liiiiJ BliBjp"-? n ,w ,,. ,'fig. iK"t 'J)Vivk vV f- iV'vHV -I '-n ' k(5J"i-i'77rA rer"ifc . "- V J" "N. ,. -. 18 EVENING XUBLIO LEDGER-PHILADELPHIA, THURSDAY, AUGUST 3, 1922 ' J Seldom Dees Dethroned Champien Regain His Crown, Although It Has Been Dene OccasienaltH B TBJJ HHHHP'.'.BH Wmt& VelBBPi ;' ..';.?.':" " 'm mM. f aH VBH.'' V aB W&SMT HBS x.?-,v '' BBMM Jen i.ym it 0 L FJVCtf S FIFTH CHAMP TO LOSE TITLE, THEN BE RECROWNED New Yerk Bantam Places Name en List With Mathews, Kctchel, Britten and Herman, All of Whom Re gained Laurels After Being Deposed HAD Benny Leenard been deposed by Lew Temller In their great buttle en Uoyle'a Thirty Acres Inst week, It is hardly pe-dhlc thnt the New Yerker would have ipilt the game. Xe boxer champion or otherwise would permit himself te full Inte the background without try ing "jut once mere." There Is no doubt that Kenny would have liinmeilliitely clamored for a return engagement land put mi it tremendous howl until he xvas- given the chance te regain his crown or else He beaten In often he would have te take n back seat even-Ituall.v. It is only natural for a llstmnn te believe he li net "thinugh. even theusn tnc general public Ithinks otherwise, llovn'ier, there have been times even though few that u defeated chain- Ipien has eon I 'lined In the ring nnd succeeded In punching his way buck en te' the piutinele of his lilivMen. 'Hie met recent cne was that of Jee Lynch, nf New Yerk. This tall and thin bantamweight, after being deposed by Peter Herman, from whom he hud previously taken the diadem, failed te lese confidence in himself lle did net become disheartened, and later he get the ppertunlty te prove "they de come bark" emetlmc. Lynch'" recovery of his championship places him Ne. ." among ring ilium ilium plens who came buck into tlieii own after being defeated for their respective laurels. History shows that Matty Mathews. n gicat welterweight about a score of years- age. wus knocked out for the title by Rube Fern-. Mathews did net lese heurt. but continued boxing and about eighteen months later had plai cd himself in a position for an encore with Kerns. The return bout resulted in a Tlctery for Matt v. Kerns losing in ten leunds. It has been the impre-Men of met of the fans of this generation that Stanley Ketchei the pen-utlennl. shifty Steve was the first champion te accomplish the "comeback" trick. Kctchel was a remarkable puncher, and no one knew it any better than Steve himself, When Ketchei, at the time middleweight champion of the world, was matched te meet Ullly I'npke, known as the Illinois Thunderbolt, at Les Angeles, September S, 100S. he did net take the contender seriously bothered little about his training nnd entered the ring net In the bci condition. THE result irns that Ketchrl. nltheunh he put en one e) the end meat iicieus muldlciceiyht batths in the history of fistitiiia. finally ictnt rfeirii In defeat knocked as cnlil as a deer nail in the twelfth round. This lout tens held m Angeles. Steve Reverses the Knockout AFTER hi' Ignominious knockout, the white lights nnd gay life of San Krnnclsce suddenly missed the conspicuous, natty and smiling Steve. He had hied himself nut en a ranch, wheie. with Johnny Leftu. well-known trainer of this ilty. Ket hel neon get himself back into condition. Twe months later Ketchei reappeared en the tistlc rlnlte of Kiisce. Javied a deli te Champien I'npke. who itn-ncdlatelx necpted the ( hullenge. A few dn.xs later. November 'Jl, te lie pecifii Keti hel and I'npke met in their memorable return match and the I'eeii-iii-.xmei n an .xiie-iiunnijci- tame iiuc-i; a the middleweight title-holder, dimming the Thunderbolt'- light- in the eleventh round at Krlsce. Then there was a long lapse in "championship einchm ks." It was net until 101!) that another title-holder, after being -horn of hi- laurels. ie turned later te be reerewned, and it was the enerable Jack Britten who did the stunt. I'ritten had le-r his welterweight title te Ted "Kid" I.evvK the clever Urlten. en points in a twenty -round bout, but the American came back and knocked out the Englishman in eleven rounds, and since then Juck has been reigning .supreme in his division. Twe yenrs after the return of Britten te the welterweight ceuiinand. the elongated trigger-punching Irishman. Lynch, stepped into the pugilistic pli turc as n champion. It was in December. l'.r.'O. and l'ete Ikrman, champion nt the time, was due te go te England te meet Jimmy Wilde. Before trotting up the gangplank of the ocean liner which vva- te have a let te de with giving Ilermnn his tir-t experience in -en-lckne-s, l'ete hud agreed te box Lynch. Thej met at the Harden in New Yerk Cltj, and one of the biggest surprises of recent yuns ecnnred when Ljnch dearly outpeinted the New Orleans Italian and he was given the judges' deci-ien ut the finish erf fifteen rounds. !j ... rllE defeat of Herman did net hinder him from geina abroad. And. in the meantime. Lynch ruled as the US-pound Ien. After l'etey knocked out Wilde in the seienteenth leund of a match nt Londen, Herman returmd te America and set out te regain his hit title. Herman Reerewned en Points BUT It was net until the summer of Inst jear, en the night of July L',", in the open air at Ebbelts J'ield that Herman mh-i ecdni in getting Lynch back into the ring. And then IVtev again gave fi-ui follower- -ulliilcnt proof rhnt a champion can come br,. I,. The.v went through fifteen rounds and. al al theugli It wa- net a or inn re-tmg match bv anv means. Herman managed te show te advantage and teed, luck the clown he had prevnci-ly lest te Lynch. Just as seen as the final tingle of the gong ended that bout in Brooklyn. Lynch came out with an nlibl. "I hurt my right hand I couldn't de my-elf justice." he cried in hln corner and tears streamed down his face. Like the late Ketchei, I.j neh decided te make himself scarce. But unlike Stanley, It wasn't necessary for Jee te go Inte hiding in order te get awav from the night life. Lynch wanted te test te give hm hand a chance te heal, se he went te the wilds of Maine and there with several friends whiled awav a few weeks during which time he kept in shape, When he felt that he ivas ready te resume training. Lynch returned te .,u no u uiiu iieiJiwicu lennuii mr anutner ser-te. uut I'etev. ter some failed te hear the challenges of the Getham gleveman an- cen-ented te meet Johnny Buff, up. SOLDIERS GOLF AS "SPUD" AM S BROKEN reason or ether. pcarlug In no-deci-ien mat. lies until he thirty-three years old and conceded te he set- rry; Herman-Huff nnii uai hrl,l at the (linden in ,u ik a ftty lint Hriitcnihn- .'. h-it llujj itfund te permit himself in; be the fall any and In uuuldu't be ml. Se, at the eonrlwien of 'jiftcrii inunds. iiiinthrr Imitamirnqht mirprisr parkaie una handed te the tirttr u arid, when Huff nai airardul the dmiien at the conclusion of hostilities. Lynch Gees After Buff 'JT1I the result of this cente.-t, Lynch turned his eye f10in tlie uncrowned brew of Herman toward the tow-headed Buff, who decided t remnln (die for a while. Jee flung deli after deti at the Jersey City veteran, but Johnny refused te listen te any piope-ltmn Lynch would make Buff went te Lurepe. but he didn't be there, se that he cmne back with his title intact. And. en lus return. I.vnch came out with an offer that Buft" could net turn down very well He efTered the champion a flat guarantee of $.15,000 win. le-e or dinw. and tin- large gob of greenbacks was hard for Johnny te let slip by. Se they met. the battle taking plm e only a few week- ,ige nt the Vein Vein dreme, in New Yerk, and I'.ufl" wn- lieaien nnd piiinmelcd -e -eierelv that his handlers tes-ed a towel into the ring m token of defeat 'fill ,s .c, te br dt r 1. yn. I, plantl his nanu in huteru ai tin hfll, , hnn.mnn dethroned and runu bai-U hite his aim. I Game Still in Faver, Though ' Camp Dix Is Being I Evacuated (CADDIES TO COMPETE Though the personnel of the Kirst Division stationed ut Cutnp Dix in only n skeleton of its former robust stature ; though the huge camp slumbers almost lit solitude, wnitlnic the snw and hnm iner of the wreckers, golf is still a liv ing topic down there in the barrens. Fer u brief spell before it is closed forever the New Jerey rump has taken en n fevered life a frnetlenul. if hec tic, part thnt it lived through during the World Wur. The trains have car ried -etne hundreds of student soldiers there, lteserve ellicers ami youngsters taking their lirst taste of military life come hustling in. At the same time plans nre being de veloped for the evacuation of the legu- mr- ami Ttie demolition of the camp. ) This keeps the officers busy, but tliey ' find time te get out en the links sev- eiiil times n week, and keep themselves in form with ma-hie and putter. The enur-e was built bv the -nbliera themselves cm part of the divisional parade ground. (Srass green t were i made, and the warriors proved that they iwiew mere man u utile about gelt architecture. A -utliciency of sand made trapping ea-y, and the course, when finished, was a geed enough test of golf te keeptlietn occupied. 1'ar for the Camp l)ix links is: i . t 4 :i l i . :i- s General Shanks :t Star In the last few years tournaments have been numerous down there, though they have been curtailed this season, due te the gradual abandonment of the camp. The ln-t one was held in the fall of HCl and was wen by Majer McClure, the geed-humored, strnntiinir , big star of the Kirst Division's meter tran-pert. Majer McClure sheets u , con-i-tent -10 ever the Camp Dix links , atitl is closely followed in all his activi i ties by Majer Alden, of the .Medical I Cerps, and Cnptain Darker. These men. with Colonel Humphries, were re , spensible for the building of the links. . Majer Alden, one of the most famous i surgeons in the army, is a rabid golf I enthtt-iast. hut, a- his friensd say, if -,,,.., .,..,. .., i he were as geed with his KeinB tools a-; CHANGES BACKHAND STYLE I he is with knife nnd lancet he would have Walter Hiigen trimmed. In spite of the competition offered by i these players, the ceiir-e record is net 'held by a Kirst Division man. (Jeneral Davicl Shank", who commanded the pert 'of embarkation during the war, nnd who 1 later was commanding officer at Camp Dlv, i- ju-tly proud of that di-tiuctieti. I (iciipru'. Shiinl - -het a snappy ,'SS. a mark that none of his subordinates has been able te eciial. It prove- that the weight of two 'stais en u soldier's shoulder does net j prevent him from swinging a wicked niblic. ! Though there are no tournament- ,, hie tournaments of this month, the scheduled down among the Jersey pines I jJavK t j.,eresr jj !inil ti10 ' and none will be put en the tapis be- , atenni inglen nt the (Serniantewn i iu-e of the imminent departure of the Cri,.k,,t Cluh ltl Philadelphia in Sep- Hunting First, mere arc iii"J-.'"""K" , tember 'officers en the link te keep it from ' being deserted. It is net ill ntiy tee pod -llltpe jll t HOW eecau-e ni'-n- nit ,111,1 en Ihteil men leu m it'll HMMM, B MMM WtWWI'iWWiW'" H6WARMS UPFOG- JUi fr- 1 !-.- Fftur"' ILL I II In I IIIIIIIji?iiSHSIIBBBi,cccccl3--s' fknim lill,llillllllllllJHrtW - 4 ", . ,! .ii,,. ' ,'iiciriii.Ui7li VfrrVT"' WHviVMi.iKMtl ' " I . CtUPitV- Hew Dees It Strike Yeu? Hunter's Win Woedrlng'8 Ambition Harvard Policy By THE OBSERVER CowrieM, titt, ty rictitle Ltdatr Cemvanv JOHNS ON TRAINED I FOR NATIONALS Western Star, 120 Pounds, at Fighting Weight for Annual Eastern Invasion Five Leading Batters in Each Majer League N.11UN.I. I.KAOIK (i. A.M. It. It. I'.C llern-liy. SI. IiiiIn.lllt aim M 1M .Ml (Irlmnt, tfilrare. . HJ .1IX l 110 .:ttM llollerher. (hlcnue.llH) 8il CM! 1 .aim Daubrrt. Cln'natl. .10! :iltn HO 14 1 .a.lfl llUtir. riltbarli, 11.1 .1X6 03 137 .333 AMK1IICAN LKACUE i. A. II. It. II. I'.C. Pehk. lletrnlt XX H4(i (17 1U .413 SUIrr. Ht. Ixilllci... till 393 RS ISA .402 Snrnkfr. tlfvflmicl 11.1 341 07 134 .304 llrlimann. Drtrelt. 03 7 75 131 .337 Miller. Athtctirs . HO 318 68 111 .3111 EVER HAMMER IS RUGGED BATTLER ( Still Leenard Is Expected te 1 Win When They Meet Saturday Milieu H.v CAPX nSCIIER I'hUHdrlvhlu District nnd MlilJlc Mnnlrs ciiHimilnn Seubright. X. J Aug. .".. L1TT1.K Hilly Johnsten is trained "up" te liis iiglitinu' weight. Net many athlete- in the realm of sport have te train up te weight. The great majority train down. But Billy 1- a wee bit of a chap and cannot afford te take off tee much weight. He new tips the wales at IliU repeat'" After hi" defeats en the court by Johnsten, 'otne thought that the champion whs "going back." His decisive victories ever Hchimlzu in the Nntiennl Clay Ceuit and Iticliurds at Aguwiun Hunt Club recently, -hew thut this is far from true. He admits that he played better than In this last named match. Tilden's Mints me prlniurly gra-s Mieth, and are nie-t elleetlve en turf. Johnsten' game, with its foundation of nggresslvene!-s, is practically unbeatable en asphalt. The fact that he learned und developed his game en these ceurtH Is undoubtedly rcspenmnie ter me BEN SCORED K.O. BEFORE petman, nnti mat must carry nun tnreugn tv.)(, f Kalllc j,e plays. Xtverthclefts. "Little Bill" played inarveleiiH tennis, and many of his fol lowers believe hi: will have the most i gni i .ii.i..., it l.nt it nt least keeps the golfers iltiiwn -- there from going stale. ... When, thev have the opportunity, Colonel llumphrle. Mnuw. Alden, Tlarker and the rest of Camp Dix s en thusiasts run off te l.tikehurst or Moerestov n or Merchantvllle te try out the fnster fairwny and greens of these clubs. Caddies Play at Cricket Club Last sen-en Billv was trained tee fine when it came te the nutinnah. unci lie went stale. At the end of tln teurnu-v nient he weighed only 11. "5 pound-. He Iilanned n different campaign this year and holies te be at his height en the Germnntewn courts. Johnsten made his debut in the Kust here en Monday and was greeted enthu siastically by all tennis folk. "Never Felt Better" "I'm glad te be in the East again," lie snhl. "I never felt better in my succc-sful reason of his career. steenTeading hitter Beginning next Monday morning and life, although I'm net bothered with MnMiri" ftu 'he three succeeding ciay. i tee mucli wcigui. i i;ricKet i'ie win me. ii tl.n 1'lnl'ii e Inlilii its aim ml tournaments for the cicl des Thete are almost "00 bag-teters rcgi-tered at the St. Martins link-, and Tem Iternn. the cidi'n nia-ter. ex-pecl- at bast '2-Ti of thein te enter the teiitti.'imenr There will be a Rt'-t sixteen for the elder boys and a first eight for the juniors under fourteen years nf age. A tun emblematic: of the championship will be awarded te the senior winner. It musr be wen three times te go per manently into any one's possession. The youngsters aten't forgotten, i either. (Jelf club? have been pre sented by members and for four morn ings the caddies will battle for the glerv and the prize-. During the last month and during the month te come most of the clubs In this ditrict will held intirnaments for their boys. It Is a fme thing te en courage these yeiiiiv-ter- from xrhnm the champion- of tl lining years will he hewn and te their ciedit the local club- icali." if. The St. Martin- Cup. which was rcit by Chat ley Iiuelp. of I.u hit Temple, en Saturday. I- a veteran of the local golfing game. It ha- been in competition -ince WO,", hut it 1 1 net the elde-t at thnt. The l.ynne l.ynne l.ynne woed Hull Cup has been playnl for since 1IJ01, barring the xvar period. After the nationals la-t -easen Jehn sten announced that he would net re turn te the i:.i-t again. Biisiiu de mands, he gave a- hi- rea-en. How ever, he played Tildeii twice and turn us many time's in the mutches played en the cea-t early thl- year, and thc-e vic tories may have cuu-ed him te chiiuge hi- mind. .,.,.., With "Little Bill" and "Ihg Bill both in excellent condition. Dick il liunis playing gu-at tennis mid the various ether stars of this country, Australia and Prance fth"i"B'I0H.r. ".' .: c. i.. lii.iiu.initiliin wil undoubtedly , ..i ncui .ivnr " ns tnev say DC lllf Kirun-Ti - in the circus busine-s. EMct.s Kciwd Crowd Tildeti. John-ten and William- eac-'i have two legs en the coveted trophy nnd it will be u three-cornered battle between th stars for pernmncnl pos-essien. Intere-t In tie nationals should run blah und it - believed tlui the record uitendatiie of lust veur win i... .... i.,.i.ii III" f'll M,-' .1 ... When John-ten decided te make ., ,i inv.isiiiti of the Lust, he ti.rtnliied te train eaiefully. lefeated T lden 111 Hie Ily I.OIIS II. JAFFK EVKH HAMMKU. known In the Middle West ns the Bristling Blend, is a tough sort of a ring battler, but i Benny l.eennrd should have little trouble keeping off the rushing Chi- I cnge nstinan when they get together in their ten-round no-decision "twi light" tilt nt Michigan City. Ind.. en Saturday. Philadelphia fans xvntched Kver in competition here several years age, and he proved himself n rather I rugged scrapper, ! This meeting between Leenard and Hammer will be their second esperi- I once in the same ring and for the same 1 purpose. About six years age. just be- ICiri. It.Mtll,. li,i.... ,l i , ,!, . ..; .. ..... ... ..amu ,,. HUl'ICI 8 llgllt-l weight titlehcdder, he hooked up with1 ( Haimner at Kansas Citv. The New I Worker wen at that time en a technical i.iiiii'Hiiiu in iip tweittii round, Displaces Dick Spalding as Best Batter en Seuth Philadelphia , Leenard said later that Kver was m. iron "iniue by nny ineans, and that his vie- UCnan lintla, Irimii'ti iitt fill a.,,,, null. ,,i, i i, ,,...., ,..- .... .' . . - .... inn, ii, e vie- ... ,, ., an it.... t .li. l...l ferV IIVi.i, i.. I..1..I. - !....., . man ei tnc neutu i. mines, uas tii-iiiuvru - -... i.Ru u uuiuer eniv xvent - -- Dick SaldillB ns the leading hitter j J" Prove hew really brilliant he himself WP ce Tfi PI AY PnR of the club, wiMi an average of .447. " '"' nieun't it, tee. because! he JUVtNILtb IU PLAT l"UH Steen has been nt bat ninety-four times nbw' CiirlnB right along that no BILLIARD CHAMPIONSHIP nnd has hit safely forty-txre times. I m x weight in the world is his ring DlLUHnu unHBiriuwenir Pncquella. the former St. Leuis Na- I superior. , tiennl fielder, is second, with an aver-I unmiuer probably is one of thelMiss Maglnnls and Moscenl te Bat- age of .?A). Vex- third position there '"' '"Kiers in tlie lightweight LAST .September out nt the CJcrmantewn Cricket Club, Francis T. Hants Xcw Yerk, survived te the round before the Bcml-llnals of the .natinii singles, ., ' "' In thnt round, he xvns snuffed out In straight sets by James O. Andtriei, and no one paid particular attention te the game that was reed enough te etm bira through te such a high point In the tournament. When the Hanking Committee of the United States Lawn Tennis Anedi. lien listed the first txvent.v players in America, Hunter's name was emlffivi But yesterday, Hunter came Inte his own. He upset all calculations Bta he eliminated Gerald L. Patterson, xverld's champion, In the Seabrlght in. vitatien. Hunter is net a newcomer by nny means in tennts circles. In 102t v. survived te the semi -final round of the Wimbledon tourney, there te be ellml., tinted by II. i. (.', .Norten, the ultimate cnniicngcr. There 'is nothing sensational in Hunter's game. He wins net threngl any particular brllllnncy in bis own piny, but mnlnly through his ability te discover the weak points of his opponent. His splendid success against Patterson was due te his accuracy and tie weak backhand stroke of the Australian. Next month there will be mere attention paid te the work of the H Yerker in the nationals nt (Serniantewn. I Patterson's defeat, however, must net be taken tee seriously. The Aus tralian has scarcely had time te gain the height of his game in the short time U has been In this country, The Australian is a rlavcr te be feared. In the Davis Cup events, ennn ncnts should play him from the 'beginning. At that time, he is net likely t be as weak ns he xvas yesterday. TTxRED TONEY retired from baseball rather than play ball in Bosten. " Frederick probably rieeen't realize lie doesn't have te play baseball te be en the Hub club, The Withdrawal of Woodring Frem Duslies THE withdrawal of Allan Woedrlng from the dash events In favor of the (luarter-reile is a move worthy of praise. The Syracuse sprinter Is afflicted with ".brittle legs." His tendons art casuy puueu nnu mere is less strum in n lour-ieriy muu in a iuu-ynrd dash. Woodring has another year at Syracuse nnu another season In which te attain the ambition of ills career, lie is aiming nt Ted .Meredith's quarter, mile murk. Back In 1010, when the xvender runner of the Red nnd Blue set the werU'i 440-yard mark nt 47 "-5 seconds, it xvas believed by many thnt the mark never would be touched. There wns no one in the field nt that time xvhe showed premise of gettlai close te the figures, and Woodring Is the only runner in six years te exhibit enough speed te be classed ns a likely record breaker. If the Syracuse Hash confines his efforts te the quarter ns he has an nounced he intends te, he is likely te sight the goal. IF BENNY LEONARD is serious about retiring, he will be taking a big chance. Ben xvlll have te worry along somehow en a couple of hundred thousand. New Ticket System at Harvard SPECTATORS nt Harvard football games next fall will be hand-picked and planted. Yeu buy your ticket and you get your seat where Harvard xvants you te sit. The Idea behind the move Is te classify pre nnd anti Crimson rooters. la the past, they have been distributed, nnd Harvard cheering was mingled with applause for the opposition, t One can scarcely blame the Cambridge authorities (or taking such a step. In the pn-t hoots often have come from the xvest stand, which is supposed te be purely a Harvard section. This makes for discouragement te the Crlmsda (llnletes struggling en tlie gridiron. Harvard has large numbers of graduates from ether universltlcn nr,ui in advanced courses. It is said that the anti-IIarvnrd spirit in the west stand xvas uue mainly te uiesc students. it is tough eneiign te nave tlie town folk' against the team, but far students of a university te root deliberately against their own players is 1 tiling unaeiirnuie. Transfer and graduate students shew'1 cnevigbi' jrspect for Harvard U cheese te study mere, iney sneuiu curry tnat respect te the athletic field. ' THE assurance that Spain xvlll semi a Davis Cup team te Oils conn cenn try makes Philadelphia the real center of tennis this year. Be sides the final of the Davis Cup, the national singles for men and the nalleiml girls' singles and doubles, the national veterans' singles and the Middle States' women's teiimun.ents xvlll be played in this city. OKI.- Ol ". 1 "I Ulllil llimiiiuu iii.-. , I. I , ., ,, , ,, KI'lWI'lBUt is n great battle waging between Dick ''' ' '" seys! rank Smith, ,, Chicage1 Spalding. "Leather" Syl.e-. Dick Cnt-lfJ"1' ..,r ,c" I'lunds during the ter and Heward Lehr. Only a few 'V ,w' ' ' bout he peppered Lcemnd ' point- separate these heavy -luggers. a",M" '"' hudv until the Easterner was ..... ' M"'' di-tri'M. Tie mernres are hh fellow. ei A II. Hit" V C Ste-i 31 M 4i .117 l'.cmuc ... UK -13 Til .aaii eiilnnm 11 -' h ap Spaldliin- 'J J.'H " .3s!! Hks 311 r.'H 41 .355 Cetter 1! TH 1". .3211 I.uhi 3T l.Vi r. .Mill Tesicail ;-' J1S Shnip '-'' "I" '-' .301 V 01 2KI OS .SOU Inhnitnn 7 go !i .2JJ Kell'-ll-r 20 fi4 10 .ISO Tee . 3 t'3 17 .102 Thtt Ineludnn alt plyrs hu have pin ltd In fix1 ifriniea el mure. (teamen played XVen April B a Mut .. 27 1.'. June .. ..21 I a Jub 23 ):. T.iUlS BOUTS AT MANAYUNK Scraps About Scrappers STARS HERE FOR DERBY TONIGHT AT VELODROME Maddona Confident He Will Beat Out Carman Five Entries A trio of the five international motor meter paced stars. -chcelule.l te compile tonight in the 100-kilometer derby, a distance of sixty-two ami one-half miles, ar rived in Philadelphia last night for the long grind this evening nt the Velo Vele Velo deome, Point llree.e Park. Thev are Victer Ltnnrt, champion of lielglum and xverld's tltlchelder; Clarence t.'ur man, American, and Vinccnze Mud Mud dena. Itulinn. The ether two entiants-lules 'VM4qinl, of France, and Frank Cerry, Australia- xvhe nlse are te compete In tlie rlve-cerncred international derby, nre expected te arrive here during the day., They are en their way from l.oten. CliU'f interest in tonight s race is the fact thnt the event xvlll go a long way clefhi't up the gup for the leadership lu the 1!,!&! points scored. Littnrt, xvhe is I he lender, is en top b.v a scant margin. xvlth Cnrmnii in the runner-up portion. I'leielv followed iry s i.4 C''' Mnddena te bent out Carman, who has wen from the Italian in tlie Inst two races in whieli they competed. On his arrival heie laft night. Mnddena said: 'Finnllv. my left nnu feels tl. ft., slum the fracture te my collarbone, uuj I am in as geed condition, if net better, than before my accident in iio-teu. I'll beat ( ii nun n tunight if no one else he i, the one I want te heat out. and I feel cenlldent thut I will de se." The five nioter-pneiT who ivill ride in front of the bike cracks will b uaredevll .lluiuiy ' iiunter. Fcwce. l.ddle Heet, tltte .Miller nnd Antinuiicri, n newcomer here, who him carried many winners en ether tracks this season. It was Miiildenu who re quested the presence' of Antinnuccl here tonight, and the chunceH are that tlui Italian will sleet his ceuntrymun te pair off with him. A nns It prnfc-sieinnl race is te be decided, as will several amateur num bers, the lirst te stmt nt .S : l,"i. Sam Wiidd-ten. former rtmafur vvelter- Hl,t-mliltlle. mhi ihriinplnn elepa into th timl up i'ais ,.t the Let. in A. A m- nUlit. Ami r t n "atv .aiiKiitnent mr Ham I, Ce. In meetenrf riniiin Ij,x l.rr Jllackle tflkei en a'r .xpenent in the cert of celf U"tn-e A sen.l Ifwe.-!, s,itlyr ,ne V;,-il diicl Je" I'l.illip- ie 1. 1 lie ii return mil' h i 'ther tnuta nrranted le Adani KiAi ar Ju 1, Vl.iiiin Hilly irtirne, t'inrny J'.ed! v 1'at Ildle anil tleertfle llelii'itr h Al .XLtrhie X wire fiem ej iln un naiei nf an-e'he- iMer th--e in 'lemmv ttucW F'hiln lelphiH feaiherweiyni This tunc Tem wus relumed a wirner ateatntt Sammy 1'icrce atlinc! him n Uixlne leasen In ten reunila. at. rerdini; te the twenrnni Hticl. linn liten ln tAm i'enaWtintT7 nlnce his "cemebatK" in the rlnu In Canada Kn Mitchell Is out with a loud rhaUenne He eteem't tare he lcne It In his dell un furled e the four wind- that lie ! "open te meet any one In the world al 13.1 pounds ' ll'ibln Harriett. Jehnnv .Mealy, .tee 'llplltz l.ii.inv ll.enlen end MIiruiuh O'tlilen am a nenK theau liuMled tl Mitchell nt eletilird oppenentii. Spxe I jury wiltra tliat hl stahlr m in fin ehcvpe for Uk cemlnj? .seatmu K (1 r...nnurd. It" rr-nklu Kramer, taO" Johnny .Tehnnv ' O'Nttll. 121. are! fharlev I.evvU. 10S, are jw.iiiii,, n,w ...rtlr. eli.. rnlnra. lliu ininiii v.... ..... ,.,-,, fc.w.... .1 til-t bii eb- Silicc li'" We-t he 'i i- plaxed little and xvi-ely se. for it ii 1 .. ... ....... i la. II Tl 11111 , exceedingly easy n n-.a. .. ,... earlv in l he -eu-en nnd then become stab'- by playing continually. .lobn-ten's tit-t innieh was xxutdied curefullv bv the-e i.t Hie teurnunieiit here nnd sein- -liglu hnnges in 'ns gnine were noticed, htanlcy 1'eur-eu, ."...i ,i liamiiieii and native ' UVe ISill.V .luhn-l'lll xerv intere-ting iniitih round. i ItnrMiniid a Diivc Although never in 'Linger. 'Lmlc liiir -.hew id Unit lie xvii- iie ihujiii at the heightli of hi- guliie. ......... cluve-. Ill llH.xvever. is mere aggressive , hi n ex-i. Whut wus once a chop stieke bus be ,..,m.. a drive. Although his hiirUhnnd NU1- never reallv weak, it wus feilii.'ily a defensive shot. II" new hits it lint , gets a great deal of feice en the .11 Onlv occuslennlly, and then ""'" m li l. 1 .... ... .!!... hull llllilw Oil II IllgU IHIUIIIHIIK Uil'i. '".- lis sen Vice llll'l eve Illi'uei Grleves-Willls In Twelve-Round Open-Air Beut Tonight Carnival A '., an open-air boxing club in x e-t .Munnyunk for the remainder of tin xvheu ICd (iavit. stnges live bouts with the wind-up between Danny (Jrieves and Al Willis. (This match is tched- ' uled for fifteen rounds. The semi-final will bring together Malt llroeks and Hebby Itebldeau, nnd ' will hi' nu eight-rounder. In the ether I number- .lee Itice is te meet Die k Smith nnd Harry Peppers will open the nIievv with Phil .lohn-en. ' tie for Title The juvenile pocket billiard cham pionship will be at stake next week, when Mis Ituth Muglnnls, the eleven-year-ehl girl marvel, will play Master "That will he his ni. ;.. ,i ..... Wllllutn Mnscenl. the -evoifyear-elcl bout en Siiturdux." eentinues Si, ii, ""lll,,'t " 1-OII-pelnt luateli at the "Dispatches from New V, w S N"ti"nal liilllunl A.ailemy . IfUiT, Mar- snid .Mr. I.eenurd wun feeling bit "ere kl'' ,Htr,'(,- . , , , , , from the body pounding administcre,! l.v ' Mat,'i' Mosceui has met all the lead TVndle,. The'inlds!,!lU I " I a Ik i'W.I'ej'Uet hllllui.l .le,;r l,. ij.e world, tender, even en .Haturdai, and if H . """';' 1 ullih !reenlenf. the chain - mer is able te get iii-ide the tl,anipieii UiV" : Of 0Jd""i 1,I"r,te" "ml 1I""'l 1I""'l prebably will wish himself " " J' "," -Muslnnis is a newcomer in the Getham." '" . Held und se far bus shown rare nhility Shortly nfter the Kansas City battle fur " K'r1, ,,lk'l',ri"-v. ,,'UJ'',;S. tl,ts with Leenard Hammer retired from tin i )V'pk 0V1T Dr- "'""ns and Mnster rlnif. A ul'.. he .., .., "..'-. .''r( Mb' were suriilsing. Under i in his nose and couldn't resist the c-al I, ('?rt'ful "m"nBc "H','t "f la1nK ;"- '! During the tear Kver .staged tgreut iV,',' f"irn,wr "-""WP ' reeu eaf, this .. comeback. He has beaten some of the 1 1Ur,lr B,i'' hell h,mw "s UK,1 V'c .,,01,e a best beyn in hix division, and .. t Is'mTIT J"v''n" ,ni,u'1' "ill , begin en J vvritlng npiicars te be box ng n cl . bit-1 ""J1" !!it,irm01,l a,1"1 bl"tks ,,f 10U 3 ter than at. anv time in his career ' '" wl," '" 1',UJ'''1 every foriieoii i n,m e ire..,,'.,,,.,.-., ,.... ...",!, r I nnd evening. 'iti s'- i iitiii.iit i r murii iiiiiiuiii, rei'iiiir victories was that ever Charley White. Chicago left -honker. This pair of l.'l.T- peunders ciusueu at Aurera nnd at Un did of leu round- Hammer lecelved the popular decision. In the ninth leund Kver caught Charley flush en the iaw with n lfi will be opened , -wing. The blew knocked White half - ' season tonight way across the ring and he sat en the second lope. It xvns n mighty xvallep, I This battle convinced fnns that Ham-1 iner xviih better than ever. I Hae an Awful Kick tJ,1 Ji'le Mu lis team, a rcently erfmlnJ hemy ana travtllnr club, haa trcurrd a fleil ni ;i,llSw. nd Mifflin ftrtxta and haa plentf willing te elve exchantcea. The line-up li a fl. ?'. "ndthe Whlta Mule weufil Ilk elalphia Qianta. Addreea Thomae Illaclc, 11M wUU,,i ..riumi eireai. I.e.' 1-2 H HI LYRIC Theatre, Camden, NJ. LAST THREE DAYS CONTINUOUS NOON TO MIDNIGHT Plcturea will be ahewn every hour en thl hm The Law Doea Net Permit te Shew FUht ricturea Outalda et New JerM SEE IT IN CAMDEN Five Minutes Frem Hitladtlphla TrelUya or Bunt a from tlie Terrlia carry you there. i EIPRODUCTO "uiiuifa'T.v-?Jv'QiiuiiiiaiiiiaiiiiQiij BS.v;;-..nWk. m Mim t MTV '1 .'VtriiBaU M immim&.b'tmmr J WmimK Km'mNiw ",-, W xtB 0 . &fBMSagt4M KfcJxVAMWuw mm&M ""9' He netted It.ti Kliiiinl. iisiiully he chop Mrs. Sehst Is Tennis Champien llt-Hcli Harm . J,. Ahl- 3 Tlie thum thum p.ensliU' of i", nlrnl Nun Joiie-y In nmnen'H unslc's tHH wun be Mr 1 heuilnr Selmt, or the XVesI Slli. Tenen, CJeih. New x-nrlc, hm ehe elpfmieii Mlb-i Claire XtcI.euBldln ' lu ntrdlKlil ihI. nui .( anil 11-1 ' i Bew Wins Shere Tennis Title Atlantic tlty, .iiu- a XValli r 'll'ti, nf ii Atlantic. Cits uihi i-luli, vtun tin. t. lanlle llty all utarn lei.nla teuinamc-nt cm i tlie inunlclput court He lii'Jt Alliert .1.1 I'citiin i' Hid VVoeUrnnl ejeurlii Club, 0-3. el-2. h-IO, 9-3 xerv dep'cnduble und nr.-urate. while his volleying is J" "" I'SKMyi" -'s ;yi-r. i .lefeiiilnir Tear-en by the mese t lu- iiet fumed III ,t. ...... r. " . ' i..,.. C. M-eie of !. -' "' "u """il " Max In back of the mint iut et time leurneyiUE tie c-.ihiiiciiiii.i t . i eaie ...... ..I..- t., tinkxti off Iiellltt i I"'...: ---. . ; .., I . 1.1 l. 111, ,11.11.11 lllllll lit 1111 fe.Xnd drives, this xvu. 'probably due 1........I ii ri'iiuu i nil ii tin te the lower ihjuihi " ". - the hard courts upon K.,mi ..In vine, und te drives. piny eel Beets and SaddU which he has l'cursen'ia chop The 'nntiennl sepiiish chunlpleii ,.,.,,ll,.iitlv nnd mm e mutteis Stanlrr Willis, a favorite In the nnrtheaiet sNtlnn of the city, ss ,11 be .-10 iir cent of the main mill at tin- Cambria tomorrow nlulii. .Tee Kueiii will In- i 'i tlm nmiuiilte corner KM hche'ler v Kdil.e Ifvelre xvlll b" lb" aeinl. l'r'llmi S--n lllarklmen vn K c, Franlile Rmlih. Johnny Mullen vc fat Half mil Tommi XVhlte . Mickey Oeldeii eal Sportsman Herman lllndln lias sinned nddle neelr e,i ,.f .Inhiii-leii in c c-entMrt anu eneeriH ,e seen n-in hub- ,", -7, a,iiiument which ilurni the cemlivr c-mplim Mike Kreilell drive recilllH te me a .s'lu'm "'"",," I lliilti ICrr.nlia fi-A uniilhiar nnir ,if brianfu .Mtl.l.... mia.i, llllllll'. It 1H IIOL ICI nlnveil exccii'-iici.t " -, , , "cry interesting throughout the match. forehand Three handicaps feature the Snrnteg.i1 today tlie Seneca, I'ittsheld and f.uzerne. Jlilly Harten will try for the IMttsfield. If he Is up te his best form I he should have, little trouble in annex- I lug tlie purse. Horses which seem Lest at the Saratoga course, today are: I First race Allle (Mis, Kdlct, I.adv I Myra ; second Haiti, Vender, lied' I.egs; third Tarn. Hullabaloo, Tan- ' gerlne; fourth Ullly Harten. We'll-' tinder. Recount ; fifth lirncdclbnne, liallantmun. (loud Times; sixth Hon Hen ble Cress, Ilreckelsby, IHrck I-'nx Railroaders Have Open Dates The 1'enntilvanla Italtrend hJndeil thu Cel'jnlal Ii'e Cream n wetback nt Matcher and Witmer'l.inc1e atrecta. Scer. B-l, Thu Hallruailera huve cinui itrrungfrd Witt, ex-nun City, Jtoxberouuh. Monotype, Medlei jV. A. and Lincoln ITiilva.rl(v Thiv u,ne Mnddena, Mlciuel have few open date and would Ilka lei " I lia.laP frixjii firutwl.i lnlriva lauma VL 1 Mitchell.. -.'JIT North Twenty-tevenlh t'reet' .ni"tijcr ft-jitiire xvlll be fhe threat of phone i.a"meni siat. ""ir" """""I. fr!1'1 'rrX. b. .atiTt u.e: Klr,t in.-e-Nrnknume Olie, ... prove ,,a, A,l "f l" "fr '' , .fccl ."V 1, " game,", Mill- Tl.l.e. Tep Nelch ; second. Tim, -, Htone carnnt knock him ..ut anuin. and the. absence of weak IU Hi '"?, ' ", Wliy. (Julllpet. (Jrcenlniid; tlilrd-- former n'arir." la ready te meet the marine, remarked the lllenii I ui. uii m mi. , .. ,. Ueilgere. II uruev Hhv at the dree, of n ha. Otte claim he nut- ri-iitH .-eupled xvitll is wonderful llllltch ' ' '' "'".., ".,. 11,,,,,,,,, i ' fered a fractured nieull in Ida lant bout with l'lls,'. L "K . 1 tH always Ilggress VU I ".ml ' M ' S ?,V,U ,Hil. ,,l,llcl') J'r. Htone. llUKhei, aaaln haa place.l himself plnylllg "'". I ! " riL.mniHhll. ' Hickman, Sailing U, .Super; fifth under the manaiement of XVIIlus Wrltt. Htylc. und llU WOlldelflll HpermaiiH nip. ,. t j,, . , ,b "" . a lillll n lllUM-l 1II tlae Miuwy- - WHEN you play the new U. S. Royal, the fear of cutting up your ball is displaced by the fun of cutting down your score i,0l K -..J - VC'.T C jfc i) nirjr rC n -r TO fLft SrPt y There ! u letter In the spern deparlment nf the F.eiMkii I'rm ic I.rcnira for Willie Kdnaidi h remembered and admired. New ninny " "'"S "f nn ",tkn .ady seventh ; Ilean. Lunette, Tribune, Fannie I U. S. Royal Gelf Balls United States Rubber Company iniiiiniiiiaiiiiDiiiiciiiiDiiiiDiiiiDiiiia or real tieument IET'S talk sense about -at cigars. We don't knew the kind of cigar you like best There are men who really prefer the taste of a cheap domestic smoke te the finest that ever came out of Havana. But most smokers like Havana if it isn't tpe heavy. El Producte is the choicest of mild Havana, blended in a way that can't be imitated, and rolled in a flawless, snade-grewn wrapper. ict ttraighl' C. H. P. CIGAR CO.. Inc. rklladelpMe, Pa. 'JDiiiiniiimiiiiniiiiaiiiiaiiiiniiiiQiiiiDiiiiDiiiiaiiiiDiiiiO' Purttano-Fine nt r 2 fir is A ji,J;'.rV' .irii-- :r&&mKi-Hi0ivmi.i