NIXON'S AMBASSADOR ' " " Mium.. I an f. i ! ?.,p ' : ' ; "CARnir.AM NIXON b-l A'ND "AJtKKT rrs. WILLIAM S. HART "' ' in "mini, uk" 69THST. "w.nwm"i i v. i.mrr'ini-w "WAY DOWN EAST" STRAND llw""'n,l? A at ennie .. - ' ' " ' I' ,r uukuihy DALTON "iie i.ia.ii mom... ," lermiuk. ml ii ! i In 'OMN n,)l l KUA.NUruilU avi: I AL.1V1 N.HMtl- i UK t: r NORMA TALMADGE , In MII.IN' IIIKOKill" r5r,rn"MT' Miit m hiew itid ! It.VjC.lN 1 in A at in n l. ,M i CONSTANCE BINNEY hiJ'TILB M.lIIU'WAI.KI.Il" , O I A I TO aUKMA.NTOH V AVI1...C:: llAl-. 1 W VT Tl'l.lT.IIDi'MJNT ST SHIRLEY MASON ln"IJTTI.I'. lUSH HMII.i:v SHERWOOD "Ar ""iT.oe RICHARD TALMADGE In "MATCH lllJtSTKI'" ARDMOREUVNCAt7lV,V,,,;ilVi;' v.uniit UKIFFITH In " UUlilS's s( ,,. , . GRANT w?lll?e AjLr-, . NORMA TALMADGE ' III "SMII.IV TIIKOL-iill" r 4 II AT OTHER THEATRES' MEMBEfS OF M.P.T.O.A. GERMANT0VNMsIrA',5"yxplA' Tem Mix in "Un nrwl nnJ'i nanwi Mentr llnnle.1.. "I'leiih- Krmli Reef Garden Hetel Adelphia Coel for Luncheon, Dinner, Supper Dancing 8:30 i te Closing ' Don't Just Wish for Het Water Have It! Yeu can, at any minute, day or night, if you let uj install in your home a GAS STORAGE WATER HEATER Just as the name implies, it ilera het waler in a lank, ready (or your inslanl use. When het walrr U drawn, the gas gees en autemalieall, and it gees out automatically when the lank is again full of het Economical te operate. if ! fr,.l !' jj',. !,,'( water. See a demonstration al any of our ilera or a$f( m te send a representative. THE UNITED GAS IMPROVEMENT CO. A&P Merchandising Policy and Service Provides an absolute guarantee a perfect as surance te its customers, both as te quality and low price. It must be geed or else it will net be found in an A&P Stere. Our gigantic QUANTITY buying takes care ei the price. Specials for Philadelphia and Vicinity FINE CANE GRANULATED lbs 34c t PRINT L J9k jO i,9I . wsamsj Bt,jcr Fancy Creamery Bntter Lb. 42c u 39c 'Small Cake FUR E Pint Cellie KffiSfiSfsfl ClieSate Covered rsu- B itfT uippei A Dainty Confection 6ez. Pachane zmg223& EVERY EGG GUARANTEED A GOOD ONE "Sunnybrnek" Kn:.s . .t Kuaiu lU'i-ii n of ai tiu A&I from tbv thoue n nrli. i ru im m t. ; itiBt v'lCi'tPii te nmum our itiml,.,Mnv nf fimlty n,Uuiiiii Q Dez. iui"tv v . 'ubl'Olj' .ripi ii li i ' ' aic pec-uil m 3 oz. Bettle 16 oz. Bettle Mania (ictured and packed in our own daylight factory of thv incut ingredients and under the most sanitary conditions CEACEER SPECIALS Butter Thin Biscuits . . . lb 19c Rosemary j ?jQc Harlequin Sugar Wafers p;q "gc mm 3 K"S stwr OBAXCEPfKOC TKAr f3&SZ''"W rtirtll kfl-JIi ;' THE GREAT COFFEE SUPREME A&P Sole Di.tribiiteM 35c ATLANTIC & PACIFIC TEA Y CO. .'m ii '4, m m I vSi M i fi (Aip) (AttX fM litreCcn,nm,,e' t0 fllt J'V..;.i,,Uf a flh; PAU "lUUli AVB. A UAUPIIIM kt t&H"! THE 1ABgFW8iSfeffl,ec,M 1 i li "KiiirBinn,,. .. MME i "a; NAZIMOVA , Uv m projection of a nic ANITA STEWART In "SOWINO TUB WIMJ" IM)I,T,'8 HOl'HK" aiscv' ,VV ?.( 333 MARl T tiTKKET TIIUATAB 9 A, M. te 11:15 p. if. Hyll fe- -A