Evening public ledger. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1914-1942, July 31, 1922, Night Extra, Page 17, Image 17

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ViTUSi -'
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Independents Have Busy Week-End
Today's Independent Games
And Results of Yesterday
rlMhd&nlt-rih"?dr!l,h,ft Tirmlnal. Fery.
"nl, """.willnut NlrrrlN. ,
merj. ' ArUmw' Anturnp itreund, ,nt.
Clnb?,,MT?rilA?-J?-,,,rnJL.H,.,lT nt Htfnlen Klrld
1 ".' .5,.lK"f im nnd Miuirate mrrfta.
nilBr ! trt " rhl1""' Ilre' ""'
.Jil"t'ir..:.-H''l. PMIIr llrt
tiiii . ""'""en mrm.
nnV 'IK .'," !.". . " "ten h,,r,t.
: V V "irrnn.
8ill Robinson, of St. Barnabas,
Performs Unusual Feat
Against Klauder-Welden
vAiUn l.nsk. tnnnncrr of the St.
.. l... 1.n nitLiii-nnllf nlntfed nn n I W'Mlllind ntfltllt
narimuii-. ....n . "i iimiinm, ,,t mwllrnliunrSi. Hltlv.rtfih .1.
nnu r.imwoed atr.
lrrm, Thlr.
wgthS, $ "". "! nnd
nJSWSMJ JfSSt.n",wn" ,'""",,r"
(lnn',."hI.v!MVl''!!,.l.,l, "i JV", I'hMwIrlnliU
Nnil'.li. ."rU't,1"."' 'inn llrewn trrrtn.
fiV.r.'.X.' ."1? nlfp iirnnr.
""'SmbS. EffiS """. Hrn.c,nth
:."J7;n'I '" 1TOB. Sixtieth Mrt nnd
flint In Hill OiillnRher. a new liurler,
Seven (Iiijh nge this jiitclirr turned In
no-lilt vli'terj for the bejH who held
ferli it Sixty-fifth rtrret nnd Klmwend
ivenuc Yrstenlay lie turned In lilt hop hep hop
eml no-Jilt, no-run uninc, making two
In eight tlnjs.
On Sntiirduv thn Snlnt were beaten
bj Klnuder-Welden. nnil Onllniclier'N
p'erfermnnre nn ntngrri nt Jenkintnwn,
tnd ninkex It nil the mere Important,
as It removes any eMblllt.v of nrsu
ment. It being stiiged nn nllen soil.
The -eere wits 1 te 0. nnd the SnlntM
made their only run of the contest in
the second inning en n wiuerae piny.
During the frny (,nl1iiglier fnnned seven,
but hit reeerd wiik marred nn account
of .millng "four men te firnt base with
wnlki. They were the enlv .fenklntewn
runners te reneh the inltlnl sack.
Sickle, the stnr of the Klnuder-AVel-'den
nine, uiim the bill, and he pitched
an nrtii'le of bull that would win any
Mine nnd ulie fnnned Ave. One of the
bc-l pln" was n catch by Schncffer In
right field, when he picked off u drive
fietn the bnt of Sheehnn in the seventh
tlint mi veil the day.
Rcicnge for North Phils
Ardniere trimmed the North Phils en
Fiiturdii nt Fourth and WiiiRelmekliiK
l!lr(.,et. and before departing netilled
the leer- that they were due for an
other kicking when they plajed Sun
ilaj. There was an awful kicking
handed out as predicted, but Ardmeie
wns net doing the kicking, but wn-t
taking it insteiid.
After batting three hour and one
half the uptewners found that the score
read. North Phils. 28; Ardmore. (I.
It leeks like one for the book as the
union's record. During the fuss many
homers were recorded.
ltu-s White get .six hits, nnd Ids four feur feur
el kick came with tile biiecs populated.
Al Spehrer had two feur-bnggers. one I
with the tmses leaded, and Mimiruw aim
Mnuger aKe hit for the circuit. Itnblii
fcnn pitched for the North Phils and
enlj allow rd the hits.-.
Knjwnnd made it two victories in ns
manv daj by defeating Media A. A.
at Thlrtj -first and Dickinsen streets,
6 te 4. The fentuie of the giiniu was
the work of McSerley in right field, who
had a perfect day at bat with thiee hits
and one walk.
Shnnahim dropped unntlier hnir-llne ilecl-
len when they wre l.eatcn l WVntlnK
hcufp. 3 te . Mnnnnliiir wan en the hill.
nrt hlH huiiier scereil two runs In lhi fnurth
tnd the winning tally tame In the ninth and
hits l Htughten and Cinner
nrhkHhurE continued U winnlnc Mrnk
tfl Uirnul haik .St. CarthnRc at HUtj-nfth
nd Cntharlne afreets. 4 te 3 I.eftj Stlelv
fsnnul nine of the KalnH Ilrlili'bur uut
the (same nn lie In the ilnhth lth a couple
ef ceunteri).
One of the Inrufst irnnd that ha ever
wltnes-prl a Katne In Hroeklawn av the
hem team down Camden t'llv. Ill te 0
rraiikrntUld with four hit lid the winners
at bat.
Phil (erkrell, of Hlllriale performed an
Iren man stunt lv twice turnlnn back Kant
New Yerk, 5-3 nnd ll-l The Dirtelte com
piled V4 hlli te 14 for the (iethamltcs In
the two Riunci
4, A J. Ilebhnn dropped a i ouple mere cloe
ne The Hast Palls lads were twlce
beaten at Atlantic Clt bv the llacharachs.
4-i and 3-1!. They made is hits te 11 for
the nhere nine, but were unable te bunch
their blnBles at the opportune moment.
Once URiln did Philadelphia Termlinl
(Teitntnwn) turn back .stonten Tield Club
This time the scere w.ic 10 te 4. Pettstnwn
nit "I.cft ' lllack hard, serldnjr his orfer erfer
lnB for a total of nlxleen hits.
fheHfr wen Its first same In the sirles
with Vlncese S in 4. Nerman I'lltl hurled
for the Mnnus Heek nine, but Plerpen, th
former Mackman had one of his Keed dis
tnd the ,est Isiose i euld de was flc punkj
Keinlnclen A. ('. continued te take the
measures of the biff ones. Jehn D.ille's rish
tewner" enleilalned at Atlantic Clt. and,
tcrempanletl b a bf crowd of rooters,
handed Melrosa a H-le-l setlMik Pitcher
Themas starred for eKnslnKten.
The Itanhep team, of New Voik plae( In
this ilt en Saturda, and esterda Wild Wild Wild
oed. of 1'rnnkfenl Journeyed te Vew
TerK The Frankfnrders were leit(n 3 te
0 Pitcher Kwaru selilnn thim down with
two hits
Frank Srlialler. one of the best nf the
local hurlers pltihed swell hill nKalnsi
American Ilrldne nt Tnntnn but lest the
derision. 4 te 0 All the run' of th" win
ners enine In the second session when a
Couple of passes were hunched with three
hits and an error.
"I.eftx" l.leid, the veteran Tnntnn
Hurler new en the Nutlvltv p.ivrell, an
held his own with an of the jeunKs'ers.
On Salurd! he reglbtcred Ills elEhth stralKht
v!rter for the uptewners whin he turned
btck the Ivanhecs, of llosten, .", te 4
"l.efu" VleSerlej. the flft-ear-eld hurler I
of the Wawoed Cithellr Club, wen nnether
treat luer for Knwoe, Catholic Club
ORalnit Medli. Th score was 17 te I) ami
the downtewners poled out a total of twent- .
one hits.
The Ilnbsnn nenvrrs have hit their trlde
tnd are plus In Hie best ball of the season
The bes seem te be wurklnK In unison
nowadays i
tlelsrher niirinrenlK h.tK lh., nnmliet nf
the Sirawbrldgc teim The arners turned
blank the store bes en Haturda, nltheuKh
they were nutlill, The ere was 8 te II
t.eft" Nelan's bes reiently trimmed Al
Trultt's preteues, .', te 0
It leeks as If DoxliMewn and Perknsln i
ylll baltle for sunreniK honors In the finals '
for second half Monturemer County laun .
honors The are still deiidlniked for firm
PItie with four victories and one defeat.
Nt. t'iillMii, s; Dunkirk, 2.
Trailer's I'res. Hi stern A. A.. 0.
North 1'hlls, 28, ArdmeTe. e. "
JiinuTren"e Jnnlera, IOi Coheckslnk
) enmere I'res. trt. Act A. A.. IJ.
Irrscmt, 9 iilnn, n.
Tlnlriim, ei Fetternl l-nrk, 3.
Polish Amrrleans, 7t Knst flrrmantewn. 8.
Heslrrn Kleetrle, Hi I,u Jlett. fl.
Thomaa II. Kane. 8i Ashbourne, B.
Huffelk. Ol nnl Ilnmr. 8.
Aster A. C.. Hi Irtnle A, 8.
IMmentr. ., mi Thlrty-nlnth Ward. 8.
Nt. Cecilia. Si Vlestern It. t' 4.
Lerraine. 0 Katie, 2,
St. Ilarruibas. li Klauder-Welden, 0.
Kenslnitten. 8 .Melrose. 1,
llrewsler A. ('., I8t Ran A. C. It,
llruer's. I8t Fortieth Ward, 4,
Lester. 7i Jewlh World. 4.
Hell Hnven, 12 All Stars. 4.
Ferke & .tones, Oi Walters A. C 1.
Nt. Charles, flt Aiultihen, 4,
tee l.n Salle. Si Santa Marin, 4 (13 In
tints). Illlldale. Rt Knst New Yerk. 3.
Hlllriale, 111 Kust Nrw Yerk. 1.
(iarnet, 7l National A. ('., 2.
Itanhep, Si Wlldnend. 0.
Potlstewn, IOi Hlenten, 4,
Kphrntn.'Si Hethsvlllr, 3.
lhlth A. A 8i Stale A. ('.. 8.
Celllntdale. 0i Morten, 8.
Whitman F. C IOi Parkway, 7.
Ilnrry til Ilrnwnsnn. 8,
llnrhnrnch (Hants, 4i J. &. II. Dobsen. 2.
Ilaehnmeh (Hants. 3i . & .1. Kobsen. 2.
Stenton Park, 7 Dp Paul. 2,
Ciilumhla ".. I8i Kershaw. 8.
Seitbwark Men's ( lub, 1.1: Pelhiini, 8.
Ke stone, 18i Itnrlnp. 7. .....
Lincoln (Hants. 1)1 Philadelphia Pres. 0.
Heward. IZi'rlphna. 8.
I.eder A. A.. 4i Rotberouxh, 3.
( hrster, Bt Y Iscesp, 4.
Ilrenklnwn. IOi Cnindin t'lt. 0.
Mucks County Lcwrnp llrlstel. 12 1 Prince Prince
Ien, Bi Hulmevllle, Hi Parklund, 7.
Stonehurst and Wilmington
Clash in Big Came in West
14 OF 18 SMS i
One of the lightest schedules of the
e-ennen greets twilight banebnll fans te
night. The quantity Ik dim, but quality,
nt!ckn out all ever the 1aeut, nnd ev
ernl Important centestn are cnnled.
The Plnlslier Ynrners and North Phil
lies nrc nt It ngaln. These teams have ,
met en numerous occasions, nntl the
dovvntew tiers nt present held a Hilght
advnntnge. Hut the uptewners hnvei
been plnjlng wonderful ball nil month
anil (luring Hint time nave been piling
up victories nt n ."0.1 clip. They expect
te ndd nnether te the win column nt the
expense of Flelshcr.
Out nt Fifty-eighth nnd Walnut
streets Nncc Itiiin nnd his Stonehurst
team will oppose St. Themas, of WIN
miiigtnn. Stonehurst Is new n member
of the Philadelphia Knscbnll Associa
tion and the funs ncres the river will
be nssttred of seeing nil the lending
teams In in Hen there.
Chappie Jehnsen nnd his PhllndeN
pliln Ilevnl Stars reached town this
morning nnd opened their local engage
ment with the Stenton Field Club. The
colored bejs have been away for mere
than n month en an extended trip,
I which covered the entire New Knglnnd
I country, and they innde n complete
1 clenn-up. They will finish the season
here, while awnv Chappie has uncov
ered several stars that add considerable
strength te the team.
I.atiMlnlc, champions of the Mont
gomery County T.cnguc. will pay their
first visit of the season te SlietHlne
Park nnd meet the Seuth Phillies, with
either Mill Durbln or "Cy" Melllnger
en the hill. Herb Stcen will pitch for
the downtewners.
1 At Forty-eighth nnd Walnut streets
Hilldnle meets Philadelphia Terminal-,
and the contest tnatks the first meeting
of these tennis this season, Shanahan
is the attraction nt Kensington, nf
i.mkfnrd nvenue and Herks street, and
Manager Duller exneits te take the
West Pliiladelphlans into camp.
Downtown Nine Will Play
Bridesburg at Thirteenth
and Jehnsen Tonight
When It comes te pln.vlng the city
Ten Wins Give Weil Cup te Nat
Jaffe's Team
Nnt R. .laffe Is nlcased today with
the season's play of his Standard team
in winning the Manny Well Trophy,
baseball chnmpleiiihip series, which will f emblemntlc nf the Judaic Cnlnn bnse bnse bnse
soen be started bv the Philadelphia "'" (hnmplenshlp for 11122. The final
... . . , , i i i games of the league were plaved .ves-
Raseball Association, due consideration',, , afternoon en Stenton Field with
will have te be extended the Seuth
Plillly Hebrew Association basebnll
team, wjilcli plnvs its home games at
Ilnller Pnrk, Thirteenth nnd Jehnsen
The Sphns held the record of being
In mere demnnd bv New Yerk clubs than
nnv team In the Ounker City, nnd
nlmest every Suniln.v thej nre the par
tlclpants in one or two games
Standard nnd Philndelnhln winning.
The victory of Manager Jnffe's team
gives Standard ten wins nnd only two
defeats. Jee l.nwlti pitched u prctt.v
game for Standard .vestcrdav In deflat
ing Disraeli by n score of H te 4. nllovv nllevv
Ing only four hits. At the stmt of the
l seventh Inning the score was 4 all, but
j four runs in tlmt round decided the
gllllll' IIKIIIII! 1'lTliril.
1CI1IIIN ll.lllllirii , (twill. - ,ii-iii-i
nnefni.tli nml tlm riillre Istniiiliii ,1 tentn
TheSphas Imvelen e tiecrest m ,,-,, ,, Knniu
a winning s 'k '"' J. ';tnfltr0w' made the fenture piny of the day when
weeks, and un until S nt nlny had wen f , , p , Mw mn
fourteen of the last eighteen '; thlr,i bniiP. nnri completed a double kill-
I nnic li ill,. i iiiki' mi mil' ,fi ,111- ,i, ,v i
ikeelnnu rnntemlers for cltv honors.
The opposing team will be Billy
Whitman's Bridesburg Club, and the
game will be played en the home dln dln
mend. nt Thirteenth and Jehnsen
streets. During the sttetch of eighteen
games the teams te score wins ever the
Sphns were North Phillies. Dobsen.
American Chain and Seuth Phillies.
The downtewners: hail steieu victories
Inir. unassisted in the eighth round.
Morais was defeated by Plilladd
phla, 14 te 7.
Fourteen Spheres Insufficient for
6-14 and Sliders' Match
Knmchnilt fiiririii te (nine down a
ever most of the cltj topnetdiers, uml cnrlnnd of baseballs for the big bat
included In the list were three wins ever t0 ,0tween the (1-14 Club nnd Battling
Shnnnhan and two at the expense of Abe's Sliders game at Blackwood, N.
ilillihile. !.T.. yesterdn.v. nnd the match was called
The Snhiis and Bridesburg hnve come ' nfte'r four nnil -a half Innings. The
together en two pievieus ociaslens and Sliders were leading nf the time, ft te S,
the Honors liri" even, n- itir-v ,..vv...n . iiiurill'll uane null ,,-f-i,
nc,i,i In 11 .ri-0 trliimnh for the up
tewners, while the Sphns reversed the
decision and wen the second meeting,
11 te 7. The scores of the last eighteen
games in which the Sphns hnve played
fellow :
spins. .-.. Sharinhin. I lul 10
Spline, .1. Hhnnahiin. Julv II
Sphas s Illlldale. II Jul IS
Sphas. fi, Stenton 1. Juli 13
Sphns s. Tlelsher S Julv 14
Sphas. 3, North Phillies 7. Julv 1ft .
Sphas. J. Ilrenx (Hants I July III
Sphas 0 Ilrenx Olanls .' July l
Sphas. 13 Dobsen. 12 JulJ 1
Srhns '.. Ileltleld. 4, Julj In
Snhas 0, Diibsen, I. Julv Jl
sphas. t. Amerlran C'hnln, 7 Julv 22
,.;.,,.. . fl flriincre. 4 Julv 23
5hns! 7 Heuse of David, 1 Jul. 14.
Snlias. 2, Seuth Phillies ,
Snhas ft. M. 13 srain. -
.sphas, n. Illlldale. 4
SphaH 3, Shanahan,
J lib 211
Julv 27
2. Julv 2R.
lest and
mere spheres were ebtnlnnble.
Although his team was one run be
hind, Dec Crlppen tednv is shouting
from the reef-tops that the 0-14 would
hnve wen hnd the nine innings been
plnjed. Battling Abe Is confident his
aggregation would hnve staved out in
front, se IB hns txeji decided thut
another game will be plaved l.iler.
Sam Welnstein pitched geed, bad
and indifferent ball. All told he had
ilghi strike-outs, but the third inning
wns a nightmare for him when the
Sliders knocked out five runs, 0-14
1 having scored the same number In the
preicdlng round.
The umpires hnd a tough time of It,
rendering their decisions, but they get
by without being bombed with pep
bottles when the respective mnnagers,
Crlppen and Abe. abided bj their own
rulings, paying no attention whatever
te the arbiters.
Open Gelf Champien and Fermer Te Pay English Soccer Girls Here
Helder te Meet at Spring Lake .Martin Heasan. fernur inanuxer of the
.. , . . .,, ,. , , ilssteii I" I' soccer team, has ne ured the
New Yeril, .Mlb " (icne harnzen, nrM Bnmn hlch the .New Castle United
meriian eiien golf ihiimpiell. and ladles' football team of Knglnnd. will play
.villi rn nil i J fneinVr holder of ' In this country for Tacenv baseball Ernunds.
"Leng Jim Barnes. InrillU llOlllir or hi,urini hPpiember The team Is bonked
the natienaj open title, vvll! imel In 1e snii for this country Auuust 3a
tbiilv-slx holes of match play at Spiln -
Lake. N. J., next Satiiulaj.
On Laber D.i.v Sariuen is te meet
Walter Hiigen. holder of the British
i.......t..ulii In n I hlrt -hIv: linlt.
open iiiiiiiiiii""""'! . ", ' , f0, me Monmouth Ceunlv Cup presented by
mntcll nt the Westchester lliltllieie jnl Herace Hnrdlnit and IVUx Warburs. The
Ceillltl Club 111 H.C, N. 1. I final store was 12 goals te II
Rumson Leses Uphill Fight
ItiiniHnn. N. .1.. Julv .11 Rumson fnueht
a hard uphill hut leslnir battle hern with the
VVhlPPinv uiver pem reui in me nnai name
Tien Kmerv's IMtman ciewd seiureil re '
venge en llirnev Schaefer's nirard Flelil
Club team for the defenl handed the CntlaK
rs In the epi'TiInu" R.ime of the season "lxen
hurlnl swell lull and allmvid (llrard eul
three hits I he Una! eunt vins s te A
flfr IesIiik telve slralthl Shanahan
fans n,.e pleased te sie their favorites cash
jh vv Ith a rouple of victories last eeU
J1" W'eit Phlladelphlans net nnether iracli
v lllllilale tomorrow nlshl
RT Kepner's suspension was lifted nn
Biiurda and mj Whitman used him
lnst the Hirber pine, of Trenten, the
UrldeshurK star held the bakers te four hits
nn the uptmvners walkul avvas vsltli a
Ji-te-ii triumph.
nelhrr team that Is lurnlns In vlctei '
Jlter vliterv la Neiasenie Dan .Mellen'" I
preiecea took the measure of llrldesburir
hill W"h Ve11' tlKlr "nr nurlt,r' en ""'
Al .VIIIdenlterR Is wearing a hiead, expan
f" smile these davs If am teim had
n.rd luck at the iietawnj It was this same
era team Hut In tlm last fifteen rallies
Ji'ven have been returned as victories, hence
ine reason for rojelc'iin,
.The uqiielt silk Villi Klrls mine here with
sreat leputnt'ens. but wenl awnv en the
i-ir. tn'1 ,"' H -I ' 7 'nui" Hh lh"
rl'lfher Klrls the visitors hail Intended
a., .1 " cnaiieiiKe for tne Slate i hninpleii
"hip If I hey wen, se .Miss Mllilrid IMdwiur
i" censiiierlnis Issulnu a dell fur the
.Hart rani I'ark was the wlnni In the
iVt.l!fV.'"in'e ' Hie week when tin West'
Ihlladelphlans handed the I.nKiin A, A a
jrimmlng. Jess Dande's trllve, 7 te n In six
Mn sessions I
Rill lAniklkrlk rin.arallr..uB ..In.A.I .,.
My Saturday twlllnht tilt and turneil bauk
fiMallej's I'rallnurr anKreitallnn. s
m.i nver. nf (llnuiesler. hurlad uut of
nu best games for the winners.
Km L
Clean, Gear, and
The clean, clear, golden
color of Texaco Moter Oil
proves its purity.
Better engine perform
ance shows thatyourmetor
needs these full-bodied
Four Hrdci light, medium,
heavy and extra-heavy.
Ttxite rfrum rVnrfuctr
Run it with
Texaco Gasoline
Save it with v
Texaco Moter Oil
Economy Basement Specials for Tuesday
Clearance of
Girls' Dresses
At Less Than Half Price
Coel summer models
taken right out of
regular stock nnd
Girls' $2 89c
Fresh, clean frocks of
dotted lawn and col
ored organdie. Sizes 7
te 14 years. One
Girls' $2.50 and
$3.00 C1
Very attractive mod
els in colored organdie.
Sizes 7 te 14 years.
SMimiiIiiv, July 31, 1022. Mern Opens nt 0 A. M. Closet, lit fl I. M. M
Girls' $4 te $5 Dresses
Colored organdie and white lingerie
slightly soiled.
SNELLEHBURGS Economy Basement
1000 Pairs $7.50 Fine
Lamb's Weel Blankets
at $4.69 pair
Lnmb's-woel woven en Sea Island cotton warp. White
with pink and blue borders and wide colored binding.
Alse pretty plaid patteins. Full double-bed size. Share
and Save! SneTTenBURGS Economy Basement
Beys' $2 Oliver Twist en'
Wash Suits, at Each O I C
made little
suits of fine
quality cham
bray, Peggy
cloth and
woven mudras
in plain blue
and striped ef
fects. Sizes 3
te 8 years.
P h e n emenal
Beys' 41 c
In tan chambray.
4 te 8 years.
Beys' Overalls
Apron front and
dcr straps. Sizes 5
Beys' Playalls
Sizes 3 te 6 years
Sizes , Beys' Tub
Knickers at . .
A ftp Black and white cotton
8 te 17 years.
Beys' 95c Tub
J)JC) Light and dark color
Daytona cloth. Sizes 7 te
'16 years.
SneLLENBURgS Ecoiemy Basement
shoul sheul shoul
te 12
Sends Prices 'Way Down In Seme Cases
Less Than Half!
$3.00 Curled Turkey and Mixed U1 Q
Duck Feather Pillows P.U7
All sanitary, new, double dusted,
sterilized feathers, evered in heavy
feather-proof ait ticking. Sue 22x2S.
Set of Twe Pillows and Bolster, $6.95
$20.00 "Staysneat" Non Nen
Stretchable Mattress
Guaranteed for 10 years net te stretch. Pure white
combed cotton, covered in high-grade ticking. Made in
all sizes.
$25.00 100 Per Cent. Silk
Fless Mattress at $14.95
lluiuiinteed pure (no mixture) floss
mnttifb'- Will net lump nr pack cov cev cov
ereil In lu.ny kiiuIb of tl.KItiR
i)nl. with slip
sent , covered with
Imperial leather.
$35.00 Daven
port Bed,
IJS, sjbj pirn
L-1 ' -' -"ft n i" rr8
All-Hteel snnltnrv
frume, BUarnnteeil
siprltiK teereil In
heautlful cretennn ,
Wicker Settee
,T-' ' ""'ZA
$4.75 Rustic
Chair, $2.89
$30.00 Library
Table, $19.75
William .irul Mniv
il e h I k a In m.i
heK.'iny llnlsh with
ileep lira iv er and
larse chelf , larRft
$6.50 Felding
Steel Army
Cot, 52.29
$10.00 Wicker
Table, $6.95
$25 3-I'iece
Metal Bed
Outfit, $16.95
Continuous tubu
lin pet, cemplete
vv ith HtienK duulile
link npritiB, 30 '
vv I d e TO" lout?
fuldH lint
$8.00 Perch
Rockers at
j ypm i
$25.00 Brass
Bed at $16.95
J 'lli'li I'elulll.il
pout, luavy lop
tall, llllem ami
iTe.ii panel liar
I'empli te wlih Min.
Ilat all hleel
sprliiK anil neft top
itn 1 1 ri sM
SNI L'rNhURCS Economy Basement
Drastic Clearance Reductions en
Women's and Misses'
Summer Dresses
Marvelous Values That Offer Tremendous Savings!
Odds and ends taken from regular stock and cut te fractional prices.
S2 in $2.50 Summer
r Vvi " : m&r: &
jLretsaea - i m
Ginghams and voiles in
pretty checks and plaids. Ex
cellent assortment of styles
and colors. One Pictured.
$3 te $4.00 Summer
Splendid quality gingham in
many attractive styles for
street or house wear, bizes
16 te 44. One Sketched.
$4 te $5 Summer ..
J 1..)0
Undermuslins i
SB T -N. .
f B
K 7 .,
Wi IS I W'l,'li
mm Mr Wm
tffl iiMkj '
j j i W ?2,e
Br A li U
' H. - $1.00 y X
Variety of becoming models in gingham and colored voiles. Choice summer
colorings. Sizes 16 te 44. One Pictured.
200 Women's $5.00 te $7.50 Extra-Size
Summer Dresses at
te 52,
Slenderizing styles in ginghams of pretty patteins and colorings. Sizes 48
Clearance of $1
Tub Skirts
Odds and ends in white,
Clearance of $1.50
Odds and ends of cotton waists in
white or color combinations.
Clearance of $5 and $6 Woolen Skirts.
Odds and ends. Gathered or plaited models.
SnellENDURJgS Economy Basement
Prnttv vacation kinds in- 1
expensively tagged. !
Women's Under- AQn
Gowns, chemises, skirts
and bloomers tailored or
tiimmed styles.
Women's Under- Qg(
Gowns and envelope
chemises of lingerie cloth.
Prettily tiimmed.
Women's Extra-Size
Chemises. . . .
Tailored models with
buiit-up shoulders. Cut full
of lingerie cloth.
Wemens' Corset
Several dainty styles.
AUe envelope chemises in
tailored styles.
Women's 59c
Princess Slips. . .
With hheulder btraps and
Women's Niffhl- 7p,(
Lingerie cloth, charm
ingly trimmed with lace and
$2 and $3
C-B Corsets
at 59c $1.39
Sizes 21 te 25 only. Mod Med
els for the acrage and
.slender woman. Pink and
white ceutil, with girdle top,
medium and low bust. All
geed summer weight. Bar
gain wonders!
69c Lace-Trimmed
Brassieres, 9c
Our New Seda and
Light Lunch Counter
Just installed is the biggest, most sani
tary anal most reasonable place in town for
light refreshments.
Ji (3 lmJFKi v. l Wffl .Fvr
The freshest, choicest, most luscious ficsh fruits yield
the juices of our syrups.
Our ice cream is the finest possible quality made in
the most sanitary way from specially selected and rigidly
tested farm and dairy products.
Everything served in carefully steiilized silver con
tainers. Everything the best at the lowest prices, in
Ice Cream Sedas 10c
Sundaes 15c
Sandwiches 10c
Coffee 5c
Pies, Cakes, Pastry, 5c & 10c
bNELLENBURflS Economy B.ibement
5000 Yards of
35c Yd.-Wide Cretonne
Te Sell at 19c yard
Extra heavy quality in beautiful floral and stripe
patterns. Choice of all the wanted coleis. Desirable
for slip covers, deer and window hangings. Marveleun
$2.98 Ready-te-Hang Window
Awnings, Each at
Made of heavy brown and tan stripe, trimmed with
white braid. Complete with fixtures. Mail and Phene
Orders Promptly Filled;
SNELLEN BURtfS Economy Basement
w wffrt
H' . '
- fsahv wei
aFxiAJR- z' n?
Women's 400 $25 tO
Bungalow carance
Aprons 150 Grass
In Regular and Extra KUgS
Sixes superior tiunhty, all
neatly bound. Mostly
H'erfVi Far Mere Than green. Pretty stenciled
borders. Fne attractive
etC each size flxl2 h.
Clear checked and stuped (J O ftO
ginghams and peicales, at- tDOft0
tractive finished with t
nekrack braid, sash and " 1"" ' "timum u
null iMislniner.
l'eclet' .Uml anil riiime (hilt, a
SnFLLL'NBURljS l'Cone"U Filled While Let 1 nils
j Oval. Oblenp, Square and
yip uasKei napes
Highly attractive enameled
metal boxes in many new
shapes, designs and styles never
bcfeie shown in Philadelphia.
Henaissanee silhouette, Per
sian, ilaiy, butteitlj, lese, sweet peas and many ether
new and attiacttxu designs.
These boxes aie well finished, with smooth edges
and aie very desirable for feed containers, embtoidery,
sewing, jewelry, etc. Used fei ornamental purposes, tee.
Wonderful allies!
V.L f7V .uS Econemj Basement
60 ft. Seamless Axminster
7.6x9 ft. Seamless Weel VeIels
S..Sxl0.6 ft. Soiimless Wnnl Vi.Ki.ls
ivi' n qn.imince Vni,,,,,,. y
9x12 ft. Heav Seamed Axminsters
1 l.:i.12 ft. Seamless Weel Tapestry
1 Sharply
deduced te
Extraordinary Values in
Inlaid Linoleum, 2 Yards Wide
rcs- at 79C Sq. Yd. cs
A big pui chase of 'JO(K) yaids in tile patterns te
sell at the price of cork linoleum. Please bring room
measurements. I'esiU.-ely Nene te Dealers. Slightly
S'lLLl rN, 'LiS Economy Basement
Great Entire Stock Clearance of
Men's and Yeung
Men's Twe-Piece Keep
Keel Suits
That Originally Sold Up te $25.00
at $7.25 each
The National Summer Suit for Men
Made of feather-weight fabrics in light, medium and
dark shades.
Mohair Suits Coel-Cloth Suits
Worste Suits Beach Cleth Suits
Tropical Suits Crash Suits
Wide choice of swagger s'yles for young men and
scores of censeivative and semi-conservative models for
men. SMFLLEN3 ROS Economy Basement
Useful for Many Purposes
Decorated Metal Candy
and Utility Bexes
2. ;i and 5 Pound Sizes Splendid Values
at 19C te 49C each
1 j,j
rz. i'rf. "v i, . .
-W '1U
.fAr. v'i.l
( VI &. v
,,)"! ,f Jit.,r . . . i . -