liPIPfl''',---;-' 'flpw .rjLrV- iW - X ' -43 ? I : i ' W' t'.i Uil ftp S3 ..' N faienintj public Ifeftcjer PHITJABELPHIA, WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 2, 1922 ' 41 A wi' " r.f W tffctfl 2 H. J GETTING SET FOR THE SAND HOGS. Soen this caisson, new in place en the Camden side, will be dropped into the bed of the Delaware River V . Jt . Si! -fiEK -Ji - -tfATSWdJ!M&S'!i , iz3xsrssimz'vrK. irm?iiizrTt-rAX?xttc-iitx. iai4 .HSresssR&g SgjswBaiJW aLr: Ff fpPiflff!g lfgBSKj FRENCH TENNIS EXPERT. M. Jean Boretrn, nt Seabright, N. J. He it one of three French cham pions visiting the U. S. A. SUPPOSE HE MISSES IT? BUT HE WON'T. Richard Talmadge never thinks of bodily risk when he la Injecting a "thriller" into his picture. He made this dive onto the lead of hny twice before he ordered the cameraman te record it SAILED FOR PARIS. Miss Jenot Snow, with the American Women's Olympic tenm, which sailed en the Aquitania r. & .3 -LJ' tr-2 .. J& sv tY""r'' hi t siS53Kgfea5SsfeMi (rTKsd-,W!1' ? "wa , tzmzi Z3Z&. 4wK 'ttiMX'ytfc- ' ajOTa-iiAWSSiUi J. t X: " - "ifcSl w V: ... A NORTH OF ENGLAND JUMPER. A. Massarella, en ene of his hunters, as it makes a clever jump at the annual Yerk fair xm 'f y't ,.''' tNjHVfit a" W "IHaBBJPlUIF "-.V" V-W :J . . ' , .y . T ' VM V4K4 WHB fiM-m S&SzMk 'OTI ZJ j '- 'v j Kk mm& t-A liMil M ' ' SI a --" - M "DOUGHBOYS" IN MODERN BATTLE AT CAMP DIX. A tank and Red Cress workers of the theoretical "Bill " a'r y a1? the battle raced. The battle gave a graphic picture of modern fighting te 230 reserve officers of the Second Cerps area, new training at the New Jersey camp SOME FORM. Sylvan Landew, a Philadelphia gram mar school lad, whose tennis plnying in the Fainneunt Park boys' tournament has surprised his opponents VISITING FATHER. Judge Rogers, of Common Pleas Court Ne. 2, with his daughter Katherine in the Judge's chamber A BUSY CAMDEN OFFICIAL. He is E. S. Hyde, ihief pL police. The chief was photographed in his effice yesterday afternoon ,,r, .,J..Ma,ii.,l-creTKcyiTrr:gmyrs i1jai MSmasm'iSSIMBMiM Wtitii'&& fees C a. y"Jf .' ' . ' "v.' T M 5s?r.xr-;-;; :. iiLi'TiC-i'aii. MRY CARR. MOVIF STAR, IN HER NEW CA.R. In thi- automobile, the screi a tre-s n 1 take lirr fm l. id ( en many trips. She i, nr, expert in raHling cars. IUr chilirvn are Ma, Stephen, Jehn, Leuel.a anl Roseina-v j - i 11 ii iip n i mil II 'I.1 in "i i i i ii !Min . ., y, v.v&''xs&tzmaMiVki i: ii jgac", ,'. a "-"i", M:v..yju ft.a1iitjLfciz.iaia.i--?Mfri-.f,xjinjHVEr v wr " . . tr. . setvkilb s tvy'nx kju. ja. h. jurNKHBuraa, ijiauw wts- jy" s" y ' " irMMjr O" K.M SCOTT ,,,, Ifl llill 1 ' American singers in Edi- Efe .. MVfybmlSk M M terial Page interview & -W&mP' t WM W3 ( OL. WM. HASKELL, 'ica 1 of Ameiican Russian Rehe" Cen'nrttee has been ing g d work abroad Sax N I fi 1 .;& "SiiS "M-, V.. "" S.i WaSA , T3!S-'SlS"vTSr3r" 3T ggas.": . . v TWiijr .tii .w; .i n . -a b:t wj.. i ON THE ROAD TO "ROLY-POLYNESS." The seven-month-old baby found in a clump of bushes near Fairview, N. J is improving wonderfully in the care of Wet Jersey Homeopathic Hospital nurses. The baby is s-till unidentified zxavwmsmatmsai' TILTING CONTEST ON LAND. This battle was staged along the Delaware Rhcr, at Terredale, as Albert Smith and Miss Marie Gaus were waiting for a canoe tilting contest te get under wav ,f.wr: , --l5i 6KSIfe rak4'V "h & S-5.W M&T rf fSja3lJJei3l Mm kt m iS fctW fx . mm iw" FANNY WARD, the ac ross, who is repotted t" have broken her arm in a fall at a hotel in Fram e IORD LOT'IS MOUN'TBATTEN an I his I i ! , Mi-s I. I na --h c., the wealthiest t'irl in Eng'ar.'i, en their honeymoon m England HFLWRr GUNNFKS IN CAMP. The cameraman caught Captain Lewis A. Hudgins a !' S i v instructor a' Camp Geerge W. Sparks, near New Castle. He was ready for big work as the I 'Mi Artillery, an anti-aircraft organization, was busy getting its camp in condition EIGHT YEARS AS LIFE GUARD. Chailes Murray snapped en thu Atlantic City beach FLYING FANS. Miss Janet MefTett (left) and Miss Helen Jehnsen, befeie a trip in the clouds. Miss Metl'ett is the daughter of Admiial MciVett BACK FRO.M EUROPE. Mis. Gee. A. Harder, of New Yerk, returns after a mx months' tour CAN YOU I I K ipgW RECALL THIS BIT OF OLD PHILADELPHIA? '&w uSmH m Wg"11 "-rsfxtr-r EwxSSBS '''JSwi. &'ft MiVafuJW. mm zmm k&i$. m?&m ' '.cjgsafl'.a g NELLIE COCHRAN I1LLIAN BiXKEU IRMA CO( IIRAN THESE KENNETT SQUARE GIRLS were .swimming with Miss Sybilla Kinsey when she shouted for help. She went down thiee times before lu r lescuers reached her IdSJs l u HHStJ V v&fM&iMfi 'fc.sdv5v WS-'5' - -- . W,Sv'2Wfc "5J6 t. JiLAv 'fc. " - i ...' .. ) a. , ... w ESWPKWPwK&.a.-.?? -. x '&eKSZ&k-iiirtrMit0! I j44v-' A.-Ci-i'i'iTV nWiftflBSViWBSSt -r'- '-KlM ' ''TO.( THE WEST PHILADELPHIA SCHOOL. It was en Chest nut street, enst of Thirty-sixth street, until taken down in 1801.. T. D. Edmunds, 1G03 Real Estutc Trust Building, is the niriDUier. acnu us your eiu-rnuuuuipiua pnotegruiiii STATIONED AT THE TWENTY THIRD DISTRICT. Geerge W. Tittig, with his sawed-off shotgun ready ter hurry-up call WONDERFUL SPORT. Albeit Weiner was willing te play "horse," witll a fair swimmer us his passenger, en a surf beaid at Ocean City T2 DROWNING STRIKE WORRIES Secretary of Laber Davis ready for - wit in it jiew ai vvasningtea ?J!S ?. tnYrsTv0V ,FOji. "9RSES. Of course, when , wwvu ,1UIV VIIUUgn wmer is suppuva 0