jf!g!gS!Mkkmm- i-flwmtr.sfJTV" Hraaaa4iE a'Trj TTvh WtysTTr" " " j-I sjm 'i'Wii. Ji" :"- Vvi .Tj .''T'ii H'. T 1 1 T t f ' lUlftl V . ' CTjfUiiWiW ir I l! EVENING PUBLIC LEDGEK I'mLAJDJUJlJLA, TUElSBAV, AUGUST 1, HIO.O. jut t i hi la! 1)1 fe In In m Dr STRIKERS VACAT E MONTOUR HOUS ES Only 40 of 300 Families Re main in Village and They f Are Leaving Hourly FEW MEN WORKING MINE tn intiv thrf nut for rvhl mni dry, thel til HO Maje Xi A ye.vt a w BUO.- E Mill Feul Frer tlen. turn' lne i IK Etht tan4 8tkc( 1 t-nw1, MlHd ttl. Twe Je! McMf Of BV In si were nB batief .Ttu dcfeni they worth erderj r Elk llcenw Me.vet delphl and F Alexni Mde, i Pa.;l Xellle' Fry al CharW Dern I'asrju( ' Lenir . Willie Myrtle wpre ref TODA Jep.ph W Katheri Jehn K E, Vk Jehn I. Kllrabet Albert JI. Use C'll Hewnrd P. T Klizabath 11 Andrew T. Oil. -t u. n ium s.iianra j i Anna. M m Martin J () Mam ret K 1 Joaeph Trazle (.Ien, Id!! Geerge D. Ile O. Woedwi Jehu J, Hull Curran 4f atel Travl reriruien Heward R and Anns Jeaepli Olbl and Bather i raul K. Dut NelllA Haant I Ralph QraiidKI I'rrlne. .'141 JI Jehn J. CantnaiC and Mary A. ' Frank a. Calalirel Aaminln Mfhlnre.l Hatvatera l.n M'inj Mury nruinei Marry We n, 3M (Hareld M. Le-M Kannetli 1'. 1 I- Mnry A, Jte , jenn Mcn Hnsn I Unrrv c ii ni r .Jehn M. Mary si ! Jaarnard I Jl.Un It Lawrence l ' Atitm F fc Warren K f Weiwlch. Jamra 1)1 t ' fliv Xlan IvV biul linn a uar iAnlIn Iv. i tUfcnlal OK .rat e' Jtfnrrla Alu 1.1 mi, u '"''" Wl e Staff Correspendint Washington, Pa.. Aug 1 - U the eondltiens ourreiiiKiinR Menteur .Mine Ne. 4, nr. Mills Station mnv be titKrn an n rilterieii. the de-utetl illnRe i developing into n bit: i-Mie In the tlcht between tlin ("mil l'ledneer' Aeeln tlen and the Minn Werl.crs T'ninn. Tedn the miner ! fermerh In habited the "00 house's belensinR te the IMttaburgli Ceal ( empanv in the til lage of Menteur are ineliiK into tents nearby or elng te I'ltftlnirsli or ether points (.eclclnu work Meanwhile the neuses of the company ate vacant Tin number of Imported workers amounts te nothing. Net se long age Menteur was a pro pre pro pereus mining villnie Ted i row after row of the red company houses is a cant. The miners av they haw taken up the. gage of battle thrown down In operators and hnxe left their former homes se the opernters ma make geed their threats te till the houses and the mines with ether untkmen The mine new Is liein; operated br company officials and n iiw workers, though hundreds of men ire premised in the next ten d.ijs The miners in Ment mr Ullage are meing out hour liv hour without awaiting sen lie of dispossess writs bv the sheriff In fact. Sheriff I.uellen nnneunted teila that even theugii the Pittsburgh Ceal Ceinpim the ilom ilem Inating factor in the Iittlinrgli Ceil Producers' Aoci.itien iillnl upon him with the pieper writs lie w rmlrl be In no burn te cim out the pteces of elctien Mr I.uel en vnjs lie will require forty-eight hours in which te set after the papers .ire prperl sub mitted te him. The miners are mewng e en 'he theory that their chiefs arc about te negotiate treaties of peace between the mlneis and a number of the operators in u conference In Philadelphia tomor row. These who aie moving out are storing their furnltiiie In tents or In the basement of St. Kllznbcth Church, of which I'ii t her Hughes Is the rector. The figure that they pooh will he able te get work in the mines operated b companies willing te split with the I Plltshiiigh Ceal Prediueis' Association and s(,mi separate agreements with the I union About .100 families lived In Menteur Hinge Teiln only nbeut forty are left These who ere leaving lme the idea that, besides winning the strike, tlie me Mixing n let of money. Thev ewe the cenip.itn for eleven months' tent ut the r.ite of !() a month, or "51 10. There appears te he unhers-il gratification en the pirt of the miners ever the evu Hen notice The take this as the discharge of their debt for rent It 4 l sMr l nr lyin-iml-rit Told burg. P.i . A ig 1 I'nuidlii fieiieuil ,li tin P U mil1 i iil'ltlllin lill tie IVtv-thlid ('main lltlgade. which Iih hides tin 1 4l It li (iiviln Heglmeiit en strike d' i In tl i gien. itetmed In re freia Mt liretna t n mil mule an Inspietiei of the i i teicd units of Ins cemmiiii'l He i tf'l a seme or I meii mlm, Mime of which nie ut tiuipiing ii iit dm e .ml Aftu1 inspu'tln ieultn"iiiiil li.ul lujiters heri the gtneril, in iinpinliil b Colonel I! J Mnckpule ll . in im mediate i emiii mil of the troupes in the tiehl left fni iit te the troops sta ll ieneil at limgi ttslnu n, Meigaiii and ( lurkemlle Sheith bil'ire (ttiKirl V mi. veil i I le it tiniit Celiim 1 Siiimn I V l'li in in-. .Ir if II irrisbiiig, I ni tul ler ii lt ut ltiginiental heiiii nil is lire, in i iiinplinnci wiili erdei- n'eunl l 'Mieles- while nturilni finiii l'liiiiee last weik with (ieiiernl I're'e and etlur I niembns et the Pennsjhanli War Me- i niml.il Cei'itiil'siiin ' (hi the win le camp, Colonel View ing met ling.idlir tleneril William II lln. who iiimni'.iiilei' tin Tv.entv lU'nh Iisien in V. itiee diirlnj the l.ittei pint of ill.- Wetlil War. '1 he ihlie tieipers if t'le Mate I'o I'e t e lit I t nee inliu 41 n Is win) wile CAMP TURNED OVER TO GEN. W. G. PRICE Makes Inspection Tour and Is Pleased With Werk of Guardsmen SPROUL TO INSPECT TROOPS 1 1 mr -ii il lllUtll ill sc 1 Kris. Ii inn 1 'ill, as 1 v 1 ii.il 1 1 1111 j iiiLiir, 1 1 ire 1 w itli is'ng UlllUlllg t' I 111 li'st 1 t te - is im I 1 1 f i, im; ut a 1 ii'niiiiii in I i'iiri'1 u' he- r 1 e 1'e.n e 1 111 shall n 1 1 I h" 1 11 bn tot 1 lel 1 new Caiiin IliilTx. Mt (Mi tun. P.i.. Aug 1 Majer tienri il Wlllliiiu (! Price, rceetith retiiiiied fiem 11 two month"' tour of h ittlelidils In Viati'e ever which mam of the men new In .rnlnhu fought feui Mars age, has eTiciiilh taken torn tern mil rial of the Twcnti -eighth Division. Ciinernl Pmci tedav made an Inspec tion lour and expressed himself a-" well pleas,.,) uith its nppeatancc nnd the work of the gunrdsnicn Kiglmcntal surgeons 11 putted thr.t the wound of Private Charles I. Mills, Cempiny 11, 111th Infantr.v, (ilen ilddle, struck bv a rteceihetlng bullet en the nUc rpnge jesterdu.v was in,t si neus Vnethei new arrival In amp is Mujer Augiihtlue S. .lanevviiv et I'hil. iidelphla, who will seive as thief of M ilT In the abseiiie of Colonel David .1 Davis of Serniiten, who has letiirueil home fersieral dins lie nicemp tilled (ii'inral Prici mi his I'liieliean tout. The vveither was ideal for the open ing of target ptmtlee I'mth the 11 1 til and 11-th Iiifiintiy tunl until tl ve- nlng shmlnvvs daikciieil tin miMuii hills at 7 !!U e Ceck Signal nun opened up inutile waif.ire in the solution of teirain problems jes terdnv The 'reds' and "bints" al ternate etch da as offensive and de fensdve fercs in the battle et the tla?s semaphores. Iiellngiaphs, telephones mid I ulie etittits. '1 he eemliiit will cetitm le fur the rest ,,f the wiek V fin dial review fur Cuvernni Spieul will take plate upon his airlv.il here either Wednesdav or T'mrsdin 1 ntll that time tin, 1 Imi f hiisini ss of (hi' guaid will be li in ft work from nvellle te t ips. High sireis in Phil id Iplun s own 111th Infan'iv Regiment which wen the rifle ma'ches Siitiudiv wue l.leit 'unit Chailes t Hegm v mi a Mere of IS.'!; Meutennnt A. llazlett, 175; Lieutenant Harry Williams, 17,1: lilcu tenant (leerge I.elbly, Private lliirncs each 171!; and .Sergeant Hitcho?e, 101). 23 HAVE TUMMY ACHE Guardsmen at Camp Prltchett Toe Sick te Repert for Duty ('amp Prl! hell, Tnb.vbnuna. Pit.. 1 Aug. 1 Veur members of the Klth Vlelil Aitlllery, of Philadelphia, weie Itijiticd tedaj when the tail beard of their tiuclc collapsed and thej weie thrown te the ground. The injuied arc Privates Morrison, arm fraetund ami spine fractured; I,ee, wilst frai lined, Kejes, back and aim hint, and I'InL, aims and face Injured. I Tvvent.v -three members of the head- I quitters empan weie eenllncd te I their tents today with stomach tumble imiseil In something they 1ml eaten. PHILADELPHIA DOCTOR SCALESALBERTA PEAKS Five Canadian Monarchs Ascended by Party and Swiss Guide Dr .1 M Thoringten. of 20IJ1 Chest nut stnet a member of the American Alpine Club nnd a fellow of the Uejal Ocegraphicil Society, accompanied by Hew aid Palmer, of New Ionden, Conn , and I'deunrd Venr, one of the Swiss guides at the Chateau Lake Louise, 111 Alberta, has completed n perilous 1 1,000-feet ascent of five of the highest pealis of the I'reshllehl group of mountains in Canada, ii'cerd Ing "te word received here jestcrthiy from Albei tn In climbing Mount Ilainird the pirlv 1 sper need great ilifliciiltt. nnd en one onasleti Mr. Vein was almost lifted from his feet by the force of the wind, which swept -1000 feet up 11 Mist, almost perpet'ilieulnr couleir, which the party had te traverse. The footing en the lev slopes, vvh'ch under the best (onditiens is treacherous, was mule es piciillv se bv a sharp gale Study Passport Conditions ClieilKiurg, Uig. 1. -- Congressmen Sliitilev II Kui-" nnd W Knliii'V, of Illinois, who arrived en the Homeric, will make .111 t nsive tour of l'utepe for the put pose of stud.v Ing pisspert conditions GIRLS INJI0-PIECE SUITS Moonbeam Bathing Costumes New Prohibited at Lake Hopatcong Lnhe Heptarmig. N. ,?., Aug. 1. Uv A. P.) Unfiling Milts made of moonbeams are no longer allowed en the bench here, even at midnight, according te the police notices Issued today. Tlitngalevv dwellers had reported that recently shouts of jojeus hatheis at ttacted their attention nnd they saw sevetal pretty girls who had forgotten their bathing suits, enjeving the lux uries of a swim by moonlight. The or der came out Immediately. Worker Falls Thirty Feet te Death Hcthlelieni, Pn., Aug. 1. Touching nn (lei tile wire while nt weilc en n bildge at Catasauqim jesterday, Marcus K1100711S, thlrty-tluee ears old, of lU'thlchein, fell thiity feel mid was killed. FINING SQUIRE GOES TO SEA AND CATCHES BEER BOTTLE 'Judge' Yerkes Gets Evidence Frem Unexpected Source While Flshlnn With his face a ridi scarlet from the sun, and with n catch of one Inrgc. Unless beer bettle which some one had tied te his line, D. Martin Yeikes, the "Fining Squire" of Mlllbeuinc, le turned te his borough Inst evening fiem n "tea trip" off Veieseue, N. )., with a great deal of explaining te de. Mndge" Yerkes. wllh Lugenc Hegel, fleergc M. fluikn and lehn M. Armstieng, Jr.. tin en nflicials of the Automobile Club of Philadelphia, nnd Hescrvc SergenntH Hritten mid CMcavcn of City Hnll, left jwtcntay morning for a nshlng trip. All wire armed with shots nnd spears-prep... e, te meet shark or walrus should thc attempt te climb le their beat. Sergeant Cleaver, who caught the Wlft Mill. HHI lJj HHBlBVnQflH r7''T ai T" mM ""-! '.".Tr tw . mm 9 wi'mm ita-fc L, 1011 ieZ&Tlr3 V r&' iS S "HIS MASTER'S VOICE- PI Every record collection will be enriched by the addition of some of these new Victer Records. There is music for every taste arranged se you can easily find the music which mere particu larly appeals te you. POPULAR CONCERT AND OPERATIC ( Rmiskv -Korsakew ) ft French Anielita Galli-Curci ; htemh Beniamino Gigli Le Coq d'Or Hymne au Soleil (The Gelden Cockerel Hvmn te the Sun) Le Rei d'Ys Vainement, ma bien aimee (The King of Ys In Vain, My Beloved) (Lale) I Knew a Levely Garden (Teschemacher-D'Hardelet) Emilie de Gogerza Tannhauser Elisabeths Gebet (Elizabeth's Praer) (.Wagner) In uerman Maria Jeritza When Leve is Kind (Moere) Lucrezia Beri Number Sire Puce 66069 10 $1.25 66070 10 1.25 G6072 10 74760 12 87344 10 MELODIOUS INSTRUMENTAL Tannhauser Overture Part I (Wagner) Tannhauser Overture Part II Wagner) La Cinquantaine (Gabriel-Mane) Violin Sole At the Fountain (Am Springbrunnen) (Rebert Schumann) Spring Seng (Mendelssohn) Piane Suh Quartet in D Majer Adagio cantabile (Hajdn) f Mighty Lak' a Rese I lap Sole Last Rese of Summer Harp Sole SACRED SELECTIONS f We Would See Jeaus Jesus, My All LIGHT VOCAL SELECTIONS ' Violets Giannina Mia Reck Me in Mv Swanee Cradle Old Kentucky Moonlight Stumbling Coe-Coo (from "Bombe") I Certainlv Must Be in Leve , Whenever You're Lonesome DANCE RECORDS Philadelphia Orchestra 74758 Philadelphia Orchestra 74759 Mischa Elman G6073 I'teitn .We Erika Morini 66074 Olga Samareff 66075 Flenzaley Quartet 74746 Alberte Salvi , -01 - Alberte Salvi 4e31: 10 100 Olive Kline-Elsie Bake Olive Kline-Elsie Baker r 45311 10 1.00 Merle Alcock . ,., t-.US.jr lOUUCUD ITAUtOil 10 1.00 Peerless Quartet bterling Trie Billy Murray ' Charles Harrison ( Billy Murray Aileen Stanley-Billy Murray, 18908 10 .75 18906 10 .75 18909 10 .75 The Virginians ,0HO- s r f Lonesome MamaFex Tret l Memphis Blues Fex Tret The Virginian f Moen River Waltz Green Brethers' Marimba Orchestra Leve Sends a Little Gift of Reses Medley Waltz Hackel-Berge Orchestra Introducing "When Eyei Meet Eyei, When Lip Meet Lipa" (from "The French Dell") f Seething Fex Tret 10 .75 18907 10 .75 Night Fex Tret fit's fmtft nr. liaana divot' I i:iualn'tl Ihiihar. ii UMn ,!S. iw.nii7 's Ud te Yeu (J'en ai Marrel) Fex Tret 'Neath the Seuth Sea Moen Fex Tret (from "ZicKleld Follies") I Syncopate Medley Fex Tret (from "Melly Darling") Introducing "Seme Little Someone" Little Thoughts Fex Tret Nobody Lied Fex Tret The Yankee Deedle Blues Fex Tret All Rfftf TVirt -nrl TUaiw Hvnl-iABf hi Club Royal Orchestra 18910 10 -7S Paul Whiteman and Hi3 Orchestral 10fll1 -,n Paul Whiteman and His Orchestra18911 10 -75 Club Royal Orchestra 1 The Bensen Orchestra of Chicago TV. v;v;n:nn.S The Virginians18913 18912 10 .75 10 ,75 'ks Any dealer in Victer products will gladly give you an illustrated booklet describing these new Victer Records and play any music you wish te hear. Victer Talking Machine j Company; Camden, N. J. E9C51MRI wwamMm cJmerica's Wonder 'i Car aJEWET? ctfcihrijlySix'Built byTaigc Belmont Hill TAKE Belmont Hill or any ether stiff grade up which a "Four" struggles and begs for mercy the Jewctt makes play of it and keeps gathering speed all the way up. Ask us about the easy terms en which you can new buy a Jewett. Call Spruce 1410 for a Demonstration OPEN EVENINGS GUY A.WILLEY .M3TSR CS tPaige ad Jewctf Distributors ' BRCAD STREET AT VINE. PHILADELPHIA Associate Dtaltrs GIBSON'S ADTO WOEKS. 3833 ItiTirfenl At. 6 BROAD ST. PAIOF. SALES CO . 2010 Seeth Uread Bt. irKcirTuoTen company 838 North 03d St. HAMILTON OAIlAQr:. Hartley Uri , Prvua. a.tb anil Walnut Su HAIHES RTKNTON KOTOE SALES AND BEnVICE Ooertft BriwHman, Trop Cor. HatOM St and EtenUn At Suburban Dealers NORTHEAST OAHAOE. ITS Waiellliff St , rraii'.ferd PAI0E UOTOH CAR 00.. 831 Mirliat St.. Canutes MADDEN'S OAEAOE. LanctaUr Atu , Brrn Mavr OL AUK'S OARAOE Lineaitr Ara , Dryn Mm? ,Hl first. blRRCJt, nnd met llsli, hnd Jii"t Inmleil n IniRe "ilrum.". S'inH-iir;;,ne, i .Ip'flS'i.i.n ,w." -ii. .. ., d.ucha .;., fntlietns of line mill un 'nu nunc ......... brniitlful brown beer bottle filled Wt salt witter. . ...,,. i.A "I'll line tne mnn tunt uki that ' aula mi i nmn "- - " WH I V f w Atlantic City 5 J Said Little Billy Everyone has a better time at the shore when they travel te and fro en "The Reading." Philadelphia & Reading System Atlantic City Railroad Ocean City Sea Isle City Stene Harber Wildwood Cape May jjgjjfr l Fer Quick Delicious White Bread 9 Blue Mbbeii alt Extract (Matte at Steubenville, Ohie) 2 enkps yeast 2 tableapoenfuls butter, melted 1 quart lukewarm milk 3 quarta sifted flour 1 tablcspoenful augar 1 tatitcpoentul alt c 1 tnblcspoenful Blue Ribbon Malt H-itract Dissolve yeast, sugar and malt extract in lukewarm milk, add butter and half the flour. Beat until smooth, then add salt and balance of flour. Knead until smooth and clastic. Place in greased bowl, cover and set aside in moderately warm place one and one-half hours. Mould into leaves. Place in wcll-greascd bread pans, filling them half full. Cever and let rise until double in bulk. Bake forty-five te sixty minutes. Many a dainty dish i made with Blue Ribbon Let ii b send you our Free Recipe Booklet Atlantic Feed Products Cerp., 127 Ne. 13 St., Philadelphia r r The Makers of U.S. Beg te State Cords "OT quite seven years age the U. S. Royal Cord Tire was announced te the public. People who saw it remarked en the beauty of the tread design, which is protected by U. S. Letters Patent. The same design that 6ince then has proved itself the most scientific tread pattern ever put en a pneu matic tire. Te identify this superlative tire under all conditions whether run ning or utatienary Royal Cord makers adopted as a trade mail- a circumferential white stripe placed en each side wall. Today, Royal Cord beauty and identity is se known and distin guished that even a newsboy can spot one whisking around the corner. And car-owners everywhere leek upon a Royal Cord as the measure of all automobile tire values. This is contrary te the facts. Otherwise Royal Cords wouldn't keep gaining and gaining and gain ing in sales te quality people. And you wouldn't see Royal Cords en se many cars of every make in the country. Ner if Americans were en record for cheaply made and cheaply priced tires would they award the lead ership of the tire business te the Royal Cord Tire. nmMnniMMiHHMaaHl jr - -. - - M " X . - . t . i -' J' , '' ir ' - K O'-4- tpjjJLUMjysUUS0..11LGii M?Jk(JiHr mKmSb.. SkNt . i tt ' . -i . ri , .1 . mmff MSk i i mmMi m is swim M mjmBx&mmisuvm;i me mm i mmmmmm m .. m mm 1 m:mMimm is&P. A U. S. Royal Card Tirs H fe United States Rubber Company pftS !Bd ii f ranch' 32'331 N-Brad Strea5: JfewtfSw According te some tire dealers and manufacturers the public has been having one of its "price spells" and demands cheap tires. Current prices en United States Passenger Car Tires and Tubes are net subject te FcdcralExciscTax,thctax having been included. United StatesTlres ra Geed Tl ret Copyright 1V22 U.S.TIraCe Tt Wihtit':.t 'i'mii f -M'tafrJ sM. 4 mm,i.m.uim