lAuLuXi (I'M J I .T-',-$V jr. MrO. '&: VyTy .' " VVJ ''"' v W,' Y"W?pi . feWn w?5? Tiw ye.r !if - y . I' Jrtj!Wty.v "' y y"W$f$ W I II i f I i tj 41 !;4 m Ii I 1 ti ( h 7e Workers Ire ie in Winnifred mi hi inirii type of tvntnnn? Hesldcs tjie mother kind, nnd tlu class who alwnjH hnve leii the great levers? Tiieii'nniN upon tlmiisnuds of med. em girls never in ii r r y or ben r1 children. Ne longer nre lliey drone mid ' piirnMte. however. filing e(T of mule1 ro'iitlves. mid being tm.t, or urged te sew or i-nre for the children of a broth er, te earn their beard. They are work . WI.SMKHKii IIAHI' LUUI.EV ers . In the iniirvelnus industrial enleii.t called mi ant village the labor i laic'iiih apportioned, and ill I belli i eieinuniti tliere ire three rts of i'itizeu lb" iniecn-ni"tlier. who Riiis all the uffspring f,,r the mxt g-n cr.'tien. imhI i riipti:ieitsla fed and cnr-il for In i'er en . the drones or n.Ji li-. out of which one is sclei led for the bridegroom; and hie neuters or workers. Th ipieen no work, be en use she contributes her share te the tiee-werld by In.tlns thousands of eegs The dreni'-inales ,e nut we '. because the swiftest becomes .I.- f.iiher of the race. Hut the big i lass ni neuters make all the hull', for they a:e set aside a commercial producers. Thee laborers, however, ba-e no -i, Thc.t found no home and le-it" no off spring. Thev create in ict . but liie t a monkish and communist 10 etieiiie, 7T.N tniidern women mini bin-lie- Y.L 'iir. ii. ne'li ere !!' the worker bees, Ii i nd and lone!) for them. perlinp-. but th"t labor indu-n i"'s!t nt ci-inniereinl or c'erb-il iuk. nt ihe art-. nt teaching or nursing. Thet nivnin plish mi eiinni.eiis part of the wmld Verk bill they de it hi the expense of prr-eti'il ilnmesttciti . I t-cy are -tun-titers, bachelor maid-, unwed women. These are something new under the Mill! Never before In history was a Frnup of million- of females ileliberiitelt single These celibntes enjoy a great many no'i'l'ies anil pleasures, in spite of having miss.-1 te.irriace and inerhei . heed. Thrc are Mime who dee are that The Wife Cheater ie vv e By IIA.KL )K) I'.ATCIIKLOi: .limit tnrkhr,liir mnrnn niittni, Tl'dV-ii in ;u'e nf iniuiil iriiniiHf. frnni l"'i fi-nuh. Sir . mew i Ann ii prrfrmur In llnhrrl l.iriiiiiitiin. i fiuin 'cie mi hrr tlrrelrilhi. Uut vlin m ('i Xermiin'v ih'iim. Yei"in ,' Ihr I mil ni iimi trim inn iirrrr hern A'iien-i tn ini' fm nur irnnnin ttwrr ifinn n if irirki nt t linn. fltul ihmthi nllir tlutr iintrr.ifir ermri' hn nun i 'nf itunti (1 ii'illi All' r Wilinn. a Witui'l fiiinil. Of Cnui'' 'hum i iiici-'iic, Uut M-Arn 1hr mfiituntwii ii-fir itilf mil. "he tries tn hiluri ii irnii t hiifiinn ii'jnni. jf'ei' 'I triiinl. X or nm n ilirnttv nil I.k 1imr In hrr. nml thru mhiih 1i. lnirlirt. Ihr icife ni mi n' till, -hut Clt tin t'ltii , llnlurl l.wiiiyttiiii tnnvc it'll In lllllnn irlurr tin HVhii' n rr Hi mil. n ni jiliini mr inr fur nun's iiitrr. t'.iiith. In Cimii- tn Hiltnn inr n ruil. Nerman Hears the News I WAS determined te forget cntiieiv our (piarrel of the uierniiig. and ttlirn Nii-uian reiiirned i hu t ingli' I nn i him Willi a smile. We were out en the perch w luting fur Mary te annei"ice dinner, when I told liiin tut news ;iln"t Eji's arrival. lie seemed plee-eil. but nt in ti h '.mp-essed, and v h-n I told iiim that Ilnbert was out te Hilten and that I had asked ii.m te dinner i-i Saturday nighf he ft-mtucd BUrlil-snly. "I've n-ked the Kenediets for dinner en Saturday." 1 erilshe I bill k the impulse te te'l him lie had no i-igut -ii ile that without tii-st eeiisuliing ni". and has tened te repeH-. "That's all right, we'll have a regu lar paity ." ttul his I .i i e did net lighten, and bailing te aid li'in I pit nit baud ni pilMvelt h.s. "Wlia! is I-, av you uiple, ftbeu' any tiling'''' "tllll. I'l.ll I don't .-ee hew tte e.i'l have any kind of a time ttnli Living ston here. lie's seh ,'l sin-'t. ;ind ll.e llenedict - won't l.e interesteii m him. I hate them te think that we haven't nnv iiitei-e.iing friends." I il'etv hail; iiiietly. Se inat was It! Ni-rniiin wanted m make an ini- pressv ni ,.u Vivien lb dii t. .nnl n ,; friends were pint and uniutcrest tig. Fer the first tune I let hilll see tliat I was inzrt . nnd as I r p, my feel T said al iuisi mubi ieu!y. "It's tee bail Alice Wil-en isn't in inwn : lie'. the only of our friends v in, might be Interest ns in jh,. Seiiedicr " I (tirne-I away and went into the house before he could an-wer. Dinner "a. gluistlt t -eemeil of late that N'erman and 1 wete always miles npnrt ,n cur timuglii' I!ut after tnnl lie shpiied Ins ju-iii abuiil me nnd drctv me in Inin. "I'm sorry, dear. I knew I had un right' te take that attitude. Ne doubt -Kdith will mere than make up for Her bert's stegdine-s, and ve uuglil te have geed time Itut a'theugii 1 did net draw awav from Inin, there w,i no icsp,mse in my Ilea rt. I knew thai Nnniinn I. ad net made n coiiees-ien because he wa KHT.V for whin lie had n iI about Her bert, but because he wanted 111" te be nice te Yitieii Itcncilnt. Kir me first time in III. life I deliberaiely f :i . . J ihe nelfisliness i hat went te make up the greater part of Ins naliire. Always before I had excused him. but new. Itheugli I Ievki I ) i , 1 1 no less. realised betf little 1 (Ollld ever hope In sv,n him. He would always de ii- ne Iked; Ills love for me would innk" iw differ- nee in In- fiiend-h.p fm- oilier women mid I could eitiiii .ie. ept that la. i ,,r batter int let pini-s away en the leil.-v of sepnralieii. At the theughi mt heart turned cold within tin-. Life without Nerninn : win. c en the thought of it Was unbearable. I could in vel- iente lllm. no mailer what happened. I Would cling le him, unless ihe time came when lie wanted te put me nut of his life, and tlien my own life would be ended, for thete would tie no incen tive te go en living. This abject surrender in mv own henrt made me draw back tn vimms from the touch of his arms. mur mured an excue about having te s(.0 Mary about something, and s0e up the i back stairs te my room. Thcie in the darkness I curled up en the window sent aid tried 'n icgain some of my peace of mind If life tenld only be as simple as u hud seenu ,1 before my marriage te Weman. Then I had been se sure of him nnd of my ability te In tlil him. nnd new ihe way lilieiul seemed daik and perilous. Sup pose the time cniiic when Nerman's In-' ttreist In a woman would cany him away from me entirely Suppose lie tlieltld some day ask Ins fr uni of me There was every rrasen in suppose thai- t Uir future even timt might happen .' fTemvMW The AihnH of liililli llaiiV'.r7 Rk amv " iH:,; 7t bxk&jja Bi 'vK7 feZ-I TBKi W Third Class Harper Coetcy's Trie tl.rlr life much mere full llimi.tlpt "f the nvcrnge tteinc!t If wife. Tliey feel I Hint they arc vet-smile, in work unci ' I pleasure, nnd timt they teui-h hundreds of people in hundreds of tvnj-, itml tints ' experience htiiiiiin contacts timt make! them breiul n ml sympathetic. I hey achieve tusks ilmt tniilte them proud; nnd tin-Ill nt the nppluuse of the world, If they hnve brillliint talent", These workers would net permit you f" term them "neuters"! They nre net shoved out of theillKe tlie bees, in being set npnrt. nnd being indifferent te the opposite sex. Sometimes they have hud thrilling love nftnirs, but death, or some ether trag edy, has prevented their marrying. .Many of the win-Id's most celebrated women have been unmarried. They gave their entire. life te hiitnunit.t . TI1KY are net necessarily set apart b niitnre as an lntermediale se . te some nf them, eerhnns. the ttistinel for maternity is very strung, and they limy adept and rear six or seven cliil- ilren. nephews and nieces. Thev unit lime some of the enalities of the Inter. f the eualities uf the Inter- woman am ime of the mother-woman. but tale has chanced te place them In I.. ,.1...... ti...... I. the huge industrial machine, and they never left it for the tiny sphere of home. Seme of them, of course, really are a kind of negative type. They honestly In nm care inmantically frtr the op posite se, and a union with a man for life, involving a narrow existence, with 'I'ti-idcrnble idleness and monotony , would bore tliein nnd cause them te feel that they weie wasting time ami energies. These natural neuters among hiimiin bees are doing their part of the world's work as truly as an- inel hers. " ' '"" T7IU-: gi J- IM-li.l. Jill1! grai'imi ineiiier et t in- iiraceni. men wlie were famous, pmuteil with pride te liei- boy. when nneflnT woman ttns boasting of her elegant jewelry, anil said: "These are my .jewels !" Timt was tine, because the het s were n great i reiiit ami model citizens nut hearing liiUlren merely te nii-rease the iiepula- timi is net necessnrilv a credit. All three classes of women have seme1"" ' bate often tried In vain. of the instini-ts of the ethers, nnl it is' OHNKVIEVE. mi a matter of praise or blame, but of ebatii-e. which determines our own liisitieatmn "" " ' '"."" ," , rutty i,more(t 1 nree-riece Suit Trimmed With Bands ('OICINNK I.IHVK Tlie r.ig-time band: We hear ,t plating all r i. ee,n;:ijA, f ,;. prei nr summer and if we step ,,. ulyre the Individuality of many a srn..n wrap or frock we find it lies solely in the app'icntien of bands embroidered or contrasting or beaded or etherwisr hl-illlllllf. Tims In today's rnroe-pioeo suit 0f putty -colored (men the rlinr enss,s in emlii-eldered bands which carry e it several tones of blue. -n,e feni e c,,;. Inr. together with the tending of the arinhele and tlie ene.s,,., trimming of ihe skirt, makes the geography of tins ernnniiitiitiiin mere Interesting than the siihst,, ,,,.,. (sef. 'J'he 'belt i. of brew n sijeile. Can Veu It n H. .. and I. Tell? II'. Itijiljiiir ' Mew tlie Terms of Alderman an, ,M.M0. Originated The word nldermiin originated from the Anglo-Saxen word eiildermnn. which is ti compound of enlder leldi i.ud num. Anion, the Teutens the name was nen te ihe ,,f ,. tribe. Who nils the eldest ,.,,, , ,, In i lie re,gn of Kghert. King f yv. ex. the title was applied te .'Magis trates appointed by tin- King. -, t,e cietenih century the title of earl s ,p,.e. -ede( ilmt of alderiiinii and the latter declined in dignity. Tlie title of earl illiluntcl one of Ihe noble , tls-, disliiiguisheil finni churl, the name nf n mere Iriemni. W'llllnin ihe C,,n. ipiernr made eiuideiiis hei edllnrt , nnd this was tlie tirsr step in eh'tinging a title nf iiflice illle one of mere djR. nltt . Tlie term n Merman again gained dlg nirv during the power of ilie guilds. It was aiiplled te tlie heads ,,f the guilds, nml when the power of tlie guilds beciune e -.mjiiirtant In political affalis then- lieads or aldermen became the iiiiiti ifipii 1 authorities. The term mayor was originally ap plied te the l-iim's nllicer. who U1S really spokesman for the king Later en a chiiuge was niade se that thi.-i "Mayer of tlie I'tilace" was (dectcd by the nation. The king's mi,, Ulls 1(,". rediiary, lint he had little nr no mi. tlierlty. Suliseipiently, tlie mayor's iiu iiu llierity was united vlth that of the king and tlie ellice of lung and imiyer weie both made elective liy the people, nltheilgli the crown remained hereditary because I lie people always chose their king from the same family. In mir modern dins the mayor Is still repre dilative of tlie people and tlie term hits, come te he L'ciiernllv nnnlie.l .. the ( M'fiitive eilicer of p'racticnll- n ' "" "' towns wT, , .. n . . Tomorrow MOW Illll tllf- Cnrnt In tigliiii;; lllitmuiulvgmlnater T JL I aj Lew vn Pi ' Jk I Hi V II '"I l V 3 1 I P I SnsJ l lr I i tj r.t EVENING PUBLIC LEDGER-PHILADELPHIA, FRIDAY, Please Tell Me What te De lly CYNTHIA l.rtttrn tn Cunthln't rnfnmit mint b ic-lftrn en nnp lrfp el lh nnptr only, (i-iit mtuf be nlantd irllh t)ic wrttrr "(line and (irfrfrr. Tr tinni' irlll mil () ihlltirrl ( Ihe u-rlfrr rfer.r net ti-tlH If. t"ilei.ct Vttm find tr.tir u-rlltn en hnlh Mtc nt th' vaptr u-tlt Het ft? niKii-Mrrl. H'rffcr ti'lin 11 li ifreanl iiiurt that fan be elecn fii fir retiitim v ill il(i loefc fhrrr. en irreiinl trltfrs mi only urfldn u-hen ntise.'titflw nccrj sari. Te "Mrs. L. W." Write tn the HeKlstrnr of Vltnl Statis tics. Town Hall, In the Michigan town you epeak .ilieut. Te "Jeanne R." Verv often two or three weeks or mere elapse before letters nre niifwered liK-tnm. nf tl.n niimlinp er'pl"ell. 'I hey i mun" wall their tut n Cynthia does net ' re.vlleet jour letter at the moment. ' " : "T Bernlce I IJi-smg is a way i.f showing love and , affection furls who allow heys te kips I them me I '"em nie ..mslilcred co.ntnen nail vulgar. "'V'1 V". l. .' 5! M'1' "'";.:' " J. .... , .V.'.. ' nu ll M" nvi . uivir - ii" .-i-vi... .., for tn.irrliiKe. In southern countries many itiils marry at fourteen even at thliteen but the average age In the fnited States Is around twenty-live. due hunilred nnd sixty priiiids Is net tee much te welKh If you are tall. Consult ,i doctor about your completion. He Startles Her Cynthia Itead tour column evert n.cnt and think It wry lntetet- tng I hate never written t.i veu lie- ' fur- I hope III have n pleasing an- stver Mi. inking you. New. here Is nn trouble I am a airi snu in my i i teens .ird lute never b-en In love until I-uelr;,"" 'hairU'Vnm?: Mtlvuicn In- is ' Id enough te lie my father, he seem te be tery intimate and nlwnts g mh me ir."ents. I ami around this nun n gnat deaH for hu i Is one of nit rather s means, and. Cynthia, de no' think me foolish, but it startles in" something terrlble when i he approaches ni I -an hardly talk and always Hush mctantlv. What IcAiises this feeling and hetv can I kill Your are .., e!f-concieus, that Is I all. Hunk of -ids man as merely n friend of the faintly and de net try te bellete veui-selt 111 love with him. Hu rmntj rrjcrt-frt j:r,0,,,,,bl' ,h,nkM 'f OU aS Jun a ,,u,eiT"K ,''"1 tnernings nnd evenings 1 - August bring visi Thlnk "T' B' p" ls a "She" hear Ctnlh.a We :,re dally readers of your t. Minn "Please Tell Me What te lie" and appteclnte the .!.. ..iii.... ikUIi ii !(. ti i'.hi nneu-ue unrtlii i f the cemiilcx i nr.'.blenis which nre sent te tmi te answer. Hut most of 1 meat during tins mentli will be reipiired ' problems ate both personal andite keep tlie family pliyslcnllv Ml. It I unlnteiest ni; t. tellers for the most ; s mistaken econemv te short ration the . pan. Th'v a i. .. few exception-, hew- falIljv ,!,.,. ,liseaM.n with either; sver. wiei are verv i Inter and Inter- t i. ,-. ,.,, . , ., ,,., estlnc The mst , event Mid commend- frt" '''"'t' or vegetables '1 ,e very ilile letter tile ..tie -Igned "The HUCK Private The ,eter tvav In which ! "she" two d"ub: tery much that the I author , m.tseul.nei brings out "her" Tmi Itrartur... n able letter the ..tie -Igned "The Huck reun.lir.K-a almost shewed the hand of... genius. We rrcri-t thnt we missed "Cynieus" " letter It must have heen exeillent te receive siu-li praise from the miner' fans and one far nhete their intel lectual level who signs himself by such a meanlngles.. name. "Huck Private." May we dale suk';"i. 'l'.'iek Private," that n mere deserting name Is due you? Your des, ripueit reminds us of Wash-j fgten living's famous description. Why mt use tlu as a nom de plume'' lly' i in think tlut we are Itatteilng you.) HucU Private" V are unit tellmj; j , the truth, are we net. Cynthia'.' "SAMl'KI. .luHNSUN ANH I'.nS- I wl:i.i llt, MethlnUs the -tu.k PrlvaU will . 111.H.I1 amused at your thinking 'Inin'' her ' I'yirtlua bappens te Unett that! he really Is a "he." as lie Him wretu1 . litthe column Just after he had re-, i eived his iltscbuiRe ns a teal bind; prl-I , t.ue Hence the nuni de plume. Write i again Cynlliia will be glad P hear A Definition of Leve !",( ft nthla Kiem time te ''rue I read in -nur column of the mai -. sad iHse.s if .ne treub. s and iliscusieiis of love iitid the fa( '. is tba' the word ete Is sunplt tern te shreds by the t.uieus i oiitiihuiers n tour column. We r-ad of .eme kis he sm thnt no man is worth v of 'hem and no man north l.ting'fei, et. We tind tnnnv wh speak of that wei.d.rful gift willeh "! oil has fiten tthuh is tilled -love." Am! iiiey knew iie'hii.g of what they -p- M; da- friend-. Ie, .,-,, ,, IU.U ours ones Un- quust.iti What is lde?, is (bd's me-, pie.leus -,-ift te hunian-u and with" it it the weild . "ui'i in . -uvicm i,.,..- i uiui vniur wlv h lied givs us tist that we. the people en eaith, mat bte .lese te lllm .,.....! ...i i... ..i Second t. tint we the people en earth., lev,. ni,.l lit.- n peace with our t'eit-huer riitnl, no u mil can lite w-lth- ui It. It is Cfsetltl.ll te the scul of man The world (.uiiiet succeed with out it. I.eti. ts tliat affection tvhlch unites nan ami woman m lawiul inanlage 'teiigli sometimes '. -s misused. As w-m i Hatel ileun Hi.- p.Hh ..f life we tind! two kinds of lit.- l-tst love, which Is commonly , tilled .imbitlen. Tin.-" kind 1 . . lie I .'I II V I ell ll ' . .il. .. ml ilu.lriifllir.ii i Then there is ti:.. love, called "deve- .l0' devised le iiiiaure n bend, and from tleii of the soul- In which youth is j the measurements tel! the exact degree united girl for lm tnul vice versa ... . This kind leads te happiness If the , '" which a person possessed each of the tlame of h.te is bv the virtue forty some mental faculties which liianl-wnn-h acc'.n.jiei .-s ..r. railed purity. , . ., , ., . , , , True Int.- .an inter be killed Ne f""' ""'inseltes i , shnp,. of the m.iuer hew kiwi the strain mat- be, ' and the develeptueni of die skull. I lete is alwa- s line tind never give . ... , ., i ... i, . .,, , , I wav. 'Ilt " '" 'P'l'e possible te form a l.etn i kind, ih.'intab'e and lone- 'and sin In nnv fr.rm ile.i .m.mse ....... filllH nt,!? .ICO fi.'i...-- ('iIk.1 .-net f,. I le iu- -. rt.-- ' 1 i" i-tir tiinslnnr :i,i.l no.-i-.e i failing I- is the in' st wonderful nod beautiful and -inied and holy thine there Is in ibis uaid m any ether. IIiivs ai.d uiils. ulii.n some one tellu you or slants :it,,i .t,e love veu. re - spoei loom i .i ii mr ,,ie is- the iole( iele( iole( tieti of a pile .. ml - mi pie heait, and Inil" Wl.t ll i..Iliil.mI ...... ni..-i U-- i..iui-ii li.i.n i tt . .M. I i . . . ... .. WHAT'S WHAT It ii III i ii llcrir 'Jlrls hate been employed in elllces for meie than a quarter of a couture. In ihe early days of feminine clerical tteik there was either tee much cere mony or net eii'iUKh in their association with men ilurliiK bUHlnem hours, um I new inai Kill "i. iniHi iiiniei t. iy)mis, f Iiik clerks. et(', nre as Inevl'nhle as the hinees of the et I Ce 1 ours, the ,..,! tlie nitiKes or me hiiied oeurs. nm ee-eil business, problem has simplified n self. tnrting the rrewn. ut Ii In u safe ?:.::! .t'e'-cede of,",,;,e!;,nR,", "as "n tf-,i'i"'-" " v..r nigi,,. i,:. A well-conducted girl In an office Is ' f(,n! rPI""v nK l"'l''i' in the morn, neither stiff nor prudish, nor does she , lnK Nl"'1d 11 cheese. clnth ever tlie co te iin- etner extreme in a hnil-fellnw. , crown nnd press lightly with a ineder-widl-niet e.scess of jollity While ceur- ! ntelv wurin Iren, Te nress the brim toens and nlrasnnt te nil the men abnur l'er. she inalnt.iins n certain distance I KB .sicr' rh nlr" eV'm' Cca like her etening clothes, tire reiervej I (Y.e ll,n nreelrnm leluure hnern u-hiiii 1H business day -"T1W r T Quaint is (he maid who wears a leuy- skivtcd frock that is becomingly full with a low waistline and narrow belt. Her sleeves finish in medieval stale. . :.4aj I A All i Ti T K" Attractive Menu iASji TTx iSs v Meahy as Suggested by Mrs. Wilsen the Warm Weather the Wise Housewife Will Net Serve Se Much Meat, but Will Deuble the Supply of Fresh Vegetables TJy .1IT1S, M. A. WILSON Cevurl3ht. i?u by Mm. M. ,, iciIjeh. Ml ions of the Sep tember harvest, and school days will then resume for the youngsters. This is the Ideal summer season, se make the most of it while you can and plan te give tlie family as many fresh vegeta- ! hi'" '" eti can secure. Very little ' " ' ' '"rj iiiaiiuiies. or ioeii lacteis tliat i '"'" ' ' '"" ""- ," i""i menus ,;,,, ,.. .. , i-einreil ' promote growth nml health, nre found ';' ..... '. , m,r;n IJ'cpnred , abundantly In all fresh vegetables mid ,'".' v"m '' tablcspoentul of melted fruits, nml this Is pnrticiilarlv true in i ''Utter ever ench pudding nnd.hnke. fn'" "'"' vegetnbles - IWIi : Meringue Cut thin slices f spnngeenke in ''" """ ' "' "niuie n i tun i'l.ll i. i r.... n .... I i .-seiiiuern suiiiiner-tiiue menu Hint Is, particularly delicious, Suggestive .Menu for Three .Meals en Sunday Sunday Itrcahfnst Sugared I'enclies l'arsley Omelet wlili l'niiucd Tomntees Potatoes in Cream Sauce Toasted Cern Itread Coffee Dinner ('hilled Cantaloupe Salted Nuts (Hives linked Ham with Cern Pudding ! linked Potatoes Milked Tomatoes. Buttered Heels Ceiesliiw .Meringue Supper Stuffed w' ' Peach ( 'elTee Temnii.i s lad Tuns i Stewed Pouches Currant Jelly :es Te Parsley Omelet Select tirui loiuutec- .ii, . il in half. brown two slices (,f li:,,.lin fr ,.,,,,..v person, i lien fry tomatoes, place in mix- ing nnwi Sir inn. Thru iniiirtrr rim nl milk lire tiiiiliipnen.i i, i hriuil crinnlii, Om triminn nf ,,!(, lini'hiilf trmpnen nf prpprr. , ". V, '" . ,V, '. ''.'" ... . ''.?" " ' "' s . iiiuiesiiieMs Nt . i "'-' '""'Ie smoking het. Cook in tlie . usual manner and te brown Ihe ion .. :.. i f t . ...i inni-e in inu in oil ler lew minute -erve. lift km, slues nf the nlcelt liemiitnes ,, tibm i... : l'i fried ' , ,.,i , , , "L ""' s.iueii ' "'"l"t and place en lop. Bnrnlsh w itl, Read Your Character j It II Hi'lhii 1'hillipi j What Short Heads Ijich would take snnie mete accurate It system of measurement than Inan has ' bread estimate. cenldei-liur the fnenl. , tie' whose areas nie ojee together In groups, and this estimate imiv be based siiiuaie nuiy obseiviltieil. ! "I"1" ' If veu will nuike it a point te observe y ou will note that the I of the loin; lieiid lies principally back I of the ears. Km- instance. a you leek hi u head in piehle. if tlie distance from .!.,, ...... I,. tliii mi no ..I tl... 1.....1. ..T i no' 'in '' "" "in n hi i the ear te I In I lie head iv iii.nM iiiiiii iisiuii, nie hem! is "Ieiik. nnd it the reverse ls '(In. ellse It Is "short." These Hie I lie bliiin faculties which nre principally responsible for nK. hendeilni'ss b.t their unusual deiolup deielup inent, nnd for shni'thciidcdncssi by their subneriiuil lietelnpinent. Tlie fncullles nf pareiilnl and coiiju ceiiju gal nffectien. frleml-liip, uflMtlnti for fit in il in r localities, the potter of con cent rut Ien, nnd en the border line of hlKldieiidedncs-t, of ambition and se'f respect, these hitter two hcini; facilities which make heth for liluhliendeilness and lenithendeilnesH. Hence tlie things in ttlilcli the short hend i underdeveloped nre the four nf feetimiH for offspring, mate, friends and plnecs. the power et eoncentrutlen, nnd, lenendlng upon the particulur sin ne e the fiend, pride and ambition. If th -. . 1 i ... tie limn, in en- .uei 11111111111111. 11 lie head ii high ns well as short, you may count m normal pride or self-respect nnd ...nhltlen being ,,,. Tomorrow The Frent -Wide ileiul Clean Hats at Heme Mtilll the crown of the hut ns full f ' ilniup newspapers us pesslhle and press I 1.. ..m il.rhil.- ns , 1.1...... ' 1, in ns tightly as you can without ill 1 i.bien It ever the nb-e ..r dm irmilm. i,0nrd. cover with cheese-cloth nnd l with. n iron, Often hard rail of miner Instead of the lrenlne beard mny he ufd If Ilie. brim Jj slightly reuuueu. , Cream- colored crepe is the foundation of this frock. while wide Paisley designs form the whole skirt and bands of Paisley edge the front of the waist. Taffeta cuffs wrap the tvrists. iMHHflPHHMSB B f it C 7 for the Sunday finely minced parsley and the two strips of bncen. Cem Pudding Scrape the pulp from six medium size ears of corn, place in mixing bowl and add "lie ci; mill;. I'mir in ll-hi ntin inn. Onr-quuitcr ciyi of finely miiicrtl parilcii, 'lint nn in ii v ijrntril. Our nml one-half tui.ipnen. nf mill, Onr ttiisprinn nf ntiirlkti. Our uircn kiicc mlnml finr. Our-half nip nt finr hrrml vrumhi, Tiru Inblcipnnn nf flour. , ..,, ami envoi willi thick slices ..f peaches, dust with sugar and cover with meringue made as fellows; Place wniics ni turce egs in nnwi, whip un III mlxtllte will held its shane. then ' whip in three-ipinrtei's cup of grmiii- luted sugar, use te cover the peaches iti(l Viti 1-ii i 1... t ........ .....: I ..!... i.. , , , . . ' inr'j "::rTuuul ,,f ,""'n,m Jcl,y Tomatoes Stuffed Willi (iieei. si.,!...! "" ".i.w iii iiim rii ii ii 1 1 i iiicnv ., , s..s.. Select large, tir.n tomatoes ami with , teaspoon scep ut the ,e. s. . ''' "' "Irnlii. IMnce through the feed chopper un- ijrrrn pi pprr. Our union, Onv-luilf mi, nf ., I'irr learr nf Irltiirr, tclcvtlinj renrsr iirrrn Unirx, Jlin' nip ii f rntlinjr rlnenc. . c I urn III uilMinr howl nml ii. l.l h,r mul an,-half lnUpnims nf ,' ""','- T,11'", "'I'. ""' ,'- "'.'I- 'rh Our teaspoon nf pnpril'n mirrev velvet ribbon. A few large Mlk Thrrr-iiuarlrr, trnipnm,' of munlanl, l"!u'.'iv '''ers give a smart touch te On-,i,nrtcr ,;,,, f M,Hminai"r. ' this lilm.v garment. I- I.OItA. .AIIX Well mil till into Ihn,,. , l''"e en ice te chill nnd when rendv te 'i '' iiiiisk with inayennaise dressjns; ' '""' l,'lc,, I" m-st of lettuee. Stewed Peaches Slew lluli III peiii-nes wneic. in. r pare sirup ma le as fellows; win. and ; "' ',""!, "'"'''""( vii in nf .unar. ilni-hulf cup nt liniUmj irntrr. Cenk for live minute., add the i,n.U- cover closely nml ,.(,k uuill the peaches I aie lender, (joel. dust Imhtlv with nut- ' meg i hill anil serve ie,. ei with1 ipoeiiful of uiiii'shniiilbiw whip en top. ' .Male ihe drop cakes from the sponge- ' cake mixture emitting half nf the water, l diep en well-greased pan and hakg in het even ion minutes. THE HOME IN GOOD TASTE llnrtihl lioitttlilsen ftbvilein jtjtfeS Karl.v (hesls of llrnuers I'lllly chest of llmil'nrii vene ,. The i ('veieiiinetit --"' .. from the chest. When drawers were placed in the lower part of cliesls, ,e cum enieni-p of tile dpiwet' ttis deninnstriitcd. The next step wns le nuike meie drawers ie chest nnd i.iake the chest piu-r sliiill.nver, The hniil step was , tlc, ,,l(,s( n ilriiwers nt.d nniU.. the lifting , Ktll. tleiuiry. J I, us mis the chest of drawer-, di liven In, in ihe , hes( uitli dniwu-, ( hosts of drawers ciinie into mere or less entiiuini, ns,. tlnrillg the middle nml Inner pari of the seventeenth con- niry ti nrst ihei were made of ealt. nun llieu etlier Kriidunlly te lie weeds iin well cnmit used, .Sometimes the early diesis of drnweiN were mini- .uiving, in eiiicr times n certain iiineuni of color wns used in ml- ..I1..1.111I ...II. ,.....!...- .. ...I ' .'.....' " .i" """ "'. Htlll ijiiM'r f'livii- ui firiiivirK iiir e (lecernted, . ,. 1.1. ..,. i,,,, ,,.1,1 -.., ' , ' ,i , 1, 1 lht 'si I. ' iT1' l.,,"5? ,1, , L , u "',." ' " ,"l!ls''';' l: The'ti'tnnin'iiiin" linn was e.tecuted in the patterns clmr. act eristic or the period. The chest of drntters shown In the cut lins 11 palinode , pattern covering the drnwer-freiits ' while Ilie "stiles" or uprights nt n,A ' sides display a laurel mid tulip design I The ends nre paneled. This ei ii,,i,i.', ' The ends nre Handed Tbi ' "l ' ""'" "" . l''"" " ".' ' '" Is representative of the period. Tic ' style changed greatly nheut the ,.,,.1 t the century. Toinerrow- 'The rnnvenleiil lley" High- HUPKIIVISIM, THK RTAfiB ' Ths upiielntmtnt of Mr. Aul'u'hIh. i-h. fj,rl Ma4J5saa i l'" ' '" I - I r l h!dVV,,"t'5- . AUGUST 4, 1922 A Weman Must Repeat Her Routine Each Day Before Starting New Werk And That's Why She Never Finishes, as Seme One in an Office Gets Through With a Day's Tashsand Begins Fresh Next Day "K VnKYTMINO you de," said the Inventor, who wns being Inter viewed, "suggests something else te be ilene." It's that way In a house, tee. And that's the reason "wett.tin's work Is never done." Kverythlng she does In h'er work nbnttt the house suggests something else that she must de before she does that ether thing. She puts nwny the milk mid butter after breakfast, and that reminds her that the iceman, will bring his bill to morrow. It tl t she has te go te the Imnk te draw out some money before she will be Able te pay him. And she can't go out until she fixes thnt lilt of hire en her cellar, which Is ripped, because the laundry won't come until this nftcrnoen, and this is the only clean dress she has te go out In; Then, having started out en her trip te the bank, she decides that she may as well go en te the market and get that done early while the things nre all fresh nnd nice instead of telephoning her order nnd diking wlint they cheese te send her. TftTiKPHONK the telephone hill ! She'll pay thnt, tee. while she's out. .lust about the time she has her er rands finished a pang of hunger warns her that it Is time, te think nheut lunch. And se it gees with a woman's work. Kverythlng she ders Is just one step ping stone across te another stepping stone which mrty lend In nnether or te something else thnt has te be done. In nn office you finish one bit of work which takes you up te another. When they're finished they're out of the way they're done. They lead up te something, but when you get there you've ndvnnred. And nt closing time you put nn your lint nnd go home. It's all ever for nnether dnv : veu close It up with your i desk, nml thnt's nil I there ls te it. Things YeiCll Leve te Make I'se That I.ace Sipiare for a HanilMiiiK i Negligee t it i llere Is 'I will- tn Use 11 men srillnt-.i ". ' ;-. M .i,; buck longer than the front. Cut out ! the neck. Pace it with n bri-'ht-eel. .rr ii .i i ..----,... ... '"' "'" ; ',nin th" "'"' ""n"hI" '"iff-. ""' . r'" "f eni'-liiiir-liicli . V;V",,,,H '"'"p" ,,,,,,'lt j'V "li ''T' j ""n a band of velvet ribbon the color ' .... .i. . :n. e... i . .1... ..ii. 1 III lllli SlUi IIM'llIK III1UIIKII llic SHIS I., i i I... 1 1...I. i(.. ii...... .,. Ln.L ,.in ii. i i. i niuiie u i k: iiiiiiii hi lie iim lien- ,,.. ....., ..... .-..,.- ........ .., . .,,..., j ,01111 lit each side where Ihe liriuhnlc.s . would he. Klin the velvet through these. ! After you slip this stunning negligee, ever your head tie nie ribbon nt the Of Varied Interest The late (tiieeii of Sunn sewed with n tliiinble worth SIUUMMI. In tlie reign of Cliarles I. even the Indies (luffed their headgear ill saluta tion. i Safe Milk Fer Infant & Invalid NO COOKING The "Feed Drink" for All Ages. Quick Lunch at Heme, Office nnd Fountains., Ask for HORLICK'S. I Avoid Imitations & Substitutes A Delightful Treat 'Think of a bijj sugar-coated baked i apple covered with I'uddine sauce. What mete temptinp;? E Makes many kinds of Wonderful Desserts It will please the whole family. Eight Flavers At All Grocers, 10c, 15c 1'rult I'llilillne Ce., Itiillliniirr, .Mil. One Geed Taste Deserves Anether Chocolate TASTYKAKE is a deliriously flavored cake in which the real Chocolate flavor is deli riously hlrnded in both cake and icine;. Twe Size 13c and 25c j& iy s imrmci?ritf.r cvrs,uifj lfYkLlLH4llIvPr -!frvnr tiJy&ytj&iwm ' VHK vJBBBP"wJiJPWJ v Vii PUDDIN Z T - 3 , ! ""WSpr- n I I 1 fllffKilM Next dny you tnke It up from where you left it the day before. Bt'T there's no taking tip where you left off In ti house. Tliere Is always some work te mnke up before you enn feel that you have started nt nib The routine has te be Mulshed with, no matter what else there is'en blind, and having caught up with thnt some time about the' middle of the morning or just when you have te step and eat lunch, you are then ready for that sewing or making ever old furniture In the Attractive way that you hnve seen described in n magazine. Kven nt bedtime tliere nre flower boxes te be wittered, the left-evers from the evening inenl te be put nwny in the refrigerator mid tiny number of ether little thlnss that mount up te u let of work. Yes, It's perfectly true Hint every thing you de suggests something else te be done in housework as well us in building n great miicliine. I WOXDKK .wlint an inventor would ,tn If eneb ,bl v ns lie took UP Ills work te carry the Invention nearerlts finish be found the work liiat he nnd done tlie day before all broken up.' What progress would lie make if every day he hud te build ever ngnlu the part he hnd worked en the dny before'.' He tveiibl nuike just about as much ns n wetnnti nuikes who is doing housework nnd trying te nuike beadwny In some thing else outside. And It would take him some five years or se longer te reach perfection in Ins finished product. That's the reason they say that Man must work from sun te sun, but wom an's work ls never done." All the routine she gees through In one day must be repeated exactly the next dny before she enn even think of starting anything fresh. Adventures With a Purse HKUICS just another example of what the little things mean: l'er nice was going out for dinner and had i en a white dress, sheer nnd soft. Tiny jade earrings dangled te mntcli the bends about her neck, but one mere touch was needed. I gave her a jade bracelet I had bought. Narrow, cut with trian gles en the surface, it melded te the soft tan skin of ber'arin. The bracelet I cost but Ifl.ell, nnd It was se attractive tliat she immediately bought two for herself the next day. I I Frecks are being reduced, nnd it's a i most excellent plan te lay In a few i about tills time. One of tlie shops has i it dark blue dotted swiss, n tiny white ' dot te stand out in contrast te tlie ' '"" "-' " "" line nie euun JUKI Jl i vest ur s..ipe,i vmie. mnwy wi,u.. ... , the long cellar reaches le the waist line. i ..., ,, ,,. . . . background. I here are cults and al , ,. i-iiutii- (His anil ves mil edged ! with cotton Irish crochet lac about nn , ,-. (iml, haf wil(.. A sll,,, W w, k,,f' ''"w "'" l""'l. "'' Hi- "''"s i" i veduced te S!l.7." - .. .. ... ... .,'i t. n"p-r.v "?.''" '-"" "'"!'-r?r i.uieir ur ininiir itaiiilll .Jime or .tlnln 1G0I lietweni Ihe liiiur of nml (i. r . ., i urii-fi 4 Ar0 Ii w 'T. . . ssJs 1 i A fleck of mere than two million hens are needed le fill the egg requirements of our Stores! We are able te sell such a tremendous quantity because our eggs have the qual ity. Lven in the hottest weather, we guarantee you twelve geed eggs in every dozen. Discriminating folks buy their eggs in our Stores, famous for years as headquarters for quality butter and eggs Ag iC -$ m i. '( Fresh Country Eggs H, a k t v iAr p OJ: $r -arte $ Eggs you can lie sure of. & h ; $fid $ea$ Egg is 1.9. The largeat and fullest fA MS MS i i&ueuen The finest butter e4 i , c. i Thw Pricc8 cctive in Viur Phila.. i i'ssb:f5fES -' -' Keeps Hair in Curl en Het eryVidu Here's a halr-curllm? inJ Is decidedly Wtl, " , $ imply n little lln.tld llinerl: t ", doing up tlie hitir, tiMiic i leiiiiniiusii ier tun niiriinsn " lug this down (he h nlr 'from dr"'" le tip. It. (hree huIslVn Mi as beautiful curls nnd wave, J" ,,' cerfl.l wish for. Tl. wni?..',w oek se natural no ,)no X ' it was nrllflclnlly n,. -..i m.m will Inst ever se long tegnW't heat, wind or dampness Rnrdlfl Yeu nin obtain liquid .iim'J nt liny drug store nnd n few Sk" will last n long time, if," S". sticky nor greasy mid fl ,MnSP'' te use. II Is detihlv m.efi.l'kJ'frl of also serving ,, . ""J Illinfillli!. dressing', lteeplhg tht. !mlr m. SIH.Y mill IIMIDUS, ll- ft""', both long And bobbed, .M COLD CONSOMME Appetizing refrcihing1 nourishing, but jug, try it with a dash of ', LEA&PERRINS SAUCE THE ORIGINAL WORCESTERSHIRE . Bened CHICKEN Will make delicious Club Sandwiches or any ether dish requir ing chicken meat. Wholesome and econ-. emical. Approved by housewives and campers for ever half a century. Just tender chicken meat in sanitary tins. ASCO ii-SSrr... v I g wnivmi trr Id ft 'e. un fOt' 33 carton of twelve of the new-laid eggs. irk M eutter in America ! 44 III s Richland Butter 40' ib Plirn Prn.lmni'v nrink,len & Suburban Stere "aanm ASCOj iki tev g. w.w.. VrV Iv ' ' . ifcMAlj Aamgi,.tRr;,.J;t ,