Evening public ledger. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1914-1942, August 04, 1922, Night Extra, Image 1

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Fair tonight and Saturday ;
temperature; gcntle winds,
10 111 112 1 g
171 7 7fi 7fl
VOL. VIII. NO. 277
Defendant in $5,000,000 Plot
Accuses Others en Stand
in Court
former Secret Service Head
Here Waives Hearing After
S ..! Tilmt III Cllrlrlanlu
Being iuiwii wmmw...j
m ii -ii n
felite of Bootleggers World Jam
i Courtroom as Story of
Swindle Is Started
Arthur Hamll, former United States
Aitems guard, defendant nnd Govern
ment witness in tbe $5,000,000 rum
plot proaecutlen, swore before United
States Oon.mlssiener Manley today that
at had been offered $400,000 te "go
At the close of the hearing, which
lilted two hours, ten men, among them
Matthew Griffin, former head of the
United States Secret Service here, were
held in $5000 ball each for court.
, Hamll testified that Henry H. Simen,
a fellow defendant, had offered him $10
hr every barrel of whisky tampered
Simen, Hamll testified, pointed out
that 10,000 barrels were lnevlved and
that If the deal went through the cus
toms guard could earn "mere than the
Oerernment would pay him If he
worked his whole life In the service."
Were te Use "Weak" Whisky
The witness further testified that the
original plnn was te substitute inferior
I iarrels under his- iiruporvJslen. The
liar tf v I" . m 1 ka
W&I9KV ter me goeu wnibsy in me
.was shocked te see Simen substitute
titer for the whisky, and at llrst was
Inclined te draw out of the- affair.
Griffin, It was testified, was present
the tirst Hint wns maae ei tne ni
grum nlet.
.jv,,(Jriflii disappeared from the hearing
ftoifi'seon after the proceedings began.
Several times the marshal was Kent te
leek for him, as it was desired te linve
witnesses identify him. He could net
he found.
Finally, at the conclusion of Hamil's
te'ttlnteny. Griffin appeared looking
wklte nnd ill. He paid he had been
taken violently sick and asked If he
night waive a hearing nnd put up nom
inal bail. n
Commissioner Manley nnd he United
State Attorneys agreed. Griffin was
allowed te put up 5000 for his ap
pearance. When the bail had been
fixed Griffin Mild In n weak though
audible voice te Commissioner Man
ley "I want you te understand I have
I net run away."
, All Furnish $T000 Rail
These held, nil of whom furnished
Mil through surety companies, were.
Hareld L. Smith, of Vlllnnevn. former
Bead of the II. L. Smith Company. c.
.POtters; Griffin, who is new head of
U private detective agency: Simen und
Jehn Vi-Tiiimiii,. r.. e.. u,...
Ii' ' --- ...m.j , IUI' ml trt,v
j W awnis, but new winking for Grlf Grlf
'Jst'Jelin Frledrlch. u bottler at Fifth
Ewi anil Uislna Hun lane: Themns
.Mloenkcenrr. nt L'.-IO RIcli-
strcft; '"Andrew" Hamilton
TimifA llalllnnnHt a T a.
,?' A1,"'1 Samuel vaettcafcIdT, ft Af
T iffO Of tllO fn'Hl'n llnPlnn.lnlr. .,..1
PalL rl5 .nnl wnrrat were mnE'nt'Thi;
ffi'v1 '') ' I'r. Geerge Khorille.
citr .Li , ,."h" M,,s arrested in that
StM-niril .!.... . . ill mill
.under sinrin W . K """ nlrc"dy is
..' . ',.K)0 hall (lii't-e. niu Leuis II.
"ISO et Xniv Vn,J, ...l. I....
ft,, a '...:.. ' """ ""1
-..c him imess niiieu was 'ln.vuu
"115011, n restaurant keeper nenr Plf-'
iVirj ii"1 l,l's""'t streets. H0 was
"fd if he knew any of the defend
ts, and pointed out Untold I. Smith,
Wern he met for the first time, he said.
!f!1 Jenrs age at u banquet.
Uid jeu lme a dlteusslen nith him
cDrn'"K Hipier?" asked Mr. Fried -
Tells of Whisky I'let
"uiUin? and nsked if I wa i tu. mar.
t ler some uhiski. I kw i.i. ,....!..
ahDuluM0!1, ',,IP .'irSt f"11 '"'-'
ft,j "'jlsy ," ' .Smith's eflie.. iii
'M -1,011(1 Tit c Itu lillntr. Mn.l.l, ,....1
iMiia:.. f it .
Wte1' , ". Inwjcr'h eflire in the
den r IniidlijK, ,., Mr lV)
rw'scnt!" " Mwwh also ueiv
l'llN(cMl,l,!li'1r;',, nt t,,is n,cpt-
''Smi.i " . ' 'iclnmii.
rates it "s,!l"' '"" fe1, Mty eerllfi eerllfi
freflit. if i N'1'.1, wc ,,eu1'1 l,,le lw
k eutl llVTi'1'1 UT' ""'hrates. Then
ttewrmu , ''lhli . Nild he had
-"iii . 1 nnninrr i ii iih..... x
I Was te ci.I 7i if " "1P0"'"- 'he Idea
I "J bi't the liiiuur out of lnn,l l,l.l
I '
' I'entlnurd en B, S. (ol.ui.nre'
."'te?81 H' St(,. 461 Levering-
n St., Roxberounh. Is Sennhl
A, ' ? ,1"0?.fv"! j's .lis-
,uave Lcpii ...i V """ aim die pein
, wcii aski'd te find her.
rfetl , !W,V ''"'"''Ii" le poliee
- K ri, . ' ,SI'" ,K ,1,t, wifu f iiarlfi
hth3iain,?,,,i,,,,erJ.,r,IM "" lM
Mr' H ?. I,,,,h "" "r"1 1,,if"' "',,,t-
"Id fllkl n " V" lit t -OlIO J,M,S Old
.Tul WlMarwl e tli, afteinoen of
"Ve Vel" iv . uis,M '-s l""inds. is
till '; V11,''11''" ,ul1' l's hlue .iN
ion, u'ew Imlr and u dai'- teuait ex-
IA ilJT3yM TO NUIT vvvuv ..,..u.
ly?,fH 80.5K,,t,, ,h Apartment celum;
iirt .
1400,000 RUM
V '
a 4 i cl
EnUrtd a. fi.eend.ClM. Matter .t
Under um Aet of
aiiBBaiBBavaiBE f t . i
aaaaCS vtC " I
kaB-aaaaaaaaVsTM. vL. Vr y mB a'l , BipflBfluiflflBMMMguttMgM
T'aaaaaaaaaaK aRtaEs ' 1 TaK " " ' K i, iB
KsMaaftSftv.wnAwiin-AA.s .t . . iHIWaWSx Hs& ' 'eiliiHilaHaV. 3 s ' ' SvfaaaaaaB .
Matt Griffin, former United States Secret Service chief In Philadelphia,
who today waived a hearing and was held for the Federal Grand Jury
In the alleged $3,000,000 liquor conspiracy
Therese Burroughs Casually
Tells Mether She Is New
Mrs. Rittenhouse
Surprise reigned last night in the
Burroughs home at Merchant
J casunnr'nnnefanl rf
thnf ahn nil n nai t.v iIipaI
Burroughs home at Mcrchantvlllc, when
that she had a secret te disclose.
And from another room, (making in
wardly, wns brought the secret, six-feet
Dengler Rittenhouse. the husband of
Thcrese since May 27. 1021. when thsy
were married by the Rev. Harry Han Han
eon nt Media.
Somehow, Mrs. Rurreugh failed at
first te get the viewpoint of the "chil
dren." Hut when she has had time te
think it ever, the young people expect
the iisunl pnrcntal blessing.
Rittenhouse wns attending the West
Philadelphia High Scheel when the wnr
began. Se he put nwny books and
served tliree sears with the French am am
bulnnce service.
The nlijht he returned he attended a
dance, in Merchentville, nnd then met
Therese. Frem that time until the duy
when they were married he courted her
Uittenlieuse's parents live in Atlantic
City, and they have been dulv informed.
Mrs. Uittenheuse's father. Jeseph Uur
rnugli. uas a member of the firm of
.Tnnney & Ilurieugh. He died t-cvciul
j ears 'age.
The euug couple will live in Mer
chantvllle. LIEUT. F. W. K0ESTER
Mayer Moere Personally Congratu
lates Him en Promotion
Lieutenant Frederick W. Keester was
rb'dnv- annotated cantnlu of pollen by
Director- of Public Safety Cortclyeu.
JiffehnilifnAInklincithaXK !&; te,
be promoted tihtlt Called lnt6'-TOrectnr
Cortclyeu 8 office.
Accompanied by the Dlrec'er and
Superintendent Mills. Captain Keester
was taken before Majer Moere and
congratulated. The Mayer spoke of the
occasion ns "one of the most joyful
in my life."
Keester wns appointed nctlng cap
months nge. "-tr i.'HilJi'.e.diiAw"ri"flsveKi'l
of the Frent and Master streets station,
who was demoted te a patrolman jes
tcula, he steed at the head of the
eligible list for captnin.
He Is sixty-eight jenr.s old nnd lives
nt n.'Il North Fifty-second street. He
was appointed te the police feiee No Ne
ember 2li. 1877, and assigned te the
Second nail ClirN'lau streets station.
In 1SS2 he was made a house sergeant
and in 1SR3 a street sergeant. He
was appointed a lieutenant In 1005 nnd
plnced lit command of the Twelfth and
l'lne streets station.
During Majer Re.vbnrn's adminis
tration he wns discharged from the
sci vice, hut was reinstated by Rejburit
In 1011.
Would Like te Be Let Alene, She
Says, Landing In France
Cherbourg. FmiiiT. Aug. 4. tlly A.
P.) MIssMathllde McCennick, daugh
ter of Hareld F. McCennick, refused
te be Interviewed concerning her en
gagement te Mux Oser, the SwUs rid
ing master, when she landed here to te
d.iv from the Meainshlp Majestic.
'"It's a shuuie I can't be left alone,
i,he declared. "I should like eiue for
nil net te be pes ered nnd te be free
like iin ether woman."
Man Badly Cut as Strikers Try te
Force Workers te Quit
Kmv Yerk. Aug. -J. (llj A. P.)
A clash precipitated when striking
cleakinukerh lslted the (iiuud Clenk
Cempaii In Ilreukljn tednj te per per
siiade werkeis te milt. M-nt one of
the strikers. Hamiiei mjei-hi, ie no-
hospital, serleiislj weiiiuled m me iiat'it
and fncu. Pidice. who said he wns
anslied bv u clelli-ciiiung Mine, lie-
tained one of Ihe " 'turn's, Samuel
Leuis, hiimelf i" tb in wcta
.MONI. OI ' vmi niPMi'iein
when r
Euening public gfeftger
ft. PeetoleM at PhU.a.lpbla. P..
March i. 187
'Het Deg" and Fruit Venders
Bleck the Public Ways,
Says Dunlap
Chief Dunlap, of the Highway Bu
reau, today declared war en pavement
r)1'eam,'JIiot-deg," lemonade and tfrult itf.nda
'mother ) which" "block narrow ''sltleValks in the
central business district.
His declaration wan incidental te
a threat te tear down the shlctcr plat
form built around the old Rlngham
Hetel, Eleventh nnd Market streets,
where, he said, fruit and soft-drink
stands impede feet traffic.
Many Complaints
"I have received many complaints"
he said, "that stands hnvc been built
en narrow sidewalks, such as en Filbert
and Commerce streets, nnd thnt fec
traffic is blocked by patrons buying
sandwiches and drinks.
"I began an Investigation today ana
In eery instance where the stands ex
tend ever tlie limit prescribed by law
they will be removed. On the average
sidewalk, a stand must net extend mere
than four feet three inches from the,
I'julldmg line.
Chief Dunlap revoked the permit for
the shelter platform around the old
Blngli.im Hetel, although It is- com- regard te their message accepting his
pleted and barkers are bilnglng a thrh- piopesnls for ending the walkout. Rail
ing tiade te dealers lit fruit, soft drinks read executives nnd strike leaders still
and ether commodities. maintained their attitudes en the qucs-
Thu highway chief said places werc'tien of seniority
made for the stands en Markut street
and en Eleventh street by cutting holes
in the wooden slieltcr wall. liieir
presence, he said, causes a congestion
at one of the most congested corners of
the city. -
An ordinance of July 10, 101 1, pro
vides that shelter platforms must he
built around structures being razed or
extensively renovated. The old Bing
ham Hetel Is. being tern down te make
way for a new building.
y. ..Violater SubJt(e.,Flna-, v,
Tlie ordliinnYe Imposes --afine or$10
a day for even day a platform stand-.
In violation of tegulatlens. Chief Dun
lap this morning notified the Pierce -Ilenen
Cnmpnny, Juniper and Pine
sttccts, that he hail revoked the com
pany's pcimit for the Eleventh nnd
Market stteets platform.
The chief snld one coneessleiiniro nt
Is pnjihg Tsin'Mr-iiiri Mtevts said he
stand. The clilef added that the liny
it-quires a ten-feet footway there, and
that the stands encroach en the feet-i
wn.v. !
"Unless the platform is fied up
properly, I shall take steps te have.
it rcmeied," Mr. Dunlap concluded.
iAccuse-8 Girl of Taking $750 In
read Streat Cafe
Anna Williams, 2747 Seuth Seventh
street, today was held In $100(1 bail for
a further hearing by Magistrate Ren-
s!mw en u(cltarge of theft of $7e0 from
Colonel Oinar Mnckrnii, wnr ctcrau of 1
lliu VOIl'lllll.l. .il., .
On July HI, according te testimony,
Mnckrau met the prisoner and another
girl, Maud Stevenson, in a infc at
Juniper nnd Aich sticets. Later they
went te a cafe en Bread stiect, where
Mackran was given drugged liquor and
Barnet Samson, 328 North Sixth
St., and Julian Re&telniSuffer Less
Barnet Siunsnn, 32S North Sixth
street, was robbed en Tuesday of ijiSi'O
in cash und ?1.".() worth of clothing.
I ll.illi.n tf till, rP,.,ltll t.fljl Itit.l.il.W-iifMl
streets station lime se far lieen tut -able
te find any clues te the thieves.
Jewelry valued at $1-10 was taken
from the home of Julian Kcstcln, lit!)
North Sixty-third stret Inst night Po
lice of the Sixty-third and Thompson
stiect!. station believe the robber en
tered through a side window nfter re
moving a scicen.
Londen, Aug. -L (By A. P.) Great
niixietv was felt today ever the condi
tion of Viscount Nertlicllffe. Theie was
soine incioase In the heart weakness
previously noted and he was In a state
of- general exhaustion.
want, you it And It en pbbe 10, .trte,
Officials te Meet Laber Heads
Tomorrow in Effert te
Settle Strike
Rioting Reported at Lincoln,
Neb. Twe Nen-Union Men
Killed, Others Beaten
Bu Associated Tret
Washington, Aug. 4. Representa
tives the Mx .striking shop crafts
unions en the Southern Rnllwny will
meet In Washington tomorrow with II.
W. Miller, vice president in charge
of operations en the system, te con
sider proposals for settlement of the
strike en the basis suggested by Presi
dent Harding te the executives of nil
the railroads.
The conference Is a result of an in
vitation extended the general chairmen
of the unions concerned by Mr. Miller, i
The Southern Railway, acting sepa
rately from the ether large lines of the
country, has made no attempt te break
the strike, nor has it refused returning
strikers' seniority privileges. Ne state
ment would be made in ndvance of the
meeting by Southern officials as te what
prospects they saw for success of the
Members of President Harding's Cnh
lnct took te today's meeting reports
en tne coal and rail striKcs as garn
ered bv their respectlve departments.
The session, It was indicated, wns given
ever almost wholly te a discussion et
the situation In the two Industries.
Secretary Hoever announced that dis
tribution of coal by the Federal Emer
gency Control Committee had been
started under Informal arrangements.
These arrangements, he explained, have
been made pending completion of the
committee's organization nnd Issuance
of orders te take enre of strategic
points nnd neccssnry Industries.
Deputy Marshals Authorized
Attorney Gcnernl Daughcrty, en ar
riving at the White Heuse for the
Cabinet session, said he had author
ized appointment of n number of dep
uty marshals for duty In the vicinity
of Dcs Moines, where, according te re
ports received by the Department of
Justice, disorders have occurred In
connection with the rail strike.
Secretary Weeks announced he had
received telegrams from officials of the
striking shepmen denying that htrlkcrs
were returning te work in large num
bers, ns had been claimed by some rail
road executives.
All the Cabinet members received
with gratification word thnt an attempt
is te be made nt a conference here
tomorrow te settle the strike se far as
It affects the Southern Railway en the
(basis of the President's settlement pre-
ChlKice. Aim. 4. (Bv A. P.) De
velepments In the rnllrend strike were
confined te speculation ns te what the
next pence move would be, nnd reports
of violence from various points during
Mie Ifikt- lu-entr-fnllr hnnrs
Union efficluis here teclav were await
ing word from President Harding with
Twe deaths resulted from violence.
one In Edgcmeut, S. D.. wlicre n
switchman of the Chlcnge. Burlington
nnd Qulncy wns shot, nnd the ether In
Continued en 1'nicn Six, fetnmn Flte
Widely Known as Adventurer and
Londen? 'Aug1.--(By A. P.) An
Inquest was ordered held today en the
body of Edward Cleary, an American,
known the world ever as u theatrical
producer, actor, playw right, promoter,
war correspondent and adventurer. He
died jesterday -while buying a ticket
at a Londen railroad station.
Cleary, nged sixty-iivr. was the son
of a Kentiuhy judge. He studied fei
later started a ni-wsiiner in ('alie.
(Inn of his ether ventures was the
..! I.... .f I A..ln 11 11 ..
uiiwiiK ui i.uii. illinium, me 11 each '
nviatur, te America, but the Wright '
lumbers prevented him from Hying Tn-
daunted by tliis new adversity, Clean
Introduced night football nlavlinr
which nls'e proved te be a financial fail
ure. lie served the Dnlly Express ns war
correspondent durins the late war. Re
cently lie invented nn oil-burning wick
less lamp, with which he expected te
make a fortune, lie was going te Man
chester in connection with this inven
tion when he fill dead.
Olga G. Norwood Asks $332 for
Damage by Baggage Company
Olgit G. Norwood, of 1)11 Spruce
street, who 1- widely known socially,
has hi ought su.t for 8332.S.5 against the
Philadelphia Transfer and Haggage
Company for alleged dnmnge wlilrh lier
suitcase nnd lis contents suffered while
in transit from her home te Atlantic
City .
Tlie suit wns entered in Municipal
Mether of Six Runs for Senate
Ln-s Cnices, N. JI Aug. I. (lty
A. P.) Mt-. M. C. Maii.lell, who ha's
lived for meii' than feity-live venrs in
this vicinity, mid Is mother of six chij.
Ire- hns announced her cnnilhlucv fm
the United Mnteji Senate. Her plat
form includf 'prohibition, nutl-gnm-bling
InvvH, if pepulnr war vole and re
vision of tlilcducntleual system.
Semlnnrj, in KennlllWJ,', tim'UfiW.'-' ,UaltiCi,;U. tills tlme was going along M. r h wns cut and bruised, and Jehn (e Um I'r.-I.iienun Hospital where it1 vni ''0,"' "p"' ha ..... '
studied law. At the age of nineteen ,,pe. Raising his Cirelie u'til'fTe fiflfr hWht,, .tX.-i.WH, 81" V1'1- ,ir'1 "'''B" "1,v- 1-eljevcd they were i...,irevi,,K until' fi!" I'I'liW. -"' S,,"lrH ,te ,,,CV .. '!
he appealed In a stock company in the the. trolley bridge the Canadian meu-d the frame structure, wns cut "nnaiM hVl)'hen Mrs ise hecame mid- I ,V, ,, i ,'?1,, 1 i"V' '0,,fkl"n It'""- ,;
old I'.ewery Theatre in New Yerk. He up te third position. right leg nnd hand. vLrluit' .L, !, I v ,,PifV,"' ,h!'y '"''l "' j'
ciime te Londen thlrty-thtee cuis age At the Ihice-ipiarters mark. McGuire Edwin Resell. a driver for the Philn- Inm'. ,i, i F ,,,essihI(' ,vns '"'i" te pi- ""'' ,, -""-"nhlli. the iiu, .
with Edwin Beeth und plnjcd vaiieu-. was lending with Belxyj In second delphla rurnlture nnd Merchandise Z ,L i. i woman's life, hut she , j ' i"B "lte ",llcr "'"'s en
Sluikespeui can roles. tnking things easy, tlie lemalnder of tlie . Company. Ridge nvenue and Jeffersen d'li ' ,, ,'e iL ', "nR stll,I "'at the con- .,,,,' i" . , .
Siibse(iicntl.v Cleary became a pin- Held stringing out behind without a ! street, left the leaded truck standing at nn 1.';, i ,MMlnl Iw "e shouts nnd the no, ,- 0f l .
ducer mid took a company through ihance of eu-rtnklng the first two. In Mldwilu avenue and Arneld meets ' ctirrel! i., l ' V. (Ie",,," '""rder ee- K"lss I""OU!'cl I'cisxins in 1) h
Seuth America and Seutli Africa. After the hist quarter mile Itelyea put en 11 , about two blocks from Rldge avenue. ' 1 s lr ! Ji n?,Ki T?,'tn ",f "'" lln,n, Cenilniinl an lire"Te "eiu,.n
giving up this venture, he directed the Centln,lra en vMt nf,rrnTnl,imnTJ v,"nl "."'" ",nw tllP l'l""EnB ".ck I wns her aslis tnn ? LlJ Wl- " T
biiildini: of n rnlliead in Afrie.i mull l n"f " '' "leen. inliiinn Te ,, sleutd te the motermnn of n nl. .."L " It"')'1 "p.rp about te tire- OCfinft ll-iair-i r-.w .5
Wins His Heat
v ' - m?TafSiT 1 1 ,'m iiar
"." aK iH' 'aaHaHaarV
aaylW ' JSBBB
iv. BM I
wm'J' - OaaaaaaaB
WSs ;',.? ' iaaaaaaH
W'-": .aaHiHIIIIH
7', -" JaaaaHaK "'
I w Ty4 M4 Ky;
i-ii v-.awiAVriiiBte. ii
Bachelors' star, who wen his heat
and qualified for the finals of the
aSfccIatlen, single sculls en the
Schujllilll twlay
Bachelors' Star and Canadian
Champien Qualify for Finals
of Association Singles
Winners at a Glance
Association Singles:
First Ilent: Bclyen, St. Jehn's.
7:33 3-5.
Second Heat : Gllmere, Bachelors.
7:37 1-3.
Favorites came through in expected
form in the association singles sculls
heats which started the second day of
racing in the golden jubilee nntlennl
regatta en the Schuylkill today.
Hilten Bclyen, Canadian veteran,
nnd M., E. Gnrrett Gilmerc, Bnchelers'
stnr, were the victors in their respective
heats. The Cnnndlan made the speed
time of 7:33 3-i, which was 3 .'!."
seconds fnster than the figures estab
lished by the local enrsman.
The Dominion sculler had two full
lengths nn Edwnrd MeGuirc, of the
.Mutual Rowing Club, of Buffalo, who'
pounds a policeman's lient in his home
town. C. Morgan Lc Count, n young
ster from New Rechelle, drew up in
third pince followed by Henry Heller,
Lene Star, New Yerk; Jeremiah Shea.
St. Alphonsus, Bosten, and August
Mucklcr, Western Rowing Club, St.
The final will be rowed this after
noon nnd the winner will qualify for
the national event tomorrow. Besides
(i Union; and Beljca. McGuire and Rus
sell Cedmnn, Jr., Bosten, also qualified
for the final today. They finished bee
end in their respectie heats.'-
liener uracils morning, narrowly missed a trolley rar'
Henry Heller the New Yerker, who ' ,,, , , , , te f 8lr c.
finished feiutli te Ileljea, was reenrded i ... ,
by the sharps as possible runner-up in I t,lrc- Injuring a man nnd u bej .
his heat, but he lllvvered badly after The wooden building, used iw n tcin
gettlng away te a geed lead at the ' perarv office by A. Rnvmend Raff, u
start, which he held the llrst hnlf mile,
At this point McGuire challenged the ,
--- -
umii..,, A,f.. mun n, .
P8et Bel,lna Water While Playing
in rxuenen
Playing in the kiliheu of her hepie
during the absciue of her uu.iliei- ,m
night three-year-old Jesephine .Iet.k(u.
Ki(i7 Seuth J-'runt stiect, upset a pet of
boiling water and was se humid tha
she died n few hours Inter in Mount
Sinai Hospital
Railroad Brotherhoods Urge Sen Sen
aeor's Defeat In Ohie
Columbus. ().. Aug -L (Hi A. P.I
1 Lnliei- le.ideis here tedav lei-iived form
letters signed by the piesiilenls of the
five big rnilie.id bintherhoeds urjln-:
thai Senater Atlee Pomerene be defeated i
nir icuoiuiiuiiieu nt ine 111110 priiunry
electinn next week. The letters urged
the nomination of former Congressman
Jehn J. Lent, of Columbus, who is
Pemciene's only opponent for the
Ileuiecintlc nomination,
The letters, dated ut Cleveland en
August 1, also urged union men te sup
pint former Senater Chillies IHck. of
Akion, for the Republican uoiuiniitlen
for Senater, as against Cengiesstnan
Simeon I). Pess. Past labor iccerds of
Dick and Lent', wie li.u tu-ti-i iil as
"Kill per cent." The letteis snv:
"Senater Pemeu'iie's i -d Uk'niust
organized liiber is se had that it is un
necessary Je say anything further Pes.s
would bu almost us bad a calamity us
te have Ponierene nominated, there be
ing lit t lu choice."
.New ieiKer und niter n snort tussle seventu n enr-. oil. 'i,i;j .Mirth evii- i'i"-nin-iii m in,-
li-nw nn nn even tenns with him. teenth -I i .- I. an emu e e of tlie Inn liler liln.ki.1f 'PI.,, inn ,..., . .i. . " l" " pajOIIlllH, tile h&.i ,, '
rubllahad Dally Except Bendar.
Oepyrtiht. MM.
National Guardsmen', en Duty
at Staunteh, Attacked
Frem Ambush
Attempt of State te Take Over
and Operate Pits Followed
by Battle
rj tij(lnul rrm
St:i"iitrn. Intl.. .'us. 1. Flr-t hos
tilities In connection with the taking
ever of mines by the State occurred
today when National Guardsmen en
gunrd duty wcie fired upon from nm-
i bush.
The fire was returned by the guards
and la'er the firing wns taken up ever
the entiie area Automatic rifles were
brought Inte action by the troops und
, the firing continued for mere thnn nn
1 hour.
' Reports received by Mnjer General
Rebert Tyndnll, In command of the
tioeps, (.aid thnt no one wns injured.
It was said, however, by some of the
men mi duty thnt one man was slightly
Investigation by military efflclnls In
dicated thnt although the firing lasted
rev e nl lei;- the nttueklng party was
Fmn'l. l.t was reported that several
men frni" i-eiirl). t )Wlisc:inie te this"lt.v
and aim mil' ed that tlie were going te
"get u fl'ie', of se'dirrs." The) fired
en an oulpe-t and the lit e was Inline
ine v:ii iinine- i
dintelj n turned.
As ii result of tills I
mnllniitil nn Pnue M, Column Twe I
Rebert Deeley, fifty-two, vaudeville actor and head of the
Deeley family e varitjtv. Jieadliners. died today in a New Yerk
heppiral from pe alpQiofseiVai'JJilaau
and bis sons Gorden and Jehn are TCelJmeVa ler their humorous
stories behind ttie 'oetllghts. The entire family had gene te TTew
Yerk te attend b marriage et GoreS te Martha Morten. The
actor's body willPC brought te thisjdlty for Interment
SEATTLE., "WASE., Aug. 4k&Teu soldiers were killed and
several i.cere weunJcq Bi a "BaWa June 13 between Whites and
Rtdt. &eveu miles, inlapi from (TtropavIesk, en TEe eastern ceaat
of Kamchatka. The ijews wtV brought by VT. J. Fitzpatrlck,
lut'iuevr of the gat sclic'"cr Bender Brethers, lest in the Okhetsk
&ea ou June 2.
i .
"3 7
1 1 iifii hup iRiiiinr.fi aim 11 iifeiniAiii eiini i
Driverless Machine Crashes Inte
Frame Building en Mid
vale Avenue
A drlvcrless motertruck leaded with
furniture careened down nn Incline en
Mldvale avenue at JO;30 o'clock ,tluss
buildir. wa pu-lieii along ter a doyen
feet, atijiug wih It Frank .Marsh,'
1 i, ...,t i,,.. i.. ....:..,",;":
.... ...... ..-. j.i-i 1,1mm i-inssing .vim-
vale nvenue. The runnwny vehicle
sMiumeu t .e tre.iey and shot across the
street te l-e frame building A new
Dance Planned for
Starts Storm
vnunnrt. ir i v.. a . . c-....,....
. - --. -., ..i,s. -. .."-n;i,.
IK 1 ,'
re is stirred ever tlie piopesed .
lieme of 1 he Chamber of Commerce te I
ve BHt'l girls, with many chnporenes,
nee en the pavements of the city
square 011 'Plert Night.
Iliese wle enject say it is nn
iiiiim.ici-v en ine inrt of nn ersniii.
.'",..' (,u . ,"'rw8P. te expect glils
te dunce with sti-anrei-s. im, ,,.,,, .,..1.
chaiiei-imed, for 11 ceinmen ial gain t'u
the merchant:..
The shopping district of Newport
begs for th.; advent of tlie bntileships,
which will be here fiem August 7 for
several weeks, but the plnn of tlie Re-
.-ilium v eiiiinuiee lias strml, 11 sung
It is- tlr girls tlieinselves. A veun.
.., .0 being herded f,! tIw , her and vil.e. ii.'. for n j
ir z mn:..e,,risnl,,! bi S S- '" K"1"" """ ,mn8h "" I
Mrs. Belmont will lake up h effl ) tel . " ,f1!ll',,,1K'Mte,l, .,,,,w wromlne In 1
later. P U,,,'U H ' eHllat year while thty were lu Wl,, .h.H .f w,rw ,
. ? - ""t ,ltlnat 1'aper Cemjawr7Saa, J Ml
MaBaHMaMMaMMa1aMMMMMliML.i.ri''v ,1 '-' - ... .'..a.L l:','-. ,.'i
Bubwrtptlen Prlea 18 Taar by Mall.
rr Pnblle LXlrtr Company
Thieves Make Raid en Clinten St.
Heuse Twe Suspects Caught
The robbery of the home of J. Hun
ter Ewlng. 003 Clinten street, and an
other home In Seuth Philadelphia has
been elenred up, pellre Fay, by the ar
rest of two boys, both under thirteen
yenrs old. ,
The boys, Arthur Penzclli, twelve
venrs old, of 714 Katcr street, and
Philip Tldle, nine, of Mervine street,
nenr Seuth, when arrested at renth
nnd Spruce streets last night, impli
cated two ether be.s in the robberies.
The Ewlng home weh broken Inte
while members of tlie fatnllv were away
Inst Wednesday nlglit. Although noth
ing of value Is said te have been stolen,
the contents of bureau drawers were
tern out and scnttered about, mat
tresses were ripped open and even the
enrpet had been dragged about, upset
ting much of the furniture.
The robbery wns net reported te the
police until nfter the arrest of the
liej". who, police snv, confessed te the
attempt te rob the place.
Tlie complaint was made bv Mrs.
Benjamin Gressman. (!0I Seuth Tenth
street, who saw the bns running from
her home, nnd Inter reported $1(50
worth of silverware missing.
On the description she gave Detec
tive Larry Butler, who wns recently
shot by bnnk robbers, nnd another de
tective arrested the boys. Thev said
that they get nothing from the Ewlng
Asserts He Did Net Say Mine Par
ley Has Been Arranged
Jehn I. Lewis, president of the
United Mine Workers' Union, today
took exception te n published state
ment which quoted him ns saying that
the mine representatives will meet the
mine operators for n peace parley net
later than Wednesday of next week.
the stntement iiinnt come trem
ie," said Lewis nt his hendguarters In
!ie Bollcvue-Strntford. "Ne meeting
ns been arranged. I will say that tiny I
line representatives are wllllne te meei '
The statement didn't come from
mine representatives nre willing te meei '
,., ' . ., ., " .!
llc I,Pr7,,"r:.,"," """' T ., ' '"ul"S H
i-iiuw ,1 uinj.un.i.Mi. i" uicub uic iciiifi:-
sentatives of the workers."
Mrs. E. Wise,' Matren of Presby
terian Heme, Was Wevindeu
'i,by Insane Inmate
is .
Mrs. EllWbeth Wise, fifty ycars'-eld,
one of the two women shot by n seventy-
four- car-old 'rddent of the Presby-
tei-inn Heme foraged Couples, miy bin
ehei- en Mis.
Lillian Plerc". super-
home, nnd then killed
1 "VM
aged men and
A bullet
struck Mrs. p!erce in the
right Jnw and two ethers 1 ,1 V, V. '
In the shoulder ar.,1 left nn.i 'f1'
sjrl T SrilS'
Tlie craved man.
cut his threiu. u
.who wns uheur ,
.-... iiiii-i-iiii-ii, wnn were stnmlln
in the v-lcinit, of the home, dash,' "1,0
the liuildliiir. ;inil. nftr. . ' """
'i- 1, ....
i,i,; i':'.:"" " "" I""-
"" - - -- itiuu- niu weuiKieij
' the hospital, went upstairs and fem,
Smith lying en the beer of ,is 1.'
r(,,,m vvith the revolver still clutc-he,i
tightly in Ins hnnd.
Nv hi .
. Y. Newspaper Advertising Man
auea ter Breach of Premise
pew eii(. .iig. - utv A. P )
Jehn B. Weed ward, newspiiper ndver-
niiiK mull 111 e erk and (' ilcnce
was sued for Slen.OOfj today bv Edltl!
... .,,111
wlieu In
I.. Killisem. secieliuv In t:,. a ,
i.. i ...... - . i. .
I ! lliirenu of Pnl.lle l,,f ..'.,'" l 1 ii... , '.;".'....".'.
..or. iMiiiinii- iiii,eli,i- i.f l... mill .111101110. 'ley A,.., l it., a
Ogden Nevin, Trapped in Heuse
at 2021 Locust Street, Is
Saved by Firemen
Rescuers Smash Locked Doer
With Axes and Fight Way
te Bedroom
Rescued Man Found Uncen-
T N Effl
scieua After Plunging Back JlVl
Intib Flames Frem Street
i r?'' '"aaW' --I Wif
I A -t; .. jmm'' i mm
K ,1, V''HPnaVtki fJn
x 'iaaav 1 ,7 'aEiir.
3aaHarw I i JlLwHS
r?r" SV? Mr --jB y J 4v'4tVi
aaA'imi aaaW I iXl
Vhn was rescued today when
overeeme by stnnke in his burning
Itome at 2021 Locust street
Ogden Nevin, n former service ma
and member of nn old Colonial family
was dragged from a stairway of b' '
home, 2021 Locust stret, early tod' ted'
as flames were sweeping down frc
the second fleer. r ,M
The rescuevwas made nftcr.6jfl
his bretlicr, Charles W. cejmL'jJ
fled in (heir night $i'J$M&
burning heu.sc. OW4vaiiL
.the dwelling again and'lrf'hircxeitctnewt-
elntnma.1 all. A t t 1 " l .'
ciiniiiuuu uie uoer, wuicn.mcKeu. -
Drlver'Jehn Dcmpsejef Truck NaT
0. SIdAbIimI in the lei-l.-Xl ilnnr ltl, n-
Ja,ahd grepeil his way through
I'BmnVn.filla.l l,,.ll .... ... .1... .,.!.. ...
Ogdcn was sprawled fnec down aniU
Dcmpscy lifted tlie uncoiifcleus
and carried him te the slieet. As
emerged with his burden Charles v
cellnpsed en the sidewalk fieiu Jh(!;
fcctH of smoke. He also bad been'
by glass. 7
The brothers were sent le tlie;p.
clinic Hospital, as were three lirci?
Including Dempsey. Tlie ether fu "
w-ertr iMward McQuillcn una '
O'Neill, of Engine Company N
Twenty -first nnd .Market stiets.
Bretlicrs Alene in Heuse
Mrs. Charles Nevin. mother
yeurt,. mcn ls , ... . . .jj . f
nu?y. and the brothers wce ua"W
were leaping teJiu,!.c,j TmK
i i'j -
awiihenee. " "v (h
in in ir iiijainiiH, tiie ha
Heme of Jehn A. Schlerer, Haddei
Heights, Looted by Burglars
Jiwelry und silverware valued at
S.itlDO yn stulen v-shruiv trim the
home of Jehn A. Sclilnl.r nt llii Wlilte
Herse jiike. lluddu-i lleljliis Seh'eri'r
is the owner nf 1111 ubatleir nt Eighth
nnd Chestnut Hieels, ('uiiiileil
Entrance was galneu while the fura
ily w-us in At him if Cliv for the sum
iner. Tim biugl.iis lirst trl -d the rear
of the place, but falling te gain en
trance they jimmied open a fient win
dow. Their search wns thorough nnd
they took every thins of value in the
nut urn of silverwnn- ami j.-weliy.
Among the nrtiebs taken vvun n dia
mond ilnir vnluid ai S'.'MMI. the prop
erty of Mi. S. hi, hit 11 stickpin set
with sniditie, and iHiimundv, two
i fit. I.. ....
""" ti'n, jiui irre'is 1 I1.1 11 t mill UtcUviH
und two a.iieni.itic ,, p. , u ' "tlM!W
Doellttle Will Attempt One-Day
Trip Frem Flerida Sunday
L- ....... ... . '
pyuuu jtwtLriT isUnJu
tl v
' I
t i"
-r Wk
.'.: tvH, ,..