PWfPfMHil ssimM llMivXPW Twi&m p sf VWlT'i"V' 7T ,,S j' frffhvl ?swimvzw?z IV - 5. - I EVENING PUBLIC LEDGER-PMllADELPHIA, WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 2, 1922 ? . n.i.n'fK'r Klfirn row f Q 99 By Katharine Newlin Burt Mary or Blaise? Which Should Win Unusual Here? T1IB HIOBV HO TAB tie 1 vv A'r" YeK ",i" n"V lJifflJSSfii, " a(semc but uncd. Jj rewT1,'',"'i.i.-,1,0i.i,1 duca. ... Vniihrt fe I' himaelf socially &. Klfli.e OHriceml.f. e epiii; lc '."" 7i. her WIUM n I""': - marlu te hit Hate rlrndj. 1 -'-.- -nvTINIIFH D lift" you Saved Sly Life" . . . n " ahti Atnlliwl. Mwr was ' v' -;, I ..You're en your way . VU ... I'm Imriv I've mnrte ",V(HU1C3. ' '" ncy, te New Yerk nml wnlked, as un suspecting n morse! ns possible, Inte it,T"nxT- 1,rt lie vih duly robbed by Helelse h recommended tnlfer, barber, and haberdasher: then, self-conscious ami dated, secretly grinning nt his own splendor, he Mrelled forth Inte the quick -stepping Fifth avenue crowd. He walked with a cowboy's rhythmic step, and, ns the man Inside the clothes radiated or glnallty, he nttracted mere attention than he guessed. Q lilcd Ixcw erk. It stirred nnd stimulated mm. Hhop-windews, women, meters, towering ciffn of Htenc, the canyons that sent in their strcninH of trucks nnd taxlcabs and hurrying travelers te the great rivers of traffic every one of thee aspects hurried his bleed. A man who loiters nnd leeks Is n mnn wlm ! courts adventure. Q's temnerament it lifted1 her eyebrows te that the "nt of brilllnnts moved nnd gUt- m, ." "". "vt , ;; niver netd. ."'. """:': ., mention reti told tu"""' a venture. . eH temperament 01ViVlVlnV that steed he- ,.ns "n.tllr'.v " ltRhtnlng conductor. 1?,nlnd m?-a m. and n !,r! h? " ill". "J""' ?F of a lar en ui - in iiicu nn-jijii-d out n sum nnti tnn " 1 .1Ul.flr in 1,pp rhfllr. '"'" 1". !ir from the leek of .her, te " :. i. nnutfep ns cnrefullv ns KIfC Dff i'V ' , ,,..,, tnni ,..). oefb it "" .1 imnii nil edsed tool SfhMMiwr, linvc two edges. few W MM. "tl!cre ls elIe thlnB ,nnet forftettcn. iuui , mm. juu ETwhed deeply. "I don't think Se like wu renicmberin' that-just rt. (iuicknes nnd shrewdness of his I6equiij . . , lni..n Kant"! that nil the skill would I" T' -i.i In lh u nnmp te which '"."".'"i. I.H..". f n fnrn.t iMii-ilRhtlv clmllenged him, but te iMW "",". ... 1,1. n-Itli n ei-lni- 'Irt.D? ffS .'I ' .," :rl,,lv n frlBhten In ttatuii" """" " - ?' ..I. . tl.Yp ricirnt If. Tviw i uiani r:.T.'i -"'ti;:i. .. vv mat or any em ;"",V. t ' ,Ld you my frlendsh p." , S, ma'am. Yeu did premise me U .friendship. Hut thnt wns quite .Til hSCK. " """i.'.V. ". ... Kirk te thnt. bull, Jit, H"" . jjlB no meie irem ma- .1 1. gbe smiieii u"' ..w. "I'm Kinci. J tour friend." . . , "But Ten I"1 ,0 kccp remrinberin . ..Orinseoembe, thnt I am net pledged ,ut trail. Semcwnere, I turn off." .!,,., ,e,l te , liear j en talk. Kew ,V join? te stay at the lllvcr He- 1 Isn't t an itn lessiuin pim-e.- i B, iwi . , MA ... -rt nl, UMBO. Anil "IIO IN S'"".. '" h"- .," wWatlnnV" She added maliciously, Bmliics me." . . Ihit breuglit from him a narrowed eliitdaflu'li. "Yes ma'am. 'I hat s 11,. tnitli. Yeu be clvln' me . bifgest part of my edicatien." He iW grimly. "I f1"" tnkc fl.,wliJe 1 rum jvu 11 " " you- I'm -ns net yet, her face wa should loc te THE GUMPS Bach-Give Him Air! By Sidney Smith MJEU. MR. GUM?- 6eT n.js.c irxc MOKN1N& MOSt C. SOMtTWWOj "SOU COMVNG t0WM tVsS R6M TO Mn ai. TKOrA m NtU. VufcU', UTUE. WlMtRUK- Bft.CrC 10 Wtfe CHU)HOeT PMS- EMEMCE. VJYEU SHE COUUVW'T WA.VY TO ?VJT UP HER HM O SWE't UOOK 0X kH "SWe tVt T TO C03CV Ht. MOSMJCfe tveE V-lANtttN HtK trCi A.PVEAWA.MCE.- .1 RlimnttiniiH lnilr whltr,. laced nnd yellow-haired If the two waved specimens nbeve her ears were te be trusted : as she trod past Q, just glancing nt him with monkey-brewii eyes, he saw a smartly dressed veuth slide n hand into the loop of her shpp-plng-bng nnd se cleverly relieve her of It thnt she did net ve much ns feel its absence. The youth, however. sns smitten by prompt justice a belt from the blue. lie slid several jnrds along the pavement, and Q. hardly breathing mere rapidly, lelieved him of his booty and returned It te its owner. There was n quick nssembllng of nn nppreclntlve crowd, the thief tvns put into the linndi of the law, and Q, glow ing with unexpected censplrtmimncs, riivc his odd name te the authorities, who made much of its oddity, as did the crowd, and, turning te receive his thanks from the furred lady, found that he had gene. This hurt liis feelings. Hut it ought te hnve warned him pnst any danger of ensuing fully. 'What happened next was se completely hl own fault that it could hnrdlv be called a happening; emphatically New Yerk wns net te blame. Q lunched nt Dclmnnice's becnue, even in the remotest Wet, that res tnurnnt. In the mind of cowboy and raivhrnnn, still stands for nil thnt can be Imagined of metropolitan fashion nnd gnstronemicnl delight. He plnced him self en a chair that fared the entrance deer, as though he were waiting for a lunch companion, nnd there he studied flip rlten of restaurant procedure until, feeling mastery, he resp, cli'vlced what should be checked, tipped who should be tipped, and bought himself a small table net tee near the music and pleas- nullv ,10111' nn fitinn wliulmv Thern 'V !hc studied first the menu, consulting grnvelv with his waiter, then, lei-s con cernedly, his surroundings. At the nenrcst table, with her hack te him, sit the sumptuous lady with fur- and blonde hair. iMiMHiiwnhmhbm ( &siIaH V iar ti ucev - 1 -i 1 a K.kev i v-vi it I ,'1 rm nmz. jmmr wmi u vmw&r 1 , , m. . ' mM JW.!.Ut"i . MHRv J'JJ ' fifilXIKVMl'l . JS. KM rafesn Bri7& .MJ&maHiL . k rsrjm msnMa wr""- rz m n - h m BH W IBSSaXVU , X-- KT1- tU I, I I k ,Y ' Mt-4'J wMwm aw. t s M' zm -. OF MlN AsrH Bobbed- &- .1 - ft WUV "!irWNlK- UUt.5i) ill "" VVVA V 11 vsvt w ok. uacp te tT- WVtN I ys 1 K MM iVW VAOMt m TME a r" f&JP' ment4ct me uems k nke,- SOr VJUVi UE COMES VVOUttL Vs -rt IV e)evanc he mt)5 1 y ,GRKNt tv.t - fl r z smLi SOMEBODY'S ST E NOG Getting Ready for the Camping Trip flfslitfred ralnt emc By Hayward of DunMiinent ;ein te neip ". , , . . I nni net innltlllg nny jireniiM's inn of friendship," she warned him. . 'I knew that, MIJ (Jrinscoembe. i 'it, nil Hip snnie, iiiee uiiuikhu kj any h"ip. us an mmh- rum mm fun timber te me this edicatien wn'. .... 1 . ilv 11 tifl in i.npi wit nt nil wlint iinnres .imitiii 1 Mfinr in 1 p 11 . ..w. ..- -- .-- Slip wns lunching with n mrtn, better dre-wil even than Q nnd Ipss conscious of it. He s,,,,nied, in fact, te be enn- K'ieus of very little in liis own personal It with was as though a cruel little slen he might be making en the world nt Inrge. He did net leek like a tnan who probes any deeper than a mirror surface into his own consciousness. He wns, however, Interested In some fnsh fnsh ieti, in tin.' sumptuous lady. Q had no biiHincM-i te listen te the conversation nt this fnhle. nuil having listened, lie hnd less business te resent It. Ne one wns cemplnining of his own somewhat un usual manipulation of forks and spoons nor of his filial attitude tewaiil the ! waiter. Nevertheless, (J listened. He fell that fate must have lilPant snme- II hail tiirnul lii te the portrait. Say."' lie asked her suddenlv, "who that Wler-witli the hair?" '"Sir Srilnej (Iriiiscoeinbe mv great- Bnt-icrrat-gre.'it -grandfather." Don't he leek it, though? Don't fancy himself? Well, ma'am" 1 (yes enme hack te her without planatlea of their excursion 'a 'll Rive me some tiainin', I'll sure : grateful." She cenMilcred him: her young smile 'ti rather mocking. "I wonder," she M. if )nud stand for It." He ilM nut Hindi, though the dread 1 Mi ejes was perfectly npparent her, ''Yen, mii'nin," he premised her and lilfjl a fine gilm little smile. "Very well Tlu lirst MiL'ce.stien I wld make U tluit jeu go te a geed or and set mine rent clothes nnd e tlic right hind of a hair-out." Mnu3 Knrlet. but kept his eyes up itilr, "Ye. mn'nm. I'll de that. M thank jmi kindlj." leu fee, when Rut why ni' itie iim;c e filckeil him bip. He hxM upon her n nam aim ern- ut KJze. "Itecnusp you kiiki 01 1." he ilrnwleil nt Ills gentlest. She blushed again fnintly. It wns ae. fhe did- -want te help mm. As Mnerment? As a dangerous game: r for sonic deeper nnd mere human son? "Very well, ' she admitted. I le. unlit te see what ou can make out . .If T.'.. ....!. am . ..In. .11.1 nl JuurMNI. 11 run 11 iiiu-iiiini 'i , . : , . , . ... t ..i.. vj. you me pwrjtiiing against seu, t '"' . ,l" "" ' " it rture. Q St null Hard The man was talking. His glabrous, edgeless voice flowed ever the woman nnd Q began te feel that it would cling te her. Q had heard plenty of vile con versntien, he had heard filthy epithets such as this speaker would probably be Incapable of imnginlng, but he hnd never heard n man, sane, sober, decently clad, se deliberately insult n dclicntcly nurtured woman. She sat very still ; he could only see her bnck. except when, bv turning Ills head n fraction, he con cen .iilted a reflection, but this told him that she wns cool -font tired, slim, every detail of her perfectly chosen and ar ranged. Her face hnd reddened lips, her hair was probably doctored, but Mie was a gentlewoman, or what in a democratic country passes for one; n married woman, for her left hnnd rest ing en the table bore n plain band smothered in a bodyguard of jewels, tit... ti.n.,n.i r .ha mini nrwl rrnvp no I uiis in lhr isf . . . -.i.. .!.- r ....... v... j...... : " . -. . ... , K .... . MMfjpr. eiii.v iiiHi, v nn .it eif.en ter tne cst. ew, you're ..." i, i.n,i iin I lh I'n.i .,.l uuinitii iivi 1 i" 'Tm nill'lltn. I garrr T linil u Whell lie 111 UMah l,n I!.... ..,... I,L- .(nif flr'tillll niO r.. ..r-u iwn iirsi-ciiiBS. xiir iiiu.i ,"-"-" ,, nf cnr,m. O.e tlln w I'mwigii store te 1 me se. It , '"'"''l -ys s...... "'.;' ' ,.", a clnssy.jneklnB store tee." '''led, Q fount i inseit ueing umwuinmy "They're awful. I'll give veu the draeicert of his seat. Ged knows he i of a tailor," sni 1 Udeise gravPly. didn't want te make a scene, (ied knows freu want te spend the mencv?" h" hated a row ns nny pencefu cow- Oil- iwiirn 11, xjimi ..".. ;- of Ills business and the est hntes n bus body, but (ieU Knows, tee, tiiat no OH 6RACe)S, VJ E 'vSTi l u Get (J OUR CAMPIW6 TPIP! IT SEBMS AS IF TE USTAIEVFr? CajdsI P" T. Ji ' 1 7" : J. 1 111 A I.' r" JC( I. A VWIWDMLL-MOOSE OWfiHSJSSS-WV I' fA7 '' , i llll Xi ,, K'AWD HIS BREATH REVOUeS & JJ Q& ) I M WUik M 1 VJIWD-MILL" ALU 't&UUCeD L lGltWj i 1 I JA irra-V ,, V-BII y -iV II V -incsi - .iu w.- . . . . 1 tbAztetm7Sq$Mm'Jrit-f; v m 1 111 ti nmi 1 'j j til w ' a " v 1 11 1 j 1 4 1 ii jtr-v.v ...... - j fm ma - OH MVlfeS-ULL AJE.C HAtJ METS AAJb TEMTW YA5?CS OF WdSUlTO AJETT1AI6 -MAKES A GOOt TE-MWIS JET.TOO, - AAJb WLL &EbTW(DTEA4TS,CWE FOR EvCH KlAJb OF WEATHER-AAJb VWE HAVE A POLL SlZECs REFRVStRATOR-CbLLAPSESTO OHUC TEAf FEET "PUARE - F'T-S ?'GHT W FRO'lT A WILD &Tf?ru'LL XiEED 00 SPECAu AAMSG. TESTEf?- S&TS Ut -'rre A UIAJDMLL- MOOSE G0U6HS AAJD HIS BREATH RBVOLUBS VJlWD- MILL-ALL IOU AIEED THEAJ IS fDUR C3UAI '. . HAVE YOV OOT DIVIMS VLV" yX WFOr? 1 SUPPLIES FOR Te- '"A vlljrep ARE Ws vv ) vHJ n put THe- y - fffjlte ej-.I ti 1 " r' Vxi TcAR r ' I Pin"' - m- p?mvsm uuTut-Uda. Cc gagBiirrNvv The Yeung Lady Acress the Way linJ seen this little bctrny bctrny leff than twice, nnd when, 'IV.. . '. mn inn. " editntiim.' ire rndPlh the I'm niniln' te pay first lessen," she feTfhe' ,, eimmn misled hWn el.;- n with rl btej.1 In hlbajlr oeu.d J. I i'iwiinni mn-i l 114 111 1Jlll- 'W. as he had never seen the inside l 1 Cniln h 1. I,n .... II. ..1 n.wl ., -"--.N... .,1,1. ,,. ji nuiiiiii, iiiiii iloreusly .'IV.ll''.. . ..... "tii, .mis (irinscoeinne, didn't I wit lyin' down'" "Ju dltl. You're n geed sport. .i..j fv", ,,,'t,'M' ,',p " 1'artv of "Dai In t hum , u:., f..M . n.. . . .,; lu, ill,-, ,,1111 I let tne (.ill villi 1111 nml ni'i.itiifrn H' 1 nlcp iniinr r.:,.n,n ...11. , .!" v wwwi., null n,,llli- "t unen I hi fiMiV 1 wnm ,,,. '' V gliamcd mirthfully "te meet 'J aunt." He Knift nnlliin.. ir. i.n.i .1 1 fci. I.i.,-.' ." ' "s,. "mrV "? at "',l' uxedly. ,.7, said with quickness, "of Hvutte rii ii ..... ... .. ... , Put this l .. "i.v iriciKis. TO'lnt he nnv fun for jeu." ill. V11" "''" B"" night te " flrinscoemlio." A moment lr.ler.he win nlene out UrU ii. ' ' "iiiiupss et the .May ttrilt'lif i'""1 ,lU w"-v low ,he le,K Ikeitnn.' ' "ur'Haaiieweii driveway te en i:.K",vl"'iIN ll111' tinned reselutelv . . iiiC renn I mMzT&4- W J J'.crc llcally In a Big Advantage In Having a Freckled Face Tig FOSTAiXE FOX i n ( - t W . dACP 215- . H '.J' . I . II . fVi ;" ..iAai If -e ,L-' 4 d The young lady across the way says she's been reading a story about a young man nnd a girl who were mnenroened en a desert island for two weeks. iU, iV ," -,,: w-v H.H iV. !'ii? ': IT; 1 er.ii P , jV - Ste -in''ff.'-fe3?iif'ft!r',.v. i-ii.ivj - i-Oi 'Mff- Zi&-1 lSV B C5ia SCHOOL DAYS By DW1G &rf-iLs J T FtfrtfcS A Hlv viO KBTCW-l 3ynt 50ns; J" ?r.i - v3 '. ewr r' iJ5vsP i,' SLV5 Fe&NCvWftP jMirs i t!T.S-. 3I-" - " ' s IKTO ice I tv fSV a Te TWr. HIS TMBvLjicc" XgCTvgWcwgl . N-.l fV .. 4 's-f .. s'-V GlV Fc 0l vevvntaviue. vt w;ka5 eMCiiM''S rMJJiC Sea?-. tl.- V BLOWJ 'i VdSl , ,:il&4 w.MmtfeijJiS!S vyv; 'st Ser$ en j MxiT FRt miuu3.-7 m W :. ' ."v- tkus !. .'- i"''- TRe! ce'ft: HMIC fCR. FRIK .'- .-.'' '- k , era -1. rvrT C.-V5 ". HER(!S I5DIs-t reOHOPPCR- P"?!" W GlRs I il? BEHiriO tE- 0" ruwiipr i . '' MEMf O re". hiO wcmT e 9ick Tin. rse7 wee -rnrr am: BY "!... . rrtv,AT vwnes- '" QjuMfc" T CL.evie. : je covert U ru.ruE. KMw.ui. . - . ... d.e.m Pi Pi50 Tex. ws'rsvi'fliue e MPrv MBOCrt vlCfc Bt v..a rtiP PIVLO OKO ,r.r. iiitr prtiuDeiw-' PETEYHew Can Yeu Get Mad at a Guy Like That? By C. A. Voight 0U, mi s teeth Heim-iTf " '"""ward. The lights B. Jre,n "er"SH tlie river in a U teerr'i,.A tK,"..'-'Wed below reni.i " -"'" were iiarKing ,," nl theie. meter nnnn ii , "j!J "Uimned into darkness ngaln. imd. .1. . ",r ."1S "enii clown, nv Itnched? '" ,"' fihts hiH 'If'a .- 1 n,,,V " suur . arnifi1 UeSn ?';l".!,-"1,y('.J: m win 'am hi . '""" wenmn nun :urlyi.?,,c,Nnl'l e herself. Yeu .1 RWIemnn vit ,"" HI(,k"g te tlie Pac. ?"".Vil1' "e curled wig whose ' ".. I'.. ' . Vi"t',.! . I" lli'- 's 1 ,,,r""1 ' s n.VhH. There Wch KI..V. 11 M"".,"""' ,0 n"le se vLl r5dlIt'n refiihfd te recognize. Mllth 71"?..r,:ftxe,l'...H,.0PI'"'l te roll - - viftiiii'iin te hurt." he thought. te hurt bid lint" lm in. ml fwsfert fr k. . ""', . ".'"' ' lumiuar - '1ITI1 HIS IIIIH. III. swung New he wus Hfeti. iii .. w -c hit it t, ... 1 . .? M,M NHy lmwlf . iwV Aml ' began te cell names. ' "",l """ nuite horrifying Tr. m. - n te Chivalry "r premise. "" Mrterlal ih;".."' "L "U ' .rcn of fimhlnC .""". .unu l. in L, AMtcnln. ? EV ie,00k him,,elf n(ter ening Introduction te Sir Sid- sent in sit still nnd suffer a woman te be se shamefully entreated, llesldes, he had already rescued her purse; wasn't her pride of mere Importance te her? White with discomfort, ii presented himself before the large-bodied, sleek headed disturber of his peace. "I'm right sorry te butt in," he said, "but I can't let a lady be spoken te thisnwav hi my hearing." And. ns the man clattered suddenly te his feet, (J struck. They were forcibly tein npnit a fw second's later by n mob of white-lipped waiters, q, having satisfied honor, was readv te defend his action and te explain himself- he had opened Ills mouth te de se when nil virtue wns taken out bv lilm I.J the object of his fhivnlry. She steed, no whiter than i,.,c,ri. lur llns ns red. a encer, Italf- iimuM'd, half-disgusted smile In her monlej-brewn cjes. "He simplv for no reason In the world attacked niy husband," she said quite clearly and rather loud; 'I think lie must be out of his mind." Q wilted. His defense died. He wns, it would seem, nbeut te be placed jinder nrrest. A neliccmnn had been sum mened. It was an intensely uncom fortable situation nnd the cjes of di verted, illr-gusted and delighted lunch ers glittered upon hiin unbearably. Q's eyes turned from face te face, net beseechingly, but with n puzzled sort of despeiatien. He wanted pretty badly just then te see some of the lieys. There was Bherty, for instance Shorty would make quick work of that head waiter. He wns reminded of a cer tain incident at the bar of Steny. That had been 11 tight hole, if you like. He struggled for tlie philosophy of past experience. Well, he'd spent mere than one night In the pen for riotous sklnrklng. It wouldn't be se bad when he was once out of Delmonlce'a. Seeking Shorty, or n reminder of him, lie saw thnt n face hud emerged from the crowd, a face with some sort of different nnd definite intention toward him. It belonged te a slim, quick-moving young mnn of assured bearing. He came te the bead waiter and touched his arm. CONTINUED TOMORROW CemriaM, il. KalMWw Kewlin Burt Will I r4l r hew MAvTr, MJzrzr I & !$S), strokes ai?eNeu Aw e7Zs?v i UbLT' T 1 mew pTEJy j$wj lPsf 15, E1?-T?0UCHLV SfFAKIWa - GASOLINE ALLEY- Who Spilled the Beans? tiz sSV - Just oeu Me KceRmNW would vSl (T ifr ' FESs up ivalt ! Ofc J T X3 0? - SEEZOs WHILE I euNivE SOT SOME N6W Sfl ' C. ) , tOO RE TRVlNO Te p (g3 ' .- AgSM -O- I OVER TO ThC Tiae ) DANCE REGOfiDS, ILL ESI yJ - ReOOCE Te MUilC , J )V "a ;i " ' " ' ' ' ' ' ' "ifc"""i 1 '1 1 . -. - ,.. !li 'i n aic; By King K3'