Pr VWM w , s i i fwwptf? TdSVc v , "i ft.OF f 1 -vvwS. A Mm i v JL-'lJ&tetk.l... EVENING' PUBLIC LEDGER-PHILABEIiPHIA', WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 2, 1923 ' vm iiir:fr m "'SHWUhb i N. WEATHER Generally Fair Organ plays at 9, 11 and 4:50 Meleily nml Clilmea ut Noen WANAMAKER'S Stere Opens at 9 Daylight-Saving Tim Stere Closes at 5 Duylight-Saving Timt WANAMAKER'S WANAMAKER'S wt rf-f rA AManWith a Hammer and a Saw Made Up the Best Ad for sr J. Russell Miller the Auther of Se Mdny Geed Beeks, was in the Civil War under the Christian Commission as a distributor of comforts and helper te the soldiers of the "Department of A .the James." When the war closed he came te Philadelphia through friendship of Geerge H. Stuart, President el the Christian Commission. In the honest opinion ei the writer he was the shyest, awkwardest man he eycr knew. But what a beautiful, busy life he led! His books have been translated into all languages and his sayings have burned into every heart that knew him. Fer example: "Yeu walk with a friend for years in close, familiar relations, hnding every day some new revealing of beauty. One day sorrow enters your life and you find qualities and comfort in his love of which you had no knowledge before, which seem te be reserved just for you." Handsomely Beaded Overbleuses of Distinction Imported most of them, and the bending hns evidently started out te show just hew nrtistic in coloring and design it can be. Each blouse is se different; seldom two alike. Such a blouse has enough dis tinction for a whole costume (Thlnl I'loer) nnd needs but a simple skirt te complete it. Crepes de chine, Georgette and canton arc in white and just about every color, includ ing the new shades. One blouse is in beige with an elaborate design in smull beads of the new green. $10.50 te $18.75. This August Furniture Sale A Favorite Ratine, Special at 58c The sort of ratine that will be used for smart Fall sports clothes dresses, skirts and suits. There arc interesting plaids and checks in many colors, and the quality is excellent. 36 inches wide. (I'lrit I Itier) Signed August mmmL C, 10S2. I I I I Dinner, Evening and Dance Frecks for Miss 14 te 20 France i- sending eer its" most exquisite hand-made silk and cotton dresses, with bead ing ever almost the entire sur face. m Beads are doing unusual things. Exquisitely shaded roses, in conventionalized pat tern, circle again and ngain a frock of French blue heavy Georgette crepe. It seems almost impossible that such I shading can be obtained with beads! It lifts adornment te an art. Gay little dance frocks of Georgette crepe adhere te beauty of line and color and wisely keep away from detract ing trimmings. Lace dinner gowns are in beige, golden browns and dwk browns, brown being decidedly fashionable. Prices $25 te $100. (Second I'loer) A Glory of Celer and Softness of Line in Duvetyn Hats Duvctyn adapts itself te be coming lines, because of its soft ness, and its texture gives a peachbloem beauty te every color. New hats of duvetyn give this loveliness of color an excellent op portunity of expressien: old geld, tomato bisque, scarlet, browns and" many blues. Shapes are mostly small and medium, with perky clusters of glyecrined ostrich en the smallest. Felds of duvetyn introduce a con trasting color around the crowns of wider-brimmed hats. $12 and under. (Second I'loer) Gay Ribbon Ends Fly from hats and frocks they flaunt their ricet edges, as though proud of their attractiveness. Mere than thirty colors among the ereserain ribbons, three-fourth Inch te one and an eighth inches wide. eOc te 55c a yard. (Mil I n I'loer) The Most Popular Silk of the Day American broadcloth silk is met with everywhere. Its use begun in men's shirts (and men still like them). New, however, one sees it in cool, sensible dresses, women s business shirtwaists and blouses. August and September will see it most of all en the golf links and tennis ceurt1., in women s sports chirts, wein with knickers. Seme lovely evening dresses are being made of the plain colors. There is no mere durable under clothing than that of white bread cloth silk. In numerous stripes and plain white, $2 a yard. In pastel tints of leghorn, beige, p-ay, flesh-pink, etc., $2.50 a yard. All J2 inches wide. (I'ir.l I'loer) 10,000 Pairs of Women's Silk Stockings $1.25 the Pair Either black ones or white ones. Seme arc silk te the tot), ethers have mercerized cotton tops, but all nre full fashioned. Shchtlv imnerfect. but the fault- lness meiely lessens the price by oeut hall without lessening the goodness of the stockings. Alse 1000 rmirs of full-fashioned all-silk stockings with openwork clocks. Perfect quality and ex actly the desitrns that women are demanding. Special at 52.85 the pair. (Went AMr) Women's Silk Bathing Suits Drep te $17.50 Seme of tlln silk unite, in thn Summer stock have been reduced hRhtly. This means black taffetas w'th tucked linsnme. .rn..hnll hut. tens and white pipings of the same yle; nnd it means ether blnck taf- letas With TlOllltpi) Mnllrmu nn rlin Kirts, colored nininirs nnd rnlnrnil cress-stitch decoration. oewi styles are among the pret .lin , the sea" and there is "HI Plenty of time te wear them. d'lrnl I'loer) Simple Foulard Frecks for Women $20 Slip-en dresses made with sheit open sleeves, voluminous self sashes, and little self-tics fasten ing the necks. They are made of feuluid in closely covered patteVns in navy and white, Copenhagen and white, black and white, green and white, ' lese and white and sand and navy, i and are exactly the sort women I like te have en hand as the Sum- ' iner shades into Autumn. (llr-t I'loer) Lemen Is an Oder of Delight and Queen Mary Lemen Cleansing Cream has all its refreshing "qual ity. Women find that after the dusty meter trip it is vinvaluablc. Prices, 50c, $1 and $1.50. Queen Mary Skin Cream is just as well known as an excellent feed for the skin. It has a seething quality which is a distinct charm in something se useful, 75c and $1.25. A Finishing Cream which should be tucked into every week-end bag is se well liked because it is grease lc3. Splendid as a foundation for powder, 50c. (Mnln I loer) Thousands of Handbags Leather ones all kinds, all shapes, but all the newest, all fine and all worth about twice as much are here for $1.65 Right in the regular stock today, the selfsame bags are selling for twice as much and are considered reason able at that. There are pin seals, auto leathers, beaver calves, soft India goats in the fine, soft, exquisite finishes that be speak bags of quality. The colors are the fashionable ones just the shades that madame is demanding for early Fall grays, tans, brown, blacks, blues and two-color combinations. The shapes, tee, are the newest, envelope, vanity, shopping, pouch and swagger. It is net an old let of hard-te-sell bags, net an imper fect or undesirable one in the selection. All nre new, all are fine, just out of the cases from the factory and going at price sacrifices because the manufacturer had te get riJ of them. $3 and $4.75 are the special prices en about a thousand ether bags larger in size and better in quality. (Main Iloer) Clearaway of Women's Lew Shoes, $2.75, $3.75 and $5.75 Oxfords and numns of everv tvn M included. Black or hrnvvti iM.lfel,;., ...i.u leather, black patent leather, white r!fNSinml var'0"3 combinations e...i . " " "j"a ii mu e! akiu re herc' " few pah andMihc?J8' Cuban heel"; &y M high French heels; weftad or 1 Nici turned leather soles and seme rubber soles are, each, en several kinds of low shoes. An opportunity te finish the season with a trim, new pair of shoes that, at the beginning, would have cost at least twice as rnuch! Mny con be yrn most of the Winter, 's WeU Fer Women Travelers Mere Tweed Capes Hig circular capes, some of plain rest and light blue tweed, made with large armholes; and some of tan with green everplalds or gieen with red everplalds, nr plain tan, nuule with cellars which button high, and with stiaps te held thorn en, The first are priced $25; the second (37,50, (Ylrtt Fleer) Rain, Rain Come and Stay! What woman wants the sun te shine when she has just bought a new umbrella? Many women like umbrellas of union taffeta because the material, a silk warp with a cotton filling, will net cut, and is durable. Tape edge and paragon frames, with handles of bakelite, amber or hardwood all are attractive and new in style. $4. i (Main I'loer) The Best Time te Buy Office Furniture Is New The whole Wanamakcr stock is offered in the August Sale at reductions of 10 te 50 per cent, the average saving being about 20 per cent. Selections arc excellent and, the goods are of the best standard grades. It is mighty geed busi ness te buy office furniture here and new. Orveiilli I'loer) There Are Panama and Leghorn Hats for Men at Half Price and Less v S3 and $4 At $3 there are pencil curl macinaws, staple macinaws Seme worth just and fine split straws with straight brims. twice as much, some net se high in value. At $4 there are Panamas, Leghorns and Bangkeks. Geed, fashionable hats and the values range from net double te a great deal mere than double the present price. (Mnln Fleer) The Shoes That Jelly Men Dance In On the piers, at the clubs, the mountain hotels every where that fashion's feet glides easily ever waxed floors, men wear light, easy dance oxfords or dull kid or patent leather. Four eyelet oxfords, perfectly plain, without tips and with light soles and low, flat heels. Just such shoes are here at $11. (Mnln Fleer) When a Man Can Save a Clean $25 and can't help but save at least $10, he knows he is up against a pretty geed business proposi preposi tion. In a case like that a thinking man buys buys for the future as well as for today. That's just what men are doing in this Clearaway of Fancy Summer Suits Buying all they can get, for every one is a staple, sure te be geed Wanamaker suit unexcelled in tailor ing, fashion and fabric. And from .$10 te .$25 is exactly what the savings range. What is mere, there are se many suits that every man from the wee-est little fellow te the strapping traffic-cop type" is bound te find his size and just the suit that suits. $25 $35 $40 Net a suit among the whole summer stock of three piece fancy suits has escaped this clearaway. An un reserved marking down that gives every man an unre served selection. (Thlnl Fleer) rn The Green in a Jade Necklace . Jade green has a definite charm aside from its own beauty it is becoming te most every one! And every ene will want one of the new necklaces of imitation Jade the oddness is expressed in the shape of the beads themselves, and in the use of many different sized beedi en one necklace. Seme of the necklaces show the knot between the beads, ethers are graduated, or have pendants of the jade. Prices are $2 te $13.B0. (Mnln Fleer) Seme One's Favorite Candy Is Nougat Nearly everv one's! The dainty raspberry, vanilla or chocolate squares never fail in their appeal especially, when they are se generously' filled with nuts as these are. GOc a pound. Anether favorite is fudge net just the plain sort, but maple fudge with pecan nuts. and chocolate fudge with wal nuts. GOc a pound. (Down Mnlr. Mere) In August Felks' Thoughts Turn te the Rugs for Fall Wiltens, most likely, or certainly Axminsters. Ne ethers could be prettier and none better. And what a remarkable time it is te see the prettiest new rugs for Autumn. Hundreds have been coming in, handsomer in patterns, richer in colorings. And quality for quality the prices are the biggest en couragement of all. Wilten Rugs ' Axminster Hugs 0x12 ft., $84. $110, $1'J5. )'l ft., $41.7B, SCO. B.fixlO.G ft., $78.50, if 1 14. 8,axl().G ft., lfi.BO, $5(i. 6x0 ft, $G3, $77. fixO ft., $27, $.tH. (Ncvrnth I loer) An Extra Pair of Pajamas for a Man's Vacation Grip, $2 Light, cool, roomy pajamas out ever the Wanamaker full fenn and splendidly made. Purfectly plain, as most men prefer, but there are three colors blue, Un,(iavendn 75 Dinner Sets One Third Under Price 5!) American dinner sets of tine semi-china, in a choice, of twehe handsome border decorations, seniu with solid coin-geld handles, all coniplete hets of 10ii pieces, and priced at JU7.50 a set. 1G bets of fine Nippon china, daintily decorated in a Greek kev border design, with geld edges anil handles, all sets of 100 pieces and priced st ?50 a set. , (Fenrtli Fleer) It is the furniture itself se sound, se dependable, se geed. The finest furniture in "the land incomparable. All in all it makes up the largest selection offered anywhere and Every Piece of It Is At a Real Saving We have no particular liking for superlatives, but this is a case in which they are practically unavoidable. They afford the shortest and straightest read te the exact truth about the August Furniture Sale, and nothing less will de it justice. Undoubtedly the Sale is backed by the largest and finest stock of furniture at retail, and undoubt edly it is right te keep that fact before the minds of people with homes te furnish. Whether you have $10 or $10,000 te invest in furniture, the stock that provides by far the broadest choice of the best grades at the lowest prices consistent with quality and service cannot help being the best stock te cheese from. Where that particular stock is nearly every body knows, but if anybody has doubts it is the easiest thing in the world te dispel them. n. , The Furniture Is Here te Prove That This Is a Sale Incomparable Yeu might want a dining-room suit for $158, or one for $4000, or for any one of hundreds of prices between. Where in all the whole country, outside the Wanamaker Stere in New Yerk, can there be found an assortment that begins te compare with the one here. New the same thing Speaking of living room furniture, the dis plays en the fifth fleer are regarded by these well qualified te knew as the most superb in America. Our entire stock is in this August Sale. Prices are 10 te 50 per cent less than regular figures. The average saving is holds true in bedroom anvwhprp frmn 10 tn ?; furniture and living- per cent and every sav sav sav roem furniture. ing is real. t VI fill Mlli nml Srttnth Vlnnrii People Must Live With Their Furniture, Especially Their Mattresses sale of mattresses, pillow,, bolsters and bedsprings is Ceed bedding is the only kind that has any reason te exist. Geed bedding is the only kind ve sell at Sale times or at any ether LI 1 1 1 v Our half-yearly new going en. The entire stock Is offered in it. Reductions are 20 per cent en all lets, with the exception of one 01 itnnip ihnf nun 1 M n ,a lyi.L 1 w w jtiue Liuit cuu xj jl-i cunt Hainan regular. There is no merchanif'beut which one should be se particulai the bedding en which one.- -ich a lame nail of li (!, This sale brings one e. v.. e great opportunities of the year in bed ding of the best and safest quality. , Ly t (sUlli Fluer) two as j v p s i V, ' if m I vfl PS h?i n a i (Klr.t fleer) (Mala Fler) V - -- vhtiSTf r'tbyjtM t Vjv , Jyj