W?J)"i va ss"ir w '" 'v 5-1 1 'i-?& lfcl i i ma X vsji EVENING PUBLIC LEDGER-r PHILADELPHIA", TUESDAY, AUGUST 1, 1922 s- e , v ti$P X. -"'!3. TWfiS-4!f iS 1 KILLEDINTAXICAB j mmWta ?r . .Z C vt . CTunnmnirnr. 111 ljl. Taxi Crash Victim ?UnnlvtatAI. Ure C. U. Ol.w"""" I ...:j- i nQes Life as Car tv uaviuai ?! ,. .i. Inin Tr-iir.k urasnea iii-v Igirl guest badly injured ' Ur, r r Slinr-.nnr.er. -421 Mlillnnil f. .". . :,. " ,,rk nt IVmbroke nvrntir "" " " " " .u reml. SI. Havl.l, Inte nu .- " I jtstfrdiy- M.ri r.iimi Strlki-r. n gu"t of i f vvhh -rers!? '.njurci! In the crn-di gfjn Mnwr HeM'llul. but vvua i.'PurU,l rte"" "", M,"7 s,rilr ,,n,, Mr i frnVii 1'lillmli'liiHln nml i-n-rLn.,"., V. Hhecn.i.Uer'.s horn.'. lining f-euth nn l'ein- T. ..U lliriu I a. e rub win K'"1 -e5 "" '."" A tlie i" ., .i:.. iruifiniii lliir hkHl "xc ern .1.1. u rSt. I).. fcf'' fflr irurk owned unci 1-1US. ."" - - . .. lrH " .. 1 W'.i I'll.. ....II " - ...I I..- I.en .Ml I1UI.V. ".' "- eperait" ".'.,, ...).,..,,... ... tK, corner . r . . . . - .,..i, ..m.. drivers from xeelns out Avaiitnr, nrfventcJ the R''.nnlher. . . i.i 1.. .l. i .tefere tie drivers com., m-i -j i. J&'JkeHtlia cnb and truck struck, anil it . Mb emiiker ui I brown fiem the 'i l MieUii xm..v tlmt hr-r Ik-m.I si truck ? l -.mmil nndi cntn wis ::iMiniuniii-uiii. &fiLrS?"? Pinned J" ' w ; ?. am,.,V" I,.. nthei-H ill the celli lien cu'ty- ""...-.;. ,.!..!! r of tlu wreck. were i """-:;" ... ,.. i n ' '"-1 JK !mSM HHBdBHBIPjwHSIPJHHHBMRilRllliBSlHIK? WANTS LAW TO GIVE AUIO FINES ID CITY Weglein Says Meney Collected Here Should Be Used te 'Build Streets MKH. CIIAKLKS ('. SIIOKMAKKIt Wlfe of I be prrslili'iit of (be I'emi I'lilillslilni; I'liiniiuiiy, 4'JI Mldliiml nvcniic. St. Davids, wbe whs billed jcslenbiy wben n (itvlcab In wblih slifl was riding crusbed Inte u I null in front of tlni Alain Line home of (Jooi-Ke Wliurlen t'epper, dr. TEACHERS VISIT P. 0. TO APPEAL TO LEGISLATURE Make ;. . . uiiiM.r u mi instructor in JB'Spence'i LMnlsbinB Scboel en tin r Hudsen. . . w l .. 41. n. llltIA UU i f.. UllnnttKlL'Pt ilniiil .11 I'M. IIIIUVI"""' ...-. neiuiiiii .. .. s.,,11,,.,. Mi. ii uRmmennl un iiinbllbincc from tbe I Brjn Mawr Hospi ai. .miss m -ik.t ? iincoii'.cieiis wben tin- nmbubince ...ir.,1 Her arms nie urelieli linn su i, c,,t about tin bend and !? .i. tnTlrab. was cut trMtfd nt the Ilr.vn Mawr Hospital M.i.niiir nnd IS.iiliPr. nrrestcd ii.u.r". i. ..i.i ...i.i ball te awnlr tlie action of tlie Cemner. Frank nnd Klmer Hloemr. painters. f Paell. wbe w"ie ridins with Miirpby, wereellxlitly hurt. bint In chauffeur and was CITY HALL BASEBALL FANS TO GET ROYAL TREAT TODAY Water Bureau and Sheriff's Office te Cress Bats for Championship A bafcbnll battle rejal will be stiiRPil late today en Cahlll Field. Tuoni.v Tueni.v Binth street and I milium avenue, be tween tennis of the Water I tui c:i it and the Slieriir. office, bulb of which la1, claim te the championship of the "municipal leaRiie " and which hne passed through a season of marked sitc Cefsci. On the ether hand the Water Hurcnii tm point' te Its record of four brll- limit victories' The team of Sheriff1 I.amberten. a fcrmpr I'. of P. football Iiln.xer of lleti . ka fninethliiK te be chesty about in the ihewlne made nun Inst the Federal Building tenia several weeks age. Here Is hnw the two departments will illnc tip for the battle: Summer Students In Civics Tour of Inspection About forty students In the summer class in civics at the I'nlwislty of Peimsjlvniila. headed by .1. Wesley Feete, were (juests of Colonel (jcen;e H. Kemp nt the Philadelphia Postellico last evenlni;. In the'iibdence of Post Pest masler Kemp himself, tlie party was es. certcd through I In vaileiis deput'tmelitx by T. P. Iuhn'uli. superintendent of mails; .lehii 10. Funis, fuieman of distribution ; Assistant Superintendent-. Charles Smitli and Tliemns Mi-Klwev. Mere tluin 1,(1111,(100 small pieces of mall wei-e bandied, and the students of civics, almost all of whom are puhlii school leachci-s, wcip amiied at the lapldlt.N Willi which I In- mountains of mail matter, in eeiy ceiiceixable slintii' as te the individual limits, moiled auav under the dexterous hands of the trained workers. The visit did net last two hours, and many of the emplejes were s intent bv i en their tasks that they weie net aware of being watched. 1-iein what they saw last night, the teachers said that they could eueh for it that some Fed eral cniplejc-. are working as hard for I'ncle Sam as tbev pnssililv could for themselves ur for mi.i one else. HKniPF. eKncB WATnn nt'nnu Sedj. 2ii IliinnRim, .1l Ilellej, i Iinnncllv, It Nelnn. lib MrCiirlliv. e l.ambcrten lb .smith, tf Conway If Wnllnce, 2b llalr. cf Orlnwi, fi nri4blei, rt MaN'nmiirn, lb ftnenrs, e "Whenten rt Wih, p KMiwerthy. p TEST FRANKFORD "L" CARS Trial Train Makes Experimental Run at Midnight Tlie cars that will be operated en the Fraiikferd elevated were given ti-jeuts today en the Market street subway-ele-wited. A tiain of tlie new ears left the Sixty ninth meet terminnl at midnight. The illy expects tlie Frnnkferd elevated te be in operation next November. ITSCHNER ESTATE $481,620 An inventory was tiled today in tlie personal esiate'ef Weiner ltschiier. who leaves $IS1.(I20. Other inventories tiled are these of William (S. Carsen. S1M,-t!l.-i; William II. St. Clair. $4800, and Maigaret Dougherty, 41."(i. Itleliard Weglein, presldenl of Conn- ell. wild today he would nppenl te the next session of the Legislature te have a larger portion of the lines collected for the violation of tlie meter vehicle Inws returned te the city wilier than te the Slate Tii-aury. for llc. In ex-h-tislve slieet building operations in (lo ci I y. A demand will also be nuii'e. Mr. Weglein said, te have established III Philadelphia, an olliee for the Issuing of automobile liiensi-s, Tlie Stale law pievldes that for all but two of the possible twenty -nine violations of the meter vehicle tedc the lilies imposed go te the Slate for toad building. Hut these Hues, Mr. Weglein sn,, have been leluiued te (lie city lieas ii i. v bv most of the magistrates, and 1 In State is new stalling ic-lieii te secuie all the money that is due It acceiding te the law in connection with the ve hicle law lines. "This mil) Involve mi censl-lcralde sum," said Mr. Weglein. "I de nel knew for hew uiaii.v jeais these lines have been left uni-idlcciiil by the Stale." In view of this situation Mr. Weglein empliiisiycd the uecessitj of gettiig im mediate action In the Legislature te have the meter laws aini-niled. Majer Moere holds the miiih opinion. "i believe we should go te the next Legislature." sii Mr, WVgb-in, "and ask that assistance be given te Phila delphia In tin- way of additional lines. I li in t that tines for hut two of the twenty-nine possible violations of the Stale Moter Vehicle Act, passed as summary convictions or misdemeanors, namely, the violation of the speed limit and the excess weight of tiucl.s, nre re quited te lie turned ever te tlie State Tivasurj." Mr. Weglein said that piier te the P.rJI session of tlie Legislatuie he went te (Joverner Sproul with tlie same ap peal, and was u-ferre'd te the State Highway Depaitmelit. When In- con sulted State Highway Pi-partim-iit olli elli clals about it, Mr. Weglein said, that they virtually turned a deaf ear! and paid little attention te histplea (lint a greater part of the line money should be till lied ever te the cltj for stieet building. The highway head held tlmt the money was "e'ar-imirked" for State read purposes only. At that time, he said, he a Ne bieached the subject of estalilishing an etlice of tlie automobile division of the depaitnieul in this citv for issuing li censes te avoid the dela.v that incon veniences moteiists. (in this matter, he said, he was given no encourage, meat. EX-UEUTENANT LEARY ACCEPTS POLICE DEMOTION Reports for "Beat" Duty, but Cean Falls te Shew Up William T. l.eary, .former police lieutenant, recently reduced In rank, reported nt the police station at Fifty- lift li and Pine streets ns a patrolman , this morning. Ilu was assigned te1 stiad Se. 1. ami was detailed te re main at the itntieii house for the day. Tomorrow he will be detailed te Htreet duty. , , Lenry w-is formerly In t-einmnnd of the Twentieth police district nnd was et tiered reduced after gambling mills hud been made in Ids tei'ritery. Patllck .1. Cean, former lleulcnnlit, who was likewise demoted for alleged had conditions in the Tlilrty-feiirth district, failed te show up last night or ledav at the Twenty-second street nml Hunting 1'nrk avenue station house, where lie was scheduled te again lie assigned te n "wilt." Truck Fractures Weman's 8kull Mrs. Ilebcccn Krouse, of 2450 North Grat. fitrect, was knocked down at llrend and Arch streets yesterday by an automehle truck, driven by Geerge Itlce, of Percy street near Thompson. Her skull was fractured nnd she was also hurt Internally. Hlce was held In SS00 bail by Magistrate Ceward In the Central Station. Philadelphlans Ge Abroad Aniiiin; the passengers sailing from New Yerk today for Kiirepeini ports en the liner Aqultnnlu are the following Philadelphlans: Mr and Mis. C. I!. I Went., Master Clarksen Went;!. Miss I I-'. K. Lnnient. Mr. and Mrs. (iierge I II. Meles, Dr. Chillies 1). Hart. Mm I Willliiiu C. Muriav. Mr and Mr- ! Italph Ctibbs. Mr. Gorden. Miss Itutli A. Werk. .Mr. and Mrs. Fn-derick G. Itiiedes and seu and Itnmiin Dimen, JL W55 Vel A special corps of statisticians with adding tnnehincs will be en hand te keep Muic. 3 CITY CONCERTS TONIGHT Municipal Band, Park Orchestra and Band Perform The Municipal Hand will play tonight t Mnnnjiink and Kldge avenues. The Program will lie ns follews: . , "Atm-rlca" rcn '-firnnH l.nlr, .' nnKlf. UllKarlAn nf-rtnri. ---III,.-- ' Ti,miiljr ocel Sole . . Selected n. i Srr " Mellnnen Iu ., n rnt inncn" .Ivuliunlia.Ihar rll , ' cty"ui f-em "Lehensrln" WaKn.-r T,nor ! Seltcteil ..,,. ,,, .Mr Jnri Shnw Vitsy Suit.- Cl.rman i. vel., M.lnn.iillriuA. Ill .M.nuotle. Altegrn ill Uriivurn. IV TnrRiitclln. sur Ppaniried Ilanncr" The rnlrmeunt Park P.and will give a concert nt S o'clock tonight in the nuflc pavilion. The program will lie: fiJfti.'.n!;.'1 V" ''our le Tar". nilnk wrtet from ntsol.tte" VfC'."" sole cernn t-rtnt. Mnrtorane J-lrsi rern.-t, lloien I'Hrlanta IHrllnn. Vlnrent His.) .ramcrlpilen of Famous Jtoledka," ??N,0,U-" .t""i J 'The Only Olrl".... IWrh'rt "Tiir.. i.ri..""iw,en: NO ' ..svenrtnen ett(-."vm..r ,re? 'nry viii". n.rmnn .one Am.rlcami ' .Thorban "-.' r-priKi(i iiannr Or emen re ify.. ""-.' -i-niiKii-n iiann.r SvT.. Fnlmeunt Pnrk Symphony ( Itfii .iV hl,h p,nH tonight nt Len Ulll, will present the following p Firam l'f,r(uf Martha" . ," "lrl5h'-?,,,-'."lArl,"'l,"Vie-'... ChU)11 ,"hn"' ..II.rh.rt .Klntew Illzct .Oralni,-r . . Ivr.l.lMr IflrHt tlin In I'hlla- Kelar T i ,. J-NTi:n.MIHSlON Tiiea from tl0 vicuna Weeds- waltz. L'Av.aria- ,.,,. 'r"" lied Miu'"....llerbiirt - Musscnet Bohemian r-.-illai- MORE CHILDREN ON OUTING 0et Fr"h Air and Feed en Farms Of fn, ,... i.i. . - wvUI,uy weeK Association who New kecii leiit- ' 7 ' ,"llr','' who hnve '".II I'HlUlii.. fnrivni-.l i .. !.. i thu m :;. ." " "icuiieii in .- . ","".'. 'I'll tlllS fnnrilllll tnm ,r,r''"!"'''ifn.ttnevnrleuH Country Week mi street L-l. 111 BBBl BH aWI asaw LmL aaaV aaaaai ssim w r .-, cb ? I They are GOOD! r i Every Grkat reputation ewes its existence te the many loyal friends that quality has created for the business. Fauudcd ISM HIRES TURNER GLASS COMPANY JOlh and Walnut PHILADELPHIA ILlj. i -i ,jir- .rtcYBANKSsBiniMt pUJlAj 5,LVEn5Mm3 5LuH,(jh FDR HDME USE AND SEASONABLE GIFTS OF STERLING SILVER Water Pitchers, ice urcam Miet.es Ice Bevls Parfait Cups Ice Tea and Sherbet Spoons ice ' L'JSJ rl nl attBl r.. K "B Wire Your Heme 'n .... High-grade work installed by a re liable house guarantees safety and satis faction. Buy your Lighting Fixtures from the manufacturer. Original and distinctive designs in solid brass only. BROMUND & SON, Inc. 2337 GKRMANTOWN AVE. ('i)liimlil.i Kill Open Every Evening Until JO f 1899 a mm $?&M mm Passins: On Success in Snmmpr Clethes te Yeu The mere fact that we have such an enormous selection of every conceivable tvpe of clothes for Summer has brought us se many new customers, that new at the height of our selling sea son we are consolidating lets in order te have a full array of si?es at certain prices. Paim Beach Suits at Our Si"--- v '"' Price of YEAR TO PAY IF DESIRED ri'd5ESZ53Hi-iSHSHSiSa5SSS5HSHSE5HSa5E5ZSH5E5S5ESZ5SSZ5ZS25a5HSa5HSHS Persistent, efficient' publicity brings signa tures te the dotted line. The Helmes Press, Vrimen 1315.29 Cherry Street Philadelphia CenttiiL -k Pencil Better Built for Better Service Propels - Returns Ejects Leads 3!4 in. long - Cannet clefr GmkliiL ZhantaiaSien Ne Springs, levers or pivots - One Thmab pressure fills it Nen-leakable I IX Index Cards, 3x5 Faint Ruled 95c per 1000 VEO & UKENS f"0. JL STATIONERS- U PRINTERS-BLANK BO0KlLaMFRS. lZN..13thSt. PHILADELPHIA 719 Walnut St. Chirps of cheer! Men's suits. Were $35.00 te $50.00. $20 new Were $45.00 te $65.00. $30 new FERRO & COMPANY Rogers Pcet Clethes Chestnut St. at Juniper MacDonald & Campbell The Coelest and the Smartest of all Suits Genuine Palm Beach Mohair Silk Suite Tropical Worsted Gabardine $16.50 te $22.30 $20.00 te $33.00 $30.00 te $53.00 $30.00 te $48.00 $28 00 te $35 00 Yen win nlmest see threiiRh these fabrics, they'll let your body "breathe" nnd, nt the same time, dress you in the smartest style. MacDonald & Camp bell standards of tailoring assure you the utmost satisfaction in wearing and remainine; Reed loekinp, at nil times; nnd values that stand alone at our modest prices. Nete White Flannel Treuaert. The Bet Leeking, Beit Fitting, Bet Wenring Trousers Ever Produced for $10. I 334-1 336 Chestnut Street "iii mi i inimi. ... ,, . ii i , ... '. Hit' Lllllliri'll M lhbOCIIltiOtl of J701 farmi T ",';" """ wcrk for these bj- train , .I,. , vMre re tnkeii re I , t, i ,,llL,I,furmii! Mno of vvhk-h 4NirreJev1V'"",,Vn,,,u an'1 se"' MISS BIDDLE IN HOSPITAL DUflhter of Craig EjTddle Under- aees operation at Newport M R ! Mrn ( 'V.' ' 'i- ,"1!,K!""r nf Mr- New Vk r1'1'11'' "f ,l,iN ,,tv '""I K ".lliil. N'eu , r, ",,M0 "w m CHEUS U!M i5a)M?i.jV I WMlVaTOnlii.lmr "l,hl,,". l.l Miss expects it, " '" .XU1S "", M'rleun. Khe .SOTAflMMAW iT f u n opperiunlly frfylV JJ00n OrlffJ ena of hia war actlvli ntiVl .duhbeJ hV I mtii Vf. ."'i.-. ui i or baiiu .-. -"'-v i-iicrriiinaiir or tha SlRAMERKyPLAfiTS will xlve un nliuniUut i;rni uet teaaeu If aet out new We hnve nil the leading sorts CELERY PLANTS Sturdy plants, fresh every day. Gelden Srlf.Manching, Giant Puscnl, White IMume, Winter King Winter Queen Alse Cabbage and HrusneM Sprouts plants. REASONABLE SEEDS Deans, Cern Salad, Kale. Lettuce, Radishes, Spinach, Turnips, ate. BTOHE CLOHKI i r. m. si Caiah RIS.RIft IV ' 1 5 P. M. IIAILY rUBDAYB Ftf tKET ST. i alBBBBBBBBSxMBBllBliaaBasVaB i 4l i JliH Iff . WW I 11 Nir k J Clean, Clean and Full-bodied The clean, clear, golden color of Texaco Moter Oil proves its purity. Better engine perform ance shows that your meter needs these full-bodied oils. Four grades light, medium, heavy and extra-heavy. TEXACO MOTOR OIL 'THB TKXAC COMPANY, UH.A Ifewc rVfrWtum fnducU , Run it with fieve it with Texaco CuseUn) .Tiftoee Moter Ott JLw$$.yi! I$fi The Philadelphia Enhance le Paris kix WPVIUI Fifth Avenue, 56th and 57th Streets, New Yerk Announce, Beginning Monday Our Annual August Clearance EVERYTHING WILL BE OFFERED REGARD . LESS OF COST OR FORMER PRICES This is the most important Fashion Selling Event that has taken place in recent years because it lays before the well-dressed women of Philadelphia our entire stock of New Yerk-Paris Fashions at drastic and final price concessions. All Suits, Coats, Wraps, Gowns, Millinery and Vanities are included in the sale in many instances REDUCTIONS average ONE-HALF and MORE. Entire selections of Hand-Made Blouses, Tailored Waists, Sweaters, Slip-evers, Neckwear, Separate Skirts and Accessories are also being offered at fractions of their real worth. De you want te sell? If you de, here's the opportunity of your life W, vvnnt turn n irw nien- rspnnsible positions, net -te train for just jebi. We've Ret the opportunity of n lifetime for the rifiht kind of n mnn. XV knew- that n man will deliver the best he's pet only if u-r make his future worth the effort. Se our policy tedny is, "Rvery executive pet tien filled from our own ranks; from the men who hnve made Keci in the sellitiR field." i our past nertnnce. If experience is net et ital mi- you ran mrnsure up te our tandarcts, we will enroll you in our unique free Training Course, seen te open. I hesr are the nationally known authorities vleni we have secured te tench our new unlesmen! Dr. Frank Crane World famous Auther anil Cditer Harry Cellins Splllman J'ducntlnnal Director el ReinWiKten Tjnewntfr Ce , Auther of ' Persenalit In JellinK " l'rolesser Charles W Gerstenhere, I lead el t)pt of I Innnce, S'ew Yerk Lnlverntv Arthur TrederlcW Shelden Peunder of Sh'Mnn Scheil of Salesmanship, President of Inter notieiml Dullness Science Secietv Sydney t'etersen -I ermerly Sules Mur , Metre pnlitnn District, of Shelden Scheel of Sales. r.ianshlp They will teach you the principles of Scientific Salesmanship, condensed nnd se lected iia only such preat authorities could. Think of what it means te you, whether or net you have ever sold, te hear these men! This brief course is arranged te afford the most practical training in the shortest pos pes nble time. On its conclusion ou enter our Sales Department, vhere you apply your teaching" in actual aelling work. Aa for your future read what one of our men recently wrote nnd there a noth ing extraordinary ubeut hia cnae. Ou.- Sales Manager has dozens of .similar letters which he will be rjla'l te ahowlyeu. ' "-lrs Minasp' ' De.ir Sir On September 1 t h. I n.uri-i an ,wiv ert i.i-nient trnm ti i. enrperf. t ion 5.ile,. men ir men he n-uld humnr srtle.mrn ' It ri-rtfl I knew 1 wn ri'i ilrsni.vn nnd hnd nv. tinuh's nheu- nnvbe'U hunt; nmr te m.i!-i one out et mr I vii. nn i iginc-r, v. ih .in enquirer s im-ntiil altitude hut I w,n sol i snlidlv en th- alue of the oppertumu th interim .ind nbilitv "t the men who offered It, .ind the fundnmentitl import nru et th uerli. hein done I iitceptn), Riven short uitrnsive trmnini,' and th-n ent nut into the Held I h- lir.t wri-. I ninde Mil t i ntv si-lf Shertlv J w.ii raining eii $ni a wrfU nd ever a iirnerl nt rw ral in mi is I ana,ji-d approximate 60 a week In e'her word, this lorperatum had taken n man it no s-lhtii; training i-t eiprriem- and developed in ii -hurt time a man who was .rtlin ion ilentl nd v.ithin thn- m.mtha time 1 i promoted te District nl--s MamiK.r It nu.ids rath'r sudden, but that a the way lhe de things lu-rc enie a m in has demon eirated tus nhitttv l. hat this orKftniatlen has done ter ma U net ler ile at unv ptic. ' Siiuerelv, ' VI II Vt " w l".' L get the responsible positions, plenty with-the courage, persistency r.nd .tick te it iveness te fill them. Our corporation is the largest of it kind in Ameri-,i, and is efheered by a group of the best technical and business brains in the country. It's the kind of an organization which men like te tie up te for a permanent business home. If you think you're the kind of a man we want, tirst, te enroll in our I'mininu (.nurse, and .ecend, te make that enroll nient the first step m your business care.-r with us, get in touch with us at once. Vv'e enn't take every applicant, of course, and our number of openings is definitely limited. Hut write ub briefly about yourself and your qualifications, and we'll arrange a personal interview immediately, Atldn-Ns I'EKSONAI. MaNAWJU C 316, Ledger Oce 14.50 Consolidating lets which we have sold up te $18. Mohair Suits at Our 5-ie.ee. v-'n- Price of $18 Consolidating lets which we have sold up te $23. Come Pick a Winner from our selection of Worsted Suits at '19 s24 s29 made te sell from $28 te $43 PERRY & CO. 16th and Chestnut SITER -VALUES in Clethts for Men 'BjtfPennySavingsBanky j i ii I m -7 ?r6&airuWffe.rfl 1 JXLfHkM VFhnV.'anamekir I 9 liTerp-l r-,,, M ' i -W) v Oflscc StfA Da ink Supples MANN'S Sprcinl Carben Paper I'm k 1,1 n I' ' ji'e Bex- s$2.00 ir.-. n r iiuszn i .iraniLoOTeaimn J)29 Mariel Slrcet The hlnjecn shower mAkcs this -limitary form of bdthinR a ic.il plf-nsure tempers the water nnd sprays without wcttinr; the head, if desired. Haines, Jenes & Cadbury Ce. Plumbing and Heating Coeci 1130-1144 Ridrje Ave., Phila, '' , W j?P. Afnn-tieu-ru'n vv v. HI 'li .11 ft II I .HI' .11 I ill is ltli i i U t kle 'I I i.i i i M ii v Villi Her i i -Ii ii inn ii in I tv i i 'I mull ' i .il nil V ' I ' I In Kl'-i-'wl i 'III ill'i'i. Trices : $1295 $17B5 $2785 I" O. II Factory Display Ranm Open .veiling Moter Cars The car of ten proven uniti MACKIN MOTORS. Inc. J. Jay Vandergrift, Prti. SS5 N. Bre.d St. Pboe. Pelly 75 . r. -i ii i J nasima ;jj 1 f 21 J .l K3 t mi fm9mmHm i. . BSal ii v. J - N. .iL''?'&4ut